Pioneer K020 Flash Memory Multimedia AV Navigation Server User Manual

Pioneer Corporation Flash Memory Multimedia AV Navigation Server

User Manual

Important Information for the UserFLASH MEMORY MULTIMEDIA AV NAVIGATIONRECEIVERAVIC-F900BTAVIC-F700BTAVIC-F7010BTAVIC-F90BTBe sure to read this leaflet first! This manual includesthe important information that you must understandbefore using this navigation system.Notice to all users:This software requires that the navigation system isproperly connected to your vehicle’s parking brake anddepending on your vehicle, additional installation maybe required. For more information, please contact yourAuthorized Pioneer Electronics retailer or call us at(800) 421-1404.English
PIONEER CORPORATION4-1, MEGURO 1-CHOME, MEGURO-KUTOKYO 153-8654, JAPANPIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC.P.O. Box 1540, Long Beach, California 90801-1540, U.S.A.TEL: (800) 421-1404PIONEER EUROPE NVHaven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, B-9120 Melsele, BelgiumTEL: (0) 3/570.05.11PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD.253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936TEL: 65-6472-7555PIONEER ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.178-184 Boundary Road, Braeside, Victoria 3195, AustraliaTEL: (03) 9586-6300PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC.300 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario L3R 0P2, CanadaTEL: 1-877-283-5901TEL: 905-479-4411PIONEER ELECTRONICS DE MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.Blvd.Manuel Avila Camacho 138 10 pisoCol.Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico, D.F. 11000TEL:55-9178-4270先鋒股份有限公司總公司:台北市中山北路二段44號13樓電話: (02) 2521-3588先鋒電子(香港)有限公司香港九龍尖沙咀海港城世界商業中心9樓901-6室電話: (0852) 2848-6488Published by Pioneer Corporation.Copyright © 2008 by Pioneer Corporation.All rights reserved.Printed in China<CRB2686-B/S> UC<KKYZX> <08E00000>
Information to UserThis device complies with part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-ence, and (2) this device must accept any inter-ference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.Alteration or modifications carried out withoutappropriate authorization may invalidate theuser’s right to operate the equipment.!FCC ID : AJDK020MODEL NO. : AVIC-F900BT, AVIC-F90BTIC : 775E-K020!FCC ID : AJDK019MODEL NO. : AVIC-F700BT, AVIC-F7010BTIC : 775E-K019!This device complies with Part 15 of FCCRules and RSS-Gen of IC Rules. Operationis subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference,and (2) this device must accept any interfer-ence, including interference that maycause undesired operation of this device.MADE IN CHINAFor Canadian modelThis Class B digital apparatus complies withCanadian ICES-003.This transmitter must not be co-located or op-erated in conjunction with any other antennaor transmitter.This equipment complies with FCC radiationexposure limits set forth for uncontrolledequipment and meets the FCC radio frequency(RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C toOET65. This equipment has very low levels ofRF energy that it deemed to comply withoutmaximum permissive exposure evaluation(MPE). But it is desirable that it should be in-stalled and operated with at least 20cm andmore between the radiator and person’s body(excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet andankles).CAUTION:USE OF CONTROL OR ADJUSTMENT OR PER-FORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THANTHOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT INHAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE.CAUTION:THE USE OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS WITHTHIS PRODUCT WILL INCREASE EYE HA-ZARD.WARNINGHandling the cord on this product or cords asso-ciated with accessories sold with the productmay expose you to chemicals listed on proposi-tion 65 known to the State of California and othergovernmental entities to cause cancer and birthdefects or other reproductive harm. Wash handsafter handling.This product contains mercury. Dis-posal of this material may be regu-lated due to environmentalconsiderations. For disposal or recy-cling information, please contactyour local authorities or the Electro-nics Industries Alliance:www.eiae.orgPrecautionEn
The backlighting lamp of LCD in thisequipment contains mercury. Dispo-sal of this material may be regulateddue to environmental considerationsaccording to Local, State or FederalLaws. For disposal or recycling infor-mation, please contact your localauthorities or the Electronics Indus-tries Alliance:www.eiae.orgPIONEER AVIC-F900BT, AVIC-F700BT, AVIC-F7010BT, AVIC-F90BT - for U.S.A.THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEENYOU, AS THE END USER, AND PIONEERELECTRONICS (USA) INC. (“PIONEER”).PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDI-TIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BE-FORE USING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ONTHE PIONEER PRODUCTS. BY USING THESOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THE PIONEERPRODUCTS, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BYTHE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE SOFT-WARE INCLUDES A DATABASE LICENSED BYTHIRD PARTY SUPPLIER( S) (“SUPPLIERS”),AND YOUR USE OF THE DATABASE IS COV-ERED BY THE SUPPLIERS’SEPARATETERMS, WHICH ARE ATTACHED TO THISAGREEMENT (Refer to Terms and Conditionsfor the Tele Atlas Data). IF YOU DO NOT AGREEWITH ALL OF THESE TERMS, PLEASE RE-TURN THE PIONEER PRODUCTS (INCLUDINGTHE SOFTWARE, AND ANY WRITTEN MATERI-ALS) WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS OF RECEIPT OFTHE PRODUCTS, TO THE AUTHORIZEDPIONEER DEALER FROM WHICH YOU PUR-CHASED THEM. USE OF THE SOFTWARESHALL BE DEEMED TO BE YOUR CONSENTTO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT.1 GRANT OF LICENSEPioneer grants to you a non-transferable, nonexclusive license to use the software installedon the Pioneer products (the “Software”) andthe related documentation solely for your ownpersonal use or for internal use by your busi-ness, only on such Pioneer products.Precaution License AgreementEn
You shall not copy, reverse engineer, translate,port, modify or make derivative works of theSoftware. You shall not loan, rent, disclose,publish, sell, assign, lease, sublicense, marketor otherwise transfer the Software or use it inany manner not expressly authorized by thisagreement. You shall not derive or attempt toderive the source code or structure of all orany portion of the Software by reverse engi-neering, disassembly, decompilation, or anyother means. You shall not use the Software tooperate a service bureau or for any other useinvolving the processing of data for other per-sons or entities.Pioneer and its licensor(s) shall retain all copy-right, trade secret, patent and other proprie-tary ownership rights in the Software. TheSoftware is copyrighted and may not be cop-ied, even if modified or merged with other pro-ducts. You shall not alter or remove anycopyright notice or proprietary legend con-tained in or on the Software.You may transfer all of your license rights inthe Software, the related documentation and acopy of this License Agreement to anotherparty, provided that the party reads and agreesto accept the terms and conditions of this Li-cense Agreement.2 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYThe Software and related documentation areprovided to you “AS IS”. PIONEER AND ITS LI-CENSOR(S) (for the purpose of provisions 2and 3, Pioneer and its licensor(s) shall be col-lectively referred to as “Pioneer”) MAKES ANDYOU RECEIVE NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFT-WARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,AND ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL-ITY AND FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULARPURPOSE FOR THE SOFTWARE ARE EX-PRESSLY EXCLUDED. SOME STATES DO NOTALLOW EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRAN-TIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOTAPPLY TO YOU. The Software is complex andmay contain some nonconformities, defects orerrors. Pioneer does not warrant that the Soft-ware will meet your needs or expectations,that operation of the Software will be error freeor uninterrupted, or that all non-conformitiescan or will be corrected. Furthermore, Pioneerdoes not make any representations or warran-ties regarding the use or results of the use ofthe Software in terms of its accuracy, reliabilityor otherwise.3 LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIN NO EVENT SHALL PIONEER BE LIABLEFOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIM OR LOSS IN-CURRED BY YOU (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIM-ITATION, COMPENSATORY, INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OREXEMPLARY DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, LOSTINCOME, LOST SALES OR BUSINESS, EXPEN-DITURES, INVESTMENTS, OR COMMITMENTSIN CONNECTION WITH ANY BUSINESS, LOSSOF ANY GOODWILL, OR DAMAGES) RESULT-ING FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USETHE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF PIONEER HASBEEN INFORMED OF, KNEW OF, OR SHOULDHAVE KNOWN OF THE LIKELIHOOD OFSUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION APPLIESTO ANY AND ALL CAUSES OF ACTION INDIVI-DUALLY OR IN THE AGGREGATE, INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION BREACH OF CON-TRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, NEGLI-GENCE, STRICT LIABILITY,MISREPRESENTATION, AND OTHER TORTS.IF PIONEER’S WARRANTY DISCLAIMER ORLIMITATION OF LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THISAGREEMENT SHALL OR FOR ANY REASONWHATSOEVER BE HELD UNENFORCEABLEOR INAPPLICABLE, YOU AGREE THATPIONEER’S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEEDFIFTY PERCENT (50%) OF THE PRICE PAID BYYOU FOR THE ENCLOSED PIONEER PRO-DUCT.License AgreementEn
Some states do not allow the exclusion or lim-itation of incidental or consequential da-mages, so the above limitation or exclusionmay not apply to you. This warranty disclaimerand limitation of liability shall not be applic-able to the extent that they are prohibited byany applicable federal, state or local law whichprovides that such a disclaimer or limitationcannot be waived or preempted.4 EXPORT LAW ASSURANCESYou agree and certify that neither the Softwarenor any other technical data received fromPioneer, nor the direct product thereof, will beexported outside the United States except asauthorized and as permitted by the laws andregulations of the United States. If the Soft-ware has been rightfully obtained by you out-side of the United States, you agree that youwill not re-export the Software nor any othertechnical data received from Pioneer, nor thedirect product thereof, except as permitted bythe laws and regulations of the United Statesand the laws and regulations of the jurisdic-tion in which you obtained the Software.5 TERMINATIONThis Agreement is effective until terminated.You may terminate it at any time by destroyingthe Software. The Agreement also will termi-nate if you do not comply with any terms orconditions of this Agreement. Upon such ter-mination, you agree to destroy the Software.6 U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERSIf the Software is being acquired by or on be-half of the United States government or anyother entity seeking or applying rights similarto those customarily claimed by the UnitedStates government, the Data is licensed with“Limited Rights”. Utilization of the Software issubject to the restrictions specified in the“Rights in Technical Data”clause at DFARS252.227-7013, or the equivalent clause for non-defense agencies. Pioneer Electronics (USA)Inc., 2265 East 220th Street, Long Beach, CA90810.7 MISCELLANEOUSThis is the entire Agreement between Pioneerand you regarding its subject matter. Nochange in this Agreement shall be effectiveunless agreed to in writing by Pioneer. Pioneerretailers do not have the authority to changethis Agreement. This Agreement shall be gov-erned by and construed in accordance withthe internal laws of the State of California. Ifany provision of this Agreement is declared in-valid or unenforceable, the remaining provi-sions of this Agreement shall remain in fullforce and effect.License AgreementEn
PIONEER AVIC-F900BT, AVIC-F700BT, AVIC-F7010BT, AVIC-F90BT - for CanadaTHIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEENYOU, AS THE END USER, AND PIONEERELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC.(“PIONEER”). PLEASE READ THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT CARE-FULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE IN-STALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS. BYUSING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THEPIONEER PRODUCTS, YOU AGREE TO BEBOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREE-MENT. THE SOFTWARE INCLUDES A DATA-BASE LICENSED BY THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER(S) (“SUPPLIERS”), AND YOUR USE OF THEDATABASE IS COVERED BY THE SUPPLIERS’SEPARATE TERMS, WHICH ARE ATTACHEDTO THIS AGREEMENT (Refer to Terms andConditions for the Tele Atlas Data). IF YOU DONOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS,PLEASE RETURN THE PIONEER PRODUCTS(INCLUDING THE SOFTWARE, AND ANYWRITTEN MATERIALS) WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYSOF RECEIPT OF THE PRODUCTS, TO THEAUTHORIZED PIONEER DEALER FROMWHICH YOU PURCHASED THEM. USE OFTHE SOFTWARE SHALL BE DEEMED TO BEYOUR CONSENT TO THE LICENSE AGREE-MENT.1 GRANT OF LICENSEPioneer grants to you a non-transferable, nonexclusive license to use the software installedon the Pioneer products (the “Software”) andthe related documentation solely for your ownpersonal use or for internal use by your busi-ness, only on such Pioneer products.You shall not copy, reverse engineer, translate,port, modify or make derivative works of theSoftware. You shall not loan, rent, disclose,publish, sell, assign, lease, sublicense, marketor otherwise transfer the Software or use it inany manner not expressly authorized by thisagreement. You shall not derive, or attempt toderive, the source code or structure of all orany portion of the Software by reverse engi-neering, disassembly, decompilation, or anyother means. You shall not use the Software tooperate a service bureau or for any other useinvolving the processing of data for other per-sons or entities.Pioneer and its licensor(s) shall retain all copy-right, trade secret, patent and other proprie-tary ownership rights in the Software. TheSoftware is copyrighted and may not be cop-ied, even if modified or merged with other pro-ducts. You shall not alter or remove anycopyright notice or proprietary legend con-tained in or on the Software.You may transfer all of your license rights inthe Software, the related documentation and acopy of this License Agreement to anotherparty, provided that the party reads and agreesto accept the terms and conditions of this Li-cense Agreement.License AgreementEn
2 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYThe Software and related documentation areprovided to you “AS IS”. PIONEER AND ITS LI-CENSOR(S) (for the purpose of provisions 2and 3, Pioneer and its licensor(s) shall be col-lectively referred to as “Pioneer”) MAKES ANDYOU RECEIVE NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFT-WARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,AND ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL-ITY AND FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULARPURPOSE FOR THE SOFTWARE ARE EX-PRESSLY EXCLUDED. SOME STATES DO NOTALLOW EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRAN-TIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOTAPPLY TO YOU. The Software is complex andmay contain some nonconformities, defects orerrors. Pioneer does not warrant that the Soft-ware will meet your needs or expectations,that operation of the Software will be error freeor uninterrupted, or that all non-conformitiescan or will be corrected. Furthermore, Pioneerdoes not make any representations or warran-ties regarding the use or results of the use ofthe Software in terms of its accuracy, reliabilityor otherwise.3 LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIN NO EVENT SHALL PIONEER BE LIABLEFOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIM OR LOSS IN-CURRED BY YOU (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIM-ITATION, COMPENSATORY, INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OREXEMPLARY DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, LOSTSALES OR BUSINESS, EXPENDITURES, IN-VESTMENTS, OR COMMITMENTS IN CON-NECTION WITH ANY BUSINESS, LOSS OFANY GOODWILL, OR DAMAGES) RESULTINGFROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USETHE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF PIONEER HASBEEN INFORMED OF, KNEW OF, OR SHOULDHAVE KNOWN OF THE LIKELIHOOD OFSUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION APPLIESTO ALL CAUSES OF ACTION IN THE AGGRE-GATE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATIONBREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WAR-RANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, MIS-REPRESENTATION, AND OTHER TORTS. IFPIONEER’S WARRANTY DISCLAIMER ORLIMITATION OF LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THISAGREEMENT SHALL OR FOR ANY REASONWHATSOEVER BE HELD UNENFORCEABLEOR INAPPLICABLE, YOU AGREE THATPIONEER’S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEEDFIFTY PERCENT (50%) OF THE PRICE PAID BYYOU FOR THE ENCLOSED PIONEER PRO-DUCT.Some states do not allow the exclusion or lim-itation of incidental or consequential da-mages, so the above limitation or exclusionmay not apply to you. This warranty disclaimerand limitation of liability shall not be applic-able to the extent that they are prohibited byany applicable federal, state or local law whichprovides that such a disclaimer or limitationcannot be waived or preempted.4 EXPORT LAW ASSURANCESYou agree and certify that neither the Softwarenor any other technical data received fromPioneer, nor the direct product thereof, will beexported outside Canada except as authorizedand as permitted by the laws and regulationsof Canada. If the Software has been rightfullyobtained by you outside of Canada, you agreethat you will not re-export the Software nor anyother technical data received from Pioneer,nor the direct product thereof, except as per-mitted by the laws and regulations of Canadaand the laws and regulations of the jurisdic-tion in which you obtained the Software.5 TERMINATIONThis Agreement is effective until terminated.You may terminate it at any time by destroyingthe Software. The Agreement also will termi-nate if you do not comply with any terms orconditions of this Agreement. Upon such ter-mination, you agree to destroy the Software.License AgreementEn
6 MISCELLANEOUSThis is the entire Agreement between Pioneerand you regarding its subject matter. Nochange in this Agreement shall be effectiveunless agreed to in writing by Pioneer. Pioneerretailers do not have the authority to changethis Agreement. This Agreement shall be gov-erned by and construed in accordance withthe internal laws of the Province of Ontarioand the federal laws of Canada applicabletherein. If any provision of this Agreement isdeclared invalid or unenforceable, the remain-ing provisions of this Agreement shall remainin full force and effect.Terms and Conditions forthe Tele Atlas DataTHIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT (THE “AGREE-MENT”) BETWEEN YOU, THE END USER, ANDTELE ATLAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. (“TeleAtlas”). BY USING YOUR COPY OF THE TELEATLAS DATA, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMSAND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT.1Grant of License.Tele Atlas grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the map data andbusiness points of interest information (the“POIs”), (together, the “Data”) contained onthese discs, solely for personal, non-commer-cial use and not to operate a service bureau orfor any other use involving the processing ofdata of other persons or entities. You maymake one (1) copy of the Data for archival orbackup purposes only but you may not other-wise copy, reproduce, modify, make derivativeworks, derive the structure of or reverse engi-neer the Data. The Data contains confidentialand proprietary information and materials,and may contain trade secrets, so you agree tohold the Data in confidence and in trust andnot to disclose the Data or any portions in anyform, including by renting, leasing, publish-ing, leasing, sublicensing or transferring theData to any third party. You are prohibitedfrom removing or obscuring any copyright, tra-demark notice or restrictive legend.2Ownership.The Data is copyrighted by Tele Atlas and its li-censors and they retain all ownership rights inthe Data. You agree not to alter, remove, oblit-erate, or obscure any copyright notice or pro-prietary legend contained in or on the Data.License AgreementEn
3Warranty Disclaimer.THE DATA IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS”AND“WITH ALL FAULTS BASIS”AND TELE ATLASAND ITS SUPPLIERS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN-CLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MER-CHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, AC-CURACY, TITLE AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO ORAL OR WRIT-TEN ADVICE OR INFORMATION PROVIDEDBY TELE ATLAS OR ANY OF ITS AGENTS, EM-PLOYEES OR THIRD PARTY PROVIDERSSHALL CREATE A WARRANTY, AND YOU ARENOT ENTITLED TO RELY ON ANY SUCH AD-VICE OR INFORMATION. THIS DISCLAIMEROF WARRANTIES IS AN ESSENTIAL CONDI-TION OF THE AGREEMENT.4Limitation of Liability.TELE ATLAS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOUFOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR EXEMPLARY DA-MAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT,INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR COSTS OFCOVER, LOSS OF USE OR BUSINESS INTER-RUPTION OR THE LIKE, REGARDLESS OFWHETHER YOU WERE ADVISED OF THE POS-SIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. NOTWITH-STANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARYCONTAINED HEREIN, TELE ATLAS SHALLHAVE NO MONETARY LIABILITY TO YOU FORANY CAUSE (REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OFACTION) UNDER OR RELATING TO THISAGREEMENT.5Termination.This Agreement will terminate immediatelyand automatically, without notice, if youbreach any term of this Agreement. You agreethat in the event of termination of the Agree-ment, you shall return the Data (including alldocumentation and all copies) to Tele Atlasand its suppliers.6Indemnity.You agree to indemnify, defend and hold TeleAtlas, its Licensors, and its Suppliers (includ-ing their respective licensors, suppliers, as-signees, subsidiaries, affiliated companies,and the respective officers, directors, employ-ees, shareholders, agents and representatives)free and harmless from and against any liabili-ty, loss, injury (including injuries resulting indeath), demand, action, cost, expense, orclaim of any kind or character, including butnot limited to attorney’s fees, arising out of orin connection with any use or possession byyou of the Data.License AgreementEn
7U.S. Government Rights.If you are an agency, department, or other en-tity of the United States Government, orfunded in whole or in part by the United StatesGovernment, then use, duplication, reproduc-tion, release, modification, disclosure or trans-fer of this commercial product andaccompanying documentation, is restricted inaccordance with the LIMITED or RESTRICTEDrights as described in DFARS 252.227-7014(a)(1) (JUN 1995) (DOD commercial computersoftware definition), DFARS 227.7202-1 (DODpolicy on commercial computer software),FAR 52.227-19 (JUN 1987) (commercial com-puter software clause for civilian agencies),DFARS 252.227-7015 (NOV 1995) (DOD techni-cal data –commercial items clause); FAR52.227-14 Alternates I, II, and III (JUN 1987) (ci-vilian agency technical data and noncommer-cial computer software clause); and/or FAR12.211 and FAR 12.212 (commercial item ac-quisitions), as applicable. In case of conflictbetween any of the FAR and DFARS provisionslisted herein and this License, the construc-tion that provides greater limitations on theGovernment’s rights shall control. Contractor/manufacturer is Tele Atlas North America,Inc., 11 Lafayette Street, Lebanon, NH 03766-1445. Phone: 603.643. 0330. The Data is©1984-2008 by Tele Atlas. ALL RIGHTS RE-SERVED. For purpose of any public disclosureprovision under any federal, state or local law,it is agreed that the Data is a trade secret anda proprietary commercial product and not sub-ject to disclosure.If you are an agency, department, or other en-tity of any State government, the United StatesGovernment or any other public entity orfunded in whole or in part by the United StatesGovernment, then you hereby agree to protectthe Data from public disclosure and to consid-er the Data exempt from any statute, law, regu-lation, or code, including any Sunshine Act,Public Records Act, Freedom of InformationAct, or equivalent, which permits public ac-cess and/or reproduction or use of the Data.In the event that such exemption is challengedunder any such laws, this Agreement shall beconsidered breached and any and all right toretain any copies or to use of the Data shall beterminated and considered immediately nulland void. Any copies of the Data held by youshall immediately be destroyed. If any court ofcompetent jurisdiction considers this clausevoid and unenforceable, in whole or in part,for any reason, this Agreement shall be con-sidered terminated and null and void, in its en-tirety, and any and all copies of the Data shallimmediately be destroyed.8Additional Provisions with respect toPOI Data only.aNo Creation of Mailing Lists.You are prohibited from using the POIs (i) tocreate mailing lists or (ii) for other such si-milar uses.bCompliance.You will use the POIs in compliance with allapplicable federal, state and local laws,rules and regulations.cIndemnification.You shall indemnify and hold infoUSA, Inc.harmless against all third party claims orliability which are based in whole or in partof the users failure to comply with suchlaws, rules and regulations or which resultfrom the use of the POIs through you.dWarranty.In addition to the Warranties contained inthe Agreement, YOU UNDERSTAND THATTHE POIS ARE LICENSED ON AN “AS IS”BASIS WITHOUT GUARANTEE, ANDTHERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIESMADE WHETHER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANYEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.ePOIs Segregation.License AgreementEn
You are prohibited from combining or mer-ging the POIs with any other POI data. ThePOIs shall be maintained in such a waythat they are separately identifiable from allother POI data at all times.9Agreement in English.The parties hereto confirm that they have re-quested that this Agreement and all attach-ments and related documents be drafted inEnglish.Les parties ont exigé que le présent contrat ettous les documents attachés soient rédigés enAnglais.10 Miscellaneous.This is the exclusive and complete Agreementbetween Tele Atlas and you regarding its sub-ject matter. Nothing in this Agreement shallcreate a joint venture, partnership or principal-agent relationship between Tele Atlas and you.The internal laws of California shall governthis Agreement and you consent to the juris-diction of the Northern District of California orthe State of California for the County of SantaClara. Sections 2 –10 shall survive the expira-tion or termination of this Agreement. ThisAgreement may be amended, altered, or modi-fied only by Tele Atlas. You may not assign anypart of this Agreement without Tele Atlas’priorwritten consent. You acknowledge and under-stand that the Data may be subject to restric-tions on exportation and agree to comply withany applicable export laws. In the event thatany provision or part of a provision of thisAgreement is determined to be invalid, illegal,or unenforceable, such provision or part there-of shall be stricken from this Agreement andthe remainder of this Agreement shall bevalid, legal, and enforceable to the maximumextent possible. Any notice under this Agree-ment shall be delivered by courier to Tele AtlasNorth America, Inc., Attention Contracts De-partment, 11 Lafayette Street, Lebanon, NH03766 USA. The covenants and obligations un-dertaken by you herein are intended for the di-rect benefit of Tele Atlas and may be enforcedby Tele Atlas directly against you.License AgreementEn
About the Data for the MapDatabase!Modifications related to roads, streets/high-ways, terrain, construction and other thingsbefore/during the development period maynot be reflected in this database. Inevitably,those modifications after that period arenot reflected in this database.!For more details about the map coverage ofthis navigation system, refer to the informa-tion on our website.!It is strictly prohibited to reproduce and useany part or the whole of this map in anyform without permission from the copyrightowner.!If the local traffic regulations or conditionsdeviate from this data, follow the local traf-fic regulations (such as signs, indications,etc.) and conditions (such as construction,weather, etc.).!The traffic regulation data used in the mapdatabase applies only to standard sizedpassenger vehicles. Note that regulationsfor larger vehicles, motorbikes, and othernon-standard vehicles are not included inthe database.Copyright Notices forNorth American data1) Tele Atlas®MultiNet®North America data.As of the Effective Date, the copyright noticefor Tele Atlas®MultiNet®North America is:NOTICE©1984 –2008 Tele Atlas. All rights reserved.This material is proprietary and the subject ofcopyright protection and other intellectualproperty rights owned or licensed to Tele Atlas.Tele Atlas is an authorized distributor of se-lected Statistics Canada computer files underAgreement number 6776. The product in-cludes information copied with permissionfrom Canadian authorities, including ©Cana-da Post Corporation and GeoBase®, All rightsreserved. The product is sourced in part fromGeography Division, Statistics Canada, 2006Road Network File (RNF), 92-500-XWE/XWF.The incorporation of data sources from Statis-tics Canada within this product shall not beconstrued as constituting an endorsement byStatistics Canada of such product. The use ofthis material is subject to the terms of a Li-cense Agreement. You will be held liable forany unauthorized copying or disclosure of thismaterial.2) As of the Effective Date, the copyright noticefor all third-party brand icons (the “BrandIcons”) are located in the operator’s manualincluded in the Licensed Products.3) As of the Effective Date, the copyright noticewith logo for infoUSA, Inc. is:Powered by NNGAbout the databaseEn
“Front Display”and “RearDisplay”In this manual, the screen that is attached tothe body of this navigation unit will be referredto as the “Front Display”. Any additional op-tional screen that is purchased for use in con-junction with this navigation unit will bereferred to as the “Rear Display”.“Video image”“Video image”in this manual indicates themoving images of DVD-Video, DivX, iPod, andany equipment that is connected to this sys-tem with an RCA cable, such as general-pur-pose AV equipment.WARNING!Do not attempt to install or service your navi-gation system by yourself. Installation or servi-cing of the navigation system by personswithout training and experience in electronicequipment and automotive accessories maybe dangerous and could expose you to therisk of electric shock or other hazards.!If liquid or foreign matter should get insidethis navigation system, park your vehicle tosafe place and turn the ignition switch off(ACC OFF) immediately and consult your deal-er or the nearest authorized Pioneer ServiceStation. Do not use the navigation system inthis condition because doing so may result ina fire, electric shock, or other failure.!If you notice smoke, a strange noise or odorfrom the navigation system, or any other ab-normal signs on the LCD screen, turn off thepower immediately and consult your dealer orthe nearest authorized Pioneer Service Sta-tion. Using this navigation system in this con-dition may result in permanent damage to thesystem.!Do not disassemble or modify this navigationsystem, as there are high-voltage componentsinside which may cause an electric shock. Besure to consult your dealer or the nearestauthorized Pioneer Service Station for internalinspection, adjustments or repairs.!Do not allow this product to come into contactwith liquids. Electrical shock could result.Also, damage to the product, smoke, and over-heating could result from contact with liquids.About the definition ofterminologyImportant SafetyInformationEn
CAUTION!When a route is calculated, the route andvoice guidance for the route are automaticallyset. Also, for day or time traffic regulations,only information about traffic regulations atthe time when the route was calculated isshown. One-way streets and street closuresmay not be taken into consideration. For ex-ample, if a street is open during the morningonly, but you arrive later, it would be againstthe traffic regulations so you cannot drivealong the set route. When driving, please fol-low the actual traffic signs. Also, the systemmay not know some traffic regulations.Before using your navigation system, be sureto read and fully understand the followingsafety information:pRead the entire manual before operatingthis navigation system.pThe navigation features of your navigationsystem (and rear view camera option if pur-chased) are intended solely as an aid toyou in the operation of your vehicle. It isnot a substitute for your attentiveness,judgment, and care when driving.pDo not operate this navigation system (orthe rear view camera option if purchased) ifdoing so will divert your attention in anyway from the safe operation of your vehicle.Always observe safe driving rules and fol-low all existing traffic regulations. If you ex-perience difficulty in operating the systemor reading the display, park your vehicle ina safe location and apply the parking brakebefore making the necessary adjustments.pNever allow others to use the system un-less they have read and understood the op-erating instructions.pNever use this navigation system to routeto hospitals, police stations or similar facil-ities in an emergency. Stop using any func-tions relating to the hands-free phone andplease call 911.pRoute and guidance information displayedby this equipment is for reference purposesonly. It may not accurately reflect the latestpermissible routes, road conditions, oneway streets, road closures, or traffic restric-tions.pTraffic restrictions and advisories currentlyin force should always take precedenceover guidance given by the navigation sys-tem. Always obey current traffic restric-tions, even if the navigation systemprovides contrary advice.pFailure to set correct information about thelocal time may result in the navigation sys-tem providing improper routing and gui-dance instructions.pNever set the volume of your navigationsystem so high that you cannot hear out-side traffic and emergency vehicles.pTo promote safety, certain functions are dis-abled unless the vehicle is stopped and/orthe parking brake is applied.pThe data encoded in the built-in memory isthe intellectual property of the provider, andthe provider is responsible for such con-tent.pKeep this manual handy as a reference foroperating procedures and safety informa-tion.pPay close attention to all warnings in thismanual and follow the instructions care-fully.pDo not install this navigation system whereit may (i) obstruct the driver’s vision, (ii) im-pair the performance of any of the vehicle’soperating systems or safety features, in-cluding air bags or hazard lamp buttons or(iii) impair the driver’s ability to safely oper-ate the vehicle.pPlease remember to fasten your seat belt atall times while operating your vehicle. Ifyou are ever in an accident, your injuriescan be considerably more severe if yourseat belt is not properly buckled.pNever use headphones while driving.Important SafetyInformationEn
Notice about MSN Direct™Pioneer is not responsible for the accuracy ofthe MSN Direct content. The MSN Direct con-tent may not be current or available at times,and is subject to change without notice. To re-ceive MSN Direct content, you must subscribeto the MSN Direct service, and you must bewithin the MSN Direct coverage area. Cover-age may also be affected by the availability andrelative strength of FM transmissions, as wellas reception limitations of Microsoft’s Direct-Band network.Please visit current coverage area maps, subscriptiondetails, and other important information aboutMSN Direct.About “GOOG-411”sevicepPioneer does not bear responsibility for theaccuracy of the information.pPioneer does not bear responsibility forchanges to information services providedby related companies, such as cancellationof services or changing to pay-services.Also, we do not accept return of the pro-duct for this reason.About speed limit indicationThe speed limit is based on the map database.The speed limit in the database may notmatch the actual speed limit of the currentroad. This is not a definite value. Be sure todrive according to the actual speed limit.Parking brake interlockCertain functions (such as viewing of DVD-Video and certain touch key operations) of-fered by this navigation system could be dan-gerous and/or unlawful if used while driving.To prevent such functions from being usedwhile the vehicle is in motion, there is an inter-lock system that senses when the parkingbrake is set and when the vehicle is moving. Ifyou attempt to use the functions describedabove while driving, they will become disableduntil you stop the vehicle in a safe place, andapply the parking brake. Please keep the brakepedal pushed down before releasing the park-ing brake.WARNING!LIGHT GREEN LEAD AT POWER CON-NECTOR IS DESIGNED TO DETECTPARKED STATUS AND MUST BE CON-NECTED TO THE POWER SUPPLY SIDEOF THE PARKING BRAKE SWITCH. IM-PROPER CONNECTION OR USE OFTHIS LEAD MAY VIOLATE APPLICABLELAW AND MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS IN-JURY OR DAMAGE.!To avoid the risk of damage and injury and thepotential violation of applicable laws, the navi-gation system is not for use with a “Videoimage”that is visible to the driver.!In some countries or states the viewing of“Video image”on a display inside a vehicleeven by persons other than the driver may beillegal. Where such regulations apply, theymust be obeyed.!When applying the parking brake in order toview “Video image”or to enable other func-tions offered by the navigation system, parkyour vehicle in a safe place, and keep thebrake pedal pushed down before releasing theparking brake if the vehicle is parked on a hillor otherwise might move when releasing theparking brake.Important SafetyInformationAdditional SafetyInformationEn
CAUTIONAccuracy/performance of interlock may be im-pacted by such factors as GPS signal detectionand driving habits or conditions of the placewhere the vehicle is parked.When you attempt to watch “Video image”while driving, the warning “Viewing of frontseat video source while driving is strictlyprohibited.”will appear on the screen. Towatch “Video image”on this display, stop thevehicle in a safe place and apply the parkingbrake. Please keep the brake pedal pusheddown before releasing the parking brake.When using a displayconnected to REARMONITOR OUTPUTThe video output terminal (REAR MONITOROUTPUT) is for connection of a display to en-able passengers in the rear seats to watchvideo images.WARNINGNEVER install the Rear Display in a location thatenables the driver to watch video images whiledriving.pThis cautionary statements apply to AVIC-F900BT and AVIC-F90BT.To avoid battery exhaustionBe sure to run the vehicle engine while usingthis product. Using this product without run-ning the engine can drain the battery.WARNINGDo not use with vehicles that do not feature anACC position.Rear view cameraWith an optional rear view camera, you areable to use the navigation system as an aid tokeep an eye on trailers, or backing into a tightparking spot.WARNING!SCREEN IMAGE MAY APPEAR REVERSED.!USE INPUT ONLY FOR REVERSE OR MIRRORIMAGE REAR VIEW CAMERA. OTHER USEMAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DAMAGE.CAUTION!The rear view camera function is not availablefor safety reasons until the navigation systemboots up completely.!The rear view mode is to use the navigationsystem as an aid to keep an eye on the trailers,or while backing up. Do not use this functionfor entertainment purposes.Handling the SD card slotCAUTION!Keep the dummy SD card out of the reach ofsmall children to prevent them from acciden-tally swallowing it.!To prevent data loss and damage to the sto-rage device, never remove it from this naviga-tion system while data is being transferred.Additional SafetyInformationEn
!If data loss or corruption occurs on the sto-rage device for any reason, it is usually notpossible to recover the data. Pioneer acceptsno liability for damages, costs or expensesarising from data loss or corruption.Handling the USB connectorCAUTION!To prevent data loss and damage to the sto-rage device, never remove it from this naviga-tion system while data is being transferred.!If data loss or corruption occurs on the sto-rage device for any reason, it is usually notpossible to recover the data. Pioneer acceptsno liability for damages, costs or expensesarising from data loss or corruption.Additional SafetyInformationEn
Important (Serial Number:)The serial number of this device is located on thebottom of this product. For your own security andconvenience, be sure to record this number onthe enclosed warranty card.Failure to operateShould the navigation system fail to operateproperly, contact your dealer or nearestauthorized Pioneer Service Station.After-sales service for Pioneer productsPlease contact the dealer or distributor fromwhich you purchased the product for after-sales service (including warranty conditions)or any other information. In case the necessaryinformation is not available, please contact thecompanies listed below.Please do not ship your product to the compa-nies at the addresses listed below for repairwithout making advance contact.!U.S.APioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.CUSTOMER SUPPORT DIVISIONP.O. Box 1760 Long Beach, CA 90801-1760800-421-1404!CANADAPioneer Electronics of Canada, Inc.CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DEPARTMENT300 Allstate Parkway Markham, OntarioL3R 0P21-877-283-5901905-479-4411For warranty information, please see the Lim-ited Warranty sheet included with your pro-duct.Visit Our Web siteVisit us at the following site:http://www.pioneerelectronics.comIn Canadahttp://www.pioneerelectronics.ca1 Register your product. We will keep the detailsof your purchase on file to help you refer tothis information in the event of an insuranceclaim such as loss or theft.2 Receive updates on the latest products andtechnologies.3 Download owner’s manuals, order productcatalogues, research new products, andmuch more.4 Receive notices of software upgrades andsoftware updates.Notes Before Using theSystemEn
The names of private corporations, pro-ducts and other entities described hereinare the registered trademarks or trade-marks of their respective firms.=For more information, refer to “OperationManual”.Notes Before Using theSystemEn

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