Powerwave Technologies 5JS0027 Single Channel Amplifier User Manual 8
Powerwave Technologies Inc Single Channel Amplifier 8
A A/ BUWERWAYE YECHN3,DGIES INSTALLATION & SERVICE MANUAL SP89301-100 AMPLIFIER SYSTEM SPA9301-50 AMPLIFIER SINGLE CHANNEL GSM AMPLIFIER SYSTEM 1930-1990 MHz 50 WATTS AVERAGE POWER 31 March 1998 I’mwrwm c Technologict Inc. Tel: 714-757-0530 2026 .\Ic(;:m Avenue Fm: 714-757-0941 Irvine. CA 92614 Web Site: wnnvqumncnm 2—‘l 2—2 2-3 2—5 2-6 wont» wmA TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 General Description Introduction ...... General Description Functional and Physical Spemfications v .. fl , . . Equipment Changes H . .. . ............. Ordenng Information .. ..... Section 2 Installation introduction ,,,,, 2—1 Electrical Service Recommendations ............. 2-1 Unpacking and Inspection . Installation Instructions Amplifier Module Power Connector H. ..v .. .. v Mainframe Status Alarm and Control Connector JI .. ... t. ,2-4 Section 3 Operating Instructions Introduction . 3-1 Location and Function of Amplifier Module Controls and Indicators” 3—1 Initial Start- Up and Operating Procedures. ,. 3—3 Section 4 Principles of Operation Introduction .v v . .. t ..... 4-1 RF Input Signal t . .. t M. 4—1 RF Output Load .. ,. .. v . 4-1 System Functional Description 4-1 SPAQSOW- 50 Amplifier Module . 4-1 Main Amplifier . . . , v 44 Amplifier Monitoring H . 44 Amplifier Module Cooling v . _ 4-1 Power Distribution . t 4—2 Alarms . . 4-2 ”Hum-t: RU \ ll Par 5-1 5—2 5—3 5-4 5-5 576 5-6 1 5-6 2 rogue; Lam—x twain}: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section 5 Maintenance lntroduction Perrodlc Maintenance Cleamng Air Inlets/Outlets . Test Equipment Required For Test. .. Performance Test. vvvvv Fleld Replaceable Parts and Modules SPAQSOW— 50 Power Ampllfier Module Cooling Fans ......... Appendix A Performance Test Introductron. . . ..... v ... ... ..... A-1 Specrficatron Vanables ,. . H ... .. fl tA-1 Referenced Documents . .. v , v . ..... A-‘t Test Equrpment Test" ....... VSWR .. Test Configuration Test Procedure Gem and Current Test Configuratrcn . or Test Procedure .. .. . .. ..... Spurious Emrsslons ._ .. ... t ,A-6 Test Configuration v . . . . .. H .v . .. ., tA-B Callbration , v .v .t v. . .. .. Measurement , v v. . . A46 VSWR Alarm ,. v . . ., ... . , .. A-7 Test Configuration A-7 Test Procedure .. H . . . . .. .v t A-7 Galn Alarm v . , ... ... . A»? Test Configuration .v . .A—7 Test Procedure v. . A-7 Temperature Alarm .. A-a Test Conftguratron . v A-a Test Procedure . A43 Overonve Alarm A-B Test Conflguratron t v v . A—B Test Procedure v . t H A—S Calibratron — Equipment Setup . A-9 Loadstrings Calroratron v . . . A-9 Peak Power Meter — HPBQQTA . . v .. A—9 Operatron of Dlgrtal Slgnal Generator ESG DZOOOA v . . . .. A-9 Rn \ lii Test Data Sheet .... Figure 1-1 2-1 2-2 2—3 3-1 4-1 Table dufuu 4; Wm: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Appendix 8 DS SPA9301-50 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 5P59301-100 System W|th Two SPA930‘l-50 Modules. v Male D-Sub Connector (on Rear of Amplifier Module) SPSQ30’I»50 Ampllfler Module Front Panel ..... System Power Supply Connectlons ...... .. . . , Front and Rear Panels ..... SPAQBOW 50 Mam Amp Palette Block Dlagrarn v.. Arnpllfler System Test Setup Dragram v ............... LIST OF TABLES Major System Components SPSQBO’l- 100 Single- -Channel Amplmer System Functlonal Specrficatlons ... Amplmer Module D- Sub Connector Definrtlon ..... SPA9301 50 Interface Connectors Indlcators and Power Swrtch Penodlc Malntenance rm \ n SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1—1. INTRODUCTION. This manual contains information and procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance of the SPSQSOMOO‘ a GSM1900 Single channel amplifier system The manual is organized into five sections as follows: Section 1 General Description Section 2 lnstallation Section 3 Operating Instructions Section 4 Principles of Operation Section 5 Maintenance 1-2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SP59301-l00 amplifier system is a single channel GSM power amplifier that operates from 1930 MHZ to 1990 MHz The amplifier system is modular in design. and is ideally suited for use in GSM base stations The amplifier system is available in a minirack with two plug—In amplifier modules 3 power supply, and low-loss cable extensions (figure 1-1) The plug»in amplifier modules each provtde 50 watts of power and function completely independently of each other The amplifier modules are designed for indiVidual sector operation, proViding sector continuous operation Via fail—safe bypassing All solid-state the system is designed to prowde trouble—free operation With minimum maintenance The systems modular construction plus its unique and highly effecttve LED-based operational status and fault indicators help minimize downtime. The all fail-safe design prowdes protection in the event of an RF overpower Il’lpUL an over-temperature condition or loss of DC power In the P A mode each amplifier module provrdes a gain increase of 6 dB per sector Inadvertent operator damage from front panel manipulation is Virtually impossible The front panel of each amplifier module has the system RF input and output connectors that interface With the host system The front panel of each amplifier module also has unit level fault indicators and a power onloff swnch Primary power for the amplifier system is +27 Vdc Cooling for each plug-in amplifier module is proyio’ed by two fans mounted on the top and bottom of the minirack (figure lAl) The fans draw outside air through the bottom of each module and exhaust hot air through the top of the minirack 1-3. FUNCTlONAL AND PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Functtonal and phystcal specifications for the amplifier system are listed in table 14 1A. EQUIPMENT CHANGES PowenNave Technologies. Inc reserves the right to make minor changes to the equipment without notice including but not necessarily limited to component substitution and circuitry changes Such changes may or may not be incorporated in this manual although it is our intention to keep each manual as up—to—date as possmle To that end we ask that you, our customer share With us information acquired in field Situations wnich might be of assistance to another user If you share lI With us we‘ll pass it around int-slit: 1m \ l—l 1-5. ORDERING INFORMATION Tame 1—1 followmg gives the component numbers and descnpnons to be used when ordenng ewther an entwre system or mdivwdua‘ components that Comprlse the system. Table 14 Manor System Components COMPON ENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION SP59301-1OO Mwmrack [holds two amphfiers‘ one 24 V power supply) SPA9301-50 {SO-Watt Amp‘ifier ‘ 1m \ 1-2 .w®_:vo_>_ oméomm/xaw 95h 53> Emym>w ooT—ommwam ,_‘._‘ 939m 3; 55: $2; “5: wsmfl 1-3 ”44 NH: Ru \ Table 1-2. SPSanl-loo Single Channel Amplifier System Functional Specifications Parameter (System) Specification Frequency 1930—1990 MHZ Temperature Range Ambient Temperature -10 °C - +60 °C Mounting Base Temp -10 “C — +80 °C DC Power Supply 23.5—275 V, 22 Amps Max (11 Amps Max per Module) VSWR < 1.3:1 Input/Output Connector Dimensions See figure 1 Parameter (Module) Specification Output Power Range Operauonal Power Range 0—+ 48 dBm Input Power Range Pm @ CW —7—+42 dBm Gain@Tamb=25 “C 6.0 +O,5/-02dB P0 = +47 dBm @ P0 = +47dBrT‘l, Vcc = 27 5V (Nole ll Efficiency 17 % mln @ P0 = +47 dBm, vCC = 27.5v Junction Temperature +145 °C max @ P0 = + 49 dBm Harmonics 2nd Harmonic < -40 dBc 3rd or Higher Harmonic < — 50 dBc Spurious Emissions Within DCS Tx Band < -38 dBm Within DCS Rx Band < -29 dBm Outside Rx & Tx bands < +9 dBm Ncle i nil-nan: Rm \ As measure: a\ far end cl oulam cab'es nest system menace 1-4 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION 2-1, INTRODUCTION This section contains installation recommendations as well as unpacking, inspection, and installation instructions for the SPSBBOMOO Amplifier System Carefully read all material in this section prior to equipment unpacking or installation Also read and reView the operating procedures in Section 3 priorto installing the equipment 2-2. ELECTRICAL SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS All electrical service should be installed in accordance With any applicable government or local regulations (codes) and good engineering practice Special consideration should be given to lightning protection of all systems in View of the vulnerability of most transmitter Sites to lightning Lightning arrestors are recommended in the sen/ice entrance Straight. short ground runs are recommended The electrical sewice must be well grounded. Each amplifier system is supplied With its own AC and DC circuit breakers, so that a failure in one does not shut off the whole sector Circuit breakers are thermal type. capable of handling an inrush current of 125 amps. in a load center With a master sWitch 2»3. UNPACKING AND INSPECTION This equipment has been operated. tested and calibrated at the factory Only to the event of severe shocks or other mistreatment should any substantial readiustment be requtred. Check the outsrde of each shipping container for instructions regarding unpacking. Carefully open the containers and remove the rack and amplifier modules Retain all packing material that can be reassembled in the event the that the unit must be returned to the factory. CAUTION Exercise care in handling equipment during inspection to prevent damage caused by rough or careless handling. Visually inspect the amplifier rack and modules for damage that may have occurred during shipment Check for evidence of water damage bent or Warped chassis. loose screws or nuts, or extraneous packing material in connectors or fans Inspect all connectors for bent connector pins if the equipment is damaged a claim should be filed With the carrier once the extent of any damage is assessed We cannot stress too strongly the importance of lMMEDlATE careful inspection of the equipment and the subsequent IMMEDIATE filing of the necessary claims against the carrier if necessary if possible. inspect the equipment in the presence of the delivery person If the equipment is damaged. the carrier is your first area of recourse it the equipment is damaged and must be returned to the factory, write or phone for a return authorization. Powen/vave may not accept returns Without a return authorization Claims for loss or damage may not be Withheld from any payment to Powerwave nor may any payment due be Withheld pending the outcome thereof WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE FREIGHT CARRIERS PERFORMANCE 2-4, INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS iSee figure 3—1i The SPS9301—lOO contains two amplifier modules a power supply. and two RF cables The system is deSigned for installation in a base station that permits access to the front of the amplifier system minirack for connection of RF signals and has access to a 120 volt U S conventional AC outlet itwo blade plus ground pirii capable of supplying 20 amps iii$~lt§tllz ittx \ 2‘I To install the amplifier system proceed as follows AmmmebuNA 11 17 lnstall the plug-in amplifier modules (if not already in place) in the slots of the subrack Verify that the POWER SWitch on the front of each module is in the down (OFF) position At bottom of power supply verify that Jumper connectors are in place and secure Assemble power supply in accordance With figure 14 See figure 23. attach each fan connector from power supply to each fan on the mlnlrack, DO NOT connect 25-pln D-sub connectors to each amplifier at this tlme Refer to figure 2-2 for the location of all input/output connectors Connect each lnput cable to corresponding RF IN connector on front of amplifier module Connect each output cable to corresponding RF OUT connector on front of amplifier module Check your work before applyrng DC voltage to the amplifier Make cenain all connections are tight and correct. Plug power supply line cord into a l20 volt U S conventional AC outlet (two blade plus ground pin} capable of supplying 20 amps, Turn on power supply; At bottom of power supply, measure primary DC input voltage at DC connectors DC input voltage should be between +26.5 and 27 5 Vdc If the DC input voltage is above or below the |Iml|$. call and consult Powerwave before you apply power to your amplifier Turn off power supply See figure 2-3 connect each +27 Vdc power cable from power supply to each amplifier module Secure minirack to floor With tour screws Refer to section 3 for initial turn-on and checkout procedures 2-5. AMPLIFIER MODULE POWER CONNECTOR Each amplifier in the subrack has a separate connector Power connections on the amplifier connector are made through a 25-pin D-Sub male connector (figure 24) and are listed and described in table 2-1 l 2 3 4 S 6 7 B 9 I) l E 3 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Figure 2-1 Male D-Sub Connector (on Rear of Amplifier Module) 1 Rm \ 2-2 Tab1e 2-1 Amplifier Module D-Sub Connector Definmon PIN NUMBER ‘ FUNCTION ‘ DESCRIPTION 1710 ‘ NC (No Connectlon) 1 11—13 1 Input Power 1 +2? Vdc 14-22 NC (No Connecnon) 1 7 23425 Input Power 1 27 Vdc Return ”Hamil Rm \ 2‘3 © GAIN/ BYPASS © TEMP/VSVR © EFF figure 2-2 595930150 Amplma Module From Panel 24 mcozomccoo 395m szoa Emwmxm .m\m wémi 5&8 8 a? g sci: 538 E 5&8 8 RE ; 5:53 538 9 2-5 SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3-1. INTRODUCTION. Thrs sectton contains operattng lnstructlons for the SP59301—1OO Ampllfier System 3-2. LOCATION AND FUNCTION OF AMPLIFIER MODULE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. The ampllfler system conststs of a stand-alone rack-style mmlrack containing a single subrack that houses two SPASSOl-SO amplmer modules A separate power supply lS supplled Wthh mounts along one slde of the mmlrack to provtde power to each of the two mmlrack fans and to each amplifier The Iocatron and functlon of the amplifier unterface connectors lndlcators, and power swrtch are shown tn figure 3-1 and are descr|bed ln table 3-1 Table 34 SPA9301—50 Interface Connectors Indlcators, and Power Swrtch RF OUT RF Output. Type N Coanal Connector RF IN RF Input Type N 033me Connector POWER ON / OFF Swttch Clrcutt Breaker Control of DC Power to Ampllfler GAIN / BYPASS Indicator Red LED When My lndicates that ampltfler lS m bypass mode TEMP / VSWR lndlcator Yellow LED When llt, |nd|cates that overtemperature condltron exlsts DC / ON lndlcator Green LED When lit, lndicates that +27 Vdc |s applied to the ampllfier module, J2 25-F’m D-Sub Connector (+27 Vdc and Return) mu, m}: lm .\ 371 chog ¥O®m ECO Lowm ezoLL .fi‘\w, cgjmx; Hc0,@ 3—2 ”umqflz 1m \ 3»3. INITIAL START-UP AND OPERATING PROCEDURES The only operat|ng control on each amplmer module lS the ON/OFF swttch To perform the inltlal start-up proceed as follows 1 Double check to ensure that all mput and output cables are properly connected. WARNING Before applylng power‘ make sure that the input and output of each amplifier are properly terminated at 50 ohms. Do not operate the ampllfler wtthout a load attached Refer to table 1—2 for |nput power requ|rements Excesswe lnput power may damage the amphfler NOTE The output coaxial cable between the amplifier and the antenna must be SO-ohm coaxlal cable Use of any other cable wtll distort the output 2. Venfy that front panel SWlIChES on both ampllfiers are in the OFF posmon, 3 Turn on supply that prowdes +27 Vdc to the ampllfler system Do not apply an RF slgnal to the amplifier system at thlS ttme 4 Visually check each amptmer module as lI is turned on‘ and venfy that the DC ON indlcator (green) comes on The TEMP NSWR and GAIN / BYPASS lndlcators should be off 5 Apply RF lnput slgnals to ether or both amplmers 5 Allow the amplifiers to warm up for a mlnirnum of five (5) mmutes humus: Rot \ 3'3 SECTION 4 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 4-1. INTRODUCTION This section contains a functional description of the SP39301-100 linear amplifier system 4-2. RF INPUT SIGNAL The maximum input power for all carrier frequenCies should not exceed the limits specified in table 142 The input VSWR should be 1 3 1 maximum (or better) 4-3, RF OUTPUT LOAD The load impedance should be as good as possible (1 3 1 or better) in the Working band for good power transfer to the load If the amplifier is operated into a filteri it Will maintain its distortion characteristics outside the Signal band even if the VSWR is infinite. 4-4. SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The amplifier system is comprised of a minirack and two fan assemblies, two SPA93Ul-50 plug-in power amplifier modules input and output coaxial cables, and an ac-dc converter The SPA9301- 50 is a TDMA amplifier that operates in a GOMHZ bandWidth from 1930 MHz to 1990MHzt A typical two—module system is shown in Figure 1-1 Power output speCifications are listed in table l—2 Each amplifier is a self—contained pug-in module and is functionally independent of the other amplifier module The rear panel of each amplifier as well as each fan in the mlnirack assembly has a connector that interfaces With the minirack power converter which in turn. plugs into a conventional (U S ) 120-volt ac outlet Each amplifier front panel has l/O connectors that interface With the host RF signal source and system antenna 4-5t SPA9301~50 AMPLIFIER MODULE The amplifier module figure 41 has an average power output of 50 watts It is comprised of“ An input splitter / digital sectioni An output amplifier section A swrtch driver section. A DC circuit breaker. and A 12 volt voltage regulator The main amplifier employs class AB amplification for maximum efficiency 4»5.1 MAIN AMPLIFIER The amplifier employs a Single parallel class AB amplifier which provrdes at least 6 dB of gain in any 30 MHZ frequency band from 1930 MHz to 1990 MHZ The amplifier operates on +27 Vdc With a bias voltage of +5 Vdc and is mounted directly on a heat sink The alarm logic controls the +5 Vclc bias voltage which shuts down the amplifier on an input overpower condition 4»5,2. AMPLIFIER MONITORING in routine operation input output. and reflected power is continuously monitored When large variations occur the modules generate alarm outputs The alarms are displayed on the front panel indicator 4—5.3. AMPLIFIER MODULE COOLING Although each amplifier module contains vts own heat sink. it is cooled Wilh forced air Two fans are used for forced air cooling and redundancy The fans are located on the top and bottom of the minirack assembly They draw air in through the bottom of the amplifier and exhaust hot air out the top of the module The fans are field replaceable 4.1 5285 x85 235 95. Ems. 8.5855 eé 2:9”. 5:5 583: «mownmww‘v ummuw mwsa mama r, 930m 5,5. 4-2 Rm \ 044mm: 4-6. POWER DISTRIBUTION anary DC power for the system IS provrded by a onevkrlowan power supply attached to the mrmrack The power supply provides each amplifier module and both fans Wlth +27 Vdc. 4-7. ALARMS A number of plug-m ampllfier and system parameters and alarms can be monitored locally or remotely (optlonal). ubmr}: [m \ 4'3 SECTION 5 MAINTENANCE 5-1. INTRODUCTION This section contains periodic maintenance and performance test procedures for the SPS93Gt-100 Amplifier System It also contains a list of test equipment reqUired to perform the identified tasks NOTE Check your sales order and equipment warranty before attempting to serVice or repair the unit. Do not break the seals on equipment under warranty or the warranty may be null and void Do not return equipment forwarranty or repair sen/ice until proper shipping instructions are received from the factory 5-2. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Periodic maintenance requirements are listed in Table 5—1, Table 5-t also lists the intervals at which the tasks should be performed WARNING Wear proper eye protection to avoid eye inyury when using compressed air Table 5-1 Periodic Maintenance TASK INTERVAL ACTION Cleaning i Air Vents 30 Days inspect and clean per paragraph 5-4 Inspection i Cables and 12 Months Inspect signal and power cables for Connectors frayed insulation. Check RF connectors to be sure that they are tight Performance Tests i 12 Months Perform annual test per paragraph 5-5 5-3. CLEANING AIR INLETS/OUTLETS The air inlets and outlets should be cleaned every 30 days If the equipment is operated in a severe dust enVironment they should be cleaned more often as necessary Turn off DC power source before removmg tans lt dust and dirt are allowed to accumulate the cooling effimency may be diminished Using ezther compressed air or a brush With soft bristles loosen and remove accumulated dust and dirt from the air inlet panels tiiiniaiiz: Ru \ 5-1 5-4. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR TEST Test equipment required to test the SPSQaOt-tDO amplifier system is listed in appendix A Equivalent test equtprnent may be substituted for any item. keeping in mind that a thermistor-type power meter is reqUired, NOTE All RF test equipment must be calibrated to 0 05 dB resolution Any deviation from the nominal attenuation must be accounted ior and factored into all output readings 5-5. PERFORMANCE TEST Performance testing should be conducted in accordance with appendix A every 12 months to ensure that the amplifier system meets the operational specifications listed on data sheet DS SPA9301-50 (appendix 8). Also verify system performance after any amplifier module is replaced in the field 56. FIELD REPLACEABLE PARTS AND MODULES The followmg pans and modules can be replaced in the field. Dl’l-SitE‘ by a qualified technician with experience maintaining RF power amplifiers and Similar equipment. 1 SPAQBOi—SD Power Amplifier Module 2 Cooling Fans 5-6.1. SPA9301-50 POWER AMPLIFlER MODULE To replace a power amplifier module. proceed as follows. NOTE Power supply may remain on (active) With one module fully operational while the followmg is performed 1 Turn off the power swnch on the front panel of the amplifier module. 2 Disconnect power cable from J2 at rear of amplifier module 3 Loosen two screws that secure amplifier module to subrack. 4 Use handle on front of module and With a steady even pressure pull module out of chassis 5 Replace amplifier module in reverse sequence Make sure that power SWitch on front of module is in the OFF position 5-6 2. COOLING FANS To replace a cooling fan proceed as follows 1 Loosen four screws that secure fart to miniraok Disconnect fan power connector from amplifier module 4 Install replacement fan in reverse order it“, 5-2 APPENDIX A PERFORMANCE TEST 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 ”41mm: RU \ Specification Variables FL 2 1930 MHz FC = 1960 MHZ FH = 1990 MHZ Referenced Documents Data Sheet: DS SPA 930150 (see appendix 13) Test Equipment u. 11. us u Isolamr. PCS Preamp. 30W ouL OdBm in. 1900 MHz. [solator PCS. 30W. Nlidisco MSCOIZO with llrgh power termination Coupler. High Power. 3011131 HP778D. 50W DCPS. 34»2()V1 15A. 11P0073A Isolalor. 60 dB Dilum DSCOIZO “1111 high power terminulion High Power Coupler. 10dB.N‘arda 3043131). 500W High P0\\cr Attenuator. ZOdB. 250W Cnupler, 11PS6205A . (‘nuplcr 10dB “Norah Filler wriublc. Trilnhic EVNI’ l(|()[)'3001)<5()~:\13 . Attenuator. 21) dB. X. SW . Power Scnsor. HPS-lSlA RF Power Motor. HP-137. . Signal Gcncruwr. HPSMSA .\'c1\mrk ,\nu1_\/ur. 111’X7531) , Spectrum \nu|}/cr.11P 85611-1 Punk Prmcr \1clc1. 111’8‘1‘11 .\ “ilh S4S15,\ pmwr sensor A4 2. TEST 2.1. VSWR 2.1.1. Test Configuration us 5753 a 20 dB “our Hp A573 “Mgr? Test Pruccdure Determine Drive Required In get +4711Bm from PA I i Configure the setup shmm JbOVC hy cnnnccling the input and output lnadsmngx together (Tho I’v’\ .\[\‘dlli€ is rcmmcd). Z] Ihc nulput lnudalrmg should he Ahead} calibrated so than we can no“ Accurxnci} rcud (h: pmwr coming mu uhhc Input Loudslring. Sr Set up lhu \uuwrk hub/er pcr hchm “but. SZL Lug Mug. SdB Du. Tiff—17.8 «(Bi Smnulhing inn Slam WU” “Hi. Slop 2001) \IH/, Markers an FIN fC H'i mer 5d imtiall) 10 —I SdBm. adj u>1 (or «40.0dBm into I’ \ ("iiiihrcnc Imcrpni On. (hi kit \' 51) ohm. Cal: Rcspomc mu.“ {m \ A-Z tutu Ret \ u- 6) Po“ er range set to range il Turn off RP Set the Network Analyzer sweep type to CW at PC Ml-lz. RF output power to -lSdBm. increase the drive until the power meter reads 47-6.2:40 8 dBm. Note and keep tlte drive letel from the Network Analyzer required to do this. Tum oft" RF and disconnect the Output Loadstring from the lnpttt Loadstring. Calibrate Network Analyzer it 4) Set the Network Analyzer back to Lin Freq Sweep. Connect on N‘lm) short circuit to the output of the input directional coupler. Turn the thuork Analyzer RF power ON and perform an SZl response calibration Turn the Network Analyzer R17 OFF. Measurement 6a \I St o) Connect the calibrttted input loadstring to the inpttt ol'the PA. Connect the 50 ohm 150W attenuator to the output ofthe PA. Turn on the PA Module and then tum the Netu ork Anal) zer RF ON. Measure 511 with the response calibration performed tn previous section. Record the highest point in the hand as the input return loss ofthc PA module. Turn the Network \nul_\/.er RF OFF. Iurn ot't‘thc PA module, Soup the Rl: conucetttub to the l’.\ Module so that the lnput l ontlstrinu is connected to the output of the FA and the Output Loudstttnt: S ttsctt tts Ll tet'ntinutton for the RI: input connector on the l’.\. turn the l’ \ on and the \et\\ork .\nul}/cr RF ()1\ Measure Sit u: til xtcp 4, 10) RCL‘UI'Li the illgilL‘xl pottu in the hind tts the Output Return Loss ot'the l’.\. A-B 2.2‘ Gain and Current 2.2.1 Test Configuration HF' 5753 s 50GB “l PA “Mel”: ‘1 h—l 20dE . l 2. 2 TcstProcedurc Calibration ll Zero and Calibrate th‘ pmwr metcr Z) lhe Output Loudstring should ttlrcad} be calibrated and the offset entcrcd in the Puwcr NIL-ton along mth the upcraung frequenc) PC 1“ Rcmmc the P.\ (mm the RI: path and mnncct the Input and Output londatrings hatch~to~batck 4h Raul] tlk‘ \' \ xctup nr gw tn refer tu setup hclmx to set up thc N'cumrk \ntll\ /cr PI'L‘\CL <2]. Lug \[ut__n ZdB Dh. Raft» MBA Start 1900 \]H7_t Stop Zl)1l[),\lll/, Haulers tn I’lvt [11 H l. imtmthing S‘HL ;\\g 16 l’mxer about 73,5. Um: pmwr mctcr to find 40.6 dBm mu. l’mwr Rtmgc Manual. Range 1 [tn protect preamp from m'crdrivc] A—4Interpolation On. Cal Kit N 50 ohm. Calibrate menu: Response Use 20dB pad to the R Port for 1-47 dBm calibration 3) Set the output power nl‘the network analyzer to -20dBm at PC MHz CW, 6} Appl) DC putt er to the preamp and let the equipment waml up. /) After the equipment has \\ armed upr set the NA RF Drive to read 47— 6.4 : 40.6dBm at the Power Meter. 8) Change the S\\Cep type on the network analyzer from CW to linear sneep. 9) Perform a response calibration. and save the calibration in a register in the anal) Zer. G ain Measu rement l ) The PA module is installed in its housing and connected to the test setup Check that there is air flow around the unit. Use all the screws and sure“ down the cover. 2) Recall the gain calibration for a l’.-\ output power level of 47dBtn. 3) With RF oft: Turn on the PA. Nomma/ Vcc 1) Adjust the DC power supply so that the toltage at the connector to the unit is Z7VDl‘ nominal. Z) (in to C“ mode on the NA and set output power to r-L7 dBm at 17C. then go back to l.m Sweep. at Nleasttrc and record the PA Mndnlc Mn. ON tlfse «INlarker lfttnctionr». Marker S in and Min gain. Avg. ch. Max. \rlin) Low ch3 It .»\d_tust the D(' potter supply so that the wltttgc at the connector to the ttnit lS 37Va5VDC It (in tu C\\' mode nu the NA and reset Output power to -47 dBm at PC, then go hack [0 Lin Sueep Ft Current tneasttremcntx ma} ht: done at this time mth (W at I"(\. H. & l-ll. . 41 Measure and record the l’.\ \lntlule \la\ gain and ,\lin gain, \\g (>\ My: Vcc 1 1 r\ci}]Ll5l 1th DC putter xuppi} 50 that the tultage at the connector to the unit is Z7ell5\'l)f, Rut \ A-6 «at 2.3. 2) Go to CW mode on the NA and reset output power to +47 dBm at FC. then go back to Lin Sweep. 3) Measure and record the PA Module Max gain and Min gain. Avg ON. Spurious Emissions 2.3.1. Test Configuration Starting with the setup (or gain. disconnect the Network Analyzer and add the Spectrum Analyzer and the Digital GSM generator, Connect the loadstring that was going to Port 2 to the Spectrum Analyzer. Connect the preamp (and attached arm) that was going to Port 1 to the digital signal generator. Connect the variable notch filter to the input of the Spectrum Analyzer 2.3.2. Calibration l 1 Set the PA to read e47dBm out \\ ith the calibrated output loadstring and pcxyer meter. using ("W mode at FL. t 1 Monitor the CW signal at the Spectrum Analyzer and make sure the xariable tiller is dtusted so that it presents minimal attenuation to the signal (the signal is not being tiltcred at this time). 3) Adjust the amplitude offset of the Spectrum Analyzer until it reads the same talue for poner (A47dBm) as the poner meter reads. 2.3.3. Measurement 1) Set the spectrum analyzer settings as indicated bclo“: VBW : lOOkHz RBW : lOOkllz Spain 2 (70:\le7. Scale 7 10 dB’ Div Peak Hold ("enter Frequency : l-"C MHZ it Configure the signal generator to provide a CW signal at frequency ot‘ l']. .\Illz and a ptmcr level of -lSdBnt. w .\dtttst the \:trial)|e tiller to minimise the carrter poner on the Spectrum .\naly/er it Snitch the generator to (JNISK modulation ()f\ m \dtttst the output poucr lcycl ot'thc generator to prm ide a peak pmxer le\ cl otvleBtn at the output otthe P.\ module. {7} \leasttt'e the power in el ol any sptlltttllx tones that shon up in this hand. and record them as spurious emissions tn tltc TX Band. 2.4. 7) Repeat steps 2 through 6 for carrier frequencies ofFC MHZ and FH MHZ. 8) Change the center frequency ot'the spectrum analyzer to 1880 MHz. 9) Repeat steps 2 thru 7. and record the level of the measured spurious tone as the spurious emissions in the RX band. VSWR Alarm 2.4.1. Test Configuration Use the same setup that is used to measure gain. 2.4.2. Test Procedure With PA on at ‘47dBm at PC MHZ. disconnect output cable at the test equipment end to simulate a VSWR fault. Check that the }elluw VSWR LED comes on and verify that the RF transfer rela) s are switching to 13} pass mode. The easiest way to see this is in the dramatic reduction ut'Vec current In 1») pass made. even the bias suppl} is shut off. Reconnect the output cable and \erify that the only pener coming out is the ch‘n e pouer. To reset the it) pass mode. turn off RF and turn off Vee to the PA. Gain Alarm 2.5.1. Test Configuration 1. se Spurious limissions setup u'ithuut Spectrum anultzer 1'se Digital Signal generator and Peak pouer sensor in place 01‘111’437 pO\\'Cl" SCHSOI’. 2.52. Test Procedure: Calihratiun l t 1'he output luudstring shnuld already be calibrated with the offset and lrequeuc} entered into the power meter. which is zertted and calibrated. it Set the tl' vitttl generator to put out L111 uumetlultuetl signal at 17(‘ so that the t43't uutput ptmer meter rcuds uhuut 471le Jt Retnme the sensm'tbrthe111’437pmtermeter and replttee tt mth the sensor l'ur the peak ptmer meter. Adiust the utl'set for this chunnel until tt reads the slime us the 111’437 puuer meter did. Measurement 1 t Remme the emer [ruin the PA module 2.6. nu. Hwy?) Ru \ 2) Set the Digital Generator to CW at FL MHz for +47dBm out. peak. using 1 time slot. 3) To reduce the total gatn. short the input trace to ground on the third transistor (farthest from the front plate) at the output ofthe input power divider. 4) Note that the Red disable LED comes on and that Bypass transfer takes place. u. Remove the short. To reset the Bypabs. turn off RF and then turn off Vcc momentarily. Temperature Alarm 2.6.1. Test Configuration RF [0 the PA off. PA output loaded. Vcc on. Same configuration as gain alarm. 2.6.2 Test Procedure 1) Turn on the PA “ith 47 dBm peak dt'itcn by the GMSK generamr with l bit on. 2) .\ppl_\ 4 SV to pin 7. 3“ pm from left on the bottom St Verify that the Yellow LED goes on and the Green LED goes Mt. while the Vultagc is applied. Overdive Alarm 2.7.1. Test Configuration 1 ) GMSK Generator 2) Calibrated Input Loadstring with Peak l’tm er Sensor 3 1 Output terminated uhh high power luad 2.7.2 Test Procedure \\'ith Generator at Center Fret1.. DC at Vcc 27V. Increase Lll'l\C unttl uutt wllllli ut'l‘ur until drive lC\ el reaches J4dBt11. Input peak drtve le\el should he 41 5 tn 4: 5 dBm peak. Veril} that 331m» operntmn comes on utth Overdriw Alarm. \ ml} that the Red and ,\ellm\ l lsz are on and that the Green Llil) goes nt‘t‘ utth (h et'dm e Alarm. lo reset B}pili\' \lmlc. turn ttntt 011" 11nd lllL‘ll on ngull‘l. A-S 9‘ CALIBRATION — EQUIPMENT SETUP 3.1. Loadstrings Calibration Calibrate a network Analyzer for gain response in the rele\ ant t'req band. L'se N cal kit and cables. Nth at Part 1. N(m) at Port 2 Insert Loadstring and note loss at Center Freq. Program the power meter with the offset and frequency. 3.2. Peak Power Meter — HP8991A Setup routine: 1) 2) (Enter I’H or FL as appropriate. This will change during testing.) 3)
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