Polyconcept 719989WH1 WiFi Camera User Manual CEC4B5B531

Polyconcept Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. WiFi Camera CEC4B5B531

User Manual

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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2016-10-13 00:00:00
Date Available2016-10-13 00:00:00
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Insmmlon manual
7 ! W-BQWH
What's Innhded:
I x Drone
1 x Instruction Manual
1 x Remote Conlmlev
1 x USB [0 Emmy Lead (chargmg my
Fans Included:
1 x LwPo Banery
A x Addihonal pmpalers
6 x Small Pmlwps Screws
1 x PhllliDS Sciaudriver
\ x Smart Phone Holder
A x AA Battery
made m chlna
Helol Here is everything you need to know about the Remote Control MFi
Drone wrth Camera. In owe! to W you understand how to operate out woduct
Iike-a-pfo (and In a sater manna). and to qulcldy show ofl lrx all of you! friends:
please read the entire Instmctlon manual (Its in your best Interest to keep this for
futue use).
Safety Noise .....
Safety Advisory Notice
Safety Crack Before Flying ......................................... [)4
Changing the Battery ............................................... 04
Assembling Diagrams
Remote Conn-cl; ._
Turns Io Fly .__
Takhg Photos 1 Videos ............................................ 08
Auk) Hover Function...
One Key Relum Functlo
Heads: chtion...
Recalbrating .....................................................
WiFi Connection ..................................................
App Control Specifications .
Tech Specifications
FCC Statement .
Important Notes: Ages +14
This drone is not a toy it can be fun but must be taken seriously.
Any improper use at this product will restlt in serious injury. Be aware at your personal salety.
saiety at others and your surrounding environment.
We recommend beginners learn to fly wrth more experrenmd plots plan/mg nearby berore
attempting to tly the Remote Control WiFi Drone with Camera in the same environment.
This Wifi Drone has parts the move at high speed. which poses a certain degree at danger.
Choose a wide open space without obstacles. Do not operate this Wifi Drone near buildngs.
crowds at people. high voltage cables. or trees to ensure the salety ol yourself, others and your
Keep smfl parts out of reach of children. to avoid choking hazards. Adult supervision is advised.
0 UFO Battery Safety Notes:
Thls Wm Drone is powewd by a Uthlurn—Polyrner (LiPol battery.
To avoid risk of fire or damage. never recharge your battery while it is inserted in the Drone.
It you do not phn to W the Wifi Drone tor a week or more. store the battery approximately 50%
charged to maintain battery pertomteme and life.
Prevent Moisture:
Thls WWI Drone contains many preolse electricd components.
Store the battery and the Wifi Drone in a dry area at room temperature. Exposure to water or
moisture may cause maltunctton resulting in loss of responsiveness. or a crash.
Proper Operan'on:
For salety only use the included spare parts for rephcements.
Alvvays be aware of the Rotating Blades:
When in operation. the main and tail rotor blades wil be spinning at higt speed. The blades are
capable or inlictirtg senous body Injury or property damage.
Be careful to keep your body and loose dothing away from the blades. Never take your eyes 0"
the Wrti Drone or leave it unattended while it re tuned on. Stop operating immediately it the Wifi
Drone tiles out or your view. Once landed. Immediately turn all the Witt Drone and remote control.
Avoid Frying Alone:
Beginners shodd avoid flying alone when learning flight skis. We recommend llying with an
experienced pilot nearby In case you need help.
Linen-2mm La. Save.
UPo batteries are different liom conventional batteries in that their chemicals contents are
encased In a relatively lightweight lpil packaging. This has the advantage of significantly
reducing their weight but does make them more susceptible to damage if explosion if safety
practices are 900M.
El Charge and store UPo batteries in a location where a battery lire or explosron (includng
smoke hazard) wil not endanger life or property.
Zl Keep LlPO batteries away from children and animals.
Never charge the UFO battery that has balooned or sweled.
Never charge the UFO battery that has been punctured or damaged.
Alter a crash, inspect the battery pack lor the sign at damage. Discard in accordance
with your local recycling laws.
Never charge the UFO battery in a moving vehicle.
Never overcharge the LIFO battery.
Never leave the UFo battery unattended during recharging.
Do not charge LlPo batteries near flammable matenals or liquids.
Ensure that charging leads are connected correctly. Reverse polarity charging can lead
to battery damage or a fire or explosion.
IS lslflls
Have a sunable fire extinguisher (electrical type) OR a large buckel of dry sand near the
charging area. Do not try to extingursh electrical (UPol battery fires with water.
Reduce risks from fire/explosion by storing and charging LiPo batteries inside a suitable
fl Protect your LiPo battery lrom accidenlal damage during storage and transponauon.
(Do not out battery packs in pockets or bags where they can short circuit or can come
into contact wrth sharp or metalc oblects).
E If your LiPo battery IS subjecled to a shock (such as a crash), place ll “1 a metal
container and observe lor signs of sweling or heating lor at least 30 minutes.
Do not attempt to disassemble or modify or repair the LIFO battery.
th'ttw‘t "‘5 ‘2! to: trans team may tum
0 Before cperettone. check the batteries of the transmitter and Drone are charged for the llight.
I Before turning on the transmitter, check that the throttle stick is pulled completely backward
(down position).
0 Carettlly check the thi Drone and propelers. Broken parts wil pose nsk ol injury and hazard.
0 Check the battery and power phg are securely fastened. Severe Vibration during flight may
detach the plug and result in loss 01 control.
0 when turning on the until, aways turn on the remote first. and then turn on the Win Drone. To
power olt. always turn all the Win Drone first and then the transmitter. Improper procedure
may cause loss of control of the Witi Drone.
y tctcn: . «WM 49: L, :hu W gram; for ZIW'L‘J uSC'
‘5») W germ
I Use the crowded charging cable, If the cable is damaged (to not attempt to use.
0 Do not charge the battery it swollen. leaking. or seemingy damaged.
I Do not overcharge the battery. When batteries are tuly charged the LED indicators light
wlll go out. unplug the battery from the power source immediately.
0 Do not charge on the flammable or combustible surlace (such as carpet. wooden lloor. solid
wood turniture. etc.) or on electricconductrve surtace.
I When the battery has recently died. welt e lew minutes to let the battery cool then begun
Rims“ wt J‘ Mt) Latrw W". In” magw g: ittt; 3n n
0 Connect the battery wrth USE charger. then connect the USE charger to a computer or AC
wal aDadter.
[ 0 An LED light Indicator willght whle charging. and turn oil when charging is complete. )
A. cmnlnr/ tho‘
t [mm U50. Inc: nomad common; lo 501w; the Mt Draws hos: uSt‘
. First: Install the landing skids to the bottom ot‘me Drone (Figure 1), and instal ma protecting
frame around the obese tar every corner, then look the screws Into place (Flgure 2).
. Second: When replacing damaged blades use the provided ones irorrt the \Mfi Drone
packaging. The set wl come with d reoboement prooelers. two (A) type and two (B) type. To
place the propellers correctly so that the Wrfi Drone will ily you must sign the like the
llrstration bellow; the A's are dlagonal from one anomer. and the 8‘s are as well (Flgure 2).
Once the propellers have been signed oorrectiy push them into place.
. Third: The final step in preparing the Will Drone for flight is implementing the it]; charged
U-Po Battery. On the provided Ll—Po battery. connect the Battery and Into the Battery lead
located on the physical Will Drone. as shown In Figure 3. Then slde the Ll-Po battery into the
above of the physical Wifi Drone. so that the battery cords are outside of the Witt Drone.
. Fourth: Turn the controller over. and using the provided screw driver remove the screw to
unlock the battery placement compartment. Unhinge the compartments door and push and
slide the door oil the cornpmnent. tobw the “open" arrow and phee tour [ included ) AA
Batteries Into the beck oi the contreler, as shown in Figure 4.
0 PM: Attach the srnartphone holder to the control securay. and fit your mobile devloe with in
the gripe (Flgure 5) to get a live teed at the Drone’s camera.
9 rwmm
(“1‘ .‘J‘V- I
' Flip Button
Ti mi in 1'
7 w" "F
cw m ‘
" 3'” m m'h‘
HF” : mar
Yew Adjustmenl » ‘ 7 Re. Adjustment
Curler! left/right l Correct felt/right drift
rotational drift 7 i Realm
g l W W One Key “"Mode
‘ cg A I— 3‘.“ A Return r Mm
“W‘ was me: we mm; mm:
H a v 1 : 'i'hJ “xi-“MW '1 am rm'mv'w fly :«717 Mi cw, ’«nfwn's‘r': nan/w ding)? arm :0
w u, «u v , , .9 mm
Turning On The Drone:
Press the Power switch to turn on
the drone.
Once the monek LED mmceror is
flashing. It IS ready towering,
switch to turn an
the remote.
To pair. push the throttle lever straight forward and then immediately pull It
strarght backward.
The wane: LED indicator will remain on without [lashing - hmtm mar it has been
pared successM'Y-
Arming Drom.Pull the left throttle lever to the furthest back lelt oonrner while
pulling the rudder lever to the furthest back right corner then release both
levers to return to center and the motors begin working ,mis shows that the
drone has entered into the "ready to fly' state with 'Aqu hover " function.
(Disarmmg Drone," you want to emergency stop me drone Wllh usmg Lhe same operationbut while
the drone IS flying in me high air‘llrst oi all‘you should be lower the drohe's height to the ground,
al the same time to make the same aperallon.)
Operating Direction
Pus’l the throttle Push the
lever upward or ' ‘ throttle lever to
T T downward. the " ‘ lhe left or to
the righL the
fi“ .51; aircrallwlllily
‘ " ‘ upwardoi aircraithlspin
J 1 dawnward lo the leit or 10
e correspondim lhe nghi.
Operating Direction {continued}
1 Push the
rudder lever
upward or
downward the
aircratt wrl be
flying (ward
or backward.
.- —D Push the rudder lever
Z) to the left or to the
right the aircraft
wl be flying to the
r 7 let! side or to the
In the case the Drone
is mvering in the air and
the eircratt is flying [onward
or backward, to make a
correction push the trimmer
down or up.
In the case that the Drone
IS hovering and the aircraft
is wil be flying In left side or
right side. you are able to
correct this by pushing the
tnrnmer right or left.
Headset: Mode
"your Drone Is spinnlng
and needs oorrecled. use
the trimmer to direct the
aircralt enner right or lett to
balance out the sp‘nning.
Please refer to page 8 for
M instructions on how to
prover” mm in
Headess Mode.
per Tip
11:26ku Fin
v )
flying [mmrveor
I Flying Indoor: Please choose to tly in the spacious area where there is no obstacle or pet or
9909*! ream
I Flying Outdoor: Please choose to
your wlfl Drone.
0 It is not recommended to ily in ex!
lly'ng response or losing control over the Wlfi Drone al together. Also‘ itllying In strong whd,
you're "slang the that the Wifi Drone could be blown away or physacaly damaged.
in warm weather. sunny. not wundy or you risk the loss of
name weather conditions, as strong wind may cause limited
0 Make sure the 3 pin plug is inserted into the drone.
I Turn on the Drone tolowing the instructions above.
0 Photos: See Page BAPP CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS press button 2
O stos: See Page 9APP CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS press button 3
0 Place the drone With the front side iac-ng away irom the controller
I At the same time. pull theI left throttle lever to the tunhest back
lett corner while Dtllng the rudder lever to the tunhest back nght
corner then rdease both lovers to return to center.
In the auto hover mode,the drone should be capable of auto
hovering while in flight
Before using one key return mode. it Is necessary to activate the mode.
0 Press the “one key return" button on the remote one time as the arrow
on the diagram indicates. The controller wil beep indicating it Is In one
key return mode.
'ir‘, 21h rem my NiY‘ri’I,r..""ri,1:.zi"M
0 While flying Drone in One Key Return mode. the button can be
pressed at anytime to return the drone (0 its launching location.
0 Once the Drone is on the return route. press the button again or press
the nght lever up to end the return function.
\I‘ [uni-in -.»
0 Once connected push the Headless Mode button down.
I Headless Mode can be activated at any time - Including mid-flight.
(To cancel Headless Mode, press the button againwrrile the drone In
Headless Mode,each direction can be rrgarded as the [rant df drone )
Hecalibrating Directionality:
0 Place the drone With the front side iacrng away lrorn the controller
0 Pull both levers to the furthest back left corner.
"r ‘r n n .3
I Once the remote cantrolar beeps release both levers to allow
them to return to the center position.
" .71: my car; Influ'rnrm», n“: in
0‘? ,
Recalibrating Horizontal Navigation:
0 Place the drone with the front side iac-ng away trorn the controller
0 Pull both levers to the lurthest back right corner.
»- s i i ,
0 Once the remote controller Deeps release both levers to allow
them to return to the center posrtion.
7r 53: a txrumarn: .r :m. 1.;
Enter Gcoglew Play or the iTunes App Store
and search for WiFi UFO. Once selected.
download and Install the app or scan the
0R code that comdres with your devrce.
Turn on the drone. and when the blue LED indicator Ights thls signifies the drone is ready to
connect Via WIFI .
0 Enter VWFI Settings on the Sebcted mobile device. SeIeCI 'WiFiDmne-NMM' Irom the IlsI OI
avahble connections. Nate: the slx “3t” Will be drflerent tor every user.
1. Return 9. Display Settings menu IB/TQ. Len / right side fly
2. Pictures 10. Reverse the lens 20/21. Forward / back
8. The recorded video I 1. 3D display 22/23 Front / Rear mm
4. Documentation 12. Headless mode 24/25. Right I let! rotation trimming
5. Speed: 30% / 60% / 100% 13. Gyroscope correction 26/27. Lefl / right side Ily fine-tuning
6. The fixed—height mode 14. 360 degree rollover 28. One key takeoff
7. Grawty sensmg mode 15. The throttle central 29. One key drop
8. Show/ Hide central inteflaoe 16/17. Right / lefl rotation 30. Emergency Step
nifvrrmx IC ‘5 pt: 1mm
Diameter oi ,
Motor 7mm Total welght I log
Fuseiage Height 75mm Charging Time 40 mlnume
(SOOmAh/GJV . .
Battery "mm battery Code of main engine Hollow cup engine
Gyroscope 6 axial digital ny0 Flying Tlme 8 minutes
Lenglh ol Fuselage 320mm Flying Height 0 50 meters
0 7 wnmn, Wm , . ,_, 9
_ an,
o This device may not cause harmiul interference, and
O This device must accept any Interference received including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
0 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and tound to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device‘ pursuant to Part is or the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in
accordance With the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio Communications.
However, there ie no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or teleViSion receptioni which can be
determined by turning the equipment on and on, the user is encouraged to try to Correct the
interference by one or more Of the following measures:
0 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
0 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
0 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
0 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician ror helpt
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set faith for an uncontrolled
environment This equipment should be installed and operated With minimum distance
200m between the radiator & your body
® made in china

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