PowerOneData AMS-9000 AMS-9000 Hub User Manual

PowerOneData Inc. AMS-9000 Hub Users Manual


Users Manual

                       AMS-9000                                   Advanced Metering System                                                  Manual                                                                  March 14,                          2006
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW  Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                Page 2 of 36  REVISION HISTORY  VERSION DESCRIPTION  DATE 1.0  Preliminary Release  February 16, 2006 1.1  Added RF Exposure Information  March 14, 2006
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 3 of 36 TABLE OF CONTENTS  CHAPTER 1...................................................................................................................................... 5 System Overview........................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. AMS-9000 System Architecture.......................................................................................... 7 1.3. Database System Architecture............................................................................................. 8 1.4. Configuring the Meters........................................................................................................ 9 1.5. Hardware Overview........................................................................................................... 10  CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................................... 12 Cellular Modem Description......................................................................................................12  CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................................... 13 Hub Installation .......................................................................................................................... 13  CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................................................... 14 Client Configuration................................................................................................................... 14  CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................................................... 15 Cluster Configuration................................................................................................................. 15  CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................................................... 16 Programmable Parameters........................................................................................................ 16  CHAPTER 7.................................................................................................................................... 17 Notes............................................................................................................................................. 17 Note 1:  Rate Config: Byte Definition...................................................................................... 17 Note 2:  Demand Config: Byte Definition................................................................................ 17 Note 3:  Remote Disconnect/Connect Command Values......................................................... 17 Note 4:  Link Definition Table Format..................................................................................... 18 Note 5:  Custom LCD Message Table Format.......................................................................... 18 Note 6:  Display Message Structures Format ........................................................................... 19 Note 7:  Clear Registers Command .......................................................................................... 19  CHAPTER 8.................................................................................................................................... 20 TOU Data Structure ................................................................................................................... 20 8.1. Rate Schedules................................................................................................................... 20 8.2. Calendar Schedules: Total Bytes is 203(max)................................................................... 22 8.3. TOU_EVENT_CONFIG & DEMAND DURATION....................................................... 23 8.4. Byte Format ....................................................................................................................... 24
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 4 of 36 CHAPTER 9.................................................................................................................................... 25 Basic Operation........................................................................................................................... 25 9.1. Hub Field Installation and Power Up................................................................................. 25 9.2. Client Field Installation and Power Up.............................................................................. 26 9.3. Power Fail.......................................................................................................................... 27 9.4. Roll Call............................................................................................................................. 27 9.5. Standard Upload................................................................................................................. 28 9.6. General Meter Status Messages......................................................................................... 28  CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................................................. 30 LCD AMS-9000 Maintenance Display Status Codes............................................................... 30 10.1. Link Status Display Codes (3rd digit)............................................................................... 32  CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................................................. 33 Replacing a Meter....................................................................................................................... 33 11.1. Replacing a Hub Meter.................................................................................................... 33 11.2. Replacing a Client Meter ................................................................................................. 33  CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................................................. 34 Calibration................................................................................................................................... 34  CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................................................. 35 Zeroing the Meter....................................................................................................................... 35  APPENDIX...................................................................................................................................... 36 Regulatory Information.............................................................................................................. 36
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 5 of 36 CHAPTER 1 System Overview  1.1 Introduction  1.1.1. The AMS-9000, Advanced Metering System, is an under-glass, two-way, battery-free electricity metering system that employs wireless communications technologies to provide utilities with a cost-effective AMI alternative that is feature rich and extremely simple to install and maintain.  1.1.2. AMS-9000 Communications are organized in a star topology. Hub meters act as an interface between large volumes of less expensive Client meters and the Host system, and are fitted with cellular modems (GSM/GPRS) and 900MHz ISM band radios.  The more plentiful Client meters contain the 900MHz ISM band radio. Multiple Client meters automatically associate themselves with a Hub meter into groups known as “clusters”.  1.1.3. The system is further comprised of a remote database server (AMS-DB) running Microsoft SQL Server connected to the Internet (or to the Utility and the cellular phone provider) via secure connections. During standard (daily) uploads, and on specific events, the cluster calls into the database server to report consumption readings and any recordable events. The database will send any new information and commands applicable back to the meters.  Typical commands would include, but not be limited to, synchronization of system time, and reset of one or more Demand registers within a meter.  The configuration of the meters is controlled by the AMS-DB.  Any new information can be sent to change rate plans or to switch the available Whole House Disconnect Relay as necessary.  1.1.4. Each electricity meter in the AMS-9000 system is a full function kWh/Demand/TOU billing quality meter.  Interruptions to meter network communication have no effect on individual meters’ ability to accurately perform their metering billing functions.  All meters have real time clocks whose power supplies are maintained during power outages using super-capacitors.  No batteries are required to operate the system.   1.1.5. The meters are capable of recording kWh only in a flat rate plan or can be configured to operate as Time-Of-Use meters. The configuration is kept within the meter in non-volatile memory (FRAM - Ferroelectric Random Access Memory) and new rate plans can be downloaded from the database server.  1.1.6. Every meter is capable of storing interval data (down to 15 minute intervals) and internally maintains data for the last 35 days. In addition, each day at
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 6 of 36 midnight, the meter takes a snapshot of the active register values (i.e. Total kWh, On Peak kWh, On Peak kW) and stores this information, along with a time/date stamp in non-volatile memory.  1.1.7. At installation the Hub meters will be deployed first (typical ratio of one per 30 Client meters) and then the Client meters will be installed afterwards. When the Hub is placed in the field it will power up and send a message to the database indicating its condition and synchronize its real time clock with the server. Subsequently, when Client meters are installed they search for all Hubs in range over the 900MHz radio. Algorithms determine the Hub with the best signal and once located the Client “joins” that cluster. When a Hub is found the Client will immediately synchronize its real time clock with the Hub (note that the Hub had previously synchronized its time with the database server). Once the Client has joined the cluster its sends a Power Up Message to the Hub over the 900MHz link, which it in turn relays to the Database server via the cellular interface. If the Database has any new information for the Client meter it will be sent back via the cellular modem to the Hub and then on the 900MHz link to the Client meter.  1.1.8. Every meter has its own unique serial number individually identifying it to the database. It is this serial number that is used as the primary key to the database. During the manufacturing process, when the PowerOneData circuit board assembly is installed into the meter (solid state or electromechanical), the meter serial number and the silicon serial number are recorded and entered into the AMS-9000 database. When the meter is set in the field at a customer premise the meter number is recorded against the premise number or physical address. This information is then added to the database making the specific relationship between silicon serial number, meter serial number and premise number (address).
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 7 of 36 1.2. AMS-9000 System Architecture  Client Meter Client Meter Client Meter Client Meter Client Meter  Client Meter Hub Meter  LAN + WAN Cellular Network WAN  900MHzLAN
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 8 of 36 1.3. Database System Architecture Utility VPNConsumer Firewall Data Center FirewallInternet GSM/GPRS Cellular System Backup Server Portal Server
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 9 of 36 1.4. Configuring the Meters  1.4.1 The AMS-9000 system is designed such that minimal configuration is required   before the meters are set in the field. There is a default rate plan programmed into the meters that can be changed at time of order. If the rate plan needs to be changed once the meter has been installed in the field then this can be done by instructing the database server that a particular meter/premise requires new information. The database stores this information in a file on the database server by silicon serial number. The next time that a communication is received from that meter, the database will determine that new data is available for that specific meter and send it over the communications link. The new rate plan information is sent with an effective date. Just past midnight on that day the rate plan will become active and the meter will change its accumulation processes to follow the new rate plan. When the rate plan goes into effect the meter makes an entry into its Event Log. The Event log is uploaded to the database server each night during the standard upload process.
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 10 of 36 1.5. Hardware Overview  1.5.1  The AMS-9000 system board is essentially the same for the Hub and Client meters. The foundation of the system is a 16-bit microcontroller running at 15MHz with up to 256kB of FLASH memory and up to 20kB of RAM. In addition there is 16kB of EEPROM that is used for system configuration information, consumption registers and up to 35 days of interval data. A real time clock running from a 32kHz crystal synchronized to the database server is backed up during power outages through the use of a super-capacitor. Time will be maintained for up to 4 days during the absence of mains power (resynchronization occurs at power up).  A liquid crystal display provides customer consumption and time/date information on 0.6” high characters as well as diagnostics information during communications operations by way of 3 small status digits. The contrast of the display is maintained through changes in ambient temperature by the use of a thermostat based temperature compensation circuit on the voltage bias of the LCD. The incoming 240VAC power is conditioned by the on-board power supply, which smoothes and regulates the DC rail. The DC rail charges 2 super-capacitors that provide power in the event of loss of line voltage. Adequate energy is stored for up to 45 seconds of operation allowing a power fail message to be sent to the database server. Three serial communication interfaces are provided: the Cellular Modem (WAN), the 900MHz (LAN) and a diagnostics/factory programming port. The processor is capable of duplex communications in real time on the two main communications ports. Client meters only have the 900 MHz radio installed and are firmware programmed as Clients. The Hub meters have, in addition to the 900 MHz radio, a GSM/GPRS cellular modem and are firmware programmed as Hub meters.  In the system that uses the Itron CENTRON metrology, the AMS-9000 board simply snaps into the meter base clips (replacing any previously installed Itron Register) and interfaces to the metrology board via the AMP edge connector. No other connections are required.  Metrology Interface Signals  LINE 1, LINE 2   - AC Line Power (240V or 120V) +2.5V, -2.5V   - DC Power  CAL     - Pulse for every 1WH of measured consumption SIGN    - Low for positive consumption, High for negative  SYNC    - 60Hz reference signal
  SYSTEM OVERVIEW Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 11 of 36 LINE 1 and LINE 2 are the 240VAC connections.  -2.5V is interfaced to the AMS-9000 system low voltage 0V.  The SIGN signal indicates if the meter has been installed upside down, that is, energy is not flowing in the expected direction.  The CAL signal pulses once (10ms) for each 1 Wh of electricity consumption. These pulses are accumulated by the AMS-9000 system to produce the register values and the interval data. Monitoring circuits are provided on the board such that the system can determine of there has been a loss of line voltage. Also monitored is the 5V rail so that the system does not attempt to operate with incorrect system voltages. The microcontroller incorporates a hardware watchdog circuit that once activated must be retriggered (by software) every 100ms or sooner or it will cause the system to go through a full system reset. The feature has the effect of continually monitoring operation of the embedded firmware. Should the program get “stuck” at any point then the watchdog will time out, forcing the system to restart. Note that the software is set up such that every 15 minutes all critical data is stored to EEPROM and it is from here that system operations will be restored after the reset condition.
  MODEM DESCRIPTION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 12 of 36 CHAPTER 2 Cellular Modem Description  The GSM/GPRS Modem is capable of establishing a TCP/IP connection to a remote computer. Once this connection is established data can pass freely between the AMS-9000 Hub and the remote Host computer. No external configuration is required for the modem.
  HUB INSTALLATION  Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 13 of 36 CHAPTER 3 Hub Installation   Hub meters can be installed in any suitable socket and there are no special requirements beyond requiring that cellular GSM/GPRS signal is present at that location.  Each hub is capable of supporting up to maximum of 100 Client meters. However it is recommended that average cluster sizes be of 30-40 meters and Hub meters be installed in sufficient numbers so that each Client can “hear” at least two Hubs. The 900MHz radios have an average urban range of 600-700ft. In areas such as apartment complexes, higher numbers of Clients can be operated on each Hub due to the closer proximity of the meters to each other.  In some cases a Hub meter may have few or no Clients if the premise density is very low.   ***As with any AMR system it is extremely import to note the meter serial number that is placed on any given residence or premise. The PowerOneData AMS-DB database already has the relationship between meter serial number and silicon serial number but has no idea where the meter is installed.  After the field installation order is completed, the premise to meter number relationship must be fed back to AMS-DB in order to bill the correct electrical consumption to the corresponding customer.      IMPORTANT
  CLIENT CONFIGURATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 14 of 36 CHAPTER 4 Client Configuration  Client meters require no configuration before installation in the field.
  CLUSTER CONFIGURATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 15 of 36 CHAPTER 5 Cluster Configuration  There are no settings that need to be made before meters are set in the field. Field deployment is planned such that there is one Hub for every 30-40 meters. It is recommended that Hubs be placed in accessible locations that are not unduly screened by porches or canopies if possible, as this will give the system a longer range. Ideally the 600-700’ range will allow each Client to be in range of at least two Hubs. With this arrangement, if a Client should lose communications with its initial Hub, it will be able to find a new Hub during the daily Roll Call at 09:30pm.  Once a Client misses daily Roll Call, the Client meter will search for and join a second Hub that is in range. The Client will remain part of this cluster until such times (if ever) that it misses roll call again and seeks out a new Hub once more. Each time a Client joins a cluster, information is sent to the AMS-DB updating the Client meter record with its new associated Hub number.
  PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETERS Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 16 of 36 CHAPTER 6 Programmable Parameters Command  Parameter  Note 1  New interval value with Effective Date (H, C)  Interval/D/M/Y 2  Time to call to Start Standard Upload (H)   4  Host IP 1 address, Port Number (H)  Add – 4 Port - 2 5  Host IP 2 address, & Port Number (H)  Add – 4 Port - 2 6  Generate new random Time to Call (H)   7  TOU Rates and Season Dates    8  TOU Schedule Effective Date  D/M/Y/PlanID 9 Holiday Dates   10 Effective Date  D/M/Y 11 Reset Configuration   14  Rate Configuration Flag  See Note 1 Below 15 Billing Date  D/M 16 Event Notification Flag   17  Demand Config/Demand Duration  See Note 2 Below 18  DST (Effective month/date & enable / Disable)   19  GPRS Access Point Name   20 Demand Reset   21  Remote Disconnect  See Note 3 Below 22  Cluster Channel    23  Cluster ID  System ID, Cluster ID 24 Cluster Redistribution  Enable/Hour/Minute 25  Public Link Parameters  See Note 4 Below  26  Private Link Parameters  See Note 4 Below 27  Roll Call Time  Hour/Minute 28 Schedule Label   29  Custom LCD Message Table   30  Display Message Structures  See Note 6 Below 31  Custom Display Message 1  Raw LCD Data 32  Custom Display Message 2  Raw LCD Data 33  Clear Registers Command  See Note 7 Below 34  Trigger Standard Upload  (Hub Only) 35  Premise ID  Raw Format 36  Interval Data Upload Enable  0xff == Enable 0x00 == Disable 37  Meter ID (from faceplate)  Raw Format *  -  Time is in the format as sec:min:hour:date:month:year:day of week **  -  8 Seasons are possible. Each Season can have 4 rate schedules per day.   Each rate Schedule may have 50 bytes maximum, 48 bytes for data, one byte for season & rate schedule info and another byte is for end of schedule info. For details refer to the following protocol... ***  -  Holiday Dates indicates how many holidays per year & the date of each holiday
  NOTES Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 17 of 36 CHAPTER 7 Notes  Note 1:   Rate Config: Byte Definition  1 = Rate is used in the year 0 = Rate is not used in the year  Bit 0 = ON Peak    (YEAR1) Bit 1 = OFF Peak   (YEAR1) Bit 2 = SH1 Peak   (YEAR1) Bit 3 = SH2 Peak   (YEAR1) Bit 4 = ON Peak    (YEAR2) Bit 5 = OFF Peak   (YEAR2) Bit 6 = SH1 Peak   (YEAR2) Bit 7 = SH2 Peak   (YEAR2)   Note 2:  Demand Config: Byte Definition  Bit 0 = B Bit 1 = M Bit 2 = D Bit 3 = X Bit 4 = X Bit 5 = X Bit 6 = X Bit 7 = X  D,M,B as defined previously   Note 3:  Remote Disconnect/Connect Command Values  SCHEDULED_DISCONNECT_POWER  1                                                                   SCHEDULED_CONNECT_POWER   2                                                                   IMMEDIATE_DISCONNECT_POWER  3                                                                   IMMEDIATE_CONNECT_POWER   4                                                                   SCHEDULED_AUTO_CONNECT_POWER   5                                                                   IMMEDIATE_AUTO_CONNECT_POWER   6
  NOTES Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 18 of 36 Note 4:  Link Definition Table Format  Offset   Definition 0 scenario retry interval (minutes between scenarios) 1 scenario retry range (possible deviation from interval) 2 socket retry limit (while connecting) 3 socket retry limit (after connection) 4 socket retry delay (seconds before retransmit) 5 socket auto ack delay (seconds from receive to auto-ack) 6 socket ack resend delay (seconds from receive to re-ack)   Note 5:  Custom LCD Message Table Format  Message     Number  Type 00   Blank 01   Total Message Number Type 02   On Peak 03   Off Peak 04   SH1 05   SH2 06   Total Demand 07   On Peak Demand 08   Off Peak Demand 09   SH1 Demand 10   SH2 Demand 11   Date 12   Time 13   Total Demand Time 14      On Peak Demand Time 15      Off Peak Demand Time 16   SH1 Demand Time 17   SH2 Demand Time 18   Schedule Label 19   All Segments On 20   Custom Display 1 21   Custom Display 2
  NOTES Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 19 of 36 Note 6:  Display Message Structures Format  20 Structures of 4 bytes each, with the following structure format:  Byte 1: Unit 00 =  None 01 =  kW 02 =  kWh 03 =  H  Byte 2:  Parameter 00 =  None 01 =  Total 02 =  On Peak 03 =  Off Peak 04 =  SH1 05 =  SH2  Byte 3:  Status MSB Raw LCD data, most significant digit of two-digit display  Byte 4:  Status LSB   Raw LCD data, least significant digit of two-digit display   Note 7:  Clear Registers Command  Command              Value Clear all registers      0x10 Clear all registers except total             0x20 Do not clear registers                0x30
  TOU DATA STRUCTURE Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 20 of 36 CHAPTER 8 TOU Data Structure   8.1. Rate Schedules   8.1.1.  Data  >>>>>  N Bytes Max of 200 bytes per season, if there are 4 day schedules possible per season and each day schedule has 4 rate schedules in it. If this is the case, then the following data bytes including End Of Schedule byte, will be given for each day schedule. And for the next season, a new packet should be sent from HOST / PALM.  Data 1: ¾ Season & schedule info     >>>>> 1 Byte  This Byte will have the information regarding which day schedule it is and for which season. The bit format is as               Y   ____  0  -  Current Year      1 - Next Year     SSS ____  000 _ For Season1      001 _ For Season2        |      111 _ For Season8    RR  ____  00  _  Weekday Schedule      01 _  Saturday Schedule      10 _ Sunday Schedule      11 _ Holiday Schedule D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 Y S S S R R
  TOU DATA STRUCTURE Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 21 of 36     Data 2: ¾ Rate Schedules     >>>>> M Bytes Four Time Frames are possible for each Rate Schedule and there are Four rate schedules such as ON, OFF, SH1 and SH2. Each Time Frame consists of a Start Time and the Rate Code. Each of these time consumes 2 Bytes ( hh : mm ). The first time starts with 00:00, followed by the Rate Code. This consumes 3 bytes and if there is ‘n’ number of Rate schedules, then the total number of bytes in the packet, will be n*3. After the final Rate schedule is entered, end the message packet with the EOS. For example, if there is 4 Time frames for a Rate Schedule, then the total number of bytes in the packet will be ( 3*4*4 ) 48 bytes.   8.1.2.  Rate Schedule Codes: 01 – ON time  02 – OFF time 03 – SH1 time 04 – SH2 time  The time should be entered in an increasing fashion. For example, (the first time entry is always 00:00),  00:00 04, 09:00 01, 12:00 03, 17:00 02, 19:00 01 21:00 02   could be a possible entry. This implies that,   00:00 hours – 09:00 hours – SH2 Rate Schedule 09:00 hours – 12:00 hours – ON Rate Schedule 12:00 hours – 17:00 hours – SH1 Rate Schedule 17:00 hours – 19:00 hours – OFF Rate Schedule 19:00 hours – 21:00 hours – ON Rate Schedule  21:00 hours – 00:00 hours – OFF Rate Schedule  The start time of the next Rate Schedule is the end time of the previous one.
  TOU DATA STRUCTURE Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 22 of 36 ¾ End Of Schedule    >>>>>  1 Byte           May be 0xFF    ¾ Checksum     >>>>>  2 Bytes      CRC checksum.    8.2. Calendar Schedules: Total Bytes is 203(max)  8.2.1 There can be a maximum of Eight - season information. Season info will contain information regarding the season starting dates. The start of one season specifies the end of previous one.   8.2.2. Maximum of 22 Holidays are possible. The date, month and year of holidays are given. Season & Holiday information for 2 years is given in a single communication.   8.2.3. The Byte format is as,  ¾ Date of Start of a Particular Season  >>>>> N Bytes  The Date, at which a particular season begins, should be given. All the Seasons begin at 00:00 Hrs of the specified date. A date code consists of 3 Bytes as Year : Month : Date followed by the Season Code. For 8 Seasons ( max ), the total bytes are 32.  Since there is 2 year’s info( Current year followed by the next year ) it occupies 67 bytes ( max ). Last 3 bytes have the end date of the last season.   ¾ End of Season ( EOS )      >>>>>   1 Byte After all the entries for that year, are over, the Season information should be terminated by this byte. ----- May be 0xFF -----  ¾ Holiday Dates    >>>>>  M Bytes  The absolute date of a holiday is given. Max of 22 Holidays are possible per year. Since a date code consumes 3 bytes ( year : month : date ), for 22 days, and for 2 years it is 132 bytes.
  TOU DATA STRUCTURE Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 23 of 36 ¾ End of Holiday ( EOH )   >>>>>   1 Byte  After all the entries are over, the Holiday information should be terminated by this byte.  ----- May be 0xFF -----  ¾ Checksum     >>>>>  2 Bytes       CRC checksum.  The following example explains how the season info and holiday info are sent... Consider, there are 8 seasons (4 seasons per year) and there are 4 holidays per year.  1. For 2001 & 2002 01:03:08 01 01:06:20 02 01:09:15 03 01:11:05 04 02:03:18 01 02:06:01 02 02:09:20 03 02:11:10 04 03:03:05 FF 01:01:01 01:07:04 01:11:24 01:12:25 02:01:01 02:07:04 02:11:22 02:12:25 FF CRC  And for 2002 & 2003, part of 2001 & 2002 season info is seen with the new dates for 2003. This is to make easy the comparison for dates in the S/W. The Numbers in BOLD, are the Season Codes and the EOS / EOH.   8.3. TOU_EVENT_CONFIG & DEMAND DURATION   8.3.1. The demand info contains the type of demand, whether a straight demand or a rolling demand. Demand is nothing but the highest count in a particular time frame. The maximum value in the ON TOU time is considered as ON PEAK Demand, the maximum value in the OFF TOU time, is considered as OFF PEAK Demand and so on. The maximum value, irrespective of time frame and day schedules, in any day, is considered as TOTAL PEAK Demand.   8.3.2. All these values are stored in separate memory locations. This storage of values is mainly used for Tariff calculations. This demand duration should be in multiple of that corresponding TOU time frame. For Example, the time frame of ON time of a particular day is 3.5 hours; the demand duration of ON peak demand should not be greater than 3.5 hours and not in multiple of 1 hour. It should be 15 minutes or 30 minutes so that it will cover the entire 3.5 hours slot.  And it should not be less than the interval time.
  TOU DATA STRUCTURE Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 24 of 36 8.4. Byte Format ¾ TOU_EVENT_CONFIG FLAG   >>>>>  1 Byte       D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 E D M B R R R R EDMBRRRR –  E -                   D  –   If  0, Demand Calc OFF         If 1, Demand Calc ON  M  -  If 1, Demand is Moving (Rolling) Demand  B  -  If 1, Demand is Block Demand  RRRR –   Indicates ON peak TOU Calc (LSB), OFF peak TOU Calc, SH1 TOU Calc & SH2 TOU Calc (MSB). If 1, indicates the presence.  ¾ Demand Duration    >>>>>  1 Byte       Gives the demand duration in minutes   ¾ Checksum     >>>>>  2 Bytes       CRC checksum.
  BASIC OPERATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 25 of 36 CHAPTER 9 Basic Operation 9.1. Hub Field Installation and Power Up  9.1.1. Configuration Hub meters are labeled HUB on the front panel. Hub meters are shipped with a default TOU program (9-9 On Peak, M-F. Off Peak Weekends) with 1hr block demand for On Peak periods. The meter self-selects its 900MHz Channel set and cluster ID. Similarly, there is no configuration required for the GSM/GPRS WAN interface.  9.1.2. Installation Remove existing meter from socket. Install AMS-9000 Hub meter. Unit will power up going through the following sequence:  All segments on. Display of Silicon ID – first 6 characters Display of Silicon ID – final 6 characters The unit will then start its normal message scroll on the main display:   Time – 11:15:43   Date - 072604   Rate Plan Indicator – ETC-1R   Total kWh – 000023kWh   Peak kWh – 000006kWh   Peak kW – 02.7kW  9.1.3. Hub Power Up Message To Host Once the Hub meter has gone through its power-on reset process, it initiates a Power Up Message scenario with the Host. A public link data connection is established using the GSM/GPRS modem to the Host. In order for the Hub to open up a communication socket on the Host AMRUDP program it must authenticate itself to the Host. This security measure ensures that only valid connections can be established with the Host computer. Once authenticated, the Hub sends its power up message that contains the silicon ID of the Hub along with the time and date of the event. Also included in this message is the 900 MHz RF channel information and cluster identifier byte.  Once this message has been accepted by the Host then the current time is returned to the Hub meter. If there are no pending power up messages from Clients in the cluster managed by the Hub then the public link connection is closed, else the Client power up messages are passed onto the Host. This power up window remains open for 20 seconds. After the power up window closes AMRUDP looks to see if there is any new information pending for download for any member of the cluster. If there is, then this is now done and once acknowledged, the public link connection is closed.
  BASIC OPERATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 26 of 36 9.1.4. 3 Digit Display The 3 digit display in the lower left corner of the LCD has 2 modes:  Normal Mode – left 2 digits indicate the Register Number currently displayed. The 3 digit will display a “walking segment” that moves each time a consumption pulse is received from the metrology board. Note that the display is only updated every 250ms. STATUS Mode – when the Status indicator is lit then the 3 digit display indicated the progress state of the communications link. Chapter 9 shows the meaning of the Status digits.  Once a successful public link communications scenario has been completed the display will read 6P≡ if the connection was successful or 6F≡ if a failure occurred. During a successful communications setting with the Host the Hub meter will receive the updated time from the Hosts clock.  9.2. Client Field Installation and Power Up 9.2.1 Configuration Client meters are labeled CLIENT on the front panel.  Client meters are shipped with a default TOU program (9-9 On Peak, M-F. Off Peak Weekends with 1hr block demand for On Peak periods). No other communications settings or configuration is required.  9.2.2. First Time Field Power Up When the Client meter powers up it will cycle through the same displays as the Hub (see above). Almost immediately the Client meter will go into Hub Search Mode. In this mode the Client meter will broadcast a “Seeking Hub” message over the 900MHz RF link. If a Hub meter hears this message then it will respond and the Client will join the Cluster managed by the Hub. During this exchange the Hub will send the current time to the Client meter. Once the Client has found a Hub it will then send a Power Up Message to the Hub. When the Hub receives this message it will open up a Public connection (through the GSM/GPRS modem) to the Host. Once the link is opened, the Power Up message will be passed through to the Host.  The successful receipt of the message will be acknowledged by the Host to the Hub which will then pass the acknowledgement on to the Client.  The Hub waits for any other power up messages to be received for a period of 30 seconds and passes on any that are received.  Once the 30 second window closes the Host downloads the current time to the Hub which acknowledges receipt of the message. Then the Hub asks the Host application if it has any new information for any members of the cluster (meter configuration, demand reset etc.).  If there is “New Info” available then this is downloaded and passed on to the appropriate Client meter.  Once this process is complete the connection with the Host is terminated and the Status display will show 9P≡ if the transactions were successful.
  BASIC OPERATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 27 of 36  9.2.3. After First Time Field Power Up After the initial field power up and Cluster configuration the Client meters expect to be able to find the same Hub that they previously contacted. In this case the Client will attempt to immediately send its Power Up Message to its last known Hub. The Communications protocol at the low level will attempt to open up a socket with the Hub. If the Hub is not busy it will acknowledge the communication with a message that includes an ACK and the current time. The Hub will then open up a connection to the Host on the public link and relay the Power Up message to the Host. If the Hub is busy communicating with another meter it will acknowledge the transaction with a Not Ready message and will send back the current time. In this case the Client will wait for 1 minute and then try again. Should the Client meter be unable to contact its previous Hub after 6 tries then it will enter Hub search mode as described in First Time Power Up Section 9.2.2.  9.3. Power Fail 9.3.1. The power fail scenario on a Hub can be initiated from its local power sense or it could be initiated from a Client that has detected its own power failure. On the Hub, the first step is to cancel any currently active communications scenario. On the Client, if power fail is sensed, a short delay is started. If the Hub is also failing, it will send out a broadcast to synchronize the Client responses. Each Client is assigned a period to delay after receiving the request, and before transmitting its response. However, if the Client does not receive a broadcast from the Hub, it sends a broadcast to get the Hub to start a power fail scenario. The Client will still respond to the Hub’s broadcast later.  After the Hub collects power fail statistics from the Clients, the information is passed on to the Host system on the public link. Once the message is completed the Hub will close the public link and wait either for power to be restored or until power from the super-capacitors is exhausted, at which point the display is blank and the processor is put into a reset state.   9.4. Roll Call 9.4.1. At 9:30pm each day the Hub will carry out a Roll call, attempting to connect to each of the Clients that had previously registered with that Hub. The Hub sends an “are you there” message to each Client in turn. If a response is received, the Hub then moves on to the next Client in its Clients table. If no response is received then the Hub will retry 5 more times at 6 second intervals. After the 6 tries that Client is removed from the Clients table. This process continues until communications have been attempted with all Clients in the table. All Clients expect to receive a Roll Call message by 9:45pm. If they do not receive the message by this time then they will enter Hub Search Mode looking for a replacement Hub. Once they find a Hub they will join that cluster. Clients remain in Hub Search mode until a Hub is found.
  BASIC OPERATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 28 of 36 9.5. Standard Upload 9.5.1. The standard upload process will be performed daily and this is controlled by the Hub such that data is collected and uploaded to the Host in an orderly manner. When the Hub reaches its scheduled ‘Time To Call’ it establishes a public link connection with the Host. Once the link is established it sends any of its pending packets to the Host. Normally there would be only one packet for the prior day. However, if communications had failed in recent days there may be up to a months worth of packets (31 days). The packet contains a sequence to notify the Host how many more packets to expect from this meter. There is also a flag, added by the Hub, which indicates if this is the last known meter in the cluster. Once the packets for the Hub have been sent, the Hub establishes a private link connection with the first Client in its membership table. The Hub forwards the packets from the Client to the Host.  When the Client packets have been sent, the private connection is closed and the Hub starts processing the next Client. After packets for all meters have been sent, the Host may have download packets (new info) that are destined for the Hub and/or Clients. For each new info packet that is destined to a Client, the private link is opened with that Client. The packet is delivered, and the connection is closed.  When no more packets are available from the Host, a terminate packet is sent from the Host.  9.6. General Meter Status Messages 9.6.1. If an exceptional event occurs during the day on a meter, (Back Rotate, Hardware Error), the Host is notified. When the Client needs to send a message to the Host, it opens a private connection with the Hub. The Hub in turn opens a public link connection with the Host and the packet is routed from the Client through the Hub to the Host. If the packet is successfully received an ACK is sent back to the Client through the Hub and the connection is closed. If the Host does not successfully acknowledge the packet the Hub will try up to 5 more times to send the message to the Host. If it is still unsuccessful it will close the Public link and send a status message NACK to the Client. These status messages are also considered as events and will be entered into the event log and sent to the Host as part of the daily standard upload.
  BASIC OPERATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 29 of 36 The recorded events are: Time Change • Old Time/Date, New Time/Date, Update Type (PU, STD Upload, Host Query) Demand Reset • Time/Date, Demand Value prior to reset Reverse Rotate • Time/Date New Schedule Implemented • Records the Time and Date at which the new schedule went into effect and also saves active Register Values as of midnight on the day prior to activation. Remote Disconnect • Time/Date action occurred, Action type: On, Off or customer confirmation for button press Hardware Error • Time/Date, Type code for problem
                                                                                 LCD AMS-9000 MAINTENANCE DISPLAY STATUS CODES Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 32 of 36 10.1. Link Status Display Codes (3rd digit) _ _ 0  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_CLEAR _ _ 1  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_INIT_MODEM _ _ 2  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_GPRS_REGISTER _ _ 3   LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_GPRS_CONNECT _ _ 4  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_PPP_ESTABLISH _ _ 5  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_UDP_ESTABLISH _ _ 6  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE _ _ 7  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_LINK_UP _ _ 8  LLCOMM_DISPLAY_STATUS_LINK_SHUT_DOWN  On a Hub meter, the link status codes relate to the public link connection. On a Client meter, the link status codes refer to the private link connection  * During Client Configuration on the Client meter in the broadcast phase (codes 91 – 94), the third digit of the status code represents the 900MHz hopping sequence (channel number).
 REPLACING A METER Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 33 of 36 CHAPTER 11  Replacing a Meter  11.1. Replacing a Hub Meter 11.1.1 If a Hub meter needs to be replaced it can simply be removed from its socket and replaced with another Hub. The replacement Hub can be installed and will send a Power Up message to the host as described in Section 3 of System Overview.  When the Roll Call process is initiated at 9:30pm, no meters will be in the Hub’s Clients table. At 9:45pm the Clients attached to the previous Hub will realize that they have not heard from their Hub and enter Hub Search Mode as described in Section 9.2.2 of Basic Operation.  11.2. Replacing a Client Meter  11.2.1. When a Client meter is replaced in the field the old meter is removed causing it to send a Power Fail message to the Host. The new Client meter is installed and it performs a Power Up sequence as described in Section 9.2.2 of Basic Operation.
 CALIBRATION  Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 34 of 36 CHAPTER 12 Calibration  The Itron CENTRON metrology has no means to adjust the calibration.
 ZEROING THE METER Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 35 of 36 CHAPTER 13 Zeroing the Meter  The AMS-9000 meter (Hub or Client) can be zeroed by briefly jumping J3, which is located on the top left hand side above the LCD, with the meter powered up and operating.   AN INSULATED JUMPER MUST BE USED. When the jumper is removed the system will reset and perform the initial startup display sequence. The meter will zero all active registers (TOTAL, ON PEAK, OFF PEAK, SH1, SH2 and all associated Demand values).        CAUTION:  HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT ON THE CIRCUIT BOARD. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN CARRYING OUT THIS PROCEDURE. !
 REGULATORY INFORMATION Version 1.1 Preliminary 3/14/06                                                      Page 36 of 36 APPENDIX Regulatory Information       CAUTION:  The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 25 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except as documented in the FCC application.  This device has been approved for simultaneous transmission of the collocated WLAN and Cellular/PCS transmitters.  Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.  ! NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. IMPORTANT: The AMS-9000 Advanced Metering System complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by PowerOneData could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   FCC ID:  TRCAMS-9000 IC:  6190A-AMS-9000 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

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