Hortonworks Data Platform Apache Zeppelin Component Guide Bk

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Hortonworks Data Platform
Apache Zeppelin Component Guide
(December 15, 2017)


Hortonworks Data Platform

December 15, 2017

Hortonworks Data Platform: Apache Zeppelin Component Guide
Copyright © 2012-2017 Hortonworks, Inc. Some rights reserved.
The Hortonworks Data Platform, powered by Apache Hadoop, is a massively scalable and 100% open
source platform for storing, processing and analyzing large volumes of data. It is designed to deal with
data from many sources and formats in a very quick, easy and cost-effective manner. The Hortonworks
Data Platform consists of the essential set of Apache Hadoop projects including MapReduce, Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS), HCatalog, Pig, Hive, HBase, ZooKeeper and Ambari. Hortonworks is the
major contributor of code and patches to many of these projects. These projects have been integrated and
tested as part of the Hortonworks Data Platform release process and installation and configuration tools
have also been included.
Unlike other providers of platforms built using Apache Hadoop, Hortonworks contributes 100% of our
code back to the Apache Software Foundation. The Hortonworks Data Platform is Apache-licensed and
completely open source. We sell only expert technical support, training and partner-enablement services.
All of our technology is, and will remain free and open source.
Please visit the Hortonworks Data Platform page for more information on Hortonworks technology. For
more information on Hortonworks services, please visit either the Support or Training page. Feel free to
Contact Us directly to discuss your specific needs.
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 License.


Hortonworks Data Platform

December 15, 2017

Table of Contents
1. Overview ..................................................................................................................... 1
2. Installing Apache Zeppelin ........................................................................................... 2
2.1. Requirements for Installing Zeppelin ................................................................. 2
2.2. Installing Zeppelin Using Ambari ....................................................................... 2
3. Configuring Zeppelin ................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Configuring Livy on an Ambari-Managed Cluster ............................................... 5
3.2. Configuring User Impersonation for Access to Hive ........................................... 6
3.3. Configuring User Impersonation for Access to Phoenix ...................................... 7
4. Using Zeppelin ............................................................................................................. 9
4.1. Launching Zeppelin ........................................................................................... 9
4.2. Working with Notes ........................................................................................ 11
4.2.1. Creating and Running a Note ............................................................... 12
4.2.2. Importing a Note ................................................................................. 13
4.2.3. Exporting a Note .................................................................................. 14
4.2.4. Using the Note Toolbar ........................................................................ 14
4.3. Importing External Packages ........................................................................... 15
4.4. Configuring and Using Zeppelin Interpreters ................................................... 15
4.4.1. Modifying Interpreter Settings .............................................................. 16
4.4.2. Using Zeppelin Interpreters .................................................................. 16
4.4.3. Using the %jdbc Interpreter to Access Hive .......................................... 18
4.4.4. Using the %jdbc Interpreter to Access Phoenix .................................... 19
4.4.5. Using the %livy Interpreter to Access Spark ........................................ 19
5. Configuring Zeppelin Security .................................................................................... 21
5.1. Getting Started ............................................................................................... 21
5.1.1. Prerequisites ......................................................................................... 21
5.1.2. Configuring Security on an Ambari-Managed Cluster ............................ 21
5.1.3. Configuring Security on a Cluster Not Managed by Ambari ................... 21
5.1.4. shiro.ini Structure .......................................................................... 22
5.2. Configure Zeppelin for Authentication: Non-Production Use ............................ 22
5.3. Configure Zeppelin for Authentication: LDAP and Active Directory .................. 23
5.3.1. Configuring Authentication for Production Using Active Directory ......... 23
5.3.2. Configuring Authentication for Production Using LDAP ......................... 25
5.4. Enable Access Control for Zeppelin Elements ................................................... 27
5.4.1. Enabling Access Control for Interpreter, Configuration, and
Credential Settings ......................................................................................... 27
5.4.2. Enabling Access Control for Notebooks ................................................ 28
5.4.3. Enabling Access Control for Data .......................................................... 29
5.5. Configure SSL for Zeppelin .............................................................................. 29
5.6. Configure Zeppelin for a Kerberos-Enabled Cluster .......................................... 30
5.7. Shiro Settings: Reference ................................................................................. 31
5.7.1. Active Directory Settings ....................................................................... 31
5.7.2. LDAP Settings ....................................................................................... 33
5.7.3. General Settings ................................................................................... 34
5.8. shiro.ini Example ............................................................................................. 34
6. Stopping the Zeppelin Server and Livy Server ............................................................. 36


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1. Overview
Apache Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that supports interactive data exploration,
visualization, and collaboration. Zeppelin supports a growing list of programming
languages and interfaces, including Python, Scala, Hive, SparkSQL, shell, AngularJS, and
Apache Zeppelin is useful for working interactively with long workflows: developing,
organizing, and running analytic code and visualizing results.


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2. Installing Apache Zeppelin
This chapter describes how to install Zeppelin on an Ambari-managed cluster.
To install Zeppelin on an HDP cluster not managed by Ambari, see Installing and
Configuring Apache Zeppelin in the Command Line Installation Guide.
To configure Zeppelin security features, see Configuring Zeppelin Security.

2.1. Requirements for Installing Zeppelin
Install Zeppelin on a node where Spark clients are already installed and running. This
typically means that Zeppelin will be installed on a gateway or edge node.
Zeppelin requires the following software versions:
• HDP 2.6.0 or later.
• Apache Spark version 1.6 or Spark 2.0.
• Java 8 on the node where Zeppelin is installed.
The optional Livy server provides security features and user impersonation support for
Zeppelin users. Livy is installed as part of Spark.
• For an Ambari-managed cluster, see Installing Spark Using Ambari.
After installing Spark, Livy, and Zeppelin, refer to Configuring Zeppelin for postinstallation steps.
• For a cluster not managed by Ambari, see Installing and Configuring Livy in the
Command Line Installation Guide.

2.2. Installing Zeppelin Using Ambari
This section describes how to install Zeppelin using Ambari.
The Ambari installation wizard sets default values for Zeppelin configuration settings.
At first you should accept the default settings. Later, when you are more familiar with
Zeppelin, consider customizing Zeppelin configuration settings.
To install Zeppelin using Ambari, add the Zeppelin service:
1. In the "Actions" menu at the bottom left of the Ambari dashboard, select "Add Service".
This starts the Add Service wizard, which displays the "Choose Services" page.
2. On the Choose Services page, select the Zeppelin service:


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3. Click "Next" to continue.
4. On the Assign Masters page, review the node assignment for Zeppelin, and modify as

5. Click "Next" to continue.
6. On the Customize Services page, review default values and click "Next" to continue.

7. If Kerberos is enabled on the cluster, review principal and keytab settings on the
Configure Identities page, modify settings if desired, and then click Next.
8. On the Review page, scroll down to the "Services" section and confirm the node selected
to run the Zeppelin service; for example:

9. Click "Deploy" to complete the installation process. The Install, Start and Test page shows
status as deployment proceeds:


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To validate your Zeppelin installation, open the Zeppelin Web UI in a browser window. Use
the port number configured for Zeppelin (9995 by default); for example:

To check the Zeppelin version number, type the following command on the command line:
/usr/hdp/current/zeppelin-server/bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh --version

Zeppelin stores configuration settings in the /etc/zeppelin/conf directory. Note,
however, that if your cluster is managed by Ambari you should not modify configuration
settings directly. Instead, use the Ambari web UI.
Zeppelin stores log files in /var/log/zeppelin on the node where Zeppelin is installed.


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3. Configuring Zeppelin
This chapter describes how to configure the following optional features:
• Configuring Livy on an Ambari-managed cluster. (For a cluster not managed by Ambari,
see Installing and Configuring Livy in the Command Line Installation Guide.)
• Configuring Zeppelin to access Hive through the %jdbc interpreter

3.1. Configuring Livy on an Ambari-Managed
Livy is a proxy service for Apache Spark; it offers the following capabilities:
• Zeppelin users can launch a Spark session on a cluster, submit code, and retrieve job
results, all over a secure connection.
• When Zeppelin runs with authentication enabled, Livy propagates user information
when a session is created. Livy user impersonation offers an extended multi-tenant
experience, allowing users to share RDDs and cluster resources. Multiple users can access
their own private data and session, and collaborate on a notebook.
Note: Livy supports Kerberos, but does not require it.
The following graphic shows process communication among Zeppelin, Livy, and Spark:

On an Ambari-managed cluster, Livy is installed with Spark.
Here are several optional configuration steps:
• (Kerberos-enabled clusters) Ensure that access is enabled only for groups and hosts
where Livy runs.
• Check the Livy host URL:
1. Navigate to the Interpreter configuration page in the Zeppelin Web UI.
2. In the livy interpreter section, make sure that the zeppelin.livy.url property
contains the full Livy host name; replace localhost if necessary.
3. Scroll down to the "Save" button, and click "Save".

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Note: on an Ambari-managed cluster you can find the Livy host from the Ambari
dashboard: navigate to Spark > Summary > Livy Server.
• Configure Livy impersonation:
1. From the Ambari dashboard, navigate to Spark > Configs.
2. Open the "Custom livy-conf" category.
3. Ensure that livy.superusers is listed; if not, add the property.
4. Set livy.superusers to the user account associated with Zeppelin,
For example, if zeppelin.livy.principal is zeppelin-sr1@example.com,
set livy.superusers to the same account, zeppelin-sr1@example.com.
• Specify a timeout value for Livy sessions.
By default, Livy preserves cluster resources by recycling sessions after one hour of session
inactivity. When a Livy session times out, the Livy interpreter must be restarted.
To specify a larger or smaller value using Ambari, navigate to the
livy.server.session.timeout property in the "Advanced livy-conf" section of the
Spark service. Specify the timeout in milliseconds (the default is 3600000, one hour):

If you change any Livy interpreter settings, restart the Livy interpreter.
Navigate to the Interpreter configuration page in the Zeppelin Web UI. Locate the Livy
interpreter and click "restart":

To verify that the Livy server is running, access the Livy web UI in a browser window. The
default port is 8998:

3.2. Configuring User Impersonation for Access to
User impersonation runs Hive queries under the user ID associated with the Zeppelin


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If Kerberos is not enabled on the cluster, complete the following steps:
1. In the Zeppelin UI, navigate to the %jdbc section of the Interpreter page.
2. Click edit, then add a hive.proxy.user.property property and set its value to
3. Click Save, then click restart to restart the JDBC interpreter.
If Kerberos is enabled on the cluster, enable user impersonation as follows:
To configure the %jdbc interpreter, complete the following steps:
1. In Hive configuration settings, set hive.server2.enable.doAs to true.
2. In the Zeppelin UI, navigate to the %jdbc section of the Interpreter page.
3. Enable authentication via the Shiro configuration: specify authorization type, keytab,
and principal.
a. Set zeppelin.jdbc.auth.type to KERBEROS.
b. Set zeppelin.jdbc.principal to the value of the principal.
c. Set zeppelin.jdbc.keytab.location to the keytab location.
4. Set hive.url to the URL for HiveServer2. (On an Ambari-managed cluster you can find
the URL under Hive > HiveServer2 JDBC URL.) Here is the general format:

The JDBC interpreter adds the user ID as a proxy user, and sends the string to
HiveServer2; for example:

5. Add a hive.proxy.user.property property and set its value to
6. Click Save, then click restart to restart the interpreter.
For information about authenticating Zeppelin users through Active Directory or LDAP, see
Configuring Zeppelin Security.

3.3. Configuring User Impersonation for Access to
User impersonation runs Phoenix queries under the user ID associated with the Zeppelin
To enable user impersonation for Phoenix, complete the following steps in the Ambari

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1. In HBase configuration settings, enable phoenix sql.
2. In Advanced HBase settings, set the following properties:

3. In HDFS configuration settings, set the following properties:

4. Make sure that the user has access to HBase. You can verify this from the HBase shell
with the user_permissions command.


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4. Using Zeppelin
A Zeppelin notebook is a browser-based GUI for interactive data exploration, modeling,
and visualization.
As a notebook author or collaborator, you write code in a browser window. When you
run the code from the browser, Zeppelin sends the code to backend processors such as
Spark. The processor or service and returns results; you can then use Zeppelin to review and
visualize results in the browser.
Note: Zeppelin on HDP does not support sharing a note by sharing its URL, due to lack of
proper access control over how and with whom a note can be shared.
Apache Zeppelin is supported on the following browsers:
• Internet Explorer, latest supported releases. (Zeppelin is not supported on versions 8 or
9, due to lack of native support for WebSockets.)
• Google Chrome, latest stable release.
• Mozilla Firefox, latest stable release.
• Apple Safari, latest stable release. Note that when SSL is enabled for Zeppelin, Safari
requires a Certificate Authority-signed certificate to access the Zeppelin UI.

4.1. Launching Zeppelin
To launch Zeppelin in your browser, access the host and port associated with the Zeppelin
server. The default port is 9995:
When you first connect to Zeppelin, you will see the home page:

If Zeppelin is configured for LDAP or Active Directory authentication, log in before using
1. Click the Login button at the top right corner of the page.
2. In the login dialog box, specify a valid username and password.
If Active Directory is used for the identity store, you might need to fully qualify your
account name (unless the activeDirectoryRealm.principalSuffix property
was set during AD configuration); for example:

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3. Zeppelin presents its home page.
The following menus are available in the top banner of all Zeppelin pages:
• Notebook
Open a note, filter the list of notes by name, or create a note:

• User settings
Displays your username, or "anonymous" if security is not configured for Zeppelin.

• List version information about Zeppelin
• Review interpreter settings and configure, add, or remove interpreter instances
• Save credentials for data sources
• Display configuration settings
Each instance of Zeppelin contains "notes", which are the fundamental elements of a
Zeppelin notebook.
Zeppelin lists available notes on the left side of the welcome screen and in the "Notebook"
menu. Zeppelin ships with several sample notes, including tutorials:


Hortonworks Data Platform

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4.2. Working with Notes
A note consists of one or more paragraphs of code, which you can use to define and run
snippets of code in a flexible manner.
A paragraph contains code to access services, run jobs, and display results. A paragraph
consists of two main sections: an interactive box for code, and a box that displays results.
To the right is a set of paragraph commands. The following graphic shows paragraph

Zeppelin ships with several sample notes, including tutorials that demonstrate how to run
Spark scala code, Spark SQL code, and create visualizations.


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To run a tutorial:
1. Navigate to the tutorial: click one of the Zeppelin tutorial links on the left side of the
welcome page, or use the Notebook pull-down menu.
2. Zeppelin presents the tutorial, a sequence of paragraphs prepopulated with code and
3. Starting with the first paragraph, click the triangle button at the upper right of the
paragraph. The status changes to PENDING, RUNNING, and then FINISHED when done.
4. When the first cell finishes execution, results appear in the box underneath your code.
Review the results.
5. Step through each cell, running the code and reviewing results.

4.2.1. Creating and Running a Note
To create a note:
1. Click "Create new note" on the welcome page, or click the "Notebook" menu and choose
"+ Create new note."
2. Type your commands into the blank paragraph in the new note.
When you create a note, it appears in the list of notes on the left side of the home page
and in the Notebook menu. By default, Zeppelin stores notes in the $ZEPPELIN_HOME/
notebook folder.
To run your code:
1. Click the triangle button in the cell that contains your code:

2. Zeppelin displays status near the triangle button: PENDING, RUNNING, ERROR, or
3. When finished, results appear in the result section below your code.

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The settings icon (outlined in red) offers several additional commands:

These commands allow you to perform several note operations, such as showing and hiding
line numbers, clearing the results section, and deleting the paragraph.

4.2.2. Importing a Note
To import a note from a URL or from a JSON file in your local file system:
1. Click "Import note" on the Zeppelin home page:

2. Zeppelin displays an import dialog box:

3. To upload the file or specify the URL, click the associated box.
By default, the name of the imported note is the same as the original note. You can
rename it by providing a new name in the "Import AS" field.

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4.2.3. Exporting a Note
To export a note to a local JSON file, use the export note icon in the note toolbar:

Zeppelin downloads the note to the local file system.
Note: Zeppelin exports code and results sections in all paragraphs. If you have a lot of data
in your results sections, consider trimming results before exporting them.

4.2.4. Using the Note Toolbar
At the top of each note there is a toolbar with buttons for running code in paragraphs and
for setting configuration, security, and display options:
There are several buttons in the middle of the toolbar:

These buttons perform the following operations:
• Execute all paragraphs in the note sequentially, in the order in which they are displayed
in the note.
• Hide or show the code section of all paragraphs.
• Hide or show the result sections in all paragraphs.
• Clear the result section in all paragraphs.
• Clone the current note.
• Export the current note to a JSON file.
Note that the code and result sections in all paragraphs are exported. If you have extra
data in some of your result sections, trim the data before exporting it.
• Commit the current note content.
• Delete the note.
• Schedule the execution of all paragraphs using CRON syntax. This feature is not currently
operational. If you need to schedule Spark jobs, consider using Oozie Spark action.
There are additional buttons on the right side of the toolbar:


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These buttons perform the following operations (from left to right):
• Display all keyboard shortcuts.
• Configure interpreters that are bound to the current note.
• Configure note permissions.
• Switch display mode:
• Default: the notebook can be shared with (and edited by) anyone who has access to
the notebook.
• Simple: similar to default, with available options shown only when your cursor is over
the cell.
• Report: only your results are visible, and are read-only (no editing).
Note: Zeppelin on HDP does not support sharing a note by sharing its URL, due to lack of
proper access control over who and how a note can be shared.

4.3. Importing External Packages
If you want to use an external package within a Zeppelin note, you can follow one of these
• Specify the dependency for the associated interpreter on the Interpreter page.
For more information, see Dependency Management for Interpreter at
• For Spark jobs, you can pass a jar, package, or list of files to spark-submit using
• SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS in conf/zeppelin-env.sh
export SPARKSUBMITOPTIONS="--packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.2.0
--jars /path/mylib1.jar,/path/mylib2.jar --files /path/mylib1.py,/path/

• In SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf
spark.jars /path/mylib1.jar,/path/mylib2.jar spark.jars.packages com.
databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.2.0 spark.files /path/mylib1.py,/path/mylib2.

If you want to import a library for a note that uses the Livy interpreter, see Using the
%livy Interpreter to Access Spark.

4.4. Configuring and Using Zeppelin Interpreters
An interpreter is a plugin that enables you to access processing engines and data sources
from the Zeppelin UI.

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For example, if you want to use Python code in your Zeppelin notebook, you need a Python
interpreter. Each interpreter runs in its own JVM on the same node as the Zeppelin server.
The Zeppelin server communicates with interpreters through the use of Thrift.
Apache Zeppelin on HDP supports the following interpreters:
• Spark
• JDBC (supports Hive, Phoenix)
• OS Shell
• Markdown
• Livy (supports Spark, Spark SQL, PySpark, PySpark3, and SparkR)
• AngularJS
Note: PySpark and associated libraries require Python version 2.7 or later, or Python version
3.4 or later, installed on all nodes.

4.4.1. Modifying Interpreter Settings
Before using an interpreter, you might want to modify default settings such as the
home directory for the Spark interpreter, the name of the Hive JDBC driver for the JDBC
interpreter, or the keytab and principal name for a secure installation.
To set custom configuration values for an interpreter:
1. Click the user settings menu and navigate to the Interpreter page.
2. Scroll down to the Properties section for the interpreter of interest, and click "edit":

3. Make your changes.
4. Scroll to the end of the list of settings and click "Save".
5. Some types of changes require restarting the interpreter; use the button next to the edit
Note: The Interpreter page is subject to access control settings. If the page does not list a
set of interpreters, check with your system administrator.

4.4.2. Using Zeppelin Interpreters
Before using an interpreter, ensure that the interpreter is available for use in your note:
1. Navigate to your note.

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2. Click on “interpreter binding”:

3. Under "Settings", make sure that the interpreter you want to use is selected (in blue
text). Unselected interpreters appear in white text:

4. To select an interpreter, click on the interpreter name to select the interpreter. Each click
operates as a toggle.
5. You should unselect interpreters that will not be used. This makes your choices clearer.
For example, if you plan to use %livy to access Spark, unselect the %spark interpreter.
Whenever one or more interpreters could be used to access the same underlying service,
you can specify the precedence of interpreters within a note:
• Drag and drop interpreters into the desired positions in the list.
• When finished, click "Save".
Using an Interpreter in a Paragraph
To use an interpreter, specify the interpreter directive at the beginning of a paragraph,
using the format %[INTERPRETER_NAME]. The directive must appear before any code
that uses the interpreter.
The following paragraph uses the %sh interpreter to access the system shell and list the
current working directory:

Some interpreters support more than one form of the directive. For example, the %livy
interpreter supports directives for PySpark, PySpark3, SparkR, Spark SQL.
To view interpreter directives and settings, navigate to the Interpreter page and scroll
through the list of interpreters or search for the interpreter name. Directives are listed

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immediately after the name of the interpreter, followed by options and property settings.
For example, the JDBC interpreter supports the %jdbc directive:

Note: The Interpreter page is subject to access control settings. If the Interpreters page
does not list settings, check with your system administrator for more information.
Using Interpreter Groups
Each interpreter belongs to an interpreter group. Interpreters in the same group can
reference each other. For example, if the Spark SQL interpreter and the Spark interpreter
are in the same group, the Spark SQL interpreter can reference the Spark interpreter to
access its SparkContext.
For more information about interpreters, see Interpreters in Apache Zeppelin at

4.4.3. Using the %jdbc Interpreter to Access Hive
The %jdbc interpreter supports access to Apache Hive data. The interpreter connects to
Hive via Thrift.
If you want Hive queries to run under the user ID originating the query, see Configuring
User Impersonation for Access to Hive.
To use the JDBC interpreter to access Hive:
1. Add the following directive at the start of a paragraph:
2. Next, add the query that accesses Hive.
Here is a sample paragraph:
SELECT * FROM db_name;

If you receive an error, you might need to complete the following additional steps:
1. Copy Hive jar files to /usr/hdp/current/zeppelin-server/interpreter/jdbc
(or create a soft link).
2. In the Zeppelin UI, navigate to the %jdbc section of the Interpreter page.
3. Click edit, then add a hive.proxy.user.property property and set its value to
4. Click Save, then click restart to restart the JDBC interpreter.

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4.4.4. Using the %jdbc Interpreter to Access Phoenix
The %jdbc interpreter supports access to Apache Phoenix data.
If you want Phoenix queries to run under the user ID originating the query, see Configuring
User Impersonation for Access to Phoenix.
To use the JDBC interpreter to access Phoenix:
1. Add the following directive at the start of a paragraph:
2. Run the query that accesses Phoenix.

4.4.5. Using the %livy Interpreter to Access Spark
The Livy interpreter offers several advantages over the default Spark interpreter (%spark):
• Sharing of Spark context across multiple Zeppelin instances.
• Reduced resource use, by recycling resources after 60 minutes of activity (by default). The
default Spark interpreter runs jobs--and retains job resources--indefinitely.
• User impersonation. When the Zeppelin server runs with authentication enabled, the
Livy interpreter propagates user identity to the Spark job so that the job runs as the
originating user. This is especially useful when multiple users are expected to connect
to the same set of data repositories within an enterprise. (The default Spark interpreter
runs jobs as the default Zeppelin user.)
• The ability to run Spark in yarn-cluster mode.
• Before using SparkR through Livy, R must be installed on all nodes of your cluster. For
more information, see SparkR Prerequisites in the Spark Component Guide.
• Before using Livy in a note, check the Interpreter page to ensure that the Livy interpreter
is configured properly for your cluster:

Note: The Interpreter page is subject to access control settings. If the Interpreters page
does not list access settings, check with your system administrator for more information.
To access PySpark using Livy, specify the corresponding interpreter directive before the
code that accesses Spark; for example:

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print "1"

Similarly, to access SparkR using Livy, specify the corresponding interpreter directive:
hello <- function( name ) {
sprintf( "Hello, %s", name );

To use SQLContext with Livy, do not create SQLContext explicitly. Zeppelin
creates SQLContext by default.
If necessary, remove the following lines from the SparkSQL declaration area of
your note:
//val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
//import sqlContext.implicits._

Livy sessions are recycled after a specified period of session inactivity. The default is one
For more information about using Livy with Spark 1 or Spark 2, see Submitting Spark
Applications Through Livy.
Importing External Packages
To import an external package for use in a note that runs with Livy:
1. Navigate to the interpreter settings.
2. If you are running the Livy interpreter in local mode (as specified by
livy.spark.master), add jar files to the /usr/hdp//livy/repljars directory.
3. If you are running the Livy interepreter in yarn-cluster mode, either complete step 2 or
edit the Livy configuration on the Interpreters page as follows:
a. Add a new key, livy.spark.jars.packages.
b. Set its value to ::.
Here is an example for the spray-json library, which implements JSON in Scala:


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5. Configuring Zeppelin Security
Zeppelin uses Apache Shiro to provide authentication and authorization (access control).
This chapter describes how to configure and enable several Zeppelin security features:
1. Configure authentication. Zeppelin supports a Shiro-based identity source for testing
and informal use, as well as LDAP and Active Directory identity sources for production
use. After authentication is enabled, when users connect to Apache Zeppelin they are
prompted for login credentials.
2. Optionally, limit who can configure Zeppelin interpreter, credential, and configuration
settings; notebooks; and data.
3. Optionally, configure the Zeppelin UI to run over SSL (HTTPS).
4. Optionally, configure Zeppelin to run on a Kerberos-enabled cluster.
If Ranger is enabled on your cluster, no additional configuration steps are required to have
Ranger work with Zeppelin. Note, however, that a Ranger policy change takes about five
to ten minutes to take effect.

5.1. Getting Started
5.1.1. Prerequisites
To use LDAP or Active Directory (AD) as the identity store, LDAP or AD must be installed
and running on your cluster. You will need LDAP or AD coordinates to configure them
for use with Zeppelin. In addition, the associated user accounts must be defined on your
Zeppelin nodes.

5.1.2. Configuring Security on an Ambari-Managed Cluster
If your cluster is managed by Ambari, navigate to the Configs tab and edit settings in the
"Advanced zeppelin-env", "Advanced zeppelin-config", "zeppelin-log4j-properties" and
"zeppelin-shiro-ini" sections, as described in following subsections.
Changes to shiro_ini_content require restarting the Zeppelin server. Ambari indicates
this with a warning, and offers a menu option to restart Zeppelin.

5.1.3. Configuring Security on a Cluster Not Managed by
If your cluster is not managed by Ambari:
1. Locate the shiro.ini template file in the Zeppelin /conf folder:
2. Copy the template file as shiro.ini:


Hortonworks Data Platform

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3. Edit shiro.ini file contents, as described in the following subsections.
4. After editing the shiro.ini file, restart the Zeppelin server:
./bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh restart

5.1.4. shiro.ini Structure
The shiro_ini_content property (Ambari) and shiro.ini file (non-Ambari) contain
several sections for configuring authentication:
• [main], which contains definitions for LDAP or Active Directory objects and properties.
• [users], which can be used to specify user accounts and passwords for simple
deployments that do not require secure passwords, and require only a small number of
statically-defined accounts.
• [roles], for defining roles associated with access control.
• [urls], for configuring URL-based security. For Zepplin, the [urls] section is used to
specify authentication method and define access control filters.
For more information about Shiro configuration and processing, see Apache Shiro

5.2. Configure Zeppelin for Authentication: NonProduction Use
The following steps provide a quick, basic form of authentication. This approach is not for
production use; usernames and passwords are exposed in clear text. For production use,
you should use LDAP or Active Directory as the identity source.
To configure authentication for informal use or testing:
1. Populate the [urls] section as follows:
a. Specify authc as the authentication method in the URL section of shiro.ini
contents, and make sure that the authc line is not commented out.
b. To disable anonymous access to Zeppelin, add a comment character (#) at the start of
the line containing /** = anon.
Here is an example:
#/api/version = anon
#/** = anon
/** = authc

2. Populate the [users] section as follows:
Specify authorized accounts and associated passwords in shiro_ini settings: for
clusters managed by Ambari, update shiro_ini_content; for non-Ambari clusters,
update the shiro.ini file.


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The following example configures authentication for users admin, user1, and user2,
with passwords password1, password2, and password3, respectively:
admin = password1
user1 = password2
user2 = password3

3. Restart the Zeppelin server using Ambari or, for a cluster not managed by Ambari,
follow the instructions in Installing and Configuring Apache Zeppelin in the Non-Ambari
Cluster Installation Guide.
4. After completing these steps, Zeppelin requires authentication of user credentials before
allowing access to the Zeppelin UI.

5.3. Configure Zeppelin for Authentication: LDAP
and Active Directory
Zeppelin supports LDAP and Active Directory (AD) as identity stores for authentication.
Because Active Directory is based on LDAP requirements, the configuration process is
similar; however, the properties differ.
Before configuring LDAP or AD, user accounts must exist on Zeppelin nodes; and users,
groups, and domain information must be stored in your LDAP or AD directory. You will
need user, group, and domain information to configure LDAP or AD for Zeppelin.

You should configure and enable SSL to the Zeppelin Web server whenever you
enable LDAP or AD authentication. Without SSL, network communication is

5.3.1. Configuring Authentication for Production Using
Active Directory
To enable AD authentication, complete the following steps.
Note: Zeppelin currently uses Bind requests to authenticate end users; it does not support
the LDAP compare operation.
The following steps describe basic settings. For more information about these and other
settings, see Shiro Settings: Reference and Shiro authentication for Apache Zeppelin.
1. Secure the HTTP channel.
In the [urls] section of shiro.ini contents, uncomment the line /** = authc and
comment out the line /** = anon (to disable anonymous access):
/api/version = anon
#/** = anon
/** = authc


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Note: The [urls] section is processed from top to bottom; earlier statements have
precedence. If you have two conflicting lines, the first is honored.
2. In the [main] section of shiro.ini contents, enable activeDirectoryRealm and
modify the following settings for your operating environment. For clusters managed
by Ambari, update shiro_ini_content; for non-Ambari clusters, update the
shiro.ini file.
Note that there are two types of directory references, those that refer to the AD
database, and those that refer to user accounts and groups. Domain information can
differ between the two.
# authentication settings
activeDirectoryRealm = org.apache.zeppelin.realm.ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm
activeDirectoryRealm.url = ldap://:389
activeDirectoryRealm.searchBase = DC=,DC=,DC=
# general settings
sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 86400000
shiro.loginUrl = /api/login

3. Optional: Zeppelin supports connections to AD over SSL. To force Zeppelin to make an
SSL connection to AD, change the value of activeDirectoryRealm.url from ldap
to ldaps and specify the AD SSL port; for example:
activeDirectoryRealm.url = ldaps://hdp.example.com:636

If LDAP is using a self-signed certificate, import the certificate into the truststore of JVM
running Zeppelin:
echo -n | openssl s_client –connect ldap.example.com:389 | \
sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/examplecert.
keytool –import \
-keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts \
-storepass changeit \
-noprompt \
-alias mycert \
-file /tmp/examplecert.crt

4. Secure the Websocket channel.
On an Ambari-managed cluster, navigate to the "Advanced zeppelin-config" section and
set zeppelin.anonymous.allowed to false. HDP 2.6: check category
On a cluster not managed by Ambari, edit the conf/zeppelin-site.xml file. Set
zeppelin.anonymous.allowed to false. (If the file does not exist, rename conf/

Hortonworks Data Platform

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zeppelin-site.xml.template to conf/zeppelin-site.xml, and then edit
5. Optional: If you want to keep clear passwords from appearing in shiro.ini, complete
the following steps:
a. At your OS command line interface, use the Hadoop credential command to
create an entry for the Active Directory credential:
> hadoop credential create activeDirectoryRealm.systemPassword -provider
Enter password:
Enter password again:
activeDirectoryRealm.systemPassword has been successfully created.
org.apache.hadoop.security.alias.JavaKeyStoreProvider has been updated.

b. Using chmod 400, make the credentials.jceks file readable and writable only
by the Zeppelin system user.
c. Add the following line to shiro.ini contents:
activeDirectoryRealm.systemPassword -provider jceks://etc/zeppelin/conf/

6. Restart the Zeppelin server using Ambari or, for a cluster not managed by Ambari,
manually restart the Zeppelin server:
./bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh restart

After successful configuration, Zeppelin requires credentials before allowing users to access
the Web UI.
Note: Unless activeDirectoryRealm.principalSuffix is specified, users must fully
qualify their account name:

5.3.2. Configuring Authentication for Production Using
To use any form of LDAP other than AD, complete the steps in this section.
Note: Zeppelin currently uses LDAP Bind requests to authenticate end users; it does not
support the LDAP compare operation.
The following steps describe basic settings. For more information about these and
additional settings, see Shiro Settings: Reference and Shiro authentication for Apache
1. Secure the HTTP channel.
In the [urls] section of of shiro.ini contents, uncomment the line /** = authc,
and comment out the line /** = anon (to disable anonymous access):

Hortonworks Data Platform

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/api/version = anon
#/** = anon
/** = authc

Note: The [urls] section is processed from top to bottom; earlier statements have
precedence. If you have two conflicting lines, the first is honored.
2. In the [main] section of shiro.ini contents, enable ldapRealm and modify the
following settings for your operating environment. For clusters managed by Ambari,
update shiro_ini_content; for non-Ambari clusters, update the shiro.ini file.
Note that there are two types of directory references: those that refer to the LDAP
database, and those that refer to user accounts and groups. The domain information
can differ between the two.
# authentication settings
ldapRealm = org.apache.zeppelin.realm.LdapRealm
ldapRealm.contextFactory.environment[ldap.searchBase] = DC=,DC=
ldapRealm.userDnTemplate = uid={0},OU=,DC=,DC=
ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldap://:389
ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism = simple
# general settings
sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 86400000
shiro.loginUrl = /api/login

3. Optional: Zeppelin supports connections to LDAP over SSL. To force Zeppelin to make
an SSL connection to LDAP, change the contextFactory.url value from ldap to
ldaps and specify the LDAP SSL port; for example:
ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldaps://hdp.example.com:636

If LDAP is using a self-signed certificate, import the certificate into the truststore of JVM
running Zeppelin:
echo -n | openssl s_client –connect ldap.example.com:389 | \
sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/examplecert.
keytool –import \
-keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts \
-storepass changeit \
-noprompt \
-alias mycert \
-file /tmp/examplecert.crt

4. Secure the Websocket channel.

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On an Ambari-managed cluster, set zeppelin.anonymous.allowed to false.
On a cluster not managed by Ambari, edit the conf/zeppelin-site.xml file. Set
zeppelin.anonymous.allowed to false. (If the file does not exist, rename conf/
zeppelin-site.xml.template to conf/zeppelin-site.xml.)
5. Restart the Zeppelin server using Ambari or, for a cluster not managed by Ambari,
manually restart the Zeppelin server:
./bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh restart

5.4. Enable Access Control for Zeppelin Elements
After configuring authentication, you might want to restrict access control to configure
Zeppelin interpreters, access notes, or access data. You can authorize access at three levels
within Zeppelin:
• UI authorization restricts access to Zeppelin Interpreter, Credential, and Configuration
pages based on administrative privileges.
• Note-level authorization restricts access to notes based on permissions (owner, reader, or
writer) granted to users and groups.
• Data-level authorization restricts access to specific data sets.

5.4.1. Enabling Access Control for Interpreter,
Configuration, and Credential Settings
By default, any authenticated account can access Zeppelin interpreter, credential, and
configuration settings. When access control is enabled, unauthorized users can see the
page heading, but no settings. There are two steps: defining roles, and specifying which
roles have access to which settings.
Prerequisite: Users and groups must be defined on all Zeppelin nodes and in the associated
identity store.
To enable access control for the Zeppelin interpreter, credential, or configuration pages,
complete the following steps:
1. Define a [roles] section in shiro.ini contents, and specify permissions for defined
The following example grants all permissions ("*") to users in group admin:
admin = *

2. In the [urls] section of the shiro.ini contents, uncomment the interpreter,
configurations, or credential line(s) to enable access to the interpreter, configuration, or
credential page(s), respectively. (If the [urls] section is not defined, add the section.
Include the three /api lines listed in the following example.)


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The following example specifies access to interpreter, configurations, and credential
settings for role "admin":
/api/version = anon
/api/interpreter/** = authc, roles[admin]
/api/configurations/** = authc, roles[admin]
/api/credential/** = authc, roles[admin]
#/** = anon
/** = authc

To add more roles, separate role identifiers with commas inside the square brackets.
Note: The sequence of lines in the [urls] section is important. The /api/version
line must be the first line in the [urls] section:
/api/version = anon

Next, specify the three /api lines in any order:
/api/interpreter/** = authc, roles[admin]
/api/configurations/** = authc, roles[admin]
/api/credential/** = authc, roles[admin]

The authc line must be last in the [urls] section:
/** = authc

3. When unauthorized users attempt to access the interpreter, configurations, or credential
page, they see the page heading but not settings.

5.4.2. Enabling Access Control for Notebooks
The next optional security step is to add access control for Zeppelin notes, granting
permissions to specific users and groups. There are two main steps to this process: defining
the searchBase property in the Zeppelin Shiro configuration, and then specifying
To restrict notebook access to authorized users:
1. In Zeppelin configuration settings, the Zeppelin administrator should specify
activeDirectoryRealm.searchBase or ldapRealm.searchBase, depending
on whether Zeppelin uses AD or LDAP for authentication. The value of searchBase
controls where Zeppelin looks for users and groups.
For more information, refer to Shiro Settings: Reference. For an example, see Configure
Authentication for Authentication: LDAP and Active Directory.
2. The owner of the notebook should navigate to the note and complete the following
a. Click the lock icon on the notebook:


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b. Zeppelin presents a popup menu. Enter the user and groups that should have access
to the note. To search for an account, start typing the name.
Note: If you are using Shiro as the identity store, users should be listed in the [user]
section. If you are using AD or LDAP users and groups should be stored in the realm
associated with your Shiro configuration.

For more information, see Apache Zeppelin Notebook Authorization.

5.4.3. Enabling Access Control for Data
Access control for data brought into Zeppelin depends on the underlying data source:
• To configure access control for Spark data, Zeppelin must be running as an end user
("identity propagation"). Zeppelin implements access control using Livy. When identity
propagation is enabled via Livy, data access is controlled by the type of data source
being accessed. For example, when you access HDFS data, access is controlled by HDFS
• To configure access control for Hive data, use the JDBC interpreter.
• To configure access control for the Spark shell, define permissions for end users running
the shell.

5.5. Configure SSL for Zeppelin
To configure the Zeppelin UI for access over SSL:
1. In Ambari, access the "Advanced zeppelin-config" section of the Zeppelin configuration
2. Set zeppelin.ssl to true.


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3. Configure key manager and key store settings with the correct values for your system:
a. Set zeppelin.ssl.key.manager.password to the password associated with the
key manager.
b. Set zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password to the password associated with the key
c. Set zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path to the path associated with the key store.
d. Set zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type to the type of key store configured on the
cluster (for example, JKS).
4. If you wish to use client-side certificate authentication, enable client-side authentication
and configure the associated trust store settings:
a. Set zeppelin.ssl.cient.auth to true
b. Set zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path to the path associated with your trust
c. Set zeppelin.ssl.truststore.password to the password associated with your
trust store.
d. Set zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type to the type of trust store configured on the
cluster (for example, JKS).
5. Check to make sure that all settings are valid.
6. Connect using HTTPS.
Note: When SSL is enabled for Zeppelin, the Safari browser requires a Certificate Authoritysigned certificate to access the Zeppelin UI.

5.6. Configure Zeppelin for a Kerberos-Enabled
The Zeppelin daemon needs a Kerberos account and keytab to run in a Kerberized cluster.
• When you enable Kerberos on an Ambari-managed cluster, Ambari configures Kerberos
for Zeppelin and automatically creates a Kerberos account and keytab for it. For more
information, see Configuring Ambari and Hadoop for Kerberos.
• If your cluster is not managed with Ambari and you plan to enable Kerberos for the
Zeppelin server, see Creating Service Principals and Keytab Files for HDP in the Hadoop
Security Guide.
After configuring Kerberos for Zeppelin in Ambari, you can find all related settings on
the Zeppelin Interpreter settings page, as shown in the following image for the %spark
interpreter. If you configured Kerberos from Ambari, no further action is needed. Changes
in values for keytabs and principals are managed by Ambari, and if Kerberos is disabled,
Ambari deletes keytab and principal values.

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For clusters not managed by Ambari, note that every interpreter that supports
Kerberos has two configuration properties: keytab and principal. In addition,
the Shell interpreter (%sh) has a property for specifying authentication method:
zeppelin.shell.auth.type. Set authentication method to KERBEROS for a Kerberosenabled cluster; otherwise the value should be empty.
The following table lists properties used for keytabs and principals, for each associated

Keytab Property

Principal Property













5.7. Shiro Settings: Reference
This section lists more information about Shiro settings described in the authentication and
authorization configuration subsections, plus a few more settings that might be useful.

5.7.1. Active Directory Settings
Active Directory (AD) stores users and groups in a hierarchical tree structure, built from
containers including the organizational unit (ou), organization (o), and domain controller
(dc). The path to each entry is a Distinguished Name (DN) that uniquely identifies a user or
User and group names typically have attributes such as a common name (cn) or unique ID
Specify the DN as a string, for example cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com. White space is

If you upgrade from HDP 2.5 (Zeppelin 0.6) to HDP 2.6 (Zeppelin 0.7),
note that the Active Directory group realm class name changed from

Hortonworks Data Platform

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to org.apache.zeppelin.realm.ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm
in Zeppelin 0.7. For information about changing this setting manually, see
Configuring and Upgrading Apache Zeppelin in the Command Line Upgrade

specifies the class name to use for AD
authentication. You should set this to
For more information, see Apache Shiro Realms.

activeDirectoryRealm.url specifies the host and port where Active Directory is set
up. For more information, see Apache Shiro Realms.
If the protocol element is specified as ldap, SSL is not
used. If the protocol is specified as ldaps, access is over
Note: If Active Directory uses a self-signed certificate,
import the certificate into the truststore of the JVM
running Zeppelin; for example:
echo -n | openssl s_client –connect ldap.
example.com:389 | \
CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/examplecert.crt
keytool –import \
-keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/
cacerts \
-storepass changeit \
-noprompt \
-alias mycert \
-file /tmp/examplecert.crt

simplifies the logon information that users must use to
log in. Otherwise, AD requires a username fully qualified
with domain information. For example, if a fullyqualified user account is user@hdpqa.example.com,
you can specify a shorter suffix such as user@hdpqa.
activeDirectoryRealm.principalSuffix = @

defines the base distinguished name from which the
directory search starts. A distinguished name defines
each entry; "dc" entries define a hierarchical directory
defines the username and password that Zeppelin uses
to connect to Active Directory when it searches for users
and groups. These two settings are used for controlling
access to UI features, not for authentication. The Bind
method does not require a valid user password.

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activeDirectoryRealm.systemPassword =

a comma-separated list that maps groups to roles. These
settings are used by Zeppelin to restrict UI features to
specific AD groups. The following example maps group
hdpdv_admin at hdp3.example.com to the "admin"

specifies whether to use caching to improve
performance. To enable caching, set this property to

5.7.2. LDAP Settings
LDAP stores users and groups in a hierarchical tree structure, built from containers including
the organizational unit (ou), organization (o), and domain controller (dc). The path to each
entry is a Distinguished Name (DN) that uniquely identifies a user or group.
User and group names typically have attributes such as a common name (cn) or unique ID
Specify the DN as a string, for example cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com. White space is
Zeppelin LDAP authentication uses templates for user DNs. SeeLDAP Realm Settings for
options you can set for an LDAP realm.

specifies the class name to use for LDAP
authentication. You should set this to
unless you are familiar with LDAP and prefer to use
For more information, see Apache Shiro Realms.

defines the base distinguished name from
which the LDAP search starts. Shiro searches for
userDnTemplate at this address.
If the protocol is specified as ldap, SSL is not used. If
the protocol is specified as ldaps, access is over SSL.
ldapRealm.userDnTemplate specifies the search location where the user is to be
found. Shiro replaces {0} with the username acquired
from the Zeppelin UI. Zeppelin uses User DN templates
to configure associated realms.
specifies the host and port on which LDAP is running.


Hortonworks Data Platform

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If the protocol element is specified as ldap, SSL will not
be used. If the protocol is specified as ldaps, access will
be over SSL.
Note: If LDAP is using a self-signed certificate, import
the certificate into the truststore of JVM running
Zeppelin; for example:
echo -n | openssl s_client –connect ldap.
example.com:389 | \
CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/examplecert.crt
keytool –import \
-keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/
cacerts \
-storepass changeit \
-noprompt \
-alias mycert \
-file /tmp/examplecert.crt

define the username and password that Zeppelin uses
to connect to LDAP, to search for users and groups.
These two settings are used for controlling access to UI
features, not for authentication. The Bind method does
not require a valid user password.

specifies whether to use caching to improve
performance. To enable caching, set this property to

5.7.3. General Settings
specifies how long to wait (in milliseconds) before
logging out a user, if they are logged in and are not
moving the cursor.
The default is 86,400,000 milliseconds, which equals 24

5.8. shiro.ini Example
The following example shows a minimum set of shiro.ini settings for authentication
and access control, for a Zeppelin deployment that uses Active Directory.
Prerequisite: corresponding account information is configured in Active Directory (at
adhost.field.hortonworks.com, in this example) and on Zeppelin nodes.


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# AD authentication settings
activeDirectoryRealm = org.apache.zeppelin.realm.ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm
activeDirectoryRealm.url = ldap://adhost.org.hortonworks.com:389
activeDirectoryRealm.searchBase = DC=org,DC=hortonworks,DC=com
# general settings
sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 86400000
shiro.loginUrl = /api/login
admin = *
# authentication method and access control filters
/api/version = anon
/api/interpreter/** = authc, roles[admin]
/api/configurations/** = authc, roles[admin]
/api/credential/** = authc, roles[admin]
#/** = anon
/** = authc


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6. Stopping the Zeppelin Server and Livy
To stop the Zeppelin server on a cluster managed by Ambari, use the Ambari Web UI.
To stop the Zeppelin server on a cluster that is not managed by Ambari, issue the following
command from user zeppelin:
/usr/hdp/current/zeppelin-server/bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh stop

To stop the Livy server, issue the following command from user livy:
/usr/hdp//livy/bin/livy-server stop

For example:



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