IRS Migration Database User Summary Guide

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IRS Migration Database - User Summary
Janine Billadello, Geospatial Data Lab, Baruch College
May 11, 2017
This SQLite database compiles county to county migration data produced by the IRS Statistics of Income
Division (SOI) for the years 1990 - 2015. An additional state to state migration database contains migration
flows for the years 1988 - 2015. When a filer submits a tax return, the address for that year is compared to the
filers address in the previous year. If the two addresses differ, the filer is considered to have moved. The IRS SOI
division generates inflow tables (total number of filers who moved into states and counties) and outflow tables
(total number of filers who moved out of states and counties) for each year. In addition to the inflow and outflow
data tables, summary tables were created with migration totals and subtotals per state and county. The annual
nature of this dataset makes it valuable for the study of migration patterns within the United States over time.

Disclaimer: Every effort was made to insure that the data, which was compiled from the IRS Statistics of Income
Division, was processed accurately for inclusion in the IRS Migration Database. The creator, Baruch College, and
CUNY disclaim any liability for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may be contained therein or for any damages
that may arise from the foregoing. Users should independently verify the accuracy of the data for their purposes.
The database and associated documentation are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike license CC BY-NC-SA
You are free to share and adapt the work as long as you cite the source, do not use it for commercial purposes, and
release adaptations under the same license.
IRS SOI Tax Data
The data for this project was downloaded from the IRS SOI division website:
Most of the data has been made available in the public domain, and annual data tables continue to be published once
a year. The IRS has changed their methods for collecting and tabulating the data several times over the last twenty
years. The differences in raw data file formats, the sheer volume of data reported, as well as the shifting use and
meaning of FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) codes over the years makes it challenging to use the
data as a unified set. By collating the datasets into one searchable database, we are able to provide interested parties
with an all-in-one resource that permits them to skip the time-consuming compilation of the datasets and focus on
asking and answering questions of the data itself.
Project Goals
Given the potential of this dataset for the study of long-term migration patterns in the United States, this project
collected the migration data tables into a uniform database, using Python scripts to automate the repackaging of
the data into a single SQLite database. Included in the database are reference tables containing ANSI FIPS code
definitions, as well as significant historical FIPS code changes that facilitate user understanding of the data over time.
SQLite IRS Migration Database
In order to browse the database, you must have a version of SQLite installed. If you are using Firefox as a web
browser, SQLite is available as a free extension via the following link:
The SQLite database engine is available in the public domain for Windows, Mac, and Linux users via their homepage:
Changes to the Data
The 2014 - 2015 data show much lower migration counts then previous years. The IRS is aware of this drop, and is
investigating why it occurred.

J. Billadello, Baruch CUNY, 2017



The 2013-2014 migration data introduced a new category for the State-to-State header records. Since this category (“Total Migration - Same State”) is assigned a FIPS code of 97 (the same code given to “Total Migration US”), and appears to be a subset of the “Non-migrants” category rather then a sub-division of the true totals, it
appears in the general data tables instead of in the totals tables with the other summary total headers.
A change in how the migration data was collected occurred in 2011 - 2012: the IRS began to tabulate the data based
on individual income tax returns filed and received from January 1 to December 31. Previous versions (2010 - 2011
and earlier) of the migration data were based on individual income tax returns the IRS received though late September.
The table below summarizes significant changes made by the IRS in how the data was formatted, organized, or
coded. These are presented by the year the change went into effect.
1990 - 1992
1992 - 1993

1995 - 1996
(to present)

2004 - 2011
2011 - 2012
(to present)
2013 - 2014
(to present)

Change to Data

Raw Data Format
Text (.txt)
Excel (.xls)

Income begins to be reported (AGI)
Format change from .txt to .xls
IRS summary level codes introduced
IRS summary level codes introduced

Format change from .xls to .dat
Format change from .dat to .csv

IRS Summary Level Codes
63 - Other Flows (XX)
00 - Total Mig – US & For


Same State (SS)
Different State (DS)
Total Mig – US & For
Tot Mig – US
Tot Mig – Foreign

Comma-separated values (.csv)
97 - Total Mig – Same State

Columns in the County-level IRS Migration Database
The final database irs migration county.sqlite contains an Inflow and an Outflow table for each year–the following 10
columns are in each table (9 columns for 1990-91 and 1991-92, where income was not reported):

Screenshot of the county Inflow table for the years 2000 - 2001
• uid - concatenation of the destination and origin FIPS codes. This serves as a primary key for the records in
each table.
• st dest abbrv - the two-letter state abbreviation for the state into which people are migrating.
• destination - a five-digit number representing the combined state FIPS and county FIPS codes for the county
into which people are migrating (their destination county)
• origin - a five-digit number representing the combined state FIPS and county FIPS codes for the county of
• st orig abbrv - the two-letter state abbreviation for the state in which the county of origin is located.
• co orig name - the name of the county of origin.
• returns - the number of the tax returns filed for a given county of origin.
• exemptions - the number of the exemptions declared by filers in a given county of origin.
J. Billadello, Baruch CUNY, 2017



• income - beginning with the 1992-93 data, this column contains the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)–a numeric
value in thousands that represents the income of filers in a given county of origin.
• disclosure - a column added to the database which contains records that have been suppressed by the IRS as a
way to protect the privacy of filers from areas that had a very small number of filers in a given year; these were
coded as a ‘-1’ or as a ‘d.’ In the raw data, these footnotes appeared in the returns, exemptions, and income
column, but were moved into the disclosure column in the database. This permits users to carry out queries on
the returns, exemptions, and income data without including the -1 in their results (see Note about disclosure
and suppression).
Note about disclosure and suppression: in cases where the number of filers falls under a certain threshold (less than 3
filers at the state-level, and less than 10 returns at the county-level), the records are not shown (“suppressed”) in
order to protect the confidentiality of individual filers. These records are represented by a ‘-1’ in the data tables.
Beginning with the 2013 - 2014 data, the thresholds for inclusion in the data tabulations were raised to 10 filers
for the state-level files, and 20 filers for the county-level files.
Over the years, the IRS added more summary-level categories, and accompanying codes (see the Changes to the
Data table). These “Other Flows” categories are defined in the Data Changes Definitions.docx document. Before
1995 - 1996, these records are aggregates of suppressed records that have been combined into state (Different State or
Same State) or region-level (Northeast, Midwest, South, West) categories, in order to represent migration flows at the
finest possible granularity.
Starting with 1995 - 1996, the “Other Flows” categories become a breakdown of their composite category “Other
Flows - Different State,” and therefore appear in the totals table so as not to double count them in the general table.
For example, if less then the threshold count of filers moved from one county to another, the flow of these counties
is suppressed, and the data is placed in the appropriate summary-level category. These categories illustrate that
the filer moved to another county in: the same state, a different state, or a different region of the country. Further
details about the suppression methods utilized by the IRS can be found in the official documentation provided by the
Statistics of Income Division.
The columns in the outflow tables are the same as the inflow tables, however the destination and origin columns are
switched (since these tables show flow of migrants out of a given county and into another). The county of destination
is therefore given in the co dest name column.

Screenshot of the county Outflow table for the years 1995 - 1996, showing a SQL query that returns records whose
state of origin is Washington and whose destination state is Idaho. The SQL query pictured is written out here:
FROM outflow_1995_96
WHERE st_orig_abbrv = ‘WA’
AND st_dest_abbrv = ‘ID’
Reference tables included with the County-level database:
• Changes to County FIPS Codes Table (“cochanges”) - A footnotes table that documents significant historical
changes to the county FIPS codes over the years covered by the database. Categories of county change include
the creation of new counties, the deletion or absorption of counties, and boundary changes to counties.
• FIPS Code tables (“cocodes” and “stcocodes”) - A current list of the Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) codes is provided with the county migration database in the “cocodes” table. The “stcocode” column
contains the five-digit result of the concatenation of the three-digit county FIPS code, and the two-digit state
FIPS code in which a county is located. The name of the county and the abbreviation of the state it resides in
are given in the “coname” and “stabbrv” columns, respectively.
J. Billadello, Baruch CUNY, 2017



The State-level IRS Migration Database
The final database “irs migration state.sqlite” contains an Inflow and an Outflow table for each year–the following 9
columns are in each table:
• uid - concatenation of the destination and origin FIPS codes. This serves as a primary key for the records in
each table.
• st dest abbrv - the two-letter state abbreviation for the state into which people are migrating.
• destination - the two-digit FIPS code for the state into which people are migrating (their destination state).
• origin - the two-digit FIPS code for the state of origin.
• st orig abbrv - the two-letter state abbreviation for the state of origin.
• st orig name - the name of the state of origin.
• returns - the numeric total of the tax returns filed for a given state of origin.
• exemptions - the numeric total of the exemptions declared by filers in a given state of origin.
• income - beginning with the 1992-93 data, this column was created to hold the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)a
numeric value in thousands that represents the income of filers in a given county of origin.
A tenth column, ‘disclosure’ is included beginning with the 2004 - 2005 data table (see description for the County-level

Screenshot of the state inflow table for 2004 - 2005
Reference table included with the State-level database:
A current list of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) codes is provided with the state migration
database in the “stcodes” table. The “stcode” column contains the two-digit state FIPS code, “stabbrv” has the
state abbreviation, and “stname” holds the full name or suppression category. There is also a “note” column that
declares which years certain Total Migration or Other Flow categories were in effect.
Example Views in the IRS Migration Database
Four sample views were created to illustrate how the database can be queried to filter tables of interest, as well as
generate new information from the data provided.
• flow change btwn years - This view demonstrates how to compare migration flows from one year to the next,
within either database. It performs an inner join on the unique ID for states or counties between two tables, and
subtracts the number of tax returns filed for a given year from those of the previous year, displaying the results
in a new column called ”Change Returns.” If the result shown in ”Change Returns” is a negative number, it
means that the Destination area had that many less filers migrate from the Origin area in the later year then
they did in the year preceeding it. If the result is positive, it means that more filers moved from the Origin area
to the Destination area in the later year then in the former year.
• net change by year - This view uses data from the “ totals” inflow and outflow tables to derive a new column
called “Net Change.” The totals tables contain the sum of all the returns, exemptions, and income rows flowing
into or out of each state or county in a given tax year. Subtracting the total inflow from the total outflow yields
the net change: if the resulting number is positive, it means that an area gained more people (migrants into the
area) then it lost (migrants leaving the area). If the result is a negative number, it signifies that the area lost
more people then it gained that year.

J. Billadello, Baruch CUNY, 2017



• inflow single table pivot - This view provides an example of how the tables can be pivoted (ie. for use in a
GIS software package). It filters the table to only return rows related to a single destination area, but does
not include the “Non-Migrants” rows (filers who moved within the destination area itself). The example result
positions the FIPS code of origin in the first column, followed by the abbreviation for the state of origin, the
destination state (NY), and finally the number of returns and exemptions.
• inflow multiarea groupby - This view shows how multiple states or counties can be selected for a given tax year,
in order to determine how many filers moved into that group of places from elsewhere. Migration between the
entities in the designated group is filtered out. The resulting table is then grouped by the state or state-county
FIPS code of origin, and presented in descending order by the number of tax returns filed.
The example query for Counties focuses on the metropolitan area of New York City (five counties). Supposing
someone was interested in the number of filers who moved into the NYC area from outside the area in 1995-96,
the resulting table would show the county and state where those filers originated from, as well as the aggregate
‘Other Flows’ categories such as Same State (from other counties in New York) and Different State (from
counties in states other than New York). Flows from one NYC county to another are omitted.
The query for States returns inflow results for the New York City Tri-State area (NY, NJ, CT).

J. Billadello, Baruch CUNY, 2017




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Keywords                        : Internal Revenue Service, IRS, Statistics of Income Division, SOI, Tax Returns, Tax Exemptions, AGI, Migration, SQLite, Database
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