Performance Designed PL6360 PS3 Afterglow Bluetooth Communicator User Manual 8 Users Manual

Performance Designed Products, LLC PS3 Afterglow Bluetooth Communicator 8 Users Manual


User Manual

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Mirror Download []Performance Designed PL6360 PS3 Afterglow Bluetooth Communicator User Manual 8  Users Manual
Document ID1565430
Application ID9qMf1fLPyXeCzdP89OUOwQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize171.13kB (2139167 bits)
Date Submitted2011-10-21 00:00:00
Date Available2011-10-21 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-10-19 11:52:33
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2011-10-19 11:54:20
Document Title8. Users Manual.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: User

alueroom' Devree
“For ages |Z+"
E \ Z 1hank you for purehasrng (he Aflerglow‘ Communlcaml for (he
_ N PlayStallun‘](onwle.fhlx rllumrna(ed wireless alue(oo(h-headse(
= le(s you (ha( wr(h and send voree messages (o o(her gamers on your
Play5(a(ron- Ne(work. lo (ha( and send voree messages you need (o oe srgned ln (o
Playsmron- Ne(work. rhrs product (an also he usedwnh rnos( moorle handse(s
A mums.- sefore usmg (his prudufl, read(hrs manualas wellos(hePlayx(a(ien-z
eonsole manvolrorlmpar(an(sale(y andhealrh mlormmlonJer (hemonualrorrumre
1. Power/xyrlc hunon
z Mu(e bunon
3 Volume ou((ons
4 Mrerophone
s Operauon LEDslonesomhehor-(l
6, charglng pon
7 Speaker
3, Ear (llp
charglu. Your (nmmunkflov:
Vouv Aherglow Communlcamr should have some (harge already when you ooughr u our us
no( mow/a (harged yenrou can eharoe your produer vra P53 uss porrs wlrh (he uss (able
lprovlded) or wuh a use AC adaprer («you have one. h wrll (eke approxlmflely 1 hours (o fully
charge your headser bauery.
Law samry lndlmor;
anee you have show “1515 oarrery power lefi, your communrearor wrll warn you usually and
audrhly You le see(he red LED hlrnkmg every 5 seeonds ch wrll also hear a shon oeep (one
every 5 seeonds lndlcallng (her you've runnrng low on hasrery
charging Indian":
Whlle ehargrng you wlII see (he red ma hghung up (onsranrly h m" (urn on onee (he headse(
hauery rs lully (harged
l( rs reeommended, ahhough nos reouued, (o lully eharge your headses harsery a( leass every
5 monrhs (o ensure (he longevny or your hauery llle
Oplnting Innmdions:
Parung rs a form or handshake herween hluesoo(h- devrees Veu wrll need so pan your
Afterglow Communrearor wnh a slue(oo(h' eommunreauon (apahle devlee mm! (a usrng n
Parung oroeess rs srmole lusr (allow (he below sseps
Paumg your heads.( with a P53:
l Power on your Psa eonsole
2 Under (he ~serungs' menu, selees ”A((exxoly Seulngs”
3 Flnd and selee( “Reqlnel Bluelomh Del/Ks" under Aeeessory sesungs
4 Al (he nexr sereen, hold (he power hmmn ol your Alrerglow Communlmmr far 7 seeonds
unul (he red a. blue cperauon (ms ngh( up and flash al(erna(ely. Thu means your headser
rs lookrng fora devr(e (o pau
5 Back or (he Psz s(reen seleer ”Sm" Seannrng~
a. PS! should au(omau(ally find and drsolay your produn name on Klee" as ”Afterglow
communr(a(or~. Selee
7 ch’ll he asked (o en(er (he se(uruy (ode (o aurhenu(a(e (he parung headser. the (ode rs
s. 1hrs (ompleres (he parung proeess. You should see ”Regmer (omple(e~ on your s(reen
9 ln some rns(an(es lsueh as lf you already have an acuve devr(e runnlrlg) you mrgh( have
(o polm (o your P53 whreh headse( r( should reeognrze as "aeuve" Yuu can do (hrs a( ”Audlo
Devree Semngs' under (he "Semngs' menu.
10 A sue(esslully paued Aherglow Cornnlunreamr wlII have us Blue LEI) ngh( flash every 4
NOTE: There are flnly a limitednumberofBIuefaoth‘heuduts yauIPSJ (an keep m "I
memory, lryeu previeuslypolred monyheodsen you mayno( be able (o regmer (his new
headse(pnor(o deleung one onhe eldones. rou (on do (hrs by gning over (o (he rne((ure
headselr pressing (he (rlangle auoon andayseleeung "dz/eff,
P g your headsu whh a molalle phon -
1. Pu( your Aherglow Communltilor ln pzlnng mode as desmhed ahove ln (m
1 From your mohlle phone se((rngs menu, seek a slue(oo(h- devree rn paurng rnode. cuee
you see ~Aherglow Communlcilov“ name drsplayed, sele(( u
3 En(er(he password whreh rs "0000” Some mobrle phones don't askrormrs password ou(
ask a quesuon rns(ead such as “Aflelglnw Commummor wams (o parr, do you itcepfl“
lus( accept u
NOTE, anheadsd (an rtmain in thepain'ng made/012 minutu, ”within these 2 minute:
you havenhuttesxlullypnlredlt whh a P53 or a moarle headsetyau need (opur lrha
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