Sra Step By Instructions




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Cheat sheet for uploading your DIPnet data to the NCBI Short
Read Archive (SRA)
After submitting your metadata to DIPnet two files will be produced the bioSample-attributes.tsv and the sra-
metadata.tsv files and you will be directed to SRA to upload your data. There are several steps but the creation
of those two files will streamline the process significantly!
If you don’t already have a NCBI account you will need to create one. If you do have an account then sign in
using the tab at the top right corner of page.
After you sign in start a new submission
Step 1: Submitter
Enter your personal information
Step 2: General Info
You will be asked two important questions here:
1. Did you already register a BioProject for this data set?
2. Did you already register BioSamples for this data set?
In the majority of cases the answer to both questions will be
The following instructions are based on the user answering “NO” to both of the above questions.
Step 3: Project Info
Fill in project information. For example:
Project Title: Acanthurus_reversus_RADSeq_data
Project Description: RADSeq data for the reef fish Acanthurus reversus
Relevance: Evolution
Is your project part of a larger initiative that is already registered with NCBI?
Most likely No
External links: Add if relevant
Select your grants: If relevant
Step 4: Biosample type
Here you choose your sample type. Most DIPnet members will check either “Invertebrates” OR “Model
organism or animal sample” for vertebrates.
Step 5: Biosample attributes
Upload the bioSample-attributes file (.tsv) produced by GeOMe
Step 6: SRA metadata
Check the Upload a file option and ppload the sra-metadata file (.tsv) produced by GeOMe
Step 7: Files
Follow the directions on SRA and upload your files. You will be asked to download the latest version of
Aspera Connect. This will speed upload tremendously. Once Aspera is installed go directly to the Choose
Files option, choose your zipped folder, and Aspera will automatically open.
Step 8: Overview

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