Planex Communications CQWMR1000 Wireless broadband router User Manual SafetyWarranty wireless CQW MR1000 IS A V2 ai

Planex Communications inc. Wireless broadband router SafetyWarranty wireless CQW MR1000 IS A V2 ai


Download: Planex Communications CQWMR1000 Wireless broadband router User Manual SafetyWarranty wireless CQW MR1000 IS A V2 ai
Mirror Download []Planex Communications CQWMR1000 Wireless broadband router User Manual SafetyWarranty wireless CQW MR1000 IS A V2 ai
Document ID1160280
Application IDFx+/PyCY8t1jQFfOEl4ojQ==
Document DescriptionManual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize255.8kB (3197458 bits)
Date Submitted2009-08-27 00:00:00
Date Available2009-08-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-08-20 18:45:40
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2009-08-24 13:28:35
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: ataniguchi

The face side
Safety Instructions
For Safe Use of This Produc
Wireless Product
Please read and roiiow thetoiiowrng warnings, precautions and instructions beiowwhen mg
A tariure to toiiow thewarnrngs and precautions may resuit in eiectrrc shoch, nre, product
taiiure, undesirabie circumstances and in worst case couitt resuit in inturyor even death irthrs
productstarts to generate smohe, starts to meit, or exhibit anyabnormairty, stop using this
product and rmrnedrateiy contact PlANEX‘s support center
AWarnings he. errewnertearcade.rnyeucnensnayresurnntnuryardeat
follow nd the product rnstruerons rnayrcsuit in irruryand p'npmy
Always use a power source that satisfies the voitage and current requirement stated
on the product or the power ratings iabei attached tothe product.
inneerwnp-eaunwro nyunewt...enurertneyraurmrnm econ. eat/re preaunnerrwe-enerinrur.
be sure to use the dedicated Ac adapter tot power cable) supplied wrth this product.
the wt to a er in date, tare e- weer... wry on .,ee- n.yre.ur. n sneteere- it sh... he, cede-
newnttren er. be cc rtene ecwn o e t... e. wrre tenneert-c ereundrn w erst
ttandie the At adapter (or power cabiet by observing the specified instructions.
doe-hen rerneiraend eurrernnhndrereehced. ermheeewe ocrer a. teamyeut whee eieancneeb
vixeilrr‘sitmln‘tfeic'ide’pir‘o‘riheeeweratrer are. as... herdrnsnearu
no not use tlrrrs product outside the specified operating environment range
the um m. teauc n- r-y tween-um. tuna ,, entree-n. ardensyrmr n eectne e... niaduet naive-en
no not attempt to drsassembie or modify this product
it any torergn obiect, etc, should enter the computer connection port, immediately
remove the obtect
cc-.»nnt»eutet-cerw,e wtt.rte.-ttcttrct.cdrrtnd ear-necttntttett re eeduetnariurenarcrtnrur. we
no not piace any container otirduid nearthe product.
rreteserrrswneoprwteercertshcct necreeeemrnmw arrows“, e...
I Radio Waves
the tteduency band dtthe wireless LAN implemented by this prnducl overlaps the
tteduencies used by me at devices, in raw-ye oyensand other indust aitsc ntirtc
eguipntent, as well as private Wireless stations and specified lnergy—flvmg Wireless stations
«or mobile identification dev es used in ptdduc on i es, die, 2! taetd as Aiso, the use of
this product may cause radio interference and disturb wireless communication.
udetore using this product, contrrm that no private wrreiess station or specrtred energy—saying
wireiess station tor mobrie identification devices is operating Within the range or interference
oshouid radio rntortoronce occur With any private wrreiess station or specified energy—saving
wrreiess station tor rndbrie identification devices whrie this product rs used, change the
ireduency or stop using the product rmmedrateiy
oshouid you encounter anyother probiem or concern regarding radio rntertorence orthis
product with a private wrreiess station ora specrned energy—saying wrreiess station tor
mobrie identification devices, etc, piease contact our Support Center
CTN: moaning oicach part orthe code shown on the product iabei is ehpiarncd beiow
74 Wrreiessociirtusindtteatecrhrband
2- 4 95°F 4 psor sass er crowy none
4 Assurncdrnrerterercedstanccottbndriess
“ rheeroauctuscstheenircbandspecnedebovebutbanesusedby-pnwtc
stations: verysrnaii stations» or arnateurptatrors-can be avoided
lNotes on Use
Qttegardrng connection,the use oithrs product nearan icccauz i ig or icccapz i ib wireiess
tAN or other wrrciess equipment, ncara microwave oven or other equipment generating
radrowaves, in a piace where inanyobstructrons are present, or in anyother environment or
poor radio wave communication may resuit in ireguentdrsconnectrons, a significant drop in
baud rate orerrors
Othevaiues otwireiess iAN standard specrired in this document are the maxtmum theoretrtai
vaiues they do not represent the actuai speed oi data transfer
chrs product has not been cenrned regarding its rnteroperabrirtyvvrth aii wireioss LAN
QPlariex Communications assumes no responsrbririytoranydata or mfmmallori ieahage
occurring during data communication wrth wtrciess equipment using this product
Qflluelnoth uses the 7 4—041 wrreiess treduency band, the same band used by wireiess i ANs
Accordingiy, the use otsiuetooth and a wireiess LAN together may cause radio rnterierence,
resuitrng in iowor baud rates or networkdrsconncctrons shouid you encounter any
eonnectron probiern, stop using either your niuetooth or vvrreiess i AN
shouid the product generate smoke or odor, rrnrnedrateiy stop usingthe produetand
disconnect the power piug horn the powetoutiet.
cenmr ruse-newer “noradrenne ear. “rarest...reemuernnrunacr tweet.
no not touchthis ptoductwrthwet hands Betoretouchrng thrsproduct,aiso remove
anytings, watches and other accessories
no not instaii muitrpie unrtsoithis ptoducton top otoneanothet
p.» on seneretene. arceuweettnesteeene mat/cram tenure at
nutrngthunderstortns, do not touch this product, the cables or other items
connected to this product.
be. an. ceuaeewnretreeteueorrchtrrrd
This product it designed for use in a broadband environment at generai homes and
smaii otftces
rhecede-nnnetepecueprepet, ruteawrwmewerterienephysrnerradrursure .
woren sectiaratrcwre
no not use this product with appiications reduiring high ieveis otsatety, such as
financrai EqutpmenL medical devices or systems that drrectiy or indirectiy attect
human life
no not use or store this product in thetdiidwrng pieces
eh,»e eon"... me, new...” en neaen...ter rent...
utterendtdctaneneereturec sec-venhundaretswnaee. eutesubreer sianrantdrer. nerwrerme
cw...rnchte.neuns..areo er...wherenannan-eieere.r..r..hnee. me eaetpr..ewhee.he.eeue
one. n t wrttnytnereereon IA pinerubrecrtettnetvt n... IA lside. werc rt wad wdrrcdhatredntte
emanate. hsreeewerr nednncnerdarerenunednarcwwe.
no not than this product or subiect rtto strong impact
swte nnctnrycautettcereduttcnrwrercr r. r cte
lNotes on Wireless LAN Security
to rrt irtt ethe possi y otsecurity risks, be sure to configure all security settingstoryour
wireless Um equipment accdt mg to the manual before using any wireless tAN card or
wireless LAN access point,
Wrreiess i AN uses radio waves instead ota i AN cabie, enabirng rntormatron exchange between
a pc, etc , and a wireiess access point this mechanism has the benefit otberng abie to use a
LAN connection treeiy Within the service range On the other hand, radio waves reach aii
iocatrons within the service range by traveirng through obstructions twaiis, etc), and this can
cause thetoiiowrng probiems risecurrty settings are not conngured
othertdrrntarnatror a. no cannunrc
A naircrdus third party rnaypvrcoseiyrrcerceptradrowates and steaithernrdrrnacrdn bems transmitted such
as ins passwords crcd r card runbers and other personer ntbrnatrar email 104, ctc
oriiboai nachrrd
A narrercusthnd perty nayeccessyeurpnvatecreanpeny netwarhwrineut authenwncn and renevet
personer inlntmztinriotmrifidcntizl ntdrnetron linlnt'nntiori reehabctbretend to... sornconecrseerd pass
an errereesewrancer rrr crt rnrarnatier epdennct, rewrite ntercepred irtdrrnat on and send noditied
rnrorrnerron trersncatranr,rcreeseconpetcrvrreses ctc todanegeaete andsystensrdanegn ctc
rssentraiiy, wireiess i AN cards and wrreiess access points have buri rr security mechanisms
intended to cope with these probiems you can minimize the chance otthese probiems
occurring by using each wireiess LAV product with propersecurrty settings however, ecurrty
settings may not be enabied right atter the product s purchase, and the very nature otwrreiess
tAN may cause security settings to be penetrated through specrai methods use yourwrreiess
product with a tuii understanding or its security as ehpiarned above shouid you encounter any
drttrcuity regard-nosecurrtysettings,etc,pieasecontactourSupportCenter Planex
communications assumes no responsrbrirty for any toss arising trom or in connection With any
security incident caused by negiected security measures or any eventthat cannot be prevented
because otthe specrtrcation otyourwrreiess i AN Planex communications recommends that
you tuiiy understand the potentrai probiems that may occur it security settings are not property
(onfiguted Piease configure aii security settings according to your own tudgment and
responsrbrirty betore using the product
When moving this product, unplug theAc adapter totthe powetcabie)
te ucee tern—tee sewer pructenne sewer aere—m sore err eeerrniytenneeree aces
When eieaning this product please observe
euannwipethepreduetunteutrnythrnne benenee-nynrerscannerwnt
nacitup the data periodicaiiy
tencdreeriynervettcdsanth.rcretercrcstrthnpetuttrsme shcuvenunhrerecnevcn men-veer.n
eerrnch-rr tnnc euccarnewnweunwnmeru Weieennuncensne.
it your product has a RJ—As partobservethe toiiowrng item:
weer... My,“ we new.“ uernywntyeencenrtaueee
®GG®®® ® 6 @®@®®6®®@@@
Iwireless Produn
no notuse this product in anyottitetaiiowing conditions;
ono not use this product near anyone wearing a pacemaher, a hearing aid, or any other
medicai devices no not use in a hospitai or any other iocatron where medicine is practiced
this product may induce eiectrcmagnetrc rnterterence and endanger irte
ono not use this product in transportation vehrcies, especraiiy aircraft the use oteiectronrc or
wrreiessequipmentinaircraftrsprohrbrtect,becausesuch eourpmentcanartectarrcrart
rnstrumcnts, etc , and cause accidents
ono not use this product near a microwave oven White the microwave oven is in use,
eiectromagnetrc waves generated by the microwave oven may tnterfete wrth thewrreiess
communication to/trom the product
CPlanexCommunicationx assumes no responsrbrirtytor any economic or other ioss arising
from or in connection With a toss communication opportunity dueto a rariure. maiiunctron,
probiern or communication error encountered by this product, powerdutage/irghtnrng or
any other externai iactor, act or sabotage by a third party, etc
‘Plancx (ommunrcatrons assumes no rcsponsrbrirtyior any economic ioss or psychoiogrcai
damagearrsrng trdrn orrnconnectronwrth the leakage, iaisrncatron drdamage or
communicated or retained information, etc
OThc pcrfnrmmicn vaiue tthroughputt specified in the product pachage, etc, is oniy a
reference vaiue measured in our test environment in no way does it guarantee the
corresponding pertormance rn yourenvrronment Aiso, note that the pertormance may
increase or decrease wrthout notice dueto a version upgradectc
othe hardware, sottware ttrrmware) and exterior design are subtect to change wrthout notice
OAS partot our customerservrce, we contrnuousiy provide bug fixes and iunctronai
enhancements as and when they become avariabie, through the reiease oiupdatc nies tor
the sottware thrmware) rnstaiied in this product We provide no warranty for the contents or
timing orthe reiease orsuch bug fixes and tunctronai enhancements
CGenetally, you must enter into a subscriber contract wrth a communications provider in order
to utrirzothe internctorothbtpubircnotworh.
CSame communications providers irrnrt the numberotterrnrnais that can access the pubirc
networhorsettreredteesaccordrngtothe number oraccess terminais chechthesubscrrber
contract you have signed With your communications provider
othe customer is responsrbie iorshrpprng charges as wait as setup, adrusttnent, rnstaiiatron
and other tees
‘thn usingthrs product, confirm it its use rsprohrbrted orirmrted rnanyway undertheiaws.
governmentordrnances,etc, in the region
ourspose oithrs product according to the reievant ordinances or your iocai government
Icopyiights, Etc
at he copyrights to this document are heitt exciusrveiy by Planex Communications inc the
reprinting or tcptodudion otthrs document, whether in panor entirety, by any torm or
means whatsoever, is strrctiy prohibited by Planex communications inc
at his document is prepared wrth due attention to accuracy however, Planex communications
inc assumes no responsrbrirty tor any damage or toss arising ftnm or in connection With any
errororomrssrdntdund in this document
oshouid you have any question ornnd any error with respect tothe statements in this
document, piease contact our Support center
othe in/Dvmminn provrdedrn thrsdocurnentrssubtecttochange without notice
IRDHS Compliance
to rrrrnrmde the negative burdens on human heaith and the environment throughout the
entire iriecycie otproductstrom production to drsposai, Planex communications is actrveiy
working to reduce the use orenvrronmentai poiiutants in its products inciudett is ourertort to
ensure compirance with the itth nrrectrve issued bytheruropean Umnn tFUi
Federal Communication Commission
Interference Statement
this equipment has been tested and tound to cornpiy With the irmrts tor a oiass a drgrtai
device, pursuant to Part 15 or the FCC Rules these irmrts are designed to provide reasonabie
Dmlecliari against harmtui rnterterenoe in a residentrai rnstaiiatron This equipment generates
uses and can radiate radio treduoncy energy and, it not instaiied and used in accordance wrth
the instructions, may cause harrntui interference to radio communications However, there is
no guarantee that rnterterenoe wtii not occur in z partrouiar rnstaiiatton it this equipment does
cause harmiui intenerbrieo to radio or ieievrsron reception, which can be determined by turning
the edurpment bit and on, the user is encouraged to try to current the intenerenoe by one at
the tbiiowrhg measures-
—Renriem or reibcate the receiving antenna
, increase the separation between the edurpment and receiver
, Connect the equipment into an outiet on a circuit driterent irom that to which the receiver is
,Consuit the deaier or an ecperrenced redrdrtv technician tar heip
rcc Caution Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsibie
tor cprripiranoe oouid void the users authority to operate this equipment
this device compiros wrth Fan to otthe FCC Rules Operation is subtect to the ioiiowrng two
ti) this device may not cause harmtui rnterterence, and izt this device must accept any
rntertcrencc received, rnciudrng rnterteronce that may cause undesired operation
rci: Rndiilinn Expos-in stat.rn.nt.
this equipment complies with Fcc radiation exposure irmrts set torth tor arr unoontroiied
cnvrronrncnt this cgurpmcntshouid bc rnstaiicd and operated with minimum distance 20cm
between the radiator d. your body
this transmitter must not be m—located or operating in cohtunctron With any other antenna or
F@ C G
seeking tor service drsearehing tor an agent or a distributor
thanhyouror purchasing products from Planex communications the ityou have any
operationei probicrns white mnfiguring or setting up the product, you may contact with our
Customer Service uepanment or ash the agent or the distributor trbrri which you bought the
product tor haip
Moreover, during warranty, it you irnd any detected or orphan products, you may bring the
product, assernbiy and its warranty card to our company or to where you bought the pmduct
to ash tor repair
. picecc rcicr to our company tar iunhcr inrarrnatrdn or consort thc agcnt or thc distributor
Warid Wide
techsunnon®pianex net
United states
stoezzueosott 9 an em ~ 5 00 pm Pacific Standard Timc)
suppaniuSALQDlanex net
http trww plansx riot
http l/www planex do to
We have the htmi manuai tor COW—MRWOD
http /lwww pianex neVnnwnlasn/muier/enw—mtl000 htm
Warranty Policy
per product van-NY services
it th. product is menu or has oavardpm nariurctiors rat cauufl by nunen star pr.aca wniull your
product rndnuainrst itypu rectirrc technrcsi support rntdrrnst drr, piease visnnut web site at
trttp ttwww Dian" n.vcuppdruind.s htn
warranty p-ndd
Playtex cdnrntrn cations inc U’Cil wot/flu tree vneronty sewces tor vntinti! Wuntidsr wth the tenth dt
watrznly vawind es irruc-ratad snow
Wernnweenad erpdacteategan,
sycare Wricicc. tnum'lAP/fiam switch prntscrvcr vAs W cm KVN othcrrrtcnecceerd
the test card sArArntertace card
ryear hub .ncrecur-, cane nsad.r usn nub, w.e can sp.ah.r .arphar-, oruetaeth, usn
cherdcr othcrs
the above Dtnducls orcurppe are; yesrsvorrsrrtr
Pizase rdtc Wsronty tor hardware does not rnciude any cnnsumuhlu, swarm nantt nmducu, new
alumna-fireman: pcweradaptar “tenants batten-s winsandaabremc
rh. warranty does not appiy to any at tn. icrrowing tsewiond chard.c er. besad on ctanderd rat. puar sud
by the eonpanrt.
(tr oernadmausad by acardnt. dvenaedind nicuc. indrdp-i us. or dth.r typ-s atdarnag. not related to
tzt rh. nechin. is danad-d by unlnmweinllnilu'ildisisllli rhdddind irreriacant unhoueh. -vpnddn
(lilm‘mm ta cp.n product rousing disnarrre eruch other ten. or retroiit wi-ndutwritnn perniccidn trcnr
(tr cancunadrn or cdnpdnn-c
(st Senul numbunn the not product or mennznl has been temuvzd or damaged
(or in. ptnduuwaimnly redutdatad
(ti ciarrnswthout presertrrd a wansrrtyeetrnedte, or it presented but the warranty cerdncate is not metly
netted wrh th. de-a dipurchee. eunped by th. authdriced am or th. naihed in'dnnatidn has a.
eci servicing center
Werrenry services
rienyteurtnes d.v.rdp.d durind in. watmvily p-riod atlsrm-t'itmzhen by nor w. wirr
(ti neparr the product drrectiy
tzt Rfiaizu with a n'and new aruduc- ore r.tarbich.d inn Attaremicind he waranty p.ridd wit u. r.v.d
eilhz' based on the renairihd wsnanty period or so days tron the date or semce Atter drdduc or
conddnmt r.arap.rn.nts tn. n.wiy iniiallld components a'! yaar pananer property wh.reas he
repiaced rtena becorne the prevent or Pct
llserlww by dos or via counertor semcrnd, the custorrerre reeponarbietd dach the product D'Dvulyarifl to
pay tor tnncit cuctdnns can also bind the 'auily run in p.rcdn -d aulnetiud dealers when you haw
ptrchased in: product iiypu prerer, you naybnnd the prod. ct to our cuslnmu service tepannert toriy
apdiieaar. in raiwenridtrac-carsewces tdrndr. ntarnietidnabaatth.cdntactdateirs that. visit our
web etc at httbtrwwwpisneh net/cdntacrrnder htn or edit udpb decent tdntr dpdircsbie rr tsnnani
Appirodbic to sit hardware drdduc s when send rid the prpdeet crumbs, you Memo provide
(tr roar nern. eddncsend r. arrdn. nurnd.r
(zitheorrornsi copy otwsndrrtyostrncd ew'terz rtrnt at in slamwd by thedeaierant D'Dvulymnmedwim
th. d... d'purorac. and th. porrcctnatch no ..riar nunaer
(at it he warranty ocnncdte has not been stamped by nor ipcai dearer, yotr may present the dtdrnsi tii
rcraiat what. it is araarty printed witr dust. at its product it you are unaara to pravrd. he eddy.
rntdrrnstrdn, F'Ci will ‘Wum the warnertr period to start ran the date otd spateh tron the rectory inlet:
any scrvic. tahas prar.
Attent an tar auctcnns ciernind iorccnpany cam... it is advised to bechup any inicrnat an stood in th.
Dvoducltobcsewicen Wear: trcedbnsrbictdrdnyds acebriosabiadttwsreprdarsns,tatadrdther
iniornatior stared in th. unit. th . wirr not b. tomb in- warranty Ana the nor hardware warranty done
not cover rumvnltnn and rerrstdiiatrbn or the dperdtnd morn dppircstron sdttwsre and userdats
.vv. wirr not a. raspbnsrbia it it is Halt-van tn. demo. is caused by in. auctcnn or dth.r p.rsdnn.r
dei namely. drbr accident
.w. wirr not b. r-spdncidr.tdreny rdsecausad by continued. us. drinabiriiy taut. tr. arudue.
ttor essndie in enuptron dt businzssr rose a' prams, contents in the memory nodtiie churwzd or
disepadarcd oici
- We will not be resobnsrbic tor cnsls due to damage other than repair. a PCl products Arr damage or
nariunation sauna to cthdr naaninec rinh.d ta PCl products is ncrpavn by in swzrtanly
(Pct icsawnttr. WMmcnaflgn aiurerin'etpren'ieurms us.d in the eddy. i.t.ri.d wzr'anly d..criptcnsi
Warranty Card
o nease react m Warranty before using 0
purchasing bate
Product yamc Mobile JG 802.11“ Wireless Router
rroduct yd CQW- M R'IOOO
scrrai Nd
ict cxi
nAoeoszo—satetyWarranty7wrre|ess7cQWcMRi mushy:

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