Sporclone Instructions

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Web Design 1 Name: ______________________________
Project #9: Sporclone Date: __________________ Period: ______
Project Description:
Create a working clone of the game Sporcle (http://www.sporcle.com/). On this project, you will demonstrate your
ability to integrate JavaScript into a web page as well as your ability to modify JavaScript to suit specific needs.
The instructions below describe how you will need to edit the template files to make a working game. By the time you
finish, you will have created three games. At least one of your games should be image based (like the logo quizzes). No
game should have fewer than 10 answers. At least one of your games should have at least 20.
Most of the numbered steps refer to a letter which identifies a particular location in the HTML and JavaScript files.
Letters a-n are in game.html, and o-z are in sporclone.js. Follow the steps in order of the numbered instructions. The
letters are only labels and do not reflect the order in which code should be completed.
Periodically you will be asked to preview and test your page. If the page does not work exactly as intended, then you
should not move on from that section.
Understand that on this project you are not writing large blocks of HTML or JavaScript from scratch. Nearly every step
requires you to modify an existing line of code or to add a single line of code. If you find yourself wanting to do more
than that, then you are probably misunderstanding the instructions.
Part 1 - Project Files
1. Save the game.html, sporclone.js, and style.css files to your Projects/09 Sporcle directory. If you preview the
game.html file now, you'll see that it is an unstyled and non-functioning quiz on South Carolina mountain peaks.
2. Change the name of the game.html file so that it reflects the name of your puzzle. Be sure that your file name is
in all lowercase letters. Use underscores instead of spaces.
Part 2 - Quiz Appearance
3. Change the title tag (a) so that it describes your puzzle. Do not remove the "Sporclone:" from the title. Also, you
can shorten your puzzle name. For example, "Name the ten highest mountain peaks in South Carolina" can be
shortened to "South Carolina Peaks".
4. Add a line of code at (b) to connect the HTML file to style.css.
5. Change the h2 contents at (i) to reflect the topic of your quiz.
6. Change the h3 contents at (k) so that the input prompt is appropriate for your quiz.
7. Find an image representative of your game and save it to your images folder. Then crop the image so that it is a
perfect square. The CSS is written to scale the image automatically, but the image still shouldn’t be too large as
it will slow down page load time. If necessary resize your image so that it is no larger than 200x200 pixels. Edit
the image source (h) so that your image appears as an icon for your game.
8. Edit the footer (n) to give yourself credit for making the quiz and cite sources for your puzzle. Be sure you
provide a working link to each source. Your source cannot be another Sporcle quiz. Google is not a source either.
9. Edit the table (h) to provide space for each answer. The IDs of the span tags for each answer must be answer0,
answer1, answer2, etc. Choose dimensions for your table that best display your answers. If possible, prevent
the need to scroll while playing. DO NOT ACTUALLY TYPE ANY ANSWERS INTO THE TABLE.
Preview your HTML page. At this point you see that the page has a nice layout since you have applied the CSS. Make
sure the title tag is correctly displaying in the tab and that the question text indicates the topic of your quiz. The image
icon should display next to the heading that states the topic of your quiz. The dimensions of the table should provide
enough spaces for all answers. Your name should be in the footer. Test that your source link works as well. You haven't
modified any of the JavaScript to make the quiz functional, but the appearance of the quiz should be correct.
Part 3 - JavaScript Configuration
10. Locate the script tags containing the game configuration variables. Edit the answers array (c) to contain all
answers to your quiz. Be sure that each value is in quotes. It is not necessary to account for differences in
spacing or punctuation when listing the answers. During game play, all non-alphanumeric characters are
stripped and characters are converted to lowercase before guesses and answers are compared. Therefore,
including "Pac-Man" in the answers array will automatically allow for variations such as "pac-man" and
"pacman" to be accepted.
If you have a question where you would like to accept multiple answers, then use the pipe symbol as a delimiter.
The first answer is the preferred answer and will be filled into the table if any acceptable answer is given. For
example, a Holidays game might have an answers array as follows:
var answers = ["Independence Day | Fourth of July | July 4th",
"Memorial Day", "Veterans Day", "Thanksgiving"];
11. Edit the time_limit variable (d) to give an appropriate amount of time (in seconds) to play the game.
12. Connect this page to the sporclone.js file at (e). It is important that the connection to the external script comes
after the game configuration variables.
13. Add an onload event handler to the body tag (f) that calls the setup() function.
Preview the page again. You should see the starting score (0/number of questions) appear under the Score heading and
the time limit should appear under the Time heading. If you do not see the score or time limit, then you have made an
error in your configuration variables or in the line that connects the HTML file to the JavaScript file and will need to
double check steps 9-12
Part 4 - The Timer
14. The start() function is responsible for getting the timer to start running. At location (p), set the value of the
variable timer so that it uses the setInterval() function to call the tick function once per second.
15. As the game is played, a variable time_remaining tracks the amount of time the player has left to guess all
of the answers. The tick() function is responsible for decreasing the time remaining and for ending the game
when time runs out. Add a statement at location (u) that decreases the time_remaining variable by 1.
16. Add an onclick event handler to the start button (j) that calls the start() function.
Preview your page now and test the start button. You should see the time count down. For testing purposes, you may
want to use a small time_limit of a just few seconds so that you can see what happens when the clock stops ticking.
If the start button does not cause your timer to count down correctly, then you need to double check steps 13-15.
17. A formatTime() function has been included in the sporclone.js file. Apply the formatTime() function to
time_remaining at (o) so that it is initially displayed in mM:SS form. Also apply formatTime() to
time_remaining at (s) so that it is displayed in mM:SS form while the clock is running as well.
Preview and test the timer one more time. Make sure that the time is displayed in mM:SS form when the page is initially
previewed and that it continues to display correctly while the clock is ticking.
Part 5 - Game Play
18. The check() function is responsible for comparing user input to each element in the array of answers. One
feature of the check() function is that it counts the number of correct answers and displays the total. The
global variable correct holds the current number of correctly guessed answers. Write a statement at (v) that
increases the variable correct by 1.
19. Write a statement at (w) that puts correct/total in the score span tag. The setup() function already does this.
Look there to see how.
20. The check function actually makes use of a function called isAlphanumericMatch() which strips all non-
alphanumeric characters from two strings and converts both to lowercase prior to comparison. Write a
conditional statement at (z) which returns true if str1 and str2 match and returns false otherwise.
21. When the actual game of Sporcle is played, you may have noticed that you don't need to actually hit enter to get
your answers checked. Instead, Sporcle responds to the onkeyup event. Add an onkeyup event handler to the
guess field (l) that calls the check() function.
Preview and test again. Start the game and begin typing in answers. Each time you enter an answer correctly, it should
show up in the corresponding location in the answer table and the score should update accordingly. If you guess all of
the answers, then the game should end. Also, if time runs out, the remaining answers should be filled in the table at the
end of the game. Confirm that you can disregard punctuation and capitalization while playing also.
Part 6 - Additional Styling
22. Add a statement in the start() function at (q) that changes the color of the time text to green.
23. Add a statement in the end() function at (x) that changes the color of the time text to red.
24. The end() function fills in any missing answers once the game is complete. It should also highlight correct and
incorrect answers. Add statements to the conditional at (y) that highlights each correct answer one color and
each wrong answer another. (The variable id in the loop will contain the actual id for the answers location in the
table. Highlight by changing the background color of the element with this id.)
At this point, your game should be fully playable. Try it out!
It is okay to move on even if you aren't able to complete steps 23-25. Just undo anything you tried so that the game back
to a playable state before you do move on. If you do figure out how to get these items complete, then the extra games
you make will all still work.
Part 7 - Finishing Touches
25. We can make the start() function automatically place the cursor in the guess field so the user doesn't have
to click in the field to play. Write a statement at (r) to do this. (Google 'JavaScript focus'.)
26. Rather than just have the time green while the game is being played and red when it ends, see if you can turn
the color of the time yellow when under 10 seconds remains. This should be done in the tick() function.
You’ll need to modify the conditional at (t) by adding an else if.
27. It is not required, but you may optionally write include custom CSS in the style tags located in the head of the
games HTML file. This space is provided because there may be instances where additional CSS may be helpful
because of varying table layout among games. (Don’t modify style.css as it contains CSS which applies to all
It is okay to move on even if you aren't able to complete steps 26-28. Just undo anything you tried so that the game back
to a playable state before you do move on. If you do figure out how to get these items complete, then the extra games
you make will all still work.
Part 8 - Additional Games
Creating extra games does not require any updates to the sporclone.js or style.css files. You'll only need to edit the
game's HTML file. Make two copies of your working HTML file.
28. For each,
a) Give the quiz an appropriate file name.
b) Edit title and heading tags.
c) Edit the game configuration section.
d) Edit the table so that you have cells to correspond to each answer.
e) Update the sources in the footer.
Remember, at least one of your games should be image based (like the logo quizzes) and that no game should
have fewer than 10 answers. At least one of your games should have at least 20 answers.
29. Edit the links in the "Additional Games" section (g) so that each game links to the two others you created.
Part 9 - Final Review
30. Congratulations! Now you should self-grade each of your quizzes according to the checklist provided. Then have
each of your games evaluated by a different classmate. After they review your games, make any changes
necessary and submit your project for grading. Also play the games of other students. Be sure to keep a log of
the games you play along with comments on each game.
Part 10 Project Submission and grading
Attach the grading cover sheet to the top of your three reviews and your play log. Open one of your games in Chrome
and I will play it. Once I confirm that the reviews are accurate, I will assign your grade.

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