Ps5 Instructions

User Manual: Pdf

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Use the STDR simulator to make a map of the provided maze.
Submit a screenshot of your map.
look at your map's .yaml file. Describe what the various values mean.
Move your robot to 3 "interesting" positions in the maze and get its position for
each of these poses. Use rostopic echo on the "odom" topic to get these
Submit a screenshot of each of your 3 poses (label them pose1, pose2 and
pose3) and include a text file with the corresponding odometry coordinates.
What can you say about coordinates in the map? which way is +x? which is
+y? which is heading 0? From your odometry readings, what, approximately,
are the dimensions of the maze? What is the resolution of a cell in the map?
p.s.: don't forget you will need to define the base_link:
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 robot0 base_link 100
also, choose a name other than "map" for your new map, e.g.
rosrun map_server map_saver -f stdrMap2 map:=map2
also, remap the name of the laser source when doing slam mapping:
rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=/robot0/laser_0 /map:=/map2

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