STYLE GUIDE Current Protocol User

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Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques


Sean Gallagher
UVP Inc.

Karen Chambers, Senior Developmental
111 River Street, MSC 8-02
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Phone: (201) 748-7773
Fax: (201) 748-6313

Emily Wiley
Claremont Colleges

Bill Mullen, Editorial Program Assistant
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Phone: (201) 748-6894
Fax: (201) 748-6207

Revised 7/18/2011




Sean Gallagher
tel: (909) 946-3197
fax: (909) 946-3597

UVP, Inc.
2066 West 11th Street
Upland, CA 91786

Emily Wiley
tel: (909) 607-9698

Keck Joint Science Department
W.M. Keck Science Center
Claremont Colleges
925 N Mills Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711

Andre R.O. Cavalacanti (Guest Editor)
tel: 909-607-0003

R. C. Seaver Biology Building, Room 37
175 W Sixth Street
Claremont, CA 91711

Nicholas A. Stover (Guest Editor)
tel: (309)-677-3675

1501 West Bradley Avenue
Peoria, IL 61625

Revised 7/18/2011

Quick Guide to Unit Str ucture
Full descriptions of these elements are described in detail following this Quick Guide.



Title Page: Title, author(s), affiliation(s), phone/fax/e-mail contacts
Unit Introduction
Gives context in relation to unit; short description of individual protocols in unit
Brief overview of the unit, do not include reference; maximum length 150 words
Five to ten keywords summarizing principles of the unit
Overview and Principles
Provide the rationale, and physical and chemical principles behind the experimental method.
Strategic Planning
Describe specific variables, parameters, and conditions that the researcher will need to understand
prior to beginning the experiment(s).
Safety Considerations
Include all important safety information for the methods outlined in the manuscript.



Basic Protocol(s)






Materials List


Steps and Annotations

Alternate and/or Support Protocols (item 7; optional)
Same elements as for basic protocols

Reagents and Solutions
Recipes for solutions in all protocols; storage conditions (shelf life & temperature)
Understanding Results
Describe what the expected result of the technique(s) should be and discuss what the results mean.


What might go wrong with the experiment and how to correct it.


Other ways to perform the procedure that are beyond the scope of the unit, and where to find them


Literature Cited


Key References with Annotations (optional)


Internet Resources with Annotations (optional)


Tables and/or Figures
To illustrate setup or results; may also be included in other sections

Revised 7/18/2011

Style Guide for Contributors
Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques (CPET) is the latest title in the well respected Current
Protocols series. While CPET online is closely related to the bound, printed methods manual, Current Protocols
Essential Laboratory Techniques (,
CPET Online is a distinct title. Like the other titles in the CP series, CPET is an updated serial publication, not a
book. Updates occur regularly and may include new content, updated content, or both. This format is ideal for
both the topics covered and the intended audience as it allows for CPET to be the most up-to-date yet
comprehensive resource for the novice in the laboratory.

Our goal in producing this title is to create a practical and reliable reference for the novice in the laboratory,
particularly those who have not had the benefit of a well designed course in laboratory methods. By connecting
detailed steps describing how common experiments are actually performed in the majority of modern laboratories
with the rationale behind those steps, and combining this information with key planning tips and troubleshooting
guides, all in an easy-to-use format, this title seeks to provide the novice the means to quickly become a
productive member of the laboratory.

Unlike previous titles in the series, which assume at least some familiarity with basic laboratory techniques, this
title is intended to provide an invaluable resource to the researcher entering or preparing to enter the modern life
science laboratory for the very first time. It is assumed that readers of this book will have taken introductory
courses in chemistry, biology, and physics. Although some may also have more advanced training, it should be
assumed that the reader will have no practical experience outside of introductory laboratory courses. Therefore,
this text will serve as his or her first experience with the techniques described.

It goes without saying that value of this title to the scientific community depends principally upon the quality and
comprehensiveness of the manuscripts you and your fellow authors contribute. Procedures should be succinct,
with enough information given in the step annotations and text portions of the unit to instill an instinctual level of
comprehension of the principles underlying the techniques. Every research question is unique; thus, the reader
must be given enough information to tailor the experiment to his or her own needs. The goal of the manuscript
should be to equip the reader with a skill set that will continue to be applied and improved over the course of his
or her research career.
Author adherence to a clear and consistent style is vital to the success of this endeavor. Given the wide difference
in expertise and background each contributor will bring to the work, and the inability of the reader to draw on
their own experience for interpretation, it is critical that you follow the guidelines presented here.
During the course of your enlistment, the Editorial Board will work with you to define the scope and content of
( so that you will be able to see how your
manuscript fits in the overall work. Please do not hesitate to discuss the content of your manuscript, or to make
suggestions for additional content with the Editorial Board, or the Developmental Editor (
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You have been asked to contribute because you are considered an expert in your field and the best conduit to
relay important knowledge to our readers: your ideas and opinions are vital to the success of this title.
The draft that you submit should include as much information as possible. Err on the side of verbosity but avoid
redundancy: it is better to have too much information than too little. There is no set page count for individual
units; as this is a continually updated title, if there is insufficient space in one update, your manuscript will be
published in the next. Providing the highest quality content should be your primary goal. Editorial Board
members will review the work and may choose to omit portions at their discretion.
Contributors are not responsible for such technical formatting requirements as indentation, alignment, vertical
spacing, line numbering, or margins. We value your scientific expertise and your ability to relate it: your effort
should be focused on the content, not the technical aspects of formatting the manuscript.

This manual will be organized into chapters, each containing a number of units. The unit is the major
component of the manual and the focus of your contribution (also see organization); in general it consists of a
thorough treatment of the theory and rationale behind the technique being described, as well as a series of stepby-step instructions—a protocol or several related protocols—plus supporting material such as recipes (for
reagents and complex apparatuses) and a list of references where more information can be obtained about
common variations. In some instances a particular topic is better covered as a general review rather than in a
stepwise fashion. For more information on the types of units, please see “Organization” below. If you have
questions regarding the actual format of the work, please contact the Developmental Editor.

Current Protocols uses two types of units, commentary style and the protocol style. Unless specifically instructed
otherwise, compose your contribution to Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques in the protocol
style, the components of which are discussed below. Feel free to contact the Developmental Editor (Aidee Ayala;, 201-748-7795) with any questions regarding the format or style of your submission.

Commentar y-Style Units
A commentary-style unit is presented as explanatory text with no protocol steps, and is often used for overviews
of key topics. Material is broken into sections using heads and subheads (up to four levels). Although the
Literature Cited section (see below) is expected to be longer than a protocol-style contribution, it is asked that,
when appropriate, recent reviews be cited as sources of older primary literature to keep the length reasonable.
You have a great deal of leeway in designing such a manuscript; however, as with all contributions, the
commentary-style unit must contain a title page, summary, keywords, and unit title.
As this material will be treating much of the theory behind the methodology presented in other units, it is
important that you present clear and concise explanations in a way that is easy for the novice to understand. It is
therefore expected that this type of manuscript will contain numerous equations and figures (see end of this guide
for instructions on submitting figures).
Should you require assistance with organizing your contribution, please do not hesitate to contact the
Developmental Editor.
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Pr otocol-Style Units
Listed below are descriptive passages of the elements in the protocol-style unit listed in the order in which they
should appear in your manuscript.

Begin the file with the title of manuscript (see Unit Title, below). Following this, for each author, include name
(as it should appear in print), current affiliation, phone and fax number, and e-mail address. Indicate the contact
author with an asterisk and, as a separate paragraph, the order in which author names should appear when listed
on a single line (e.g., “Order: author1, author2,…”). List the formats of all files submitted. If art files do not have
immediately recognizable names, please indicate the numbers to which they correspond.

Provide a brief (1 paragraph, <151 words) informal summary of your manuscript. It should be distinct from the
Overview and Principles (see below), and cannot contain references. The abstract will be freely available to the
public and may be the only information a reader may have to determine whether to purchase an individual unit.
Please try to explain the importance of the unit and its contents as well as possible. Also note that should this title
be indexed by PubMed, this abstract will be available by the indexing service.

Provide five to ten keywords which best summarize the principle topics of your manuscript. Do not repeat words
in the unit title or use the word “protocol.”

Succinctly describe the subject of your contribution. Maintain a consistent tone and phrasing parallel to other unit
titles (refer to the online Table of Contents and consult the Developmental Editor if necessary). Define all
abbreviations and avoid the use of words such as “method,” “technique,” “procedure,” and “protocol.”

Provide the rationale, and physical and chemical principles behind the experimental method. This section should
provide a solid foundation concerning the theory behind the techniques described in the unit. The primary
purpose of this section is to serve as a teaching tool and will therefore be the most like a textbook. Allow the
reader to see the technique through the lens of your experience. What concepts were most difficult for you to
understand and learn? What finally made this “click?” What errors have you seen repeated by members new to
your laboratory? What principles are poorly understood by the average researcher, even your contemporaries?
Collate and compress this information. Keep language simple and concise.

In detail, describe specific variables, parameters, and conditions that the researcher will need to understand prior
to beginning the experiment(s). This may include such topics as the appropriate handling of apparatus,
organization of materials on the benchtop, key steps to perform quickly, etc. Also include time considerations and
critical parameters that are inappropriate for step annotations and protocol introductions. You are strongly
encouraged to include flow charts which provide the reader a graphical representation of how the protocols
interrelate with each other as well as techniques outside the scope of the unit (see Variations below).
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Include all important safety information for the methods outlined in the manuscript. Bear in mind that the readers
will have limited scientific training and thus potentially be more at risk than a more experienced laboratorian.
This section does not preclude the use of cautionary notes following relevant steps. Although extensive
redundancy should be avoided, err on the side of conservatism.

This section will begin the methods portion of the manuscript, and in fact, more advanced readers may skip
directly to it. Begin this section with the title “Protocol” or “Protocols,” depending on number. For units
containing more than one protocol, include a brief description of each and explain how they fit together in the
context of the larger unit. Keep the amount of text in this section to a minimum (1-2 paragraphs maximum). In
units with only a single protocol, this expository text should be omitted as it would otherwise be redundant with
the basic protocol introduction (see below).

Basic Protocol
Each Protocols section must begin with a basic protocol. The basic protocol is the cornerstone of your
contribution and should represent the most widely used method for performing the task the reader wishes to
undertake, including those that might be used in a college classroom laboratory. Often, more than one basic
protocol is required to achieve the objective set forth in the unit. In this case, the basic protocols should be
ordered in a logical fashion, e.g., the order in which they would normally be performed, and numbered as they
appear (Basic Protocol 1, Basic Protocol 2, Basic Protocol 3,...).
A single basic protocol or multiple basic protocols can be supplemented with alternate protocols, support
protocols, or both (see below); however, unless specifically agreed upon during your enlistment, each unit must
contain at least one basic protocol
As with other protocols, the basic protocol is broken into several discrete sections: title, introduction, materials
list, and steps. Optionally, steps may be followed with italic paragraphs (annotations) which provide more theory,
rationale, or technical information about the step which precedes them. These sections are described in more
detail below.

The basic protocol title is more specific than the unit title; it should describe the approach being used and
differentiate the steps from other protocols in the manuscript. Titles of all protocols in the unit should be parallel
in construction and need not repeat key words that appear in the unit title.

The basic protocol introduction summarizes the specific approach being undertaken, mentioning important reagents, equipment, etc., that are employed. Occasionally, a lead-in statement of context may also be appropriate,
although this should not duplicate the contextual description of the preceding sections.
Include in this section the amount of time the procedure will take from start to finish. Also include time
requirements for lengthy parts of the procedure and specifically state at which points the researcher may safely
stop. If parts of the procedure can be done simultaneously, also discuss this. Bear in mind that a novice researcher
may not realize that a 1-hr incubation period provides an opportunity to begin preparing for the next step in the
procedure or that the products of a 3-hr PCR reaction can be held in an appropriately set thermocycler until the
next morning.
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This section should be brief (1-2 paragraphs) and should not be redundant with either Overview and Principles or
Strategic Planning, although references to appropriate portions of these sections is encouraged to provide the
reader a comprehensive picture of the technique.

Materials List
The materials list should consist of two to three segments:
• solutions and reagents – All reagents needed to perform the experiment. List name of the reagent and, as
appropriate, working concentration, pH, temperature, grade, and suggested supplier (see below)
• special equipment – Items not readily available in the laboratory or that require special preparation. It is
unnecessary to list standard equipment (e.g., microcentrifuge, vortex mixer).
• Additional reagents and equipment for procedure (UNIT X) –Especially for common procedures, please
check whether portions of your protocol can be effectively covered by cross-reference(s) to other portions
of the manual, e.g., a unit on plasmid preparation should reference the unit on agarose gel electrophoresis
rather than describe the technique in detail. When referencing other portions, be sure to provide appropriate
connecting information (e.g., amount of sample or cells to use). You are encouraged to contact the
Developmental Editor with any questions about the content of other units. When possible, content will be
provided to you upon request to ensure consistency.
Recipes. If not self-descriptive (e.g., 2.5 M CaCl2)—each listing should be accounted for by either a recipe in the
Reagents and Solutions section (see below) or a cross-reference to a recipe elsewhere in the manual.
Suppliers. Include recommendations for specific suppliers at the end of the materials entry wherever appropriate,
e.g., if a particular supplier provides a superior quality product, the item is difficult to obtain, or the item is a
specific kit. Please provide the catalog number of the material, as well as full address, phone/fax numbers, and
website URLs of the supplying agency (needed only once per unit). Give trade names of reagents only if recommending a specific supplier and provide correct name including capital letters, italics, super- or subscripts, and
Water quality. Deionized, distilled water is given as the standard for all procedures in this manual unless
otherwise indicated. Do not list water as a reagent unless it is other than deionized and distilled. Specifying water
quality using the terms “ddH2O” or “dH2O” is unnecessary, unless deionized but not distilled water (i.e., dH2O) is
needed for a particular application.

Basic Protocol Steps and Annotations
The protocol steps should describe the actions performed, employing the active tense versus the passive: e.g.,
“Connect the outlet of the vacuum flask…” rather than “The outlet of the vacuum flask should be connected
to….” Additionally, when a protocol is composed of more than ten steps, provide subheadings to clarify the
sequence of steps at each major juncture in the experiment: these headings do not affect the consecutive
numbering of the protocol steps but help organize a long protocol. These too should be in the active tense, e.g.,
“Lyse cells” not “Cell lysing.”
Useful auxiliary information should be included after protocol steps in the form of italicized annotations. These
may cover special tips for performing a step successfully, descriptions of why a step is performed, emphasis
regarding crucial parameters, descriptions of expected results (e.g., appearance of solution, cell morphology),
alternate ways to perform the step, cautions regarding hazardous materials or other safety conditions, time considerations (e.g., stopping points, speed with which the step must be performed), storage information
(temperature, maximum duration), and theoretical asides.

Alternate and/or Support Protocols
In addition to the basic protocol (see above) a unit may contain one or more alternate or support protocols.
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Alternate protocols are included when the basic protocol is inappropriate for certain important applications or if
different materials/techniques are widely used in other laboratories but are not the author’s preferred method.
Support protocols should be provided to supplement the basic protocol where necessary; for example, it is
preferable to list a separate protocol for preparatory techniques than to combine everything into one extremely
long protocol. Likewise, support protocols are appropriate for techniques that are used by multiple protocols in
the unit. (This strategy is also helpful for later cross-referencing of procedures in the manual.) Although support
protocols can be optional, they may also be mandatory parts of the overall procedure. Establishing a procedure as
a Support Protocol does not denote it as less important than a basic or alternate protocol; rather, it indicates that it
is not the central focus of the unit.
If the procedure is very short (e.g., <4 steps), you may employ a textual rather than a step-by-step format for the
alternate/support protocols, although it is preferable, for clarity, to utilize steps whenever possible.

Alternate/Support Protocol Title and Introductory Text
Each alternate and support protocol should have a distinguishing title (parallel in construction to the basic
protocol) and an introduction describing why the particular protocol is being included in the unit (for alternate
protocol: why it is performed instead of the basic protocol and how do the key steps differ; for support protocol:
description of relation to protocol it is supporting).

[Additional] Materials
Alternate and support protocols should each have their own list of materials and special equipment; however, for
alternate protocols, materials and special equipment that already appear in a prior materials list(s) in the same
unit should not be listed again. In such a case, the heading should be “Additional Materials.” For support
protocols, either a full Materials list or an abbreviated Additional Materials list may be used.

Alternate and Support Protocol Steps and Annotations
These are formatted as described above for basic protocols.

Provide recipes for solutions or other items requiring special preparation in this section. Utilize only one
Reagents and Solutions section per unit, i.e., do not provide an independent Reagents and Solution section for
each protocol. Organize individual reagent names in alphabetical order (concentrations, pH, etc. appear after the
recipe name, separated with a comma), with respective recipes usually in list format. Optionally, group sets of
similar items under one generalized name: e.g., “Standards,” “Dye Solutions.” If appropriate, include additional
descriptive text and/or annotations after the ingredient listing of each recipe. Use these options to provide advice
or precautionary statements with respect to the handling of chemicals, indications to specific brand-name
chemicals proven to be most effective, and similar information.
For each ingredient listed in a recipe, provide the final concentration. It is expected that those using this book as a
text will be required to calculate the corresponding reagent quantities; therefore, be sure to provide sufficient
information to allow the reader to utilize a supplier’s catalog (or other resource) to make the correct calculations.
If concentration is indicated as a percentage, indicate as (v/v), (w/v), etc. Always provide storage conditions
(temperature and maximum storage time) for each item.

Revised 7/18/2011

Include a description of what the expected result of the technique(s) should be and discuss what the results mean.
Ideally, this section should tie the products of the experiment back to the theory that was presented in Overview
and Principles.
The use of figures is strongly recommended.

Discuss what might go wrong with the experiment and how to correct it. This can take the form of a paragraphstyle text, or, preferably, a table including columns for “Problem,” “Cause,” and “Solution” (see below for brief
Table 1 Troubleshooting Guide for DNA Blotting and Hybridization Analysis
Poor signal
Spotty background

Possible Cause
Probe specific activity too low
Particles in the hybridization buffer
Agarose dried on the membrane

Check labeling protocol if specific
activity is <108 dpm/µg
Filter the relevant solution(s)
Rinse membrane in 2× SSC after

Include figures showing what improper results look like, particularly those that you and your students encounter
on a regular basis. This is your opportunity to utilize all the “bad” figures in your laboratory.

Provide a description of other ways to perform the procedure that are beyond the scope of the unit, and where to
find them. Ideally, this information should be presented in tabular format; although, paragraph-style is also
Note that where possible, we will reference units from other Current Protocols titles. In such cases, we will
provide you with a copy of the unit so that you can ensure the reference will meet the reader’s needs. See for the contents of other books in the Current Protocols line.

List all references cited in the text in this section. (Conversely, all references in this section must be cited in the
unit.) Citations in the text are according to the style “(Smith, 1989; Jones and Martinez, 1992)” or “as described
by Ausubel et al. (1991),” where “et al.” is employed for references with three or more authors. Do not use the
numbered citation style.
Include full references (include all authors) and list in alphabetical order by first-author last name. Format
references according to the following styles.

Journal article
Baker, R.H. Jr., Suebsaeng, L., Rooney, W., Alecrim, C.C., Dourado, H.V., and Wirth, D.F. 1986. Specific DNA probe for the
diagnosis of P. falciparum malaria. Science 231:1434-1436.

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Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E.F., and Maniatis, T. 1989. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.

Chapter in a book
Matthews, B. 1983. Liposome-mediated delivery of DNA to plant protoplast. In Handbook of Plant Cell Culture, Vol. 1:
Techniques for propagation and breeding (D.A. Evans, W.R. Sharp, P.V. Ammirato, and Y. Yamada, eds.) pp. 520-540.
Macmillan, New York.

Government regulations and protocols
Government regulations and protocols should be cited as described above at first mention but may thereafter be
referred to by number, if applicable: “EPA Method 8080 (EPA, 1992)”; later, “EPA Method 8080.”

At your discretion, provide one (or more) key references. (These may, but need not necessarily, be drawn from
your literature cited list.) A key reference might be a seminal journal article, an elucidating review chapter or
paper, or an important book. For each one, provide a one-sentence descriptive annotation, explaining to the
reader why you consider this reference to be of particular value.

List World Wide Web sites, FTP servers, etc. that are of particular interest or utility to the reader. For each one,
provide a one-sentence descriptive annotation signaling to the reader why you consider this resource to be of
particular value. For example:
Web site for most recent programs and discussion group on analytical ultracentrifugation.

You are encouraged to submit any figures you feel the reader would find valuable. Examples include diagrams
illustrating an aspect of the protocol (e.g., equipment, appearance of gradients, surgical incision sites), graphs or
photos of expected results (good and bad; see sections on Understanding Results and Troubleshooting, above),
and flow charts demonstrating the relationship of protocols or steps.
If previously published, cite the original source(s) and provide a Permission Request Form (see below). Include
corresponding figure legends at the end of your manuscript, before any tables. Contact the Developmental Editor
if you have questions.
Do not embed figures in the manuscript: include them as separate image files. See the Guidelines for Current
Protocols Illustrations and Photographs that follow for details of appropriate figure formats.

Tables should be self-explanatory and prepared on separate pages at the end of your manuscript. Include a table
number, title, and explanatory footnotes. Cite each table in the text of your manuscript in the same fashion as
described above for figures. If previously published, cite the original source(s) and provide a copyright
permission form (see below).
Revised 7/18/2011

Current Protocols encourages authors to submit videos/movies that enhance understanding of the procedures
described in the protocols. Such a video would illustrate a process involved in carrying out a protocol,
particularly if that process requires special skills. For an example, see the videos available at
Videos acceptable for inclusion in an article must meet certain requirements.
• Created in QuickTime or Windows Media Player format
• No larger than 20 MB
• Run time of ideally no more than a few minutes
• Be of suitable quality for web publication
Videos will be used as submitted, if acceptable. We will do no editing. Video files should be submitted
with the manuscript, but separate from it.

Each video should be cited within the manuscript at the step the video illustrates. And each video should be listed
at the end of the submitted manuscript (after Figure Legends) with (1) an identifying file name, (2) a title for the
video, and (3) a video legend describing the content. The title and legend will be used, with the video
identification, on the website to help the reader find the appropriate video.

Current Protocols now encourages authors to submit a series of sequential pictures or photographs that would
depict a certain technique or method when a video is not feasible. Such a slideshow would illustrate a process
involved in carrying out a protocol, particularly if that process requires special skills that can not be demonstrated
in one picture/photo alone.

Current Protocols manuals follow the guidelines of the American Society for Microbiology Style Manual for
Journals and Books (ASM, Washington, D.C., 1991). Please define all standard abbreviations at their first usage
and clearly indicate the accepted style (bold, italics, upper- or lower-case, super- or subscript) for names of
organisms, genetic elements, commercial products, etc.

Please submit electronic versions of your manuscript and all figure files to arrive to the Developmental Editor by
the due date specified in your contributor’s agreement. (Hardcopy of the manuscript is not required.) The contact
information for the Developmental Editor is listed on the cover page of this guide. Also listed are the addresses
and phone numbers of the Editorial Board members, whom you can contact regarding questions of scientific
content or approach, and of the Current Protocols Editorial Assistant, whom you can contact regarding
administrative matters such as change of address and contract details, and for help in using the Manuscript
Central submission system. If you are unsure who to contact, please ask the Developmental Editor (Aidee Ayala;

Should you find that you are unable to meet the deadline requirement of your contributor’s agreement, please
contact the Developmental Editor immediately. As space has been cleared in the production schedule to publish
your contribution, advanced notice of delays in submitting your manuscript is critical.
Revised 7/18/2011

If your protocol or any submitted portions (figures, tables) have been published previously, permission for use in
Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques must be obtained from the copyright owner (usually the
publisher but occasionally the author). Use the form provided herein; when you receive signed permission from
the copyright owner, forward the form with the original signature to the Developmental Editor.

The editorial board and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. maintain the right to rewrite, rearrange, or otherwise alter your
contribution so that it will conform to the style of the manual. Should your editor desire to make changes of
substance regarding content or approach, you will be consulted first or possibly asked to provide revisions. You
will also be sent page proofs for approval.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Developmental Editor or our offices at any time. We would appreciate any
suggestions you might offer.
GUIDE.DOC 7/18/11

Revised 7/18/2011


The FONT used for all labeling in figures should be HELVETICA medium type (or a similar sans serif font).


LABELS are generally LOWERCASE, except the X and Y axis labels on graphs, where the first letter should
be capitalized. All graphs should have axis labels.


If the figure requires a KEY (e.g., " morphine,  dexamethasone,  nimesulide"), the key should be part
of the figure (not the figure caption).


PANEL IDENTIFIERS should be HELVETICA medium type (not bold), capital letters (A, B, C, etc.)
followed by a period and should appear in the upper left-hand corner. They should be 4 POINTS LARGER
than the labels.


Please note, your FIGURE will be REDUCED TO less than FIVE INCHES wide in order to fit the page. At
this size, labels should be approximately 9 points and panel identifiers should be approximately 13 points.


FORMAT: Digital files are best presented in the format from the application in which the figure was originally
prepared. For instance, a line drawing prepared in PowerPoint is best submitted as the original .ppt file. Likewise, a
graph prepared in Excel is best submitted as an .xls file. For files in which the original is not available, the preferred
formats are .eps for line drawings (e.g., flow charts, graphs) and .tif for photographs (resolution should be 300 dpi
or greater). As we cannot open every file type, we may ask you to resubmit a particular file in a format useful for
review and/or publication.


COLOR FIGURES: Whenever possible, please submit color figures.


SCREENSHOTS should have files saved at 72-96 dpi (i.e., the resolution of your screen).


PHOTO SLIDESHOW: provide sequential photographs/pictures (5-15) to compile into a slideshow


Questions? Please contact your editor or Tom Cannon, Current Protocols Digital Production Manager, 201748-6110,

Revised 7/18/2011



I am preparing a manuscript to be published in the following Current Protocols publication, which is published by John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.:

Author/Title: ________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter, Unit, Figure/Table No. _________________________________________________________________
Publication Date ________________________________ Approximate number of pages: ___________________
I request the non-exclusive right to include the following material in this and all subsequent editions of the publication, in all
languages, and in all media of expression known or later developed, and in any derivative works published or prepared by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., or its licensees, and in versions made by non-profit organizations for use by blind or physically
handicapped persons, for distribution throughout the world.

Authors(s) and/or editor(s) _____________________________________________________________________
Title of publication ___________________________________________________________________________
Title of selection __________________________________ Copyright date ______________________________
From page ________ , line ____________ , beginning with the words___________________________________
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Figure No. _____________ on page ________________ Table No. _______________ on page ______________
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Please indicate agreement by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter. In signing, you warrant that you are the
sole owner of the rights granted and that your material does not infringe upon the copyright or other rights of anyone. If you
do not control these rights, I would appreciate your letting me know to whom I should apply.
Thank you,


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Revised 7/18/2011


Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
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Linearized                      : Yes
Author                          : GLENN KING
Company                         : John Wiley and Sons
Create Date                     : 2011:07:18 10:35:09-04:00
Modify Date                     : 2011:07:18 10:35:12-04:00
Source Modified                 : D:20110718143455
Tagged PDF                      : Yes
XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-20:48:00
Metadata Date                   : 2011:07:18 10:35:12-04:00
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Title                           : STYLE GUIDE
Creator                         : GLENN KING
Producer                        : Adobe PDF Library 9.0
Page Layout                     : OneColumn
Page Count                      : 15
EXIF Metadata provided by

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