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HP Viridia Wave Viewer
This chapter provides information about the HP Viridia
Wave Viewer, a clinical application run on an HP
palmtop computer and used in conjunction with the
HP Viridia telemetry transmitter. For environmental
specifications, see Appendix A‘
Topics include:
I Installation of Wave Viewer
- Exiting from Wave Viewer
l Configuration Screens
I System Setup (These functions require a password.)
I Battery Information
I Screen Saver Mode
lnstallation of Before installing HP Wave Viewer, the palmtop must
- be operational. See the palmtop user documentation
wave Vlewer for how to insert the batteries and perform a typical
To Install Wave Viewer
1. Turn the palmtop on.
2. Close any open applications until your personal
information screen appears.
HP Viridia Wave Wewer 4-1
3. Insert the wave viewer flash disk card into the left end
of the palmtop.
4. Press to reboot the system.
The “Welcome to the HP Viridia Wave Viewer”
screen will be displayed, followed by the
“Communication Disrupted” screen.
If the wave viewer does not start when the disk card is
inserted, the palmtop may have insufl‘icient memory.
One (1) megabyte of memory is required to run the
wave viewer.
5. To access patient waveforms, connect the palmtop to
the transmiter.
Caution HewlettAPackard does not. guarantee correct operation
' of the wave viewer when other applications are active
on the palmtop PC. Rebooting while files or other
applications are open can cause file or directory
Exiting from Wave To use other applications on the palmtop, you must exit
Viewer from the wave viewer program.
To Exit fi'om Wave Viewer
1. Disconnect the transmitter and palmtop.
2. At the palmtop, press or Exit to DOS .
3. Type 200 and press to start the palmtop
Application Manager.
The palmtop is now ready to launch other software
4-2 HP Viridia Wave Viewer
” ‘——.—_flmmuwvmwm—flfl
The configuration screens enable you to view
transmitter and wave viewer settings, and to access
the Setup screens. Transmitter status information
remains available even after the transmitter has been
disconnected if another transmitter has not been
connected. When the wave viewer is connected to
a different transmitter, information for the initial
transmitter will be erased. Dynamic status information
is updated approximately once per second. This permits
limited testing of features such as the transmitter
Setup Screens
Demo Mode
Setup provides screens for configuration and test of
the HP Viridia transmitter. Setup functions include
changing the transmitter frequency, configuring a
transmitter, and copying settings from one transmitter
to another (see Chapter 6 for details). You can also
access Demo Mode for use in training and practice. A
Test function is available for use by service personnel.
All these functions are accessed from the Main Screen
and require a password for entry. To obtain the
password, see your Service Representative.
Demo Mode allows the wave viewer to run with an
artificial ECG wave and synthetic data for Sp02, pulse,
and pleth wave for use in education and training.
The patient cable defaults to a standard 5-wire cable.
Although lead selection functions, only Lead II data will
be displayed. All monitoring stops during Demo Mode.
When you exit from Demo Mode, the system returns to
the Setup Menu.
To Start Demo Mode
1. Select Config.
HP v‘ridia wave Viewer 4-3
2~ Select Setup.
3. Enter the password, followed by -.
~ Select Demo , then Yes. Be sure the palmtop is not
near the transmitter.
Or to return to realtime mode, press No Cancel .
To Exit (Return to Realtime Mode)
1- Select Exit Demo, then Exit Setup and
Exit Config.
Battery Status
4-4 HP Wridia Wave Viewer
HP supports only 1.5 volt, size AA alkaline or
nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries in the HP
palmtop for use with the wave viewer application.
Under typical usage, the life cycle of fresh alkaline
batteries is 28 weeks,
The wave viewer software monitors the palmtop battery
voltage and informs you of the need to replace the
batteries via a screen message.
You can also use the battery monitor in the “setup”
program within the palmtop System Manager to predict
the remaining battery capacity. When the indicator falls
below the 1/4 level, fresh alkaline batteries should be
Additionally, the palmtop has a self test (n)
which includes reading the battery voltage. Note that
this selftest procedure necessitates rebooting of the
For instructions on changing batteries, please refer to the
HP palmtop user documentation.
Palmtop Power If there has been no keypress on the palmtop for 10
save Mode minutes, the palmtop will shut off automatically to
conserve power. To resume operation, press -.
Care and C|eaning For instructions on care and cleaning of the palmtop,
refer to the HP palmtop documentation.
HP Viidia Wave Viewer 4-5
Inoperative Conditions
This chapter gives you additional information about
telemetry inoperative conditions (INOPS). A complete
summary of INOPS and alarms can be found in Chapter
3 of the User’s Guide.
Monitoring During Inoperative conditions (IN OPS) exist when the signal
Inoperative cannot be properly processed. INOPS automatically.
conditions reset when the condition clears. Every INOP alarm is
accompanied by a specific message. If the IN OP results
(INOPS) in loss of monitoring, the message is accompanied by an
INOP alarm sound.
ECG»CH1 is always used for the cardiotach, but to
prevent loss of monitoring during inoperative periods.
the telemetry system attempts to continue monitoring
by operating in one or both of these secondary modes;
fallback or extended monitoring (if they are configured
On). These modes are available only with the S-wire
lead set (HP Viridia transmitter) or 4— and 5-wire lead
set (M1400A/B transmitter).
Fallback Mode If ECG—CHI (the cardiotach lead) becomes inoperative
without Arrhythmia due to a. LEADS OFF condition, an INOP alarm
Monitoring and message occurs at the Central Monitor. After
10 seconds, the cardiotach switches to ECG-C112,
if operative. When ECG-CHl’s INOP condition is
corrected, the cardiotach switches back.
Inoperative Conditions 5-1
When fallback occurs, ECG-CH2 occupies the sector.
An INOP message, for example LEADS OFF II, appears
above ECG-CHZ’S waveform and the prompt . . . Leads
swapped due to lead off appears in the ECG Task
Windows When the condition clears, the INOP message
is removed and ECG-CHI returns to the sector.
To prevent lead selection which would terminate the
fallback mode, the softkey enabling the change of lead or
label (or swap) is removed.
Note It is presumed you have selected the proper size and
i bandwidth for the cardiotach to perform on ECG—CHI.
When fallback occurs and ECG-CH? becomes the
cardiotach lead, the monitor automatically readjusts
its size and bandwidth to those selected for ECG-CHI.
When the INOP condition clears, ECG-CHI returns to
the primary sector and ECG-CH? returns to its previous
Fallback does not occur if:
I configured off.
I you are monitoring with a 3-wire lead set.
If the above conditions exist, you must correct the INOP
for monitoring to continue.
5-2 Imperative Conditions
Fallback Mode with
Extended Monitoring
Note 6
Arrhythmia fallback is a feature of arrhythmia
monitoring and occurs even if your telemetry system is
not configured for fallback.
Arrhythmia fallback occurs if your patient is arrhythmia
monitored, ECG-CHI is INOP, and ECG»CH2 is
operative. After a 10 second delay, ECG-CH? switches
to the sector and arrhythmia analysis and alarms
continue to be generated.
When ECG—CHl’s INOP condition is corrected, it
returns to the sector and arrhythmia monitoring
continues as before.
If configured on, extended monitoring is available with
the 5-wire lead set (HP Viridia transmitter) or 4— and
5~wire lead set (M1400A/ B transmitter). Extended
monitoring allows the monitor to continue monitoring if
both displayed leads are INOP, either with a. lead you
did not select or a lead that was turned off. The delay to
monitoring ECG—CH2 may be 20 seconds.
When extended monitoring occurs7 the operative lead
takes on the size and bandwidth settings for ECG-CHI.
Extended Monitoring with the 5-wire Lead Set
Extended monitoring works with the 5-wire lead set in
the following situation. If you have extended monitoring
configured on and ECG—CH2 is turned off, an INOP
of ECG—CHI automatically turns ECG—CH? on, so
monitoring can continue,
For the HP Viridia transmitter or M1400A/B
transmitter with lead swap oil, ECG-CH2 will be
assigned the label ECG.
For the M1400A/ B transmitter with lead swap on,
ECG—CH? will be turned on with the configured label.
For example, if you are using standard lead placement
Inoperative Conditions 5-3
with ECG-CHI as Lead II and ECG-CH2 as off, if
the left leg (LL) electrode fall off, ECG-CH2, Lead
MCL, turns on, occupies the sector, and becomes the
cardiotach lead.
When the INOP of ECG~CH1 is corrected, monitoring
continues as before.
Extended Monitoring with the 4-wire Lead Set
(M1400A / B transmitter)
Since the 4-wire lead set reconstructs four of its possible
6 leads, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, it may be able to continue
monitoring if ECG-CHI and B are both INOP. For
example, if you are monitoring Lead II and aVR, and
the left leg (LL) electrode falls 03, the monitor is able
to continue monitoring using Lead I, RA and LA.
ECG-CH2 switches to the sector, and the message LEADS
OFF II appears above ECG-GHQ. Extended monitoring
continues until the INOP condition clears.
Note Since the right arm (RA) and right leg (RL) electrodes
are necessary for all leads monitored by the 4-wire lead
set, their loss prevents fallback or extended monitoring.
5-4 Imperative Conditions
Configuration How your telemetry system performs depends in large
Choices part on the configuration choices made during system
installation. The following tables summarize the
factory-set defaults and the alternative configuration
choices that relate to clinical practice. Configuration
is performed at the receiver mainframe, except for the
Viridia transmitters, which are configured at the wave
viewer, and all settings except frequency pertain to all
receivers in the mainframe. For complete configuration
information, including the impact of individual choices,
see the HP Viridia Telemetry System Installation and
Configuration Guide (M2600490036).
Configuration 6-1
M2604A Receiver Mainframe Configuration Settings
Factor Data-alt
High 120 20250
Low 50 15-2451
Alarm Limits
Lead Fallback
Extended Monitoring
cm and cm = Monitoring, Exercise,
Diagnostic. Paced. ST
CH12=L u. 111, aVR, me, aVF
GM: 1. 11, m, aVR, aVL, aVF,OFF
Lead Labelling» 5 Electrode CI-Il = II CHI = I, II, III. MCL
Lead Labelling - 3 Electrode CHI = ll CHI = I, II, “I. MCL
Bandwidth CHI = Monitor CH1= Monitor, Exercise
CH2 = Monitor CH2 = Monitor, Exercise
1 Law limit must he at least 5 155 than the high limit.
2 ECG-CHI and CH2 must be different lead types, and ECGaCHl cannot be OFFA (
Lead Selection - 4 Electrode
6-2 Configuration
M2604A Receiver Mainframe Configuration Settings (ConL)
“ new Def-mu
Lead Selection - 5 Electrode 01-111: 1, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF' MCL' V
Cl'l21 = I, II, In, aVR, aVL, aVF, MCL, V,
Lead Labelling . 3 Electrode
SpOz Alarm Limits
High Range = 51400 percent
Low Range = 50-99 percent
ST Module Disabled Enabled, Disabled
(increment of 1)
ST Alarm Limits ECG-CHI High +0.6 -9.6 to +98 (increment 0.2)
ECG—CHI Low -1.0 -9.8 to +95 (increment 0,2)
ECG-CH? High +o.s
ECG-CH? Low -140
— 80
-94s to +93 (increment 0.2)
-9.8 to +95 (increment 0.2)
We Can and Record NW cm, Record, Both. Disabled
1 ECG-CHI and CH2 must be different lead types, and ECG100 megohms with respect to
reference electrode
Delay from Transmitter Input to Analog Output:
40 milliseconds max.- M1400A/ B Transmitter
400 milliseconds max. - HP Viridja Transmitter
Not intended for use with synchronized cardioversion
due to processing delay.
Indicators: Output Connector Box; Status and Power
Conne ctions :
Output Connector Box: Input (SO-pin jack);
Input (Power Module); Output (8 pairs of 9-pin D
Specifications and Ordering Information A-S
Analog Output Card: Output (SO-pin jack)
Bedside Attenuator: Output (3-conductor phone jack)
Holter Attenuator: Output (set of 5