Philips Consumer Lifestyle DL8781 Philips Body analysis scale with Bluetooth User Manual Luxury A5 BW New branding 2015

Philips Consumer Lifestyle Philips Body analysis scale with Bluetooth Luxury A5 BW New branding 2015

User manual

EN-USPhilips body analysis scale with Bluetooth® Smart DL8781, DL8780DL8781-DL8780_4222_100_4583_1_FRONT-COVER_A5_sc.pdf   1   25-01-16   15:43
123 46 7 8 951011121
English  6
EnglishContentsIntroduction 7General 7Explanation of symbols 7General description (Fig. 1) 8Intended use 9IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS 9Contraindications 9Warnings 9Caution 9SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 10Compliance with standards 10Using the body analysis scale 10Preparing for use 11Inserting/removing the batteries 11Placing the carpet feet 12Setting the measurement unit 12Pairing the body analysis scale to your mobile device and create a user profile 13Measuring weight and body fat 14Tips for proper measurement 14Performing a measurement 14Performing a measurement with app 14Performing a measurement without app 15Factory reset 17Cleaning and storage 17Accessories 17Disposal 17Assistance 18Full Two-Year Warranty 18Troubleshooting 18Specifications 20Electromagnetic emissions and immunity 21EMC Guidance 21Table 1 Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic emissions - for allME equipment and ME systems21Table 2 Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic immunity – for allME equipment and ME systems22Table 4 Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic immunity –for MEequipment and ME systems that are not life supporting22Table 6 Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RFcommunications equipment and the ME equipment or ME system – for ME equipmentand ME systems that are not life supporting23FCC Compliance information 246English
Radio interference 24RF Radiation exposure statement 25BlueTooth wordmark 25App Store and iPhone 25Google Play and Android 25IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefitfrom the support that Philips offers, register your product GeneralThis Philips body analysis scale offers you a convenient tool to measureyour weight.The scale enables you to perform a body weight and fat measurement. Italso transmits data via Bluetooth® Smart to your mobile device and tocalculate and display weight, BMI and body fat percentage in the PhilipsHealthSuite health app. The scale has a maximum weighing capacity of 28 st5 lb (397 lb) / 180 kg.Note: Only weight measurement is displayed on the scale. BMI and body fatpercentage are only shown in the app.This user manual contains important safety information and provides step-by-step instructions for using the device. Read this information carefully before you use the device and save it forfuture reference.Features:-Memory for up to 40 measurements per user for 8 separate users.-Measures body fat with BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis)technology.-User recognition based on weight.-Automatic activation of the scale when you step on it thanks to theSense-On technology.-LCD display.Explanation of symbolsThe warning signs and symbols are essential to ensure that you use thisproduct safely and correctly and to protect you and others from injury.Following is the meaning of the warning signs and symbols on the label andin the user manual.Symbol indicates the need forthe user to consult theinstructions for usType BF applied part7English
Indicates the need for the userto consult the instructions foruse for important cautionaryinformation such as warningsand precautions that cannot,for a variety of reasons, bepresented on the medicaldevice itself.This symbol means that this device emitsnonionizing radiation. All devices with RFtransmitters or that use RF electromagneticenergy must have a label with this symbol.Indicates the manufacturer'sserial number so that a specificdevice can be identified.Symbol for the 2 year Philips warranty.Indicates manufacturer'scatalog number of theapplianceFor indoor use only.Indicates manufacturing date–4ºF140ºFIndicates the temperature limits to which thedevice can be safely exposed: -4°F to 140°F /-20°C to 60°C.This symbol on the devicemeans: protected againstaccess to hazardous parts witha finger and against verticallyfalling water drops when tiltedup to 15 degrees.Indicates the relative humidity limits to whichthe device can be safely exposed: 10% to93%.Symbol for the 'BluetoothCombination mark'. The deviceuses Bluetooth forcommunication.Compliant with the Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment/Restriction of the Useof Certain Hazardous Substances in Electricaland Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recyclingdirectives.This appliance contains arechargeable battery whichmust be disposed of properly.See chapter ' Disposal' formore information.General description (Fig. 1)1 Display2 Measurement platform3 Bluetooth® symbol4 Measurement results5 Battery low symbol6 Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)7 Stone (st)8 Pound (lb)9 Kilogram (kg)10 Feet of the scale11 Measurement unit button12 Battery compartment8English
Intended useThe Philips body analysis scale measures body weight anduses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology to estimate body fatpercentage of healthy adults. The device is intended for use in the home/domestic environment only. IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSWaning: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGWhen using battery-operated products, basic safety precautions shouldalways be followed, including the following:Contraindications-This device is contraindicated for women who are pregnant or think theyare pregnant. The effects of this device on the fetus are unknown.-This device is contraindicated for any person who is connected to awearable or implanted electronic medical device or instrument such as apacemaker or defibrillator. This device can cause the electronic medicaldevice to malfunction.Warnings-Keep the device out of reach of infants, children or pets, since inhalationor swallowing of small parts (e.g. carpet feet, batteries) can be dangerousor even fatal.-Do not step on the device when your body or feet are wet, especiallyafter bathing or showering to prevent slipping.-Always check the device before you use it. Do not use the device if it isdamaged, as this may cause injury.-Only use this device for its intended use as described in this user manual.-If the device will not be used on a regular basis, remove the batteries toprevent possible damage due to chemical leakage. If battery does leak,remove it carefully. Do not allow bare skin to touch leaking fluid.-The device requires no calibration.-The manufacturer does not require such preventive inspections by otherpersons.-The device contains no user serviceable partsCaution-Any information provided by this device is in no way meant to treat, cureor prevent any disease or illness. If in doubt, contact your physician.9English
-This device should not be used by anyone who is acutely or chronicallyill, suffering from a disease or taking medications that affect the amountof water in your body. The accuracy of readings for these patients hasnot been verified. Specific medical advice should be obtained from aphysician.-This device is equipped with a data transmission function. It may emitelectromagnetic energy so as to perform its intended function. Nearbyportable and mobile Radio Frequency (examples include cell phones,Bluetooth® equipped music players, speakers and headsets as well asWifi access points) communication equipment can affect theperformance of the device. The device can also interfere with electricalequipment in the vicinity. Therefore do not keep it in close proximity ofportable and mobile Radio Frequency communication equipment.-Use and store the device as described in the user manual.-Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, moistor a corrosive environment (see 'Specifications').-Do not expose the batteries to flames or fires, otherwise batteries mayexplode.-No modifications of this device are allowed. -Do not use the device on a slippery floor.-Treat the scale with care. Do not drop it or jump on it.-This device is not washable. Never immerse the device in water and donot rinse it under the tap. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSCompliance with standards-The device meets the relevant standards for this type of Class II electricalmedical equipment for home use.-This Philips device complies with all applicable standards and regulationsregarding exposure to electromagnetic fields and complies with IEC60601-1-2.-This Philips device complies with applicable standards and regulations ofthe FCC Rules.Using the body analysis scaleThis Philips body analysis scale automatically switches on as soon as youstep on the measurement platform. The device applies BIA (bioelectricalimpedance analysis) technology. Weak current flows through the humanbody to measure the bioelectrical impedance and estimate body fatpercentage. The electrical current is small and may not be felt. This BIAtechnology is non-invasive. The electrical current mentioned above is lessthan 1mA. 10 English
Preparing for useInserting/removing the batteriesInsert new batteries (4x 1.5V AAA alkaline) before the first use. Replace weak batteries before they discharge completely.Note: Data will be lost when the battery is completely empty.If you do not intend to use the device for a long period of time, it is advisedto remove the batteries before storing.Caution: Replace all four batteries at the same time. Do not mix the oldbatteries with the new ones.This device has a battery low indication. When the battery level is belowoperating value, this will be indicated by the low battery icon after which thedevice shall switch off within 4 sec.1Open the battery compartment at the back of the device.2Insert the batteries (4x 1.5V AAA alkaline) into the battery compartmentaccording to the polarity indications marked inside the compartment.-The digits “8888” will show on the display.11English
3Close the battery compartment and wait until the digits “0.0lb” are shownon the display. You can change measurement 'Setting the measurementunit' section.Placing the carpet feetSoft surfaces such as carpet will affect the performance of the device.Always install the supplied carpet feet in case you place the device on a softsurface to prevent the soft surface from affecting the performance.1Remove the non-slip pads from the feet of the device. 2Fit the carpet feet firmly onto the feet of the device.Setting the measurement unit1Press the measurement unit button in the bottom of the device to selectthe measurement unit.12 English
1x 1x2Press the measurement unit button again to switch between theavailable measurement units: kilograms, pounds and stones.Pairing the body analysis scale to your mobile device andcreate a user profileYour Philips body analysis scale is equipped with Bluetooth® Smart.Download the Philips HealthSuite health app from the App store or GooglePlay. Use the search term 'Philips HealthSuite health app'. The app isavailable for iOS® 8.0+ and AndroidTM 4.4+.Note: You can only use the Philips HealthSuite health app to communicatewith the scale. It is not possible to use third party applications. 1Download the Philips HealthSuite health app on your mobile device, startthe Setup wizard and follow the steps to create a user profile and addthe scale.2Make sure the app is open and Bluetooth® is on when pairing is inprogress.-Keep the mobile device and the scale at transmission distance (nomore than 16 feet / 5 meters from each other, in the same room).3To start the pairing process press the measurement unit button for 3seconds.-These symbols are shown on the display alternately, indicating thatthe connection is being established.-If the connection has been established successfully, the displayshows this symbol.-If the connection has failed, the display shows this symbol.4In the app, create the profile you want to use for the connection.-The scale can create 8 user profiles.-If all profiles are in use, choose an existing profile to overwrite.5Step on the scale barefoot to do an initial weighing. That weight isassigned to your user profile. The scale switches off automatically.Note: If you want to edit your user profile later on, make sure the scale isturned on and connected to the health app.13English
Measuring weight and body fatTips for proper measurementTo ensure accurate measurements, please follow these instructions whenyou start measuring.-Place the device on a flat, hard surface. Soft surfaces such as carpetaffect the performance of the device. If you use the device on a softsurface, make sure you attach the carpet feet supplied to the feet of thedevice (see 'Placing the carpet feet'). This helps to prevent soft surfacesfrom affecting the performance of the device.-A bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) measurement can only beperformed if you are barefoot. -Step onto the device barefoot, make sure your feet are slightly damp andclean. Stand still and keep full contact with the measurement platformuntil the measurement is complete. Be careful not to slip. The conditionof the skin of the soles of your feet can affect the measurement. Thenatural effects of aging or activity can make this skin hard. -Do not stand on the edge of the scale as you may fall or receiveinaccurate measurements.-Do not use the device on an uneven floor as it may result in unreliabledata.-Replace batteries before they are completely empty.-For a meaningful comparison, try to measure under similar conditions.For example, take measurements at approximately the same time, on thesame surface. Body fat percentage estimates will vary as a result of theamount of water in the body, and can be affected by dehydration orover-hydration due to such factors as alcohol consumption,menstruation, illness, intense exercise, etc.We advise you not to use the scale in the following circumstances, as thismay cause inaccurate measurements:-Immediately after strenuous exercise.-Immediately after a sauna or bath.-Immediately after eating or drinking.Performing a measurementPerforming a measurement with appNote: Your personal measurement data can only be stored and displayedvia the Philips body analysis scale and Philips HealthSuite health app andnot by use of third party apps. Note: When the scale is connected via Bluetooth® to the app of a user, thescale will automatically select that user and measurements can only bedone for that user.1Switch on Bluetooth® on your mobile device and open the health app.14 English
-Keep the mobile device and the scale at transmission distance (nomore than 16 feet / 5 meters from each other, in the same room).-The Bluetooth® symbol lights up when the scale is connected to themobile device. The Bluetooth® symbol flashes when datatransmission has succeeded.2Step onto the scale to switch it on. The scale beeps to indicate that it isready for weighing. The scale is equipped with user profile recognitionand automatically selects the user when the health app is connected.-You can take a measurement barefoot. The scale is able to perform theweight measurement and the BIA measurement and store thismeasurement data in the health app. Make sure your feet are clean andslightly damp.-You can also take a measurement wearing footwear. The scale is onlyable to perform the weight measurement and not the body fat estimationand BMI calculation. Your measurement results will not be stored or sentto the health app. 3Weight measurement starts.-Weight is shown on the display of the scale after weight measurementends.4BIA measurement starts (when measuring barefoot).-The symbol 'BIA' flashes on the display to indicate the scale isanalyzing your data.5Stand still and keep full contact with the measurement platform until thesymbol ‘BIA’ stops flashing. The device beeps to indicate that themeasurement is completed. The results of the BIA are shown in the app.< 16ft6With the scale successfully connected to your mobile device, themeasurement data is automatically transmitted to your mobile device viaBluetooth® Smart.-The Bluetooth® symbol on the scale flashes while the measurementdata is transmitted to the app.-The measurement results are shown and stored in the health app.7After measuring, step off the scale. The scale switches off automatically.Performing a measurement without appThe scale can be used without the app. This allows you to measure yourweight. When you have created a user profile in the scale, you can measure15English
your weight and perform BIA. You can also upload your measurement datato the health app later on, when the scale and your mobile device areconnected. Results of the body analysis measurement can only be accessedusing the Philips HealthSuite health app. The scale cannot directlycommunicate BIA results to the user.1Step onto the scale barefoot to switch it on. The device beeps to indicateit is ready for weighing.-You can take a measurement barefoot. The device is able to perform theweight measurement and the BIA measurement and later on store themeasurement data in the health app. Make sure your feet are clean andslightly damp.-You can also take a measurement wearing footwear. The scale is onlyable to perform the weight measurement and not the body fat estimationand BMI calculation. Your measurement results will not be stored or sentto the health app. 2Weight measurement starts.-Weight is shown on the display of the device after weightmeasurement ends.3BIA measurement starts (when measuring barefoot).-The symbol 'BIA' flashes on the display to indicate the device isanalyzing your data.4Stand still and keep full contact with the measurement platform until thesymbol ‘BIA’ stops flashing. The device beeps to indicate that themeasurement is completed. The results of the BIA will not be shown onthe display.5The device is equipped with user profile recognition and automaticallyselects the user based on their weight.-When the device immediately displays the weight: no user isrecognized and results are not stored. See below for instructions.-When the device shows multiple users: more users are recognizedbased on your weight. See below for instructions.6The measurement results are stored in the device in case of a successfulBIA.-The device can store up to 40 measurement results for each userprofile. The oldest results will be replaced by new measurementresults.7After measuring, step off the device. It switches off automatically.When the device does not automatically recognize the correctuser profile:16 English
-To select the correct user profile, step off the device and tap on themeasurement platform to confirm the correct user profile. -All profiles will be shown alternately on the display. Tap on the scaleto confirm your user profile.-Make sure that you select the correct user.Factory resetTo add up to 8 new user profiles or delete all measurement results from thedevice, you can perform a factory reset. With the factory reset the device iscleared from all existing user profiles and measurement results.1With the device turned on, press and hold the measurement unit buttonlocated on the bottom of the device for 20 seconds, until "FACt" is shownon the display. Now all data is deleted.-After resetting the scale will automatically turn off.-You can now create new users profiles (see 'Pairing the body analysisscale to your mobile device and create a user profile'). Cleaning and storage Caution: Never immerse the device in water and do not rinse it underthe tap.1Wipe the surface of the device with a cloth.-Use a dry cloth to wipe dust off the surface of the device.-Use a slightly damp cloth to wipe dirt off the surface of the device. Drythe surface with a dry cloth after cleaning. Caution: Do not use propellant, abrasive or other chemicals to cleanthe device in order to avoid discoloration or malfunction of the scale.2Store the device in a dry, dust-free place away from direct sunlight orother heat sources. Avoid surroundings with fluctuating temperatures(see Specifications'). Caution: Do not drop the device.This device has no other user-serviceable parts. For assistance call1-844-531-6861.AccessoriesPhilips accessories may be purchased at a store near you, or on our DisposalThis product contains batteries:17English
-Dispose of batteries properly. Do not incinerate. Batteries may explode ifoverheated.-Do not wrap in metal or aluminum foil. Tape the waste battery terminalsbefore discarding.-It is suggested that you contact your local town or city to determineproper battery recycling site(s) in your area.-Battery must be removed from the device before discarding.AssistanceFor assistance, visit our or call toll free 1-844-531-6861Full Two-Year WarrantyPhilips Electronics North America Corporation warrants each new Philipsproduct, models DL8781, DL8780, against defects in materials orworkmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase andagrees to repair or replace any defective product without charge.IMPORTANT: This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident,misuse or abuse, lack of reasonable care, the affixing of any attachment notprovided with the product or loss of parts or subjecting the product to anybut the specified voltage.* NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In order to obtain warranty service, simply go to call toll-free 1-844-531-6861. It is suggested that for your protection youreturn shipments of product by insured mail, insurance prepaid. Damageoccurring during shipment is not covered by this warranty. NOTE: No otherwarranty, written or oral, is authorized by Philips Electronics North AmericaCorporation. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may alsohave other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allowthe exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so theabove exclusion and limitations may not apply to you. * Read enclosed instructions carefully.In U.S. only manufactured for: Philips Consumer Lifestyle, A Division ofPhilips Electronics North America Corporation, P.O. Box 10313, Stamford, CT06904.PHILIPS and Philips Shield are Registered Trademarks of Koninklijke PhilipsN.V.TroubleshootingThis chapter summarizes the most common problems you could encounterwith the device. If you are unable to solve the problem with the informationbelow, visit for a list of frequently askedquestions or call 1-844-531-6861 for assistance. 18 English
Problem Possible cause SolutionThe display shows ----and shuts down.Maximum weight limit isreached. The scale has aweight limit of 28st 5 lb (397lb) / 180 kg. The scale can accommodate a maximumof 28 st 5 lb (397 lb) / 180 kg. Stop usingthis device.The display shows thebattery low symbol andswitches off after a fewseconds.The batteries arealmost empty. Replace all four batteries at the sametime. We advise you to replace batteriesbefore they are completely empty. Use4x 1.5V AAA akaline batteries.The display shows E1. Pairing has failed. Check if Bluetooth® on your mobiledevice is on, the Philips HealthSuitehealth app is open and if the scale andyour mobile device are no more than 16feet / 5 meters away from each other.Unexpected measurementresults .Incorrect posture. Please step on the measurementplatform and stand still. When measuringbarefoot, make sure your feet are cleanand slightly damp.  The device is placed on a softsurface such as a carpet or onan uneven surface.Place the device on a flat, hard surfaceor attach the carpet feet supplied to thefeet of the scale.  Your feet are too dry. Wipe your feet with a damp cloth tomake sure that they are slightly dampwhen you take the measurement.The display remains blankwhen the device isswitched on.There are no batteries in thedevice.Insert 4x 1.5V R6 AAA alkaline batteries(see 'Inserting/removing the batteries').  The batteries are empty.  Replace all four batteries at the sametime with new ones. Use 4x 1.5V R6 AAAalkaline batteries.The device does notperformmeasurement/analysis ofbody fat.You are standing on themeasurement platformwearing socks or shoes.Make sure you are barefoot during theBIA measurement and keep full contactwith the measurement platform. Makesure your feet are clean and slightlydamp.The device switches offautomatically. The batteries are empty. Replace all four batteries at the sametime. We advise you to replace batteriesbefore they are completely empty. Use4x 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries.Data transmission failed. Bluetooth® is off. Turn on Bluetooth® on your mobiledevice.  The Philips HealthSuitehealth app is off.Press the icon on your mobile device toactivate the health app.  The scale and your mobiledevice are more than 16 feet /5 meters away from eachother.Place your mobile device closer to thescale.19English
Problem Possible cause SolutionWhen the profiles wereshown alternately on thedisplay, you selected thewrong profile.Repeat the measurement and confirmthe correct user profile by tapping on thescale.You are standing on themeasurement platformwearing socks or shoes.Make sure you are barefoot during theBIA measurement and keep full contactwith the measurement platform. Makesure your feet are clean and slightlydamp.SpecificationsProduct name. Philips body analysis scale with Bluetooth®.Dimensions scale. 12 41/64 x 12 41/64 x 63/64 in / 321 x 321 x 25mm.Net weight. Approximately 4.4 lb / 1.98 kg (excluding the batteries).Display. LCD with white LED backlight.Measurement units. Kilogram / stone / pound.Measurement range. 5kg to 180kg / 0st: 11lb to 28st: 5lb / 11lb to 397lb .Graduations. 0.1kg / 0.1lb.Accuracy. 5-50 kg: ±0.3 kg / 11-110 lb: ±0.7 lb.50-100 kg: ±0.4 kg / 110-220 lb: ±0.9 lb.100-150 kg: ±0.5 kg / 220-330 lb: ±1.1lb.Measuring method Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) for body fat analysis.Accuracy BIA ±15 ohms in the range of 200 – 1000 ohms.Operatingenvironment.Temperature: 41°F to 104°F / 4,5°C to 40°C.Humidity: 15% RH to 93%RH, atmospheric pressure: 70kPa to 106kPa.Storage and shippingenvironment.Temperature: -4°F to 140°F / -20°C to 60°C.Humidity: ³93% RH, atmospheric pressure: 50kPa to 106kPa.Power source. 6V (4x 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries).Switch-on method. Sense-On technology.Auto-off. The device turns off after about 10 seconds in case of inactivity.Accessories. 1. 4x 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries.2. User manual.3. Carpet feet.Mode of operation Continuous operation20 English
Degree of protectionagainst harmful ingressof water of particularmatterIP22Applied part(measurementplatform)Type BFProtection againstelectric shockInternally poweredThe device is not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anestheticmixtures with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide.Electromagnetic emissions and immunityThe device is approved according to EMC safety standard EN 60601-1-2. Itis designed to be used in typical domestic environments.EMC Guidance-The scale needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to beinstalled and put into service according to the EMC information providedin the accompanying documents.-Wireless communications equipment such as wireless home networkdevices, mobile phones, cordless telephones and their base stations,walkie-talkies can affect this equipment and should be kept at least adistance d = 3.3 m (11ft) away from the equipment.Note: As indicated in IEC 60601-1-2:2007 for ME equipment, a typical cellphone with a maximum output power of 2 W yields d = 3.3 m (11ft) at animmunity level of 3V/m.Table 1 Guidance and manufacturer's declaration –electromagnetic emissions - for all ME equipment and MEsystemsGuidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissionsThe device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specifiedbelow. The customer or the user of the device should assure that it is used insuch an environment.Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment -guidanceRF emissions CISPR 11 Group 1 The device must emit electromagnetic energyin order to perform its intended function.Nearby electronic equipment may beaffected.21English
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment -guidanceRF emissions CISPR 11 Class BHarmonic emissions IEC61000-3-2Not applicableVoltage fluctuations/flickeremissions IEC 61000-3-3Not applicable Table 2 Guidance and manufacturer's declaration –electromagnetic immunity – for all ME equipment and MEsystemsGuidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunityThe device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specifiedbelow. The customer or the user of the device should assure that it is used insuch an environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 testlevelCompliancelevelElectromagnetic environment -guidanceElectrostaticdischarge (ESD)IEC 61000-4-2±6 kV contact±8 kV air±6 kV contact±8 kV airFloors should be wood, concrete orceramic tile. If floors are covered withsynthetic material, the relative humidityshould be at least 30%.Power frequency(50/60Hz)magnetic field IEC61000-4-83A/m 3A/m Power frequency magnetic fieldsshould be at levels characteristic of atypical location in a typical commercialor hospital environment.Table 4 Guidance and manufacturer's declaration –electromagnetic immunity –for ME equipment and MEsystems that are not life supportingGuidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity .Thedevice is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specifiedbelow. The customer or the user of the device should assure that it is used insuch an environment.IMMUNITY test IEC 60601 TEST LEVEL Compliance levelRadiated RFIEC 61000-4-33 V/m80 MHz to 2.5 GHz3 V/mElectromagnetic environment - guidancePortable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used nocloser to any part of the device, including cables, than the recommendedseparation distance calculated from the equation applicable to thefrequency of the transmitter.Recommended separation distance:d = 1.167 ÖP22 English
d = 1.167 ÖP 80 MHz to 800MHzd = 2.333 ÖP 800 MHz to 2.5 GHzwhere P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W)according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommendedseparation distance in metres (m).Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by anelectromagnetic site survey (a), should be less than the compliance level ineach frequency range (b).Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with thefollowing symbol: NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagneticpropagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objectsand people.(a) Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio(cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AMand FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoreticallywith accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RFtransmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If themeasured field strength in the location in which the device is used exceedsthe applicable RF compliance level above, the device should be observedto verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additionalmeasures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the device.(b) Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should beless than 3V/m.Table 6 Recommended separation distances betweenportable and mobile RF communications equipment and theME equipment or ME system – for ME equipment and MEsystems that are not life supportingRecommended separation distances between portable and mobile RFcommunications equipment and the device.The device is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in whichradiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of thedevice can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining aminimum distance between portable and mobile RF communicationsequipment (transmitters) and the device as recommended below, accordingto the maximum output power of the communications equipment. Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter (m)Rated maximum outputpower of transmitter (W)150 kHz to 80 MHzd = 1.167 Ö P80 MHz to 800 MHz d = 1.167 Ö P800 MHz to 2.5 GHzd = 2.3330.01 0.117 0.117 0.23323English
 Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter (m)0.1 0.369 0.369 0.7381 1.167 1.167 2.33310 3.690 3.690 7.378100 11.67 11.67 23.33For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, therecommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated usingthe equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is themaximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according tothe transmitter manufacturer.NOTE 1 At 80MHz and 800MHz, the separation distance for the higherfrequency range applies.NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagneticpropagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objectsand people.FCC Compliance informationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC ID (2AEFK-DL8780 and 2AEFK-DL8781)Radio interferenceThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.24 English
RF Radiation exposure statementThis equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth foran uncontrolled environment. For handheld/body-worn operation, thisequipment has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines. Thistransmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with anyother antenna or transmitter. Use of other accessories may not ensurecompliance with FCC RF guidelines.Do not attempt to repair or modify this equipment. Any repairs or alterationsmade by the user to the equipment may void the warranty and complianceof the equipment. Changes or modifications made to this equipment notexpressly approved by Philips may void the FCC authorization to operatethis equipment. For assistance visit our website call toll-free 1-844-531-6861.BlueTooth wordmarkThe BlueTooth® Smart wordmark and logos are registered trademarksowned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Philips is underlicense. App Store and iPhoneApp Store and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.             Google Play and AndroidGoogle Play and Android are trademarks of Google Inc.25English
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Specifications are subject to change without notice.© 2016 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All rights reservedManufactured for:Philips Consumer LifestyleA division of Philips Electronics North America CorporationP.O. Box 10313, Stamford, CT 069044222.100.xxxx.x (1/2016)

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