Philips Consumer Lifestyle SA3CNT08K GoGear Connect,WiFi MP3 Player User Manual SA3CNT08K 37 rev5
Philips Consumer Lifestyle GoGear Connect,WiFi MP3 Player SA3CNT08K 37 rev5
- 1. SA3CNT08K-37-User manual_rev5
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SA3CNT08K-37-User manual_rev5
Register your product and get support at SA3CNT08 SA3CNT16 SA3CNT32 EN User manual Contents Important safety information : ; "" < Your new device => ' !% """( 4 """( Get started 10 '% %"(!! $" % " % " +* +* +* ++ ++ Overview 12 ' ? 5(? " <"% % %" %" ' @? ; 9B D ! .""" : F" +) +, +, +/ +/ + + + + + +# +& +& Get content on the device 20 :!G 'G G " D !!' -""="% F " 4 "(% 4" Search on the device 27 Music and videos 28 ! " " $% ' ( %% (" ! " " $% (" (" )* )+ )+ Gallery 33 $% (" " ' % - )) )) )) )) )) ), ), ), Browser 35 ."" )/ 10 Maps 36 4" ! - % 5( %!" 79" .""!" : !!" !" ) ) )# )# )# )# )& )& 11 Gmail 40 EN 12 Email ' '" ' ' " '" ' J@ 13 Bluetooth ' %$ "( "( $ 9 $ " 14 Calendar .""( " !" % " F"( 15 FM radio D" 16 Recordings " 4"" " " 17 Alarm clock 41 ,+ ,+ ,+ ,) ,) 44 ,, ,, ,/ 46 , 48 ,# ,# 49 ,& ,& ,& ,& 50 $ D 5 " - HF'-9 ' :< 9I % % %" "(" '" . % ; ( $ . I ( 9I" " .""" I . -I . G! ; " "%"( 18 Calculator 20 Settings . " =<4 5% .""=<4% ."(" EN 51 19 Use the device in corporate networks 52 G " !F .""5 // / / / / / / /# /# /# /# /# /# /& /& /& /& /& /& /& /& /& /) 54 /, /, /, /, // 22 Technical data ' 64 23 Customer care information of service partners 66 Need help? ( % ! ! K !%" K" % ! " L 1 Important safety information General maintenance D ! " ! ! L G(! % F ( " "( K F ( ( L Caution U D("" !O U - " ( " " L U -"" %P ! L U - %" " %L- " %K % P"L .( ( !L $ LF ("% """(L ! !"!" """ B L V !K" KLW % " !%(" L - K K@K ( "L About operating and storage temperatures U J % % %*")/X'V) &/X4W U % % %< *",/X'V<, ++)X4WL U $ ! " % " L Replacement parts/accessories: %%%L LB " B L Hearing Safety Listen at a moderate volume: " ( LD "" " " ! K(! LD" !!" ! ( "" L ""(LJ( M! ( >" ( ! "L ! " K% " M > ""! LD" K ( ! ( ! " " (L D !( ( O ( % L % " ! " K%" L 9 ! " !O " "K( M !> ( K L $ " L $ (! %" % " L 9 ( ! " !L $! "P ( " L -( >%> "L Q " " @" L - " % @"( K K "KLR !@"" L EN . " " "( (" ' 9! (" > L Copyright information . " "" " ! ( @ L @"" !" %"% ""!G "!"'- ( ! % " L D!@" !< " K " K K" " " " K!! " !! L D " "! L D="% ""="% "" ! !' " "B L Be responsible! Respect copyrights. ! K"% " L "( ""B" "% %> @L '" @" ( % ( " L ' % % L D"" ! !(" "% "" "" ! % " "LQ !(K < " ( EN ("" %!%L ! "L " " !L4 "!% %"% "% L Data logging "( !"" LD" " ! "(K "( !B" <( !"(L D " ""!"" ! % "(LD" "K! K% "! "K"! "K% % % "KLD" "" ( " ""( !"% " LD" " "(("" "J59Q! "( ( "J59Q !" "(LD" " " ( > L This product is partly based on Open Source software. The license text, acknowledgment, and written offer can be retrieved from the device under > Information > Legal information. Š 2009, Xiph.Org Foundation ;" " " ! K%%"K "(""! % " O U ;" ! " (K ! " "! %" L U ;" ! "(K !" "! % " ""B (""% " L U 5!HL 4" ! "" " "("! !%% % L D !% ("" " " Y Z" "% K "K " K "% ! " ! " "L G( !" !"K"K" K K K " V "K "K! " ( R ! K"K R W%( ""! K% K KV " % W % ! ! !%K(!"( "! ! "L Recycling the product and the built-in battery Q" " ""!" % " K % "" "L 5(" !"% "% L ! ! ! " " " L D" ! " ( ( (" L ( %%%L L L! "" ! L Caution U ;( ! <( " % "" "L SAR statement D %4''" !! " (LF" ! % ! !;4 LD < "P% L D .;<( "! "L .; " * !"" ("" L Philips CONNECT Notice for the USA D ""!" % !' $" "(K +/!4''; L D " "(" ! ! " LD K K"""! "K! "" "" % K ! !" L ?%(K !% LG! " ! !" ( K %"" !!"K " ! !! % O U ; (L U G % "(L EN U U ' "!!!% ( "L ' " " "BD! L Notice for Canada D ' $" % '"G'F <**)L D %4''<; K<+/ "% +'4;+*,*L+*LJ P ! %%" O U D "( ! !K" U D "( ! ("K "! " "L EN 2 Your new device [ " Philips GoGear audio player Quick start guide On ConnectK"! %O U . G=<4R U . " ! " .""R U . ( K " (" K" "K K % ( K K" ( R U " $ R U Connect %'" R U R U =(" R U % R U 9 4"L Whatâs in the box (("! % O ' \ Note U D ( ! L ( B" %L PC software loaded on the device Connect %! %' !%O U Philips SongbirdV " '""(WL Files loaded on the device D! % ""ConnectO U F $ EN 3 Get started Charge power Select USB connection modes %"("'L. < " "! "O Connect < " $!L $ $ K"( 'L Charge only mode $"! K"( "' "LG "K" %%L U < L Switch the device on or off " " B %!! "(L USB storage mode DK K( %'" "(K $ "L= % $ "K " ConnectL U J< KTurn on USB storage Turn off USB storageL USB debugging mode Q "!"( ! ."" LG "K"( %' $ L D % $""K 10 EN 1 4? K ApplicationsL 2 GDevelopmentK USB debuggingL Âť G!! "K "L Switch between the USB storage mode and USB debugging mode 1 2 -"% L 3 J< K L G <"% K USB connected USB debugging connectedL Switch to the airplane mode % "%O U "" =<4 $ ! ! K L 1 ="( K " " B < " "L Âť G! K ! " "L 2 J< KAirplane mode %!!"L Switch to the silent mode G "K( !"(!" " L 1 ="( K " " B < " "L Âť G! K ! " "L 2 J< KSilent mode %!!"L EN 11 4 Overview Home screen Controls 4? K L B MIC " "O % !!"( O B R D K" " L )L/<" $!% "" ! $ ( O RD K" " L O? R " "O" ( " L % RESET K 12 EN ! % " " ! L D O B" ( L " "O B " ! L " B O (" B ! L . O9 "L O ! Philips SongbirdL O-% ""!! K K" L $% O$% = L 4 "(%O$% B! " "(K K" L O' @ ! Connect Philips SongbirdO " (" Philips SongbirdL : O% "(" ConnectL YouTubeOJ (" ( (" ! (" K "(" " L ;"O 4"L : : O (!: D OG (! : O ( . O L ' "O "K"" ( K" " ! ( L ' F O "(L ;" O" " " L J(GK P ( ! L VIEWSTER 7 digitalO V "% "W Get help fromO OBB%%%L" LB MOGO Get help from: OBB LL OBB LLB RhapsodyO Get help from: OBB%%%L "LB OBB%%%L "LB B ` VIEWSTERO""" ( Get help fromO OBB(% LB L AUPEO!O @" " Get help from: OBB%%%LLB! AudibleO." Get help from: OBB%%%L" LB BOBB L" L B!.""L U . ( K ! " "L %B"% LD L To go back to previous screens, U " L Navigate on the Home screen 5(? " O U % !B R To return to the Home screen, U L EN 13 list -"% (% <"% L Power control widget =" % ! ? L J? K % !B" % %"LD %!!! L Status bar D ! LF( " "L $! " F '"=<4%" : ( '"=<4% J=<4%( LD K > Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi settingsK" L . "O. =<4 "$ " " " $L $ '"$ "( - F (" ' "" . " %" +, EN power saver %!!=<4K$ K "% % %L screen brightness control ' ! L Bluetooth on/ off % !!$ !L Wi-Fi on/off % !!=<4!L Wi-Fi settings !( =<4% L ' "%L To conserve battery power and increase the play time, do the following on the device: U % %" %!! ! % R U <!! %( V > Display > Screen timeoutWL Music widget = ! K %" ! ? L J? K" %"O D B L B B D R ? " % L Customize the Home screen $ @? K U ""%" " ! R U K%" K" R U @ ""L Add widgets or shortcuts =%" K ! L 1 % !B L U > "L 2 " AddL Âť . ! " " < L 3 D %"L Âť D %" """ "L Add icons 1 % !B L U > "L 2 3 D ! L 4 - L Âť D """ "L D" " " "L EN +/ Use folders to organize icons 1 '! "O U ? " L Âť . ! " " < L U Rearrange icons Q " L D" K 1 2 D" " L - L D K 1 2 3 16 D" " L - L ; L Âť D( L EN D ! "L Âť .! " "L 2 - ! "O U ? " R U -! "L 3 D! "O U D! "R U ? "! " " " "R U F! "L Screens Rotate the screen To unlock the screen 1 B L U . ( K L 2 - " L To select the landscape or portrait view, 1 ( %" Auto-rotate screen > DisplayL 2 ; !BL Text entry = "K L Select options for text entry Select input methods U " " < " "L Âť Q ! % " O Lock/ unlock the screen $ K LD K" " ("L Auto lock .!"K " " " LD "K > Display > Screen timeoutL Android keyboard:! ' Google Pinyin:!' " F Select keyboard layout D "K "( " (%L To lock the screen manually U B L EN + Use the Android keyboard to enter text 1 D L Âť D " " "L 2 3 D L On K % !B L D %" K U % !B R D "L To select keyboard settings or input methods, U J "K " Android keyboard settingsL To switch between letters and numbers/ symbols, U D B Tip U JB "K % % B " L U D % "K > Language & keyboard > Android keyboardL Show settings keyL To display word suggestions during your text entry, 1 2 J "K Android keyboard settingsL Show suggestionsL To switch between the selected input languages, 1 ."" ! L U J "K > Android keyboardL Input languagesL U D L 18 EN To switch between upper and lower cases, U D " %% K K" L Âť OD L Âť O. L Âť O. % L To get more choices for letters and symbols, U D" " < " "L Âť O9 L Âť O9 % L To move to the next line U D L To delete the entry before the cursor, U D Edit text QKK" ("L Select the text 1 O U D" " < " "L Âť G< K " "O Select wordKSelect allL 2 DSelect wordL Âť '%" "K% ! "" L Âť DSelect all L To move to the next line, U D L 3 - B" L Copy or cut the text Use Google Pinyin to enter text Select the text entry mode U J"KĐáB㣠á %%' "F R U D " ! B L Tip U JB "K % % B " L To switch between upper and lower cases, U D B %% " L 1 D" " " < " "L Âť G< K " "OCopyKCutL 2 DCopyCutL Âť D " "L Paste the text 1 2 L D" " < " "L Âť G< KPaste " "L Âť )DPasteLD " " L EN +& 5 Get content on the device On ConnectKO U !G=<4R U !' $ L To check the content onConnect, U !? L Get content from the Internet Note U G " "" < "L J(GK"! % ConnectO U 4.""K"% " "!! K K K(" K " R U . ( "ConnectK : K K' "K : KD KQDK" R U "% " K" K (" K" K"B ("!G K 7 digitalK VIEWSTERKAudibleKAUPEO!R U $% % L Connect to the Internet 'Connect% V. WLQConnect % "L 20 EN U $! =<4K( "L To connect to a Wi-Fi network, 1 4? K % !B % %"L 2 D %=<4!L Âť D"( ( "%L Âť " " % =<4 " ! L To switch to another Wi-Fi network, Install applications Install applications from the Market 4? K LQ "% "" " L 1 J% %"K =<4 L Âť Q !=<4% K"( " % V!% "WL 2 'Connect %O U G !=<4% K "R U F< L Note U G!.'"" "K"" .'"" !Connect !"( %"P%LD"=<4 .'"" K > Information > Status ? L G!(" " G-" "" ( G"V G-W!K G- !%L: > Wi-Fi settings > Add Wi-Fi networkL G!-?'V-? ' W ( " "K G"" !'V M."(" > //WL Market Create or log in to your Google account =: K K "% "K" K : K D KQDK L 1 2 1 G K ! ""O U DAppsGames ! R U D !%" L 2 -% " O U D L' ""L Âť ="% " K L Âť -"% " L To install applications from sources other than the Market, U 4? K > ApplicationsLD %Unknown sourcesL Tip U J"(K !!' $ V M-""="% F > )WLG K" " L 4? K L 4 % : L EN 21 Manage applications Sync data Q "(K ! K B K K L ! L Auto sync =. K "% K! K K "K!L 1 J? K Manage applicationsO " 1 4? K Accounts & sync settingsL 2 % Background data"AutosyncL Âť G!! "K "L Tip U D (%K %!!Background data !! L U Auto-sync " "% %!!Background dataL Select auto sync options U U U GDownloadedK" ("% ""! L GRunningK" "(L GAllK" ( ""(L 1 %Auto-syncL U ( %" Background dataL Âť "Manage accountsK ! " " "L 2 3 D(% L D " "V "K WL Manual sync G!( %"!! K " ""L 2 D L Âť J "!" "L 1 "Manage accountsKL Âť . ! " "L 3 D L 2 D " "V "K WL 3 DSync nowL Tip U D " K Refresh L 22 EN " Transfer content from your PC '"(' $ L-! % ! " !'"(O U G="% F K""" " !' "(R U G Philips Songbird!"(L Connect %'" Philips SongbirdL Drag and drop in Windows Explorer Note U = % $ "K " ConnectLD " "(K %!! $ "L " #$ % U Q@ ! " L " #$ % U G!" ! VG-)WK K K K "(LD"!K " !%K Windows Media Player 11Philips SongbirdL Sync through Philips Songbird DPhilips SongbirdK K ("K !'"(LD % " (" ! "(L Install Philips Songbird 1 '"(' $ L U ( %" "(L 2 J"(K % $ O U J< KTurn on USB storageL 3 J'K"My Computer ComputerK U "ConnectR U " B! " L 4 4'K""" B! " ConnectL 1 '"(' $ L 2 J"(K % $ O U J< KTurn on USB storageL 3 J'K My Computer V="% HB="% ***WB Computer V="% B="% WL Âť D "setup. exe " "L 4 D K" setup. exeL EN 23 Import media intoPhilips Songbird D Philips Songbird 'K"! % " " Philips SongbirdO U D "! " D R U "! " " " L Âť D"! " % ! "!Philips SongbirdL To set the watch folder, GPhilips SongbirdK %! " ! % O To set iTunes media folder, 1 2 On Philips SongbirdKTools > Options... 2 Media ImporterK" iTunes ImporterL 3 4 ! " L ' Import Library L Âť D !% D Philips SongbirdL EN Tools > OptionsL GOptionsK Media ImporterLDK Watch FoldersL 3 GWatch FoldersK %L 4 ' BrowseK" ! " VLL-Ob ""W % ! "L Âť GPhilips SongbirdK" """(" ! "L Sync throughPhilips Songbird D "(Philips SongbirdK ! "(L J"(K ( %" $ "V M $" >+*WL Auto sync U G!( " K % "('R U . ( K "(" DevicesK" SyncL Manual Syn D ! " K To change sync settings later, 1 2 L -"" ConnectL D ! "" K 1 2 3 "("DevicesL ManualAutoL DK ApplyL EN 1 J'K "" L 2 Add to Device > ConnectL Âť " !" ConnectL 1 J ! K > Send via BTL Âť . ! " " L 2 D " L' "L On ConnectK%$ "(O U DScan for devices"" %"(L U . ( K""( "L Âť When Connect " $ "(K " " L 4 J$ "(K( O U ' "R U ( "L Tip U D K ""% Ctrl% L G Folder view = K"" !"(L ' 4? K LQ" ! ConnectL # G K"! % O U - B! " ! L ( ) * 1 J ! B! " K " DeleteL Âť . ! " " B! " L 2 D " B! " L 3 K" "L 26 EN K $ L 6 Search on the device = !: K U %RB" U "(! " !: L Use the quick search box :: !? L =K "(! " !: L Select search options Q ! L 1 2 3 D L > Search settingsL D L Âť G!! "K "L Google SearchO !: =L Searchable itemsO !"(L Clear search shortcutsO' ( " L " "" L 1 (" "(GL Voice search 2 J? K % L : (L 3 4 D L 5 O U "<"% L U G! K %"< "% L Note U D ( L 1 (" ConnectGL 2 4? K % L U . ( K % LD L 3 O U %"! L O U D R Âť D " " "L U U F%"! R D L EN 7 Music and videos Browse the music library Find music by song information J K" K K L : Philips Songbird "(" !" "(L Play music from Philips Songbird = Philips SongbirdK " ! L Philips sound options U GPhilips SongbirdK " [Settings] > [Philips Sound Options]L [FullSound] ; " V )K=.WL [Sound - Personalization] " L 1 Âť = K ( " "L Tip U = ![FullSound]"[Sound Personalization]K %!!L To select play options on the stereo Bluetooth headphones, = $ " K $ " L U GPhilips SongbirdK " [Settings] > [Headset controls]L 28 EN J K K K ""L Âť D " ! "L On K K K Superscroll ! % " O Find music by genre J"(K% K KK" LF" !" !%'K! KWindows Media Player 11"Philips SongbirdL U J K " ""L Find music by playlist J"(K ! % L U J K " ""L Play music U G ! K %B"%R Âť D " " "L U " " "L Âť G<K " "L U D K" " B"% L Âť .! K % L 1 2 G K% " L D K K K KK L Âť Q K K K K L Tip U Superscroll ( ! " K K Find music by keyword J K %" L EN To show or hide the play screen, U " B"%L Use the play screen as lock screen, - K " !"L= K B " L To select play options on the play screen, D ! D ! """L D O ; OD ! "L ;OD L D B L B B 30 EN D R ? "! !%"%" % L To switch off the lock screen, U G "K [Lock screen widget]L "" Connect to online services =Philips SongbirdK ( " L Stream photos fromFlickr Flickr ( ! "(L 1 (" "(GL 2 J K2 %FlickrL Âť .( " L Tell friends what songs you like throughFacebook U J K1L Scrobble song information toLast .fm D Last .fm ConnectK 1 GPhilips SongbirdK " [ scrobbling]L Âť G!! "K "L 2 - K (""(GL To show or hide the play screen, U " B"%L U To return to the list of items on the play screen, U 3 L U To return to the library screen, U 4L Switch between screens GPhilips SongbirdK"! % % % K K" ! O Playlists Q ! % L Add songs to a playlist 1 J K K K KL 2 D" " K K K < " "L D[Add to playlist...]L 3 L Âť D " K " K K """ L EN 31 Rename a playlist 1 2 3 Browse the videos library L D" " < " "LD[Rename]L Âť D " " "L Find videos by title F"! L Âť D "L Remove a song from the playlist 1 2 G K L D" " < " "LD[Remove from playlist]L Âť D " ("! L Delete a playlist 1 2 L D" " < " "LD[Delete]L Âť D " "L Play videos from Philips Songbird U J K L Âť D(" " "L = "K " !(" L Find videos by keyword J K %" L U . ( K (" L Philips sound options Play videos U 1 G(" K% " ("L 2 D K ("L Âť Q ("L J(" K " [Settings] > [Philips Sound Options]L Surround Sound " "!! To select play options on the play screen, D B L B B B 32 EN ? "! !%" %"% L D L 8 Gallery To list pictures or videos as thumbnails or in stacks by date, U -2L : O U (" B "(L To go to the main menu of Gallery, U D3L Play videos Browse the library 1 2 1 4? K L Âť "(" ! " " "L 2 D! "L Âť "(" ! " " "L G(" K% "("L D(" L Âť D " "L Select play options On the play screen, tap icons to select play options: B D B L ? " %" !%"L . ( K" %("L Select sound options Select sound settings U J K " Surround SoundL B Play pictures U D L Âť D " "L To browse through the pictures or videos, U % !B R U D 1( (" ( L EN 33 Crop pictures $K" @L F"%O U K $ K % ( R U % L To select play options on the play screen, U G! K " L D " %LQ L D@ L K 1 V M > ))WL 2 J K Menu " MoreL 3 DCropL Âť .! " "L 4 =!K %O U % !B R U D B" K"! !R U D B" ""K"" !!L 5 DSaveL Âť Q ("( L To rotate the picture, 1 2 J K Menu " MoreL Âť .< ! " "L DRotate LeftRotate RightL Set a picture as wallpaper Q % ! ? L 1 V M > ))WL 2 J K Menu " MoreL 3 4 DSet as " WallpaperL ' "L Delete pictures ), EN 1 V M > ))WL 2 J K Menu " DeleteL Âť Q" L 9 Browser = 1 2 3 4 K% = L 4? K L D L Âť D " " "L F%"" L J "KGoL To open a new web page, U J !%K " New windowL Âť Q=L To switch between screens 1 J !%K WindowsL 2 D "=L " Add a bookmark .""LQ ( "=L 1 2 :=L 3 F""%"" L Âť . """= L K" More > Add bookmarkL Âť .< " "L To go to a bookmarked Web page 1 2 4? K L > Bookmarks L Âť Q"=L EN )/ 10 Maps 4? K LQ Maps ( (=<4% K "My locationKDirectionsKPlacesK NavigationKLatitudeL To use the Maps services, 1 2 Maps ( (=<4% L U 4? K > Location & security > Use wireless networksLD % !L Âť G!! "K "L Search for places G K" ! K "! L Directions =DirectionsK" ! L 1 G K L U JK " L Âť D " " "L 2 F L Âť D " " L 3 D L Âť .! " "! " L (" "(=<4%L Find my location =My locationK" L 1 : L Âť . " "L 2 JK L Âť Q ""L Âť . %" L 36 EN 4 J!K O U OD" ! " L U OD" " L U OD"" " L Alternatively, 1 JK DirectionsL 2 ! KK K% L 3 "" O U My Location L D K L U ! "" LD K L 4 " 2 D"! L Âť D " "L 3 D L Âť .! " "! " L 4 J!K O U OD" ! " LD ! K <"% L U OD" " L U OD"" " L DGoL Places =PlacesK !" ! K K K K".D L 1 G K L U JK4? K ! ! L Âť . ! " "L View the map Add star to locations D" K"" ! L 1 JK" " L Âť .< " "" L 2 D<"" L U D L Âť .! " " !" L EN ) 3 D L Select views U JK L Âť Q (%L D!(%O K %K" <! L - )- (%O (%L D(%O - !! L 9"O - 9" L Share locations with friends Latitude !% !" L Join Latitude D LatitudeK : L U G K " Join Latitude L U . ( K!? K LatitudeL Add friends Navigation Navigation !"( " L4? K ! ! L .!PLatitudeK""!" Latitude L 1 G K " Latitude L U . ( K!? K LatitudeL Âť . !9"!" " "L 2 " Add friendsO U .""!: R U F "" L Âť . L Search for a destination 1 ! KK K% L 2 -!! % ! " O U D!" R U !" R U 4" !9"R U ( """ L Navigate to a destination 1 G ! K " L 2 ( " L U D" K L 38 EN Âť G!!" 9" " (K !% !"L Get the locations of friends To change how you share the location to a certain friend, 1 JK L Âť . !9"!" " "L 1 J !9"!" K!"L Âť .! " "L 2 D!"L Âť .! " "L 2 3 J!K O U OD" ! !"L U OD" ! !"L DSharing options O U ( R U ( R U " ! !"L Share your location to friends 1 JK L Âť . !9"!" " "L 2 DL Âť .! " "L 3 " PrivacyO U "" R U " R U " L EN )& 1 9: : L U 4? K L J ! K MoreL Settings % Batch operationsL Âť D "! ! "ConnectL 2 Check mail by label U J ! K > Go to labels K! KGK K. L J ! K L Âť .< L 3 4 D L 11 Gmail Compose mail U J ! K ComposeL D"" " U J ! K MoreL Settings > Signature " L Use more than one account in Gmail U J ! K Accounts > Add accountL D U J ! K AccountsLD "L Mark your mail Q ! % % O U ' ! R U ."" R U "L =" K " L Organize your mail Q@ ! % % O U ( " R U .( " R U - ""L ,* EN J< K L Âť D(" (" ". L Q %"% (L 1 J ! K MoreL SettingsL 2 D O Email Select ringtone 5 " " % (R ! R Select sync options Q "! "K"% "L U J ! K MoreL LabelsL To select your options for the accounts, 12 Email On ConnectK(" " "L-! %O U L Set up your email account On ConnectK ! %% O U J)G. K U !F F %L 3 4? K J ! K" " L Âť .< " "L 2 DAccount settingsL Check your email messages Q ! %% O U '" R U ' R U ' " R U '" L Check one combined mailbox Set up your POP3/ IMAP account 1 2 1 L O U F! R U )G.L 4 % L U ' ((" ! !K (K (L To add an account, 1 : ! O U G! K " L U . ( K " Accounts ! L 2 J ! K " Add accountL 4" K !"!! L 1 2 4? K L J ! K Combined InboxL U D ! K " R U . ( K " AccountsL Âť -!! " !"!! L To remove an account, 1 J ! K" " L Âť .< " "L 2 DRemove accountL EN ,+ Check starred messages To check starred messages, 1 : ! O U G! K " L U . ( K " Accounts ! L 2 DStarredL Âť " ! " "L To add star to a message, U J ! K L Âť 4 " K "L Alternatively, To switch to another folder, Q "!!! " K GK K-! K"JL 1 J ! K FoldersL 2 D "! "L " Check messages by account To check messages from a single account, 1 : ! O U G! K " L U . ( K " Accounts ! L 2 D "L Âť ! " "L EN 1 J ! K L Âť D "L 2 D ! L Check unread messages To check the unread messages, U J ! K" "L To mark the selected messages as read or unread, 1 J ! K L Âť D "L 2 D ! L Alternatively, 1 J ! K" " L Âť . " "L 2 D ""L Compose email messages To compose new messages, 1 D " K ! O U G! K " L U . ( K " Accounts ! L 2 J ! K " ComposeL Âť D " "! L 3 D K To reply to current message, 1 J ! K" " L Âť D! " "L 2 D L To forward current message, U =" K ForwardL " To add your signature to your outgoing messages, 1 J ! K Account settingsL 2 D" K SignatureL " Organize email messages To delete current message, U =" K L To delete the selected messages, 1 J ! K L Âť D "L 2 D ! L EN ,) 13 Bluetooth D$ K"! % % ConnectO U ;( " ! "$ "(R U 9 " $ " L 3 Get connectedby another Bluetooth device Connect the player with Bluetooth devices QConnect%$ "( ! %% O U '$ "(R U :"$ "(L Tip U $!K ! 2 Connect another Bluetooth device J$ "(K "( " ( $ "(L U ' ! $ "(!!L On ConnectK !$ "(O U 4? K > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settingsR U G! K % BluetoothR Âť G!! "K "L Âť U ,, EN " " L DScan for devicesL Âť D"( " "" Scan for devices! " ("L On ConnectK Connect " ( $ "(O U 4? K > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settingsR U G! K % BluetoothR Âť G!! "K "L U $ "( $ "L JK****+ ),L 1 %"(O U On ConnectK"(K" " "R U J"(K " "L Âť . 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K > "> ! ::LG!K> "< ")"(z "" " " L Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) OBB%%%L" LB MOG J: %"<%K<"" (L4|&L&&KJ: P<::' % "(%! ( !(++ K " " "% " L K %KD " "( } "" ! (V) * WL DJ:!!+," { Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) OBB LL Rhapsody ; " ! %K "."""(K! % LQ "% "" "( %!\L.( L L K % !!{ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) OBB%%%L "LB B ` AUPEO! .FJ{ ;" !" %" ( > (" P(+** ( 66 EN < % ( %K LLL (%L Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) OBB%%%LLB! VIEWSTER DGF= DF; :: "(L' !%"!( K " % L " z%"%(%{ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) OBB(% LB L Audible ." L! " " " L Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) OBB L" LB!.""L Š 2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved. SA3CNT_UM_37_V1.3_WK1141.4
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