I3 User Guide

User Manual: Pdf

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DocsScreensFAQContactBugsi3 User’s GuideMichael Stapelberg<michael@i3wm.org>March 2013Table of Contents1. Default keybindings2. Using i32.1. Opening terminals and moving around2.2. Changing the container layout2.3. Toggling fullscreen mode for a window2.4. Opening other applications2.5. Closing windows2.6. Using workspaces2.7. Moving windows to workspaces2.8. Resizing2.9. Restarting i3 inplace2.10. Exiting i32.11. Floating3. Tree3.1. The tree consists of Containers3.2. Orientation and Split Containers3.3. Focus parent3.4. Implicit containers4. Configuring i34.1. Comments4.2. Fonts4.3. Keyboard bindings4.4. Mouse bindings4.5. Binding modes4.6. The floating modifier4.7. Constraining floating window size4.8. Orientation for new workspaces4.9. Layout mode for new containers4.10. Border style for new windows4.11. Hiding borders adjacent to the screen edges4.12. Arbitrary commands for specific windows (for_window)4.13. Don’t focus window upon opening4.14. Variables4.15. X resources4.16. Automatically putting clients on specific workspaces4.17. Automatically starting applications on i3 startup4.18. Automatically putting workspaces on specific screens4.19. Changing colors4.20. Interprocess communication4.21. Focus follows mousei3: i3 User’s Guide https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html1 of 46 12/25/17, 2:22 AM
4.22. Mouse warping4.23. Popups during fullscreen mode4.24. Focus wrapping4.25. Forcing Xinerama4.26. Automatic back-and-forth when switching to the current workspace4.27. Delaying urgency hint reset on workspace change4.28. Focus on window activation4.29. Drawing marks on window decoration4.30. Line continuation5. Configuring i3bar5.1. i3bar command5.2. Statusline command5.3. Display mode5.4. Mouse button commands5.5. Bar ID5.6. Position5.7. Output(s)5.8. Tray output5.9. Tray padding5.10. Font5.11. Custom separator symbol5.12. Workspace buttons5.13. Strip workspace numbers5.14. Binding Mode indicator5.15. Colors6. List of commands6.1. Executing applications (exec)6.2. Splitting containers6.3. Manipulating layout6.4. Focusing containers6.5. Moving containers6.6. Swapping containers6.7. Sticky floating windows6.8. Changing (named) workspaces/moving to workspaces6.9. Moving workspaces to a different screen6.10. Moving containers/workspaces to RandR outputs7. move window|container to mark <mark>7.1. Resizing containers/windows7.2. Jumping to specific windows7.3. VIM-like marks (mark/goto)7.4. Window title format7.5. Changing border style7.6. Enabling shared memory logging7.7. Enabling debug logging7.8. Reloading/Restarting/Exiting7.9. Scratchpad7.10. Nop7.11. i3bar control8. Multiple monitors8.1. Configuring your monitors8.2. Interesting configuration for multi-monitor environments9. i3 and the rest of your software world9.1. Displaying a status line9.2. Giving presentations (multi-monitor)i3: i3 User’s Guide https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html2 of 46 12/25/17, 2:22 AM

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