Quick Guide For PbdMPI Pbd MPI
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A Quick Guide for the pbdMPI Package Wei-Chen Chen1 , George Ostrouchov1,2,3 , Drew Schmidt1 , Pragneshkumar Patel1,3 , Hao Yu4 1 pbdR Core Team 2 Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 3 National Institute for Computational Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 4 University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Contents Acknowledgement iii 1. Introduction 1 1.1. System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2. Installation and Quick Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3. Basic Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4. More Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Performance 5 3. SPMD in Examples from package parallel 6 4. Long Vector and 64-bit for MPI 9 5. Simple Input and Output 11 6. Simple Pairwise Evaluation 12 7. Windows Systems (MS-MPI) 13 7.1. Install from Binary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.2. Build from Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 i 8. FAQs 16 8.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 8.2. Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8.3. MPI Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 8.4. Other Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 References 27 © 2012-2016 pbdR Core Team. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this vignette and its source provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. This publication was typeset using LATEX. ii Acknowledgement Chen was supported in part by the project “Bayesian Assessment of Safety Profiles for Pregnant Women From Animal Study to Human Clinical Trial” funded by U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Women’s Health. The project was supported in part by an appointment to the Research Participation Program at the Center For Biologics Evaluation and Research administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Chen was supported in part by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a grant from the National Science Foundation (MCB1120370.) Chen and Ostrouchov were supported in part by the project “Visual Data Exploration and Analysis of Ultra-large Climate Data” funded by U.S. DOE Office of Science under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. Ostrouchov, Schmidt, and Patel were supported in part by the project “NICS Remote Data Analysis and Visualization Center” funded by the Office of Cyberinfrastructure of the U.S. National Science Foundation under Award No. ARRA-NSFOCI-0906324 for NICS-RDAV center. This work used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. This work also used resources of National Institute for Computational Sciences at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, which is supported by the Office of Cyberinfrastructure of the U.S. National Science Foundation under Award No. ARRA-NSF-OCI-0906324 for NICS-RDAV center. This work used resources of the Newton HPC Program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. We thank our colleagues from the Scientific Data Group, Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Hasan Abbasi, Jong Youl Choi, Scott Klasky, and Nobert Podhorszki for discussing windows MPI systems, compiler issues, dynamic libraries, and generally improving our knowledge of MPI performance issues. We also thank Brian D. Ripley, Kurt Hornik, Uwe Ligges, and Simon Urbanek from the R Core Team for discussing package release issues and helping us solve portability problems on different platforms. iii Warning: The findings and conclusions in this article have not been formally disseminated by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services nor by the U.S. Department of Energy, and should not be construed to represent any determination or policy of University, Agency, Administration and National Laboratory. This document is written to explain the main functions of pbdMPI (Chen et al. 2012), version 0.3-0. Every effort will be made to ensure future versions are consistent with these instructions, but features in later versions may not be explained in this document. Information about the functionality of this package, and any changes in future versions can be found on website: “Programming with Big Data in R” at http://r-pbd.org/ (Ostrouchov et al. 2012). 1. Introduction Our intent is to bring the most common parallel programming model from supercomputing, Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD), to R and enable distributed handling of truly large data. Consequently, pbdMPI is intended for batch mode programming with big data (pbd). Unlike Rmpi (Yu 2002), snow (Tierney et al. 2012), or parallel (R Core Team 2012), interactive mode is not supported. We think that interaction with a large distributed parallel computing platform is better handled with a client/server relationship, and we are developing other packages in this direction. pbdMPI simplifies MPI interaction, but leaves low and mid level functions available for advanced programmers. For example, it is easy to hand communicators to pbdMPI from other applications through MPI array pointers. This is intended for integration with other, possibly non-R, parallel software. Under the SPMD parallel programming model, the identical program runs on every processor but typically works on different parts of a large data set, while communicating with other copies of itself as needed. Differences in execution stem from comm.rank, which is typically different on every processor. While on the surface this sounds complicated, after some experience and a new mindset, programming is surprisingly simple. There is no master. There is only cooperation among the workers. Although we target very large distributed computing platforms, SPMD works well even on small multicore platforms. In the following, we list the main features of pbdMPI. 1. Under the SPMD batch programming model, a single program is written, which is spawned by mpirun. No spawning and broadcasting from within R are required. 2. S4 methods are used for most collective functions so it is easy to extend them for general R objects. 3. Default methods (like Robj functions in Rmpi) have homogeneous checking for data type so they are safe for general users. 4. The API in all functions is simplified, with all default arguments in control objects. 5. Methods for array or matrix types are implemented without serialization and un-serialization, resulting in faster communication than Rmpi. 6. Basic data types of integer, double and raw in pbdMPI are communicated without further checking. This is risky but fast for advanced programmers. 1 7. Character data type is serialized and communicated by raw type. System requirements and installation of pbdMPI are described next. Section 2 gives a short example for comparing performance of pbdMPI and Rmpi (Yu 2002). In Section 8, a few quick answers for questions are given. Section 7 provides settings for Windows environments. In Section 3, two examples from parallel are shown as SPMD pbdMPI programs. Section 4 discusses long vector support and communication in pbdMPI as an extension from R. Finally, in Section 5, some simple input and output methods between regular text/csv/csv2 files and data.frame are introduced. 1.1. System Requirements pbdMPI requires MPI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_Passing_Interface). The package is mainly developed and tested under OpenMPI (http://www.open-mpi.org/) in xubuntu 11.04 (http://xubuntu.org/). The package should also work with MPICH2 (http: //www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2/) and Microsoft MPI or MS-MPI (http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb524831(v=vs.85).aspx). In addition to unix, pbdMPI should also run under other operating systems such as Mac OS X with OpenMPI or Windows 7 with MS-MPI if MPI is installed and launched properly, although we have not tested on multiple machines yet. Please let us know about your experience. For normal installation, see Sec. 1.2. To build as a static library, which may be required on some large systems, use Shell Command . / configure -- enable - static -- prefix = $ { MPI _ ROOT } make make install where --enable-static can build a static library (optional), and ${MPI_ROOT} is the path to MPI root. Note that the static library is not necessary for pbdMPI but may avoid dynamic loading problems. To make sure your MPI system is working, test with mpiexec - np 2 hostname Shell Command This should list two host names where MPI jobs are running. Note to use hostname.exe with the extension on a Windows system. 1.2. Installation and Quick Start One can download pbdMPI from CRAN at https://cran.r-project.org, and the intallation can be done with the following commands (using OpenMPI library) Shell Command tar zxvf pbdMPI _ 0.1 -0. tar . gz R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI 2 Further configure arguments include Argument --with-mpi-type --with-mpi-include --with-mpi-libpath --with-mpi Default OPENMPI ${MPI_ROOT}/include ${MPI_ROOT}/lib ${MPI_ROOT} where ${MPI_ROOT} is the path to the MPI root. For non-default and unusual installations of MPI systems, the commands may be Shell Command # ## Under command mode R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI \ -- configure - args = " -- with - mpi - type = OPENMPI \ -- with - mpi = / usr / local " R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI \ -- configure - args = " -- with - mpi - type = OPENMPI \ -- with - mpi - include = / usr / local / ompi / include \ -- with - mpi - libpath = / usr / local / ompi / lib " See the package source file pbdMPI/configure for details. One can get started quickly with pbdMPI by learning from the following six examples. # ## At the shell prompt , # ## ( Use Rscript . exe for mpiexec - np 2 Rscript -e mpiexec - np 2 Rscript -e mpiexec - np 2 Rscript -e mpiexec - np 2 Rscript -e mpiexec - np 2 Rscript -e mpiexec - np 2 Rscript -e Shell Command run the demo with 2 processors by windows system ) " demo ( allgather , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " " demo ( allreduce , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " " demo ( bcast , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " " demo ( gather , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " " demo ( reduce , ' pbdMPI ' , ask = F , echo = F ) " " demo ( scatter , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " 1.3. Basic Steps In the SPMD world, every processor is a worker, every worker knows about all the others, and each worker does its own job, possibly communicating with the others. Unlike the manager/workers style, SPMD is more likely to fully use the computer resources. The following shows typical basic steps of using pbdMPI. 1. Initialize. (init) 2. Read your portion of the data. 3. Compute. (send, recv, barrier, ...) 4. Communicate results among workers. (gather, allgather, reduce, allreduce, ...) 3 5. Finalize. (finalize) In a given application, the Compute and Communicate steps may be repeated several times for intermediate results. The Compute and Communicate steps are more general than the “map” and “reduce” steps of the map-reduce paradigm but similar in spirit. One big difference is that the Communicate step may place the “reductions” on all processors rather than just one (the manager for map-reduce) for roughly the same time cost. With some experience, one can easily convert existing R scripts, and quickly parallelize serial code. pbdMPI tends to reduce programming effort, avoid complicated MPI techniques, and gain computing performance. The major communication functions of pbdMPI and corresponding similar functions of Rmpi are listed in the following. pbdMPI (S4) allgather allreduce bcast gather recv reduce scatter send Rmpi mpi.allgather, mpi.allgatherv, mpi.allgather.Robj mpi.allreduce mpi.bcast, mpi.bcast.Robj mpi.gather, mpi.gatherv, mpi.gather.Robj mpi.recv, mpi.recv.Robj mpi.reduce mpi.scatter, mpi.scatterv, mpi.scatter.Robj mpi.send, mpi.send.Robj 1.4. More Examples The package source files provide several examples based on pbdMPI, such as Directory pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_spmd/ pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_rmpi/ pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_parallel/ pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_performance/ pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_s4/ pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_cs/ pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_long_vector/ Examples main SPMD functions comparison to Rmpi comparison to parallel performance testing S4 extension client/server examples long vector examples where test_long_vector/ requires to recompile with setting # define MPI _ LONG _ DEBUG 1 pkg constant.h in pbdMPI/src/pkg_constant.h. See Scetion 4 for details. Further examples can be found at including: “Introduction to distributed computing with pbdR at the UMBC High Performance Com puting Facility (Technical Report, 2013).” (Raim 2013) 4 2. Performance There are more examples for testing performance in pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_rmpi. Here, we only show a simple comparison of pbdMPI to Rmpi. The two scripts are equivalent for pbdMPI and Rmpi. We run them with two processors and obtain computing times listed below. Save the following script in demo_spmd.r and run it with two processors by Shell Command mpiexec - np 2 Rscript demo _ spmd . r to see the computing time on your platform. pbdMPI R Script # ## Save this script in " demo _ spmd . r ". suppressMessages ( library ( pbdMPI , quietly = TRUE ) ) init () time . proc <- list () time . proc $ default <- system . time ({ for ( i in 1:1000) y <- allgather ( list ( x = 1:10000) ) barrier () }) time . proc $ matrix <- system . time ({ for ( i in 1:1000) y <- allgather ( matrix (1:10000 , nrow = 100) ) barrier () }) comm . print ( time . proc , quiet = TRUE ) finalize () Save the following script in demo_rmpi.r and run with two processors by Shell Command mpiexec - np 2 Rscript demo _ rmpi . r to see the computing time on your platform. Rmpi R Script # ## Save this script in " demo _ rmpi . r ". library ( Rmpi ) invisible ( mpi . comm . dup (0 , 1) ) time . proc <- list () time . proc $ Robj <- system . time ({ for ( i in 1:1000) y <- mpi . allgather . Robj ( list ( x = 1:10000) ) mpi . barrier () }) time . proc $ matrix <- system . time ({ 5 for ( i in 1:1000) y <- mpi . allgather . Robj ( matrix (1:10000 , nrow = 100) ) mpi . barrier () }) if ( mpi . comm . rank (1) == 0) print ( time . proc ) mpi . quit () The following shows the computing time of the above two scripts on a single machine with two processors Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz, xubuntu 11.04 system, and OpenMPI 1.6. The pbdMPI is more efficient than Rmpi with list and matrix/array data structures. >> Output from demo _ spmd . r $ default user system elapsed 1.680 0.030 1.706 $ matrix user 0.950 R Output system elapsed 0.000 0.953 >> Output from demo _ rmpi . r $ Robj user system elapsed 2.960 0.090 3.041 $ matrix user 3.120 system elapsed 0.030 3.147 3. SPMD in Examples from package parallel We demonstrate how a simple script from parallel can be written in batch by using pbdMPI. Each time, we first give the version using parallel followed by the version using pbdMPI. All codes are available in pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_parallel/. Example 1: (mclapply() originates in multicore (Urbanek 2011)) Save the following script in a file and run with Rscript 01 _ mclapply _ par . r Shell Command to see the computing time on your platform. multicore R Script # ## File Name : 01 _ mclapply _ par . r 6 library ( parallel ) system . time ( unlist ( mclapply (1:32 , function ( x ) sum ( rnorm (1 e7 ) ) ) ) ) Now save this script in a file and run with Shell Command mpirun - np 2 Rscript 01 _ mclapply _ spmd . r to see the computing time on your platform. SPMD R Script # ## File Name : 01 _ mclapply _ spmd . r suppressMessages ( library ( pbdMPI , quietly = TRUE ) ) init () time . proc <- system . time ({ id <- get . jid (32) ret <- unlist ( lapply ( id , function ( i ) sum ( rnorm (1 e7 ) ) ) ) ret <- allgather ( ret , unlist = TRUE ) }) comm . print ( time . proc ) finalize () The following shows the computing time of the above codes on a single local machine with two cores Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz, xubuntu 11.04 system, and OpenMPI 1.6. There is not much communication latency in this example since all computings are on one “node” which is also a limitation of parallel. >> Test . / 01 _ mclapply _ par . r user system elapsed 16.800 0.570 17.419 R Output >> Test . / 01 _ mclapply _ spmd . r COMM . RANK = 0 user system elapsed 17.130 0.460 17.583 Example 2: (parMM() originates in snow (Tierney et al. 2012)) Save the following code in a file and run with two processors Rscript 02 _ parMM _ par . r Shell Command to see the computing time on your platform. 7 snow R Script # ## File Name : 02 _ parMM _ par . r library ( parallel ) cl <- makeCluster (2) splitRows <- function (x , ncl ) { lapply ( splitIndices ( nrow ( x ) , ncl ) , function ( i ) x [i , , drop = FALSE ]) } parMM <- function ( cl , A , B ) { do . call ( rbind , clusterApply ( cl , splitRows (A , length ( cl ) ) , get ( " % * % " ) , B ) ) } set . seed (123) A <- matrix ( rnorm (1000000) , 1000) system . time ( replicate (10 , A % * % A ) ) system . time ( replicate (10 , parMM ( cl , A , A ) ) ) stopCluster ( cl ) Now save this script in a file and run with Shell Command mpirun - np 2 Rscript 02 _ parMM _ spmd . r to see the computing time on your platform. SPMD R Script # ## File Name : 02 _ parMM _ spmd . r suppressMessages ( library ( pbdMPI , quietly = TRUE ) ) init () set . seed (123) x <- matrix ( rnorm (1000000) , 1000) parMM . spmd <- function (x , y ) { id <- get . jid ( nrow ( x ) ) do . call ( rbind , allgather ( x [ id ,] % * % y ) ) } time . proc <- system . time ( replicate (10 , parMM . spmd (x , x ) ) ) comm . print ( time . proc ) finalize () The following shows the computing time of the above code on a single machine with two processors Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz, xubuntu 11.04 system, and OpenMPI 1.6. pbdMPI performs better than snow in this example even without communication over network. >> Test . / 02 _ parMM _ par . r R Output 8 user 12.460 user 1.780 system elapsed 0.170 12.625 system elapsed 0.820 10.095 >> Test . / 02 _ parMM _ spmd . r COMM . RANK = 0 user system elapsed 8.84 0.42 9.26 4. Long Vector and 64-bit for MPI We add new supports for long vector and communications based on MPI functions to pbdMPI since version 0.2-1. 4.1. Long Vector for MPI The current R (3.1.0) uses C structure to extend 32-bit length limitation (231 −1 = 2147483647 defined as R_SHORT_LEN_MAX) to 52-bit length (251 − 1 = 4503599627370496 defined as R_XLEN_T_MAX). In general, this is more portable and extensible when 128-bit integer comming on (who know when the day comes ...) However, a vector with elements larger than 231 − 1 needs extra effort to be accessed in R. See “R Internals” for details. The reason is that an integer is 4 bytes in both of x86 64 system (64-bit) and i386 system (32-bit). Since the capacity of current machine and performance issues, there is no benefit to use 8 bytes for integer. In x86 64 system, computers or compilers use either long or long long for pointer address which is in size_t for unsigned address or in ptrdiff_t for signed address. For example, in GNU C (gcc), the flag -m64 is to use 4 bytes for int and 8 bytes for long in x86 64 system.1 Therefore, the question is what are the differences of 64-bit and 32-bit system? One of them is “pointer size” which is 8 bytes in x86 64 machine and it is 4 bytes in i386 machine. This allows computer to lengthen memory and disk space. Note that address is indexed by long or long long which is no confilict with integer size, and 4 bytes integer is efficient and safe enough for general purpose. For example, double *a is a pointer (a) pointing to a real scaler (*a), but the pointer’s address (&a) is in size_t (long or long long) which is 8 bytes in x86 64 system and is 4 bytes in i386 system. To deal with long vector, pbdMPI uses the same framework as R to build up MPI collective functions. pbdMPI follows R’s standard to assume a vector normally has length smaller than R_SHORT_LEN_MAX which can be handled by most 32-bit functions. If the vector length is greater than R_SHORT_LEN_MAX, then R names this as long vector which also has the maximum R_XLEN_T_MAX. The vector length is stored in type R_xlen_t. The R_xlen_t is long if LONG_VECTOR_SUPPORT is defined, otherwise it is int. R provides several C macro to check, access, and manipulate the vector in VECSXP or general SEXP. See Rinternals.h for details. The pbdMPI first checks if the data size for communication is greater than SPMD_SHORT_LEN_MAX or not. If the data is long vector, then pbdMPI evokes collective functions to send/receive 1 Is there a way to have 8 bytes integer? The answer is that it is dependent on compiler. 9 chunk of data partitioned by SPMD_SHORT_LEN_MAX until all chunks are all received/sent. For some MPI collective functions such as allgather() and gather(), extra space may be allocated for receving chunks, then the chunks are copied to right memory address by the rank of communicator from the extra space to the receiving buffer. The reason is that most MPI collective functions rely on arguments for indexing buff types and counting buffer sizes where the types and sizes are both in int. SPMD_SHORT_LEN_MAX is defined in pbdMPI/src/spmd.h and usually is equal to R_SHORT_LEN_MAX. Developers may want to use shorter length (such as SPMD_INT8_LEN_MAX which is 27 − 1 = 127) for testing without a large memory machine or for debugging without recompiling R with shorter R_SHORT_LEN_MAX. In pbdMPI, the implemented MPI collective functions for long vector are bcast(), allreduce(), reduce(), send(), recv(), isend(), irecv(), allgather(), gather(), and scatter(). The other MPI collective functions are “NOT” implemented due to the complexity of memory allocation for long vector including allgatherv(), gatherv(), scatterv(), sendrecv(), and sendrecv.replace(). Further, pbdMPI provides a way to mimic long vector support. Users can set # define MPI _ LONG _ DEBUG 1 pkg constant.h in pbdMPI/src/pkg_constant.h to turn on debugging mode and recompile pbdMPI. Then, run examples in pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_long_vector/ to see how the mimic long vectors are communicated between processors. Also, users can also adjust the length limit of mimic long vector (buffer size) by changing spmd.h # define SPMD _ SHORT _ LEN _ MAX R _ SHORT _ LEN _ MAX in pbdMPI/src/spmd.h. 4.2. 64-bit for MPI The remaining question is that does MPI library support 64-bit system? The answer is yes, but users may need to recompile MPI libraries for 64-bit support. The same way as R to enable 64-bit system that MPI libraries may have 8 bytes pointer in order to communicate larger memory or disk space.2 For example, the OpenMPI provides next to check if 64-bit system is used. ompi _ info -a | grep Shell Command ' int . * size : ' If the output is Shell Command C int size : 4 2 http://wiki.chem.vu.nl/dirac/index.php/How_to_build_MPI_libraries_for_64-bit_integers. 10 C pointer Fort integer Fort integer1 Fort integer2 Fort integer4 Fort integer8 Fort integer16 size : size : size : size : size : size : size : 8 8 1 2 4 8 -1 then the OpenMPI supports 64-bit system.3 Otherwise, users may use the next to reinstall OpenMPI as Shell Command . / configure -- prefix = / path _ to _ openmpi \ CFLAGS = - fPIC \ FFLAGS = " - m64 - fdefault - integer -8 " \ FCFLAGS = " - m64 - fdefault - integer -8 " \ CFLAGS = - m64 \ CXXFLAGS = - m64 and remember to reinstall pbdMPI as well. Note that 64-bit pointer may only provide larger size of data, but may degrade hugely for other computing. In general, communication with a large amount of data is a very bad idea. Try to redesign algorithms to communicate lightly such as via sufficient statistics, or to rearrange and load large data partially or equally likely to every processors. 5. Simple Input and Output We add new supports simple data input and output for basic CSV and text files to pbdMPI since version 0.2-2. Two quick demos can simply explain how a dataset can be input and output via pbdMPI functions comm.write.table() and comm.read.table(). The first is Shell Command # ## Run the demo with 4 processors by mpiexec - np 4 Rscript -e " demo ( simple _ io , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " The demo utilizing iris data (Fisher 1936) to show simple input and output functions of pbdMPI and is summarized as in next. 150 rows of iris are divided in 4 processors, and processors own 37, 37, 38, and 38 rows of iris as a gbd row-block format. i.e. Rank 0 owns row 1 to 37, rank 1 owns row 38 to 74, and so on. A text file “iris.txt” is dumped via comm.write.table() which sequentially append processor owned row blocks. comm.read.table() then reads the text file back in memory, and again in a gbd rowblock format. 3 The C integer is still in 4 bytes rather than 8 bytes. 11 Note that comm.read.table() may read a first few lines to predetermine how many lines of the file to read in. This is an approximation and results in unbalance data across processors. In particular, either the highest order rank may own the largest portion of whole dataset, or several higher order ranks may own zero row. So, a call comm.load.balance() within comm.read.table() is to move rows across processors if necessary. Basically, the reading steps are described as in the next. 1. If file size were less than 5MB, then rank 0 would read in the whole file and scatter rows to other ranks. 2. If file size were large than 5MB, then rank 0 would read in the first 500 lines and estimate total number of records in the file. All ranks sequentially read in the designated records. 3. Call comm.load.balance() to balance the data. The file size limit is controlled by .pbd_env$SPMD.IO$max.file.size, and the first few line limit is controlled by .pbd_env$SPMD.IO$max.test.lines. Further, users can specify options nrows and skip to comm.read.*() to manually read the file and call comm.load.balance() later if needed. There are several way to distributed or balance data among processors. Currently pbdMPI supports 3 formats: block, block0, and block.cyclic. In the above demo, the 150 rows are mainly distributed in (37, 37, 38, 38) which is a block format. The second demo shows how to load balance between different formats next. Shell Command # ## Run the demo with 4 processors by mpiexec - np 4 Rscript -e " demo ( simple _ balance , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " In the block0, the iris is distributed as (38, 38, 37, 37) row-bock of each processor. In the block.cyclic, the iris is distributed as (38, 38, 38, 36) row-bock of each processor. i.e. Each cycle has 38 rows and one cycle per processor. See pbdDEMO vignettes (Schmidt et al. 2013) for more details about “block-cyclic” and “gbd”. 6. Simple Pairwise Evaluation We build some utilities for pairwise evaluation to pbdMPI since version 0.2-3. Evaluating a function on any two data points is a common problems, such as distance, pairwise comparison, and multiple testing problems. Useful functions to solve those problems are comm.as.gbd(): This function is to turn a common matrix (in all ranks) to a gbd matrix in row major blocks. For example, one may read in data from one rank, then utilizes this function to redistribute data with load balance of all ranks. This is an alternative way to Section 5, but more efficient for small size of data. comm.allpairs(): This function is mainly to provide indices for all pairs of N data points. It returns a two columns (i, j) gbd matrix in row major blocks. For example, one may want to evaluate all N 2 pairs of the N data points. However, in distance context, it provides only indices as in lower-triangular matrix (ordered by row major). 12 comm.dist(): This function is to compute distance (lower-triangular only) of N data points as usual dist() function, but evaluated on a gbd matrix in row major blocks. The returning can be a common distance matrix (only good for small dataset), or a 3 columns gbd matrix in row major blocks. The columns are i, j, and the value of pair (i, j). comm.pairwise(): This functions is a general extension composed of three functions above that allows users to provide a function FUN to evaluate on pairs of data. For example, a distance between two data points x and y can be computed via original dist() function. So, it can be wrapped as R Script dist . pair <- function (x , y , ...) { as . vector ( dist ( rbind (x , y ) , ...) ) } for the FUN option of comm.pairwise(). This function is also useful for cases that measure of pair (i, j) differs to that of pair (j, i), i.e. non-symmetric measure. If order is matter, then the FUN can be evaluated via the options either pairid.gbd which can be user defined or simply symmetric = FALSE. Also, we provide some examples in man page. A demo verifies these functions in different ways. Shell Command # ## Run the demo with 4 processors by mpiexec - np 4 Rscript -e " demo ( simple _ pairs , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " See pbdDEMO vignettes (Schmidt et al. 2013) for more statistical examples. 7. Windows Systems (MS-MPI) Originally, pbdMPI (later than version 0.2-3 but only up to version 0.3-1) supports Windows with Microsoft MPI or MS-MPI (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb524831(v= vs.85).aspx). pbdMPI was built with ’HPC Pack 2012 R2 MS-MPI Redistributable Package’ which is available at http://http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/. The installation (MSMPISetup.exe) is easily done with a few clicks provided some service packs and Visual C++ runtime are installed correctly. The default environment and path are recommended for installation. Currently, pbdMPI (later than version 0.3-2) supports Windows with Microsoft MPI or MSMPI version 7.1 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52981). Note that this is only a SDK development library which does not contain any MPI executable file such as mpiexec.exe. This is only for compiling and linking the pbdMPI with MPI library. However, you will still need ’MS-MPI Redistributable Package’ to have a mpiexec.exe to run MPI programs or pbdMPI scripts. The difference of default installation between the SDK library and ’Redistributable Package’ are 13 the location of MPI header file, and the location of the default installation. The include path is changed from (Redistributable) Shell Command MPI _ INCLUDE = $ { MPI _ ROOT } Inc / to (SDK) Shell Command MPI _ INCLUDE = $ { MPI _ ROOT } Include / These are used by pbdMPI/src/Makevars.win. The default installation is changed from (Redistributable) Shell Command SET MPI _ HOME = C :\ Program Files \ Microsoft MPI \ to (SDK) Shell Command SET MPI _ HOME = C :\ Program Files ( x86 ) \ Microsoft SDKS \ MPI \ These are supposed to be set in a batch file. For running MPI and R, users need to set PATH to the mpiexec.exe and Rscript.exe. By default, # ## SET SET SET Shell Command Under command mode , or save in a batch file . R _ HOME = C :\ Program Files \ R \R -3.0.1\ MPI _ HOME = C :\ Program Files \ Microsoft MPI \ PATH =% MPI _ HOmE % bin \;% R _ HOME % bin \;% PATH % Note that the installation (MSMPISetup.exe) may set several environmental variables including MSMPI_BIN for mpiexec.exe and other executable files, MSMPI_INC for header files such as mpi.h, MSMPI_LIB32 for 32 bits static libraries such as msmpi.lib, and MSMPI_LIB64 for 64 bits static libraries. These should be useful to verify via R command Sys.getenv(). 7.1. Install from Binary The binary packages of pbdMPI are available on the website: “Programming with Big Data in R” at http://r-pbd.org/ or “CRAN” at https://cran.r-project.org/package=pbdMPI. Note that different MPI systems require different binaries. The binary can be installed by 14 Shell Command R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI _ 0.2 -3. zip As on Unix systems, one can start quickly with pbdMPI by learning from the following demos. There are six basic examples. # ## Run mpiexec mpiexec mpiexec mpiexec mpiexec mpiexec Shell Command the - np - np - np - np - np - np demo with 2 processors by 2 Rscript . exe -e " demo ( allgather , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " 2 Rscript . exe -e " demo ( allreduce , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " 2 Rscript . exe -e " demo ( bcast , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " 2 Rscript . exe -e " demo ( gather , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " 2 Rscript . exe -e " demo ( reduce , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " 2 Rscript . exe -e " demo ( scatter , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " Warning: Note that spacing inside demo is not working for Windows systems and Rscript.exe should be evoked rather than Rscript. 7.2. Build from Source Warning: This section is only for building binary in 32- and 64-bit Windows system. A more general way can be found in the file pbdMPI/INSTALL. Make sure that R, Rtools, and MINGW are in the PATH. See details on the website ”Building R for Windows” at https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/. The environment variable MPI_HOME needs to be set for building binaries. For example, the minimum requirement (for Rtools32 or earlier) may be # ## SET SET SET SET SET Shell Command Under command mode , or save in a batch file . R _ HOME = C :\ Program Files \ R \R -3.0.1\ RTOOLS = C :\ Rtools \ bin \ MINGW = C :\ Rtools \ gcc -4.6.3\ bin \ MPI _ HOME = C :\ Program Files \ Miscrosoft MPI \ PATH =% MPI _ HOME % bin ;% R _ HOME %;% R _ HOME % bin ;% RTOOLS %;% MINGW %;% PATH % For example, the minimum requirement (for Rtools33 or later) may be # ## SET SET SET SET Shell Command Under command mode , or save in a batch file . R _ HOME = C :\ Program Files \ R \R -3.4.0\ RTOOLS = C :\ Rtools \ bin \ MPI _ HOME = C :\ Program Files \ Miscrosoft MPI \ PATH =% MPI _ HOME % bin ;% R _ HOME %;% R _ HOME % bin ;% RTOOLS %;% PATH % Note that gcc and others within Rtools will be detected by windows R, so the installation path of Rtools should be exactly the same as C:/Rtools. With a correct PATH, one can use the R commands to install/build the pbdMPI: Shell Command 15 # ## Under command mode , build and install the binary . tar zxvf pbdMPI _ 0.2 -3. tar . gz R CMD INSTALL -- build pbdMPI R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI _ 0.2 -3. zip Warning: For other pbdR packages, it is possible to compile without further changes of configurations. However, only pbdMPI is tested regularly before any release. 8. FAQs 8.1. General 1. Q: Do I need MPI knowledge to run pbdMPI? A: Yes, but only the big picture, not the details. We provide several examples in pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_spmd/ to introduce essential methods for learning MPI communication. 2. Q: Can I run pbdMPI on my laptop locally? A: Sure, as long as you have an MPI system. You even can run it on 1 CPU. 3. Q: Does pbdMPI support Windows clusters? A: Yes, the released binary currently supports MS-MPI. Currently, pbdMPI is built with ’HPC Pack 2012 R2 MS-MPI Redistributable Package’ which is available at http: //http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/. For other MPI systems, users have to compile from source. 4. Q: Can I run pbdMPI in OpenMPI and MPICH2 together? A: No, you can have both OpenMPI and MPICH2 installed in your OS, but you are only allowed to run pbdMPI with one MPI system. Just pick one. 5. Q: Does pbdMPI support any interactive mode? A: No, but yes. Since pbdMPI version 0.3-0, there are two additional packages pbdZMQ (Chen and Schmidt 2015) and pbdCS (Schmidt and Chen 2015) which provide servers-client interaction building upon pbdMPI for parallel computing. Originally, pbdMPI only considers batch execution and aims for programming with big data that do not fit on desktop platforms. We think that interaction with big data on a big machine is better handled with a client/server interface, where the server runs SPMD codes on big data and the client operates with reduced data representations. If you really need an interactive mode, such as for debugging, you can utilize pbdMPI scripts inside Rmpi. Rmpi mainly focuses on Manager/Workers computing environments, but can run SPMD codes on workers only with a few adjustments. See the “Programming with Big Data in R” website for details at http://r-pbd.org/. Note that pbdMPI uses communicators different from Rmpi. Be sure to free the memory correctly for both packages before quitting. finalize(mpi.finalize = FALSE) can free the memory allocated by pbdMPI, but does not terminate MPI before calling mpi.quit of Rmpi. 16 6. Q: Can I write my own collective functions for my own data type? A: Yes, S4 methods allow users to add their own data type, and functions. Quick examples can be found in pbdMPI/inst/examples/test_s4/. 7. Q: Does pbdMPI support long vector or 64-bit integer? A: See Section 4. 8. Q: Does pbdMPI support Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2)? A: See http://snoweye.github.io/pbdr/aws_ec2.html for setting a cluster on AWS EC2. 9. Q: Does pbdMPI support multiple nodes in VirtualBox? A: See http://snoweye.github.io/pbdr/multiple_nodes.html for setting a cluster with two nodes in VirtualBox. It is extensible to multiple nodes by linked or full cloning with a few network modifications. A pure text file multiple_nodes.txt contains detail steps for the setting. 10. Q: A simple pbdMPI testing code hangs but simple MPI pure C code is working? A: If your VirtualBox has multiple adapters (for example, eth0 for NAT/host, eth1 using internal 192.168.*.* for MPI communication), then you may consider to bring down eth0 next. Shell Command sudo ip link set eth0 down Further, you may also consider to consult network experts for IP and routing table configurations when multiple adapters are required. R/Rscript may not know multiple adapters nor how networking or routing table is setting up. It is just easier for MPI to use a single adapter, open all INPUT/OUTPUT/FORWARD ports, stop all firewall, etc. MPI is designed for high performance computing, so don’t put too much extra stuffs to decline the performance. (Thanks for Alba Martı́nez-Ruiz and Cristina Montañola in Universidad Católica de la Ssma. Concepción, chil providing errors and issues.) 11. Q: (Linux/Unix/Mac) Can I install and run OpenMPI or MPICH locally without root permission? A: Yes. You don’t need root permission to install or run MPI applications. For general installation of MPI libraries, please see pbdMPI/INSTALL first. For example, you may install OpenMPI version 1.8.2 under any private user account by R Script tar zxvf openmpi -1.8.2. tar . gz cd openmpi -1.8.2 . / configure \ -- prefix = / home / user . id / work - my / local / ompi \ CFLAGS = - fPIC make make install The MPI library and binary will be installed at /home/user.id/work-my/local/ompi/. Then, you may add this path to system environment PATH by 17 R Script export OMPI = / home / user . id / work - my / local / ompi export PATH = $ OMPI / bin : $ PATH 8.2. Programming 1. Q: What are pbdMPI’s high level back-ends for embarrassingly parallel calculations? A: See man pages and examples of pbdLapply(), pbdSapply(), pbdApply(), and task.pull() for more details. Some options of those functions, such as pbd.mode, may be also useful for different data distribution in embarrassingly parallel calculations. 2. Q: Can I run task jobs by using pbdMPI? A: Yes, it is relatively straightforward for parallel tasks. Neither extra automatic functions nor further command/data communication is required. In other words, SPMD is easier for Monte Carlo, bootstrap, MCMC simulation and statistical analysis for ultralarge datasets. A more efficient way, such as task pull parallelism, can be found in next Q&A. Example 1: SPMD R Script suppressMessages ( library ( pbdMPI , quietly = TRUE ) ) init () id <- get . jid ( total . tasks ) # ## Using a loop . for ( i in id ) { # ## Put independent task i script here . } # ## Or using apply - like functions . lapply ( id , function ( i ) { # ## Put independent task i script here . }) finalize () Note that id gets different values on different processors, accomplishing total.tasks across all processors. Also note that any data and partial results are not shared across the processors unless communicated. Example 2: SPMD R Script suppressMessages ( library ( pbdMPI , quietly = TRUE ) ) init () # ## Directly using a loop . 18 for ( i in 1: total . tasks ) { if ( i %% comm . size () == comm . rank () ) { # ## Put independent task i script here . } } # ## Or using apply - like function . lapply (1: total . tasks , function ( i ) { if ( i %% comm . size () == comm . rank () ) { # ## Put independent task i script here . } }) finalize () 3. Q: Can I use unblocked send functions, such as isend()? Or, does isend() truly unblocked? A: The answer is no for pbdMPI earlier than version 0.2-2, but it is changed since version 0.2-3. A temporary buffer list SPMD.NB.BUFFER is used to store all objects being sent by isend(). The buffer is created and cumulated in .pbd_env, but released as wait() is called. Although this may take some performance and space, this can avoid gc() and memory overwrite before actual sending is done. 4. Q: Can I run un-barrier task jobs, such as task pull parallelism, by using pbdMPI? A: Yes, it is relatively straightforward via pbdMPI API function task.pull() in SPMD. For example, the next is available in demo which has a user defined function FUN() run on workers, and master (rank 0) controls the task management. Shell Command mpiexec - np 4 Rscript -e " demo ( task _ pull , ' pbdMPI ' , ask =F , echo = F ) " SPMD R Script (task pull) # ## Initial . suppressMessages ( library ( pbdMPI , quietly = TRUE ) ) # ## Examples . FUN <- function ( jid ) { Sys . sleep (1) jid * 10 } ret <- task . pull (1:10 , FUN ) comm . print ( ret ) if ( comm . rank () == 0) { ret . jobs <- unlist ( ret ) ret . jobs <- ret . jobs [ names ( ret . jobs ) == " ret " ] print ( ret . jobs ) } 19 # ## Finish . finalize () 5. Q: What if I want to run task push or pull by using pbdMPI? A: No problem. As in the two proceeding examples, task push or pull can be done in the same way by using rank 0 as the manager and the other ranks as workers. However, we do not recommend it except perhaps for inhomogeneous computing environments and independent jobs. 6. Q: Are S4 methods more efficient? A: Yes and No. S4 methods are a little less efficient than using switch ... case ... in C, but most default methods use raw with un- and serialize which may cost 3-10 times more than using integer or double. Instead of writing C code, it is easier to take advantage of S4 methods to extend to general R objects (matrix, array, list, data.frame, and class ...) by communicating with basic data types (integer and double) and avoiding serialization. 7. Q: Can I disable the MPI initialization of pbdMPI when I call library(pbdMPI)? A: Yes, you can set a hidden variable .__DISABLE_MPI_INIT__ in the .GlobalEnv before calling library(pbdMPI). For example, SPMD R Script assign ( " . _ _ DISABLE _ MPI _ INIT _ _ " , TRUE , envir = . GlobalEnv ) library ( pbdMPI ) ls ( all . names = TRUE ) init () ls ( all . names = TRUE ) finalize ( mpi . finalize = FALSE ) Note that we are *NOT* supposed to kill MPI in the finalize step if MPI is initialized by external applications. But some memory allocated by pbdMPI has to be free, mpi.finalize = FALSE is set above. To avoid some initialization issues of MPI, pbdMPI uses a different way than Rmpi. pbdMPI allows you to disable initializing communicators when loading the library, and later on you can call init to initialize or obtain communicators through .__MPI_APTS__ as in the next question. 8. Q: Can pbdMPI take or export communicators? A: Yes, the physical memory address is set to the variable .__MPI_APTS__ in the .GlobalEnv through a call to init(). The variable points to a structure containing MPI structure arrays preallocated while pbdMPI is loaded. pbdMPI/src/pkg_* provides a mechanism to take or export external/global variables at the C language level. 8.3. MPI Errors 1. Q: If compilation successful, but load fails with segfault 20 Error Message * * testing if installed package can be loaded sh : line 1: 2905 Segmentation fault ' / usr / local / R / 3.0.0 / intel13 / lib64 / R / bin / R ' --no - save -- slave 2>&1 < / tmp / RtmpGkncGK / file1e541c57190 ERROR : loading failed * * * caught segfault * * * address ( nil ) , cause ' unknown ' A: Basically, pbdMPI and all pbdR are tested and have stable configuration in GNU environment. However, other compilers are also possible such as Intel compiler. This message may come from the system of login node does not have a MPI system, MPI system is only allowed to be loaded in computing node, or MPI shared library is not loaded correctly and known to R. The solution is to use extra flag to R CMD INSTALL -no-test-load pbdMPI*.tar.gz, and use export LD_PRELOAD=... as the answer to the next question. 2. Q: If installation fails with Error Message Error in dyn . load ( file , DLLpath = DLLpath , ...) : unable to load shared object ' / ... / pbdMPI / libs / pbdMPI . so ' : libmpi . so : cannot open shared object file : No such file or directory A: OpenMPI may not be installed in the usual location, so the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be set to the libmpi.so path, such as Shell Command export LD _ LIBRARY _ PATH = / usr / local / openmpi / lib : $ LD _ LIBRARY _ PATH where /usr/local/openmpi/lib should be replaced by the path to libmpi.so. Or, use export LD_PRELOAD=... to preload the MPI library if the library name is not conventional, such as Shell Command export LD _ PRELOAD = / usr / local / openmpi / lib / libmpi . so : $ LD _ PRELOAD Another solution may be to use the unix command ldconfig to setup the correct path. 3. Q: pbdMPI installs successfuly, but fails at initialization when calling the function init() with error message Error Message / usr / lib / R / bin / exec / R : symbol lookup error : / usr / lib / openmpi / lib / openmpi / mca _ paffinity _ linux . so : undefined symbol : mca _ base _ param _ reg _ int 21 A: The linked library at installation may be different from the runtime library, especially when your system has more than one MPI systems. Since the library at installation is detected by autoconf (configure) and automake (Makevars), it can be linked with OpenMPI library, but MPICH2 or LAM/MPI is searched before OpenMPI according to $PATH. Solutions: Check which MPI system is your favorite to call. If you use OpenMPI, then you have to link with OpenMPI. Similarly, for MPICH2. Or, only kepp the MPI system you do like and drop others. Use --with-mpi-type to specify the MPI type. Use --with-mpi-include and --with-mpi-libpath to specify the right version. 4. Q: (Mac) If installs successfully, but fails at initialization with Error Message Library not loaded : / usr / lib / libmpi .0. dylib A: Please make sure the GNU compiler, R, OpenMPI, and pbdMPI are all built and installed under unified conditions, such as 64-bits environment. 32-bits R may not be able to load 64-bits OpenMPI nor pbdMPI. 5. Q: (Linux) If OpenMPI mpiexec fails with Error Message mca : base : component _ find : unable to open / ... / openmpi / lib / openmpi / mca _ paffinity _ hwloc : / ... / openmpi / lib / openmpi / mca _ paffinity _ hwloc . so : undefined symbol : opal _ hwloc _ topology ( ignored ) ... mca : base : component _ find : unable to open / ... / openmpi / lib / openmpi / mca _ carto _ auto _ detect : / ... / openmpi / lib / openmpi / mca _ carto _ auto _ detect . so : undefined symbol : opal _ carto _ base _ graph _ get _ host _ graph _ fn ( ignored ) ... A: The linked MPI library libmpi.so may be missing or have a different name. OpenMPI builds shared/dynamic libraries by default and the target file libmpi.so is used by pbdMPI/src/spmd.c through #includeand dlopen(...) in the file pbdMPI/src/pkg_dl.c. Solutions: Check if the path and version of libmpi.so are correct. In particular, one may have different MPI systems installed. When linking with libmpi.so in OpenMPI, one must run/load pbdMPI with OpenMPI’s libmpi.so. The same for LAM/MPI and MPICH2. Use export LD_PRELOAD=$PATH_TO_libmpi.so.* in command mode. 22 Use the file /etc/ld.so.conf and the command ldconfig to manage personal MPI installation. Or, recompile OpenMPI with a static library, and use libmpi.a instead. 6. Q: (Windows) If OpenMPI mpiexec fails with Error Message ORTE _ ERROR _ LOG : Error in file ..\..\..\ openmpi -1 .6\ orte \ mca \ ess \ hnp \ ess _ hnp _ module . c at line 194 ... ORTE _ ERROR _ LOG : Error in file ..\..\..\ openmpi -1 .6\ orte \ runtime \ orte _ init . c at line 128 ... A: Check if the network is unplugged, the network should be “ON” even on a single machine. At least, the status of network interface should be correct. 7. Q: (Windows) If MPICH2 mpiexec fails with Error Message c :\ > " C :\ Program Files \ MPICH2 \ bin \ mpiexec . exe " - np 2 Rscript C :\ my _ script . r launch failed : CreateProcess ( Rscript C :\ my _ script . r ) on failed , error 2 - The system cannot find the file specified . A: Please try to use Rscript.exe in windows system. 8. Q: For MPICH2 users, if installation fails with Error Message / usr / bin / ld : libmpich . a ( comm _ get _ attr . o ) : relocation R _ X86 _ 64 _ 32 against ` MPIR _ ThreadInfo ' can not be used when making a shared object ; recompile with - fPIC libmpich . a : could not read symbols : Bad value collect2 : ld returned 1 exit status A: MPICH2 by default does not install a shared library which means libmpich.so is missing and pbdMPI trys to link with a static library libmpich.a instead. Try to recompile MPICH2 with a flag --enable-shared and reinstall pbdMPI again. 9. Q: For MPICH2 and MPICH3 users, if installation fails with Error Message / usr / bin / ld : cannot find - lopa collect2 : error : ld returned 1 exit status make : * * * [ pbdMPI . so ] Error 1 ERROR : compilation failed for package ' pbdMPI ' A: By default, -lopa is required for some systems. However, some systems may not have it and can be disable with a configuration flag when install pbdMPI, such as R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI*.tar.gz -configure-args="-disable-opa". 23 10. Q: (MacOS 10.9.4 + OpenMPI 1.1.8) If compilation successful, but test load fails with MCA errors such as “Symol not found” Error Message * * installing vignettes ` pbdMPI - guide . Rnw ' * * testing if installed package can be loaded [??. ??.??.? ?.??:??] mca : base : component _ find : unable to open / ... / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / lib / openmpi / mca _ allocator _ basic : dlopen ( / ... / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / lib / openmpi / mca _ allocator _ basic . so , 9) : Symbol not found : _ ompi _ free _ list _ item _ t _ class Referenced from : / ... / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / lib / openmpi / mca _ allocator _ basic . so Expected in : flat namespace in / ... / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / lib / openmpi / mca _ allocator _ basic . so ( ignored ) A: The potential problem here is that mpicc -showme provides extra information, such as multiple include and library paths, and configure is not able to parse correctly. Therefore, it is easier to manually specify correct paths via -configure-args to R. (Thanks for Eilidh Troup in University of Edinburgh, Scotland providing errors and solutions.) R Script $ mpicc -- showme : compile -I / usr / local / Cellar / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / include $ mpicc -- showme : link -L / usr / local / opt / libevent / lib -L / usr / local / Cellar / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / lib - lmpi $ R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI _ 0.2 -4. tar . gz \ -- configure - args = " -- with - mpi - type = OPENMPI \ -- with - mpi - include = / usr / local / Cellar / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / include \ -- with - mpi - libpath = / usr / local / Cellar / open - mpi / 1.8.1 / lib " Note that ACX_MPI is also a good solution to fix configure.ac, however, it may screw up other platforms, such as Solaris, and upset CRAN. Anyone is welcome to submit a thoughful solution. 11. Q: (Windows) If OpenMPI mpiexec fails with Error Message d : / Compiler / gcc -4.9.3 / mingw _ 32 / bin / gcc -I " D : / RCompile / recent /R -3.3.1 / include " - DNDEBUG -I " C : / Program Files / Microsoft MPI / Inc / " - DMPI2 - DWIN - DMSMPI _ NO _ DEPRECATE _ 20 -I " d : / Compiler / gcc -4.9.3 / local330 / include " - O3 - Wall - std = gnu99 - mtune = core2 -c comm _ errors . c -o comm _ errors . o 24 d : / Compiler / gcc -4.9.3 / mingw _ 32 / bin / gcc -I " D : / RCompile / recent /R -3.3.1 / include " - DNDEBUG -I " C : / Program Files / Microsoft MPI / Inc / " - DMPI2 - DWIN - DMSMPI _ NO _ DEPRECATE _ 20 -I " d : / Compiler / gcc -4.9.3 / local330 / include " - O3 - Wall - std = gnu99 - mtune = core2 -c comm _ sort _ double . c -o comm _ sort _ double . o In file included from spmd . h :7:0 , from comm _ api . h :7 , from comm _ sort _ double . c :1: pkg _ global . h :16:17: fatal error : mpi . h : No such file or directory # include < mpi .h > ^ compilation terminated . make : * * * [ comm _ sort _ double . o ] Error 1 A: The C:/Program Files/Microsoft MPI/Inc/ may not exist for the MS-MPI v7.1 SDKs. The header file may in a different installation directory at C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKS/MPI/. See Section 7 for details. 12. Q: (Windows) If pbdMPI fails with Error Message > library ( pbdMPI ) Loading required package : rlecuyer Error : . onLoad failed in loadNamespace () for ' pbdMPI ' , details : call : inDL (x , as . logical ( local ) , as . logical ( now ) , ...) error : unable to load shared object ' C : / Users / ... / pbdMPI / libs / x64 / pbdMPI . dll ' : LoadLibrary failure : The specified module could not be found . or with a system error like Error Message The program can ' t start because msmpi . dll is missing from your computer . Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem . A: Make sure MS-MPI is installed correctly and the msmpi.dll is accessible from PATH before RGui is launched. Double check with Sys.getenv("PATH") and make sure something like C:/Program Files/Microsoft MPI/Bin/ is included in it. See Section 7 for details. 8.4. Other Errors 1. Q: pbdMPI is linked with pbdPROF (Chen et al. 2013) and mpiP (Vetter and McCracken 2001). (i.e. --enable-pbdPROF is used in pbdMPI and --with-mpiP is used in pbdPROF.) If pbdMPI compilation successful, but load fails with 25 Error Message Error : . onLoad failed in loadNamespace () for ' pbdMPI ' , details : call : dyn . load ( file , DLLpath = DLLpath , ...) error : unable to load shared object ' pbdMPI . so ' : pbdMPI / libs / pbdMPI . so : undefined symbol : _ Ux86 _ 64 _ getcontext A: Some prerequisite packages by mpiP is installed incorrectly. Reinstall mpiP by R Script . / configure -- disable - libunwind CPPFLAGS = " - fPIC -I / usr / lib / openmpi / include " LDFLAGS = " -L / usr / lib / openmpi / lib - lmpi " and followed by reinstall pbdPROF and pbdMPI. 26 References Chen W-C Schmidt D, Sehrawat G, Patel P, Ostrouchov G (2013). “pbdPROF: Programming with Big Data – MPI Profiling Tools.” R Package, URL https://cran.r-project.org/ package=pbdPROF. Chen WC, Ostrouchov G, Schmidt D, Patel P, Yu H (2012). “pbdMPI: Programming with Big Data – Interface to MPI.” R Package, URL https://cran.r-project.org/package= pbdMPI. Chen WC, Schmidt D (2015). “pbdZMQ: Programming with Big Data – Interface to ZeroMQ.” R Package, URL https://cran.r-project.org/package=pbdZMQ. Fisher R (1936). “The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems.” Annals of Eugenics, 2, 179–188. Ostrouchov G, Chen WC, Schmidt D, Patel P (2012). “Programming with Big Data in R.” URL http://r-pbd.org/. R Core Team (2012). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL http: //www.r-project.org/. Raim A (2013). Introduction to distributed computing with pbdR at the UMBC High Performance Computing Facility (Technical report HPCF-2013-2). UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. 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