QTM02 – EProcurement Glossary – Working Group E Procurement Edition Instructions

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– Working Group E Procurement - Edition Instructions
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eProcurement glossary
– edition instructions

Table of contents

Glossary .................................................................................................. 2

e-Procurement Glossary - Github .................................................................................................... 2


Index of terms .............................................................................................................................. 2


Linked concepts ........................................................................................................................... 2


Worksheet for the working group ..................................................................................................... 3


Glossary spreadsheet structure ................................................................................................... 3


Working group actions ................................................................................................................. 6

Figure 1 – Index of terms ..................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 – Linked concepts .................................................................................................. 2
Figure 3 – Source ................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 4 – Best Definition Choice ........................................................................................ 4
Figure 5 - Use Cases ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 6 - Columns definitions ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 7 - Name current version .......................................................................................... 7



1.1 e-Procurement Glossary - Github
The e-procurement glossary has been set up into Github to support the collaborative work around
the development thereof.

1.1.1 Index of terms
The glossary is alphabetical ordered to allow its consultation in an easy and quick way. The index
functionality consists in a linked alphabet (each letter is linked to the concepts starting with this
letter). The following image shows the glossary index:

Figure 1 – Index of terms

1.1.2 Linked concepts
Each of the concepts contained in the glossary is linked to a Google Spreadsheet. Within this
spreadsheet, users can see all of the properties and/or characteristics of the selected concept.

Figure 2 – Linked concepts

Each concept contains 1-N rows, each one with a specific definition coming from a specific source.
The use of the glossary spreadsheet will allow the working group members to work in a
collaborative way in the development and validation of the glossary. This format, although it is very

flexible, requires to take into account some considerations to work in a coordinated way and avoid
loss of information at the same time.
The document has restricted access and only members of the working group have edition
The following sections of this document explain in detail each of the sections of the spreadsheet and
how to use it to provide feedback.

1.2 Worksheet for the working group
1.2.1 Glossary spreadsheet structure
The spreadsheet collect all the concepts with their main properties. These properties are represented
in the following columns:
 ID: the internal identification number to each procurement concept.
 Concept: the name of the concept as it appears in the glossary. Other concepts may be
related or depend on it.
 Definition: The meaning of the concept taking into account its application context. There
might be more than one definition per concept depending on the source used. Whenever
possible, the definitions are literally citing the related source.
 Source (drop-down list): the document or standard where the definition can be found:

Figure 3 – Source

The list of sources can be also edited to add new ones if required.
 Additional Information: extra information related to the concept. It can be the URL of the
source, clarifying notes, or the exact reference of the definition (e.g. a specific article in one
 Choice (drop-down list): of all the concept definitions, only one can be selected as the
main one. This choice will be marked with a YES (and highlighted in green) in the

Figure 4 – Best Definition Choice

 Justification: the motivation to choose a specific definition above the rest.
 Comments: a free text column to get feedback about this specific concept definition from
the Working Group users.
 Use Cases: these columns mark the relation of the different use case scenarios defined in
GitHub with each of the concepts. By the moment, only 3 use cases have been defined:

o UC1 – Data Journalism
o UC2 – Matchmaking of products and business
o UC3 – VAT payment verification

Figure 5 - Use Cases

A concept may be related to 0, 1, 2 or all 3 use cases (dropdown list “YES/NO”). This
structure can be extended in the future with more use cases.
 Phases (drop-down list): the relation of each concept with the different phases of the eProcurement process as defined by the Publications Office of the EU:
o e-Notification (TED): phase related to the publication of the procurement notices
involved in the process.
o e-Access (e-Tendering): phase related to the access to all procurement documents and
contract information.
o e-Submission: phase related to the submission of tenders or requests to participate in a
o e-Evaluation: phase related to the evaluation of the submitted tenders and its selection
and award criterion.
o e-Awarding: phase related to awarding the contract to the supplier.
o e-Request: phase related to how potential suppliers competitively cost the final chosen
o e-Ordering: phase related to the electronic ordering within contracts and framework
o e-Fulfilment: phase related to the accomplishment of the requirements of the contract.
o e-Invoicing: phase related to the electronic invoicing of products and services.
o e-Payment: phase related to the electronic payment and validation of the issued
A concept can be linked to any phase (ideally at least 1), or even to all of them if it is a general
All the phase definitions and a picture of the whole e-procurement process are also available as a
comments in each column of the spreadsheet.

Figure 6 - Columns definitions

1.2.2 Working group actions
The members of the working group are responsible for the edition of the glossary. The users may
know who is also working at the same time in the spreadsheet.
The following sections explains what are the tasks to be performed by the working group in order to
improve the glossary. Glossary improvement
The working work can have edition mode to the following columns:
 Comments: The comments column should begin with the name of the user and the date
(e.g. [USER1 20171117]). It is very important that each user inputs the name and date in
order to have a control of who has edited the concept. Later on all these comments will be
revised by the working group coordinator in order to implement the requested changes.
 Uses cases (UC1, UC2, UC3…): Select the different uses cases related to the concept.
 e-Procurement Phases (e-Notifications, e-Access, e-Submission, etc…): Select which eprocurement phases are related to the concept.
Other restricted operations are to be allowed only to the administrators of GitHub and the Glossary
spreadsheet. These operations are:
 Create new concept: add a new procurement glossary entry. It must be added both in the
glossary spreadsheet and the GitHub glossary wiki.
 Create new definition: add a new row with a concept definition from a specific source. All
definitions of the same concept must be placed in consecutive rows to allow readability.
Whenever a new definition is added, the range of rows of the concept is also altered so both
the named intervals in the spreadsheet and the glossary entry link in the GitHub wiki
should be updated.
 Edit the sources: although there is a comprehensive list of procurement definition sources,
new ones can still be added (always checking first if there is any redundancy with the
existing ones). This requires changing the validation control of all cells from the source
column (Data > Data validation)

 Add new Use Case: may a new use case be added in the GitHub, a new column should be
added too in the spreadsheet in order to be able to link the different concepts to the new use
case. Versioning system
Google docs saves automatically the document after every change to avoid loss of information. In
the event of detecting an issue with the current version, the administrator can restore the spreadsheet
to any previous version.
It is proposed to apply the following procedure to have a better control of the versioning system:
each time a user finishes editing the document, the name of the version must be edited by entering
the author's name, date and version number (e.g. User1_20171117_v145.1).
Major versions of the document can also be marked with a change of the main version numbering
(1.14 => 2.0).

Figure 7 - Name current version

End of document


Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.5
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 7
Language                        : es-ES
Tagged PDF                      : Yes
Title                           : QTM02 – eProcurement glossary .– Working group
Author                          : everis
Subject                         : Offer for the provision of services to development the eProcurement Ontology
Creator                         : Microsoft® Word 2013
Create Date                     : 2018:01:24 16:00:08+01:00
Modify Date                     : 2018:01:24 16:00:08+01:00
Producer                        : Microsoft® Word 2013
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools

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