
User Manual: Pdf

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Quick Instructions
I. Exploring the Database
II. Conversations and Bookings
III. Recent Daily Booking Rate
IV. Analyzing Take Rate
V. New Conversation Flow
VI. Search Engine Marketing
Appendix: Detailed Instructions
Using sqlite3
Using Python
Using R
Using SQLiteStudio
Appendix: Database Overview
Quick Instructions
In this exercise, imagine that Rover has acquired a small pet care start-up. As an
analyst, you have been tasked with the responsibility of exploring their database.
We have shared a SQLite database with you containing this (fabricated) data. The
file is named db26.sqlite3 .
In order to query the database, you will need an appropriate client. We recommend
either using the command line client ( sqlite3 ), Python, R, or a GUI manager like
SQLiteStudio. We've also included CSVs of the tables in this database in case
you'd like to use another tool, like Excel. Once you are comfortable connecting to
the database, please proceed to the exercises.
You may submit your report in any format you choose; for example, you might
submit a Google Doc, a Jupyter notebook, RMarkdown, a PowerPoint
presentation, etc. Assume your results will be shared with analysts and partners
from marketing and operations. The latter will have a degree of analytical
sophistication (i.e., they know some SQL and basic stats) but may need guidance
in interpreting raw results or advanced techniques. Use this exercise as an
opportunity to show o your communication skills and style.
Lastly, we understand that everyone's circumstances are dierent so there is no
hard deadline; please complete the exercise with whatever timing works best for
you. That said, we have one ask: we constantly collect data on this exercise so we
can calibrate it and tune it going forward, so if you are willing to share how much
total time you put into it, we would be appreciative.
For more detailed instructions, there is an appendix after the exercises. Also, if
needed, there is an overview of the database in another appendix.
I. Exploring the Database
We begin by asking a few basic questions about the users of this platform. This
first exercise is presented with answers so that you can diagnose any issues you
might have connecting to or working with the data.
1. How many users have signed up?
The answer is 64416 .
2. How many users signed up prior to 2017-01-12 ?
The answer is 35500 .
3. What percentage of users have added pets?
The answer is 80.44% .
4. Of those users, how many pets have they added on average?
The answer is 1.496 .
5. What percentage of pets play well with cats?
The answer is 24.78% .
II. Conversations and Bookings
Some users can oer pet care services. When an owner needs pet care, they can
create a conversation with another user that oers the service they are interested
in. After exchanging some messages and possibly meeting in person, that
conversation hopefully books. In that case, services are paid for and delivered.
Occasionally, some conversations that have booked may be cancelled. Lastly, for
uncancelled bookings, both owners and sitters have the option of leaving a review.
In the following questions, we explore these concepts.
1. What are the possible services and what is the average price per unit for each
service type?
2. How many requests have there been for each service type and what
percentage of those have booked? The percentage of those that have booked
is called booking rate.
3. What are the cancellation rates for each service?
4. For uncancelled bookings, is the owner or provider more likely to leave a
review and which tends to leave better reviews? How would you narrate this
finding to a business partner?
III. Recent Daily Booking Rate
The snapshot of this database was taken on 2017-07-11 at midnight and only
contains data refeclting events prior to that date. A junior analyst is investigating
daily booking rate during the days prior to the snapshot and is concerned about an
apparent downward trend. You are tasked with helping them out.
1. First, let's reproduce their results. They tell you that daily booking rate is
defined to be the percentage of conversations created each day that
eventually book. What is the daily booking rate for each of the 90 days prior to
the snapshot? Is there a downward trend?
2. Can you narrate a reason why this trend exists? Is there a reason to be
IV. Analyzing Take Rate
In order to do the next exercise, you will need to understand the fee structure for
this company. Each user has a fee associated with their account (recorded on
people_person ). If that user books as an owner, the company charges a service
fee (in addition to the booking total) that is a percentage of the booking total (to a
maximum of $50). Also, each service has a fee amount (recorded on
services_service ). Before a provider receives their payment, the company takes
a percentage of the booking total as dictated by that fee. As an example, suppose
an owner has a fee amount of 5% and books with a service that has a fee amount
of 15%. If the booking was for $100, then the owner would get charged $105
(adding the owner’s fee). The $5 owner fee would go to the company. An additional
$15 would also go to the company since the service had a 15% fee associated to
it. The remaining $85 would go to the provider. To summarize:
Amount Description
Booking Total $100 e.g., 4 walks at $25/walk
Owner Fee $5 5% of the booking total
Gross Billings $105 charged to the owner
Service Fee $15 15% of the booking total
Net Revenue $20 all fees that go to the company
Provider Payment $85 earnings for the provider
1. In each month, what were the gross billings and net revenue?
2. Define take rate to be the percentage of gross billings that is net revenue. In
the previous example, the take rate is slightly more than 19% since $20/$105
is approximately 0.1905. In each month, what was the aggregate take rate?
3. Did take rate trend up or trend down or remain unchanged over time?
4. If it did change, investigate why and provide an explaination. Be sure to
provide additional data/charts/evidence that justify your explaination. Any
claims should be backed by data.
V. N e w C o n v e r s a t i o n F l o w
Internal documents indicate that this recently acquired company was performing
many A/B tests; we would like to investigate one. This platform had a conversation
page where owners and service providers could exchange messages as they
organized their booking. The team thought this page could use a re-design and set
out to improve its UI. A product manager then set up a test to measure the new
page's eectiveness. On 2017-03-13 , an A/B test was launched. For those
owners who sent a request, they would be randomly assigned to variant or holdout
groups. Those users who are in the variant group would see the new conversation
flow. However, those in the holdout group would see the old conversation flow.
Providers would always see the old conversation flow.
1. Did conversations with the new conversation page book at a higher rate?
2. Is it statistically significant?
3. Do you have any reservations about the experiment design? What would you
recommend as next steps?
VI. Search Engine Marketing
Search engine advertising is a huge driver of new user accounts. Users that are
aquired through search engine marketing can be identified by looking at . These users will have 'Google' listed there.
Historically, this company spent an average of $30 per account to advertise in the
2nd position on Google. However, on 2017-04-12 , they decided to start bidding
for the 1st position. Since 2017-04-12 , they have spent $210285 in total.
1. For each day, determine the count of users that joined and were acquired
through Google. Plot this and confirm there is an inflection point on or near
2017-04-12 .
2. How many users were acquired via Google advertising since 2017-04-12 and
what was the average cost per account?
3. Estimate how many users would have been acquired had the company not
changed its bidding strategy. What would have been the marketing spend in
that case?
4. How many additional accounts where created? What was the marginal cost
per account for these additional accounts?
Appendix: Detailed Instructions
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-
configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely
deployed database engine in the world. If you have experience with MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Redshift, or other SQL variants, you should be able to write queries in
SQLite. For more information on SQLite, see the following links:
SQLite commands
SQLite keywords
As mentioned before, you can query this database in a number of ways.
Using sqlite3
Check to see if you already have sqlite3 installed by issuing the following
command in a terminal window:
$ sqlite3
If it is installed, you can use .quit to to exit to the command prompt. If not,
install sqlite3 using one of the above links. Once installed, you can connect to
the database via sqlite3 by navigating to the appropriate folder and running:
$ sqlite3 db26.sqlite3
Now, you can are connected to the database and are free to explore. Entering
.help will give list interface commands (dot commands).
Querying the database can be done by typing your query directly into the client.
Your query can be written over many lines by pressing Enter but will not execute
until you include a semicolon ( ; ) at the end of the query. It is also useful to turn
on headers with .headers on and switch to column mode with .mode columns .
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .mode columns
sqlite> select
...> date_joined
...> , first_name
...> , last_name
...> , gender
...> from
...> people_person
...> limit
...> 5
...> ;
date_joined first_name last_name gender
-------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2015-07-05 10:46:39.392280 Selma Panda m
2015-07-05 13:28:10.586571 Ronny Thatcher f
2015-07-05 16:20:00.300618 Eduardo Trossbach f
2015-07-05 08:21:52.076197 Ressie Zappone m
2015-07-05 17:02:01.769151 Bernie Anzaldua f
For complicated queries, it is probably best to store your query in a separate file. If
you have a query stored in a file called query.sql (which is in the same folder as
the database file), execute the query by running .read query.sql .
To output the results as a C SV, s w i t ch the mode to csv and issue a .once
command specifying the output file. Then, the next time you execute a SQL
statement, the results will be written to the output file instead of being displayed in
the terminal window.
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .once output.csv
sqlite> .read query.sql
The result of the above is a file called output.csv which contains the output of
the query stored in query.sql .
Certainly, there are other commands, options, and customizations that we could
detail in these instructions. What we have presented here is the bare minimum to
get you started. Feel free to read on your own and experiment. Also, do not
hesitate to reach out if you are stuck or have clarifying questions.
Using Python
If you are familiar with Python and pandas , it is very easy to connect to the
database and import query results into dataframes. Ensure that pandas and
sqlite3 Python packages are installed in you environment. Then, consider the
following script:
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
conn = sqlite3.connect("db26.sqlite3")
query = '''
date_joined, first_name, last_name, gender
limit 5;
df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
Following execution, df is a pandas dataframe that contains the results of
query . df can be manipulated as necessary.
If you prefer to do data analysis in Pyhton, you can simply load the CSVs usings
pandas :
df = pd.read_csv('/path/to/CSV')
Feel free to use others tools like jupyter notebooks and matplotlib to explore
the data and present your findings.
Using R
As with Python, you are invited to use R if you prefer.
Querying the database:
db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "db26.sqlite3")
query <- 'select ... from ... limit 5;'
df <- dbGetQuery(db, query)
Loading CSVs:
df <- read.csv('/path/to/CSV')
Using SQLiteStudio
A GUI interface may be easier for some applicants and you are welcome to use
one. We suggest SQLiteStudio. As with the previous section, we will provide a
minimal explanation on how to get started.
After installing SQLiteStudio, you will need to connect to the database. Click on
the Add a Database button.
After navigating and choosing the database we provided, choose OK. To query t h e
database, click on the Open SQL Editor button.
Simply type your query and click on the Execute Query button.
Lastly, you can export the results of a query by clicking on the Export button and
following the wizard.
Appendix: Database Overview
This table details each user on our site. This table may contain dog owners, dog
sitters, or people who have not transacted on our site. Many of the fields on this
table are self explanatory but we have detailed a few below.
channel - This field reports how this user discovered our site when they
signed up.
date_joined - The timestamp for when this user signed up.
fee - When a user books a service as a dog owner, we charge the owner a
separate service fee that takes the form of a percentage of the booking total.
Occasionally, this company would run an A/B test which required that users get
placed in two groups. This table provides a log for experiments which require user-
level segmentations. Many of the fields on this table are self explanatory but we
have detailed a few below.
person_id - This foreign key reports the people_person record that was
test_name - Multiple tests were run on this site and all are logged on this
table. Use this column to filter to the correct experiment.
test_group - For the purposes of the experiment in test_name , the user
given by person_id was segmented into the group named in this column
(e.g., holdout , variant , A , B , etc.).
added - The timestamp reporting the time when this user was segmented.
This table details each pet that a user has added to their profile. One owner may
have more than one pet, but not vice versa. Many of the fields on this table are self
explanatory but we have detailed a few below.
description - A short (lorem ipsum) description of the pet.
plays_cats - If 1, then this pet plays well with cats.
plays_children - If 1, then this pet plays well with children.
plays_dogs - If 1, then this pet plays well with dogs.
spayed_neutered - If 1, then this pet has been spayed or neutered.
house_trained - If 1, then this pet is house trained.
owner_id - This foreign key reports the people_person record for this pet’s
On our site, users may oer pet care services. This table stores a record for each
service that is oered. Each user can oer more than one service, but not more
than one of each type. Many of the fields on this table are self explanatory but we
have detailed a few below.
max_dogs - This number is the maximum number of pets this provider would
prefer to care for.
fee - When a user books with a service, we take a percentage of the booking
total. This field reports the percentage.
provider_id - This foreign key reports the people_person record for this
service’s provider.
added - A timestamp for when this service became active.
price - The price per unit booked.
An owner can book a service provider by starting a conversation with them. This
table stores a record for each conversation started on our platform. Many of the
fields on this table are self explanatory but we have detailed a few below.
start_date - This is the date for which pet care will first be needed.
end_date - This is the last date for which pet care will be needed.
units - This is the number of units of service that the owner is interested in
added - A timestamp for when this conversation was created.
booking_total - This is the dollar amount (not including the owner’s service
fee) that this booking would cost.
requester_id - This foreign key reports the people_person record for the
pet owner that is requesting pet care.
service_id - This foreign key reports the services_service record for the
service that the pet owner is requesting.
booked_at - If the request is booked, this timestamp reports when that
cancelled_at - A booked request can be cancelled. In that case, this
timestamp reports when that occurred.
Since a booking may involve many pets and many pets might have had many
bookings, it is necessary to store this many-to-many relationship on a separate
table. Many of the fields on this table are self explanatory but we have detailed a
few below.
conversation_id - A foreign key to a booking request on the
conversations_converation table. If this conversation involves caring for
more than one pets, then this conversation_id will occur on more than one
row on this table (once for each pet).
pet_id - A foreign key to a pet that will receive pet care during the
corresponding conversation’s booking.
Each conversation consists of a series of messages. A conversation may contain
many messages, but not vice versa. Many of the fields on this table are self
explanatory but we have detailed a few below.
conversation_id - This foreign key reports the conversation in
conversations_conversation for which this message is apart of.
sender_id - This foreign key reports the user in people_person that sent
this message.
If a booking occurs, then either participant can leave a review for the experience.
This table records those reviews, which consist of a brief statement and a star
rating. Many of the fields on this table are self explanatory but we have detailed a
few below.
conversation_id - This foreign key reports the booking in
conversations_conversation for which this review pertains.
reviewer_id - This foreign key reports the user in people_person that wrote
this review.

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