Healthy Workplaces MANAGE DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES Campaign Guide

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Safety and health at work is everyone’s concern. It’s good for you. It’s good for business.
Campaign Guide
Healthy Workplaces
EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work | 3
Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
1. Introduction .................................................4
1.1. What is the issue? ................................................................... 4
1.2. What are dangerous substances? ...................................................... 6
1.3. Why is managing dangerous substances so important? ................................... 8
1.4. Why is EU-OSHA running this campaign? ..............................................10
2. Managing dangerous substances ..............................12
2.1. Establishing a culture of risk prevention ............................................... 12
2.2. Legislation on dangerous substances ..................................................14
2.3. Risk assessment ................................................................... 17
2.4. Practical solutions ................................................................. 19
2.5. Some groups of workers are at particular risk ...........................................21
2.6. Carcinogens and work-related cancer ................................................. 24
3. The Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19 ......................27
3.1. About this campaign ...............................................................27
3.2. Who can take part in the campaign? ..................................................28
3.3. How to get involved ................................................................29
3.4. The Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards .........................................30
3.5. Our network of partners ............................................................31
3.6. Further information and resources .................................................... 32
References and notes ..........................................33
4 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
1. Introduction
Effective management of safety and health risks
in the workplace benefits everyone involved. It
is good for workers, good for society as a whole
and good for business. Particularly in the case
of less visible dangers, taking care of workers’
safety and health may be perceived as a burden.
This applies especially to small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs), where resources are
limited. However, organisations that do more to
protect their workers than is required of them by
legislation reap the benefits. Active, participatory
safety and health management, which
involves workers and has strong commitment
from management, makes a business more
competitive — for example by reducing sickness
absence and improving productivity.
This brochure is an introductory guide to the
Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19, ‘Healthy
Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances’,
organised by the European Agency for Safety and
Health at Work (EU-OSHA). The campaign aims to
raise awareness of the risks posed by dangerous
substances in the workplace and to promote a
culture of risk prevention to eliminate and, where
that is not possible, effectively manage these
1.1. What is the issue?
Workers in many European workplaces are
affected by exposures to dangerous substances.
In recent decades some substances, such as
asbestos (which causes serious and in some cases
fatal lung diseases) and vinyl chloride (which
causes liver cancer), have been banned, restricted
or subjected to strict regulatory control. However,
dangerous substances continue to be a major
safety and health issue in workplaces. In the
second edition of EU-OSHA’s European Survey
of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks
(ESENER-2), 38 % of enterprises reported that
chemical or biological substances in the form
of liquids, fumes or dust were present in their
According to the European Survey on Working
Conditions, in 2015, 18 % of the surveyed workers
in the EU reported being exposed to chemical
products or substances for at least a quarter
of their working time.2 This figure had barely
changed since 2000.
Large enterprises often use more than 1,000
different chemical products, such as paints, inks,
glues and cleaners. The products commonly
consist of a mixture of several chemical
substances. Even small enterprises such as car
repair shops can use a similar number. For some
sectors, such as the construction industry, tens
of thousands of different chemical products are
available on the market for a large variety of
tasks. Depending on the tasks, a single worker
can come into contact with some hundreds of
different chemical substances.
EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work | 5
Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
Dangerous substances are more common than you think
Sectors in which enterprises reported a
particularly high prevalence of dangerous
substances in ESENER-2 include:3
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 62 %
Manufacturing 52 %
Construction, waste management,
and water and electricity supply 51 %
In addition, there is emerging evidence that
workers in growth sectors such as social
and health care, transport, waste and the
recycling industry may experience high
levels of exposure to dangerous substances.
In all sectors there are typical working tasks
that often involve exposure to dangerous
substances, such as food preparation
(canteens, catering, etc.), cleaning and
maintenance. However, no sector is
completely free of dangerous substances,
and it is vital that employers assess the risks
that their workers may face.
© EU-OSHA/Marcos Oliveira
6 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
According to the Swedish
Chemicals Agency, 3 tonnes
of dangerous substances (not
counting petrol) were used per
citizen in Sweden in 1996; in
2014, the figure was 3.7 tonnes.4
1.2. What are dangerous substances?
For the purposes of this campaign, a dangerous
substance in the workplace is any substance,
in gas, liquid or solid form, including aerosols,
fumes and vapours, that poses a risk to workers’
health or safety.5 (Biological agents, however,
are not included in the scope of the campaign
topic.) This includes manufactured chemicals,
process-generated substances, such as diesel
exhaust or silica dust, and naturally occurring
substances used in work processes such as crude
oil or flour dust.
Denitions from
the Chemical
Agents Directive
(a) ‘Chemical agent’6 means any chemical
element or compound, on its own or
admixed, as it occurs in the natural
state or as produced, used or released,
including release as waste, by any
work activity, whether or not produced
intentionally and whether or not placed
on the market.
(b) ‘Hazardous chemical agent means:
(i) any chemical agent which meets the
criteria for classification as hazardous
within any physical and/or health
hazard classes laid down in Regulation
(EC) No 1272/2008l,7 … whether or not
that chemical agent is classified under
that Regulation;
(ii) any chemical agent which, whilst not
meeting the criteria for classification
as hazardous…… may, because of
its physico-chemical, chemical or
toxicological properties and the way it
is used or is present in the workplace,
present a risk to the safety and health
of workers, including any chemical
agent that is assigned an occupational
exposure limit value under Article 3.
(c) Activity involving chemical agents’
means any work in which chemical
agents are used, or are intended to
be used, in any process, including
production, handling, storage, transport
or disposal and treatment, or which result
from such work.
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
Dangerous substances can cause many different
types of harm, some of which are potentially
very serious. Harm from dangerous substances
can arise from a single short exposure, from
long-term exposure or from the long-term
accumulation of substances in the body. It
long-term health effects, for example
respiratory diseases (e.g. asthma, rhinitis,
asbestosis and silicosis), harm to inner
organs, including the brain and the nervous
system, and occupational cancers (e.g.
leukaemia, lung cancer, mesothelioma and
cancer of the nasal cavity);
health effects that can be acute or long
term, such as poisoning, skin diseases,
reproductive problems and birth defects,
and allergies.
Some dangerous substances pose safety risks,
such as risk of fire, explosion or suffocation. In
addition, dangerous substances normally have
several of these properties.
Furthermore, there are different ‘pathways’
through which workers can be exposed to
dangerous substances. Some substances can be
breathed in or ‘inhaled, while others can also
be absorbed through the skin. Workers who do
‘wet work’ (i.e. using water or solvents that can
break down the skin’s natural defence barrier)
are at particular risk from this exposure pathway.
Dangerous substances may also penetrate
the body through ingestion, for example
when workers eat or drink in their workplace,
although it is prohibited, when their workplace is
contaminated or when they breathe in particles
of dust and swallow them.
Heavy physical work or heat can also increase
the risks posed by dangerous substances,
because they may increase their uptake.
Among the substances that can cause long-term
harm to workers’ health are carcinogens, which
are found in many work situations. Tackling the
risks posed by these substances is a priority for
the European Union (EU) under its Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) Strategic Framework
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8 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
1.3. Why is managing dangerous substances so important?
Legislation on dangerous substances at work is
in place throughout the EU. However, the latest
Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee (SLIC)
inspection campaign on dangerous substances
showed that enterprises still encounter serious
difficulties in tackling the risks posed by these
substances.9 Even banned substances such as
asbestos still pose a risk to workers in some
sectors because asbestos has been built into so
many buildings, devices and materials.
Furthermore, new challenges for the management
of dangerous substances in the workplace are
emerging, for example in the area of green jobs
(bio-energy production, new types of energy
storage) and in relation to the use of innovative
materials (e.g. nanomaterials) and technologies
with currently unknown health risks (such as 3D
printing) and substances recognised as endocrine
disrupters (which influence the whole endocrine
system and harm reproductive health, cause birth
defects, and contribute to the development of
obesity and diabetes).
A high proportion of the
occupational diseases included
in the annexes of the European
schedule of occupational
diseases are caused by exposure
to dangerous substances.10
©EU-OSHA/Stanislaw Pyte
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
It’s often assumed that ‘dangerous substances’
refers only to hazardous chemicals. However,
the case of a school cook11 awarded substantial
damages after developing severe breathing
problems as a result of working with flour shows
that all kinds of substances can be dangerous in
certain situations. It also demonstrates that the
costs of failing to recognise the risks and protect
workers from dangerous substances in the
workplace can be very high.
The worker was a 46-year-old female school cook
whose work involved mixing bread dough using
a large mixer in a small, poorly ventilated kitchen.
Nothing was done to protect her from the risks
posed by inhaling flour dust. She developed
breathing problems so severe that she was hardly
able to walk and had to sleep sitting up. She was
diagnosed with severe asthma.
With the help of her union, the worker made a
claim for compensation. The local council, which
ran the school, admitted that it had failed to take
measures to protect her. The council was liable
for damages of GBP 200,000.
The long-term consequences for the worker were
serious: she had to take early retirement and her
lifestyle was severely restricted by her breathing
Note: In the last years, a number of EU Member
States have developed models of good practice
for effectively preventing baker’s asthma.
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10 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
1.4. Why is EU-OSHA running this
Dangerous substances have been on the OSH
policy agenda in the EU and in Member States for
decades. Nonetheless, it is an area of workplace
safety and health where awareness of the variety
of possible risks and ways to tackle them is still
One common misunderstanding is that only
manufactured chemicals — or even chemicals
that have a strong smell or immediately
apparent dangerous effects — are dangerous
substances. Many dangerous substances that
workers are exposed to, such as diesel engine
exhaust emissions, welding fumes and dusts,
are generated by work processes. Others, such
as asbestos, crude oil and grain dust come from
natural sources. Equally, some food constituents
or pharmaceutical products may also present
risks to workers.
These dangerous substances may not be labelled
with hazard symbols, and information from safety
data sheets required by chemicals legislation
may not be available. Therefore, in these cases,
employers will have to seek other sources of
information such as sectoral guidance or safety
and health instructions from suppliers. Again,
awareness of the risks posed by these substances
may be low.
Another widely held but incorrect belief is
that the use of dangerous substances has
decreased. It is true that many well-known
harmful exposures (e.g. to PCB, asbestos and
mercury) have been significantly reduced owing
to political initiatives, legislation, public pressure
and measures from enterprises and social
partners. However, there are many less well-
known dangerous substances.12
In fact, workers in a wide range of jobs may
be exposed to a huge variety of dangerous
substances in today’s workplaces. In 2017 about
129,000 substances were classified according
to the Classification, Labelling and Packaging
Regulation (CLP).13 Also in May 2017, more
than 10,000 substances were registered in
the European Economic Area under REACH
(Regulation on Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals14),
of which about 40 % were manufactured or
imported at volumes over 100 tonnes.15 In
addition, about 5,000 substances were notified
under previous chemicals legislation.16 However,
it has to be kept in mind that REACH does not
cover dangerous substances that are generated
during work operations, such as dust or
combustion products.
The misconceptions about the nature and
prevalence of work-related exposures to
dangerous substances can lead employers and
workers to believe incorrectly that tackling
harmful exposures is not relevant to their
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
As a result, there is a clear need to raise
awareness of the prevalence of dangerous
substances, the importance of managing them
properly and the best methods for doing so. The
Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19 aims to
meet that need.
Furthermore, carrying out effective risk
assessments of workplace exposures to
dangerous substances can seem complicated,
as it is regarded as a relatively complex subject.
There is a great variety of guidance available
to support enterprises in managing dangerous
substances. However, the volume of material
and the range of sources can leave those
responsible for managing the risks uncertain
about where best to look for guidance. Therefore,
the campaign aims to improve access to and
awareness of the most relevant and widely
applicable practical solutions and guidance, as
well as disseminating examples of good practice.
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12 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
2. Managing dangerous substances
2.1. Establishing a culture of risk
The effective management of work-related
exposures to dangerous substances is only
possible if everyone in the workplace is well
informed about the risks and the measures that
can be taken to prevent them. A major success
factor in preventing accidents and ill health at
work is creating a culture of risk prevention,
where everyone understands that safety and
health is important to the organisation as a
This means that employers need to take
steps to actively involve workers in OSH
management processes. Employers are required
by EU legislation17 to involve workers in the
risk assessment process, provide them with
information on what they may be exposed to and
the results of health surveillance and workplace
measurements and provide training on safety
and health issues. They should also encourage
workers to protect themselves, discuss their
experiences and address shared problems.18
When a workplace has established a prevention
culture, the management of dangerous
substances is integrated into systematic, sound
and participative OSH management. Legal
obligations are met, of course, but, in addition,
preventing harm to workers is an integral aspect
of the way the enterprise organises its work and
the processes that are used when carrying out
the work.
In the following sections, we look at the relevant
legislation and some of the key measures
and practical solutions that are available to
prevent the risks that can arise from dangerous
© EU OSHA/Jim Holmes
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
How risk factors can interact
In new jobs, for example in the green
economy, the usual risks related to
dangerous substances often come in new
Special approaches to prevention that
take the combined risks into account may
be needed. For example, repair work on
turbine blades in wind parks involves
exposure to solvents, dusts and dangerous
ingredients of resins and glues, as well
as work at height, in variable weather
conditions and in confined spaces.
Therefore, the prevention measures that
might usually be used to avoid exposures,
such as local exhaust ventilation, may be
difficult to apply, and work procedures
have to take into account that workers
may use other devices such as harnesses
or respiratory protective equipment for
confined spaces.
© EU OSHA/Filip De Smet
14 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
2.2. Legislation on dangerous
Everyone involved in managing dangerous
substances in workplaces needs to be aware of
the legislative framework covering dangerous
substances in the EU.20
The most relevant legislation of all is the OSH
legislation that is specifically aimed at protecting
workers from health and safety risks in general
and of dangerous substances in the workplace
(e.g. the OSH Framework Directive, which sets
out the basic principles, the Chemical Agents
Directive, the Carcinogens Directive, and
the directives on limit values). It establishes
employers’ responsibility to ensure workplace
safety and health. Through its incorporation
into national legislation, the EU OSH legislation
requires employers to carry out risk assessments
of all safety and health risks, including the risks
from dangerous substances (see section 2.3).
The legislation also sets out a specific hierarchy
of prevention measures, which employers are
legally obliged to follow. Elimination of risks is
at the top of the hierarchy. This is followed by
substitution of dangerous substances with less
dangerous substances or safer materials or of a
process with one that is not hazardous or less
hazardous. Next are technological measures,
then organisational measures and, finally,
personal protective measures (including the
use of personal protective equipment, PPE).
This hierarchy is often referred to as the STOP
Technological measures
Organisational measures
Personal protection.21
The aim is to ensure that risks are tackled at
the source and to make collective measures
— that is, measures that protect a group of
workers in a systematic way — the first priority.
It is important that employers are aware that
much stricter measures apply for carcinogens
(see section 2.6). Member States are entitled to
apply additional or more detailed or stringent
regulations than those set out in the general
principles of the EU OSH directives. Therefore, it
is essential that employers consult the relevant
national OSH legislation.
Binding (which means that they must be met)
and indicative (as an indication of what should
be achieved) occupational exposure limit
values for dangerous substances are also laid
down in European OSH directives. Occupational
exposure limits (OELs) for hazardous
substances are important information for
risk assessment and management. Most EU
Member States establish their own national
OELs, usually including more substances than
the EU directives. However, OELs have been
set for only a limited number of the substances
currently used in the workplace.
... the employer shall first
determine whether any
hazardous chemical agents are
present at the workplace. If so,
he shall then assess any risk to
the safety and health of workers
arising from the presence of
those chemical agents.’
Article 4 of the Chemical Agents
EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work | 15
Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
Other regulations and guidelines cover specific
aspects such as manufacturing, supplying,
transporting and labelling dangerous substances,
and these are often relevant to the workplace
too. For example, the REACH legislation and the
CLP Regulation, aim to ensure the availability
of information that is vital for workplace risk
assessment. They require chemical manufacturers
and suppliers to ensure that standardised safety
labels, hazard pictograms and safety data sheets
are provided. These provide information on
the properties of substances and the hazards
associated with them, and guidance on storage,
handling and risk prevention.
The REACH and CLP regulations introduced some
changes that are connected in important ways
with OSH legislation, for example:
new information in safety data sheets (data
from chemical safety reports, exposure
scenarios, intended uses);
restriction and the need for authorisation of
use of certain substances;
new classification and labelling requirements,
including new hazard symbols and labels.
As part of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign
2018-19, EU-OSHA aims to promote awareness
of these changes and their implications for
managing dangerous substances in the
workplace. This will be achieved by disseminating
information about tools and guidance that
support OSH risk assessment and management,
as well as substitution, and improving access
to resources that provide information about
dangerous substances.
16 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
Directive 89/391/EEC (the OSH Framework Directive)
of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and
health of workers at work — the ‘Framework Directive’
Directive 98/24/EC (the Chemical Agents Directive, CAD)
of 7 April 1998 on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to
chemical agents at work
Directive 2004/37/EC (the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive, CMD)
of 29 April 2004 on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens
or mutagens at work
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Regulation)
of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals (REACH) and establishing a European Chemicals Agency
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation)
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling
and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and
1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
There are also regulations and directives covering specific groups of dangerous substances in
the workplace and setting indicative occupational exposure limit values.
Some key EU directives and regulations
© Sven Hoppe - Fotolia
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
2.3. Risk assessment
As the legislation at EU and Member State levels
makes clear, workplace risk assessment is an
absolutely essential precondition for successful
In carrying out the assessment of any risk
posed by hazardous substances present at the
workplace, employers must consider:
the hazardous properties;
the possibility of elimination or substitution;
the information on safety and health that
has to be provided by the supplier (e.g. the
relevant safety data sheets);
the level, type and duration of exposure and
the number of workers exposed;
the circumstances of work involving such
substances, including the amount;
any occupational exposure limit values or
biological limit values;
the effects of preventive measures; and
the conclusions to be drawn from any health
surveillance already undertaken.
For SMEs in particular, it is helpful to break the
risk assessment process down into steps, which
makes it more manageable. A risk assessment for
dangerous substances should involve:
1. Making an inventory of dangerous
substances in the workplace and those
generated by work processes.
2. Collecting information (for chemical products
from safety data sheets, for example) on the
harm that these substances can cause and
the prevention measures recommended by
suppliers and manufacturers or in guidance.
This information should also be used to
inform and train workers and draft workplace
instructions for processes and handling
3. Assessing exposure to the identified
dangerous substances, looking at the type,
intensity, length, frequency and occurrence
of exposure to workers, including the
combined effects of dangerous substances
used together and the related risk.
4. Drawing up an action plan. It should list
the steps to be taken, in order of priority,
to reduce the risks to workers and should
specify by whom, how and by what
date each step should be taken. In some
countries, for standard working operations
such as filling, pumping, drilling, grinding
or welding, practical information on tested
control techniques is available (direct advice
or control guidance sheets).22
5. Taking into account any workers that may
be particularly at risk and specifying the
measures to be taken to protect them and any
additional training and information needs.
6. Taking into account workers who may
be exposed when doing maintenance or
repair work or accidentally, for example
to intermediary products in a chemical
production process that is usually closed.
Workers should know who to contact
if things go wrong and how to protect
themselves in the event of an incident.
7. The risk assessment should be regularly
revised and updated.
Effective risk assessment and prevention require
employers to keep themselves and their workers
well informed and trained. Workers also need
to be consulted on the risk assessment and if
there are changes to the substances, products
and work processes involved in their jobs.
Furthermore, a number of tools have been
developed by Member States and other actors to
help enterprises to carry out risk assessments.
18 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
Helpful tools for carrying out risk assessments and finding recommendations for prevention
Instrument Country Focus
EU-OSHA’s e-tool
‘Healthy Workplaces
Manage Dangerous
Practical tool to help in managing the risks posed by dangerous substances in the workplace
Interactive and user friendly
Offers practical measures to eliminate and minimise risks
platform EU-wide
Web platform offering free access to interactive and sector-specific risk assessment tools
Some OiRA tools cover the risks posed by dangerous substances, depending on the sector in question
Many of the tools are available in different languages
COSHH Essentials and
Kingdom, but
Easy, stepped approach to risk assessment and the factors that identify a suitable control approach
Uses risk matrices to identify appropriate controls
Provides general control approaches and task-specific guidance
Direct advice sheets:
For the construction, chemicals, metals and other industries
Database complemented by product codes for groups of substances in common usage
Link to a platform for the exchange of safety data sheets
Stoffenmanager Netherlands
For different types of enterprises
Structures relevant knowledge and information
Available in six languages
Includes a well-accepted quantitative exposure model
EMKG (Easy-to-Use
Workplace Control
Scheme for Hazardous
Practical guidelines for risk management
Support for SMEs
Translates information from safety data sheets and workplaces into practical risk-reducing measures
KemiGuiden Sweden
For small firms
Interactive tool
Provides tailored advice on risk assessment and control, based on answers to questions concerning the
company’s situation
Interactive tool
Allows for a tailored approach, taking account of different levels of experience and complexity
Offers tailored advice on risk assessment and control, based on answers to questions concerning the
company’s situation
EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work | 19
Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
Good practice: Elimination
Welding and soldering of domestic pipes
exposes welders to dangerous substances
in the fumes released. However, welding
and soldering can be eliminated by using
a pipe-pressing tool, which is a special
gripper that joins the pipes under high
pressure. Additional advantages such as the
speed and ease of this novel solution were
crucial for its rapid uptake and helped to
make this new technique choice a success.
2.4. Practical solutions
A great deal of guidance and many practical tools
are available to help in dealing with dangerous
substances. Public institutions and authorities,
industrial associations and trade unions have
produced many tools and guidance materials
with the specific goals of supporting enterprises
in this area and helping the authorities to
enforce the relevant legislation. These range
from the general to the more specific. For
example, they might focus on how to make
decisions on substitution or they might make
recommendations for solutions for typical
working tasks or in a particular occupation or
As part of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign
2018-19, EU-OSHA has gathered together a
collection of these tools, guidance materials
and good practice examples, including audio-
visual materials, on the campaign website
( There are
resources to support labour inspectorates, SMEs
and workers’ representatives, among many
others, so it’s well worth visiting the site to find
out about the help that is on offer.
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20 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
A residential home for the elderly in Spain used
a disinfectant to clean the rooms of deceased
patients. It contained, among other substances,
triclosan and 2-butoxyethanol, potent irritants
and toxic. One of the workers who used the
product suffered from throat irritation and
respiratory problems.
The worker’s union representative was informed
about the situation and the regional union’s
safety and health department explained the
problem to the employers. The regional union
then began to look for alternatives with the
assistance of the Spanish Union Institute of Work,
Environment and Health (ISTAS).
Several alternatives were assessed and a decision
was made to substitute the disinfectant with a
product based on didecyldimethylammonium
chloride and ethoxylated alcohols. The alternative
was not risk-free and had to be handled using
adequate protection measures. However, the risks
posed by the alternative were less significant.
Another benefit was that the replacement
product caused less environmental damage.
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
National figures indicate that
workers under 25 years of age are
exposed to carcinogenic substances
more than any other age group.25
2.5. Some groups of workers are at
particular risk
All workers need to be equally protected from
the risks caused by dangerous substances.
However, the particular sensitivity or conditions
of some groups of workers might be overlooked
and they may therefore be more at risk. The
risk might be higher because these workers
are inexperienced, uninformed or physically
more vulnerable, or because they frequently
change jobs, or work in sectors where awareness
of the issue is low, or because of a higher or
different physiological sensitivity (e.g. in young
apprentices, or differences between men and
Groups exposed to particular risks may include
women, young workers, migrant workers, and
workers who are less likely to have received
training and information (e.g. subcontracted
or temporary workers and those working
in the informal economy). Sectors in which
these groups of workers are often exposed to
dangerous substances include agriculture and
horticulture, construction, waste management,
transport, hairdressing, professional cleaning
work, health and social care, and hotels,
restaurants and catering. In addition, exposures
of workers in certain occupations, for example
cleaning and maintenance, waste and wastewater
management or emergency and rescue services,
vary and are often unpredictable.
The particular needs of these workers have to
be taken into account when assessing the risks
posed by dangerous substances in a workplace23
and when setting prevention measures. For
example, its important that they have access to
the results of risk assessments, that they are given
training and that their participation in decisions
on how the risks are managed is ensured.
It is crucial that the risks to which these workers
are exposed are not underestimated and
that, as for other workers, the principles of
risk assessment, substitution and elimination
are applied, and the hierarchy of prevention
measures respected. Guidance is available for
enterprises employing members of vulnerable
groups, for example the UK Health and Safety
Executive’s toolbox for managing the safety and
health of migrant workers.24
22 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
The limited adaptation of PPE to certain groups,
particularly women, is a critical workplace health
and safety issue.26, 27, 28
Personal protective equipment, such as
respirators, fall protection harnesses, safety
shoes, gloves, hard hats and safety goggles may
be too large for many women. This poses both
health hazards when respirators don’t protect
adequately against chemicals, and safety hazards
where loose clothing and gloves get caught in
machinery. Many women may find the poorly
fitting equipment uncomfortable and do not
wear it, putting themselves at risk of injury.
To address this particular issue, several guidance
documents are available: the Industrial Accident
Prevention Association and the Ontario Women’s
Directorate have developed a directory, the
Canadian Centre for Construction Research and
Training developed a series of checklists (for
equipment for the head and eyes, hearing PPE,
gloves, foot protection and bodyguards) that
could be used by women workers to assess
whether their PPE fitted properly29 and the
UK national trade union centre has published
guidance for workers’ representatives.30
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
NOP-online31 is an example of how an interactive
database can support OSH education and
training in laboratory safety.32 It is aimed at
students on organic chemistry lab courses,
which are obligatory in university curricula in
science, medicine and some engineering studies.
Typically, in such courses, students learn basic
laboratory techniques of synthesis and analysis.
Procedures for avoiding toxic substances are not
taught in an explicit way.
NOP-online is a collection of descriptions of
experiments in organic chemistry. Experiments
can be browsed by title, number, working
technique, and substance class and reaction type.
Students can obtain a detailed description of
the substances used in an experiment and those
produced by a chemical reaction. This includes
information on the safety and health risks and
the availability of toxicological data on these
substances. Different colours indicate the toxicity
and eco-toxicity of the various substances,
and whether or not a particular substance has
been thoroughly tested for harmful effects.
Each experiment description is accompanied by
detailed laboratory instructions, advice on safety
and analysis procedures and further information
on sustainability issues. A final evaluation
enables students to compare reactions and
the substances that result from them, gaining
an insight into the risks associated with each
experiment and its mass and energy efficiency.
The website is constantly updated, with users
invited to add comments and actively participate
in building up the resources. All the information
is available in German, English and Italian,
and some is also available in Arabic, Turkish,
Indonesian, Portuguese and Russian.
24 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
2.6. Carcinogens and work-related
Around 1.6 million people of working age are
diagnosed with cancer in Europe each year. The
total number of people in the EU estimated
to develop cancer as a result of occupational
exposure to carcinogens is greater than 120,000
per year, resulting in almost 80,000 deaths per
year.33,34 In fact, according to International Labour
Organization (ILO) and EU estimates, carcinogens
are the cause of the majority of fatal occupational
diseases in the EU.35
Many cases of work-related cancer are
preventable: for example, in Britain an estimated
8,000 workers die from occupational cancer
each year due to past exposures to carcinogens
at work. However, in future many of these cases
can be prevented using a mixed intervention
approach to improve compliance with current
occupational exposure limits.36
There are hundreds of dangerous substances
classified as carcinogens to which workers may
be exposed,37 and in fact some of the substances
to which workers are most frequently exposed
are carcinogenic. Specific studies show high
exposures to carcinogens. The Australian Work
Exposures Study, for example, found that, in
2011/12, about 37 % of participants were exposed
to at least one occupational carcinogen in the
In addition, some of the carcinogens identified
in workplaces are generated by work processes
themselves and are therefore not covered by the
REACH legislation and its processes based on
safety data sheets and communication up and
down the supply chain. For these carcinogens,
other ways of promoting prevention and raising
awareness have to be sought. Recent successes
in limiting exposure to tobacco smoke at work
is a good example of how combined efforts can
reduce exposures considerably.
A French study39 found that young workers and
maintenance workers are more exposed and
likely to be exposed to several carcinogens at
the same time. It also found that the substances
to which workers are significantly exposed are
those for which control measures are difficult
to implement. This is because they are process
generated, for example combustion products
such as diesel exhaust emissions, welding fumes,
soot and tar, bitumen, and respirable crystalline
Workers in particular occupations may also be
at increased risk of exposure to carcinogens,
for example, welders, painters, hairdressers and
It is important that employers are aware that,
under EU legislation, particularly stringent
measures must be taken to prevent harm caused
by exposure to carcinogens at work. These are in
addition to those required for other dangerous
substances. The extra measures include strict
substitution requirements, working in a closed
system, recording exposures and stricter
information and documentation requirements.
The direct costs of carcinogen
exposure at work across Europe
are estimated at EUR 2.4 billion
per year.41
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
In 2016, the Netherlands Presidency of the
Council of the EU put the prevention of
exposure to carcinogens at the top of its
OSH priority list. It initiated a covenant on
joint cooperation between EU-OSHA, the
European social partners, the European
Commission and the labour ministries of
the Netherlands and Austria.
The signatories pledged to draw up a
Roadmap on Carcinogens, an action
scheme with the aims of raising awareness
of the risks, identifying smart solutions
and sharing good practices.
EU-OSHA is helping to promote the
scheme, including through the Healthy
Workplaces Campaign 2018-19.
Find out more about the plans for action
Roadmap on Carcinogens
© michaeljung - Fotolia
26 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
doi:10.2802/57908 ISBN: 978-92-9240-082-8
The Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee (SLIC)
has published guidance for national labour
inspectors, developed by its SLIC Chemex
group, on addressing risks to workers caused by
exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS)42 on
construction sites.43, 44
RCS is widely encountered in EU workplaces in a
number of industry sectors including quarrying,
brickmaking and construction, and it is known to
cause serious illnesses such as silicosis, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung
cancer. The construction sector is the focus of the
guidance document because of the prevalence
of RCS in that sector and because of its high risks
in terms of potential for exposure and the large
number of workers potentially exposed.
The guidance provides national labour
inspectors with background
information on RCS, the health risks
it poses, the regulatory framework
and recommended control
measures. Methods of exposure
control include eliminating RCS from the process,
adapting the process to reduce emissions into
the work area (e.g. by using water to keep
dust from becoming airborne or by using local
ventilation) and using respiratory PPE.
It recommends actions where potential high,
medium or low health risks from RCS may be
encountered, depending on the extent and level
of controls implemented by the employer at the
time of inspection. The measures recommended
follow the hierarchy of prevention measures and
include important examples of relevant control
A number of task sheets concentrating on typical
work situations provide practical information for
labour inspectors on the ground; they include
pictures of poor and good practices, and give
advice on how to proceed in certain
situations. Training materials for
labour inspectors have also
been developed.
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
3. The Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19
3.1. About this campaign
Despite efforts at EU, national and sectoral levels
to limit work-related exposures to dangerous
substances, Europe’s workers still experience
exposures, which may cause and contribute to
health problems, diseases and fatalities.
The Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19 aims
to help tackle this problem by achieving five
strategic objectives:
1. Raising awareness of the importance and
relevance of managing dangerous substances
in European workplaces by providing facts
and figures on exposures to dangerous
substances and their impact on workers.
2. Promoting risk assessment, elimination and
substitution, and the hierarchy of prevention
measures by providing information on
practical tools and good practice examples.
3. Raising awareness of the risks linked
to exposure to carcinogens at work by
supporting the exchange of good practices
as a signatory to the covenant committing to
the Roadmap on Carcinogens.
4. Targeting groups of workers with specific
needs and higher levels of risk, for example
as a result of their limited knowledge about
dangerous substances, by providing facts
and figures and good practice information.
5. Increasing awareness of policy developments
and the legislative framework by providing
an overview of the existing framework and
existing guidance.
An EU-OSHA-led campaign can make a significant
contribution in many of these areas. Above all,
however, it will build partnerships to ensure that
scientific and practical knowledge is brought
together and ‘translated’ into practical solutions
for managing the risks posed by dangerous
substances in the workplace.
The Healthy Workplaces Campaign aims to
achieve its goals through intermediaries who
can help EU-OSHA to reach the campaign’s
beneficiaries in workplaces throughout Europe.
EU-OSHA will develop a range of resources that
can be used and adapted by Member States,
partner organisations and enterprises, as well
as organising some key activities and events.
These will include the Healthy Workplaces Good
Practice Awards (see section 3.4).
EU-OSHA will also host the final event of the
campaign, the Healthy Workplaces Summit,
which offers a chance for the networks and
partners who have contributed to the campaign
to reflect and build on the achievements and
lessons of the previous two years.
Key dates
Campaign launch
April 2018
European Weeks for Safety and Health
at Work
October 2018 and 2019
Healthy Workplaces Good Practice
Exchange event
1st quarter of 2019
Healthy Workplaces Summit
November 2019
28 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
3.2. Who can take part in the
We encourage all interested organisations and
individuals to join us in the campaign, but it aims
in particular to work with the following groups of
intermediaries to spread the word:
EU-OSHA’s focal points and their networks;
social partners (European and national);
sectoral social dialogue committees;
policy-makers (European and national);
large enterprises, sectoral federations and
associations of SMEs;
European institutions and their networks
(Enterprise Europe Network);
European non-governmental organisations;
OSH professionals and their associations;
the OSH research community;
labour inspectorates and their associations;
the media.
© EU OSHA/Jim Holmes
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
3.3. How to get involved
There are many practical ways of getting involved
and supporting this campaign:
raising awareness by disseminating and
publicising the campaign materials;
organising events and activities, for example
workshops and seminars, training courses,
promoting the substitution principle and the
hierarchy of prevention measures;
using and promoting the practical tools and
other resources for managing dangerous
substances in the workplace;
sharing good practices for the prevention of
risks posed by dangerous substances in the
taking part in the Healthy Workplaces Good
Practice Awards;
getting involved in the European Weeks for
Safety and Health at Work each October in
2018 and 2019;
becoming an official campaign partner
(open to pan-European or international
becoming a national campaign partner
(open to organisations operating at national
becoming a campaign media partner (open
to national or European media outlets);
keeping in touch and up to date via
the campaign website
( and our
social media outlets — find us on Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn.
Official campaign partners undertake to promote
the campaign and support it in practical ways. In
return, the campaign partnership offer brings a
number of benefits, including taking part in good
practice exchange events and other networking
opportunities. Find out more on the campaign
30 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
3.4. The Healthy Workplaces Good
Practice Awards
The Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards
recognise outstanding and innovative workplace
safety and health practices. In this way, they
demonstrate the benefits to businesses of
adopting good OSH practices.
All organisations in Member States, candidate
countries, potential candidate countries and
members of the European Free Trade Association
(EFTA) are welcome to submit entries.
Entries should demonstrate:
employers and workers working together
to manage the risks posed by dangerous
substances in the workplace and to promote
a strong culture of risk prevention;
successful implementation of interventions;
measurable improvements in workplace
safety and health;
sustainability of interventions over time;
interventions that are transferable to
other organisations in different sectors or
EU-OSHA’s network of focal points collects
entries and nominates national winners for
entry to the pan-European competition. The
Good Practice Awards competition begins at
the same time as the campaign is launched. The
winners are announced at a ceremony, held in
the second year of the campaign, to celebrate the
achievements of the participants.
Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards
Promoting a sustainable working life
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
3.5. Our network of partners
Our partnerships with key stakeholders are crucial
to the success of our campaigns. We rely on the
support of a number of partnership networks:
National focal points: all Healthy
Workplaces Campaigns are coordinated at
the national level by EU-OSHA’s network of
focal points.
European social partners: the social
partners represent the interests of workers
and employers at the European level.
Official campaign partners: 100 pan-
European and international enterprises
and organisations support the Healthy
Workplaces Campaign as campaign partners.
Media partners: the Healthy Workplaces
Campaign is supported by an exclusive
pool of journalists and editors across
Europe who are dedicated to promoting
workplace safety and health. Leading
European OSH publications raise awareness
of and promote the campaign. In return, the
media partnership offer raises the profile of
publications and allows partners to connect
with EU-OSHA’s networks and stakeholders
across Europe.
Enterprise Europe Network: the EEN
advises and supports SMEs across Europe to
take advantage of business opportunities
and new markets. As a result of its long-
standing cooperation with EU-OSHA, the
EEN has a network of national-level OSH
Ambassadors in 30 European countries, and
they play an active role in promoting the
Healthy Workplaces Campaign.
EU institutions and their networks: in
particular the holders of the Presidencies of
the European Council.
Other EU bodies with a particular interest
in the campaign topic: the European
Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European
Environment Agency (EEA), the European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the Executive
Agency for Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises (EASME), the European Institute
for Gender Equality (EIGE), Eurofound and
the Joint Research Centre (JRC).
Find out more about our partners on the campaign
website (
© EU OSHA/Pierre Wachholder
32 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
3.6. Further information and resources
Visit the campaign website (https://healthy- to find a wide range of campaign
materials designed to help you promote and
support the campaign. These include:
The campaign leaflet and a flyer for the
Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards;
PowerPoint presentations, posters,
infographics and other materials;
the campaign toolkit — advice on running
your own campaign and resources to support
the latest animated videos featuring Napo
and colleagues raising awareness of issues
related to dangerous substances, including
classification, labelling and packaging of
chemicals, tobacco smoke, and dust;
a practical e-tool for the management of
dangerous substances in the workplace;
a database of case studies, instruments and
tools, audio-visual materials and other good
practice materials collected from around
a series of short infosheets on priority topics
related to dangerous substances;
links to useful sites.
Keep in touch and up to date with our activities and
events through our social media outlets — find us on
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
© EU OSHA/Andrej Potrc
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Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances
References and notes
(1) Summary — Second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2), EU-OSHA, 2015, p. 5. Available at:
(2) Sixth European Working Conditions Survey, Overview Report, Eurofound, 2016, p. 43. Available at:
(3) ESENER-2 — Overview Report: Managing Safety and Health at Work, EU-OSHA, 2016, p. 18. Available at:
(5) See also EU-OSHA, ‘Dangerous substances’:
(6) The EU legislation uses the term ‘chemical agents’ to cover single substances, mixtures and process-generated substances
(7) CLP regulation: Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and
packaging of substances and mixtures; see also
(9) SLIC, Final report on the SLIC inspection campaign ‘Risk assessment in the use of dangerous substances, 2010-2011’ (unpublished).
(10) Commission Recommendation 2003/670/EC of 19 September 2003 concerning the European schedule of occupational diseases. Available at:
(11) HSE (UK Health and Safety Executive), ‘School cook can hardly walk’:
(12) Currently (July 2017), the US Chemical Abstracts Service Registry lists more than 130 million organic and inorganic substances
and 67 million protein and DNA sequences. The Registry is updated with approximately 15,000 additional new substances daily:
(14) See
(15) ECHA Registration statistics, data as at 15 May 2017:
In 2018, in a third round of registrations ECHA will receive the dossiers for chemicals with a manufacturing or import volume of between 1 and 100
tonnes and is expecting to register 25,000 substances:
(16) Substances notified under Directive 67/548/EEC (NONS) prior to the introduction of REACH are considered registered.
(17) Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at
work, particularly Articles 9, 10 and 11.
(18) Kim Y., Park J. and Park M., 2016, ‘Creating a culture of prevention in occupational safety and health practice’, Safety and Health at Work (SH@W), 7, pp.
89-96. Available at:
(20) See Keen C., ‘Dangerous substances (chemical and biological, OSHwiki:
(21) See Article 6 of Council Directive 98/24/EC of 7 April 1998 on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical
agents at work. Available at:
(22) See the UK HSE for direct advice sheets ( and BAUA (, under Topic section, EMKG).
(23) See Webster J., ‘Groups at risk’, OSHwiki:
(25) OSH in figures: Young workers — Facts and figures, EU-OSHA, 2007. Available at:
(26) Mainstreaming gender into occupational safety and health practice, EU-OSHA, 2014. Available at:
34 | EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Campaign Guide
(27) Larmour J. and Peters J., 2010, WES safety clothing and footwear survey, Women’s Engineering Society. Available at:
(30) Personal protective equipment and women: Guidance for workplace representatives, TUC, 2017. Available at:
(32) Mainstreaming occupational safety and health into university education, EU-OSHA, 2010. Available at:
(34) Jongeneel W. P., Eysink P. E. D., Theodori D., Hamberg-van Reenen H. H. and Verhoeven J. K., 2016, Work-related cancer in the European Union: Size,
impact and options for further prevention, RIVM Letter Report 2016-0010.
(35) Nenonen N., Hämäläinen P., Takala J., Saarela K. L., Lim S. L., Lim G. K., Manickam K. and Yong E., 2014, Global estimates of occupational accidents and
fatal work-related diseases in 2014, Workplace Safety & Health Institute, Singapore.
(36) Hutchings S., Cherrie J. W., Van Tongeren M. and Rushton L., 2012, ‘Intervening to reduce the future burden of occupational cancer in Britain: what
could work?’, Cancer Prevention Research, 5(10), pp. 1213-1222.
(37) The EU legislation covers more than 270 carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic (CMR) substances in category 1 (A&B) and more than 150
in category 2, while the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies more than 460 agents (not only chemicals) in categories
1 and 2 (A&B), See Stepa R. A., Schmitz-Felten E. and Brentzel S., ‘Carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic (CMR) substances’, OSHwiki:,_mutagenic,_reprotoxic_(CMR)_substances
(38) Carey, R., Driscoll, T. R., Peters, S. M., Glass, D. C., Reid, A., Benke, G. and Fritschi, L., 2014, ‘Estimated prevalence of exposure to occupational carcinogens
in Australia (2011-2012)’, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71, pp. 55-62.
(39) Cavet M. and Léonard M., 2013, ‘Les expositions aux produits chimiques cancérogènes en 2010’, Dares Analyses No 054.
(40) Exposure to carcinogens and work-related cancer: A review of assessment methods, EU-OSHA 2014. Available at
(41) Roadmap on Carcinogens website:
(42) ‘Crystalline silica’ refers to a group of naturally occurring minerals in stone, rocks, sands and clays; they are common components in construction
materials. Cutting, breaking, crushing, drilling, grinding or abrasive blasting of silica-containing materials produces airborne dust containing a range
of sizes of crystalline silica particles, some of which can be inhaled. The finest particles are those that can penetrate to the gas exchange region of the
lungs, where they cause damage. These particles are respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and are invisible under normal lighting conditions.
(43) Guidance for National Labour Inspectors on addressing risks from worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) on construction sites, SLIC
2016. Available at:
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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018
Print ISBN 978-92-9496-412-0 doi:10.2802/02788 TE-06-17-018-EN-C
Web ISBN 978-92-9496-416-8 doi:10.2802/81793 TE-06-17-018-EN-N
© European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2018
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
For reproduction or use of any photo that do not belong to EU-OSHA, permission must be sought directly from the
copyright holder.
The photographs used in this publication illustrate a range of work activities. They do not necessarily show good
practices or compliance with legislative requirements.
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-
OSHA) contributes to making Europe a safer, healthier and
more productive place to work. Set up by the European
Union in 1994 and based in Bilbao, Spain, the Agency
researches, develops and distributes reliable, balanced and
impartial safety and health information, networking with
organisations across Europe to improve working conditions.
EU-OSHA also runs the 2-year-long Healthy Workplaces
Campaigns, backed by the EU institutions and the European
social partners, and coordinated at the national level by the
Agency’s network of focal points. The 2018-19 campaign,
Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances,
aims to raise awareness of the risks posed by dangerous
substances in the workplace and to promote a culture of risk
European Agency for Safety and
Health at Work
C/Santiago de Compostela 12
48003 Bilbao, SPAIN

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