Philio Technology PSR03 Z-Wave Remote User Manual

Philio Technology Corporation Z-Wave Remote

User manual.pdf

Z-Wave Keyfob PSR03- A    Z-Wave Scene Remote PSR03- B   Z-Wave Panic PSR03- C     PSR03- A          PSR03- B          PSR03- CThe Remote PSR03 is a simple control can control AV device through Z-Wave-to-IR extender, and it can also controls 8 lighting groups ON/OFFvia basic set, based on Z-WaveTM technology.It is the  Z-WaveTM  plus product, it support the security, OTA... Thosenewest  features   of   the  Z-WaveTM  technology.  Z-WaveTM  is  a   wirelesscommunication protocol designed for home automation, specifically toremotely   control   applications   in   residential   and   light   commercialenvironments. The technology uses a low-power RF radio embedded orretrofitted into home electronics devices and systems, such as lighting,home access control, entertainment systems and household appliances.This product can be included and operated in any Z-WaveTM  networkwith other Z-WaveTM certified devices from other manufacturers and/orother applications.  All non-battery operated nodes within the networkwill act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of thenetwork. The device adopts the Z-WaveTM  500 series chip, when your Z-WaveTMnetwork   system   is   all   made   by   Z-WaveTM  500   series   devices.   Thenetwork system will have the advantages as below.•Concurrent multi-channel support reduces external interference.•Better RF range, improve about 10 meters in indoor.•Support 100 Kbps transmit speed, speed up communication.Function Compare A/B/CGroupControlAVControlLockControlPanicPSR03-XA V VPSR03-XB V V VPSR03-XC V
Adding to Z-WaveTM NetworkIn the first time, activate the device through micro USB, then it can beadded   into   the   Z-WaveTM  network.     First,   make   sure   the   primarycontroller  is   in   the   add   mode.  And  then   power   on   the   device.  Thedevice will auto start the NWI (Network Wide Inclusion) mode. And itshould   be  added   in   5  seconds.  You  will   see  the  LED   light  ON  onesecond.Function DescriptionAdd1. Have Z-WaveTM Controller entered add mode.2. Hold down the central key, then press the top-right key three times within 1.5 seconds to enter the addmode.Note: PSR03-C is added by pressing panic key three times.3. After add successful, the device will wake to receive the setting command from Z-WaveTM Controller about 20 seconds.Remove1. Have Z-WaveTM Controller entered remove mode.2. Hold down the central key, then press the top-right key three times within 1.5 seconds to enter the remove mode.Node ID has been excluded.Note: PSR03-C is removed by pressing panic key three times.Reset 1. Hold down the central key, then press the top-right key four times within 1.5 seconds and do not release the top-right key in the 4th pressed, and theLED will light ON.Note: PSR03-C is reset by pressing panic key four times within 1.5 seconds and do not release the top-right key in the 4th pressed.2. After 3 seconds the LED will turn OFF, after that within 2 seconds, release the keys. If successful, the LED will light ON one second. Otherwise, the LED will flash once.3. IDs are remove and all settings will reset to factory default.Association1. Have Z-WaveTM Controller entered association mode.2. Hold down the central key, then press the top-right key three times within 1.5 seconds to enter the association mode.Note: The device support 9 groups. The group 1 is for receiving the report message, like AV controls, battery status. The group 2 to group 9 are for lighting group control, the device will send the “Basic Set” command to these groups. And each group support 4 nodes maximum.•Including a node ID allocated by Z-WaveTM Controller means “Add” or “Inclusion”.  Excluding a node ID allocated by Z-WaveTM  Controller means “Remove” or “Exclusion”.•Failed or success in including/excluding the node ID can be viewed from Z-WaveTM Controller.Notice 1:  The device can not work normally in the first time. Please activate the battery before the first use.Notice 2: Always RESET a Z-WaveTM device before trying to add it to a Z-WaveTM network.Notice 3: When the device into NWI mode, the NWI mode will timeoutafter 30 seconds. You can Hold down the central key, then press the top-right key three times within 1.5 seconds to abort the NWI mode.Function ControlRemote PSR03 can control AV device via Z-Wave-to-IR extender andlighting groups ON/OFF.PSR03-B has five keys on the device. The central one has group-button
switching and special function, the others are control keys.There are two group-buttons that can be switched by pressing central key. When the device is switched to group-button 1, LED will light on with red color for 3 seconds. When the device is switched to group-button 2, LED will light on with green color.PSR03-A has three keys on the device. The central one has panic function and the others can can control lock.PSR03-C has panic function.* AV ControlIn Group-Button 1(Red LED), the top-left key and bottom-left key control Volume Up(0x0003) and Volume Down(0x0002), and the top-right key and the bottom-right key control Channel Up(0x0004) and Channel Down(0x0005). In Group-Button 2 (Green LED), the top-left key and the bottom-left key control Play(0x0013) and Stop(0x0014), and the top-right key and the bottom-right key control Fast Forward(0x0016) and Rewind(0x0017).Simple AV Control Set (V4)Group-Button 1Key: Top-leftCommand: 0x0003Universal Label: Volume UpKey: Bottom-leftCommand: 0x0002Universal Label: Volume DownKey: Top-rightCommand: 0x0004Universal Label: Channel UpKey: Bottom-rightCommand: 0x0005Universal Label: Channel DownGroup-Button 2Key: Top-leftCommand: 0x0013Universal Label: PlayKey: Bottom-leftCommand: 0x0014Universal Label: StopKey: Top-rightCommand: 0x0016Universal Label: Fast ForwardKey: Bottom-rightCommand: 0x0017Universal Label: Rewind* Lighting Group ControlEach group-button controls four lighting groups through keys around the central key. Switch ON/OFF the lighting groups by pressing those keys once/twice quickly. For example, if you want to turn on lighting group 1, press central key to switch to mode 1(Red LED) then press thetop-left key once. If you want to turn off lighting group 7, press the central key to switch to mode 2(Green LED) then press the bottom-left key twice quickly. The lighting groups are not equal to association groups. The relation between lighting groups and association groups is shown below.Lighting Group ControlGroup-Button 1
Top-left KeyTop-right Key Bottom-left KeyBottom-right KeyLighting group 1 (Association group 2)Lighting group 2 (Association group 3)Lighting group 3 (Association group 4) Lighting group 4 (Association group 5)Group-Button 2Top-left KeyTop-right Key Bottom-left KeyBottom-right KeyLighting group 5 (Association group 6)Lighting group 6 (Association group 7)Lighting group 7 (Association group 8) Lighting group 8 (Association group 9)Notice: For switch AV control or lighting group control function please setting the configuration No.7 bit 0. Z-WaveTM NotificationAfter the device adding to the network, it will wake-up once per day indefault. When it wake-up it will broadcast the “Wake Up Notification”message   to   the   network,   and   wake-up   10   seconds   for   receive   thesetting commands.If the user want to wake-up the device immediately, please hold downthe central key, and press the top-right key once. The device will wake-up 10 seconds.Z-WaveTM Message ReportWhen the panic triggered, the device will report the trigger event andalso report the battery status.* Panic Report:When the  central  key is held  down   over 5  seconds,   the device  willunsolicited to send the report to the nodes in the group 1.Notification Report (V4)Notification Type: Emergency Alarm (0x0A)Event: Contact Medical Service (0x03)* Timing Report:Beside   the   event   triggered   could   report   message,   the   device   alsosupport the timing unsolicited report of the status.•Battery level report: Every 6 hours report once in default.It could be changed by setting the configuration NO. 10.•Low battery report: When the battery level is too low, every 30minutes will report once.Notice:  The configuration NO. 10 could be setting to zero to disablethe auto report. * Wake up Notification:When device is charging, it will send Wake Up Notification to controllerminutely.Activate the powerThe device can not work normally in the first time. Please activate thebattery  through   micro  USB   before the   first   use.  After   the   device  isactivated by connecting to micro USB, the device will start charging andLED will light on with red color. If the battery is full charged, LED willlight on with green color. When device is charging, it will send Wake Up Notification to controllerminutely.* Battery Power CheckWhen any keys around the central key is pressed, the device will checkthe battery power. If the power level is too low, the red LED will flashonce   after   pressing.   Please   charge   the   device   through   micro   USBimmediately.
* NWIWhen the device is activated, the device will check is it already addingto the network? If doesn't, it will auto start the NWI mode. The LEDwill flash in every second and continue 30 seconds. Until timeout or thedevice successful to add by controller. Users can hold down the centralkey, then press  the top-right key three  times within  1.5  seconds toabort the NWI mode.Over The Air (OTA) Firmware UpdateThe device support the Z-Wave firmware update via OTA.Let the controller into the firmware update mode, and then hold downthe central key and press the top-right key to start the update.After finish the firmware download, the LED will start flash in every 0.5second. Wait the LED stop flash, the firmware update is succeeded.  Caution: Do not running the OTA when the battery is running low.Security NetworkThe device support the security function. When the  device includedwith a security controller, the device will auto switch to the securitymode. In the security mode, the follow commands need using SecurityCC wrapped to communicate, otherwise it will not response.COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERYCOMMAND_CLASS_SIMPLE_AV_CONTROL_V1COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V4COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_V2COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATIONCOMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP_V2Z-Wave Configuration SettingsNotice: * All of the configuration, the data size is 1.* The configuration mark with star(*), means after the remove the settingstill   keep,   don't   reset   to   factory   default.   Unless   the   user   execute   the“RESET” procedure.
NO. Name Def. Valid  A B C Description2Basic Set Level 0xFF All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light. The 0xFF(-1) means turn on the light. For dimmerequipment 1 to 100 means the lightstrength.0 means turn off the light.7(*)Customer Function0All    Customer function switch, using bit control.0Bit0: Switch AV control/Lighting group control. (0: AV control, 1: lighting group control)0Bit1: Reserve.0Bit2: Reserve.0Bit3: Reserve.0Bit4: Reserve.0Bit5: Reserve.0Bit6: Reserve.0Bit7: Reserve.10Auto Report Battery Time12 0 ~127   The interval time for auto report thebattery level. 0 means turn off auto report battery.Each tick means 30 minutes. The default value is 12(6 hours). 82AssociationGroup 2 Basic Set Level0All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 2. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.83AssociationGroup 3 Basic Set Level0All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 3. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.84AssociationGroup 4 Basic Set Level0All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 4. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.85AssociationGroup 5 Basic Set Level0All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 5. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.86AssociationGroup 6 Basic Set Level0All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 6. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.87AssociationGroup 7 Basic Set Level0All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 7. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.88AssociationGroup 8 Basic Set Level0All   Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 8. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.89 AssociationGroup 9 0All    Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the
Basic Set Levelassociation group 9. 0 means using the value of configuration 2 to set.NO. Name Def. Valid  DescriptionZ-Wave Supported Command ClassCOMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO_V2COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERYCOMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V4COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_V2COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATIONCOMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_V2COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION_V2COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP_V2COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_GRP_INFOCOMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVELCOMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLYCOMMAND_CLASS_SECURITYCOMMAND_CLASS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD_V2COMMAND_CLASS_MARKCOMMAND_CLASS_BASICCOMMAND_CLASS_SIMPLE_AV_CONTROL_V1SpecificationsPower by Lithium polymer 602025 battery.Signal (Frequency):PSR03-1A/1B/1C: 868.40 MHz, 869.85 MHz(EU), PSR03-2A/2B/2C: 908.40 MHz, 916.00 Mhz(US/Canada), PSR03-3A/3B/3C: 922~927 MHz(JP/TW),PSR03-4A/4B/4C: 921.40 MHz, 919.80 MHz(ANZ),Range: Minimum 40 meters indoor, 100 meters outdoor line of sight.Operating Temperature: -10oC ~ 45oCFor indoor use only.Specifications   subject   to   change   without   notice   due   to   continuingproduct improvement.                                                           FCC ID: RHHPSR03FCC Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits fora Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to   provide  reasonable protection  against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions,   may cause harmful interference toradio   communications.         However,     there   is   no   guarantee   thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,  whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on,  the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the followingmeasures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected.•Consult   the   dealer   or   an   experienced   radio/TV   technician   forhelp.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)   This   device   must   accept   any   interference   received,   includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority tooperate this equipment.  This  transmitter must not   be   co-located  or   operating  in   conjunctionwith any other antenna or transmitter.WarningDo not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted municipal waste,use   separate   collection   facilities.   Contact   your   local   government   forinformation   regarding   the   collection   systems   available.   If   electricalappliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substancescan leak into the groundwater and get into the food chain, damagingyour health and well-being.When replacing old  appliances with  new once,  the retailer  is legallyobligated to take back your old appliance for disposal at least for freeof charge.

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