Sequencer64 User Manual


User Manual: Pdf

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Sequencer64 User Manual 0.94.4
Chris Ahlstrom
February 3, 2018

”Night” Mode


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

User Manual

1 Introduction
1.1 Sequencer64: What?
1.2 Sequencer64: Why? .
1.3 Improvements . . . .
1.4 Document Structure
1.5 Let’s Get Started! .
2 Menu
2.1 Menu
2.2 Menu






















/ File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/ File / New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Menu / File / Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Menu / File / Recent MIDI Files . . . . . . . .
Menu / File / Save and Save As . . . . . . . .
Menu / File / Import MIDI . . . . . . . . . . .
Menu / File / Export Song as MIDI . . . . . .
Menu / File / Export MIDI Only . . . . . . . .
Menu / File / Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Menu / File / Options / MIDI Clock Menu / File / Options / MIDI Input Menu / File / Options / Keyboard . Menu / File / Options / Ext Keys . Menu / File / Options / Mouse . . . Menu / File / Options / Jack Sync .
/ Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/ View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/ Help / About... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/ Help / Build Info... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Patterns Panel
3.1 Patterns / Top Panel . . . . . .
3.2 Patterns / Main Panel . . . . .
3.2.1 Pattern Slot . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Pattern . . . . . . . . .
3.2.3 Pattern Keys and Click Pattern Keys . Pattern Clicks
3.3 Patterns / Bottom Panel . . . .
3.4 Patterns / Multiple Panels . . .
3.5 Patterns / Variable Set Size . .








































































4 Pattern Editor
4.1 Pattern Editor / First Panel . . . . . . . .
4.2 Pattern Editor / Second Panel . . . . . .
4.3 Pattern Editor / Piano Roll . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 Pattern Editor / Piano Roll Items
4.3.2 Pattern Editor / Event Editing . .



































Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


User Manual Editing Note Events . . . . . . . . . . . Event and Data Panels / Editing Other Editing Note Events the ”Fruity Way”
Pattern Editor / Bottom Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor / Common Actions . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.1 Pattern Editor / Common Actions / Scrolling . .
4.5.2 Pattern Editor / Common Actions / Close . . .

. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

5 Song Editor
5.1 Song Editor / Top Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Song Editor / Arrangement Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Patterns Column
5.2.2 Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Piano Roll . . . .
5.2.3 Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Measures Ruler .
5.3 Song Editor / Bottom Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Event Editor
6.1 Event Editor / Event Frame . . . .
6.1.1 Event Frame / Data Items
6.1.2 Event Frame / Navigation .
6.2 Event Editor / Info Panel . . . . .
6.3 Event Editor / Edit Fields . . . . .
6.4 Event Editor / Bottom Buttons . .






























































7 Sequencer64 Keyboard and Mouse Actions
7.1 Main Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Performance Editor Window . . . . . . . .
7.2.1 Performance Editor Piano Roll . . .
7.2.2 Performance Editor Time Section . .
7.2.3 Performance Editor Names Section .
7.3 Pattern Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.1 Pattern Editor Piano Roll . . . . . .
7.3.2 Pattern Editor Event Panel . . . . .
7.3.3 Pattern Editor Data Panel . . . . .
7.3.4 Pattern Editor Virtual Keyboard . .
7.4 Event Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




























8 Sequencer64 Meta Event / SysEx
8.1 ”usr” BPM Display Settings . . .
8.2 Composite Display of Tempos . .
8.3 Tempo in the Main Window . . .





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

9 Sequencer64 ”rc” Configuration File
9.1 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.1.1 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Pattern Group . . . .
9.1.2 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Mute In Group . . . .
9.1.3 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Automation Group . .
9.2 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Extended Automation Section
9.3 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Mute-Group Section . . . . . . . . . . . . .














Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer






User Manual

MIDI-Clock Section . . . .
MIDI-Meta-Events Section
Keyboard Control Section
Keyboard Group Section .
JACK Transport . . . . .
Other Sections . . . . . . .



10 Sequencer64 ”usr” Configuration File
10.1 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Bus Definitions . . . .
10.2 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Instrument Definitions
10.3 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings . . .
10.4 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI Settings . . . . .
10.5 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Options . . . . . . . . .
10.6 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / Device and Control Names .
























11 Sequencer64 Man Page


12 Concepts
12.1 Concepts / Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.1.1 Concepts / Terms / armed . . . . . . . . .
12.1.2 Concepts / Terms / buss (bus) . . . . . . .
12.1.3 Concepts / Terms / export . . . . . . . . .
12.1.4 Concepts / Terms / group . . . . . . . . . .
12.1.5 Concepts / Terms / loop . . . . . . . . . .
12.1.6 Concepts / Terms / measures ruler . . . . .
12.1.7 Concepts / Terms / event strip . . . . . . .
12.1.8 Concepts / Terms / muted . . . . . . . . .
12.1.9 Concepts / Terms / MIDI clock . . . . . . .
12.1.10 Concepts / Terms / pattern . . . . . . . . .
12.1.11 Concepts / Terms / performance . . . . . .
12.1.12 Concepts / Terms / port . . . . . . . . . .
12.1.13 Concepts / Terms / pulses per quarter note
12.1.14 Concepts / Terms / queue mode . . . . . .
12.1.15 Concepts / Terms / replace . . . . . . . . .
12.1.16 Concepts / Terms / screen set . . . . . . .
12.1.17 Concepts / Terms / sequence . . . . . . . .
12.1.18 Concepts / Terms / snapshot . . . . . . . .
12.1.19 Concepts / Terms / song . . . . . . . . . .
12.1.20 Concepts / Terms / trigger . . . . . . . . .
12.2 Concepts / Sound Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.2.1 Concepts / Sound Subsystems / ALSA . .
12.2.2 Concepts / Sound Subsystems / PortMIDI
12.2.3 Concepts / Sound Subsystems / JACK . .



13 Building Sequencer64 From Source Code
13.1 INSTALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.2 Options for Sequencer64 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.2.1 Using More ”configure” Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
























Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

User Manual

13.2.2 Manually-defined Macros in the Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
13.3 Sequencer64 Build Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
14 MIDI Format and Other MIDI Notes
14.1 Standard MIDI Format 0 . . . . . . .
14.2 Legacy Proprietary Track Format . . .
14.3 MIDI Information . . . . . . . . . . .
14.3.1 MIDI Variable-Length Value .
14.3.2 MIDI Track Chunk . . . . . . .
14.3.3 MIDI Meta Events . . . . . . .
14.4 More MIDI Information . . . . . . . .
14.4.1 MIDI File Header, MThd . . .
14.4.2 MIDI Track, MTrk . . . . . . .
14.4.3 Channel Events . . . . . . . . .
14.4.4 Meta Events Revisited . . . . .
14.5 Meta Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14.5.1 Sequence Number (0x00) . . .
14.5.2 Track/Sequence Name (0x03) .
14.5.3 End of Track (0x2F) . . . . . .
14.5.4 Set Tempo Event (0x51) . . . .
14.5.5 Time Signature Event (0x58) .
14.5.6 SysEx Event (0xF0) . . . . . .
14.5.7 Sequencer Specific (0x7F) . . .
14.5.8 Non-Specific End of Sequence .



























15 Sequencer64 JACK Support
15.1 Sequencer64 JACK Transport . . . . . . . . . .
15.2 Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI . . . . . . . .
15.2.1 Sequencer64 JACK MIDI Output . . . .
15.2.2 Sequencer64 JACK MIDI Input . . . . .
15.2.3 Sequencer64 JACK MIDI Virtual Ports
15.2.4 Sequencer64 JACK MIDI and a2jmidid






























16 Kudos


17 Summary


18 References


List of Figures

Sequencer64 Main Screen, ALSA MIDI
Sequencer64 File Menu Items . . . . .
File / Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File / Save As . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File / Import MIDI . . . . . . . . . . .
File / Export Song as MIDI . . . . . .
Unexportable MIDI File . . . . . . . .
































Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


User Manual

Composite View of an Exportable Song . . . . . . . . . .
Composite View of Exported Song . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File / Options Tabs for Version 0.9.18+ . . . . . . . . . .
MIDI Clock, Manual Option On, Condensed View . . . .
MIDI Clock, Manual Option Off (ALSA View) . . . . . .
MIDI Input, Manual Ports Off (Condensed View) . . . . .
MIDI Input, -a Option (Condensed View) . . . . . . . . .
File / Options / Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Window with Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File / Options / Ext Keys (Condensed View) . . . . . . .
File / Options / Ext Keys (Disabled) . . . . . . . . . . . .
File / Options / Mouse (Condensed View) . . . . . . . . .
File / Options / JACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JACK Connection Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dual Song Editor Entries in View Menu . . . . . . . . . .
Help / About . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Help Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Help Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Help / Build Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patterns Panel, New Top Panel Items . . . . . . . . . . .
Group Learn Confirmation Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Group Learn Failure Prompt (Shift Key) . . . . . . . . . .
Group Learn Keys With Larger Set Size . . . . . . . . . .
Group Learn Limit Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patterns Panel, Main Panel Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Various Status of Pattern Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Empty Pattern, Right-Click Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Currently-Edited Pattern, Unarmed . . . . . . . . . . . .
Currently-Edited Pattern, Armed . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menus . . . . . . . . . . . .
Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu Without Edit Entries
Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu, Song . . . . . . . . .
Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu, MIDI Output Busses
Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu, MIDI Bus Ports . . .
Patterns Panel, Shift-Key Pattern Toggle . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Coloration when Queued . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Queued-Replace (Queued-Solo) In Action . . . . . . . . .
Patterns Panel, Bottom Panel Items . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patterns Panel, Pause Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patterns Panel, BPM Precisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patterns Panel, with Multiple Panels . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patterns Panel, 8 x 8 Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Edit Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor, First Panel Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor, Second Panel Items . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tools, Context Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tools, Transpose Selected Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




















Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


User Manual

Tools, Two ”Transpose” Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tools, Harmonic Transpose Selected Values . . . . . . . . . . .
Scales Currently Supported in Sequencer64 . . . . . . . . . . .
C Major Scale Masking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sample Background Sequence Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Background Sequence Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chord Generation Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor, Piano Roll Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor, Virtual Keyboard Number and Note Views . .
Piano Roll, Paste-Box for Cut Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Piano Roll, Selected Notes and Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor, Bottom Panel Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor, Event Button Context Menu . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor, LFO Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Recording Volume Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song Editor Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song Editor Window, New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song Editor Window, Transpose Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song Editor / Top Panel Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song Editor Arrangement Panel, Annotated . . . . . . . . . . .
Song Editor for Non-Transposable Patterns . . . . . . . . . . .
Event Editor Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Various Tempo Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tempo Recording Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stop/Pause/Start ALSA Test Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sequencer64 Composite View of Native Devices . . . . . . . . .
Busses and Instruments in the ”usr” File . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clocks View, -m (–manual-alsa-ports) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inputs View with -m (–manual-alsa-ports) Option . . . . . . .
Clocks View, -m (–manual-alsa-ports) and -R (–hide-alsa-ports)
Clocks View, -r (–reveal-alsa-ports) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inputs View with -r (–reveal-alsa-ports) Option . . . . . . . . .
Clocks View with -R (–hide-alsa-ports) Option . . . . . . . . .
Inputs View with -R (–hide-alsa-ports) Option . . . . . . . . .
Sequencer64 Composite View of Non-Native Devices . . . . . .
The MIDI Bus Menu for a Specific Pattern . . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Window Built for White Grid with Numbering . . . . .
Pattern Window Built for Black Grid with Numbering . . . . .
Sequence Pattern Editor Alternate Look . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song Editor Alternate Look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Imported SMF 0 MIDI Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SMF 0 MIDI Song in the Song Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JACK MIDI Ports and Auto-Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ALSA MIDI Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JACK MIDI Ports in Seq64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JACK MIDI Input Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JACK MIDI Manual Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JACK MIDI a2jmidid Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

















Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

User Manual

List of Tables


Main Window Support . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performance Window Piano Roll . . . . . .
Performance Editor Time Section . . . . . .
Performance Editor Names Section . . . . .
Pattern Editor Piano Roll . . . . . . . . . .
Pattern Editor Virtual Keyboard . . . . . .
SeqSpec Items in Normal Tracks . . . . . .
SeqSpec Items in Legacy Proprietary Track
SeqSpec Items in New Proprietary Track . .
MIDI Meta Event Types . . . . . . . . . . .
Application Support for MIDI Files . . . . .





























This document describes Sequencer64 [26], through version 0.94.4, the latest commit from the master
branch. If one is impatient to get started mastering Sequencer64, then proceed to section 1.5 ”Let’s Get
Started!” on page 12.
Sequencer64 has added native JACK MIDI support, and it fixes some bugs in JACK transport, MIDI
clocking, and JACK Master mode (with code from the SooperLooper and Seq32 projects). However, as
user stazed notes on GitHub, there is more that can be done (and he has done much with his seq32 [23]
Many new features make song editing faster. There is now a Pause button/keystroke. More editing
and navigation can be done using keystrokes. The armed/mute status of all of the other active patterns
can be toggled. There are zoom keys for the editors, current-sequence highlighting, important bug fixes,
some optimization, and much more.
We have many contributors to acknowledge. Please see section 16 ”Kudos” on page 177.


Sequencer64: What?

Sequencer64 is an reboot of Seq24, a live-looping sequencer with an interface more like a hardware
sequencer than the typical software MIDI sequencer. Seq24 was a very active project, with a number of
contributors, who created patches, additional functionality, and even ports to Windows. We searched for
these updates, and incorporated them into Sequencer64 where feasible. There are still some things to be
done, including a port to Windows.
Sequencer64 is not a synthesizer. It requires a hardware synthesizer, or a software synthesizer such as
Timidity [30], FluidSynth [4], ZynAddSubFX [38], and Yoshimi [34] [35]. See [8] for a long list of ”Linux”
Sequencer64, like Seq24, works a bit like an Alesis SR16 drum machine, which, for some, is a very
intuitive and fast way to do MIDI. If one has worked with trackers like SoundTracker and ShakeTracker,
then ”you are a tracker guy and it gonna go fast”. With Sequencer64, one creates several patterns, and
then combines them.
Unfortunately, Seq24 spent some time in limbo (2010 was the last major update, with a recent update
to fix a MIDI clock issue). There are a number of forks for it on GitHub, and some conversions to code

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

User Manual

in other languages, and some patches. There is also a fairly extensive port to Windows. So, why would
we bother creating yet another fork of Seq24?


Sequencer64: Why?

The first reason to reboot Seq24 is consolidation of many of the features and fixes that it has accumulated
in various forks over the years. Also, although ”feature-complete”, additional features would be useful.
Secondly, Seq24 is a kind of ”vi” of MIDI editing... spare, lean, and powerful. It deserves to be a
living project. Without Seq24 and its authors, Sequencer64 would never have come into being.



The following improvements have been made to Seq24 for Sequencer64.
• An important update is native JACK MIDI support! At last!
• Tempo events are now supported, are recordable, and are editable. The first track (or a configurable
track) serves as a ”tempo track”.
• A ”Tap” button sets the BPM by tapping a button or a key.
• The user interface can show more than one set at once, or more patterns in a single set. For example,
8 rows by 8 columns, fulfilling the promise of the project name, Sequencer64.
• The event editor dialog provides viewing and editing of MIDI events as text. This editor is basic,
but useful.
• Sequencer64 reads SMF 0 MIDI files, splitting the file into patterns based on channel number.
• Additional MIDI controls, such as coarse versus fine BPM control.
• Some features have been ported from Stazed’s Seq32 [23] project; they can be disabled at configure/build time, if desired.
– Chord-generation.
– Pattern-transposing.
– MIDI song export, which allows a song/performance to be exported into a MIDI file without
Sequencer64 loops, so that the performance can be played in a standard MIDI sequencer.
– Extended undo/redo support, and more comprehensive detection of changes to the song.
– The ability to split triggers at the nearest snap, instead of splitting them in half.
– Editing the amplitude of data events using a simple low-frequency oscillator (LFO).
– Enhanced JACK transport support.
– Seq32 features still pending:
∗ Diverting multi-channel recorded MIDI so that each channel is stored in the sequence/pattern
configured for that channel
∗ Randomizing MIDI events.
∗ Selection extensions such as selecting odd/even notes, and handles on data events.
• An optional second song editor window, to have a view of two different parts of a large song while
arranging it.
• Set Tempo and Time Signature events are now processed, incorporated into the user-interface, and
are saved as standard MIDI data. Support for System Exclusive events is improving.
• The scale, key, and background sequence settings are now saved to the Sequencer64 MIDI file, either
globally or per-sequence.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

User Manual

• In the sequence/pattern and song editors, the piano roll now scrolls to keep up with the progress
bar for long patterns.
• Additional mouse and keystroke support in the pattern and song editor windows:
– Usage of Page Up, Page Down, and Shift Page Up, Shift Page Down, to move vertically and
horizontally in the pattern and song windows.
– Moving selected notes or triggers using the arrow keys.
– Pasting selected notes (and other events) using the arrow and Enter keys.
– Additional keystroke support for entering and exiting ”paint” mode.
– Usage of the Mod4 (Super, Windows) key to keep editing (painting) mode enabled after releasing the right mouse button; useful with some ”modern” crappy uni-touchpads.
– Shift-left-click on a pattern slot (pattern editor), or on the pattern name or ”M” (mute) label
(song editor) to toggle the status of all of the other active slots. Useful for listening to a single
track by itself.
– Right-click on a the virtual keyboard in the pattern editor toggles between showing letters/octaves (e.g. ”C4”) versus the MIDI note numbers.
• The ”user” configuration can now be written to disk, and it has many new settings. It offers
the long-standing feature of customizable buss, instrument, and controller information, plus some
customizations of the user-interface, such as font, display of the main window’s pattern grid, colored
and thicker progress bars, modification of the default 40 millisecond window redraw rate, changes
in the row and column sizes of a set, and showing multiple sets in the main window.
• Support for mapping MIDI events to a single MIDI buss for testing or simple use cases.
• Support for handling PPQN values other than 192.
• Small improvements in appearance:
– Support for showing empty (having only meta events) sequences in a highlight color (yellow).
– Support for highlighting the currently-focussed pattern editor window, in black-on-cyan if not
armed, and in cyan-on-black if armed. The highlighting appears in both the pattern and song
– Sequences that are shorter than a quarter note are now padded to one full measure, for smoother
scrolling on the patterns panel.
– Modification of the colors of the scale and background sequence in the sequence editor to make
it easier to see them all.
– A new font, enabled at run time, that is bolder and has an anti-aliased look.
– Clean, solid lines to replace the dotted lines in the piano-roll grids.
– Additional zoom values have been added to support the display of high PPQN sequences.
– An ”inverse” or ”night” color mode has been added for those who find the glare of all-white
windows to be uncomfortable.
• Consolidated various patches in forks of the Seq24 project found by searching the web. Fixes to
bugs found while refactoring Seq24 were also made.
• Recording of performance changes into the Song Editor.
• More musical scales (harmonic minor, melodic minor, whole tone, etc.) have been added.
• A pause feature, added to ALSA-mode playback, includes a pause keystroke (”.”) and a pause
• A multiple-set main-window build and run-time option can now show more than one set in the main
• Internal improvements.
– Provided a new, more MIDI-compliant output format for the MIDI files. The old format can

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


User Manual

still be read, and, with a ”legacy” option, be written.
Changed the handling of the MIDI event container, which greatly speeds up the loading of a
MIDI file.
Note-transpose now also works on aftertouch events.
Non-note events are now copied, moved, or pasted, even if not visible, in the pattern editor.
The code was reformatted using astyle and personal preferences, and refactored into smaller
Much documentation was added to the code as we figured out how it worked. Generation of
Doxygen output (including a PDF file) provides a developer’s reference manual.
Debian packaging was incorporated into the project to make it easier to install without source
code. Bootstrapping and packing scripts were added so that other developers can rebuild the
project from scratch.

• New minor features.

The size of the Patterns Panel (main window) is now locked.
A panic button.
Support for LASH is a run-time or a build option.
Support for reading and writing configuration files from the user’s $HOME/.config/sequencer64
directory, or, optionally, other directories.

Eventually, we plan to create a build for Windows, using MingW, a fairly significant task. We’ve
also been asked to incorporate support for a scripting language, for OSC (Open Sound Control), and for
NSM (the Non Session Manager).
One more note. Sequencer64 is extremely customizable, and it features can be configured by defining
macro names in the source code, by enabling/disabling options at build-configuration time, and by many
new command-line arguments. We cannot show all permutations of settings in this document, so don’t
be surprised if some screenshots don’t quite match one’s setup.


Document Structure

The structure of this document follows the user-interface of Sequencer64. The sections are provided in
the order their contents appear in the user interface of Sequencer64. To help the reader jump around this
document, it provides multiple links, references, and index entries.
Usage tips for each of the functions provided in Sequencer64 are sprinkled throughout this document.
Each tip occurs in a section beginning with ”Tip:”. Each tip is provided with an entry in the index,
under the main topic ”tips”.
Bug notes for some of the oddities found in Sequencer64 are sprinkled throughout this document.
Each bug occurs in a sentence beginning with ”Bug:”. Each bug is provided with an entry in the index,
under the main topic ”bugs”. These bugs are items that we will try to fix as time goes on.
”To-do” items are also present, again in the same vein. Each to-do occurs in a sentence beginning
with ”TODO:”. This document currently has a lot of them!
”New” items are also present, in the same vein. New features (post version 0.9.2) will be noted with
the tag ”New:”.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


User Manual

Let’s Get Started!

Let us run Sequencer64. The first thing to do is make sure one has no other sound application running
(unless one wants to risk blocking Sequencer64 or hearing two sounds simultaneously, depending on one’s
sound card and ALSA setup). Then start Sequencer64 so that it uses JACK for MIDI. Provide a default
MIDI file so that all elements of the user interface can come into play. Also use the ”&” character so that
we get back to the command-line prompt. Finally, on our system the main synthesizer (Yoshimi) comes
up on MIDI buss 5, so we add an option to remap all events to that buss:
$ seq64 --jack-midi --bus 5 contrib/midi/b4uacuse-seq24.midi &
If the --alsa option is used instead of --jack-midi, then the ”JACK” button will show ”ALSA”

Figure 1: Sequencer64 Main Screen, ALSA MIDI
Then the Sequencer64 main window appears, as shown in figure 1 ”Sequencer64 Main Screen, ALSA
MIDI” on page 12. It has some differences from the Seq24 main window: the highlighting of empty
patterns in yellow, a different font, additional control buttons, and much more that is not shown. Most
of these items can be configured via the ”rc” and ”user” configuration files or command-line options.
There are many new front-panel items in Sequencer64:
• Top panel control buttons:

Toggle and show the status of ”Live” mode versus ”Song” mode.
Mute/show the mute status of all tracks.
Enable/disable the menu bar and show its status.
Set/show JACK ”Slave” transport, JACK ”Master” transport, ”ALSA” mode, or ”JACK”
(native JACK) mode.
– Set the kind of time display, between ”bars:beat:ticks” and ”hours:minute:seconds”.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Current time in bars, beats, and ticks.
Panic button, to stop all tracks and turn off all notes.
Start, Stop, and Pause.
Song recording records all muting changes to the Song Editor.
Song-recording snap, the S button.
Tap Tempo, the 0 (zero) button.
Log Tempo, which inserts the current tempo into the tempo track as an event.
Tempo recording, which inserts all tempo changes as tempo events.
Keep-queue toggling and status.

Many (but not all) of these buttons have configurable keystrokes as well. See section 3.3 ”Patterns
/ Bottom Panel” on page 56for more information.



The Sequencer64 menu, as seen at the top of figure 1 ”Sequencer64 Main Screen, ALSA MIDI” on
page 12, is fairly simple, but it is important to understand the structure of the menu entries.


Menu / File

The File menu is used to save and load standard MIDI files. Sequencer64 will handle any Format 0 or
Format 1 standard files that other sequencers export. The Sequencer64 menu entry contains the sub-items
shown in figure 2 ”Sequencer64 File Menu Items” on page 13. The next few sub-sections discuss the
sub-items in the File sub-menu.

Figure 2: Sequencer64 File Menu Items

Recent MIDI files...
Save As...
Import MIDI...
Export Song as MIDI...

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

8. Export MIDI Only...
9. Options...
10. Exit


Menu / File / New

The New menu entry clears out any current song and patterns, allowing one to create new ones from
scratch. If unsaved changes are pending, the user will be prompted to save the changes. Prompting for
changes is more comprehensive than Seq24.

Menu / File / Open

The Open menu entry opens a song (MIDI file) that had been saved previously. It opens up a standard
GTK+2 file dialog:

Figure 3: File / Open
This dialog lets one type a file-name, highlighting the first file (if any) that matches the characters
typed so far. If unsaved changes are pending from the currently-open MIDI file, the user will be prompted
to save the changes. When in doubt, save! Keep backups of your tunes!
Note that Sequencer64 can also open regular MIDI files. As of version 0.94.3, it will read and store
various MIDI Meta events that were not directly supported before. In addition, the Tempo and Time
Signature events are now integral parts of Sequencer64 handling.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Menu / File / New

Menu / File / Recent MIDI Files

Provides a list of the last few MIDI files that were created or opened. This list is saved in the [recent-files]
section of the ”rc” configuration file.

Menu / File / Save and Save As

The Save menu entry saves the song under its current file-name. If there is no current file-name, then it
opens up a standard file dialog to name and save the file.
The Save As menu entry saves a song under a different name. It opens up the following standard
file dialog, very similar to the File Open dialog, with an additional Name text-edit field.

Figure 4: File / Save As
To save a new file, or to save the current existing file to a new name, enter the name in the name
field, without an extension. Sequencer64 will append a .midi extension to the filename. The file will be
saved in a format that the Linux file command will tag as something like:
myfile.midi: Standard MIDI data (format 1) using 16 tracks at 1/192

It looks like a simple MIDI file, and yet, if one re-opens it in Sequencer64, one sees that all of the
labelling, pattern information, and song layout has been preserved in this file. Even the pattern layout
(arrangement), as discussed in section 5.2.2 ”Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Piano Roll” on page 88,
have been saved. (But the L and R marker positions are not saved.)

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

Compare the sizes of the original project MIDI file and the output MIDI file after Sequencer64 saves
them are different. The reason is that, after the last track in the file, a number of sequencer-specific
(SeqSpec) items are saved, to preserve this extra information. In legacy mode, Sequencer64 saves this
information in the same format as Seq24. Otherwise, it saves it in an even more MIDI-compatible format.
There is also an option to strip this extra information if it is empty.
New: In its normal mode, Sequencer64 saves this information by marking each SeqSpec section
as vendor-specific information, and marking this section as a regular MIDI track. The legacy and new
formats of the final ”track” are explained in section 14.2 ”Legacy Proprietary Track Format” on page 160.
New: Note that meta events are now partially handled by Sequencer64. Meta events Set Tempo, FF
51 03 tt tt tt, and Time Signature, FF 58 04 nn dd cc bb, are now fully supported. Other Meta
events, such as Meta FF 20 01 cc (MIDI channel cc), and Meta FF 21 01 pp (MIDI port pp), are now
read in as events, and are saved back when the file is saved. They cannot be edited in Sequencer64, but
at least they are not lost. Please note that the channel and port meta events mentioned above are also
considered obsolete.

Menu / File / Import MIDI

The Import menu entry allows one to import an SMF 0 or SMF 1 MIDI file into one or more patterns,
one pattern per track in the MIDI file. Even long tracks, that aren’t short loops, are read in properly.
The difference from Open is that the destination set for the import can be specified, and the existing
data is preserved, except for the data in the destination set.

Figure 5: File / Import MIDI


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

When imported, each track, whether a music track or an information track, is entered into its own
loop/pattern box. The import operation can handle reasonably complex files, such as the contrib/b4uacuse.mid
file, which contains a transcription of an Eric Clapton / Robert Cray tune made over 20 years ago.
Note the additional file-dialog field, Select Screen Offset. This setting is actually a set offset. It
lets one place the imported data into a screen-set other than the first screen-set (screen-set 0). This field
is not editable. It requires using the scroll button to move the screen set offset up or down in value. The
legal values range from 0 to 31.
When the file is imported, the sequence number for each track read in is adjusted to put the track in
the desired screen-set. The import can placed the imported data into any of the 32 available screen-sets.
Quite large songs can be built up by importing patterns from other MIDI files.
The import operation also handles SMF 0 MIDI files. It parcels out the SMF 0 into sequences/patterns
for each of the 16 MIDI channels. It also puts all of the MIDI data into the 17th pattern (pattern 16), in
case it is needed. Note that this slot is used no matter which screen-set one imports the file into. Bug, or

Menu / File / Export Song as MIDI

Thanks to the Seq32 project, the ability to export songs to MIDI format has been added. ”But wait!”, you
say, ”Sequencer64 already saves to a MIDI-compatible format. Why the need for an Export operation?”
Well, the Export Song as MIDI operation modifies the song in the following ways:
• Only tracks (sequences, loops, or patterns) that are ”exportable” are written. To be exportable, a
track must be unmuted, and it must have triggers (see section 12.1.20 ”Concepts / Terms / trigger”
on page 149). That is, the track must have a layout entry in the Song Editor. A track need not
have any playable data to be exported.
• All of the triggers for a given track are consolidated. Each trigger is used to generate the events,
including repeats and offsets play of the track information. If there is a gap in the layout (e.g. due to
the Expand operation in the Song Editor), then there is a corresponding gap in the events that are
played. The result is one consolidated trigger that reconstructs the original playback layout. This
trigger is not needed (or even usable) in any non-Seq24-based MIDI sequencer; the events themselves
are sufficient to play the performance exactly. But the trigger is useful for further editing of the
song/performance, as will be seen later, so it is kept (in a SeqSpec section).
• All the tracks that are exported are consolidated, so that any empty pattern slots between them
are removed. No matter what set the original track was in, it ends up in the first set.
• Other additions, such as time signature and tempo meta events, are written in the same manner as
for a normal File / Save operation.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

Figure 6: File / Export Song as MIDI
If there are no exportable tracks, the following message is shown:

Figure 7: Unexportable MIDI File
Once the file has been exported, it can be opened in order to see the results of the export. Both the
main window view and the song performance view will show the results of the export.
Here is a short song, in two sets, shown in a composite view of four windows, showing each set and
the performance layout of the tracks in the sets. (Note the second Song Editor window.)


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

Figure 8: Composite View of an Exportable Song
The left column shows the four tracks of the first set (Set 0), the next column shows the four tracks
of the second set (Set 1), and the layouts of the two sets are shown in the remainder of the diagram. Let’s
export this song, and see the result:

Figure 9: Composite View of Exported Song
Once can see that the two sets are now combined into the first set, and all of the track layouts (triggers)

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

have been exported. Had there been gaps in layouts or repeats of layouts in the song/performance data,
these would have been reflected in the triggers. Much more complex examples are, of course, possible.

Menu / File / Export MIDI Only

Sometimes it might be useful to export only the non-sequencer-specific data from a Sequencer64 song.
For example, some buggy sequencers might balk at some SeqSpec item in the song, and refuse to load the
MIDI data. For cases like this, the Export MIDI Only menu item writes a file that does not contain
the SeqSpec data for each track, and does not include all the SeqSpec data (such as mute groups) that is
normally written to the end of the Sequencer64 MIDI file.
Note that the meta data for track name is still written, so that the resulting file might be a little
larger than the original .mid file that was imported into Sequencer64.
Also note that other meta data not handled by Sequencer64, such as Meta FF 21 01 pp (MIDI port
pp), are also lost.

Menu / File / Options

The Options menu item provides a number of settings in one tabbed dialog, shown in the figures that
follow. This dialog allows one to select which sequence gets the MIDI clock, which incoming MIDI
events control the sequencer, what keys are mapped to functions, how the mouse works, and some JACK
parameters. Note that there is a new tab-page for Ext Keys, to support more keystroke controls.

Figure 10: File / Options Tabs for Version 0.9.18+

Menu / File / Options / MIDI Clock

The MIDI Clock tab provides a way to send the MIDI clock to one or more of the Sequencer64 output
busses. It is used to configure to what busses the MIDI clock gets dumped. It also shows the devices that
can play music. The items that appear in this tab depend on four things:
• What MIDI devices are connected to the computer. For example, MIDI controllers, USB MIDI
cables, and other devices will add MIDI output devices (ports) to the system.
• What MIDI software applications are running on the computer. For example, running MIDI software
synthesizers such as Timidity and Yoshimi will add extra output devices (playback ports) to a
• The setting of the ”manual ALSA ports” option, --manual-alsa-ports command-line option or the
[manual-alsa-ports] section of the sequencer64.rc configuration file, as described in section 9.9
”Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Other Sections” on page 121
• The setting of the Sequencer64-specific ”reveal ALSA ports” option, --reveal-alsa-ports commandline option or the [reveal-alsa-ports] section of the sequencer64.rc configuration file, as described in section 9.9 ”Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Other Sections” on page 121


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

For the current discussion, a USB MIDI cable was plugged into the system, and the Timidity and
Yoshimi (in ALSA mode) software synthesizers were running. Sequencer64 was also running, with the
option of ”manual ALSA ports” (-m or --manual-alsa-ports) and ALSA (-A or --alsa turned on. Here
are the devices shown by the ALSA MIDI playback command-line application with the -m option:
$ aplaymidi -l
Client name
Midi Through
E-MU XMidi1X1 Tab

Port name
Midi Through Port-0
E-MU XMidi1X1 Tab MIDI 1
TiMidity port 0
TiMidity port 1
TiMidity port 2
TiMidity port 3
seq64 in

Turning to figure 11 ”MIDI Clock, Manual Option On, Condensed View” on page 21, note the
16 devices provided by Sequencer64. Also note that its first value is 1, not 0, due to the MIDI Thru
port occupying slot 0. This figure shows the result with the ”manual ALSA option” turned on. But
remember that, now this option also applies to the native JACK MIDI version of Sequencer64, which has
an executable named seq64.

Figure 11: MIDI Clock, Manual Option On, Condensed View
It shows the 16 MIDI output busses that Sequencer64 can drive, in the manual mode. One would
have to use a JACK or ALSA MIDI connection application to put a device on each of those outputs.
The fact that the the buss names can start with different numbers, depending on the system setup, can

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

complicate the playing of MIDI in this manner. Also, the ”user” configuration file can change the names
of the ports, causing further confusion. The following elements are present in this dialog:

Index Number
Client Number
Port Number
Buss Name
On (Pos)
On (Mod)
Clock Start Modulo

1. Index Number.
The number in square brackets is simply an ordinal indicating the position of
the output buss in the list of busses. It can be used with the --bus option to redirect all output to that
one buss.
2. Client Number. The number that precedes the colon is the ”client number”. It is useful mainly
in ALSA, where clients can have numbers like ”14”, ”128”, ”129”, etc. For native JACK mode, it just
matches the index number.
3. Port Number.
The number that follows the colon is the ”port number”. It is useful mainly in
ALSA. For native JACK mode, it just matches the index number.
4. Buss Name.
These labels indicate the output busses (ports) of Sequencer64. They range from
[1] sequencer64 1 to [16] sequencer64 16 in the legacy application, sequencer64. They range from
[1] seq64 1 to [16] seq64 16. in the native JACK application, seq64.
5. Off.
This setting disables the MIDI clock for the given output buss. However, note that MIDI
output can still be sent to those ports, and each port that has a device connected to it will play music.
For feeding Yoshimi (running in ALSA mode) with MIDI data, we found that this setting is the one
that must be made in order for Yoshimi to produce a sound.
6. On (Pos). The MIDI clock will be sent to this buss. MIDI Song Position and MIDI Continue will
be sent if playback is starting at greater than tick 0 in Song mode. Otherwise, MIDI Start will be sent.
7. On (Mod).
The MIDI clock will be sent to this buss. MIDI Start will be sent and clocking
will begin once the Song Position has reached the start modulo of the specified size (see the next item’s
description). This setting is used for gear that does not respond to Song Position.
8. Clock Start Modulo.
Clock Start Modulo (1/16 Notes). This value starts at 1 and ranges
on upward to 16384. It defaults to 64. It is used by the On (Mod) setting discussed above. It is the
[midi-clock-mod-ticks] option in the Sequencer64 ”rc” file as described in section 9.9 ”Sequencer64
”rc” File / Other Sections” on page 121.
9. Meta Events. This new item currently consists of just one item, the tempo track number. This
item allows the user to change the tempo track from pattern 0 to another pattern. Changing this option
is not recommended, since track 1 (0) is the official track for tempo events, but Sequencer64 allows the
user to record tempo events to another track. Sequencer64 will process tempo events in any pattern.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

Figure 12: MIDI Clock, Manual Option Off (ALSA View)
As shown by the figure above, with the ”manual ALSA option” turned off, all of the devices that can
be driven by MIDI output are shown, including the MIDI Thru port, the four ports provided by Timidity,
and the unlabelled port provided by the Yoshimi synthesizer running in ALSA mode. (However, seq64
does show the name ”yoshimi” as the client name.) One could theoretically play music through 6 or 7
devices using Sequencer64 with this setup.
See section 15.2 ”Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI” on page 172, for a lot more information about
native JACK support, and examples of JACK MIDI ports and connections.
TODO: There is currently no user-interface item corresponding to the ”manual ALSA” commandline and ”rc” configuration file option. We also want to rename this option to simply ”manual” or ”virtual”
in the near future, since it can also apply to JACK MIDI.
There is a new option shown only in the figure above, and it supports the Set Tempo events introduced
in version 0.93. This option, which lets the user change the default tempo track from 0 (the first pattern)
to another value that accommodates the user’s existing tunes. In addition, the Set as Song Tempo
Track button will set this tempo track as part of the currently-load MIDI song file, and will be saved when
exited. This value will override the global tempo-track value, which is stored in the ’rc’ configuration file.
However, if 0, it will be ignored, so that the global value will take hold. See section 9.5 ”Sequencer64 ”rc”
File / MIDI-Meta-Events Section” on page 118, which discusses this new item in the ”rc” configuration

Menu / File / Options / MIDI Input

To allow Sequencer64 to record MIDI from MIDI devices such as controllers and keyboards, the output
of the ALSA MIDI recording command-line application is relevant:
$ arecordmidi -l
Client name
Midi Through

Port name
Midi Through Port-0
seq64 midi out 0
seq64 midi out 1


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

. . .


. . .

Menu / File / New

. . .
seq64 midi out 15

We see that we can record MIDI from the MIDI Thru port, from the USB MIDI cable, and MIDI
from any of the 16 output ports provided by the manual ALSA port mode of Sequencer64.
If the ”manual ALSA ports” option is turned off (e.g. by using the -A option), then the only item in
the MIDI Input tab is the single MIDI input buss provided by Sequencer64: [0] seq64 0. (The figure
shown is currently out-of-date.)

Figure 13: MIDI Input, Manual Ports Off (Condensed View)
This item, if checked, allows Sequencer64 to be used to record MIDI information from another source
(which must be connected to this port by another application), or pass it through to the output busses
that are configured to allow pass-through (in the Pattern Editor, as discussed in section 4.4 ”Pattern
Editor / Bottom Panel” on page 77.)
Warning: If the [user-midi-bus-definitions] value in the ”user” configuration file is non-zero,
and the corresponding number of [user-midi-bus-N] settings are provided, then the list of existing
hardware will be ignored, and those values will be shown instead. (This feature can be overridden with
the --reveal-alsa-ports (-r) option.)
If the ”auto ALSA ports” option is turned on, via the -a or --auto-alsa-ports option, then the
input ports from the system are shown:

Figure 14: MIDI Input, -a Option (Condensed View)
For example, one could check input #1 to have Sequencer64 record MIDI from an old-fashioned
MIDI keyboard that is connected to another USB MIDI cable (the E-MU Xmidi). If the keyboard didn’t

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

have a sound generator, one would also want Sequencer64 to pass this MIDI on to a sound generator,
such as a software or hardware synthesizer attached to one of the ports shown in figure 12 ”MIDI Clock,
Manual Option Off (ALSA View)” on page 23.
Warning: Again, note that the ”user” configuration file can override what is actually displayed
as hardware. If you define these sections, they should match your hardware exactly, and your hardware
should not change from session to session.
Note the two sections of this configuration page:
Input Buses delineates the MIDI input devices as noted above. Input Options adds further
refinements to MIDI input.
Record input into sequence according to channel, is a new feature ported from Seq32. When
enabled, MIDI input with multiple channels is distributed to each sequence according to what MIDI
channel the sequence is set to. When disabled, the legacy recording behavior dumps all data into the
current sequence, regardless of channel.

Menu / File / Options / Keyboard

Seq24 allows extensive use of keyboard shortcuts to make operations go faster than when using a mouse,
and Sequencer64 extends that tradition. The Keyboard tab allows for the configuration of these keyboard shortcuts.
Warning: There are a number of ”gotchas” to be aware of when assigning keys to the fields in the
Keyboard tab:
• Whenever one of the text fields in this dialog has the focus (and that is usually the case), then any
keystroke, including keys like Ctrl, Alt, and Super (Mod4 or Windows key), can alter the value of
a field to that of the keystroke. This change is very easy to do accidentally! Use the mouse to move
this window and to click its OK button!
• Some of the keys traditionally used (or used by default) for control have been adapted for other
uses. One example is Ctrl-L, which brings up the learn mode that can be started using the ”L”
• Sequencer64 has appropriated the Shift key so that it modifies a click on a pattern so that all of
the other patterns are toggled. Therefore, using characters that require the Shift key while clicking,
such as { and }, when used to set the Replace function, becomes surprising. Instead, look to the
remaining keys: F11, F12, and the ”keypad” keys if more options are wanted. Be sure to look at
the Ext Keys tab to see what other keys are in use.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

Figure 15: File / Options / Keyboard
We won’t attempt to cover every user-interface item in this busy dialog, just the categories. Some
items are discussed in other parts of this manual.
There are a few things to note in the [keyboard-control] section. First, it is laid out like the main
patterns panel, in an 8 x 4 grid. The keys in there correspond directly to the patterns panel slot, and the
conventional keyboard layout is shown. Second, if one is looking for more keys to map to other functions,
the conventional layout keeps open the following keys: 9 o l 0 p.
The [mute-group] section is laid out in a similar manner, except that the upper-case versions of the
keys are used. Additional keys are available for other functions: ( O L ) P.
Currently, one must be very carefully about assigning the same key to different functions. Confusion
will ensue!
If the application has been built with the ”pause” option, an additional key definition is shown for the
Pause key. By default, the Pause key is the period (”.”). An old version of the ”rc” file is automatically
fixed to include this new option. (The pause feature can be removed by rebuilding the application after
configuring with the --disable-pause option.)
With version 0.9.12, we add a new feature as we try to achieve the goal of being able to edit a pattern
using only the keyboard. Sequencer64 now supports two modifier keys. The first modifier key causes the

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

usual pattern-toggle key (hot-key) for a given slot to instead bring up the pattern editor. By default, this
key is the equals (”=”) key. The second modifier key causes the usual pattern-toggle key (hot-key) for a
given slot to instead bring up the event editor. By default, this key is the minus (”-”) key. These keys
are configurable in the File / Options / Ext Keys page.
To continue with a listing of the keyboard options:

Show sequence hot-key labels on sequences
Show sequence numbers on sequences
Control keys [keyboard-group]
Sequence toggle keys [keyboard-control]
Mute-group slots [mute-group]

1. Show key labels on sequence.
This item, if enabled, shows the key labels in the lower-right
corner of each loop/pattern in the Patterns window (the main window). This feature is useful for live
playback and control of a song. Note that this option is also available in the ”rc” configuration file. Also
note that this option will enable the display of the pattern length, in measures, at the top right of the
pattern slot, not shown in the current diagram.
2. Show sequence numbers on sequence.
New: If this option is turned on, the empty slots in
the Patterns window show the prospective sequence number. See the following figure for one look of this

Figure 16: Pattern Window with Numbering
If one doesn’t like it, turn off the option in the ”rc” configuration file, or try other grid options in
the ”user” configuration file. Also note that the option also changes the visibility of sequence numbers in
active sequences and in the Song Editor’s names column.
3. Control keys.
This block of fields in the Options / Keyboard tab provides shortcut keys
for many operations of Sequencer64. There is a default mapping built into Sequencer64, but open the
keyboard options tab to see the actual values.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Menu / File / New

Slot Shift.
Snapshot 1.
Snapshot 2.
bpm up.
bpm down.
Keep queue.
Screenset down.
Screenset up.
Set playing screenset.

Some of the keys have positional mnemonic value. For example, for BPM control, the semicolon is at
the left (down), and the apostrophe is at the right (up). Note that the keys definable in this tab are only
a subset of the various keys that can be used, especially keys used with the Ctrl key or other modifier
The slot shift key is useful when using pattern grids larger than 8 x 4 patterns. Pressing the slot-shift
key basically adds 32 to the pattern number of the slot-key that is pressed.
A snapshot is a briefly preserved state of the patterns. One can press a snapshot key, change the
state of the patterns for live playback, and then release the snapshot key to revert to the state when the
snapshot key was first pressed.
To queue a pattern means to ready it for playback upon the next repeat of a pattern. A pattern can
be armed immediately, or it can be queued to play back the next time the pattern starts. A pattern can
be queued by holding the queue key (defined in File / Options / Keyboard / queue) and pressing a
pattern-slot shortcut key. Instead of the pattern turning on (or off) immediately, it turns on at the next
repeat of the pattern.
The keep queue functionality allows the queue to be held without holding down the queue button the
whole time. First, press the keep-queue key (defined in File / Options / Keyboard / Keep queue).
Now, hitting any of the shortcut keys, no matter how many, sets up the corresponding pattern slot to be
queued. Also, in keep-queue mode, clicking on the pattern slot will queue the pattern. The keep-queue
mode is disabled by hitting the ”queue” key (any currently active queues remain active until finished).
Be sure to note the new option, ”one-shot queue”, in the extended-keys section (section 3.2.1 ”Pattern
Slot” on page 44).
4. Sequence toggle keys. Each of these keys toggles the playing/muting of one of the 32 loop/pattern
boxes. These keys are layed out logically on the keyboard, and can also be shown in each loop/pattern
box. No need to list them all here! Please note that we often call them ”shortcut keys” where the context
makes it clear that they apply to the armed/unarmed state of a pattern. Sometimes they are called ”hot
5. Mute-group slots.
Each of these keys operates on the mute-grouping of one of the 32
loop/pattern boxes (sets). These keys are layed out logically on the keyboard, and will also be shown in
each loop/pattern box. No need to list them all here! But basically, they are the shifted versions of the
keyboard keys used as hot-keys for the patterns. However, note that the mute-group keys will be set only
when Sequencer64 is in group-learn mode.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

One thing to explain is just what mute-grouping means functionally. Mute groups are shortcuts to
play a defined group of patterns on the current set, while stopping other patterns from the current set,
and all patterns from other sets.
To define the group of patterns for one mute group, press and hold the Learn key (the Insert key
by default, but see the current configuration) and, simultaneously, press one of the mute group keys:
Sequencer64 will save the currently-playing pattern slots into the corresponding mute group. The default
mute group keys need the Shift modifier, but one does not need the Shift key while pressing Insert
to learn the group, only to trigger it (Sequencer64 will automatically assign the corresponding key with
Shift activated).
Now, on some keyboards (like the author’s), the Insert key is a clumsy two-key button. So, an
alternative is to click the L button and release it, then hit the desired mute-group (no need for the
Shift key).
Group-mute can be globally enabled or disabled (with default keys apostrophe ’ and igrave or grave
‘). So make sure it is enabled before trying to use it.
6. Learn. Learn (while pressing a mute-group key). This items sets the key used to initiate a learn
mode. It is the Insert key by default. When in group-learn mode, the Shift key cannot be hit, so
the group-learn mode automatically converts the keys to their shifted versions. This feature known as
shift-lock or auto-shift. It is new to Sequencer64.
Also, currently necessary because pressing Shift can clear the arming of the patterns in the current
7. Disable.

It is the apostrophe key by default. This key is the group off key.

8. Enable.

It is the igrave (back-tick) key by default. This key is the group on key.

Menu / File / Options / Ext Keys

A number of additional functions have been added to Sequencer64, and keystrokes have been provided for
those new functions, in the Ext Keys page. This page is needed because the original page is completely

Figure 17: File / Options / Ext Keys (Condensed View)
9. Ext Keys. This block of fields in the Options / Ext Keys tab provides shortcut keys for more
operations of Sequencer64, many of them ported from Seq32 or Kepler34.
1. Song/Live toggle.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Menu / File / New

Toggle JACK.
Menu mode.
Follow transport.
Fast forward.
Pointer Position.
Toggle mutes.
Tap BPM.
Song Record.
One-shot Queue. This new feature allows one-shot queuing of a pattern.

Most of these extended keys implement operations performed with button presses. However, some
of the new keystrokes do not have a corresponding button (yet).
These values are saved as the [extended-keys] section of the ”rc” configuration file. However, not
all builds of Sequencer64 will support the new keys. Some of the new features can be enabled or disabled
during the build-configure step, and one’s favorite distro may decide to disable some features. In this
case, although the values will still be stored in the ”rc” file, they will be disabled or missing in this tab:

Figure 18: File / Options / Ext Keys (Disabled)
Note the Song/Live toggle key. The song mode normally is in effect only when playback is started
from the Song Editor. Now this mode can be used from any window, if enabled by pressing this key.
There is also a button in the main window for this function, which shows the current state of this flag.
Note that this flag is also stored in the ”rc” configuration file, as well as this hotkey value, which defaults
to F1.
The JACK mode is normally set via the File / Options / JACK / JACK Connect or JACK
Disconnect buttons. But, if Sequencer64 is built for using the Seq32 JACK support, then this keystroke
will toggle between JACK connect and JACK disconnect. Note that, with this kind of build, the Song
Editor will also have a JACK button. The hotkey for this function defaults to F2.
The menu mode simply indicates if the main menu of the main window is accessible or not. It will be
disabled in playback so that more hotkeys can be used without triggering menu function. It can also be
disabled by the user; the default hotkey is F3. Here is Stazed’s explanation of the feature, mildly edited:
”why disabling is needed when playing” The original seq24 had numerous conflicts between the menu key
binding and the default seq24 key binding for the mainwind sequence triggers. For example: Ctrl-q (quits the
program without prompt). If you place a sequence in the default ’q’ slot, you cannot use it with Ctrl-l or Ctrl-r
(default replace or queue) because the menu grabs the keys. Same goes for the Alt-l or Alt-r (default snapshot
1 or 2). Try same as above with Alt-f, Alt-v, Alt-h, Ctrl-n, Ctrl-o... etc. So I just shut off all the menus by
default when playing because it seems that they should not be needed then... especially in a live performance.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

”why a button?” On occasion I wanted to use the mainwnd key binding when stopped to set the sequences
to be ready before starting. It’s also a sort of safety feature as well, just toggle the menus off before going live
so that you don’t hit Ctrl-q, Ctrl-n etc. forgetting things are not playing....

The follow transport functionality is a feature ported from Seq32. We’ll have more of a description
of it later. The default key is F4.
The fast forward functionality is a feature ported from Seq32. Basically, while this key is held, the
song pointer will fast-forward through the song. The default key is F5. This feature does not (yet) have
a corresponding button. This feature also requires that the Seq32 transport option be enabled at build
The rewind functionality is a feature ported from Seq32. The default key is F6. Basically, while this
key is held, the song pointer will rewind in the song. This feature does not (yet) have a corresponding
button. This feature also requires that the Seq32 transport option be enabled at build time (and now
that is the default). Be sure not to use the following keys, which are already hardwired for other functions
in the Song Editor:
• p. Paint mode.
• x. Escape paint mode.
The pointer position functionality is a feature ported from Seq32. The default key is F7. Basically,
when this key is pressed, the song pointer will move to the current position of the mouse, snapped. This
feature does not have a corresponding button.
The toggle mutes function toggles the mute status of every pattern on every screen-set. It corresponds
to the Edit / Toggle mute all tracks or the Song / Toggle All Tracks menu entries. There is also
a button in the main window for this function, which shows the current state of this flag. Note that this
hotkey value is stored in the ”rc” configuration file, and defaults to F8.
The tap bpm function allows the user to ”tap” in time with some other music, and see the tap
sequence translated into beats/minute (BPM). There is also a button for this function. After 5 seconds,
this feature resets automatically, so the user can try again if not satisfied. At least two clicks are needed
for this functionality to work.

Menu / File / Options / Mouse

This item selects the mouse-interaction method.

Figure 19: File / Options / Mouse (Condensed View)

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

Interaction Method
The default mouse interaction method is Seq24 (original style). The alternate mouse interaction
method is Fruity (similar to a certain well known sequencer).
The alternate method is presumably that of the Fruity Loops (now FL Studio) sequencer. The fruity
mode seems to involve the following (based on scanning the source code):
• Left-click left side. Begin a grow/shrink operation for the left side. However, even in Seq24, this
action is broken. It does allow one to move the note, however.
• Left-click right side. Begin a grow/shrink operation for the right side.
• Left-click middle. Move the object. To clarify, each note image has an invisible ”handle” on the
left or the right side, with the middle providing a third area of interaction in the ”fruity” mode.
• Left-click. Add an event if nothing selected.
• Middle-click. Split the note?
The Seq24 ”original style” is pretty much as expected for basic actions such as selecting and moving
notes using the left mouse button. Drawing a note or event is a bit different, in the one must first click
and hold the right mouse button, and then click and drag the right mouse button to insert notes, Notes
are inserted to be at the current length and grid-snap values for the sequence editor for as long as the left
button is pressed. Notes are inserted only up to the boundary of the sequence length. And, once notes
are inserted, moving the mouse with the left button still held down simply moves the notes to the new
note value of the mouse.
If one releases the left button, then presses and holds it again, more notes will be added in the same
way. This is strange, but it is a powerful way to layer notes into a short sequence. We call it the ”draw
mode” or ”paint mode”.
Note that drawing/painting can also be done while the sequence is playing, and notes will be added
to be played the next time the progress bar crosses them.
Sequencer64 Options
This section currently contains a couple of new options.
Mod4 key preserves add (paint) mode in song and pattern editors
In order to work better with certain trackpads, the ”Seq24” mode of mouse interaction can be modified
in the Pattern or Song editors so that the Mod4 key (Super or Windows key) can be pressed when releasing
the right mouse button. This keeps the mouse in note-add mode. Another right-click, without pressing
Mod4, will exit this mode. The reason for this feature is the crummy FocalTech touchpad on one of the
author’s laptops. This trackpad seems to have only a single button, which the driver interprets as left or
right depending where the finger is when it is clicked. There’s no way to click the right and left buttons
at the same time. There’s no way to make a middle-click action. What a crock!
Note that this option will not interfere with the Mod4 key being set in the Keyboard option tab,
since the keys there mainly apply to the Patterns Panel (main window).
Middle click splits song triggers at nearest snap (instead of halfway point)
Another way to turn on the paint mode has been added, based on a feature found in a patch that
someone posted about in some mailing list somewhere on the internet. To turn on the paint mode,
press the p key while in the sequence editor. This is just like pressing the right mouse button, but the
draw/paint mode sticks (as if the Mod4 mode were in force). To get out of the paint mode, press the


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

x key while in the sequence editor. These keys, however, do not work (currently) while the sequence is
These convenience options are limited to the pattern/sequence editor window and the performance
editor window, and may need some heavier testing. Also note that some Sequencer64 windows can use
the ctrl-left-click as a middle click.

Menu / File / Options / Jack Sync

This tab sets up options for JACK synchronization, if Sequencer64 was built with JACK support. (Why
wouldn’t it be?) It now also supports native JACK MIDI. This tab also sets up options for using LASH
session management, if Sequencer64 was build with LASH support, which is no longer the default, even
though it is shown in the figure below.

Figure 20: File / Options / JACK
The main sections in this dialog are:
1. JACK Transport/MIDI
2. JACK Start Mode
3. JACK Transport Connect and Disconnect

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / File / New

4. LASH Options
1. Transport/MIDI. These settings are stored in the ”rc” file settings group [jack-transport]. See
section 9.8 ”Sequencer64 ”rc” File / JACK Transport” on page 120, which describes this configuration
option. This items collects the following settings:
• Jack Transport. Enables slave synchronization with JACK Transport. The command-line option
is --jack-transport. The behavior of this mode of operation is perhaps not quite correct. Even
as a slave, Sequencer64 can start and stop playback. Note that this option cannot be disabled via
the mouse if the Transport Master option is enabled. Disable that one first.
• Transport Master. Sequencer64 will attempt to serve as the JACK Master. The command-line
option is --jack-master. Tip: Sequencer64 generally works a little better as JACK Master. If
this option is enabled the JACK Transport option is automatically enabled as well.
• Master Conditional. Sequencer64 will fail to serve as the JACK Master if there is already a
Master set. The command-line option is --jack-master-cond. If this option is enabled the JACK
Transport option is automatically enabled as well.
• Native JACK MIDI. This option is for the seq64 version of Sequencer64. If set, MIDI input and
output occur using the new JACK MIDI interface, rather than using ALSA. However, if JACK is
not running on the system, then seq64 will fall back to ALSA mode. The command-line option is
Note that there are long-standing issues with the JACK support of Seq24, and Sequencer64 currently
inherits some of them, in spite of some bug fixes. Generally, if one experiences issues in transport control,
try making one of the other sequencer applications the JACK Master. If one starts Sequencer64 in JACK
mode without JACK running, it will take a little while for Sequencer64 to start up, and it will fall back
to ALSA usage.
Finally, if one makes a change in the JACK transport settings, it is best to then press the JACK
Transport Disconnect button, then the JACK Transport Connect button. Another option is to
restart Sequencer64... the settings are automatically saved when Sequencer64 exits.
2. JACK Start mode.
group [jack-transport].

This item collects the following settings, also stored in the ”rc” file settings

• Live Mode.
Playback will be in live mode. Use this option to allow muting and unmuting
of patterns. This option might also be called ”non-song mode”. The command-line option is
--jack-start-mode 0.
• Song Mode.
Playback will use only the Song Editor’s data. The command-line option is
--jack-start-mode 1.
Note that Sequencer64 selects the playback modes according to which window started the playback
(reverting back to legacy Seq24 behavior).
The main window, or pattern window, causes playback to be in live mode. The user can arm and
mute patterns in the main window by clicking on sequences, using their hot-keys, and by using the groupmode and learn-mode features. The song editor causes playback to be in performance mode, also known
as ”playback mode”, or ”song mode”.
3. Connect.
Connect to JACK Sync. This button is useful to restart JACK sync when making
changes to it, or when Sequencer64 was started in ALSA mode.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

4. Disconnect.
changes to it.


Menu / Edit

Disconnect from JACK Sync. This button is useful to stop JACK sync when making

5. LASH Options.
Currently contains only one item, which enables the usage of LASH session
management. Currently, Sequencer64 needs to be restarted to complete the enabling or disabling of LASH
support. Like the rest of the options, this one is written to the ”rc” configuration file.
Finally, there is a new button (labelled Master in the following figure) in the main window to bring
up directly the JACK (or JACK/LASH) page.

Figure 21: JACK Connection Button
This button not only brings up the JACK page, but also shows the current status of the MIDI
connection: Master (JACK Transport Master), Slave (JACK Transport Slave), JACK (native JACK
MIDI, overrides any transport label), and ALSA (overridden by any transport label). The Ctrl-P key
will also bring up this page.
One thing to note is that, while playing, the JACK/ALSA button is disabled. However, one can
still get to the JACK options via the main File menu. JACK connection and disconnection are disabled
during playback, but the buttons don’t yet reflect that status.


Menu / Edit

The Edit menu has undergone some expansion lately.

Figure 22: Edit Menu

Song Editor...
Apply song transpose
Clear mute groups
Reload mute groups
Mute all tracks
Unute all tracks
Toggle mute all tracks

1. Song Editor. This item is the same as the View / Song Editor toggle menu entry. It toggles
the presence of the main song editor.
2. Apply song transpose.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / View

Selecting this item applies the song transposition value to all sequences/patterns that are marked as
transposable. (Normally, drum tracks are not transposable). This actively changes the note/pitch value
of all note and aftertouch events in the pattern.
Once the transpositions are done, the transposition value is set to 0. For the setting of song transpose,
see section 5 ”Song Editor” on page 82, for more information. Also note that transpose can be enabled
in the patterns panel for each pattern (see section 3.2.2 ”Pattern” on page 47) and in the sequence editor
(see section 4 ”Pattern Editor” on page 60).
3. Clear mute groups.
A feature of Seq24 and Sequencer64 is that the mute groups are saved in both the ”rc” file (see
section 9.3 ”Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Mute-Group Section” on page 116) and in the ”MIDI” file (see
section 14.2 ”Legacy Proprietary Track Format” on page 160).
This menu entry clears them. If this resulted in any mute-group sequences status being set to false,
then the user will be prompted to save the MIDI file, so that it will no longer have any mute-group
information. And then, currently, if the application is exited, the cleared mute-group information is also
saved to the ”rc” file. We’d like to be able to handle the ”rc” and ”MIDI” mute-groups separately in the
4. Reload mute groups.
This menu entry reloads the mute-groups from the ”rc” file. So, if one loads a MIDI file that has its
own mute groups that one does not like, this command will restore one’s favorite mute-grouping from the
”rc” file.
5. Mute all tracks.
This menu entry, available only in Live mode, immediately mutes all patterns in the entire song.
6. Unmute all tracks.
This menu entry, available only in Live mode, immediately unmutes all patterns in the entire song.
7. Toggle mute all tracks.
This option toggles the mute/armed status of all tracks. It is only available in Live mode, which
overrides Song mode even if the Song Editor is focussed.
Do not confuse it with the main Mute button, which toggles the status only of the tracks that are
armed and remembers them.


Menu / View

If the ”allow two perfedits” option is turned off in the ”user” configuration file, this menu item has only
one entry, Song Editor, which is already covered by a button at the bottom of the Patterns window.
Selecting this item bring up the Song Editor window. See figure 71 ”Song Editor Window” on page 83.
The Song Editor window can also be brought up via the Ctrl-E key.
If the allow two perfedits option is turned on in the ”user” configuration file, this menu item has
two entries, as shown in the following figure:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / Help / About...

Figure 23: Dual Song Editor Entries in View Menu
Note that only the first Song Editor has a user-interface button and a hot-key. Also note that there
can be issues bringing up the second song-editor with the hot-key. The menu entry will always work.
If two song editors are up, they each track any changes made in the other song editor. But the main
purpose of two song editors is to arrange two different parts of the performance at the same time.


Menu / Help / About...

This menu entry shows the ”About” dialog.

Figure 24: Help / About
That dialog provides access to the credits for the program, including the authors and the project
documentors. It has recently been updated to show Git version-control information as well.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Menu / Help / Build Info...

Figure 25: Help Credits
Shows who has worked on the program, with the original author at the top of the list.

Figure 26: Help Documentation
Shows who has documented this project.


Menu / Help / Build Info...

This menu entry shows the ”Build Info” dialog. This list of build options enabled in the current application
is the same list that it generated via the one of the following command lines:
$ sequencer64 --version
$ seq64 --version


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Figure 27: Help / Build Info


Patterns Panel

Sequencer64 works with patterns (loops, track, or sequences) that are repeated all along a song. One
composes and edits small patterns, and combines them to create a full song. This is a powerful way to
work, and makes one productive within an hour.
The Sequencer64 Patterns Panel is the main window of Sequencer64. See figure 1 ”Sequencer64
Main Screen, ALSA MIDI” on page 12. It is called the ”main window” or the ”patterns window”. It
is here one creates a set of patterns (see section 12.1.16 ”Concepts / Terms / screen set” on page 149),
manages the configuration, controls the playback rate, adds tempo events, and opens the pattern or song
When the Patterns Panel has the application focus (in ALSA mode), and Sequencer64 is not running in JACK mode, it puts Sequencer64 in ”live mode”. The musician can control the playback and
muting/unmuting of each pattern in the song, while it is playing, from within this window.
If the song editor (see section 5 ”Song Editor” on page 82) has the input focus in ALSA mode, then
it controls the muting/unmuting of each pattern, and Sequencer64 runs in ”song mode”. However, if
Sequencer64 is using JACK transport, then, instead of the behavior described above, live versus song
mode is controlled by the JACK start mode option (see the JACK Start mode item in section
”Menu / File / Options / Jack Sync” on page 33).
Back to the patterns panel.... For exposition, we break the Patterns Panel into a menu bar, a top
panel, a pattern panel, and a bottom panel. (The Sequencer64 menu bar is discussed in section 2 ”Menu”
on page 13.)


Patterns / Top Panel

The top panel of the Pattern window is relatively simple, consisting of the name of the program and a
few controls. The latest version adds more buttons.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Top Panel

Figure 28: Patterns Panel, New Top Panel Items
This figure shows the appearance of the main window top panel.

Toggle Playing Tracks
Toggle Menu
Song Progress Bar
Time Display Selection
Mute Group Learn

1. Song/Live.
This new button allows the Song mode to be in force even if the Song Editor
does not have the focus of the application. However, if the Song Editor does have focus, it overrides
this button, to preserve expected behavior. There is also a configurable hotkey associated with it, which
defaults to F1, and is configurable in the ”rc” file and the File / Options / Ext Keys page.
2. Toggle Tracks.
This button changes the status of all of the playing tracks, reversing the mute
status of each pattern that is playing. The next click will then unmute only those tracks. Because it can
be confusing, this button is disabled (not shown in the figure) in Song mode. There is also a configurable
hotkey associated with it, called Toggle mutes, which defaults to F8, and is configurable in the ”rc” file
and the File / Options / Ext Keys page.
3. Toggle Menu.
This button enables and disables the main menu of the main window. Disabling
it allows additional hotkeys to be used without calling forth menu entries. There is also a configurable
hotkey associated with it, called Menu mode, which defaults to F3, and is configurable in the ”rc” file
and the File / Options / Ext Keys page.
4. ALSA/JACK Modes.
This button used to be just a label, but now it can help set the ALSA
versus JACK modes, including JACK transport and native JACK MIDI playback and recording. When
clicked, it brings up the JACK connection page from the File / Options dialog. The hot-key for this
button is Ctrl-P.
5. Song Progress Bar.
The Song Progress Bar is also known as the ”main time” bar. This bar
shows a number of small black cursors (”pills”) that show the progress of the song through the various
patterns. For short patterns, the progress is fast. For patterns that last longer, the progress is slow. The
whole field flashes in time with the beat. This field shows that something is going on. It can also indicate
the relative lengths of the various patterns.
Also included is a numeric representation of the ”BBT” (bar:beat:ticks).
Note that the individual pattern boxes in the main panel, for patterns that are not empty, have their
own moving progress cursor, a vertical line in each box. By default, this progress line is black, but it
can be changed to other colors via a ”user” configuration file entry in the [user-interface-settings]

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Top Panel

section. Set the progress bar colored item to a value ranging from 0 (black) to 6 (dark cyan). There
is also a progress bar thick item to enable a thicker progress bar, for better visibility.
6. Time Display Selection. The Time Display Selection is also known as the ”main time” bar.
This button toggles between the states of BBT (bar:beats:ticks) and HMS (hours:minutes:seconds).
7. Mute Group Learn.
This button is also known as the ”L” button. Click this button, and then
press a mute-group key to store the mute-state (whether armed or unarmed) of all the patterns with in
that key. In addition to clicking this button, one can also press the Ctrl-L combination (analogous to the
Ctrl-E keystroke that brings up the Song Editor). When in group-learn mode, the Shift key cannot
be hit, so the group-learn mode automatically converts the keys to their shifted versions. This feature
known as shift-lock or auto-shift.
See the File / Options / Keyboard menu entry to bring up the dialog showing the available
mute-group keys and the corresponding hot-key for the ”L” button. This key is usually the Insert key.
Unlike the button or the Ctrl-L key, this key must be held down while pressing the desired mute-group
key. This is a clumsy thing on our main keyboard... one must press and hold Shift-Fn-Insert to get
the Insert key, and then also press the desired mute-group key. A real knuckle-buster! We have our
own alternate setup (stored in the file sequencer64.rc.example. And we’ve also added the ”shift-lock”
feature for this reason.
Group-learn is a modifier key to be pressed just before pressing the desired group key, and the group
on/off keys are there to enable each group, not to toggle group states.
To set up the mute groups, press the ’L’ button, and then press a key on the keyboard to ’learn’
or ’save’ the preset. Looking at the list of keys assigned for these mute groups (in File / Options /
Keyboard), the first bank of keys are ”!”, ”’”, ”?”, etc., and the second bank are ”Q”, ”W” ”E”, etc.
Note that these keys do not toggle patterns, but simply turn them on (they unmute them, i.e. arm them).
If the key is valid, then the following prompt occurs:

Figure 29: Group Learn Confirmation Prompt
When you ask the program to ’learn’ the key, one cannot use the Shift key, so one normally could
not use the ”!” or other symbol keys. In fact, the process stops as soon as the Shift key is pressed:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Top Panel

Figure 30: Group Learn Failure Prompt (Shift Key)
To avoid this issue with the Shift key, Sequencer64 now ”shift-locks” the keys automatically while
group learn is in progress, so that none of the keys, whether letters or the punctuation characters above
the numbers, need the Shift key to be held, to learn them. Thus, there is now no need to use the Caps
Lock is On before starting the ”learn” process. We tend to map the Caps Lock key as the true Control
key, so that Caps Lock is no longer available anyway (it is one of the most useless keys ever).
Remember, though, that once learned, the Shift is then needed to call up the mute-group that was
There is another way for mute-group learn to fail. With the recent ability of Sequencer64 to increase
the set size via the --option sets=8x12 (for example), there can be fewer than 32 mute-groups available.
This can be seen by viewing File / Options / Keyboard when larger set-sizes are in force:

Figure 31: Group Learn Keys With Larger Set Size
Note that only 10 mute-groups (0 to 9) are available with an 8x12 set size. Groups 10 and above are
not available, and this is indicated by the word ”Clear”. Don’t worry, though, all of the mute-group key
settings still exist, and are still present in the ”rc” configuration file in the [keyboard-group] section.
But when one attempts a group-learn using one of the unavailable keys, an error occurs, as shown in
the following prompt.

Figure 32: Group Learn Limit Prompt


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

This prompt also appears if one tries to use the shifted version of an unavailable mute-group key to
toggle patterns; this makes it obvious what has gone wrong.
At some point in the future, we may allow a much larger number of sets, so that all 32 mute-groups
are always available. We have to think hard about that enhancement, however.
One can configure the MIDI settings in similar ways by assigning MIDI commands to arm or toggle
loops, using the ’on’ option in the ”rc” file. See section 9.1 ”Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control
Section” on page 106.
One can set the playing status of up to 32 previously defined mute/unmute patterns (groups) in
the active screenset, similar to hardware sequencers. One can mute-unmute (according to the group
definition) all loops in the playing screenset, which is the only one that can have sequences playing if a
mute group is selected (like a live sequencer).
This arming is done either by one of the group arm keys or by a MIDI controller, both assigned
in the /.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.rc or /.seq24rc files, and easily modified in the File /
Options / Keyboard tab. These characters can be shown in each pattern (and in 0.9.11 and above, no
matter which screenset is active).
A mute/unmute pattern (group) is stored by holding a group learn key (Insert by default) while
pressing the corresponding group arm key. There are also keys assigned to turn on/off the group functionality. Remember that groups work with the playing (”in-view”) screen set. One must change the
screenset and give it the command to make it the playing one (some set the Home key for this purpose).
So, for example, if one sets A to turn on the patterns in slots 1 and 2 in set 0 (the first set), then pressing
A in another set will arm the patterns in the same relative location in that set. This setup is flexible, but
takes some thought. One can set up a number of mute-groups, and decide to use them for all sets, or
mentally allocate one mute-group per set. Please note that a mute-group key does not toggle the saved
armed patterns... it can only turn them on.
Everything is configurable in the ”rc” file.


Patterns / Main Panel

The main panel of the Patterns window provides a grid of empty boxes, each box delimited by brace-like
lines at left and right. Each filled box represents a loop or pattern. One sees only 32 loops at a time in
the main panel (but many more than 32 loops can be supported by Sequencer64). This group of 32 loops
is called a ”screen set”, as discussed in section 12.1.16 ”Concepts / Terms / screen set” on page 149. One
can switch between sets by using the [ and ] keys on the keyboard, or by using the spin-widget-driven,
labelled Set interface item, or by hitting the (default) Home key to make it the playing screenset, or by
hitting Page-Up or Page-Down with the pattern window in keyboard focus. There are a total of 32 sets,
for a total of 1024 loops/patterns. Only one screen set can be controlled at a time, according to other
notes we have found; have not yet tried to verify this assertion. But any number of screensets can be
playing at the same time.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

Figure 33: Patterns Panel, Main Panel Items
The individual items annoted in this figure are described in section 3.2.2 ”Pattern” on page 47, in
more detail. The slot at the bottom left of this figure shows some new features:


sequence number appears at the bottom left of the slot.
hot-key for muting/unmuting the pattern appears at the bottom right of the slot.
length of the sequence, in number of measures (bars), appears at the upper right of the slot.
default alternate font, which has a little more body than the Seq24 font.

Observe that feature in the first figure of the next section. The two main items are the empty pattern
slot, and the slot filled with a MIDI pattern:
1. Pattern Slot
2. Pattern

Pattern Slot

An empty box is a slot for a pattern. A pattern can show a number of different statuses based on the
coloring of elements in the pattern slot.

Figure 34: Various Status of Pattern Slots
(Not shown in the figure are the gray pattern colors resulting from queueing and one-shot queueing.)
The colors have meaning:
• Empty background. Whether the classic gray pattern of Seq24, or the many patterns of Sequencer64, including all black with yellow sequence numbers, this slot coloring indicates that the
slot is unused.
• White background. Unarmed (muted) patterns show black text on a white background.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

• Black background. Armed (unmuted) pattern. If the text is yellow, it is a pattern with no MIDI
events, but is armed. Note that armed/unmuted patterns can be exported if they have a layout in
the Song Editor.
• Yellow background. A pattern with no MIDI events, just textual MIDI information. If armed
(uselessly), it is yellow text on a black background (not shown).
• Cyan background, black text. An unarmed pattern currently being edited in a pattern editor
or event editor. Or, if an SMF 0 MIDI file was just opened or imported, this color combination
indicates the SMF 0 format track with all of the data in the song, which only occurs in slot 16
(unless the user then dragged it to another slot).
• Black background, cyan text. An armed pattern currently being edited in a pattern editor or
event editor. Or an armed SMF 0 format MIDI sequence.
• Red events. Indicates a pattern for which the new transpose feature is disabled. The white, black,
and cyan background have the same meanings as in the other items for statuses of unarmed, armed,
and currently being edited.
By right-clicking on an empty box one brings up a menu to create a new loop, as well as some other

Figure 35: Empty Pattern, Right-Click Menu
1. New
2. Paste
3. Song

Mute All Tracks
Unmute All Tracks
Toggle All Tracks
Toggle Live Tracks

1. New.
Creates a new loop or pattern. Clicking this menu entry fills in the empty box with an
untitled pattern, and brings up the Pattern Editor so that one can fill in the new pattern.
In addition to right-clicking and selecting New, the user can double-click on the empty slot, to bring
up a new instance of the sequence editor. For the double-click, the effect can be a bit confusing at first,
because it currently also toggles the arming/mute status of the slot quickly twice (leaving it as it was),
as well. It might take some getting used to, but we miss it when using Seq24.
A new feature is hitting the equals (”=”) key, then hitting a pattern shortcut key (hotkey), to bring
up a new sequence or edit an existing one in a pattern editor. Another new feature is hitting the minus
(”-”) key, then the hotkey, to bring up the event editor. The configuration file settings for the the ’=’
and ’-’ keys can be altering in the File / Options / Keyboard tab.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

When an unarmed (muted) pattern is first brough up for sequence editing (or event editing), the slot
in the main window is now highlighted, using black text on a cyan background, as being the ”currentlyedited” slot. (This is the same background used to indicate the original track in an SMF 0 to SMF 1

Figure 36: Currently-Edited Pattern, Unarmed
If the currently-edited sequence is armed (unmuted), then the highlighting is reversed (cyan text on
a black background), and resembles the highlighting for an armed sequence (which is white text on a
black background).


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

Figure 37: Currently-Edited Pattern, Armed
If more than one sequence or event editor is brought up, only the slot for the last one to have focus
is hightlighted. Note that this highlighting also applies to the (new) Event Editor.
2. Paste. Pastes a loop or pattern that was previously copied. Also note that there is no Ctrl-V key
for this operation in the main window.
3. Song. The Song items are described later, in reference to figure 40 ”Existing Pattern, Right-Click
Menu, Song” on page 50.


A filled pattern slot is referred to informally as a pattern (or loop, or sequence). A pattern is shown in
the Pattern windows as a filled box with the following items of information in it. Examine figure 33
”Patterns Panel, Main Panel Items” on page 44; it shows these items annotated for clarity.
• Name. This line contains the name or title of the pattern, to help reference it when juggling a
number of patters.
• Pattern Length. If the option to show pattern hot-key is enabled, the length of the pattern,
in measures, is shown in the upper right corner of the pattern slot. This feature is useful when
recording tempo events that will increase the length of the tempo track.
• Contents. The contents of the pattern provide a fairly detailed and distinguishable representation
of the notes or events in the pattern. Also, when the song is playing, a vertical bar cursor tracks
the position of the playback of the pattern or loop; it returns to the beginning of the box every

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer








Patterns / Main Panel

time that pattern starts over again. With Sequencer64, an imported empty pattern will no longer
needlessly scroll. However, if a pattern has even a single event (say, a program change), it will scroll.
Sequence Number. If the option to show the sequencer number is set in the File / Options /
Keyboard section (see section ”Menu / File / Options / Keyboard” on page 25, the this
number is shown at the bottom left of the pattern slot.
Bus-Channel. This pair of numbers shows the the MIDI buss number, a dash, and the MIDI
channel number. For example, ”0-2” means MIDI buss 0, channel 2.
Beat. This pair of numbers is the standard time-signature of the pattern, such as ”4/4” or ”3/4”.
The first number is the beats-per-measure, and the second is the size of the beat, here, a quarter
Shortcut Key. If the display of shortcut keys is enabled (see section ”Menu / File / Options
/ Keyboard” on page 25), then the key noted in the lower-right corner of the pattern can be pressed
to toggle the mute/unmute status of that pattern. This action is an alternative to left-clicking on
the pattern.
Progress Cursor. At the left of each box is a vertical line, waiting for playback to start so that it
can move through the pattern, again and again.
Armed. See figure 33 ”Patterns Panel, Main Panel Items” on page 44; it shows a black and white
pattern. The black color indicates that the pattern is armed (unmuted), and will play if playback is
initiated in the pattern window in live mode. An item is armed/disarmed by left-clicking on it. If
the Shift key is held while left-clicking on a pattern, then the armed/unarmed state of every other
active pattern is toggled. This feature is useful for isolating a single track or pattern.
Queued. That same pattern also shows that it is queued, which means that it will toggle its playing
status when the pattern next begins again.
Alternate font. Later builds of Sequencer64 are now built with a new font. See figure 33 ”Patterns
Panel, Main Panel Items” on page 44. It shows the new font. The old font can be selected in the
”user” configuration file, and is also selected automatically if Sequencer64 is run in the legacy mode.
Sequence number. Later builds of Sequencer64 are now built with the option to also show the
sequence number in the pattern box, if the ”show sequence numbers” option is on. This option
can be set in the ”user” configuration file. See figure 33 ”Patterns Panel, Main Panel Items” on
page 44. It shows an example of the sequence number, using the new font.

Left-clicking on an filled pattern box will toggle the status of the pattern between muted (white
background) and unmuted (black background). If the song is playing via the main window, toggling this
status makes the pattern stop playing or start playing. Note that the armed status can also be toggled
using hot-keys.
Also note that, if the Song Editor is the active window and was used to start the playback, the
pattern boxes will toggle between the muted/unmuted states as the music plays, and the pattern is active
or inactive at the point of playback. (The Song Editor acts as a list of triggers).
By right-clicking on an already-filled box, one brings up a menu to allow one to edit a existing one,
or perform a few other actions specified in the context menu. Here is that menu:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

Figure 38: Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menus
Here one can choose to edit the pattern, cut and copy the pattern, set the MIDI bus/channel, and
more. One can also clear all performance data for the pattern.

Event Edit...
Enable or Disable Transpose

1. Edit.... Edits an existing loop or pattern. Clicking this menu entry brings up the Pattern Editor
so that one can modify the existing pattern by click-dragging new notes in a piano roll user-interface. See
figure 51 ”Pattern Edit Window” on page 60. Also known as the ”sequence editor”.
New: In addition to right-clicking and selecting Edit..., the user can double-click on the empty slot,
to bring up the sequence editor.
New: Another way to bring up a pattern in the pattern editor is to click the equal key and then
the pattern’s shortcut key. For example, ”= q” will open up the editor for the pattern with the hot-keys
= q. The Equals key (=) is the default key that does this action. This key can be changed by modifying
the File / Options / Keyboard / Control keys / Pattern Edit item.
2. Event Edit....
New: Edits an existing loop or pattern, but using a detailed event editor that
shows events as text and numbers, and allows editing them as text and numbers. Clicking this menu
entry brings up the Event Editor so that one can view and modify the events in the existing pattern.
See figure 51 ”Pattern Edit Window” on page 60.
New: Another way to bring up a pattern in the event editor is to click the minus key and then the
pattern’s shortcut key. For example, ”- q” will open up the event editor for that pattern. The Minus key
(-) is the default key that does this action. This key can be changed by modifying the File / Options
/ Keyboard / Control keys / Event Edit item.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

There are two things to note about the Event editor. First, this editor is not the same as the event
pane in the pattern editor – the new event editor shows all events at once, and shows them only in text/list
format. Second, this editor is very basic, meant for viewing MIDI events and making some minor edits
or deletes on them. See section 6 ”Event Editor” on page 90, for more information.
Now, in order to simplify the application, and avoid editing a pattern in two different dialogs, if
either the pattern editor or the event editor is active for a given sequence, the right-click sequence-slot
menu leaves out the Edit... and Event Edit... menu entries. This trimmed menu looks like this:

Figure 39: Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu Without Edit Entries
The old functionality was to have the Edit... menu entry simply raise the existing pattern editor to
the top of the windows.
3. Cut.
Deletes and copies an existing loop or pattern. Note than one can also drag-and-drop a
pattern into another cell. Also note that there is no Ctrl-X key for this operation in the main window.
4. Copy.
Copies an existing loop or pattern. The pattern can then be pasted elsewhere in the
Patterns panel. See section 3.2.1 ”Pattern Slot” on page 44. Also note that there is no Ctrl-C key for
this operation in the main window.
5. Song.

Clicking this menu entry brings up a small popup menu:

Figure 40: Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu, Song

Clear This Track’s Song Data
Mute All Tracks
Unmute All Tracks
Toggle All Tracks
Toggle Live Tracks

Clear This Track’s Song Data This item is not available if the pattern is empty. Selecting this
filled-box right-click menu item causes that box’s loop/pattern to be removed from the song editor. This
means that it disappears from the Song Editor window, and so will not be played when the song plays in
Song mode.
Song / Mute All Tracks Selecting this filled-box right-click menu item causes the tracks in the
Song Editor to be muted. Sometime it takes a few seconds for the user-interfaces to show this big change.
This item mutes all tracks (or loops/patterns). It works when one has opened the Song Editor window
and started playing in playback mode by starting play using that window.
So, let us assume the song is running in playback mode. The patterns that are active (unmuted) in
by that playback window are shown with a black background in the main patterns window. If one right

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

clicks on a pattern cell and selects Song / Mute All Tracks, all those patterns will become white and
be silenced. Eventually, the Song Editor window catches up and shows the ”M” activated for all tracks.
Unmute All Tracks Provides the opposite functionality, making all tracks armed and audible.
Selecting this filled-box right-click menu item causes the tracks in the song to be unmuted.
Toggle All Track Toggles the armed/mute status of all tracks. It doesn’t matter if Live or Song
Mode is in force.
Note that there is also a feature where a Shift-Left-Click on a pattern slot toggles the mute status
of all of the other tracks.
Toggle Live Tracks Toggles the mute status of only the armed/unmuted tracks when in Live mode.
Works only in Live mode. This operation unmutes all tracks that are currently unmuted. The statuses of
these armed tracks are saved; when this operation is performed again, those tracks are unmuted, turned
back on. This menu entry provides the same function as the Mute button in the main window.
6. Disable or Enable Transpose.
This menu entry changes depending upon whether the new
transpose feature is enabled or disabled for the sequence/pattern. Note that, if the events shown in the
slot are red, this denotes that transpose is currently disabled for that pattern.
7. MIDI Bus. Selecting this filled-box right-click menu item brings up a list of the 16 MIDI output
busses that Sequencer64 supports:

Figure 41: Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu, MIDI Output Busses
New: Note that another way of specifying the busses is to supply the new --buss n option. This
option is currently available only from the command line. It causes every pattern in the MIDI file to be
allocated to that buss number when loaded, and when a new sequence/pattern is created. This option is
meant for convenience or testing. If you save the file, it will then have that buss number as part of each
track’s data, which makes the song file just a little less portable.
For each of these buss items, another pop-up menu allows one to specify the MIDI output channel
for that buss:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

Figure 42: Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu, MIDI Bus Ports

Pattern Keys and Click

This section recapitulates all the clicks and keys that perform actions in the Pattern windows. Some
additional clicks and keys are noted here as well.

Pattern Keys

Each pattern in the patterns panel can have a hot-key or shortcut-key associated with it.
For each pattern, hitting its assigned shortcut key will also toggle its status between muted/unmuted
(armed/unarmed). Below is the default grid that is mapped to the loops/patterns on the screen set. This
grid can be changed in the Keyboard options tab, and is saved in the keyboard-control section of the ”rc”

















These characters are shown in the lower right corner of each pattern, as an aid to memory. These
hot-keys can be modified.
With version 0.92.0, a new ”shift” functionality is available for the mute/unmute hot-keys. Normally,
pressing the 1 key will toggle sequence 0. If preceded by one slash key (/), then sequence 32 will be toggled.
If preceded by two slash keys, then sequence 64 will be toggled. This supports using set sizes of 32, 64,
and 96 patterns.

Figure 43: Patterns Panel, Shift-Key Pattern Toggle

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

This figure shows how we press y, /y, and //y to arm three patterns in this 96-pattern set.
The [ and ] keys on the keyboard switch between sets, either decrementing or incrementing the set
The left and right Alt keys are, by default, set up in the File / Options / Keyboard / Snapshot
1 and Snapshot 2 fields to be used as ”snapshot” keys. Our preference is to use something that does
not trigger desktop commands, perhaps F11 or F12, or one of the keys in the keypad.
When one of these snapshot keys is pressed, the state of the patterns (which ones are armed versus
unarmed) is instantly saved. While the snapshot key is held pressed, one can then change the state of
the patterns (using the keyboard, not the mouse) to change how the song plays. When the snapshot key
is released, the original saved state of the patterns is restored.
Holding Alt will save the state of playing patterns and restore them when Alt is lifted. The handling
of Alt is often taken over by the window manager, so there could be a need to change these items to
some other keys. For example, we have the Fluxbox window manager set up so that the Alt keys can be
used for moving or resizing a window. Therefore, we use keypad keys for this purpose.
Holding the ”queue” key and then hitting a pattern hot-key will queue an on/off toggle for a pattern
when the end of the loop is reached. This is the ”queue” functionality. This means that the change
in state of the pattern will not take hold immediately, but will kick in when the pattern restarts. This
pending state is indicated by coloring the central box of the pattern grey, as shown in the figure below.
Warning: We do not recommend using Ctrl or Alt keys for pattern control. They conflict with
application or desktop settings. However, if one insists on such hot-key combinations, one can use the
new Menu button in the main window to disable the menu, which makes those keystrokes more safely
available. The Super key can also be used, if not already used by the desktop environment. Also
available are some of the function keys, and, if available, the keypad keys. These can be configured in
File / Options / Keyboard and File / Options / Ext Keys.
Note that queueing can also be used to turn a pattern off at the end of a pattern. Also note the
”keep queue” functionality and the ”one-shot queue” functionality described below.

Figure 44: Pattern Coloration when Queued
This figure shows the coloring for queueing in the top two patterns with dark grey backgrounds. At
the end of the pattern, the left top pattern will turn off, and the right top pattern will turn on.
The bottom two patterns show the light-grey coloring used to show a ”one-shot” queue. The one-shot
queue can only turn a pattern on, and it will force the pattern off after one play.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

Queue also works for mute/unmute pattern sets (”groups”); in this case, every sequence will toggle
its status after its individual loop ends.
Of course, if the Ctrl key is used to manage the GUI (e.g. Ctrl-Q will unceremoniously quit the
application), so one will usually want to change this key to something else in the File / Options /
Keyboard / Queue field. The Super key (i.e. the Mod4 or Windows key) is a good candidate to
substitute for the Ctrl key, unless one has (like the author) configured the window manager to use the
Super key to manipulate windows and applications (laughter ensues). However, we have found that one
can also use normal keys to enable queueing. For example, the minus key or the keypad’s slash key can
be used, with no noticeable flickering due to the keyboard repeat rate.
Pressing the ”keep queue” hot-key assigned in the ”rc” file activates a permanent queue mode. In
this mode, clicking a pattern key immediately turns on queuing, instead of mute/unmute. Keep-queue
persists until one clicks the normal queue function hot-key, or changes the active (viewed) screen-set.
After pressing the ”keep queue” hot-key, individual pattern toggles are queued rather than happening
immediately. While in queue mode, pressing a patterns hot-key, or clicking on the pattern, queues that
pattern to change state at the beginning of the next loop. Keep queue mode is cancelled by pressing the
normal queue hot-key.
This hot-key can be changed in the File / Options / Keyboard / Keep queue field. Also note
the ”queued replace/solo” functionality, described a bit later.
Thanks to the Kepler34 project, we now have ”one-shot queue” functionality. This functionality
queues a pattern up for unmuting only, and, once the pattern has played, it is automatically muted. This
process is easier than having to unqueue the pattern manually before the next playback.
This hot-key can be changed in the File / Options / Ext Keys / One-shot queue field.
Note that there is also a ”replace” hot-key, which is the left Ctrl key by default (which cannot work,
because Sequencer64 uses Ctrl as a way to access a lot of other functions, interfering with its use as a
Replacement is a form of muting/unmuting. When the ”replace” hot-key is pressed and held while
clicking a pattern or clicking that pattern’s hot-key, that sequence is unmuted, and all of the other
sequences are muted. Again, Ctrl is a very inconvenient default, so an alternative key mapping should be
set up in the ”rc” file via the File / Options / Keyboard tab. Note that the ”replace” functionality is
a form of ”solo”. Also note that the ”replace” functionality is also implemented via MIDI control, where
the MIDI control can be activated, but then the user has to select the desired sequence.
Sequencer64 provides an extension to the replace/solo functionality that is called ”queued-replace”
or ”queued-solo”. In this feature, when the ”keep queue” function is activated, the replace function is
queued so that it does not occur until the next time the patterns loop. And queued-replace provides a
form of snapshot, limited to the current screen-set. Here are the steps:
1. Start playback with some patterns on.
2. Press and release (click) the ”keep queue” hot-key. This puts the application into ”queue” mode.
There is no visual indication (yet) of this mode.
3. Now press and hold the ”replace” hot-key.
4. Click the desired pattern hot-key. Observe that it comes on, or stays on, and that the other playing
patterns show the ”queued” color (grey). At the end of the loop, they turn off, and the ”replace”
pattern is now soloed.
5. Click the same pattern hot-key again. Observe that the other patterns that were toggled off are
now queued to be toggled on at the next loop. Steps 4 and 5 can be repeated endlessly.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Main Panel

6. To clear (end) the ”queued-replace” mode, click the normal ”queue” hot-key. Also, changing the
active screen-set ends ”queue-replace” mode. It does not end normal queue mode, to preserve the
behavior found in Seq24. One needs to clear the queue mode in order to select another pattern to

Figure 45: Queued-Replace (Queued-Solo) In Action
Before clicking the ”keep queue” key, patterns 33 (”q”) and 34 (”a”) are unmuted, while the desired
replace pattern, 32 (”1”) is off. Then the user presses (and holds) the ”replace” key, then clicks the ”1”
key. This puts all unmuted patterns, plus the muted replace pattern as well, into queue mode, as shown
by the grey panels. When the progress bar reaches the end of the pattern, pattern 32 will go on, and
patterns 33 and 34 will go off.
Note that, if the replace-pattern is already on, it is not queued, as there’s no need to turn it on.
If, while in queue mode, the replace key is held and ”1” is pressed again, the other patterns will be
queued, and will turn on again. Thus, the solo status of the replace pattern can be toggled at will, until
queue mode is exited by pressing and releasing the normal ”queue” key.
If the replace key is not held down, and another pattern’s replace hot-key is pressed, that pattern
will be queue normally.
If one wants to change the solo functionality to a different pattern, simple hold the replace key and
click on a different pattern. The new arrangement of soloing is memorized. One can clear the queue mode
by clicking the normal queue key.
There are more keys defined in the Keyboard dialog, and it is worth figuring out what they do, if
not documented here. For a couple of short, but good, video tutorials about using arming, queueing, and
snapshots, see references [32] and [33].
Also note that there is a more true ”Solo” functionality in the Patterns Panel and the Song Editor.
To truly ”solo” a pattern, move the mouse cursor over the pattern, hold the Shift key, and left-click the
pattern. This will turn off all the other patterns, so that the selected pattern ins the only one playing.
Holding the Shift key and clicking the same pattern again will unmute all of the other patterns.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Bottom Panel

Pattern Clicks

Left-clicking on a pattern-filled box will change its state from muted (white background) to playing (black
background) when the sequencer is running.
By clicking and holding the left mouse button on a pattern, one can drag it to a new location on the
grid. The box will disappear while dragged, and reappear in the new location when dropped. However,
note that a pattern cannot be dragged if its Pattern Editor window is open.
Right-clicking a pattern will bring up the appropriate context menus, as discussed earlier, depending
on whether the pattern box is empty or filled.
Middle-click does nothing when the mouse rests inside a pattern box.


Patterns / Bottom Panel

The bottom panel of the Patterns window provides way to control the overall playback of the song. It
has changed quite a bit over the last few versions of Sequencer64, and we have not yet caught up with
the diagrams. Refer to the diagram of the whole window, for now.

Figure 46: Patterns Panel, Bottom Panel Items
This figure shows a number of new items.

Panic! (new)
Play and Pause
Song Record (new)
Song Record Snap (new)
Tap Tempo
Log Tempo
Record Tempo
Keep-Queue Status
Toggle Song Editor

1. Panic!.

This new button stops the song and sends MIDI Off messages on all notes.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Bottom Panel

2. Stop.
The red square button stops the playback of the song and all its patterns. The keystroke
for stopping playback is the Escape character. It can be changed to Space, so that the space-bar then
becomes effectively a playback toggle key.
3. Play and Pause.
The green triangular button starts the playback of the whole song. The
keystroke for starting playback is the Space character by default.
A new feature is that the Play button can be used as a Pause button. When the Play button is
clicked, the button icon changes to a Pause icon:

Figure 47: Patterns Panel, Pause Button
Note that a corresponding Pause key (by default, the period) has also been defined. (The pause
feature can be removed by rebuilding the application after configuring with the --disable-pause option.)
4. Song Record. Song-recording is a new feature of Sequencer64 adopted from the Kepler34 project.
This feature, when activated, takes live muting changes and records them as triggers in the Song editor.
The default hot-key for this function is P. At this time, this feature does not honor queueing... rather
than waiting until the end of the pattern when the queueing takes effect, the trigger recording starts
immediately. Something to fix.
5. Song Record Snap. This button toggle snapping the beginning and end of a recorded trigger to
the nearest beat. There is no hot-key for this button at this time.
6. BPM. The spin widget adjusts the ”Beats Per Minute” or BPM value. The range of this field
is from 1 bpm to 600 bpm, with a default value of 120 bpm. Although this field looks editable, it is
not. Most keystrokes that are entered actually toggle one of the pattern boxes. However, the following
keys can also modify the BPM in small increments: The semicolon reduces the BPM; The apostrophe
increases the BPM. Also, if one right-clicks on the Up button, the BPM advances to its largest supported
value, and if one right-clicks on the Down button, the BPM advances to its lowest value.
As a new feature, the precision of the BPM value can be set to 1 or 2 decimal places, and the
increment values for the step size (small) or page size (large) of the BPM spinner can be configured in
the ”usr” file. See section 10.4 ”Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI Settings” on page 137; it describes
the precision and increment options more fully.
The following figure shows the appearance of the BPM field with different precision values:

Figure 48: Patterns Panel, BPM Precisions
7. Tap Tempo. This new control allows one to click it in time with a tune and set the tempo based
on the tempo of the clicks. Once clicked, the label of this button increments with every click, and the

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Multiple Panels

BPM field updates to display the calculated tempo. If the user stops tapping for 5 seconds, the label
reverts to 0, the BPM value keeps its final value, and the user can try tapping the tempo again. The
tapping function can also be performed using the keystroke defined in File / Options / Ext Keys /
Tap BPM. It defaults to the F9 key.
8. Log Current Tempo.
This light-magenta button, when pressed, logs the current tempo at the
current playback spot as a Set Tempo meta-event, but only in the first track (pattern slot #0), and only
if it is active. According to the MIDI standard, such events should be present only in the first track, and
so Sequencer64 follows this rule, and also makes tempo events officially supported. They can be edited
in the pattern editor or in the event editor. See section 8 ”Sequencer64 Meta Event / SysEx Support” on
page 102, for more information.
9. Record Tempo Changes.
This dark-magenta button becomes light-magenta when activated,
and turns on the recording of any tempo changes made in the BPM spinner. If the spinner is held down
indefinitely, a ramping stream of tempo events is created. If the time exceeds the current length of the
tempo track, then the length of the track is automatically increased. Note that these tempo events will
not have any effect on playback speed unless the tempo track is unmuted.
10. Keep-Queue Status. This item is the Q button. It provides a visual way to know the current
state of keep-queue, and is activated either by clicking on it or by pressing the assigned keep-queue key.
11. Name.

Each of the 32 available screen sets can be given a name by entering it into this field.

12. Set. This spin widget selects the current screen set. The values in this field range from 0 to 31,
and default to 0. Although this field looks editable, it is not.
13. Toggle Song Editor.
Pressing this button toggles the presence on-screen of the Song Editor.
The Ctrl-E keystroke can also be used.


Patterns / Multiple Panels

If Sequencer64 is built with the --enable-multiwid option (currently the default), this defines the
SEQ64 MULTI MAINWID macro, and allows for multiple main windows showing more than one set at a time.
The default is to show the usual single mainwid.

Figure 49: Patterns Panel, with Multiple Panels


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Patterns / Variable Set Size

Also note that either one spinner for all, or one spinner for each, is available. The latter is the
”independent” mode. Note that it is possible, in this mode, to show the same set in two different
mainwids, but this is not recommended, as there are minor unavoidable issues with that.
Also see section 11 ”Sequencer64 Man Page” on page 142, for how the -o wid=3x2,i option can be
used to set this mode, and section 10.3 ”Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings” on page 133,
for how these settings can be made permanent in the ”usr” file. In that file, the options modified are
block rows and block columns.


Patterns / Variable Set Size

This option, informally known as ”variset”, allow some changes in the set size and layout from the default
4x8 = 32 sets layout. The row count can be set from 4 to 8, and the column count can be set to 8 to 12.
Note that the set size can only be increased by these settings.
Warning: seq24 was fairly hardwired for supporting 32 patterns per set, and there are still places
where that is true. Thus, consider this option to be experimental.
Also see section 11 ”Sequencer64 Man Page” on page 142, for how the -o sets=8x8 option can be
used to set this mode, and section 10.3 ”Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings” on page 133,
for how these settings can be made permanent in the ”usr” file. In that file, the options modified are
mainwnd rows and mainwnd cols.

Figure 50: Patterns Panel, 8 x 8 Layout
Generally, it is recommend to stick with the 4x8 (32 patterns/set), 8x8 (64 patterns/set), and 8x12
(96 patterns/set). This works best with the existing set of 32 hot-keys.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor

The Sequencer64 Pattern Editor is used to edit and preview a pattern, as well as to configure its buss
and channel settings.

Figure 51: Pattern Edit Window
Not shown in this figure are:
• The sequence number show as part of the updated window title, which now shows the application
name (e.g. ”seq64” versus the old ”Sequencer64” title.
• The sequencer number is now shown to the left of the sequence/track name.
• The new LFO button in the bottom panel.
• The new Rec Typebutton in the bottom panel.
Both are described later. See figure 67 ”Pattern Editor, Bottom Panel Items” on page 77.
This dialog is complex. For exposition, we break it into some common actions, a first panel, a second
panel, a bottom panel, and a piano-roll/events section.

First Panel
Second Panel
Piano-Roll/Events Panel
Bottom Panel
Common Actions


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / First Panel

Before we describe this window, there are some things to recognize. First, if the pattern is empty
when play is started, the progress bar will still move. This is necessary to help the user key in a new
pattern. Second, to add a note, one must press the right mouse button (the pointer changes to a pencil)
and, while holding it, press the left mouse button. Or, to use a keystroke, click in the pattern editor, press
p to select the ”pencil” or ”paint” mode, then left-click to add a note or left-click-drag to add multiple
notes as the mouse moves.. Press or release the right mouse button, or press x to ”eXit” or ”eXscape”
from that mode. Also remember that notes are drawn only with the length selected by the ”notes” button
near the top of the pattern window. There are some other tricks to modifying the new notes that are
described later.
Also new with Sequencer64, and not in Seq24, is the automatic horizontal scrolling of the sequence/pattern editor window when playback moves the progress bar outside of the current frame of
data. This feature makes it easier to follow patterns that are longer than a measure or two.
Note that Sequencer64 also provides a way to restart the progress bar within the pattern without
resetting it to the beginning of the pattern. This new feature is called ”pause”. It can be accessed by
the new pause key (which defaults to the period character) or by the pause button, which appears when
playback is underway. (This feature can be disabled if the application is built via source code. Note that
it works only in ALSA mode at present.)


Pattern Editor / First Panel

The top bar (horizontal panel) of the Pattern (sequence) Editor lets one change the name of the pattern,
the time signature of the piece, how long the loop is, and some other configuration items.

Figure 52: Pattern Editor, First Panel Items
In recent versions of Sequencer64, a ”sequence-is-transposable” feature has been added, as shown

Pattern Number (not shown)
Pattern Name
Beats Per Bar
Beat Unit (Beat Width)
Pattern Length
Transposable (toggle)
MIDI Out Device
MIDI Out Port

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

1. Pattern Number.
This item is a read-only item that shows the sequence/track/pattern/loop
number, to make it easier to pick it out when a lot of patterns are being edited at once.
2. Pattern Name.
Provides the name of the pattern. This name should be short and memorable.
It is displayed in the Patterns window, on the top line of its pattern box/slot. Unfortunately, there is no
edit cursor in this field (not sure why yet), so one has to edit blind.
3. Beats Per Bar. Part of the time signature, and specifies the number of beat units per bar. The
possible values range from 1 to 16, if the drop-down menu is used. As of version 0.90.6, the numeric value
can be directly edited, to achieve non-standard values, thanks to an update from Jean-Emmanuel.
4. Beat Unit (Beat Width).
Part of the time signature, and specifies the size of the beat unit: 1
for whole notes; 2 for half notes; 4 for quarter notes; 8 for eight notes; 16 for sixteenth notes; and 32 for
thirty-second notes. The whole time signature is display at the bottom center of a pattern slot.
5. Pattern Length. Sets the length of the current pattern, in measures. The possible values range
from 1 to 16, then 32, and 64. However, when opening or importing a non-Sequencer64 MIDI tune, the
length of each track will be used, and so other values are possible; they just cannot be set via the userinterface. However, as of version 0.90.6, the numeric value can be directly edited, to achieve non-standard
values, thanks to an update from Jean-Emmanuel.
Note that bringing up a short sequence (one less than one measure or bar in length) in the pattern
editor will adjust the sequence to pad it to the length of one measure. For example, a sequence containing
just one program change will be padded to the size of a full measure. This adjustment makes it show
progress more smoothly in the main window when the sequence is playing. Sequencer64 will, when it
reads such a short sequence from a MIDI file (whether foreign or native to Sequencer64), pre-pad it to
the length of a measure, so that it will always show smooth progress.
It would be nice to have a value that represents ”indefinite”, so that the loop or pattern would be
more like a track, and not be repeatable. We have part of that functionality: as of version 0.90.5, we
have incorporated changes from user Stazed that allow the pattern to expand indefinitely while the user
inputs MIDI from a controller. See section 4.4 ”Pattern Editor / Bottom Panel” on page 77below. Also
nice would be a ”one-shot” pattern, useful for live intro patterns, for example.)
6. Transpose Toggle.
This item, if enabled in the build, allows the sequence to be transposed
by the global transpose selection made in the song editor. If transpose is enabled for that pattern, the
button will be highlighted as per the current desktop theme. Patterns for drums should, in general, not
be transposable.
7. MIDI Out Device (Buss). This setting specifies one of the 16 MIDI output busses provided by
Sequencer64, or one of the MIDI devices set up in the computer. The settings look a lot like figure 41
”Existing Pattern, Right-Click Menu, MIDI Output Busses” on page 51.
8. MIDI Out Port (Channel). This settings select the MIDI output channel, or port. The possible
values range from 1 to 16. If instruments are defined in the ”user” configuration file to that device and
channel, their names will be shown.


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

The second horizontal panel of the Pattern Editor provides a number of additional settings.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

Figure 53: Pattern Editor, Second Panel Items
We show a new screen-shot, because there is a new button to the right of the Tools (”hammer”
button). This button toggles the ”follow progress” feature; it is the active button in the diagram above.
If Sequencer64 is built with the new chord-generation option built in (the default), then the second
panel is wider to make room for an addition user-interface item, shown at the right of the figure above.

Quantize Selection
Follow Progress (new)
Grid Snap
Note Length
Key of Sequence
Musical Scale
Background Sequence
Chord Generation

1. Undo.
The Undo button will roll back any changes to the pattern from this session. It will
roll back one change each time it is pressed. It is not certain what the undo limit (if any) is, however.
Pressing Ctrl-Z is the same as using the Undo button.
2. Redo. The Redo button will restore any undone changes to the pattern from this session. It will
restore one change each time it is pressed. It is not certain what the redo limit is, however. There is no
”Redo” key in the pattern editor.
3. Quantize Selection.
4. Tools.

Pressing this button will quantize the selected events, as per the Grid Snap

This button brings up a nested menu of tools for modifying selected events and notes.

5. Follow Progress.
Pressing this button toggles whether or not the progress bar follows progress
in long patterns. Turning off this feature is useful when one wants to concentrate on the current measure
without the paging to subsequent measures that occurs with the ”follow progess” feature.

Figure 54: Tools, Context Menu

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

1. Select
2. Modify Time
3. Modify Pitch
• Select provides two sets of selections for notes:
• All Notes, which selects all notes in the pattern; Note that Ctrl-A will also select all of the events
in the pattern editor.
• Inverse Notes, which inverts the selection of notes.
Other event-selection actions are provided using the mouse in the piano roll:
• Left Click. Pressing the left button on a note or a event deselects all other notes or events, and
selects the item clicked on.
• Ctrl Left Click. Pressing the Ctrl key and the left button on a note or an unselected event adds
that event to the selection.
• Left Click Drag. Pressing the left mouse button and dragging also lets one select (”lasso”) multiple
events and notes.
• Ctrl Left Click Drag.
– Pressing the Ctrl while left-click-dragging on unselected events lets one make additional selections of multiple events and notes.
– Pressing the Ctrl while left-click-dragging on an already-selected event lets one stretch or
compress the lengths of multiple notes in the selection.
There are many things that can be done with selected notes, as will be seen in the following paragraphs.
• Modify Event Data offers a way to change the event data (the lower pane of the pattern editor,
the ”data pane”). By left-dragging the mouse in the data pane across the value lines that are shown, the
values are chopped or set to the height of the mouse pointer at each event. When notes are selected, and
the mouse is used to change the values (heights) of the lines in the event-data area, only the events that
are selected are changed. The data-values of unselected events are left unchanged. A cool feature from
• Modify Time offers two ways to tweak the timing of the selected note: Quantize Selected
Notes, which quantizes the selected notes, the same way as the Quantize (”Q”) button; Tighten
Selected Notes, which is merely a less strict form of quantization.
• Modify Pitch has only one entry by default, Transpose Selected (not shown). Selecting the
Transpose Selected entry brings up the following sub-menu:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

Figure 55: Tools, Transpose Selected Values
• If the user has selected a Musical Scale setting other than Off, then Modify Pitch has two entries:
Transpose Selected, discussed above, plus another sub-menu, Harmonic Transpose Selected, which
makes sure that all transpositions stay on the selected scale.
Note that one can also modify the pitch of selected notes by the left-click-drag action, or by moving
the selection using the up-arrow or down-arrow keys.

Figure 56: Tools, Two ”Transpose” Menus
Remember that only the Transpose Selected entry is shown if the Musical Scale setting is Off.
Selecting the Harmonic Transpose Selected entry brings up the following sub-menu:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

Figure 57: Tools, Harmonic Transpose Selected Values
Again, the harmonic-transpose option will not be available unless a scale has been selected.
6. Grid Snap. Grid snap selects where the notes will be drawn. The following values are supported:
1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, and 1/128. Additional values are also supported: 1/3, 1/6, 1/12/,
1/24, 1/48, 1/96, and 1/192.
7. Note Length.
Note Length determines the duration of the inserted notes. Like the Grid Snap
values, the following values are supported: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, and 1/128. Additional
values are also supported: 1/3, 1/6, 1/12/, 1/24, 1/48, 1/96, and 1/192.
8. Zoom. Zoom is the relation between MIDI pixels and ticks, written as ”pixels:ticks”, where ”ticks”
is really the ”pulses” in ”PPQN”. For example, 1:4 = 4 ticks per pixel. Supported values are 1:1, 1:2,
1:4, 1:8, 1:16, and 1:32, along with more new values to support higher PPQN tunes: 1:64, 1:128, 1:256,
and 1:512. The default zoom is 2 for the standard PPQN value, 192, but it increases for higher PPQN
values. This is the zoom of the Pattern Editor. As the right number goes higher, the effect is to zoom
out, and show more of the pattern at once. In fact, it is probably better to list them as ticks (pulses) per

1 pulse per pixel
2 pulses per pixel (default value)
4 pulses per pixel
8 pulses per pixel
16 pulses per pixel
32 pulses per pixel (same as Song Editor)
. . .
512 pulses per pixel

New: After one has left-clicked in the piano roll, the ”z”, ”Z”, and ”0” can be used to zoom the
piano-roll view. The ”z” key zooms out, the ”Z” key zooms in, and the ”0” key resets the zoom to the
default value. The zoom feature also modifies the time-line (measures indicator) and the data area. If,
for some reason, the data area and piano-roll get out of sync, click on the horizontal scroll bar to force
the views to redraw properly.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

Note that the Song Editor, which now has zoom functionality (through the ”z”, ”Z”, and ”0”
keystrokes only), has a default resolution of 32 pulses per pixel, so, by default, it has 16 times the
resolution of the Pattern Editor.
9. Key of Sequence. Selects the desired key for the pattern. The following scales are supported: C,
C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, and B. Note that changing the Key will also shift the marked
notes for the Musical Scale setting.
New: As of version, the key that a sequence is set to is now saved in the MIDI file along with
the rest of the data for the sequence. However, it turns out that a change made to the key, scale, or
background sequence in the sequence editor is saved in that editor, so that opening another sequence will
apply the same settings to that sequence. This is an optional feature, now more rigorously supported, as
noted below.
If the global-sequence-feature is enabled, and the user selects a different key, scale, or background
sequence in the sequence editor, then all sequences will share the selected key, scale, or background
sequence. Furthermore, these settings are saved in the ”proprietary” section of the MIDI file, where they
are available for all sequences.
If the global-sequence-feature is not enabled, and the user selects a different key, scale, or background
sequence in the sequence editor, then only that sequence will use the selected key, scale, or background.
The key, scale, or background sequence change will be saved in the MIDI file only for that sequence, as a
SeqSpec meta event. The global-sequence-feature setting can be made in the ”user” configuration file.
10. Musical Scale. Selects the desired scale for the pattern. When a scale is selected, the following
features are supported:
• The notes that are not in the scale are shown as grey in the piano roll, to make it easier to key all
notes in-scale.
• When harmonic transposition is performed, the notes are shifted so that they remain in the selected
• The exact notes that are considered ”in-scale” depend also on the exact value of the Key of
Sequence setting.
New: Originally, only the following scales were supported: Off, Major, and Minor. Now, the following
scales are supported:

Off (Chromatic)
Major (Ionian)
Minor (Aeolian)
Harmonic Minor
Melodic Minor
Whole Tone
Major Pentatonic
Minor Pentatonic

Please let us know of any mistakes found in the new scales. Also please note that the Melodic
Minor scale is supposed to descend in the same was as the natural Minor scale, but there is no way to
support that trick in Sequencer64.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

Figure 58: Scales Currently Supported in Sequencer64
One can select which Musical Scale and Key the piece is in, and Sequencer64 will grey those keys
on the piano-roll that are not in the selected scale for the selected key. This is purely a visual thing; a
user can still add off-key notes. This effect is shown for the C Major scale in the following figure:

Figure 59: C Major Scale Masking
This feature makes it a bit easier to stay in key while playing and recording. Note that the scale will
shift when a different Key is selected.
New: The scale that a sequence is set to is now saved in the MIDI file along with the rest of the data
for the sequence. However, it turns out that a change made to the key, scale, or background sequence in
the sequence editor is saved in the editor, so that opening another sequence will apply the same settings to
that sequence. This is a feature. The feature had some quirks, which are fixed, and it is now an optional

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Second Panel

feature. Also, the user has the option of applying the key/scale/background-sequence either globally (all
sequences) or locally, per-sequence, with each sequence holding its key, scale, and background-sequence
settings in SeqSpec meta events.
11. Background Sequence.
One can select another pattern to draw on the background to help
with writing corresponding parts. The button brings up a small menu with values of Off and [0]. The 0
is a set number. Sets are numbered from 0 to 31. Additional set numbers appear in the menu for each
set that has data in it. Under the 0 entry, a menu like the following appears:

Figure 60: Sample Background Sequence Values
Once the desired pattern is selected from that list, it appears as dark cyan note bars, along with the
normal notes that are part of the pattern. (Also note the orange selected notes and events in the following

Figure 61: Background Sequence Notes
The dark cyan notes shown represent the rhythm pattern that was selected as the background pattern.
New: The background sequence that a sequence shows is saved in the MIDI file along with the rest
of the data for the sequence. However, it turns out that a change made to the key, scale, or background
sequence in the sequence editor is saved in the editor, so that opening another sequence will apply the
same settings to that sequence. This is an optional feature, now more rigorously supported, as noted

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

12. Chord Generation.
The ability to insert chords with one click has been added. This feature
comes from user ”stazed” and his Seq32 project ([23]).

Figure 62: Chord Generation Menu
The figure shows the menu broken into two pieces. Once a value other than Off is selected, a left-click
in drawing mode will add multiple notes representing the chord created, with the clicked note value as
the base of the chord.


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

The piano roll is the center of the pattern (loop, track, sequence) editor. It is accompanied by a thin
”event bar” (or ”event area”, or ”event strip”) just below it, and a taller ”data bar” or ”data area” just
below that. While the pattern editor is very similar to note editors in other sequencers, it is a bit different
in feel. A good mouse with 3 or more buttons is practically a necessity for editing (though we have made
Sequencer64 more usable with some crummy trackpads now common on modern laptops, and also usable
with keystrokes.) We tend to like the Logitech Marble Mouse, an ambidextrous USB trackball. It has
four buttons, and we use the contrib/scripts/marblemouse script to set up the left small button as a
middle button. The script merely makes the following call:
xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 8 3 4 9 6 7 2 5 10 11"

Editing is much easier after making that setting. Of course, keystrokes and additional mouse config70

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

uration have been added to make editing easier even without a good mouse. For example, one can page
up and down vertically in the piano roll using the Page Up and Page Down keys. One can go to the top
using the Home key, and to the bottom using the End key. One can page left and right horizontally in the
piano roll using the Shift Page Up and Shift Page Down keys. One can go to the leftmost position using
the Home key, and to the rightmost position using the End key, And there are more keystroke actions to
be described later.
Also, do not forget the note-step option. If one paints notes with the mouse, the note is previewed,
and the note position advances with each click. If one paints notes via an external MIDI keyboard, the
notes are painted and advanced, but they are not previewed. To preview them, click the pass MIDI in
to output button to activate so that they will be passed to one’s sound generator or software synthesizer.

Pattern Editor / Piano Roll Items

The center of the pattern editor consists of a time panel at the top, a virtual keyboard at the left, a note
grid, a vertical scrollbar, an event panel, and a data panel at the bottom.

Figure 63: Pattern Editor, Piano Roll Items

Virtual Keyboard
Event Values

1. Beat. The light vertical lines represent the beats defined by the configuration for the pattern. The
even lighter lines between the beats are useful for snapping notes.
2. Measure.
The heavy vertical lines represent the measures defined by the configuration for the
pattern. Also note that the end of the pattern occurs at the end of a measure, and is marked by a blocky
END marker.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

3. Virtual Keyboard. The virtual keyboard is a fairly powerful interface. It shows, by shadowing,
which note on the keyboard will be drawn. It can be played with a mouse, using left-clicks, to preview a
short motif. It can show marks to indicate off-scale notes, to make them easy to avoid. Every octave, a
note letter and octave number are shown, as in ”C4”. If there is a difference scale in force, then the letter
changes to match, as in ”F#5”.
A right-click anywhere in the virtual keyboard area toggles the display between the octave note
letters and the MIDI note numbers (only every other one is displayed due to space, to avoid cramped
numbering). The following figure shows both views, superimposed for comparison.

Figure 64: Pattern Editor, Virtual Keyboard Number and Note Views
4. Notes. Musical notes are indicated by thick horizontal bars with white centers. Each bar provides
a visual representation of the pitch of a note and the length of a note.
5. Events.
Also known as the ”events pane” or ”events panel”. The small (just a few pixels high)
events strip shows discrete events, such as Note On and Note Off and their velocities, or various Controller
items and their values. We recommend not editing or selecting events in that pane (feel free to disobey),
but it is a good way to add events. Either left-click (to add one event), or left-click-drag horizontally (to
add a series of events at the current note resolution.) One can also left-click in that section, then hit the
p key to go into ”paint” mode, and hit the x key to escape that mode.
6. Event Values.

Also known as the ”data pane” or ”data panel”.

The events values for the currently selected category of events are shown in this window as vertical
lines of a height proportional to the value. These values can be easily modified by left-click-dragging the
mouse past each line, to chop it off at the given value. Easier to try it than explain it. Right-click-drag
also works the same.

Pattern Editor / Event Editing

When we say ”editing” in the context of the piano roll, in part we mean that we will ”draw” or ”paint”
notes. Drawing, modifying, copying, and deleting notes is actually very elegant in Sequencer64 and in
Note editing is a bit different with Sequencer64, since it requires two mouse buttons in many cases.
There are some new laptop touchpads that really have only one mouse button, and use positioning to

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

determine if the click is a left-click or a right-click. Two-fingered actions are devoted to scrolling, so that
there is no way to generate a Linux middle-click. One solution is to use a four-button USB trackball
configued with an easy middle-button setup. It’s easier than a touchpad, anyway. So we’ve coded up a
couple of solutions to this middle-click problem.
Note that, if only a middle-button is needed, Ctrl-left will simulate that button.
New: There is a feature to allow the Mod4 (the Super or Windows) key to keep the right-click in
force even after it is released. See Basically, pressing Mod4 before releasing the right-click that
allows note-adding, keeps note-adding in force after the right-click is released. Now notes can be added
at will with the left mouse button. Right-click again to leave the note-adding mode.
New: Another way to turn on the paint mode has been added. To turn on the paint mode, first
make sure that the piano roll has the keyboard focus by left-clicking in it, then press the p key while in
the sequence editor. This is just like pressing the right mouse button, but the draw/paint mode sticks
(as if the Mod4 mode were in force). To get out of the paint mode, press the x key while in the sequence
editor, to ”x-scape” (get it? get it?) from the paint mode. These keys also work while the sequence is
The p and x keys also works in the small event strip just above the white data area. The Mod4right-click feature does not yet work in that aread of the user interface, but the p key does.

Editing Note Events

The Piano Roll pane provides for a quite sophisticated set of note-editing actions. Not only is there a
native mouse-interaction mode, but there is a ”fruity” mouse-interaction mode that works more like the
application Fruity Loops, its follow-on FL Studio, and its Linux look-alike, LMMS.
1. Fruity Mode.
At some point, we will add a section detailing the usage of the ”fruity” mode of
mouse-interaction. For now, section ”Menu / File / Options / Mouse” on page 31, such as it is,
will have to do.
Please study the following paragraphs carefully, ideally while trying them out in Sequencer64.
2. Enter Draw Mode.
In the note (grid/roll) panel, holding down the right mouse button
will change the cursor to a pencil and put the editor into ”draw” mode, also known as ”note-adding” or
”paint” mode. To exit the draw mode, release the right mouse button, and the cursor will turn back into
an arrow.
Another way to enter paint mode is to make sure the piano roll has focus (left click in it), and then
press the p key. To exit the draw mode, press the Shift-p key.
3. Add Notes.
Then, while still holding the right mouse button, click the left mouse button to
insert new notes. Many people find this combination strange at first, but once one gets used to it, it
becomes a very fast method of note manipulation. An new option is to hold the Mod4 key while releasing
the right button, which keeps the mouse in draw mode. Another new option is to press the p to enter
draw mode, and stay in it until Shift-p is pressed. Note that this click will add a single note, and the
length of the note will be that specified in the note-length setting (e.g. ”1/16”).
To increase the number of notes, keep dragging the mouse (with both buttons held). It can be dragged
rightward, leftward, upward, and downward. Dragging left or right adds new notes, while dragging upward
or downward moves the current note to a different pitch. We call this the ”auto-note” feature. Please
note that the auto-note feature does not work with the chord-generation feature.
The draw mode has the following features:

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

• Notes are continually added as the mouse is dragged (”auto-notes”).
• Notes cannot be added past the ”END” marker of the pattern, which marks the Sequence Length
in bars setting.
• As the mouse is dragged while the left button is held in draw mode, notes are either added, or, if
already present at that note-on time, are moved up and down.
• If the draw mode is exited, and entered again, then the original notes will not be altered. Instead,
new ones will be added.
• Notes can be added while the pattern is playing, and will be heard the next time the progress bar
passes over them.
Thus, one can, with some care, draw a nice chorded sequence. Adjustments to it can be made
4. Select Notes. Adjustments can be made to one or more notes by selecting one or more notes, and
then applying one or more special ”selection actions” to the selection.
To select a single note, simply left click on it. The selected note will turn orange.
To select multiple notes, perform a left click drag to form a selection box that intersects (even
partly) the desired notes. Once the mouse is released, all of the desired notes should be orange.
To add more notes to a selection of notes, move to an unselected note and perform a ctrl left click
drag to form a selection box that intersects (even partly) the desired notes. Once the mouse is released,
all of the desired notes should be orange. Be careful! If you ctrl-left-click-drag on an already-selected
note, the drag will change the length of all of the notes in the selection.
Pressing the Ctrl-A key will select all of the events in the pattern editor.
The Tools button described in section 4.2 ”Pattern Editor / Second Panel” on page 62can also be
used to modify selections.
Once one or more notes are selected, they can be modified in time, pitch, or length.
5. Deselect Notes.
To deselect the notes, click somewhere else in the piano roll, and the notes
should change back to white.
There is no way to deselect a single note, with, say a shift-click or ctrl-click action.
6. Move Notes in Pitch.
To move notes in pitch, once selected, grab one of the notes in the
selection and drag it upward or downward. New: Also, since a selection is in force, the Up and Down
arrow keys can also be used to change the pitch of every note in the selection. The smallest unit of pitch
change is one MIDI note value.
Warning: If one moves the selection too low or too high in pitch, whether with the mouse or the
arrow keys, any notes that go below the lowest MIDI pitch or above the highest MIDI pitch will be lost!
If done using the mouse, the undo feature (Ctrl-z) will work. If done using the arrow keys, the undo
feature does not work! Be careful, especially if you have a fast keyboard repeat rate!
7. Move Notes in Time. To move notes in time, once selected, grab one of the notes in the selection
and drag it leftward or rightward. New: Also, since a selection is in force, the Left and Right arrow
keys can also be used to change the time of every note in the selection. The smallest unit of time change
is the Grid snap value, which might be a 16th note, for example.
Note that there is no possibility of note loss with a change in time. When a note disappears at one
end of the pattern boundary, it wraps around to the other end. Cool.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

(There is another feature of the arrow keys when no selection is made, that supposedly moves an
”origin” for playback, but we haven’t been able to figure out exactly if it does anything.)
8. Change Note Length.
Pressing the middle mouse button or pressing the ctrl left mouse
button in tandem, while the pointer is hovered over a selected note, will let one change the length of a
selected note. If more than one note is selected, then the length of all selected notes is changed.
Once a selection of notes is made, one can use the shift-middle-click-drag (true?) or ctrl-left-clickdrag sequence over the selected notes to draw a box beyond the extent of the notes. When the mouse is
released, each of the events is moved and lengthed to be proportionally longer to fit exactly within the
box one drew. This feature is called event stretch.
If the box that was drawn was shorter than the original extent of the notes, then the notes move and
shrink proportionally to occupy the smaller box. This feature is called event compression.
Warning: If one reduces or increases the length of a note selection by too much, the note or notes will
”wrap-around” to the end of the sequence boundary and grow more from the beginning of the sequence.
It is not clear if this new note has an ending time that is less than its beginning time. If it happens, one
probably ought to undo it.
Note that notes can be shortened below the default note length by event compression. Note that
there is currently no way to change the length of the note using a keystroke.
9. Copy/Paste. Copying, cutting, and pasting is supported by selecting a number of events or notes,
and using the Cut (Ctrl-X), Copy (Ctrl-C), Paste (Ctrl-V), and ”drop” (Enter) keys. When the
notes are selected, one can delete them with the Delete or Backspace key. If the events are cut, using
the Ctrl-X key, then they can be pasted, using the Ctrl-V key. However, once Ctrl-V is struck, then
one must move the mouse pointer to see where to paste the events, or move it with the arrow keys. An
orange box representing the selected-and-copied notes appears, and the user should move the box (note)
to the desired location and then left-click.
(Warning: We’ve had temporary issues where the selection box flickers, and this seems to be due to
updates in the graphics library used by Sequencer64. This issue might depend on the Linux distro one
Additionally, one can move the orange box using the arrow keys, to the desired location, and then
hit the Enter key to drop the notes at that location.
Finally, note that selected notes that are cut or copied can then be pasted into other pattern editor
dialogs; that is, they can be pasted into other sequences.

Figure 65: Piano Roll, Paste-Box for Cut Notes

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

Note that the selection box is now orange, not black. Move this box to where pasting is desired, and
left-click. The moved notes appear, still selected, and they can then be moved further, if desired, by using
the arrow keys, or cut and move them again.
For the appearance of selected events (orange), see figure 66 ”Piano Roll, Selected Notes and Events”
on page 76.

Figure 66: Piano Roll, Selected Notes and Events
New: The selection, shown in figure 66 ”Piano Roll, Selected Notes and Events” on page 76,
illustrates the new style of event selection, which colors the data bars as well as the event and note bars.
This selection was made by first selecting one set of events by the left-click-drag action, then selecting
more events by holding the Ctrl key for the next left-click drag action. The second selection left out some
events, which are thus still shown as black bars in the data area.
As an aside, note that the event strip is gray. Sequencer64 now shows this strip as gray when the
selected event (the Event button) is Note On, Note Off, or Aftertouch. This color is purely a reminder
that moving these events can really screw up the notes, for example by moving Note Off to before the
Note On event.

Event and Data Panels / Editing Other Events

Note On and Note Off events (and other events) can appear as small squares in the event strip, along
with a black vertical bar with a height proportional to the velocity of the note event, plus a numeric
representation of that value. Note events do not need to be inserted in the event strip. (Note events can
be inserted there, but they end up as short events of the lowest possible note, 0 or C1, and they don’t
have a Note Off event. So don’t do that!)

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Bottom Panel

Other event types can be inserted via the event strip. To do that, first select the kind of event
to insert using the Event button in the bottom panel. The place the mouse cursor in the event strip.
Right-click to make the drawing pencil appear at the exact spot where the event must go. While holding
the right button, click the left button. A small square for the event should appear.
Should one want more of the same event, continue to hold both buttons and drag the mouse. One
event should appear at each beat position (e.g. at each 16th note position) that is crossed.
To move the event(s) to a different spot, select it or them via the left button. Then drag it or them
to where one wants them. it is currently not possible to move them to positions smaller than the beat
size. The work-around is to temporarily reduce the beat size, but this requires caution.
Once the event positions are set, the next step is to modify the data values of the events.
The event value (data) editor (directly under the event strip) is used to change note velocities, channel
pressure, control codes, patch select, etc. Just left-click+drag the mouse across the window to draw a
line. The values will match that line. middle-click+drag and right-click+drag also draw the value line.
Bug: Sometimes the editing of event values in the event data section will not work. The workaround
is to do a Ctrl-A, and the click in the roll to deselect the selection; that makes the event value editing
work again.
Any events that are selected in the piano roll or event strip can have their values modified with the
mouse wheel.

Editing Note Events the ”Fruity Way”

This mode is a lot different, and we have yet to do the exhaustive testing needed to understand how this
mode works. Input from actual users of this mode would be welcome. For now, see section ”Menu
/ File / Options / Mouse” on page 31.


Pattern Editor / Bottom Panel

The bottom horizontal panel of the Pattern Editor provides for selecting events for viewing and edition,
and the MIDI playback, pass-through, and recording options of Sequencer64.

Figure 67: Pattern Editor, Bottom Panel Items
Missing from this diagram is the new ”Existing Event Selector” which zeroes in only on events already
present in the pattern.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Pattern Editor / Bottom Panel

Event Selector
Existing Event Selector
Event Selection
Data To MIDI Buss
MIDI Data Pass-Through
Record MIDI Data
Quantized Record
Recording Type (Merge, Replace, Expand)
Select Recording Volume

1. Event Selector.
This button brings up the following context menu, so that the user can select
the category of events to view and edit.

Figure 68: Pattern Editor, Event Button Context Menu
Note the squares. Some of filled (black), others are empty. The filled squares indicate that the
sequence does indeed have some events of that type. Otherwise, there are no such events in the sequence.
Useful in deciding if it is worth selecting the event.
The sub-menus of this context menu show 128 controller messages, so we won’t try to show all of
them here. They also use the squares to indicate if there are any events of the type shown in the menu.
These sub-menus can be modified by editing the file

(legacy mode: $HOME/.seq24usr), to make it match one’s instrument. See section 10 ”Sequencer64
”usr” Configuration File” on page 125.
2. Existing Event Selector. Not yet shown in the figure above is a small button that will contain
either an empty square (no editable events) or a black square (at least one editable event). Unlike the
event-selector described above, this one shows only the actual events existing in the track, for quicker
selection. The event-selector above is more useful for creating new events.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Bottom Panel

3. Event Selection. Shows the selection event, with its number shown in hexadecimal notation, and
the name of the event shown.
4. LFO. If Sequencer64 is built with the --enable-lfo option, then a low-frequency oscillator
functionality is built so that data events can be modulated by some rudimentary wave functions. This
feature is now enabled by default. By clicking on the LFO button or using the Ctrl-L key, the following
window appears, shown as the set of 5 vertical sliders:

Figure 69: Pattern Editor, LFO Support
Note the controls in this window:
1. Value: Provides a kind of DC offset for the data value. Starts at 64, and ranges from 1 to 127.
2. Range: Controls the depth of modulation. Starts at 64, and ranges from 1 to 127.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Bottom Panel

3. Speed: Indicates the number of periods per pattern (divided by beat width, normally 4). For long
patterns, this parameter needs to be set high, to even show an effect. It is also subject to an ’antialiasing’ effect in some parts of the range, especially for short patterns. Try it! For short patterns,
try a value of 1 at first. For a pattern of one measure in length, this will create four periods of the
4. Phase: Provides the phase shift within a period of the LFO wave. A value of 1 is a phase shift of
360 degrees (or maybe it is one radian?).
5. Wave Type: Selects the kind of wave to use for the LFO:
1. Sine wave.
2. Ramp (up) sawtooth.
3. Decay (down) sawtooth.
4. Triangle wave.
We may have more to explain about this dialog at some point. For now, try it out on the file
one-measure.midi, and be sure to hover over each control to see the tooltips. Note that it works best
with short patterns.
5. Time Scroll.

Allows one to pan through the whole pattern, if it is too long to fit in the window

6. Data To MIDI Buss.
Activating this button will cause the pattern to be output to the
MIDI output buss, which will normally be connected to a software or hardware synthesizer, to be heard.
Generally, this control should always be activated.
7. MIDI Data Pass-Through.
Activating this button will route incoming MIDI data through
Sequencer64, which will then write it to the MIDI output buss.
8. Record MIDI Data.
Activating this button will route incoming MIDI data into Sequencer64,
which will then save the data to its buffer, and also display the new information (notes) in the piano roll
9. Quantized Record. Activating this button will also cause MIDI data to be recorded, but it will
be quantized on the fly before recording it. The quantization is to the current snap value.
10. Recording Type.
In Seq24, the pattern recording worked by merging new notes played as the
pattern to be recorded was looped. This method allows a loop to be built up bit-by-bit. Sequencer64
adds two more methods from Stazed’s Seq32 project. The three methods are:
1. Merge. This is the ”legacy” style of recording loops, where notes can accumulate.
2. Replace. In this method of recording, whenever the loop starts over, and a note is pressed, then
the existing notes in that loop are erased, and the new note is added. This provides a good way
of correcting major mistakes, live. Note that this method will not work if adding notes while not
recording. Also note that this mode can cause incomplete notes if one holds the note and releases
it in the next iteration, leaving a partially-drawn note behind. The workaround is to try again.
3. Expand. In this method of recording, once the end of the loop is near, whether or not any notes
are being input, another measure is added to the length of the loop. This continues indefinitely,
whether or not any notes are being played/recorded.
11. Vol. This button allows controlling the volume of the recording. The velocity of the notes will be
set to the selected value upon recording. If the Free item is selected, then the incoming note velocity is


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Common Actions

Figure 70: Pattern Recording Volume Menu
The velocity values are shown at the right side of each menu entry. These values correspond to MIDI
volume levels from 127 down to 16, as shown in the figure.
One thing fixed in the 0.90.x version is the ability to store MIDI note-on events with the actual
velocity provided by the MIDI keyboard used to generate the notes. Previously, even in seq24, the Free
option in the Vol menu option did not work. This is fixed.


Pattern Editor / Common Actions

This section is a catch-all for actions not described above.

Pattern Editor / Common Actions / Scrolling

Let us describe the actions that can be performed with a scroll wheel, or with the scrolling features of
multi-touch touchpads. There are three major scrolling actions available when using mouse scrolling, with
the mouse hovering in the piano-roll area:
• Vertical Panning (Notes Panning) Using the vertical scroll action of a mouse or touchpad
moves the view of the sequence/pattern notes up and down. One can also click in the piano roll,
and then use the Page-Up and Page-Down keys to move the view up and down in pitch.
• Horizontal Panning (Timeline Panning) Holding the Shift key, and then using the vertical
scroll action of a mouse or touchpad moves the view of the sequence/pattern time forward and backward. One can also click in the piano roll, and then use the Shift Page-Up and Shift Page-Down
keys to move the view left and right in time.
• Horizontal Zoom (Timeline Zoom) Holding the Ctrl key, and then using the vertical scroll
action of a mouse or touchpad zooms the view of the sequence/pattern time to compress it or expand
it. One can also click in the piano roll, and then use the z , Z , and 0 keys to change the timeline
The actions of this scrolling are surprisingly smooth and fast. If an event is selected in the piano-roll
area or the (thin) event area, then the scrolling action increases or decreases the value of the event. In
the case of a note, this increases or decreases the velocity of the note. For all events, this increases or
decreases the length of the vertical line that represents the value of the event.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Pattern Editor / Common Actions / Close

There is no Close button in the pattern editor. One can use window-manager actions, such as clicking
on the X button of the window frame, or pressing the exit key defined in the window manager.
Sequencer64 also provides the Ctrl-W key to close the pattern editor window.
However, be aware that this convention does not apply to the other application windows of Sequencer64.


Song Editor

The Sequencer64 Song Editor is used to combine all of the patterns into a complete tune. It works by
showing one row per pattern/loop/sequence in numbered columns, and the placement of each pattern at
various musical bars in the song. In Sequencer64 parlance, the Song Editor creates a performance.
New: As an option in the [user-interface] section of the ”user” configuration file, two song
editor windows can be brought onscreen, as a convenience for arranging projects with a large number of
sequences/patterns. It also provides the ”song mode” of Sequencert64, as opposed to the ”live mode”
provided by the Patterns Panel, when Sequencer64 is running in ALSA mode. (In JACK mode, the live
versus song mode is controlled by the JACK start-mode flag.)
When the Song Editor has the focus of the application, in ALSA mode, it takes over control from the
Patterns Panel. The Song Editor then controls playback. Once playback is started in the Song Editor,
some actions in the Patterns Panel no longer have effect, effectively disabling live mode. The Song Editor
takes over the arming/unarming (unmuting/muting) shown in the Patterns Panel. The highlighting of
armed/unarmed patterns changes according to whether the pattern is playing in the Song Editor, or not.
If one tries to change the muting using a hot-key (or even a click) in the Patterns Panel, the Song Editor
immediately returns the pattern to the state it has in the Song Editor. The only way to manually change
the muting then is to click the pattern’s label in the Song Editor.
Both the Song Editor and the Patterns Panel both reflect the change in muting in the user interface,
though with opposite colors.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Figure 71: Song Editor Window
New: There are some new features for the song editor, as seen above and in the following figure:

Figure 72: Song Editor Window, New Features


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Song Editor / Top Panel

• Toggling of the mute state of multiple patterns by holding the Shift key while left-clicking on the
M or a pattern name;
• The new Pause button functionality;
• The optional coloring (about 7 color values are selectable) and thickening of the progress bar.
• A new Redo button (not shown).
• A new Transpose button (not shown).
• Red coloring of events for patterns that are not transposable, such as drum tracks.
New: This dialog (in Sequencer64) shows any empty patterns highlighted in yellow. An empty
pattern is one that exists, but contains only meta information, and contains no MIDI events that can be
played. For example, some tracks just serve as name tracks or information tracks.
The Song Editor is not too complex, but for exposition, we break it into the top panel, the bottom
panel, and the rest of the window.
New: There are still more features of the song editor in pending version 0.9.15, as seen in the
following figure:

Figure 73: Song Editor Window, Transpose Song
Notice the additional button that allows the whole song (except for exempt, non-transposable sequences) to be transposed up or down by up to an octave in either direction.


Song Editor / Top Panel

The top panel provides quick access to song-playback actions and configuration.

Figure 74: Song Editor / Top Panel Items
1. Stop
2. Play
3. Play Loop

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Song Editor / Top Panel

Beats Per Bar
Beat Unit
Grid Snap
Toggle JACK Sync
Toggle Following JACK Transport
Expand and copy

1. Stop. Stops the playback of the song. The keystroke for stopping playback is the Escape character.
It can be configured to be another character (such as Space, which would make the space-bar toggle the
playback status).
2. Play. Starts the playback of the song, starting at the L marker. The L marker serves as the start
position for playback in the Song Editor. One can change the start position only when the performance
is not playing. The default keystroke for starting playback is the Space character. The default keystroke
for stopping playback is the Escape character. The default keystroke for pausing playback is the Period
character, which currently works only in ALSA mode.
3. Play Loop.
Activate loop mode. When Play is activated, play the song and loop between the
L marker and the R marker. This button is a state button, and its appearance indicates when it is
depressed, and thus active. If this button is deactivated during playback, then playback will continue
past the R marker.
4. Beats Per Bar. Part of the time signature, and specifies the number of beat units per bar. The
possible values range from 1 to 16.
5. Beat Unit. Also called ”beat width”. Part of the time signature, and specifies the size of the beat
unit: 1 for whole notes; 2 for half notes; 4 for quarter notes; 8 for eight notes; and 16 for sixteenth notes.
6. Grid Snap.
Grid snap selects where the patterns will be drawn. Unlike the Grid Snap of the
Pattern Editor, the units of the Song Editor snap value are in fractions of a measure length. The following
values are supported: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, and 1/24.
7. Redo.
The Redo button will reapply the last change that was ”undone” by the Undo button. It
will be inactive if there is nothing to redo.
8. Undo. The Undo button will roll back the last change in the layout of a pattern. Each time it is
clicked, the most recent change will be undone. It will roll back one change each time it is pressed. It is
not certain what the undo limit is, however. It will be inactive if there is nothing to undo.
9. Collapse. This button collapses the song between the L marker and the R marker. What this
means is that, if there is song material (patterns) before the L marker and after the R marker, and
the Collapse button is pressed, any song material between the L and R markers is wiped out, and the
song material after the R marker is moved leftward to the L marker. Collapsing occurs in all tracks
present in the Song Editor.
10. Expand.
This button expands the song between the L marker and the R marker. It inserts
blank space between these markers, moving the song material that is after the R marker to the right by
the duration of the blank space. Expansion occurs in all tracks present in the Song Editor.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Song Editor / Arrangement Panel

11. Expand and copy.
This button expands the song between the L marker and the R marker
much like the Expand button. However, it also copies the original data that is present after the R
marker, and pastes it into the newly-available space between the L and R markers.


Song Editor / Arrangement Panel

The arrangement panel is the middle section shown in figure 71 ”Song Editor Window” on page 83. It
is also known as the ”piano roll” of the song editor. Here, we zero in on its many features.
Keystrokes and additional mouse configuration have been added to make editing easier even without
a good mouse. For example, one can page up and down vertically in the arrangement panel using the
Page Up and Page Down keys. One can go to the top using the Home key, to the bottom using the End
key. One can page left and right horizontally in the arrangement panel using the Shift Page Up and Shift
Page Down keys. One can go to the leftmost position using the Home key, and to the rightmost position
using the End key,
The following figure is taken from a conventional MIDI file, imported, with a few long tracks, rather
than a large number of smaller patterns. In other words, the patterns used here are very long, and used
only once in the song. (We will provide an example that shows off Sequencer64’s pattern features better,
at some point.)
Please note that, if playback is started with the Song Editor as the active window, then the pattern
boxes in the patterns panel will show as armed/unarmed (unmuted/muted) depending upon whether or
not the pattern is shown as playing (or not) at the current playback position in the Song Editor piano
The following figure highlights the main features of the center panel of the song editor.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Song Editor / Arrangement Panel

Figure 75: Song Editor Arrangement Panel, Annotated
One new feature of the song editor is that, if the new Transpose feature is built into Sequencer64,
any patterns that are marked as exempt from transposition (common with drum tracks) have their events
shown in red instead of black.

Figure 76: Song Editor for Non-Transposable Patterns
The measures ruler (measures strip) consists of a measures ruler (bar indicator) at the top, a numbered patterns column at the left with a muting indicator, and the grid or roll section. There are a lot
of hidden details in the arrangement panel, as the figure shows. Here are the main sections we will deal
1. Patterns Column
2. Piano Roll
3. Measures Ruler
These items are discussed in the following sections.

Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Patterns Column

Here are the items to note in the patterns column:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Song Editor / Arrangement Panel


Number. Not yet sure what the number on the left means. The number of the screen set?
Title. The title is the name of the pattern, for easy reference.
Channel. The channel number appears (redundantly) at the right of the title.
Buss-Channel. This pair of numbers shows the MIDI buss number used in the pattern and the
channel used for the pattern.
5. Beat/Measure. This pair of numbers is the standard time-signature of the pattern.
6. Mute Indicator. The letter M is in a black box if the track/pattern is muted, and a white box if
it is unmuted. Left-clicking on the ”M” (or the name of the pattern) will mute/unmute the pattern.
If the Shift key is held while left-clicking on the M or the pattern name, then the mute/unmute
state of every other active pattern is toggled. This feature is useful for isolating a single track or
7. Empty Track. Completely empty tracks (no track events or meta events) are indicated by a darkgray filling in the pattern column. Tracks that have only meta information, but no playable event,
are indicated by a yellow filling in the pattern column.
The patterns column shows a list of all of the patterns that have been created in the current song.
Each pattern in this list has a track of pattern layouts associated with it in the piano roll section.
Left-clicking on the pattern name or the ”M” button toggles the muting (arming) status of the track.
It does the same thing if the Ctrl key is held at the same time.
Shift-left-clicking on the pattern name or the ”M” button toggles the muting (arming) status of all
other tracks except the track that was selected. This action is useful for quickly listening to a single
sequence in isoloation.
Right-clicking on the pattern name or the ”M” button brings up the same pattern editing menu as
discussed in section 3.2.2 ”Pattern” on page 47. Recall that this context menu has the following entries:
Edit..., Event Edit..., Cut, Copy, Song, Disable Transpose, and MIDI Bus.

Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Piano Roll

The ”Piano Roll” section of the arrangement panel is where patterns or subsections are inserted, deleted,
shrunk, lengthened, or moved. Here are the items to note in the annotated Piano Roll area shown in
figure 75 ”Song Editor Arrangement Panel, Annotated” on page 87:
1. Single. In the diagram, under the word ”Single”, is a very small pattern. It is small because it
consists only of some MIDI Program Change messages meant to set the programs on a Yamaha
PSS-790 keyboard.
2. Multiple. This item is the same pattern as in ”Single”, but dragged out for multiple repetitions,
simply to show how even the shortest patterns can be replicated easily.
3. Pattern Subsection. Middle-clicking inside a pattern inserts a selection position marker in it,
breaking the pattern into two equal pieces. We call each piece a pattern subsection. This division
can be done over and over. (Note that, in the Song Editor, a middle-click cannot be simulated by
4. Selection Position. A selection position is a marker that divides a pattern into two pieces, called
pattern subsections. This makes it easy to select smaller portions of a pattern for editing or deleting.
It is especially useful for making holes in a pattern. There may be other uses of a selection position
that we have not yet discovered.
5. Selection. By clicking inside a pattern or a pattern subsection, it darkens (gray) to denote that it
is selected. A pattern subsection can be deleted by the Delete key, copied by the Ctrl-C key, and


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Song Editor / Arrangement Panel

then inserted (one or more times) by the Ctrl-V key. When inserted, each insert goes immediately
after the current item or the previous insertion. The same can be done for whole patterns.
6. Section Length. Looking closely at the diagram where the arrows point, small squares in two
corners of the patterns can be seen. By grabbing that square with a left-click, the square can be
moved horizontally to either lengthen or shorted the pattern or pattern subsection, if there is room
to move in the desired direction. It doesn’t matter if the item is selected or not.
7. Section Movement. If, instead of grabbing the section length handle, one grabs inside the pattern
or pattern subsection, that item can be moved horizontally, as long as their is room. Or course,
left-clicking inside the item will also cause it to show as selected. One can also highlight a pattern
section (making it gray), then click the p key to enter ”paint” mode, and move the pattern left or
right with the arrow keys. In the near future, movement of selected trigger segments will not require
the paint mode to be active just to move the segments left or right.
8. Expansion. If, instead of grabbing the section length handle, one grabs inside Originally, all the
long patterns of this sample song were continuous. But, by setting the L and R markers, and using
the Expand button, we opened up some silent space in the song, just to be able to show it off.
A feature not yet noted is the ability to split a pattern section in the song editor, either in half or at
the nearest snap point to the mouse pointer. The kind of split that is done is determined by the setting
of the File / Options / Mouse / Sequencer64 Options / Middle click splits song trigger at
nearest snap (instead of halfway point) setting. To split a pattern, left-click it to highlight it, move
the mouse (if not splitting in half) to the desired pointer, and press Ctrl-left on the mouse.
The Seq24 help files refer to work in the Song Editor as the ”Performance Editor” or ”Performance
Mode”. Adding a pattern in this window is a bit like adding a note in the Pattern Editor. One clicks,
holds, and drags the mouse to insert a copy of the pattern associated with the row in which one is dragging.
The longer one drags, the more copies of the pattern that are inserted.
Right-click on the arrangement panel (roll) to enter draw mode, and hold the button. New: Just
like the Patterns Panel, there is a feature to allow the Mod4 (the Super or Windows) key to keep the
right-click in force even after it is released. See Basically, pressing Mod4 before releasing the
right-click that allows pattern-adding, keeps pattern-adding in force after the right-click is released. Now
pattern can be entered at will with the left mouse button. Right-click again to leave the pattern-adding
New: Another way to turn on the paint mode has been added. To turn on the paint mode, first
make sure that the piano roll has the keyboard focus by left-clicking in it, then press the p key while in
the performance editor. This is just like pressing the right mouse button, but the draw/paint mode sticks
(as if the Mod4 mode were in force). While in the paint mode, one can add pattern clips with the left
mouse button, via click or drag, and one can highlight a pattern clip and move it with the left and right
arrow keys.
In the near future, movement of selected trigger segments will not require the paint mode to be active
just to move the segments left or right.
To get out of the paint mode, press the x key while in the sequence editor, to ”x-scape” (get it? get
it?) from the paint mode. These keys, however, do not work (currently) while the sequence is playing.
New: Sequencer64, as of version 0.9.10, now supports zoom in the song editor’s piano roll. This
feature is not accessible via a button or a menu entry – it is accessible only via keystrokes. After one
has left-clicked in the piano roll, the z, Z, and 0 can be used to zoom the piano-roll view. The z key
zooms out, the Z key zooms in, and the 0 key resets the zoom to the default value. The zoom feature also
modifies the time-line (measures indicator).


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Song Editor / Bottom Panel

Then simultaneously left-click the mouse to insert one copy of the pattern. The inserted pattern will
show up as a box with a tiny representation of the notes visible inside. (Some patterns, however, can be
less than a measure in length, resulting in a tiny box.)
To keep adding more copies of the pattern, continue to hold both buttons and drag the mouse
Middle-click on a pattern to drop a new selection position into the pattern, which breaks the pattern
into two equal pattern subsections. Each middle-click on the pattern adds a new selection position,
halving the size of the subsections as more pattern subsections are added.
When a pattern or a pattern subsection is left-clicked in the piano roll, it is marked with a dark gray
filling. When a right-left-hold-drag action is done in this gray area, the result is to delete that pattern
section or subsection. One can also hit the Delete key to delete that pattern section or subsection.

Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Measures Ruler

The measures ruler is the ruled and numbered section at the top of the arrangement panel. It provides a
place to put the left and right markers. In the Seq24 documentation, it is called the ”bar indicator”.
Left-click in the measures ruler to move and drop an L marker (L anchor) on the measures ruler.
Right-click in the measures ruler to drop an L marker (R anchor) on the measures ruler.
Once these anchors are in place, one can then use the Collapse and Expand buttons to modify the
placement of the pattern events.
Note that the L marker serves as the start position for playback in the Song Editor. One can change
the start position only when the performance is not playing.
New: Another way to move the L and R markers, a so-called ”movement mode” has been added.
To turn on the movement mode, first make sure that the piano roll (not the bar indicator!) has the
keyboard focus by left-clicking in it at a blank spot, then press the l key or r key or while in the sequence
editor. There is no visual feedback that one is in the movement mode. Then press the left or right arrow
key to move the ”L” or ”R” (depending whether l or r was used to enter the movement mode) markers
by one snap value at a time.
To get out of the movement mode, press the x key while in the performance editor, to ”x-scape” from
the movement mode.


Song Editor / Bottom Panel

The bottom panel is simple, consisting of a stock horizontal scroll bar and a small button, called the
Grow button.
The Grow button adds to the number of measures that exist in the song editor. The visual effect
is very subtle, resulting only in a small change in the thumb of the horizontal scroll-bar, unless one is at
the right end of the piano roll. Then, one can see the added measures. Usually about 128 at a time are
added, but this depends on the value of PPQN in force.


Event Editor

The Sequencer64 Event Editor is used to view and edit, in detail, the events present in a sequence/pattern/track.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Warning: This dialog is a new feature of Sequencer64, and is still a work-in-progress. Basic viewing
and scrolling generally work well, and editing, deleting, and inserting events does work. But there are
many possible interactions between event links (Note Off events linked to Note On events), performance
triggers, and the pattern, performance, and event editor dialogs. Surely some bugs still lurk. If anything
bad happens, do not press the Save to Sequence button! If the application aborts, let the programmer
Also note that this editor is not very sophisticated:

It requires the user to know the details about MIDI events and data values.
It does not present handy dropdown lists for various items.
It does not detect any changes made to the sequence in the pattern editor.
It does not have any undo function.
It cannot mark more than one event for deletion or modification.
There is no support for dragging and dropping of events.

If, some day, we find ourselves needing that kind of functionality, then we can add it. There may
also be issues with interactions between the event editor and things like the performance editor and
triggers. For now, the event editor is a good way to see the events in a sequence, and to delete or modify
problematic events. Additionally, it can be used to add Set Tempo meta events. Furthermore, if an
event is added that has a time-stamp beyond the current length of the sequence, then the length of the
sequence is extended. Unlike the event pane in the pattern editor, the event-editor dialog shows all types
of events at once.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Figure 77: Event Editor Window
The event-editor dialog is fairly complex. For exposition, we break it down into a few sections:

Event Frame
Info Panel
Edit Fields
Bottom Buttons

The event frame consists of a list of events, which can be viewed, traversed, and edited. The info
fields in the info panel show the name of the sequence containing the events, and some other information
about the sequence. The edit fields provide four text fields for viewing and entering information about
the current event, and buttons to delete, insert, and modify events. The bottom buttons allow changes
to be saved and the editor to be closed.
The following sections described these items in detail.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Event Editor / Event Frame

Event Editor / Event Frame

The event frame is the event-list shown on the left side of the event editor. It is accompanied by a vertical
scroll-bar, for moving one line or one page at a time.
Also note that mouse or touchpad scrolling can be used to move up and down in the event list. This
movement is even easier than reaching for the scrollbars.

Event Frame / Data Items

The event frame shows a list of numbered events, one per line. The currently-selected event is highlighted
in cyan text on a black background. Here is an example of the data line for a MIDI event:
17-003:3:128 Note On

Chan 3

Key 66 Vel 107

This line consists of the following parts:

Index Number
Time Stamp
Event Name
Channel Number
Data Bytes

1. Index Number. Displays the index number of the event. This number is purely for the reference
of the user, and is not part of the event. Events in the pattern are numbered from 0 to the number of
events in the pattern. They serve as a way to better know where one is in the sequence.
2. Time Stamp. Displays the time stamp of the event. This value indicates the cumulative time of
the event in the pattern. It is displayed in the format of ”measure:beat:divisions”. The measure values
start from 1, and range up to the number of measures in the pattern. The beat values start from 1, and
range up to the number of beats in the measure. The division values range from 0 up to one less than
the PPQN (pulses per quarter note) value for the whole song. As a shortcut, one can use the dollar sign
(”$”) to represent PPQN-1.
3. Event Name. Displays the name of the event. The event name indicates what kind of MIDI event
it is. The following event names are supported:

Note Off
Note On
Control Change
Program Change
Channel Pressure
Pitch Wheel

Note that these are all MIDI channel events. Support for MIDI system events is in
place, but is not ready for exposure to the user.
4. Channel Number.
Shows the channel number (for channel-events only). Be sure to note that,
for the user, MIDI channels always range from 1 to 16. (Internally, they range from 0 to 15).
5. Data Bytes.

Shows the one or two data bytes for the event.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Event Editor / Info Panel

Note Off, Note On, and Aftertouch events requires a byte for the key (0 to 127) and a byte for the
velocity (also 0 to 127). Control Change events require a control code and a value for that control code.
Pitch wheel events require two bytes to encode the full range of pitch changes.
Program change events require only a byte value to pick the patch or program (instrument) to be
used for the sequence. The Channel Pressure event requires only a one-byte value.

Event Frame / Navigation

Moving about in the event frame is fairly straightforward, but has some wrinkles to note. (It was more
difficult to get working than expected!)
Navigation with the mouse is done by moving to the desired event and clicking on it. The event
becomes highlighted, and its data items are shown in the ”info panel” (discussed in the next section).
There is currently no support for dragging and dropping events in the event frame.
The scrollbar can be used to move within the frame, either by one line at a time, or by a page at a
time. A page is defined as one frame’s worth of lines, minus 5 lines, for some overlap in paging.
Navigation with keystrokes is also supported, for the Up and Down arrows and the Page-Up and
Page-Down keys. Note that using the Up and Down arrows by holding them down for awhile causes
autorepeat to kick in, and the updates become very erratic and annoying. Use the scrollbar or page keys
to move through multiple pages. Home and End also work.


Event Editor / Info Panel

The ”info panel” is simply a read-only list of properties on the top right of the event editor. It serves
to remind the used of the sequence being edited and some characteristics of the sequence and the whole
song. Currently, five items are shown:
1. Sequence Name. This item is redundant, as the window caption for the event editor also shows
the sequence name. It can be set in the pattern editor.
2. Time Signature. This item is a sequence property. It can be set in the pattern editor.
3. PPQN This item shows the ”parts per quarter note”, or resolution of the whole song. The default
PPQN of Sequencer64 is 192.
4. Sequence Channel In Sequencer64, the channel number is a property of the sequence. All channel
events in the sequence get routed to the same channel, even if somehow the event itself specifies a
different channel.
5. Sequence Count Displays the current number of events in the sequence. This number changes as
events are inserted or deleted.


Event Editor / Edit Fields

The edit fields show the values of the currently-selected event. They allow changing an event, adding a
new event, or deleting the currently-selected event.

Event Category (read-only)
Event Timestamp
Event Name
Data Byte 1
Data Byte 2

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Event Editor / Edit Fields

6. Delete Current Event
7. Insert New Event
8. Modify Current Event
It is important to note that changes made in the event editor are not written to the sequence until
the Save to Sequence button is clicked. If one messes up an edit field, just click on the event again; all
the fields will be filled in again. That’s as much ”undo” as the event-editor offers at this time, other than
closing without saving.
1. Event Category.
Displays the event category of the event. Currently, only channel events
can be handled, but someday we hope to handle the wide array of system events, and perhap even
system-exclusive events.
2. Event Timestamp. Displays the timestamp of the event. Currently only the ”measure:beat:division”
format is fully supported. We allow editing (but not display) of the timestamp in pulse (divisions) format
and ”hour:minute:second.fraction” format, but there are bugs to work out.
If one wants to delete or modify an event, this field does not need to be modified. If this field is
modified, and the Modify Current Event button is pressed, then the event will be moved. This field
can locate a new event at a specific time. If the time is not in the current frame, the frame will move to
the location of the new event and make it the current event.
3. Event Name.
Displays the name of the event, and allows entry of an event name. The event
name indicates what kind of MIDI event it is. The following event names are supported:

Note Off
Note On
Control Change
Program Change
Channel Pressure
Pitch Wheel

Typing in one of these names should change the kind of event if the event is modified. Abbreviations
and case-insensitivity can be used to reduce the effort of typing.
Bug: Currently, the handling of the editing of the event name is a bit clumsy. Also, it would be
better to provide a drop-down list for more painless selection of events.
4. Data Byte 1.
Allows the modification of the first data byte of the event. One must know what
one is doing. The scanning of the digits is very simple: start with the first digit, and convert until a
non-digit is encountered. The data-byte value can be entered in decimal notation, or, if prepended with
”0x”, in hexadecimal notation.
5. Data Byte 2.
Allows the modification of the second data byte of the event (if applicable to
the event). One must know what one is doing. The scanning of the digits is very simple: start with the
first digit, and convert until a non-digit is encountered. The data-byte value can be entered in decimal
notation, or, if prepended with ”0x”, in hexadecimal notation.
6. Delete Current Event. Causes the currently-selected event to be deleted. The frame display is
updated to move following events upward.
Sequencer64 would support using the Delete and Insert keys to supplement the buttons, but the
Delete key is needed for editing the event data fields. The current structure of the dialog prevents using
it for both the frame and the edit fields. Therefore, Sequencer64 allows the usage of the asterisk keys
(both regular and keypad) for deletion.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Event Editor / Bottom Buttons

7. Insert New Event.
Inserts a new event, described by the Event Timestamp, Event Name,
Data Byte 1, and Data Byte 2 fields. The new event is placed in the appropriate location for the
given timestamp. If the timestamp is at a time that is not visible in the frame, the frame moves to show
the new event, so be careful.
8. Modify Current Event. Deletes the current event, and inserts a new event. The modified event
is placed in the appropriate location for the given timestamp.


Event Editor / Bottom Buttons

The buttons at the bottom of the event editor round out the functionality of this dialog.
1. Save to Sequence
2. Close
1. Save to sequence.
Saves the current state of the event container back to the sequence from
whence the events came. This button does not close the dialog; further editing can be performed. The
Save button is enabled only if some unsaved changes to the events still exist.
Note that there may still be some subtle bugs in the dialog editor, so be careful about pressing this
Also note that any sequence/pattern editor that is open should be reflected in the pattern editor
once this button is pressed. However, at present, simultaneous use of the pattern editor and event editor
has been disabled.
If both the event editor and the pattern editor are open for a sequence (currently disabled), and
some events are deleted in the event editor, and the Save to Sequence button is pressed, the pattern
editor would crash and takes down Sequencer64 with it. Therefore, when either editor is open for a given
sequence, the right-click menu entries that bring them up are hidden.
2. Close. Closes the event editor. Any unsaved event changes are discarded. There is a ”modification
indicator” to show that the events have been modified.
Again, good luck with the dialog. Bug reports are appreciated.


Sequencer64 Keyboard and Mouse Actions

This section presents some tables summarizing the keyboard and mouse actions available in Seqeuencer64.
It does not cover the mute keys and the groups keys, which are well described in the keyboard setup for
the main window (where ”live” performance is controlled; see section ”Menu / File / Options /
Keyboard” on page 25). It also does not cover the ”fruity” mouse actions, though they are touched on in
section ”Menu / File / Options / Mouse” on page 31. Any volunteers to fill in the table?
This section describes the keystrokes that are currently hardwired in Sequencer64. This description
only includes items not defined in the File / Options dialog. That is, hardwired values. Note that ”KP”
stands for ”keypad”.


Main Window

The main window keystrokes are all defined via the options dialog and ”rc” configuration file, or are stock
Gtk window-management keystrokes. The main window has a very complete setup for live control of the

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Performance Editor Window

MIDI tune via keystrokes. These actions are not included in table 1 ”Main Window Support” on page 97.
There may be some other keystrokes to be documented at some point.
Table 1: Main Window Support
e key
Left-click slot
Right-click slot

Edit menu


Toggle other slots
Edit menu

Open song editor
Edit/Edit Menu


The new mouse features of this window for Sequencer64, as noted in section 3 ”Patterns Panel” on
page 39, are:
• Shift-left-click: Over one pattern slot, this action toggles the mute/unmute (armed/unarmed) status
of all other patterns (even the patterns in other, unseen sets).
• Left-double-click: Over a pattern slot, this action quickly toggles the mute/unmute status, which
is confusing. But it ultimately brings up the pattern editor (sequence editor) for that pattern. It
acts like Ctrl-left-click.


Performance Editor Window

The ”performance editor” window is also known as the ”song editor” window. It’s main sections are the
”piano roll” (perfroll) and the ”performance time” (perftime) sections, discussed in the following sections.
Also, some keystrokes are handled by the frame of the window.
• Ctrl-z. Undo.
• Ctrl-r. Redo.

Performance Editor Piano Roll
Ctrl-x. Cut.
Ctrl-c. Copy.
Ctrl-v. Paste.
Ctrl-z. Undo.
Ctrl-r. Redo.
Shift-Up. Move backward one small unit (which is...?)
Shift-Down. Move forward one small unit (which is...?)
Shift-Page Up. Move backward one frame.
Shift-Page Down. Move forward one frame.
Shift-Home, Shift-KP Home. Move to beginning of piano roll.
Shift-End, Shift-KP End. Move to end of piano roll.
Shift-z (Z). Zoom in.
0. Set default zoom.
z. Zoom out.
Left. Move item left one snap unit.
Right. Move item right one snap unit.
Up. Move frame up one small scroll unit.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Performance Editor Window

Down. Move frame down one small scroll unit.
Home. Move to top of piano roll.
End. Move to bottom of piano roll.
Page Up. Move up one frame (page-increment).
Page Down. Move down one frame (page-increment).

Note that the keystrokes in this table (see table 2 ”Performance Window Piano Roll” on page 98)
require that the focus first be assigned to the piano roll by left-clicking in an empty area within it.
Otherwise, another section of the performance editor might receive the keystroke.
Table 2: Performance Window Piano Roll
Period (.)
c key
p key
v key
x key
z key
0 key
Z key

Start playback
Stop playback
Pause playback
Cut section
Paint mode
Escape paint
Zoom out
Reset zoom
Zoom in
Move earlier
Move later
Select section
Paint mode
Scroll up
Scroll down


Toggle other slots
Paint mode
Scroll Left
Scroll Right

Paint mode
Scroll Up
Scroll Down

Lock Paint mode

This section of the performance editor also handles the start, stop, and pause keys. These can be
modified in the Options / Keyboard page.
Note that a ”section” in the performance editor is actually a box that specifies a trigger for the
pattern in that sequence/pattern slot.
Note that the ”toggle other slots” action occurs only if shift-left-clicked in the ”names” area of the
performance editor.
Note that left-click is used to select performance blocks if clicked within a block, or to deselect them
if clicked in an empty area of the piano roll. Also note that all scrolling is done by the internal horizontal
and vertical step increments. The new features of this window for Sequencer64, as noted in section 5
”Song Editor” on page 82, are:
• p: Enters the paint mode, until right-click is pressed or until the ”x” key is pressed.
• x: Exits the paint mode. Think of the made-up term ”x-scape”.
• z: Zooms out the performance view. It makes the view look smaller, so that more of the performance
can be seen. Please note that opening a second performance view is another way to see more of the

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Performance Editor Window

• 0: Resets the performance view zoom to its normal value.
• Z: Zooms in the performance view. It makes the view look bigger, so that more details of the
performance can be seen.
• .: The period (configurable) is a new key devoted to the new pause functionality.
• Left Arrow: Moves the selected item to the left (earlier in time) in the performance layout.
• Right Arrow: Moves the selected item to the right (later in time) in the performance layout.
• Mod4-right-click, release: Locks the paint mode, until right-click is pressed again later.
• Once selected (and thus rendered in grey), a pattern section (trigger) can be moved by the mouse.
To move it using the left or right arrow keys, the paint mode must be entered, but only via the ”p”
key – the right mouse button deselects the greyed pattern. Too tricky, we might try fixing it later.

Performance Editor Time Section
l. Set to move L marker.
r. Set to move R marker.
x. Escape (”x-scape”) the movement mode.
Left. Move the selected marker left.
Right. Move the selected marker right.

This section of the performance editor is also known as the ”measure ruler” or the ”bar indicator”,
and is discussed in section 5.2.3 ”Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Measures Ruler” on page 90. See
table 3 ”Performance Editor Time Section” on page 99.
Table 3: Performance Editor Time Section

Move L [1]
Move R [1]
Escape Move
Set L [2]
Set R [2]





1. Activates movement of this marker using the left and right arrow keys. Movement is in increments
of the snap value. This mode is exited by pressing the ’x’ key. Also see note [2].
2. Controlled in the pertime section.
The new features of this window for Sequencer64, as noted in section 5.2.3 ”Song Editor / Arrangement Panel / Measures Ruler” on page 90, are:
• l: Enters a mode where the left and right arrow keys move the L marker, until the ”x” key is pressed.
• r: Enters a mode where the left and right arrow keys move the R marker, until the ”x” key is
• x: Exits the marker-movement mode.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Pattern Editor

Performance Editor Names Section
Table 4: Performance Editor Names Section


Toggle track
New/Edit menu


Toggle other tracks



Pattern Editor

The pattern/sequencer editor piano roll is a complex and powerful event editor; table 5 ”Pattern Editor
Piano Roll” on page 101, doesn’t begin to cover its functionality. Here are the keystrokes handle by the
main frame of the window:
• Ctrl-L. Bring up the LFO event modulation editor, if built into this version (0.9.20 and above) of
• Ctrl-W. Exit the sequence (pattern) editor.
• Ctrl-Page Up. Zoom in.
• Ctrl-Page Down. Zoom out.
• Shift-Page Up. Scroll leftward.
• Shift-Page Down. Scroll rightward.
• Shift-Home. Scroll leftward to the beginning.
• Shift-End. Scroll rightward to the end.
• Shift-z (Z). Zoom in.
• 0. Set default zoom.
• z. Zoom out.
• Page Down. Scroll downward.
• Page Up. Scroll upward.
• Home. Scroll upward to the beginning.
• End. Scroll downward to the end.
Where is Delete?

Pattern Editor Piano Roll

Here are the keystrokes handled by the piano roll: These keystrokes require that the focus be set to the
piano roll by clicking in it with the mouse.

Ctrl-x. Cut.
Ctrl-c. Copy.
Ctrl-v. Paste.
Ctrl-z. Undo.
Ctrl-r. Redo.
Ctrl-a. Select all.
Ctrl-Left. Shrink selected notes.
Ctrl-Right. Grow selected notes.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Pattern Editor

Delete. Remove selected notes.
Backspade. Remove selected notes.
Home. Set sequence to beginnging of sequence. (Verify!)
Left. Move selected notes one snap left.
Down. Move selected notes one pitch downward.
Up. Move selected notes one pitch upward.
Enter, Return. Paste the selected notes at the current position.
p. Enter ”paint” (also known as ”adding”) mode.
x. Escape (”x-scape”) the paint mode.

And here is the table:
Table 5: Pattern Editor Piano Roll

Delete Selected
Paint mode
Escape Paint
Zoom Out
Reset Zoom
Zoom In
Move Earlier [1]
Move Later [1]
Increase Pitch
Decrease Pitch
Paint mode
Grow Selected
Zoom Time In
Zoom Time Out


Edit Menu
Stretch Sel.
Scroll Left
Scroll Right

Edit/Edit Menu
Zoom Time In
Zoom Time Out

Lock Paint mode

• Once selected (and thus rendered in grey), a pattern segment can be moved by the mouse. To move
it using the left or right arrow keys, the paint mode must be entered, but only via the p key – the
right mouse button deselects the greyed pattern. Too tricky, we might try fixing it later.
The new features of this window section for Sequencer64, as noted in section 4.3.1 ”Pattern Editor
/ Piano Roll Items” on page 71, are:
• p: Enters the paint mode, until right-click is pressed or until the x key is pressed.
• x: Exits the paint mode. Think of the made-up term ”x-scape”.
• z: Zooms out the performance view. It makes the view look smaller, so that more of the performance
can be seen. Please note that opening a second performance view is another way to see more of the
• 0: Resets the performance view zoom to its normal value.
• Z: Zooms in the performance view. It makes the view look bigger, so that more details of the
performance can be seen.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Event Editor

.: The period (configurable) is a new key devoted to the new pause functionality.
Left Arrow: Moves the selected events to the left (earlier in time) in the performance layout.
Right Arrow: Moves the selected events to the right (later in time) in the performance layout.
Up Arrow: Moves the selected notes upward in direction and pitch.
Down Arrow: Moves the selected notes downward in direction and pitch.
Mod4-Right-Click: Locks the paint mode, until right-click is pressed again later.


Pattern Editor Event Panel
Ctrl-x. Cut.
Ctrl-c. Copy.
Ctrl-v. Paste.
Ctrl-z. Undo.
Delete. Delete (not cut!) the selected events.
p. Enter ”paint” (also known as ”adding”) mode.
x. Escape (”x-scape”) the paint mode.


Pattern Editor Data Panel

Currently, no keystroke support is provided in the data panel. One potential upgrade would be the ability
to change the value of the event with the Up and Down arrow keys.

Pattern Editor Virtual Keyboard
Table 6: Pattern Editor Virtual Keyboard



Play note
Toggle labels





Event Editor
Down. Move one slot down.
Up. Move one slot up.
Page Down. Move one frame down.
Page Up. Move one frame up.
Home. Move to top frame.
End. Move to bottom frame.
Asterisk, KP Multiply. Delete the currently-selected event.

Sequencer64 Meta Event / SysEx Support

In recent versions of Sequencer64 we are attempting better support for MIDI Meta and System Exclusive
events, as well as a Tempo track. At present (v. 0.93.1), Sequencer64 now supports the display of Set
Tempo and Time Signature events. They can also be added and edited, in various ways. For example,

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


”usr” BPM Display Settings

see section 6 ”Event Editor” on page 90. Only the first Time Signature event is used to modify playback.
System Exclusive support is also still in progress.
This section consolidates the description of the meta-event support. The following topics apply:


display min/max in ”usr” settings.
display in main window.
display in pattern editor.
display in song editor.
and Time signature display and editing in the event editor.

Before we discuss these items, we need to note how the tempo track is implemented in Sequencer64.
Rather man make a SeqSpec track for the tempo events, we follow the MIDI specification, which mandates
that Tempo events must occur only in the first track. Sequencer64 has been upgraded so that Set Tempo
and Time Signature events are full-fledged MIDI events and can be viewed (and later, edited) in the
existing user-interface elements. Notes and other events can occur in the same track, if the user-musician
so desires.
To reiterate, track 1 (pattern 0) is the only track where tempo events can be placed and edited.


”usr” BPM Display Settings

Sequencer64 allows the tempo to range from 1 to 600 BPM (beats per minute). This range is hardwired
into the application. But we need to be able to display tempo with a little more granularity. Therefore,
Sequencer64 provides some scaling for the tempo displays. These values are found in the ”usr” file:

# midi_bpm_minimum
# midi_bpm_maximum

See section 10.4 ”Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI Settings” on page 137, for more information.
This setting can only be made by editing the ”usr” file while Sequencer64 is not running. Note that this
setting affects the global BPM setting (”c bpmtag”).


Composite Display of Tempos

The following figure shows a composite picture of the various representations of Set Tempo events.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Tempo in the Main Window

Figure 78: Various Tempo Displays
The top of the figure shows the magenta tempo lines in a pattern slot that is currently being edited.
This view cannot be directly edited, but the event editor and the main window’s BPM settings can be
used to add, delete, or adjust the tempo.
The middle shows the very similar representation of the tempo in the Song Editor. Again, this view
does not (currently) allow editing of the tempo events.
The bottom shows tempo as an event (in the event strip) and a data value in the data pane. A
tempo event can be added here by holding the Ctrl key and painting an event in the event strip, and it
can then be modified by same method that note velocities can be edited. Note that tempo events are
always shown in the event strip and the data pane, no matter what other Event type has been selected.


Tempo in the Main Window

The tempo is shown as a solid magenta-colored line at the relative height for the tempo, based on the
minimum and maximum values configured in the ”usr” file as discussed in the previous section. This
pattern-slot tempo display is rudimentary. It doesn’t allow for ramping of the tempo at present (except

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Tempo in the Main Window

by recording while holding the BPM spin-control), and cannot be directly edited in this window. However,
tempos can be logged or recorded via magenta-colored controls at the bottom of the main window.

Figure 79: Tempo Recording Controls
The 0th pattern slot shown in the figure represents Track 1, the MIDI Tempo track. The magenta
lines show the tempos already in that track. Now look at the BPM control. The first button to its
right (”0”) is the tempo-tap button, used for setting a tempo by tapping in time to music. The lightmagenta button that comes next, when pressed while playback is occurring, logs a tempo event at the
current progress location and the current BPM value in the BPM spin-field. The dark magenta button
to the right of that toggles the mode of recording the changes to the BPM spin-button while playback is
occurring. (The ”Q” button is for keep-queues, and is unrelated to tempo processing.)
Now, although track 1 (pattern 0) might start out with a length of only a measure or two, the
performance continually ticks upward, and tempo events that are recorded after the end of the track at
still recorded, and they will extend the length of the tempo track automatically. If the ”show sequences
key” option is enabled, the length of each track, in measures, is shown at the top right of each main
window pattern slot, so it can be tracked by the user.
Once tempo events have been recorded, they can be tweaked (or deleted) either in the pattern editor
or in the event editor. Generally, they are treated like control events that are always available. Deleting
all tempo events will not reduce the (possibly new) length of the sequence.
One more thing to note about the Tempo track is that it will not change tempo unless that track is
unmuted. This behavior is a feature, not a bug.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” Configuration File

There are two Sequencer64 configuration files: sequencer64.rc and sequencer64.usr. See section 10
”Sequencer64 ”usr” Configuration File” on page 125; it describes the ”usr” file. They are bit different in
how they are handled.
The Sequencer64 configuration file originally was named .seq24rc, and it was stored in the user’s
$HOME directory. This is the same name used by Seq24, so we created an new file to take its place, with
a fall-back to the original file-name if the new file does not exist, or if Sequencer64 is running in legacy
After you run Sequencer64 for the first time (in non-legacy mode), it will generate a sequencer64.rc
file in your home directory:

It contains the the data for remote MIDI control, computer keyboard control, MIDI clock, JACK
transport, and a few other settings.
Sequencer64 will overwrite the sequencer6.rc file upon quitting. One should therefore quit Sequencer64 before making manual modifications to the sequencer64.rc file. Note that most of its settings
can be modified in the Options dialog (see section 2.2.7 ”Menu / File / Options” on page 20). There is an
old, but complete, example of the Seq24 ”rc” file at [22]. It includes a setup for the Novation Launchpad


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section

Like Seq24, Sequencer64 provides a way to control the application to some extent via a MIDI controller,
such as a MIDI keyboard or a MIDI pad device. The current section describes this feature; additional
resources and ideas can be found at ([11]).
For each pattern, we can set up MIDI events to turn a pattern on, off, or to toggle it. This
setup is in the MIDI Control section of sequencer64.rc, and begins with the ”INI-style” group marker
[midi-control]. Each MIDI control line has the following format (ignore the explanatory lines):


-----------------| ----------------| | -------------| | | -----------| | | | ---------| | | | | -------| | | | | |
v v v v v v
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0

MIDI status (event) byte (e.g. note on)
data 1 (e.g. note number)
data 2 min
data 2 max

0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

The first number is an index number, starting at 0. It indicates what function the control line will
affect. The numbers in the leftmost brackets define a toggle filter; the numbers in the middle brackets

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section

define a on filter; the rnumbers in the ightmost brackets define a off filter. The numbers inside the
brackets define six values that set up the control: on/off ; inverse; MIDI status byte; data1; data2
min; and data2 max This set of values is explained below.
The MIDI control setup resembles a matrix. The first block of matrix elements, the entries numbered
from 0 to 63, represent control for control functions (toggle, mute, unmute) of the active screen-set. The
first 32 of these values represent the immediate mute/unmute functions that correspond to the hot-keys
assigned in the File / Options / Keyboard / Control keys [keyboard-group] configuration panel.
The second 32 of these values represent the same actions as the the File / Options / Keyboard /
Mute-group slot [mute-group] configuration panel. See section ”Menu / File / Options /
Keyboard” on page 25. Legacy control keys occupy the entries from 64 to 73. These entries control
Sequencer64 actions like changing the BPM value, screen-set, etc. Sequencer64 adds some more entries,
from 74 to 83, to control additional Sequencer64 functions such as performance record, solo, etc.
The [midi-control] section is explicitly broken into subsections; those subsections are marked with
comment-lines for better comprehensibility. The subsections of the MIDI Control section are:
1. Pattern group. Consists of 32 lines (0 to 31), one for each pattern box shown in the Pattern
window. It provides a way to control the arming/disarming (muting/unmuting) of each pattern
shown in the main window. Note that the main window shows the active screen-set. These controls
affect the active screen-set.
2. Mute-in group. Consists of 32 lines (32 to 63), one for each pattern box shown in the Pattern
window. It provides a way to control the mute groups. A group is a set of sequences that can arm
their playing state together; every group contains all 32 sequences in the active screen-set.
3. Automation group. Each item in this group consists of one line. Each line specifies a MIDI event
that can cause a given Sequencer64 user-interface operation to occur.
1. bpm up. This MIDI control increments the beats-per-minute setting, as if the up-arrow
has been clicked, or the up-arrow key pressed, in this control. This increment is the ”step
increment” which defaults to 1, but can be modified by changing the ”bpm step increment”
value in the ”usr” configuration file. See section 10.4 ”Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI
Settings” on page 137.
2. bpm down. Similarly, this MIDI control decrements the beats-per-minute setting, as if the
down-arrow has been clicked/pressed.
3. screen-set up. This MIDI control increments to the next screen-set. Once the screen-set has
been altered, mute-groups and other actions apply to that screen set.
4. screen-set down. Similarly, this MIDI control decrements to the previous screen-set.
5. mod replace. This MIDI control sets the ”replace” status flag. Then, when the user manually
clicks a pattern slot, that pattern is unmuted, and all the rest are muted. This works whether
in ”Live” or ”Song” mode.
6. mod snapshot. This MIDI control causes the playing statuses of all active (i.e. having data)
patterns to be saved. When turned off, the original playing status is restored. Thus, two MIDI
events need to be allocated to this functionality. Compare to section section ”Pattern
Keys” on page 52for a better idea of how it works.
7. mod queue. This MIDI control sets up the ”queue” status flag. Then, when the user manually
clicks a pattern slot, that pattern is queued, and will play at the next cycle of the pattern.
8. mod gmute. This MIDI control sets up a ”mute group”. More to come on this one, see
section 3.1 ”Patterns / Top Panel” on page 39.
9. mod glearn. This MIDI control sets up a ”group learn”. However, as the group-learn key is
a modifier key that needs to be held, we’re not quite sure how this works with MIDI control.
10. screen-set play. This MIDI control sets the playing screen-set, but we’re not completely sure

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section

how it works yet.
4. Extended automation group. These additional control items were requested by users, to control
additional features of the application. Each item in this group consists of one line.
1. stop/pause/start. Emulate the Stop, Pause, and Start keys, using Toggle for pause, Off for
stop, and On for start.
2. record. For recording a live performance by recording the mute/unmute states that the
musician played. Not yet functional, thought the feature has been added as of version 0.94.
3. solo on/off. Not yet functional.
4. thru toggle. Not yet functional.
5. reserved for expansion (a few of these are reserved).
For all of these MIDI control lines, the three fields, each between the brackets, on each line, correspond
to a MIDI filter to toggle, enable, or disable a sequence, or to change a selection, or activate a feature.
If the incoming MIDI event value matches a value present in the filter, it will toggle (first field), enable
(second field) or disable (third field) the sequence.
We see the following lines in the MIDI Control section, which is broken into groups or subsections
marked by comments:
# MIDI controls count (84 in the latest Sequencer64)
# pattern group
0 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
1 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
2 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
31 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# mute
32 [0
33 [0
63 [0

[1 0 144 96
[1 0 144 97
[1 0 144 98
[1 0 144 127

0 127]
0 127]
0 127]

0 127]

in group section:
0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]

# bpm up:
64 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# bpm down:
65 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# screen set up:
66 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# screen set down:
67 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# mod replace:
68 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# mod snapshot:
69 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# mod queue:
70 [0 0 0 0 0 0]

0 128
0 128
0 128

0 128 127 0 127]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

96 0 127]
97 0 127]
98 0 127]

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

# mod gmute:
71 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# mod glearn:
72 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
# screen set play:
73 [0 0 0 0 0 0]


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

The number (74) is the number of lines in the MIDI Control section. The new extended automation
values bring this number up to 84:
# Extended MIDI controls:
# start playback (pause, start, stop):
74 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# performance record:
75 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# solo (toggle, on, off):
76 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# MIDI THRU (toggle, on, off):
77 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# bpm page up:
78 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# bpm page down:
79 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# screen set by number:
80 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# MIDI RECORD (toggle, on, off):
81 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# MIDI Quantized RECORD (toggle, on, off)
82 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0
# reserved for expansion:
83 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0

0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]
0 0 0]

Not all of these new values are yet usable. Currently, the ”start”, ”pause”, ”stop”, and ”bpm”
page controls, and the ”performance record”, ”MIDI THRU”, ”MIDI RECORD”, and ”MIDI Quantized
RECORD” have been implemented. So let’s focus again on one line of data, and describe it in greater

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

[0 0 0 0 0 0]

The first number represents one of the following entities, depending on its value:
• 0 to 31. These items represent the Pattern group for patterns (sequences) 1 to 32.
• 32 to 63. These items represent the Mute-in group for patterns (sequences) 1 to 32.
• 64 to 73. These items represent the legacy Seq24 controls, from bpm up to screen set play.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section

• 74 to 83. These items, if present, represent the new extended controls, to control additional
playback features of Sequencer64.
Each set of brackets on the line corresponds to a ”MIDI filter”:
• The leftmost bracket set defines the toggle filter.
• The middle bracket set defines the on filter.
• The rightmost bracket set defines the off filter.
If the incoming MIDI event matches the filter, it will either [toggle], [on], or [off ] the pattern/sequence,
respectively. The layout of each filter inside the brackets is as follows:
[OPR INV STAT D1 D2min D2max]

OPR = on/off
INV = inverse
STAT = MIDI status byte (channel ignored)
D1 = data1
D2min = data2 min
D2max = data2 max

If OPR (on/off ) is set to 1, it will match the incoming MIDI against the STAT (MIDI status
byte) pattern. and perform the action (on/off/toggle) if the data falls in the range specified. All values
are in decimal.
Note: In legacy versions (Seq24 and early versions of Sequencer64), the channel nybble of the MIDI
control (and all other incoming MIDI events) were stripped off. This is no longer the case, and thus opens
up many more events useful for MIDI control. But do note that events that are actually recorded end up
getting the channel number of the pattern into which they are recorded.
The INV (inverse) field will make the pattern perform the opposite action (off for on, on for off )
if the data falls outside the specified range. This is cool because one can map several sequences to a knob
or fader.
The STAT (MIDI status byte) field is a MIDI status byte number in decimal notation. The
channel nybble of this byte is ignored. One can look up the possible status values up in the MIDI
messages tables; the relevant data can be found at [12]. As the channel on which the events are sent is
ignored, it is sufficient to use the values for channel 1; that is, 0.
The last three fields describe the range of data that will match. The D1 (data1) field provides the
actual MIDI event message number to detect, in decimal. This item could be a Note On/Off event or a
Control/Mode change event, for example.
The D2min (data2 min) field is the minimum value of the event for the filter to match. For Note
On/Off events, this would be the velocity value, for example.
The D2max (data2 max) field is the maximum value of the event for the filter to match.
As a quick example, let us set up a Note On event on channel 2 and key value 48 that will increment
Sequencer64’s BPM value each time it is pressed. A Note On event is 0x90 hex, or 144 decimal. Channel
2 is 0x1 hex or 1 decimal. Adding the Note On value to the the channel number yields 0x91 hex, or 145
decimal. Then we pick a note value of 48, which is one of the C keys. We don’t care about the velocity, so
we allow all values (0 to 127). We add the following entry to ~/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.rc):

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

. . .
# bpm up:
64 [0 0



0] [1 0 145


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section

0 127] [0 0





Now, whenever we press key 48 (C), we see that the BPM value in the main patterns panel increments
by 1.

Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Pattern Group

Complex? Here is an example for the some of the first 32 lines, which comprise the pattern group. The
following is an example of responding to Note On events for note 0, with any velocity, to turn the pattern
on, and Note Off events for note 0, and any velocity, to turn the pattern off.
1 [0 0 0 0 0 0]

[1 0

144 0 0 127]

[1 0 128 0 0 127]

The first number, 1, indicates the second pattern (pattern numbering starts from 0). The first section,
Toggle, is off (inactive). All values are 0. There is no setup to use MIDI control to toggle pattern 1 here.
On to the second section, On:
• The On section starts with OPR = 1, so it is on (1 = active).
• The inverse value is off (0 = inactive).
• The MIDI status byte, 144, which is 0x90 (hex), which is a Note On event on channel 0. However,
the channel is ignored.
• The data1 values sets the actual Note value to 0, meaning the lowest possible MIDI note (pitch)
• data2 min value sets the minimum value to 0.
• data2 max sets the maximum value to 127.
Thus, receiving any Note On velocity for note 0 will turn sequence 1 on. This is the second pattern;
in the default setup, key q would operate on this pattern as well.
On to the Off section:
• The Off field is on (active).
• The inverse value is off (0 = inactive).
• The MIDI status byte, 128, which is 0x80 (hex), which 128, which is 0x80 (hex), which is a Note
Off event on channel 0.
• The data1 values sets the actual Note value to 0, meaning the lowest possible MIDI note (pitch)
• data2 min value sets the minimum value to 0.
• data2 max sets the maximum value to 127.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section

Thus, receiving any Note Off velocity for note 0 will turn sequence 1 off.
So, basically, pattern 1 starts when any Note On for MIDI note 0 is received, and it stops when any
Note Off for MIDI note 0 is received. One can easily extend this so that Note On/Off values from 0 to
31 control the corresponding pattern slot.
Obviously, one might not want Note On/Off events from any channel to trigger events, so some other
event would likely be more useful. (Hmmmm, we could add an option to not strip the channel value....)
The following example would map a row of sequences to one knob sending out changes for Control
Code 1:



0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0



176 1
176 1 16
176 1 32
176 1 48
176 1 64
176 1 80
176 1 96
176 1 112





0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0


The on field is on (active). Inverse is active. The MIDI status byte, 176, is 0xB0 (hex), which is
a Control Change event (channel ignored). data1 is 1, which is the controller number for a Modulation
Wheel. The data2 ranges are set so that, as the controller data increases (as the modulation-wheel knob
is turned, so to speak), patterns 0 through 7 come on one at a time until all are running.
Here is another example from [11], which shows how to set up the ”Sustain” control-change event
to queue or un-queue a sequence: The Akai MPK Mini has a Sustain button and we can set the Sustain
MIDI event (with MIDI status byte 176 [0xB0] to represent a Controller event, and control/mode change
number 64 [0x40] to represent the Sustain or Pedal control) up as the queue modifier in the mod queue
# mod queue
# [
70 [0






] [

mn mx

] [1


] [

176 64 127 127] [1


176 64

OPR INV STA D1 mn mx
^ ^
^ ^
| |
| |
----Sustain---------|--------Control Change--



mn mx

So when the Sustain button is held down, and one presses one of the pads on the MPK Mini, the
corresponding sequence gets queued. Here’s a little table of the decimal numbers for some commonly-used
MIDI controls:
• 128 or 129 for any Note On or Note Off events.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer
9.2 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Extended Automation Section



Polyphonic aftertouch.
Controller event.
Program change.
Pitch wheel.

Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Mute In Group

This section controls 32 groups of mutes in the same way as defined for [midi-control], and is in fact
placed in the [midi-control] section. A group is a set of patterns that can toggle their playing state
together. Every group contains all 32 sequences in the active screen set. So, this part of the MIDI Control
section is used for muting and unmuting (and toggling) a group of patterns.
What is the different between the mute-in group section and the mute group section? The former
defines the MIDI control values that can affect the muting of a group, while the latter specifies the armed
patterns that are part of a group.

Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Automation Group

1. bpm up.

Increases the BPM (speed) of the sequencer based on MIDI input.

2. bpm down.

Decreases the BPM (speed) of the sequencer based on MIDI input.

3. screen-set up.

Increases the active screen-set of the sequencer based on MIDI input.

4. screen-set down.
5. mod replace.

Decreases the active screen-set of the sequencer based on MIDI input.

This item provides a way to automate replacement.

6. mod snapshot.

This item provides a way to automate snapshots.

7. mod queue.

This item provides a way to automate queueing.

8. mod gmute.

This item provides a way to automate group-muting.

9. mod glearn.

This item provides a way to automate group-learning.

10. screen-set play.


This item provides a way to automate screen set play.

Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Extended Automation Section

This section shows how to set up an extended automation control.
Not all of the extended controls work; some that do are the the stop/pause/start functionality (which
requires that the pause functionality be enabled at build time, which is the default). Here, we will set
up Sequencer64 so that the first three MIDI white keys (notes 0, 2, and 4) will become ”Stop”, ”Pause”,
and ”Start” buttons.
The first step, if not already done, is to install the newest version (0.91. and above) of Sequencer64,
run it, and then exit. Verify in the regenerated ”rc” file (~/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.rc)
that the following lines exist:

# MIDI controls count (74 or 84)


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer
9.2 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Extended Automation Section

# Extended MIDI controls:
# start playback (pause, start, stop):
74 [0 0
0] [0 0


0] [0 0





MIDI control 74’s toggle/on/off sections will be used to implement the stop/pause/start functionality.
Replace the ”74” line with the following line:
74 [1 0 144


0 127] [1 0 144


0 127] [1 0 144


0 127]

This sets up MIDI Note On (144) values 2 (toggle/pause), 4 (on/start), and 0 (off/stop). Any velocity
(0 to 127) will work to trigger these actions. Now we are ready to test this feature. One can use a MIDI
keyboard to do so, but here we will use the VMPK ([31]) virtual MIDI piano keyboard application for
this test. Refer to the figure below. In addition, let’s set up the standard and the new, extended, BPM
(beats/minute) MIDI control values.
# bpm
64 [0
# bpm
65 [0

up: Note On 9
0] [1 0 144
down: Note On 7
0] [1 0 144


0 127] [0 0






0 127] [0 0





The section above sets up the standard (step-size) BPM controls, which correspond to the fine control
possible with the up and down arrows of the BPM spinner in the main window. It sets up Note On 7 to
be the BPM-down control, and Note On 9 to be the BPM-up control. These two keys are the dark-cyan
keys shown in the figure.
# bpm
78 [0
# bpm
79 [0

page up: Note On 11
0] [1 0 144
page down: Note On 5
0] [1 0 144


0 127] [0 0






0 127] [0 0





That section uses the extended controls (74 to 83) set up the coarse (page-size) BPM controls, which
correspond to the larger jumps possible with the Page Up and Page Down keys when the BPM spinner has
focus. It sets up Note On 5 to be the BPM-page-down control, and Note On 11 to be the BPM-page-up
control. These two keys are the bright-cyan keys shown in the figure.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer
9.2 Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Extended Automation Section

Figure 80: Stop/Pause/Start ALSA Test Setup
One can copy these settings from the sample file contrib/simple-midi-control-section.rc, if
one wants to try them. It also illustrates some other setups that we use for testing purposes, but are not
described here.
Set up VMPK to use the lowest octave by setting Base Octave to 0. The red, yellow, and green
keys shown will be our stop, pause, and start keys. Also set the velocity to a value ranging from 1 to
127. Do not use a zero velocity, as it seems that VMPK will not transmit Note On messages with a zero
Next, run Sequencer64, using the following command line to make sure that it is using ALSA and
using automatic mode to connect the ALSA MID ports:
$ seq64 -A -a

Then open a MIDI file. Next, open the File / Options / MIDI Input tab, and make sure that
the VMPK Output is check-marked as shown in the figure. If desired, also connect up to some kind of
synthesizer so that the song can be heard.
Finally, press the third white key (shown as green in the figure) to start playback. The second white
key (yellow in the figure) will pause and resume playback. The first white key (red in the figure) will stop
(and rewind) playback.
Then play with the BPM MIDI control keys. Note that the size of the BPM step-increment and the
BPM page-increment are configurable in the [user-midi-settings] section of the ”usr” configuration
file, using the following values in that section:

# bpm_precision

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Mute-Group Section

# bpm_step_increment
# bpm_page_increment

See section 10.4 ”Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI Settings” on page 137; it has information
about the usage and enabling of these settings.
Obviously, this setup is not useful for performance, but serves as a good example to verify this MIDI
One thing we noticed while implementing this functionality is that there is really no need to have
two lines for pairs such as BPM up/down and screen-set up/down. Also, is screen-set play now partly
redundant? No matter, we will not break the user’s existing setup.


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Mute-Group Section

This section is delimited by the [mute-group] construct. It controls 32 groups of mutes in the same way
as defined for [midi-control]. A group is set of sequences that can toggle their playing state together.
Every group contains all 32 sequences in the active screen set.
# group mute value count
0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
1 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
2 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
31 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

The initial number, 1024 is probably the total count of 32 x 32 sequences. In this group are the
definitions of the state of the 32 sequences in the playing screen set when a group is selected. Each set of
brackets defines a group:
[state of the first 8 sequences] [second 8] [third 8] [fourth 8]

After the list of sequences and their MIDI events, one can set Sequencer64 to handle MIDI events
and change some more settings in sequencer64.rc.
What is the different between the mute-in group section and the mute group section? The former
defines the MIDI control values that can affect the muting of a group, while the latter specifies the patterns
that are part of a group.


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI-Clock Section

The MIDI Clock fields will contain the clocking state from the last time Sequencer64 was run. Turn off
the clock with a 0, or on with a 1 (which means to send MIDI Song Position, and MIDI Continue if
starting after tick 0), or on with positioning with a 2, which sends MIDI Start and then bbegins clocking
after the position reaches a modulo of the Clock Start Modulo value). Luckily, the user-interface

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI-Clock Section

makes it easy to select the desire value, and has tool-tips to instruct the user. This section has 16 entries,
one for each MIDI output buss that Sequencer64 supports.
This configuration item is the same as the MIDI Clock tab described in paragraph ”Menu
/ File / Options / MIDI Clock” on page 20
Here is the format:
0 0 # [1]
1 0 # [2]
2 0 # [3]
3 0 # [4]
4 0 # [5]
5 0 # [6]
6 0 # [7]
7 0 # [8]
8 0 # [9]
9 0 # [10]
10 0 # [11]
11 0 # [12]
12 0 # [13]
13 0 # [14]
14 0 # [15]
15 0 # [16]



That sample would be written one had started up Sequencer64 in manual-alsa-mode. On our system,
where we have Timidity running, and erroneously have also specified 3 MIDI busses that we do not have,
in the sequencer64.usr file:
# number of MIDI clocks/busses
# Output buss name: [0] 14:0 2x2 A (SuperNova,Q,TX81Z,DrumStation)
0 0 # buss number, clock status
# Output buss name: [1] 128:0 2x2 B (WaveStation,ESI-2000,MV4,ES-1,ER-1)
1 0 # buss number, clock status
# Output buss name: [2] 128:1 PCR-30 (303)
2 0 # buss number, clock status
# Output buss name: [3] 128:2 TiMidity port 2
3 0 # buss number, clock status
# Output buss name: [4] 128:3 TiMidity port 3
4 0 # buss number, clock status


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI-Meta-Events Section

Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI-Meta-Events Section

The new MIDI Meta events section is the start of additional options supporting meta events as normal
events in Sequencer64.
# tempo_track_number

Normally, as per the MIDI specification, the first track (track 1 in track numbering, or pattern 0 in
Sequencer64 numbering) is the official track for certain MIDI meta events, such as Set Tempo and Time
Signature. However, to accommodate existing tunes and their set arrangement, we allow the user to go
into File / Options / MIDI Clock and change the tempo track to another pattern.
Please note that the user can insert Set Tempo events into any track via the pattern editor or the
event editor. But, when recording tempo events, they will always be written to the patten having the
tempo-track number.


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Keyboard Control Section

The keyboard control is a dump of the keys that Sequencer64 recognises, and each key’s corresponding
sequence number. Note that the first number corresponds to the number of sequences in the active screen
# number of keys
# Key # Sequence #
Key name
44 31
# comma
49 0
# 1
50 4
# 2
51 8
# 3
52 12
# 4
53 16
# 5
54 20
# 6
55 24
# 7
56 28
# 8
97 2
# a
98 19
# b
99 11
# c
100 10
# d
101 9
# e
102 14
# f
103 18
# g
104 22
# h
105 29
# i
106 26
# j
107 30
# k
109 27
# m

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer






Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Keyboard Group Section


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Keyboard Group Section

This section is the same as [keyboard-control], but to control groups of patterns, rather than individual
patterns, using keystrokes. The keyboard group specifies more automation for the application. The first
number specifies the key number, and the second number specifies the Group number.
Additional control items:
1. # bpm up and down. Keys to control BPM (beats per minute).
2. # screen set up and down. Keys for changing the active screenset.
3. # group functionality on, off, learn. Note that the group learn key is a modifier key to be held
while pressing a group toggle key.
4. #replace, queue, snapshot 1, snapshot 2, keep queue. These are the other modifier keys
explained in section 3a.
To see the required key codes when pressed, run seq24 with the --show-keys.
Some keys should not be assigned to control sequences in Sequencer64 as they are already assigned
in the Sequencer64 menu (with Ctrl).
This configuration item is the same as the Keyboard tab described in section ”Menu / File
/ Options / Keyboard” on page 25.
# Key #, group #
33 0
# exclam
34 1
# quotedbl
35 2
# numbersign
36 3
# dollar
37 4
# percent
38 5
# ampersand
40 7
# parenleft
47 6
# slash
59 31
# semicolon
65 16
# A
66 28
# B
67 26
# C

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / JACK Transport

68 18
# D
69 10
# E
70 19
# F
71 20
# G
72 21
# H
73 15
# I
74 22
# J
75 23
# K
77 30
# M
78 29
# N
81 8
# Q
82 11
# R
83 17
# S
84 12
# T
85 14
# U
86 27
# V
87 9
# W
88 25
# X
89 13
# Y
90 24
# Z
39 59
# bpm up, down: apostrophe semicolon
93 91 65360
# screen set up, down, play: bracketright bracketleft Home
236 39 65379 # group on, off, learn: igrave apostrophe Insert
# replace, queue, snapshot_1, snapshot 2, keep queue:
65507 65508 65513 65514 92 # Control_L Control_R Alt_L Alt_R backslash
# show_ui_sequence_key and pattern measures (1=true/0=false)
# space start sequencer
# Escape stop sequencer
0 # show sequence numbers (1 = true / 0 = false); ignored in legacy mode

Note that most of these group-control keys are shifted versions of the keystrokes that control the
individual sequences. Also note the Control L and Control R notations a few lines above. Please avoid
using any Control key combinations in the ”rc”/Keyboard configuration. Control keys are the province
of the user-interface (Gtk+) and assigning them can cause surprising behavior! It is also wise to avoid
the Alt key.
When in group-learn mode, the Shift key cannot be hit, so the group-learn mode automatically
converts the keys to their shifted versions. This feature known as shift-lock or auto-shift.


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / JACK Transport

This section holds the settings for both JACK transport and for native JACK MIDI mode.
The JACK Transport options are also command-line options, as indicated in the comments below.
This configuration item is the same as the Jack Sync tab described in section ”Menu / File
/ Options / Jack Sync” on page 33.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Other Sections

# jack_transport - Enable slave sync with JACK Transport.
# jack_master - Sequencer64 attempts to serve as JACK Master.
# jack_master_cond - Sequencer64 is master if no other master exists.
# song_start_mode (applies mainly if JACK is enabled)
# 0 = Playback in live mode. Allows muting and unmuting of loops.
# 1 = Playback uses the song editor’s data.

An additional item, new, specifies if native JACK MIDI input/output is to be used.
# jack_midi - Enable JACK MIDI, which is a separate option from
# JACK Transport.

Please note that only one of jack transport, jack master, and jack master cond should be selected
(set to 1) at a time. Also note that JACK transport is separately configurable from JACK MIDI, and
each uses a different JACK client internally.


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Other Sections

This configuration item is the same as the Clock Start Modulo option described in paragraph
”Menu / File / Options / MIDI Clock” on page 20.

This configuration item is the same as the MIDI Input tab described in paragraph ”Menu
/ File / Options / MIDI Input” on page 23. The ”1” is undoubtedly a record count, and would equal the
number of supported input ports. This ”rc” entry here has two variables; the first is the record number
or port number, and the second number indicates whether it is disabled (0), or enabled (1).
# number of MIDI busses
# The first number is the port number, and the second number
# indicates whether it is disabled (0), or enabled (1).


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Other Sections

# [0] 0:0 seq64 midi in
0 0

If set to 1, this
(filter) incoming
MIDI event to the
This is an option

option allows the master MIDI bus to record
MIDI data by channel, allocating each incoming
sequence that is set to that channel.
adopted from the Seq32 project at GitHub.

# flag to record incoming data by channel

There is no user-interface item for the following value, but it does correspond to the --manual-alsa-ports
command-line option.

Set to 1 to have sequencer64 create its own ALSA ports and not
connect to other clients. Use 1 to expose all 16 MIDI ports to
JACK (e.g. via a2jmidid). Use 0 to access the ALSA MIDI ports
already running on one’s computer, or to use the autoconnect
feature (Sequencer64 connects to existing JACK ports on startup.


The opposite of --manual-alsa-ports is --auto-alsa-ports. The auto-alsa-ports option forces
Sequencer64 to use the system’s existing ALSA ports. This is necessary in order to play tunes through
software synthesizers that use ALSA MIDI.
Turning on the manual-alsa-ports option is necessary if one wants to use the legacy Sequencer64
(sequencer64) with JACK. It is not necessary if using the native JACK MIDI version, seq64. However,
if one needs to avoid the auto-connect feature of seq64, then the manual option is necessary.
It will create ports as per the settings in the ”user” configuration file’s user-midi-bus-definitions
and user-midi-bus-N sections. These definitions can be used by JACK for connection, and these definitions can be used to specifically rename the ports that exist in the system. However, this option is
misleading if one wants to have access to the actual ALSA ports that exist on the system. The next
option gets around that issue.
# Set to 1 to have sequencer64 ignore any system port names
# declared in the ’user’ configuration file. Use this option if
# you want to be able to see the port names as detected by ALSA.
# flag for reveal ALSA ports

Turning on the reveal-alsa-ports option is necessary if one wants to see the actual ALSA port names
defined by the system. It will ignore the settings in the ”user” configuration file’s user-midi-bus-definitions


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Other Sections

and user-midi-bus-N sections. If this option is turned on, the definitions in the ”user” configuration file
are not read from that file.
This configuration item is the same as the Mouse tab described in paragraph ”Menu / File
/ Options / Mouse” on page 31.
# 0 - ’seq24’ (original seq24 method)
# 1 - ’fruity’ (similar to a certain fruity sequencer we like)

# interaction_method

New: There is now an option to use the Mod4 (Super, or Windows) key in the Pattern Editor to
lock the editing of a note. When this mode is enabled, and Mod4 is pressed while the mouse right-button
is released, the editing pencil icon remains, and notes can be added. This feature is useful for crippled
trackpads and trackpad drivers that cannot provide two simultaneous button presses.
# Set to 1 to allow seq24 to stay in note-adding mode when
# the right-click is released while holding the Mod4 (Super or
# Windows) key.

# allow_mod4_mode

New: This option comes from the seq32 project. It allows for pattern-splitting in the Song editor
at snap points, rather than just at the middle of the pattern.

Set to 1 to allow Sequencer64 to split performance editor
triggers at the closest snap position, instead of splitting the
trigger exactly in its middle. Remember that the split is
activated by a middle click.
# allow_snap_split

New: This option allows one to enable/disable the ability to double-click in a pattern slot in the main
window to bring it up for editing. This can interfere with a live performance where muting/unmuting
come fast enough to be seen as a double-click.
# Set to 1 to allow a double-click on a slot to bring it up in
# the pattern editor. This is the default. Set it to 0 if
# it interferes with muting/unmuting a pattern.

# allow_click_edit


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Sequencer64 ”rc” File / Other Sections

The following configuration item is the same as the --lash or --no-lash options described in section 11 ”Sequencer64 Man Page” on page 142. If set to 0, LASH session support is disabled. If set to
1, LASH session support is enabled. However, if LASH support is not built into the application, neither option has any effect – there is no LASH support. To determine if LASH support is built in, run
sequencer64 from the command line with the --version option, and see if LASH is mentioned.
# Set the following value to 0 to disable LASH session management.
# Set the following value to 1 to enable LASH session management.
# This value will have no effect is LASH support is not built into
# the application. Use the --help option to see if LASH is part of
# the options list.
# LASH session management support flag

This new item determines if the ”rc” configuration file is saved upon exit of Sequencer64. The legacy
behavior is to save it, which can sometimes be inconvenient when one is just trying out some command-line
# Set the following value to 0 to disable the automatic saving of the
# current configuration to the ’rc’ file. Set it to 1 to
# follow legacy seq24 behavior of saving the configuration at exit.
# Note that, if auto-save is set, many of the command-line settings,
# such as the JACK/ALSA settings, are then saved to the configuration,
# which can confuse one at first. Also note that one currently needs
# this option set to 1 to save the configuration, as there is not a
# user-interface control for it at present.
# auto-save-options-on-exit support flag

The following item refers to the last directory in which one opened or saved a MIDI file.
# Last used directory.

The following item preserves a list of the last few MIDI files loaded.
# Holds a list of the last few recently-loaded MIDI files.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



Sequencer64 ”usr” Configuration File

There are two Sequencer64 configuration files: sequencer64.rc and sequencer64.usr. See section 9
”Sequencer64 ”rc” Configuration File” on page 106; it describes the ”rc” file. They are a bit different in
how they are handled.
The Sequencer64 ”usr” (or ”user”) configuration file provides a way to give more informative names
to the MIDI busses, MIDI channels, and MIDI controllers of a given system setup. This configuration will
override the default values of some drop-down lists and menu items, and make them reflect your names
for them. In Sequencer64 it, also includes some items that affect the user-interface’s look, and other new
configuration items.
Unlike the ”rc” file, the ”user” file is not written every time Sequencer64 exits. If the ”user” files
does not exist, one is created, but it is normally not overwritten thereafter. To cause it to be overwritten
at exit, run Sequencer64 with the -u or --user-save option:
$ seq64 --user-save

This option is recommended when one installs a new version of Sequencer64, which might add new
options to the ”user” file. See section 11 ”Sequencer64 Man Page” on page 142; it discusses more options
involving the ”user” file.
Another difference between the ”rc” file and the ”user” file is that the ”user” file currently has no
graphical user-interface dialog to configure the ”user” settings. One has to edit the file manually.
The original purpose for the ”user” file was to create familiar names for the system MIDI devices. By
default, the list of MIDI devices that Sequencer64 shows depends on one’s system setup and whether the
manual-alsa-port option is specified or not. Here’s our system, which has Timidity installed and running
as a service, and the [manual-alsa-port] option turned off, shown in a composite view with all menus
one can look at for MIDI settings:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Figure 81: Sequencer64 Composite View of Native Devices
At the top center, the dropdown menu contains the 5 MIDI busses/ports supported by this computer.
At right, the MIDI channel shows the channels numbers that can be picked for buss 0. At bottom left, we
see the default controller values that Sequencer64 includes. We have no idea if these correspond to any
controllers that the selected MIDI buss supports. We can use this dropdown to see if any such controller
events are in the loaded MIDI file, of course; a solid black square indicates that such an event was found
in the pattern.
Now let’s assume we have 3 MIDI ”buss” devices hooked to our system: two Model ”2x2” MIDI port
devices, and an old PCR-30 MIDI controller keyboard. Let’s number them:
1. Model 2x2 A
2. Model 2x2 B
3. PCR-30
Then assume that we have nine different MIDI instruments in our kit. Let’s number them, too:
1. Waldorf Micro Q

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer



The Waldorf Micro Q, the SuperNova, and the DrumStation all have a large number of special MIDI
controller values for affecting the sound they produce. The DrumStation accepts MIDI controllers that
change various features of the sound of each type of drum it supports.
The buss devices can be configured to route certain MIDI channels to certain MIDI devices. Assume
we have them set up this way:
1. Model 2x2 A

SuperNova: channels 1 to 8
TX81Z: channels 9 to 11
Waldorf Micro Q: channels 12 to 15
DrumStation: channel 16

2. Model 2x2 B

WaveStation: channels 1 to 4
ESI-2000: channels 5 to 14
ES-1: channel 15
ER-1: channel 16

3. PCR-30
• TB-303: channel 1
How can we get Sequencer64 to show these items with the proper names associated with each device,
channel, and controller value? We use the oddly-named ”user” configuration file.
The Seq24 configuration file was called .seq24usr, and it was stored in the user’s $HOME directory.
Sequencer64 uses a new file-name to take its place, with a fall-back to the original file-name if the new file
does not exist, or if Sequencer64 is running in legacy mode. After one runs Sequencer64 for the first time
(or after deleting the configuration files), it will generate a sequencer64.usr file in your home directory:

It allows you to give an alias to each MIDI bus, MIDI channel, and MIDI control codes, per channel.
The file-name is a bit misleading... do not confuse this file with the sequencer64.rc file.
The process for setting up the user file is to:
1. Define one or more MIDI busses, the name of each, and what instruments are on which channels.
Each buss is configured in a section of the form ”[user-midi-bus-X]”, where ”X” ranges from 0
on up. Each buss then defines up to 16 channel entries. Each entry includes the channel number
and the number of a section in the user-instrument section described next.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.1 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Bus Definitions

2. Define all of the instruments and their controller names, if they have them. Each instrument is
configured in a section of the form ”[user-instrument-X]”, where ”X” ranges from 0 on up.
Let’s walk through the structure of this setup, since it is a little bit tricky. Here is a diagram of the
relationships between the buss definitions and instrument definitions:

Figure 82: Busses and Instruments in the ”usr” File
The first section in the ”usr” file (after [comments]) is [user-midi-bus-definitions]. The solid
diamond link, with the ”*” marker, indicates that this section contains an arbitrary number (”*”) of
[user-midi-bus-N] sections, where ”N” ranges from 0 on upward. These correspond to the MIDI busses
expected to be in the system, ignoring the ”announce” buss.
Each of the busses contains 16 (0 to 15) channel entries. These channels are referred to as ”instrument
numbers”, and are represented as and linked to ”instruments” in the [user-instrument-definitions]
section. Each instrument contains up to 128 controller values; these controller values are available in the
Event button in the Pattern Editor, and their names are shown.
So, each instrument is setup as a ”channel” in a particular ”buss”. In the Pattern Editor, when a
particular buss and channel is selected, the Event menu entries should match the controller entries set
up in the ”usr” file.
Taking our list of devices and channels we created above, which can be seen in the Sequencer64
sample file contrib/configs/sequencer64.usr.example, and deducting 1 from each device number
and channel number (so that numbering starts from 0), and consulting the device manuals to determine
the controller values it supports, we can assemble a ”user” configuration file that makes the setup visible
in Sequencer64.
Peruse the next couple of sections to understand a bit about the format of this file. Look at the
example files in the contrib/configs directory as well, to see the whole thing put together. Once
satisfied, go to section 10.6 ”Sequencer64 ”usr” File / Device and Control Names” on page 140, and see
what it all looks like.


Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Bus Definitions

This section begins with an ”INI” group marker [user-midi-bus-definitions]. It defines the number
of user busses that will be configured in this file.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.1 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Bus Definitions

# number of user-defined MIDI busses

This means that the sequencer64.usr file will have three MIDI buss sections: [user-midi-bus-0],
[user-midi-bus-1], and [user-midi-bus-2]. Here’s is an annoted example of one such section:
2x2 A (SuperNova,Q,TX81Z,DrumStation)
# NOTE: Channels are 0-15, not 1-16.
0 1
1 1
2 1
. . .
7 1
8 3
9 3
10 3
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 2

# name of the device
# number of channels
Instruments set to -1 = GM

# channel and instrument
# Instrument #1 of the [user-instrument-definitions] section

# Instrument #3 of the [user-instrument-definitions] section

# Instrument #0 of the [user-instrument-definitions] section
# This is the Waldorf Micro Q device defined below

# Instrument #2 of the [user-instrument-definitions] section

Here’s an example of one that needs only one override:
PCR-30 (303)
0 8
# The rest default to -1... General MIDI

# Instrument 2, see ch. 15 above
# number of channels
# channel and instrument

Note that these user-instrument entries can be quickly disabled by changing the count values to 0.
Please note that, as of version, these instrument-definition sections are read from the ”user”
configuration file only if the --reveal-alsa-ports option is off (”0”); this command-line option can
also be specified in the [reveal-alsa-ports] section of the ”rc” file, see section 9.9 ”Sequencer64 ”rc”
File / Other Sections” on page 121, where this section is discussed. Otherwise, the actual port names
reported by ALSA are shown. The user-midi-bus-definitions and user-midi-bus-N sections can be
misleading if one wants to have access to the actual ALSA ports that exist on the system. Therefore, if
the --reveal-alsa-ports option is turned on, then the definitions in the ”user” configuration file are
not read from that file. The following figures show the results of various settings with an active ”user”
file. They have been clipped to save space.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.1 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Bus Definitions

Figure 83: Clocks View, -m (–manual-alsa-ports)
Above, the virtual (manual) output ports are shown just as created by Sequencer64. The --reveal-alsa-ports
option is off here.

Figure 84: Inputs View with -m (–manual-alsa-ports) Option
Above, the single virtual (manual) input port is shown just as created by Sequencer64. Again, the
--reveal-alsa-ports option is off here.

Figure 85: Clocks View, -m (–manual-alsa-ports) and -R (–hide-alsa-ports)
Above, by adding the ”hide” ports option, the system port labels are replaced by the labels from the
”usr” file.

Figure 86: Clocks View, -r (–reveal-alsa-ports)
Above, the ”reveal” ports option overrides the device names given in the ”usr” file, so that the native
system names of the output ports are shown.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.2 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Instrument Definitions

Figure 87: Inputs View with -r (–reveal-alsa-ports) Option
Above, the ”reveal” ports option overrides the device names given in the ”usr” file, so that the native
system names of the input ports are shown.
However, note that Sequencer64 no longer overrides the names of the input ports via the ”usr” file.
This is done to save some trouble in displaying the input port names, which are shown only in this dialog.
We may consider offering a separate override section for the input ports in the future.

Figure 88: Clocks View with -R (–hide-alsa-ports) Option
The figure above shows how hiding the system port names shows the names defined in the ”usr” file.
But notice that the actual port names are shown in square brackets, for reference.

Figure 89: Inputs View with -R (–hide-alsa-ports) Option
Although the ”hide” ports option is specified above, this view is currently also the normal view of the
input ports, even with device names defined in the ”usr” file. At this time, there’s no real need to show
the user-instrument names on the input port. If there turns out to be such a need, the definitions would
likely need to be different from the definitions for the output ports. Another complexity is the possible
existence, under ALSA, of the system:announce port.


Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Instrument Definitions

This section begins with an ”INI” group marker [user-instrument-definitions]. It defines the number
of user instruments that will be configured in this file. This section defines characteristics, such as the

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.2 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / MIDI Instrument Definitions

meanings of MIDI controller values, of the instruments themselves, not the MIDI busses to which they
# number of user instrument

So this ”usr” file will define 9 instruments. We provide only one section as an example. Note that
items without text default to the values prescribed by the General MIDI (GM) specification.
Waldorf Micro Q
1 Modulation Wheel
2 Breath Control
4 Foot Control
. . .
120 All Sound Off (0)
121 Reset All Controllers (0)
122 Local Control (0-127) (Off,On)
123 All Notes Off (0)
125 Unsupported
126 Unsupported

# name of instrument
# number of MIDI controllers
# first controller value, unnamed

# defaults to GM

# defaults to GM

Note the unnamed control numbers above. An unnamed control number might be an unsupported
control number. It is termed to be ”inactive”. In this case, the event menu of the pattern editor will
show the default name of this controller. Again, though, the function denoted by this name might not
be supported by the device. In that case, it might be better to call it ”Unsupported”. See the examples
above. Here is an instrument that has synthesis parameters that can be controlled:
0 Bank Select MSB
1 Modulation Wheel
2 Breath Controller
3 Arp Pattern Select
. . .
121 Reset Controllers
122 Local Control [*]
123 All Notes Off
124 All Notes Off

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.3 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings

125 All Notes Off
126 All Notes Off
127 All Notes Off

Here is an instrument that perhaps has no controllers, or perhaps is simply not configured by the
musician yet:

The sample file contrib/configs/sequencer64-timidity-yoshimi.usr.example contains examples of some other kinds of instruments. It is a minimal resource, useful to study when creating one’s own


Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings

This section, new to Sequencer64, begins with an ”INI” group marker [user-interface-settings].
It provides for a feature we will hopefully be able to complete some day: the complete specificition
of the appearance of the user interface. There is plenty of room to change the appearance of Sequencer64
already! Please try the settings and see what you like.

======== Sequencer64-Specific Variables Section ========

# These settings specify the soon-to-be-modifiable sizes of
# the Sequencer64 user-interface elements.

Specifies the style of the main-window grid of patterns.
0 = normal style, matches the GTK theme, has brackets.
1 = white grid boxes that have brackets.
2 = black grid boxes.
# grid_style


Specifies box style box around a main-window grid of patterns.
0 = Draw a whole box around the pattern slot.
1 = Draw brackets on the sides of the pattern slot.
2 and up = make the brackets thicker and thicker.
-1 = same as 0, draw a box one-pixel thick.
-2 and lower = draw a box, thicker and thicker.
# grid_brackets


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.3 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings

# Specifies the number of rows in the main window.
# Values of 4 (the default) through 8 (the best alternative value)
# are allowed.
# mainwnd_rows

# Specifies the number of columns in the main window.
# At present, only values from 8 (the default) to 12 are supported.
# mainwnd_cols

# Specifies the maximum number of sets, which defaults to 1024.
# It is currently never necessary to change this value.
# max_sets

# Specifies the border width in the main window.
# mainwid_border

# Specifies the border spacing in the main window.
# mainwid_spacing

# Specifies some quantity, it is not known what it means.
# control_height

# Specifies the initial zoom for the piano rolls.
# to 32, and defaults to 2 unless changed here.
# zoom


Ranges from 1.

Specifies if the key, scale, and background sequence are to be
applied to all sequences, or to individual sequences. The
behavior of Seq24 was to apply them to all sequences. But
Sequencer64 takes it further by applying it immediately, and
by saving to the end of the MIDI file. Note that these three
values are stored in the MIDI file, not this configuration file.
Also note that reading MIDI files not created with this feature
will pick up this feature if active, and the file gets saved.
It is contagious.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.3 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings

# 0 = Allow each sequence to have its own key/scale/background.
Settings are saved with each sequence.
# 1 = Apply these settings globally (similar to seq24).
Settings are saved in the global final section of the file.
# global_seq_feature


Specifies if the old, console-style font, or the new antialiased font, is to be used as the font throughout the GUI.
In legacy mode, the old font is the default.


Specifies if the user-interface will support two song editor
windows being shown at the same time. This makes it easier to
edit songs with a large number of sequences.


Specifies the number of 4-measure blocks for horizontal page
scrolling in the song editor. The old default, 1, is a bit
small. The new default is 4. The legal range is 1 to 6, where
6 is the width of the whole performance piano roll view.
# perf_h_page_increment


Specifies the number of 1-track blocks for vertical page
scrolling in the song editor. The old default, 1, is a bit
small. The new default is 8. The legal range is 1 to 18, where
18 is about the height of the whole performance piano roll view.
# perf_v_page_increment

0 = Use the old-style font.
1 = Use the new-style font.
# use_new_font

0 = Allow only one song editor (performance editor).
1 = Allow two song editors.
# allow_two_perfedits

# Specifies if the progress bar is colored black, or a different
# color. The following integer color values are supported:
# 0 = black

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


10.3 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Interface Settings



dark red
dark green
dark orange
dark blue
dark magenta
dark cyan
# progress_bar_colored


Specifies if the progress bar is thicker. The default is 1
pixel. The ’thick’ value is 2 pixels. (More than that is not
useful. Set this value to 1 to enable the feature, 0 to disable
# progress_bar_thick


Specifies using an alternate (darker) color palette. The
default is the normal palette. Not all items in the user
interface are altered by this setting, and it’s not perfect.
Set this value to 1 to enable the feature, 0 to disable it.
# inverse_colors

# Specifies the window redraw rate for all windows that support
# that concept. The default is 40 ms. Some windows used 25 ms.
# window_redraw_rate


Specifies using icons for some of the user-interface buttons
instead of text buttons. This is purely a preference setting.
If 0, text is used in some buttons (the main window buttons).
Otherwise, icons are used. One will have to experiment :-).
# use_more_icons (currently affects only main window)

# Specifies the number of set window (’wid’) rows to show.
# The long-standing default is 1, but 2 or 3 may also be set.
# Corresponds to ’r’ in the ’-o wid=rxc,f’ option.
# block_rows (number of rows of set blocks/wids)

# Specifies the number of set window (’wid’) columns to show.
# The long-standing default is 1, but 2 may also be set.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.4 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI Settings

# Corresponds to ’c’ in the ’-o wid=rxc,f’ option.
# block_columns (number of columns of set blocks/wids)


Specifies if the multiple set windows are ’in sync’ or can
be set to arbitrary set numbers independently.
The default is false (0), means that there is a single set
spinner, which controls the set number of the upper-left ’wid’,
and the rest of the set numbers follow sequentially. If true
(1), then each ’wid’ can be set to any set-number.
Corresponds to the ’f’ (true, false, or ’indep’) in the
’-o wid=rxc,f’ option. Here, 1 is the same as ’indep’ or false,
and 0 is the same as f = true. Backwards, so be careful.
# block_independent (separate set spinner for blocks/wids)

Note that the window-redraw rate option is meant more for experimentation than anything else. It
probably doesn’t affect CPU usage much, but might provide a smoother-running cursor on some systems.


Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI Settings

This section begins with an ”INI” group marker [user-midi-settings]. It supports files with different
PPQN, and and allows one to specify the global defaults for tempo, beats per measure, and so on.
# These settings specify MIDI-specific value that
# better off as variables, rather than constants.
# Specifies parts-per-quarter note to use, if the
# does not override it. Default is 192, but we’d
# higher than that. BEWARE: STILL GETTING IT TO
# midi_ppqn

might be
MIDI file.
like to go

# Specifies the default beats per measure, or beats per bar.
# The default value is 4.
# midi_beats_per_measure/bar

# Specifies the default beats per minute. The default value
# is 120, and the legal range is 1 to 600.
# midi_beats_per_minute


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.4 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User MIDI Settings

# Specifies the default beat width. The default value is 4.
# midi_beat_width

# Specifies the buss-number override. The default value is -1,
# which means that there is no buss override. If a value
# from 0 to 31 is given, then that buss value overrides all
# buss values specified in all sequences/patterns.
# Change this value from -1 only if you want to use a single
# output buss, either for testing or convenience. And don’t
# save the MIDI afterwards, unless you really want to change
# all of its buss values.
# midi_buss_override

For the new 0.90 series, additional values for the [user-midi-settings] section have been added:
# Specifies the default velocity
# sequence/pattern editor. This
# button, and ranges from 0 (not
# value is -1, then the incoming
# velocity_override (-1 =


override when adding notes in the
value is obtained via the ’Vol’
recommended :-) to 127. If the
note velocity is preserved.

Specifies the precision of the beats-per-minutes spinner and
MIDI control over the BPM value. The default is 0, which means
the BPM is an integer. Other values are 1 and 2 decimal digits
of precision.
# bpm_precision

# Specifies the step increment of the beats/minute spinner and
# MIDI control over the BPM value. The default is 1. For a
# precision of 1 decimal point, 0.1 is a good value. For a
# precision of 2 decimal points, 0.01 is a good value, but one
# might want somethings a little faster, like 0.05.
# bpm_step_increment

# Specifies the page increment of the beats/minute field. It is
# used when the Page-Up/Page-Down keys are pressed while the BPM
# field has the keyboard focus. The default value is 10.
# bpm_page_increment


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.5 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Options

# Specifies the minimum value of beats/minute in tempo graphing.
# By default, the tempo graph ranges from 0.0 to 127.0.
# This value can be increased to give a magnified view of tempo.
# midi_bpm_minimum

# Specifies the maximum value of beats/minute in tempo graphing.
# By default, the tempo graph ranges from 0.0 to 127.0.
# This value can be increased to give a magnified view of tempo.
# midi_bpm_maximum

The velocity-override option fixes a long standing (from Seq24) bug where the actual incoming
note velocity was always replaced by a hard-wired value.
The bpm-precision, bpm-step-increment, and bpm-page-increment values allow more precise
control over tempo, which makes it easier to match the tempo of external music sources. Note that the
step-increment is used by the up/down arrow buttons, the up/down arrow keys, and the MIDI BPM
control values. The page-increment is used if the BPM field has focus and the Page-Up/Page-Down keys
are pressed, and new MIDI control values have been added to support coarse MIDI control of tempo.
The midi-bpm-minimum and midi-bpm-maximum settings are used in scaling the display of Tempo
events. By adjusting these values, one can more easily see the variations in tempo. In a main window
pattern slot, or in the song editor tempo track, this range is scaled to the full range of note values, 0 to
127. Generally, one wants to select a range that keeps the main tempo line at the middle height of the
pattern display.
To obtain these new settings, remember to backup the existing sequencer64.usr, then run Sequencer64
with the --user-save option, and then do a ”diff” on the new file and the original to merge any old value
that need to be preserved. Then make any further tweaks to the new values.


Sequencer64 ”usr” File / User Options

This section begins with an ”INI” group marker [user-options]. It provides for additional options keyed
by the -o/--option options. This group of options serves to expand the options that are available, since
Sequencer64 is running out of single-character options. This group of options are shown below.
# The daemonize option is used in seq64cli to indicate that the
# application should be gracefully run as a service.
# option_daemonize

If this option is not used when running seq64cli, then the application stays in the console window
and dumps informational output to it. If this option is in force, then the only way to affect seq64cli is
to send a signal (e.g. SIGKILL) to it, or use MIDI control.
# This value specifies an optional log-file that replaces output
# to standard output and standard error. To indicate no log-file,


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.6 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / Device and Control Names

# the string "" is used.

This log-file is written to the same directory as the ”rc” and ”usr” files.


Sequencer64 ”usr” File / Device and Control Names

Okay, now we have this file copied to our home directory:

If we’d already run Sequencer64 at least once, we’d have overwritten the skeleton sample file that
Sequencer64 writes by default. We now have a full-fledged ”user” file.
However, because we don’t actually have all that equipment (we got the example from the Web, for
cryin’ out loud), let’s see what we end up with when we run Sequencer64 this time and show the pattern
editor settings:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

10.6 Sequencer64 ”usr” File / Device and Control Names

Figure 90: Sequencer64 Composite View of Non-Native Devices
Compare that diagram to figure 81 ”Sequencer64 Composite View of Native Devices” on page 126.
If the original figure, we saw the 5 native busses (ports) on our system, their bare-bones channel numbers,
and the default controller values. In this new figure, we see the three buss devices (ports), plus the two
Timidity ports. If we stopped the Timidity service, these would go away.
Look at the selected buss, ”[0]”. It’s 16 channels are now associated with the devices to which the
channels have been assigned.
Thus, when we have a new pattern we’ve created in Sequencer64, can assign it to exactly the buss
and device we want.
If we don’t have port-mappers installed, and thus have only one playback device plugged into the
buss, we can still create a setup that shows the device and a specific program setup. Doing so would be
tedious, but perhaps there’s some automated way to do it?
Lastly, note the following figure.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Figure 91: The MIDI Bus Menu for a Specific Pattern
This figure shows that we can also select the desired port and channel directly from the main window.
There’s more to the ”user” configuration file than we’ve exposed here.


Sequencer64 Man Page

This section presents the contents of the Sequencer64 man page, but not exactly in man format. Also,
an item or two are shown that somehow didn’t make it into the man page, and minor corrections and
formatting tweaks were made. For example, we replaced the underscore with the hyphen in the names
of some options. The legacy Seq24 options, which use underscores or are missing the option hyphen, are
still unofficially supported.
$HOME/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.rc holds the ”rc” settings for Sequencer64.
$HOME/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.usr holds the ”user” settings for Sequencer64.
But the old style names are used for the ”legacy” mode. See the --legacy option below. Here is the
basic command line:
sequencer64 [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]

Sequencer64 accepts the following options, plus an optional name of a MIDI file. Please note that
many of the options are ’sticky’. If they are used on the command-line, their settings are saved to the
configuration files when Sequencer64 exits.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

-h --help
Display a list of all command-line options, then exit.
-v --version
Display the program version, then exit.
-H --home [directory]
New: Change the ”home” directory from .contrib/sequencer64 (always relative to $HOME. This option
causes the sequencer64.rc and sequencer64.usr files to be loaded from or saved to a different directory.
Format: --home dirname.
-l --legacy
New: Save the MIDI file in the old Seq24 format, as unspecified binary data, instead of as a legal MIDI
track with meta events. Also read the configuration, if provided, from the ”legacy” ~/.seq24rc and
~/.seq24usr files.
The user-interface will indicate this mode with a small text note. This mode is also used if Sequencer64
is invoked as the seq24 command (one can create a soft link to the sequencer64 executable to make that
-b --bus [buss]
New: Supports modifying the buss number on all tracks when a MIDI file is read. All tracks are loaded
with this buss-number override. This feature is useful for testing, making it easy to map the MIDI file
onto the system’s current hardware/software synthesizer setup. Also note that this option applies the
MIDI buss override to any new sequences, as well. Format: --bus bussnumber or --buss bussnumber.
-q --ppqn [ppqn]
New: Supports modifying the PPQN value of Sequencer64, which is currently hardwired to a value of
192. This setting should allow MIDI files to play back at the proper speed, and be written with the new
PPQN value. This feature is basically done. It seems to work – one can load MIDI files of arbitrary
PPQN, and they play normally and look normal in the editor windows. They can also be saved, and load
with the new PPQN value. But use the feature carefully for now, and save your work. We’ll have more
to say on this topic in the future. Format: --ppqn ppqnnumber.
-L --lash
New: If LASH support is compiled into the program, this option enables it. If LASH support is not
compiled into the program, this option will not be shown in the output of the –help option.
-n --no-lash
New: If LASH support is compiled into the program, this option disables it, even if the default or
configuration file set it. If LASH support is not compiled into the program, this option will not be shown
in the output of the –help option.
N/A --file [filename]
Load a MIDI file on startup. Bug: This option does not exist. Instead, specify the file itself as the last
command-line argument.
-m --manual-alsa-ports
Sequencer64 won’t attach the system’s existing ALSA ports. Instead, it will create is own set of input
and output busses/ports.
-a --auto-alsa-ports
Sequencer64 will attach the system’s existing ALSA ports. This variant is useful for overriding the rc
configuration file.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

-r --reveal-alsa-ports
New: Sequencer64 will show the names of the ALSA port that the system defines, rather than the
names defined in the ’user’ configuration file.
-R --hide-alsa-ports
Sequencer64 will show the names of the ALSA port that the ’user’ configuration file define, rather than
the names defined by ALSA.
-A --alsa
Sequencer64 will not run the JACK support, even if specified in the configuration file. The configuration
options are sticky (they are saved), and sometimes they aren’t what you want to run.
-s --show-midi
Dumps incoming MIDI to the screen.
-p --priority
Runs at higher priority with a FIFO scheduler.
N/A --pass-sysex
Passes any incoming SYSEX messages to all outputs. Not yet supported.
-i --ignore [number]
Ignore ALSA device [number].
-k --show-keys
Prints pressed key value.
-K --inverse
Changes the color scheme for the sequence editor and performance editor piano rolls. It basicially inverts
the colors. It can be considered kind of a ”night mode”.
-x --interaction-method [number]
Select the mouse interaction method. 0 = seq24 (the default); and 1 = fruity loops method. The latter
does not completely support all actions supported by the Seq24 interaction method, at this time.
The following options will not be shown by –help if the application is not compiled for JACK support.
-j --jack-transport
Sequencer64 will sync to JACK transport.
-J --jack-master
Sequencer64 will try to be JACK master.
-C --jack-master-cond
JACK master will fail if there is already a master.
-M --jack-start-mode [x]
When Sequencer64 is synced to JACK, the following play modes are available: 0 = live mode; and 1 =
song mode, the default.
-S --stats
Print statistics on the command-line while running. Not available unless this option has been compiled
in at build time, which can be determined by using the --version option.
-U --jack-session-uuid [uuid]
Set the UUID for the JACK session.
-u --user-save
Save the ”user” configuration file when exiting Sequencer64. Normally, it is saved only if not present in

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

the configuration directory, so as not to get stuck with temporary settings such as the –bus option. Note
that the ”rc” configuration option are generally also saved. But see the ”auto-option-save” directive in
the ”rc” file. It is new with version
-f --rc filename
Use a different ”rc” configuration file. It must be a file in the user’s $HOME/.config/sequencer64 directory
or the directory specified by the –home option. Not supported by the –legacy mode. The ’.rc’ extension
is added if no extension is present in the filename.
-F --usr filename
Use a different ”usr” configuration file. It must be a file in the user’s $HOME/.config/sequencer64
directory or the directory specified by the –home option. Not supported by the –legacy mode. The ’.usr’
extension is added if no extension is present in the filename.
-c --config basename
Use a different configuration file base name for the ’rc’ and ’usr’ files. For example, one can specify a full
configuration for ”testing”, for ”jack”, or for ”alsa”, to set up testing.rc and testing.usr, jack.rc
and jack.usr, alsa.rc and alsa.usr.
-o --option opvalue
Provides additional options, since the application is running out of single-character options. The opvalue
set supported is:
• daemonize. Makes the seq64cli application fork to the background.
• no-daemonize. Makes the seq64cli application run in the foreground, where it is easy to see the
informational output written to the console.
• log=filename. Reroutes standard error and standard output messages to the given log-file. This
file is located in the directory for the ”rc” and ”usr” files (which can be altered via the -H/--home
directory option).
• wid=3x2,i. Provides for multiple main windows (”mainwids”) to be shown in a big grid, so that
multiple sets can be viewed at the same time. The default is to show the usual single mainwid. The
first number specified is the row count, which can range from 1 to 3. The second number specified is
the column count, which can only be 1 or 2. The third parameter starts with ’t’ (”true”) to indicate
that the multiple sets will be controlled by a single set spinner, which is the default. Specifying ’f’
(”false”) or ’i’ (”indep”) will show one set spinner for each mainwid. Note that it is possible, in
this mode, to show the same set in two different mainwids, but this is not recommended, as there
are minor unavoidable issues with that. Also note that the format for this command line option is
very strict, no deviations or added spaces. Finally, to save these options to the ”usr” file, add the
--user-save option to the command line. In that file, the options modified are block rows and
block columns.
• sets=8x8. This option, informally known as ”variset”, allow some changes in the set size and layout
from the default 4x8 = 32 sets layout. Warning: seq24 was fairly hardwired for supporting 32
patterns per set, and there are still places where that is true. Thus, consider this option to be
experimental. To save these options to the ”usr” file, add the --user-save option to the command
line. In that file, the options modified are mainwnd rows and mainwnd cols.
$HOME/.config/sequencer64.rc holds the main configuration settings for all versions of Sequencer64.
If it does not exist, it will be generated when Sequencer64 exits. If it does exist, it will be rewritten with
the current configuration of Sequencer64. Many, or most, of the command-line options are ”sticky”, in
that they will be written to the configuration file.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

$HOME/.config/sequencer64.usr stores the MIDI-configuration settings and some of the userinterface settings for Sequencer64. If it does not exist, it will be generated with a minimal configuration
when Sequencer64 exits. If it does exist, it will be rewritten with the current configuration of Sequencer64,
but only if the --user-save option was provided on the command-line. Note that the --legacy option
causes the old configuration-file names (.seq64rc and .seq64usr in the $HOME directory) to be used.
The current Sequencer64 project homepage is a git repository at
Up-to-date instructions can be found in the project at
The old Seq24 project homepage is at the new one is at https:
// It is released under the GNU GPL license. Sequencer64 is also released
under the GNU GPL license.
Sequencer64 was written by Chris Ahlstrom (with a fair amount of help).
Seq24 was written by Rob C. Buse and the Sequencer64 team.
This manual page was written by Dana Olson with additions from
Guido Scholz and Chris Ahlstrom mailto:ahlstromcj@gmail.
Version 0.94.0


November 4 2015



The Sequencer64 program is basically a loop-playing machine with a fairly simple interface. Before we
describe this interface, it is useful to present some concepts and definitions of terms as they are used in
Sequencer64. Various terms have been used over the years to mean the same thing (e.g. ”sequence”,
”pattern”, ”loop”, and ”slot”), so it is good to clarify the terminology.


Concepts / Terms

This section doesn’t provide comprehensive coverage of terms. It covers terms that puzzled the author at
first or that are necessary to understand the Sequencer64 program.

Concepts / Terms / armed

An armed sequence is a sequence (see section 12.1.17 ”Concepts / Terms / sequence” on page 149) that
will be heard. ”Armed” is the opposite of ”muted”. Performing an arm operation in Sequencer64 means
clicking on an ”unarmed” sequence in the patterns panel (the main window of Sequencer64). An unarmed
sequence will not be heard, and it has a white background. When the sequence is armed, it will be heard,
and it has a black background. A sequence can be armed or unarmed in three ways:
• Clicking or Shift-clicking on a sequence/pattern box.
• Pressing the hot-key for that sequence/pattern box.
• Opening up the Song Editor and starting playback; the sequences arm/unarm depending on the
layout of the sequences and triggers in the piano roll of the Song Editor.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


12.1 Concepts / Terms

Concepts / Terms / buss (bus)

A buss (also spelled ”bus” these days; is an entity onto which
MIDI events can be placed, in order to be heard or to affect the playback. A buss is just another name
for port. See section 12.1.12 ”Concepts / Terms / port” on page 148.

Concepts / Terms / export

A export in Sequencer64 is a way of writing a song-performance to a more standard MIDI file, so that it
can be played by other sequencers. An export collects all of the unmuted tracks that have performance
information (triggers) associated with them, and creates one larger trigger for each track, repeating the
events as indicated by the original performance.

Concepts / Terms / group

A group in Sequencer64 is one of up to 32 previously-defined mute/unmute patterns in the active screen
set. A group is a set of patterns, in the current screen-set, that can arm (unmute) their playing state
together. Every group contains all 32 sequences in the active screen set. This concept is similar to
mute/unmute groups in hardware sequencers. Also known as a ”mute-group”.

Concepts / Terms / loop

Loop is a synonym for pattern or sequence, when used in existing Seq24 documentation. Each loop is
represented by a box (pattern slot) in the Pattern (main) Window.

Concepts / Terms / measures ruler

The measures ruler is the bar at the top of the Pattern Editor and Song Editor windows that shows the
numbering of the measures in the song. Left, right, or end markers can be dropped on this ruler to set
durations to be played, looped, expanded, or collapsed.
Note: The original Seq24 documentation calls this item the bar indicator.

Concepts / Terms / event strip

The event strip is the bar at the bottom of the Pattern Editor window that shows the location of events
in the pattern. For Note On and Note Off events, it is shown in gray to warn the user to be careful in
moving these events.

Concepts / Terms / muted

The opposite of section 12.1.1 ”Concepts / Terms / armed” on page 146.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


12.1 Concepts / Terms

Concepts / Terms / MIDI clock

MIDI clock is a MIDI timing reference signal used to synchronize pieces of equipment together. MIDI
clock runs at a rate of 24 ppqn (pulses per quarter note). This means that the actual speed of the MIDI
clock varies with the tempo of the clock generator (as contrasted with time code, which runs at a constant
rate). Sequencer64 emits MIDI clock events, but does not (yet) follow MIDI clock.

Concepts / Terms / pattern

A Sequencer64 pattern (also called a ”sequence” or ”loop”) is a short unit of melody or rhythm in
Sequencer64, extending for a small number of measures (in most cases). Each pattern is represented by
a box in the Patterns window.
Each pattern is editable on its own. All patterns can be layed out in a particular arrangement to
generate a more complex song.
pattern is a synonym for loop or sequence. It is our preferred term.

Concepts / Terms / performance

In the jargon of Sequencer64, a performance is an organized collection of patterns. This layout of patterns
is created using the Song Editor, sometimes called the ”performance editor”. This window controls the
song playback in ”Song Mode”. The playback of each track is controlled by a set of triggers created for
that track.

Concepts / Terms / port

A port is just another name for buss. See section 12.1.2 ”Concepts / Terms / buss (bus)” on page 147.
Each port can support 16 MIDI channels.

Concepts / Terms / pulses per quarter note

The concept of ”pulses per quarter note”, or PPQN, is very important for MIDI timing. To make it a
bit more confusing, sometimes these pulses are referred to as ”ticks”, ”clocks”, and ”divisions”. To make
it even more confusing, there are separate timing concepts to understand, such as ”tempo”, ”beats per
measure”, ”beats per minute”, ”MIDI clocks”, and more.
While a full description of all these terms, and how they are calculated, is beyond the scope of this
document, we will try to clarify the discussion when such confusion could be an issue.

Concepts / Terms / queue mode

To ”queue” a pattern means to ready it for playback on the next repeat of a pattern. A pattern can be
armed immediately, or it can be queued to play back the next time the pattern restarts. Pattern toggles
occur at the end of the pattern, rather than being set immediately.
A set of queued patterns can be temporarily stored, so that a different set of playbacks can occur,
before the original set of playbacks is restored.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

12.2 Concepts / Sound Subsystems

The ”keep queue” functionality allows the queue to be held without holding down a button the whole
time. Once this key is pressed, then the hot-keys for any pattern can be pressed, over and over, to queue
each pattern.

Concepts / Terms / replace

Replacement is a form of muting/unmuting. When the ”replace” key is pressed while click a sequence,
that sequence is unmuted, and all of the other sequences are muted.

Concepts / Terms / screen set

The screen set is a set of patterns that fit within the 8x4 grid of loops/patterns in the Patterns panel.
Sequencer64 supports multiple screens sets, up to 32 of them, and a name can be given to each for clarity.
Some day Sequencer64 will support an 8x8 grid and 64 patterns per screen set.

Concepts / Terms / sequence

Sequence is another synonym for pattern, used in some of the Seq24 documentation. Loop is another
synonym. Each sequence is represented by a box (pattern slot) in the Patterns window.
Note that many, for other sequencer applications) use the term ”sequence” to apply to the complete
song, and not just to one track or pattern in the entire song.

Concepts / Terms / snapshot

A Sequencer64 snapshot is simply a briefly preserved state of the patterns. One can press a snapshot
key, change the state of the patterns for live playback, and then release the snapshot key to revert to the
state when it was first pressed. (One might call it a ”revert” key, instead.)

Concepts / Terms / song

A song is a collection of patterns in a specific layout, as assembled via the Song Editor window. Also see

Concepts / Terms / trigger

A trigger is a small data structure that indicates when a sequence should be played, and how much of the
sequence (including repeats) should be played. A song performance consists of a number of sequences,
each triggered in ways that the musician can lay out.


Concepts / Sound Subsystems
Concepts / Sound Subsystems / ALSA

ALSA is a sound and MIDI system for Linux, with components built into the Linux kernel. It is the main
subsystem used by Sequencer64. The name of the library used to build ALSA projects is libasound. See
reference [1].

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


Concepts / Sound Subsystems / PortMIDI

PortMIDI is a cross-platform API (applications programming interface) for MIDI. It seems to be used
in the ”portmidi” C++ modules included with the base source-code repository of Seq24 available (for
example) from Debian Linux. See reference [14] for the PortMIDI home page. Unfortunately, the code in
the Debian package is not quite ready to build on Windows. We might fix that someday, though Windows
is not a high priority.
The SubatomicGlue Windows port of Seq24 (see reference [29]) bundles a version of the PortMIDI
project with the source code for the port. It also provides a complete bundle of the other products (e.g.
gtkmm 2.4) needed to build and run the project. (By the way, the Windows port is built with MingW,
which provides the GNU compilers and tools. This is a good thing, as Visual Studio Community, though
”free”, is not ”Free”.)

Concepts / Sound Subsystems / JACK

JACK is a cross-platform (with an emphasis on Linux) API and infrastructure for making it easier to
connect and reroute MIDI and audio event between various applications and hardware ports. See reference


Building Sequencer64 From Source Code

The current packaging for Sequencer64 is primarily aimed at developers. But note that we’re starting to
add Debian packages to a new ”Sequencer64 Packages” project ([28]). If one has packages built for other
Linux distributions, let us know, and we can stick them there for others to use.
This section presents a how-to on building the various versions of Sequencer64 from source code. It’s
actually pretty easy, with these instructions.



There are many build options. Some are modifiable via the normal GNU configure script method. Many
more are modifiable by editing the source code to define and undefine certain macros. If you don’t care
about options, start here. If you want to see what options are available, skip to section 13.2.1 ”Using
More ”configure” Options” on page 152, which has many details one can adjust.
There is currently no configure script... it must be created by using the bootstrap script, as the
following instructions make clear.
1. Preload any dependencies, as listed in section 13.3 ”Sequencer64 Build Dependencies” on page 157.
However, if some are missing, the configure script will tell you, or, at worst, a build error will.
2. Check-out the branch you want; normally you will be happy to get ”master”. Make a branch if you
want to make changes.
3. From the top project directory, run the commands:
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

13.2 Options for Sequencer64 Features

4. For debugging without libtool getting in the way, just run one of the following commands, which
will run the configure script, adding the --enable-debug and --disable-shared options to it.
$ ./bootstrap --enable-debug
$ ./bootstrap -ed
5. Run the make command:
$ make
6. To install Sequencer64, become root and run:
# make install
Note that one has to build the documentation and debian packaging separately, they are not part of
the default build.
Please note that there are other things one can do to speed up the build process. Already noted
above is the --enable-debug option. The following command will bootstrap the code and then configure
for release mode, and greatly reduce the amount of compiler output:
$ ./bootstrap --enable-release
$ ./bootstrap -er
This option will run the following command:
$ ./configure --enable-silent-rules
It results in abbreviated out, which makes it easier to see any warnings that might pop up This
anti-verbosity option can be overridden at ”make” time:
$ make V=1
(Using V=0 is another way to quiet down the build.)
Also note that the build can be sped up by telling make to use more cores. For example, if one has
an 8-core system:
$ make -j 9
Of course, one can use fewer than the number of cores, if desired.


Options for Sequencer64 Features

Sequencer64 comes with options for the configure command and options represented by definable macros
in the source code.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


13.2 Options for Sequencer64 Features

Using More ”configure” Options

The following configure options can be specified on the command line:
1. --enable-rtmidi.
This option can be bootstrapped directly using (for example) ”./bootstrap
-er -rm. However, this option is currently the default build. It creates the default version of Sequencer64,
an executable named seq64. This version adds the ability to do JACK input/output using the native
API... no more need to use a2jmidid to bridge from ALSA to JACK. It provides a JACK client that is
separate from the pre-existing JACK-transport client. In addition, this executable will fall back to using
ALSA if JACK is not running. Like the ALSA support, the JACK support has an auto-connect feature
that can be disabled using the ”manual” (”virtual-port”) mode of seq64.
One other note. We term this version ”rtmidi” because we originally used the RtMidi ([15]) project
as the basis for the native JACK support, until we realized it does not really fit the usage model of
Sequencer64. So we heavily refactored how it works, keeping a couple of key features, and keeping the
moniker ”rtimidi”.
2. --enable-cli.
This option can be bootstrapped directly using (for example) ”./bootstrap -er
-cli”. It builds a command-line version of seq64 that has the command name seq64cli. Currently,
this application can only be controlled via MIDI controls set up in the [midi-control] section of the ”rc”
file. See section 9.1 ”Sequencer64 ”rc” File / MIDI Control Section” on page 106, for more information
on those controls, which now also include start, stop, and pause commands. Also, currently the only way
to load a MIDI file is as the last command-line argument. There is also an option to make the application
fork into the background as a daemon. We’re looking in to using OSC as a control mechanism, but, until
then, this executable is of limited usefulness.
3. --enable-alsamidi. This option can be bootstrapped directly using (for example) ”./bootstrap
-er -am”. This executable is basically the original version of Sequencer64, with the original executable
name of sequencer64, which we’re keeping around as a backup while we work the remaining nits out of
the ”rtmidi” version of the application.
4. --enable-portmidi. This option can be bootstrapped directly using (for example) ”./bootstrap
-er -pm”. This option builds the PortMIDI version of the application, named seq64portmidi. This
version works with Linux, but was meant as a way to port seq24 to Windows (”Google” for ”seq24
subatomic glue”). However, the Sequencer64 project deprecates this version. Eventually, we hope to
migrate in the Windows and Mac OSX support modules of the RtMidi ([15]) project.
5. --disable-highlight.
This option undefines the SEQ64 HIGHLIGHT EMPTY SEQS macro, which
is otherwise defined by default. If defined, the application will highlight empty sequences/patterns by
coloring them yellow. If not defined, empty sequences/patterns are shown in the normal black-on-white
coloring. In either case, empty patterns will not be played.
6. --disable-lash. This option undefines the SEQ64 LASH SUPPORT macro, which is otherwise defined
by default. Even if this option is left defined, however, Sequencer64 will still not use LASH support unless
one specifies --lash on the sequencer64 command-line or turn on the new [lash-session] option in
the ”rc” configuration file, ~/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.rc.
7. --disable-jack. This option undefines the SEQ64 JACK SUPPORT macro, which is otherwise defined
by default. Even if this option is left defined, however, Sequencer64 will still not use JACK support unless
one specifies the various JACK options on the sequencer64 command-line or turn them on in the ”rc”
configuration file, ~/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.rc.
8. --disable-jack-session. This option undefines the SEQ64 JACK SESSION macro, which is defined
if JACK support is defined, and the jack/session.h file is found. Again, this option, if left defined, can be

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

13.2 Options for Sequencer64 Features

affected by command-line options and options in the ”rc” configuration file.
9. --disable-pause.
This option undefines the SEQ64 PAUSE SUPPORT macro, which is defined by
default, and provides support for toggling between a Play button and a Pause button, for actually pausing
playback in Live mode, and for a new Pause key, which defaults to a period (”.”).
10. --disable-chords.
This option undefines the SEQ64 STAZED CHORD GENERATOR macro. If this
macro is defined, then the application is built with support for a Chord button in the pattern editor,
which enables entering whole chords with a single click. This feature is grabbed from Seq32 ([23]).
11. --disable-transpose.
This option undefines the SEQ64 STAZED TRANSPOSE macro. If this
macro is defined, then the application is built with support for a Transpose button in the pattern editor
and the song editor. The Transpose button in the pattern editor allows a pattern to be exempt from
transposition, while the Transpose button in the song editor allows transposing the entire song (except
for exempt patterns). This feature is grabbed from Seq32 ([23]).
12. --disable-multiwid.
This option undefines the SEQ64 MULTI MAINWID macro. If this macro
is defined (currently the default), then it is possible to show multiple sets in the main window. See
section 3.4 ”Patterns / Multiple Panels” on page 58, which describes this mode.
To summarize, these options undefine the following build macros:




Manually-defined Macros in the Code

As we have explored what Seq24 does while we add improvements to Sequencer64, we’ve found a lot of
things that might change the code for the worse in some people’s minds. So we’ve been careful to mark
those changes with macros. And sometimes we tried a change, but left it disabled. You are free to look at
those macros, modify them, and build the source code to one’s preferences. If one does not see a macro
described below, it means we need to catch up with the documentation.
The following items are not yet part of the configure script, but can be edited manually to achieve
the desired settings:
1. SEQ64 EDIT SEQUENCE HIGHLIGHT. Already defined in the perform module. Provides the option to
highlight the currently-editing sequence in the main window view and in the song editor. If the sequence
is muted, it is highlighted in black text on a cyan background. If it is unmuted, it is highlighted in cyan
text on a black background. The highlighting follows whichever pattern editor or event editor has the
2. SEQ64 USE NEW FONT. Already defined in the font module. If defined, a new, anti-aliased, bold
font is used in the user-interface. This new font is implemented in new XPM files in resources/pixmaps
directory: wen*.xpm. The font is slightly larger, but changes the user-interface sizes only to an infinitesmal
degree. Using this new font is the default.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

13.2 Options for Sequencer64 Features

Obsolete: This option is no longer a compile-time option, but a run-time option. It is now the
default, but the usage of the old versus new font can be set in the ”user” configuration file. Also, if the
legacy mode is specified, the old font becomes the default.
3. SEQ64 USE EVENT MAP. Already defined in the event list module. It enables the usage of an
std::multimap, instead of an std::list, to store MIDI events. Because the code does a lot of sorting
of events, using the std::multimap is actually a lot faster (especially under debug mode, where it takes
many seconds for a medium-size MIDI file to load using the std::list implementation.
There is still a chance that the std::multimap might prove the limiting factor during playback. If
that is the case, then we would probably implement dumping the multimap to a vector before playback.
We shall see!
4. SEQ64 USE MIDI VECTOR. Already defined in the midifile module. It enables the usage of an
std::vector, instead of an std::list, to store MIDI data bytes. It provides the preferred alternative to
the list for storing and counting the bytes of MIDI data. It is an attempt to stop reversing certain events
due to the peculiarities of using std::list to store MIDI bytes from a sequence. This new implementation
uses std::vector and does not use pop back() to retrieve the bytes for writing to a file.
5. SEQ64 FOLLOW PROGRESS BAR. Already defined in the app limits.h module. It enables the automatic
scrolling (horizontal paging) of the pattern editor and song editor piano rolls, to keep the progress bar in
view at all times. This feature is useful for patterns that are longer than the span of the editor windows.
Such scrolling is a common feature of software MIDI sequencers.
Obsolete: Still need to replicate the descriptions that follow in the proper sections.
6. SEQ64 USE GREY GRID. This item is no longer defined. Instead, the option is now part of the
”rc” configuration file. This description will be moved to the correct section eventually.
This configuration item causes the pattern slots/boxes to be colored grey (actually, they will be
colored normally as per the current GTK them). Otherwise, they are colored black. By default, this
value is defined (in the mainwid module).
7. SEQ64 USE WHITE GRID. This item is no longer defined. Instead, the option is now part of the
”user” configuration file. This description will be moved to the correct section eventually.
This configuration item causes the pattern slots/boxes to be colored white. Also definable(in the
mainwid module).
8. SEQ64 USE BRACKET GRID. This item is no longer defined. Instead, the option is now part
of the ”user” configuration file. This description will be moved to the correct section eventually. This
configuration box that outlines the pattern slots/boxes is painted over to convert the box to look like a
pair of brackets. By default, this value is defined (in the mainwid module).
9. SEQ64 SEQNUMBER ON GRID. This item is no longer defined. Instead, the option is now part of
the ”rc” configuration file. This description will be moved to the correct section eventually.
If the ”show sequence numbers” option is on, then each of the blank pattern slots in the main window
show the would-be sequence number for that slot. The background color of the numbers will not match
the background color of the grid (which matches the chosen GTK theme). But, no matter what the GTK
background color, they will at least be visible. There is a little image of this style inside the screenshot
shown on the first page of this manual.
If SEQ64 USE WHITE GRID are defined, so that the grid cells are white, then the sequence numbering
looks a little nicer, as can be seen in the following figure:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

13.2 Options for Sequencer64 Features

Figure 92: Pattern Window Built for White Grid with Numbering
There is a little image of this style inside the screenshot shown on the first page of this manual, as
If neither SEQ64 USE GREY GRID nor SEQ64 USE WHITE GRID are defined, so that the grid slots are
black, then the numbering will be yellow on a black background, and match perfectly. This style is shown
in the following figure:

Figure 93: Pattern Window Built for Black Grid with Numbering
There is a little image of this style inside the screenshot shown on the first page of this manual, as


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

13.2 Options for Sequencer64 Features

Take your pick, modify the code accordingly before building it. Perhaps these can eventually be
options for the configure script, or even run-time options! Let us know!
10. SEQ64 SOLID PIANOROLL GRID. Enabling this macro makes the grid lines for the piano rolls
more solid, with about the same perception of lightness. It also calls in some other tweaks, such as
the positioning of markers. We currently like this look a little better, and so it is the default. See the
app limits.h header file for the definition of this variable.
Here is the pattern editor (sequence editor) with this alternate look.

Figure 94: Sequence Pattern Editor Alternate Look
Note the smmoothness of the grid lines, the extra emphasis of the C notes at each octave, the emphasis
of the note-drawing snap lines that mark the default length of a click-to-add note, the emphasis of the
beat and bars, and, finally, the new location of the END marker. Also note the dark-cyan background
pattern, discussed elsewhere in this document.
Here is the grid-styling for an 8/4 time signature in the song editor:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

13.3 Sequencer64 Build Dependencies

Figure 95: Song Editor Alternate Look
Also note the sequence numbers shown in the bottom left of each pattern name box. This is a new
feature, and, as noted elsewhere, is a new option in the File / Options / Keyboard tab and in the ”rc”
configuration file.
11. SEQ64 USE VI SEQROLL MODE. Definable in the seqroll module, this macro allows the vi hjkl keys
to be used as arrow keys for moving notes. Not yet tested. We will not make this a default, because it
could drive non-vi users nuts.
12. SEQ64 USE DEBUG OUTPUT. Enable this macro in the globals.h header file, to see extra console
output if the application is compiled for debugging. This macro can be activated only if PLATFORM DEBUG
is defined, which is taken care of by the build process. If set, this macro turns on extra console output
for the following modules:


jack assistant
user settings

Sequencer64 Build Dependencies

With luck, the following dependencies will bring in their own dependencies when installed.
• libgtkmm-2.4-dev (dev is the header-file package)

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

• libsigc++-2.0-dev
• libjack-jackd2-dev
• liblash-compat-dev (optional)

libatk-adaptor (and its dependencies)
libgail-common (and its dependencies)
valgrind (optional, very useful for debugging)
gdb (optional, very useful for debugging)
gprof and gcov (optional, very useful for debugging)

Build tools:

automake and autoconf


doxygen and doxygen-latex

Debian packaging:
• debhelper
• fakeroot
• More?


MIDI Format and Other MIDI Notes
Standard MIDI Format 0

New: Sequencer64 can now read and import SMF 0 MIDI files, and performs channel splitting automatically.
When an SMF 0 format is detected, Sequencer64 reads the file as if were an SMF 1 file, but puts
all of the events into the same sequence/pattern. While the file is being processed, a list of the channels
present in the track is maintained.
Tempo and Time Signature events are also read, if present in the file. (This new feature also holds
for SMF 1 songs. In addition, when saving a Sequencer64 MIDI file, in non-legacy mode, the Tempo

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.1 Standard MIDI Format 0

and Time Signature events are now also saved as MIDI events. This allows other sequencers to more
thoroughly read a Sequencer64 MIDI file.)
This addition of Tempo can also fix imported tracks that don’t have a measure value (e.g. it has
0 instead of at least one measure) associated with them; unfixed, these tracks have racing progress bars
that don’t reflect the actually progresss through the track.
Once the end-of-track is encountered for that sequence, one new empty sequence is created for each
channel found in the original (main) sequence. The events in the main sequence are scanned, one by
one, and added at the end of the appropriate sequence. If the event is a channel event, then the event
is inserted into the sequence that was created for that channel. If the event is a non-channel event, then
each sequence gets a copy of that event.
After processing, the MIDI buss information, track name, and other pieces of information are attached
to each sequence. The following figure shows in imported SMF 0 tune, split into tracks.

Figure 96: Imported SMF 0 MIDI Song
The original imported SMF 0 track is preserved, intact, in main window pattern slot #16. It is
highlighted in a dark cyan color to remind the user that it is not a normal, playable Sequencer64 sequence.
It has no channel number. It is assigned the non-existent MIDI channel of 0. If the original track had no
title, this track is named ”Untitled”. Normally, one will either delete this track before saving the file, or
at least keep it muted.
Each new, single-channel track is given a title of either the form ”N: Track-name” or, if the song was
untitled, ”Track N”. The sequence number of each new track is the internal channel number (which is
always the actual MIDI channel number minus one).
The time-signature of each track is currently set to defaults, unless a time-signature event is encountered in the imported file.
New: Sequencer64 adds support for obtaining some of the other information a MIDI SMF 0 track
might have, such as the Tempo and the Time Signature. It also now will save this information in the first
track of the MIDI file.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.2 Legacy Proprietary Track Format

The original SMF 0 track is also shown in the song editor, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 97: SMF 0 MIDI Song in the Song Editor
One is free to edit the imported tune to heart’s content. Here, we added one instance of each track,
including the SMF 0 track, to show what the imported song looks like.


Legacy Proprietary Track Format

The authors of Seq24 took the trouble to make sure that the format of the MIDI files it write are
compatible with other MIDI applications. Seq24 also stores its own information (triggers, MIDI control
information, etc) in the file, but marked so that other sequencers can read the file and ignore the Seq24specific information.
Sequencer64 continues that MIDI-compliant behavior, but has improved the compliance just a little
bit. We call that last chunk of sequencer-specific information the ”proprietary track”. Before we discuss
that last, proprietary track, note that the normal MIDI tracks that precede it include the SeqSpec
(”sequencer-specific”, sort of) control tags shown in table 7 ”SeqSpec Items in Normal Tracks” on page 161.
These control tags are global constants in the Seq24 source code, ranging from 0x24240001 to 0x24240013.
The c triggers tag is obsolete.
New: The c musickey, c musicscale, and c backsequence control tags are new with Sequencer64
version and above. They are now saved as additional information in each sequence in which
they have been specified in the sequence editor. However, for backward compatibility (and because it is
probably the more common use case), these items can also be saved globally for the whole MIDI song, as
an option.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.2 Legacy Proprietary Track Format

Table 7: SeqSpec Items in Normal Tracks

triggers new









00 00 00

Note that these tags (created by the application, but not present in the proprietary track, and perhaps
also created by other MIDI applications) are preceded by the standard MIDI ”FF 7F length” meta-event
The following discussion applies to the final ”proprietary” track as saved in the legacy Seq24 format.
After all the counted MIDI tracks are read, Seq24 checks for extra data. If there is extra data, Seq24
reads a long value. The first one encountered is a MIDI ”sequencer-specific” (SeqSpec) section. It starts
0x24240010 == a Seq24 c_midictrl proprietary value

Getting this value first is simplified MIDI in two ways. First, the second does not begin with any
kind of track marker. MIDI requires an ”MTrk” marker to start a track, though it also requires unknown
markers to be supported. Some applications, like timidity, handle this situation. Others, like midicvt,
complain about an unexpected header marker. Second, normally, MIDI wants to see the triad of
status = FF, type= 7F (proprietary), length = whatever

to precede proprietary data. Now, as shown by table 11 ”Application Support for MIDI Files” on
page 165, most applications accept the shortcut legacy format, but midicvt does not.
So, as a ”bug” fix, we now write and read this information properly in Sequencer64; it is now preceded
by the 0xFF 0x7F marker.. We also need to be able to read legacy Seq24 MIDI files, so that ability has
been preserved in Sequencer64..
Anyway, at this point, we have the c midictrl information now. Next, we read a long value, seqs.
It is 0.
24 24 00 10 00 00 00 00

Read the next long value, 0x24240003. This is c midiclocks. We get a value of 0 for ”TrackLength”
(now a local variable called ”busscount”):
24 24 00 03 00 00 00 00


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.2 Legacy Proprietary Track Format

If the buss-count was greater than 0, then for each value, we would read a byte value represent the
bus a clock was on, and setting the clock value of the master MIDI buss. Another check for more data is
24 24 00 05 00 20 00 00

0x24240005 is c notes. The value screen sets is read (two bytes) and here is 0x20 = 32. For each
len = read\_short()

If non-zero, each of the len bytes is appended as a string. Here, len is 0 for all 32 screensets, so the
screen-set notepad is set to an empty string. Another check for more data is made.
24 24 00 07 00 00 00 78

0x24240007 is c bpmtag. The long value is read and sets the perform object’s bpm value. Here, it
is 120 bpm. Another check for more data is made.
24 24 00 09 00 00 04 00

0x24240009 is c mutegroups. The long value obtained here is 1024. If this value is not equal to the
constant c gmute tracks (1024), a warning is emitted to the console, but processing continues anyway,
32 x 32 long values are read to select the given group-mute, and then set each of its 32 group-mute-states.
In our sample file, 32 groups are specified, but all 32 group-mute-state values for each are 0.
So, to summarize the legacy proprietary track’s data, ignoring the data itself, which is mostly 0
values, as shown in table 8 ”SeqSpec Items in Legacy Proprietary Track” on page 162
Table 8: SeqSpec Items in Legacy Proprietary Track










(buss count = 0)
(screen sets = 32)
(bpm = 120)
(mg = 1024)

The new format (again, ignoring the data) takes up a few more bytes. It starts with the normal
track marker and size data, followed by a made-up track name (”Sequencer64-S”), as shown in table 9
”SeqSpec Items in New Proprietary Track” on page 163.
For the new format, the components of the final proprietary track size are as shown here:
1. Delta time. 1 byte, always 0x00.
2. Sequence number. 5 bytes. OPTIONAL.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.3 MIDI Information

Table 9: SeqSpec Items in New Proprietary Track
"MTrk" etc.
Track name
c midictrl
c midiclocks
c notes
c bpmtag
c mutegroups









00 ...
72 32 34 2d 53
(buss count = 0)
20 00... (screen sets = 32)
00 00 78 (bpm = 120)
00 00 04 00... (mg = 1024)

3. Track name. 3 + 10 or 3 + 15
4. Series of proprietary specs:
• Prop header:
– If legacy format, 4 bytes.
– Otherwise, 2 bytes + varinum size(length) + 4 bytes.
– Length of the prop data.
5. Track End. 3 bytes.


MIDI Information

This section provides some useful, basic information about MIDI data.

MIDI Variable-Length Value

A variable-length value (VLV) is a quantity that uses additional bytes and continuation bits to encode large numbers without confusing a MIDI interpreter. See
The length of a variable length value obviously depends on the value it represents. Here is a simple
list of the numbers that can be represented by a VLV:



0x00 to 0x7F
0x80 to 0x3FFF
0x4000 to 0x001FFFFF
0x200000 to 0x0FFFFFFF

MIDI Track Chunk

Track chunk == MTrk + length + track event [+ track event ...]
• MTrk is 4 bytes representing the literal string ”MTrk”. This marks the beginning of a track.
• length is 4 bytes the number of bytes in the track chunk following this number. That is, the marker
and length are not counted in the length value.
• track event denotes a sequenced track event; usually there are many track events in a track. However,
some of the events may simply be informational, and not modify the audio output.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.3 MIDI Information

Table 10: MIDI Meta Event Types

Sequence number
Text event
Copyright notice
Sequence or track name
Instrument name
Lyric text
Marker text
Cue point
MIDI channel prefix assignment
End of track
Tempo setting
SMPTE offset
Time Signature
Key Signature
Sequencer-Specific event

A track event consists of a delta-time since the last event, and one of three types of events.
track event = v time + midi event | meta event | sysex event
• v time is the variable length value for elapsed time (delta time) from the previous event to this
• midi event is any MIDI channel message such as note-on or note-off.
• meta event is an SMF meta event.
• sysex event is an SMF system exclusive event.

MIDI Meta Events

Meta events are non-MIDI data of various sorts consisting of a fixed prefix, type indicator, a length field,
and actual event data..
meta event = 0xFF + meta type + v length + event data bytes
• meta type is 1 byte, expressing one of the meta event types shown in the table that follows this list.
• v length is length of meta event data, a variable length value.
• event data bytes is the actual event data.
Timidity reads the legacy and new formats and plays the tune. Sequencer64 saves the ”b4uacuse”
tune out, in both formats, with a ”MIDI divisions” value of 192, versus its original value of 120. The song
plays a little bit faster after this conversion.
The midicvt application does not read the legacy Seq24 file format. It expects to see the MTrk
marker. Even if the midicvt --ignore option is provided, midicvt does not like the legacy Seq24 format,
and ends with an error message. However, as shown by table 11 ”Application Support for MIDI Files”
on page 165, most applications are more forgiving, and can read (or ignore) the legacy format. The
gsequencer application has some major issues in our installation, but it is probably our setup. (No JACK

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.4 More MIDI Information

Table 11: Application Support for MIDI Files




Original File

More MIDI Information

This section goes into even more detail about the MIDI format, especially as it applies to the processing
done by Sequencer64. The following sub-sections describe how Sequencer64 parses a MIDI file.

MIDI File Header, MThd

The first thing in a MIDI file is The data of the header:
Header ID:
MThd length:
No. of track:

0, 1, 2
1 or more



The header ID and it’s length are always the same values. The formats that Sequencer64 supports
are 0 or 1. SMF 0 has only one track, while SMF 1 can support an arbitary number of tracks. The
last value in the header is the PPQN value, which specifies the ”pulses per quarter note”, which is the
basic time-resolution of events in the MIDI file. Common values are 96 or 192, but higher values are also
common. Sequencer64 and its precursor, Seq24, default to 192.

MIDI Track, MTrk

The next part of the MIDI file consists of the tracks specified in the file. In SMF 1 format, each track
is assumed to cover a different MIDI channel, but always the same MIDI buss. (The MIDI buss is
not a data item in standard MIDI files, but it is a special data item in the sequencer-specific section
of Seq24/Sequencer64 MIDI files.) Each track is tagged by a standard chunk marker, ”MTrk”. Other


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.4 More MIDI Information

markers are possible, and are to be ignored, if nothing else. Here are the values read at the beginning of
a track:
Track ID:
Track length:


4 bytes
4 bytes

The track length is the number of bytes that need to be read in order to get all of the data in the
Delta time. The amount time that passes from one event to the next is the delta time. For some
events, the time doesn’t matter, and is set to 0. This values is a variable length value, also known as a
”VLV” or a ”varinum”. It provides a way of encoding arbitrarily large values, a byte at a time.
Delta time:


1 or more bytes

The running-time accumulator is incremented by the delta-time. The current time is adjusted as per
the PPQN ratio, if needed, and passed along.

Channel Events

Status. The byte after the delta time is examined by masking it against 0x80 to check the high bit. If
not set, it is a ”running status”, it is replaced with the ”last status”, which is 0 at first.
Status byte:


1 byte

If the high bit is set, it is a status byte. What does the status mean? To find out, the channel part of
the status is masked out using the 0xF0 mask. If it is a 2-data-byte event (note on, note off, aftertouch,
control-change, or pitch-wheel), then the two data bytes are read:
Data byte 0:
Data byte 1:


1 byte
1 byte

If the status is a Note On event, with velocity = data[1] = 0, then it is converted to a Note Off
event, a fix for the output quirks of some MIDI devices. If it is a 1-data-btye event (Program Change or
Channel Pressure), then only data byte 0 is read. The one or two data bytes are added to the event, the
event is added to the current sequence, and the MIDI channel of the sequence is set.

Meta Events Revisited

If the event status masks off to 0xF0 (0xF0 to 0xFF), then it is a Meta event. If the Meta event byte
is 0xFF, it is called a ”Sequencer-specific”, or ”SeqSpec” event. For this kind of event, then a type byte
and the length of the event are read.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Meta type:
Meta length:


14.5 Meta Events

1 byte
1 or more bytes

If the type of the SeqSpec (0xFF) meta event is 0x7F, parsing checks to see if it is one of the Seq24
”proprietary” events. These events are tagged with various values that mask off to 0x24240000. The
parser reads the tag:
Prop tag:


4 bytes

These tags provide a way to save and recover Seq24/Sequencer64 properties from the MIDI file:
MIDI buss, MIDI channel, time signature, sequence triggers, and (new), the key, scale, and background
sequence to use with the track/sequence. Any leftover data for the tagged event is let go. Unknown tags
ate skipped.
If the type of the SeqSpec (0xFF) meta event is 0x2F, then it is the End-of-Track marker. The
current time marks the length (in MIDI pulses) of the sequence. Parsing is done for that track.
If the type of the SeqSpec (0xFF) meta event is 0x03, then it is the sequence name. The ”length”
number of bytes are read, and loaded as the sequence name.
If the type of the SeqSpec (0xFF) meta event is 0x00, then it is the sequence number, which is read:
Seq number:


2 bytes

Note that the sequence number might be modified latter to account for the current Seq24 screenset
in force for a file import operation.
Anything other SeqSpec type is simply skipped by reading the ”length” number of bytes.
The remaining sections simply describe MIDI meta events in more detail, for reference.


Meta Events

Here, we summarize the MIDI meta events.



02 ssss: Sequence Number.
len text: Text Event.
len text: Copyright Notice.
len text: Sequence/Track Name.
len text: Instrument Name.
len text: Lyric.
len text: Marker.
len text: Cue Point.
through 0F len text: Other kinds of text events.
00: End of Track.
03 tttttt: Set Tempo, us/qn.
05 hr mn se fr ff: SMPTE Offset.
04 nn dd cc bb: Time Signature.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.5 Meta Events

14. FF 59 02 sf mi: Key Signature.
15. FF 7F len data: Sequencer-Specific.
16. FF F0 len data F7: System-Exclusive
The next sections describe the events that Sequencer tries to handle. These are:

Sequence Number (0x00)
Track Name (0x03)
End-of-Track (0x2F)
Set Tempo (0x51) (Sequencer64 only)
Time Signature (0x58) (Sequencer64 only)
Sequencer-Specific (0x7F) (Handled differently in Sequencer64)
System Exclusive (0xF0) Sort of handled, functionality incomplete.


Sequence Number (0x00)
FF 00 02 ss ss

This optional event must occur at the beginning of a track, before any non-zero delta-times, and
before any transmittable MIDI events. It specifies the number of a sequence.

Track/Sequence Name (0x03)
FF 03 len text

If in a format 0 track, or the first track in a format 1 file, the name of the sequence. Otherwise, the
name of the track.

End of Track (0x2F)
FF 2F 00

This event is not optional. It is included so that an exact ending point may be specified for the track,
so that it has an exact length, which is necessary for tracks which are looped or concatenated.

Set Tempo Event (0x51)

The MIDI Set Tempo meta event sets the tempo of a MIDI sequence in terms of the microseconds per
quarter note. This is a meta message, so this event is never sent over MIDI ports to a MIDI device. After
the delta time, this event consists of six bytes of data:
FF 51 03 tt tt tt


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.5 Meta Events

FF 51 03 07 A1 20

0xFF is the status byte that indicates this is a Meta event.
0x51 the meta event type that signifies this is a Set Tempo event.
0x03 is the length of the event, always 3 bytes.
The remaining three bytes carry the number of microseconds per quarter note. For example, the
three bytes above form the hexadecimal value 0x07A120 (500000 decimal), which means that there
are 500,000 microseconds per quarter note.

Since there are 60,000,000 microseconds per minute, the event above translates to: set the tempo to
60,000,000 / 500,000 = 120 quarter notes per minute (120 beats per minute).
This event normally appears in the first track. If not, the default tempo is 120 beats per minute.
This event is important if the MIDI time division is specified in ”pulses per quarter note”, which does
not itself define the length of the quarter note. The length of the quarter note is then determined by the
Set Tempo meta event.
Representing tempos as time per beat instead of beat per time allows absolutely exact DWORD-term
synchronization with a time-based sync protocol such as SMPTE time code or MIDI time code. This
amount of accuracy in the tempo resolution allows a four-minute piece at 120 beats per minute to be
accurate within 500 usec at the end of the piece.

Time Signature Event (0x58)

After the delta time, this event consists of seven bytes of data:
FF 58 04 nn dd cc bb

The time signature is expressed as four numbers. nn and dd represent the numerator and denominator
of the time signature as it would be notated. The denominator is a negative power of two: 2 represents
a quarter-note, 3 represents an eighth-note, etc. The cc parameter expresses the number of MIDI clocks
in a metronome click. The bb parameter expresses the number of notated 32nd-notes in a MIDI quarternote (24 MIDI Clocks).
FF 58 04 04 02 18 08

0xFF is the status byte that indicates this is a Meta event.
0x58 the meta event type that signifies this is a Time Signature event.
0x04 is the length of the event, always 4 bytes.
0x04 is the numerator of the time signature, and ranges from 0x00 to 0xFF.
0x02 is the log base 2 of the denominator, and is the power to which 2 must be raised to get the
denominator. Here, the denominator is 2 to 0x02, or 4, so the time signature is 4/4.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

14.5 Meta Events

6. 0x18 is the metronome pulse in terms of the number of MIDI clock ticks per click. Assuming 24
MIDI clocks per quarter note, the value here (0x18 = 24) indidicates that the metronome will tick
every 24/24 quarter note. If the value of the sixth byte were 0x30 = 48, the metronome clicks every
two quarter notes, i.e. every half-note.
7. 0x08 defines the number of 32nd notes per beat. This byte is usually 8 as there is usually one
quarter note per beat, and one quarter note contains eight 32nd notes.
If a time signature event is not present in a MIDI sequence, a 4/4 signature is assumed.
In Sequencer64, the c timesig SeqSpec event is given priority. The conventional time signature is
used only if the c timesig SeqSpec is not present in the file.

SysEx Event (0xF0)

If the meta event status value is 0xF0, it is called a ”System-exclusive”, or ”SysEx” event.
Sequencer64 has some code in place to store these messages, but the data is currently not actually
stored or used. Although there is some infrastructure to support storing the SysEx event within a sequence,
the SysEx information is simply skipped. Sequencer64 warns if the terminating 0xF7 SysEx terminator is
not found at the expected length. Also, some malformed SysEx events have been encountered, and those
are detected and skipped as well.

Sequencer Specific (0x7F)

This data, also known as SeqSpec data, provides a way to encode information that a specific sequencer
application needs, while marking it so that other sequences can safely ignore the information.
FF 7F len data

In Seq24 and Sequencer64, the data portion starts with four bytes that indicate the kind of data for
a particular SeqSpec event:



Track buss number
Track channel number
Track clocking
See c_triggers_new
Song data, notes
Track time signature
Song beats/minute
Track trigger data
Song mute group data
Song MIDI control
Track key (Sequencer64 only)
Track scale (Sequencer64 only)
Track background sequence (Sequencer64 only)

* = global only; ^ = track only; + = both


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

In Seq24, these events are placed at the end of the song, but are not marked as SeqSpec data. Most
MIDI applications handle this situation fine, but some (e.g. midicvt) do not. Therefore, Sequencer64
makes sure to wrap each data item in the 0xFF 0x7F wrapper.
Also, the last three items above (key, scale, and background sequence) can also be stored (by Sequencer64) with a particular sequence/track, as well as at the end of the song. Not sure if this bit of
extra flexibility is useful, but it is there.

Non-Specific End of Sequence

Any other statuses are deemed unsupportable in Sequencer64, and abort parsing with an error.
If the –bus option is in force, it overrides the buss number (if any) stored with the sequence. This
option is useful for testing a setup. Note that it also applies to new sequences.
At the end, Sequencer64 adds the sequence to the encoded tune.


Sequencer64 JACK Support

This section describes some details concerning the JACK support of Sequencer64. As with Seq24, Sequencer64 has JACK transport support. But, if one wants to use the older version of Sequencer64 (versions
0.9.x) with JACK MIDI, one needs to expose the ALSA ports to JACK using a2jmidid --export-hw
and connect the resultant MIDI JACK ports oneself, using QJackCtl, for example.
To enable the JACK transport support at run-time, the options -j/--jack-transport, -J/--jack-master,
and -C/--jack-master-cond are available.
With version 0.90, Sequencer64 can be built to support the legacy ALSA interface, the PortMIDI
interface, or, best of all, the native JACK MIDI interface, loosely based on the RtMIDI project (see [15]).
This mode also supports fallback-to-ALSA if the JACK server is not running.
• Sequencer64. . This application is built when the --enable-alsamidi option is specified at ”configure” time. It is basically the 0.9.x version of Sequencer64 application. However, this build is no
longer the default.
• seq64. . This application is built when the --enable-rtmidi option is specified at ”configure”
time. This build is now the default build.
• seq64portmidi. . This application is built when the --enable-portmidi option is specified at
”configure” time. This build is deprecated. It works with Linux, but, for Windows support, we will
instead add Windows API calls to the ”rtmidi” build of the project. We won’t discuss this version
at all. We’ve tested it for playback, but nothing else.
The following sections discuss the JACK transport support and the native JACK MIDI support.


Sequencer64 JACK Transport

This section is just underway. Here are some of the topics to be discussed:
1. What JACK functions are supported for JACK Transport.
2. Exposing the ALSA MIDI ports to JACK, when using the legacy ALSA version of Sequencer64.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

15.2 Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI

3. Fixes to JACK Master mode.
4. Interactions with the Klick and Hydrogen applications.
5. Patches from the new (!) version of Seq24, 0.9.3, to correct for MIDI Clock drift over long durations.
In the meantime, the text files in the project’s contrib/notes directory provide some useful setup
JACK transport support is separate from native JACK MIDI support. The JACK transport client is
an invisible client with the name ”seq64-transport”, while the JACK MIDI client is visible in QJackCtl,
and the ports created are part of the ”seq64” client.
The first thing to note about JACK transport with Sequencer64 is that the progress bars will not
move unless Sequencer64 is connected to a JACK client, such as Hydrogen (in JACK MIDI mode) or
Yoshimi. Currently, Sequencer64 will connect to a JACK client automatically only at startup, where it
will connect to all JACK clients that it finds. If it can’t find a JACK client, then it will fail to register a
JACK port, and cannot play.
The second thing is that Sequencer64 still has the issue where it must be JACK Master to follow
transport. More on this issue later.


Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI

This section discusses the new seq64 application, which supports native JACK MIDI. It is now the official
version of Sequencer64, and new bugs will be fixed mainly in this version.
The first thing to note about seq64 is that it supports both ALSA and JACK MIDI. If one runs it
to support JACK, and JACK is not present, then seq64 falls back to ALSA support.
To run seq64 to support JACK, for now, one must add the -t or --jack-midi option. Why -t? We
are running out of option letters. And eventually we will make the -t option the default. If Sequencer64
(in its native JACK mode, using the -t or --jack-midi option) is run in JACK mode without JACK
running on the system, it will take awhile to come up (in ALSA mode). If run from the console, one will
$ ./Seq64rtmidi/seq64 -t
[Activating native JACK MIDI]
[Reading rc configuration /home/ahlstrom/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.rc]
[Reading user configuration /home/ahlstrom/.config/sequencer64/sequencer64.usr]
[Activating native JACK MIDI]
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
. . .
[JACK server not running?]
connect: JACK server not running?
rtmidi_info: no compiled support for specified API
[Initialized, running without JACK sync]
9 rtmidi ports created:
Input ports (3):
[0] 0:1 system:announce (system)
[1] 14:0 Midi Through:Midi Through Port-0

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

15.2 Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI

[2] 24:0 nanoKEY2:nanoKEY2 MIDI 1
Output ports (6):
[0] 14:0 Midi Through:Midi Through Port-0
[1] 24:0 nanoKEY2:nanoKEY2 MIDI 1
[2] 128:0 TiMidity:TiMidity port 0
[3] 128:1 TiMidity:TiMidity port 1
[4] 128:2 TiMidity:TiMidity port 2
[5] 128:3 TiMidity:TiMidity port 3
To enable native JACK MIDI, use the -t/--jack-midi options. When enabled, the ”transport”
button in the main window will show the word ”JACK” (no matter whether JACK transport is also
enabled or not). Please note that, if you select the JACK-MIDI option and JACK is not available, seq64
will start in ALSA mode and it will save that mode when exiting.
The JACK (-t) and ALSA (-A) options are sticky options. That is, they are saved to the ”rc”
configuration file at exit, so one does not have to specify them in subsequent seq64 sessions.

Sequencer64 JACK MIDI Output

By default (or depending on the ”rc” configuration file), the new seq64 version of Sequencer64 will
automatically connect the ports that it finds to seq64, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 98: JACK MIDI Ports and Auto-Connect
The seq64:system midi playback 1 output port shown in the left panel is created by seq64. It
connects it to the system:midi playback 1 port in the right panel, which is actually the input for the
Korg nanoKEY2 controller. ALSA detects the real name of this USB MIDI device, but JACK does not.
Thus, the MIDI tab shows the ”system” name of the USB MIDI port, while the ALSA tab does show the


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

15.2 Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI

Figure 99: ALSA MIDI Ports
Note that the input connection is not useful unless seq64 could send setup information to the
nanoKEY2. Korg provides a configuration application for Windows. For Linux, a Python application
called Nano-Basket ([13]) is available.
More useful is the automatic connection between seq64:yoshimi midi in in the left (output) panel
and yoshimi:midi in in the right (input) panel. With it it, Sequencer64 patterns with the proper
output-buss setting can play to the Yoshimi software synthesizer.
The output ports available are shown in seq64’s File / Options / MIDI Clock tab, shown here:

Figure 100: JACK MIDI Ports in Seq64
Note that the index, client, and buss numbers are all the same. There’s actually a bug here, since all
seq64 ports should have the same client number. However, in JACK, clients and ports are referred to by
name, not number, and so functionality is not affected.
Entry 0 (seq64:system midi playback 1) is, as already noted, not useful unless the nanoKEY2 can
accept input control. Entry 1 allows seq64 to send MIDI to Yoshimi. A pattern must specify output
buss 1 in order for the MIDI to reach Yoshimi. Another option, normally for testing only, is to specify
the ”bus” option on the command line:
$ seq64 --jack-midi --bus 1

With that option, all patterns send to buss 1.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


15.2 Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI

Sequencer64 JACK MIDI Input

One more connection to note is the input connection to seq64. Referring back to figure 98 ”JACK MIDI
Ports and Auto-Connect” on page 173we see that system:midi capture 1 in the left (output) panel is
connected to seq64:system midi capture 1 in the right (input) panel. This allows the nanoKEY2 MIDI
output port to feed seq64, which can then record the input notes, and also forward them to Yoshimi so
that they can be heard.
This input port is also shown in the File / Options / MIDI Input tab, shown here:

Figure 101: JACK MIDI Input Ports
When the check-box for that buss is selected, the input can be captured by seq64.

Sequencer64 JACK MIDI Virtual Ports

The manual-versus-normal port support for JACK MIDI is essentially the same as that for ALSA.
Currently, the same option name is used (we will provide a more generic option-name soon). The
-m/--manual-alsa-ports option actually provides what are known as ”virtual” ports. These are ports
that do not represent hardware, but are created by applications to allow them to connect to other applications or MIDI devices.
The difference between manual/virtual ports and normal ports is that, while normal ports are automatically connected to the remote ports that exist in the system, the manual/virtual ports are just
created, and one must manually connect them via, for example, the QJackCtl connections dialog.
So, if one wants seq64 to automatically connect to all existing JACK MIDI ports, do not use the
-m/--manual-alsa-ports option... use the -a/--auto-alsa-ports option. Both options apply to both
ALSA and JACK, but we do not want to change the option-names at this time.
If one wants the freedom to make the connections oneself, or with a session manager, then use the
manual/virtual option. Here are the ports created in manual/virtual mode:


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

15.2 Sequencer64 Native JACK MIDI

Figure 102: JACK MIDI Manual Ports
One sees that seq64 creates 16 output ports (busses), and one input port (buss). One also sees that
seq64 does not connect the ports automatically. The user or the session manager will have to make those
The MIDI Clock and MIDI Input tabs reflect in an obvious manner what is seen in QJackCtl, so
we won’t bother to show those tabs.

Sequencer64 JACK MIDI and a2jmidid

One more thing to show is that seq64 can deal with the odd naming of JACK ports created by the
a2jmidid application.


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

Figure 103: JACK MIDI a2jmidid Ports
One can see in the right (input) panel that that the a2j client creates 5 entries, one for ”Midi
Through”, and four for the TiMidity client. In the left (output) panel, one sees (in blue) the output ports
that seq64 creates to connect to the ports created by a2jmidid.
Also note the true JACK output port, seq64:yoshimi midi in to connect to the input port yoshimi:midi
Again, if these automatic connections get in the way, run seq64 in manual/virtual mode.
When recording, do not forget the step option. If one paints notes with the mouse, the note is
previewed, and the note position advances with each click. If one paints notes via an external MIDI
keyboard, the notes are painted and advanced, but they are not previewed. To preview them, click the
”pass MIDI in to output” button in the pattern editor window to activate so that they will be passed to
your sound generator. Be careful of MIDI loops!



This section gives some credit where credit is due. We have contributors to acknowledge, and have not
caught up with all the people who have helped this project:

Tim Deagan (tdeagan): fixes to the mute-group support.
0rel: an important fix to add and relink notes after a paste action in the pattern editor.
arnaud-jacquemin: a bug report and fix for a regression in mute-groups support.
Stan Preston (stazed): ideas for some upcoming improvements based on his seq32 project. A lot of
ideas. And a lot of code!
Animtim: a number of bug reports and a new logo.
jean-emmanuel: scrollable main-window support, other features and reports.
Olivier Humbert (trebmuh): French translation for the desktop files.
Oli Kester: The creator of Kepler34, from which we are getting clues on porting the user interface
to Qt 5 and Windows.

Also some bug-reporters and testers:

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


F0rth: a request for scripting support, a possible future feature.
gimmeapill: testing, bug-reports, and, um, ”marketing”.
georgkrause: a number of helpful bug reports.
goguetchapuisb: found that Seq64 native JACK did not properly handle the copious Active Sensing
messages emitted by Yamaha keyboards.
milkmiruku: mainwids issues and ideas.
muranyia: feature request for numbered piano keys and bug-reports.
pixelrust: reports of issues with ”fruity” interaction.
simonvanderveldt: issues with window sizing and more.
ssj71: a request for an LV2 plugin version, a possible future feature.
triss: a request for OSC support, a possible future feature.
layk: some bug reports, and, we are pretty sure, some nice videos that demonstrate Sequencer64
on YouTube. See [7].

... and there are more to add to this list....
There are a number of authors of Seq24. ideas from other Seq24 fans), and some deep history, as one
can see in figure 25 ”Help Credits” on page 38, and in figure 26 ”Help Documentation” on page 38. All
of these authors, and more, have contributed to Sequencer64, whether they know it or not. The original
author is Rob C. Buse; where the word ”I” occurs, that is probably him. Without his work, we would
never have started Sequencer64.
From the original author:
Seq24 is a real-time MIDI sequencer. It was created to provide a very simple interface for editing and playing
MIDI ’loops’. After searching for a software based sequencer that would provide the functionality needed for
a live performance, there was little found in the software realm. I set out to create a very minimal sequencer
that excludes the bloated features of the large software sequencers, and includes a small subset of features that
I have found usable in performing.
Written by Rob C. Buse. I wrote this program to fill a hole. I figure it would be a waste if I was the only
one using it. So, I released it under the GPL.

This project deserves to stay alive! (And it is alive! A new version, 0.9.3, has come out from the
LaunchPad group! It corrects a problem with MIDI Clock drift). Taking advantage of Rob’s generosity,
we’ve created a reboot, a refactoring, an improvement (we hope) of Seq24. It preserves (we hope) the
lean nature of Seq24, while adding a few features we’ve found useful, to make it the ”vi of sequencers”.
Always remember that, without Seq24 and its authors, Sequencer64 would never have come into



In summary, we can say that you will find Sequencer64 intriguing.
Contact: If you have ideas about Sequencer64 or a bug report, please email us (at mailto:ahlstromcj@ If it’s a bug report, please add [BUG] to the Subject, or use the GitHub bug-reporting



The Sequencer64 reference list.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


[1] ALSA team. Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) project homepage. http://www. ALSA tools through version 1.0.29. 2015.
[2] amSynth team, Nick Dowell. amSynth and Demos with Calf Effects.
html. Includes links to demos and the source code. 2015.
[3] Bristol team, Nick Copeland. Bristol: A Vintage Synthesizer Emulator. http://www.linuxsynths.
com/BristolPatchesDemos/bristol.html. 2014.
[4] FluidSynth team. FluidSynth: A SoundFont Synthesizer. 2014.
[5] Jay Capela Music. ”Combine”: A Seq24 Demonstration.
fUiXbVT0bJQ. 2010.
[6] JACK team. JACK Audio Connection Kit. 2015.
[7] Lassi Ylikojola. Many demo videos of Sequencer64
watch?v=4gG8SvJxJkA&t=28s, 2010-2017.
[8] LinuxSynths team, A Sonic Palette on the Linux Platform. http://www. 2015.
[9] Dave Phillips. At the Sounding Edge: Introducing seq24.
8304. Linux Journal, May 12, 2005.
[10] Chris Ahlstrom. Extension of midicomp/midi2text to convert between MIDI and ASCII text format. 2015-2016.
[11] seq24: toggle sequences with a MIDI controller.
wiki/seq24togglemiditutorial. 2013.
[12] Summary of MIDI Messages.
table-1-summary-of-midi-message#2. Year unknown.
[13] Roy Vegard. Configurator software for the Korg nanoSERIES of MIDI controllers. https://github.
com/royvegard/Nano-Basket. 2015.
[14] PortMedia team. Platform Independent Library for MIDI I/O. http://portmedia.sourceforge.
net/portmidi/. 2010.
[15] Gary P. Scavone. The RtMIDI Tutorial. 2016.
[16] Seq24 Team. The home site for the Sequencer64 looping sequencer.
seq24/download.html. 2010.
[17] pneumanlsd. Linux audio demo: Live sequencing with seq24.
f8zLV0vlSpY. 2010.
[18] synthWF. Misty Corridor
RH99zHvffGQ. 2012.






Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


[19] pneumanlsd. Linux music tutorial:
J2WDHS1wYeM. 2010.


part 1.

[20] pneumanlsd. Linux music tutorial:
i3Vpi3oxdqk. 2010.


part 2.

[21] Seq24 Team. The home site for the Sequencer64 looping sequencer.
[22] Excds. A simple mapping for toggling the LEDs on the Novation launchpad together with seq24. 2013.
[23] Stan Preston (stazed). The home site for the Seq32 looping sequencer.
seq32. 2016.
[24] sbrauer. The home site for the original Seq42 looping sequencer.
seq42. 2016.
[25] Stan Preston (stazed). A fork of the Seq42 looping sequencer.
[26] Chris Ahlstrom. A reboot of the Seq24 project as ”Sequencer64”.
sequencer64/. 2015-2017.
[27] Chris Ahlstrom. The Sequencer64
sequencer64-doc/. 2015-2017.
[28] Chris
sequencer64-packages/. 2017.





[29] Kevin at Subatomic Mods for Seq24 Win32.
seq24/. 2010.
[30] Timidity++ Team. Download site for Timidity++ source code.
projects/timidity/. 2015.
[31] VMPK Team. Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard. 2015.
[32] The Wootangent man. Sequencer64 Tutorial Video, Part 1.
linux-music-tutorial-seq24-part-1/. 2010.
[33] The Wootangent man. Sequencer64 Tutorial Video, Part 2.
linux-music-tutorial-seq24-part-2/. 2010.
[34] Yoshimi team The download site for the Yoshimi software synthesizer. 2015.
[35] Yoshimi team. The alternate location for the Yoshimi source-code.
yoshimi/. 2015.
[36] Chris Ahlstrom. A Yoshimi User Manual. 20152017.
[37] Chris Ahlstrom. A Yoshimi Cookbook.

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


[38] Mark McCurry, Paul Nasca (ZynAddSubFX team). The download site for the ZynAddSubFX software
synthesizer. 2015.


–alsa, 144
–auto-alsa-ports, 122, 143
–bus [buss], 143
–config basename, 145
–file [filename], 143
–help, 143
–hide-alsa-ports, 144
–home [directory], 143
–ignore [number], 144
–interaction-method [number], 144
–inverse, 144
–jack-master, 120, 144
–jack-master-cond, 120, 144
–jack-midi, 121
–jack-session-uuid [uuid], 144
–jack-start-mode, 120
–jack-start-mode [x], 144
–jack-transport, 120, 144
–lash, 143
–legacy, 143
–manual-alsa-ports, 143
–no-lash, 143
–option opvalue, 145
–pass-sysex, 144
–ppqn [ppqn], 143
–priority, 144
–rc filename, 145
–reveal-alsa-ports, 144
–show-keys, 144
–show-midi, 144
–stats, 144
–user-save, 144
–usr filename, 145
–version, 143
-A, 144
-C, 144
-F, 145
-H, 143
-J, 144
-K, 144
-L, 143
-M, 144
-R, 144
-S, 144
-U, 144

-a, 143
-b, 143
-c, 145
-f, 145
-h, 143
-i, 144
-j, 144
-k, 144
-l, 143
-m, 143
-n, 143
-o, 145
-p, 144
-q, 143
-r, 144
-s, 144
-u, 144
-v, 143
-x, 144
[allow-click-edit], 123
[allow-mod4-mode], 123
[allow-snap-split], 123
[auto-option-save], 124
[interaction-method], 123
[jack-transport], 120
[keyboard control], 118
[keyboard-group], 119
[lash-session], 123
[last-used-dir], 124
[manual-alsa-ports], 122
[midi-clock-mod-ticks], 121
[midi-clock], 116
[midi-control], 106, 108
automation group, 113
bpm down, 113
bpm up, 113
mod glearn, 113
mod gmute, 113
mod queue, 113
mod replace, 113
mod snapshot, 113
mute-in group, 113
screen-set down, 113
screen-set play, 113
screen-set up, 113

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

[midi-input], 121
[midi-meta-events], 118
[recent-files], 124
[reveal-alsa-ports], 122
[sequencer64.rc], 106
[sequencer64.usr], 127
[user-instrument-definitions], 131
[user-instrument-n], 132
[user-interface-settings], 133
[user-midi-bus-definitions], 128
[user-midi-bus-n], 129
[user-midi-settings], 137
[user-options], 139
--disable-chords, 153
--disable-highlight, 152
--disable-jack-session, 152
--disable-jack, 152
--disable-lash, 152
--disable-multiwid, 153
--disable-pause, 153
--disable-transpose, 153
--enable-alsamidi, 152
--enable-cli, 152
--enable-portmidi, 152
--enable-rtmidi, 152
Add Notes, 73
ALSA/JACK Modes, 40
Apply song transpose, 35
armed, 146
auto-connect, 173
auto-note, 73
auto-shift, 29, 41, 42, 120
automation group, 113
Background Sequence, 69


bar indicator, 147
Beat, 71
Beat Unit, 85
Beat Unit (Beat Width), 62
beat width, 62
Beats Per Bar, 62, 85
BPM, 57
bpm down, 113
bpm step increment, 107
bpm up, 113
–file option doesn’t exist, 143
documented, 11
event delete key, 95
event delete segfault, 96
event editing can fail, 77
event insert key, 95
event name change, 95
debug output, 157
disable chords support, 153
disable highlight, 152
disable jack, 152
disable jack session, 152
disable lash, 152
disable multi-wid support, 153
disable pause support, 153
disable transpose support, 153
enable alsamidi, 152
enable cli, 152
enable portmidi, 152
enable rtmidi, 152
event map, 154
follow progress bar, 154
grey/normal grid, 154
grid numbers, 154
midi vector, 154
new font, 153
normal grid, 154
seq highlight, 153
solid piano-roll, 156
vi seqroll, 157
white grid, 154
bus, 147

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

buss, 147
Buss Name, 22
Change Note Length, 75
Channel Number, 93
Chord Generation, 70
Clear mute groups, 36
Clear This Track’s Song Data, 50
Client Number, 22
client number, 22
Clock Start Modulo, 22
Close, 96
Collapse, 85
compress events, 75
Connect, 34
Control keys, 27
Copy, 50
Copy/Paste, 75
Cut, 50
daemonize, 145
data area, 70
Data Byte 1, 95
Data Byte 2, 95
Data Bytes, 93
data pane, 72
data panel, 72
Data To MIDI Buss, 80
Delete Current Event, 95
Deselect Notes, 74
Disable, 29
Disable or Enable Transpose, 51
Disconnect, 35
draw mode, 32, 72, 73
clear mute groups, 36
load mute groups, 36
mute all tracks, 36
song editor, 35
song transpose, 35
toggle all tracks, 36
unmute all tracks, 36
Edit..., 49
Enable, 29
Enter Draw Mode, 73
compression, 75
stretch, 75


event area, 70
Event Category, 95
event data, 77
event data editor
draw, 77
left click, 77
middle click, 77
mouse wheel, 77
right click, 77
event edit, 26
Event Edit..., 49
event editor
channel number, 93
close, 96
data byte 1, 95
data byte 2, 95
data bytes, 93
delete event, 95
event category, 95
event name, 93, 95
event timestamp, 95
index number, 93
insert event, 96
modify event, 96
save to sequence, 96
time stamp, 93
Event Name, 93, 95
Event Selection, 79
Event Selector, 78
event strip, 76, 147
Event Timestamp, 95
Event Values, 72
Events, 72
insert, 76
events pane, 72
Existing Event Selector, 78
Expand, 85
expand, 80
Expand and copy, 86
export, 147
exportable, 17
Ext Keys, 29
fast forward, 31
Follow Progress, 63
follow transport, 31
Fruity Mode, 73

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

global-sequence, 67
grave, 29
Grid Snap, 66, 85
group, 147
arm, 43
learn, 29, 43
learning, 113
muting, 113
off, 29
on, 29
unmute, 43
group learn, 119
group toggle, 119
group-learn, 28
auto-shift, 29, 41, 42, 120
shift-lock, 29, 41, 42, 120
grow button, 90
igrave, 29
select screen offset, 17
Index Number, 22, 93
index number, 22
input buses, 25
input by channel, 25
input options, 25
Insert New Event, 96
interaction method, 32
inverse colors, 144
live mode, 34
master conditional, 34
native midi, 34
song mode, 34
transport, 34
transport master, 34
auto-connect, 173
manual-alsa-ports, 122
reveal-alsa-ports, 122
jack page
ctrl-p, 35
JACK Start mode, 34
jack sync
connect, 34
disconnect, 35
start mode, 34


transport/midi, 34
JACK toggle, 30
keep queue, 28, 148
Keep-Queue Status, 58
Key of Sequence, 67
control keys, 27
disable, 29
enable, 29
extended keys, 29
group off, 29
group on, 29
igrave, 29
learn, 29
mute-group slots, 28
sequence numbers, 27
sequence toggle keys, 28
show labels, 27
-, 45, 49
., 61
=, 45, 49
[, 43, 53
], 43, 53
0, 66, 81, 89
alt, 53
apostrophe, 29, 57
avoid ctrl/alt, 53
backspace, 75
copy, 88
ctrl-a, 64, 74
ctrl-c, 75, 88
ctrl-e, 36
ctrl-p, 35
ctrl-v, 75, 89
ctrl-x, 75
ctrl-z, 63
decrement set, 53
del, 75
delete, 88, 90
down-arrow, 65
end, 71, 86
enter, 75
esc (stop), 57, 85
event edit, 45, 49
gotchas, 25
Home, 43

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

home, 71, 86
hot, 52
increment set, 53
keep queue, 28, 54
l, 90
Mod4, 32
mod4, 73, 89
no ctrl/alt please, 120
one-shot queue, 54
p, 32, 61, 72, 73, 89
page-down, 71, 81, 86
page-up, 71, 81, 86
paste, 89
pattern edit, 45, 49
pattern toggles, 52
pause, 61
period (pause), 85
queue, 28, 53
r, 90
replace, 54
right ctrl, 53
screenset down, 43, 53
screenset play, 43
screenset up, 43, 53
semicolon, 57
shift, 25
shift page-down, 81
shift page-up, 81
shift-end, 71, 86
shift-home, 71, 86
shift-page-down, 71, 86
shift-page-up, 71, 86
shift-z, 66, 89
shortcut, 52
slot-shift, 28
snapshot, 28, 53
space (play), 57, 85
up-arrow, 65
x, 33, 61, 72, 73, 89, 90
Z, 81
z, 66, 81, 89
L anchor, 90
L button, 29, 41
L marker, 85, 90
option, 35
LASH Options, 35


Learn, 29
legacy mode, 106, 127
LFO, 79
live mode, 34, 39, 48
log, 145
Log Current Tempo, 58
loop, 147
loop mode, 85
main window, 39
Measure, 71
measures ruler, 87, 147
left-click, 90
right-click, 90
menu mode, 30
merge, 80
Meta Events, 22
MIDI Bus, 51
midi clock, 148
buss name, 22
client number, 22
clock start modulo, 22
index number, 22
meta events, 22
off, 22
on (mod), 22
on (pos), 22
port name, 22
port number, 22
MIDI Data Pass-Through, 80
MIDI Out Device (Buss), 62
MIDI Out Port (Channel), 62
mod glearn, 113
mod gmute, 113
mod queue, 113
mod replace, 113
mod snapshot, 113
ALSA, 39
draw , 32
live, 39
paint , 32
song, 39
Modify Current Event, 96
modify event-data, 64
modify pitch, 64
modify time, 64

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

ctrl-left-click, 64
ctrl-left-click-drag, 64, 76
fruity, 32
left-click, 61, 64, 72
left-click-drag, 61, 64, 65, 72, 76
Mod4, 32
right-click-drag, 72
split mode, 32
mouse interaction, 32
Move Notes in Pitch, 74
Move Notes in Time, 74
multi-wid, 58, 136, 145
Musical Scale, 67
mute all, 36
Mute All Tracks, 50
Mute all tracks, 36
Mute Group Learn, 41
mute groups, 36
mute-group, 28, 147
Mute-group slots, 28
mute-in group, 113
muted, 147
N/A, 143, 144
Name, 58
New, 45
–bus option, 51
caps lock in learn mode, 42
channel split, 158
click-edit, 123
current slot highlight, 45
documented, 11
down arrow, 74
dual song editors, 82
editing shortcut, 45
empty pattern, 48, 84
empty slot double-click, 45, 49
event -, 49
event edit, 26
hide ALSA ports, 144
home directory, 143
LASH runtime disabling, 143
LASH runtime enabling, 143
left arrow, 74
legacy mode, 143
LFO control, 79
marker mode, 90


meta events, 16
MIDI buss override, 143
Mod4 edit-lock, 123
mod4 mode, 89
movement mode, 90
musical scales, 67
one-shot queue, 54
paint mode, 73, 89
pattern edit, 26, 49
pattern event edit, 49
pause, 26, 57
ppqn override, 143
reveal ALSA ports, 144
right arrow, 74
save background seqeuence, 69
save musical key, 67
save musical scale, 68
saved control tags, 160
selected data coloring, 76
seqspec format, 16
sequence numbers, 27
smf 0 support, 158
snap-split, 123
tempo events, 159
time signature events, 159
time/tempo saved, 159
up arrow, 74
zoom keys, 66, 89
night mode, 144
no-daemonize, 145
non-playback mode, 34
Note Length, 66
note step, 71
Notes, 72
auto, 73
duration, 73
duration change, 75
inserting, 73
obsolete:compile-time font, 154
Off, 22
On (Mod), 22
On (Pos), 22
paint mode, 32, 72, 73
seqroll notes, 81


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

seqroll time, 81
Panic, 56
Paste, 47
pattern, 148
ALSA/JACK mode, 40
ALSA/JACK modes, 40
beat, 48, 88
BPM, 57
bus-channel, 48
buss-channel, 88
channel, 88
clear song data, 50
contents, 47
copy, 50
cut, 50
edit, 49
end marker, 71
event edit, 49
keep-queue, 58
left click, 48, 56
left click-drag, 56
length, 47
log tempo, 58
main time—hyperpage, 40
middle click, 56
midi bus, 51
mute, 56
mute all tracks, 50
mute group learn, 41
mute toggle, 56
name, 47, 88
new, 45
panic, 56
paste, 47
Pause, 57
Play, 57
progress, 40
progress bar, 40
record tempo, 58
right click, 45, 48, 56
set name, 58
set number, 58
shift-left-click, 55, 88
slot, 44
song, 47, 50
song record, 57
song record snap, 57
song/live, 40


stop, 57
tap tempo, 57
time display, 41
title, 88
toggle all tracks, 51
toggle live tracks, 51
toggle menu, 40
toggle song editor, 58
toggle tracks, 40
transpose, 51
unmute, 56
unmute all tracks, 51
pattern edit, 26
pattern editor
add notes, 73
background sequence, 69
beat unit, 62
beats/bar, 62
change note length, 75
chord generation, 70
copy, 75
copy/paste, 75
ctrl left click drag, 74, 75
cut, 75
data to midi buss, 80
delete, 75
deselect notes, 74
draw mode, 73
drop, 75
event compression, 75
event selection, 79
event selector, 78
event stretch, 75
existing events, 78
fruity mode, 73
grid snap, 66
key, 67
left click, 74
left click drag, 74
length, 62
LFO, 79
middle click drag, 75
midi data pass-through, 80
midi out device, 62
midi out port, 62
mod4, 73
move notes in pitch, 74
move notes in time, 74

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

name, 62
note length, 66
number, 62
paste, 75
progress bar, 62
quantize, 63
quantized record, 80
record midi data, 80
recording type, 80
redo, 63
right hold, 73
right hold left click, 73
right hold left drag, 73
scale, 67
select note, 74
select notes, 74
shift middle click drag, 75
time scroll, 80
tools, 63
transpose toggle, 62
undo, 63
vol, 80
zoom, 66
pattern editors
beat width, 62
pattern extension, 91
Pattern Length, 62
Pattern Name, 62
Pattern Number, 62
pattern subsection, 88
patterns column
ctrl-left-click, 88
left-click, 88
right-click, 88
patterns panel
inverse muting, 55
solo, 55
pause, 26, 61, 84
performance, 82, 148
performance mode, 34
piano roll
beat, 71
event values, 72
events, 72
measure, 71
notes, 72
virtual keyboard, 72
Play, 85


Play and Pause, 57
Play Loop, 85
playback mode, 34
pointer position, 31
port, 148
port name, 22
Port Number, 22
port number, 22
manual, 175
virtual, 175
ppqn, 93
$ shortcut, 93
progress bar, 84
pulses, 148
quantize, 64
Quantize Selection, 63
Quantized Record, 80
queue, 28
cancel, 54
clear, 55
end, 55
keep, 28, 54, 148
one-shot, 54
replace, 54
solo, 54
temporary, 53
R anchor, 90
R marker, 85, 90
automation group, 107
bpm-down, 108
bpm-page-down, 109
bpm-page-up, 109
bpm-up, 108
extended automation, 108
midi-control, 108
midi-thru, 109
mod-glearn, 108
mod-gmute, 108
mod-queue, 108
mod-replace, 108
mod-snapshot, 108
mute groups, 36
mute-in group, 107
mute-in-group, 108


Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

pattern group, 107
pattern-group, 108
pause-start-stop, 109
performance-record, 109
reserved-for-expansion, 109
screen-set-down, 108
screen-set-play, 108
screen-set-up, 108
start/stop control, 113
rc file, 43, 52, 54
Record MIDI Data, 80
Record Tempo Changes, 58
Recording Type, 80
recording type
expand, 80
merge, 80
replace, 80
Redo, 63, 85
redo, 84
Reload mute groups, 36
replace, 80
rewind, 31
Save to sequence, 96
screen set, 43, 149
screen-set down, 113
screen-set play, 113
screen-set up, 113
ctrl scroll, 81
horizontal pan, 81
horizontal zoom, 81
normal scroll, 81
notes pan, 81
shift scroll, 81
timeline pan, 81
timeline zoom, 81
vertical pan, 81
Select Notes, 74
select screen offset, 17
add multiple notes, 74
all, 74
deselect, 74
multiple notes, 74
single note, 74
selection action, 74
seq64, 171


seq64portmidi, 171
sequence, 149
sequence extension, 91
Sequence toggle keys, 28
Sequencer64, 171
sequencer64 options, 32
sequencer64.rc, 106
sequencer64.usr, 127
Set, 58
shift left click, 48, 83, 88
shift-left-click solo, 55, 88
shift-lock, 29, 41, 42, 120
Show key labels on sequence, 27
Show sequence numbers on sequence, 27
empty slot right-click, 45
slot-shift, 28
snapshot, 28, 149
true, 55
Song, 47, 50
song, 149
Song Editor, 35
song editor, 35
beat unit, 85
beats/bar, 85
collapse, 85
ctrl-e, 36
deletion, 90
draw, 89
expand, 85
expand and copy, 86
grid snap, 85
grow, 90
handle, 89
insert, 89
inverse muting, 88
left-click, 90
left-click-right-hold, 89
middle click, 88

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer

middle-click, 90
mod4, 89
multiple insert, 90
mute indicator, 88
muting, 88
pattern subsection, 90
play, 85
play loop, 85
redo, 85
right left hold drag, 90
right-click-hold, 89
right-left-hold-drag, 90
section expansion, 89
section length, 89
section movement, 89
selection, 90
solo, 88
split pattern, 89
stop, 85
undo, 85
zoom, 66
song mode, 30, 34, 39, 82
Song Progress Bar, 40
Song Record, 57
Song Record Snap, 57
song transpose, 35
Song/Live, 40
step, 71
sticky options, 173
Stop, 57, 85
stretch events, 75
tap bpm, 31
Tap Tempo, 57
tempo-track-number, 22, 118
tighten, 64
Time Display Selection, 41
Time Scroll, 80
Time Stamp, 93
documented, 11
documented, 11
fruity mode, 73
high precision events, 77
manual alsa gui option, 23
todo:extend mouse support, 33
Toggle All Track, 51


toggle JACK, 30
Toggle Live Tracks, 51
Toggle Menu, 40
toggle mute all, 36
Toggle mute all tracks, 36
toggle mutes, 31
Toggle Song Editor, 58
Toggle Tracks, 40
Tools, 63
Transport/MIDI, 34
transpose, 84, 87
Transpose Toggle, 62
trigger, 149
Undo, 63, 85
unmute all, 36
Unmute All Tracks, 51
Unmute all tracks, 36
untransposable color, 84
–user-save, 125
-u, 125
allow-two-perfedits, 135
block-columns, 136
block-independent, 137
block-rows, 136
bpm-page-increment, 138, 139
bpm-precision, 138
bpm-step-increment, 138, 139
control-height, 134
global-seq-feature, 134
grid-brackets, 133
grid-style, 133
inverse-colors, 136
mainwid-border, 134
mainwid-spacing, 134
mainwnd-cols, 134
mainwnd-rows, 134
max-sets, 134
midi-beat-width, 137
midi-beats-per-measure, 137
midi-beats-per-minute, 137
midi-bpm-maximum, 139
midi-bpm-minimum, 138, 139
midi-buss-override, 138
midi-ppqn, 137
option-daemonize, 139
option-logfile, 139

Sequencer64 Live MIDI Sequencer


perf-h-page-increment, 135
perf-v-page-increment, 135
progress-bar-colored, 135
progress-bar-thick, 136
step increment, 107
use-more-icons, 136
use-new-font, 135
user-instrument-definitions, 131
user-instrument-n, 132
user-interface-settings, 133
user-midi-bus-definitions, 128
user-midi-bus-n, 129
user-midi-settings, 115
velocity-override, 138, 139
window-redraw-rate, 136
zoom, 134
usr config, 24, 25
variset, 59, 134, 145
slash key, 52
vi, 178
Virtual Keyboard, 72
virtual keyboard
right-click, 72
VLV, 163
Vol, 80
down arrow, 74
event editor, 91
note loss, 74
unterminated notes, 76
up arrow, 74
wrap-around notes, 75
usr config, 24, 25
close, 82
Zoom, 66
seqroll time, 81



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