Polar Electro 2L Heart Rate Sensor User Manual

Polar Electro Oy Heart Rate Sensor Users Manual


Users Manual

1Polar OH1 User Manual 4Introduction 4Get connected to the Polar ecosystem and get the most out of your OH1. 4Setting up your OH1 4Choose one option for setup 4Option A: Set up with your computer via FlowSync 5Option B: Set up with your mobile device via Flow app 5Button functions and LEDs 6Button Functions 6LED Guide 6After setting power on 6When used as a sensor 6When used as an independent training device 6During fitness test 6During charging 7Other 7Wearing your OH1 7When measuring heart rate from your forearm or upper arm 7Pairing 8Pair a mobile device with your OH1 8Pair OH1 with a Polar wrist unit 8Pair OH1 with Polar Beat 9
2Updating the firmware 10With mobile device or tablet 10With computer 10Heart rate training 11Measuring heart rate with your OH1 11Start a training session 11Start a training session as an independent training device 11Start a training session with a Polar wrist unit 12Start a training session with Polar Beat 12Stop a training session 12Polar Flow App 13Training data 13Image sharing 13Start using the Flow app 13Polar Flow Web Service 14Feed 14Explore 14Diary 14Progress 14Community 15Programs 15Syncing 15
3Sync with Flow mobile App 15Sync With Flow Web Service Via FlowSync 16Battery 17Charging OH1 battery 18Caring for your OH1 19Keep your OH1 clean 19Take good care of the optical heart rate sensor 20Storing 20Service 20Precautions 20Interference during training 20Minimizing risks when training 21Technical specification 22OH1 22Polar FlowSync Software 22Polar Flow mobile application compatibility 23Water resistance of Polar products 23Limited international Polar guarantee 24Disclaimer 25
4POLAR OH1 USER MANUALThis user manual helps you get started with your new OH1. To see OH1 video tutorials and FAQs, go tosupport.polar.com/en/OH1.INTRODUCTIONCongratulations on your new Polar OH1! The Polar OH1 is an optical heart rate sensor that is worn aroundyour forearm or upper arm. It can be used as a independent training device that records and stores data or asa heart rate sensor with a Polar wrist unitGET CONNECTED TO THE POLAR ECOSYSTEM AND GET THEMOST OUT OF YOUR OH1.Get the Polar Flow app from the App Store®or Google PlayTM. Sync your OH1 with the Flow app aftertraining, and get an instant overview and feedback of your training results and performance.Sync your training data to the Polar Flow web service with the FlowSync software on your computer or viaFlow app. In the web service you can plan your training, track your achievements, get guidance and seedetailed analysis of your training results. Let all your friends know about your achievements, find fellowexercisers and get motivation from your social training communities. Find all this at flow.polar.com.SETTING UP YOUR OH1We recommend that you charge the battery before you start using your OH1. If the battery is completelyempty, it takes a couple of minutes for the charging to start.See Batteries for detailed information on charging the battery.CHOOSE ONE OPTION FOR SETUPA. Wired computer setup is quicker and you can charge your OH1 at the same time, but you need a computeravailable. This method requires an Internet connection.B. Mobile setup is convenient if you don't have access to a computer with a USB port, but it might take longer.This method requires an Internet connection.The A and B options are recommended. You can fill in all the physical details required for accuratetraining data at once. You can also choose language and get the latest firmware for your OH1.
5OPTION A: SET UP WITH YOUR COMPUTER VIA FLOWSYNC1. Place the sensor into the holder with the lens facing up so that the contacts on the sensor and holdermeet (picture 1).2. Plug the holder into your computer USB port (picture 2), and go to flow.polar.com/start and installPolar FlowSync data transfer software to your computer.3. Sign in with your Polar account or create a new one. We’ll walk you through the sign-up and setupwithin the web service.After the setup is done, you’re ready to go. Have fun!OPTION B: SET UP WITH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE VIA FLOW APPPolar OH1 connects to the Polar Flow mobile app wirelessly via Bluetooth, so remember to have Bluetoothturned on in your mobile device.Check the Polar Flow app compatibility at support.polar.com.1. Download the Polar Flow app onto your mobile device.2. Turn Bluetooth® on, and open Flow app on your mobile device.3. Turn OH1 on by pressing the button until the lights are switched on, Flow app then prompts you to startpairing. Accept the pairing request and follow the on-screen instructions.Before charging, please make sure there’s no moisture, hair, dust or dirt on the OH1 USB connector.Gently wipe off any dirt or moisture. Do not charge the OH1 when the device is wet.
6After the setup is done, you’re ready to go. Have fun!BUTTON FUNCTIONS AND LEDSOH1 has one button that has different functionalities depending on the situation of use, and how long it ispressed. The LED on the device indicates different modes. See below what functionalities the button has indifferent modes, and what the different colored LEDs mean.BUTTON FUNCTIONSSet power ON: Short button pressSet recording ON: Press Button twiceSet power OFF: Long button pressLED GUIDEAFTER SETTING POWER ONBattery status normal: Green LED blinks five timesBattery status low: Red LED blinks five timesWHEN USED AS A SENSORHeart rate not detected: White led blinks once every two secondsHeart rate detected: Green led blinks once every two secondsWHEN USED AS AN INDEPENDENT TRAINING DEVICERecording set on but first time use not done: Red LEDblinks three timesHeart rate not detected: White LEDblinks quickly twiceHeart rate detected: Green LEDblinks quickly twiceBattery low: Red LED blinks every other secondBattery critical: Red LED blinks quickly every other secondDURING FITNESS TESTHeart rate not detected: White LEDblinks once every two seconds
7Heart rate detected: Purple LEDblinks once every two secondsDURING CHARGINGCharging: Yellow LEDblinks slowlyBattery full: Green LEDcontinuously onOTHERConnecting, Syncing or Pairing: Blue LED blinksSearching or waiting for confirmation: Blue LED blinks quicklyUpdating firmware: Blue LEDcontinuously onError: Red LEDcontinuously onWEARING YOUR OH1WHEN MEASURING HEART RATE FROM YOUR FOREARM OR UPPER ARMTo measure heart rate accurately, you need to wear the OH1 snugly on your forearm or upper arm, not onyour wrist.Place the sensor into the armband holder with the lens facing up. Wear the armband so that the sensor is onthe underside of the armband firmly against your skin. Wear the OH1 around your forearm or upper arm. Thesensor must be in firm skin contact, but not too tight to prevent blood flow. For most accurate heart ratemeasurement, we advise you to wear your OH1 for a few minutes prior to starting the heart ratemeasurement.
8PAIRINGPAIR A MOBILE DEVICE WITH YOUR OH1If you've done the setup for your OH1 with a mobile device as described in chapter Setting up your OH1, yourOH1 has already been paired. If you did the setup with a computer and would like to use your OH1 with PolarFlow app, please pair your OH1 and mobile as follows:Before pairing a mobile device•download Flow app from the App Store or Google Play•make sure your mobile device has Bluetooth turned on, and airplane mode/flight mode is not turnedon.To pair a mobile device:1. On your mobile device, open Flow app and sign in with your Polar account, which you have createdwhen setting up your OH1.2. Press the button until the lights are switched on, and release. OH1 is now on.3. Wait for the Connect product view to appear on your mobile device (Waiting for OH1 is displayed).4. Flow app will ask you to press the OH1 button to accept the pairing.PAIR OH1 WITH A POLAR WRIST UNITPress the button until the lights are switched on, and release. OH1 is now on.See detailed device-specific pairing information at polar.com/support.
9PAIR OH1 WITH POLAR BEATPress the button until the lights are switched on, and release. OH1 is now on.See detailed device-specific pairing information at polar.com/support.
10UPDATING THE FIRMWAREYou can update the firmware of your OH1 yourself to keep it up to date. Firmware updates are performed toimprove the functionality of your OH1. They can include improvements to existing features, completely newfeatures or bug fixes. We recommend that you update the firmware of your OH1 every time a new version isavailable.You won't lose any data due to the firmware update. Before the update begins, the data from your OH1 issynced to the Flow web service.WITH MOBILE DEVICE OR TABLETYou can update the firmware with your mobile device if you're using Polar Flow mobile app to sync yourtraining and activity data. The app will let you know if there's an update available and will guide you through it.We recommend that you plug in the OH1 to a power source before starting the update to ensure flawlessupdate operation.The wireless firmware update may take up to 20 minutes, depending on your connection.WITH COMPUTERWhenever a new firmware version is available, FlowSync will notify you when you connect the OH1 to yourcomputer. The firmware updates are downloaded via FlowSync.To update the firmware:1. Plug your OH1 to your computer.2. FlowSync starts syncing your data.3. After syncing, you are asked to update the firmware.4. Choose Yes. New firmware is installed (this may take up to 10 minutes). Please wait until the firm-ware update has been finalized before you detach the OH1 from your computer.
11HEART RATE TRAININGAlthough there are many subjective clues as to how your body is doing during exercise (perceived exertion,breathing rate, physical sensations), none of them are as reliable as measuring heart rate. It is objective andaffected by both internal and external factors—meaning that you will have a dependable measure of yourphysical state.MEASURING HEART RATE WITH YOUR OH1To measure heart rate accurately you need to wear yourOH1 snugly around your forearm or upper arm (see thepicture on the right). The sensor on the back must be inconstant touch with your skin, but the armband shouldnot be too tight to prevent blood flow. For most accurateheart rate measurement, we advise you to wear yourOH1 for a few minutes prior to starting the heart ratemeasurement.If you have tattoos avoid placing the sensor right onthem it as it may prevent accurate readings.Also it's a good idea to warm up the skin if your handsand skin get cold easily. Get the blood going beforestarting your session!START A TRAINING SESSIONWear the OH1 around your forearm or upper arm, fordetails see "Wearing your OH1" on page7START A TRAINING SESSION AS ANINDEPENDENT TRAINING DEVICEBefore using OH1 as an independent training device, itneeds to be registered and linked to Polar Flow account. For details, see "Setting up your OH1" on page4.1. Press the button until the lights are switched on, and release. OH1 is now on.2. Once on, press the button twice to switch recording on.3. When your heart rate is detected, the green light LED will blink rapidly, and you can start your session.
12START A TRAINING SESSION WITH A POLAR WRIST UNITBefore starting, make sure the OH1 is paired with your Polar wrist unit. For details see "Pairing" on page81. Press the button until the lights are switched on, and release.2. OH1 is now on, and can be used as a heart rate sensor with a Polar wrist unit.3. Start the session from your Polar wrist unit.START A TRAINING SESSION WITH POLAR BEATBefore starting, make sure the OH1 is paired with Polar Beat. For details see "Pairing" on page81. Press the button until the lights are switched on, and release.2. OH1 is now on, and can be used as a heart rate sensor with Polar Beat.3. Start the session from Polar Beat.STOP A TRAINING SESSIONTo stop a training session, press the and hold the button until the led is switched off.
13POLAR FLOW APPIn the Polar Flow mobile app, you can see an instant visual interpretation of your training data.TRAINING DATAWith the Polar Flow app, you can easily access the information of your past and planned training sessions.Get a quick overview of your training, and analyze every detail of your performance right away. See weeklysummaries of your training in the training diary. You can also share the highlights of you training with yourfriends with the "Image sharing" below function.IMAGE SHARINGWith Flow app's image sharing function you can share images with your training data on them to mostcommon social media channels, like Facebook and Instagram, with your training data on them. You caneither share an existing photo or take a new one and customize it with your training data. If you had GPSrecording on during your training session, you can also share a snapshot of your training route.To see a video, click on the following link:Polar Flow app | Sharing training results with a photoSTART USING THE FLOW APPYou can Setting up your OH1 using a mobile device and Flow app.To start using the Flow app, download it from the App Store or Google Play onto your mobile device. Flow Appfor iOS is compatible with iPhone 4S (or later) and needs Apple’s iOS 7.0 (or later). Polar Flow mobile app forAndroid is compatible with devices running Android 4.3 or later. For support and more information aboutusing Polar Flow app, go to support.polar.com/en/support/Flow_app.Before taking a new mobile device (smartphone, tablet) into use, it has to be paired with your OH1. SeePairing for more details.Your OH1 syncs your training data to the Flow app automatically after your session. If your phone has aninternet connection, your activity and training data are also synced automatically to the Flow web service.Flow app is the easiest way to sync your training data from your OH1 with the web service. For information onsyncing, see Syncing.
14For more information and instructions on Flow app features, visit Polar Flow app product support page.POLAR FLOW WEB SERVICEIn the Polar Flow web service, you can plan and analyze your training in detail and learn more about yourperformance. You can also share the highlights of you training with your friends in the Flow community, signup for your club's classes and get a personalized training program for a running event.The Polar Flow web service also shows your daily activity goal completion percentage and the details of youractivity, and helps you understand how your daily habits and choices affect your well-being.You can Setting up your OH1 with your computer at flow.polar.com/start. There you are guided to downloadand install the FlowSync software for syncing data between your OH1 and the web service, and to create auser account for the web service. If you did the setup using a mobile device and Flow app, you can log into theFlow web service with the credentials you created in the setup.FEEDIn Feed you can see what you and your friends have been up to lately. Check out the latest training sessionsand activity summaries, share your best achievements, comment and like your friends' activities.EXPLOREIn Explore you can browse the map and see other users' shared training sessions with route information. Youcan also relive other people’s routes and see where the highlights happened.To see a video, click on the following link:Polar Flow web service | ExploreDIARYIn Diary you can see your daily activity, sleep, planned training sessions (training targets), as well as reviewpast training results.PROGRESSIn Progress you can follow your development with reports.Training reports are a handy way to follow your progress in training over longer periods. In week, month andyear reports you can choose the sport for the report. In custom period, you can choose both the period andthe sport. Choose the time period and sport for report from the drop-down lists, and press the wheel icon tochoose what data you want to view in the report graph.
15With the help of the activity reports, you can follow the long-term trend of your daily activity. You can chooseto view either daily, weekly or monthly reports. In the activity report you can also see your best days regardingdaily activity, steps, calories and sleep from your chosen time period.The Running Index report is a tool to help you monitor your long term Running Index development, andestimate your success in running 10K or a half marathon for example.COMMUNITYIn the Flow Groups,Clubs and Events you can find fellow exercisers who train for the same event or in thesame health club as you do. Or you can create your own group for the people you want to train with. You canshare your exercises and training tips, comment other members’ training results and be part of the PolarCommunity. In Flow Clubs you can view class schedules and sign up for classes. Join in and get motivationfrom your social training communities!To see a video, click on the following link:Polar Flow EventsPROGRAMSThe Polar Running Program is tailored for your goal, based on Polar heart rate zones, taking your personalattributes and training background into account. The program is intelligent, it adapts along the way based onyour development. The Polar Running Programs are available for 5 k, 10 k, half marathon and marathonevents, and consist of two to five running exercises per week depending on the program. It’s super simple!For support and more information about using the Flow web service, go to,support.polar.com/en/support/flow.SYNCINGYou can transfer data from your OH1 to the Polar Flow app wirelessly via the Bluetooth connection. Or, youcan sync your OH1 with the Polar Flow web service by using a USB port and the FlowSync software. To beable to sync data between your OH1 and the Flow app you need to have a Polar account. If you want to syncdata from your OH1 directly to the web service, in addition to a Polar account, you need the FlowSyncsoftware. If you've set up your OH1, you have created a Polar account. If you set up your OH1 using acomputer, you have the FlowSync software on your computer.Remember to sync and keep your data up-to-date between your OH1, the web service and the mobile appwherever you are.SYNC WITH FLOW MOBILE APPBefore syncing make sure:
16•You have a Polar account and Flow app.•Your mobile device has Bluetooth turned on, and airplane mode/flight mode is not turned on.•You have paired your OH1 with your mobile. For more information, see Pairing.Sync your data:1. Sign in to Flow app.2. Press the button until the lights are switched on, and release. OH1 is now on.3. Your OH1 syncs with the Flow app automatically if your phone is within the Bluetooth rangeYour OH1 syncs with the Flow app automatically after you finish a training session if your phone is withinthe Bluetooth range. When your OH1 syncs with the Flow app, your training data is also synced automaticallyvia an internet connection to the Flow web service.For support and more information about using the Polar Flow app, go tosupport.polar.com/en/support/Flow_app.SYNC WITH FLOW WEB SERVICE VIA FLOWSYNCTo sync data with the Flow web service you need the FlowSync software. Go to flow.polar.com/start, anddownload and install it before trying to sync.1. Place the sensor into the holder with the lens facing up so that the contacts on the sensor and holdermeet.2. Plug the holder into a computer USB port. Make sure FlowSync software is running.3. The FlowSync window opens on your computer, and the syncing starts.4. Completed is displayed when you are done.Every time you plug in your OH1 to your computer, the Polar FlowSync software will transfer your data to thePolar Flow web service and sync any settings you may have changed. If the syncing does not automaticallystart, start FlowSync from the desktop icon (Windows) or from the applications folder (Mac OS X). Every timea firmware update is available, FlowSync will notify you, and request you to install it.If you change settings in the Flow web service while your OH1 is plugged into your computer, press thesynchronize button on FlowSync to transfer to the settings to your OH1.For support and more information about using the Flow web service, go tosupport.polar.com/en/support/flow.For support and more information about using FlowSync software, go tosupport.polar.com/en/support/FlowSync.
17BATTERYAt the end of the working life of the product Polar encourages you to minimize possible effects of waste onthe environment and human health by following local waste disposal regulations and, where possible,utilizing separate collection of electronic devices. Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipalwaste.
18CHARGING OH1 BATTERYThe OH1 has an internal, rechargeable battery. Rechargeable batteries have a limited number of chargecycles. You can charge and discharge the battery over 300 times before a notable decrease in its capacity.The number of charge cycles also varies according to use and operating conditions.Do not charge the battery in temperatures under 0 °C/ +32 °F or over +40 °C/ +104 °F or when thecharging contacts are wet.Use the holder included in the product set to charge it via the USB port on your computer. You can alsocharge the battery via a wall outlet. When charging via a wall outlet, use a USB power adapter (not included inthe product set). If you use a USB power adapter, make sure that the adapter is marked with "output 5Vdc"and that it provides a minimum of 500mA. Only use an adequately safety approved USB power adapter(marked with "LPS", "Limited Power Supply" or "UL listed").Before charging, make sure there’s no moisture, hair, dust or dirt on the OH1 or holder connectors.Gently wipe off any dirt and blow out the dust. Do not use any sharp tools for cleaning to avoid scratching.To charge with your computer, just plug your OH1 to your computer, and at the same time, you can have itsynced it with FlowSync.1. Place the sensor into the holder with the lens facing up so that the contacts on the sensor and holdermeet (picture 1).2. Plug the holder into a computer USB port or USB power wall outlet (picture 2).
19CARING FOR YOUR OH1Like any electronic device, the Polar OH1 should be kept clean and treated with care. The instructions belowwill help you fulfill the guarantee obligations, keep the device in peak condition and avoid any issues incharging or syncing. Do not machine wash the armband.KEEP YOUR OH1 CLEANWipe any dirt or mud off OH1 after each training session with a soft towel.Keep the OH1 and OH1 holder charging contacts and USB connector clean to ensure smooth charging andsyncing.Before charging, make sure there’s no moisture, hair, dust or dirt on the OH1 or OH1 holder chargingcontacts and USB connector. Gently wipe off any dirt and blow off any dust. You can use a toothpick if needed.Do not use any sharp tools for cleaning to avoid scratching.Keep the OH1 conatcts clean to protect it from oxidation and other possible damage caused by dirt and saltwater (e.g. sweat or sea water). Th Do not charge the OH1 when the charging contacts are wet or sweaty.
20TAKE GOOD CARE OF THE OPTICAL HEART RATE SENSORKeep the optical sensor area scratch-free. Scratches and dirt will reduce the performance of optical heartrate measurement.STORINGKeep your training device in a cool and dry place. Do not keep it in a damp environment, in non-breathablematerial (a plastic bag or a sports bag) nor with conductive material (a wet towel). Do not expose the trainingdevice to direct sunlight for extended periods, such as by leaving it in a car. It is recommended to store thetraining device partially or fully charged. The battery slowly loses its charge when it is stored. If you are goingto store the training device for several months, it is recommended to recharge it after a few months. This willprolong the battery lifetime.Do not leave the device in extreme cold (below –10 °C/14 °F) and heat (above 50 °C/120 °F) or under directsunlight.SERVICEDuring the two-year guarantee/warranty period we recommend that you have service done by an authorizedPolar Service Center only. The warranty does not cover damage or consequential damage caused by servicenot authorized by Polar Electro. For further information, see Limited International Polar Guarantee.For contact information and all Polar Service Center addresses, visit www.polar.com/support and country-specific websites.PRECAUTIONSThe Polar OH1 is designed to measure heart rate. No other use is intended or implied.The training device should not be used for obtaining environmental measurements that require professionalor industrial precision.We recommend that once in a while you wash the device and the armband to avoid any skin problems from adirty armband.INTERFERENCE DURING TRAININGElectromagnetic Interference and Training EquipmentDisturbance may occur near electrical devices. Also WLAN base stations may cause interference whentraining with the training device. To avoid erratic reading or misbehavior, move away from possible sources ofdisturbance.
21Training equipment with electronic or electrical components such as LED displays, motors and electricalbrakes may cause interfering stray signals.If the training device still does not work with the training equipment, it may be electrically too noisy forwireless heart rate measurement. For further information, www.polar.com/support.MINIMIZING RISKS WHEN TRAININGTraining may include some risk. Before beginning a regular training program, it is recommended that youanswer the following questions concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any of these questions, werecommend that you consult a doctor before starting any training program.•Have you been physically inactive for the past 5 years?•Do you have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol?•Are you taking any blood pressure or heart medication?•Do you have a history of breathing problems?•Do you have symptoms of any disease?•Are you recovering from a serious illness or medical treatment?•Do you use a pacemaker or other implanted electronic device?•Do you smoke?•Are you pregnant?Note that in addition to training intensity, medications for heart conditions, blood pressure, psychologicalconditions, asthma, breathing, etc., as well as some energy drinks, alcohol, and nicotine may also affectheart rate.It is important to be sensitive to your body’s responses during training. If you feel unexpected pain orexcessive fatigue when training, it is recommended that you stop the training or continue at a lighter intensity.Note! If you are using a pacemaker, you can use Polar products. In theory interference to pacemaker causedby Polar products should not be possible. In practice no reports exist to suggest anyone ever havingexperienced interference. We cannot however issue an official guarantee on our products’ suitability with allpacemakers or other implanted devices due to the variety of devices available. If you have any doubts, or ifyou experience any unusual sensations while using Polar products, please consult your physician or contactthe implanted electronic device manufacturer to determine safety in your case.If you are allergic to any substance that comes into contact with your skin or if you suspect an allergicreaction due to using the product, check the listed materials in Technical Specifications. To avoid any skinreaction to the heart rate sensor, wear it over a shirt, but moisten the shirt well under the electrodes toensure flawless operation.
22Your safety is important to us. The shape of the Polar stride sensor Bluetooth® Smart is designed tominimize the possibility of if getting caught in something. In any case, be careful when running with the stridesensor in brushwood, for example.The combined impact of moisture and intense abrasion may cause color to come off the heart ratesensor’s surface, possibly staining clothes. If you use perfume, suntan/sunscreen lotion or insect repellenton your skin, you must ensure that it does not come into contact with the training device or the heart ratesensor. Please avoid clothing with colors that might transfer onto the training device (especially trainingdevices with light/bright colors) when worn together.This product is not a toy. Do not allow children or pets to play with this product. This product containssmall components that can be a choking hazard.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONOH1Operating time: Up to 10 hours of continuous trainingBattery type: 45 mAh Li-pol rechargeable batteryOperating temperature: -10 °C to +50 °C / 14 °F to 122 °FOH1 sensor materials: ABS, ABS+GF, PMMA, SUS 316 (Stainlesssteel)Armband materials: SUS 304 (Stainless steel) PA coated, Polyes-ter elastane (inside: chloroprene rubber),PolyesterHolder materials: PC, SUS 301 (Stainless steel) Gold platedWater resistance: 30 m (suitable for bathing and swimming)Uses wireless Bluetooth® technology.POLAR FLOWSYNC SOFTWARETo use FlowSync software you need a computer with Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X operating system withan internet connection and a free USB port.FlowSync is compatible with the following operating systems:Computer operating system 32-bit 64-bitWindows XP X
23Computer operating system 32-bit 64-bitWindows 7 X XWindows 8 X XWindows 8.1 X XWindows 10 X XMac OS X 10.6 X XMac OS X 10.7 XMac OS X 10.8 XMac OS X 10.9 XMac OS X 10.10 XMac OS X 10.11 XMac OS X 10.12 XPOLAR FLOW MOBILE APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY•iPhone 4S or later•Android 4.3 or later, with Smart Notifications Android 5.0 or laterWATER RESISTANCE OF POLAR PRODUCTSIn the watch industry, water resistance is generally indicated as meters, which means the static waterpressure of that depth. Polar uses this same indication system. Water resistance of Polar products is testedaccording to International Standard ISO 22810 or IEC60529. Every Polar device that has water resistanceindication is tested before the delivery to stand water pressure.Polar products are divided into four different categories according to their water resistance. Check the backof your Polar product for the water resistance category, and compare it to the chart below. Please note thatthese definitions do not necessarily apply to products of other manufacturers.When performing any underwater activity, the dynamic pressure generated by moving in water is greater thanthe static pressure. This means that moving the product under water subjects it to a greater pressure than ifthe product were stationary.Marking on the backof the productWashsplashes,sweat, rain-drops etc.Bathing andswimmingSkin divingwith snorkel(no air tanks)SCUBAdiving(with airtanks)Water resistant char-acteristicsWater resistant IPX7 OK - - - Do not wash with a pressurewasher.
24Protected against splashes,raindrops etc.Reference standard:IEC60529.Water resistant IPX8 OK OK - - Minimum for bathing andswimming.Reference standard:IEC60529.Water resistantWater resistant20/30/50 metersSuitable for swim-mingOK OK - - Minimum for bathing andswimming.Reference standard:ISO22810.Water resistant 100metersOK OK OK - For frequent use in water butnot SCUBA diving.Reference standard:ISO22810.LIMITED INTERNATIONAL POLAR GUARANTEE•This guarantee does not affect the consumer’s statutory rights under applicable national or state lawsin force, or the consumer’s rights against the dealer arising from their sales/purchase contract.•This limited Polar international guarantee is issued by Polar Electro Inc. for consumers who have pur-chased this product in the USA or Canada. This limited Polar international guarantee is issued by PolarElectro Oy for consumers who have purchased this product in other countries.•Polar Electro Oy/Polar Electro Inc. guarantees the original consumer/purchaser of this device that theproduct will be free from defects in material or workmanship for two (2) years from the date of purchase.•The receipt of the original purchase is your proof of purchase!•The guarantee does not cover the battery, normal wear and tear, damage due to misuse, abuse, acci-dents or non-compliance with the precautions; improper maintenance, commercial use, cracked, brokenor scratched cases/displays, armband, elastic strap and Polar apparel.•The guarantee does not cover any damage/s, losses, costs or expenses, direct, indirect or incidental,consequential or special, arising out of, or related to the product.•Items purchased second hand are not covered by the two (2) year warranty, unless otherwise stipulatedby local law.•During the guarantee period, the product will be either repaired or replaced at any of the authorizedPolar Service Centers regardless of the country of purchase.Guarantee with respect to any product will be limited to countries where the product has been initiallymarketed.
25This product is compliant with Directives 2014/53/EU and 2011/65/EU. The relevant Declaration ofConformity is available at www.polar.com/supportThe relevant Declaration of Conformity is available at www.polar.com/en/regulatory_information.This crossed out wheeled bin marking shows that Polar products are electronic devices and are in the scopeof Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronicequipment (WEEE) and batteries and accumulators used in products are in the scope of Directive2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on batteries andaccumulators and waste batteries and accumulators. These products and batteries/accumulators insidePolar products should thus be disposed of separately in EU countries. Polar encourages you to minimizepossible effects of waste on the environment and human health also outside the European Union by followinglocal waste disposal regulations and, where possible, utilize separate collection of electronic devices forproducts, and battery and accumulator collection for batteries and accumulators.Manufactured by Polar Electro Oy, Professorintie 5, FI-90440 KEMPELE, Tel +358 8 5202 100, Fax +358 85202 300, www.polar.com.Polar Electro Oy is a ISO 9001:2008 certified company.© 2017 Polar Electro Oy, FI-90440 KEMPELE, Finland. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may beused or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of Polar Electro Oy.The names and logos in this user manual or in the package of this product are trademarks of Polar ElectroOy. The names and logos marked with a ® symbol in this user manual or in the package of this product areregistered trademarks of Polar Electro Oy. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation andMac OS is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registeredtrademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Polar Electro Oy is under license.DISCLAIMER•The material in this manual is for informational purposes only. The products it describes are subject tochange without prior notice, due to the manufacturer’s continuous development program.
26•Polar Electro Inc./Polar Electro Oy makes no representations or warranties with respect to thismanual or with respect to the products described herein.•Polar Electro Inc./Polar Electro Oy shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs or expenses, dir-ect, indirect or incidental, consequential or special, arising out of, or related to the use of this material orthe products described herein.1.0 EN 04/2017
POLAR OH1EnglishThis product is compliant with Directives 2014/53/EU and 2011/65/EU. The relevant Declaration of Conformity is available at www.polar.com/en/regulatory_information.DeutschDieses Produkt erfüllt die Anforderungen der Richtlinien 2014/53/EU und 2011/65/EU. Die zugehörige Konformitätserklärung ist erhältlich unter www.polar.com/de/rechtliche_informationen.FrançaisCe produit est conforme aux dispositions des directives 2014/53/UE et 2011/65/UE. La Déclaration de Conformité correspondante est disponible à l’adressewww.polar.com/fr/informations_reglementaires.ΕλληνικάΤο πρϊόν αυτο είναι συμβατό με την Ευρωπαϊκή Οδηγία 2014/53/EU και 2011/65/EU. Η σχετική Δήλωση συμμόρφωσηϚ είναι διαιθέσιμη στην ηλετρονική διεύθυνση www.polar.com/el/regulatory_information.NederlandsDit product voldoet aan de richtlijnen 2014/53/EU en 2011/65/EU. De desbetreff ende conformiteitsverklaring is beschikbaar opwww.polar.com/nl/wettelijk_verplichte_informatie.ItalianoQuesto prodotto è conforme alle Direttive 2014/53/UE e 2011/65/UE. La Dichiarazione di conformità relativa è disponibile sul sitowww.polar.com/it/informazioni_normative.EspañolEste producto cumple con las Directivas 2014/53/UE y 2011/65/UE. La Declaración de conformidad correspondiente se puede encontrar enwww.polar.com/es/informacion_reguladora.PortuguêsEste produto está conforme às Directivas 2014/53/EU e 2011/65/EU. A respectiva Declaração de Conformidade está disponível emwww.polar.com/pt/informacao_regulatoria. SuomiTämä tuote on direktiivien 2014/53/EU ja 2011/65/EU mukainen. Asiaankuuluva Vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus on luettavissaosoitteessa www.polar.com//lainsaadannolliset_tiedot.SvenskaDenna produkt uppfyller direktiven 2014/53/EU och 2011/65/EU. Tillämplig försäkran om överensstämmelse nns tillgängligpå www.polar.com/sv/gallande_bestammelser.DanskDette produkt er i overensstemmelse med direktiv 2014/53/EU og 2011/65/EU. Den relevante Erklæring om overensstemmelse ndes på adressen www.polar.com/da/oplysninger_om_regulering.NorskDette produktet er i samsvar med EU-direktivene 2014/53/EU og 2011/65/EU. Den relevante samsvarserklæringen nner du på www.polar.com/nb/informasjon_om_forskrifter.1.0 GENUSAPolar Electro Oy has not approved any changes or modications to this device by the user. Any changes or modi cations could void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment. FCC regulatory information This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.This product emits radio frequency energy, but the radiated output power of this device is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits forth for an uncontrolled environment. Nevertheless, the device shouldbe used in such a manner that the potential forhuman contact with the antenna during normaloperation is minimized.CANADAPolar Electro Oy has not approved any changes or modications to this device by the user. Any changes or modications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Polar Electro Oy n’a approué aucune modication apportée à l’appareil par l’utilisateur, quelle qu’en soit la nature. Tout changement ou toute modication peuvent annuler le droit d’utilisation de l’appareil par l’utilisateur.Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) regulatory information This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operationof the device.  This device complies with the safety requirements for RF exposure in accordance with RSS-102 Issue 5 for portable use conditions.Avis de conformité à la réglementation d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada (ISDE)Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.Cet appareil est conforme aux exigences de sécurité concernant l’exposition aux RF selon la norme RSS-102, 5ème édition, pour des conditions d’utilisation portable.Class B digital device noticeThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian RSS-Gen and RSS-247.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme CNR-Gen et CNR-247 du Canada.CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B)Compliance statementModel number: 2L The AC/DC mains adapter shall meet the clause 2.5 of the standard for limited power supply
Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.modelo: 2L     XXXXX-XX-XXXXXThe main body of this radio equipment labeled the regulatory compliance mark which had referred to grant the Test or Type Certication in accordance with Radio Law.CMIIT ID XXXXYZNNNNCCXXxxYYyyyZzW警語 低功率電波輻性電機管理辦法第十二條經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司,商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率,加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。 第十四條低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航影響安全及干擾合法通信,經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。 前項合法通信,指一電信法規定作業之無線電通信低功率射頻電機需忍受合法通信或工業,科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。CCC-ABCDEF           R

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