Philips Consumer Lifestyle PSA260 MP3 Player with Bluetooth Transceiver User Manual

Philips Consumer Lifestyle MP3 Player with Bluetooth Transceiver Users Manual


Users Manual

UUnnpplluugg  ssaaffeellyyTo avoid loss of data, disconnect your player safely.Exit any active application working with your player. Click  on the task tray.  Remove the USB cable.5AATTTTEENNTTIIOONN!!WINDOWS 98SE USERS:To avoid installation problems, DDOO  NNOOTT  CCOONNNNEECCTTyour player to yourcomputer until AAFFTTEERRinstallation completes.PPrreeppaarraattiioonnssCCoonnnneecctt  ppllaayyeerr  ttoo  ccoommppuutteerrOpen the USB cover.  Connect your player to your computer usingthe supplied USB cable. 3IInnssttaallllInsert the supplied CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.Follow screen instructions to complete installation.1OOrrggaanniizzee  aanndd  ttrraannssffeerr  mmuussiicc  vviiaa  DDMMMM  //  MMuussiiccmmaattcchh®®Launch DMM/ Musicmatch® on your PC from Windows desktop or SSttaarrttmenu. Organize and transfer music files from your computer to your player. 4TIPPlease refer to your computer’s manual for the exact position ofyour USB port.  Look for the USB symbol on the processing unit ofyour computer.✔CChhaarrggeeOpen the USB cover.  Connect the supplied charger to the USB port and the main power supply.  For extended battery power, pleasecharge for at least 4 hours for first time use.2TIPThis indicator  shows your battery information during charging.✔PPoowweerr  oonn  aanndd  eennjjooyy!!Press and hold 22;;for 2 seconds to power on if the player does not power on automatically.  Enjoy your new  running / music experience!61PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 1
NNaammee  ooff  PPaarrttss1−−//  ++Volume control, press −−to decrease; press ++to increase222;;Press and hold to power on / off; press briefly to play / pause311Left 4LLCCDD  ddiissppllaayyDynamically displays menu, options and track information5HHeeaaddpphhoonneess  jjaacckkConnects headphones6VVooiiccee  ffeeeeddbbaacckkActivates running feedback7RRuunnStarts / stops recording running activities833  , 55Up / Previous / Fast rewind922Right044  , 66Down / Next / Fast forward!UUSSBB  ppoorrtt  //Open cover to connect to computer / charge your playerCChhaarrggiinngg  ssoocckkeett@SSDDMMPower ON / OFF speed and distance monitor2PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 2
MMeennuu  NNaavviiggaattiioonnMMuussiiccPPllaayylliissttssAArrttiissttssAAllbbuummssGGeennrreessAAllll  TTrraacckkssRRaaddiiooSSeettttiinnggssSSttrroobbee  lliigghhttSShhuuffffllee  &&  RReeppeeaatt  DDBBBB  EEqquuaalliizzeerrBBaacckklliigghhtt    CCoonnttrraassttLLaanngguuaaggeeSSyynncchhrroonniizzeePress and hold 22;;to power on.See specific chapters for details of each setting.2e.g. Playlist001...  PlaylistXXX  e.g. A ... ZPreset 1Preset 10Autosearch...3311              2244UpDownLeft Right144e.g. A ... Ze.g. A ... Ze.g. A ... ZRRuunnnniinnggHHiissttoorryyList of Freerun logs by dateCCaalliibbrraattiioonnMMaannuuaallAAuuttoommaattiiccFFaaccttoorryy  sseettttiinnggssVVooiiccee  ffeeeeddbbaacckkDDiissttaannccee  uunniittss3PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 3
Press and hold 22;;to power on.From the root menu, press 22to enter the music mode.Any radio playback will stop as you enter the music mode.1Press 33to scroll up or 44to scroll down for your option.Press 22for next or 11for previous levels of library.  Press 22;;to play.2MMuussiicc  MMooddee::  BBaassiicc  OOppeerraattiioonnLibrary options Artists listPlayscreenPress 33  ,33for the previous or 44, for the next track.Press 33  to play the same track again.Press and hold 44to fast forward or 33  to rewind in a track during playback.4Press and hold 22;;to power off.  Your player will save your currentmusic playback status and resume next time you power on.5Press 22;;to pause during playback.3*Actual display varies with use 4TIP> To display library options during playback, press  11.> To display the root menu, press and hold 11.✔PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 4
MMuussiicc  MMooddee::  LLiibbrraarryy  OOppttiioonnss  aanndd  FFaasstt  SSccrroolllliinnggPress 33  to scroll up or 44  to scroll down for your library option.Press  22  on AArrttiissttto display the artist libraryPress 22for the next or 11for the previous level of library.2Artists list in alphabetical orderPress and hold 44for 2 seconds to scroll down quickly.Press and hold 33for 2 seconds to scroll up quickly.Release button to stop scrolling.3Browsing tracks quickly.1*Actual display varies with use 5PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 5
6IInnssttaalllliinngg  tthhee  ssppeeeedd  aanndd  ddiissttaannccee  mmoonniittoorrUse an appropriately-sized coin to twist aannttii--cclloocckkwwiisseeto open the speed monitor battery door.  Remove the plastic insert (first time users only).  Insert an AAA alkaline battery (with positive in first).  Replace the battery door, pressing fully in and twist cclloocckkwwiissee  to secure the closing.1Press and hold 22;;for 2 seconds to power on your player.Press SSDDMMfor 2 seconds to power on the monitor.  Your monitor will blink.The monitor is now ready to record your running activities.3Unhook the rubber strap and detach the clip.  Loosen shoelaces and slide monitor clip under laces.  Securely the monitor to your running shoe.  The monitor should rest just below where laces tie and be secure enough to stay in place during running.2TBDTBDAfter running is completed, terminate the logging (see page 11).   Press and hold SSDDMM  for 2 seconds to power off your monitor after use.4TIPBatteries contain chemical substances, so they should be disposed of properly.Incorrect use of batteries can cause the electrolyte leakage and will corrode the compartment or cuase the batteries to burst.Remove the batteries if the set is not to be used for a long time.✔AATTTTEENNTTIIOONN: Anyone beginning an exercise regimen for the first time (especially users of pacemakers or other implanted devices) shouldconsult a physician or health professional before using the MMPP33RUN.TIP> Your SDM automatically shutdown when there is no connection withyour player for 10 minutes or no activity is detected for 30 minutes.Press SSDDMMfor 2 seconds to power on the monitor again.> Replace the battery when your monitor blinks rapidly (usually after 50 hrsfor a high quality alkaline battery).✔TBD2 SECTBDPSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 6
7Press and hold 22;;for 2 seconds to power on your player.  From the root menu,  press 44, 44, 44, 22to enter the settings mode.Select SSYYNNCCHHRROONNIIZZEEand press 22.  Press  22;;  to start synchronization when prompted.21IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT!!Your player will link with the first monitor which gives out signals.  Make sure there is no activated sensors within 15 meters.  Press and hold SSDDMMon your monitor for 6 seconds.  The speed and distance monitor light will blink rapidly.  Wait for the player screen to display SSyynncchhrroonniizzee  ccoommpplleettee.Your player is now synchronized with your monitor.36 SECSSyynncchhrroonniizziinngg  ppllaayyeerr  wwiitthh  ssppeeeedd  aanndd  ddiissttaannccee  mmoonniittoorrPlease synchronize your player with the speed and distance monitor if:> you have bought a new speed and distance monitor; or > you cannot establish connection between your player and the speed and distance monitoreven when a new alkaline battery is inserted*Actual display varies with usePSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 7
8RRuunnnniinngg  mmooddee::  AAuuttoommaattiicc  ccaalliibbrraattiioonnPress and hold 22;;to power on.From the root menu, press 44,  22  to enter the running mode.1To calibrate the speed and distance monitor, select CALIBRATION > AUTOMATIC.2Press RUN and start running 400 metres on the inner lane of a marked track as prompted.Press RUN again when you have completed your track.Press  22;;  to save the calibration value.3TIPIf you want to stop the calibration during running, press  11  todiscard the calibration value.✔Your speed and distance monitor provides unprecedented accuracy right out of the box. In addition, an optional calibration procedure can be performed to guarantee optimal accuracyfor a specific user, which will correct for individual stride variations such as pronation or supina-tion.  Calibration can be performed either automatically or manually.*Actual display varies with usePSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 8
9RRuunnnniinngg  mmooddee::  MMaannuuaall  ccaalliibbrraattiioonnPress and hold 22;;to power on.From the root menu, press 44,  22  to enter the running mode.1To calibrate the speed and distance monitor, select CALIBRATION > MANUAL.2Press 33or  44to select calibration offset (from 0.50 to 1.50).  Change the offset valueto make small adjustments.  If the monitor is under measuring a known distance, increase the offset value.  Different shoe models may affect the monitor’s calibration.Adjust the offset value accordingly if you notice differences between shoes.3To optimize SDM performance for different running style, you can manually calibrate the SDM.TIP> If you run 400m and the monitor returns a reading of 380m (5% under), youshould adjust the offset value to 1.05. >  Write down and keep your offset value.  It will come in handy if your friends borrow your MP3RUN and they change your calibration setting.✔*Actual display varies with usePSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 9
10LLooggggiinngg  yyoouurr  rruunnnniinngg  aaccttiivviittiieessPress SSDDMMfor 2 seconds to power on the monitor.  Press RRUUNNand wait for a beep.  The screen will display an SDM connection status icon.Start running.  Your running activities will now be logged.1TIPAny radio playback will stop as you start logging your running activities.  You can select an item from the music mode to accompany your running.  (See page 4 for more information.)✔Press RRUUNNbriefly to pause logging.Press RRUUNNbriefly again to resume logging.2*Actual display varies with useTIPCheck your SDM connection status from the following icons:>  SDM active>  SDM inactive>  (blinking) SDM trying to establish connection>  SDM not yet sychronized (see page 7)✔To keep your workout log synchronized with summer / winter timing, please connectyour player to your computer and start DMM before logging your running activities.TIPUse pause to log your running more accurately. Press RRUUNNbriefly to pause logging after the beep.Press RRUUNNbriefly again to resume logging and start running.✔PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 10
11Press and hold RRUUNNfor 1 second to stop logging.  Your running data will be saved and your music playback will continue.(See page 20 for information on how  to manage your running data on your computer.)3Press FFEEEEDDBBAACCKKto get information (in English) about your running progress.  2TIPYou can also get feedback automatically according to distance (every km / mile) and time (every 5 minutes).  Select this option from SSEETTTTIINNGGSS➔VVOOIICCEE  FFEEEEDDBBAACCKK.✔0.5 SEC1 SECGGeettttiinngg  ffeeeeddbbaacckk  oonn  yyoouurr  rruunnnniinnggYou can receive voice feedback when you are running.  The voice feedback will be in English,depending on your region.Start logging your running activities.  (see page 10)1PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 11
RRaaddiioo  MMooddee::  AAuuttoommaattiicc  TTuunniinnggFrom the root menu, press 44, 44, 22to enter the radio mode (disabled during running logging). Any music playback will stop as you enter the radio mode.1Press 44to scroll down to AAUUTTOO  SSEEAARRCCHH.  Press 22;;to automatically select the 10 strongest radio stations.  Press 11to abort AAUUTTOO  SSEEAARRCCHH.2Press 33to scroll up or 44to scroll down for your preset.Press 22;;to play the selected station.3Radio mode, no stationstored Stations tunedTIP> Connect your headphones before you start tuning.> No stations are tuned if you are using your player for the first time.> Some settings and functions are not available in the radio mode.✔*Actual display varies with use 12PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 12
RRaaddiioo  MMooddee::  MMaannuuaall  TTuunniinnggPress 33to scroll up or 44to scroll down for your preset.1Press 22;;to play the selected station.  Press 44or 33to fine tune (tune step by step).  Press and hold 44to search for the next available station. Press and hold 33for the previous available station.  Press 11    to abort searching.Press 22;;to save your setting.3Manual tuningStation storedTIPIf you want to discard the newly searched station, press 11      to exit the radio menu.✔Radio preset menu2*Actual display varies with use 13PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 13
RRuunnnniinngg  mmooddee::  HHiissttoorryyPress and hold 22;;to power on.From the root menu, press 44,  22  to enter the running mode.1To list your running history, select HISTORY and press 22.  Your running logs will be listed by date.  2*Actual display varies with use 14Press 33or  44to select your running log.Press 22to view  the results of the highlighted running log.3If you want to delete the running log, press 22;;as prompted.If you want to keep the running log, press 11.4PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 14
SSeettttiinnggss  MMooddeeFrom the root menu, press 44, 44, 44, 22to enter the settings mode.1Press 33to scroll up or 44to scroll down for your setting.Press 22for next or 11for previous levels of options.2Settings modeRepeat / Shuffle  Strobe light  Equalizer Press 22to confirm your selection.3TIPTo display player information, select and highlight FFaaccttoorryy  sseettttiinnggss; press and hold 22for 2 seconds. ✔*Actual display varies with use 15PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 15
AAddvvaanncceedd  SSeettttiinnggss  aanndd  AAccttiioonnssYou can adjust the following settings from the settings mode.Press 33to scroll up or 44to scroll down for your setting.Press 22for next or 11for previous levels of options.Press 22to confirm your selection.3311              2244  UpDownLeft RightSSeettttiinnggssSSttrroobbee  lliigghhttDDBBBBEEqquuaalliizzeerrSShhuuffffllee  &&RReeppeeaattLLaanngguuaaggeeBBaacckklliigghhttCCoonnttrraassttFFaaccttoorryy  sseettttiinnggsson / ooffffRockFunkTechnoooffffHipHopShuffleShuffle & RepeatooffffRepeat All5 sec1100  sseecc30 secOffLevels 1 to 10 ((LLeevveell  77))RestoreCancelDefault setting in bboolldd.16on / ooffffSSyynncchhrroonniizzeeVVooiiccee  ffeeeeddbbaacckkDDiissttaannccee  UUnniittssMMiilleess/ KilometresEEnngglliisshhItalianoEspañolPortuguésFrançaisDeutschOn Distance (1km/1mile)OOnn  DDeemmaannddOn Time (5min)PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 16
WWeeaarriinngg  yyoouurr  ppllaayyeerrTIPUse armband and player holder to wear player on your arm.✔17SSttrroobbee  LLiigghhttStrobe light is an illumination technology setting that allows the backlit LCDdisplay to gradually radiate bursts of light, enhancing visibility of the runnerin low light conditions.PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 17
Digital Media Manager contains all the necessary software components you need to work properly with your player.  These include:- running log management- running log upload to support site- playlist creation- MP3 / WMA transfer for playback on player- paths and supporting link for DMM software and player firmware upgrades.AAbboouutt  DDiiggiittaall  MMeeddiiaa  MMaannaaggeerr  ((DDMMMM))*Actual display varies with use 18PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 18
IInnssttaallll  DDMMMMInsert the supplied CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.  1Follow screen instructions to begin and complete DMM installation.2Launch DMM to customize your settings when prompted to do so.3Select DMM’s display language*Specify one or more music folder**Actual display varies with use 19PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 19
LLaauunncchh  DDMMMM  ((ppllaayyeerr  ccoonnnneecctteedd))Open the USB cover.  Connect your player to your computer using the supplied USB cable.  The USB connection screen will automatically appear.1Launch DMM.  (see page 19 for first time launch settings)New running data on your player will be automatically transferred to DMM.Please wait for the process to complete.  Never disconnect the USB cable while  transfer is in progress.2Organize your running data, music and playlists in DMM.3Transfer your music from DMM to your player.4TIPPlease refer to your computer’s manual for the exact position of your USB port.Look for the USB symbol on the processing unit of your computer.✔*Actual display varies with use 20PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 20
TThhee  mmaaiinn  RRUUNNNNIINNGG  ssccrreeeenn  ((ppllaayyeerr  ccoonnnneecctteedd))1221*Actual display varies with useRRUUNNNNIINNGG  TTAABB: click to display running logs1MMYY  WWOORRKKOOUUTTSS: Click on desired workout to show detailed information.2213456Workout information area3PPLLAAYYEERR  SSTTAATTUUSS: Displays player connection status4TTrraannssffeerr  ttoo  oonnlliinnee  lloogg  wweebbssiittee: transfer all workhout history to online log website5Click to display workout history according to pace, speed or distance6TTrraasshh: deletes workout history selection.PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 21
TTrraannssffeerr  ttoo  oonnlliinnee  lloogg  wweebbssiittee  ((UUSSAA  oonnllyy))22*Actual display varies with useClick on TTrraannssffeerr  ttoo  oonnlliinnee  lloogg  wweebbssiittee.1Login / Create new  user name in the pop-up screen as shown above.2Click OOKKto complete your transfer.  Do not disconnect your internet connection until transfer completes.3TIPDMM will transfer a summary of your workout log to the online log website.✔PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 22
23DDMMMM  MMeennuuss  aanndd  AAccttiioonnssUse menus to customize DMM:FFiilleeRReeffrreesshh  ccoonntteennttssFor updating the latest status of the selected windowSSttaarrtt  ppllaayyeerr  lliinnkk//For disconnecting your player from DMMSSttoopp  ppllaayyeerr  lliinnkkQQuuiittFor exiting DMMEEddiittTTrraacckk  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnFor editing track information (in music tab only)DDeelleettee  aallll  wwoorrkkoouuttssFor deleting all workout logsOOnnlliinnee  DDeevviiccee  RReeggiissttrraattiioonnFor online device registrationUUsseerr  nnaammeeFor changing the name of the user PPrreeffeerreenncceessLLaanngguuaaggeeFor selecting a language for DMMMMuussiicc  ffoollddeerrssFor adding, deleting or re-arranging your Music folders(in music tab only)TTrraannssffeerr  ooppttiioonnssFor selecting transfer options (in music tab only)DDiissttaannccee  uunniittssFor selecting distance unitsIInntteerrnneett  ccoonnnneeccttiioonnFor selecting internet connection optionsPPllaayyeerr  ffiirrmmwwaarreeFor checking, upgrading and restoring player firmwareUUppggrraaddee  DDMMMMFor checking and upgrading DMMHHeellppDDMMMM  HHeellppFor additional help and tipsSSuuppppoorrttFor instant access to support siteAAbboouutt  DDMMMM  HHeellppFor software version informationAAbboouutt  PPllaayyeerrFor player informationAAbboouutt  NNiikkeerruunnnniinngg..ccoommFor online log site informationTIPThe menus will call up various messages or windows where you need to inputsome information.  Follow screen instructions to complete your settings.✔PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 23
TThhee  mmaaiinn  MMUUSSIICC  ssccrreeeenn  ((ppllaayyeerr  ccoonnnneecctteedd))12MMYY  MMUUSSIICC: displays the contents of your music folders; click on  to minimize / maximize.1PPLLAAYYEERR  MMUUSSIICC: displays the contents of your player; click on  to minimize / maximize.2NNeeww  ppllaayylliisstt::  creates a new playlist.IImmppoorrtt  mmuussiicc: adds music or playlist.TTrraasshh: deletes selection.EEddiitt  IIDD33  ttaagg: edits track information of selected track.SSeeaarrcchh: searches for music from MMYY  MMUUSSIICCand / or PPLLAAYYEERR  MMUUSSIICC.*Actual display varies with use24PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 24
SSeelleeccttoorr  ppaanneell  aanndd  ccoonntteenntt  ppaanneellSSeelleeccttoorr  ppaanneell: arranges the display order of the content panel.1CCoonntteenntt  ppaanneell: displays the contents of MMYY  MMUUSSIICC, highlight to drag from MMYY  MMUUSSIICCand drop to PPLLAAYYEERR  MMUUSSIICC..2125 6 8 934SSccrroollll  bbaarr3PPuullll  ddoowwnn  mmeennuuss4TTeexxtt  aarreeaa: type your search criteria here.5: transfers highlighted tracks and / or playlists.6HHeeaaddeerr  sseeppaarraattoorr: resizes column width.7PPllaayyeerr  mmeemmoorryy  iinnddiiccaattoorr: shows available memory on your player.8RReessiizziinngg  bbuuttttoonnss: minimizes, maximizes DMM view / exit DMM.9*Actual display varies with use257PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 25
IInnddiiccaattoorrss  oonn  tthhee  ccoonntteenntt  ppaanneell: expanded view, displays item contents in full.1: track / playlist not on the player.212345Click to highlight an item.Press <Delete> on your keyboard to delete the highlighted item.3: indicates track is playing by DMM.4: collapsed view: item contains more contents to display.5*Actual display varies with use26PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 26
CClliicckk  aanndd  TTrraannssffeerrMake sure your player is connected when you launch DMM.  1Click and highlight an item (e.g. track, artist, album, genre, playlist).2Click on to copy your selection from your computer to your player.3Your selection is now transferred to your player.4IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT::  KKEEEEPP  AA  CCOOPPYY  OOFF  YYOOUURR  OORRIIGGIINNAALL  FFIILLEESS!!Please keep a copy of the original files transferred to your player.  Philips is not responsible for any loss of content if the player is damaged or not readable.*Actual display varies with useTIPPress and hold <Ctrl> on your keyboard and click to select more than one item.  To select consecutive items, click the first item, press and hold <Shift> on your keyboard, and then click the last item.✔27PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 27
DDrraagg  aanndd  DDrroopp  ttoo  TTrraannssffeerrMake sure your player is connected when you launch DMM.1Click to highlight an item (e.g. track, artist, album, genre, playlist). Drag the selection to PPLLAAYYEERR  MMUUSSIICC  or a specific playlist. 2Your selection is now transferred to your drop destination.3IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT::  KKEEEEPP  AA  CCOOPPYY  OOFF  YYOOUURR  OORRIIGGIINNAALL  FFIILLEESS!!Please keep a copy of the original files transferred to your player.  Philips is not responsible for any loss of content if the player is damaged or not readable.*Actual display varies with useTIPPress and hold <Ctrl> on your keyboard and click to select more than one item.  To select consecutive items, click the first item, press and hold <Shift> on your keyboard, and then click the last item.✔28PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 28
AAdddd  aa  TTrraacckk  ttoo  aa  PPllaayylliisstt  bbyy  DDrraagg  aanndd  DDrrooppClick on a track.1Drag the selected track to a playlist.2Hold the mouse button and move your selection to a destination playlist.3Your selected track is now in the playlist.4TIPPress and hold <Ctrl> on your keyboard and click to select more than one item.  To select consecutive items, click the first item, press and hold <Shift> on your keyboard, and then click the last item.✔*Actual display varies with use29PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 29
CCrreeaattee  PPllaayylliissttssClick on  to create a new playlist.1Fill in the information in the selector panel in New Playlist.2Press <Enter> to save your new playlist.  You can now drag more tracks to the new playlist.3Click on  to import a playlist.1Fill in the information in the pop up window.2Follow screen instructions to import your new playlist.  You can now drag more tracks to the imported playlist.3IImmppoorrtt  PPllaayylliissttss*Actual display varies with use30PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 30
DDeelleettee  TTrraacckkss  aanndd  PPllaayylliissttssClick to highlight an item.1Drag your selection to  to delete.2Alternatively, press <Delete> on your keyboard to delete your selection.3*Actual display varies with useTIPPress and hold <Ctrl> on your keyboard and click to select more than one item.  To select consecutive items, click the first item, press and hold <Shift> on your keyboard, and then click the last item.✔31PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 31
EEddiitt  TTrraacckk  IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnClick on a track to edit its information.1Click on  to call up the IIDD33  TTaagg  EEddiittoorr.2Click on the text boxes of TTrraacckk  nnaammee, TTrraacckk  nnuummbbeerr, AArrttiisstt, AAllbbuumm, GGeennrree, YYeeaarr, CCoommmmeennttssto edit relevant information.3Click on OOKKto save the information.  Click CCaanncceellto discard changes made.4*Actual display varies with use32PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 32
SSeeaarrcchh  ffoorr  TTrraacckkss  oorr  PPllaayylliissttssType a search string in the SSeeaarrcchhfield.1Click on  to start searching.2You will see tracks and / or playlists that contain the search string.3You can transfer, delete or drag and drop these tracks as described in previous sections.4TIPDeleting items from the searched results will delete them from your library!✔Click on the SSeelleeccttoorr  ppaanneellto exit the search view.5*Actual display varies with use33PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 33
MMaakkee  UUssee  ooff  tthhee  DDiiffffeerreenntt  VViieewwssSSeeccttiioonn  iiccoonnssYou can click on  or  to expand or minimize respective content panels.1BBoorrddeerr  aarreeaaDrag the border area between MMYY  MMUUSSIICCand PPLLAAYYEERRMMUUSSIICC.  When the contentpanel is reduced to a certain size, the content panel will only show the section icon.2DDrroopp  ZZoonneeWhen PPLLAAYYEERR  MMUUSSIICCis minimized, you will see a DDrroopp  ZZoonnee.  You can drag selected items and drop them here.  Note that the DDrroopp  ZZoonnee  icon turns grey whenplayer memory is full.3DMM provides different view options.  This is to minimize content refreshing time. There are a few ways to customize DMM views.34PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 34
DDiissppllaayy  TTrraacckkss  YYoouurr  WWaayySSoorrttiinnggYou can click on the contents header (Track, Artist, Album, Genre) to arrange music tracks according to the order you selected.1DDeettaaiilleedd  //  ssuummmmaarryy  vviieewwClick on the  next to the contents header to turn on / turn off detailed display of item contents.2detailed viewsummary view35PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 35
UUppggrraaddeessSince it is possible for you to upgrade your product, we recommend that you register your product on so we can inform you as soon as new free upgradesbecome available.We know you will enjoy your product for a long time. For best performance, we recommend thatyou regularly check in to for free upgrades of the latest software andfirmware for your product.FFiirrmmwwaarree  UUppggrraaddeeYour player is controlled by an internal program called ffiirrmmwwaarree.  You can download and installthe latest firmware to keep your player updated.Click PPrreeffeerreenncceess  ➔PPllaayyeerr  FFiirrmmwwaarree  ➔ UUppggrraaddee  FFiirrmmwwaarree  .  This will give you furtherinformation on how to download and upgrade your player firmware.1Follow screen instructions to complete firmware upgrade.2TIPBecause you are updating the program of your player, please make sure your player is connected to your computer before you launch DMM.  Keep it connected during the firmware upgrade process.✔DDMMMM  UUppggrraaddeeDMM is the software that enables best interactions between your player and your computer  Keep it updated by doing upgrades.Click PPrreeffeerreenncceess  ➔ UUppggrraaddee  DDMMMM.  This will give you further information on how todownload and upgrade your DMM.1Follow screen instructions to complete DMM upgrade.236PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 36
UUnniinnssttaallll  DDMMMMClose all applications, including DMM.1From the Start menu, go to Control Panel.  Select Add / Remove Programs.Select DMM from your currently installed programs to uninstall.2For further information on uninstalling programs, please refer to Windows’ user manual.337PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 37
PPrroobblleemmCCaauusseeSSoolluuttiioonnCannot power on player Battery drained Charge the battery(See page 1, step 2)Loose key press Press and hold 22;;for 2 secondsUSB connected Disconnect player from computer (See page 1, step 5)Firmware / databse error Connect player to computer andrestart DMMUSB doesn’t work  Loose connection Check connectionWrong OS version Your operation system must beWin 98SE or laterUSB driver not installed Windows 98SE user only: install the USB driver provided in by-packed CDPlayer does not respond Player busy Press and hold [VOLUME +] and 33  to reset. Press and hold 22;;for 2 seconds to power on again if the power on screen does not appear automaticallyAutomatic power off Your player automatically powers if there is no operation and no music played within 20 seconds.Press and hold 22;;to power on.TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg  ((11))If a fault occurs, first check the points listed. For further help and other troubleshooting tips,please also check out FAQ for your player at  If you are unable to find a solution from these hints, consult your dealer or service center.WARNING: Under no circumstances should you try to repair the set yourself, as this will invalidatethe warranty.38PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 38
39PPrroobblleemmCCaauusseeSSoolluuttiioonnCannot play track Track format not Your player is not able to play supported AAC encrypted or WMA songs bought from the internet.Since it is possible for you to upgradeyour product, we recommend that youregularly check in to free upgrades of the latest softwareand firmware for your product.Tracks were copied  Your player will play tracks only if they from your computer  they are transferred using the by-to your player using packed music management softwaredrag and drop in Windows ExplorerTracks not shown in Track format not Ensure that all your music on your by-packed music  supported computer is in formats supported by management software your player.SDM doesn’t work Synchronization problem Please synchronize your player with the speed and distance monitor if:you have bought a new speed and distance monitor (see page 7)Workout started before Wait for the  and the audibleSDM connection is  beep before starting runningestablishedSDM connection lost Re-establish SDM connection due to surrounding (see page 6)interferenceSDM connection lost Install batteries or charge yourbecause of low battery playerNo voice feedback Essential files for voice Connect player to computer andfeedback deleted restart DMMduring USB connectionTTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg  ((22))PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 39
SSaaffeettyy  aanndd  MMaaiinntteennaanncceeTTaakkee  ccaarree  wwhheenn  uussiinngg  hheeaaddpphhoonneessHHeeaarriinngg  ssaaffeettyy: Listen at a moderate volume. Using headphones at high volume can impair your hearing.TTrraaffffiicc  ssaaffeettyy::Do not use headphones while driving or cycling as you may cause an accident.TTaakkee  ccaarree  wwhheenn  uussiinngg  ssttrroobbee  lliigghhttDo not look directly into the strobe light for prolonged period as this may cause damage to your eyes. GGeenneerraall  mmaaiinntteennaanncceeTToo  aavvooiidd  ddaammaaggee  oorr  mmaallffuunnccttiioonn::– Do not expose to excessive heat caused by heating equipment or direct sunlight.– Do not drop your player or allow objects to fall on your player.– Do not allow your player to be submersed in water. Do not expose earphone socket or battery compartment to water as water entering the set may cause major damage.– Do not use any cleaning agents containing alcohol, ammonia, benzene, or abrasives as these may harm the set.– Active mobile phones in the vicinity may cause interference.UUssiinngg  DDMMMMAvoid the risk of corrupting and losing data with the following precautions when using DMM:– Never disconnect the USB cable while file transfer is in progress.  – Never close DMM while file transfer is in progress. – Operate using one file management system only. When transferring files, do not attempt to transfer files via Windows Explorer whilst waiting for transfer to complete on DMM. – Do not delete any track via Windows Explorer when file transfer is active in DMM. If you wish to delete a file, please only do so from either DMM or from Windows Explorer after filetransfer completes.UUssiinngg  tthhee  ppoowweerr  aaddaapptteerr  //  cchhaarrggeerr– Use only the power adapter that came with your player. Adapters for other electronic devices may look similar, but they may damage your player.– The only way to shut off power completely to your power adapter/charger is to disconnect it from the power source.– Always leave space around your power adapter. Do not use this equipment in a location where airflow around the power adapter is confined, such as a bookcase.– When connecting or disconnecting your power adapter, always hold the power adapter by its sides. Keep fingers away from the metal part of the plug.– The power adapter for your player is a high-voltage component and should not be opened for any reason, even when your player is off.EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnWe have reduced the packaging to its minimum and made it easy to separate into materials: cardboard, PS, PE, PET.Your set consists of material which can be recycled if disassembled by a specialized companyPlease observe the local regulations to dispose of packaging, exhausted batteries and old equipment.40PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 40
NNoottiiccee  ffoorr  tthhee  UUSSAA Nike-PhilipsPSA260Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference toradio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or more of the following measures:0Relocate the receiving antenna.0Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.0Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.0Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.Notice for CanadaThis Class B digital apparaatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.This product complies with the radio interference requirements of the European Community.MMooddiiffiiccaattiioonnssModifications not authorized by the manufacturer may void user authority to operate this device.CCooppyyrriigghhtt  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnAll other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.Unauthorized duplication of any recordings downloaded from the internet or made from audio CDs is a violation of copyright laws and international treaties.41PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 41
TTeecchhnniiccaall  DDaattaaGGeenneerraallDimension 27 (D) x 27 (H) x 71 mmWeight 70gPPoowweerr  ssuuppppllyyBuilt-in 600mAh Li-ion rechargeable batteryMulti-voltage AC power adapter / chargerBBaatttteerryy  ppllaayyttiimmee12 hours using built-in rechargeable battery (4 hours fully charged, 1 hour fast charge)*Battery life may vary according to use.DDiissppllaayyWhite Backlight LCDIInnddiiccaattiioonnssAlbum name, artist name, battery status, DBB, frequency, pre-set station, time, trackSSoouunnddBass enhancement Dynamic Bass BoostEqualizer settings Funk, Hip hop, Rock, TechnoFrequency Response 20 - 20 000 HzOutput power (RMS) 2 x 5 mW (16 Ω)Signal to noice ratio >80Volume control DigitalAAuuddiioo  PPllaayybbaacckkMP3 (8 - 320 kbps and VBR) WMA (32 - 192 kbps)IIDD33--ttaagg  ssuuppppoorrttAlbum title, genre title, track title and artist nameSSttoorraaggee  MMeeddiiaaMass storage class, 256MB* NAND FlashMusic memory capacity: up to 65 MP3 tracks (128kbps) or 130 WMA tracks (64kbps)* Actual formatted capacity will be less.TTuunneerrFrequency range 87.5 - 108 MHzStation presets 10Tuner bands FM stereoCCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy5V DC, headphones (3.5mm line-out), remote control, USB 1.1, Bluetooth 1.1BBlluueettooootthhSPP, Class 3, range up to 5mMMuussiicc  ttrraannssffeerrvia DMM / Musicmatch for music playback FFiillee  ttrraannssffeerrvia Windows Explorer of data in general AAcccceessssoorriieess(availability subject to regions)AY4102 AC/ DC adapterAY4208 ArmbandAY4212 CarrierSBC HJ030/771 HeadphonesAY3192 USB cableThe type plate is at the back of the set.Philips, Nike, Inc. reserves the right to make design and specification changes for product improvement without prior notice.All rights reserved.  42PSA260°ƒeng.qxd  23/6/04  13:46  Page 42

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