Pioneer >
User manual
Pioneer Important Information for the User Information importante pour I’utilisateur MULTIMEDIA AV NAVIGATION RECEIVER RECEPTEUFI DE NAVIGATION AN MULTIMEDIA AVIC-Z1 30 BT AVIC-X930BT AVIC-X931 OBT Be sure V.) read both this leaflet and Operation Manual contained on the CD—FIOM accompanying this navigation systsml Both documents include important Information that you must understand before using this navigation system. Assurez-vaus de lite Ie teuillet ainsi que la manual de ionctiormement sur la CD Iivré avec ce systéme de navigatiun I Les deux documents component des inIormations imponantes que vous devez conursndre pour pouvolr utlllserce systeme de navigation. Notice to all userszl Notloe é tous Ias uflllsateurs: This software requires that the navigation system Is property connected to your vehicle's parking brake and depending on your vehicle, additional installation may be required. For more information, please contact your Authorized Pioneer Electronics retailer orcall us at (800) 421-1404. Ca Ioglclal néosaslte qua Ia systems do navigation soit correctement connecte au (rain as etationnementde votre véhicule at an Ioncticn du vehicule, une Inatallatlnn supple‘menlaire paut étre nécessaire. Pour pius d'iniurmntiun, veuillez contact/er votre revendeur Pioneer Eiectmnics autorisé ou appelerle(800)421»14u4. sizéueu I usufiua l 71h: , Hun.“ in! II“ and dlslllblllloli mo cooyriulrl (cl mum loor Pavlov. Llcmns for "In are: 1) will aim LGPL + ilrlRAR reerrielion 2) All oinerfilea: GNU LGPL The lsllu um e urlRAR reelriollan means inal yuu mus1 lollou hour GNU LsPLrulea and ilnRAR reallicilon ruler. llola: You mi uoe 1-le on any camourer. incluuinqacomonler in a commercial organinrion. you don‘t need lo reqialar or pay for ulp, Wigwam ma raryielree aorlw .you can reuialrlaule ilana/or modify urruerlnelerrne or inesllu Leeeerlsanarcl Pub- lic Licenreaa ouirllanoo oylna Fm soilw-re roundallon: eilner version an ol lne License or let your ooiion) any lalerwralcn. . this library 1: dleirllruled in me hope ilrai ll will! be use- lul, on Without ANV WARRANTY; wllhoul =v=l| line iniollrd warlaniy or MERCHANYABIHT‘I or nmas FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE sue the GNU Leeaer General Puhlle Llecnealar more demiia, You should have reae'wed a copy of lire GNU Leeoeraen. eral PilhIll: License almlq wilh in hint w le lo lilo Free Soliware Founuallorn ln Suiie m, anfnm mammary-l USA mum rlie decompreulon engine fol RAE archlyea woa devel- oped ueinr source code ul unRAR ulnar-n. All ecoyrlairls lo original unRAR eooe are owned lay luau. under iiaalral. The lleenae iar original unRAR ecoe naa lne (ullwlnq roslrroiion: Tne illlRAR sources canncl be user: in recreale lhe RAN ecmcrvaxlcn ainorflnrn. whlch ls oroprlelary, Dh- iribuiion ol modified ilnRAR aouroer in separate lorrn or no panoioliaeraclmare is oerrrrlned. nrwlihd that ll I5 clearly aialeri ln lire documenlallon anu saurce oomrnema luau the code may nai he meme develop a RAH Mllancan-lllhlu aroiilrar, GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Vumorl 2.1, Fehnrary iim mayrlqmim mi, My Free Sollwnra Foundation, inc. 9; emoie Place. sulie 3m. Barron. mazlll-im usA Everyone ‘e oermilieu lo ea anal aislrioulo wroalim cou- ies ellnla lloenar uoeumenl. ul enanuina it la not allowed, [rllia is are lirsl released version eHhe Lesser GFL ll also counts as llre successor of llra GNU Ublary Public Lie-nae, veralan 2. hence thevelslnn number u .l P ambl- Tl-l- licensee lor rnoal aollwna- are dellonra in lane away yourlreeaorn la anare and change I). By mnlrm. irre GNU General Puhllc Lleenaea are lalenelaa ic ouaranlae your lreeaarn lo anare ano change lree aollware-io make sule lire eoilware is Ila-inn" lie unis. his license. the Lesser General Public License, apoliu lo some apeclaily dealranaled aollware cockauea-lyplcally librarler—oilhe Free seflware Foundation and olner null-ore who decide lo use it You can ure ll lice, we we nuggeal you lrlsi lirink carefully aboulwneiller ilris lieenne or in. oral» nary General Public Licence la ilie beller siralewtn use in any particular case, based on lire explanifllm; below When Wu cuaak ol fin solmare. we are mlzlllnv la lrea. dorn of uae. rial urine. our General Pulalie Lleerraea are de- siorred in make sure luau you ireue are (re oam (bdl’shihuh copies ofiree aollware (mo charge lerl re eeruice liyau wish); lhal you motive eouroe cedeol can url il ilyov wan! il: lnan you can chum lne aefiware and use plecea ol ll in newfm programs; and lhalyou are informed lllalyou can dolneee filings. ro oroleal your riuma. We need la Rink: resirlcflolis inal inlaid alrirloulora lo drny you illu- rial-ls or no oak vim lo surrender ureae rigors. Tneee reairlallona lraorlale in ear. laln tuDunlIbIIm-c lor you ll you dlfllihllt- eaonaa oren. lllarary or ll you modify ll. Fnr example il you derllihule copies olma lilnary whether lirallr or lor a leer you mull glue in. reelolania all lira rlng llnaiwe pave . iron mual make sure lhar llrey. loo, mall/e or ear eel fiaouree oaile ll you link olller code with lire Iihmiy, you musl or ae mmplele ehiecllilee lo lira reelolanlr llrai ill-y can mllnk irrrrrl wlln me Ilbvw aller marine chanws lo ure library and recompiling iL And You mualarnmlri-rn llraralarrnucillcy linow lllelr dam w- oroleei your llolrla willr a cue-ciao malhod: m we may rlgnl the Hillary, and m we oller you llrle ileanaa, unrioir gins you laqnl oermiorion loeooy. oialriurne aria/or modify me iiiarary. To proiecl each oialrioulor. we wanl lo make iluery elear ml inere ia no warranty for lie (r library Alu, ll lira liiorary ls mooilieo or, eomeone else and cased on, irre re eioienla anoulol know lwnal llray lime in not to origin-l vevslnnr so oral me or nal aimiora repulalion wrll nol be allaeled by areal-me incl mloril o- lnilcouead by all-ere. Finally, lollwara oalenla you n eonnanl lhraallo lha exhtelloe ofanylree plum-am. We wlan lo make sure llral a eomoally canool all-elively reelriel "in users of a lree program by cblalning a resirlclhrs license iram a palsnr hoideiihereiore, wu' El deaiany palenilieenseoblained (or aversion oiine library musl be coieisleni with «he luli ireedom oluse specified in iiris license. Mosl GNU soiiware. including some libraries. is covered by ine ordinary GMLI Generel Public License. This license. iire GNU Lesser Selma! Public License. ep be certain designated libraries. and la auiledilrereniirem ine ordinary General Public License. We use liris license icr cerlaln libraries in order in perrnli linking more libraries lrrio non- lree programs. When a prunrani rs lnli‘ld wilir a iibraryi wrirlrirr ihficali or luhlg a shared “bury. lire eombinaiion ol lhe lwn leaifly speaking a oombined work. 2 dsrirelrre oi lire prim- nel library The ordinary General Public Lie se lherelore perrnile such iinkiilfl only iibre enlire cornbrnalion file lls erlberia oiireedom l'lre be r General Public Llpe per mil: mcrelarr crileriaiprlrnklnlr olrrereode wiln lire irbraryi We call lirls license lire ~Lesser- General Public License because ii does bass io proamihe ureraireedom ihon die ordinary General Public License. ll also vim/Ides olher iree eoibuaro dwoiopars Loss or an nearer-bade over compeilnq null—1m programs. These d&dvaniaqu are lira reason we use ike ordinary General Public License roe roar-y libraries. Nuwlvur lire Lesser license prorides advaniaqei in cerlain special circumstances. For example. on rare occasions. lhere mey be a special need is encouraye lhe widesi ssible use oi a cerlain library. so lhel ll becomes ad aelo standard. To achieve lhls, non-(res pmnlams rnuei be allowed be use Lire library. A more ir ausni core is thee a ir- library does in. ennre [ch as widely used nan-free llbrcrl s in «his case, ere ia llbleiodeln byllmlilnd lire irea llbraryio rree semi reorriy. so we use ure Lesser General nrblie License. in alher cases, permission lo use a paliimidr library In limi— lree proorernr enables a prealer number or male be use a large body ol iree solhnare. For example, pymlsslun io use lhesllu c Library in non-nee proercrne enabler many more pecpie lo use brewircle GNU operaiimi system. as weli as lls vulbrnr the GNU/Linux operallnc system. Although bre Lesser General Public License is lea: prolec- iive 01 irie user: irardom. ii does ensure lhai lire user oi e prodrenr ihel is linked wlbr die Library hu lhe lreedorn and lire wirerrwllrral re run that prom-in using a modified Vur» sicn oi lhe ubrary The precise lerrns arrd candlliorrs Gov copyinil. dislribulicn and modificaiion lcilovc Pay close altar-lion lo lne diiler- enee bebrian e 'wcrk based on the library' and a “walk lirai um lhe librery‘. Tire iorrner coniaine code derived lrorrr the librunwhereas lire loner must be combined wilh lire library in order be run. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ' TERMS AND connl'rloils FOR corvlila, DISTRIBUTION AND MuanchTloll ii. Till; Llaenre Acreemenl eppliee lo any eoiiwere library or olher proFram wrrlcrr ccnlains a nolice placed by me oopyrioiii ho deroroiber alnhorlxed party saying li may be disiribuled under ihe License (aiso celled We cullsa') Each licensee is addressed as Wnu'. A 1ibrary“ manila a oellecilon oi rolbrrere nineiions and/or dala prepared so aabo be oorrvemenliy linked wiiir duplick lion programs (which use some ol lhose iunellons and dam lo lorrn execulablee. The "Llhui “. beiow, reisrs (v any such sol-lwara library or work wh cir has been dlmlbuied unrler lhese ienns. A ‘work based on the Ubrery' means eliirerlire Library or nrry derivaiive work under eopyrigm law: rhea is re my. a wink coniainirro lilo Library or a parfiun ori ii, e‘riherverbalim or wilir modillizllcne and/or lransialea siraipl-morwardry lnlo anclberlanbnapm (Her-inner. lranrloiionis included wiliv ouillrrrilaiion lr- lire ierrri modification") -5onroe ood " (an a work means the preierred iorrn oi lire work icr makrnp mndiliizfiwns lo it For a ibicry. complete eouree ocde rnesns nli lire source eode iorall rrraduiee iI cnniilrlSr plus any assoclalsd lnleriacs dalinillon files, piue the scripts used no control sampliadon end lnslelioilarr ol ihe library Aerie ins olheriiran cop ian, dislrib rm and modifica- llon are one eouered by l is icerrse; lirey ere mm; in scope. rho sci or runnln a program using lire Library is ribt rerlrlcied. and ouicu lrem such a prooram is covered on? il ilc ccnienls cansirbrle a wcrk based on lire library iln e endent oliire ll“ eilhe Library in a booi ler wrlllni; iii.Wheiher ihal is lrue depends on wheiihe Library does and win-uh- prvgrarn that lim brr lemy does. i. you may copy end dlflrlbuh verbodm copies or lhe Llhibry‘s compleie source codecs you receive ii, in an me dlllm. provided ibai you conspicuously and «para rely pnblL-rh on each copy an appraprleie eopyriphl notice and direlarmer oiwarranbfi keep lrilecieli lire nadeer lirel reier la lills License and lo lha absence or any warraniy. and re lribule a copy oi lhle License alono wldr lhe Library You may choice a lee for lhe physical as! ciirerrslerrlrrg e cw» and yvu nr cl your cplrorr cuer warrairiy prvieclion lnexeircnpe fora ee. 7. You may rnodlw your eciiy or copies ofiire Library or my porilcn out. time icnnlnp work based on lire llhium and copy and dlslribnbe such modilicailorre or work under lire irrms ol on i above uleed iiial you also meet-ll oi lhese condition: a) The modified work muri lie-ii be a software Ilbiw b) You mustclalln bro ill-s modified to carry promineni noliaes slaiinp incl you arranged lhe liles and lhe dale ofany chance 6) You musreause iiie whole oi firework to be licensed at no charge io all lirlrd pariies under lire lerrns cilriis leenee. d) lreiacllily in in. modified Library reiers io airrneilon or a lable oi dala in be supplied by an applicalicn pro dram drai uses lhe iacllnu cdrarihan as an erourneni passed when lire laellliy Is invokedlhen you musl make a good isidr erlori lo lilbln' ihei, Irr ihe evehi an appilaadan sloes nolsuppiy such lunelian or lable, Lire iaclliby slnl camber. and performs wholsrrer part c purpose remains meaninphil. il‘w ear-ibis. e funeiien in e iibrery lo cernpube snuere roieis nor a purpose iiiei is eniireiy weiideiiried independeni oi riie wpiicniicii. Tirereiore. Snbseciien 2d rennires in my “ID oncnppiieii luncfiun or rebie used by this innciion must be epiimi: ii iiie er» nllizilrm rises ncii supply mire snnere roeiiniieiien inusi exiii eoiripiiie mllarl MB.) riiese isnuirerrierris apply iio iiie modified work es ewiioi ii iderriiriebis “cl-inns or inei walk ere rioi deiired mm in. Library. end can be reesonebiy considered independent end sepereie wwiks in iiiernceiyes. iiien iiiic License. end iic ieirris. us no! IPpIy be biose seeiicns wim- you diibibiibe irreiri es 5&me werrs. sin wire-i yon ' ' nie irrie cenie seeiione e perish wiioie whicii in is work breed on in- Ll- biery.irie niicn ciiriewrieie iiinci be on me iernis or this License. name nlimlnleiin {or cinrr iieeiism rid-rid ire iiie eniire wiieie, end inns in eecii enii every peri reperiie iese oi wire wroie ll Tim. ii is nor iiie inieni of inir wiien io claim riniiis or ceniesr yenr rigbie ie Wnlk wiiiien eniireiy by you; lalhel, iiie iiieni is ie an iiie riphi io cenirei iiie dieiribniion ei eerireiiyeer ceiiec eirrorie beseri or. iiie Librery in eddiiieii. iriere nygieqaflnn of ensiiier mark rioi beseci en in. Librery wilh iiie Librery (er nirii awnik based on iiie Librem on e veinirie er s storage or eieuibirneii inediiiin doe. nei brliiw inc oiiier work nnder iiie reepe oi inie Li. ccnse. e Ymi niey epi ie eppiyirieierine oriiie eniiiiery GNU sen, crei Fiibllc License insieed ei iiiis License h: e air/tn eepy oririe Librery To do iiiis. ymi innsreirer e iriie neuees iiiei reier io inie License. 90 ibei iiiey refer in in oidiiier GNU Geneiei Pnbiio noenee.verslen 7, insieed eiio ibis oense M e newer version iireii version 1 of iiie ordinary GNU 6M» erei Pnbiic License iiei eppeered. iiieii you een speoiiy iiiei veixiaii incieeei iiyon wieii.) be nor rneiie sny ciirer charm in inese noiiece, one. mi. errenee ie niece in e iyen eepy. ii is inerereibie for run eecy. so iiie erdinery e u Generei Pubile License enpiine ie |.[I snbeenneniecpies end deriveiiye warts inede resin iii-i copy. This oeiion is yseiyi Mien yen wlsh do my peri our-eerie oiirie Libreryiriie epruqieni iriei is neieiibrery. a. run my copy Ind cisiribnie me L iary iiir e periien er deiivllhe of ii. under Seniori z) in e iecicede ci exeeirr- cbieierrn iinderineierrnr ciSecriens i andz above prwid— ed inn yim eeeernperiy with the eonipieie correspondbiy ineeiibrereedebie senree cede. wriieri innsi be dieinbnieri nnder irie ieririi ei Sezflnns i erin ii ebere on e inediiini cnsierneriiy used iei soiiwere inicreiieiine. ii disiribniiieri or ebieci eerie is inside by eiieriiig eceeee is copy ircni e designeied piere. inen oricrinp equivalent e~ ms in en irie eenree eode.irern irie seine pieee serisiies i ieenii meni ic disiiibnie ire source code. even iiioiiun inird series are not eempe In cnw inc senree eienn win the obhn code. r s. A nmyrein iiiei conhlii: no demeiive 91 any Dwflun or iiie Libi biri is dmned is work wiiri iiie Librery by Ms inp eorrip led or lln wiiii it. B eeiied n "work iii-ii um iiie Libiery': Such e work, In iseieiien. is net e deriveiiye ®ci wolkoflhe Library. and iiieieiereieiis nnlsinb irie scape oi iiris Lioense. However. lliiking a “work iiiei rises tin Libnry' wllh iiie Library cieeies an necniebie inei is e de ye of iiie Library (because ii ear-reins airmen. eiiire Libinry). rein-r iiren e "irnerkiiiei rises iiie iibrery'. iiie erecniebie is there- ibie covered by iiiis menu. Seciienaeieics iennsierdisiiibniien Mandi eiiecniebiee. w n e “worklhxl nees the Library" rises irieieriei irerri e needei iii- iiiei is peri oiiiir Library. in. ubmieodflm iiie work may be e derireiiire work oi irie Library EVEII Ihnuqh irie lwm c ls nei. wrieiiieriri' is irne is ecpeeieiiy biv fimni iiine werii ceri bcllnhd wiiiieni Librery. or iiiiie work is hullullbinm riic inresneid ier irris is be irnc in nei pieciseiy deiined in; In”. ii eneii err obi-er iiie rises eniy nnnieriui pmrrreieis. enie eiincinre ieycnie end eecessere, end srneii rnecres enci smil iniine innrfiens (Inn iines or iess in ierieiiii. iiien die use oi iiic ebieciiiie is nnrcsirieieii, ieqaidless erwneiner ii is ieoaiiy e deriveiive walk (becnisbies can a iiiis obieci code plus poriiens of Me Libreiy wiii si i ieii nndei Seciien 5.1 umerwiie. ‘rfiiie work is e denmive oiiiie Libiuyr you my disrribnie iiie obieci code icrirre work under irie ierrnc oi Semen b. Any eneciiiaiiiee eenieinine inei werii eieo ieii under See- den 5, wiieiirer or not my ere linked direciiy wiin iiie u brery "self. e. As en excepiien re inc seeiiens ebeire. you my eise combin. or link a "work iiiaii uses iiie Uhraly" wiiii iire L‘r brery ire prednee n wpik oenieiniiie poriiens eiiiie Librery and disiiibuie iiiei work under ierins oi yiiiir chaise. pm- uided liiei iii-e ierrrir pen-iii inediiicerieii ofiiiewoikioriiie cimomm's nwrr use and uvnrn rumneeriiieicr debiiwmn sneii modifieeiionr. Von ninei qlve nieiirinieiir neiiee wmi eeni. copy erine wark bieiiiie Libruy in ined in ii eridiiieiiin Library end iii In! ere eeyereri by iiiis Lieenee. Vim musl snppiyecepy oiiiiis Lieeiise. ifibewerkdnrirg manner-display: cowllflhlnn» iiiees. yen innsi include iiie wpyiighl iieirec ier ire Library menu item. esweii as e ieiereneediieeiinii iiieiieerieiiie copy ci inis License Aiso. yen musl do one ei iiieee minus: e) Accompany inewerii wiiii inc cenipieie cnirespnrid- inc ineciriir-reednbie ieiiiee eoeie ior iii- Librnry including wneieirer ciienpes were need in ine work (wiricii innirbe dirbibirird iinderSeeiirrnr i Ind z eiieneiiend. iiine work is en enecirisbie “liked wiiii Lire Library. wini bis empiric machliirruduhlc Work iii-i nses ine Librery~, es ebicei eede endier source eode, lutiibi iiie uremin inediiy irie Library end iireii reiink io prennee e ninesiied cxecnieeie containing iiie irieiiiiied lefnry. at in nndmLoediiisi iii. riser who enennes iiie senienis ei definiiiens nice in ine I. cry wiii nei ricoemiiiy be ebie ib ieoonipiie ii-ie eppiiee- iien ie nee rire inediiied deiiniiiensi ii) Lise e eniiebie sireree iibrery nieeneriieni for iinki’na min in- ubrnry Arniiebie irieeiienisiri boneinei (i) nses ei inn iinie e copy or ine iibreryeireeiiy preeeni on in- Inch eeriipnier eyciene. reiner iiinn eopvinii iibreiy innciienc inie irie execnieiiie. end (2) will eper. ale orooeily with a modified version oith mitt ii the user installs one. as lead as use modified version is irrieriace-comoatiblewtth the version that the work was made with. c) Accompany the wcrttvvlth a written otter, valid ior at least this years, to ive the same user the materials saecltted subseet on so. above. tor a eharde no more than the cost oi oeriorming this distribution. d) ildislributivn oi ttie work is made by oiiarino aocoss to copy item a deslonoied piece. oiier equivalent access to my the above snecttred materials ircrrl the same piece. e) Verity that the user has already recehred a cosy oi these materials or lhatyou have already sent this user a cow. rcren eoeeuteble. the required tort-n otthe ‘wolkthm uses the Library' must include any data and rrtiil aroorenrs needed tor reproducing the executable lrorn it However as aspeclai excdpll'nlt. the maker'uls to toe detribut need not lrielude Anything that it normally distributed tln either sourcecr hinary term: with the major components icorneit er, ttull and so on) at the operative system on wbloh the executable runs. unless thatcornoanentiisetlaccamoantec the err-curable. it may happen itratthls requirement contradicts the lsense restrlcilons at other proprietary libraries that do not rmat. iy aeeemonny the oo-retlnd system. Such a echtredtetlon means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you distribute. man may place bury iaeiilttee that are await based on the Library side y—slde in a single libre logethel with win library toenltles not mercd by this Lroenae, and die tribute such acombered llhlaiy, provided that the separate dtetributlen oi the work based on the Lrbrery and at the other library facilities is otherwise permitted. and provided thatyou do titers Md thlhoe: » Accompany the combined library with a copy eithe ninl worlr band on the ubrery. uncomblned with any other llblniy taclllties this raust be distributed under the iermsorlheSecllons above. h) Give prominent rrotioe with the combined library ditise tact that part oi it is work based on the Library. and explaining where toilnd tlve acmeWlnfl tiirwlrb bleed torm oithe tame worlc i. you may not copy. modify, sublieense, llnltvvlrh, or die trltrtrte tha ubr-ary evcebt as awrossly provided undorthls Ucense Any attempt otherwise to cow, modliy. subtleenae, link with. or distribute the Library 1: void. and will automati- cally terrnlnete your rights under this Ucenae. duel/er. parties who have received copies. or rights, learn you under titls License wIII not have their licenses terminated so lend assuctr nartiesremal lull compliance i. You are not reouired to meet this license, since you have not stoned h However. nothing ette grants you oer- rnlssrorr to modify ardistrtbuie the Lrbrary or its derivative works. These actions are archtbited by [M it you do not aoceotthk License. Thoreiore. by modi lno or distributlng the uor y (or enyworlt based on the Li ary). you indicate your acceptance at this License to do so. and all its terms arid ooad one for on vinyl. dislilbntinfl or rhodilyina the Libilw orworhs have on It. III. Each lime you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the ubrzryl. the recipient automaticalhy receives a license irorn the orlillrtol licenscrlo cosy. diatrtbvt .linlt with ermodity the Llhluyetihjecltitttlm terms and condl. tlooel Yeti may not imbore eny lurther restrictions on the reclblenis- everclse ofthe rights granted herein you are not resborrrible tor antoreine eombi so by third earlier with this Lia-rise. it. it as a conseeuence ole oourtiudernent or allegation at aatent lnirtrioerrterlt er tor any other reosen (riot limited to patent issues), cond' one are imposed on you (vrlrettrer by court uni-rt ugmmflll or otherwise) that sorta-edict the conditions or this thenser they do not excuse you lrem the conditions oi this tioenn. ltyou cannot atrtrloute ea aato satiety simultaneously your nhllgsflons under this ticense aad anyottrer pertinent oblloetlone. then in a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For eusmoie. it a patent license vrould not oarmlt royaltwree redistribution of the Liarery by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly ihrouoh you. then the only way you oould sailsfi/ both it and this License would be to retrain entirety irorrr dlstribution oi tire library. ii any boitiort oi this section is held invalid or unenivrce able under any oartlculcr circumstance. the balance oi the section ls intended to unlit and the eedlvrt ls awhole is intended to apply in others letimswlces. it is notthe purpose at this section to htdtsee you to lnirlnoe y aateets or other Property rlghtcleims or to coitus] va- lidity oteny such are are; this section has the sole purpose oi orotectirro the inteority oi the tree sohware distribution system which is implemented by public lloerise practices. Many oeoole have made geolerous contributions to the Wide range oi soitwere distributed through that aystem ln reli. anee on oonsisterrt aaolication althat system; it is up to the autiror/dorror to decide it he at she is willing to distribute sofonare through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that chaise. This section is intended to mate Murwuhly clear what Is believed to beaconseauereee oitlee mldhhla Lleenae. 11 lithe dlltrlbuihll and/or use oi the library it ledtilded certain oovntries either by patents or b lmpyl'lghleli tntertecar. the original cooyrtght holder o bieees the Libraryvnderthi Licensee-av add on exoticil qecalantllnal distribution limitation etcludlno those countries. so that distribution is permitted only in or amnllg countries not thus excluded. in such care, this License lnccroerater the Ilmlhtlnll as it written in thebody orthis License. It. the Free Sottware Foundation may ptihush revised and/ or new versions oi the Letter Getter-l Publle Lleenso tnarn t e to time. Such newvorsioasw be similar in soiritto t e oreserrttrerslou. but moydlt-ler la atoll to address new problems or coneecns. Each version is yiven a til'stillatlis my version number. it the Library atrocities aversion number at this Llseaae which applis to it and "ally later version~, you have the cotton oi iollewlrrs the terms and condltlons either oi that version or at any laterversten published by the F122 Soitvrere rounoa, tloa. lithe lerory does not abeeliy a license version num- ber. you may choose any version ever aubilehed by the free software Foundation. “Sllfiua l . En® 14 Nye-i wisn Iv inwrneral- Dark enn- Library in: nllrrr free programs wnese nlslrinnuen eurnlllons ure ineuirlnnu. M- wllh lirrsr. writs la in. ill1hD1 u; ask iw u-rnrisslnn. Fur selurrnre wnlen Is cwyl‘ghkd byllle Free Somme hundle lien wrile lo lire Flu Suilwure Fauna-Ila , e snrrielhrres nrs eseeuilens ier fills. uur dezlslm wlll lse guided byllre lwe wnls of DTDSDrle-in lne lree slums el ell damallves DI all! iree ”MM! and of pmmollne me rn-rlrrq nnn mm a! snllwere generally. HOWARRANTY is. DEcAuSE THE LlBRARY ls LICENSED FREE DE CHARGE. THERE IS ND WARNANW FOR THE LIBRARY. To THE DETENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE mmiGi-lr l-IDLDERS AND/ml DTNER PARTlEs Fun. VIDETHE LIBRARY 15 IS'WITHOUTWARRAN'IY oEANv KIND. EITHER EprEssED an IMPLIED, lNcLuDlNG, BUT NOT LIMITED TO. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES or MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESS run A DARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTlllE RiSNAs To THE QUALII‘I AND PERFORMANCE cFTHE uBMRY is WITH You. SHOULD THE LlDRARv PROVE DEEEcTivE, Vou ASSUME THE CDS‘I' uFALL NEcEssAmr SERVICING, mum on can. REchcN. ls. W No EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED av AFPLchDLE LAW OF AGREED Tu IN WRlTlNG WILL ANY coPVRIGHT HOLDER. OR ANY DTHER PARTY WNcl NAV MODIFY AND/DR REDISTRIEUTE THE LIENARV AS PENMTTTED ADM/E. BE LIABLE To YOU FOR DAMAG‘. INCLUDING ANY GENERAL. SPECIAL. INCKDENTAL OR CONSEQUEN. TIAL DAMAGES ARISING our OFTHE LlSEcR INADiLrTv To USETHE LIBRARY (lNcLuDiNs BUT NclT uerED To LDSS DE DATA OR DATA BENG RENDERED INACCURATE GR loSSEs SLISTAINED av vou on TNlRD PARTIES DR A FAILURE OF THE LIBRARYTD OPERATEWITH ANv OTHER SDFTWARE). EVEN IFSUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITV DE SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS Hwt NAP")! Th." TinnS to Yell! le Uhlllln ii you rieyeiep s new lilrrury. and van wnul Inc ee er ine yer-slut Dusslbll nu (a flu public. we lmmmuld making niree mum (hateverynlle can redislrienle and change. You can an n by errrrrnline Mislrlhullvll unerr ln-se lerms (or. eilerrrsllvely. Underlhe rem" ohheordlnnry BEN. erll Publk meme» Tn App? these lsrnrs. men lire Tuilumlnu NDIlc-S la in- llnrsry lls sviesi lo amen llrem lo lire sun ol seen selrree llie bu mm elleellvely mnvey line excluslen cl wurrunu: snel eseir file sheulel have at least lire "myrignl' line nun s poinlnr le wlrm ll-lyii neli is TaundyTim llbrary Islru srmwar-zyvu can udlilllbllh II aim/or modlly It under the menus oi lne GNU Lesser General Pllb- llc License is! Wbllillld by Na Frnr Snitwurr Feunnnllnn: elllrer version 2.1 ml lne Lleerrxs. ur (at your Gullah) nnli Inlerveuhil. (Be. This Ilbraly is dislribulerl in lire in e anl il will he use lUI. bill WITHOUT ANY WARRAN lwllhnul even lire irrr Iisd warranty of MERGHANTABILITV or FITNESS FDR A ANTIcuLAR PURPOSE, See line GNU Lesser Genes-l Pnbllc Linenwelnr nrure dell s. M ihvuld hub/E rece’wen scnny ul lne GNu LEsnEvGen— ernl Publlc Llctlln elem: wlllr llris library: ll rm. wrlh in lne Free Snfiware reunnellerr. lne. 59 Temple PIzcE. Sum 310.chm.MA02IlI-|CW7 USA Aise add Inlerrnellen en lrew le uni-cl you by eieelrerrle and new mail. you snuuld also nel ynur employer cl yen werk as a prn~ nrsrrurlerl w your selraol. "any. to sluil n 'eupyrinnl dis elsirner-lnr lire lrnrsry. ifnecassary. Here is asamnle; aller llre mnm: Medym. ine.. hullby diselullrre nil ounyrlnnl INK-mt in lire Ilhlury ‘lef (n llhrury ier Tweaking llnnbs) wlhlerl by Jurruss ilenelenr Hack-L .| April rm Ty cowl, presmenl elViee Tilers ell mere Is in in 7-Zip Source Notice Tire snllmre umursrri used in lins Dmdhcl eenlains 1~nn Ilhnry. mu connlns lir- aim-r- ammed Dermlnlon ler me Usage under Die lerrnscillre GNU Lesser General rule II: License. A early efswmurlm Ewm was is WIND-DIS al culemer neeessery euperrse ier lire nlslrlnumsn. Please contact all! Customer Support Cancer in ubhlil e may. Fl" nrere lulmllllslluil en HlEGNU Lesser Senersl Pun. Ile Lleerrse. vleM GNLl‘s welulle at Anny/Manuela. Earlier" olthl "que in oils preduel um wwllnht ms— an- Fr-rryvr Preirel melmiYW-nm). All rlahh resumed, Licensed under lire Free Me Plnlect ucENSE m4m27.{hnp:llvmw.1hdYD-.DTWLTXD ua/ in a safe place for future reference. 0 Precautinn Information to User 8 — The Safety of Your Ears Is in Your Hands 8 — ESTABLISH ASAFE LEVEL: 8 — BE SURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: 9 @ License agreement PIONEER AVIC~ZISUBT AV|C~X93IH3TI AVIC- X931OBT~lan.S.A. 10 PIONEER AVICZIaOB'E AVlC-XSSDBT, AVIC- X93103T~ lorCanada 12 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FORTHE TELE ATLAS DATA 14 — End User Licensing Terms 14 ® Ahnul the database About the dala forlhe map dalabase 1a m Terms used in this manual “Frontdlsplay‘ and “Reardisplay' is “Video image" 19 "SD memory card" 19 @ Importanl saMy lnlnlmatlon Cautions for lhe lronl panel 21 Eco~lriendly driving functions Z| Fuelcos'l management 22 Traffic inlormatian 22 GB Addiliunal saieiyinformatiun Parking brake interlock 23 When using a display connected in VOUT 23 To avoid battery exhausllun z: Rearvlew camera 2: Handling lne SD card slot 24 Handling the use connector 24 ( Contents l - Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Please read through these operating inslructlons 80 you will know how to operate you r model properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- usufiua ® Notes beiore using the system Failure to ouerate 25 Visit nurwehslle 25 Supplied CD-ROM 25 “(D Information to User - This equipment complies WlII’i FCC/[C radia~ tiuri exposure limits sel Iurth for an uncari- trolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement 0 to ones and Rssmz or the ic radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equrnerit has very low levels at RF en- ergy that it deemed to cnmply without maxi- mum permissive exposure evaluation (MPEJ. But it is desirable Ihfit it should be installed and operated keeping the radiator at leasl200m or more awaytmm person's bedy (excluding extremities: hands. wrists. feet and ankles]. ' This transmitter must not be eta-located or operated In coniunctiqn with any other an» tenna ortransminer ' AIIeVHfiDl’l or modificelions Carried outwith- out apDroprlate authorization may invali- date the user's right tn uperate the equipment. FCC ID : AJ DK037 MODEL NO.: AVIC~2130BT IC: 775E-KDS7 FCC ID: AJ DK037 MODEL NO.: AVICVXQZOBT IC: 775E-KDS7 FCC ID : AJ DK037 MODEL NO.: AVIC-XDBIOBT IC: 775E—KD37 This device complies with Part ‘l5 DI the FCC Rules and RSS-Gen of the K: Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may riot cause harmful interfer— ence, and (2) this device must accept any inter- Iererice receivedi including interlerenee thaI may cause undesired aperation pf the device. MADE IN THAILAND .e.. Precaut n I Far Canadian model This Category II radiocummunication device cnmplies with lnduslry Canada Standard R55» 310. CAUTION: USE OF CONTROLOR ADJUSTMENT OR PER- FORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAV RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. CAUTlON: THE USE OF OPTICAL lNSTRUMENTS WITH THIS PRODUCT WILL INCREASE EYE HA~ ZARD. A WARNING Handling the cord on this umduct urcurdsassc- ciated with accessories sold with the product may expose yuu to chemicals Ilsled on pmposl- tlnn as known in the State ol Calilomia and other guvemmerital enlilies la cause cancer arid birth defecl oruther repruductive harm Wash hands after handling. The Safety of Your Ears is in Your Hands Get the most out at yourequipmehl by playing it at a sale level—a level that Ietsthe sound come through clearly wilhcut annoying bier. ing ordistartlon endi most importantly, with out alfecling yourserisilive hearing,Sourid can bedeeeiving. Overtime. your hearing “comfnrt level" adapts to higher volumes of suund. so what sounds "normal" can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard againstthis by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE yuur hearing adapts. ESTABLISH A SAFE LEVEL: - Set your volume control at a low setting. chm-v ( Precau n - Slowly increase the sound unlil you can hear it comiortably and clearly‘ Wlthout dis- lortinn. - Once you have established a comfortable sound level, sellhe dial and leave il there. usufiua | a BE SURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: - Do nottum up the volume so hlgh that you can‘t hear what's around you. - Use cautian cvtemporarlly discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations. - Do nol use headphones while aperaling a motorized vehicle: the use of headphones may create atraflic hazard and is illegal in many areasE] Chap!" PIONEER AVlC-Z1308T, AVIC—X93OBT, AVIC-X931OBT - for U.S.A. THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU. AS THE END USER. AND PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. ("PIONEER"). PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDIV TlONS OF THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BE» FORE USING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS. BY USING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS.YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENTTHE SOFT- WARE INCLUDES A DATABASE LICENSED BY THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERLS) (”SUPPLIERS")v ANDYOUR USE OF THE DATABASE IS COV- ERED BY THE SUPPLIERS' SEPARATE TERMS. WHICH ARE ATTACHED TOTHIS AGREEMENTtReierto page 14) IF YOU DO NOTAGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS. PLEASE RETURN THE PIONEER PRODUCTS (INCLUDING THE SOFTWARE, AND ANY WRITTEN MATERIALS) WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE PRODUCTS. TO THE AUTHORIZED PIONEER DEALER FROM WHICH YOU PURCHASED THEM. USE OF THE SOFTWARE SHALL BE DEEMEDTO BE YOUR CONSENT TO THE LICENSE AGREE— MENT. 1 GMNT OF LICENSE Pioneer grants to you a non-transferable, non exclusive license to use the software installed on the Pioneer products (the "Sofiwere") and the related documentation solely inryourown personal use or Tor internal use byyour busi- ness. only on such Honeer products. You shall not copy. reverse engineer. translate. port. modily or make derivative works of the Software, You shall not loan. rent. disclose. publish. sell. assign. lease. sublicense. market or otherwise transierthe Software or use it in any manner not expressly authorized by this agreement. You shall not derive or attempt to derive the source code or structure of all or any portion of the Software by reverse engi— m ense agreement t nearing. disassembly. decompiletion. urany other means. You shall not use the Sofiware to operate a service bureau or for any other use involving the processing at dam for other per- sons orentities. Pioneer and its licensorts) shall retain all copy right, trade secret. patent and other proprie- tary ownership rights in the Software The Software is copyrighted and may not be cop? led. even it modiiied or merged with other pro ducts. You shall not alter or remove any copyright notice or proprietary legend con~ lained in or on the Software, You may transfer all of your license rig hts in the Software. the related documentation and a copy of this License Agreement to another party. provided that the party reads and agrees to accept the terms and Conditions of this le cense Agreement. 2 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY The Software and related documentation are prUVided to you "AS lS‘K PIONEER AND ITS Ll» csnsomsi (for the purpose or provisions 2 and 3. Pioneer and its llcensons) shall be col- lectively referred to as “F'ioneer") MAKES AND YOU RECEIVE NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFT- WARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. AND ALL WAR RANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- I'TYAND FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR THE SOFTWARE ARE EX- PRESSLY EXCLUDED. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OF lM PLIED WARRAN~ TIES. SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLVTO YOU. The Soltware is complex and may contain some nonconformities. defects or errors. Pioneer ones not warrentthetthe Soft- ware will meet your needs or expectations, that operation of the Software will be error Tree or uninterrupted. orthat all non-coniormities can or will be corrected. Furthermore. Pioneer does not make any representations or warran- ties regarding the use or results of the use of the Software in terms of its accuracy, reliability orolherwise. chapter 3 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENTSHALL PIONEER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIM OR LOSS |N~ CURRED BY YOU (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIM- ITATION. COMPENSATOR'Y, INCIDENTAL. INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS. LOST INDOMEI LOST SALES OR BUSINESS, EXPEN- DITURES, INVESTMENTS. OR COMMITMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY BUSINESS, LOSS OFANY GOODWILL, OR DAMAGES) RESULT- ING FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITYTO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF PIONEER HAS BEEN INFORMED OF, KNEW OF. OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION APPLIES TO ANYAN D ALL CAUSES OFACTION INDIVI- DUALLYOR IN THE AGGREGATE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION BREACH OF CON- TRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, NEGLI- GENCE. STRICT LIABILITY. MISREPRESENTATION. AND OTHER TORTS. IF PIONEER'S WARRANTY DISCLAIMER OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SEI' FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL OR FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE OR INAPPLICABLE, YOU AGREE THAT PIONEER'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED FIFTY PERCENT (5095) OFTHE PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR THE ENCLOSED PIONEER PRO» DUCT. Some states do not aIIow the exciusicn or lim- iteticn ol incidental or consequential da- mages, so the above limitation orexciusion may not apply to you. This warranty disclaimer and Iimitation of iiability shali not be applic~ able to the extent that they are prohibited by any applicabie federai, state or local law which provides that such a disclaimeror limitation cannot be waived or preempted. 4 EXPORT LAW ASSURANCES You agree and certitylhal neitherthe Software nor any othertechnicai data received from Pioneer, nor the direct product thereof, will be exported outside the United States except as authorized and as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United Slates. It the Soil- ware has been rightfully obtained by you out- side oi the United States. you agree that you will not reexpon the Software nor any other technical data received from Pioneer, northe direct product thereof, except as permitted by the laws and regulations ofthe United States and the laws and ations of the Jurisdicr tion in which you 0 arned the Software. 5 TERMINATION This Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Soitware. The Agreement also will termi- nate ityou do not comply with any terms or conditions of this Agreement. Upon such ter~ mination. you agree to destroy the Soltware. S U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS if the Software is being acquired oyoron be- half ol the United States government or any other entity seeking or applying rig hts similar to those customarily claimed by the United States government, the Data is licensed with ”Limited Rig hts'l Utilization of the Software is subject to the restrictions specified in the ”Rights inTechnical Data" clause at DFARS 2522747013. or the equivalent clause tor non- detense agencies. Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc..1925 E. Dominguez Street, Long Beach. CA 90510. 7 MISCELLANEOUS This is the errtire Agreement between Pioneer and you regarding Its subject matter. No change in this Agreement shall be efiective unless agreed to in writing by Pioneer, Pioneer retailers do not have the authority to change this Agreement, This Agreement shall be gov? emed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California. If any provision of this Agreement is declared in- valid or unenforceable. the remaining provir sions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and efleciE usrifiua | Chlpler m (License agreement PIONEER AVIC-Z1 3081, AVIC-XBBOBT, AVIC-X931OBT - for Canada THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEM ENT BETWEEN YOU. AS THE END USER. AND PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC, (“PIONEER"). PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENTCARE- FULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE IN- STALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS. BY USING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREE— MENT. THE SOFTWARE INCLUDES A DATA BASE LICENSED BYTHIRD PARTY SUPPLIER (S) (”SUPPLIERS"), ANDYOUR USE OF THE DATABASE IS COVERED BY THE SUPPLIERS‘ SEPARATE TERMS, WHICH ARE ATTACHED TO THIS AGREEMENT (Refer to page 14). IF YOU DO NOTAGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS, PLEASE RETURN THE PIONEER PRO- DUCTS (INCLUDINGTHE SOFTWAREAND ANY WRITTEN MATERIALS) WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS OF RECEIPTOF THE PRODUCTS. TO THE AUTHORIZED PIONEER DEALER FROM WHICH YOU PURCHASEDTHEM, USE OF THE SOFTWARE SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE YOUR CONSENT TO THE LICENSE AGREE- MENT 1 GRANT OF LICENSE Pioneergrants to you a non-transferable. non EXCIUSIVE license to use the software installed on the Pioneer products (the Software“) and the related documentation solely Tor yourown personal use or Tor internal use byyour busi~ ness, only on such Pioneer products. You shall not copy, reverse engineer, translate, port. modify or make derivative works OI the Software. You shall not loan, rent. disclose. publish. sell. assign. lease. sublicense. market or otherWise transferthe Software or use it in any manner not expressly authorized twthis agreement, You shall not derive. or attempt to derive. the source code or stmoture of all or any portion of the Software by reverse engi~ @s.. neering, dlsassembly, deeompilation, or any other means You shall not use the Software to operate a sen/ice bureau ortor any other use Involving the processing of data foruther per? sons orentities. Pioneer and its IIcensorls) shall retain all copy» right. trade secret. patent and other pro prie- tary ownership rights in the Software, The Software is copyrighted and may not he cop» led, even if modified or merged with other pro ducts. You shall not alter or remove any copyright notice or proprietary legend con- tained in or on the Software. You maytransier all of your license rights in the Soitware. the related documentation and a copy of this License Agreement to another party, provided that the party reads and ag rees to accept the terms and conditions or this Ll- cense Agreement. 2 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY The Soitware and related documentation are provided to you “AS IS", PIONEER AND ITS LI- CENSOR(5) (for the purpose oi provisions 2 and 3. Pioneer and its Iioensorts) shall be cola lectively referred to as “Pioneer") MAKES AND YOU RECEIVE NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFT- WARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDI AND ALLWARRANTIES OF MERCHAN'TABILV ITYAND FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR THE SOFTWARE ARE EX- PRESSLY EXCLUDED. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRAN- TIES. SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. The Software is complex and may contain some nonconformities, defects or errors. Pioneer does not warrant that the Soft- ware will meet your needs or expectations. that operation of the Software WIII be error free or uninterrupted. orthat all non-conformities can or will be corrected. Furthermore, Pioneer does not make any representations or warran ties regarding the use or results of the use of the Software in terms at its accuracy, reliability or otherwise. I License agreement 3 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENTSHALL PIONEER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIM OR LOSS IN? CURRED BY YOU (INCLUDING. WITHOUT LIM» ITATION. COMPENSATORY, INCIDENTAL. INDIRECT, SPECIALI CONSEQUENTIALI OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS. LOST SALES OR BUSINESS, EXPENDITURES, IN- VESTMENTS, OR COMMITMENTS IN CON- NECTION WITH ANY BUSINESS, LOSS OF ANY GOODWILL. OR DAMAGES) RESULTING FROM THE USE OF OR INABIUTYTO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF PIONEER HAS BEEN INFORMED OF, KNEW OF. OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OFTHE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGESTHIS LIMITATION APPLIES TO ALL CAUSES OFACTION IN THE AGGRE- GATE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION BREACH OF CONTRACT. BREACH OF WAR? RANTY NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY. MIS~ REPRESENTATION, AND OTHER TORTS, IF PIONEER'S WARRANTY DISCLAIMER OR LIM ITATION OF LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL OR FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE OR INAPPLICABLE, YOU AGREE THAT PIONEER'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED FIFTY PERCENT (ED %) OF THE PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR THE ENCLOSED PIONEER PROV DUCT. Some states do not allow the exclusion or lim- itation of incidental or consequential da- mages, so the above limitation orexclusion may not apply to you. This warranty disclaimer and limitation of liability shall not be applic~ able to the extent that they are prohibited by any applicable federal. state or local law which prowdes that such a disclaimer or limitation cannot be waived or preempted. 4 EXPORT [AW ASSURANCES You wree and certify that neither the Software nor any othertechnical data received from Pioneer. nor the direct product thereof. will be exported outside Canada except as authorized and as permitted bythe laws and regulations of Canada. lithe Software has been rightfully obtained by you outside of Canada. you agree that you will not reexoort the Software norany other technical data received from Pioneer, nor the direct product thereof. except as per mitted by the laws and regulations of Canada and the laws and regulations of the IUTISdIC- tion In which you obtained the Software. 5 TERMINATION This Agreement is effective until terminated, You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Software. The Agreement also will termi» nate ifyou do not comply With any terms or conditions of this Agreement. Upon such ter~ mlnation. you agree to destroy the Software. 5 MISCELLANEOUS This is the entire Agreement between Pioneer and you regarding its subject matter. No change in this Agreement shall be ehectiye unless agreed to in writing by Pioneer. Pioneer retailers do not have the authority to change this Agreement. This Agreement shall be gov- erned hyand construed in accordance with the internal laws ofthe Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. ii any provision oi this Agreement IS declared invalid or unenlorceable. the remain- ing provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full lorce and effectEl En Chaplin NE usufiua angler License agreement TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE TELE ATLAS DATA End User Licensing Terms THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT (THE ‘AGREE- MENT') BETWEEN YOU. THE END USER. AND PIONEER and its licensors oi Data product (sometimes collectively "Licensors"). BY USING YOUR COPY OFTHE LICENSED DATA. YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDI- TIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT 1 Grant of License. Licensors grant you a non-transierabie. nonex- clusive license to usethe map data and busi» ness points of interest information (the “POIs") owried by Tele Atlas. (together. the ”Date“) con- tained on these discs. solely for personal. non4 commercial use and not to operate a service bureau or for any other use Involving the pro- cessinl of data of other persons orentities. You may not copy. reproduce. modify. make derivative works, derive the structure of or re- verse engineer the Data. The Data is restricted for use with the PIONEER ProductISLTI'ie Data contains confidential and proprietary in- formation and materials. and mayconiain trade secrets. so you agree to hold the Data in confidence and in trust and not to disclose the Data or any portions in any form. including by renting. leasing. publishing. Ieasinu. sublicen- sing ortransien’ing the Data to any third party. You are explicitly prohibited from downloading the digital maps and programmes contained in the Data or from transferring these to an other data carrier or computer. You are prohi b ited from removing or obscuring any copyright. trademark notice or restricted Ie— gend. 2 Ownership. The Data is copyrighted l7yTeIe Atlas and its Li- censors and they retain aII ownership nghls In the Data. You agree not to alter. remove. oblit- erate. or obscure any com/rig ht notice or pro~ prietary legend contained in or on the Data. 3 Limitation of Liability. TELE ATLAS. PIONEER AND THEIR SUPPLI- ERS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO ANY END USERS FOR ANY INCIDENTAL. CONSEQUEN- TIAL. SPECIAL. INDIRECT OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREE- MENT, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR COSTS OF COVER. LOSS OF USE OR BUSINESS IN? TERRUF’TION ORTHE LIKE. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE PARTYWAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CON— TRARY CONTAINED HEREINI TELE ATLAS AND PIONEER AND THEIR SUPPLIERS SHALL HAVE NO MONETARY LIABILITYTO ANY END USERS FOR ANY CAUSE (REGARD? LESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION) UNDER OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT. 4 Warranty Disclaimer. THE DATA IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS“ AND ”WITH ALL FAULTS BASIS" ANDTELE ATLAS. PIONEER, ITS LICENSORS. AND ITS LI- CENSED DISTRIBUTORS AND SUPPLIERS (COLLECTIVELY. “SUPPLIERS") EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALLOTHER WARRANTIES. EX- PRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON»INFRINGEMENT. MERCHANTABILITY. EF- FECTIVEN ESS. COMPLETENESS. ACCURACY, TITLE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. TELE ATLAS. PIONEER. ITS LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE DATA WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE DATA WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, N0 ORAL OR WRITTEN ADVICE GIVEN BY TELE ATLAS. PIONEER. ITS LICENSORS. SUP— PLIERS OR ANY OFTHEIR RESPECTIVE EM- PLOYEES CREATES AWARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASES TELE ATLAS'. PIONEER'S. ITS LICENSORS' OR SUPPLIERS‘ LIABILTTY. AND YOU MAY NOT RELY ON ANY SUCH INA FORMATION OR ADVICE.THIS DISCLAIM ER IS AN ESSENTIAL CONDITION OF THIS AGREEMENTAND YOU ACCEPT THE DATA ON THIS BASIS. (License agreement 5 Termination. This Agreementwlll terminate immediately and automatically, without notice. if you breach any term of this Agreement. You agree that in the event of termination of the Agree- ment, you shall return the Data fincluding all documentation and all copies) to PlONEER and its suppliers. 6 Indemnity. You agree to indemnify. defend and hold PIONEER. its Licensors. and its suppliers (in- cluding their respective licensors. suppliers. assignees. subsidiaries. affiliated companies. and the respective officers. directors, employ ees. shareholders. agents and representatives) tree and harmless from and against any liabili- ty. loss, injury (including inluries resulting in death], demand, action. cost. expense. or claim of any kind orcharacter. including but not limited to attorney‘s tees. arising out oior in connection with any breach byyou of any term of this Agreement. 7 U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS. If End User is an agency. department. or other entity otthe United States Government. or funded In whole or in part by the United Slates Government, then use. duplication. reproduc- tion. release, modification. disclosure or trans- terofthls commercial product and accompanying documentation, is restricted In accordance with the LIMITED or RESTRICTED rights as described in any applicable DFARS or FAR. In case of conflict between any of the FAR and/or DFARS that may apply to the Li- censed Tele Atlas Product. the construction that provides greater limitations on the Gov- ernment's rights shall control. Contractor/ manufacturer is Tele Atlas North America. Inc.. 11 Lafayette Sheet. Lebanon, NH 03766- 1445. Phone: 603,643. 0330.The Licensed Tele Atlas Products are © 20062011 byTele Atlas. ALL RlGI—ITS RESERVED, For purpose or any public disclosure provision under any federal, state or local law, it is agreed that the Licensed Tele Atlas Products are a trade secret and a proprietary commercial product and not sub ject to disclosure 8 Additional provisions for Tele Atlas“ Premium Points of Interest (the “POIs”). With respect to the PO] Licensed Tele Atlas Produm: End User specifically agrees that End User shall not: (a) except as otherwise specifically set lorth herein. license orotherwise provide the PDl Li- censed Tele Atlas Products to any third party iorthe purposes of resale. sublioensing. redis tribution orforthe purpose oi compiling. en» hancing. verifying, supplementing. adding to or deleting Irom any mailing list. geographic or trade directories. business directories. clas» sitied directories. classified advertising which is sold. rented, published. furnished or in any manner provided to a third party; (b) make the POI Licensed Tele Atlas Products available in an on-Iine environment unless properly secured and/or encrypted to prevent unauthorized access to the POI Licensed Tele Atlas Products; and (C) use the PO] Licensed Tele Atlas Products. either in whole or in part, as a factor in 6) es» tablishing an individual‘s elig ility for credit or insurance: (ii) connection with underwriting individual insurance; (iii) evaluating an indivi- dual ior employment or promotions. reassign mentor retention as an employee; (iv) in connection with a determination oran indivi~ dual ‘3 eligibility for a license or other benelit granted by a governmental authority; or (v) for soliciting survivors of deceased persons. (d) create mailing ortelemarketing lists unless authorized in this Agreement. (6) End Userwill house the POl Licensed Tele Atlas Products on the internet behind firewalls and will implementa system cl controls that will (i) protectthe integrity of the POI Licensed Tele Atlas Products: (ii) control access to the POI Licensed Tele Atlas Products and Gil) pre» vent unauthorized usage or copying of the POI Licensed Tele Atlas Products :.® crisper m ense agreement (l) End User shall display the Pol Licensed Tele Atlas Product copyright notice atall times in conjunction with theTeIe Atlas copyright notice. As at the Effective Date oithis Agree» ment, the copyrig ht notice torthe Poi Li- censed Tele Atlas Product is: (nfogroup 9 Additional provisions for Tele Atlas“ Brand Icon L' ensed Tele Atlas Product (the “Brand Icon Licensed Tele Atlas Produn"): 8 End User's use of the Brand Icon Licensed Tele Atlas Product and any portion thereof. is limited to use solelytor the purpose of en- hancing the value and/or use oi the spatial vector data iumlshed or made by Tele Atlas. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein. or in anyat‘tachment or exhibit here- to. in no event shall End User use the Brand Icon Linensed Tele Atlas Product or any portion thoroot in connection with or in conjunction with spatial street vector data furnished or made oya party other than Tele Atlas. End User may only use the icons, brand names, logos, trademarks or other features within (and not Separate from) the man data. In addition, End User shall not modify omits! the color, shape, size, and orientation of the Brand Icon Li- censed Tele Atlas Product as provided to End User withoutTeIe Atlas's oriorwritten approval. b End User agrees that the use of Brand Icon Licensed Tele Atlas Product subiect to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agree merit and that there may be additional third party terms, conditions and restrictions to which the use at the Brand icon Licensed Tele Atlas Productwill be subject provided to the End User Irom time to time in the re- lease notes applicable to the Value Added Product. .e“ 10 Copyright Notices. End User shall allow the display of the then current copyright notice iorthe Licensed Tele Atlas Products on the initial splash screen, in the code, on the storage medium, on the packagin, in the “Help/About" section. in the operator's manual. and in any displayed or printed map image, for each Value Added Pro- ductthat is based upon: 1 Tele Atlas0 MulliNet' North America: As of the Effective Dam, the copyright notice is: “D 2006 - 2011 Tele Atlas. All rights re» served, This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other in- tellectual property rights owned or licensed to Tele Atlas Tele Atlas is an authorized dis- tributor at selected StatisticsCanada com- puter files underAgreement number 6775. The product includes inlormati’on copied with permission from Canadian authorities, including 0 Canada Post Corporation, Gear Base“, and Department of Natural Re- sources Canada, All rights reserved, The product Is sourced in part from Geography Division, Statistics Canada, 2008 Road Net- work File (RNFi. BQVSUUVXWE/XWF. The in— corporation of data sources from Statistics Canada within this product shall not he constmed as constituting an endorsement by Statistics Canada at such nroduct, The use of this material is subject to the terms ot a LicenseAcreernentt You will be held li~ able torany unauthorized copying ordisclo- sure of this material." 2 Tele Atlas0 MultiNet’ Mexico: As of the Et~ Iective Date, the copyright notice is: “9 2006 —201i Tele Atlas. All rights re~ servedThls material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other in tellectuai property rights owned or licensed to Tele Atlas. The use of this material is suh~ iect to the terms 01 a license agreement. You will be held liable tor any unauthorized copying of disclosure oi this material," chapter i ense agreement 11 Miscellaneous. This is the exclusive and complete Agreement between the Licenscrs and you regarding its subject matter Nothing in this Agreement shail create a Joint Venture, partnership or principaiagent relationship between the Li~ censors and you. The internal laws of the State of Caiifornia shell govern this Agreement and you consent to thejurisdiction of California. Sections 2, 5 and 6 ~ 10 shall survive the ex~ piration orterminatimn at this Agreementt‘ihis Agreement may be amended, altered. or modi~ fled oniy by PIONEER. You may not assign any part oi thls Agreement without PiONEER's prior written consent. You acknuwiedge and understand that the Data may be subject to re- slrictinns on exportation and agree to compiy with any applicabie export iaws. In the event that any provision cr part at a provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid‘ iiiegalr or unenlorceable, such provisiun or partthere of shail be stricken from this Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement shalt be valid. legai. and enforceable to the maximum extent possibie. Any notice underthis Agree- ment shali be delivered by courier to PIONEER‘ Attention Legal Department. Pioneer Electrenics (USA) Inc” 1925 E4 Dnmin- guez Street Lung Beach, CA 9081013 usufiua | on-nm m ( About the database About the data for the map database - Modifications related to roads. streets/high- ways, terrain. construction and otherthings beforddunng the development period may not be reflected in this database. Inewtably, these modifications after that period are not reflected in this database. - Regardless of existi ng and newly—built things. the data may be different from the actual condition. ‘ Fordetails about the map coverage oftnis navigation system. refertothe inlormation on ourwebsite. - it is strictly prohibited to reproduce and use any part or the whole of this map in any form without permission from the copyright owner. . it the local traffic regulations or conditions deviate from this data. lolldw the local traf- fic regulations (such as signs. indications. etc.) and conditions [such as construction. weather. etc.). . The tratilc regulation data used in the map database applies only to standard sized passenger vehicles, Note that regulations for larger vehicles, motorbikes. and other nun-standard vehicles are not included in the database. ' As tor Map Version. Tele Atlas. Rel. 09/2010. ' D 2011lNCREMENT P CORP. ALL RlGHTS RESERVEDJE Chaplet (Terms used in this manual "Front display" and "Rear display" In this manual the screen that Is attached to the body of this navigallon unit will be referred to as lhe "From display". Any addillonal screen that ls commercially available and can be con- neched lo lhis navlgafiun unilwlll be referred lo aslhe “Reardlsplay".E] "Video image" “Video image" in this manual indicates mov' ing lmages of DVD-Videc‘ DivX“, qud, and any equlpment that is connected to this system with an RCA cable‘ such as general-purpose AV equipmenhg "SD memory card" The SD memory card. SDHC memory card. microSD card and microSDHC card are col— Iecllvely referred to as the “SD memory card".E] usufiua | fl atom-r E 4 Important safety information i & WARNING - Do not attemptto install orservlce yournavi- nation system by yourselt Installation or servi» cing otthe navigation system by persons Without training and experience in electronic equipment and automotive accessories may be dangerous and could expose you to the risk otelectric shocker other hazards. - it liquid orroretgn mattershould get inside this navigation system. park your vehicle to sale place and turn the ignition switch off VACC OFF) immediawa and consult your deal— erorthe nearest authorized PioneerService Station. Do not usethe navigation system in this condition because doing so may result in a fire. electric shock. or other failure. ' it you notice smoke. a strange noise or odor from the navigation system. or any otherab- normal signs on the LCD screen, turn oft the power immediately and consult your dealeror the nearest authorized PioneerService Sta~ tion. Using this navigation system in this con- dition niay resuit in oerrnanentdamaoe to the system. - Do not disassemble or modiiy this navigation system. as there are highvoitage components inside which mayceuse an electric shock. Be sure to consultyour dealer orthe nearest authorized PloneerSeNlce Station for Internal inspection. adjustments or repairs ' D0 riot allow this product to come Into Contact with liquids. Electrical shock could result. Also. damage to the product. smoke. and over- heating could result from Contact with liquids. A CAUTION When a route is calculated. the route and Voice guidance torthe route are automatically set Also. tordeyor time tralric regulations. only infor» mation about trattic regulations applicable at the time when the route was calculated is consid ered. One—way streets and street closures may not be taken into consideration. For example. it a street is open during the morning only. but you arrive later. Itwouid be against the traffic regula- .e. tions so you cannot drive along the set route. When driving. please lullow the actual trotfic signs. Also. the system may not know some trai- tic regulations. Before using your navigation system. be sure to read and fully understand the following satiety information: ' Read the entire manual before operating this navigation system. The navigation features at your navigation system (and rear view camera option if pur~ chased] are Intended solely as an aid to you in the operation of your vehicle. It is not a substitute for your attentiveness. judgment. and care when driving. - Do not operate this navigation system (or the rear view camera option if purchased) it doing so will divert yourattention in any waylrom the safe operation of your vehicle. Always observe sale driving mles and fol» law all existing traffic regulations. It you eat- perience difficulty in operating the system or reading the display. park yourvenicie in a safe location and apply the parking brake before making the necessary adiustrnents. - Never allow others to use the system unr less they have read and understood the op- erating instructions. Never use this navigation system to route to hospitals. police stations prsimilar facil- ities In an emergency. Stop using any lunc- tions relating to the hands-tree phoning and please call 911. Route and guidance information displayed byth'is equipment is for reference purposes only. It may not accurately refiectihe latest permissible routes. road conditions. one way streets. road closures. or traific restric- tlons. ' Traffic restrictions and advisories currently in force should always take precedence over guidance given by the navigation sys- tem. Always obey current traffic restric' tions. even iithe navigation system provides contrary advice. chwhr ( Important safety information J a ' Failure to set correct inlormation about the ' Do not leave the lront panel in places where it Q local time may result in the navigation sys- may become subject to high temperatures or g tem providing improper routing and guir humidity, such as: g dance instructions 7 Places close to a heater, vent or air condi- ' Never selthe volume of your navigation tioner. system so high that you cannot hear out~ — Places exposed to direct sunlight. such as side traffic and emergency vehicles. on top at the dashboard or the rearshell. ~ To promote safety. certain functions are dis — Placesthat may he exposedto rain, such allied unless the Vehicle Is stopped and/or as close to the doororun the vehicle's the parking brake is applied. floor. - The data encoded in the ouiltin memory is - When you leave yourvehicie, be sure to re- the intellectual property of the provider. and move the front panel from the navigation sys- the provider is responsible tor such oon- tern and take it with you. tent. - After removlng the tront panel, keep It in a - Keep this manual handy as a reference for sale place so it is not scratched or damaged. operating procedures and safety informav - Keep the tront panel outot reach of small chilr tion. dren to prevent them from putting it in their - Pay close attention to all warnings in this mouths. manual and tollowthe instructions care - Do nut expose the tmnt panel in excessive fully. shock ordisassernhle it. ' Do not install this navigation System where ' Be careful not to touch terminals on the front it may (i) obstruct the driver's vision. fii) im- panel oron the navigation system. Doing so pairthe pertorrnance of any of the vehicle's may cause connection failures. It any term operating systems or safety features, in- inals are dirty. wipe them with a clean dry eluding air bags or hazard lamp buttons or clothlil (Ill) impair the driver‘s ability to safely open ate the vehicle. - Please rememberto tasten yourseat belt at Eco—friendw driving function; all times while operating your vehicle. If you are ever in an accident. your injuries can be considerably more severe it your seat belt is not properly buckled - Never use headphones while driving. - The fuel mileage calculated is based on a theoretical value determined trom vehicle speed and position information from the navigation wstern. The fuel mileagedis- played is onlya reference value, and does notguarantee the mileage displayed can he obtained. Cautlons f“ the front panel - The ecoinendiy driving functions are an as El This cautionary statements apply to AVIC- tirnate of the real time fuel consumption to X93OBTand AVIOXSB‘lOBT. average fuel consumption ratio and is not an actual value. A CAUTION - The eco-friendly driving functions and cal- culations take into consideration the loca- tion of the GPS position and speed of the vehicle in determining a value. ' indications of the navigation system may be diflerenl lrorri the actual value. - When removing orattaching the front panel. do so after turning the ignition suitch off (ACC OFF). - Never grip the buttons tightly or use force when removing orattaching. sn® m mportantsafety forma on - Some of the features oitne navigation sys- tem do not take in to consideration the type of vehicle it is installed intoEl Fuel cost management These calculations are based only on the inior< matinn that you provide and not on any data from the vehicle. The fuel mileage displayed is only a reterence value, and does not guarantee the fuel mileage displayed can be omamedEi Traffic nformation ' Pioneer does not bear responsibility for the accuracy at the intormation transmitted. - Pioneer does net bear responsibility for changes to information services provided by bruadcasting stations or by related com- panies, such as cancellation of sen/ices or changing to payvservices. Also, we do nut accept return ofthe product far this rea- sonEl ®=n chlphr ( Add onal safety nformat on a Parking brake interlock Certain functions (such as viewing of video image and certain touch panel key operations) offered by this navigation system could be dangemus and/or unlawful If used while drlv~ lng. To prevent such functions from being used while the vehicle is in motion, there is an interlock system that senses when the parking brake Is set and when the vehicle is moving. If you attempt to use the functions described above while driving, they will become disabled until you stop the vehicle in a sale place. and apply the parking brake. Please keep the brake pedal pushed down before releasing the park- ing brake. AWARNING - LIGHT GREEN LEAD AT POWER CON» NECTOR IS DESIGNED TO DETECT FARKED STATUS AND MUST BE CON- NECTED TO THE POWER SUPPLV SIDE OF THE PARKING BRAKE SWITCH. IM- FROPER CONNECTION OR USE OF THIS LEAD MAY VIOLATEAPPIJCABLE LAWAND MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS IN- JURY OR DAMAGE - To avoid the risk at damage and injury and the potential Violation cl applicable laws. the navi- gation system is not lcr use with a Video image that Is visible to the driver. - In some countries orstattes the viewing cl Video image on a display inside a vehicle even my persons other than the driver may be ille- gal, Where such regulations apply, they must be obeyed. ' When applying lhe parking brake in orderto VIEW video image urlo enable other functions altered by the navigation system, park your ve- hicle In a safe place, and keep the brake pedal pushed down beiore releasing the parking brake il the vehicle is parked on a hill orolher~ wise might move when releasing the parking brake, A CAUTION Aoculamj/perlormance ol interlock may be im- pacted by such iactcrs as speed signal detection, GPS signal detection and driving habits or condi- tions at the place where the vehicle is parked. When you attempt to watch video image while driving, the warning “Viewing of front seat video source while driving is strictly pro- hihimi." will appear on the screen,To watch video image on this display, stop the Vehicle in a safe place and apply the parking brake Please keep the brake pedal pushed down he- tore releasing the parking brakeE] When using a display connected to VOUT The Video output terminal (VOUT) is for con» nection ot a display to enable passengers in the rear seats to watch video images. AWARNING NEVER install the reardisplay in a location that enables the driver to watch video images while driving.@ To avoid battery exhaustion Be sure to run the vehicle engine while using this prnduc‘t, Using this product without mn- nin| the engine can drain the battery. AWARNING Du not install this araductwith vehicles that do hut feature an ACC pcsitionE] Rear view camera Vifith an oplipnal rear view camera, you are able to use the navigation system as an aid to keep an eye on trailers. or hacking into a tight parking spot. ustlfius l an® Gamer mi Add onal safety nformat on AWARNING ' SCREEN iMAGE MAY APPEAR REVERSED. - USE INPUT ONLY FOR REVERSE OR MIRROR iMAGE REAR VIEW CAMERA, OTHER USE MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DAMAGE A CAUTION For safety reasens lne rear view camem lunc- lion is not available unlil lhe navigation sys lern boots up completely, - The rearview made Islo use lhe navigation system asan aid in keep an eye on the trailers. arwhile backing up. Do not use this iunclion iarenlenainmenl purposesE Handling the SD card slot A CAUTION - Keep lne SD memarycard outcf the reach of small children to prevent them from acciden- laliysmlinwing it. - To prevent data loss and damage in the sin— rage device never remove it lrom this naviga- tion system while data is being iransierred. ~ ll dala lass nr corruptiun nccurson cm 510 rage device for any reason it is usually not possible to recuverlhe dala, Pioneer accepls nu Iiabil‘itylcrdamagesi cosks or expenses arising from data loss or corruption - Never insert urejeel an SD memory card while driving.EI Handling the USB connector A CAUTION To prevent data loss and damage to the sta- Yflge device never lemave it llom this naviga- tlon system while data Is being llanslemed. ' if dala loss urcui‘ruptiun occurs on lhe stu- rage device lor any reason it is usualiy not possible Io recoverme dalal Pioneer accepts no Iiabilitylor damages, coals or expenses arising lrcm data loss or dorm ption E Chum-r Notes before using the system Important (Serial Number:) The serial number at this device is located on the huttom at this product. For yourown security and convenience. be sure to recurd this numberun the enclosed warrantycard. Failure to operate Shuuld the navigation system fall to operate properly, contact your dealer or nearest authorized Pioneer Service Station. After-sales service fur Pioneer products Please cantact the dealer ordistributorfmm which you purchased the product tor after- sales service (Including warranty conditions} or any other lnlormaliun. In case the necessary lnlcrmatiun is not available, please Contact the Companies listed below. Please do not shin your product to the compa- nies at the addresses listed helm! for repair without making advance contact. - U.S.A Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc, CUSTOMER SUPPORT DlVlSiON no, Box 1760 Long Beach, CA 90801-1760 “42171404 - CANADA Pioneer Electrunics at Canada, inc. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DEPARTMENT 300Allstem Parkway Markham. Ontario LSR OPE i~E77~283=5901 9054794411 For warranty information. please see the Lirn. tee Warranty sheet included with wur pro- duct Visit our website Visit us at the following site: Mtpd/ In Canada 1 Register your product. We will keep the deells of your purchase on file to help you relertp this information in the event at an insurance claim such as loss ortheit. 2 Receive updates Dn the latest products and technologies. 3 Download owner‘s manuals, orderproduct catalogs. research new products. and much mere. 4 Receive notices ol software upgrades and sottware uDdates.@ usn5ua I Supplied CD-ROM Operating environment Thesupplied CDVROM can be used with Microsoft“ WI ndows" 2DUU/XP/Vlsta/7 and Apple Mac OS X 10.4/105/105. Adobe Reader (Version 4.0 or later) is required to read the manuals in the CD-ROM. Precautions for use The CD-ROM is for use with a personal corn- puter. it cannot be used with any other DVD/ CD players ordrlves. Attempting to run the CDVROM with such equipmentcan damage speakers or cause impaired hearing due to ex- cessively loud volume. License Please agree to Terms ofuse indicated beluw betore using the CD-ROM. Do not use if you are unwilling to consent to the terms of its use. Gunter (Notes before using the system Terms of use Copyright to data provided on the CDROM be longs to PioneerCcrporati’on. Unauthorized transfer, duplication. broadcast. public trans mission‘ translation, Sales. lending Brother such maners that go beyond the scope of “per- sonal use” or “citation" as defined by Copy right Law maybe subiect in punitive actions. Permission to use the CD~ROM is gmnted under license by Pioneer Corporation. General disclaimer PioneerCorpoiation does natguarantee lhe operation of the CD-ROM with respect to per- sonal computers using any applicable OS, in addition, Pioneer Carporaliori ‘is not liable for any damages incurred as a result at use ol the CD-ROM and is not responsible lorany corn pensation um When you Yuri the supplied CD—ROM an a Mac OS. insert the CD-ROM into a CD drive and than double-click on the CD-ROM icon in sit!“ up the application. The names of private corporations. pro- ducls and other entities described herein are |||e reg' teled trademarks or trade- marks of “mi espective firms. 3 Formure lnlorrnatlon. relerto Operation Manual. .E. (Sommaire J - Merci d'avoir acheté ce produit Pioneer. 1 Veumez lire afientivement ces instructions de fonctionnement de fagon a savoir ‘ 1 comment utiliservotre modéle corredement, Apres avoirtelmin’é de lire Ies instfuc- ‘ i t/ans, conservez ca manue/ dans un endraif sdr afin de pauvoir le cansulter facile } J ment é I‘avem’c , 11 .. 0 Pu'caullons Manipulation du connecleur USB 45 g Informallons pour I'umlsaleur 2! Q Remmm m,“ d,” “135“me 5 ~ La protectlon ds votre ou’le 931 enlre vus Probléms de Ounctwunnement 48 "mm 2“ News site web As - camswsssz UN VOLUME CDROM few“ u SECU RITA] RE: 28 — N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE RESPECTER LES DIREC'HVES SUIVANTES: a Q Accord de licence PIONEER Av1c11 3OBT, chrxgaosr, Awe xgsmm puurles EtateUnis an PIONEER AVIC-Z1BDBT, AV\C~XganBT. ch. xnamar peurle Canada a: CONDITIONS GENERALES APPLICABLES AUX DONNEES TELE ATLAS 35 _ Ccnditions the "accord de Home ‘ utflisaleurfinal 35 Q A propos de la base de données A propos de5 dunnées de la base de dunnées de carts 19 ® Tennes mum dans ce manual “Em-an avant" et “Ecmn arriére" no “(mags vidéo“ 4n “Cane mémolre SD" 40 @ Cnnslgnes Imponames do sacurllé Précautlons concernam le panneau avanl 42 Functions de ccnduike éco‘ugique 13 Geshun du (200! du cmbumnl l! lnfurmatiuns sur ‘E (rafic 43 m Consignes de sécurité supplémentailes Verreuinage par le (rem a mam u Lurs de "utilisatiun d'un aflw’cheur branché 5 la home VOUT 44 Fhuréviler Vépuisement ds Ia battering 45 Caméra ds rétrovisée 45 Manipulation du mgsmentde la cane SD 45 Fr Chapllru Précautions Informafions pour I'utilisateur - Cel équipemenl est Conforms aux limiles d'exposnion aux Iadiahons FCC/lC définles puur Ies équlpemenls non conlrfilés et res Dede les Régles d'Ex slllnn aux lvéquenA CES radio (RF) FCC délinies dflns |E Supplement C de 0565 el RSS~102 des ré- gles |c d‘sxpnsilinn aux iréquences radio (RF) Cal équipemenl a des niveaux d'énerr gie RF lrés faibles qui sonl estimés étre conformes sans évaluatinn de I'exposition maximale autoriséa (MPE). Mais il est sou- hailable que I‘équlpemenl soil inslallé at ullllsé en laissam Ie radialeuré flu mo'ms 20 cm de la persmnne (a I‘exclusion des ex- trémilés: mains. pnlgnels‘ pieds etchevil- Ies), ‘ Cet émefleur ne doil pas étre placé ou uli~ Iisé conlolnlemenl avec d‘autres antennas Du émefleurs. ' Tpule altératian Du modifimliun Elfecluée sans aulorisahun app ropriée peul invalider Ie droil de I'ulllisaleura laire londionner requipement, ID FCC 1 AJDKDE? NUMERO DE MODELE : AVIC—Z1SOBT |c: 775mm ID FCC 1 AJDK037 NUMERO DE MODELS : AVIC~X930BT |c; 7755x037 ID FCC 7 AJDKD37 NUMERO DE MODELEzAVIC-Xga‘loET IC: 775E-m37 Cal appareil est chlDrme a la Partie 15 des Re, glss FCC at RSSGen dss Régles |C.Sun utili- satlon est soumise aux deux commons suivantes" (n Detappareil ne dolt pas pmvn- querd'inlerférence‘ et (2) cat apparel! doit sup— porter n'importe quelle inlerférencs‘ yccmpris des interlerencesqui peuvenl pruvoquerun foncticnnemem lndéslvahle de I‘appareil. FABRIQUE EN THAILANDE .Fr Pour In medéls canadion Ce dlsposlllf de radloccmmumcatlcn de calé- gorie Il respects la norms CNRGlO d'lnduslrls Canada. La protection de votre ou'l'e est entre vos mains Pour assurer le rendement optimal de vutre malériel el — plus important encore — la protec- tion de vclre Du'l'e‘ réglez le volume a un nlveau raisonnable, Pour ne pas allérer volre sens de la perception. Ie son doll étre clalr mals ne produine aucun vacarme et étre exempl de (cute dismrsion. Vutre Du‘l‘e pent vcus JDuer des (ours. Aver: Is temps. votre systéme audltlf peut en effel s'adapter a des volumes supéri— eurs‘ at ce qui vDus semble un - niveau de ccnfort normal » pourrait au contrairs étre sx< cesslf at ccnlrlbuer A endommager votre uui‘e de lager: permanente. 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I‘utifisafion dans ‘es situations pau- vant s‘avérer dangereuses‘ N‘utilisez pas des écouleurs cu un casque d'écoute ‘orsque vcus opérez un véhwcule motorisé: une telle uti‘isation peut créer des dangers sur ‘a route at est ille’gale é de nombreux endronsE smbuwg | on-prue PIONEER AVIC-Z1BOBT, AVIC-X93qBT, AVIC-X931OBT - pour les Eta'ls-Unis CE DOCUMENT EST UN ACCORD LEGAL ENTRE vous. L'UTILISATEUR FINAL EI' PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC (“PIONEER"). VEUILLEZ LIRE A'ITENTIVEMENT LEs commons GENERALES DE CHACE CORD AVANT D'LJTILISER LE LOGICIEL JN- STALLE sun LEs PRODuns PLONEER. EN UTIUSANT LE LOGICJEL INSTALLE SUR LES PRODUITS PIONEER, vous ACCEPTEZ D'EmE TENU PAR LEs cowDrnons DU PRE- SENTACCORD. LE LOGICIEL LNCLUT UNE BASE DE DONNEES SOUS LICENCE DE FOURNLSSEUFNS) TIERS (“FOURNlSSEURS”) Er LES EDNDmONs DEs FQURNISSEURS SEPAREES. JOINTES AU PRESENTACCORD, S'APPLIOUENTAVGTRE UTILISATLON DE LA BASE DE DoNNEEs (repmez-vaus a la page 35). sr vous N'ACCEPTEZ PAS TOUTES CES CONDLTIONS. 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Vous ne pouvez pas ahe’rer ou modifier Ies mentions de copyrights ou des droits exclusifs du pmpnélalre présems dans We Logicielr Vous pnuvez lransférertous vos droits de H- cence sur la Logicie‘, Ia documentation qui s'y rapporte et une copie de I'Accord de Licence a un tiers, a condrlion que celuici Iise el ac- ceple Ies conditions générales de ce docu- ment. Chaplin ( Accord de licence a 2 CLAUSE DE NON-RESPONSABILITE Le LogicIeI El sa documenanon vous som fournls sur une base "EN L'ETAT". PIONEER ET LES PERSONNES AUTORISEES (dans les arIi- cIes 2 e! 3. Pianeere! ses concédants seront appelés collectivement "PIoneEf'I N'ACCOR» DENTAUCUNE EI'VOUS NE RECEVEZ AU- CUNE GARANTIE POUR LE LOGICIEL. EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, ETTOUTES LES GARANTI ES, DE CARACTERE MARCHAND EI' DE OUALITE POUR QUELQUE BUT PARTICU- LIER QUE CE SOIT POUR LE LOGICIEL SONT EXPRESSEMENT EXCLUES CERTAINS ETATS NE PERMETTENT PAS L'EXCLUSION DES GA» RANTIES IMPLICITES‘ DE SORTE QUE L'EX~ CLUSION CI-DESSUS PELJT NE PAS S'APPLIQUER A VOUS. Le chICieI es! Complexe at H peut renfermer cel‘taIns déIauis‘ erreurs nu imprémsions‘ Pioneer ne garantil pas qua Ie Logiciel satisfera vos besoIns cu voire Etienne, que sun fondionnement sera exemptd’erreur DU Ininterrompu et que mules Ies imorécisicns pewent étre corrigées at Ie sean En outre, Pioneer n’accorde aucune garantie en ce qui concerns I'emploi on 125 ré- suIIaIs de I'empIoi du Logiciel en termes de préusion, de Iiabihlé. etc. 3 LIMITE DE RESPONSABILITE EN AUCUN CAS, PIONEER NE SERATENU RESPONSABLE DE DOMMAGES, RECLAMA- now ou PERTES QUE vous AVEZ ENCOU- RUS (YCOM PRIS ET SANS LIMITATION LES DOMMAGES COMPENSATEURS. ACCESSOI- RES, INDIRECTS, SPECIAUX, CONSEQUENTS ou EXEMPLAIRES, PERTES DE PROFITS. PERTES DE REVENUS. VENTES ou AFFAIRES PERDUES‘ FRAIS. INVESTISSEMENTS ou EN- GAGEMENTS EN LIAISON AVEc UNE AF- FAIRE, PERTE DE BONNE VOLONTE ou DEGATS) RESULTANT DE L'U‘IILISATION ou DE L'IMPOSSIBILITE D’UTILISER LE LOGICIELI MEME 5| PIONEERA ETE INFORME. SAVAI'I ou POUVAI'TAVOIR CONNAISSANCE DE L'E VENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES. on LI- MITATION S‘APPLIQUE A TOUTES LES CAUSES D'ACTION INDIVIDUELLE ou COMMUNE, Y COMPRIS EI' SANS LIMITA- TION‘ RUPTURE DE CONTRAT. RUPTURE DE GARANTIE. NEGLIGENCE, RESPONSABILITE STRICTE, REPRESENTATION ERRONEE Er AUTRESTORTS. SI LA RENONCIATION DE GARANTIE DE PIONEER OU LA LIMITATION DE GARANTIE, ENONCEE DANS CEIAC» CORD. DEVIENT POUR UNE RAISON QUEL— CONOUE NON EXECUTOIRE OU INAPPLICABLE, VOUS ACCEPTEZ QUE LA RESPONSABILITE DE PIONEER NE DEPASSE- RA PAS CINQUANTE POUR CENT (50 96) DU PRIX PAVE PAR VOUS POUR LE PRODUIT PIONEER CI 5901 T . 05479-4411 PIONEER ELECTRONICS DE MEXICO. SA. de c.v. BIvd,ManueI Ma Camachn 13310 9150 Cnunmas as Chapunapac, Maxraomfi 11000 TEL: 55-9178-4270 Puhlishsd try Pranaar enmmafion. fififlkfifimfifl h ©2011 P' ' . naps) : Edtmrpmqtaszauam 314! fifflfi fiasma'.” W" “mm“ 55: (02) 2521—3533 Pubflé palPluneerCnmnrafion. it“? ($3) ERR/Ail CopyrigthZO‘H parleaar finfié’éi’finfliflififififlfifiimDWSUI-GE Domination. fifi: (0852) 2545—5458 Taus drain léssrvés. Primed in Thailand lmprimé an Thaflande <11A00000> uc
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