Philips Consumer Lifestyle USR-5RF Custom Home Automation Device User Manual users manual

Philips Consumer Lifestyle Custom Home Automation Device users manual

users manual

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Mirror Download []Philips Consumer Lifestyle USR-5RF Custom Home Automation Device User Manual users manual
Document ID183552
Application IDiIjkPZC3mtPh6mJ3KEGGlw==
Document Descriptionusers manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
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Date Submitted2001-12-14 00:00:00
Date Available2001-12-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-12-03 12:00:53
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.05 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-12-03 14:42:01
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.05 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Custom Home Automation Device
Instruction Manual
Thank you fw “rinsing "m Onkyo Cusmm Home
Anmmflion pm: Please mll mix mam-d lholvughly
before making rmeaions mld plugging in the uni!»
Following me lama—mom in (his mm wlu emblem
to obtain optimum 310mm“ and listening enjoyment
from your w. Cutout Home Automation Device.
Please main ‘ mun] for [hum refinance.
From time to time you mould wipe the [roman/d
rear panels Ind the c-lviner with l toil cloth. For
heavier din. dampen a soft cloth ln 5 weak solu-
tion of mild detergent and water, wring it out
dry. and wipe off the din. Following this. dry
immediately with lclean cloth. Dorm use rough
material, thinners. llcohol or nther chemical ml-
Vents or cloths since these could damage the fur-
ish or remove the panel lettering
FCC lni’nrmllon for [her
The user dlmges ortnodirioalions not oxpmtly
approved by the party recponrlhle rot oomph»
tnoe could void the inert authority to operate
the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to
ootnply with the limit; for n elm B digittl de-
vlce. pursuant to Part 15 ofll'lemCRnIu. These
limits are deligned to provide unsuitable pmtec-
tiell quills! harmful inurfereme in l residential
installation. This equlpmenl generates. use: and
con radiatendio frequency energy and, ifnot in-
stalled and used in Mme with the instmc~
tiont. ntny caute harmful interferenee to rtdio
oommuniutiolls. However. more is no glut-twee
that interfelenee will not occur in I particular in—
mlhtion. it this equipment does cause httnttul
interferenoe to ndio or television reception.
which can he determined by turning the equip-
ment errand an.lhellserisencourtgedmlryw
correct the inlerfuenoc by one or more oflhe fol-
lowing measures:
. Reorielll or relocate the receiving mtennu
- lncleese the reparation between the equip-
ment and receiver.
~ Connect the equipment into in outlel on n
circuit differenl from that to which the re-
ceiver is mileage].
- Coninlt the dealer or In experienoed radio!
TV technician for Mlp.
ll serial or parallel pom are configured. n fil-
(cred/shielded serial 0! parallel elble is recom-
mended lo minimize EM! and ensure FCC B
This devioe complies with Pm 15 or (he FCC
rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device my not came hamml interfer-
enee. and (2) this devioe mllsl tocept any inter.
ference received, including interference tltat mly
came nndealred operation.
Changes or modifications not expmsly ape
proved oy the pnrty responsible for mplilnce
void the user-t tuthorlty to openle the equip-
For Callldlln model)
For models having n power cord with n pol-rized
Modelc pour let c-nadlen
NUMaRl DE DE LA cussn B m GON-
Table of contents
Quick 91mm...“
Quick Rnhrence ”WWW.
Introduction ........4
L lntellixenl mm mm .
2. aux-gin; the m control
Getting sumd ”WWW“
1. Awm m lemme menu
2. Define lite Brands onourDevicu
3‘ Sela: 1 Device
4< 0pm 1 Device
5. Adina me Setting;
Getllng the Maximum out o!
1. lmrodmflon .
z. Plug-1m Bums
“mam“... 4
2, max-min. Problems
3. Recharging mums
Quick Start
|nseft banefles | I Operate your components
Insert 4 AA hnnerier according to the picmle on th out of me box. the remote oontroller is
d|= inside oflhe mun—y memmem. My sci up In work with popular components
or made by Onkyo. Progrnmming the remote
Use : mhalgeable balmy yank (sold warmly). oommllu in my: Add omnponorns lo the Device
(Remove [he AA battery my fu'sl) Before using menu u "may. Then, plognm the commands
the lemon oonlroller. be sum to durge the hungry to the mom oontmller for the components. For
completely according to the instructions in the instructions, Ivfel lo the manuaL
1 mm.
emery comp-mum!
cover suds: on
Touch the screen to star!
1. Home
To mm on the screen, up it gently with your “you gam’mmdw‘y: 801° duel-lame
To Ilse the mcmn‘ mp” lap the “Mg“ menu semen Just up Hornet
you see on the screen, 2. Tap name of component to dlsplay
Then's no need to mm the men ofl— it shuts comment’s control points.
off mmmmically to save power.
Be sure to read the mnnual for important
information nbont we and us: or (he a. “ammo use me my!” menu;
touchscreen. tap to display It.
l. Tap to acroll to next pane| for this
Quick reference
5. Pam'numw
Shows what pm! you're seeing.
s. Len and film buttons
Aclivnc [he commlnds shown immediately
above the humans
1 I!
7. Scroll bulion
1“ Display next Control Pmel. Scroll lanterns may
9 appearon len.
8. Mode menu
Qulomim the remote controller (see belwl)
9. Device menu
1. Sendlng eye (IR transmmerylumlng Open a WWW": control panels
Send oomnunds to devices
For learning commands from olher remote
2. Home
3. Macro menu
E‘ecllu stored lists ofoommands
lo. Scroll button
Display previous comm! panel
I1. Hlmm controller Icon
Pm: and hold for 3 seconds to 30 w Selllp
4. Control none!
Tap buttons lo send commands to componulls
Qulck reference
Normal m controlllng components.
Lam commands Irom other much
When . mm panel I: displayed, this human
drugs to EDIT rm recording "moms,
Assign mm and oymbols to
button; lnd “mm-nan.
Add a new eomponem or group of
Duets I button, component, macro,
or new group.
changs nu am: of commands In a
Define tho brands 01 your dovloc.
Configure flu roman controller-to
curate «wins with RF or In signals.
_| I
7 emamg eye/Lumhg lye
Com-I dbl
Nahum button
1. Intelligent Remote
m devieel um understand infrared remote
emu-ale: signals. Its easy-um» mnduaem and
us inmilive inlerflee maket it a perfect remote
container for every “sen
The ream controller 19 completely wwmiuble
ma pmyammble, You can mm mm. and
functions, mum hams. new-d mm and m
mum To make me remote controller your
universal mum controller, it is mm to lam
from existing renwte ecu-mum
Nutmeg buttons
The bulbous labeled MUTE. CH. and VOL lle
direct-mu button). The (Elect-wee.“ buttons
make the“ flequently med functions “nibble
even when the touchscreen h off. You cln
program them so am they dwlys opente the
different times,
Left and nght buttons
The Len and Right butlons ehunge function
depending on the device ihe lemme controller is
conuulling, Labels displayed lbcve them ml the
muchscrem show their euneni function.
Touchscreen buttons
Buttons on me loucliscmn lei you control
panic-liar dev‘um, You ufivate ihe bulzons by
upping him with your finger,
Whlch Buttons can Be
Direct-ms: bulmns, Lennidmghmulons, and
buttons on Ihe touchscreen can all be
programmed. You an m the unmet-access and
Len/Rim buttons 1.0 dways perrdnu die um
function Or. you can prmgnm ihem lo perfarm
diffelenz functions depending on ihe device. For
instruction» see “ngmnming Buttons“ on page
l. Home: In go to lhe Home menu
2. Macro menu: Io epen voted lisl ofoommmds
4. Panel number: shows active control panel
5. Mode menu: to customize linemen-mun
6.Scroll buttons: to display pievioue und next
comm! panel
weviee menu: in Open devise control panels
é} AU nnln
8.Remo'e controller icon: Touch and hold Io
enter Selup
2. Charglng the Remote 3. Sllde me ballery emf back on.
controller Afier . few seconds, the mole controller
sum up lnwnulically and beeps twice to
. m u.
Mbmefl“ Ind-cm n unudylom
1. Slldolhebamrycoveroflnnhckof Whenbanedesmmnnmyowjnuwlaanery
the nmoh comrollor.
imn D blink! as me center wp emu display.
mm m ham-lea as soon npouibn m emu-e
perfect perimm
The remote contmller whim cl] uldnp when
You will only lave to new the dock.
2. Insert 4 M mums (Included In
mac) n Indium-d on ma hotlnm
ol the bamry compartment.
Opuonal harglng dock
Use the recharging duck only wilh me NiMl-l
rechngeablc battery pack of soc-s.
1. Sllde tho battery cover 0" the back of
the mu comrollor.
2. Remove the phnlc AA binary trey
from the buttery compartment
8. Insen me battery peck (Included with
the warning dock) is lndlcchd on
the llde of the unwary pack
4. Sllde the battery cover beck on.
Afier a few seconds. the lemele controller
mm up automatically and beeps twice to
indicate nm in Ins {mm mm up.
5. Plug ms power adaptor Into - mlm
outlet and connect It to the
recharging dock
6. Place the remake controller on the
recharging dock.
Rechuging mm salon-madly. The light on
me from of we recharging dock indiwes
charging take; place. When he balmy pink
is My charged, me light gm off,
- Youmopemuhemlmccnmroflerwhfleil
ls being charged,
~ Nonml charging time is 2 lo 3 hours.
depending on me condltion of the balmy
When we bum-y pack is running IN, the Low
Buttery icon D blinks at the center lap of [he
dixphy. Redurge m bum-m n ma upmfiblc
to mun perfect performance.
The mummller mm aflnnings whenthe
balmy pack has run out. You will only have to
use! the clock
Getting Started
1. Activate the remote
Turning on the display
I Tap the ureen wily with your linger
or a blunt. tott object like e pencil
Titedispiay is netivetedend yousee titel-lpnte
- lf tlte displxy stays bhnk or becomes black,
adjust tlre «ultras! dial on the iefi silk.
~ llntetlter panel is dirpliyed, up tile Horne
. The remote controller tlrute down
Using the beckiight
l Frau the becknnm button on tile Mt
The oeeuignt shuts off Intolmfically titer .
few seconds to me power,
In the settings (page 19) you cut choose to
mime the twilight eulnmlliceily when you
mime lite remote wnwileri
Use mode
me remote controller in; different “modes."
wnen you aetlvne tne remote oonoouer for the
firslfim. it store up in Use rnode tllowing you to
inunedittely opernto your devices.
In Use mode, the remote controller ioon 3 is
entirely visible, Ifa label (like -) oovels lire
icon. see page 22 to swilelr yoilrl'emole eonnouer
to UW mode.
2. Define the Brand of Your
The rernete controller use. RC oodee to mime
device. Sime lltcn are seven! brands using
specific RC reader, you lave to define the brands
or your devieee,
In IbeHomemelul.y0\lfind btllwnsforlitcmost
common video Ind wtfio devices. The remote
controller is set up by defrult to Opel-Ale with
Ollkyo devices,
1. Select-damminmflmnomnu.
Tile foliwling semen appeals.
mailed in mu device
Domvumlio eta-tun
When selecting CD, DVD, I‘D or con
preset RC coder for operating Onkyo‘s CD
player, DVD player, MD recorder or CD
reeoider in used. and tile opention bumms
use the pun! RC codes only when the
Onkyo's deviee you niecled and Ollkyo's
nmpllfier ormeiver Ire oumected using at
Getting Started
wnen yon operate Onkyo‘s cu player,
DVD player, MD recorder or on recorder
Whlch has no R| connectors or (1 not
unneeded ndng m Rum-face, you need m
define an bnml («your device,
1. In me Mode nun-e select Bnnd.
2. Selee. the device you wlnl m define,
3. SeloalNeld.
The brand wlection screen appears.
4, If you selecnad on playfl. DVD ylayer or
on meander. select Oflkyo or Onkyo»):
omee dun Onkye-l from me bnnd 1m. If
you eenemd MD playel. select Onkyo-i
one for the device using RI connection,
follow lime naps.
1. In the Mode menu. select Brand.
2. Select the device you wan! to met the RC
codes wings for,
3. Select Next.
The brand sale-aim screen em,
4. If you selened a) phyq'. DVD player or
CD "Golden melee! Onkyo-l from the
hrnnd list. If you seleewd MD nl-yer,
select anyo-4.
Sal”! “Yet” to define the brand of
an demo. to ommle‘
The remote controller xwiuzhes to Bnnd
moded Follow dz inslrwtions ls dcscribed
below. You can define your bunch by
selecnng a by meaning,
In em mum-en hp
vow hum In in. nn
H mrhm-d Is not
mad. um: seam.
Before you sun using me remote connvller.
mike sure you define the band for nah device
you want to operate in the Home Menu.
Defining brand. by aelacflny
A list of brands Ind lhelr Dumponding RC codes
In pn-inslalled in the remote connollcf‘s
You need Io nlecl your bum fwm Ihe 1m and
bee-use nu every device or . min brand uses
me sameRC me you mlghulw have (0 eelec:
n set nrkc codes for your brunt
3. Tip Next.
A mllnble Iisfi of bnnds for the selected
device and a “vimnl mw~zooming" mini»
keybwd nppem,
Gettlng Started
4. Navlgalu through the Ilst of brands.
- By tapping the scroll buttons, you men
through the brand: on by one. By
touching and holding the scroll bum. the
mlling xpeed will (mum
, Usemmilfi-kzyboardmjmnpthmgh the
list of brands,
elm-cw you mm m use.1'ne keyboud is
zoomed In. fllow‘mg you to up exactly the
character you met '
nnunafln a
murmur] [Elm-m
To enter a wise, up (ha lav/tr left war
the keyboard, When the hymn] h zoomed
In, “P “E mm kn-
After you me lyped the elm-clef. the
keyboard is named out. Repcat um mien
for way alumna,
Every time you emer - menu“, the 1m
displays the bunch that mltch the
chxnaefls) The remote controller makes a
pro-salmon oldie (first) bland that mind-es.
neededto display your brand,
m use. your band is not displayed in me H:- of
mm. Try Seamh mode. See “Defining mm
by searching" on page 15.
5. Select your brand from me um.
The same] brand will be highlighted, The
Search bum swilnhfi into Next.
Getting Started
0. Tip Next. 1
When your brand um only one an of RC
codes. the remote conlmller switches to Try
mode. 60 10 mp 9.
when lhere are several code sets for your
brand me following screen appeals.
m in. a...“ s-m u
“ mum-mmmmu
- Thecodeiflsllermkcdnmfimwdem
~ Whenywdonotlmowwhicheodemm
releer from me lisl, you can use Search
mm See “Defining brands by warn-g"
on [7139 15,
7. Salem n code set from the list.
me seleaedwde letwill be highlightedfme
Search mm swimlm to Next
9. Tap Next.
The lemme mnuoller swindle: to “y mode.
he fim control panel of the seleaed device
is dismayed.
a. Try the buttons on the dmorent
control panels and check If the device
In mpondlng lo the no code: the
remove eonlmller I: und|ng.
However. your device is responding to me
cunem code m. it is recommended to try
0M code sets, When your device responds
to nwre than «me code tel. install the most
snlnhle one.
10. If you an not mailed with the my
the device I: mpondlng lo the
name each m, lab Back Io ulm
mom-r code out.
When you are calmed with the
“baud cede an, up I'm-IL
when the RC codes for your devices Ire
intulled. the remote controller beeps and
returns to Use modee Your brand is now
defined for the selected device
11. Define all other devices Inthe Home
menu you "an! in operate.
Getting Started
Defining brands by searcmng
You cm nu Seanh mode to find the matching
RC codes for your device when
. your band is not displayed in the list of
. you selected yourbnnd, but you donotlmow
which oode m to select.
3. Tap Next.
The display thaws a scrouohle list of brand:
for the wiecled device end a “virtual noto-
Ming" mini-WOW
4. Tap Search
The me controller mimetic-try wuohee
thmugh ell available brands and code sets in
find the RC codes mums.
S. TIP Next lo M tending appropriate
command: lor the uhcted device.
Press the 0K hm:-
when my vcn
6. Tap OK when the device react;
- Even when the device is responding to the
out When your device responds to more than
one code set‘ install the most suitable one.
~ The me of the responding code set is
dieplayedwhenyonuptheox him.wyou
know which code set to select man the list
lfier you have tiled other code we
n vmrv VCRfllluflons
will. aim Infill.
tuner-m time not.
The mote eontmljzt dvn'tchen to Try mode,
hm hm controi panel or selected device is
7. Try the buttons an the different
control panels and check it the device
is responding to me no code: the
remote controller is lending.
s. wnenywurenouafiefledwimtm
current innetlon oi the device, up
Back |o continue the autumn]:
When you are “timed with the
selected me let, up Inmll.
When the RC codes for your devices hie
installed, the Remote Comm-oi beeps and
relums to Use mode, Your bnnd is now
defined for the selected device.
9. Define all other devices In the Home
menu you wnni to operate. 1 5
Getting Started
3. Select 3 Device
in the Home menu, you find button for the mos!
oonunon video 3nd audio devices. These buttons
in prepmgmnmed we work with Milli! devioes
nude by Onkyot if you have devim of other
manufneturerr that do not respond to your remote
controller' you can program your remote
commilez using ymir original remote controllers
(tee “Programming Buttons" on page m
I Tap the device you want to operate.
The first control panel ofthe selected device
Via the Device menu
he Device menu allows you to easily witch to
another devioe without reluming to the Home
1. From within any device control panel,
tap the device tab.
The Devioe menu pops up You cm scroll
uuough this menu using I! and u.
Device mum
2. in the Device menu, up the device
you want to orb-me.
The control panel that was me accessed for
the device lppflni
You can also activate the Device menu from
Horne by tapping the device tab icon
Getting Started
4. Operate a Devlce
You operate devices using flueekinds album:
I Touchscreen humane
I LAN and Right lumen (belew the
l DIM-wees: buttons (to the right of
the touchscreen)
Using touchscreen bunons
Sendlng commends
By mooning me lmlchacnen buttons you send
00mm mllledevlde you have selected. When
you send a emu-ma. the mole controller icon
shows transmitting tignlls @ The mm or file
active device is indicated on file device lib,
MOS! devices have more dun one control panel.
You can emu fillvugh dim ctmtml panel-s using
n and II. The p-nel number on Ihe len
bonom offlleulaennlldimus Ihependnumber
and me ml number of panels, for emple I.
By mucking and holding u scroll button. you go
repeatedly through all me eonuol panels or .
device in n loop.
Operating a flevloe without Meeting the
active device
You eu- weme . device while mailer denoe Is
mive (for example, mwinding you. vcn wlule
wudling TV) via me Device menu:
1. Open the device menu.
2. Frauen-inflame Lenormgm
button (labeled No my
he remote controller icon mms uound 9.
8. Tap m- device you went to opemle.
The device oonlml panel appears end the more
cot-holler icon mm to its ofiglnul position. You
can now ooeme me new relecled device wilhwt
fleeting me mil/e device
Gettlng Started
Luflng en. un and Right button | Em tm direct-access buttons |
The Left and Right butlon; change fimction MUTE. CH and VOLan be WM n my (line.
depending on the device the remote wmmller is even without turning on [he touchscreen
operating The current funcllon I; displayed on
the touchscreen rim tbave me button, The
function can be eilher in IR (inflated) command
that is mas-aim. or uump to a specific device
leeo pm.
Getting Started
5. Adlust the Settings
Mmormmimwmflu'mmm cmhem
|. Youth and hold the mm“ commfler
Icon tor a law worlds.
second mu third sen-p panel by using the
scroll bums.
2. Tap tho button of the “ulna you mm
to “jun.
The button becomes blah
3. Use an Ian and ngm human lo
ndlult the utility.
Tny the Lefl ma Right mm. are repealing
bum-x: holding down on of mm humans will
imam: (nuclease a uh» mpemdly.
Flnl "hip pan-I"
Setting Funcfion Ag “sting
Emery Shaw; me Mg lmL
Clock 1mm the clock dixphy on or off and Tap the clock npeuedly.
lets 1mm llumfimedisghx,
Time Setfiueclock, Tnplheflmeblnwnulduselheltft
Ind Right hm.
Dty Semmdax Tlplheday bummduutluben
"N EM?!
MD Smhvwmlglhemchmnmyl TxptheLCDhummlndilsednLefi
on. and Right button.
LCD Light Sou how long the “flight ohm Tap the Lwljghl Damon and use
touchscmngson. gwmmmmfim.
Button um Sen how long the mum on» Tap the sum Light mm and Ilse
diml-uoess ma lgfilRight humans the um and Rim hum.
stag on
Gettl ng Started
Swami setup paml
Setting Function Adjusting
lml Tumx me bwkfight always on or off Always on: hp me Lava human and
when naming-mm posifionmmmmmmyqu
Nata: when you choose way: off, om indiwion Musing theRiflu
you an on|y motivate the bacldisht button.
using mwkligmbumm Almysvalpmmdbtmm and
petition the indieuorhl the lefihnllaf
the indimfion but thing the [A
Mode Menu Hides ofshnrw: the Mode button. Tip (ht Mode Menu button.
Hiding me Mode bum mum
unwanted changes In “med
Touch Adjusts 0mm“ 0mm mnthsu'een m the Touch mm repeatedly.
Bum. Adj-um orlnnu offlhe beep of Lefl/ Tap Bunon mum
Right 1nd dined—locus bummm
Cdibnte Cdibntfl the Mimosa Tap the Caliban human and follow the
01mm Wells.
Revert Revmmmecwuollermflm Tupflukevenbmmdfollowflw
fm default Mm’ .
11|Ird “(up paml
This panel plvvides wet-men information about
your remote conunllar.
To exit sump Mode
l Tap ma Setup lab-I on me mmm
controller Icon.
wween inn-minus
Getting the Maximum out of it
1. Introduction
The remote convene: ix mmgnmmed lowed:
wlln 1." equipment llul lecoglim NBC infrared
codes, This includes Ill Onkyo devices llvd
seven! device: made by men mum-um.
Wlm nub: the NM emu-nu“ so pawn-fill is
me ability to extend in functionality in mnlliple
ways like pmgmmming ldditlond filnedons.
nailing supplanflulry devka, moulding macros
Working with Modes
When you opeule your devices, the mum
conlmlleri Use mode. For action: other dun
operating (like pmmmming humus. mining
mum‘s. adding Mm. ml to on) you have u,
switch to the wee mode:
: To upeme devieeu
- zTo inpul commands from omel- devieee
Pot new-ding mm 1nd Ming timers.
- :Tohbelbumswconmlmds.
- :To.ddnewdevim.
- modem; bums. davieeslndnmms,
- zTo clunge me lining orderinxmenu.
- : To define brands using (he mime
- : To configure the mole mimller m
w devices with RF or m sign-h.
Getting the Maxlmum out of It
To twitch to manor mod.
1. Tap the Mods button a! the bottom 01
me touclmmn.
The Mod/e Ml! pops up.
2. Tap m mode you want 00 us».
moleconnvllericon. wal wwworkln
When - um is displ-yed. M w. the display,
To hlds the Mods mmu
To prevent teddenul changes to the mole
controller interface Illd ummmds. you can hide
the Mode menu:
' 1. Malta m m umou oommner h In
In. mac.
2. Touch and hold lln um controller
Icon lor a low ascends.
The first my panel w
8. Scroll down to the wound mup
4. Tap mamum button.
5. Tip -.
The NM cmnmller twitches to Us: "W644
Gettlng the Maxlmum out of it
2. Programming Buttons
You pmgnm themnoteoonnvllerwnmmds by
“Humming infrared signals from your existing
remote controls to the tenure controller‘s
learning eye. To do this. 11116: the “mole
oentrollerlnd the dwiu's remote oontmllflon a
flnmrfwe. |5lowcm(6wslndlex)tpn1.
The following button can be plognmmed:
comm! panel bum-is, Device menu item; dilect~
You cannot pmgnm Home menu bum-ii
dimly, You need topmgnm them by roam;
the Device mem- (see page w,
rm remote controller also offers emyty oonuol
panel humans yell can prognm ma label is
existing bum. They ue only vislble in Len-n
label (inlendod fix I specific function), You will
also see previously deleied buttons: you can
restore them by rewogxamming them or you can
reuse than for other commands.
Programrnlng control panel
1. Navigate to the control panel buttons
you want to program.
2. Swlteh to Loom mode by lulng the
Mode button.
Additional empty mm lppun mey can be
plommmed ma hbeled as existing mime
3. Palm tho device's odglnal remote
eomrotlor to the remote controller":
looming oyo as shown (see above).
4. Tap the lemma controller button you
mm to program.
The button elem blinking.
5. Fran and hold the corresponding
button on your dwtce’b original
roman cormellef.
If (he lemme conlroller has learned lhe
command inocessflllly, 0K blinks on Ibo
remote oommller law. You can let go oldie
bum you‘re holding,
[idle remote oonlrollerhn not lumledthe
command mooeselllllyyyou hen; man buzz
end FAIL nppens on the ram; conllvllet’
3. Progr-ln all other buttons you want
and rel-bell them no nmu-ry (see
P396 25)-
7, Return to Use mode by lulna the
Mod. button.
Getting the Maximum out of it
Programming device items
uiis command is antomlticllly “signed to the
corresponding button in me Home menu.
1. Mulls sun the tut/loo tab is active.
The device lab is lotive whorl the nlme of 1
device in dixplnyed.
2. Mich to Loam mode by ualna the
Mode button.
8. Point the device‘s original remote
controller to the remote controller‘s
learning on n dubrihod above.
Ar Tap the dovloetnh to open the Dcvloo
5. Touch and hold olther the runoto
controller‘s Lefi or Fllght button Ind
tap tho Moo you want to program.
Evenwhenyou want topmgnm the cununly
Infiveoevioe. you haveto tap ilin the Device
Titehbeldevioelum blinldngontheremote
controller icon.
6. Pm: and hold the button the remote
controller hat to turn on your
device‘- orlgln-I remou oontrollor.
If the mnoto controller in; been input the
command amelsmlly. 0K will blink on the
dispuy, You can release the button you‘re
If the we controller nu not turned the
comm-nu successfully, you neon um burn
and FAIL lypeux on the remote oonimller
7. Program all ollhor item you want and
return to Use mode via the Mode
Programming dlucticoen and
Loft/Right Button:
Direct—acct“ and Left/Right button; can be
prognmlned with . glob-i function or with
function: per devicer Buttons with global
functions nwnys execute the rnne command.
even If device is active. Buttons with function;
per device execute comm-nos depeooing on the
‘aaivedevice Fmexmrplhfltebeltbtmonisthe
Play command when the Val is Active,
Per—device lnmrloin override globti functions.
For exlmple, when you program Ihe Volume
buttons globally but you assign a specific
function to them with the owner. the specific
Programming 1 button globally
1. Tap the Home menu button“.
2. Compton 11698 2 to 1 In
“Programming control pant! buttons"
on page 23. inalud of tapping a
button on the touchscreen. pres the
button you wont to program.
m label oflhe bum you have proased (9.x.
chm-r or left) mm blinking on the mnw
oohtrolier ipon.
Programming 1 button per device
1. Swltohto tho device torwhloh you
want to program tho Mutton.
2. Compidh Instructions 2 to 7 In
“Programing control panel buttons”
on ma 21mm“ of upping a
button on tho touchscreen. pron ltle
button you wont to program.
the hbel ofthe bum you have pressed (erg.
than-t or left) mm blinking on tho remote
controller icon.
Getting the Maximum out of it
3. Labeling Buttons and Menu
The following elements can be labeled: control
panel humus, Dwiu menu items. mums, um
sump; Ind Len/Right bums.
You cannot label Honu menu billions direcilyl
You luve m label film by using me Device mu
(see page 26).
Labeling a button
1. Navigate to the panel containing the
button you want to label.
2. Switch to Label mode by usingihe
Mode button ..
3. Tap tho button you limit to label.
The display shows - mild lulu-zooming"
"numb-lune button you want to label
n displayed lbove ilie keyboud.
“Eb W.“
(mun fluunflnn
Inna mnunun
Innu uranium!
4. Edit the Well
. To delete - dunner. pm; the Right
~ Toemu-ciwmenmpfllekeyboud near
the character you want to use. The
kyboeld is zoomed in, allowing you (0 mp
exactly me chnxcm you need,
nun nunun
qufl nurlzizi
lnfluflun ll
AM you have lapped ilie champion ilie
keyboard is zoomed ouil Repeat lilis
mien fol every chumen
You can mom ml! lgain wilholli. tuning
a climate: by pressing the Right bum
(labeled 750ml
. poi c-piul letters and symbols, pies; me
Left bllilon repenledly in display me
keybond you mm.
Getting the Maxlmum out of it
5. Tap Enlqr Io uva the oil-nan and Labeling a menu item
return to ma panel you mm.
4"- 1. Switch in Labol mode by lulng an
"ode btmnn‘
1'- Cancel to mum to the ml
"of; without ”yin“ mp: M 2. Tap the device an to open the» Dov!“
6. Label all «hot mum you mm nnd
mum to u“ modo w. an node 3. Touch and hold either on remot-
button. comrolor‘o Lnfl or Right button and
hp In. damn you want to program.
mlve dzvioedou Makeup itintheDe'vloe
4. 001an Innmctlon l to 5 In
“ubellng l button” on page 25.
Getting the Maxlmum out of it
4. Addan and Movlng Devices
Addlng delvloes
if you lave o device thnt is not provided in the
Device menu. you can ndd it w the minute
You cannot xdd devices to the Home menu
directly. You hove to odd them by using the
Device nwnu.
1. Mahsureutedm-hbhm.
devioe isdisphyed,
2. Switch to our: motto by using ttto
Mode lumen.
The remote coutroflet disphys the fouowing
- CmteNew Device: Choosethisupfion to
add e oontpletely new devioe.
~ Copy Editing Device: Choose this option
to copy n device uteedy provided in the
Device menu (for exemple for n teoond
- Rennie Deleted Device Use thitopoon in
remote a devtoo you have deleted
3. Tapmedevlooyouw-mtomlntm
Dulce menu.
ltthe deviee you with to too it not provided.
choose 1 similar one. You can cumuiu ii
The remote controller gives you tha
possibility to add the devioe with or without
~ Gate with Rc-oodee: Otwse this option
it you went to my the preptngtnntnted
with operational buttmtt.
~ Don't add RC codes: If you choose this
option. the new nevioe is added without
openlimlll hulwnsi You can program
them as described in “Programming
oontrol panel buttons" on page 234
Tap the button of your choice
The new device it tutonnnetlly displxyad in
Use mode
Movlng msnu Items
You on] ehtnge the older otpeviee ntenu items
Del/lee menu ale into-notietllv updtted in the
Home menu,
lulu nun the device Mb I; actlvu.
Malta sur- the macro tab ls willie.
The device or men tab it mlive when the
nnneotnoevtoeor mm is displayed,
Switch to Mm mod. by using the
Math button.
m remote controller (1in the menu.
Tap the mm than of your choice
The menu itent is highlighted.
Tnp Accept to wit the chum
You mum to Use mode.
Geltlng the Maximum out of It
5. Delete and restore
You etn delete control panel buttons end
function: mocieted with l diml-atcceu or 0
You on also delete Devioe menu items Ind
Micro menu items.
Home menu buttons cunnm be deleted directly,
You have to delete them via the Device menu,
Deleting a button or butmn lunctlon
Buttons without bold fume cm not be deleted.
You can only hide llliem by mmving their label
(bee “Labeling a button“ on me 25),
1. Swl‘ldt to Delete nlod. try uslng the
Mad. button.
2. Tap the button you went to delete.
a Tap Delete Button Action.
The malt depends on the element you tie
. Control pulel hulton: The button
disuppem from the display.
0 Left or Right button command: Tlle
conesponidlng label dis-ppm from the
0 Direct-am: button: 11m button becomes
4. Demo all the Item you want and
return to Use mode vla the Mode
Deletlng a device or muero menu Item
1. Svmehlobolmnwdevhthamdo
2. Newly-be to the menu ltem you went
to delete.
bf ten tad Right button cllln‘es es shown
Len button: Libel
Right bum: Aetien
When hum menu is opening. The function
often lndegh! buttons will beam-p.
St Pine and hold down the Left or nlym
lumen dopondlnn on what you Ire
' left button labeled Device: For deleting 1
device in die Devipe menu
. Right bimet- libeled Action: For deleting
an action [Ian m “an in the Device mun.
~ left button labeled Group: For deleting 1
mm group.
4. Tie the menu Item you mm to delete.
5. Tap Delete Davie-or Dome Macro
The Device (Ind its associated Home menu
bulwn) in the Mme Group (including its
mm) In deleted.
6. Balm all ltte meme you went IM
return to use mode via the Mode
Getting the Maximum out of it
mode bill mains in the remote controller‘s
memory Tm; allows you to team ii in Edit
Actions “minted with direct-mas at - Lew
Right hum; cannot be mum You hm lo
npmgnm them Is expi-imd in “Prognmming
Direct-mess md belt/Right Humans” on page
Central pemi buttons
1. Switch to Edit mode By using the
M060 button.
The deleted bum-u become visiblei
1. 0mm Instruction 3 to 7 In
“Programming control panel buttons"
on page 23.
m him is manna.
Device of mm mnu mm!
1. Make tun ma deviant: ormacro
tab It want
The device or mum lib is mm while the
name of. device of mm ii displayed.
2. Switch to And made by using tho
Mod. buttpn.
a. Tag Rotter. Dalston Device or
Restore nomad Group.
k Tnpthcmmyoummtorutm.
m min is minted and you mum in u”
Only the mm swap imir is mama not the
mo. it what
Getting the Maximum out of It
6. Recordan Macros and
Settlng Tlmers
A mere enables you to send n sequence of IR
cotmnmdx using one eingle button
lime you ptefef. See page 31.
I! least one were gnup or lime! group in me
Recording macros
1. Tap the mere menu button.
2. Open we macro menu and select-
macro afoup.
8. SWIM to Edlt mode vll mo Mode
Emmy me mam humans lppen in the macro
control panel
4. Tap the Ramon you went In use for
your mom.
5. Enter the eequence of commands you
want to record.
You can nlviple lo my oonuol panel you
5. Ten the Macro menu button.
The comm“ of the macro apnea. You can
now play. edit, «close we mm
7. Pven the Left button to done the
Aconfimution screen lppeln where you an
snv: 0! cancel me macro,
3. Tap Save and mlgn - label to the
saume twitchlng
To record 1 Device menu item containing n
source lwilching command, open the Device
mull. hold down me Right buuon (labeled
Adieu) Ind up the device you want to swildt to.
Cloee a device control panel
To elm 1 micro display of aefiee. open the
Device mum hold down the Den bum (Labeled
Device) and up me device you want
Getting the Ma mum out of It
[fig macros _\
You can edit my inure you have recorded.
1. Open the moro group that contains
(in micro.
2. Swim I0 Edlt mods via the M060
3. Towing macro youwantm edit.
Tmconwmx oftrmmntypenr.
4. Edit the macro.
You can move or dclfle Iisud commands or
you etn add new commands. You can the
add delays to the mm (for example, ro
insen t shun pans: between turning on 1
device and sending manna; to u mowing
the device to warm up):
L ‘rtp Dtlny.
2.Txp-or -lodocmuorincrmelhe
length of the delay.
3. Use the arrow buttons - And l to move
the ddny lo the righl place.
5. Press the Lafl button In close the
A confirmation smut appears, which tuows
you to save «cancel the mm,
6. Tap Save.
The "were is ready to be used.
1 Setting "mars
To activate a device at the rim you set.
1. Tip the Macro monu button.
2. Upon lite macro mum and telect I
Elmer group.
3. switch to Edit mode by using the
Mode button.
Empty timer buttons lppear in the timer
control pnneL
4. Top that button you mm to m a flmar
“a firsttinmconuolpmltypursinwitidt
5. Enter the command ms ulnar has ho
A timer can conutn either a single [R
mainland or a macro.
You can mvipu w my control panel you
wmtjusr. as you cut in Use mode.
Getting the Maximum out of it
6. Tap tho gook button and gel the mn
time using me Lon/Right buttons.
7. Tap one or more day buttons to “loci
or deletion! day. lei-the timer.
0. Scroll down to display an uoond
timer comm! panel In which you can
w H). stop “me.
9. Enter file comm-mi the timer has to
10.159 the clock buinm and at lire atop
lime using (in Lefimigm buttons.
113mm» Leftbummiocioume
A mfimmion screen lppeus, which allows
12.119 Save.
The rim: is eclivxted.
The timer only works when the remote
cmuroller‘l lending eye is pointed mud: the
oonnoued device and no obslmcfions interfere
um infrared sisal
1. Open the timer group Hm com-ins
the timer.
2. Switch we aim modc vlu m Mode
a. Tap the timor you want lo edit.
The mums of an um; appear.
4. Edlk ma timer.
5. Press the Left button in close um
A oonfimullon screen lppeus, which film
you no rave ore-noel the timer.
5. Tip Save. .
The timer is edited.
Organizing macro: and timers inlo
You mcrem n nuclo group; or llmei‘ groups
1. Open any macro or timer group.
2. SwilchioAdd mode by using Me
. Cmuanewgrwszoulddlmwmp
~ Copy-nexlsfingywplYouoopytgvlm
. mm a previously deleted group: You
restore u deleted group and reuse me
8. Tap Crone Timur Group or Create
Macro Group.
Getting the Maximum out of It
7. Uslng the remote controller
with Radio Frequency
Tomthemnotemmller withndio frequency
(RB, you need an RF Receiver, which is not
included in whge,
By default, Ihe mm Wnnvllet uses infrared
(IR) llxmlswopenxede'vim’fllix means am
you haven) poi-u the remote eontmlier'l lending
eye towuds the device you an opening, 1k ‘
sign-I; hive m operating distance of 10 meters
(33 leek).
You can relecl lo worm devices Ming radio
rmmcy (RB pig-nix inmad of m signah. RF
signals hue m operating dim-nee of
approxinmmy 24) meters (66 feet) in house and .
unlike in finals. is able me through obstacles
like fumimorwalis’rhekhipnlsmwwy
the mace controller are picked up by me RF
Receiver. The RF Receiver mnslllu the RF
the Wopfim device.
the device you're operating with the RF
Receiver: tending eye pointed to the device,
Your devices will may. meive m tiguulx either
directly fun the lemme controller or rm m m:
Getting the Maxlmum out of It
0h sing the remote controller 5 4. Tap RF.
RF IR Settings TMRF m settings for me selected device are
lranslmhla from at in RP.
All amm m set up by dehult in work with IR
figmmTobenblcwopmwmormdevim WmmhvemlymRFReceiwvywun
with RF signals, you have to plunge the mm mm fliedefwll wt“!!! fwwhmrmmfl
commller‘x RF IR wing} form devim the unmet Calm-“e wifll m9 5-
. Mnkn sure the Devlct tab In naive. Wlwn you tuve seven-a! RF Receivers to operate
m Device ub‘ active when the name on dwim, you have to “sign the cor-wt Brawler
“ me "5.“ mg of the ID lo the selected device. Follow the human.»
mm“ m lsdcscfibedinmgingflwflxmderny“
7. switch to RF In mode by uslnq the
Mods bnnon ..
m Device menu w,
Us. 0 w-to nuns:
The ID on line RF Receiver has lo match Ihe
Extender ID on the remote commllei.
3. Select (ht (twice for whlch you want
to change the HF IR tetanus,
mum may; appear. mewme label on
lhe bulwn indiules that the ldecled
device is “My operated wuh IR signals.
Getting the Maximum out of it
Chnnylng the Extender ID 6. Repeat Innmeflom 3 to 5 hr an
1. Make autumnal-Damon; mive. $:;'lé°:em"°h W" “m '° °"‘"9°
The button i; am when the bum libel ° "9"
is while.
7. Ta elm.
2,Pmd\c+md—nctionbunmnmchange p A
the B IDA The remote controller smut-es back to Us:
The mom conlmller offers 16 Exam: "W“ 11“ mm” WWW“ “58“ '°
operate the devices you have m with RF
3. Try the devices ul which you Just
changed the HF IR "film.
There Is 1 possibility man a device does not
respond mvpefly when open'ed with RF ugnm.
This is mostly due to IR sign-Is um cannot be
pmperly lrmsminad as RFsings.
In that can, you have no moonfignre the remote
manner to we the device with IR signals
5. Tap Accept to save an RF IR umlnga
tor the ulmd dcvlee.
Tap Clncel Io "tum without
emnglng the HF IR ceiling; for the
"Imcd M00.
Getting the Maximum out of It
Choosing Anolher Channel
When you notice RF interfennce, for insllnce
fwm your neighbors, you: have lo choose moth“
channel Io own-nu your device;
All devicx you want m opeme with RF signals
use me same channel. if you lelect another
chm-cl form device. me new oonlmller will
wwnulically change the channel fee all devices
um work with RF signals.
1. switch back to RF IR mode.
The Device menu lwem
2. Select a dovlee M18 m with RF
3. “hp—
The button label lllms whim indicating thll
lhc human is mive,
4. Press the 0 ma -acflon buttons to
change the Gianna.
Th: mu Dommllel offus 4 RPOtannelsl
use fur-tom"
numb the Chm! on meme oommllet,
5. Tap Accept to save the lfllfled
channel tor all devlct: that work with
RF signals.
Top Cancel to Mum wnhout
changing the channel.
5. Tap Clan.
m mane oommller switches back to Use
mode."l1u remote manner is configured to
openee the devices you We set with RF
signals lhrough the edema Channel
1. Try all “View which you lust
changed the Channel.
Getting the Maximum out of it
B. ChadEdIt
Kym: WI!!! 1» pemmiu your name controller
even mom, beyond in standard prognmming
fawn; CludBdil is the tool fol you to use.
ChldBdil i! the remote contmller's companion
wltwlre am you can downlood from han/
wall own you eon:
- nplood 3nd download new configurations to
with Ihe xeria] cable included widl your
remote connvller.
I add. delm modify 1nd move comml punch,
device; and comm-nos onywne-e on me
I save. dnplicone and mm configuration filee,
codes or devices with other remote
l preview new configuration file: on
Chszmulllon ln mix my yon on check
how the Female Wnlmller‘: interface will
l impon new Me! to create new bunvn:
and deem“;
l permfliu configuran'on files to optlmlzo lhe
use ofyour mm oom-oller,
Getting the Maximum out of it
Synem requirements
- PC
I wmws/ssm.wmaowsm4.omoo.
l l6MBofRAM
I mummmmmuwm
- merinlpon
General Problem
The display it blank
. Trp the screen ro make lure me Remote
~ Animunommdiummclemide.
- thennethebenerienlepwpeflyinsmled.
- Immlnewbmefieevrmhngemebfitery
The display It too light or too dark
' Adjust the calm-Ask di-I m the lelt side,
The Remote controller shuts lben rm
- Wishfumnohhekumwmvlletw
uve power You can dunge the length the
Renwle eonlroller xthyx on lrr are Searing;
(see page 19)
bovine do not mpoml to commend:
from the Remote controller
~ Meke sure the Remote control!“ is in Use
mode (see page l l)
. Make lure the Remote oorrlroller'r sending
eye ix pointed tost the device you rue
- Gleckifthelflanleryioonishlink-lng. lf
xor replace the balleries‘ or recharge the
balmy peck
- Checkiffilebultonyonmtryingtanuis
river-mind lrrvlmly (we page in
The Remote controller beeps I times
alter Imertlng the batteries
' Use ChtdEdit to update [he Remote
controller‘s wfiwne (chutEdit > Tool: >
Programming Problems
mm are not tendlng the correct
- Check wlrerlrer the bulton is programmed
goodly or porderree (see prge 14).
Macros do network
- Make me the Remole mnoller'l lending
eye is polnled towards the device are emrre
rime rm macro is beirq executed.
~ Insert delays lo lllow devices to xtan up
le (see we 21»
. Greek if you do not have included lmefivo
bum-rs in your mum
. Check if you do not have reprogrrrrrrrrlerl
hm Mmmmemm
jun save humane If you reprogram a button,
me rmro emules the new command
signed lo the mm
The TV you blank orlhe lnpul nurse
~ mbevieemerulilemmlyrtbopmmmed
mwrrolr the inpru mum Openheflledeviee
wlmoru effecting the Input mace me
The Remote controller wlll not edit. label
or delete commends
~ If the hbel locked rppeus on the Remote
oommller ioollrlbe device 001ml panels have
been locked to pmvenl unwanted elm-gem
You ell-mot modify or delete command; for
iii: device
. Make mre your devicer are positioned I:
rlrowrr on page 23. Avoid programming the
Remote controller under bright fluoreulenl
light: ll rrrlyu rrfecl Ihe irrfrrrrorl slgnllsl
- Make sure the human you want to edit has e
border. Borderlexs buttons cannot be
The Roman eontrcllef will not switch
' What the batteries are low Ihe Ramon
controller prevails you from swiwhlng Io
customizing moder a: am no mammalian
can gct ion lupuoe Hie human or recharge
the ham pack (see page; 9, 10)
TM Remote oontmllor In low on mmry
- The mom controller displays a wage no
clean up ind memory. The Remus controllel
will do this by pamfile‘nlly removing device:
Cleaning up memory vn'll like 10 mlmlm or
larger Never remove batteries during the clean-
up promo mi mlglll damage m configuration
file reluldn‘ in logs of your customized
The eonllgurtfion me Is oomph-1
~ wm inn very nnliluly mm occurs, you
hm lo reven in me orlglml oonfigurnrion,
All your alumina eommmds deviooi rod
mum will be ion Ind you wlll have to
mm ywr mm columnar.
Humm commllar orror mug”
~ lfolwoffllefollwmmmnsuuwclm‘
pleue comic! your derler or me Onkyo
mariner mice:
. Can not open ooofigumiion file
- Configulnfiul file error
~ No configuration file found
. lnvdid configuntiml file version
Recharging Problems
The ballad“ will not “chars.
- Make run you an ming the lechngeable
balmy pmk included wiilu your melanin;
dukmd not an AA Medal
Tm Malena! light blink:
. (neck in» contacts on the Margin, dock
no dun ind free of ohm-aim
~ Mlkdwmthemotemmlletlkx pmperly
on me dock
~ Mun sure we buury pick is installed
properly in your remote manner (roe page
Can I program a button to execute more
than om command?
No, you can not. However, you can create a
mmwemuu auqmoeofwmmmds (see
page w
How do I program tomes switching?
w “hog-mom mm film" on page 144
How can I odit, label or demo buttons on
homo panda?
You can do this finite Device menu items. All
change; you make lo these items are
automatically updated in the now mm,
How do I met the Romota controller?
Normally. you never lave to m nu Renlou
manila. However. if the Ram controller't
display floms ofifyml notice mutual behavior.
you might need to reset. You will not lose my
saved programmed commands or mac-vs,
~ Clltfitllyylusthenmhmnonmbwkaf
the Realm oonn'oller with a papeniip or
sharp pmll. m mom controller restarts
How do I revert to the original
Revetfing lo the orlglml configuration restores
the muons winner's devices ltd oonullandx to
all prowling is lou pem-oomly. Nonmlly.
you never have in mm the Remote oontmiier.
1. Touch and hold the mm oomlior
Ioon tor a tow mom.
m (in: setup panel nppem
2. Scroll to ma world utup pond.
3. Tap the Rmfl button.
ll Tap Revert to oonflnn the action.
How do] callbralto the touchacroon’l
11m lemme omtmlier a; calibrated wiun il lavas
the factory. to nonnaily you do not luv: to
controller display: a message to calibrate the
mmm, if ml: message mun, do the
I. Tap a: elm as possible to tho arrow
tip on tin upper loll eomor of the
2. Tap as close as poulbla to "to 1mm
tip on the Mom right corner oi the
Overview of Symbols
II m: @ :EE numbemg
l 529— ® a 511ande
b mm mmnonmlsfl E] :Page «um
4 zNonmlnmammmM G] zwmwxlmixed
» fun-unfinw HI Anon-MM
« zF-slnm: mm W 1:1”in
D zSIvanln: slut/3&1 Q) sway
<1 :Slow nun; tlowsM I am focus: M5 distance
A Jason -'- 1m focus: v5! mm diuance
0 Recording Esta! 4“ :s|n51mmuni-di53m1ecnm
*- tKey ~ {X- :Bfi3_fi_1ms; brilliance
( )A V :vaigau 0 mm:
* :Stillmode {I 3“va
 5M! dinclim Q :Color salvation
N mmm “fir Ling, 3112 g; illumination
K zheviouunek 1m mM/Mwmfim
»I zF-slforwlrdmindex 5 * m ldonbleueen
“4 zkewindwindex
" > anme bx franc; 53-21
4" anme bx magenta!
Q :Suhlitle
fl :Cmcel gimme
G :Picmre~ln-E'etunnwdz
EB zSEIincteenldwble screen
E3 Movie
121]! yew film
9 Mmin-giwmfim
@ Mm index E5
@ chml
Mamefiflm' mm
B zPiclurevinjicmreswnp
3 zMIllti-picmle disg a
C! zPiemre-Infimmselw
[E] :Teletext mode
E") zmflu tin-en m
M fifl'gg
03 zAgglic-Aion usimm
@ mm: lime on screen
zEPG 1 mmmmm Guide
G’ M4» output
Hudwlre High-aewlufim (m x 240) mm W disphy (LCD) with «mu-st
Seven mm: dim-aw“: mum
Bleklighfing fix LCD and direct-wuss bums
lnlmvd sending ma lumlng eyes
3-win msm) set-N comm
Dylmnk. mm inmfwe
Emblem (up lo255 commlmls per mm)
Toulmmhaofdevieummmlinfiwdady bymevmy
hfnud (m) 0pm, dithmeoflamts (33 feet)
' msm inch) w30cm(lfoot)
fieqmcymn wndiflms
Bmdwidnh: 44—100 kHz
16 Extender I'D“! ml 4 Channel:
emery ZMan-vomilefitshmumryaehlmmmmdnwhenb‘mficsmnm
mm 4AA15meu-iesmrm4xv Ms
Me A ximaul GMfluwidl influx
Puweron ' them. eroffallwmaticall nun
Damensions 153mm“x417m(6.0x3.7x1,7m>
mmflm 0'Cw50'C(32'Fw122”F)
Anaemia. kszszuumrm ommwfion
4 M 1.5 v mm;
Amman-in Remouommvllenechugcpwhge secs
(Not included) unmmm-s
Daub.» infmmfim:
Daigned by um Techlwlogy
Line-med mldetUSA Patent 54689353
Portinnl 0 UK] [999
m specification; and design of m mam an subject to clung: without mice.
Sam a mum Manning w 12-1. Mums-um. Neyaam-snl, cm 572-8540. JAPAN
Tel: 072-831-8111 Fax: 0726336222
18 Park Way, Upper saddlo River, NJ, 07458. USA
TM: 201»7B5-2600 Fix: 201-785-2650 m1~mmkyouum
Im 20. 82110 Garmfllng, GERMANY
Tel: mama FuiwflB-SNS Evmalli
Unlls 21022107. Menoplaxa Tower 1, 223 Hlng Fang Head, Kwal Chung,
N.T., HONG KONG Tel: 85224294118 Fax: 852-2428-9039
mp mummy
00107-1 E

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Page Count                      : 44
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