Philips 830070 User Manual Intelli Bridge Enterprise Interoperability Solution Ca639d0889a847f6a4cda77c016114da

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User Manual: Philips 830070 Philips IntelliBridge Enterprise Interoperability solution IntelliBridge Enterprise 830070

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Managing the flow
of clinical data
Simplifying your enterprise clinical information systems
with IntelliBridge Enterprise

Due to rapid technological and legislative changes, the data
collection associated with providing healthcare has increased
dramatically. As the volume of patient data increases, so does
the complexity of the interfaces among medical devices, hospital
information systems, and the electronic health record (EHR).
Philips IntelliBridge Enterprise (IBE) provides a single point of contact
between the EHR and Philips clinical solutions. This reduces the
number and cost of point-to-point interfaces, and offers workflow
efficiencies to help you improve the quality of patient care.

Executive summary
Healthcare executives and professionals are under
growing pressure in today’s changing regulatory
environment. They are mandated to reduce the cost of
patient care while improving outcomes and expanding
access to care, with ever-shrinking resources.
At the core of clinical decision-making is data. Clinicians
not only have to do more with fewer resources, but also
assimilate a wide variety of information and inputs during
the clinical decision-making process to provide the best
potential outcomes for their patients. Accountable Care
Organizations and meaningful use metrics fundamentally
rely on the ability to capture and share rich clinical data.
This data must be relevant, timely, and available when
and where the clinical staff needs it.
Clinical devices and systems today produce a
tremendous amount of data with a high degree of
regularity. The number of and variety of clinical devices
in a hospital can be high, causing the amount and
frequency of data to increase dramatically. Typical ICU
patients can have over 10 devices connected to them
each producing information every few minutes or even
seconds, much of which is sent to the critical care
documentation system. This documentation system then
sends data to the EHR, the longitudinal patient record.
Multiple systems and devices can feed into the EHR.
Typical interfacing models can be highly complex and
costly to maintain given the large number of department
interface points which a healthcare facility has to
maintain. Having to maintain more points of interfacing
can potentially introduce errors or system issues. Even
upgrading the software of one vendor’s system can have
a ripple effect on all systems connected to or receiving
data from the EHR.
Accordingly, IT departments are faced with managing
a highly complex interfacing environment that not
only supports clinicians, but seeks to improve clinical
workflow. Essentially, many hospitals’ IT organizations
have become systems integrators and can face a variety
of interoperability challenges, including:
• Potentially hundreds of different medical devices in a
hospital environment with varying device drivers and
• Differing vendors medical devices that may not
interoperate with each other

• Legacy protocols used by existing information systems
in place in the hospital
• Life-critical equipment with specific requirements
necessary to mitigate safety risks
• Varying degrees of interoperability amongst vendors
own solutions
• Varying levels of standards support such as IHE, IEEE
• Multiple connection points
• Non-plug-and-play solutions requiring extensive
IT resources
An enterprise-wide strategy that focuses on using
devices and systems that are easily integrated, that
capture a variety of parameters, and are interoperable
has many benefits, including:
• Rich data for longitudinal records
• Parameters needed to satisfy professional licensing
requirements, regulations, and documentation
• A path to closed-loop therapies
• Richer, more aligned data for research
• Data to satisfy quality metrics, patient safety goals,
and internal reporting
• Significant support of third party devices, systems,
and drivers
• Improved IT friendliness
• Plug and play capabilities minimizing impact to the
IT organization
• Ability to support server virtualization
Healthcare executives, CIOs, and their IT staff must
work cross-functionally to understand their existing
IT systems environment, the clinical and professional
requirements associated with documentation, current
and future electronic documentation state, and clinical
workflow in order to effectively chart the course
toward a solid enterprise device and systems integration
strategy. Their considerations should include:
• Workflow associated with departmental
documentation, medical device integration, and
the organizational roadmap for implementation of
electronic charting
• Current and future capabilities of medical devices with
respect to integration
• Inventory of existing documentation systems, including
vendors and versions
• Existing and future vendor partners’ interoperability

Industry trends today
Consolidating points of device and systems interfacing
and leveraging standards-based platforms are ways that
healthcare IT executives can minimize complexity in
their IT information systems environment.
Philips Healthcare provides a path toward
interoperability with the Philips IntelliBridge family
of solutions. One key component of this family is
IntelliBridge Enterprise (IBE), an interfacing engine
designed to work across Philips solutions and reduce
the number of interface points to the Clinical
Information Systems (CIS) or EHR.

The healthcare industry has undergone a significant
amount of change in the past several years. Legislative
changes, changing demographics, and growing cost
pressures have all affected the industry. As a result of
these changes, healthcare organizations need to find
ways to do more with fewer resources.
Shifting reimbursement models due to
cost pressures
The aging population, growth of chronic diseases,
and shifting reimbursement models are challenging
hospital organizations to change the way they deliver
care. The traditional Medicare fee-for-service models
were identified by the Medicare Payment Advisory
Commission in 2008 as focusing on volume versus
quality of care. The report noted:
“ To increase value for beneficiaries and taxpayers,
the Medicare program must overcome the
limitations of its current payment systems. A
reformed Medicare payment system would pay
for care that spans across provider types and
time (encompassing multiple patient visits and
procedures) and would hold providers accountable
for the quality of that care and the resources used
to provide it. This direction would create payment
system incentives for providers that reward value
and encourage closer provider integration, which in
turn would maximize the potential of tools such as
P4P and resource measurement to improve quality
and efficiency.” 1
Public and private payers can no longer fund healthcare
services without looking at the metrics. They want
assurance that services are of the highest quality and
offer clear clinical value. Most often, that means asking
for quality that can be demonstrated through better
patient outcomes, care that is appropriate for the
patient, and improvements in patient safety.


Legislated changes
The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well
as the Health Information Technology for Economic
and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) component of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) are
driving rapid changes for U.S. healthcare professionals.
The HITECH Act had several major implications for
healthcare information technology organizations. The
HITECH Act introduced incentives for the adoption
and meaningful use of certified EHR technology.
Initially, the law put in place incentives to stimulate the
implementation of electronic charting and electronic
health records, but over time the incentives will be
replaced with penalties.
Subtitle D of the HITECH Act emphasizes the importance
of the security and privacy of electronic transmission
of protected health information. With the onslaught of
electronic data capture initiatives, this component of
the act has led to an increasing focus on the security and
privacy of medical information systems. Even before the
passage of the Affordable Care Act, the HITECH Act
moved the U.S. healthcare system toward implementing
technology to help capture the right data and improve
efficiency and care coordination. Ultimately, the
requirement to show meaningful use of the technology
was designed to drive toward improved clinical outcomes.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more
commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA),
was signed into law in March 2010. The law aims to
decrease the number of uninsured Americans and
decrease the costs of healthcare.
One of the main goals of the ACA is to focus on the
quality of healthcare and give incentives to healthcare
providers that reinforce quality over the quantity
of services provided. A number of federal and state
initiatives were designed to help achieve this goal:
• Comparative effectiveness research: The ACA
created a non-profit Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Institute (PCORI) to conduct research
that compares the clinical effectiveness of medical
treatments. The law requires, however, that the findings
of PCORI research may not be construed as mandates,
guidelines, or recommendations for payment, coverage,
or treatment or used to deny coverage.

• Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation:
The ACA created the Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) at CMS. The purpose of
the center is to test innovative payment and health
delivery models. Many of the payment approaches
included in the ACA are being operated by the Center.
These include the demonstrations on accountable
care organizations, bundling, medical homes, and the
partnership for patients.
• Health Insurance Exchanges: The ACA establishes
state health insurance exchanges in which individuals
and small businesses can purchase health insurance
coverage. Starting in 2014, the insurance exchanges will
allow eligible individuals, families, and small businesses
to shop for insurance coverage.
• Essential benefits package: The ACA requires
that all health plans for individuals and small groups
must provide a comprehensive set of services, called
essential health benefits.
• National quality strategy: Under the ACA, the
government has developed a national quality improvement
strategy that identifies broad aims and priorities for
achieving high quality, affordable care for Americans.
The importance of improving the quality of healthcare
and addressing shortcomings such as medical errors,
inappropriate utilization, and a fragmented delivery
system has been documented widely. Many efforts in the
public and private sectors are underway to correct them.
In passing the ACA, Congress directed the US Dept of
Health & Human Services (HHS) to develop a strategy that
would set goals and priorities to help guide these efforts.
In March 2011, HHS released its initial quality strategy and
plan for implementation. It focused on six priorities:
–– Making care safer
–– Ensuring person- and family-centered care
–– Promoting effective communication and
coordination of care
–– Promoting the most effective prevention and
treatment of the leading causes of mortality, starting
with cardiovascular disease
–– Working with communities to promote wide use of
best practices to enable healthy living
–– Making quality more affordable
The plan outlines a range of changes in policies and
infrastructure that are necessary to help providers,
payers, and others achieve these priorities. These include,
among others, changes in payment, public reporting,
accreditation, quality measurement, and training.2

Health Information Exchanges (HIE)
Health Information Exchanges are IT platforms that are being set
up to facilitate the sharing of information across health systems,
regions, and providers to enable coordination of care and
more patient-centered care. The American Health Information
Management Association uses the following definition for HIEs:
“ Health Information Exchange (HIE) refers to the process
of reliable and interoperable electronic health-related
information sharing conducted in a manner that protects the
confidentiality, privacy, and security of the information. The
development of widespread HIEs is quickly becoming a reality.
Health Information Organizations (HIOs) are the organizations
that oversee HIE. For HIOs to function, they must have the
capability to employ nationally recognized standards to enable
interoperability, security and confidentiality, and to ensure
authorization of those who access the information. The HIE
implementation challenge will be to create a standardized
interoperable model that is patient centric, trusted,
longitudinal, scalable, sustainable, and reliable.” 3

These initiatives share a demand for data as the foundation
for analysis and evaluation. Much of this data starts with the
patient. It will thus become increasingly critical to capture a
wide variety of data from the point of care. Clinicians may
need to more regularly consider the types of data that the
larger care team might need, rather than simply capturing
the data necessary for their department or clinical specialty.
Technological advances
Coupled with these changes, rapid adoption of consumer
technologies, such as the smartphone, is changing the
landscape of healthcare delivery by increasing caregivers’
ability to capture and access data. It is the responsibility of
IT organizations to figure out how to provide access to this
data to the right clinicians at the right time, in a secure and
confidential fashion. Ten years ago, the iPad and iPhone did
not exist and clinicians were tied to their offices or desks.
Now information can be viewed and input from hallway pods
in hospitals or from tablets or smartphones in a clinician’s
pocket. Wireless device capabilities make it easier to
transmit this data on a regular basis from the point of care as
well. These data inputs must also be captured in the patient’s
record, whether at the departmental or longitudinal level.
Along with these advances in consumer technology
have come similar advances in medical devices, making
it easier for systems to capture an increasing number of
parameters from the point of care.

The data-driven environment
The changing nature of the healthcare environment
now demands the ability to identify and measure
outcomes, share information across the care
continuum, and improve clinical and operational
efficiencies in the name of providing improved
quality at a reduced cost. A data-driven environment
underlies all of these imperatives. Some studies have
indicated that automated data capture and enterprisewide access to rich data may enable clinical,
operational, and financial efficiencies.
For example, the Agency for Healthcare and Research
Quality notes:
“ The Institute of Medicine report, Future Directions
for the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities
Reports (IOM, 2010), highlights the adoption and use
of health IT as a tool to manage cost and improve
the quality of care delivered. Meaningful use of an
EHR, for instance, is increasingly viewed as essential
to improving both the efficiency of service delivery
and health care quality (Resnick & Alwan, 2010).
The potential benefits of EHRs are not limited to
hospitals and ambulatory care settings but are also
valuable tools in hospice and home health agencies.” 4


Another study notes:
“ Our findings suggest that the implementation of a
basic EHR, including computerized physician order
entry (CPOE), shows promise in bringing about
improved and more efficient nursing care, better care
coordination, and safety for patients.” 5
The formation of healthcare information exchanges
underscores the push for data exchange and
information sharing across regions and providers.
The challenge for the health IT professional is to put
together an enterprise-wide integration and interfacing
strategy that contends with:
• Support for existing internal systems
–– Growing number of medical devices
–– Increasing number of measured parameters in
those devices
–– Highly complex interfacing environments
–– Aging systems with outdated computer protocols
• Potential to interface with external systems such as
regional HIEs or physicians’ offices
• External pressures, such as the demand to meet new
metrics to improve quality, satisfaction, and outcomes
• Internal expectations, such as the requirement to
have an accurate, consistent, and complete record of
care that can serve many clinicians

Key considerations for
enterprise integration
and systems
In addition to regulatory compliance and legislated
directives, healthcare organizations are faced with staffing
appropriately to address the convergence of information
technology and healthcare technology. This convergence
is driving the requirement for hospital organizations to be
systems integrators – ensuring that multiple systems from
different medical device vendors integrate and send data to
potentially different information systems’ software, which
ultimately leads to the EHR, the longitudinal record that
reflects all the care they have received.
As a result, many hospitals are looking for systems that
provide a high degree of interoperability and more plugand-play capabilities, as well as partnership from their
vendors when it comes to IT risk assessment, management,
and systems integration. As noted above, hospital
organizations face a number of challenges with respect
to enterprise integration and interoperability with their
clinical and hospital information systems.
Some key considerations when developing an enterprisewide information systems interoperability strategy
What is the strategic perspective of the hospital organization with
regard to electronic charting or EHRs? Is the facility pursuing a best
of breed or best of suite strategy? This will help the organization
plan project timelines, departmental applications and their points
of interfacing, and help the dialogue with the medical device and
systems vendors.
At what stage is the organization in the process of rolling out EHRs?
What is the desired workflow for electronic charting? For example,
how will clinicians validate the data if validation is required?
What is the organization’s method of standardization? For example,
will the organization use a third party for integration?
How many points of interfacing are required?
What are the vendors and versions of the applications being
interfaced with?
What devices might need to be interfaced with?
How frequently will the software systems be upgraded?


Enterprise overview
One interfacing engine, one solution
Philips IntelliBridge Enterprise provides a single point
of contact solution for bi-directional interfacing and
communications between your hospital information
systems and Philips clinical informatics solutions and
medical devices. IntelliBridge Enterprise provides a
single path to exchange data such as ADT, labs, orders,
vital signs, alarms, and documents between your EHR
and Philips clinical systems. IntelliBridge Enterprise
enhances your EHR investment by providing rich
clinical data from Philips monitoring and clinical IT
systems directly to your clinicians through your EHR
and providing EHR data necessary to support clinical
workflow and decisions at the point of care through
Philips bedside systems.

At the same time, IntelliBridge Enterprise helps you
simplify the management of your clinical information
systems and devices by providing a single point of
contact (one interface) between your core clinical IT
assets and many Philips clinical systems. By helping to
simplify your IT interfacing architecture and minimize
integration effort and cost, IntelliBridge Enterprise may
represent an efficient, cost-effective way to provide
interoperability between Philips systems and your
EHR, enhancing the value of your IT investments and
improving their clinical impact.


























Philips Solutions in Customer Environments – Before IBE

Philips Solutions in Customer Environments – After IBE

Multiple connections with Philips;

Reduced connections with Philips;

Multiple Connections with HIS/EMR vendors

Reduced Connections with HIS/EMR vendors

Result: Very High Total Cost of Ownership


IntelliBridge Enterprise benefits
• Reducing the complexity of your IT integration
infrastructure by providing one point of contact for
most Philips systems
• Reducing total cost of ownership by reducing your
investment in point-to-point interfaces and associated
maintenance and other costs
• Providing one point of contact for Philips systems
for simplicity
• Delivering patient information to caregivers
throughout the continuum of care faster, more
efficiently, and with lower cost compared to having
multiple interfacing points
• Providing an extensible platform on which to add
new Philips systems, new IHE profiles, and new
Philips product extensions as well as a comprehensive
management toolset
• When integrating Philips IntelliVue patient monitoring
–– Supports an Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT)
interface to your monitoring environment, enabling
patient matching and identification electronically
–– Allows clinicians at the bedside or at the central
nursing station to select the appropriate patient
from the list of currently admitted patients,
automatically sending the relevant ADT
information to patient monitors
–– Waveform snippet import directly to your EHR
–– This eliminates a multi-step process of printing,
scanning, and attaching a waveform snippet
by directly importing a selected area of the
waveform into the EHR from the central station
–– Patient ID and visit numbers from ADT included
with waveform in the EHR
–– Provides that important patient monitoring
records are reliably and securely saved in the
patient’s lifetime medical record

Current Philips IntelliBridge
compatible solutions
IntelliBridge Enterprise provides a comprehensive set
of interfaces (inbound and outbound) to the following
Philips products:
• IntelliVue Information Center (PIIC)
monitoring solution
• IntelliVue Information Center iX (PIIC iX)
monitoring solution
• SureSigns (VS and VM) monitors
• IntelliVue Guardian Software (IGS) early warning
scoring solution
• IntelliSpace Perinatal OB charting solution
• IntelliSpace Critical Care and Anesthesia (ICCA)
Intellibridge SC 50
• Expression Information Portal (IP5)
• IntelliSpace Event Management
• eCare Manager
• Philips Cardiology systems (Pagewriter,
Stress ST80i, Holter)
• IntelliSpace ECG Management System
• Xcelera*
• More Philips systems are added regularly
IBE software includes tested, Philips product-specific
solutions for each IBE compatible product. This includes prevalidated configurations that help to reduce implementation
costs. IBE also has Philips Shared Services within the product
which enables staged services to persist data for multiple
application use, e.g., patient index (ADT), orphan pool (for
patient data like labs, orders, HIF, CDR) offering more than
just data translation. IBE is a platform designed to anticipate
the future needs of clinical applications.
Additional implementation services (value-added
services) are also offered. Philips Integration Services
provide project management, infrastructure consulting,
procurement, interface mapping and configuration,
and acceptance testing to help ensure effective data
integration. Philips Integration Services also provide
interface consulting and development for these systems
and interfaces.
In addition to minimizing points of interfacing,
providing troubleshooting tools for data streams from
Philips systems, and offering an extensible platform
onto which new Philips clinical technology solutions
can be added, IBE offers workflow benefits, as detailed
in the next sections.
* IntelliBridge Enterprise for Xcelera is not yet available for sale.


IntelliBridge Enterprise and IntelliVue Patient
Monitoring System
The IntelliVue patient monitoring system generates
real-time physiological waveforms, trends, and
alarms from networked IntelliVue wired and wireless
monitors and sends them to the Philips IntelliVue
Information Center (PIIC) or PIIC iX. The PIIC iX
stores short-term monitoring data and may also
export this data to a hospital information system to
be stored in an EHR. This system includes a number
of software and infrastructure components that are
dependent on the size, scalability, clinical workflow,
and departmental needs of the clinical end users.
The components of the system include:
• IntelliVue patient monitor or patient-worn device –
either for cardiac telemetry monitoring or a bedside
monitor. These devices communicate real time
waveforms to a central surveillance station.
• Philips IntelliVue Information Center (PIIC) which can
either send data directly out via HL7 or work with
servers that send data out via HL7.
• Philips IntelliVue Information Center iX (PIIC iX)
software which can either send data directly or use
a primary server to send data out via HL7.


Network Share

The PIIC or PIIC iX servers send data out to
IntelliBridge Enterprise. In addition to providing a
platform for ADT inbound to the IntelliVue monitoring
system, IntelliBridge Enterprise can also provide some
clinical workflow enhancements such as waveform
export. PIIC allows users to save waveform strips as
PNG files. IBE can facilitate a file transfer to HIS, EHR,
or any other similar application through this interface.
PIIC iX also supports the export of waveform strips to
local systems. IBE enables transfer of these waveform
strips to the Hospital External Systems. IBE also
facilitates the mapping of PIIC iX observation messages
such that they are compliant to IHE PCD 01 and ACM
message profile.
The value of this workflow enhancement is twofold.
First, it can enable clinicians to move away from the
manual method of printing out waveform snippets,
taping them to paper, scanning or faxing them into
a record. Second, it can minimize some of the costs
associated with the thermal paper that is used in this
process by sending it electronically to the EHR or CIS,
rather than printing.

PIIC iX Routes


Network Share
Exports PDF


Network Share

IBE Platform


Network Share
Network Share

Exports PNG

Network Share


PIIC Routes


Network Share



IntelliBridge Enterprise and SureSigns patient monitors
Caregivers know that spending more time with
patients translates into better patient care, so they
constantly struggle to minimize the tasks that prevent
them from providing care. Philips SureSigns VS2+,
VS3, and VS4 monitors are spot check vital signs
monitors used to measure blood pressure, pulse
oximetry, pulse rate, and temperature. SureSigns
VS3 and VS4 also gather up to 20 customer defined
observations or assessments.
While patient record documentation is one of caregivers’
most important responsibilities, it can also be one of the
most time-consuming activities in their day, as indicated
by a 36-hospital time and motion study. This study
indicates that “changes in technology, work processes,
and unit organization and design may allow for substantial
improvements in the use of nurses’ time.” 6

SureSigns QuickCheck feature works with multiple
workflow models, from bedside mounted to mobile
monitoring. QuickCheck leverages Philips IntelliBridge
Enterprise to provide true in-monitor bedside record
validation, including caregiver authentication and ADT
patient ID confirmation, allowing caregivers to send
validated records directly into the EHR.
Efficient electronic vital signs transmission means
caregivers can spend more time with patients.
QuickCheck can help improve clinical workflow
by providing that patient data is efficiently entered
into the patient’s record, which could then lead to
enhanced outcomes.

The SureSigns monitors were designed around the end
user with an intuitive user interface that is incredibly
easy to use. Pair that with our innovative data export
capabilities for the SureSigns VS3 and VS4 and the
QuickCheck workflow tool and you have a system that
simplifies patient documentation.





Post Data
to Chart




IntelliBridge Enterprise and Philips IntelliSpace
ECG Management System
Philips IntelliSpace ECG Management System is an
enterprise software solution which supports multimodalities, such as, ECG, stress, and Holter data and
provides advanced bi-directional communication,
including ADT.

patient demographic data and order information can help
improve your workflow by facilitating worklists at the ECG
cardiographs, reducing the need for manual data entry, and
improving the quality of data. Outbound connectivity to
third-party information systems allows prompt distribution
of clinical reports, results, and coded information for
purposes such as billing.

IntelliBridge Enterprise also provides a platform
for bi-directional communications between Philips
IntelliSpace ECG Management System and your
enterprise information systems in a cost-effective
and efficient manner. By providing a smooth flow of
patient information and easy access to resting ECG,
Holter, and stress reports from within or outside your
clinical department or institution, your clinical team
can integrate ECG reports into their clinical workflow
where and when they are needed.

Additionally, a hospital enterprise may consist of a
number of hospitals or locations, and information may
come from more than one hospital information system.
Multiple inbound and outbound connections are available
if an organization intends to connect several instances
of a particular type of system. For example, a number
of hospital sites may have more than one ADT system;
each system would therefore be required to send
patient demographics to IntelliBridge Enterprise.

By supporting a two-way exchange of information,
IntelliBridge Enterprise provides for streamlined,
standards-based communication with enterprise clinical
and administrative systems for demographics, order
worklists, and distribution of results. On the inbound side,

With IBE
IntelliSpace ECG Fundamental Connectivity



4b – PDF

5c – Order Result
1 – Order Request/Update


6 – Final

5a – ECG

ECG Application
+ Workflow Utilities

5b – PDF
2 – Filtered ECG orders sent
to PageWriter Cardiographs

Final ECG Record

4a – ECG

3 – ECG record with order information


IntelliBridge Enterprise (IBE) and Xcelera
Philips Xcelera cardiology PACS is an integrated multimodality image management system for cardiovascular
information. The enterprise topology of Xcelera can
provide cardiac image viewing, reporting, and archiving
functions for the cardiology labs of a large, multi-hospital
healthcare organization.
IntelliBridge Enterprise interfaces between imaging
modalities and Philips Xcelera by providing DICOMbased services such as DICOM Modality Worklist
(DMWL) and Modality Performed Procedure Step
(MPPS). IBE simplifies the connection by serving as a
central point for data exchange. The data consists of
demographic patient information, schedules, textual
information, and text and PDF reports.
In a large, multi-hospital organization, the different types
of HIS in the participating hospitals may each send their

ADT data and examination request orders to the
single, centralized Xcelera and IBE configuration. Both
IBE and Xcelera can be staged in high-availability and
multi HIS/CIS configurations.
Xcelera interfaces include:
• ADT inbound
• Orders inbound
• Results outbound (formatted and unformatted text)
Additional capabilities include:
• Echo reports/results (interface)
• DICOM MWL/MPPS (throughput) performance boost
to operate effectively in an enterprise environment
• M2M (Machine to Machine) service support for
enhanced monitoring and support





(SQL Interface)
Formatted and
Unformatted ECHO

(SQL Interface)


Echo Results
(SQL Interface)
Image/Study Availability


HL7 ORU – Image
availability notification

HL7 ORM – ECG Results


ECG Management

(SQL Interface)

ECG Results



(SQL Interface)

* IntelliBridge Enterprise for Xcelera is not yet available for sale.



Note: IBE supports Xcelera release 3.3.*
IntelliBridge Enterprise toolset
IntelliBridge Enterprise also provides value-added
support and configuration tools. These tools can be
used by customers for management, configuration, audit
trails, and troubleshooting:
• Management console and tools – a comprehensive
set of tools to manage the interfaces and create logs
of unresolved messages so administrators can remedy
• Configuration wizard – UI-based application that
provides step by step help in installation of required
• Audit trail – UI-based application that provides a
detailed view of interfacing changes including time and
user information
• Alert viewer – Allows data management users to
view and take action on unvalidated patient data.
Alert viewer application enables user to view any
errors or exceptions which may occur during patient
data transactions

IntelliBridge Enterprise Service
IntelliBridge Enterprise will be deployed with the Philips
Service Agent (PSA), allowing Philips personnel to
provide secure remote support via the Philips Remote
Service M2M Enterprise environment.
The PSA solution will allow the Philips remote service
provider to securely:
• Connect to the IBE device via Windows Remote
Desktop (RDP)
• Transfer files to and from the IBE device
• View/update a set of readings about the IBE device
(e.g. disk space size, disk space available, hostname)

* IntelliBridge Enterprise for Xcelera is not yet available for sale.


IBE Software Maintenance Agreement
Philips Healthcare’s Software Customer Services
organization delivers a full range of support:
• 24 x 7 access to technical experts in Philips USA-based
Customer Care Solution Center
• Remote access technologies and processes that
provide secure, timely, and traceable troubleshooting
and problem resolution
• A Philips-wide, formal escalation policy that creates
urgency for special challenges
• Delivery of software updates and upgrades with
installation and clinical education services
• Solution enhancements including ongoing clinical
education and consulting services

Conclusion: What IBE means for you
Philips IntelliBridge Enterprise can offer clinical and financial
workflow efficiencies, like importing waveform snippets into
the EMR and integrating ADT information at the bedside, that
can help you respond to the changing healthcare environment
by enabling access to more electronic data and streamlining
the integration of data between Philips solutions and the EHR.
The shift in healthcare payment from volume to value will
increasingly reward the adoption of electronic records and
the collection of rich data. The thoughtful, comprehensive
collection of clinical data, with the requisite analysis,
could help healthcare organizations demonstrate patient
outcomes and meaningful use to their customers as well as
regulatory agencies. Additionally, improvements in clinical
workflow can positively impact caregivers’ ability to spend
more time with patients.
As healthcare organizations move towards integrating more
clinical data from devices and hospital information systems
into a patient’s EHR, it’s important to design and roll out an
interoperability strategy based on an enterprise approach
versus a department-by-department effort. Historically, this is
how interfacing has unfolded, resulting in increased complexity
for the IT systems team.


As an enterprise-based, extensible interfacing platform based
on standards such as HL7, IHE, and DICOM, IntelliBridge
Enterprise may help reduce the complexity and cost of
systems interfacing. Philips IntelliBridge Enterprise provides
a single point of contact between your EHR and most Philips
solutions, offers improvements in workflow and management
tools to assist IT with interface troubleshooting.
By committing to standards such as IHE and building a
platform that can be extended, IBE can help you enhance data
collection and improve workflow. By providing a single point
of contact between Philips solutions and the EHR, IBE can
also help simplify your integration solution, bringing down the
overall cost of ownership. And by helping you increase the
richness of your data, IBE can help you meet the challenges of
a rapidly changing healthcare and regulatory environment.


Philips Healthcare is partof
Royal Philips
How to reach us

1. 2008 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, http://
3. American Health Information Management Association,
4. AHRQ,
5. The Effect of Hospital Electronic Health Record Adoption
on Nurse-Assessed Quality of Care and Patient Safety,
The Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2011
Volume 41 Number 11 Pages 466 – 472.
6. A 36-Hospital Time and Motion Study: How Do
Medical-Surgical Nurses Spend Their Time?, Perm J. 2008
Summer; 12(3): 25–34.
Windows Remote Desktop is a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Please visit

© 2013 Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Royal Philips)
All rights are reserved.
Philips Healthcare reserves the right to make changes in specifications and/or to discontinue any product at any time without notice or
obligation and will not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of this publication.
Printed in The Netherlands.
4522 962 92941 * MAY 2013


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