User Guide

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Retargetable Decompiler’s IDA Plugin
User Guide
Version 0.4
January 16, 2018
1 Introduction 2
2 Installation 3
2.1 IDA..................................... 3
2.2 Linux.................................... 3
2.3 Windows.................................. 4
2.4 Windows Plugin on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Configuration 4
3.1 IDAsplugin.cfg .............................. 5
3.2 Decompilation Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 CongurationfromIDA .......................... 6
4 Plugin Information 7
4.1 AboutPlugin................................ 7
4.2 OutputWindow .............................. 7
4.3 GUIWindows ............................... 9
5 Decompilation 9
5.1 Selective Decompilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.2 FullDecompilation............................. 9
6 User Interactions 9
6.1 BasicInteractions ............................. 10
6.2 Navigation ................................. 10
6.3 CodeRefactoring.............................. 11
7 List of All User Actions 11
7.1 Function-Declaration/Definition Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
7.2 Function-Call Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7.3 Global-Variable Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7.4 GlobalContext............................... 12
8 Support and Feedback 13
1 Introduction
This document describes the Retargetable Decompiler’s plugin for IDA (RetDec plugin).
Its goal is to integrate with IDA, give transparent access to the Retargetable Decompiler
and provide user-interaction capabilities like navigation or code refactoring. An example
of code decompiled by Retdec plugin is shown in Figure 1.
Retargetable Decompiler (RetDec) is a reverse-engineering tool independent of any
particular target architecture, file format, operating system, or compiler. It was developed
in cooperation of Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology and
AVG Technologies. Since the acquisition of AVG Technologies by Avast in 2016, Avast
has continued to develop the decompiler. It is using Capstone disassembler engine and a
Capstone2LlvmIR library to translate machine code into a high-level-language representa-
tion. Currently, the decompiler supports the MIPS, ARM (including Thumb extension),
x86, and PowerPC architectures using the Windows PE, COFF, Unix ELF, Intel HEX, and
RAW binary file formats.
RetDec can be used in the following ways:
1. Online decompilation using web interface.
2. Remote decompilation using Application programming interface (API).
3. Local build:
(a) Compiling RetDec repository on your own.
(b) Downloading and installing RetDec binary release.
4. RetDec IDA plugin (this quide’s topic):
(a) Remote decompilation using API.
(b) Local decompilation using local build.
Figure 1: Example of code decompiled by RetDec plugin.
2 Installation
This section describes prerequisites and the installation process of RetDec IDA plugin
binary release.
It is also possible to build and install the plugin directly from sources. To do so, follow
the Build and Installation instructions instead of this section.
2.1 IDA
The plugin is created using IDA SDK version 6.6. The plugin is compatible with the
following IDA versions: 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.95. The plugin does NOT work with IDA 7.x.
2.2 Linux
Follow the next steps to install RetDec plugin in a Linux environment:
1. Install 32-bit versions of the following shared-object dependencies:
2. If you plan to use local RetDec build, install Python 3 and Pygments.
3. Download the Linux installation package (Table 1) from the project’s release page.
4. Copy retdec.plx to the IDA’s plugin directory (<IDA_ROOT>/plugins).
Table 1: Linux installation package contents.
File Description
license Directory with licenses.
license/LICENSE RetDec IDA plugin’s license.
license/LICENSE-THIRD-PARTY Licenses of libraries used by RetDec plugin.
retdec.plx 32-bit Linux RetDec plugin.
user_guide.pdf RetDec plugin’s user guide (this document).
2.3 Windows
The Windows version of the plugin requires Windows 7 or later, with the MSVC 2015
Follow the next steps to install RetDec plugin in a Windows environment:
1. If you plan to use local RetDec build, install Python 3 and Pygments.
2. Download the Windows installation package (Table 2) from the project’s release
3. Copy retdec.plw to the IDA’s plugin directory (<IDA_ROOT>/plugins).
Table 2: Windows installation package contents.
File Description
license Directory with licenses.
license/LICENSE RetDec IDA plugin’s license.
license/LICENSE-THIRD-PARTY Licenses of libraries used by RetDec plugin.
retdec.plw 32-bit Windows RetDec plugin.
user_guide.pdf RetDec plugin’s user guide (this document).
2.4 Windows Plugin on Linux
It is also possible to run the Windows version of IDA with the Windows version of RetDec
plugin on Linux using Wine2. Install RetDec plugin as described in Section 2.3 and if it
does not run out of the box, try a workaround3.
3 Configuration
This section describes how to configure RetDec plugin. After you follow these steps, you
should have your plugin ready for work.
1Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015:
3.1 IDA’s plugin.cfg
The plugin’s default mode is set to selective decompilation (see Section 5). It tries to
register hotkey CTRL+D for its invocation. If you already use this hotkey for another action
or you just want to use a different hotkey, you need to modify IDA’s plugin configuration
file. Moreover, the plugin supports one more decompilation mode and a hotkey invocation
for the plugin’s configuration. If you want to use any of them, you also have to modify
the config file.
The IDA’s plugin configuration file is in <IDA_ROOT>/plugins/plugins.cfg. Its
format is documented inside the file itself. To configure RetDec plugin, add the following
lines at the beginning4of the file:
; Plugin_name File_name Hotkey Arg
; -------------------------------------------------
Retargetable_Decompiler retdec Ctrl-d 0
Retargetable_Decompiler retdec Ctrl-Shift-d 1
Retargetable_Decompiler retdec Ctrl-Shift-c 2
These lines tell IDA which hotkeys invoke the plugin and what argument is passed to it.
The plugin’s behavior after invocation is determined by the passed argument. Possible
argument values are summarized in Table 3. In the provided example, we mapped selective
decompilation to hotkey CTRL+D (plugin’s default), full decompilation to CTRL+SHIFT+D,
and plugin configuration to CTRL+SHIFT+C. However, you may choose whichever hotkeys
you like, provided they do not clash with other plugins or IDA.
Table 3: Description of RetDec plugin’s invocation arguments.
Argument value Description
0Invokes selective decompilation. See Section 5.
1Invokes full decompilation. See Section 5.
2Invokes plugin configuration inside IDA. See Section 3.3.
3.2 Decompilation Configuration
Each time a decompilation is triggered, plugin checks that it is properly configured. If it
is not, warning shown in Figure 2 is displayed. After you hit OK, the configuration dialog
(Figure 3) appears. Here, you can choose the decompilation mode to use:
1. Remote API decompilation (plugin’s default) – you have to provide your API key.
To access it, register to, login, and click on Account.
2. Local decompilation – you have to install RetDec local build and make sure plugin
finds the script. Either add the decompiler’s bin directory
to the system PATH, or set path to in the form as shown
in Figure 4.
4Newer versions of IDA behave strangely when the lines are appended at the end, so just put them
at the start.
The settings will be saved and if you want to change them later, you need to manually
invoke the plugin’s configuration from IDA (see Section 3.3).
Figure 2: RetDec plugin’s configuration warning.
Figure 3: RetDec plugin’s configuration dialog.
Figure 4: RetDec plugin’s configuration dialog – path to set.
3.3 Configuration from IDA
The same dialog (Figure 3) that is displayed if the plugin is misconfigured can be opened
from IDA anytime later. There are the following two ways to do it:
If you configured a hotkey for the plugin’s configuration argument value according
to Section 3.1, you can use it to invoke the configuration dialog.
You can also open the configuration dialog from the Options/RetDec plugin
options menu (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Opening the plugin’s configuration dialog from the menu.
4 Plugin Information
This section describes how to find information about RetDec plugin you are currently
using and how the plugin communicates information to you.
4.1 About Plugin
Information about RetDec plugin can be found among IDA’s information on the registered
plugins at Help/About program (Figure 6), where you need to click on the Addons
button (Figure 7). Then, find the Retargetable Decompiler entry in the presented list
(Figure 8).
4.2 Output Window
Right after the start, as well as during the work with RetDec plugin, it communicates with
you mainly through the IDA’s output window (Figure 9). Here, you are shown several
kinds of important messages:
[RetDec info] : some important piece of information
[RetDec warning]: something went a little bit wrong
[RetDec error] : something went very wrong
Figure 6: Opening the About IDA dialog from the menu.
Figure 7: Information window about IDA.
Figure 8: Information window about RetDec plugin.
Figure 9: IDA’s output window.
4.3 GUI Windows
Sometimes, RetDec plugin wants to be sure you noticed an important message or event.
In such a case, it shows you a pop-up window, which forces you to acknowledge it by
pressing OK or a similar button.
5 Decompilation
This section describes how to invoke a decompilation. After reading it, you should be able
to decompile a selected function, as well as an entire binary that is being analyzed.
5.1 Selective Decompilation
RetDec plugin’s primary decompilation mode is selective decompilation. It decompiles
the function that is currently under the cursor. It is invoked from the IDA’s disassembly
window, where you need to bring focus to the desired function and use either the default
hotkey CTRL+D, or a hotkey you configured according to Section 3.1.
Once the decompilation is finished, the decompiled source code is displayed in a new
IDA viewer window. Here, you can invoke new decompilations by double-clicking on
function calls.
5.2 Full Decompilation
If you configured a hotkey for full decompilation in Section 3.1, you can use it to decompile
an entire binary that is being analyzed. The result of this decompilation is stored into an
output file, whose location is communicated to you through IDA’s output window. The
result cannot be displayed in the IDA’s viewer window.
6 User Interactions
This section describes various kinds of user interactions that are currently supported by
RetDec plugin. As was stated in Section 5, these interactions are applicable only on
results from selective decompilations because full decompilations cannot be displayed in
IDA’s viewer window.
6.1 Basic Interactions
We use the IDA’s native custom viewer window to display the decompiled source codes.
Therefore, the plugin feels like part of IDA and we get a word occurrences highlighting
(Figure 10) out of the box.
Figure 10: Native word occurrence highlighting.
6.2 Navigation
RetDec plugin supports function navigation—jumping forward and backward between al-
ready decompiled functions, or invoke an entirely new decompilation. When you double-
click on a function call, the plugin presents the requested function. If it was already
decompiled in the past, the cached result is shown to perform the action faster. You
have to either explicitly request a re-decompilation of the previously processed functions,
or perform an action that triggers the re-decompilation automatically (see Section 6.3).
Re-decompilation can be forced by using the selective decompilation hotkey in IDA’s dis-
assembly (re-decompilation of any function), or in the RetDec plugin’s viewer window
(re-decompilation of currently shown function). If the double-clicked function was not
decompiled yet, it is selectively reversed and displayed. In either case, only one function
is shown at a time. A navigation entry for the newly presented function is added into a
doubly linked navigation list, right after the entry for function from which the invocation
was made. The list is then used for forward and backward navigation between the stored
functions. An example of such navigation is depicted in Figure 11.
Unfortunately, we were not able to integrate navigation with IDA’s graphical control
elements, so it can be done only through keyboard hotkeys:
ESC to move back.
CTRL+F to move forward.
Figure 11: Decompiled function navigation example.
6.3 Code Refactoring
The RetDec plugin’s viewer windows also allows you to refactor displayed source code.
We can divide the source-code modifications into two basic categories:
Those which do not require immediate re-decompilation, like object-identifier re-
naming or function-comment insertion.
Those which automatically trigger re-decompilation of the modified function. These
are typically changes that can be used or propagated by reversing analyses. For
example, a user-specified object data type can by spread by the data-flow type
recovery analysis among other objects.
Refactoring actions are triggered either by hotkeys associated with them, or by pop-
up menus shown on right-click. Actions are sensitive to the current context (current
word under the cursor). As is shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13, actions available for
functions differ from actions for global variables. Available actions at any given position
are composed of two sets of actions:
Actions available for the current context, i.e. for functions, global variables, function
calls, etc. This set may be empty.
Global actions available at all posistions, i.e. navigation, current function comment
modification, etc.
The complete catalog of available user actions is listed in Section 7.
7 List of All User Actions
This section provides a complete catalog of available user actions for all possible contexts.
7.1 Function-Declaration/Definition Context
Function actions are available on function declarations or definitions. They are listed in
Table 4.
Figure 12: Context actions available for
Figure 13: Context actions available for
global variables.
Table 4: Function context user actions.
Action description Hotkey Triggers
Jump to IDA’s ASM A7
Rename function N7
Change type declaration Y3
Open xrefs window X7
Open calls window C7
7.2 Function-Call Context
Function-call actions are available on function calls. We can divide them into two cate-
Calls of user defined functions—actions are the same as in function-declaration/definition
context (Section 7.1), except the “Change type declaration” action. Also, you can
double-click on a call to decompile/display the called function.
Calls of dynamically linked functions—the only available action is double-click, which
takes you on the import stub in the IDA’s disassembly view.
7.3 Global-Variable Context
Global-variable actions are available on global-variable definitions and uses. They are listed
in Table 5.
7.4 Global Context
Global context actions are available everywhere. They are listed in Table 6.
Table 5: Global-variable context user actions.
Action description Hotkey Triggers
Jump to IDA’s ASM A7
Rename global variable N7
Table 6: Global context user actions.
Action description Hotkey Triggers
Edit current function’s comment ;7
Move backward (navigation) ESC 7
Move forward (navigation) CTRL+F 7
8 Support and Feedback
RetDec plugin is still in an experimental beta version. If you have any feedback, sugges-
tions, or bug reports, please open an issue in the GitHub project (preferred), or send them
to us either through our website, or through email.

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