Powakaddy 1007T Robokaddy Remote Control User Manual RoboKaddyAmer pf3 qxp

Powakaddy International Limited Robokaddy Remote Control RoboKaddyAmer pf3 qxp

User Manual

OFFICIAL CARTSUPPLIERPowaKaddy International LtdSittingbourne Industrial Park, SittingbourneKent ME10 3JH  EnglandTel: (01795) 473555  Fax: (01795) 474586E-mail: sales@powakaddy.comWebsite: www.powakaddy.com   OWNERS INSTRUCTION MANUALRoboKaddy
IndexPage 1 Assembly.Page 3Handset informationPage 5 RoboKaddy hints and tips.Page 6 Special Features.Page 7 Straight line running.Page 8 Questions and Answers.Page 9 Trouble Shooting.Page 11 Remote Control Detail.Page 12 Maintenance.Page 13 Complete Guide to Battery and Charger Care.RoboKaddyThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This machine is designed solely for the transportation of golfequipment on a golf course.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by PowakaddyLimited could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
RoboKaddylAs the handle reaches the “in use” positionthe mechanism will “click” and lock intoplace. Once locked in, lower the upper bagstay into position. Now fit the zero tip wheelby placing the wheel housing on the reartube and pulling the plunger, allow the plungerto click into place.lScrew the antenna into the screw terminal on the handle.lUsing the carry strap, carefully place a fully charged battery into theRoboKaddy battery tray with the lead connector facing the right handside of the trolley. NOTE: All of the RoboKaddy system LED’s will illuminate to produce a short“lamp test” when the battery is first connected.Parts IdentificationAntennaRotary Speed Control KnobWheel Spring ClipBatteryConnectionLeadBase Power Unitunder battery trayFront Wheel Assembly LowerBag StayHandle LED IndicatorManual/Remoterocker switchUpper Bag StayAssemblyThank you for purchasing a PowaKaddy RoboKaddy.Your RoboKaddy is factory programmed and ready for use. However, pleasetake time to read this manual and practice the various controls before yourfirst game.lBefore you do anything else, please put your battery on charge for atleast 24 hours to activate it. To do this, connect your charger to the bat-tery with the special PowaKaddy Interconnect lead. Now plug the chargerinto the mains and leave for 24 hours to activate it.lMeanwhile, take time to read this manual and learn about your excitingnew purchase. For a “Quick Start” use the card inside the back cover ofthis guide. lThe PowaKaddy RoboKaddy compromises of a one piece machine that“snaps” into place in two easy moves, an antenna, handset, zero tipwheel, battery and charger.lWith the main section flat on the floor, stand behind the trolley, release thelocking catch beneath the handle by sliding it forward as shown andpulling up on the main handle.1 2
RoboKaddy3 4Transmitter InformationIMPORTANTPRACTICE IN AN OPEN SPACE AWAY FROM OBSTRUCTIONSStudy your handset and learn the functions below. Later in this manual you willfind some advanced features. The ones below, however, will get you started.Connect the battery and push the Manual/Remote switch to Remote (I) theLED will switch from red to green. NOTE: If the battery is connected with therotary speed control turned up the machine will remain stationary and thehandle LED will flash red and green until enabled by first winding the rotaryspeed control back to zero.NOTE: By starting the machine with either the left or right keys the RoboKaddy willturn on the spot and stop as soon as you release your finger. This is ideal for gettingout of a tight corner. Please be aware that should the machine hit any obstruction inthis mode, you will need to help it out manually. Continuing to attempt the pirouettewhen the RoboKaddy is stuck will result in damage to your machine.Brake Keys –There are two ways of stopping your RoboKaddy, for a gentlecontrolled stop press the off key       .  For an emergency stop, press the centralemergency stop button      .Reverse –Reverse is achieved by pressing either the off or emergency stopkeys and then pressing the minus key. Once in reverse you can steer left andright too. Reverse has only one preset speed. To go into forward mode, you mustfirst press the off or emergency stop key.lYour RoboKaddy handset has been designed for ease of use whether youare left or right handed.lTake time to practice the difference between a single touch of the key anda prolonged push especially with left and right functions.lThe clip on the back of the handset makes it ideal for clipping to a pocketor belt. Don't store it in your pocket in case you accidentally engage any ofthe remote modes.lNever store the handset in a pocket with, for instance, loose change.Never allow the handset to get immersed in water. lThe handset takes a replaceable 9 volt battery, you will need to remove thetwo small screws on the back in order to replace it.NOTE: Do not use a rechargeable battery in the hand set as these batteriesdo not give sufficient voltage for this hand set.The rate at which course correction, i.e. left/right, is achieved will depend oncourse conditions, speed and weight of the loaded bag.Press this key once and theRoboKaddy will start to movein a forward direction. Keepingyour finger on the key will take theRoboKaddy to maximum speed. Assoon as you release your finger theRoboKaddy will continue at that speed.Press this key to slow downyour RoboKaddy. As soon asyou release your finger theRoboKaddy will continue at that speed.Please note that this key will not stopthe trolley, it will take it only to the slow-est speed.A gentle push of this key willturn the RoboKaddy left andthen continue straight in thenew direction. A prolonged push willresult in a tighter turn. You may have topractice  this to perfect it as load andsurface will affect the turn.To turn right, the procedure isexactly the same as describedin “left arrow”. Ensure youpractice both ways.LED, flashes red with transmissionEmergency stopGentle stop and offLeft turn or pirouetteRight turn or pirouetteSlower or reverseForward or fasterROBOKADDYTo operate the machine manually, ensure the rotary control knob is at zero and turn the rocker switch to Manual (0), the red light on the handle will illuminate.By turning the rotary control switch forward the machine will speed up. You can now use like a conventional electric trolley.
RoboKaddyRoboKaddy hints and tipsTo get the best from your RoboKaddy the following hints and tips shouldbe followed –lPractice using your RoboKaddy away from obstructions. It is worthpracticing with your golf bag fitted and on grass. The machine will reactvery differently on a car park surface without a bag.lDo not overload the base pockets of your golf bag. The more weight onthe front wheel of the machine the less maneuverable it will be and it willuse more power from the battery.lThe RoboKaddy is a sophisticated machine and willcarry your clubs across most normalgolf course terrain. However, it willnot operate properly ifasked to emulate amountain goat! Wherever the terrain is difficult, move to manual mode.lShould the machine get caught againstan obstruction, please stop and either reverseor use manual mode. This is particularlyimportant when using the left/right keys whilst stationary. If you keep trying you willoverload the motors.lDo not keep your finger pressed on anykey for more than 5 seconds as this couldcause damage to your RoboKaddy.Special FeaturesYour RoboKaddy is fitted with some special features to give you maximum controland adaptability. You will not need them often. However it is worth reading theinstructions now to familiarise yourself with the range of features available to you.LED Signal IndicatorsYour RoboKaddy is fitted with three sophisticated LED signal indicators one onthe handset, one on the handle and one on the base controller under the batterytray. These will help you to diagnose any problems.Handle:lRED Manual control mode (potentiometer).lGREEN Remote Control Mode.lFLASHING RED/GREEN Manual mode entered with rotary control knobnot set to zero. Return potentiometer to zero to enable Manual control.Base Power Unit:lFLASHING GREEN Unit ready with no errors.lSOLID ORANGE The battery is at a very low voltage, the system will re-setas soon as a fully charged battery is connected.lFLASHING ORANGE Receiving valid command data.lSOLID RED The units over-temperature cut-out has been activated (unit willre-enable automatically when it cools to a safe operating temperature).l  FLASHING RED The units over-current cut-out activated, the totalcurrent drawn by the motors has exceeded the maximum capabilityof the system. The unit will automatically re-enable itself in the idlecondition after a short delay.Handset:The red LED on the handset will illuminate when a button ispressed showing that the signal has been sent.Please see the trouble shooting guide for further details.5 6
RoboKaddy7 8Left/Right Tracking adjustmentYour machine has been factory set to go in a straight line, however, minor adjustments can be made using the trimmer (see below) or bigger adjustmentscan be made using the front wheel adjuster. Remove the nut covers on the frontwheel and loosen the nut slightly until you can move the wheel left and right withina slot, then re-tighten the bolt. Put the machine into freewheel mode with thewheels in the outer position and push the cart forwards freely, keep adjustinguntil a straight line on a flat surface like Tarmac or concrete is achieved. Repeatthis process until the trolley runs straight. This will take time and practice to perfect.NOTE:If you have air tires insure that they are both between 20-24 psi (1.38-1.65 bar) before you start this process.Electronic TrimmingEnsure that your "Robokaddy" is on a flat level surface, and that it is notobstructed. It is useful to align your RoboKaddy with an object in the distanceso that you know when the "Robokaddy" is traveling in a straight line.Hold the "Emergency Stop" and "Off" buttons down simultaneously to activatethe Trim Mode. The Robokaddy will set off forwards at a pre-determined speed.Use the Left and Right Turn buttons until the "Robokaddy" is traveling in astraight line.TIP: If the Robokaddy has been traveling in a left arc, the Right Turn button isused to compensate this.Press the "Emergency Stop" button to store the new settings. The Robokaddywill now operate as normal.NOTE –The degree of turn may vary from one side to the other depending onbag load and course conditions.PowaKaddy Customer Care 1-800-569-2122 OR+4401795 473 555 customercare@powakaddy.co.uk Questions and AnswersHow do I switch the trolley from manual control to remote control?a) Ensure that the rotary control knob is set at zero and put the rocker switchinto the Remote (I) position, the handle LED will show green, you can nowuse in remote control mode.How do I regain manual control from remote mode?a) Ensure the rotary control knob is set to zero.b) Turn the rocker switch to manual (O).c)Turn the rotary speed control knob to the desired setting.How do I use the trolley in manual mode from the start?a)  Turn the rotary speed control knob to zero.b) Turn the rocker switch to manual (O) the handle LED will now show red.c) Turn the rotary speed control knob and adjust to the desired setting.How do I brake the trolley on a downhill slope when in remote mode?a) Press the off key once and the motors will stop. However the trolley can stillmove forward down the slope against the motors. If an “emergency stop” isrequired you must press the emergency stop key for more than 1/2 second.b)On steep slopes your tires may slip. In these conditions, as with any trolley,you will need to hold the handle and help the trolley along in manual mode.Are there any special conditions that I should be aware of?a) On steep uphill slopes we recommend that you use manual mode.However, you may like to try either zigzagging up the hill or directing the trolley to a lesser gradient.b) On steep slopes down hill ensure that you keep full control of theRoboKaddy. In the most difficult of conditions it is best to hold the handleand walk it down in manual mode.How do I disengage the wheels for freewheel use?a) On each wheel slide the yellow lever on the hub cap and pull the wheeloutwards by a couple of millimetres. Now release the yellow lever and pull out again until it clicks into place. The wheel will now freewheel. To re-engage, reverse the instructions above ensuring the pins enter the holeson the inside of the wheels.Straight Line RunningYour machine and hand set are factory calibrated and ready towork, however should you ever lose the hand set OR find thatyour playing partners machine interferes with your RoboKaddy,please contact PowaKaddy on the telephone number or emailaddress shown below.
RoboKaddy910PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE WHAT TO TRYMy RoboKaddy will not work.My RoboKaddy stops onthe course without mycommand.My battery has failed and Ican’t push my RoboKaddy.Machine is out of range.Batteries are running very low.Have you disengaged the wheels?Machine not stationaryMove closer and try again. Recharge main battery/replace. Have the mainbattery checked/replaced.Check and follow section on disengaging wheels in Q and A.Main battery flat.Handset battery flat.Main battery not connected.Switching from remote to manual.Fully charge main battery.Check the LED in the centreof the handset, if flashingred when activated all is ok. Try RoboKaddy in manualmode. Check batteryconnections.Turn the machine off then onwith the rocker switch andtry again.My RoboKaddy will not goin reverse.The trolley must be stationaryand off or stop keys pressedbefore you can select reverse.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE WHAT TO TRYThe LED on the basecontroller is displaying a red light.The LED on the basecontroller is flashing red light.The LED on the basecontroller is displaying anorange lightThe current overload hasbeen tripped.The main battery has fallen to below the requiredvoltage to operate.The handle is communicatingcorrectly with the basecontroller.Avoid the obstruction orcircumstance that hascaused this. The unit willre-set after a short while inthe idle positionIf you are attempt more than18 holes, this may sometimesoccur. If you have forgottento charge the battery, thiswill occur. At any other timespeak with your service agentor PowaKaddy for help.The thermal overload hasbeen tripped.Avoid the obstruction orcircumstance that has causedthis.The unit will re-set whena safe working temperaturehas been reached.The LED on the basecontroller is displaying aflashing orange light.No action needed.Trimmer function requiresadjustment. Tracking is out ofadjustment.Air tire models, tire softon one sideMy trolley pulls to left or righton a flat surface.See page 7 for trimmerdetails. See page 7 for trackinginstructions.Ensure tires are bothbetween 20 -24 psi (1.38 -1.65 bar).Trouble Shooting Trouble Shooting
RoboKaddy11 12Remote Control DetailYour RoboKaddy complies with all current telecommunications regulations. Your RoboKaddy is designed to operate within a range of 50 yards,depending on atmospheric conditions, such as damp and foggy weatherand/or wet ground. Additionally overhead cables, hills and trees canaffect range.We strongly recommended not Exceeding 50 yards while operating inremote control mode. The greater the distance between you and theRoboKaddy, the greater the chance of losing contact with it. Should thishappen however, the RoboKaddy will stop automatically.Interference can take many forms. Nearby high voltage power lines, cellular phones or CB radios are all typical sources. Certain obstructions such as mounds, clusters of trees etc. will reduce the distance of transmission.The battery contained in the handset must be replaced  periodicallydepending on frequency of use.In car parks, confined spaces, down steep hills or where there are lotsof people, we recommend that you only use manual mode.SAFETY NOTES: The RoboKaddy is more safely used when you selectmanual mode to go across bridges, narrow paths, steep slopes or betweentrees. Avoid directing the RoboKaddy around cars or buildings using remotemode and never direct the machine at people, animals or other trolleys.MaintenanceWipe your PowaKaddy RoboKaddy after each outing to ensure it runssmoothly and keeps it’s good looks.To keep the machine clean, use a mild detergent and warm water. Do notuse any high pressure jet washers as the contents of the handset, thehandle and the base controller can be damaged by water ingress.Remove the main wheels every few months and remove any debris thatmight cause the wheels to drag. Clean the spindle and lightly greasebefore replacing the wheels.The screws in the battery tray are sealed in the factory to prevent watergetting into the controller underneath. If you loosen these screws forany reason, you MUST re-seal them with silicone sealant.A four hour round of golf played once a week for 12 months is equivalentto, say, four years use out of a lawnmower. So once a year, thoroughlyinspect your machine, and arrange a full service with your PowaKaddyservice centre.It is advisable to have your charger checked periodically, particularlywhen buying a new battery. This will ensure that your charger is stillcharging correctly and ensure maximum life of your new battery.Always put your machine together before connecting the battery.If you prefer not to leave your battery on charge, as you know that youwill not be playing for at least a month, you can store the battery. Fullycharge the battery, remove from the charger and store in a place wherethe ambient temperature is above 10 degrees Celsius (+10ºC) and lessthan 30 degrees Celsius (+30ºC). Recharge every 3 months for 24 hoursand before your next round.
✔✘RoboKaddy13 14Complete Guide to Battery and Charger CareYour battery should always be charged with its lid uppermost, in practicalterms this is when the vent strip is uppermost and Crisscross pattern isunderneath (Sonnenschein) or lid with + and - (Yuasa) is uppermost. If yourbattery is in a PowaKaddy battery bag, the see through business cardpocket should be uppermost for charging only.These lead-acid cyclic batteries use the latest technology to immobilise theelectrolyte in the battery. This makes them very safe to use and maintenancefree for the whole of their serviceable life.The battery must be put on charge for a period of 24 hours, this will "activate"the battery. You will find that the "charge complete" light comes on beforethe 24 hours are up, you must keep the battery on charge.The battery must only be used for a maximum 18 holes after which time the batteryshould be re-charged as soon as possible (within a 24 hour period). Playingmore than 18 holes will over discharge the battery to the point of damage.Leave the battery connected to the charger with the mains supply switchedon all the time the battery is not being used. If you prefer not to leave yourbattery on charge as you know that you will not be playing for at least a month,you can store the battery. Fully charge the battery, remove from the chargerand store in  place where the ambient temperature is above 10 degreesCelsius (+10˚C) and less than 30 degrees Celsius (+30˚C). Recharge every3 months or 24 hours before your next round.When charging the battery do not place the battery on a concrete floor,have the battery raised off the floor on wooden blocks or place the batteryon a shelf.The batteries used by PowaKaddy are NOT nickel-cadmium, you shouldnever fully discharge the battery with a light bulb or other means. This will,if done, cause severe damage to your battery  and if the voltage has fallenbelow 9 Volts the charger will not be able to recover the battery.The life of the battery will depend on several variables:1) Frequency of use.2) Number of holes played each round.3) Type of course, flat or hilly.4) Weight of bag and clubs.5) Compliance to all of the attached recommendations.The chargers used with all PowaKaddy products are specially designed tocharge the battery at optimum levels. The unit is very simple to use - simplyplug the charger into the battery and switch on the mains. Before using thecharger, read all the instructions and cautionary markings on the rear of thecharging unit and instructions supplied.Do not expose the charger to any form of moisture. Place on a hard surfacein a well ventilated area. Do not use in a sealed container or cover the ventilationslots, and do not operate the charger on carpet or similar soft material.If you disconnect the battery or interrupt the power supply the charger willautomatically assume that a different battery has been attached and take itthrough the 6.5 hour charging cycle again, please avoid this.Hints and TipsAlways charge the battery with its lid uppermost.Always connect the battery to the charger before connecting to the mains.Always put your battery on charge as soon as you return from the golf club.Always keep your battery on charge all the time it is not being used.Always have your charger regularly checked. (Ideally each time you buy a new battery)Always keep your battery and charger in a dry place.Always recharge your battery after every round, even if you've only played 5 holes.Always charge in a well ventilated area.Never play more than 18 holes of golf from one charge.Never drop the battery or allow it to roll around in your car boot.Never leave the charger switched off with the battery connected.Never operate the charger with a damaged lead.Never fully discharge the battery.Never leave the battery in a discharged condition; recharge as soon as possible.
15Please use this space to record your date of purchase, serial number and code.RoboKaddy Serial Number :Battery Serial Number :Charger Serial Number :Date of purchase :Quick Start GuideIf missing please callPowaKaddy Customer Care 1-800-569-2122NOTESRoboKaddy

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