Phonak R21 Roger 21 - Audio and control signal transceiver User Manual user guide

Phonak LLC Roger 21 - Audio and control signal transceiver user guide

user guide

Download: Phonak R21 Roger 21 - Audio and control signal transceiver User Manual user guide
Mirror Download []Phonak R21 Roger 21 - Audio and control signal transceiver User Manual user guide
Document ID3397056
Application IDqhYoN6QJ1zzRYvdrVuagAw==
Document Descriptionuser guide
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize58.02kB (725220 bits)
Date Submitted2017-05-19 00:00:00
Date Available2017-05-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-02-22 15:09:19
Producing SoftwareMicrosoft® Word 2016
Document Lastmod2017-02-22 15:09:19
Document Titleuser guide
Document CreatorMicrosoft® Word 2016
Document Author: Holzer, Sebastien

02343236000me 201911!st “Scum AG. all righxs reserved
Roger 21
Roger 21 + -
CE mark 2017
Roger 21
IC: 2262A—R21
life is on
Roger Table Mic
life is on
Important Safety Information
Declaration of Conformity
Device: [optionsoz and on]: RogchyLink Rogerx. Roger if). Roger ii. Roger is.
Roger i4. Roger is. Roger is. Roger i7.Roger iu.Roger i9
[options 02]: Roger 20. Roger Ti
Important Safety Information
Pieasc read the information on tne roiiowing pages petore using your Pnonak
inis symooi on tne product or its packaging means tnat it snouid not oe disposed at
witn your otrrer nousenotd waste. it is your responsioiiity to dispose or your waste
egurprrrent separateiy trorn tne municipai waste strcanr ire mvm dispasai at your oid
appiiance wrii reip prevent potentiai newtiw consequences ior tne environment and
numan neaitn
Hazard warnings
A Reep trris device out at reacrr orcniidren aged under 3 years
A opening tnedcvrce mrgntdamageit irpraoiems occur tinat cannot pe resoived by
roiiowing tne guideiines in tneirouoiesnooting section ortnis User Guide. consuit
your nearing care proressionai
A Your device snouid oniy pe repaired by an autnorized service center. cnanges or
modifications to tnrs device tnat were not cxpirciuy approved by Pnonak are not
Piease dispose of eiectricai components in accordance vritn your ioeai reguiations
no not useyour device in areas wrrere eiectronic eduipment is pronioited. r in doubt.
picasc ask tne person in cnarge
nevicc snauid not pe used on aircrarts uniessspceifitaiiy permitted oyrirgnt pcrsonnei
Externai devices snouid 07W be connected ir tney nave been tested in accordance
witn corresponding iEC smndards
uniy use accessories tnat are approved by Pnonak AG
Product safety information
(i) Protect tre device trom excessive moisture [oatningv swimming]. neat [radiator car
dasnooardi. direct contact witn skin wnen sweating (workout. fitness. span] and
fiom excessive snack and vioration
eray rawation. Cior MRi scans may destroy or adverseiyafiect tne correct iuncti'on‘ing
or tne devce.
Never use a microwave or outer neating devices to dry tne device
Do not expose wur device to tmipciamirs and numidity outside of tire recommended
conditions stated in tne itchnimi datasneet
Ciean tre device using a damp ciotrt Never use nouserroid eieaning products [wasning
powder. soap, etc.) oraiconoi to ciean tne device.
Avoid exposing tne reoeiver to non spray or otner cosmetic nhemimis
Other important information
- ine digitai signai sentirom tne device to a connected receivercannot pe ovemeard ty
otrrer deviceswnicrr arc notin tne micropnonc‘s network
- Be aware tnat wireias transmission rrom rrricropnone to recever may oe interrupted
due to interrercnce or moving out at range, and tnat words wnrcn are tnen spoken uy
tre rrricropnone vearer may not oe hard oy tne receivervvearer.
- Tne sensitivity orrne nearing aid micropnone mayoe reduced tsy tne use oryour dance
and tnererore errvironmentai imienss may oe reduced,
- Rngeeraysnundainudbeepatstaneupwn'inhmigmbeanriuy'irigformuriitar'impiant
use Riease contact our nearing care prorcssionai to discuss deactivating tnis peep
Declaration of Conformity
Roger receivers are products or Rnonak AG, wnicn nave oeen tested ano confirmed to
toe in compiiancewitn tneessentiai requirements and otner reievant provisions ortne
Medicai Devices Directive EZ/AZIEEC and Directive iass/s/ec io optain a copy or tne
Deciaration or coniormi'ty. piease contact tne manuracturer or tne iocai Pnonak
representative wnose address can oe film" trom tne iist on www pnonak corn [woiide
wide ipcations).
inis device compiies witn m is or tne FCC Ruics and witn RSSZiU or industry Canada.
Operation is suoiect to tne roiiowrng two conditions [i] inrs dev‘ce may not Gus: narnriui
interierence. and (2) tnisdevice mustaceept any'iriterftierinc received. inciuding interrcence
tnat may cause undesired operation. ire device nas oeen tested and round to compry wrtr
tn: iimits fora Ciass B digitai dzvinz, purxuarit to Part is ofth: FCC Ruits These iimitsavt
designed to provide reasoraoie protection against narmiui interrerence in a residentiai
instaiiation.ine device genemtes usesand can radiate radiorreouenoy energyand. if not
instaiied and used in accordance witn tne instructions. may cause rrarmrui interrerence to
radio communications However. trere is no guarantee tnat rntcrrerence wrii not occur in
a particuiar insoiiationirtne device does cause narmrui rnteiierence to radio or teievisior
reception. wnrcn can oedetermrned oyturnrng tne device oirand on.tneuserrsencouoged
to try to correct tne interference by one or tne ioiiowing measures-
, Reorient or reiocate tne receiving antenna.
a increase the separation between tne deviceand receiver
a connecttne device into an outiet on a circuit ditrerentrrom tnat to wnicn tne receiver
is €07"!de
a Contuittne deaiei or an experienced radio/ivtecnnician ror neip.
m: caution: Any cnanget or modifications not expressiy approved try me panv
responsioia for compliance could Vol tne user's authority to operate tire device.
Japanese Radio Law and Japanese ieiecommunications Bustnea Law Compiiance.
Tnis device isgmnted pursuantto tnetapanese Radio Law imam
Tnis device snouid not be modified (omerwise tne granted designation numoerwiii
oecome inmiid).
inece symooi is confirmation by Prionak Communications no tnat tnis Rnonak
product is in compiiance witn tne esscntiai requirements and otner reievant
provisions or Directive iaBE/s/Ec
indicates a device‘s compiianoe witn appiicaoie Radio Spectrum Management's
& [RSM] and Austraiian Communications and Media Autnority LACMA) reguiatory
R—NZ arrangemenisror tne iegai saie in New Zeaiand and Austraiia.ine curnpiiance
iaoei ReNZ is ror raoio products suppiieo in tne New Zeaiand market under
conrormityievei Ai
iempemture 720° to row Ceisius (74° to 1140” Ranrenneiti.
to 70% if not in use.
g Humidity tonsportatron: Up to gout, (non condensing). Humidity storage: opp
Atmospneric pressure: 200 WA to i500 nRAi
life is on
lnfnrmatinns de sécurité importantes
Déclaration de tonforml é
Modéks (anxious m at on ugu MvLmK Rngnrx‘ Rngu 10‘ Rogcv 11. Raga n.
Rage! Mfloger V6,Rogr Vahgtr V7,Rag:r a Rug! ‘9
(ovuons oz): Rngu 20, Rngu 2‘
Infovmanons d! se'clmlé mponanles
@‘km‘kzhm \zsmfom‘atmnssm ks pagrssuwnnttsnvam d'ut‘hsrrvmr: appam‘ Pharek
[z synuuk figurant 5m k pmuuk nu Sun tmbaHagt md'xqu: mm H: dun pas in:
_ wnsuk’vs’ comm: un nesnu mrnager VousEksvzsponsank a: k nu; su km a:
uas Aqmuemtnts usagks sepivlmtm du flux :15 dechus mummpaux. Ehminuvotv:
anmtn sppskn dams ks rtg‘ts pmmns a: neknn d‘évrnmchs mnsiqutnus
"flasks sur Vtmwunmment a k santé humum:
Idtnhficitmn nits quuts
A Mammnumtappum‘hnvsdtDark:dfiwmntsdzmumsdtlans
A qunflhnpam‘D2u- a saw Cds'ms (4- a sum anunnm)
59:: 0 m a 70 ”(0. sn nkst pas =n sum.
g Humane d: tranSDuH .iusuu'a 90 Wu [Sans nundtnsnfiofl] Hurm'dwté u: stocks
6 Pvtssinn atmusphen'qu: » ma nPA a ‘snn nPA

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