ProfitStars I Pay Bill Services API USER GUIDE 2015.0.01

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iPay Solutions
Bill Pay Services API

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide
(For user with jXchange XSD Version R2015.0.01_XSD)

Release 2015.0.01

List of Tables and Figures .............................................................................................. iii
Bill Pay Services API – USER GUIDE ........................................................................................ 4
Related Documents ........................................................................................................ 4
Document Tracking ........................................................................................................ 4
About this Guide ............................................................................................................. 9
After Reading This Document ............................................................................. 9
Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 9
Overview .......................................................................................................................10
What is the Bill Pay Services API? .....................................................................10
Error Handling ...............................................................................................................11
Fault Behaviors ..................................................................................................11
Parallel/Serial Error Message Handling ..............................................................11
Serial Error Message Handling ...............................................................11
Parallel Error Message Handling ............................................................11
Authentication and Identification ....................................................................................12
Authentication ....................................................................................................12
Authorization ......................................................................................................12
Service Behaviors .........................................................................................................14
Canonicals .........................................................................................................14
‘Nillable’ Attribute: ..............................................................................................15
‘Rstr’ Attribute: ...................................................................................................15
Search/Inquiry Behaviors ...................................................................................15
Modification Behaviors .......................................................................................16
Localization/Time Zones ....................................................................................17
Business Service Operations .........................................................................................18
Business Service Operations - Updates .............................................................19
Release 2012.0.01 - Initial release .........................................................19
Release 2012.0.02 – (06.01.2013) .........................................................20
Release 2013.1.00 – (10.15.2013) .........................................................20
Release 2013.1.03 – (07.07.2014) .........................................................22
Release 2014.0.01– (07.31.2014) ..........................................................22
Release 2014.0.06 – (03.31.2015) .........................................................23
Release 2014.0.08 – (06.15.2015) .........................................................24
Release 2015.0.01 – (08.12.2015) .........................................................24
Business Service Operations – General Behaviors ............................................26
Institution Services .............................................................................................27
Service Dictionary Search ......................................................................27
Channel Inquiry ......................................................................................32
Subscriber Services ...........................................................................................39
Subscriber Lookup .................................................................................39
Subscriber Add .......................................................................................41
Subscriber Search ..................................................................................54
Subscriber Inquiry ..................................................................................59
Subscriber Modify...................................................................................71
Payee Services ..................................................................................................86
Payee Add..............................................................................................86
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Payee Search .........................................................................................92
Payee Inquiry .........................................................................................98
Payee Modify .......................................................................................111
Payment Services ............................................................................................123
Payment Add ........................................................................................123
Scheduled Payment Search .................................................................133
Scheduled Payment Inquiry ..................................................................140
Scheduled Payment Mod .....................................................................153
Scheduled Payment Approval ..............................................................163
Payment History Search .......................................................................165
Payment History Inquiry .......................................................................172
eBill Services ...................................................................................................185
eBill Search ..........................................................................................185
eBill Inquiry...........................................................................................188
eBill Mod ..............................................................................................191
Appendix A: Business Service Operation-to-Feature Mapping – Bill Pay Services
Appendix B: Subscriber’s Associated User – Permission/Caps specifications
example ...........................................................................................................197
Appendix C: Payment Statuses and Definitions ...............................................200
Appendix D: eBill Account Setup and Error Resolution Flows ..........................201
eBill Account Setup Flow ......................................................................201
eBill Account Info/Error Resolution Flow ...............................................202
Appendix E: eBill Account Errors – Subscriber remediation required ...............203
Glossary ..........................................................................................................204
Bibliography ................................................................................................................207
Index ...........................................................................................................................208

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

List of Tables and Figures
Table 1 - UTC Time Adjustments ..............................................................................................17
Table 2 - Bill Pay Service Operations List .................................................................................18
Table 3 - eBill Auto Payment Options - Payee Inquiry .............................................................107
Table 4 - eBill Auto Payment Options - Payee Mod .................................................................117

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Bill Pay Services API – USER GUIDE
Related Documents
Additional documents related to this User Guide are included in jXchange Vendor Packet:

Document Tracking
Any updates made to this document are outlined below.


Summary of Changes


Version 2012.0.01

Initial Publication



Payment Services:
o Payment History Srch;
o Payment History Inquiry


Add missed Payment Status of: Resubmitted





Add reference to Subscriber Lookup service – which
will return the iPay Subscriber Identifier needed for all
Subscriber-level service requests.


Business Service Operations:
Subscriber Services


New ‘Subscriber Lookup’ service


2 new subscriber identifier elements added to
BilPaySubInfo complex, associated with SubInq,
SubMod and [future] SubAdd messages.


Remove ability to add new MobProvdCode; thus
elminating need for MobProvDom element altogether
(SubInq; SubMod services)




New term added for ‘Stand-Alone’ Bill Pay Services.



Business Service Operations


The following ‘Account Number’ elements will no
longer be masked in the service response:
o PayFromAcctID
o SubMerAcctId



Business Service Operations:
o Payee Services


Eliminate the word ‘Individual’ from the definition for
PayeePmtMthd (the Payment Method is applicable for
ALL Payees, not just Individual).



Version 2012.0.02


New Document Version


Service Behaviors:
o Nulls
o Modifications


Added instructions on use of JHANull when deleting
elements within an array item, or the array item itself;


Added instructions for modifying items or elements in
an array



Business Service Operations:


Modifications to mulitple Business Service Operations
are detailed in ‘Business Service Operations –
Updates’ section below.
o Includes new Business Service Operation:
Subscriber Add




New term added for ‘Electronic Risk Limits’


Version 2013.1.03


New Document Version
o Includes new functionality to expose Bill Pay
Services API for Business Subscribers,
Includes the ability to add multiple users to
© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


the bill pay account.

Business Service Operations:


Modifications to multiple Business Service Operations
to include Business Subscribers are detailed in
‘Business Service Operations – Updates’ section
o Includes new Business Service Operation:
Scheduled Payment Approval




New terms added for:
o Primary Account Holder
o Subscriber’s Associated User (i.e., ‘Subuser’)



o Identification:


Corrected ‘AuthenUsrCred’ element to accurately
reflect code assertion using claim name of
‘RequestingUsrID’ (vs ‘SubAssocUsrID’)



Version 2013.1.03


User Guide updated to align with jX XSD Version


Business Service Operations:
o Channel Inquiry


New element added to BilPayProdTypeInfoArray:
o AlwSubType


Corrected ‘PmtApprvReq’ element name in the
BilPaySubInfo complex to accurately reflect XSD
Corrected ‘PersonName’ element name in the
SecdPersonArray within the BilPaySubInfo complex to
accurately reflect XSD value (‘AddlName’):



Subscriber Add,
Subscriber Inquiry,
Subscriber Mod



Version 2014.0.01



[NEW] Copyright page:


New Document/XSD Version (R2014.0.01)
Minimum jXchange contract version R2014.0.01
is required.
Added ‘Copyright’ information.


About this Guide:


New email contact for documentation support.


Service Behaviors:
o Nillable attribute
o Rstr attribute


Added instructions on use of ‘nillable’ attribute.
Added instructions on use of ‘Rstr’ attribute


Business Service Operations:
o Service Dict Search


Added ‘PhoneType’, ‘SvcFeeDesc’ and
‘ElecMerAcctType’ to list of Open Enums available.


Payee Inquiry


Clarification of value returned for ‘SubMerAcctId’
element when no value exists.


Payee Add


Clarification of rules for submitting Payee FI Account
Information when adding a new Payee.


Scheduled Pmt Add


Rule change: Payment Add no longer allowed for an
‘unactivated’ Payee


Payment Search


Corrected ‘PmtStartDt’ details to denote that this will
always be based on ‘Process Date’, regardless of
Payment Date Model.




Modifications to multiple Business Service Operations
to include Payment Service Fee functionality as
detailed in ‘Business Service Operations – Updates’
section below.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01



Modifications to multiple Business Service Operations
to include eBills/Bill Presentment functionality are
detailed in ‘Business Service Operations – Updates’
section below.

New] eBill Search
[New] eBill Inquiry
[New] eBill Mod


[New] Appendix C:



Added list of Payment Status Definitions

[New] Appendix D:



eBill account setup and account error resolution flows

[New] Appendix E:


eBill account errors list




New terms added for:
o eBill/eBiller


Version 2014.0.06


New Document/XSD Version (R2014.0.06)
Minimum jXchange contract version R2014.0.06
is required.


[NEW] List of Tables and


New section.


Business Service Operations
o Payee Search


New elements added to Payee Search response:
o FirstAvlProcDt
o FirstAvlEstArvDt
o EstArvDay


Corrected definition of ‘NotAct’ Payee Status.


Corrected definition of ‘NotAct’ Payee Status.


Add the following missed element:
o SubModMerAcctId


Clarified PayeeEmailArray requirement details


Added notes for the following elements to clarify that
entered values may not always be used for Company
Payees, if superceding information exists on the
matched Merchant record:
o PhoneNum
o EmailAddr


Corrected element name from ElecMerPayeeAcctID to
ElecBilPayeeAcctID under ‘eBill Account Setup’


Added instructions for designation of default Pay From
Account in ‘Subscriber Add Behaviors’ section.


Clarified example in PmtDayofMonth to include days
New terms added for:
o Activation [Payee]
o Non-Activated Payee
New section.





Payee Inquiry

Payee Add


Payee Mod


Subscriber Add







[NEW] Index



Version 2014.0.08


Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


New Document/XSD Version (R2014.0.08)
Minimum jXchange contract version R2014.0.08
© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

is required.

Business Service Operations
o Subscriber Inquiry

Added note for the Pay From Account Array to clarify
that this array will be empty if the Subscriber has no
active Pay From Accounts at the time of the Inquiry.


Payee Inquiry
Payee Mod


Added note to element included in response
[AuthenQuesDesc] clarifying that element may include
HTML or other ‘illegal’ characters.




Scheduled Payment
Payment History Inquiry

New element added to Scheduled Payment Add and
Mod requests (including future payments for recurring
series), as well as Scheduled Payment Inquiry, Mod
and Payment History Inquiry responses:
o SubCmntToPayee


eBill Search


New element added to request and response (root):
o ElecBilPayeeAcctId


New elements added to eBill Search complex in
o ElecBilPayeeAcctId
o CurrBal
o MinPmtAmt


New element added to eBill Search complex in
o ElecBilPayeeAcctId


Corrected canonical value name for Subuser
‘PerCode’ from ‘CanScheduleP2PPayments’ to




eBill Inquiry


Appendix B - Subscriber’s
Associated User Permission/Caps examples


Version 2015.0.01


New Document/XSD Version (R2015.0.01)
Minimum jXchange contract version R2015.0.01
is required.


Business Service Operations


New payment feature added: Outbound Transfers


Channel Inquiry


New canonical value added to FeturType element:
o XferToSubFinInst (Outbound Transfers)


Payee Add


New canonical value added to PayeeClsf element
(request and response):
o FinInst (Financial Institution)


New element added to BilPayPayeeInfo complex in
o PmtIntentType (Payee level)


New elements added to BilPayPayeeSrchInfo complex
in response:
o PmtIntentType (Payee level)
o SubMerAcctID


Bill Pay Services API – User Guide

Payee Search


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


Payee Inquiry
Payee Mod


New element added to BilPayPayeeInfo complex in
o PmtIntentType (Payee level)


Scheduled Payment


New filter added to search request and response:
o XferFilter (Transfer filter)


New element added to BilPaySchedPmtSrchInfo
complex (request and response):
o PmtIntentType (Payment Intention Type)


New element added to BilPayPmtInfo complex in
o PmtIntentType (for Payment)


New element added to BilPayPmtPayeeInfo complex
in response:
o PmtIntentType (for Payee)


New element added to BilPayPmtInfo complex in
o PmtIntentType (for Payment)


New filter added to search request and response:
o XferFilter (Transfer filter)


New element added to BilPayPmtHistSrchInfo
complex (request and response):
o PmtIntentType (Payment Intention Type)


Scheduled Payment


Scheduled Payment


Scheduled Payment
Payment History Inquiry


Payment History Search


Appendix B: Subuser


New examples added for Transfer permissions and




New terms added for Transfer account types.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

About this Guide
The Bill Pay Services API – User Guide provides information about configuring and working with iPay’s Bill Pay
Services API.

After Reading This Document
iPay welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this technical
document. Please share your feedback with the documentation team by submitting your input by email to .

The purpose of this document is to provide the implementation, standards and operations of iPay’s Bill Pay
Services API.
The information in this manual is instructional in nature and designed for third party vendors to evaluate the
interface using a web based messaging system for interfacing with iPay’s Bill Pay Services through jXchange.
This document is not designed to be a primer for consuming web services nor a programming teaching tool, as this
is beyond the scope of this document.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

What is the Bill Pay Services API?
iPay has created an ‘iPay Service Bus’ (iSB), which exposes Bill Pay Services API services through jXChange,
allowing authorized external service ‘consumers’ to request bill payment functionality via web service requests for
integration into any desired bill pay or other interface.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Error Handling
Error handling is covered in detail in the jXchange Error Handling Document that is included in the Vendor Packet.

Fault Behaviors
Error handling for errors has been designed into the messaging structure and involves notification through use of
codes, categories and descriptions, as well as options for error overrides for non-fatal errors.
It should be noted that warning and [‘override-able’] fault message information is returned in the Message Record
Information Array,  while all unhandled exceptions and errors are thrown as SOAP faults in the
Fault Record Information Array .
The error values specific to iPay’s Bill Pay Services API business operations can be found by performing a Service
Dictionary Search, which will return all fault codes by service operation.

Parallel/Serial Error Message Handling
The Bill Pay Services API utilizes Parallel Error Message handling, except for those types of ‘critical validation’
errors that would prevent ANY forward movement of the request. These ‘Serial Error’ scenarios include such things

Invalid Institution Identifier


Invalid Subscriber Identifier


Insufficient permissions to access a Service Operation


Invalid PayeeID (for a Payee Inquiry request)


Invalid PaymentID (for a Payment Inquiry request)

Serial Error Message Handling
In Serial Error Message Handling, the service provider (iPay) will issue an error response message when the first
‘critical’ error is discovered in a consumer’s request. If the consumer resubmits the request with corrected
information, the service provider will attempt to process the new request. If a second ‘critical’ error is discovered,
the service provider will return another error response message, which will require correction and resubmission.
Back and forth error messaging will continue until the message request can be processed successfully.

Parallel Error Message Handling
In Parallel Error Message Handling, the service provider (iPay) will continue to process a request message after
detecting faults or certain types of errors in an attempt to identify all possible errors before returning an error
message to the consumer. Once all errors have been detected that prevent successful completion of a request, an
error response message will be returned to the consumer that lists all of the errors.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Authentication and Identification
The service consumer is expected to perform all Subscriber authentication, while jXchange performs the
‘Consumer-level’ (e.g., Channel- or Institution-level) authentication. As such, it is assumed that all unique
identifiers provided for the Financial Institution and Subscriber have been authenticated prior to receipt of the
message request by iPay.
iPay’s Bill Pay Services API will, in turn, perform service authentication to ensure that the service request is
called/passed by a valid source (e.g,. jXchange).

iPay will authorize the service Consumer via a shared security token generated and passed by jXchange, and will
also ensure the Consumer (e.g., Channel) has a valid relationship with the Financial Institution identified in the
service request. In addition, the Subscriber, if applicable for the request, must be associated with the specified
Finally, iPay will validate all message requests to ensure that the requested service operation is available for the
Institution and, if applicable, for the Subscriber.
NOTE: At the present time, a Subscriber’s ‘authorized’ set of Bill Pay Service API operations must not exceed the
services available from the Subscriber’s web-based (iPay) Bill Pay product (for example, a Subscriber that does not
have ‘Email Payment’ capabilities via their iPay-hosted Online Bill Pay will not be allowed to add an Email Payee or
an Email Payment via the Bill Pay Services API).

The Service Provider (iPay) will validate Institution and, if applicable, Subscriber identification for each request
message received.
Service Consumers must provide the unique iPay Subscriber identifier required to return a specific Subscriber
profile/account. If the Service Consumer does not possess the required iPay subscriber identifier, the ‘Subscriber
Lookup’ service may be utilized to obtain the needed information.
In order to ensure that all required information is included to enable iPay to validate each request message, the
following complex elements are required in the Message Request Header (MsgRqHdr), in addition to those
elements required by jXchange:
The simple elements contained within the jXchangeHdr complex that are required by th Bill Pay Services
API(s) are listed below.
This is the name of the service consumer (business name) for the Soap Header. Entries
must be in canonical form as defined by the Service Consumer.
This is the name of the product which is consuming the service (business product name) for the
Soap Header. Entries must be in canonical form as defined by the Service Consumer.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the identification of the entity of the submitted message. A financial institution entity uses
the routing transit or nine digit number assigned to financial institutions for the purpose of routing
as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any leading zeros must be provided for a
complete routing and transit number. A non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed
upon identification that must contain at least one non-integer character.
When a record is for a specific Financial Institution within a holding company, the InstRtID is the
specific Financial Institution routing identification and not the holding company’s identification.

This optional complex element specifies the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier  for the
‘requesting user’ (the ‘Subscriber’s Associated User’). This element is used primarily when the requesting
user is not the Subscriber, and is necessary to determine the bill pay permissions available to the
requesting user.
If provided, the identifier must be embedded within this complex element, which must be delivered in the
form of a WS Security element that contains a single SAML V2.0 Assertion (see for more information on SAML V2.0). The Service
Provider, in turn, will parse the SAML token in order to retrieve the requesting user’s identifier.
If NO SubAssocUsrID is provided, the Service Provider will assume the request is from a user
that possesses full permissions access (such as a Primary Account Holder or [Individual]
Subscriber, etc).



Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Service Behaviors
Where canonical values are required within the Bill Pay Service API operations, the value submitted must match
the expected canonical value exactly. Any invalid canonical value (as with any invalid data) will cause an error,
unless explicit behavior has been defined that indicates we will utilize a default value in the event of invalid data.
The 2 types of canonicals utilized for all service operations in jXchange (and, consequently, the Bill Pay Services
API) are:
1. ClosedEnums - there is a definite set of values and only those values are to be used on the request and
response messages between a consumer and provider.
The Closed Enumerated values are defined in the jXchange XSD contract in the form of annotations. The
fixed values are the only data set that a consumer of these elements needs to understand. An error will be
returned when a value is delivered in a message that iPay’s Bill Pay Services API services do not
The Closed enumeration values will be used by the Bill Pay Services API in accordance with the existing
jXchange framework to determine how to invoke an operation. Some of the behaviors that go along with
this are;

if the element is not sent or sent empty, and it is required, a fault error will be returned;
if the element is not sent or sent empty, and it is optional, a default will be used and;
if the element is sent with an incorrect value, a fault error could be returned.

The web service call - Service Dictionary Search (SvcDictSrchRq_MType) provides the means for a
consumer to query for iPay’s closed enumerated values within the Bill Pay Services API. The details for
using this request message can be found in the Service Dictionary Search section below.
2. OpenEnums - there is a definite set of values, but those values are not represented (annotated) in the
contract. These values have the potential to change over time. If a defined value is sent on the request or
response, it will be used. However, if a value that is not defined is sent, then it should be passed as is and
the provider or consumer receiving that value would be responsible for understanding it.
Open enumeration elements are generally suffixed with Code. The element that is suffixed with Code has
a mate element that is suffixed with Desc. This is because often a service provider field is represented as
a code that does not convey its representation thereby the service provider returns the description of the
code that is a literal value that can be understood by the consumer.
The web service call - Service Dictionary Search (SvcDictSrchRq) provides the means for a consumer to
query for iPay’s open enumerated values within the Bill Pay Services API. The details for using this
request message can be found in the Service Dictionary Search section below.

iPay requires an explicit declaration of a ‘null’ value in order to specify when an element needs to be modified to a
null value, and therefore not modify an existing element if this ‘null’ value is missing.
The WC3 XML Schema standard mechanism, “xsi:nil= true”, can be utilized to explicitly assign a value of null to an
element rather than using an empty element to implicitly assign a value to null.
The use of jXchange’s JHANull attribute notifies the business service to ignore the specified element. JHANull
must be utilized for all ‘add’ and ‘modification’ requests within the Bill Pay Services API.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

‘JHANull’ Attribute:

The behavior expectation for XML elements in a modification service:
o If the element is not sent at all, is empty, or is sent as xsi:‘nil = true’, this will convey to the service
provider (iPay) to do nothing.
o If the element is sent with ‘JHANull=true’, this will convey to the service provider (iPay) to clear the
stored value and set the element to a null value.


The behavior expectation for XML elements in an addition service:
o If the element is not sent, is empty, or sent as ‘xsi:nil=true’, this will convey to the service provider
(iPay) to set a default value.
o If the element is sent with ‘JHANull=true’, this will convey to the service provider (iPay) to set the
element to a null value.


The behavior expectation for deleting XML elements in an array in a modification service:
o If the array element is not sent, is empty, or sent as ‘xsi:nil=true’, this will convey to the service provider
(iPay) to do nothing.
o If the array element key identifier is sent with ‘JHANull=true’, this will convey to the service provider
(iPay) to set the entire array item to null values (i.e., ‘delete’ the array item).
o If a [non-key] element of the array item is sent with ‘JHANull=true’, this will convey to the service
provide to clear the stored value and set that element only in the array item to a null value.
o If every element in the array item is sent with ‘JHANull=true’, this will also convey to the service
provider to set the entire array item to null values (i.e., ‘delete’ the array item).

‘Nillable’ Attribute:
The ‘nillable’ attribute is used in jXchange to specify whether an element will be returned in the event there is no
value for that element. If the element is specified with the nillable attribute =”true”, the element will be returned with
no value (i.e., ‘blank’). If the element is does not include the nillable attribute, the element will not be returned if the
value is not set or is set to null.

‘Rstr’ Attribute:
The ‘Rstr’ attribute is used in jXchange to specify the level of restriction(s) that exist at a parent or child node. The
full list of canonical values are:
 ReadWrite (default)
 ReadWritePart
 ReadOnly
 ReadOnlyPart
 NoAccess
 NoAccessPart
 Hid
iPay currently utilizes only the implied default (‘ReadWrite’), as well as the ‘NoAccess’ and ‘Hid’ values.
The ‘ReadWrite’ value indicates that there are no restrictions on the specified element. A value of ‘No Access’
indicates that the Service Consumer should ensure the end-user has ‘no access’ to the specified element. A value
of ‘Hid’ indicates that the Service Consumer should ensure the specified element value is ‘hidden’ from the enduser.

Search/Inquiry Behaviors
The ‘Search/Inquiry’ process is a basic process in jXchange, and is how all data is retrieved:
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


[object] Search – This search is performed by the service consumer in order to get a ‘subset’ list of the
desired object (e.g., Subscribers, Payees, Payments, etc), based on client-specific search criteria.


[object] Inquiry – Once the service consumer has the desired list of specific Payee(s), Payment(s), etc.,
identified, they send the corresponding Inquiry message to get detailed information on an individual Payee,
Payment, Subscriber, etc.

If the required individual identifier for an entity is already known (e.g., Subscriber ID or Payee ID), it is not
necessary to perform the Search service prior to requesting the Inquiry service for the given entity.
The Bill Pay Services API utilizes the following ‘fault’ responses for search and inquiry requests:

All search and inquiry requests will return an ‘Error’ when the request contains an Identifier (e.g., Institution,
Subscriber, etc) that does not exist. The message will indicate which element is invalid (e.g., ‘Invalid
Subscriber ID’, etc).


All search and inquiry requests will return a ‘Warning’ when the Institution and/or Subscriber identifiers are
valid, but the information requested (e.g., Scheduled Payments in a certain date range, specific Payee
Name, etc) does not exist. The message will indicate that ‘no records match selection criteria’.

Modification Behaviors
The ‘Modification’ process is a basic process in jXchange, and is how all eligible data is updated or deleted.
The Activity Intention Key , which is provided by the service provider, is required for every Mod
request. Therefore, an Inquiry request for the desired data set must always be performed prior to the
modification request in order to retrieve the Activity Intent Key necessary for modification processes.
Not all available objects and/or elements within the Bill Pay Services API are eligible for update or delete. An
element that is a required element can be updated, but cannot be deleted. An optional element is eligible for either
update or delete. For each ‘Mod’ service operation detailed in the Business Service Operations section below, only
those elements that are eligible for update will be detailed in the Mod service operation, and each of those
elements will be designated as required or optional.
The use of JHANull is expected in a modification request in order to explicitly indicate whether an element is
intended to be deleted or is simply not included in the modification request.
Modification of individual elements within an array item, or update of the array item itself, must be indicated as

If a new array item is received for an array, it will be inserted into the array;
o If a new element within an [existing] array item is received, it will be inserted into that array item;


If an [existing] array item is included in the modification request, and no changes to the [entire] item are
evident, no updates will be made to that item in the existing array;


If an [existing] array item is included in the modification request, and one or more changes are noted for
individual elements within the array item, updates will be made to those elements (only).


If an [existing] array item is received that indicates a delete of an element within the array item, or delete of
the array item itself, the use of JHANull is expected in order to explicitly indicate the delete intent.


If an [existing] array item is NOT explicitly specified in the modification request, no updates will be made to
that array item.

NOTE: jXchange’s concurrency model is not currently supported within the Bill Pay Services API. However, the
Activity Intent Key will be provided by iPay in response to every Inquiry request that is intended for other
than ‘read-only’ activity.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Localization/Time Zones
The Bill Pay Services API services are localized services, based on the English culture (IETF language tag: en-US)
and the Eastern time zone.
Handling Time Zones
Since the time zone of the service consumer or end-user may differ from the Bill Pay Services API localized time
zone (Eastern), all time elements included in the service operations are required to be converted to ‘Universal Time
Coordinates’ (UTC) –formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT-- in order to ‘neutralize’ these time zone
For example, a service consumer’s bill pay application might allow an end-user to select their desired time zone.
Any service transactions originated in the chosen time zone must be converted to UTC before the request message
is sent. As an example:
1. Subscriber picks Central time zone and 9am
2. Service consumer converts to UTC (9am + 6 hours =1500 UTC) and sends request message
3. Service provider in Eastern time zone converts UTC time to local time zone (1500 – 5 hrs = 10am).

To convert local time to UTC time, you will need to add hours to get the UTC. To convert UTC to local time, these
hours must be subtracted. The following is a table showing time adjustments:
Table 1 - UTC Time Adjustments

Local Time

Add or Subtract from UTC:

Atlantic Standard
Atlantic Daylight
Eastern Standard
Eastern Daylight
Central Standard
Central Daylight
Mountain Standard
Mountain Daylight
Pacific Standard
Pacific Daylight
Alaskan Standard
Alaskan Daylight
Hawaiian Standard

Four hours
Three hours
Five hours
Four hours
Six hours
Five hours
Seven hours
Six hours
Eight hours
Seven hours
Nine hours
Eight hours
Ten hours

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Business Service Operations
The Bill Pay Services API supports messaging for the following business service operations:
Table 2 - Bill Pay Service Operations List

Service Operation


Service Dictionary Search

Allows a client to request ‘closed and open enumerated’
canonical element values based on client-specified dictionary
criteria, as well as fault codes by service operation.

Channel Inquiry

Allows a client to retrieve general reference information for the
Financial Institution and its Bill Pay Services.

Subscriber Lookup

Allows a client to retrieve the iPay subscriber ID for a specific

Subscriber Add

Allows a client to add (i.e., ‘enroll’) a new Subscriber

Subscriber Search

Allows a client to retrieve reference information for subscribers
meeting client-specified search criteria.

Subscriber Inquiry

Allows a client to retrieve current information about a specific
subscriber’s profile, including all available Pay From Account

Subscriber Modification

Allows a client to modify/change fields within a subscriber’s

Payee Add

Allows a client to add a new Payee for a Subscriber.

Payee Search

Allows a client to retrieve a list of Payees for a Subscriber based
on client-specified search criteria.

Payee Inquiry

Allows a client to retrieve current information about a specific
Payee for a Subscriber.

Payee Modification

Allows a client to modify/change fields for a specific Payee, or
delete a specific Payee for a Subscriber.

Payment Add (Single)

Allows a client to schedule a single payment for a Subscriber.

Scheduled Payment Search

Allows a client to retrieve Scheduled Payment information for a
Subscriber based on client-specified search criteria.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Scheduled Payment Inquiry

Allows a client to retrieve current information about a specific
scheduled payment for a Subscriber.

Scheduled Payment Modification

Allows a client to modify/change fields for a specific Scheduled
Payment, or stop a Scheduled Payment for a Subscriber.

Scheduled Payment Approval

Allows a client to provide a payment approval from an authorized
approver for a scheduled payment that requires additional

Payment History Search

Allows a client to retrieve Payment History information for a
Subscriber based on client-specified search criteria.

Payment History Inquiry

Allows a client to retrieve current information about a specific
processed payment for a Subscriber.

eBill [History] Search

Allows a client to retrieve current and historical information about
eBills for a Subscriber (for one or multiple Payees).

eBill Inquiry

Allows a client to retrieve information about a specific eBill for a
Subscriber’s Payee.

eBill Mod

Allows a client to ‘file’ a specific eBill for a Subscriber’s Payee.

Business Service Operations - Updates
This topic explains the updates to these services.

Release 2012.0.01 - Initial release

The following new messages were created for ‘Subscriber Lookup’ service:
 BilPaySubConsmCustInqRq_MType
 BilPaySubConsmCustInqRs_MType


The following new subscriber identifier elements added to BilPaySubInfo complex, associated with SubInq,
SubMod and [future] SubAdd services:
 SubConsmCustID
 SubComID


Remove ability to add new MobProvdCode; thus elminating need for MobProvDom element altogether
(SubInq; SubMod services)


The following service operations were revised to remove any ‘account masking’ requirements for service
 Subscriber Inquiry
 Payee Search
 Payee Inquiry
 Scheduled Payment Search
 Scheduled Payment Inquiry
 Payment History Search
 Payment History Inquiry

The following service operations were updated to reflect the corrected definition of the PayeePmtMthd element:
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


Payee Search
Payee Inquiry

Release 2012.0.02 – (06.01.2013)

NEW service operation added to the available list of Business Service Operations:
 Subscriber Add


The following service operation was updated to include the PayeeEmailSharedSecret element in the response:
 Payee Inquiry


The following service operation was updated to clarify that Payee Address is an optional entry for ‘Email’
 Payee Add


The following service operation was updated to include the newly added ability to edit the [Primary] Payee
 Payee Modification


The following service operations were updated to include the newly added ability to schedule and manage a
recurring payment series, as well as view recurring series information:
 Scheduled Payment Add
 Scheduled Payment Inquiry
 Scheduled Payment Mod
 Payment History Inquiry


The following service operations were updated to reflect the corrected element name for the Date Range filter
option (by Process Date or Due Date); as well as the inclusion of two new elements and new search filter
options to support Recurring Payments:
 Scheduled Payments Search
 Payment History Search


The following service operation was updated to include 2 new elements to provide information on ‘Electronic
Risk Limits’,as well as several new elements needed to assist in the Subscriber Add process:
 Channel Inquiry


The following service operation was updated to include a new value within the SvcDictName element needed
to request dictionary information for the new Subscriber Add process:
 Service Dictionary Search


The following service operations were updated to include new elements, including Pay From Account
elements, needed to assist in the Subscriber Add and ongoing Subscriber management processes:
 Subscriber Inquiry
 Subscriber Mod
 Payee Search
 Payee Inquiry
 Scheduled Payment Search
 Scheduled Payment Inquiry
 Payment History Search
 Payment History Inquiry

Release 2013.1.00 – (10.15.2013)

NEW service operation added to the available list of Business Service Operations:
 BilPaySchedPmtApprv


The following service operation was updated to include new product configuration elements to support
Business Subscribers, where applicable:

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01



Channel Inquiry

The following service operations were updated to include new elements needed to assist in the Subscriber Add
and ongoing Subscriber management processes for Business Subscribers, including Pay From Account
Owner information, as well as adding and/or managing multiple users – i.e., ‘Subscriber’s Associated Users’ –
within the Business Subscriber’s account:
 Subscriber Add
 Subscriber Search
 Subscriber Inquiry
 Subscriber Mod
 Payee Search
 Payee Inquiry
 Scheduled Payment Search

Scheduled Payment Inquiry


Payment History Search


Payment History Inquiry

The following service operations were updated to add new RetroToOrigPmtDt and InvoiceInfoArray information
into the BilPayPmtInfo complex element:

Scheduled Payment Add
Scheduled Payment Inquiry
Scheduled Payment Mod
Payment History Inquiry


The following service operations were updated to reflect the correct canonical value for the PmtMthd element
(from ‘Elect’ to ‘Elec’):
 Payee Search – PayeePmtMthd
 Payee Inquiry – PayeePmtMthd
 Scheduled Payment Search – PayeePmtMthd & PmtMthd
 Scheduled Payment Inquiry – PayeePmtMthd & PmtMthd
 Payment History Search – PayeePmtMthd & PmtMthd
 Payment History Inquiry – PayeePmtMthd & PmtMthd


The following service operations were updated to reflect the correct canonical value for the PayeeClsf element
(from ‘Indiv’ to ‘Indv’):
 Payee Add
 Payee Search
 Payee Inquiry
 Scheduled Payment Inquiry
 Payment History Inquiry


The following service operation was updated to include a new value within the SvcDictName element needed
to request dictionary information for the new Scheduled Payment Approval process, as well as two new open
enumerated elements:
 Service Dictionary Search


2 new canonical values have been added to the PmtStat element to support Business Subscribers that require
payment approval for scheduled payments:
 PmtApprvReq - Payment Approval Required

 Added to Scheduled Payment Search, Scheduled Payment Inquiry
PmtApprv - Payment Approved (for processed payment that required Payment Approval)

Added to Payment History Search, Payment History Inquiry

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Release 2013.1.03 – (07.07.2014)

This version to be used in conjunction with jXchange XSD release version R2013.1.03_XSD.
The following service operation was updated to include a new element (‘AlwSubType’) to provide information
about what Subscriber Types are allowed for the listed Product:
 Channel Inquiry


The following service operations were updated to reflect the corrected element name for ‘PmtApprvReq’
(initially listed incorrectly as ‘PmtApprvReqd’):
 BilPaySubAdd
 BilPaySubInq
 BilPaySubMod


The following service operations were updated to accurately reflect the element name associated with the
‘Secondary Account Holder Name’ (‘AddlName’ vs. ‘PersonName’) within the ‘SecdPersonArray’ array:
 BilPaySubAdd
 BilPaySubInq
 BilPaySubMod


The following service operations were updated to correct the canonical value for the ‘PmtDayofWeek’ element
(from ‘Thurs’ to ‘Thur’) within the ‘RecurPmtInfo’ complex:
 BilPaySchedPmtAdd
 BilPaySchedPmtInq
 BilPaySchedPmtMod
 BilPayPmtHistInq

Release 2014.0.01– (07.31.2014)

This version to be used in conjunction with jXchange XSD release version R2014.0.01_XSD.


The following service operation was updated to include ‘PhoneType’, ‘SvcFeeDesc’ and ‘ElecMerAcctType’ in
the list of open enums which can be requested:
 SvcDictSrch


The following service operation was updated to include an additional ‘Note’ for the ‘TempPswd’ element:
 BilPaySubAdd


The following service operations were updated to clarify the value returned for the SubMerAcctId element
within the BilPayPayeeInfo complex when no Payee Account ID exists for the Subscriber:
 BilPayPayeeAdd
 BilPayPayeeInq
 BilPaySchedPmtInq
 BilPayPmtHistInq


The following service operations were updated to clarify the rules for allowing Payee FI Account Information to
be added:
 BilPayPayeeAdd
 BilPayPayeeMod

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


The following service operation was updated to indicate the rule change regarding Payment Adds for
‘unactivated’ Payees (no longer allowed):
 BilPaySchedPmtAdd


The following service operations were updated to correct ‘PmtStartDt’ details to denote that this will always be
based on ‘Process Date’, regardless of Payment Date Model:
 BilPaySchedPmtSrch
 BilPayPmtHistSrch


The following service operations were updated to include new elements needed to support ‘Payment Service
Fee’ functionality, where applicable:
 BilPayPayeeInq
 BilPaySchedPmtInq
 BilPayPmtHistInq


The following service operations were updated to include new elements needed to support ‘eBills/Bill
Presentment’ functionality:
 SvcDictSrch
 BilPayChanInq
 BilPayPayeeSrch
 BilPayPayeeInq
 BilPayPayeeMod
 BilPaySchedPmtSrch
 BilPaySchedPmtInq
 BilPayPmtHistSrch
 BilPayPmtHistInq


NEW service operations added to the available list of Business Service Operations to support ‘eBills/Bill
Presentment’ functionality:
 BilPayElecBillSchedSrch
 BilPayElecBillSchedInq
 BilPayElecBillSchedMod

Release 2014.0.06 – (03.31.2015)

This version to be used in conjunction with jXchange XSD release version R2014.0.06_XSD.


The following service operation was updated to include ‘FirstAvlProcDt’, ‘FirstAvlEstArvDt’ and ‘EstArvDay’
elements in the response message:
 BilPayPayeeSrch


The following service operations were updated to correct the definition of the ‘NotAct’ canonical value for the
‘PayeeStat’ element:
 BilPayPayeeSrch
 BilPayPayeeInq


The following service operation was updated to include the missed element, ‘SubModMerAcctId’:
 BilPayPayeeInq


The following service operation was updated to include additional ‘Notes’ for the Payee ‘PhoneNum’ and
‘EmailAddr’ elements:
 BilPayPayeeAdd

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


The following service operation was updated to correct the element name under the ‘eBill Account Setup’
 BilPayPayeeMod


The following service operation was updated to include additional instructions for designating a default Pay
From Account in the ‘Subscriber Add Behaviors’ section:
 BilPaySubAdd


The following service operations wer updated to clarify the example for accepted values for the
‘PmtDayofMonth’ element within the ‘PmtDayInfoArray’ :
 BilPaySchedPmtAdd
 BilPaySchedPmtInq
 BilPaySchedPmtMod
 BilPayPmtHistInq

Release 2014.0.08 – (06.15.2015)

This version to be used in conjunction with jXchange XSD release version R2014.0.08_XSD.


The following service operations were updated to include ‘SubCmntToPayee’ element in the request and/or
response messages:
 BilPaySchedPmtAdd (request and response)
 BilPaySchedPmtInq (response message only)
 BilPaySchedPmtMod (request and response)
 BilPayPmtHistInq (response message only)


The following service operation was updated to include ‘ElecBilPayeeAcctId’ element in the request message:
 BilPayElecBilSchedSrch


The following service operation was updated to include ‘ElecBilPayeeAcctId’, ‘CurBal’ and ‘MinPmtAmt’
elements in the response message:
 BilPayElecBilSchedSrch


The following service operation was updated to include ‘ElecBilPayeeAcctId’ element in the response
 BilPayElecBilSchedInq


The following service operation was updated to include additional ‘Note’ regarding the possibility that no active
Pay From Accounts may exist for an active Subscriber:
 BilPaySubscriberInq
The following service operations were updated to include ‘Note’ regarding the ‘AuthenQuesDesc’ element
being returned as a CDATA section, as it may contain HTML and other ‘illegal’ XML characters:
 BilPayPayeeInq
 BilPayPayeeMod


Release 2015.0.01 – (08.12.2015)

This version to be used in conjunction with jXchange XSD release version R2015.0.01_XSD.


The following service operation was updated to include the new ‘XferToSubFinInst’ canonical value for the
FeturType element:

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


BilPayChanInq (response)


The following service operations were updated to include the new ‘FinInst’ canonical value for the ‘PayeeClsf’
 BilPayPayeeAdd (request)
 BilPayPayeeSrch (response)
 BilPayPayeeInq (response)
 BilPaySchedPmtInq (response)
 BilPayPmtHistInq (response)


The following service operations were updated to include ‘PmtIntentType’ element (for the Payee, as well as
for the Payment) in the request and/or response messages:
 BilPayPayeeAdd
 BilPayPayeeSrch
 BilPayPayeeInquiry
 BilPayPayeeMod
 BilPaySchedPmtAdd
 BilPaySchedPmtSrch
 BilPaySchedPmtInq
 BilPaySchedPmtMod
 BilPayPmtHistSrch
 BilPayPmtHistInq


The following service operation was updated to include ‘SubMerAcctID’ element in the response message:
 BilPayPayeeSrch


The following service operations were updated to include ‘add’ and /or ‘mod’ behaviors for Outbound Transfer
Payees and Payments:
 BilPayPayeeAdd
 BilPayPayeeMod
 BilPaySchedPmtAdd
 BilPaySchedPmtMod

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Business Service Operations – General Behaviors
The jXchange messaging structures and protocols for general utilization of jXchange web services are provided
in the documentation included in the Vendor Packet. The service consumer is expected to adhere to these
messaging structures and protocols for all Bill Pay Services API service operations.
The service operation information that follows provides detailed information about expected behaviors specific to
each iPay Bill Pay Service API business service operation. As such, this document addresses only those
elements and/or protocols that are explicitly required for use within the Bill Pay Services API. It can be assumed
that any elements that exist in a given message schema that are NOT referenced in this document are not
required for use within the Bill Pay Services API services.
For all elements with closed enumerated canonical values of ‘True’ and ‘False’, the default value in every
instance will always be ‘False’.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Institution Services
Service Dictionary Search
Container: TPG_CustomerMaster.xsd
Message: SvcDictSrch
The Service Dictionary Search is a jXchange messaging service designed to provide the service consumer with a
service that can convey a service provider's elements, XSD path, requirements, default values, open
and closed enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
The Service Dictionary service is covered in detail in the jXchange Service Dictionary Service Document that is
included in the Vendor Packet.
At this time, iPay’s Bill Pay Services API supports Service Dictionary search requests for the following information

Closed enumerated canonical values (available for all ‘closed’ enumerated elements)


Open enumerated canonical values (limited to specific elements)


fault codes per [service] operation (Service Provider Error Array)

The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
Message flow involves the exchange of MType messages between the third party consumer and the service

The third party consumer forwards the SvcDictSrchRq_MType request message containing:

SvcDictName (Required)
SvcDictType (Required)
ElemName (Optional)
SvcDictFilterArray (Optional)
IncXtendElemArray (not currently utilized by Bill Pay Services API services)

The SvcDictSrchRq request message requires valid SvcDictName and SvcDictType elements.
The simple elements contained within the SvcDictSrchRq message request are listed below. They are a part of a
documented filter statement. Any or all of the following simple elements can be sent.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This represents the Bill Pay Services API operations that can be queried to obtain data dictionary definitions.
The service operations that are currently applicable to the Bill Pay Services API are:


The SvcDictName must be specified in order to receive the list of enumerated canonical values for the desired
service operation. The ability to receive a ‘global list’ of enumerated values for all elements within the Bill Pay
Services API (by leaving the SvcDictName filter blank) is not available at this time.
This represents the desired service dictionary operation type. Canonical values are:

Request ~Rq~
Response ~Rs~

If the value is set to “Rq”, the response message will return the enumerated (open and closed) values required
for the service consumer’s request specified by the SvcDictName . If the value is set to “Rs”, the response
message will return the enumerated (open and closed) values that would be returned in the service provider’s
response message specified by the SvcDictName.
1) Enumerated elements with True/False values will not be returned, as these are covered in the Business
Service Operations section below.
a. All enumerated ‘True/False’ elements will default to ‘False’ if not specified in the request.
2) Error values would not be sent if the SvcDictName is set to ‘Rs’ (Response), as errors are applicable only
to service requests.

The request also includes the optional simple element ElemName, so that a consumer could query for the
canonical values as related to a specific element.
Canonical values can be requested for all closed enumerated elements required for the Bill Pay Services API.
The ‘open’ enumerated elements available within the Bill Pay Services API at this time are:
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01



This is the list of mobile phone providers currently available within the Bill Pay Services API, and is
located in the BilPaySubAdd, BilPaySubInq and BilPaySubMod service operations.


This is the list of currently available permissions that may be applied to Subscriber’s Associated Users,
and is located in the BilPaySubAdd, BilPaySubInq and BilPaySubMod service operations.


This is the list of currently available payment caps that may be applied to Subscriber’s Associated
Users, and is located in the BilPaySubAdd, BilPaySubInq and BilPaySubMod service operations.


This is the list of phone types currently supported within the Bill Pay Services API, and is located in the
BilPayPayeeAdd, BilPayPayeeInq, BilPaySubSrch, BillPaySubAdd, BilPaySubInq, BilPaySubMod,
BilPaySchedPmtInq and BilPayPmtHistInq service operations.


This is the list of Payment-level Service Fee ‘types’ currently supported within the Bill Pay Services
API, and is located in the BilPayPayeeInq, BilPaySchedPmtInq and BilPayPmtHistInq service


This is the list of eBiller account types (returned as a matched pair value including code and
corresponding description) currently supported within the Bill Pay Services API, and is located in the
BilPayPayeeInq and BilPayeeMod service operations.

The request also includes the optional array SvcDictFilterArray, containing the SvcDictFilterInfo complex
element, which includes the SvcDictFilterCode and SvcDictFilterVal elements.
These two simple elements present a matched pair that provides canonical value(s) that allows a consumer to
restrict a query for specific values that have a correlation to an operation.
The only SvcDictFilterCode values currently supported for the Bill Pay Services API are:


which limit the result set to the supporting information for the MobPrvdCode element only.
The optional IncXtendElemArray array is an optional array that lists the x_ elements by name which are to be
included in the response. This array is required if the consumer would like to have the service provider's Field
Information or Service Provider Error Array returned for a specific element.

The service provider (iPay) returns the SvcDictSrchRs response message to the service consumer, which returns
the following:

Closed enumerated canonical values (available for all ‘closed’ enumerated elements)


Open enumerated canonical values (limited to specific elements)


fault codes per operation (Service Provider Error Array)

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The applicable arrays contained within the SvcDictSrchRs response message applicable for the Bill Pay Services
API are:
The x_SvcPrvdErrArray array included at the root response level provides the consumer with all of the
fault/errors that can exist for the named SvcDictName submitted in the request. This ‘root-level’ array of
errors will be provided with every SvcDictSrchRs message returned by the Bill Pay Services API.
This array provides dictionary information for the named service (SvcDictName) and includes the
SvcDictInfoRec complex, which contains dictionary information for each enumerated element in the
service. At this time, the Bill Pay Services API will return only the following for each enumerated element in
this array:
This is the name provided to the specified element.
This is the service provider’s canonical type for the specified element. Canonical values are:
 Open
 Closed
 NA
This array includes the ElemCanocRec for each element, which provides the list of canonical
values and corresponding descriptions.
This is the canonical value for the specific element.
This is the description of the canonical value for the specific element.
This optional array includes additional information, if applicable, for each canonical value
and includes the following complex element:
The Service Provider’s pertinent details related to the canonical value.
Any text related to the canonical value.
An example response for a request for open-enumerated ‘PerCode’ values might be:


This subscriber's associated user can or cannot schedule bill

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01



The SvcDictInfoRec also includes an x_SvcPrvdErrArray for the named element. However, the Bill Pay
Services API will not be returning errors at the element level at this time.

The elements within the Bill Pay Services API that currently include an open enumerated list of canonical
values are:

MobPrvdCode (the list of mobile providers currently available within the Bill Pay Services API), which is located
in the BilPaySubInq and BilPaySubMod service operations.


PerCode (the list of currently available permissions that may be applied to Subscriber’s Associated Users),
which is located in the BilPaySubAdd, BilPaySubInq and BilPaySubMod service operations.


CapCode (the list of currently available payment caps that may be applied to Subscriber’s Associated Users),
which is located in the BilPaySubAdd, BilPaySubInq and BilPaySubMod service operations.


Phone Type (the list of phone types currently supported with the Bill Pay Services API), which is located in

the BilPayPayeeAdd, BilPayPayeeInq, BilPaySubSrch, BillPaySubAdd, BilPaySubInq, BilPaySubMod,
BilPaySchedPmtInq and BilPayPmtHistInq service operations.

SvcFeeDesc (the list of Payment-level Service Fee ‘types’ currently supported within the Bill Pay Services API),
which is located in the BilPayPayeeInq, BilPaySchedPmtInq and BilPayPmtHistInq service operations.


ElecMerAcctType (the list of eBiller account types (returned as a matched pair value including both code and
corresponding description) currently supported within the Bill Pay Services API), which is located in the
BilPayPayeeInq and BilPayPayeeMod service operations.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Channel Inquiry
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayChanInq
Channel Inquiry  is a Bill Pay Services API service designed to allow a consumer to retrieve
reference information about a specific financial institution, as well as information about available the Bill Pay
Service API operations and supporting information specific to that Institution.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Channel Inquiry service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve reference information about a
specific financial institution and its Bill Pay Service API operations.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayChanInqRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within this message request are necessary for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This specifies the ‘iPay’ Product Type associated with the Product that is utilizing the Bill Pay Service API
service operations. Canonical values are:

Consm - Consumer
Bus - Business
iSB - Services Platform (reserved for future use)

If no BilPayProdType is specified, product information will be returned for all products that include the
specified BilPayProd (above).

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayChanInqRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a package of product and other reference information for the specified Financial Institution.
The simple elements contained within the BilPayChanInfo complex element of the BilPayChanInqRs response
applicable for the Bill Pay Services API are:
This is the depository financial institution name.
This is the cutoff time (transmitted in UTC or GMT) when payments are no longer eligible for processing on the same
This payment cutoff time is based in the Eastern Time Zone, regardless of the location of the Financial Institution (for
example, a cutoff time of 3:00 PM Eastern would translate to a cutoff time of 2:00 PM Central for an FI located in the
Central Time Zone). All payments scheduled after this time for immediate processing are processed on the next
available processing day.

This is the number of months that payment information is stored for the financial institution. For example, a
value of 18 indicates that a maximum of 18 months’ worth of payment data is available for this FI’s subscribers.
This is the number of months that check image information is stored for the financial institution. For example, a
value of 18 indicates that check images will be available for 18 months for this FI’s subscribers.
This represents the check funding model for the Institution. Canonical values are:
 SubDrft (Subscriber draft; aka ‘Risk Model’)
 BilPayPrvdDrft (aka ‘iPay draft’ or ‘Good Funds’ model)
 InstDrft (Institution draft)
The Check Funding Model (i.e., ‘Processing Model’) determines if an iPay-owned clearing account is used,
whether the checks are funded through an iPay account or the Financial Institution’s/Agent’s account, and
when funds are credited to the Payee. It is also used to determine who has responsibility for stopping a check
payment, if required. For example, the ‘Subscriber draft’ is drawn directly from the Subscriber’s account, so the
Financial Institution must stop the check. The ‘iPay Draft’ is drawn from iPay’s account after subscriber funds
are placed in iPay’s settlement account, so iPay must be contacted to stop these checks.
Bill Pay Provider/iPay Draft (Good Funds Model)
This simply means that the Subscriber’s funds ‘are good’. The iPay Draft/Good Funds model utilizes a ‘lag period’ that
provides time to allow an FI to review all potential debits to subscriber accounts before debiting the subscriber and
crediting iPay. iPay then forwards the payment electronically to the Payee, or drops the transaction to a check funded
from an iPay Account. Funds are removed from the subscriber account before the Payee receives funds.
Subscriber Draft Model (aka ‘Risk Model’)
This draft model generates transactions funded directly from the Subscriber’s account. All electronic payments are
processed using the ‘iPay Draft’ model (i.e., transactions debit from the account as drafts using the Subscriber’s
financial account information). For check payments, the Subscriber’s checking account and routing numbers are
printed on the check and funds will not debit from the account until presented by the Payee.
Institution Draft Model
The Institution Draft Model is a variation on the Subscriber Draft model. The major variation is that check payments are
not drawn on the Subscriber’s account, but are drawn on a central FI account. iPay debits the Subscriber’s account,
moves funds to the Institution’s clearing account and the checks are then drawn on the clearing account.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This indicates whether the financial institution requires that funds are verified before being submitted. If true,
the Subscriber’s balance is checked and their account is debited before a transaction is processed. This
functionality allows the subscriber to avoid overdraft charges, and provides the ability to send payments
through consolidators who only accept ‘good funds’. Canonical values are:


The arrays contained within the BilPayChanInfo response message applicable for the Bill Pay Services API are:
This array contains a list of all non-processing dates (e.g., Federal Reserve holidays, weekend dates, etc) for
the next 18 months, and includes the NonProcDtInfo complex element. The NonProcDtInfo complex includes
the following simple element which specifies each non-processing date:
This is a non-processing date.
This array includes the BilPayProdTypeInfo complex element, which contains a package of data for each
specified Bill Pay Product and includes following simple and complex elements and array(s):

Simple elements:
This represents the Product Type associated with the Product that is utilizing the Bill Pay Service
operations. Canonical values are:
 Consm - Consumer
 Bus - Business
 iSB - Services Platform (reserved for future use)
This represents the Payment Date Model being utilized by the Institution for the specified product.
Canonical values are:
 ProcDtModel - Process Date - Institution requires the Subscriber to choose a Process Date,
and the Estimated Arrival Date of the payment is calculated based on the
entered value.
 DueDtModel - Due Date (aka ‘Estimated Arrival Date’) - Institution requires the Subscriber to
choose a Due Date, and the Process Date is calculated based on the entered
This is the maximum payment amount that can be requested for a single transaction by any Subscriber on
this Institution’s account.
This is the maximum payment amount that can be requested for a single ‘Email’ (P2P) payment.
This is the maximum daily amount that can be requested for all ‘Email’ (P2P) payments in a single day
for a given Subscriber.
This indicates whether a Secondary Account Holder can be specified for all Subscriber/Customer accounts
associated with this Product for this Institution. Canonical values are:
 True
 False

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This indicates whether additional Pay From Accounts (in addition to the ‘default’ Pay From Account) are
allowed for all Subscriber/Customer accounts associated with this Product for this Institution. Canonical
values are:


This is the daily dollar limit for electronic payments that can be requested by a given Subscriber. Electronic
payments that exceed this limit will be converted to draft/check.
This is the monthly dollar limit for electronic payments that can be requested by a given Subscriber.
Electronic payments that exceed this limit will be converted to draft/check.
This indicates whether a Tax ID (e.g., SSN, EIN) is required to add/enroll the Subscriber. Canonical values
 True
 False
This indicates whether the Institution allows the Subscriber to specify the starting check number for a given
Pay From Account. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
This indicates whether the Institution allows the Subscriber to add a savings account as a Pay From
Account. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
This indicates whether Dual Sign On is required when accessing an iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay interface
(if iPay’s ‘online’ Bill Pay interface is available for use by the Institution’s Subscribers). If Dual Sign On is
the required login method, a temporary password is required (in addition to the LoginID) in order to
add/enroll the new Subscriber. Canonical values are:
 True
 False

This indicates whether the Institution allows specification of Pay From Account ‘Owner’ information.
Canonical values are:
 True
 False
This indicates whether the Institution/Service Consumer will ‘own’, or manage, all permissions for
Subscriber’s Associated Users, and is applicable ONLY if the ‘Subuser’ feature is available for the
Institution’s Product. A value of ‘False’ indicates that the Institution/Service Consumer will utilize the
Subuser permission structure provided by the Service Provider (iPay). Canonical values are:
 True
 False
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This indicates whether the Institution allows an authorized user to view or modify the
SubAssocUsrConsmCustId (the consumer’s customer ID associated with the Subscriber’s Associated
User). Canonical values are:
 True
 False
NOTE: This element is not currently being used by iPay.

This indicates whether the Institution allows an authorized user to view or modify the SubAssocUsrComId
(the Subuser’s identifier that is common between the Provider and Consumer, typically the ‘Login ID’). If
set to ‘True’, the Service Consumer should hide the SubAssocUsrComId (i.e., ‘Login ID’), from all
requesting users (except when the requesting user is the Subuser specified in the request). Canonical
values are:
 True
 False
This indicates the Subscriber Type(s) that are allowed for the listed Bill Pay Product. Canonical values are:
 Comp - Company
 Indv - Individual
 All – All (both Company and Individual)
NOTE: This element is not currently being used by iPay.

This indicates whether setup of ‘Automatic Payment Schedule(s)’ for eBills is allowed for the listed Bill Pay
Product. The Bill Pay Product must include the ‘eBills’ feature in order to be applicable. Canonical values
 True
 False
NOTE: Prohibition or enabling of Automatic Payment Schedules is also controlled at the individual
‘eBiller’ level, so a value of ‘true’ here does not necessarily guarantee that this feature is available
for the individual eBill account; only that it has been made generally available for Subscribers using
the Product. A Payee Inquiry can be performed to determine whether an Automatic Payment
Schedule can be established for a given Subscriber’s Payee.

Complex element(s):
This complex element contains the Financial Institution’s LoginID parameter information for the specified
Product, which provides an explicit definition of the applicable restrictions that apply when constructing
a Subscriber LoginID. It includes the following simple elements, as well as the SpecCharRstrArray
This specifies the minimum number of characters (overall) that the credential type should contain.
This specifies the maximum number of characters (overall) that the credential type should contain.
This specifies the minimum number of alphabetic characters (ASCII chars: a-z and A-Z) that the
Credential type should contain. So, if the Institution’s required maximum LoginID length is specified
as 20, and the minimum number of alphabetic characters is specified as 20, this would indicate a
LoginID that must be all alphabetic characters.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This specifies the minimum number of numeric characters (ASCII chars: 0 - 9) that the credential
Type should contain. So, if the Institution’s required maximum LoginID length is specified as 20, and
the minimum number of numeric characters is specified as 20, this would indicate a LoginID that
must be all numeric characters.
This specifies the minimum number of special characters (ASCII chars: [space] ! @ # $ % ^ & *
( ) _ - + = { } [ ] | \ : ; “ ‘ < > ? / ) that the credential type should contain.
This specifies the minimum number of lower case characters (ASCII chars: a-z) that the credential
type should contain.
This specifies the minimum number of upper case characters (ASCII chars: A-Z) that the credential
type should contain.
This array includes the SpecCharRstrRec complex element, which contains data related to the special
characters that are not allowed for the credential type. It includes the following simple element(s):
This specifies the special character that is restricted for the credential type.

The array(s) contained within the BilPayProdTypeInfo complex are listed below.
This array contains a list of Bill Pay Service features (business service operations) that are available for the
specified Product, and includes following simple elements and array(s):

Simple elements:
This specifies the type of feature(s) available for the specified bill pay Product. Canonical values
- Add/Enroll new Subscriber (includes ability to add Pay From Accounts)
- View Subscriber Information
- Manage Subscriber Information
ViewPayFromAcct - View Pay From Accounts
MgmtPayFromAcct - Manage (Add, Edit, Delete) Pay From Accounts
- Manage (Add, Edit, Delete) multiple Subusers for Bill Pay account
- Add Payee
- View Payees
- Manage Payee
 SchedSinglePmt
- Schedule a Single Payment
- Schedule a Recurring Series
- Manage Recurring Series
- Email Payments
- Rush Payments
- View Pending/Scheduled Payments
- Manage Pending Payments
- View Payment History
 ViewInstInfo
- View Institution Information
- Electronic Bill Payment Series
[NEW!] XferToSubFinInst - Outbound Transfers
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The above features are mapped to specific Business Service Operations (details can be found in
Appendix A , below), allowing the service provider (iPay) to ensure the requested
business service operation is available for the Institution and, if applicable, for the Subscriber

This indicates whether the specified feature is activated for this Product for this Institution.
Canonical values are:
 True
 False
Only those ‘features’ that are active for this Product will be available as a Bill Pay service
Operation for the specified Institution/Product. Attempts to request a ‘non-active’ feature will
result in a ‘permissions’ error.

This array contains a list of subscriber types that can access the specified feature and includes the
SubTypeAccessFeturInfo complex element. The SubTypeAccessFeturInfo complex specifies a
package of data related to the Subscriber Types that can access the specified feature for this
Product and includes the following simple element(s):
This specifies the Subscriber type(s) that can access the specified feature. Canonical
values are:
 Comp - Company
 Indv
- Individual
This array contains the available options for managing Subscriber’s Associated Users (i.e., ‘Subusers’),
and includes the following element(s):

Simple element(s):
This specifies the options that are available for managing Subscriber’s Associated Users for the
specified Bill Pay Product. If ‘all’ subuser management functions are not available, a value for each
available option will be included in the array (e.g., if no ‘delete’ capability is available, separate
‘add’, ‘mod’ values will be provided). Canonical values are:
 All
- [default] Can do all associated user management functions
 None - Can do no associated user management functions
 Add
- Can add associated users
 Mod
- Can modify/change associated users’ information
 Delete - Can delete associated users

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Subscriber Services
Subscriber Lookup
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySubConsmCustInq
The bill pay Subscriber Lookup  will return the unique Subscriber identifier 
required by the Service Provider (iPay) for all subsequent ‘user-specific’ service requests, based on the previouslyshared ‘common’ user identifier provided by the Service Consumer.
The Service Consumer has the option of storing the Subscriber identifier  required by iPay for future use in
requesting Subscriber-specific Bill Pay services. However, if the consumer chooses NOT to store iPay’s
Subscriber identifier, this lookup service operation allows the Service Consumer to retrieve the required identifier
‘as needed’.
NOTE: Prior to utilization of this lookup service, a common means of uniquely identifying each authorized user of a
Subscriber’s account (e.g., Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User) between the two systems must be
Therefore, either the Service Consumer’s ‘customer’ identifier for the Subscriber or associated user, or a
‘common’ user identifier that is known to both entities, must first be provided to the Service Provider (iPay)
so it can be associated with iPay’s key identifier for the specified Subscriber  or associated user
. At least one of these ‘common identifier’ elements will be required when any new user
is added (‘enrolled’) in Bill Pay services. These elements can be updated for both Subscribers or associated
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Subscriber Lookup service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve the Service Provider’s ‘key’
identifier for the specified Subscriber or associated user, based on the ‘common identifier’ submitted by the Service

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySubConsmCustInqRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPaySubConsmCustInqRq message request are necessary for the Bill
Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This optional element represents the consumer’s customer ID associated with the requesting user
(either the Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User).
This optional element represents the identification that is common between the provider and consumer
associated with the requesting user (either the Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User). This will typically
be the user’s ‘LoginID’ used to gain access to a corresponding iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay application.
NOTE: Either user identifier value can be provided on the lookup request (regardless of whether Bill Pay Services are

‘Stand-Alone’ or ‘non-Stand-Alone’) provided the submitted identifier has previously been supplied to the
Service Provider (iPay) and has been associated with the user.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySubConsmCustIDRs response message to the Service Consumer,
which returns the unique [iPay] ‘key’ user identifier associated with the provided ‘customer ID’ or ‘common’
The elements contained within the BilPaySubConsmCustInqRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber. (This element is required for all subsequent
Subscriber-specific service requests.)
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber’s Associated User (or ‘end-user’), if the
lookup request passed an associated user’s ‘common identifier’. (This element can be used to specify the
‘requesting user’ on subsequent Subscriber-specific service requests.)
This complex element contains the Subscriber’s Name information, and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay Services
This represents the [Company] Subscriber’s Company Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s First Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Middle Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Last Name.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Subscriber Add
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySubAdd
The bill pay Subscriber Add  will allow the service consumer to add (i.e. enroll) a new Subscriber
for a specific FI and Product. At least one ‘common’ user identifier element is required on the Add request (for
Individual Subscribers: the  or ; for Company Subscribers: the Primary Account
Holder’s  or ).
When adding a ‘Company’ (i.e. ‘Business’) Subscriber, all Company-related information is passed within the root
BilPaySubInfo complex on the Add request, while information pertaining to the individuals who will utilize the
Company Subscriber account (such as the Primary Account Holder or any other associated users) is passed within
the ‘SubAssocUsrInfoArray’, located within the BilPaySubInfo complex.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Subscriber Add service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow the service consumer to add a
new Subscriber on behalf of a specific FI and Product.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySubAddRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPaySubAddRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This element should be left blank for the add request, as this information will not be available to the Service
Consumer until the Subscriber Add request has been successfully completed.
This complex element contains a package of data related to the specified bill pay Subscriber, and includes the
following simple and complex elements, as well as several arrays:

Simple elements:
This represents the Subscriber type for the specified subscriber. Canonical values are:
 Comp - Company
 Indv
- Individual
This optional element represents the identification of the consumer’s customer associated with an
Individual Subscriber (.e.g., the consumer’s or FI’s ‘internal’ identifier for the customer/Subscriber).
This element should be left blank for a Company Subscriber add request, as identifier information
pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account must be passed separately (within the
SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.
This optional element represents the identification that is common between the service provider (iPay) and
service consumer associated with an Individual Subscriber. This will typically be the Subscriber’s ‘LoginID’
used to gain access to a corresponding iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay application.
This element should be left blank for a Company Subscriber add request, as identifier information
pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account must be passed separately (within the
SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.
NOTE: The above Subscriber identifier value(s) provided to the service provider (‘iPay’) can later be used
in Subscriber Lookup requests to obtain the service provider’s (iPay’s) SubID, which is necessary
for all subsequent Subscriber-level requests.
This is the Subscriber’s tax identifier (e.g., SSN or [Company] EIN).
For Company Subscribers, the Tax ID is always required.
For Individual Subscribers, the Tax ID is required ONLY if the Subscriber’s Product explicitly requires it. A
Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if this information is required in order to add a Subscriber.
This is the password specified by the [Individual] Subscriber, which will be used when accessing iPay’s
‘online’ Bill Pay interface (if an iPay-hosted online Bill Pay interface is available for use by the Institution’s
Individual Subscribers). The value entered is limited to a maximum of 20 [alphanumeric] characters.
This element should be left blank for a Company Subscriber add request, as password information
pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account must be passed separately (within the
SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.
1) A Temp Password is required ONLY if the Subscriber’s Product explicitly requires it. A Channel Inquiry
can be performed to determine if this information is required when adding a Subscriber.
2) The Subuser will be required to change their Temp Password upon initial login to the online Bill Pay
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional element indicates whether new payments scheduled for the specified [Company] Subscriber’s
account will require approval from another associated user authorized to approve payments in order to be
processed. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
NOTE: This option is not applicable if the Service Consumer manages Subuser permissions. A Channel
Inquiry can be performed to determine whether the Servicer Consumer or the Service Provider
manages Subuser permissions.
This optional element indicates the frequency at which passwords must be changed for Subscriber’s
Associated Users. Canonical values are:
 None - [default] no password change is required
 Weekly – password change is required weekly
 Mthly - password change is required monthly
 Qtr
- password change is required quarterly
NOTE: Specification of this option is not applicable on the add request (this can, however, be modified in a
subsequent Subscriber Mod request). A value entered here will be ignored.

Complex elements:
This complex element contains the Subscriber’s Name, and includes the following simple elements, as well
as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay Services API):
This represents the [Company] Subscriber’s Company Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s First Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Middle Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Last Name.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, only the ‘ComName’ should be included in the add request.
For Individual Subscribers, only the First-, Middle- and LastName elements should be
included in the add request. Any inappropriate values entered will be ignored.
This complex element contains the following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: For a Company Subscriber, the address provided should be the ‘Company’ address.
For an Individual Subscriber, the address should be the Subscriber’s home address.

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Subscriber and includes following simple
and complex elements:
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Subscriber. This can be the
Subscriber’s Home, Work, Cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that will not accept
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above). Canonical
values required for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Home
 Work
 Cell
 SMS - (text)
 Fax
This indicates the best usage time – Day or Evening.
This optional element will not be utilized for the Bill Pay Services API at this time, in favor of the
ConStartTime and ConEndTime elements (below).
This specifies a business phone extension, if one exists.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability starts.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability ends.
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Subscriber’s mobile
phone, and includes the following simple elements:
This is the provider code for the Subscriber’s mobile device (e.g., Verizon, Sprint, etc). A
‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the current list of available
mobile providers and associated codes.
This indicates whether the mobile device is a Blackberry. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This optional element is valid on a Subscriber Mod request only, and indicates whether the
Subscriber would like a ‘test text’ sent to their mobile device in order to validate an update
to device information.
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Release 2015.0.01

This array contains an array of email information for the specified [Individual] Subscriber, and includes the
following simple elements:
This element specifies the email address of the Individual Subscriber.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Canonical values required for the Bill
Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary ‘owner’ (Individual Subscriber)
 Secd – Secondary account holder (for Individual Subscriber accounts only)
NOTE: This complex element should be left blank for a Company Subscriber add request, as email
Information pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account must be passed separately (within
the SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.

This array contains the PayFromAcctInfo complex element, which specifies a package of data related to
the Subscriber’s Pay From Account(s) and includes following simple and complex elements:
This is the Service Provider’s identifier for the Pay From Account within the Subscriber’s Bill Pay
account. This identifier must be included for any request to schedule a payment, unless the default
Pay From Account is desired for the payment.
This element should be left blank for the add request, as this information will not be available to the
Service Consumer until the Subscriber Add request has been successfully completed.
This is the account number of the subscriber’s Pay From Account at the subscriber’s financial
Institution (e.g., checking or savings account number).
The character(s) that categorize the type of Pay From Account. Canonical values are:
 D – Checking (default value)
 S – Savings
This is the account name (given by the Subscriber) for the Subscriber’s Pay From Account.
This indicates whether the Pay From Account is the ‘default’ account, to be used in the event a Pay
From Account is not specified when scheduling a payment. There can be only one ‘default’ Pay
From Account. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
NOTE: The Subscriber’s default Pay From Account is also the account that is utilized to bill the
This is the check number, specified by the subscriber, that will be used to start check payments
from the specified Pay From Account.
NOTE: The Subscriber’s Product must allow the inclusion of a Starting Check Number on the
Subscriber’s Pay From Account(s) in order to accept this value. A Channel Inquiry can be
performed to determine if this feature is available in order to include Starting Check
Number information.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the Subscriber’s
Pay From Account resides. Entry is not required unless the Pay From Account resides with an
external Institution.
This is the status of the Pay From Account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s
Bill Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved
This element should be left blank for the add request, as this information will not be available to the
Service Consumer until the Subscriber Add request has been successfully completed.
This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used by iPay):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Inclusion of Pay From Account Owner information on the Subscriber Add request is allowed
only if the Subscriber’s Product allows this information on the Subscriber’s pay from
account(s), and then only if the specific Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From
Account Owner information. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if the
Subscriber’s Product allows Pay From Account Owner information.

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Inclusion of Pay From Account Owner information on the Subscriber Add request is allowed
only if the Subscriber’s Product allows this information on the Subscriber’s pay from
account(s), and then only if the specific Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From
Account Owner information. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if the
Subscriber’s Product allows Pay From Account Owner information.
This optional array contains the an array of Secondary Account Holder information, if a secondary
account holder exists for the specified [Individual] Subscriber, and includes the following information
necessary for the Bill Pay Services API:
This indicates the status of the Secondary Account Holder. Canonical values are:

Act - Active
NotAct - Not Active (Pending)

This complex element contains the following simple elements, as well as an optional
x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay Services API):
This represents the customer’s First Name.
This represents the customer’s Middle Name.
This represents the customer’s Last Name.
1) The Subscriber’s Product must allow the inclusion of a Secondary Account Holder on the
[Individual] Subscriber’s account in order to add a Secondary Account Holder. A Channel Inquiry can
be performed to determine if this feature is available in order to include Secondary Account Holder
2) This array should be left blank for a Company Subscriber add request, as Secondary Account Holder
information is not applicable for a Company bill pay account. A value entered here for a Company
Subscriber will be ignored.

This array contains the MktgOpInfo complex element, which specifies a package of available marketing
options that can be chosen by the Subscriber, and includes the following simple elements:
This indicates the type of marketing communication option(s) that are available to the Subscriber.
Canonical values are:

Email - Marketing materials delivered via email

This indicates whether the Subscriber agrees to receive marketing materials via the specified
Marketing Option Type. Canonical values are:

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

NOTE: The MktgOptInfoArray should be left blank for a Company Subscriber add request, as marketing
options (which pertain to users of a Company bill pay account) must be passed separately
(within the SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be

This optional array contains the SubAssocUsrInfo complex element, which specifies a package of data for
each Subscriber’s Associated User (i.e. ‘Subuser’) that will use or have access to the [Company] bill pay
account. This complex element contains the following simple and complex elements and arrays:

Simple elements:
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber’s Associated User (or ‘end-user’).
This element should be left blank for the add request, as this information will not be available to the
Service Consumer until the Subscriber Add request has been successfully completed.
This optional element indicates the role of the Subscriber’s Associated User. Canonical values are:
 Prim - Primary Account Holder
NOTE: Only one user can be designated as the ‘Primary Account Holder’ on a Company
Subscriber account.
This optional element represents the Service Consumer’s customer identifier associated with a
Subscriber’s Associated User (.e.g., the consumer’s or FI’s ‘internal’ identifier for the Subscriber’s
Associated User).
This optional element represents the identification that is common between the Service Provider
(iPay) and Service Consumer associated with a Company Subscriber’s Associated User. This will
typically be the Subscriber Associated User’s ‘LoginID’ used to gain access to a corresponding
iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay application.
This is the password specified by the Subscriber’s Associated User, which will be used when
accessing iPay’s ‘online’ Bill Pay interface (if iPay’s online Bill Pay interface is available for use by
the Institution’s Subscribers and Associated Users). The value entered is limited to a maximum of
20 [alphanumeric] characters.
NOTE: A Temp Password is required ONLY if the Subscriber’s Product explicitly requires it. A
Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if this information is required when
adding Subscriber’s Associated User.
This optional element represents a comment pertaining to the Subscriber’s Associated User.

Complex elements:
This complex element contains the name of the Subscriber Associated User, and includes the
following simple elements, as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not
currently used for the Bill Pay Services API):
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Release 2015.0.01

This represents the Subscriber Associated User’s First Name.
This represents the Subscriber Associated User’s Middle Name.
This represents the Subscriber Associated User’s Last Name.

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Subscriber’s Associated User
and includes following simple and complex elements:
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the associated user. This can be
the user’s Home, Work, Cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that will not
accept hyphens.
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above).
Canonical values required for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Home
 Work
 Cell
 SMS - (text)
This indicates the best usage time – Day or Evening.
This optional element will not be utilized for the Bill Pay Services API at this time, in favor of
the ConStartTime and ConEndTime elements (below).
This specifies a business phone extension, if one exists.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability starts.

This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability ends.
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the associated
user’s mobile phone, and includes the following simple elements:
This is the provider code for the associated user’s mobile device (e.g., Verizon,
Sprint, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the
current list of available mobile providers and associated codes.
This indicates whether the mobile device is a Blackberry. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)

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Release 2015.0.01

This optional element is valid on a Subscriber Mod request only, and indicates
whether the associated user would like a ‘test text’ sent to their mobile device in
order to validate an update to device information.

This array contains an array of email information for the specified Subscriber’s Associated User,
and includes the following simple elements:
This element specifies the email address of the Subscriber’s Associated User.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Canonical values required for
the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – [default] – Subscriber’s Associated User

This array contains the MktgOpInfo complex element, which specifies a package of available
marketing options that can be chosen by the Subscriber’s Associated User, and includes the
following simple elements:
This indicates the type of marketing communication option(s) that are available to the
Subscriber’s Associated User. Canonical values are:

Email - Marketing materials delivered via email

This indicates whether the Subscriber’s Associated User agrees to receive marketing
materials via the specified Marketing Option Type. Canonical values are:
 Accept
 Decline

This optional array contains a list of permission options for the Subscriber’s Associated User. It
includes the SubAssocUsrPerInfo complex element, which specifies the name/value pair for each
available permission and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the desired permission code (e.g., ‘CanScheduleBillPayments’,
‘ScheduledBillPaymentExcludedPayeeID, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is
necessary to obtain the complete list of available permission codes and corresponding
values (if pre-defined values exist).
This specifies the desired permission value (e.g., ‘true’, ‘, etc). A ‘Service
Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the complete list of available permission
codes and corresponding values (if pre-defined values exist).

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Release 2015.0.01

This optional array contains a list of payment cap options for the Subscriber’s Associated User. It
includes the SubAssocUsrCapInfo complex element, which specifies payment cap information for
each available payment cap and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the desired payment cap code (e.g., ‘Default Payment Cap Amt’,
‘PayeeSpecificPayment, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain
the complete list of available payment cap codes and corresponding cap details (if predefined values exist).
This specifies the PayeeID of the Payee associated with the specified payment cap, if a
payee-specific payment cap is desired.
This specifies the desired payment cap amount. A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is
necessary to obtain the complete list of available payment cap codes and corresponding
cap details (if pre-defined values exist).

Subscriber Add Behaviors

At least one ‘common’ Subscriber/Primary Account Holder identifier is required in order to add a Subscriber
o For Individual Subscribers:
 using a ‘StandAlone’ version of Bill Pay Services, the SubConsmCustID is minimally required.
 using a ‘non-StandAlone’ version of Bill Pay Services, the SubComID is minimally required.
 Since this element will typically be used as the Subscriber’s ‘LoginID’ for the corresponding
‘online’ iPay Bill Pay application, the value entered must adhere to the Institution’s LoginID
parameters (which can be obtained via a Channel Inquiry request).

For Company Subscribers:
 using a ‘StandAlone’ version of Bill Pay Services, the Primary Account Holder’s
SubAssocUsrConsmCustID is minimally required.


using a ‘non-StandAlone’ version of Bill Pay Services, the Primary Account Holder’s
SubAssocUsrComID is minimally required.
 Since this element will typically be used as the Primary Account Holder’s ‘LoginID’ for the
corresponding ‘online’ iPay Bill Pay application, the value entered must adhere to the
Institution’s LoginID parameters (which can be obtained via a Channel Inquiry request).

At least one Subscriber or Primary Account Holder identifier is required (as noted above), but both
identifiers can optionally be provided for any Subscriber add request, if desired.


At least one Subscriber phone number (Home, Work or Cell) must be included in the request.


A Primary email address for the [Individual] Subscriber or [Company’s] Primary Account Holder must be
included in the request.


Accessibility to marketing materials is applicable only for ‘non-StandAlone’ Bill Pay Services.


Any MktgOptInfoArray information received on a Subscriber Add request for a Subscriber using
‘StandAlone’ Bill Pay Services will be ignored.

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Release 2015.0.01


Pay From Accounts:

At least one Pay From Account is required in order to complete a Subscriber Add request.

Designation of a ‘default’ Pay From Account is required to complete the Add request.
 If only one Pay From Account is included in the Subscriber Add request, this account will be
automatically designated as the default Pay From Account.
 If more than one Pay From Account is included in the Subscriber Add request, selection of a
default account is required.



The ability to add multiple Pay From Accounts for a single Subscriber is available ONLY for those
Financial Institutions that have included this feature for the specified Product. A Channel Inquiry can be
performed to determine if this feature is available.


The Subscriber’s Product must allow the inclusion of savings accounts in order to add a savings account
as a pay from account. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if this feature is available.


If Pay From Account Owner information is entered and either the Subscriber’s Product does not allow it
or the specified Subscriber is not allowed to add Owner information, the Subscriber Add request will be

For Company Subscribers:
o The ability to add multiple users (i.e., ‘Subscriber’s Associated Users’) to a Subscriber account is
applicable only if explicitly indicated for the Subscriber. At this time, only Company Subscribers are
enabled for multiple users.

At least one set of Subscriber’s Associated User information must be included in a Subscriber Add
request (that of the Primary Account Holder).


One (and only one) Primary Account Holder (role) must be specified in order to complete the
Subscriber Add request. If no Primary Account Holder is specified, or more than one Primary
Account Holder is specified, the Subscriber Add request will be rejected.

Subscriber’s Associated User Permissions and Caps:

Specification of permissions and payee payment caps for Subscriber’s Associated Users is not
applicable if the Service Consumer manages Subuser permissions, or if the associated user is the
Primary Account Holder (in this instance, ‘Superuser’ permissions are always assigned).

 A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine whether the Servicer Consumer or the
Service Provider manages Subuser permissions.

Permissions must be granted explicitly; that is, each Subscriber’s Associated User (with the
exception of the Primary Account Holder) is given NO user permissions, unless explicitly indicated,
as below.
 Permission codes that allow the user to perform a certain bill payment activity will typically
begin with the word ‘Can’ (as in, ‘CanScheduleBillPayments’), whose paired ‘Value’ will be
either ‘true’ or ‘false’. The default value for any permission of this type is ‘false’.

Specification of each individual permission is optional; however, any available
permissions not included in the add request will default to ‘off’ or ‘false’.

 Permission codes that are utilized to limit otherwise-permissible activity by prohibiting that
activity for specific Payees or Pay From Accounts, etc, will typically include the word ‘Excluded’
(as in, ‘ScheduleBillPaymentExcludedPayeeId’). The paired ‘Value’ for this element is the ID of
the entity that is being excluded (such as the PayeeID or the PayFromID). The initial Value for
the specified ‘exclusionary’ permission must be provided by the Service Consumer on the add
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Release 2015.0.01


‘Exclusionary’ permissions are optional, and should be provided only if the Subscriber’s
Associated User is permitted to perform the corresponding function, but is restricted from
performing that function for the specified entity (such as scheduling a bill payment for a
specific Payee). Any ‘exclusionary’ permissions entered that don’t have a corresponding
‘Can’ permission will be ignored.
For example, if the ‘CanScheduleBillPayments’ permission is set to ‘false’, but a
‘ScheduleBillPaymentsExcludedPayeeID’ is specified on the add request, the
‘Excluded Payee ID’ value will be ignored.


An ‘exclusionary’ permission should be included for EVERY Payee or Pay From
Account where a restriction is desired.

Payment caps must defined explicitly; that is, each Subscriber’s Associated User will be subject to
the payment caps specified for the Subscriber, unless user-specific payment caps are explicitly set.
 A specified ‘default’ payment cap will apply to all payments scheduled by the Subscriber’s
Associated User, while Payee-specific payment caps will apply only to payments scheduled for
the specified Payee.


A Payee-specific payment cap should be included for EVERY Payee where an individual
cap restriction is desired.

For an illustration of an ‘associated user’-specific set of permissions/caps, please refer to the
example in ‘Appendix B’ at the end of this document.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySubAddRs response message to the service consumer.
The simple elements and array(s) contained within the BilPaySubAddRs response applicable for the Bill Pay
Services API is/are:

Simple elements:
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This specifies the status of the add request. Canonical values are:


This optional array contains the SubAssocUsrIdInfo complex element, which includes a list of all Subscriber’s
Associated User ID’s (i.e. ‘Subusers’) that were successfully added with the add request. This complex element
contains the following simple element(s):
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber’s Associated User (or ‘end-user’).

The Service Provider will return the new Subscriber ID  generated by the Bill Pay Services API for the
accepted new Subscriber, as well as the ID’s for all additional users (Subscriber’s Associated Users) that were
successfully added in the ‘Subscriber Add’ request.
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Release 2015.0.01

Subscriber Search
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySubSrch
The bill pay Subscriber Search  will return all users (Subscribers and all active Subscriber’s
Associated Users) for a particular bill pay product, based on client-specified filter criteria. The request provides the
following optional filters:
 Name of the subscriber < PersonName >
 Phone number 
 Address 
 City 
 Subscriber Type 
 Subscriber Status 
 Subscriber ID 
When there exists more than one filter on the request, the resulting selection is based on the combined effect of the
filters (i.e., ‘and’ operator). Each added filter option will further restrict the result set. The search process supports
only the ‘Exact match’ search attribute at this time (meaning an ‘exact match’ must be found in order to satisfy the
entered search criteria).
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Subscriber Search service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve Subscriber information for
the specified Bill Pay product, based on optional filters.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySubSrchRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPaySubSrchRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01

This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Subscriber. This can be the Subscriber’s
home, work, cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that will not accept hyphens.
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the Subscriber’s city.
This specifies the Subscriber type(s) that can access the specified feature. Canonical values are:
 Comp - Company
 Indv
- Individual
This represents the Subscribers’ status. Canonical values are:
 Act - If selected, will return all ‘active’ Subscribers
 Pend – If selected, will return all ‘Pending’ Subscribers (those that are awaiting approval)
 Cls – Includes all rejected and/or ‘deleted’ Subscribers.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
NOTE: Inclusion of the SubId will limit the result set to all users (Subscriber, Secondary Account Holders
and Subscriber’s Associated Users) that satisfy all other entered filter criteria within the specified
Subscriber record only.
For example, if both PersonName and a SubId are entered, the system will return ONLY
those users (Subscriber, Secondary Account Holders and Subscriber’s Associated Users) that
match the entered name within the Subscriber account specified on the request.

This optional complex element contains the following simple elements which allow the service consumer to
specify identifying information for the person(s) being searched for. The Name information supplied will be
used to search for the Subscriber, Secondary Account Holder, and also all Subscriber’s Associated Users,
if applicable.
This represents the [Company] Subscriber’s Company Name.
This represents the person’s First Name (Subscriber, Secondary Account Holder or Subscriber’s
Associated User).
This represents the person’s Middle Name (Subscriber, Secondary Account Holder or Subscriber’s
Associated User).
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01

This represents the person’s Last Name (Subscriber, Secondary Account Holder or Subscriber’s
Associated User).

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySubSrchRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a list of Subscribers that meet the specified search criteria.
The array(s) contained within the BilPaySubSrchRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API are:
This array, which returns an array of responses for the subscriber search and includes the BilPaySubSrchInfo
complex element for each subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User returned. The BilPaySubSrchInfo complex
contains a package of data related to a bill pay Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User and includes the
following simple and complex elements and arrays:

Simple elements:
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber. (This element is required for all subsequent
Subscriber-level service requests.)
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber’s Associated User (or ‘end-user’), if the result
record is for a Subscriber’s Associated User.
This is the enrollment date for the Subscriber.
This represents the Subscriber type for the specified Subscriber. Canonical values are:
 Comp - Company
 Indv
- Individual
This represents the Subscriber’s status. Canonical values are:
 Act - Active
 Pend - Pending
 Cls - Deleted or rejected (‘Closed’)

Complex elements:
This complex element contains the Subscriber’s Name information, and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay Services
This represents the [Company] Subscriber’s Company Name.
This represents the user’s (Subscriber’s or Subscriber’s Associated User) First Name.
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Release 2015.0.01

This represents the user’s (Subscriber’s or Subscriber’s Associated User) Middle Name.
This represents the user’s (Subscriber’s or Subscriber’s Associated User) Last Name.
This complex element contains the following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above PersonName and Addr complex elements, are considered
‘Company Profile’ information and are eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting user has been granted
permission to view/update Company information. If the requesting user does not have permission, the
 attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’, which indicates that the Service
Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.

This optional array contains an array of Secondary Account Holder information, if a secondary account holder
exists for the specified Subscriber, and includes following complex elements applicable for the Bill Pay Services
This complex element includes the name of the Secondary Account Holder, and includes the following
simple elements:
This represents the Secondary Account Holder’s First Name.
This represents the Secondary Account Holder’s Middle Name.
This represents the Secondary Account Holder’s Last Name.

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User
and includes following simple and complex elements:
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Subscriber or associated user. This can be a
Home, Work, Cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that will not accept hyphens.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01

This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above). Canonical values
required for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Home
 Work
 Cell
 SMS - (text)
 Fax
This indicates the best usage time – Day or Evening.
This optional element will not be utilized for the Bill Pay Services API at this time, in favor of the
ConStartTime and ConEndTime elements (below).
This specifies a business phone extension, if one exists.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability starts.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability ends.
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Subscriber’s or associated
user’s mobile phone, and includes the following simple elements:
This is the provider code for the mobile device (e.g., Verizon, Sprint, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary
Search’ request is necessary to obtain the current list of available mobile providers and associated
This indicates whether the mobile device is a Blackberry. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This optional element is valid on a Subscriber Mod request only, and indicates whether the
Subscriber or associated user would like a ‘test text’ sent to their mobile device in order to validate
an update to device information.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above Phone Array information is considered ‘Company Profile’
information and is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to
view/update Company information. If the requesting user does not have permission, the
 attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’, which indicates that the Service
Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.

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Release 2015.0.01

Subscriber Inquiry
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySubInq
The bill pay Subscriber Inquiry  will return element details for a specific Subscriber as related to the
Bill Pay Services API product. The subscriber identification element  is required on the request.
Optionally, a Subscriber’s Associated User ID  can also be included on the request. If provided,
the response will return the specified Subscriber’s information, as well as Subscriber’s Associated User information
for the specified [active] associated user only. (If not provided, the response will include user information for all
active users associated with the specified Subscriber.)
The design of the inquiry was created in a manner that facilitates addition and modification requests.
The activity intention element  was added to support the concurrency model for future modifications
made to Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User information.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
NOTE: Subscriber-specific ‘payment cap’ data (e.g., Email Payment caps, Transfer Caps, Business Caps, warn/notify

limits) will not be transmitted to the Consumer via the Subscriber Inquiry operation at this time, as these will be
accounted for automatically via Fault processes within the ‘Submit Payment’ feature

Message Flow
The Subscriber Inquiry service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve Subscriber profile
information for a specific Subscriber and Subscriber’s Associated User(s), if applicable, based on the required
Subscriber ID. If the Subscriber ID is not known, the Service Consumer must first perform a Subscriber Search or,
if the requesting user’s ‘common identifier’ information is known, a Subscriber Lookup to obtain the Subscriber ID
for the desired Subscriber.
Using Subscriber Search:

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01

Using Subscriber Lookup:

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySubInqRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within this message request are necessary for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber’s Associated User (or ‘end-user’), if the
inquiry is for a Subscriber’s Associated User.
NOTE: This element is required if the inquiry request is intended to facilitate a subsequent Mod request for a
specific Subscriber’s Associated User.
This indicator conveys the service consumer’s intention for a subsequent operation for the data set
included in the response. Canonical values are:
 ReadOnly – indicates a view intent only for the data set included in the Inquiry response.
This is the default value.
 Upd – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent update (‘Mod’) to the data set included in the
Inquiry response.
 Dlt – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent delete of the data set included in the
Inquiry response. This action is not available for Subscriber inquiries.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01

The Service Provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySubInqRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a package of Subscriber profile information for the specified Subscriber, as well as an array of information
for the Subscriber’s Associated Users, if multiple users exist for the Subscriber’s account.
The simple and complex elements and arrays contained within the BilPaySubInqRs response applicable for the Bill
Pay Services API are:
This is the enrollment date for the Subscriber.
This represents the Subscriber’s status. Canonical values are:
 Act - Active
 Pend - Pending
 Cls - Deleted or rejected (‘Closed’)
This is the key (provided by the Service Provider) delivered to the consumer to be submitted in the
subsequent modification (update or delete) operation for the data set returned in the inquiry response.

This complex element contains a package of data related to the specified bill pay Subscriber, and includes the
following simple and complex elements, as well as several arrays:

Simple elements:
This represents the Subscriber type for the specified Subscriber. Canonical values are:
 Comp - Company
 Indv
- Individual
This optional element represents the consumer’s customer identifier associated with an Individual
Subscriber (e.g., the consumer’s or FI’s ‘internal’ identifier for the customer/Subscriber).
NOTE: This element is not applicable for a Company Subscriber, as identifier information pertaining to
users of a Company bill pay account is passed separately (within the SubAssocUsrInfoArray).
This optional element represents the identifier that is common between the Service Provider (iPay) and
Service Consumer associated with an Individual Subscriber. This will typically be the Subscriber’s
‘LoginID’ used to gain access to a corresponding iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay application.
NOTE: This element is not applicable for a Company Subscriber, as identifier information pertaining to
users of a Company bill pay account is passed separately (within the SubAssocUsrInfoArray).
This is the Subscriber’s tax identifier (e.g., SSN or [Company] EIN).
This is the password specified by the [Individual] Subscriber, which is used to initially access an iPayhosted ‘online’ Bill Pay Interface, if available for use by the Institution’s Subscribers. (The Subscriber is
required to change their password immediately upon accessing iPay’s online Bill Pay interface for the first
NOTE: This element will NOT be returned on the Subscriber Inquiry response.
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Release 2015.0.01

This optional element indicates whether new payments scheduled for the specified Subscriber’s account
will require approval from another ‘Subscriber’s Associated User’ (authorized to approve payments) in
order to be processed.
NOTE: This option is not applicable if the Service Consumer manages Subuser permissions.
This optional element indicates the frequency at which passwords must be changed for Subscriber’s
Associated Users. Canonical values are:
 None - [default] no password change is required
 Weekly – password change is required weekly
 Mthly - password change is required monthly
 Qtr
- password change is required quarterly

Complex elements:
This complex element contains the Subscriber’s Name, and includes the following simple elements, as well
as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay Services API):
This represents the [Company] Subscriber’s Company Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s First Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Middle Name.
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Last Name.
NOTE: Only the ComNam will be available for a Company Subscriber. Likewise, only the
First/Middle/Last Name elements will be available for an Individual Subscriber.
This complex element contains the following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above TaxID, PmtApprvRedq and PswdChgFreq elements, as well as
PersonName and Addr complex elements, are considered ‘Company Profile’ information and are eligible
for viewing ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to update Company information.
If the requesting user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be
to ‘Hid’, which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Subscriber and includes following simple
and complex elements:
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Subscriber. This can be the
Subscriber’s Home, Work, Cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that will not accept
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above). Canonical
values required for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Home
 Work
 Cell
 SMS - (text)
 Fax
This indicates the best usage time – Day or Evening.
This optional element will not be utilized for the Bill Pay Services API at this time, in favor of the
ConStartTime and ConEndTime elements (below).
This specifies a business phone extension, if one exists.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability starts.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability ends.
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Subscriber’s mobile
phone, and includes the following simple elements:
This is the provider code for the Subscriber’s mobile device (e.g., Verizon, Sprint, etc). A
‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the current list of available
mobile providers and associated codes.
This indicates whether the mobile device is a Blackberry. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This optional element is valid on a Subscriber Mod request only, and indicates whether the
Subscriber would like a ‘test text’ sent to their mobile device in order to validate an update
to device information.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above Phone Array is considered ‘Company Profile’ information
and is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to update
Company information. If the requesting user does not have permission, the  attribute for
each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’, which indicates that the Service Consumer should
hide these elements from the requesting user.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array contains an array of email information for the specified [Individual] Subscriber, and includes the
following simple elements:
This element specifies the email address of the customer.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Canonical values required for the Bill
Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary account holder (Subscriber)
 Secd – Secondary account holder
NOTE: This complex element is not applicable for a Company Subscriber, as email Information
pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account is passed separately (within the

This array contains the PayFromAcctInfo complex element, which specifies a package of data related to
the Subscriber’s Pay From Account(s) and includes following simple and complex elements:
This is the Service Provider’s identifier for the Pay From Account within the Subscriber’s Bill Pay
account. This identifier must be included for any request to schedule a payment, unless the default
Pay From Account is desired for the payment.
This is the account number of the subscriber’s Pay From Account at the subscriber’s financial
Institution (e.g., checking or savings account number).
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of Pay From Account. Canonical values
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name (given by the Subscriber) for the Subscriber’s Pay From Account.
This indicates whether the Pay From Account is the ‘default’ account, to be used in the event a Pay
From Account is not specified when scheduling a payment. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This is the check number (specified by the Subscriber) that will be used to start check payments
from the specified pay from account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
specification of a starting check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved

This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay
Services API):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

1) For Company Subscribers, the above Pay From Account Info Array is eligible for viewing
ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to Manage Pay From Account
information. If the requesting user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of
these elements will be set to ‘Hid’, which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide
these elements from the requesting user.
2) It is possible for an active Subscriber to have NO active Pay From Accounts. In that event, no
Pay From Account information will be returned in the above Pay From Account Info Array. (A
small ‘grace period’ is provided to a Subscriber whose Pay From Account(s) have been closed
to allow them to resolve any issues and re-open the account without having to re-enroll in Bill

This optional array contains an array of Secondary Account Holder information, if a secondary account
holder exists for the specified Subscriber, and includes the following information necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API:
This indicates the status of the Secondary Account Holder. Canonical values are:

Act - Active
NotAct - Not Active (Pending)

This complex element contains the following simple elements, as well as an optional
x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay Services API):
This represents the customer’s First Name.
This represents the customer’s Middle Name.
This represents the customer’s Last Name.
1) The [Individual] Subscriber’s Product must allow the inclusion of a Secondary Account Holder on
the Subscriber’s account in order to add a Secondary Account Holder.
2) This array is not available for a Company Subscriber, as Secondary Account Holder
information is not applicable for a Company bill pay account.

This array contains the MktgOpInfo complex element, which specifies a package of available marketing
communication options that are available to the [Individual] Subscriber, and includes the following simple
This indicates the type of marketing communication options that are available to the Subscriber.
Canonical values are:

Email - Marketing materials delivered via email

This indicates whether the Subscriber has agreed to receive marketing materials via the specified
Marketing Option Type. Canonical values are:
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

NOTE: The MktgOptInfoArray is not applicable for a Company Subscriber add request, as marketing
options (which pertain to users of a Company bill pay account) are passed separately (within the

This optional array contains the SubAssocUsrInfo complex element, which specifies a package of data for
each active Subscriber’s Associated User (i.e. ‘Subuser’) that will use or have access to the Company bill
pay account. If a SubAssocUsrID was included in the inquiry request, this array will return Subscriber’s
Associated User information for that associated user only. This complex element contains the following
simple and complex elements and arrays:

Simple elements:
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber’s Associated User (or ‘end-user’).
This optional element indicates the role of the Subscriber’s Associated User. Canonical values are:
 Prim - Primary Account Holder
NOTE: Only one user can be designated as the ‘Primary Account Holder’ on a Company
Subscriber account.
This optional element represents the Service Consumer’s customer identifier associated with a
Subscriber’s Associated User (.e.g., the consumer’s or FI’s ‘internal’ identifier for the Subscriber’s
Associated User).
This optional element represents the identification that is common between the Service Provider
(iPay) and Service Consumer associated with a Company Subscriber’s Associated User. This will
typically be the associated user’s ‘LoginID’ used to gain access to a corresponding iPay-hosted
‘online’ Bill Pay application.
NOTE: This element can be viewed by requesting users only if the Subscriber’s Product explicitly
allows it. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if the Service Consumer
should hide this element from requesting users. Additionally, the  attribute will be
set to ‘NoAccess’, which indicates that the Service Consumer should not allow the
requesting user to view this element.

This is the password specified by the Subscriber’s Associated User, which will be used when
accessing an iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay interface (if iPay’s online Bill Pay interface is available for
use by the Institution’s Subscribers and Associated Users).
NOTE: This element will NOT be returned on the Subscriber Inquiry response.
This optional element represents a comment pertaining to the Subscriber’s Associated User.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Complex elements:
This complex element contains the name of the Subscriber Associated User, and includes the
following simple elements, as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not
currently used for the Bill Pay Services API):
This represents the Subscriber Associated User’s First Name.
This represents the Subscriber Associated User’s Middle Name.
This represents the Subscriber Associated User’s Last Name.

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified user and includes following
simple and complex elements:
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Subscriber’s Associated
User. This can be a Home, Work, Cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that
will not accept hyphens.
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above).
Canonical values required for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Home
 Work
 Cell
 SMS - (text)
This indicates the best usage time – Day or Evening.
This optional element will not be utilized for the Bill Pay Services API at this time, in favor of
the ConStartTime and ConEndTime elements (below).
This specifies a business phone extension, if one exists.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability starts.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability ends.
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the associated
user’s mobile phone, and includes the following simple elements:
This is the provider code for the associated user’s mobile device (e.g., Verizon,
Sprint, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the
current list of available mobile providers and associated codes.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This indicates whether the mobile device is a Blackberry. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This optional element is valid on a Subscriber Mod request only, and indicates
whether the associated user would like a ‘test text’ sent to their mobile device in
order to validate an update to device information.
NOTE: The above Phone Array is considered ‘personal profile’ information for the associated
user, and are viewable ONLY by the actual Subscriber’s Associated User who owns the
information. Personal profile information will not be returned for any Subscriber’s
Associated User except that of the associated user making the inquiry request.

This array contains an array of email information for the specified Subscriber’s Associated User,
and includes the following simple elements:
This element specifies the email address of the Subscriber’s Associated User.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Canonical values required for
the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – [default] – Subscriber’s Associated User

This optional array contains the MktgOpInfo complex element, which specifies a package of
available marketing options that were chosen by the Subscriber’s Associated User, and includes
the following simple elements:
This indicates the type of marketing communication option(s) that are available to the
Subscriber’s Associated User. Canonical values are:
 Email - Marketing materials delivered via email
This indicates whether the Subscriber’s Associated User agrees to receive marketing
materials via the specified Marketing Option Type. Canonical values are:
 Accept
 Decline

This optional array contains a list of permission options for the Subscriber’s Associated User. It
includes the SubAssocUsrPerInfo complex element, which specifies the name/value pair for each
available permission and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the designated permission code (e.g., ‘CanScheduleBillPayments’,
‘ScheduledBillPaymentExcludedPayeeID, etc).
This specifies the permission value (e.g., ‘true’, ‘, etc).
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional array contains a list of payment cap options for the Subscriber’s Associated User. It
includes the SubAssocUsrCapInfo complex element, which specifies payment cap information for
each available payment cap and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the designated payment cap code (e.g., ‘Default Payment Cap Amt’,
‘PayeeSpecificPayment, etc).
This specifies the PayeeID of the Payee associated with the specified payment cap, if a
payee-specific payment cap exists.
This specifies the payment cap amount for the designated payment cap.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above SubAssocUsrInfoArray is eligible for viewing ONLY if
the requesting user has been granted permission to Manage Subusers. If the requesting user
does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’,
which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Subscriber Modify
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySubMod
The bill pay Subscriber Modification  will allow the service consumer to update (modify) certain
elements for a specific Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User. The subscriber identification element 
and Activity Intent Key  is required on the Mod request.
The ability to delete a Subscriber is not available within the Bill Pay Services API service operations.
A delete of a Subscriber’s Associated User can be completed via a Subscriber Mod request, provided the
Subscriber’s Product includes this feature.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The Subscriber Modification service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow updates to Subscriber or
associated user information for a specific Subscriber or Subscriber’s Associated User, based on the required
 (and , if the update is for a Subscriber’s Associated User). A Subscriber Inquiry must
always be performed prior to the modification request in order to retrieve the Activity Intent Key necessary for
modification operations.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySubModRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below simple and complex elements contained within the BilPaySubModRq message request are necessary
for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Service Provider key delivered to the Service Consumer via a preceding inquiry request, to be
submitted in the modification request operation.
This indicates a desire for deletion of the specified entity. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default)
This element is not currently eligible for use with a Subscriber Mod request.
This complex element contains a package of data related to the specified bill pay Subscriber, and may include
all of the simple and complex elements and arrays returned in the preceding Subscriber Inquiry response.
However, the following are the only elements within this complex that are eligible for modification (add, update
or delete) for a Subscriber Modification request:

Simple elements:
This optional element represents the consumer’s customer identifier associated with an Individual
Subscriber. (.e.g., the consumer’s or FI’s ‘internal’ identifier for the customer/Subscriber).
This element is a required element for Subscribers utilizing ‘StandAlone’ Bill Pay Services,
and therefore cannot be deleted (i.e., cannot be set to ‘Null’).
This element should be left blank for a Company Subscriber mod request, as identifier information
pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account must be passed separately (within the
SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.
This optional element represents the identification that is common between the provider and consumer
associated with an Individual Subscriber. This will typically be the Subscriber’s ‘LoginID’, and is used to
gain access to a corresponding iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay application.
This element is a required element for Subscribers utilizing Bill Pay Services that are not considered
‘Stand-Alone’, and therefore cannot be deleted (i.e., cannot be set to ‘Null’).
This element should be left blank for a Company Subscriber mod request, as identifier information
pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account must be passed separately (within the
SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Subscriber’s tax identifier (e.g., SSN or [Company] EIN).
This element is a required element for certain Subscribers, and therefore cannot be deleted (i.e., cannot be
set to ‘Null’) for those Subscribers. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if this information is
required for the Subscriber’s Product.
This optional element indicates whether new payments scheduled for the specified [Company] Subscriber’s
account will require approval from another ‘Subscriber’s Associated User’ in order to be processed.
Canonical values are:
 True
 False
NOTE: This option is not applicable if the Service Consumer manages Subuser permissions. A Channel
Inquiry can be performed to determine whether the Servicer Consumer or the Service Provider
manages Subuser permissions.
This optional element indicates the frequency at which passwords must be changed for Subscriber’s
Associated Users. Canonical values are:
 None - [default] no password change is required
 Weekly – password change is required weekly
 Mthly - password change is required monthly
 Qtr
- password change is required quarterly

Complex elements:
This complex element contains elements representing the Subscriber’s name. Only the following simple
elements within this complex are eligible for modification:
This represents the [Company] Subscriber’s Company Name.
FirstName (required element)
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s First Name.
MiddleName (optional)
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Middle Name.
LastName (required element)
This represents the [Individual] Subscriber’s Last Name.
1) For Company Subscribers, only the ‘ComName’ is editable in the mod request.
For Individual Subscribers, only the First-, Middle- and LastName elements are editable in the
mod request. Any inappropriate values entered will be ignored.
2) This element is a required element for Subscribers, and therefore cannot be deleted (i.e.,
cannot be set to ‘Null’).

This complex element contains elements representing the Subscriber’s address. Only the following simple
elements within this complex are eligible for modification:
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

StreetAddr1 (required element)
This is the customer’s street address.
StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the customer’s street address.
City (required element)
This is the name of the city in the customer’s address.
StateCode (required element)
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
PostalCode (required element)
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
This complex element is a required element for Subscribers, and therefore cannot be deleted (i.e.,
cannot be set to ‘Null’).
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above TaxID, PmtApprvRedq and PswdChgFreq elements, as well
as PersonName and Addr complex elements, are considered ‘Company Profile’ information and are
eligible for update ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to update Company

The below arrays contained within the BilPaySubModRq message request complex are necessary for the
Bill Pay Services API. Only those arrays that contain elements that are eligible for modification are listed,
and only those ‘modification-eligible’ elements within the array will be addressed.

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Subscriber. At least one phone number
is required for every Subscriber.
Only the following elements within this array are eligible for modification:
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Subscriber. This can be the
Subscriber’s Home, Work, Cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that will not accept
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above). Canonical
values required for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Home (required element)
 Work (optional)
 Cell
 SMS (optional)
 Fax
Use of the ‘SMS’ Phone Type requires additional entry for Mobile Phone information (below).

ConStartTime (optional)
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when phone contact availability starts.
ConEndTime (optional)
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when phone contact availability ends.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

MobPhoneInfo (conditional)
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Subscriber’s mobile
phone. However, this information is required for the SMS Phone Type (above), as this supporting
information is necessary to send text messages to the Subscriber.
NOTE: Updates are allowed only for mobile device providers that are in ‘approved status.
Only the following simple elements within this complex are eligible for modification
MobPrvdCode (optional, unless PhoneType = SMS)
This is the provider code for the Subscriber’s mobile device (e.g., AT&T, Verizon, Sprint,
This entry can be selected from a list of available providers. A ‘Service Dictionary Search’
request is necessary to obtain the current list of available mobile providers and associated
MobBB (optional)
This indicates whether the mobile device is a Blackberry. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
MobSendTestText (optional)
This optional element is valid on a Subscriber Mod request only, and indicates whether the
Subscriber would like a ‘test text’ sent to their mobile device in order to validate an update
to device information. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
NOTE: A request to send a Test text message is not persisted by the service provider
(iPay). Therefore, there is no record that the message was sent. However, a new
request can be sent at any time.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above Phone array is considered ‘Company Profile’ information
and is eligible for update ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to update
Company information.

This array contains the EmailInfo complex element, which includes a package of email data for the
[Individual] Subscriber. Only the following elements within the EmailInfo complex are eligible for
EmailAddr (Primary Email is required)
This element specifies the email address of the Individual Subscriber.
A ‘Primary’ email address is required for the Subscriber. A Secondary email address is optional,
and can be specified only if the Subscriber’s account allows a Secondary Account Holder.
EmailType (required element)
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Canonical values required for the Bill
Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary account holder (Subscriber)
 Secd – Secondary account holder
NOTE: This complex element should be left blank for a Company Subscriber mod request, as email
Information pertaining to users of a Company bill pay account must be passed separately (within
the SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array contains the PayFromAcctInfo complex element, which specifies a package of data related to
the Subscriber’s Pay From Account(s) and includes following simple and complex elements:
This is the service provider’s identifier for the Pay From Account within the Subscriber’s Bill Pay
account. This identifier must be included for any request to update or delete a Pay From Account.
This element should be left blank for a request to add a Pay From Account, as this information will
not be available to the service consumer until the ‘add’ request has been successfully completed.
This is the account number of the Subscriber’s pay from account at the Subscriber’s financial
institution (e.g., checking or savings account number).
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of pay from account. Canonical values are:
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the Subscriber’s pay from account.
This indicates whether the pay from account is the ‘default’ account, to be used in the event a Pay
From Account is not specified when scheduling a payment. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
NOTE: The Subscriber’s default Pay From Account is the account that is utilized to bill the
This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified Pay From
Account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the Subscriber’s
Pay From Account resides.
This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used by iPay):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Inclusion of new or update of existing Pay From Account Owner information on the
Subscriber Mod request is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows this information
on the Subscriber’s Pay From Account(s), and then only if the specific Subscriber is
authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information. A Channel Inquiry can be
performed to determine if the Subscriber’s Product allows Pay From Account Owner

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Inclusion of new or update of existing Pay From Account Owner information on the
Subscriber Mod request is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows this information
on the Subscriber’s Pay From Account(s), and then only if the specific Subscriber is
authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information. A Channel Inquiry can be
performed to determine if the Subscriber’s Product allows Pay From Account Owner
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above Pay From Account Info Array is eligible for update ONLY if
the requesting user has been granted permission to Manage Pay From Account information.

This optional array includes a package of Secondary Account Holder information, if a secondary account
holder is allowed for the specified [Individual] Subscriber’s account.
Only the following complex elements within this array are eligible for modification:
Only the following simple elements within this complex are eligible for modification
FirstName (optional)
This represents the Secondary Account Holder’s First Name.
MiddleName (optional)
This represents the Secondary Account Holder’s Middle Name.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

LastName (optional)
This represents the Secondary Account Holder’s Last Name.
1) The [Individual] Subscriber’s Product must allow the addition of a Secondary Account Holder in order
to include a Secondary Account Holder on the Subscriber’s account.
2) Adding or updating a Secondary Account Holder requires approval by Subscriber’s Financial
Institution. This has the effect of setting the Secondary Account Holder’s status to ‘Not Active’ (or
‘pending’). Upon approval by the Financial Institution, the Secondary Account Holder’s status will be
set to ‘Active’. Only ‘Active’ Secondary Account Holders are eligible for modification (update or
3) This array should be left blank for a Company Subscriber mod request, as Secondary Account
Holder information is not applicable for a Company bill pay account. A value entered here for a
Company Subscriber will be ignored.

This array contains the MktgOpInfo complex element, which specifies a package of available marketing
communication options that are available to the [Individual] Subscriber, and includes the following simple
This indicates the type of marketing communication options that are available to the Subscriber.
Canonical values are:

Email - Marketing materials delivered via email

This indicates whether the Subscriber has agreed to receive marketing materials via the specified
Marketing Option Type. Canonical values are:


NOTE: This array should be left blank for a Company Subscriber mod request, as marketing options
(which pertain to users of a Company bill pay account) must be passed separately (within the
SubAssocUsrInfoArray). A value entered here for a Company Subscriber will be ignored.

This optional array contains the SubAssocUsrInfo complex element, which specifies a package of data for
each Subscriber’s Associated User (i.e. ‘Subuser’) that will use or have access to the [Company] bill pay
account. This complex element contains the following simple and complex elements and arrays:

Simple elements:
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber’s Associated User (or ‘end-user’).
This element is required on the mod request for identification purposes only, and cannot be
This element should be left blank if adding a new associated user via the mod request, as this
information will not be available to the Service Consumer until the user has been successfully
added to the Subscriber’s account.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional element indicates the role of the Subscriber’s Associated User. Canonical values are:
 Prim - Primary Account Holder
NOTE: This element is not currently eligible for update with a Subscriber Mod request.
This optional element represents the Service Consumer’s customer identifier associated with a
Subscriber’s Associated User (.e.g., the consumer’s or FI’s ‘internal’ identifier for the Subscriber’s
Associated User).
This element is a required element for associated user utilizing Bill Pay Services that are not
considered ‘Stand-Alone’, and therefore cannot be deleted (i.e., cannot be set to ‘Null’) on a mod
This optional element represents the identification that is common between the Service Provider
(iPay) and Service Consumer associated with a Company Subscriber’s Associated User. This will
typically be the Subscriber Associated User’s ‘LoginID’ used to gain access to a corresponding
iPay-hosted ‘online’ Bill Pay application.
This element is a required element for associated user utilizing Bill Pay Services that are not
considered ‘Stand-Alone’, and therefore cannot be deleted (i.e., cannot be set to ‘Null’) on a mod
NOTE: The ability to update this element is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product explicitly
allows it. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if the Service Consumer
should hide this element from requesting users.
This is the password specified by the Subscriber’s Associated User, which will be used when
accessing iPay’s ‘online’ Bill Pay interface (if iPay’s online Bill Pay interface is available for use by
the Institution’s Subscribers and Associated Users). The value entered is limited to a maximum of
20 [alphanumeric] characters.
NOTE: A Temp Password is required only when adding a new associated user, and ONLY if the
Subscriber’s Product explicitly requires it. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to
determine if this information is required when adding Subscriber’s Associated User.

This optional element represents a comment pertaining to the Subscriber’s Associated User.

Complex elements:
This complex element contains the name of the Subscriber’s Associated User, and includes the
following simple elements, as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not
currently used for the Bill Pay Services API):
This represents the associated user’s First Name.
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This represents the associated user’s Middle Name.
This represents the associated user’s Last Name.
NOTE: This complex element is required for associated users, and therefore cannot be deleted
(i.e., cannot be set to ‘Null’).

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Subscriber’s Associated User (at
least one is required) and includes following simple and complex elements:
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the associated user. This can be
a Home, Work, Cell or SMS/Text number. This is a numeric field that will not accept
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above).
Canonical values required for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Home
 Work
 Cell
 SMS - (text)
This indicates the best usage time – Day or Evening.
This optional element will not be utilized for the Bill Pay Services API at this time, in favor of
the ConStartTime and ConEndTime elements (below).
This specifies a business phone extension, if one exists.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability starts.
This optional element represents the time (in UTC) when contact availability ends.
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the associated
user’s mobile phone, and includes the following simple elements:
This is the provider code for the associated user’s mobile device (e.g., Verizon,
Sprint, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the
current list of available mobile providers and associated codes.
This indicates whether the mobile device is a Blackberry. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional element is valid on a Subscriber Mod request only, and indicates
whether the associated user would like a ‘test text’ sent to their mobile device in
order to validate an update to device information.
NOTE: The above SubAssocUsr Phone Array is considered ‘personal profile’ information for the
associated user, and is editable ONLY by the actual Subscriber’s Associated User who
owns the information.

This array contains an array of email information for the specified Subscriber’s Associated User,
and includes the following simple elements:
This element specifies the email address of the Subscriber’s Associated User.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Canonical values required for
the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – [default] – Subscriber’s Associated User

This complex element is required for associated users, and therefore cannot be deleted
(i.e., cannot be set to ‘Null’).
This array contains the MktgOpInfo complex element, which specifies a package of available
marketing options that can be chosen by the Subscriber’s Associated User, and includes the
following simple elements:
This indicates the type of marketing communication option(s) that are available to the
Subscriber’s Associated User. Canonical values are:
 Email - Marketing materials delivered via email
This indicates whether the Subscriber’s Associated User agrees to receive marketing
materials via the specified Marketing Option Type. Canonical values are:
 Accept
 Decline

This optional array contains a list of permission options for the Subscriber’s Associated User. It
includes the SubAssocUsrPerInfo complex element, which specifies the name/value pair for each
available permission and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the desired permission code (e.g., ‘CanScheduleBillPayments’,
‘ScheduledBillPaymentExcludedPayeeID, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is
necessary to obtain the complete list of available permission codes and corresponding
values (if pre-defined values exist).
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This specifies the desired permission value (e.g., ‘true’, ‘, etc). A ‘Service
Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the complete list of available permission
codes and corresponding values (if pre-defined values exist).

This optional array contains a list of payment cap options for the Subscriber’s Associated User. It
includes the SubAssocUsrCapInfo complex element, which specifies payment cap information for
each available payment cap and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the desired payment cap code (e.g., ‘Default Payment Cap Amt’,
‘PayeeSpecificPayment, etc). A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain
the complete list of available payment cap codes and corresponding cap details (if predefined values exist).
This specifies the PayeeID of the Payee associated with the specified payment cap, if a
payee-specific payment cap is desired.
This specifies the desired payment cap amount. A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is
necessary to obtain the complete list of available payment cap codes and corresponding
cap details (if pre-defined values exist).
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, the above SubAssocUsrInfo Array is eligible for update ONLY if
the requesting user has been granted permission to manage Subusers.

Subscriber Mod Behaviors

The Service Provider (iPay) will generate a ‘change notification’ email to the Subscriber, as well as a SMS/Text
message, for the following updates:
o when the SMS/Text message address is updated;
o the Subscriber’s [Primary] email address is modified;


The service provider (iPay) also posts an alert on the Financial Institution’s Bill Pay administration portal
(‘MASTER’) when any of the following Subscriber profile information is updated:
o Subscriber Address
o Subscriber Phone numbers (Home, Work or Cell)
o Email Addresses (Primary and Secondary)


Pay From Accounts:
o Adding or deleting an additional pay from account:

At least one pay from account must be available for a Subscriber’s account at all times.


The ability to add additional pay from accounts for a single Subscriber is available via the SubMod
request, but ONLY for those Financial Institutions that have included this feature for the specified
Product. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if this feature is available in order to
add additional pay from accounts.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

 Required entries for adding an additional pay from account are specified in the ‘Subscriber
Add’ request above.

Deletes of pay from account(s) are allowed via the SubMod request (provided at least one pay from
account continues to be available for a Subscriber’s account at all times).
 Delete of the Subscriber’s default pay from account is prohibited.
 If there are pending payments associated with the pay from account being deleted, a fault
override is required in order to complete the delete request.
 Deleting a Pay From Account also causes any ‘automatic eBill payment schedule(s)’ that
utilize the specified Pay From Account to be permanently stopped.


Modifying an existing pay from account:

Only the following elements are editable when modifying an existing pay from account:
 Account Name
 Starting Check Number
 Pay From Account Default
 Pay From Account Owner information (if applicable)




For Company Subscribers, Pay From Account information can be added or modified ONLY if the
requesting user has been granted permission to Manage Pay From Account information.

Accessibility to marketing materials is applicable only for ‘non-StandAlone’ Bill Pay Services.



If Pay From Account Owner information is entered when adding a new or modifying an existing Pay
From Account, and either the Subscriber’s Product does not allow it or the specified Subscriber is
not allowed to add Owner information, the Subscriber Mod request will be rejected.

Any MktgOptInfoArray information received on a SubMod request for a Subscriber using ‘StandAlone’
Bill Pay Services will be ignored.

For Company Subscribers:

Company Profile information: The TaxID, PmtApprvRedq and PswdChgFreq elements, as well as
PersonName and Addr complex elements, are considered ‘Company Profile’ information and are eligible
for update via the SubMod request ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to update
Company information.


Pay From Account information: The entire Pay From Account complex element is eligible for update via
the SubMod request ONLY if the requesting user has been granted permission to Manage Pay From
Account information.


The ability to add multiple users (i.e., ‘Subscriber’s Associated Users’) to a Subscriber account is
applicable only if explicitly indicated for the Subscriber. At this time, only Company Subscribers are
enabled for multiple users.


Subscriber’s Associated Users:

Associated User information can be added or modified via a SubMod request ONLY if the
requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Manage Subuser’ information.


One (and only one) Primary Account Holder (role) is allowed for a Company Subscriber. The ability
to change the Primary Account Holder is not available at this time.


The ability to add additional associated users is available via the SubMod request, but ONLY if the
Subscriber’s Product includes the ability to add ‘multiple-users’.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01

 Required entries for adding an additional associated user are specified in the ‘Subscriber Add’
request above.
 Multiple associated users can be added via a single SubMod request.

The ability to delete associated user(s) is available via the SubMod request (provided the ability to
delete an associated user is available for the Subscriber’sProduct). A Channel Inquiry can be
performed to determine if the ability to delete associated users is available for this Subscriber.
 Delete of the Subscriber’s Primary Account Holder is prohibited.


When modifying associated user information via a Subscriber Mod request, the SubAssocUsrInfo
array should contain only ONE Subscriber’s Associated User entry, that of the associated user
being modified.
 If more than one associated user is included in the mod request, the request will be rejected.
 Permissions for Subscribers/’Primary’ Subuser cannot be modified (‘Superuser’ role is
 Associated users’ Phone and Email Arrays are considered ‘personal profile’ information, and
are editable ONLY by the actual Subscriber’s Associated User who owns the information.
Update of user ‘personal profile’ information will not be allowed for any Subscriber’s Associated
User except that of the associated user making the mod request.


Permissions and Caps:
 Specification of permissions and payee payment caps for Subscriber’s Associated Users is not
applicable if the Service Consumer manages Subuser permissions, or if the associated user is
the Primary Account Holder (in this instance, ‘Superuser’ permissions are always assigned).


A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine whether the Servicer Consumer or the
Service Provider manages Subuser permissions.

 Permissions must be granted explicitly; that is, each Subscriber’s Associated User (with the
exception of the Primary Account Holder) is given NO user permissions, unless explicitly
indicated, as below.

Permission codes that allow the user to perform a certain bill payment activity will
typically begin with the word ‘Can’ (as in, ‘CanScheduleBillPayments’), whose paired
‘Value’ will be either ‘true’ or ‘false’. The default value for any permission of this type is
 Specification of each individual permission is optional; however, any available
permissions not included in the add request will default to ‘off’ or ‘false’.


Permission codes that are utilized to limit otherwise-permissible activity by prohibiting
that activity for specific Payees or Pay From Accounts, etc, will typically include the word
‘Excluded’ (as in, ‘ScheduleBillPaymentExcludedPayeeId’). The paired ‘Value’ for this
element is the ID of the entity that is being excluded (such as the PayeeID or the
PayFromID). The initial Value for the specified ‘exclusionary’ permission must be
provided by the Service Consumer on the add request.
 ‘Exclusionary’ permissions are optional, and should be provided only if the
Subscriber’s Associated User is permitted to perform the corresponding function,
but is restricted from performing that function for the specified entity (such as
scheduling a bill payment for a specific Payee). Any ‘exclusionary’ permissions
entered that don’t have a corresponding ‘Can’ permission will be ignored.
For example, if the ‘CanScheduleBillPayments’ permission is set to ‘false’,
but a ‘ScheduleBillPaymentsExcludedPayeeID’ is specified on the add

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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

request, the ‘Excluded Payee ID’ value will be ignored.
 An ‘exclusionary’ permission should be included for EVERY Payee or Pay From
Account where a restriction is desired.
 Payment caps must defined explicitly; that is, each Subscriber’s Associated User will be
subject to the payment caps specified for the Subscriber, unless user-specific payment caps
are explicitly set.

A specified ‘default’ payment cap will apply to all payments scheduled by the
Subscriber’s Associated User, while Payee-specific payment caps will apply only to
payments scheduled for the specified Payee.
 A Payee-specific payment cap should be included for EVERY Payee where an
individual cap restriction is desired.

 For an illustration of an ‘associated user’-specific set of permissions/caps, please refer to the
example in ‘Appendix B’ at the end of this document.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySubModRs response message to the service consumer.
The element(s) contained within the BilPaySubModRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API is/are:
This specifies the status of the mod request. Canonical values are:


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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Payee Services
Payee Add
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayPayeeAdd
The bill pay Payee Add  will allow the service consumer to add a new Payee or Transfer
account for a specific Subscriber. The subscriber identification element  is required on the Add request.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Payee Add service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow the subscriber to add a new Payee or
Transfer account to their bill pay account.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayPayeeAddRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements and arrays contained within the BilPayPayeeAddRq message request are necessary for the
Bill Pay Services API.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Simple elements:
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.

Complex elements:
This complex element contains a package of data related to a bill pay Payee or Transfer account, and includes
the below simple and complex elements and arrays necessary to add a Payee or Transfer account via the Bill
Pay Services API. This complex is required for the request; however, many of the child nodes encapsulated are
This is the name of the Payee. Entry of this value is not allowed for Transfer accounts.
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account. If not specified, this will
default to the PayeeName for Company or Individual Payees. For Transfer accounts, this will default to the
Subscriber’s name (for Company Subscribers, this will be the Company Name) if not specified.
This specifies the classification of a Payee. Canonical values are:

Comp (Company)
Indv (Individual/Person)
[NEW!] FinInst (Financial Institution) – to be used for Transfer accounts

[NEW!] [Payee] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention of the Payee. Canonical values are:

- Payment for a bill (default)
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time

The Payee’s PmtIntentType must be appropriate for the specified Payee Classification (e.g., for ‘Financial
Institution’ Payees (i.e., ‘Transfer Accounts), only ‘Xfer’-type values are appropriate).
This is the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee. A value is required for a Company
If no value is passed for this element for an Individual payee, it will be defaulted based on the Payee’s
Payment Method. For a Check or Electronic payee, this will default to the Subscriber’s name. For an Email
payee, the value will default to ‘N/A’. Entry of this value is not allowed for Transfer accounts.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Subscriber’s name understood by the merchant and is used to override the Subscriber’s name
on record.
If no value is passed for this element for an Individual payee, it will be defaulted with the Subscriber’s
name. Entry of this value is not allowed for Transfer accounts.
PayeeCatName (reserved for future use)
The name of the category assigned to the Payee or Transfer account.
A shared secret word or code provided by the Subscriber to a desired ‘Email’ Payee, used to confirm the
Email Payee’s identity when providing their financial deposit information. This is a required element when
adding an ‘Email’ (P2P) Payee.
This optional complex element contains a package of financial deposit account information for the
Individual Payee or Transfer account.
The Bank Routing Number (ABA number) of the Individual Payee’s Bank (deposit) account or, for
Transfer accounts, the Subscriber’s external Financial Institution.
Individual Payee’s Bank Account Number or, for Transfer accounts, Subscriber’s (checking or
savings) account number at their Financial Institution.
This represents the type of deposit account for the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
If the above information is included in the ‘Add Payee’ request for an Individual Payee, the Individual Payee
will be considered an ‘Electronic’ Payee. ALL of the above information is required in order to set up an
Individual ‘Electronic’ Payee or Transfer account. This information is not allowed for a Company Payee.
This optional complex element contains information on the ‘default’ bill pay Pay From Account to be used to
make payments to the specified Payee or Transfer account.
The identifier for the Pay From account.
This is the only element necessary to identify the desired ‘default’ bill pay Pay From Account for the
specified Payee.
If the Payee’s Pay From Account is not specified, the Pay From Account designated as the Subscriber’s
default Pay From Account will be used.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, Pay From Account information (other than the Subscriber’s default
account) can be specified only if the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Designate
Pay From Accounts’.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array provides the ability to send an array of payee addresses. However, only the Payee’s primary
address is required for a Payee Add request. (The payee’s address is an optional entry for ‘Email’
Payees.) Entry of this value is not allowed for Transfer accounts.
This array includes the following simple and complex elements:
This specifies the type of payee address. The Payee’s Primary (i.e., ‘payment remittance’) address
is required when adding a new Payee. Canonical values are:

Prim – Primary (default)
Rush - Rush

NOTE: The specification of a Rush Address is required only for a Payment Add (see details below
in ‘Payment Add’ section). A Rush address provided for a Payee Add request will be
ignored at this time.

This complex element contains elements representing the Payee’s [Primary] address, and is
required when adding a Payee.
This is the Payee’s street address.
StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the Payee’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Payee’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: It should be noted that, in order to leverage check processing efficiencies gained from iPay’s
Merchant Management process for Company Payees, the Payee Address provided may not
always be the address used for a check.

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Payee. A Work (Business) phone
number is required for every Payee. Entry of this value is not allowed for Transfer accounts.
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Payee. This must be the Payee’s
Work (Business) number. This is a numeric field that will not accept hyphens.
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above). Only the
Work phone number is required for Payees. Canonical values required for the Bill Pay Services API
 Work
NOTE: It should be noted that, in order to leverage payment processing efficiencies gained from iPay’s
Merchant Management process for Company Payees, the Payee PhoneNum provided may not
always be the phone number returned on subsequent Payee inquiries.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional array contains the EmailInfo complex element, which includes a package of email data for the
Payee. Entry of this value is not allowed for Transfer accounts. If submitted, only a ‘primary’ email address
is applicable for the Payee:
This element specifies the email address of the Payee. This is a required element if the Payee’s
Payment Method Type = ‘Email’.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Applicable canonical values required
adding a Payee for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary (default)
1) If the above information is included in the ‘Add Payee’ request for an Individual Payee, the
Individual Payee will be considered an ‘Email’ Payee. ALL information in the PayeeEmailArray is
required in order to set up an Email Payee.
2) The above ‘Email Address’ information is an optional entry for a Company Payee. If entered, it
should be noted that, in order to leverage payment processing efficiencies gained from iPay’s
Merchant Management process for Company Payees, the Payee EmailAddr provided may not
always be the email address returned on subsequent Payee inquiries.

Payee Add Behaviors


For Company Subscribers:
o Payees can be added only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has been granted
permission to ‘Manage Payees’.

[NEW!] Transfer accounts can be added only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has
been granted permission to ‘Manage Transfer Accounts’.


Pay From Account information (other than the Subscriber’s default account) can be specified only if the
requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Accounts’.

For Individual Payees (PayeeClsf = Individual)
o If no Payee Deposit information or Payee Email information is included in the request, the Payee will be
considered a ‘check’ payee. (Payments will be sent via check to the ‘Primary’ Payee address specified.)


iPay will fault an Add Payee request if both Payee’s deposit account information and Payee’s email
shared secret/email information is passed at the same time, as the intended payment method is unclear.


Design tip:
The service consumer may want to guide the Subscriber through the Payee setup experience by using
explicit indicators for setting up individual Payees, such as:


‘Set up a Payee using bank account information’
 the Subscriber wants to add an Individual payee where payments can be sent ‘electronically’
using the provided account information


‘Set up an Email Payee’
 the Subscriber wants to add an Individual as a ‘P2P’ payee, and wants iPay to initiate the
‘email’ procedures for obtaining the Payee’s financial account information


‘Set up a Payee using Payee’s address’

 the Subscriber wants to add an Individual payee where payments are sent by check using the

provided Payee address.
‘Set up a Transfer account’

 the Subscriber wants to add a Transfer account where funds are transferred electronically
using the provided account information
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01


Email Payees:
 The ability to add an Email Payee is available ONLY for those Financial Institutions that possess the
Email Payments feature within the Bill Pay Services API. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to
determine if this feature is available in order to add an Email Payee.


The PayeeEmailSharedSecret element only works in conjunction with the PayeeEmailArray. iPay
will ignore this element when delivered by the service consumer without a completed


The Payee’s EmailAddr is required for ‘Email’ (P2P) Payees in order to send an email
communication to the Payee directing them to a Bill Pay website to provide their financial deposit
information. In order to confirm the identity of the email payee, the email recipient must enter the
PayeeEmailSharedSecret, which has been communicated to them by the Subscriber, before
account information will be accepted.
Note: Financial deposit account information provided by an ‘Email’ Payee is never shared with the

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayPayeeAddRs response message to the service consumer.
The simple elements contained within the BilPayPayeeAddRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API
This is the Payee identifier associated with the Payee or Transfer account for the Bill Pay Services API.
This specifies the status of the add request. Canonical values are:


The service provider will return the new Payee ID  generated by the Bill Pay Services API service
application for the accepted new payee or Transfer account.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Payee Search
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayPayeeSrch
The bill pay Payee Search  will return all Payees and Transfer accounts for a particular bill pay
product and Subscriber.
The request provides the following optional filters:
 Payee Category Name < PayeeCatName> (Reserved for future use)
 Exclude non-activated  - Default = false
 Include deleted  - Default = false
 ‘eBill’ Payees Only  - Default = false
When there exists more than one filter on the request, the resulting selection is based on the combined effect of the
filters (i.e., ‘and’ operator). Each added filter option will further restrict the result set.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Payee Search service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve Payee and Transfer account
information for a specified product and Subscriber, based on optional filters.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayPayeeSrchRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPayPayeeSrchRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operation being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the name of the category assigned to the Payee or Transfer account.
This element is reserved for future use by the Bill Pay Services API and is not a valid search filter option at
this time. A value submitted for this element will be ignored by the Bill Pay Services API.
This is used to exclude non-activated (i.e., ‘awaiting activation’) Payees or Transfer accounts from the
search results. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
NOTE: Payments can no longer be scheduled for non-activated Payees.
This is used to include deleted Payees and Transfer accounts in search results. Canonical values are:
 True
 False

‘Deleted’ Payees are required ONLY when the Payee Search request is being utilized as a
precursor to requesting Payment or Transfer History for specific Payees. This is necessary to
ensure the complete history for a specific Payee or Transfer account is received (Payee
management processes require a Payee or Transfer account to be deleted and ‘re-added’ as a
new Payee in order to modify certain Payee information.)
For example, if a Payee (e.g., ‘AT&T’) is deleted and re-added 3 times for a given Subscriber, the
Payee Search request with InclDlt set to True will return 3 ‘AT&T’ Payee records (each with a
different PayeeID; one would have a Payee Status of ‘Active’ and two would be ‘Deleted’).
However, all three are necessary to provide a complete picture of payment history for this particular
Deleted Payees are NOT required for a Payee Search requested as a precursor to making a

This is used to include only ‘eBill’ Payees (i.e., both eBill-eligible Payees, as well as Payees with registered
eBill accounts) in search results. If set to ‘true’, only eBill Payees will be included in search results.
Canonical values are:
 True
 False

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayPayeeSrchRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a list of Company and Individual Payees, as well as Transfer accounts, if available, for the specified product
and Subscriber that meet the given search criteria.
1) Other types of Payees, such as Gift Payees, etc, will not be included in the result set at this time.

2) For Company Subscribers, Payee information can be viewed only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s
Associated User) has been granted permission to ‘Manage Payees’ or, for Transfer accounts, the
requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Manage Transfer Accounts’.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The array(s) contained within the BilPayPayeeSrchRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API are:
This array returns an array of responses for the Payee search and includes the BilPayPayeeSrchInfo complex
element for each Payee and Transfer account returned. The BilPayPayeeSrchInfo complex contains a
package of data related to a Subscriber’s Payee and includes the following simple and complex elements and
The below elements contained within the BilPayPayeeSrchInfo complex are included for the Bill Pay Services
This is the ID of the Payee or Transfer account.
This is the name of the Payee. For Transfer accounts, this will be the Subscriber’s name or, for Company
Subscribers, the Company Name.
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account.
PayeeCatName (reserved for future use)
The name of the category assigned to the Payee or Transfer account.
This specifies the classification of a Payee. Canonical values are:

Comp (Company)
Indv (Individual/Person)
[NEW!] FinInst (Financial Institution) – indicates a Transfer account

[NEW!] [Payee] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention of the Payee. Valid canonical values are:

- Payment for a bill (default)
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time

This is the payment method for the Payee. Transfer accounts will always be ‘Elec’. Canonical values are:

Chk – Check
Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
Elec – Electronic

[NEW!] SubMerAcctId
This is the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee. For Transfer accounts, this value will
be the Account Holder’s account number (of the Transfer account).
This is the amount of the last payment or transfer paid to the Payee by the Subscriber.
This is the date of the last payment or transfer paid to the Payee by the Subscriber.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This indicator is used to show if Payee offers expedited (rush) payment options. Not applicable for
Transfer accounts. Canonical values are:


This indicates the status of the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values are:

Act – Activated (payments can be scheduled and processed for this Payee)
NotAct – Not activated (Pending) – (payments cannot be scheduled)
Dlt – Deleted (Payee is not available scheduling payments)

This indicates whether or not the Payee is eligible for eBills and, if so, whether enrolled. Not applicable for
Transfer accounts. Canonical values are:
 NotAlw – (default) Payee is not eligible for eBills.
 Alw – Payee is eligible for eBills (but the Subscriber has not yet registered for an eBill account).
 Enroll – Payee is actively registered for eBills (i.e., has an ‘established’ eBill account).
This indicator is used to show whether an eBill-enrolled Payee has any outstanding eBill account errors
that require Subscriber action to resolve. If an account error exists for an eBill account, no new eBill activity
can occur until the error is resolved. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
This is the first available process or transfer date for a payment to the Payee. This date is affected by the
Institution’s Payment Cutoff Time and required ‘Lag Days’, as well as applicable Non-Processing days.
This is the first available estimated arrival date for a payment or Transfer to the Payee. This date is
affected by the Payee’s Payment Method, as well as ‘transit days’.
This is the number of ‘transit’ days required for a check payment to be delivered to this Payee. This value
is affected by the Payee’s Payment Method and Zip Code, as well as applicable Non-Processing Days.
This value is added to the First Available Process Date to determine an Estimated Arrival Date.
This element has a ‘default’ value that utilizes the ‘Standard’ payment delivery method (non-Rush
payment). Selecting a ‘Rush’ payment option when scheduling a payment, which has the potential to
change the Payment Method, will change the time required for transit.

This optional complex element contains information on the Pay From Account designated for the
specified Payee or Transfer account.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, PayFromAcctInfo is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting
user has been granted permission to Designate Pay From Account information. Therefore, if
the requesting user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements
will be set to ‘Hid’, which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from
the requesting user.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payee’s designated Pay From account.
The bank account number of the Pay From Account designated for this Payee.
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of pay from account. Canonical values are:
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the Subscriber’s pay from account.
This indicates whether the pay from account is the ‘default’ account, to be used in the event a pay
from account is not specified when scheduling a payment or transfer. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)

This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified pay from
account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.
This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved

This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay
Services API):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.
The PayFromAcctInfo complex element may be empty if no ‘default’ Pay From Account has been
specified for the Payee or Transfer account.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Payee Inquiry
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayPayeeInq
The bill pay Payee Inquiry  will return element details for a specific Payee or Transfer account for
a given Subscriber. The subscriber identification element  is required on the request.
The design of the inquiry was created in a manner that facilitates addition and modification requests.
The activity intention element  was added to support the concurrency model for future modifications
made to payee information.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Payee Inquiry service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve Payee information for a specific
Payee or Transfer account for a given Subscriber, based on the required Subscriber ID. If the Payee ID is not
known, the third party consumer must first perform a Payee Search to obtain the Payee ID for the desired Payee.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayPayeeInqRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPayPayeeInqRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Subscriber’s Payee or Transfer account.
This indicator conveys the service consumer’s intention for a subsequent operation for the data set
included in the response. Canonical values are:
 ReadOnly – indicates a ‘view’ intent only for the data set included in the Inquiry response.
This is the default value.
 Upd – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent update (‘Mod’) to the data set included in the
Inquiry response.
 Dlt – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent delete of the data set included in the
Inquiry response.
This optional array conveys the list of ‘x_’ elements by name which are to be included in the response. At this
time, the inclusion of this array is necessary only if eBill information associated with the Payee is desired in the
response. The complex element contained in this array, IncXtendElemInfo, includes the following simple
This is the extended element (by name) which the service consumer is requesting be included in the
response. The only Extended Element that is currently available for the BilPayPayeeInqRq is:
 x_ElecMerPayeeInfo – returns the Payee’s eBill information (not applicable for Transfer accounts)

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayPayeeInqRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a package of Payee information for the Subscriber’s specified Payee or Transfer account.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, Payee information can be viewed only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s
Associated User) has been granted permission to ‘Manage Payees’ or, for Transfer accounts, the
requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Manage Transfer Accounts’.
The simple and complex elements contained within the BilPayPayeeInqRs response applicable for the Bill Pay
Services API are:
This is the payment method for the Payee or Transfer account. Transfer accounts will always be ‘Elec’.
Canonical values are:

Chk – Check
Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
Elec – Electronic

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the amount of the last payment or Transfer paid to the Payee by the Subscriber.
This is the date of the last payment or Transfer paid to the Payee by the Subscriber.
This is the first available process date for a payment or Transfer to the Payee. This date is affected by the
Institution’s Payment Cutoff Time and required ‘Lag Days’, as well as applicable Non-Processing days.
This is the first available estimated arrival date for a payment or Transfer to the Payee. This date is affected by
the Payee’s Payment Method, as well as ‘transit days’.
This is the number of ‘transit’ days required for a check payment to be delivered to this Payee. This value is
affected by the Payee’s Payment Method and Zip Code, as well as applicable Non-Processing Days. This
value is added to the First Available Process Date to determine an Estimated Arrival Date.
This element has a ‘default’ value that utilizes the ‘Standard’ payment delivery method (non-Rush payment).
Selecting a ‘Rush’ payment option when scheduling a payment, which has the potential to change the Payment
Method, will change the time required for transit.
This indicates the status of the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values are:

Act – Activated (payments can be scheduled and processed for this payee)
NotAct – Not activated (Pending) – (payments cannot be scheduled)
Dlt – Deleted (payee is not available scheduling payments)

This is the key (provided by the service provider) delivered to the consumer to be submitted in the
subsequent modification (update or delete) operation for the data set returned in the inquiry response.
This is the ‘iPay’, or ‘internal’, version of the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee. In this
version, all ‘special characters’ have been eliminated from the account number in order to fit the format required
for successful payment disbursement to the Merchant.
This element is included in the Payee Inquiry response for informational purposes only, in the event it may be
required for comparison to the ‘user-submitted’ version of the Subscriber’s account number with the
Merchant/Payee. The ‘user-submitted’ version [SubMerAcctId] should be utilized for display on all Subscriber
This complex element contains a package of data related to a bill pay Payee or Transfer account, and includes
the below simple and complex elements and arrays for the Bill Pay Services API.

Simple elements:
This is the name of the Payee. For Transfer accounts, this will be the Subscriber’s name or, for Company
Subscribers, the Company Name.
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This represents the shared secret word or code provided by the Subscriber for the specified ‘Email’ Payee,
used to confirm the Email Payee’s identity when providing their financial deposit information.
This specifies the classification of a Payee. Canonical values are:

Comp (Company)
Indv (Individual/Person)
[NEW!] FinInst (Financial Institution) – indicates a Transfer account

[NEW!] [Payee] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention of the Payee. Canonical values are:

- Payment for a bill (default)
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time

This is the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee. For Transfer accounts, this value will
be the Account Holder’s account number (of the Transfer account). If the Subscriber’s name (Last Name,
First Name) is being used for this element, the value will be truncated at 50 characters.
This is the Subscriber’s name understood by the merchant and is used to override the Subscriber’s name
on record.
PayeeCatName (reserved for future use)
The name of the category assigned to the Payee or Transfer account.
This indicates whether or not the Payee is eligible for eBills and, if so, whether enrolled. Not applicable for
Transfer accounts. Canonical values are:
 NotAlw – (default) Payee is not eligible for eBills.
 Alw – Payee is eligible for eBills (but the Subscriber has not yet registered for an eBill account).
 Enroll – Payee is actively registered for eBills (i.e., has an ‘established’ eBill account).
This indicator is used to show whether an eBill-enrolled Payee has any outstanding eBill account errors
that require Subscriber action to resolve. If an account error exists for an eBill account, no new eBill activity
can occur until the error is resolved. Canonical values are:
 True
 False

Complex elements:
This complex element contains a package of financial deposit account information (available only for the
Individual Payee with an ‘Electronic’ Payment Method, and for Transfer accounts).
The Bank Routing Number (ABA number) of the Payee’s Bank (deposit) or Transfer account.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Payee’s Bank Account Number. For Transfer accounts, this value will be the Subscriber’s account
number at the designated Financial Institution.
This represents the type of deposit account for the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This optional complex element contains information on the ‘default’ Pay From Account designated for the
specified Payee or Transfer account.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, PayFromAcctInfo is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting
user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Account’ information. If the requesting
user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’,
which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payee’s or Transfer account’s designated Pay
From account.
The bank account number of the Pay From Account designated for this Payee or Transfer account.
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of pay from account. Canonical values are:
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the Subscriber’s bill pay pay from account.
This indicates whether the pay from account is the ‘default’ account, to be used in the event a pay
from account is not specified when scheduling a payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
This complex element may be empty if no ‘default’ Pay From Account has been specified for the
Payee or Transfer account. If no Pay From Account has been specified for the Payee, the Pay
From Account designated as the Subscriber’s default Pay From Account will be used to make
payments to this Payee or Transfer account.
This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified pay from
account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved
This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay
Services API):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array provides a list of available Payee addresses. Not applicable for Transfer accounts. All available
Payee addresses (including both Primary and Rush address, if one is on file for this Payee), will be
included in this array. This array includes the following simple and complex elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the specified address for the Payee.
This specifies the type of payee address. Canonical values are:

Prim – Primary (default)
Rush - Rush

This complex element contains elements representing the Payee’s address for the specified
Address Type.
This is the Payee’s street address.
StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the Payee’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Payee’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Payee. Not applicable for Transfer
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Payee. This must be the Payee’s
Work (Business) number. This is a numeric field that will not accept hyphens.
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above). Only the
Work phone number is available for Payees. Canonical values required for the Bill Pay Services
API are:
 Work
This optional array contains the EmailInfo complex element, which includes a package of email data for the
Payee. An email address is available only for Individual Payees with a Payment Method = ‘Email’. If
available, only a ‘primary’ email address is applicable for the Payee:
This element specifies the email address of the Payee.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Applicable canonical values required
adding a Payee for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary (default)
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional array contains the BilPaySvcFeeInfoRec complex element, which includes a package of
Payment-level Service Fees, or ‘payment surcharges’, applicable for certain types of payments (such as
Email payments) made to the Payee. The Service Fee will be automatically applied to any payment that
requires a surcharge (as determined by the SvcFeeDesc).
This element specifies the type of payment or Transfer to which the service fee is applied. A
‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the current list of available Service Fee
This element specifies the amount of the Service Fee that will be applied to a Payment or Transfer
matching the SvcFeeDesc for the specified Payee.
(As with all ‘x_’ elements, this Payee eBill x_ element will be included in the response only if explicitly requested
in the IncXtendElemArray within the BilPayPayeeInqRq message.)
Not applicable for Transfer accounts.
This optional complex contained within the root BilPayPayeeInqRs contains an array of eBill information for the
specified Payee (the ElecMerPayeeInfoArray). This array contains the ElecMerPayeeInfoRec, a complex
element containing a package of data for each ‘eBiller’ associated with the Payee.
For a Payee who is ‘Eligible’ (but not yet enrolled) for eBills, this array will contain a package of data for each
eligible ‘eBiller’ (or ‘product/line of business’ that allows eBills) associated with the Payee. In most cases, there
will be only one eBiller associated with a given Payee. However, for some Payees several types of ‘product
lines’ may exist, and each will have its own package of eBill information. For example, a large financial services
company may have multiple types of financial ‘products’ available to its customers (e.g., personal and business
credit cards, a bank, an insurance company, etc). In those instances, all available products must be made
available to the Subscriber so the correct product can be selected when setting up the eBill account for a given
For a Payee who is ‘Enrolled’ (i.e., has a registered eBill account), this array will contain a [single] package of
data for the registered eBill account associated with the Payee.
See Appendix D for additional detail on eBill Account Setup and eBill Account Error Resolution flows.
The ElecMerPayeeInfoRec complex includes the following simple elements and arrays for the Bill Pay Services

Simple elements:
This is the identifier for the ‘eBiller’ (i.e., ‘eBill product’). Each eBiller has its own ‘eBiller ID’.
This element is applicable, and will be returned, only when the Payee’s ElecBilPayeeType (‘eBill status’) is
set to ‘Alw’, meaning the Payee is eligible for eBills, but the Subscriber has not yet registered for an eBill
account. An ElectMerPayeeID will be provided for each eBiller (’eBill product’) available for the specified
Payee. Once an eBill account has been set up for the Payee, only the [below] ElecBilPayeeAcctId (‘eBill
Account ID’) is necessary to identify the eBill account.
This is the identifier associated with the Subscriber’s registered eBill account with the Merchant/Payee.
This element is applicable when the Payee’s ElecBilPayeeType (‘eBill status’) is set to ‘Enroll’,
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Release 2015.0.01

meaning the Payee is actively registered for eBills (i.e., has an ‘established’ eBill account). Once an eBill
account has been set up for the Payee, only the eBill Account ID for the registered eBill account will be
returned in the Payee Inquiry response.
This is the URL that contains the eBiller’s electronic address (for the biller’s, or ‘Payee’s’, website). This
may be specific to the given ‘product’.
This is the name for the ‘eBiller’ (i.e., the name of the ‘product’ for the Payee) that is often used for GUI
representation understandable to the end-user.
This is the status of the eBill Terms of Service acceptance for the given eBill account. Canonical values


NotActp – not accepted (default value)
Actp – accepted
ReqNewActp – requires new acceptance

Acceptance of the eBill Terms of Service is required in order to set up an eBill account.
For a Payee currently registered for eBills where a new Terms of Service acceptance is required by the
eBiller, the new acceptance must be received (via Payee Mod) before any further eBill activity is allowed.
This specifies the entire Terms of Service applicable for the given ‘eBiller’.
The Subscriber must agree to the eBiller’s Terms of Service in order to set up (‘register’) an eBill account
for the specified Payee.
NOTE: This element may be delivered as a CDATA section, as it could include (but is not limited to)
HTML and ‘illegal’ XML characters.
This is the current status of the eBill account for the Payee. Canonical values are:
 Act (default) – Active
 Susp – Temporarily Suspended
 PendTer – Pending Termination
This element is applicable (and will be available) only when the Payee’s ElecBilPayeeType (i.e., ‘eBill
status’) is set to ‘Enroll’, meaning the Payee is actively registered for eBills (i.e., has an ‘established’ eBill
1) An eBill account in ‘temporary suspension’ is temporarily unavailable for eBill updates or account
error resolution. If known, the date the temporary suspension expires will be provided
(ElecMerSuspExpDt). Typically, the eBill account will be returned to ‘active’ status after the
temporary suspension expires.
2) An eBill account that is ‘pending termination’ will become permanently unavailable on the Pending
Termination Date (ElecMerPendTerDt). The eBill account will be ‘unregistered’ on this date.
This is the date that a ‘temporary suspension’ of an eBill account will expire. This value may not be
available if the date the temporary suspension expires has not been provided by the eBiller.
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the date that an eBill account will become permanently unavailable for the Payee. The eBill account
will be automatically ‘unregistered’ on this date.
This indicator specifies whether setup of an automatic payment schedule for eBills is allowed for the given
eBiller. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
[Automatic eBill Payment Schedule Options]:
This specifies the payment amount option selected for the automatic eBill payment schedule set up for the
Payee. This value is used in combination with the  to determine the actual
intent of the selected payment option. Canonical values are:
 StmtBal – Payment based on statement balance
 MinDue – Pay the minimum due
 AmtDue – Payment based on amount due
 FixedAmt – Pay
a fixed amount
NOTE: If the ‘StmtBal/EQ’ option is selected, this will be the amount paid, even if a Current Balance exists
that is different from the Statement Balance.
This is the algebraic symbol for the eBill payment amount option selection, which determines how the
selected eBill payment amount option will be applied. Canonical values used by the Bill Pay Services API
 EQ – Equal to
 LE – Less than or equal to
This is amount of the payment (specified by the Subscriber) that will be paid for the automatically
scheduled eBill.
This value will be available only if the selected Payment Amount Option requires a specified value (and a
value exists).
The following Payment Amount Options are available, based on the specified combinations of
,  and :
Table 3 - eBill Auto Payment Options - Payee Inquiry



Payment Amount Option




Always pay [full] Statement Balance



Only pay Statement Balance if LE $




Always pay Minimum Due



Always pay $




Always pay [full] Amount Due



Only pay Amount Due if LE $

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This specifies the payment instruction for the automatically scheduled eBill payment. Canonical values are:
 ElecMerStmt – Pay immediately when eBill arrives (is received) from eBiller
 ElecBilDueDt – Deliver payment by the [Statement] Due Date
1) The [four] elements above can contain values ONLY if the ElecMerAutoPmtAlw indicator is set to
2) Automatic Payment Schedule details will be available ONLY for registered eBill accounts, if
previously specified by the Subscriber.

This array contains a list of ‘account types’ that exist for the eBiller.
In most cases, there will be only one ‘account type’ associated with a given eBiller. However, for some
eBillers, several different account types may exist. For example, as one of many ‘product lines’ available
through a large financial services company, a ‘bank’ (i.e., ‘eBiller’) could offer several different types of
accounts: Credit Card, Mortgage, Home Equity, Auto Loan, etc.
For a Payee who is ‘Eligible’ (but not yet enrolled) for eBills, this array will contain a package of data for
each applicable ‘account type’ for the given eBiller.
For a Payee who is ‘Enrolled’ (i.e., has a registered eBill account), this array will contain a [single] package
of data for the account type previously designated by the Subscriber during the eBill account registration
This ‘matched pair value’ array includes the following simple elements:
This represents the code for the eBiller account type.
This is the description of the eBiller Account Type code, as denoted above.
A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the current list of available eBiller
account type codes and descriptions.
This array contains a list of the eBiller’s ‘end-user’ credentialing requirements, or ‘connection parameters’,
used to identify and authenticate the Subscriber. In order to retrieve eBill account information on behalf of
the Subscriber, the Subscriber’s credentialing information must be provided to the eBiller.
This array contains the ElecMerPayeeCredInfoRec, a complex element containing a package of data for
each ‘credentialing parameter’ required by the eBiller, and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the credential type. Canonical values currently utilized by the Bill Pay Services API

UsrName – User Name
Pswd – Password

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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This specifies the eBiller’s preferred ‘name’ (or ‘label’) for the credentialing parameter. For
example, if a given eBiller requires a ‘UserName’ credential, this may be displayed on the eBiller’s
website as ‘Login ID’, or ‘UserName’ or ‘Email Address’, or ‘Phone Number’, etc.
This specifies the variable ‘RegEx’ (Regular Expression) validation for the specified credential. It
represents a sequence of characters that convey the pattern requirements, including (but not
necessarily limited to) maximum length and case sensitivity requirements. Examples are:

For case sensitivity (Lower Case): ^[a-z0-9]{minlength,maxLength}$
For case sensitivity (Upper Case): ^[A-Z0-9] {minlength,maxLength}$
For case sensitivity (Case Insensitive): ^[a-zA-Z0-9] {minlength,maxLength}$

This optional array provides a list of eBill account errors that require remediation by the Subscriber, and
contains the ElecMerAcctErrInfoRec complex element, which includes a package of data for each
applicable eBill account error. It includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the eBill account error code for the eBill account error currently associated with the
Payee’s registered eBill account.
This provides the description of the eBill account error.
1) If an account error exists for an eBill account, no new eBill activity can occur until the error is
resolved. Resolution of eBill account errors regarding incorrect Login credentials or MFA (MultiFactor Authentication) issues will require additional information from the Subscriber. This
information must be provided via a Payee Mod request. (See Payee Mod section for additional
details.) Other eBill account errors may require Subscriber remediation directly via the Payee’s
2) See Appendix E for a complete list of possible eBill account errors that require remediation by
the Subscriber.
This optional array provides a list of additional eBill account authentication requirements required by the
eBiller to complete authentication of the Subscriber, and corresponds to eBill account errors regarding
‘MFA Failure’ (as noted in ElecMerAcctErrInfoArray, above). This array contains the AuthenQuesRec
complex element, which includes a package of data for each MFA authentication requirement for the
Subscriber. It includes the following simple element(s):
This specifies the Subscriber-specific MFA authentication requirement from the eBiller. This is
often in the form of a ‘randomized’ security challenge question, but can include any type of
additional authentication requirement, as defined by the eBiller.
NOTE: This element may be delivered as a CDATA section, as it could include (but is not limited
to) HTML and ‘illegal’ XML characters.
NOTE: Since Subscriber-specific MFA Authentication requirements are often ‘dynamic’ (e.g., a
randomized ‘security challenge question’ is presented to a user each time a connection is
attempted on the biller’s website), it is possible that a specific authentication requirement will ‘time
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Release 2015.0.01

out’ (i.e., become ‘invalid’) if too much time passes between the PayeeInquiry response that
provides the MFA authentication requirement (the AuthenQuesDesc) and subsequent submission
of the Subscriber’s ‘answer’ (the AuthenAnswDesc) via the PayeeModRq.
In that event, the response to the PayeeMod request will indicate that a ‘time out’ error has
occurred, and another PayeeInquiry request will be required in order to ‘trigger’ the receipt of a
new, ‘randomized’ MFA Authentication requirement from the eBiller.
See Appendix D for additional detail on eBill Account Setup and eBill Account Error Resolution flows.

The arrays contained within BilPayPayeeInqRs response message applicable for the Bill Pay Services API are:
This array contains an array of possible rush options that are available for the specified Payee and includes
the following simple elements:
This represents the desired option for expediting (rushing) a payment to the specified Payee.
Canonical values are:

Std – Standard (default) – this specifies a ‘non-expedited’ payment
Ovrngt – Overnight
2ndDay – Second Day
2ndDayEc – Second Day Economy

Not all options may be available for the specified Payee. Only those options that are appropriate
for the specified Payee will be returned in the Rush Option Array.
This specifies the fee associated with the Rush Option.
This specifies the surcharge that is applicable for Rush payments sent to Puerto Rico. This
surcharge will be automatically applied to any Rush payment request to Puerto Rico.

NOTE: Not applicable for Transfer accounts.

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Release 2015.0.01

Payee Modify
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayPayeeMod
The bill pay Payee Modification  will allow the service consumer to update (modify) certain
elements for a Subscriber’s specified Payee or Transfer account, or delete the Payee or Transfer account entirely.
The ,  and Activity Intent Key  are required on the Mod request.
A request that provides the SubID, PayeeID and ActIntentKey along with the delete element () that is set to
‘True’ will convey to the service provider to remove (delete) the Payee or Transfer account for the specified
For Payee eBill account management activities (e.g., setting up/registering a new eBill account, managing eBill
account details or error resolution, deleting/unregistering an eBill account, etc), inclusion of the
ElecMerPayeeInfoRec is required.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Payee Modification service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow updates to Payee or Transfer
account information for a specific Subscriber, based on the required Subscriber ID and Payee ID. A Payee Inquiry
must always be performed prior to the modification request in order to retrieve the Activity Intent Key necessary for
modification operations.

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Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayPayeeModRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below simple and complex elements contained within the BilPayPayeeModRq message request are necessary
for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Subscriber’s Payee or Transfer account.
This is the service provider key delivered to the service consumer via a preceding inquiry request, to be
submitted in the modification request operation.
This indicates a desire for deletion of the specified [Payee] entity. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
This specifies the eBill account error code for the eBill error currently associated with the Payee. This value
must be included in a subsequent Payee Mod request by the Service Consumer when submitting additional
information needed to resolve an eBill setup or eBill account error, as specified in the preceding Payee Inquiry
or Payee Mod response.
A Payee Inquiry response will return eBill account error(s) in the ElecMerAcctErrInfoArray, while a Payee Mod
response will return eBill setup or eBill account error(s) in the MsgRsHdr.
1) If an eBill account setup error (that specifies additional Subscriber information is required) is returned
from a preceding Payee Mod request to register an eBill account, the error code returned in that
original response must be included here, along with the additional information needed to complete
2) If an account error exists for an existing eBill account, no new eBill activity can occur until the error is
resolved. Resolution of eBill account errors regarding incorrect Login credentials or MFA (Multi-Factor
Authentication) issues require additional information from the Subscriber, and can be provided via the
Payee Mod request, which must include the eBill account error code returned in the previous response.
(Other eBill account errors may require Subscriber remediation directly via the Payee’s website.)
3) See Appendix D for additional detail on eBill Account Setup and eBill Account Error Resolution flows.
4) See Appendix E for a complete list of possible eBill account errors that require remediation by
the Subscriber.

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Release 2015.0.01

This complex element contains a package of data related to the Subscriber’s specified Payee or Transfer
account, and may include all of the simple and complex elements and arrays returned in the preceding Payee
Inquiry response. However, the following are the only elements within this complex that are eligible for
modification (add, update or delete) for a Payee Modification request:
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account.
This is the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee.
The entered value must pass the Payee’s ‘Account Mask Validation’, if one exists in iPay’s Payee record
for this Payee. If this validation fails, the Subscriber must either correct the Account Number to match the
Payee’s specified account mask, or delete this Payee and re-add as a new Payee.
This element is not available for modification for ‘Email’ Payees or Transfer accounts.
This is the Subscriber’s name understood by the merchant and is used to override the Subscriber’s name
on record.
This element is not available for modification for ‘Email’ Payees or Transfer accounts.
PayeeCatName (reserved for future use)
The name of the category assigned to the Payee or Transfer account
[NEW!] [Payee] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention of the Payee. Canonical values are:

- Payment for a bill (default)
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time

The Payee’s PmtIntentType must be appropriate for the specified Payee Classification (e.g., for ‘Financial
Institution’ Payees (i.e., ‘Transfer Accounts), only ‘Xfer’-type values are appropriate).
This optional complex element contains information on the ‘default’ Pay From Account designated for the
specified Payee or Transfer account.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payee’s designated Pay From account.
This is the only element necessary to specify the desired ‘default’ Pay From Account for the
Payee or Transfer account.
If the Payee’s Pay From Account is not specified, the Pay From Account designated as the Subscriber’s
default Pay From Account will be used.
NOTE: Pay From Account information (other than the Subscriber’s default account) can be specified
only if the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Accounts’.

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Release 2015.0.01

This optional complex element contains a package of financial deposit account information (allowed only
for the Individual Payee with an ‘Electronic’ Payment Method and for Transfer accounts).
The Bank Routing Number (ABA number) of the Payee’s Bank (deposit) account.
Payee’s Bank Account Number or, for Transfer accounts, Subscriber’s account number at Financial
This represents the type of deposit account for the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This complex element is not available for modification for Transfer accounts.
This array provides a list of available payee addresses. Not applicable for Transfer accounts. All available
Payee addresses (including both Primary and Rush address, if one is on file for this Payee), will be
included in this array. This array includes the following (optionally editable) simple and complex elements:
This specifies the type of payee address. Canonical values are:

Prim – Primary (default)
Rush - Rush

This complex element contains elements representing the Payee’s address for the specified
Address Type.
This is the Payee’s street address.
StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the Payee’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Payee’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: It should be noted that, in order to leverage check processing efficiencies gained from iPay’s
Merchant Management process, the [primary] Payee Address provided may not always be the
address used for a check.

This optional array contains the EmailInfo complex element, which includes a package of email data for the
Payee. An email address is available only for Individual Payees with a Payment Method = ‘Email’. If
available, only a ‘primary’ email address is applicable for the Payee:
This element specifies the email address of the Payee.
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Release 2015.0.01

This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Applicable canonical values required
adding a Payee for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary (default)

Not applicable for Transfer accounts.
This optional complex element contains a package of data related to the Subscriber’s selected eBiller for the
Payee (in the case of a request to set up, or ‘register’, an eBill account for the Payee), or eBill Account
information (if the Payee is already enrolled, or ‘registered’, for eBills), and may include all of the simple and
complex elements and arrays returned in the preceding Payee Inquiry response. However, the following are
the only elements within this complex that are eligible for modification (add, update or delete) for a Payee
Modification request:

Simple elements:
This is the identifier for the ‘eBiller’ selected by the Subscriber when electing to set up an eBill account for
the Payee, and is required in order to complete eBill account setup.
Once an eBill account has been set up for the Payee, only the [below] ElecBilPayeeAcctId (‘eBill Account
ID’) is necessary to identify the eBill account.
This is the identifier associated with the Subscriber’s registered eBill account with the Merchant/Payee.
This element is applicable when the Payee’s ElecBilPayeeType (i.e., ‘eBill status’) is set to ‘Enroll’,
meaning the Payee is actively registered for eBills (i.e., has an ‘established’ eBill account). Once an eBill
account has been set up for the Payee, only the eBill Account ID is necessary to identify the eBill account
associated with the Payee.
This is the status of the eBill Terms of Service acceptance for the given eBill account. Canonical values


NotActp – not accepted (default value)
Actp – accepted
ReqNewActp – requires new acceptance

Acceptance (‘Actp’) of the eBill Terms of Service is required in order to set up an eBill account.
For a Payee currently registered for eBills where a new Terms of Service acceptance is required by the
eBiller, the new acceptance must be received before any further eBill activity is allowed.
NOTE: It is assumed that submission of a ToS ‘Acceptance’ implies that all required Terms of Service
have been presented by the Service Consumer to the end-user, and that the Service Consumer
has received explicit acceptance from the end-user.

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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

[Automatic eBill Payment Schedule Options]:
This indicates the Subscriber’s desire to stop an automatic eBill payment schedule, and allows the
Subscriber to choose to stop the automated schedule immediately, or after any currently scheduled
automatic eBill payment(s) for the associated Payee are processed. Canonical values are:
 Perm – This stops the automatic eBill payment schedule immediately, and stops any currentlyscheduled eBill payments for the associated Payee.
 NxtBil – This stops the automatic eBill payment schedule immediately, but processes all currentlyscheduled eBill payment(s) for the associated Payee.
This specifies the payment amount option selected for the automatic eBill payment schedule set up for the
Payee. This value is used in combination with the  to determine the actual
intent of the selected payment option. Canonical values are:
 StmtBal – Payment based on statement balance
 MinDue – Pay the minimum due
 AmtDue – Payment based on amount due
 FixedAmt – Pay
a fixed amount
1) The ‘AmtDue’ option is not a valid selection for ‘CCA’ (Credit Card) account types.
2) The ‘StmtBal’ and ‘MinDue’ options are valid selections ONLY for ‘CCA’ (Credit Card) account
3) If the ‘StmtBal/EQ’ option is selected, this will be the amount paid, even if a Current Balance
exists that is different from the Statement Balance.

This is the algebraic symbol for the automatic eBill payment option selection, which determines how the
selected eBill payment option will be applied. Canonical values used by the Bill Pay Services API are:
 EQ – Equal to
 LE – Less than or equal to
This is amount of the payment (specified by the Subscriber) that will be paid for the automatically
scheduled eBill.
Entry of this value is allowed only if the selected Payment Amount Option and ‘algebraic symbol’
combination requires a specified value.
The following Payment Amount Options are available, based on the specified combinations of
,  and :

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Release 2015.0.01

Table 4 - eBill Auto Payment Options - Payee Mod



Payment Amount Option

Valid for




Always pay Statement




Only pay Statement Balance
if LE $





Always pay Minimum Due




Always pay $





Always pay [full] Amount Due




Only pay Amount Due if LE


This specifies the desired payment instruction for the automatically scheduled eBill payment. Canonical
values are:
 ElecMerStmt – Pay immediately when eBill arrives (is received) from eBiller
 ElecBilDueDt – Deliver payment by the [Statement] Due Date
NOTE: Entry of any/all of the above ‘automatic eBill payment schedule’ elements is allowed ONLY if the
ElecMerAutoPmtAlw indicator is set to ‘true’ for the specified eBiller (see preceding Payee Inquiry

This array contains a single ElecMerAcctTypeInfoRec denoting the ‘account type’ specified for the selected
eBiller. In the case where multiple account types are applicable for a given eBiller, the Subscriber must
select the account type that is desired when setting up the Payee’s eBill account.
For a Payee who is ‘Enrolled’ (i.e., has a registered eBill account), this array will contain a [single] package
of data for the account type previously selected by the Subscriber during the eBill account registration
This array includes the following simple elements:
This represents the account type specified by the Subscriber for the eBill account.
NOTE: The list of available ‘account types’ applicable for a given eBiller (or eBill account) will be returned
in the preceding Payee Inquiry response.

This optional array contains a list of the Subscriber’s credentialing requirements, or ‘connection
parameters’, for the specified eBiller or eBill account (if already registered). In order to retrieve eBill account
information on behalf of the Subscriber, the Subscriber’s credentialing information must be provided to the
eBiller to gain access to the specified eBill account.
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Release 2015.0.01

This information is required upon initial setup of the eBill account, and updated credentials must be
provided periodically if the Subscriber’s credentials for the specified eBiller are changed or updated. (For
example, if an eBill account is currently unavailable due to a ‘Login Failure’, the Subscriber’s updated
credentials must be submitted in order to regain access to eBill account information.)
This array contains the ElecMerPayeeCredInfoRec, a complex element containing a package of data for
each ‘credentialing parameter’ provided by the Subscriber, and includes the following simple elements:
This specifies the credential type for the entered value. Canonical values currently utilized by the
Bill Pay Services API are:

UsrName – User Name
Pswd – Password

This specifies the Subscriber’s actual value for the specified credential type, and is subject to the
limits provided in the ElecMerCredRegEx expression returned in the preceding Payee Inquiry
This optional array contains a list of the Subscriber’s response(s) to additional authentication requirements
required by the eBiller in order to complete authentication of the Subscriber, and corresponds to eBill errors
regarding ‘MFA Failure’ that were provided in the preceding Payee Inquiry or Payee Mod response. This
array contains the AuthenQuesRec complex element, which includes the Subscriber’s response for each
MFA authentication requirement by the eBiller. It includes the following simple element(s):
This specifies the Subscriber-provided answer to the MFA authentication requirement from the
NOTE: Since Subscriber-specific MFA Authentication requirements are often ‘dynamic’ (e.g., a
randomized ‘security challenge question’ is presented to a user each time a connection is
attempted on the biller’s website), it is possible that a specific authentication requirement will ‘time
out’ (i.e., become ‘invalid’) if too much time passes between the PayeeInquiry or PayeeMod
response that provides the MFA authentication requirement (the AuthenQuesDesc) and
subsequent submission of the Subscriber’s ‘answer’ (the AuthenAnswDesc) via the PayeeModRq.
In that event, the response to the PayeeMod request providing the MFA authentication answer(s)
will indicate that a ‘time out’ error has occurred, and the original request (e.g., PayeeInquiry for eBill
account information, or PayeeMod request for initial eBill account setup or account error resolution)
must be retried in order to ‘trigger’ the receipt of a new, ‘randomized’ MFA Authentication
requirement from the eBiller.
See Appendix D for additional detail on eBill Account Setup and eBill Account Error Resolution flows.

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Release 2015.0.01

Payee Mod Behaviors

For Company Subscribers:

Payees can be added or modified only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has been
granted permission to ‘Manage Payees’.


[NEW!] Transfer accounts can be modified only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has
been granted permission to ‘Manage Transfer Accounts’.


Pay From Account information can be modified for the Payee only if the requesting user has been granted
permission to ‘Designate Pay From Accounts’.


To select a new ‘default’ Pay From Account for a Payee, the third party consumer must first perform a
Subscriber Inquiry in order to obtain the available list of Pay From Accounts from which to choose.


iPay will ignore all element values other than those specified above, if passed on a Payee Mod request.


In order to change any Payee elements other than those specified above, a delete of the existing Payee record
and a ‘re-add’ of the Payee with the new values is required. For Email Payees, a new Email Setup process will
be required.


For a ‘Payee Delete’ request, a ‘Pending Payments Exist’ fault will be returned if pending payments exist for the
specified Payee. This error specifies that “Pending payments are associated with this Payee. Deleting Payee will stop
all associated pending payments.”.


The third party consumer can override this fault by providing an error override. If provided, iPay will stop all
pending payments associated with the Payee to be deleted and move them to Payment History. The
Payee will then be deleted as requested.


NOTE: While the Payee Address can be updated at any time, the updated address will be utilized only for
future scheduled payments that must be sent by check for Merchants whose ‘preferred’ payment method is
‘electronic’. Any newly scheduled or recurring ‘electronic-to-check’ payment added after a successful Payee
Mod to add or update the address will use the new address; all previously scheduled ‘electronic-to-check’
payments will continue to use the Payee Address that was available at the time the payment was added.


eBill Accounts:
o Setting up (‘registering’) an eBill account:

The following elements are required when initially requesting to set up an eBill account:
 ElecMerPayeeId (‘eBiller ID’)
 ElecMerPayeeToSStat
o Must be set to ‘Actp’ in order to complete eBIll account registration
o It is assumed that submission of a ToS ‘Acceptance’ implies that all required Terms of
Service have been presented by the Service Consumer to the end-user, and that the
Service Consumer has received explicit acceptance from the end-user.
 ElecMerAcctType (within ElecMerAcctTypeInfoArray)
 ElecMerPayeeCredInfoArray
 Automatic eBill payment schedule details (optional)


The following elements are required when a subsequent modification request is submitted,
supplying additional information needed to complete the setup of an eBill account (based on
preceding Payee Mod response):
 ElecMerPayeeID (‘eBiller ID’)

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Release 2015.0.01

 ElecMerAcctErrCode (returned in preceding Payee Mod response)
 Additional information:

ElecMerPayeeCredInfoArray (required for ‘Login Failure’ error E6513)
 All applicable ElecMerCredVal elements must be returned in the response.


AuthenQuesArray (required for ‘MFA Authentication’ error E6518 or E6519)
 Entries here will be ignored for any other error condition


ElecBilPayeeAcctId (matched eBill account ID) – (required for ‘account match’ error
code E6521)
 Must be returned in the ElecBilPayeeAcctId field on subsequent PayeeModRq
 Entries here will be ignored for any other error condition


The ability to add an eBill account for a Payee is available via the PayeeMod request, but ONLY for
those Financial Institutions that have included this feature for the specified Product.

Resolving an eBill account error condition:

The following elements are required when a subsequent modification request is submitted,
supplying additional information needed to resolve an eBill account error condition (based on
preceding Payee Inquiry or Payee Mod response):
 ElecBilPayeeAcctId
 ElecMerAcctErrCode (returned in preceding Payee Inq or Payee Mod response)
 Additional information:

ElecMerPayeeCredInfoArray (required for ‘Login Failure’ error E6551)
 All applicable ElecMerCredVal elements must be returned in the response.


AuthenQuesArray (required for ‘MFA Authentication’ errors E6550 or E6519)
 Entries here will be ignored for any other error condition



Requests to resolve eBill account error conditions should be executed within a short period of time
after a Payee Inquiry specifies an eBill Account Error that requires Subscriber remediation. Delays
may result in a ‘session time out’ error, which requires that the process be restarted.

See Appendix D for additional detail on eBill Account Setup and eBill Account Error Resolution flows.
See Appendix E for a complete list of possible eBill account errors that require remediation by the


Modifying existing eBill account details:

Only the following elements are editable when modifying an existing eBill account:
 ElecMerPayeeToSStat
 ElecMerPayeeCredInfoArray
o If updated, all applicable ElecMerCredVal elements must be returned in the response.
 ElecMerAutoSuspType
 Automated eBill payment schedule details:
o ElecBilPmtAmtType
o ElecBilPmtRuleAlgSymb
o ElecBilPmtAmt
o ElecBilPmtInstrType

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Deleting (‘unregistering’) an existing eBill account:

Deletes of eBill account(s) are allowed via the PayeeMod request.
 Existing eBill history for the deleted eBill account will continue to be made available to the
 Any associated automatic eBill payment schedule for the Payee will be stopped immediately
upon delete of the eBill account.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayPayeeModRs response message to the service consumer.
The simple element(s) contained within the BilPayPayeeModRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services
API is/are:
This specifies the status of the mod request. Canonical values are:


NOTE: Any modification request errors associated with eBill account setup or account remediation activities will be
returned in the MsgRsHdr with an Error Category  canonical value as ~Fault~ in order to be able
to provide the consumer with information related to the error. This could optionally include the
Authentication Question Array (AuthenQuesArray) or the Electronic Merchant Account Identification Array
(ElecMerAcctIdArray) (see below).
The array(s) contained within the BilPayPayeeModRs response for the Bill Pay Services API (that are applicable
for eBill account activity) are:
This optional array provides a list of additional authentication requirements required by the eBiller to complete
authentication of the Subscriber, and corresponds to eBill setup or eBill account errors regarding ‘MFA Failure’.
This array contains the AuthenQuesRec complex element, which includes a package of data for each MFA
authentication requirement for the Subscriber. It includes the following simple element(s):
This specifies the Subscriber-specific MFA authentication requirement from the eBiller. This is often in the
form of a ‘randomized’ security challenge question, but can include any type of additional authentication
requirement, as defined by the eBiller.
NOTE: This element may be delivered as a CDATA section, as it could include (but is not limited to) HTML
and ‘illegal’ XML characters.
NOTE: Since Subscriber-specific MFA Authentication requirements are often ‘dynamic’ (e.g., a
randomized ‘security challenge question’ is presented to a user each time a connection is attempted on
the biller’s website), it is possible that a specific authentication requirement will ‘time out’ (i.e., become
‘invalid’) if too much time passes between the PayeeInquiry response that provides the MFA
authentication requirement (the AuthenQuesDesc) and subsequent submission of the Subscriber’s
‘answer’ (the AuthenAnswDesc) via the PayeeModRq.
In that event, the response to the PayeeMod request will indicate that a ‘time out’ error has occurred,
and another PayeeInquiry request will be required in order to ‘trigger’ the receipt of a new, ‘randomized’
MFA Authentication requirement from the eBiller.

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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional array provides a list of the Subscriber’s accounts with the eBiller, and is returned when an exact
match cannot be determined for an account identification being registered for the Subscriber. Return of this
information permits the Service Consumer to present the accounts so the Subscrier may register the correct
account identification.
This array corresponds to eBill setup error number E6521, and contains the ElecMerAcctIdInfoRec complex
element, which includes a package of data for each Subscriber account found with the specified eBIller. It
includes the following simple element(s):
This specifies the identifier for the eBill account generated by the Service Provider to be returned in a
subsequent Payee Mod, enabling the Service Consumer to submit the correct account identification to be
registered once the Subscriber has selected the appropriate account to complete eBill account setup.
NOTE: The selected value must be returned in a subsequent Payee Mod request in the
ElecBilPayeeAcctId field, along with the ElecMerAcctErrCode returned in the preceding Payee
Mod response.
This is the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee, returned from the eBiller (and is often
presented as a ‘masked’ account number).
This is the name for the ‘eBiller’s account’ that is often used for GUI representation understandable to the

See Appendix E for a complete list of possible eBill account errors that require remediation by the Subscriber.

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Release 2015.0.01

Payment Services
Payment Add
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySchedPmtAdd
The bill pay Payment Add  will allow the service consumer to schedule (add) a single or
recurring Payment or Transfer for a specific Subscriber. The subscriber identification element  is required
on the Payment Add request.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The Scheduled Payment Add service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow the subscriber to
schedule a single or recurring Payment or Transfer from their bill pay account.

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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySchedPmtAddRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below simple and complex elements contained within the BilPaySchedPmtAddRq message request are
necessary for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This complex element contains a package of data related to a scheduled single or recurring Payment or
Transfer, and includes the below simple and complex elements and arrays necessary to add a scheduled
single or recurring payment or Transfer using the Bill Pay Services API. This complex is required for the
request; however, many of the child nodes encapsulated are optional.

Simple elements:
This is the Process Date for a single payment or Transfer. This date cannot be less than the First Available
Process Date for the specified Payee or Transfer account. (For recurring series dates, see the
RecurPmtInfo complex below.)
This date is required for all single payments or Transfers for Financial Institutions that utilize the ‘Process
Date’ payment date model. iPay will ignore a value submitted for this element for Financial Institutions that
utilize the ‘Due Date’ payment date model.
This is the Estimated Arrival Date (i.e. ‘Due Date’) for a single payment or Transfer to the Payee or Transfer
account. This date cannot be less than the First Available Estimated Arrival Date for the specified Payee
or Transfer account. (For recurring series dates, see the RecurPmtInfo complex below.)
This date is required for all single payments or Transfers for Financial Institutions that utilize the ‘Due Date’
payment date model. iPay will ignore a value submitted for this element for Financial Institutions that utilize
the ‘Process Date’ payment date model.
This is the amount of the single scheduled payment or Transfer or, for a recurring series, the amount
of each payment or Transfer in the series.
This is the comment that will be stored with the payment(s) or Transfer(s). This is for the Subscriber’s
internal use only and is not included with the Payment. Entry is limited to a 1000-character string.
This is the memo to be added to a check associated with a check payment. Entry is limited to 25
iPay will ignore a value submitted for this element for any ‘non-check’ payments (including Transfers).

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the personalized message that will be added to the email or text sent to a P2P payment recipient
notifying them that a payment has been made. Entry is limited to 500 characters for email notification (25
characters for text messages).
[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time
NOTE: Until such time as additional Transfer options are available, the PmtIntentType of the Payment
or Transfer will be automatically set to match the PmtIntentType of the Payee or Transfer account.
iPay will ignore a value submitted for this element.

Complex elements:
This required complex element contains a package of data related to the intended Payee or Transfer
account who will receive the payment(s) or Transfer(s).
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Subscriber’s Payee or Transfer account.
This is the only element necessary to identify the desired Payee for the Scheduled or recurring
payment(s) or Transfer(s).
This complex is required for Rush payments (only), and provides the ability to specify the Payee’s
Rush Address to be used for the payment. An address is required only for Overnight and 2 Day
rush payment options, as these payments are always sent via check. This complex includes the
following simple and complex elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the specified Rush address for the Payee.
This is the only element required if the Rush Address provided via the preceding Payee
Inquiry is the desired address to be used for the Rush payment.
This specifies the type of payee address being submitted. For Rush payments, the only
applicable Payee Address Type is ‘Rush’. Canonical values are:
 Prim – Primary (default)
 Rush - Rush
This complex element contains elements representing the Payee’s Rush address, and is
required for the Rush payment if no Rush Address exists for the Payee (i.e., no Rush
Address information was returned in the preceding Payee Inquiry), or the Subscriber
chooses not to use the Rush Address provided via the Payee Inquiry.
This is the Payee’s street address for Rush payments.
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Release 2015.0.01

StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the Payee’s street address for Rush payments.
This is the name of the city in the Payee’s Rush payment address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
This optional complex element contains information on the Rush payment options desired for the specified
payment. Not applicable for Transfers.
This represents the desired option for expediting (rushing) the payment to the Payee. Canonical
values are:

Std – Standard (default) – this specifies a ‘non-expedited’ payment.
Ovrngt – Overnight
2ndDay – Second Day
2ndDayEc – Second Day Economy

Not all options may be available for the specified Payee. Only those options that are appropriate
for the specified Payee may be utilized for a Rush payment to this Payee. Eligible Rush options
the Payee can be obtained from the preceding Payee Inquiry request.
This is the only element necessary to identify the desired Rush payment option for the Scheduled
This optional complex element contains information on the Pay From Account to be used for the
specified Payment(s) or Transfer(s).
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Pay From account.
This is the only element necessary to specify the desired Pay From Account for the Payment or
If the Pay From Account for the payment or Transfer is not specified, the Pay From Account designated as
the Payee’s default Pay From Account will be used.
NOTE: Pay From Account information (other than the default account previously designated for the
Payee) can be specified only if the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Designate
Pay From Accounts’.

This optional complex element contains a package of data related to a recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series, and includes the below simple elements and arrays necessary to add a recurring payment
or recurring Transfer series using the Bill Pay Services API.
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the starting date for processing a recurring payment or Transfer series. This date cannot be
less than the First Available Process Date for the specified Payee that would be available based on
Frequency and Payment Day selections.
This date is required for all recurring payments for Financial Institutions that utilize the ‘Process
Date’ payment date model. iPay will ignore a value submitted for this element for Financial
Institutions that utilize the ‘Due Date’ payment date model.
This is the starting estimated arrival date (i.e., ‘due date’) for a recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series. This date cannot be less than the First Available Estimated Arrival Date for the
specified Payee that would be available based on Frequency and Payment Day selections.
This date is required for all recurring payments for Financial Institutions that utilize the ‘Due Date’
payment date model. iPay will ignore a value submitted for this element for Financial Institutions
that utilize the ‘Process Date’ payment date model.
This is the payment frequency for a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series. A specified
frequency of ‘Once’ indicates a ‘single’ (i.e. not a recurring) payment. Canonical values are:

Once (default)



















This is the desired day of the week when recurring payments or Transfers will be made if the
specified payment frequency is: ‘Weekly’, ‘EveryOtherWeek’ or ‘Every4Weeks’. Canonical values

Mon - Monday


Tues - Tuesday


Wed - Wednesday


Thur - Thursday


Fri - Friday

This optional array contains the PmtDayInfo complex element, which includes a package of data
related to the day(s) of the month a recurring payment or Transfer should be made if the payment
frequency has been specified as ‘Monthly’, ‘TwiceMonthly’, ‘EveryOtherMonth’, ‘Every3Months’,
‘Every6Months’ or ‘Annual’. It includes the following simple elements:

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the day of the month when the recurring payment or Transfer will be made (e.g., 1 31). This value is not required if the desired payment day is to be the last business day of
each month.
This indicates that the payment or Transfer should be made on the last business day of the
month. Canonical values are:



False (default)

This is the payment date instruction when a recurring payment or Transfer date falls on a nonprocessing date (such as a weekend or holiday). Canonical values are:

Before – Pay before (default)


After – Pay after

This is the number of desired payment occurrences for the recurring payment or recurring Transfer
series. Valid values are between 1 and 9999.
This is the expiration date for the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series. The final payment
in the series will be made on this date. This date can be any date in the future, but cannot be less
than the Starting Payment Date.
This indicates whether the payment or Transfer series is finite or ‘has no end’. If the series is not
finite, recurring payments or Transfers will continue to be made until the series is terminated by the
Subscriber. This value will automatically be set to ‘True’ if either the PmtOccur or PmtSerExpDt is
included in the recurring payment request. Canonical values are:

False (default)

This is the amount of the final payment on a loan, which may often differ from the other payment
installments on the loan. The use of this element within the Bill Pay Services API is not available at
this time.
This optional element is available for a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series that may be
pended for additional payment approval, and specifies the desired action to be taken in the event a
scheduled recurring payment or Transfer is missed while awaiting payment approval. A Subscriber
Inquiry can be performed to determine if payment/Transfer approvals are required for this
Subscriber. Canonical values are:

False (default)

NOTE: Setting this value to ‘false’ will ignore a missed payment or Transfer and schedule the
next [second] payment or Transfer in the series, once payment approval is received. A
response of ‘true’ will reschedule the original [first] payment or Transfer (with the originally
specified amount) in order to catch up the series, as well as schedule the next [second]
payment or Transfer in the series.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array is applicable for Company Subscribers only at this time and can include a list of invoices, if
applicable for the scheduled payment, and includes the InvoiceInfo complex element for each line item
needed for the Invoice, and contains the following simple elements:
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Invoice.
This element should be left blank for the add request, as this information will not be available to the
Service Consumer until the Payment Add request has been successfully completed.
This is the invoice number assigned to the invoice by the Payee. A maximum of 20 alphanumeric
characters is allowed.
This indicates the invoice category for the entered line item. Canonical values are:
 Invoice - Invoice
 Adj – Adjustment
 Disc - Discount
 Oth - Other
This optional element specifies a free-form text description of the invoice line item. A maximum of
100 alphanumeric characters is allowed.
This optional element indicates a positive amount value for the invoice line item.
This optional element indicates a negative amount value for the invoice line item (such as for an
adjustment or discount).
NOTE: Invoice information is not applicable for Transfers.

Payment Add Behaviors

Prior to the utilization of any payment-related function, the third party consumer must first perform:

a Subscriber Inquiry - in order to obtain the available list of Pay From Accounts from which to choose


a Payee Inquiry - in order to obtain the most accurate, up-to-date Payee information required to schedule
the payment.
NOTE: PayeeID values are subject to change with notice, so inquiry for current Payee IDs should
always be completed before actual use


For Company Subscribers:

‘Standard’ Bill payments can be added only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has been
granted permission to ‘schedule bill payments’, and for the specified Payee.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


P2P/Email Payments can be added only if the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘schedule
email payments’, and for the specified Email Payee.


[NEW!] Transfer payments can be added only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has
been granted permission to ‘Schedule Transfers’ (i.e., ‘CanTransfer’), and for the specified Transfer


Pay From Account information (other than the Payee’s designated default account) can be specified only if
the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Accounts’.


Scheduled Payments or Transfers requiring additional payment approval from another associated user
authorized to approve payments/Transfers will be be pended (Payment Status = ‘PmtApprvReq’). The
Service Provider (‘iPay’) will notify the Subscriber whenever payment approval is required.


A separate ‘Scheduled Payment Approval’ request must be submitted in order to execute the payment
or Transfer approval.

Invoice information can be added to the scheduled payment.


There is no limit to the number of invoice line items that can be added to a single payment.
Multiple Invoice Numbers can be included in a single payment.
Only one amount (either Pos or Neg) can be entered per invoice line item.
Invoice information is NOT allowed for recurring payments or Transfers.


The Process Date will be adjusted automatically by the service provider (‘iPay’) to the First Available Process
Date if the entered value is equal to today’s date, but the payment or Transfer request is received after the
Financial Institution’s Payment Cutoff Time.


Payments cannot be scheduled for ‘Pending’ Payees or Transfers (those awaiting Activation), and payment add
requests for ‘non-Activated’ Payees or Transfer accounts will be rejected.


A fault will be returned for a ‘check’ payment request if the Subscriber’s home address is not on file.


A fault will also be returned for any payment or Transfer request if no Subscriber phone number is on file.


A Subscriber Mod request must be performed to add the Subscriber’s phone number (Home, Work or Cell)
or address prior to attempting another ‘Payment Add’ request.

A fault will also be returned for a payment request that is subject to Electronic Risk Limits if no primary payee
address is on file.

A Payee Mod request must be performed to add the Payee’s primary address prior to attempting another
‘Payment Add’ request.


A ‘Duplicate Payment Alert’ warning will be returned for any payment or Transfer scheduled where a possible
duplicate payment or Transfer exists. The existence of a payment or Transfer to the same Payee processed
within the preceding 14 days (that has not been stopped or cancelled), or ANY scheduled payment or Transfer
to the same Payee will trigger this warning.


For Rush Payments:

The Rush payment option is available ONLY for those Financial Institutions that possess the Rush
Payments feature within the Bill Pay Services API. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if
this feature is available in order to request a Rush Payment.


iPay will fault an Add Payment request if both the Payee’s Rush Address ID and Payee’s Rush Address are
passed at the same time, as the intended Rush payment Address is unclear.


iPay will also fault an Add Payment request if a Rush Option other than ‘standard’ has been specified, but
no Payee Rush Address information is included.

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Release 2015.0.01


The Process Date and/or Estimated Arrival Date will be adjusted by the service provider to accommodate
the specified Rush Option.


For Overnight and Second Day rush options:



The payment method for the payment is set to ‘Check’ regardless of the Payee’s designated Payment


The selected Pay From Account must be a ‘checking’ account (in order to facilitate the ‘check’
payment method).


Upon acceptance of the payment request, the payment is placed immediately in ‘Paid’ status, and
cannot be updated or stopped.

It is assumed that any fees associated with Rush payments have been presented by the Consumer to the
Subscriber/end-user, and that submission of a Rush payment implies fee acceptance.



A Payee Inquiry can be performed to determine available Rush Options and associated Rush
Payment Fee amounts.

For Email Payments:

The Email payment option is available ONLY for those Financial Institutions that possess the Email
Payments feature within the Bill Pay Services API. A Channel Inquiry can be performed to determine if
this feature is available in order to request an Email Payment.


If an Email payment requires a Service Fee (or ‘surcharge’), it is assumed that the service fee applicable to
the Email payment has been presented by the Service Consumer to the Subscriber/end-user, and that
submission of the Email payment implies fee acceptance.
 A Payee Inquiry can be performed to determine if a Service Fee is applicable and the Fee amount.

For Recurring Payments:
The ‘Standard’ RushOpt is the only valid Payment Rush Option for Recurring payments or Transfers.


For all payment frequencies except ‘TwiceMonthly’, only one PmtDayInfo entry is required.

A second PmtDayInfo entry will be ignored for all payment frequency units except ‘TwiceMonthly’.


For a specified payment frequency of ‘TwiceMonthly’, a second PmtDayInfo entry is required.


The Starting Payment Date must be valid for the specified Frequency and Payment Day of Week or
Payment Day specified. For example, if a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series is requested on
the 23 of the current month, and a Frequency of ‘Monthly’ is specified along with a Payment Day of the
18 , the Starting Payment Date cannot be less than the 18 of the following month.


The PmtProcDt and PmtEstArvDt will be set automatically by the Service Provider (iPay) for the first
scheduled payment or Transfer in a recurring series, based on the entered Starting Payment Date.


Values can be entered in any order, but there must be at least 6 days’ difference between the
two values.

A ‘Pay Before’ PayDtInstr is required for Financial Institutions using the ‘Due Date’ Payment Model.
The Service Provider (iPay) will automatically reset this value if any value other than ‘Pay Before’ is
received for a ‘Due Date’ Payment Model.

For ‘eBill’ Payments:

When a scheduled payment associated with an eBill is processed, the corresponding eBill will be marked

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySchedPmtAddRs response message to the service consumer.
The elements contained within the BilPaySchedPmtAddRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API is/are:
This is the Payment identifier associated with the Payment or Transfer for the Bill Pay Services API.
This specifies the status of the add request. Canonical values are:


The Service Provider (iPay) will return the Payment ID  generated by the Bill Pay Services API for the
accepted new scheduled payment or Transfer.

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Release 2015.0.01

Scheduled Payment Search
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySchedPmtSrch
The bill pay Scheduled Payment Search  will return all scheduled payments or Transfers
for a particular bill pay product and Subscriber.
The request provides the following optional filters:
 Payment Start Date 
 Payment End Date 
 Payment Low Amount 
 Payment High Amount 
 Payment Status  - default = All
 [NEW!] Payment Intention Type  - default = All
 Payee ID 
 Payee Payment Method 
 P2P Payees 
 Recurring Payments 
 [NEW!] Transfers 
When there exists more than one filter on the request, the resulting selection is based on the combined effect of the
filters (i.e., ‘and’ operator). Each added filter option will further restrict the result set.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Scheduled Payment Search service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve Scheduled
Payment and/or Transfer information for a specified product and Subscriber, based on optional filters.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySchedPmtSrchRq request message to the Service Provider.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
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Release 2015.0.01

The below elements contained within the BilPaySchedPmtSrchRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
The date that designates the starting point for Scheduled Payment or Transfer [Process] date selections. If
no Start Date is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available pending payments and/or
pending Transfers that have a Process Date that is less than the specified End Date.

The date that designates the ending point for Scheduled Payment or Transfer [Process] date selections. If
no End Date is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available pending payments and/or
pending Transfers that have a Process Date that is greater than the specified Start Date.
NOTE: If no Date range is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available pending payments
and/or Transfers that satisfy all other filter requirements.
This is the value that designates a starting point for payment/Transfer amount selections.
This value is the lowest amount to begin searching when a range of amounts is used to refine the
scheduled payment search. If no value is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will utilize a default value of
$0 for this filter parameter.
This is the value that designates an ending point for payment/Transfer amount selections.
This value is the highest amount to begin searching when a range of amounts is used to refine the
scheduled payment search. If no value is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will utilize a default value of
‘null’ (i.e., no upper payment amount limit) for this filter parameter.
The status of the payment or Transfer. Valid canonical values for all pending payments/Transfers are:
 All – All (default)
 Sched – Scheduled
 Pend – Pending
 PendSkip - Pending Skip
 PmtApprvReq - Payment Approval Required
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.

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Release 2015.0.01

[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time
If no Payment Intent Type is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available pending payments
and/or Transfers that satisfy all other filter requirements
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payee or Transfer account to whom the payment or
Transfer has been scheduled.
If no Payee is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return pending payments and/or Transfers for all
Payees and/or Transfer accounts that satisfy all other specified filters.
This is the payment method for the Payee or Transfer account associated with the scheduled payment or
Transfer. Canonical values are:

Chk – Check
Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
Elec – Electronic

This is used to filter payments associated with P2P (i.e., ‘Email’) Payees into (or from) the search results.
Canonical values are:


Incl – Include P2P payments (default)
OnlyP2P – Only return P2P payments
Excl - Exclude P2P payments

This is used to filter recurring payments and/or Transfers into (or from) the search results. Canonical
values are:


Incl – Include recurring payments (default)
OnlyRecur – Only return recurring payments
Excl - Exclude recurring payments

[NEW!] XferFilter
This is used to filter Transfer payments into (or from) the search results. Canonical values are:


Incl – Include Transfers (default)
OnlyXfer – Only return Transfer payments
Excl - Exclude Transfer payments

NOTE: If any value entered directly conflicts with another entered filter parameter (i.e., the parameters are
‘mutually exclusive’), NO results will be returned.

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Release 2015.0.01

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySchedPmtSrchRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a list of all Scheduled (single and/or recurring) Payments and/or Transfers for the specified product and
Subscriber that meet the given search criteria.
1) Other types of Payments, such as Gift Payments, etc, will not be included in the result set at this time.

2) For Company Subscribers:
a. Scheduled [Bill] Payment information can be viewed only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s
Associated User) has been granted permission to ‘Scheduled Bill Payments’.
b. Email/P2P Payments can be viewed only if the requesting user has been granted permission to
‘Schedule Email Payments’.
c. [NEW!] Scheduled Transfer information can be viewed only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s
Associated User) has been granted permission to ‘Schedule Transfers’.
To summarize, ONLY those payment types for which the requesting user has permissions will be eligible to
be returned in the search results.
The array(s) contained within the BilPaySchedPmtSrchRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API are:
This array returns an array of responses for the Scheduled Payment search and includes the
BilPaySchedPmtSrchInfo complex element for each Scheduled (single or recurring) Payment or Transfer
returned, and includes the following simple and complex elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payment or Transfer.
This is the ID of the Payee or Transfer account.
This is the name of the Payee or Transfer account.
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account.
This is the date the payment or Transfer is scheduled to be processed.
This is the date the scheduled payment or Transfer is estimated to be delivered to the Payee.
The amount of the scheduled payment or Transfer.
The status of the payment or Transfer. Valid canonical values for all pending payments/Transfers are:
 Sched – Scheduled
 Pend – Pending
 PendSkip - Pending Skip
 PmtApprvReq - Payment Approval Required
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the payment method used for the Payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:

Chk – Check
Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
Elec – Electronic

This is the payment frequency for a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series. A specified frequency
of ‘Once’ indicates a ‘single’ (i.e. not a recurring) payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:

Once (default)



















This indicates whether the payment is ‘P2P payment’ (for a ‘P2P/Email payee type’). Canonical values are:

False (default)

This indicates whether the payment is an ‘eBill payment’ (i.e., has an associated eBill). Canonical values


[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time

This optional complex element contains information on the Pay From Account designated for the
specified Payment or Transfer.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, Pay From Account Info is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting
user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Account’ information. If the requesting
user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’,
which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Pay From account specified for the Payment or
The bank account number of the Pay From Account designated for this Payment or Transfer.
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of pay from account. Canonical values are:
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the Subscriber’s Pay From Account.
This indicates whether the Pay From Account is the ‘default’ account, to be used in the event a pay
from account is not specified when scheduling a payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified pay from
account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.
This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved

This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay
Services API):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Scheduled Payment Inquiry
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySchedPmtInq
The bill pay Scheduled Payment Inquiry  will return element details for a specific scheduled
(Pending) single or recurring payment or Transfer for a given Subscriber. The subscriber identification element
 and Payment ID  are required on the request.
The design of the inquiry was created in a manner that facilitates addition and modification requests.
The activity intention element  was added to support the concurrency model for future modifications
made to scheduled single or recurring payments or Transfers.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The Scheduled Payment Inquiry service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve scheduled
payment or scheduled Transfer information for a given Subscriber, based on the required Subscriber ID and
Payment ID. If the Payment ID is not known, the third party consumer must first perform a Scheduled Payment
Search to obtain the Payment ID for the desired scheduled payment or Transfer.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySchedPmtInqRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements and array(s) contained within the BilPaySchedPmtInqRq message request are necessary for
the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the scheduled payment or Transfer.
This indicator conveys the service consumer’s intention for a subsequent operation for the data set
included in the response. Canonical values are:
 ReadOnly – indicates a ‘view’ intent only for the data set included in the Inquiry response.
This is the default value.
 Upd – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent update (‘Mod’) to the data set included in the
Inquiry response.
 Dlt – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent delete of the data set included in the
Inquiry response.

This array conveys the list of ‘x_’ elements by name which are to be included in the response. At this time, the
inclusion of this array is necessary only if future payments or Transfers associated with a recurring payment or
recurring Transfer series are desired in the response. The complex element contained in this array,
IncXtendElemInfo, includes the following simple element(s):
This is the extended element (by name) which the service consumer is requesting be included in the
response. At this time, the only Extended Element that is available for the BilPaySchedPmtInqRq is:
 x_FutPmtInfoArray

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySchedPmtInqRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a package of payment or Transfer information for the specified scheduled single or recurring payment or
NOTE: For Company Subscribers:
o Scheduled Payment information can be viewed only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s
Associated User) has been granted permission to ‘Schedule Bill Payments’.
o Email/P2P Payments can be viewed only if the requesting user has been granted permission to
‘Schedule Email Payments’.
o [NEW!] Scheduled Transfer information can be viewed only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s
Associated User) has been granted permission to ‘Schedule Transfers’.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The simple and complex elements and array(s) contained within the BilPaySchedPmtInqRs response applicable for
the Bill Pay Services API are:
The date a payment or Transfer was created by the Subscriber.
The status of the scheduled payment or Transfer. Valid canonical values for all pending payments/Transfers
 Sched – Scheduled
 Pend – Pending
 PendSkip - Pending Skip
 PmtApprvReq - Payment Approval Required
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.
This is the payment method used for the scheduled payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:

Chk – Check
Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
Elec – Electronic

This is the key (provided by the service provider) delivered to the consumer to be submitted in the
subsequent modification (update or delete) operation for the data set returned in the inquiry response.

This complex element contains a package of data related to a scheduled single or recurring payment or
Transfer and includes the below simple and complex elements and arrays for the Bill Pay Services API.
This is the date the payment or Transfer is scheduled to be processed. For a recurring payment or
recurring Tranfer series, this will be the date associated with the currently scheduled payment or Transfer
in the series.
This is the date the scheduled payment or Transfer is estimated to be delivered to the Payee. For a
recurring payment or recurring Transfer series, this will be the date associated with the currently scheduled
payment or Transfer in the series.
The amount of the scheduled payment or Transfer.
This is the comment that will be stored with the payment or Transfer. This is for the Subscriber’s internal
use only and is not included with the Payment.
This is the memo to be added to a check associated with a check payment. (Not applicable for Transfers.)
This is the personalized message that will be added to the email or text sent to a P2P payment recipient
notifying them that a payment has been made. Message is limited to 500 characters for email notification
(25 characters for text messages).

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time
NOTE: Until such time as additional Transfer options are available, the PmtIntentType of the Payment
or Transfer will match the PmtIntentType of the Payee.
This required complex contains the package of data related to the Payee or intended Transfer account of
the scheduled single or recurring payment or Transfer and includes the following simple and complex
elements and arrays:
This is the ID of the Payee or Transfer account.
This is the name of the Payee or Transfer account.
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account.
This specifies the classification of a Payee. Canonical values are:

Comp (Company)
Indv (Individual/Person)
[NEW!] FinInst (Financial Institution) – indicates a Transfer account

[NEW!] [Payee] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention of the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values are:

- Payment for a bill (default)
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution
XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time

This is the ‘default’ payment method for the Payee or Transfer account. This may not be the
actual Payment method utilized for the scheduled payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:
 Chk – Check
 Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
 Elec – Electronic
This is the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee. For Transfer accounts, this
value will be the Account Holder’s account number (of the Transfer account).
If the Subscriber’s name (Last Name, First Name) is being used for this element, the value will be
truncated at 50 characters.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Subscriber’s name understood by the merchant and is used to override the Subscriber’s
name on record.
PayeeCatName (reserved for future use)
The name of the category assigned to the Payee or Transfer account.
This complex contains a package of data related to the Payee’s address specified for the scheduled
single or recurring payment. Not applicable for Transfer accounts. In the case of an electronic
payment, this will simply be the Payee’s ‘primary’ or ‘standard’ address. This complex includes the
following simple and complex elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the specified address for the Payee.
This specifies the type of payee address being utilized for the scheduled payment.
Canonical values are:
 Prim – Primary (default)
 Rush - Rush
This complex element contains elements representing the Payee’s address utilized for the
scheduled payment.
This is the Payee’s street address for Rush payments.
StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the Payee’s street address for Rush payments.
This is the name of the city in the Payee’s Rush payment address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: It should be noted that, in order to leverage check processing efficiencies gained
from iPay’s Merchant Management process, the [primary] Payee Address
listed may not always be the address used for a check payment.

This complex contains a package of Service Fee (or ‘payment surcharge’) information applicable to
the Payment or Transfer.
This element specifies the type of payment or Transfer to which the service fee is
applicable. A ‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the current list of
available Service Fee Descriptions.
This element specifies the amount of the Service Fee that was applied to the Payment or
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Payee. Not applicable for
Transfer accounts.
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Payee. This is the Payee’s
Work (Business) number.
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above).
Only the Work phone number is required for Payees. Canonical values for the Bill Pay
Services API are:
 Work
This optional array contains the EmailInfo complex element, which includes a package of email
data for the Payee. Not applicable for Transfer accounts.
This element specifies the email address of the Payee. This is a required element only if
the Payee’s Payment Method Type = ‘Email’.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Applicable canonical values for
a Payee for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary (default)
This optional complex contains the rush payment details that were specified for the given scheduled
[single] payment and includes the following simple elements:
This represents the desired option for expediting (rushing) the payment to the specified Payee.
Canonical values are:

Std – Standard (default) – this specifies a ‘non-expedited’ payment
Ovrngt – Overnight
2ndDay – Second Day
2ndDayEc – Second Day Economy

This specifies the fee associated with the selected Rush Option.
This specifies the surcharge that is applicable for Rush payments sent to Puerto Rico. This
surcharge is automatically applied to any Rush payment request to Puerto Rico.
NOTE: Not applicable for Transfers.

This required complex element contains information on the Pay From Account to be used to make the
payment or Transfer to specified the Payee for this scheduled payment or Transfer.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, Pay From Account Info is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting
user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Account’ information. If the requesting
user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’,
which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Pay From account specified for the scheduled
payment or Transfer.
The bank account number of the Pay From Account designated for this Payment or Transfer.
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of Pay From Account. Canonical values
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the specified Pay From Account.
This indicates whether the Pay From Account is the Subscriber’s designated ‘default’ account,
which is the Pay From Account that is used in the event a Pay From Account is not specified when
scheduling a payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified pay from
account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.
This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved

This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay
Services API):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.

This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.
This optional complex element contains a package of data related to the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series (if the scheduled payment inquiry is for a recurring payment or Transfer) and includes the
below simple elements and arrays necessary to support a recurring payment or Transfer series using the
Bill Pay Services API.
This is the starting date for processing a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series.
This is the starting estimated arrival date (i.e., ‘due date’) for a recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series.
This is the payment frequency for a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series. A specified
frequency of ‘Once’ indicates a ‘single’ (i.e. not a recurring) payment or Transfer. Canonical values

Once (default)















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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01





This is the desired day of the week when recurring payments or Transfers will be made if the
specified payment frequency is: ‘Weekly’, ‘EveryOtherWeek’ or ‘Every4Weeks’. Canonical values

Mon - Monday


Tues - Tuesday


Wed - Wednesday


Thur - Thursday


Fri - Friday

This optional array contains the PmtDayInfo complex element, which includes a package of data
related to the day(s) of the month a recurring payment or recurring Transfer should be made if the
payment frequency has been specified as ‘Monthly’, ‘TwiceMonthly’, ‘EveryOtherMonth’,
‘Every3Months’, ‘Every6Months’ or ‘Annual’. It includes the following simple elements:
This is the day of the month when the recurring payment or Transfer will be made (e.g., 1 31). This value will not be present if the desired payment day is the last business day of
each month.
This indicates that payment or Transfer should be made on the last business day of the
month. Canonical values are:



False (default)

This is the payment date instruction when a recurring payment or recurring Transfer date falls on a
non-processing date (such as a weekend or holiday). Canonical values are:

Before – Pay before (default)


After – Pay after

This is the number of remaining payment or Transfer occurrences for the recurring payment or
recurring Transfer series.
This is the expiration date for the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series.
This indicates whether the payment or Transfer series is finite or ‘has no end’. If the series is not
finite, recurring payments or Transfers will continue to be made until the series is terminated by the
Subscriber. Canonical values are:



False (default)

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the amount of the final payment on a loan. The use of this element within the Bill Pay
Services API is not available at this time.
NOTE: For subscribers using ‘non-StandAlone’ Bill Pay Services, an email from the service
provider (‘iPay’) is generated to the subscriber when a recurring payment series is about to
expire (when one payment remains in the series). This email provides notification of the
expiration of the series in the event the subscriber would like to extend the series if
additional payments are needed.
No email notification is provided by the service provider (‘iPay’) to subscribers using
‘StandAlone’ Bill Pay Services. However, a BilPaySchedPmtInq request will provide all
necessary information about the impending end of the series, in the event the service
consumer opts to provide similar notification to the subscriber.
This optional element is available for recurring payments or recurring Transfers that may be
pended for additional payment approval, and specifies the desired action to be taken in the event a
scheduled recurring payment or recurring Transfer is missed while awaiting payment approval.
Canonical values are:

False (default)

NOTE: A value of ‘false’ will ignore a missed payment or Transfer and schedule the next [second]
payment or Transfer in the series once payment approval is received. A value of ‘true’ will
reschedule the original [first] payment or Transfer (with the originally specified amount) in
order to catch up the series, as well as schedule the next [second] payment or Transfer in
the series.

This complex element contains a package of data related to the eBill that corresponds to the scheduled
payment and includes the below simple elements and arrays for the Bill Pay Services API.
This is the statement date for the associated eBill.
This is the date the payment is due for the associated eBill.
This is the statement balance for the associated eBill. A ‘statement balance’ amount is available
only for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the total [outstanding] current balance of the Subscriber’s account with the Payee. This
amount may be different than the Statement Balance for the corresponding eBill. A ‘current
balance’ amount is available only for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the payment amount due for the associated eBill. This value is available only for ‘non-credit
card’ accounts (account type not = ‘CCA’).
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the minimum amount due for the associated eBill. A minimum amount due is available only
for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This indicates whether the [eBill] payment was scheduled based on an automatic eBill payment
schedule for the Payee. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
NOTE: Not applicable for Transfer accounts.

This array can include a list of invoices, if applicable for the scheduled payment, and includes the
InvoiceInfo complex element for each line item entered for the Invoice, and contains the following simple
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Invoice.
This is the invoice number assigned to the invoice by the Payee.
This indicates the invoice category for the entered line item. Canonical values are:
 Invoice - Invoice
 Adj – Adjustment
 Disc - Discount
 Oth - Other
This optional element specifies a free-form text description of the invoice line item.
This optional element indicates a positive amount value for the invoice line item.
This optional element indicates a negative amount value for the invoice line item (such as for an
adjustment or discount).
NOTE: Not applicable for Transfers.

This optional array contains a [limited] list of future payments or Transfers in the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series and includes the FutPmtInfo complex, which contains a package of data related to each future
scheduled payment or Transfer in the recurring series. In order to optimize system performance, the number of
future payments or Transfers returned in the future payment array will be limited and may not include all
possible future payments or Transfers in the series.
(As with all ‘x_’ elements), this x_ array must be explicitly requested in the IncXtendElemArray included in
the BilPaySchedPmtInqRq message (above), if future payment or future Transfer detail is desired in the
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The complex includes the following simple and complex elements for the Bill Pay Services API:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the specified future payment or Transfer in the recurring
payment or recurring Transfer series.
The status of the specified future payment or Transfer in the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series.
Valid canonical values for all future payments/Transfers are:
 Sched – Scheduled
 Pend – Pending
 Skip - Skipped
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.
This is the ‘original’ or ‘calculated’ process date for the specified future payment or Transfer based solely
on the specified frequency and payment day(s) specified for the recurring payment or recurring Transfer
This is the actual date the future payment or Transfer is scheduled to be processed, adjusted for nonprocessing dates.
This is the amount of the specified future payment or Transfer.
This is the comment that will be stored with the specified future payment or Transfer. This is for the
Subscriber’s internal use only and is not included with the Payment.
This is the memo to be added to a check associated with the specified future [check] payment.
This is the user id of the individual who modified the specified future payment (if modification occurred).
This is the last date maintenance was performed on the specified future payment or Transfer. A date will
be present only if the specified future payment or Transfer was previously modified.
This is the personalized message that will be added to the email or text sent to a P2P payment recipient
notifying them that a payment has been made. Not applicable for Transfers. Message is limited to 500
characters for email notification (25 characters for text messages).

This required complex element contains information on the Pay From Account to be used to make the
specified future payment or Transfer in the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, Pay From Account Info is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting
user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Account’ information. If the requesting
user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’,
which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Pay From account specified for the specified
future payment or Transfer.
The bank account number of the Pay From Account designated for the specified future Payment
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of Pay From Account. Canonical values
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the specified Pay From Account.
This indicates whether the Pay From Account is the Subscriber’s designated ‘default’ account,
which is the Pay From Account that is used in the event a Pay From Account is not specified when
scheduling a payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified pay from
account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.
This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Scheduled Payment Mod
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySchedPmtMod
The bill pay Scheduled Payment Modification  will allow the service consumer to update
(modify) certain elements for a Subscriber’s scheduled single or recurring payment or Transfer, or delete (stop) the
payment or Transfer entirely. For a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series, an option to delete (i.e., ‘skip’) a
specific payment or Transfer, or delete the entire series, is available. The ,  and Activity Intent
Key  are required on the Mod request.
A request that provides the SubID, PmtID and ActIntentKey along with the delete element () that is set to
‘True’ will convey to the service provider to remove (stop) the Scheduled Payment or Transfer for the specified
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Scheduled Payment Modification service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow updates to
scheduled single or recurring payment or Transfer information for a specific Subscriber, based on the required
Subscriber ID and Payment ID. A Scheduled Payment Inquiry must always be performed prior to the modification
request in order to retrieve the Activity Intent Key necessary for modification operations, as well as to ensure that
the most up-to-date Payee information is reflected on the Scheduled Payment or Transfer.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySchedPmtModRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below simple and complex elements contained within the BilPaySchedPmtModRq message request are
necessary for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the scheduled payment or Transfer.
This is the service provider key delivered to the service consumer via a preceding inquiry request, to be
submitted in the modification request operation.
This indicates a desire for deletion of the specified entity. For recurring payments/Transfers, a value of ‘true’
indicates a desire to delete (i.e. ‘stop’) the entire recurring payment or Transfer series immediately. Canonical
values are:
 True
 False (default)
This element is applicable for recurring payments or recurring Transfer series’ only and indicates a desire for
deletion (i.e., ‘stop’) of the specified recurring payment or recurring Transfer series, but only after the currently
scheduled payment or Transfer has been processed. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default)
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the specified future payment or Transfer. If entered, eligible
recurring payment or recurring Transfer updates will be applied to that specified payment or Transfer only. If
the mod request is for an update to the entire recurring payment or Transfer series, a value should not be
This indicates whether the specified future payment or Transfer (above) in the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series should be skipped. Canonical values are:

False (default)

This complex element contains a package of data related to the Subscriber’s specified scheduled payment or
Transfer, and may include all of the simple and complex elements and arrays returned in the preceding
Scheduled Payment Inquiry response. However, the following are the only elements within this complex that
are eligible for modification (add, update or delete) for a Scheduled Payment Modification request:
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the date the single payment or Transfer is scheduled to be processed. (For recurring series dates,
see the RecurPmtInfo complex below.)
This is the date the scheduled single payment or Transfer is estimated to be delivered to the Payee. (For
recurring series dates, see the RecurPmtInfo complex below.)
This is the amount of the scheduled single or recurring payment(s) or Transfer(s). If a FutPmtID is
specified for this ‘mod’ request, only the amount of the specified future payment or Transfer in the recurring
payment or recurring Transfer series will be updated. The recurring series information will remain
This is the comment that will be stored with the single or recurring payment(s) or Transfer(s). This is for the
Subscriber’s internal use only and is not included with the Payment. If a FutPmtID is specified for this
‘mod’ request, only the comment associated with the specified future payment or Transfer in the recurring
payment or recurring Transfer series will be updated. The recurring series information will remain
This is the memo to be added to a check associated with a single or recurring check payment. If a
FutPmtID is specified for this ‘mod’ request, only the ChkMemo value associated with the specified future
payment in the recurring payment series will be updated. The recurring series information will remain
[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time
NOTE: Until such time as additional Transfer options are available, the PmtIntentType of the Payment
or Transfer will be automatically set to match the PmtIntentType of the Payee or Transfer account.
iPay will ignore a value submitted for this element.
This is the personalized message that will be added to the email or text sent to a P2P payment recipient
notifying them that a payment has been made. Entry is limited to 500 characters for email notification (25
characters for text messages).
This optional complex contains the package of data related to the Payee of the scheduled payment or
Transfer and includes the following simple and complex elements and arrays:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payee to whom the single or recurring payment or
Transfer is scheduled. This element is not modifiable for a scheduled payment or Transfer, but is
necessary for the Mod request if newly specified Rush payment options are included (below).

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This complex is required for Rush payments (only), and provides the ability to specify the Payee’s
Rush Address to be used for the scheduled payment. An address is required only for Overnight
and 2 Day rush payment options, as these payments are always sent via check. This complex
includes the following simple and complex elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the specified Rush address for the Payee.
This is the only element required if the Rush Address provided via the preceding Payee
Inquiry is the desired address to be used for the Rush payment.
This specifies the type of payee address being submitted. For Rush payments, the only
applicable Payee Address Type is ‘Rush’. Canonical values are:

Prim – Primary (default)
Rush - Rush

This complex element contains elements representing the Payee’s Rush address, and is
required for the Rush payment if no Rush Address exists for the Payee (no Rush Address
information was returned in the preceding Payee Inquiry), or the Subscriber chooses not to
use the Rush Address provided via the Payee Inquiry.
This is the Payee’s street address for Rush payments.
StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the Payee’s street address for Rush payments.
This is the name of the city in the Payee’s Rush payment address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).

This required complex element contains information on the Pay From Account to be used to make the
payment or Transfer to specified the Payee for this scheduled single or recurring payment or Transfer.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Pay From account specified for the scheduled
single or recurring payment or Transfer.
If a FutPmtID is specified for this ‘mod’ request, only the pay from account associated with the
specified future payment or Transfer in the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series will be
updated. The recurring series information will remain unchanged.
NOTE: Pay From Account information (other than the Subscriber’s default account designated for the
Payee) can be specified only if the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Designate
Pay From Accounts’.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional complex contains the rush payment details that were specified for the given scheduled
[single] payment and includes the following simple elements:
This represents the desired option for expediting (rushing) the payment to the specified Payee.
Canonical values are:

Std – Standard (default) – this specifies a ‘non-expedited’ payment
Ovrngt – Overnight
2ndDay – Second Day
2ndDayEc – Second Day Economy

NOTE: Not applicable for Transfers.

This optional complex element contains a package of data related to the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series (if the scheduled payment mod is for a recurring payment or recurring Transfer) and
includes the below simple elements and arrays necessary to support a recurring payment or Transfer
series using the Bill Pay Services API.
If updated, this will be the [new] starting date for processing the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series.
If updated, this will be the [new] starting estimated arrival date (i.e., ‘due date’) for the recurring
payment or recurring Transfer series.
This is the payment frequency for a recurring payment or recurring Transfer series. A specified
frequency of ‘Once’ indicates a ‘single’ (i.e. not a recurring) payment. Canonical values are:

Once (default)



















This is the desired day of the week when recurring payments or recurring Transfers will be made if
the specified payment frequency is: ‘Weekly’, ‘EveryOtherWeek’ or ‘Every4Weeks’. Canonical
values are:

Mon - Monday


Tues - Tuesday


Wed - Wednesday


Thur - Thursday


Fri - Friday

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional array contains the PmtDayInfo complex element, which includes a package of data
related to the day(s) of the month a recurring payment or recurring Transfer should be made if the
payment frequency has been specified as ‘Monthly’, ‘TwiceMonthly’, ‘EveryOtherMonth’,
‘Every3Months’, ‘Every6Months’ or ‘Annual’. It includes the following simple elements:
This is the day of the month when the recurring payment or Transfer will be made (e.g., 1 31). This value should not be entered if the desired payment/Transfer day is the last
business day of each month.
This indicates that payment or Transfer should be made on the last business day of the
month. Canonical values are:



False (default)

This is the payment date instruction when a recurring payment or recurring Transfer date falls on a
non-processing date (such as a weekend or holiday). For Institutions using the ‘Due Date’
Payment Date model, this value must be set to ‘Pay Before’. Any other entered value will be
ignored. Canonical values are:

Before – Pay before (default)


After – Pay after

This is the number of payment or Transfer occurrences desired for the recurring payment or
recurring Transfer series.
This is the expiration date for the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series.
This indicates whether the payment or Transfer series is finite or ‘has no end’. If the series is not
finite, recurring payments/Transfers will continue to be made until the series is terminated by the
Subscriber. Canonical values are:




This optional element is available for recurring payments or recurring Transfers that may be
pended for additional payment approval, and specifies the desired action to be taken in the event a
scheduled recurring payment or Transfer is missed while awaiting payment approval. A Subscriber
Inquiry can be performed to determine if payment approvals are required for the Subscriber.
Canonical values are:

False (default)

NOTE: Setting this value to ‘false’ will ignore a missed payment/Transfer and schedule the next
[second] payment or Transfer in the series once payment approval is received. A
response of ‘true’ will reschedule the original [first] payment or Transfer (with the originally
specified amount) in order to catch up the series, as well as schedule the next [second]
payment or Transfer in the series.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This array is applicable for Company Subscribers only at this time and can include a list of invoices, if
applicable for the scheduled payment, and includes the InvoiceInfo complex element for each line item
needed for the Invoice, and contains the following simple elements:
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Invoice.
This element should be left blank when adding a new invoice line item, as this value will not be
available to the Service Consumer until the Payment Add request has been successfully
This is the invoice number assigned to the invoice by the Payee. A maximum of 20 alphanumeric
characters is allowed.
This indicates the invoice category for the entered line item. Canonical values are:
 Invoice - Invoice
 Adj – Adjustment
 Disc - Discount
 Oth - Other
This optional element specifies a free-form text description of the invoice line item. A maximum of
100 alphanumeric characters is allowed.
This optional element indicates a positive amount value for the invoice line item.
This optional element indicates a negative amount value for the invoice line item (such as for an
adjustment or discount).

NOTE: Not applicable for Transfers.

Scheduled Payment Mod Behaviors

iPay will ignore all element values other than those specified above, if passed on a Scheduled Payment Mod


In order to change any Scheduled Payment or Transfer elements other than those specified above, a delete
(stop) of the existing scheduled payment or Transfer record is required and the payment or Transfer must be
rescheduled with the new values.


A request to modify a Scheduled Payment or Transfer that is processing today cannot be accommodated after
the FI’s designated Payment Cutoff Time.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


If a ‘delete’ (stop) of the Scheduled Payment or Transfer is requested, any other information that may have
been modified within the Mod request will be ignored and no update(s) will occur.


If the scheduled payment or Transfer’s Estimated Arrival Date (i.e., ‘Due Date’) is changed, the Process Date
will be adjusted automatically by the service provider.


The payment or Transfer will be placed in ‘Stopped’ Payment Status.

Similarly, if the scheduled payment or Transfer’s Process Date is changed, the Estimated Arrival Date will
be adjusted automatically by the service provider.

For Company Subscribers:

Scheduled [Bill] Payments can be modified only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has
been granted permission to ‘Schedule Bill Payments’, and for the specified Payee.


Email/P2P Payments can be modified only if the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Schedule
Email Payments’, and for the specified Email Payee.


[NEW!] Transfer payments can be modified only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has
been granted permission to ‘Schedule Transfers’ (i.e., ‘CanTransfer’), and for the specified Transfer


Pay From Account information (other than the Subscriber’s default account designated for the Payee) can
be modified only if the requesting user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Accounts’.


Modification of the amount or Pay From Account on a Scheduled Payment or Transfer that was previously
approved for payment (where additional payment approval is required) will require additional payment
approval and will be ‘re-pended’ until new payment approval is obtained.


Invoice information for a scheduled payment can be added or modified.



There is no limit to the number of invoice line items that can be added to a single payment.
Multiple Invoice Numbers can be included in a single payment.
Only one amount (either Pos or Neg) can be entered per invoice line item.
Invoice information is NOT allowed for recurring payments or Transfers.

Rush Payment modification options:

A ‘standard’ (non-expedited) payment can be modified to a Rush payment using any Rush Option currently
available for the specified Payee, provided the Process Date has not passed.



For Overnight or 2 Day rush payments (which are delivered via check), the Payee’s desired Rush
Address must be specified as either of the following:

the Payee’s PayeeAddrID, if the Rush Address provided for the Payee in the preceding Payee
Inquiry is the desired address; or


a new Rush Address for the Payee (PayeeAddr), if no Rush Address exists for the Payee (no
Rush Address information was returned in the preceding Payee Inquiry), or the Subscriber
chooses not to use the Rush Address provided via the Payee Inquiry.

iPay will fault a request to change the scheduled payment to a Rush payment if the payment’s
specified Process Date has already passed.

iPay will fault an Scheduled Payment mod request if both the Payee’s Rush Address ID and Payee’s Rush
Address are passed at the same time, as the intended Rush payment Address is unclear.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01



iPay will also fault a Scheduled Payment Mod request if a Rush Option other than ‘standard’ has been specified,
but no Payee Rush Address information is included.


The Process Date and/or Estimated Arrival Date will be adjusted by the service provider to accommodate
the newly specified Rush Option.


All ‘Rush’ payments are subject to the same ‘Expedited Payment’ rules as when initially scheduling a
‘Rush’ Payment (See Payment Add details).

A scheduled payment can also be modified to a ‘standard’ (non-expedited) payment from a 2
Rush payment (only).


Day Economy

NOTE: All corresponding ‘Rush’ details (e.g., Fees, Rush Address, etc) will be removed from the scheduled
payment record.


Recurring Payment modification options:



Specification of a Future Payment ID in the ‘Mod’ request indicates that the user is intending to update a
single [current or future] payment or Transfer instance in the recurring payment or recurring Transfer


Any [eligible] modifications included in the RecurPmtInfo complex will be applied to that payment or
Transfer only.


If updates to recurring series information is included in the ‘Mod’ request and NO Future Payment
ID is specified, the updates will be applied to the entire recurring series.

Modification of any of the elements that affect the Payment Date(s) of the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series (e.g., Starting Payment Date, Frequency, Payment Day(s), etc.) will prompt a
recalculation of the payment dates for all currently scheduled and future payments or Transfers
associated with the series.


Any modifications to specified future payments or Transfers in the original series will be lost.

To stop the series, or skip a single payment or Transfer within the series:

An entry in the ‘Dlt’ element indicates a desire for immediate deletion (i.e., ‘stop’) of the entire
recurring payment or recurring Transfer series. The currently scheduled payment or Transfer and
all future payments or Transfers within the series will NOT be processed.


An entry in the ‘DltRecur’ element indicates a desire for deletion (i.e., ‘stop’) of the specified
recurring payment or recurring Transfer series, but only after the currently scheduled payment or
Transfer has been processed. (In other words, a delete of the ‘recurring’ aspect of the series is
desired, but not of the currently scheduled payment or Transfer.)


An entry in the ‘SkipPmtOccur’ element, along with a specification of a FutPmtID, indicates that
only the specified future payment or future Transfer should be skipped; all other payments or
Transfers within the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series will continue to be processed.

Once a future payment or Transfer has been ‘skipped’, no further modifications are allowed for
this future payment/Transfer, including the ability to ‘unskip’ or ‘resume’ the payment/Transfer.

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySchedPmtModRs response message to the service consumer.
The element(s) contained within the BilPaySchedPmtModRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API
This specifies the status of the mod request. Canonical values are:


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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Scheduled Payment Approval
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPaySchedPmtApprv
The bill pay Scheduled Payment Approval  will allow the Service Consumer to provide a
payment approval from an authorized approver for a scheduled payment or Transfer that requires additional
approval. The subscriber identifier element  and Payment ID  are required on the Payment
Approval request.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.

Message Flow
The Scheduled Payment Approval service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow the authorized
requesting user to approve a scheduled payment or Transfer that has been pended for additional payment
approval. A Scheduled Payment Search is suggested prior to the approval request in order to retrieve the Payment
ID  necessary for payment approval operations.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySchedPmtApprvRq request message to the Service Provider.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The below simple and complex elements contained within the BilPaySchedPmtApprvRq message request are
necessary for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the scheduled payment or Transfer that requires payment
1) The Subscriber Associated User ID  (i.e., ‘Subuser ID’) of the requestor providing
payment approval should be entered in the AuthenUsrCred element in the request Message Header. If NO
 is included in this header field, the Service Provider will assume the payment approval
request is from the Primary Account Holder.
2) In order to successfully execute a payment approval request, the requesting user must have been granted
the ‘Approve Transactions’ permission.
3) If approval is received for a pending recurring payment or recurring Transfer series, the
‘RetroToOrigPmtDate’ element for the Scheduled Payment or Transfer will be evaluated to determine if a
missed payment should be rescheduled (should a payment or Transfer have been missed); or ignore any
missed payment(s) and simply schedule the next available payment or Transfer in the recurring series.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySchedPmtApprvRs response message to the service consumer.
The element(s) contained within the BilPaySchedPmtApprvRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API
This specifies the status of the mod request. Canonical values are:


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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

Payment History Search
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayPmtHistSrch
The bill pay Payment History Search  is designed to allow the consumer to perform searches
on payment history and will return all processed single and/or recurring payments and/or Transfers for a particular
bill pay product and Subscriber.
The request provides the following optional filters:
 Payment Start Date 
 Payment End Date 
 Payment Low Amount 
 Payment High Amount 
 Payment Status  - default = All
 [NEW!] Payment Intention Type  - default = All
 Payee ID 
 Payee Payment Method 
 P2P Payees 
 Recurring Payments 
 [NEW!] Transfers 
When there exists more than one filter on the request, the resulting selection is based on the combined effect of the
filters (i.e., ‘and’ operator). Each added filter option will further restrict the result set.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The Payment History Search service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve processed Payment
and/or Transfer information for a specified product and Subscriber, based on optional filters.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayPmtHistSrchRq request message to the Service Provider.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The below elements contained within the BilPayPmtHistSrchRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
The date that designates the starting point for Payment and/or Transfer [Process] date selections. If no
Start Date is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available processed payments and/or
Transfers that have a Process Date that is less than the specified End Date.
The date that designates the ending point for Payment and/or Transfer [Process] date selections. If no End
Date is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available processed payments and/or Transfers
that have a Process Date that is greater than the specified Start Date.
NOTE: If no Date range is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available payments and/or
Transfers that satisfy all other filter requirements.
This is the value that designates a starting point for payment and/or Transfer amount selections.
This value is the lowest amount to begin searching when a range of amounts is used to refine the
payment search. If no value is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will utilize a default value of $0
for this filter parameter.
This is the value that designates a ending point for payment and/or Transfer amount selections.
This value is the highest amount to begin searching when a range of amounts is used to refine the
payment search. If no value is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will utilize a default value of ‘null’ (i.e.,
no upper payment amount limit) for this filter parameter.
The status of the payment or Transfer. Valid canonical values for all processed (i.e., ‘non-pending’)
payments are:
 All – All (default)
 Proc – Processed
 Pd – Paid
 Stop – Stopped
 Canc – Canceled
 Ret – Returned
 Sttl – Settled
 ReSbm - Resubmitted
 Rfd - Refunded
 Skip – Skipped
 PmtApprv - Payment Approved (for processed payment that received payment approval)
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time
If no Payment Intent Type is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available processed
Payments and/or Transfers that satisfy all other filter requirements
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payee to whom the payment(s) and/or Transfer(s) have
been made.
If no Payee is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return processed payments and/or Transfers for all
Payees that satisfy all other specified filters.
This is the payment method for the Payee associated with the processed payment or Transfer. Canonical
values are:

Chk – Check
Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
Elec – Electronic

This is used to filter payments associated with P2P (i.e., ‘Email’) Payees into (or from) the search results.
Canonical values are:


Incl – Include P2P payments (default)
OnlyP2P – Only return P2P payments
Excl - Exclude P2P payments

This is used to filter recurring payments/Transfers into (or from) the search results. Canonical values are:


Incl – Include recurring payments (default)
OnlyRecur – Only return recurring payments
Excl - Exclude recurring payments

[NEW!] XferFilter
This is used to filter Transfer payments into (or from) the search results. Canonical values are:


Incl – Include Transfers (default)
OnlyXfer – Only return Transfer payments
Excl - Exclude Transfer payments

NOTE: If any value entered directly conflicts with another entered filter parameter (i.e., the parameters are
‘mutually exclusive’), NO results will be returned.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayPmtHistSrchRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a list of all processed single and/or recurring Payments for the specified product and Subscriber that meet
the given search criteria.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

1) Other types of Payments, such as Gift Payments, etc, will not be included in the result set at this time.
2) The amount of history that is available to be viewed is determined by the Financial Institution’s Extended Storage
specification. For instance, if Extended Storage is set at 18 months, the maximum amount of Payment (or
Transfer) History available for any Subscriber associated with that FI will be 18 months.

The array(s) contained within the BilPayPmtHistSrchRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API are:
This array returns an array of responses for the Payment History search and includes the
BilPayPmtHistSrchInfo complex element for each single or recurring Payment and/or Transfers returned, and
includes the following simple and complex elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Payment or Transfer.
This is the ID of the Payee or Transfer account.
This is the name of the Payee or Transfer account.
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account.
This is the date the payment or Transfer was processed.
This is the date the payment or Transfer was estimated to be delivered to the Payee.
This is the amount of the payment or Transfer.
This is the status of the payment or Transfer. Valid canonical values for all processed payments/Transfers
 Proc – Processed
 Pd – Paid
 Stop – Stopped
 Canc – Canceled
 Ret – Returned
 Sttl – Settled
 ReSbm - Resubmitted
 Rfd - Refunded
 Skip – Skipped
 PmtApprv - Payment Approved (for processed payment that received payment approval)
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.
This is the payment method used for the Payment or Transfer (this may be different than the original
Payment Method specified for the Payee). Canonical values are:

Chk – Check
Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
Elec – Electronic

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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This is the payment frequency for the recurring payment or recurring Transfer series at the time the
payment/Transfer was processed. A specified frequency of ‘Once’ indicates a ‘single’ (i.e. not a recurring)
payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:

Once (default)



















This indicates whether the payment is ‘P2P payment’ (for a ‘P2P/Email payee type’). Canonical values are:

False (default)

This indicates whether the payment is an ‘eBill payment’ (i.e., has an associated eBill). Canonical values


[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time

This complex element contains information on the Pay From Account designated for the specified
Payment or Transfer.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, Pay From Account Info is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting
user has been granted permission to Designate Pay From Account information. If the requesting
user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be set to ‘Hid’,
which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the requesting user.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Pay From account specified for the Payment or
The bank account number of the Pay From Account designated for this Payment or Transfer.
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© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of pay from account. Canonical values are:
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the Subscriber’s Pay From Account.
This indicates whether the Pay From Account is the ‘default’ account, to be used in the event a pay
from account is not specified when scheduling a payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified pay from
account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.
This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved

This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay
Services API):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

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Release 2015.0.01

Payment History Inquiry
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayPmtHistInq
The bill pay Payment History Inquiry  will return element details for a specific single or recurring
payment or Transfer made for a given Subscriber. The subscriber identification element  and Payment ID
 are required on the request.
The service provider will include the additional payment or Transfer status history, payment check status history,
and payment check tracking information elements when the x_PmtStatHistArray, x_PmtChkStatHistArray, and
x_PmtChkTrakInfo are included in the extended element array complex request. To receive eBill information
pertaining to the payment, the request must include the x_ElecBilPmtInfo complex in the extended element array
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The Payment History Inquiry service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve payment or Transfer
information for a given Subscriber, based on the required Subscriber ID and Payment ID. If the Payment ID is not
known, the third party consumer must first perform a Payment History Search to obtain the Payment ID for the
desired payment or Transfer.

Payment History Search Request
The Third Party sends the BilPayPmtHistSrchRq message containing the
SubID and optional BilPayProd element, as well as optional search filter
elements: PmtStartDt, PmtEndDt, PmtLowAmt, PmtHightAmt, PmtStat. PayeeID,
PayeePmtMtdh, P2PFilter and RecurFilter

Payment History Search Response
The Service Provider sends the BilPayPmtHistSrchRs message containing an echo of the
request, plus BilPayPmtHistSrchArray, as well as the required Payment ID  for the
desired payment.

Payment History Inquiry Request
The Third Party sends the BilPayPmtHistInqRq message containing the required
SubID and optional BilPayProd element, as well as the required PmtID element for the
desired payment.

Payment History Inquiry Response
The Service Provider sends the BilPayPmtHistInqRs message containing an echo of the
request, plus BilPayPmtHistInfo for the specified payment.

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Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayPmtHistInqRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPayPmtHistInqRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the processed payment or Transfer.
This is used to request check image information. (Not applicable for Transfers.) Canonical values are:
 True
 False
If the specified payment was not made by check, any entry for this element will be ignored.
This array contains a list of extended ‘x_’ elements that are to be included in the response. Valid canonical
values for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 x_PmtStatHistArray
 x_PmtChkStatHistArray (not applicable for Transfers)
 x_PmtChkTrakInfo
(not applicable for Transfers)
 x_ElecBilPmtInfo
(not applicable for Transfers)

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayPmtHistInqRs response message to the service consumer, which
returns a package of payment information for the specified single or recurring payment or Transfer.
The simple and complex elements contained within the BilPayPmtHistInqRs response applicable for the Bill Pay
Services API are:
The date the payment or Transfer was created by the Subscriber.
The status of the payment or Transfer. Valid canonical values for all processed payments are:
 Proc – Processed
 Pd – Paid
 Stop – Stopped
 Canc – Canceled
 Ret – Returned
 Sttl – Settled
 ReSbm - Resubmitted
 Rfd – Refunded
 Skip – Skipped
 PmtApprv - Payment Approved (for processed payment that required payment approval)
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.
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Release 2015.0.01

This is the payment method that was used for the payment or Transfer. Applicable canonical values for the
actual payment or Transfer are:

Chk – Check
Elec – Electronic

This complex element contains a package of data related to a payment or Transfer and includes the below
simple and complex elements and arrays for the Bill Pay Services API.
This is the date the payment or Transfer was processed.
This is the date the payment or Transfer was estimated to be delivered to the Payee.
This is the amount of the payment or Transfer.
This is the comment that was stored with the payment or Transfer. This is for the Subscriber’s internal use
only and was not included with the Payment.
This is the memo that was added to a check payment, if the payment was made by check.
This is the personalized message that was added to the email or text sent to a P2P payment recipient
notifying them that a payment was made.
[NEW!] [Payment] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention for the Payment(s) or Transfer(s). Canonical values are:
 PayBill
- Payment for a bill (default)
 XferToSubFinInst
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution (Outbound)
 XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
 XferTo
- not supported by iPay at this time
 XferFrom
- not supported by iPay at this time
NOTE: Until such time as additional Transfer options are available, the PmtIntentType of the Payment
or Transfer will match the PmtIntentType of the Payee.

This complex contains the package of data related to the Payee of the payment or Transfer and includes
the following simple and complex elements and arrays:
This is the ID of the Payee to whom the payment or Transfer was made.
This is the name of the Payee to whom the payment or Transfer was made.
This represents the Subscriber’s ‘nickname’ for the Payee or Transfer account.
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This specifies the classification of the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values are:

Comp (Company)
Indv (Individual/Person)
[NEW!] FinInst (Financial Institution) – to be used for Transfer accounts

This is the ‘default’ payment method specified for the Payee or Transfer account. This may not be
the actual Payment method utilized for the payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:
 Chk – Check
 Email – Email (P2P) – electronic, but set up via an email process
 Elec – Electronic
[NEW!] [Payee] PmtIntentType
This represents the payment intention of the Payee or Transfer account. Canonical values are:


- Payment for a bill (default)
- Transfer to Subscriber account at external Financial Institution
XferFromSubFinInst - not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time
- not supported by iPay at this time

This is the Subscriber’s account number with the Merchant/Payee. For Transfer accounts, this
value will be the Account Holder’s account number (of the Transfer account).
If the Subscriber’s name (Last Name, First Name) is being used for this element, the value will be
truncated at 50 characters.
If no value exists for this element, the default value returned will be ‘N/A’.
This is the Subscriber’s name understood by the merchant and is used to override the Subscriber’s
name on record.

This complex contains a package of data related to the Payee’s address specified for the payment.
In the case of an electronic payment, this will simply be the Payee’s ‘primary’ or ‘standard’ address.
No address will be available for Transfer accounts. This complex includes the following simple and
complex elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the specified address for the Payee.
This specifies the type of payee address that was utilized for the payment. Canonical
values are:
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide

Prim – Primary (default)

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Release 2015.0.01


Rush - Rush

This complex element contains elements representing the Payee’s address utilized for the
payment. For Rush payments made by check, this will be the Payee’s specified ‘Rush’
This is the Payee’s street address.
StreetAddr2 (optional)
This is the second line of the Payee’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Payee’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
This array contains an array of phone information for the specified Payee, if available (not
applicable for all Payees).
This represents a phone number, including area code, for the Payee. This is the Payee’s
Work (Business) number.
This specifies the type of phone number contained in the PhoneNum element (above).
Only the Work phone number is valid for Payees. Canonical values for the Bill Pay
Services API are:
 Work
This optional array contains the EmailInfo complex element, which includes a package of email
data for the Payee, if available (not applicable for all Payees).
This element specifies the email address of the Payee. This is a valid element only if the
Payee’s Payment Method Type = ‘Email’.
This element specifies to whom the email address applies. Applicable canonical values for
a Payee for the Bill Pay Services API are:
 Prim – Primary (default)
This optional complex contains the rush payment details that were specified for the given payment, if the
payment was a rush payment, and includes the following simple elements:
This represents the specified option for expediting (rushing) the payment to the specified Payee.
Canonical values are:

Std – Standard (default) – this specifies a ‘non-expedited’ payment
Ovrngt – Overnight

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Release 2015.0.01


2ndDay – Second Day
2ndDayEc – Second Day Economy

This specifies the fee associated with the selected Rush Option.
This specifies the surcharge that was applied for the Rush payment, if the Rush payment was sent
to Puerto Rico.
This required complex element contains information on the Pay From Account that was used to make the
payment or Transfer to the specified Payee or Transfer account.
NOTE: For Company Subscribers, Pay From Account Info is eligible for viewing ONLY if the requesting
user has been granted permission to ‘Designate Pay From Account’ information. Therefore, if the
requesting user does not have permission, the  attribute for each of these elements will be
set to ‘Hid’, which indicates that the Service Consumer should hide these elements from the
requesting user.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the Pay From account specified for the payment or
The bank account number of the Pay From Account designated for this Payment or Transfer.
The number(s) or character(s) that categorize the type of Pay From Account. Canonical values
 D – Checking
 S – Savings
This is the account name for the specified Pay From Account.
This indicates whether the Pay From Account is the Subscriber’s designated ‘default’ account,
which is the Pay From Account that is used in the event a Pay From Account was not specified
when the payment or Transfer was scheduled. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default value)
This is the check number that will be used to start check payments from the specified pay from
account. This will be available only if the Subscriber’s Product allows specification of a starting
check number.
This is the routing transit number or ABA number of the financial institution where the subscriber’s
pay from account resides.
This is the status of the pay from account as it relates to its potential use within the Subscriber’s Bill
Pay account. Canonical values are:
 Pend - Pending
 Apprv - Approved
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

This optional complex element contains information for the Pay From Account Owner’s Name (if
the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the following simple elements,
as well as an optional x_PersonName complex element (which is not currently used for the Bill Pay
Services API):
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the account
is a Company.
This represents the Pay From Account Owner’s First Name, if the ‘actual’ owner of the
account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Middle Name, if the
‘actual’ owner of the account is a person.
This optional element represents the Pay From Account Owner’s Last Name, if the ‘actual’
owner of the account is a person.
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.
This complex element is an optional element which contains information for the Pay From Account
Owner’s Address (if the actual owner of the account is not the Subscriber), and includes the
following simple elements:
This is the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the second line of the Subscriber’s street address.
This is the name of the city in the Subscriber’s address.
This is the 2-character alpha code approved by the USPS which represents a state.
This is the postal or zip code (Zip+4 is supported).
NOTE: Pay From Account Owner information is allowed only if the Subscriber’s Product allows
this information on the Subscriber’s pay from account(s), and then only if the specific
Subscriber is authorized to include Pay From Account Owner information.

This optional complex element contains a package of data related to the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series (if the payment history inquiry is for a recurring payment or recurring Transfer) and includes
the below simple elements and arrays associated with the recurring payment or Transfer series at the time
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Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

the specified payment or Transfer was processed (any modifications to the recurring payment or recurring
Transfer series made after the specified payment or Transfer was processed will not be represented here).
This is the [original] starting date for processing the recurring payment or Transfer series.
This is the [original[ starting estimated arrival date (i.e., ‘due date’) for the recurring payment or
Transfer series.
This is the payment frequency for the recurring payment or Transfer series. A specified frequency
of ‘Once’ indicates a ‘single’ (i.e. not a recurring) payment or Transfer. Canonical values are:

Once (default)



















This is the specified day of the week when recurring payments or Transfers will be made if the
specified payment frequency is: ‘Weekly’, ‘EveryOtherWeek’ or ‘Every4Weeks’. Canonical values

Mon - Monday


Tues - Tuesday


Wed - Wednesday


Thur - Thursday


Fri - Friday

This optional array contains the PmtDayInfo complex element, which includes a package of data
related to the day(s) of the month a recurring payment or recurring Transfer should be made if the
payment frequency has been specified as ‘Monthly’, ‘TwiceMonthly’, ‘EveryOtherMonth’,
‘Every3Months’, ‘Every6Months’ or ‘Annual’. It includes the following simple elements:
This is the day of the month when the recurring payment or Transfer will be made (e.g., 1 31). This value will not be present if the desired payment day is the last business day of
each month.
This indicates that the payment or Transfer should be made on the last business day of the
month. Canonical values are:
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Release 2015.0.01


False (default)

This is the payment date instruction when a recurring payment or Transfer date falls on a nonprocessing date (such as a weekend or holiday). Canonical values are:

Before – Pay before (default)


After – Pay after

This is the number of remaining payment or Transfer occurrences for the recurring payment or
recurring Transfer series at the time the specified payment or Transfer was processed.
This is the expiration date for the recurring payment or Transfer series that was indicated at the
time the payment or Transfer was processed.
This indicates whether the payment or Transfer series is finite or ‘has no end’. If the series is not
finite, recurring payments/Transfers will continue to be made until the series is terminated by the
Subscriber. Canonical values are:

False (default)

This element is for recurring payments or Transfers that may have been pended for additional
payment approval, and specifies the desired action taken in the event a scheduled recurring
payment or Transfer was missed while awaiting payment approval. Canonical values are:

False (default)

NOTE: A value of ‘false’ ignores a missed payment or Transfer and schedules the next [second]
Payment/Transfer in the series once payment approval is received. A value of ‘true’
reschedules the original [first] payment or Transfer (with the originally specified amount) in
order to catch up the series, as well as schedules the next [second] payment or Transfer
in the series.

This complex contains a package of Service Fee (or ‘payment surcharge’) information applied to the
Payment or Transfer.
This element specifies the type of payment or Transfer to which the service fee is applicable. A
‘Service Dictionary Search’ request is necessary to obtain the current list of available Service Fee
This element specifies the amount of the Service Fee that was applied to the Payment or Transfer.
This is the check number of the check created for the payment, if the payment was made by
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Release 2015.0.01

The status of the check associated with the payment, if the payment was made by check. Canonical values
 Pend – Pending
 Prt – Printed
 Stop – Stopped
 Ri – Reissued
 PrtRi – Printed Reissue
 PendRi – Pending Reissue
 Rfd – Refunded
 Prst – Presented
 Clr – Cleared
 StopRq – Stop Requested
 SusNotPd – Suspect Not Paid
An optional complex element containing a package of data related to a payment check image, if the payment
was made by check.
This is the value that defines the file format that is used to deliver the check image. Canonical values are:


This specifies the length of the front of the check image.
The front of the check image.
This specifies the length of the back of the check image.
The back of the check image.
NOTE: The availability of check image information is based on the following factors:
1) whether the check has cleared (only cleared checks are available for imaging);
2) whether the Subscriber’s Financial Institution has the ‘Check Image’ service (this information is
provided in the Channel Inquiry);
3) the payment’s processing date falls within the Check Image availability time frame specified for the
Financial Institution; and
4) the Check Funding Model utilized by the Financial Institution (e.g., check images are available for
the iPay Draft/Good Funds model, but not for Institutions utilizing the Subscriber Draft/Risk model).
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Release 2015.0.01

This optional complex element contains a package of data related to the eBill that corresponds to the
processed payment and includes the below simple elements and arrays for the Bill Pay Services API.
This is the statement date for the eBill associated with the payment.
This is the date the payment was due for the eBill associated with the payment.
This is the statement balance for the eBill associated with the payment. A ‘statement balance’ amount is
available only for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the total [outstanding] current balance of the Subscriber’s account with the Payee that was provided
on the eBill associated with the payment.. This amount may be different than the Statement Balance for
the corresponding eBill. A ‘current balance’ amount is available only for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the payment amount that was due for the eBill associated with the payment. This value is available
only for ‘non-credit card’ accounts (account type not = ‘CCA’).
This is the minimum amount that was due for the eBill associated with the payment. A minimum amount
due is available only for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This indicates whether the [eBill] payment was originally scheduled based on an automatic eBill payment
schedule for the Payee. Canonical values are:
 True
 False
NOTE: Not applicable for Transfers.
An optional array of responses for the payment status changes associated with this payment or Transfer. This
will be always be included in the the Bill Pay Services API response, regardless of any entry in the Xtended
Element Array in the BilPayPmtHistInqRq message.
The status of the payment or Transfer as of the payment’s Status Change Date. Valid canonical values for
all processed payments are:
 Proc – Processed
 Pd – Paid
 Stop – Stopped
 Canc – Canceled
 Ret – Returned
 Sttl – Settled
 ReSbm - Resubmitted
 Rfd – Refunded
 Skip – Skipped
 PmtApprv - Payment Approved (for processed payment that required payment approval)
NOTE: See Appendix C for Payment Status definitions.
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Release 2015.0.01

The date the status of the payment or Transfer was changed.
The exception description associated with a payment or Transfer status change.
The entity that made the status change.

An optional array of responses for the check status changes associated with this payment, if the payment was
made by check. This x_ array must be explicitly requested in the Xtended Element Array in the
BilPayPmtHistInqRq message, if check status history is desired in the response.
The status of the check associated with the payment as of the check’s Status Change Date. Canonical
values are:
 Pend – Pending
 Prt – Printed
 Stop – Stopped
 Ri – Reissued
 PrtRi – Printed Reissue
 PendRi – Pending Reissue
 Rfd – Refunded
 Prst – Presented
 Clr – Cleared
 StopRq – Stop Requested
 SusNotPd – Suspect Not Paid

The date the status of the payment check was changed.
NOTE: The availability of check status history information is based on the Check Funding Model utilized by the
Financial Institution (e.g., check status timelines are available for both the iPay Draft/Good Funds and
Subscriber Draft/Risk models, but not for Institutions utilizing the Institution Draft model).

An optional complex which includes a package of data related to a payment’s check tracking information, if the
payment was made by check. This will be always be included in the Bill Pay Services API response (if
available), regardless of any entry in the Xtended Element Array in the BilPayPmtHistInqRq message.
The tracking carrier of the check created for the payment.
The tracking identifier of the check created for the payment.
This is an array of the individual responses for payment check tracking records, and includes the following
complex element for each available tracking record:
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Release 2015.0.01

This is the tracking date of the check.

This is the tracking location of the check created for the payment as of the specified
tracking date.
The tracking status description provided by the tracking carrier of the check created for the
The tracking comment provided by the tracking carrier of the check created for the

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Release 2015.0.01

eBill Services
eBill Search
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayElecBillSchedSrch
The bill pay eBill Search  is designed to allow the consumer to perform searches on
eBills (both current and historical) and will return all eBills for a particular bill pay product and Subscriber.
The request provides the following optional filters:
 eBill Start Date 
 eBill End Date 
 Payee Name 
 eBill Status 
When there exists more than one filter on the request, the resulting selection is based on the combined effect of the
filters (i.e., ‘and’ operator). Each added filter option will further restrict the result set.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The eBill Search service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve eBill information for a specified
product and Subscriber, based on optional filters.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayElecBilSchedSrchRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPayElecBilSchedSrchRq message request are necessary for the Bill
Pay Services API.
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Release 2015.0.01

This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the date that designates the starting point for eBill [Due] date selections. If no Start Date is
specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available eBills that have a Due Date that
is less than the specified End Date.
This is the date that designates the ending point for eBill [Due] date selections. If no End Date is
specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available eBills that have a Due Date that
is greater than the specified Start Date.
NOTE: If no Date range is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return all available eBills that
satisfy all other filter requirements.
This is the name of the Payee.
If no Payee Name is specified, the Bill Pay Services API will return eBills for all ‘eBill-enrolled’ Payees (i.e.,
Payees with registered eBill accounts) that satisfy all other specified filters.
If entered, the ‘SrchType’ attribute entered for this element will be evaluated to determine the type of
‘Name’ search (i.e., ‘wildcard’ search) to execute. Valid canonical values are:
 Exact – (default)
 StartsWith
 Contains
This is the status of the eBill. Valid canonical values are:
 ComingDue – eBill with a Due Date that has not yet passed (may be associated with a currently
scheduled payment)
 UnPd – Unpaid (eBill’s Due Date is in the past, but eBill is not associated with a processed payment on
the Subscriber’s bill pay account and has not been ‘filed’)
 Pd – Paid (eBill is associated with a processed payment on the Subscriber’s bill pay account)
 SubProc – eBill has been ‘filed’ by the Subscriber
If no eBill Status is specified, the Bill Pay Services API service will return all eBills that satisfy all other
specified filters, regardless of status.
This is the identifier associated with the Subscriber’s registered eBill account with the Merchant/Payee.
If entered, the Bill Pay Services API will return only those eBills received for the specified Payee eBill
Account that also satisfy all other specified filters.

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Release 2015.0.01

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayElecBilSchedSrchRs response message to the service consumer,
which returns a list of all eBills for the specified product and Subscriber that meet the given search criteria.
NOTE: The amount of history that is available to be viewed is determined by the Financial Institution’s Extended Storage
specification. For instance, if Extended Storage is set at 18 months, the maximum amount of eBill history
available for any Subscriber associated with that FI will be 18 months.

The array(s) contained within the BilPayElecBilSchedSrchRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API
This array returns an array of responses for the eBill search and includes the BilPayElecBilSchedSrchInfo
complex element for each eBill returned, which includes the following simple elements:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the eBill.
This is the name of the Payee for the specified eBill.
This is the identifier associated with the Subscriber’s registered eBill account with the Merchant/Payee.
This is the status of the eBill. Valid canonical values are:
 ComingDue – eBill with a Due Date that has not yet passed (may be associated with a currently
scheduled payment)
 UnPd – Unpaid (eBill’s Due Date is in the past, but eBill is not associated with a processed payment on
the Subscriber’s bill pay account and has not been ‘filed’)
 Pd – Paid (eBill is associated with a processed payment on the Subscriber’s bill pay account)
 SubProc – eBill has been ‘filed’ by the Subscriber
This is the date the payment is/was due for the specified eBill.
This is the statement date for the specified eBill.
This is the statement balance for the specified eBill. A ‘statement balance’ amount is available only for
credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the payment amount that is/was due for the specified eBill. This value is available only for ‘noncredit card’ accounts (account type not = ‘CCA’).
This is the total [outstanding] current balance of the Subscriber’s account with the Payee. This amount
may be different than the Statement Balance for the corresponding eBill. A ‘current balance’ amount is
available only for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the minimum amount due for the specified eBill. A minimum amount due is available only for credit
card (‘CCA’) account types.
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Release 2015.0.01

eBill Inquiry
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayElecBilSchedInq
The bill pay eBill Inquiry  will return element details for a specific eBill for a given
Subscriber. The subscriber identification element  and eBill ID  are required on the request.
The design of the inquiry was created in a manner that facilitates modification requests. The activity intention
element  was added to support the concurrency model for future modifications made to eBills.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The eBill Inquiry service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to retrieve eBill information for a given
Subscriber, based on the required Subscriber ID and eBill ID. If the eBill ID is not known, the third party consumer
must first perform an eBill Search to obtain the eBill ID for the desired eBill.

The third party consumer forwards the BilPayElecBilSchedInqRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below elements contained within the BilPayElecBilSchedInqRq message request are necessary for the Bill Pay
Services API.
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This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the eBill.
This indicator conveys the service consumer’s intention for a subsequent operation for the data set
included in the response. Canonical values are:
 ReadOnly – indicates a view intent only for the data set included in the Inquiry response. This is the
default value.
 Upd – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent update (‘Mod’) to the data set included in the
Inquiry response
 Dlt – indicates the intention to perform a subsequent delete of the data set included in the
Inquiry response. This action is not available for eBill inquiries.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPayElecBilSchedInqRs response message to the service consumer,
which returns a package of eBill statement information for the specified eBill.
The simple and complex elements contained within the BilPayElecBilSchedInqRs response applicable for the Bill
Pay Services API are:
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the eBill.
This is the key (provided by the service provider) delivered to the consumer to be submitted in the
subsequent modification (update) operation for the data set returned in the Inquiry response.

This complex element contains a package of data related to a specific eBill and includes the below simple
elements for the Bill Pay Services API.
This is the name of the Payee for the specified eBill.
This is the identifier associated with the Subscriber’s registered eBill account with the Merchant/Payee.
This is the status of the eBill. Valid canonical values are:
 ComingDue – eBill with a Due Date that has not yet passed (may be associated with a currently
scheduled payment)
 UnPd – Unpaid (eBill’s Due Date is in the past, but eBill is not associated with a processed payment on
the Subscriber’s bill pay account and has not been ‘filed’)
 Pd – Paid (eBill is associated with a processed payment on the Subscriber’s bill pay account)
 SubProc – eBill has been ‘filed’ by the Subscriber
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Release 2015.0.01

This is the filing method specified for the eBill, if the eBill was filed by the Subscriber. Canonical
values are:
 SubPdDir – eBill was paid ‘directly’ by the Subscriber (by cash or check), outside of the Subscriber’s bill
pay account.
 SubPdElecDir – eBill was paid ‘directly’ by the Subscriber (‘electronically’: e.g., on biller’s website, or
via bank transfer, etc), outside of the Subscriber’s bill pay account.
 NotPd – eBill was not paid
This indicates whether the [eBill] payment was included in an automatic eBill payment schedule for the
Payee. Canonical values are:


This optional element represents a comment entered by the Subscriber that will be stored with a filed eBill.
This is the statement date for the specified eBill.
This is the date the payment is/was due for the specified eBill.
This is the statement balance for the specified eBill. A ‘statement balance’ amount is available only for
credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the total [outstanding] current balance of the Subscriber’s account with the Payee. This amount
may be different than the Statement Balance for the corresponding eBill. A ‘current balance’ amount is
available only for credit card (‘CCA’) account types.
This is the payment amount that is/was due for the specified eBill. This value is available only for ‘noncredit card’ accounts (account type not = ‘CCA’).
This is the minimum amount due for the specified eBill. A minimum amount due is available only for credit
card (‘CCA’) account types.
NOTE: Only the current (i.e., ‘Due’) eBill can be paid by scheduling a payment for the specified Payee. All
historical ‘Unpaid’ eBills can only be ‘filed’, or remain in ‘Unpaid’ status.

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Release 2015.0.01

eBill Mod
Container: TPG_BillPayMaster.xsd
Message: BilPayElecBilSchedMod
The bill pay eBill Modification  will allow the service consumer to update (modify) certain
elements for a Subscriber’s eBill. The ,  and Activity Intent Key  are required on the
Mod request.
The ability to ‘file’ an eBill is currently the only update (modify) process available for an eBill within the Bill Pay
Services API.
The ability to delete an eBill is not available within the Bill Pay Service API operations.
The elements at the root request message will be echoed back at the root response, regardless if those same
elements exist in the repeating complex.
Message Flow
The eBill Modification service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to allow updates to eBill information for
a specific Subscriber, based on the required Subscriber ID and eBill ID. An eBill Inquiry must always be performed
prior to the modification request in order to retrieve the Activity Intent Key necessary for modification operations, as
well as to ensure that the most up-to-date eBill information is reflected on the eBill Inquiry.

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Release 2015.0.01

The third party consumer forwards the BilPaySchedPmtModRq request message to the Service Provider.
The below simple and complex elements contained within the BilPaySchedPmtModRq message request are
necessary for the Bill Pay Services API.
This represents the type of iPay service operations being requested. Canonical values are:

Remit (reserved for future use)

The BilPayProd default value is ‘BilPay’.
This is the Service Provider’s (iPay’s) identifier for the Subscriber.
This is the Bill Pay Services API identifier for the eBill.
This is the service provider key delivered to the service consumer via a preceding inquiry request, to be
submitted in the modification request operation.
This indicates a desire for deletion of the specified entity. For recurring payments, a value of ‘true’ indicates a
desire to delete (i.e. ‘stop’) the entire recurring payment series immediately. Canonical values are:
 True
 False (default)
This element is not currently eligible for use with an eBill Mod request.

This complex element contains a package of data related to the Subscriber’s specified eBill, and may include
all of the simple and complex elements returned in the preceding eBill Inquiry response. However, the
following are the only elements within this complex that are eligible for modification (add or update) for an eBill
Modification request:
This is the status of the eBill. Valid canonical values for eBill Mod are:
 SubProc – eBill has been ‘filed’ by the Subscriber
This is the filing method for the eBill, as selected by the Subscriber when filing the eBill. The filing method
is required when filing an eBill. Canonical values are:
 SubPdDir – eBill was paid ‘directly’ by the Subscriber (by cash or check), outside of the Subscriber’s bill
pay account.
 SubPdElecDir – eBill was paid ‘directly’ by the Subscriber (‘electronically’: e.g., on biller’s website, or
via bank transfer, etc), outside of the Subscriber’s bill pay account.
 NotPd – eBill was not paid
This optional element represents a comment entered by the Subscriber that will be stored with a filed eBill.

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eBill Mod Behaviors

iPay will ignore all element values other than those specified above, if passed on an eBill Mod request.


Only an eBill that is currently in a ‘Due’ or ‘Unpaid’ status can be filed.


For Company Subscribers:

eBills can be modified (‘filed’) only if the requesting user (Subscriber’s Associated User) has been granted
permission to ‘Schedule Bill Payments’.

The service provider (iPay) returns the BilPaySchedPmtModRs response message to the service consumer.
The element(s) contained within the BilPaySchedPmtModRs response applicable for the Bill Pay Services API
This specifies the status of the mod request. Canonical values are:


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Release 2015.0.01

Appendix A: Business Service Operation-to-Feature Mapping – Bill
Pay Services
Service Operation
(by Message Set)

Additional Feature

Functionality Name

Feature Required

Add Payee

Add Payee

Outbound Transfers

Edit Payee

Add Email Payee
Add Outbound Transfer
Edit Payee
Edit Email Payee

Outbound Transfers

Payee Search

Edit Outbound Transfer
Edit Payee with Add eBill
Edit Payee with Edit eBill
Payee Search

View Payees

Payee Inquiry

Payee Srch/Incl Outbound
Payee Srch/Only Outbound
Payee Search with eBill
Payee Inquiry
Outbound Transfer Payee
Payee Inquiry with eBill Info

Outbound Transfers

Add Payment


Add Email Payment



Add Rush Payment



Add Recurring Pmt Series



Add Outbound Transfer

Outbound Transfers

Add Recurring Outbound
Transfer Series
Edit Payment

Outbound Transfers

Edit Email Payment



Edit Rush Payment



Edit Recurring Pmt Series



Edit Outbound Transfer
Edit Recurring Outbound
Transfer Series

Outbound Transfers




eBills/Bill Presentment


eBills/Bill Presentment

Outbound Transfers

Outbound Transfers

eBills/Bill Presentment



eBills/Bill Presentment

Scheduled Payment Add

Schedule Payment Mod

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


Add Recurring Payment


Outbound Transfers

Add Recurring Payment

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Scheduled Payment Inquiry

Scheduled Payment Inquiry

Payment History Inquiry

Scheduled Outbound
Transfer Inquiry`
Scheduled Payment
Scheduled Payment
Srch/INCL Outbound
Scheduled Payment
Srch/ONLY Outbound
Scheduled Payment
Scheduled Recurring
Payment Approval
Scheduled Outbound
Transfer Approval
Scheduled Recurring
Outbound Transfer
Payment History Inquiry

Payment History Search

Outbound Transfer History
Payment History Search

Scheduled Payment Search

Scheduled Payment Approval

Pmt History Srch/INCL
Outbound Transfers
Pmt History Srch/ONLY
Outbound Transfers

(includes Recurring Pmts)
Outbound Transfers
(includes Recurring Pmts)
(includes Recurring Pmts)

Outbound Transfers

Outbound Transfers

Manage Pending Payments
Manage Pending Payments

Manage Recurring Payment

Outbound Transfers
Outbound Transfers

Manage Recurring Payment

(includes Recurring Pmts)
Outbound Transfers
(includes Recurring Pmts)
View Payment History
(includes Recurring Pmts)
Outbound Transfers

Outbound Transfers

eBill Search

View eBills [eBill History]

eBills/Bill Presentment

eBill Inquiry

eBill Inquiry

eBills/Bill Presentment

eBIll Mod

File eBill

eBills/Bill Presentment

Subscriber Add

Add (Enroll) Subscriber


Subscriber Search

Add (Enroll) Subscriber
with Add of Subusers
Subscriber Search

Subscriber Inquiry

Subscriber Inquiry


Subscriber Inquiry with
PayFromAccount Info


Subscriber Mod


Subscriber Mod with Edit
(existing) Pay From
Subscriber Mod with Add
(additional) Pay From






Subscriber Mod

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Release 2015.0.01

Subscriber Mod with edit
(profile/contact info)
Subscriber Mod with
Add/Edit/Delete Subuser


(requesting user must be
actual Subuser)
(requesting user must have
‘Manage Users’ permission)

Channel Inquiry

Channel Inquiry


Service Dictionary Search

Service Dictionary Search

Available for all Institutions /
No special permission



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Release 2015.0.01

Appendix B: Subscriber’s Associated User – Permission/Caps
specifications example
Subscriber’s Associated User Information Array
















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Release 2015.0.01









CanAccessReports (Not applicable for ‘StandAlone’ Bill Pay Svcs)

CanScheduleReminders (Not applicable for ‘StandAlone’ Bill Pay Svcs)

CanAccessMessageCenter (Not applicable for ‘StandAlone’ Bill Pay Svcs)





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Release 2015.0.01

Appendix C: Payment Statuses and Definitions
The following table includes the bill payment status (‘PmtStat’) values used in iPay’s Bill Pay Services, as well as
the canonical value and a definition for each status.
Payment Status

Canonical Value




A payment or Transfer that has been submitted by the
subscriber, but has not yet been processed.



A payment or Transfer that has been submitted by the
subscriber, but will not process until requirements are met to
move the transaction into scheduled status.
Example: a P2P transaction that has been submitted by the
subscriber, but the P2P payee has not provided their bank
account information.

Pending Skip


An instance of a recurring payment or Transfer that is selected
by the subscriber and scheduled by the system to be skipped
when its processing date occurs.
This payment/Transfer will be reflected in Pending Payments
until it is skipped.



A payment or Transfer for which the funds have been debited
from the subscriber’s account.









A payment or Transfer that has been processed and sent to the
1. A payment or Transfer that has been stopped by the
subscriber before the payment cutoff time on the scheduled
processing date.
2. A pending payment or Transfer that has been stopped by the
system when requirements to move the payment/Transfer into
scheduled status have not been met.
A payment or Transfer that has been processed by iPay but
was cancelled by the FI before the subscriber’s funding
account was debited.
Example: the FI cancels a payment because the subscriber
does not have sufficient funds for the payment.
A payment transaction that has been returned to iPay by the



A returned payment that has been refunded to the subscriber.



A returned payment that has been resubmitted to the payee.
A returned payment transaction that has been refunded to the
subscriber or resubmitted to the payee.



Payment Approval


An instance of a recurring payment or Transfer that was
selected by the subscriber and skipped by the system on its
processing date.
This status will be reflected as Skipped in Transaction History
after the processing date for the instance has passed.
A payment or Transfer that has been scheduled but requires a
user’s approval before being submitted for processing.
This status only applies to payments/Transfers made by
Business Subscribers or Subusers.

Payment Approved


Bill Pay Services API – User Guide

A payment or Transfer that has received the required user
approval to be processed.
This status only applies to payments/Transfers made by
Business Subscribers or Subusers.

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Appendix D: eBill Account Setup and Error Resolution Flows
eBill Account Setup Flow

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eBill Account Info/Error Resolution Flow

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Appendix E: eBill Account Errors – Subscriber remediation
The following table includes the full list of possible eBill account error codes and descriptions that require
remediation by the Subscriber in order to complete eBill setup or continue receiving eBills.
Error Code

Error Description – for eBill Setup/Registration or Account Error Resolution
Login Failure. Request must be resubmitted with valid login credentials for payee website.


Payee requires Subscriber action directly via Payee website. Request may be retried after
corrective action taken.


User account no longer found on payee website. eBill account has been deleted. eBill Account
setup process must be repeated to reactivate account.


User account locked on payee website. Corrective action required on payee website. Request
may be retried after account unlocked.


MFA Failure – Additional eBill account authentication information required. Request must be
resubmitted with valid security authentication response.


MFA Failure – Invalid response to requested eBill account authentication information. Request
must be resubmitted with valid security authentication response.


Ambiguous results encountered on attempt to match Subscriber’s account number on Payee
website. Request must be resubmitted with confirmed account match.


Login Failure. Valid login credentials for payee website must be submitted via Payee Mod


MFA Failure – Additional eBill account authentication information required. Payee Mod request
must be submitted with valid security authentication response.

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ABA Number

An identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings
associations. The first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank.

Account ID

Unique identifier for Payee attached to Subscriber.

Account [Payee]

The account created for the Subscriber which represents the Merchant they’re trying to
pay. A Merchant can have one or more subscriber [Payee] Accounts attached to it, each
of which haas its own Merchant Account Number.

Activation [Payee]

The process where a Subscriber enters an activation code (provided by iPay) in order to
complete Payee setup. This process is required for Payees added via Online Bill Pay as
an added security measure to ensure Payee setup is completed by authorized account


The process of identifying an individual, usually based on a user name and password. In
security systems, authentication is distinct from authorization, which is the process of
giving individuals access to system objects based on their identity. Authentication
ensures that the individual is who he or she claims to be, but says nothing about the
access rights of the individual.


The process of granting or denying access to a network resource. Most computer
security systems are based on a two-step process. The first stage is authentication,
which ensures that a user is who he or she claims to be. The second stage is
authorization, which allows the user access to various resources based on the user's

Bill Pay Services

iPay’s ‘web service’-based bill payment solution (‘product’).


A subsystem that transfers data between components (i.e., a ‘data highway’).

Business Service

A Business Services Provider (BSP) is an application service provider that focuses on
providing and hosting applications related exclusively to business functions.


A network application that uses Internet protocols to access information and functionality
provided by a Service Provider.
Aka ‘Requestor’ or ‘Client’. The channel partner, institution, Remittance partner or
application making the request for bill payment services from the Bill Pay Services API.

[Service] Contract

A ‘communication agreement’ to which service(s) must adhere.

Due Date

The date the payment is expected to be delivered, or the date the Subscriber would like
the Payee to receive the payment. (Estimated Arrival Date)


Digital (i.e., ‘electronic’) version of a bill being sent by an ‘eBiller’ to a Subscriber.


The Subscriber-facing [Payee] product or line of business that Subscribers connect with
to receive digital billing information (e.g. AT&T or American Express). Also referred to as
“Biller” or “Payee”.

Electronic Risk

Daily and monthly dollar limits (by Subscriber) on ‘electronic’ payments. Used by
Institutions using the ‘Subscriber Draft’ (i.e., ‘Risk’) funding model who want to mitigate
their financial exposure on electronic payments that settle on the same day as

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Equivalent to Payee ID in web

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Enterprise Service

A modular and component-based software architecture model used for designing and
implementing the interaction and communication between mutually-interacting software
applications in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Promotes ‘message-oriented’


A defined ‘function’ that is available for a specific ‘Service’ (i.e., ‘sub-product’ of a
Product). Examples are: Enroll Subscriber, Add Pay Anyone Payee, Submit Email
Payment, Submit Transfer, etc.


Financial Institution


Internet Banking


The process of determining the ‘unique identity’ of a particular person or entity (e.g.,
Institution, etc). From an iPay perspective, this involves identifying the unique Institution
or Subscriber record in the Bill Pay system that is associated with the specified entity.


A framework that exposes a comprehensive ‘suite’ of iPay’s core Bill Pay (and other)
services) through web services to JHA’s jXchange and other external or internal

[iPay Service Bus]
Institution Routing

The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A financial institution entity will
utilize the routing transit or ABA nine (9) digit number assigned to financial institutions for
the purpose of routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any leading
zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A non-financial
institution entity will use a mutually agreed upon identification that must contain at least
one non-integer character. When a record is directed to a specific Financial Institution
within a holding company, the institution routing identification is the specific Financial
Institution routing identification and not the holding company identification.


See Feature.


A Payee who has not yet been ‘activated’ (see Payee Activation above).


The entity (business, person, or account) to which the subscriber is trying to pay for
goods or services provided.

Pay From Account

The Subscriber’s checking or savings account(s) used to fund payments.

Payment Cutoff

A configuration set at the Institution level which depicts the latest available time for which
a subscriber can schedule a payment for processing that same day.

Primary Account

The ‘primary individual’ associated with the Company Subscriber account.
typically the ‘owner’ or ‘primary user’ for the company.

Process Date

The day the funds will be removed and sent to the payee for electronic payments and
checks are printed for draft checks (funds are removed when payee cashes the check).


Any of iPay’s online or service-based bill payment solutions, such as th-‘Bill Pay
Services’, Consumer (includes Classic, Plus, etc), Business, PayCenter, etc.

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This is



[iPay] Service

Any of a defined set of features that is available for a specific FI or for an iPay Product
(such as the ‘Bill Pay Services API’, Mobile API,etc).
Services can be configured at the FI-level (e.g., Extendend Storage, Bill Pay Services
API), or at the Product level (e.g., Bill Pay Services API, Transfer services, Mobile API,
Email Payments, etc).

[Web] Service

A mechanism to enable access to one or more well-defined business functionalities,
where the access is provided using a prescribed interface and is exercised consistent
with constraints and policies as specified by the service description.
Loosely coupled, re-usable software components that are expected to be independently
deployed, running heterogeneously and disparately within a network.

Service Consumer

The channel partner, institution, remittance partner or application making the request for
bill payment services from the Bill Pay Services API.

Service Provider

The ‘creator/publisher’ of the Bill Pay Services API web services. (e.g., iPay).

Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA)

An architectural style for building systems based on interacting coarse grained
autonomous components called services. Each service expose processes and behavior
through contracts, which are composed of messages at discoverable address called
endpoints. Services’ behavior is governed by policies which are set externally to the
service itself.

Email ‘Shared
Secret’ Keyword

Utilized when setting up an ‘Email’ Payee. A keyword is simply a single word, specified
by Subscriber, known only to the subscriber and the designated email payee, and is
required in order to authenticate the email recipient prior to requesting deposit account
Prior to setting up a new email payee, subscriber must share the Keyword with the email
‘Payee’ (i.e., recipient).

‘StandAlone’ Bill
Pay Services

Bill Pay Services API services that are not utilized in conjunction with a corresponding
iPay-hosted ‘Online’ Bill Pay website. Bill Pay Services API services are considered
‘StandAlone’ if the FI is utilizing iPay’s Bill Pay processes ONLY via the API services,
and has not also purchased Bill Pay access via any of iPay’s Online Bill Pay


The owner of the bill pay account. In the case of a Company Subscriber, the notion of
‘Subscriber’ is intended to represent the ‘Company’ bill pay account.


Any of the accepted identifiers that will be used to uniquely identify the Individual
Subscriber for each Service request. (e.g., login ID, token/GUID, Partner ID, etc)

Associated User

AKA ‘Subuser’. Any authorized user of a bill pay account that allows multiple users,
including the Primary Account Holder. The Subuser can be authorized by the Primary
Account Holder or by another Subuser authorized to add Subusers to the bill pay

Associated User

Any of the accepted identifiers that will be used to uniquely identify the Company
Subscriber’s Associated User for each Service request. (e.g., login ID, token/GUID,
Partner ID, etc).


A ‘direct deposit’ payment from (or to) a Subscriber’s bill payment account to (or from) a
checking or savings account owned by the Subscriber at another financial institution.

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Transfer, Inbound

Monies originating from an external account (not a bill pay account) that is being
transferred into the Subscriber’s bill pay account (i.e., transfer is from remote account to
[bill pay] FI account).

Transfer, IntraBank

Monies originating from an account at the same institution as the bill pay account that is
being transferred to a different account within the institution. A transfer is considered an
intra-bank transfer only when the routing numbers are the same.

Transfer, Outbound

Monies originating from the Subscriber’s bill pay account that is being transferred to an
external account that is not the bill pay account (i.e., transfer is to a remote account from
a [bill pay] FI account). This is the most common type of Transfer.


Individual Subscriber or Subuser on behalf of which bill payment services are being

There are no sources in the current document.

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Release 2015.0.01

ActIntent ... 61, 63, 102, 103, 146, 147, 196, 197
ActIntentKey...... 16, 64, 75, 105, 116, 117, 149,
160, 161, 197, 200
AddlName .......................... 5, 22, 49, 60, 69, 81
AddlNameStat ......................................... 49, 69
Addr ......................45, 59, 60, 65, 66, 77, 78, 87
AlwAddPayFromAcct.................................... 36
AlwSecdPerson ............................................. 35
AlwSubAssocUsrMgmtOpt .......................... 39
AlwSubAssocUsrMgmtOptInfoArray ........... 39
AlwSubType ............................................ 22, 37
AuthenAnswDesc ....................... 115, 124, 127
AuthenQuesArray ....... 114, 124, 125, 126, 127
AuthenQuesDesc ........................ 115, 124, 127
Authentication ................................................. 12
AuthenUsrCred ............................................. 13
Authorization ................................................... 12
Automatic eBill Payment Schedule Options
.......................................................... 112, 121
BakChkImg .................................................. 189
BakChkImgLength ...................................... 189
Bill Pay Provider/iPay Draft (Good Funds
Model) ........................................................ 34
BilPayeeElecPmtInfo .................................. 156
BilPayElecBilSchedInqInfo ........................ 197
BilPayElecBilSchedModInfo....................... 200
BilPayElecBilSchedSrchArray ................... 195
BilPayFeturInfoArray .................................... 38
BilPayPayeeInfo ................ 23, 24, 91, 105, 118
BilPayPayeeSrchArray ................................. 98
BilPayPmtHistSrchArray ............................ 175
BilPayPmtInfo ....................................... 21, 181
BilPayProd... 33, 41, 43, 57, 63, 75, 91, 97, 103,
117, 130, 140, 147, 161, 171, 173, 180, 193,
196, 200
BilPayProdType ...................................... 33, 35
BilPayProdTypeInfoArray................. 5, 6, 7, 35
BilPaySchedPmtInfo ................... 130, 149, 161
BilPaySchedPmtSrchArray ........................ 142
BilPaySubInfo ............... 4, 5, 19, 42, 43, 64, 76
BilPaySubSrchArray ..................................... 58
BilPaySvcFeeArray ..................................... 109
BilPaySvcFeeInfoRec ................. 109, 151, 188
Business Service Operations .......................... 18
Business Service Operations – General
Behaviors .................................................... 26
Business Service Operations - Updates .......... 19
CanAddPayFromOwnInfo ............................. 36
CanocValDetail .............................................. 31
CanocValInfo ................................................. 31
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


CanocValInfoArray ....................................... 31
CanocValText ............................................... 31
Canonicals ..................................................... 14
CanPayFromSavAcct ................................... 36
CanRush ....................................................... 99
CanSetStartChkNum .................................... 36
CapAmt .............................................. 53, 73, 86
CapAssocPayeeID ............................. 53, 73, 86
CapCode ................................ 30, 32, 53, 73, 86
Channel Inquiry .............................................. 33
ChkFundModel ............................................. 34
ChkImgFormat ............................................ 189
ChkImgStorMos............................................ 34
City . 45, 48, 56, 59, 65, 68, 77, 81, 93, 101, 108,
109, 120, 132, 145, 151, 154, 163, 178, 183,
ClosedEnums ............................................... 14
ComNam ..................................................42, 65
ComName ... 45, 48, 58, 59, 65, 68, 77, 80, 101,
108, 145, 153, 177, 185
ConEndTime .. 46, 51, 60, 61, 66, 71, 72, 78, 84
ConsmOwnSubUsrPer ................................. 37
ConStartTime....... 46, 51, 60, 66, 71, 72, 78, 84
ConsumerName............................................ 13
ConsumerProd ............................................. 13
CurBal .................................................. 156, 189
CurrBal ................................................. 195, 198
Dlt ....... 63, 75, 99, 104, 105, 116, 117, 148, 160,
161, 168, 197, 200
DltRecur ............................................... 161, 168
DlyElecRiskLmt ............................................ 36
DualSignOnReq ............................................ 36
eBill Inquiry .................................................. 195
eBill Mod ...................................................... 198
eBill Mod Behaviors...................................... 200
eBill Search .................................................. 192
ElecBilAcctErrExist ...............................99, 106
ElecBilId ....................................... 195, 197, 200
ElecBilPayeeAcctId .... 110, 121, 126, 128, 194,
195, 197
ElecBilPayeeName ...................... 111, 195, 197
ElecBilPayeeType ......... 99, 106, 110, 111, 121
ElecBilPmtAmt ............................ 112, 122, 126
ElecBilPmtAmtType ............ 112, 121, 122, 126
ElecBilPmtAuto ........................... 156, 190, 198
ElecBilPmtInstrType ................... 113, 123, 126
ElecBilPmtMthd ................................... 197, 200
ElecBilPmtRuleAlgSymb .... 112, 121, 122, 126
ElecBilStat ................... 193, 194, 195, 197, 200
ElecMerAcctAliasName ............................. 128
© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

ElecMerAcctErrCode .. 114, 118, 125, 126, 128
ElecMerAcctErrDesc ................................... 114
ElecMerAcctErrInfoArray ................... 114, 118
ElecMerAcctId ............................................. 128
ElecMerAcctIdArray ............................ 127, 128
ElecMerAcctStat.......................................... 111
ElecMerAcctType ....5, 23, 24, 30, 32, 113, 123,
ElecMerAcctTypeDesc................................ 113
ElecMerAcctTypeInfoArray ........ 113, 123, 125
ElecMerAutoPmtAlw ............. 37, 112, 113, 123
ElecMerAutoSuspType ....................... 121, 126
ElecMerBilPmt ..................................... 144, 176
ElecMerCredRegEx ............................. 114, 124
ElecMerCredType ................................ 114, 123
ElecMerCredTypeDesc ............................... 114
ElecMerCredValue ...................................... 124
ElecMerPayeeCredInfoArray ..... 113, 123, 125,
ElecMerPayeeID .......................... 110, 121, 125
ElecMerPayeeInfoRec ................. 110, 116, 120
ElecMerPayeeOnly .................................. 96, 97
ElecMerPayeeToS ....................................... 111
ElecMerPayeeToSStat ........ 111, 121, 125, 126
ElecMerPayeeURL ...................................... 111
ElecMerPendTerDt .............................. 111, 112
ElecMerSuspExpDt ..................................... 111
ElemCanocArray ........................................... 31
ElemCanocType ............................................ 31
ElemCanocVal ............................................... 31
ElemCanocValDesc ...................................... 31
ElemName ............................................... 29, 31
EmailAddr .. 46, 52, 67, 72, 79, 85, 94, 109, 120,
152, 184
EmailArray ......................................... 46, 67, 79
EmailType .. 46, 52, 67, 72, 79, 85, 94, 109, 120,
152, 184
EndDt ................................................... 193, 194
EnrollDt .................................................... 59, 64
EstArvDay.............................................. 99, 104
ExclNonAct.............................................. 96, 97
Fault Behaviors ............................................... 11
FeturAct ......................................................... 39
FeturType ...................................................... 38
FIAcctID ......................................... 92, 106, 119
FIAcctType .................................... 92, 106, 119
FinInstName .................................................. 34
FirstAvlEstArvDt ................................... 99, 104
FirstAvlProcDt ....................................... 99, 104
FirstName 42, 45, 48, 49, 51, 58, 59, 60, 65, 68,
69, 71, 77, 80, 81, 83, 101, 108, 145, 153,
177, 185
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


FIRtId .............................................. 92, 106, 119
FrontChkImg ............................................... 189
FrontChkImgLength ................................... 189
FundVerif ...................................................... 35
FutPmtActualProcDt .................................. 158
FutPmtAmt .................................................. 158
FutPmtChkMemo ........................................ 158
FutPmtCmnt................................................ 158
FutPmtID ...................... 157, 161, 162, 163, 168
FutPmtLastMainDt...................................... 158
FutPmtModUsrID ........................................ 158
FutPmtOrigProcDt ...................................... 158
FutPmtPayFromAcctInfo ........................... 158
FutPmtStat .................................................. 157
Handling Time Zones ................................... 17
HidSubAssocUsrConsmCustId ................... 37
HidSubAssocUsrSubComId ........................ 37
Identification ................................................... 12
IncChkImg................................................... 180
InclDlt .......................................................96, 97
IncXtendElemArray 28, 30, 104, 110, 148, 157,
Institution Draft Model ................................. 35
InstRtId.......................................................... 13
InvoiceAmtNeg ............................ 135, 157, 166
InvoiceAmtPos ............................ 135, 157, 166
InvoiceCat .................................... 135, 157, 166
InvoiceDesc ................................. 135, 157, 166
InvoiceID ...................................... 135, 157, 166
InvoiceInfoArray .................... 21, 135, 157, 166
InvoiceNum .................................. 135, 157, 166
JHANull’ Attribute ........................................ 15
jXchangeHdr ................................................. 12
LastName .42, 45, 48, 49, 51, 58, 59, 60, 65, 68,
69, 71, 77, 80, 81, 84, 101, 108, 145, 153,
178, 186
MaxEmailDlyAmt .......................................... 35
MaxEmailPmtAmt ......................................... 35
MaxLenCharVal ............................................ 38
MaxPmtAmt .................................................. 35
MiddleName .. 42, 45, 48, 49, 51, 58, 59, 60, 65,
68, 69, 71, 77, 80, 81, 83, 101, 108, 145, 153,
177, 185
MinAlphaCharVal ......................................... 38
MinLenCharVal ............................................. 38
MinLowCaseVal ............................................ 38
MinNumCharVal ........................................... 38
MinPmtAmt .......................... 156, 190, 195, 198
MinSpecCharVal ........................................... 38
MinUpCaseVal .............................................. 38
MktgOptInfoArray ...... 49, 52, 54, 69, 82, 85, 87
MktgOptType ................... 49, 52, 70, 72, 82, 85
© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

MktgOptVal ...................... 49, 52, 70, 73, 82, 85
MobBB ....................... 46, 52, 61, 66, 72, 79, 84
MobPhoneInfo ........... 46, 51, 61, 66, 72, 78, 84
MobPrvdCode 30, 32, 46, 51, 61, 66, 72, 78, 84
MobSendTestText ..... 46, 52, 61, 66, 72, 79, 85
Modification Behaviors .................................... 16
MthlyElecRiskLmt ......................................... 36
Nillable’ Attribute ............................................. 15
NonProcDt ..................................................... 35
NonProcDtInfoArray ..................................... 35
Nulls................................................................ 15
OpenEnums................................................... 14
P2PFilter .............................. 139, 141, 172, 174
P2PType .............................................. 143, 176
Parallel Error Message Handling ..................... 12
Parallel/Serial Error Message Handling ........... 11
PayDtInstr .................... 134, 138, 155, 165, 187
Payee Add ...................................................... 90
Payee Add Behaviors ..................................... 94
Payee Inquiry ................................................ 102
Payee Mod Behaviors ................................... 124
Payee Modify ................................................ 116
Payee Search ................................................. 96
PayeeAddr ..... 93, 109, 120, 131, 151, 163, 167,
PayeeAddrID ........108, 131, 150, 163, 167, 183
PayeeAddrInfo .................... 131, 150, 163, 183
PayeeAddrInfoArray ..................... 93, 108, 119
PayeeAddrType .....93, 108, 120, 131, 151, 163,
PayeeCatName .....92, 96, 97, 98, 106, 118, 150
PayeeClsf..............21, 91, 94, 98, 105, 150, 182
PayeeEmailArray......94, 95, 109, 120, 151, 184
PayeeEmailSharedSecret ......... 20, 92, 95, 105
PayeeFIAcctInfo ............................ 92, 106, 119
PayeeID .. 11, 53, 55, 73, 86, 88, 95, 97, 98, 103,
116, 117, 131, 136, 139, 141, 142, 150, 162,
172, 174, 175, 182, 206
PayeeLastPdAmt ................................... 99, 104
PayeeLastPdDt ...................................... 99, 104
PayeeName...... 91, 98, 105, 143, 150, 175, 182,
193, 194
PayeeNickname.......91, 98, 105, 118, 143, 150,
175, 182
PayeePhoneArray ................. 93, 109, 151, 184
PayeePmtMthd 4, 20, 21, 25, 98, 104, 139, 141,
150, 172, 174, 182
PayeeStat............................................... 99, 105
PayFromAcctDft 47, 67, 80, 100, 107, 144, 153,
159, 177, 185
PayFromAcctId.................................. 47, 67, 80
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


PayFromAcctID ...... 4, 100, 107, 144, 152, 158,
177, 185
PayFromAcctInfo 47, 67, 79, 92, 100, 101, 106,
107, 119, 144, 176
PayFromAcctInfoArray ..................... 47, 67, 79
PayFromAcctName .. 47, 67, 80, 100, 107, 144,
152, 159, 177, 185
PayFromAcctOwnAddr .... 48, 68, 81, 101, 108,
145, 153, 178, 186
PayFromAcctOwnName ... 48, 68, 80, 100, 107,
145, 153, 177, 185
PayFromAcctStat ... 48, 68, 100, 107, 145, 153,
159, 177, 185
PayFromAcctType .... 47, 67, 80, 100, 107, 144,
152, 159, 177, 185
PayFromId ......................................... 47, 67, 79
PayFromID 55, 88, 92, 100, 107, 119, 132, 144,
152, 158, 163, 177, 185
PayFromIntsRtId ...... 47, 68, 80, 100, 107, 144,
153, 159, 177, 185
Payment Add................................................ 129
Payment Add Behaviors ............................... 135
Payment History Inquiry ............................... 179
Payment History Search ............................... 172
PerCode ........................... 30, 31, 32, 52, 73, 85
PersonName ... 5, 22, 42, 45, 48, 49, 51, 56, 58,
59, 60, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 77, 78, 80, 83, 87,
101, 107, 145, 153, 177, 185
PerValue............................................. 53, 73, 86
Phone Type ................................................... 32
PhoneArray .................................. 45, 60, 66, 78
PhoneExt ......................... 46, 51, 60, 66, 71, 84
PhoneNum .... 46, 51, 56, 57, 60, 66, 71, 78, 84,
93, 94, 109, 151, 184
PhoneTime ....................... 46, 51, 60, 66, 71, 84
PhoneType 5, 23, 24, 30, 46, 51, 60, 66, 71, 78,
84, 93, 109, 151, 184
PmtAmt 112, 113, 122, 123, 130, 143, 149, 162,
175, 181
PmtAmtDue ......................... 156, 190, 195, 198
PmtApprvReq . 5, 22, 44, 65, 76, 136, 141, 143,
148, 208
PmtChkImgInfo........................................... 189
PmtChkMemo ...................... 130, 149, 162, 182
PmtChkNum................................................ 188
PmtChkStat .......................................... 188, 191
PmtChkStatChngDt .................................... 191
PmtChkTrakArray ....................................... 191
PmtChkTrakCarr ......................................... 191
PmtChkTrakCmnt ....................................... 192
PmtChkTrakDt ............................................ 191
PmtChkTrakId ............................................. 191
© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

PmtChkTrakLoc .......................................... 191
PmtChkTrakRecInfo .................................... 191
PmtChkTrakStat .......................................... 191
PmtChngBy ................................................. 190
PmtCmnt ...............130, 149, 162, 181, 198, 200
PmtCrtDt .............................................. 148, 181
PmtCutoffTime .............................................. 34
PmtDayInfoArray................. 133, 155, 165, 187
PmtDayofMonth .................. 134, 155, 165, 187
PmtDayOfWeek ................... 133, 154, 164, 187
PmtDtModel ................................................... 35
PmtDueDt ............................ 156, 189, 195, 198
PmtEndDt ............................ 139, 140, 172, 173
PmtEstArvDt . 130, 138, 143, 149, 162, 175, 181
PmtExcDesc ................................................ 190
PmtFinalAmt ........................................ 134, 155
PmtFreqUnits .......133, 143, 154, 164, 176, 186
PmtHighAmt ........................................ 141, 173
PmtID ... 138, 142, 146, 147, 160, 161, 170, 171,
175, 179, 180
PmtIntentType . 91, 98, 105, 119, 131, 141, 144,
149, 150, 162, 174, 176, 182
PmtLowAmt ......................... 139, 140, 172, 173
PmtMthd ........................ 21, 143, 148, 175, 181
PmtOccur............................. 134, 155, 165, 187
PmtPayeeInfo ...................... 131, 149, 162, 182
PmtPayFromAcctInfo.......... 132, 152, 163, 184
PmtProcDt .... 130, 138, 143, 149, 161, 175, 181
PmtRushOptInfo ................. 132, 152, 164, 184
PmtSerExpDt ....................... 134, 155, 165, 187
PmtSerFinite........................ 134, 155, 165, 188
PmtStartDt ...... 5, 23, 24, 25, 139, 140, 172, 173
PmtStat .. 22, 139, 141, 143, 148, 172, 173, 175,
181, 190, 207
PmtStatChngDt ........................................... 190
PmtUseLastBusDay ............ 134, 155, 165, 187
PostalCode .. 45, 48, 59, 65, 69, 77, 81, 93, 101,
108, 109, 120, 132, 145, 151, 154, 163, 178,
183, 186
PswdChgFreq .................. 44, 65, 66, 76, 78, 87
RecurFilter ........................... 139, 142, 172, 174
RecurPmtInfo .........22, 132, 154, 164, 168, 186
RetroToOrigPmtDt ........ 21, 134, 156, 165, 188
RsStat ......... 55, 89, 95, 127, 138, 169, 171, 201
Rstr’ Attribute .................................................. 15
RushOpt ...............115, 132, 137, 152, 164, 184
RushOptArray ............................................. 115
RushOptFeeAmt.......................... 115, 152, 184
RushOptSurChg .......................... 115, 152, 184
Scheduled Payment Approval ....................... 170
Scheduled Payment Inquiry .......................... 146
Scheduled Payment Mod .............................. 159
Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


Scheduled Payment Mod Behaviors ............. 166
Scheduled Payment Search ......................... 139
Search/Inquiry Behaviors ............................... 16
SecdPersonArray .............. 5, 22, 49, 60, 69, 81
Serial Error Message Handling ....................... 11
Service Dictionary Search .............................. 28
SkipPmtOccur ..................................... 161, 168
SpecCharRstrArray .................................37, 38
SpecCharRstrType ....................................... 38
SrchAddr ..................................................56, 57
SrchCity ...................................................56, 57
StartChkNum .... 47, 67, 80, 100, 107, 144, 153,
159, 177, 185
StartDt .................................................. 193, 194
StartPmtEstArvDt ................ 133, 154, 164, 186
StartPmtProcDt ................... 133, 154, 164, 186
StateCode ... 45, 48, 59, 65, 69, 77, 81, 93, 101,
108, 109, 120, 132, 145, 151, 154, 163, 178,
183, 186
StmtBal .112, 113, 121, 122, 156, 189, 195, 198
StmtDt .................................. 156, 189, 195, 198
StorMos......................................................... 34
StreetAddr1 45, 48, 59, 65, 68, 77, 81, 93, 101,
108, 109, 120, 131, 145, 151, 154, 163, 178,
183, 186
StreetAddr2 45, 48, 59, 65, 68, 77, 81, 93, 101,
108, 109, 120, 132, 145, 151, 154, 163, 178,
183, 186
SubAssocUsrCapInfoArray .............. 53, 73, 86
SubAssocUsrCmnt............................ 50, 71, 83
SubAssocUsrComID ............. 42, 50, 53, 70, 83
SubAssocUsrConsmCustID . 42, 50, 53, 70, 83
SubAssocUsrEmailArray .................. 52, 72, 85
SubAssocUsrID .... 5, 13, 42, 50, 56, 58, 63, 70,
82, 171
SubAssocUsrIdInfoArray ............................. 56
SubAssocUsrInfoArray .. 42, 44, 47, 50, 64, 67,
70, 73, 76, 79, 82
SubAssocUsrMktgOptInfoArray .................. 72
SubAssocUsrName ................... 50, 71, 83, 204
SubAssocUsrPerInfoArray ............... 52, 73, 85
SubAssocUsrPhoneArray................. 51, 71, 84
SubAssocUsrRole ............................. 50, 70, 82
SubAssocUsrTempPswd .................. 50, 71, 83
SubCmntToPayee........ 131, 149, 158, 162, 182
SubComID .................. 19, 41, 42, 44, 53, 64, 76
SubConsmCustID ...... 19, 41, 42, 43, 53, 64, 76
SubID . 40, 41, 43, 44, 55, 58, 61, 63, 74, 75, 90,
91, 97, 102, 103, 116, 117, 129, 130, 140,
146, 147, 160, 161, 170, 171, 173, 179, 180,
193, 195, 197, 199, 200
SubLogInIdRstr ............................................ 37
© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01

SubMerAcctId ......4, 5, 23, 24, 91, 98, 105, 106,
118, 128, 150, 183
SubMerPayerName ....... 92, 106, 118, 150, 183
Subscriber Add ............................................... 42
Subscriber Add Behaviors............................... 53
Subscriber Draft Model (aka ‘Risk Model’) .. 34
Subscriber Inquiry ........................................... 61
Subscriber Lookup ........ 4, 12, 18, 19, 40, 44, 62
Subscriber Mod Behaviors .............................. 86
Subscriber Modify ........................................... 74
Subscriber Search .......................................... 56
SubStat ........................................ 56, 57, 59, 64
SubType .......................... 39, 43, 56, 57, 59, 64
SubTypeAccessFeturInfoArray .................... 39
SvcDictFilterArray......................................... 30
SvcDictInfoArray ........................................... 31
SvcDictName ................................................. 29

Bill Pay Services API – User Guide


SvcDictType.................................................. 29
SvcFeeAmt .................................. 110, 151, 188
SvcFeeDesc .... 5, 23, 24, 30, 32, 109, 110, 151,
TaxID ................................ 44, 64, 66, 76, 78, 87
TaxIDReq ...................................................... 36
TempPswd ............................. 23, 24, 25, 44, 64
x_ElecBilPmtInfo ......................... 179, 181, 189
x_ElecMerPayeeInfo............................ 104, 110
x_FutPmtInfoArray .............................. 148, 157
x_PmtChkStatHistArray .............. 179, 181, 190
x_PmtChkTrakInfo....................... 179, 181, 191
x_PmtStatHistArray..................... 179, 181, 190
x_SvcPrvdErrArray ...................................... 31
XferFilter .............................................. 142, 174
XtendElem ........................................... 104, 148

© 1999-2014 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Bill Pay Services API
Release 2015.0.01


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Subject                         : Bill Pay Services API – User Guide
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