
User Manual: Pdf

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Page Count: 2

Due: See dropbox details
Submit: \.zip
You are to build off of the graph implementation you built for a7 and add the following functionality to it.
dijkstra(int src);
primm(int src);
For this assignment you can assume that the graph is DIRECTED and WEIGHTED. Your program needs to take
this into account as Dijkstra's and Primm's do not function on undirected or unweighted graphs. The following
files have been included for you to start with
graph.h Defines the interface your class should implement
main.cpp This is a minimum file which contains the driving logic you may use to test your program
makefile This is the makefile which can be used to build your program
graph.cpp This is the implementation file for your tree. This file is currently empty
edges.txt This file contains the edge information needed to build your graph. It will be read by main.cpp
to create an inial graph.
cmd.txt This file will be read by main.cpp and determines what your program will do
output.txt Contains the expected output for a correctly implemented program which runs the provided
cmd.txt and edges.txt
The cmd file for this assignment consists of two columns of numbers. The first column indications the function
that should be called, and the second column indications the operand that that function may take. If the function
takes no operand then the entry will be blank. The first column number to function mapping is as follows
1 setEdge <param1> <param2>
2 printGraphData
3 dfs <param1>
4 bfs <param1>
5 dijkstra <param1>
6 primm <param1>
Your Task
cmd File Format
edges.txt follows the format provided below
line 1: number of nodes in the graph provided by the file
rest of the file: any number of source and destination node pairs with the weight for that edge
A sample file may look something like:
1 2 2
1 4 1
2 4 3
2 5 10
3 1 4
3 6 5
4 3 2
4 5 2
4 6 8
4 7 4
5 7 6
7 6 1
To test your program I will use your graph.h and graph.cpp files and combine them with my own
main.cpp file. My version of main.cpp will be similiar to the one that is provided with a few extra grading
features and test cases added in.
Add graph.h , bstgraph.cpp , main.cpp , makefile , and cmd.txt to a zip file called and
submit that file to the dropbox. I will only accept submissions that meet these requirements.
No use of any prebuilt graphing libraries
Your code should be well formatted, points may be taken for sloppy code
Your output should match the output provided in output.txt
You must submit a zip file called
Your code should be fairly robust and be able to handle obvious edge cases
You MAY use parts of the C++ Standard Template Library such as the stack and queue libraries.
edges File Format
How I will test your program

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