Powerwave Technologies 5JS0029 User Manual 15221
Powerwave Technologies Inc 15221
_00MPLIANCE EMI/R71.FCCVDEVCCI q ll i, 1 an my um; u in» FA 52mm 9:75ng ULCSAIDMEC June 18.1998 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division Laboratory Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia MD 20146 Dear Sir or Madam, In reference to the application under FCC [DzE67SJSOOZ9. we, Compliance Engineering Service. lnc., on behalfofPowerWave Technologieanc. request that the following material submitted with the application be withheld from public disclosure: Addend l. Schematics/Part Lists Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier System, Gen.2.5 MCR3100. MCR4100 Series Subraeks and MCA 9100450 Amplifier, Document part number:044-05025 ReviA. The requested material contains schematics, part lists and block diagrams that are confidential and WOUId not normally be considered public knowledge or be made available to the public. Best Regards Compliance Engineering Service. Inc. Mike C. 1. Kuo / Vice President A A f F,"|.'I\QlER\0/A\(E TECHNOLOGIES INSTALLATION & SERVICE MANUAL MCR3100 and MCR4100 SERIES SUBRACKS MCA 9100-50 AMPLIFIER MULTICARRIER CELLULAR AMPLIFIER SYSTEM 869-894 MHz 40 T0 175 WATTS AVERAGE POWER -65 dBc INTERMODULATION DISTORTION 04 November 1997 Powerwave Technologies, Inc. Tel: 714-757-0530 2026 McGaw Avenue Fax: 714-757-0941 Irvine, CA 92614 Web Site: www.pwav.com 044-05024 Rev A Par. i? 416.3: o- 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 26 2-8 44 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4.6 445.1 445.2 443.3 45.4 477 4—8 4-3 1 4-3 2 479 44 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 Page General Description No. Introduction General Description Functional and Physical Specifications. Equipment Changes .. Ordering Information .. Section 2 Installation Introduction .. . ElectricaISerVice ecommendations Unpacking and Inspection Installation Instructions Amplifier Module Status, Alarm, Control, and Power Connector. Subrack Module Status and Fan Alarm Terminal Block 24-Way Input Combiner, Models PWlC-ZAA and PWIC-24A-1 Expansion Panel ..................... . Section 3 Operating Instructions Introduction . . 3-1 Location and Function of subrack and Amplifier Module Circuit Brea ers. ontrols, and Indicator 34 Initial Start- -Up and Operating Procedures..:m Section 4 Principles of Operation Introduction“, RF input Signa RF Output Load. System Functional Description MCR31OO and MCR4100 Subracks Model MCA9100~50 Amplifier Module Main Amplifier Error Amplifier . Amplifier Monitoring . Amplifier Module Cooling Power Distribution” lnterrnoniulation Two Tone Intermodulation. Multiione Intermodulati'on Alarms... 24-Way input combiner Models PWIC- 24A and PWIC- 24A- 044»05024 Rev. A ii Par 5—1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-54 5—6 543.1 5—62 5—63 Figure 1-1 1-2 14 2-1 3-1 3-2 3—3 34 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section 5 Page Maintenance M Introduction. 5-1 Periodic Maintenance 5-1 Test Equipment Required For Test 5-1 Cleaning Air Inlets/Outlets 5-2 Performance Test .......... 5-2 Amplifier System Performance Tes 5-2 Field Replaceable Parts and Modules 5-7 MCA9100- 50 Power Amplif er Modul 5-7 Cooling Fans... A 5-7 27 Vdc Fuses AAAAAA .. M 5—7 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page No MCR3100 With Three Amplifier Units. Center Mount Configuration MCR4100 with Four Amplifier Units, Center Mount Configuration PWIC-24A 19-inch Center-Mount Configuration . PWIC-24A-1 24-inch Center-Mount Configuration Amplifier Connector (on Rear of MCAQ‘lOD-SO Module) , MCR3100 with Three Amplifier Units, Rear View ........ MCR4100 with Four Amplifier Units Rear View Terminal Block TB1 ...... Model MCAQiOU- 50 Amplifier Module Control and Indicator MCR 3100 Three Module Amplifier System MCR M00 Four Module Amplifier System MCAQlOO-so Power Amplifier Module Functional Block Diagram. Amplifier System Test Setup Diagram ............ LIST OF TABLES Major System Components. .. Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier System Functional Specifications. 24- Way Input Combiner Functional Specifications Interconnect Cables Supplied.. . Amplit'er Module Status Alarm. Control and Power Connections. MCR3100 & MCR4100 Suorack Circuit Breakers Alarms and Input/Output Connectors ., Terminal Block TBl Functions Amplifier Module Control and Indicators, Periodic Maintenance Test Equipment Required Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier System Test Data Sheet. 044-05024 Rev, A iii SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1. INTRODUCTION This manual contains information and procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance of Powerwave’s multicarrier cellular amplifier systems. The manual is organized into five sections as follows Section 1 General Description Section 2. Installation Section 3. Operating Instructions Section 4. Principles of Operation Section 5, Maintenance 1-2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MCA9100—50 is a linear, feed-fonivard power amplifier that operates in the 25 MHz frequency band from 869 MHZ to 894 MHz The amplifier can simultaneously transmit multiple frequencies, with better than -65 dBc third order intermodulation distortion (IMD). The amplifier system is modular in design, and is ideally suited for use in AMPS/TDMA/CDMA base stations, The amplifier system is available in two subrack configurations: the MCR3100 system with up to 135 watts output, employing three MCAQiOO-SO amplifiers, one PWIC-24A 24—way combiner, and an MCRa‘lOO 19—inch centeramount subrack (figures i-1 and 1-3); and the MCR41OO system with up to 175 watts output, employing four MCA9100v50 amplifiers, one PWlC—24A-1 24»way combiner, and an MCRMOO 24-inch center-mount subrack (figures 1-2 and 1-4). The plug-in Model MCA9100-50 amplifier modules can each provide 50 watts of power and function completely independently of each other The amplifier modules are designed for parallel operation to produce high peak power output and backup redundancy for remote applications All solid‘state, the system is designed to provide trouble-free operation With minimum maintenance. The system's modular construction and unique and highly effective LED—based operational status and fault indicators help minimize down-time The turn-on and turn-off sequences of voltages are fully automatic, as is overload protection and recycling. Inadvertent operator damage from front panel manipulation is virtually impossible, The MCRsiOO and MCRMOO subracks each contain an RF power splitter/combiner and a summary logic module that monitors the functional status of all plug—in amplifiers. The rear panels of the subracks interface With the host system via the system RF l/O connectors, an RF output sample connector, and either a form C remote status six-position terminal block (style A) or D-sub miniature connectors to control and monitor the system and each amplifier (styles B and C). Primary power for the amplifier system is +27 Vdc. Each amplifier module has a status connector which allows the host system to monitor the amplifier module performance. The front panel of each amplifier module has unit level status/fault indicators and an RF on/ofl/reset switch, Cooling for each plug-in amplifier module is provided by two tans mounted on the front and rear of the module. The fans draw outside air through the front of the module and exhaust hot air out through the rear of the module, The system utilizes a 247way input combiner to allow 24 simultaneous narrowband RF signals to be input to the system (see figures 13 and 1-4). 1-3. FUNCTIONAL AND PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Functional and physical specifications for the amplifier system are listed in tables 1-2 and 1-3, 044-05024 Rev n H 1-4. EQUIPMENT CHANGES Powerwave Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to make minor changes to the equipment without notice, including but not necessarily limited to component substitution and circuitry changes. Such changes may or may not be incorporated in this manual, although it is our intention to keep each manual as up-to-date as possmle, To that end, we ask that you, our customer, share with us information acquired in field situations which might be of asSistance to another user. If you share it with us, we'll pass it around. 1-5. ORDERING INFORMATION Table 1-1 following gives the part numbers and descriptions to be used when ordering either an entire system or individual major components that comprise the system Table 1-1. Mayor System Components SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OF SUB- QTY DESCRIPTION OF SUB- ORDER SYSTEM NUMBER COMPONENT PER COMPONENT MODEL NUMBER MODEL SYSTEM NUMBER NUMBER MCR3100 120 W 869—894 MHz MCPA MCA9100-50 50 W869~894 MHZ MCPA System for Base Station Module. Equipment PWI024A 1 24-Way Input Combiner in a 19" Center-Mount Configuration. MCR3100 _ 1 3-Way 19“ Center-Mount Configuration Subrack. MCRMUO 175 W 869894 MHZ MCPA MCA9100-50 4 50 W 869—894 MHZ MCPA System for Base Station Module Equipment. PWIC»24A—1 1 24-Way Input Combiner in a 24" Center-Mount Configuration, MCR4100 1 4-Way 24” Center-Mount Configuration Subrack. 044-05024 Roy A I-2 dozejmccoo E302 Eycmo 6ch Lm£6qu mmEh £5, OoemeE glr wSaE QO FIQE _Zoz._ o o__,.: ...-..-:. . ... ........... m w» .- . 8.9 {Wang 8.2 252} 1-3 044-05024 Rev A firm-31 5050590600 E322 LBCQQ ALE: NI? 950i 6532 5£ £5 8? $92 mgm FIOE HZOWI “9:13 5:56: cud m. — . m _ 55m 95m Wgfl Magma ooéw 1-4 044415024 Rev. A 8583925 “Esoziflcmu 55-9 <¢m|u§a fila ngQu D" iTTITl'I LIIITIJLLLLL MAJ.“ I. 3 x2 qr SESuESu 52! 5.5“ an: an. a A . . a m . _ r . - l... h . 55. «THEE _ 1. 255.4350 .. I kiwi-L < ..-!!nl..n._|l= : = a. Esau-Mm _ a)... a E a wan-a 4- [5 044-050“ Rcv. A socfiogsmagou Esoziflcmu guchm TimbgiLowm .BED BEBE/x Bo; 5:5 OQZVmoE me 830[ 044-05024 Rev. A TERMINAL MINOR - NC MINOR- C MAJOR - NC Table 3-2. Terminal Block TBl Functions INTERFACE FUNCTION DESCTIPTION CONNECTOR PIN Normally Normally closed (continuity between NC and C) when closed fans are operating normally. Opens when one or both fans fail imy amplifier in that mainframe. Common Common to MINOR - NC. Normally Normally closed (confinuity between NC and C) when closed system is operating normally. Opens when both fans fail or when OVER PWR, HIGH TEMP. VSWR. DC FAIL. LOOP FAIL or LOW POWER alarm occurs in a_ny amplifier in that mainfi'ame. MAJOR - C SHUTDOWN - NC SHUTDOWN - C 044»05024 Rev. A Common to MAJOR-NC, Normally closed (continuity between NC and C) when all MCAs are operating normally. Opens only NM MCAs are disabled. This signifies a mainframe shut- down Common Io SHUTDOWN - NC NCCNCCNCC gr; gr—J '—l—‘ MlNOR’ MAJOR SHUT TBl DOWN Figure 3-3 Terminal Block TBl 3-4 Table 3-3. Amplifier Module Control and Indicators +28 Vdc Indicator FUNCTION (No . MCA Multichannel Amplifier) Green LED. When lit. indicates that the +27 Vdc supply is greater than +23 Vdc and less than +30 Vdc. The LED will blink if the voltage is 28 Vdc to 30 Vdc. if the +27 Vdc indicator goes out, the DC FAIL indi- cator will illuminate. This indicates that the +27 Vdc voltage dropped below +23 Vdc. A timer is started and the DC fail counter is incre~ merited. Afier five seconds the fault is analyzed and if it exists the counter is incremented" If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault will occur, the fault indicator will latch on, and the MCA module will be disabled. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer Will reset to zero. If the DC input voltage exceeds +30 volts. the MCA will be disabled in- stantaneously, as indicated by the illumination of the LPA DISAB. LED. A timer is started and the DC fail counter is incremented, After five seconds the voltage is measured. If the fault exists the counter is in- cremented."r If the count equals five before the timer reaches 15 min- utes, a summary fault will occur, the fault indicator will latch on, and the MCA module will remain disabled. If15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches five, the counter and timer Will reset to zero. 2 +15 Vdc Indicator 3 +5VDC Indicator Green LED When lit, indicates that the +15 Vdc supply is greater than +14 Vdc and less than +16 Vdc. If the +15 Vdc indicator goes out. the DC FAIL indicator will illuminate. This indicates that the +15 Vdc volt- age dropped below +14 Vdc or increased above +16 Vdc, A timer is started and the DC fail counter is incremented. After five seconds the fault is analyzed and if it exists the counter is incremented.’ If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault Will occur, the fault indicator Will latch on, and the MCA module Will be disabled. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer will reset to zero. Green LED When lit, indicates that the +5 Vdc supply is greater than +4 5 Vdc and less than +5 5 Vdc. Ifthe +5 Vdc indicator goes out, the DC FAIL indicator will illuminate, This indicates that the +5 Vdc voltage dropped below +45 Vdc or increased above +55 Vdc, A timer is started and the DC fail counter is incremented, After five seconds the fault is analyzed and if it Exists the counter is incremented" If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault Will occur, the fault indicator Will latch on, and the MCA module Will be disabled. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer will reset to zero. 4 -5VDC Indicator 044-0502: Rev A Green LED When lit, indicates that the -5 Vdc supply is greater than 55 Vdc and less than 4 5 Vdc If the -5 Vdc indicator goes out, the DC FAIL indicator Will illuminate This indicates that the -5 Vdc voltage dropped below -5 5 Vdc or increased above 45 Vdc, A timer is started and the DC fail counter is incremented. After five seconds the fault is analyzed and if it exists the counter is incremented.* If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault Will occur, the fault indicator Will latch on, and the MCA module Will be disabled. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25. the counter and timer will reset to zero. RF ON Switch FUNCTION (Note: MCA Three position switch: OFF (down posmon) - Turns off amplifier module. ultichannel Amplifier) ON (center position) - Normal amplifier on position. RESET (up position) ~ When toggled to reset position, all the green LED indicators will turn off and all the red LED indicators will illuminate momentarily (LED test); this will also reset the fault latches Then a se- ries of fault LEDs will illuminate for2 seconds to illustrate configuration type. If the Witch is held in the reset position, a microcontroller reset will occur. This will be verified by the LEDs toggling state again. The switch is spring loaded to return to the normal ON position when re- leased If a fault occurs and the MCA is disabled, the alarms can be cleared and the MCA enabled by this reset position. The functions of the switch are disabled for five seconds after a power-up condition. 6 OVER PWR Fault Indicator Red LED. When lit, indicates the output power from the amplifier ex~ ceeded 100 watts. If an over power condition occurs the MCA is im- mediately disabled. A timer is started and the over power fault counter is incremented, After five seconds the MCA is enabled and the fault is analyzed. If the fault eXists, the MCA is again disabled and the counter is incremented.* lfthe count equals five before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault will occur, the fault indicator will latch on. and the MCA module Will be disabled. Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCA. if 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches five. the counter and timer will reset to zero 7 HIGH TEMP Fault Indicator Red LED. When lit, indicates that the amplifier heat smk temperature has exceeded 30 “C. If a high temp condition occurs a timer is started and the high temp fault counter is incremented. Alter five seconds the fault is analyzed. Ifthe fault eXists. the counter is incremented * if the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault will occur. the fault indicator Will latch on, and the MCA module will be disabled. Toggling the reset switch Will enable the MCA. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25. the counter and timer Will reset to zero 8 VSWR Fault Indicator Mai-05024 Rev A Red LED When lit. indicates that the reflected power detected at the amplifier output exceeds 25 watts. lfa VSWR condition occurs a timer is started and the VSWR fault counter is incremented. After five sec- onds the fault is analyzed. lfthe fault exists, the counter is incre- mented " If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault will occur, the fault indicator Will latch on. and the MCA module will be disabled. Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCA. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer Will reset to zero 3-6 FUNCTION (Note: MCA = Multichannel Amplifier) DC FAIL Fault Red LED. When lit, indicates that one of the internal DC voltages indicator dropped below or exceeded the safe threshold level (+23 V<+27 V<+3O V, +14 V<+15 V<+16 V, +4.5 V<+5 V<+5.5 V, or -5.5 V<-5 V<~4,5 V). Ifa DC fail condition occurs a timer is started and the DC fail counter is incremented. Alter five seconds the fault Is ana- lyzed. If the fault exists, the counter is incremented.‘ If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault will occur. The fault indicator WiIl latch on and the MCA module Will be dis- abled. Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCA. if 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25. the counter and timer will reset to zero. If the DC input violates the +30 volt threshold, the MCA is im- mediately disabled. A timer is started and the DC fault counter is in- cremented After five seconds the fault is analyzed. If the fault exists the counter is incremented" If the count equals five before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault will occur, the fault indicator will latch on, and the MCA module will remain disabled, if 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches five, the counter and timer will reset to zero. 10 FAN FAIL Fault Red LED. When lit, indiCEtes that one or both of the fans has miled. If Indicator one fan fails, the FAN FAIL indicator will light. If both fans fail, the FAN FAIL indicator will light, a timer is started, and the fan fail counter is in- cremented. After five seconds the fault is analyzed. If the fault exists, the counter is incremented.‘ if the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, a summary fault Will occur, the fault indicator wrll latch on, and the MCA module Will be disabled. Toggling the reset switch Will enable the MCA. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25. the counter and timer will reset to zero, 11 LOOP FAlL Fault Red LED. When lit, indicates that one of the loop control voltages has Indicator transitioned above or below safe operating limits. lfa loop fail condition occurs a timer is started and the loop fail counter is incremented. After five seconds the fault is analyzed. If the fault exists, the counter is in— cremented.‘ If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 min- utes, a summary fault will occur, the fault indicator Wl|| latch on, and the MCA module will be disabled, Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCA. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer Will reset to zero, 12 LOW PWR Fault Red LED When lit. indicates that the RF power output from the ampli- lndicator her dropped »2dB (-1,+0dB) below the average power output of all am~ plifier modules in the rack. Ifa low power condition occurs a timer is started and the low power fault counter is incremented. After five sec- onds the fault is analyzed. lfthe fault exists, the counter is incre- mented" If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes. a summary fault will occur, the fault indicator will latch on, and the MCA module will be disabled. Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCA. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer will reset to zero. 13 LPA DISAB. Red LED When lit, indicates that MCA is manually switched off using Fault Indicator the front panel RF ON switch, or disabled by a summary alarm ‘Whi e the fault is in evaluation, the LED will blink at a 1 Hz rate. (NJ-05024 Rev A 3_7 3-3. INITIAL START-UP AND OPERATING PROCEDURES The only operating control on each amplifier module is the RF ON - ON/OFF/RESET switch. To perform the initial start-up, proceed as follows: 1 Double check to ensure that all input and output cables are properly connected. CAUTION Before applying power, make sure that the input and output of the amplifier are properly terminated at 50 ohms. Do not operate the amplifier without a load attached. Refer to table 1-1 for input power requirements, Excessive input power may damage the amplifier NOTE The output coaxtal cable between the amplifier and the antenna must be 50 ohm coaxial cable. Use of any other cable, will distort the output. 2, Verify that all front panel switches are in the OFF posmon. 3, Turn on supply that prowdes +27 Vdc to the amplifier system. Do not apply an RF signal to the amplifier system 4 Visually check the indicators on the amplifier modules and verify that the following in~ dicators are on. a. LOOP FAIL Indicator (red) should be on. b, LPA DISAB. Indicator (red) should be on. c. The +2BVDC, +15VDC, +5VDC and -5VDC indicators (green) on all amplifier modules should be on 5 Tum on all front panel swnches. All red LEDs should turn off after ten seconds. 6. Turn on external excnterltransceiver and apply RF input signals 7 Manually reset each amplifier module by momentarily switching the RF ON - ONIOFF/RESET switch to RESET posnion. 044705024 Rem A 3-8 MCAQlOO SERlES ©I—STATUS W © 0 o o 0 am or: 42m +15:ch 4-5ch -5ch RF oN r—ALARMS—I 89289 98,9. L L» can u r m r mu uuuuuuuuuuuu Figure 34. Model MCA9100~50 Amplifier Module Control and Indicators 044—05on Rev A 3-9 SECTION 4 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 4-1. INTRODUCTION This section contains a functional description of the Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier Systems 4-2. RF INPUT SIGNAL The maximum input power for all carrier frequencies should not exceed the limits speCified in table 1-1. For proper amplifier loop balance, the out of band components of the input signals should not exceed 40 dBc. The input VSWR should be 2:1 maximum (or better). 4-3. RF OUTPUT LOAD The load impedance should be as good as possible (1 5.1 or better) in the working band for good power transfer to the load. If the amplifier is operated into a filter, it will maintain its distortion characteristics outside the signal band even if the VSWR is infinite, provided the reflected power does not exceed one watt. A parasitic signal of less than one watt incident on the output will not cause distortion at a higher level than the normal forward distortion (i.e. —65 dBc) 4-4. SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The amplifier system is comprised of an MCR3100 or an MCR41DO subrack, a PWIC-24A or a PWlC-24A-1 24-way combiner, and three or four MCA9100-50 plug-in power amplifiers. The MCA9100—50 amplifier is a linear, feed~forward power amplifier that operates in the 25 MHz frequency band from 869 MHz to 594 MHz. Typical three and four module systems are shown in figures 4-1 and 4-2. Power output specrfications for one to four module systems are listed in table 1-1. Each amplifier is a self—contained plug-in module and is functionally independent of the other amplifier modules The amplifier modules are designed for parallel operation to achieve high peak power output, and for redundancy in unmanned remote locations. The subrack houses a three or four-way power splitter/combiner, summary alarm logic, and a voltage regulator. The rear panel of the subrack has l/O connectors that interface with the host system, RF signal source, system antenna, and the system DC power source The amplifier system can simultaneously transmit multiple carrier frequencies, at an average total power output of 40 watts (one amplifier module in a subrack unit) to 175 watts (4 amplifier modules), with 455 dBc third order intermodulation distonion (IMD), The RF input (carrier frequencies) to the power splitter Will vary depending on the number of amplifier modules in the system. In a four module system, the signal Will be split into four signals of equal power and input to the plug-in amplifier modules. The output from each amplifier is an amplified composue signal of approximately 50 watts before combiner losses. All phase and gain corrections are performed on the signal(s) in the indivrdual amplifier modules. The amplifier outputs are fed to a power combiner and combined to form a composite RF output of up to 175 watts. Each amplifier module has an alarm and display board that monitors the amplifier performance. if a failure or fault occurs in an amplifier module, it is displayed on the indiVidual amplifier front panel and the summary form C contact Will activate. The fan/summary alarm module in the subrack is the system fault monitor. When an amplifier is turned off, it is physically disconnected via relays from the combiner The purpose of the summary alarm board is to control the turn—on and turnoff sequence of the amplifiers and splitter/combiner, and calculate the average power output from all amplifier modules in the system. Timing of fault signals is performed by the system alarm board in the amplifier modules. (NJ—05024 Rev A 4-I MCR31 DD SUERAtX 27V mum c m1 27V FAN / SUIVMARY c MAJOR GND ' ALARMS NC SHUT C DOWN Figure 4-1 MGR 3100 Three Module Amplifier System V —| MCRH DD SLIERACK COMEIPER N our RF w 0 Q SAMFLE - FAN I SUMMARY 27V , c MAJOR GND ' ALARMS ‘ NC SWT l C DGVW Figure 4-2. MCR 4100 Four Module Amplirer System (Md-05024 Rev. A 4-5. MCR3100 and MCR4100 SUBRACKS The MCR3100 and MCR4100 subracks (see block diagrams, figures 4—1 and 4-2) are not field repairable. The subrack contains a three- or four—way RF power splitter/combiner, voltage regulator, and summary alarm board. The splitter/combiner has an input splitter and an output combiner. which provide good VSWR and ensure low insertion loss, The splitter/combiner has relays that are activated and deactivated by the summary alarm board when a plug-in amplifier is power sequenced on or is shut down The voltage regulator provides +5 Vdc and +15 Vdc power 4-6. MCA5100-50 AMPLIFIER MODULE The amplifier module. figure 4~3, has an average power output of 50 watts (500 watts peak power) with intermodulation products suppressed to better than —65 dBc below carrier levels. The amplifier provides an amplified output signal with constant gain and phase by adding approximately 30 dB of distortion cancellation on the output signal. Constant gain and phase is maintained by continuously comparing active paths with passive references, and correcting for small variations through the RF feedback controls. All gain and phase variations, for example those due to temperature, are reduced to the passive reference variations. The amplifier module is comprised of: Preamplifiers Main amplifier Error amplifier Two feed-forward loops With phaseshift and gain controls DC/DC power regulator Alarm monitoring. control and display panel The main amplifier employs class AB amplification for maximum efficiency. The error amplifier and feed tom/ard loops are employed to correct signal nonlinearities introduced by the class AB main amplifier The error amplifier operates in class A mode The RF input signals are amplified by a preamp and coupled to an attenuator and phase shifter in the first feed-forward loop. The main signal is phase shified by 180 degrees and amplified in the premain amplifier. The output from the premain amplifier is fed to the class AB main amplifier. The output from the main amplifier is typically 50 watts. The signal is output to several couplers and a delay line. attenuated, phase shifted 180 degrees, then fed to the error amplifier where it is amplified to a level identical to the sampled output from the main amplifier. The output from the error amplifier is then coupled back and added to the output from the main amplifier. The control loops continuously make adjustments to cancel out any distortion in the final output signals. The primary function of the first loop is to provrde an error signal for the second loop. The primary lunction cf the second loop is to amplify the error Signal to cancel out spurious products developed in the main amplifier. The input signal is amplified by a preamplifier and led to a coupler and delay line, The signal irom the coupler is fed to the attenuator and phase shifter in the 1st loop The first loop control section phase shifts the main input signals by 180 degrees and constantly monitors the output for correct phase and gain 044415024 Rev, A 4.3 PRE MAIN MAIN AMP AMP ISOLATOR 1 st LOOP ac as new M©4 FHflSE a GAlN RF OUT RFL PWR PRE AMP EisRon AMP 2 ND LOOP PHASE & GAIN FEED FORWARD Loov comma. A 5 ~s .5 | “0:53, ALARMS am DISPLAY I; ALARMS Am CONTROLS DISPLAYS Figure 4-3. MCA9100-50 Power Amplifier Module Functional Block Diagram The 2nd loop control section obtains a sample of the distortion added to the output signals by the main amplifiers, phase shifts the signals by ‘lBD degrees, then feeds it to the error amplifier where it is amplified to the same power level as the input sample. then couples the error signal on to the main output signal The final output is monitored by the 2nd loop and adjusted to ensure that the signal distortion and IMO on the final output is canceled out. 4-6.1. MAIN AMPLIFIER The input and output of the amplifier employ three-stage. class AB amplifiers which prowde approximately 54 dB of gain in the 25 MHz frequency band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz. The amplifier operates on +27 Vdc, and a bias voltage of +5 Vdc, and is mounted directly on a heat sink The alarm logic controls the +5 Vdc bias voltage which shuts down the amplifier. 4-62. ERROR AMPLIFIER The main function of the error amplifier is to sample and amplify me signal distortion level generated by the main amplifier, to a level that cancels out the distortion and IMO when the error signal is coupled onto the main signal at the amplifier output. The error amplifier is a balanced multistage, class AB amplifier, has 40 dB of gain and produces a 90 watt output. The amplifier operates on +27 Vdc, and a bias voltage of +15 Vdc and is mounted directly on a heat sink which is temperature monitored by a thermostat If the heat sink temperature exceeds 80 “C. the thermostat opens and a high temperature fault occurs 4—63. AMPLIFIER MONITORING In the main and error amplifier modules, all normal variations are automatically compensated for by the feedforward loop control, However, when large variations occur beyond the adjustment range of the loop control, a loop fault will occur The alarms are displayed in the front panel indicators and output via a 17~pin connector on the rear of the module to the subrack summary board for subsequent remote monitoring Via TE1. Refer to paragraph 2—6 as well as table 32 and figure 3-3 for a description of terminal block TB1. 044415014 Rev A 4,4 4-64. AMPLIFIER MODULE COOLING Although each amplifier module contains its own heat sink, It is cooled With forced air. Two fans for are used for forced air coaling and redundancy. The fans are located on the front and rear of the amplifier module, draw air in through the front of the amplifier, and exhaust hot air out the back of the module. The fans are field replaceable. 4-7. POWER DISTRIBUTION Primary DC power for the system is provided by the host system to the MCR31OO or MCR4100 sen’es subracks. The subrack supplies each amplifier module with +27 Vdc directly and via the RF power splitter/combiner, The amplifier module has a DCIDC converter that converts the +27 Vdc to +15 Vdc, +5 Vdc and -5 Vdc. 4-8. INTERMODULATION The MCAQtOO-SO amplifier is designed to deliver a 50~watt composite average power, multicarrter signal, occupying a bandWidtn less than or equal to 25 MHz, in the bandwidth from 869-894 MHZ. The maximum average power for linear operation, and thus the amplifier efficiency, Will depend on the type of signal amplified. 4-8.1 TWO TONE INTERMODULATION When measured with two equal CW tones spaced anywhere from 30 kHz to 25 MHZ apart, and at any power level up to the peak power, the third order intermodulation products will be below -65 dBc 4-82 MULTlTONE INTERMODULATION Adding more tones to the signal WlII lower individual intermodulation products. If the frequencies are not equally spaced, the level of intermodulation products gets very low. When the frequencies are equally spaced, those products fall on top of each other on the same frequency grid. The average power of all lntermodulation beats falling on the same frequency is called the compoSite intermodulation; it is -65 (180 or better. 4-9. ALARMS The presence of several plug-in amplifier alarms can be detected at TB1 on the subrack rear panel. Refer to table 3-2 and figure 3-3 for a description of terminal block TB1. 4-10. Z4-WAY lNPUT COMBINER, MODELS PWIC-24A AND PWIC-24A-1 The Model PWlC-24 is a 24-way combiner which is utilized at the input to a multichannel linear power amplifier. It is rack-mounted and has a rear-mounted calibrated dial to allow setting to within 205 dB Twenty~four narrowband RF input Signals enter the system through 10 dB attenuators which also provide isolation between the input channels. The combined output passes through an electronically variable attenuator and then is amplified prior to passing through a 20 dB directional coupler at the output. The coupled arm of the directional coupler provides an output sample by which the level of each of the 24 input signals can be adjusted 044415024 Rev. A 4-5 SECTION 5 MAINTENANCE 5—1. INTRODUCTION This section contains periodic maintenance and performance test procedures for the Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier System. lt also contains a list of test equipment required to perform the identified tasks, NOTE Check your sales order and equipment warranty before attempting to service or repair the unit. Do not break the seals on equipment under warranty or the warranty WIII be null and vmd Do not return equipment for warranty or repair service until proper shipping instructions are received from the factory 5-2. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Periodic maintenance requirements are listed in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 also lists the intenrals at which the tasks should be perfomflect WARNING Wear proper eye protection to av0id eye injury when using compressed air Table 5-1 Periodic Maintenance TASK INTERVAL ACTION Cleanlng Air Vents 30 Days Inspect and clean per parai 5-4 Inspection Cables and 12 Months Inspect signal and power cables for Connectors frayed insulation. Check RF connectors to be sure that they are tight, Performance Tests 12 Months Perform annual test per para. 5-5. 5-3. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR TEST Test equipment required to test the amplifier system is listed in Table 5-2 Equivalent test equipment may be substituted for any item, keeping in mind that a thermistor type power meter is required NOTE All RF test equipment must be calibrated to 0.05 dB resolution Any deViation from the nominal attenuation must be accounted for and factored into all output readings. (744»05024 Rev. A 5-1 Table 5—2. Test Equipment Required MANUFACTURER Il_l 8 Im NOMENCLATURE Signal Generator (4 each) 20 dB Attenuator, 250 Watt 20 dB Attenuator, 20 Watt (2 each) Spectrum Analyzer Coax Directional Coupler Four Tone Combmer Network Analyzer Current Probe 54. CLEANING AIR INLETSIOUTLETS The air inlets and outlets should be cleaned every 30 days, It the eqmpment is operated in a severe dust enVironment. they should be cleaned more often as necessary, Turn off DC power source before removmg fans It dust and dirt are allowed to accumulate, the cooling efficiency may be diminished Using either compressed air or a brush With soft bristles, loosen and remove accumulated dust and dirt from the air inlet panels 5-5. PERFORMANCE TEST Performance testing should be conducted every 12 months to ensure that the amplifier system meets the operational speCifications listed in table 5-3t Also verify system performance after any amplifier module is replaced in the field. The test equipment required to perform the testing is listed in table 5-2, and the test setup is shown in figure 5—1 NOTE The frequencies used in this test are typical for an amplifier with a 25 MHz band from 569 MHz to 894 MHZ Select evenly spaced F1, F2, F3. and F4 frequencies, that cover the Instantaneous bandwidth of your system. 5-51 AMPLIFIER SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TEST. This test is applicable to both the MCR3100 and MCRMOO subracks with one to tour plug—in MCA9100-50 amplifier modules, Perform the tests applicable to your system. Refer to table 1-2 for RF power input levels for systems With one to four amplifier modules To penorm the test, proceed as follows: 1, Connect test eqUipment to the subrack as shown in figure 51. NOTE Do not apply any RF Signals at this time 2 Turn on all four signal generators and set frequency F1 to 880 MHz, F2 to 883 MHz, F3 to 886 MHz, and F4 to 889 MHz. Adjust each signal generator output so that the sum power output from all four signal generators equals -4 dBm at the output of the 4—way combiner. 044-05024 Rev A 5-2 SINGLE AMPLIFIER IMD TEST 3. Adjust attenuator for an input signal at -l0 dBm Reset amplifier with the front panel ON/OFF/RESET switch, and set switch to ON Adjust variable attenuator to set amplifier power output on power meter to 40 watts, Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer, IMD should be -65 dBc max Record test data in table 5-3 Swrtch tested amplifier to OFF. 4 Repeat step 3 for amplifiers 2, 3, and 4, as applicable, for each plug-in amplifier module, TWO AMPLIFIER IMD TEST 5. Reset and turn on channel 1 and 2 amplifier modules, and turn off channel 3 and 4 amplifiers Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 90 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer IMD should be ~65 dBc maximum, Record test data in table 5-3 6. Reset and turn on channel 1 and 3 amplifiers, and turn off channel 2. Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 90 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer, lMD should be 435 dBc max1mum. Record test data in table 5-3. 7, Reset and turn on channel 1 and 4 amplifiers and turn off channel 3 Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 90 watts Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer. IMD should be -65 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 5-3 8. Reset and turn on channel 2 and 3 amplifiers, and turn off channel 1. Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 90 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer IMD should he -65 dBc maximum Record test data in table 5—3. 9 Reset and turn on channel 2 and 4 amplifiers, and turn off channel 3. Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 90 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer. IMD should be 65 dBc maxrmum. Record test data in table 5-3. 10, Reset and turn on channel 3 and 4 amplifiers, and turn off channel 2 Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 90 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer. IMD should be -65 dBc maximum Record test data in table 5-3. THREE AMPLIFIER IMD TEST 11 Reset and turn on channel 1, 2 and 3 amplifiers, and turn off channel 4. Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 120 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer IMD should be -65 dBc maximum Record test data in table 53. 12. Reset and turn on channel 1, 2 and 4 amplifiers, and turn off channel 3, Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 120 watts. . Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer. IMD should be -65 dBc ma><|mum Record test data in table 5-3. 13. Reset and turn on channel 1, 3 and 4 amplifiers, and turn off channel 2. Adjust the variable attenuator to set poweroutput on power meter to 120 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer IMD should be -65 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 5-3, 14. Reset and turn on channel 2, 3 and 4 amplifiers, and turn off channel 1. Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meterto 120 watts Measure lMD on spectrum analyzer IMD should be 65 dBc maximum Record test data in table 53, (Md-05024 Rev /\ 5-3 FOUR AMPLIFIER IMD AND CURRENT TEST: 15. Reset and turn on channel 1, 2, 3, and 4 amplifiers. Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 175 watts Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer IMD should be -65 dBc maXimum. Record test data in table 5-3. 16. With the power amplifier set at 175 watts power output, use the current probe (magnetic field type) and measure the dc current flow from the +27 Vdc power source. Current should be 86 amps maximum. Record test data in table 5-3. HARMON ICS TEST 17, With the power amplifier set at 175 watts power output, use the spectrum analyzer and check the frequency band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz for harmonics, Harmonics should be -45 dBc maximum Record test data in table 5-3 SPURIOUS TEST 18 Vtfith the power amplifier set at 175 watts power output, use the spectrum analyzer and check the frequency band from 869 MHz to 594 MHz for spurious signals. Spurious signals should be -65 dBc maXimum Record test data in table 5-3. GAIN TEST 19, Disconnect spectrum analyzer from test setup, and connect the network analyzer. 20. Set network analyzer as follows a. Power output to 11 dBm b. Frequency start to 869 MHz 0, Frequency stop to 894 MHz. d. Normalize the network analyzer for gain and return loss. 21. Reset and turn on the channel 1 amplifier, turn off channel 2, 3 and 4 amplifiers. Check the gain across the band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz. Gain should be as specified in table 1-2 11 dB. Record test data in table 5-3. 22 Turn off the channel 1 amplifier and reset and turn on the channel 2 amplifier Check the gain across the band from 569 MHZ to 594 MHz. Gain should be as specified in table 1-2 11 dB. Record test data in table 5-3. 23 Repeat steps 21 and 22 and individually check and record the gain of each amplifier module in the system Record test data in table 5-3 24. Refer to table 5-3 Collectively reset and turn on the amplifier modules in groups of two three and tour. as shown in table 5-3, and check the gain of each group The minimum/maximum gain of each group of amplifiers, should be within the limits shown in table 53. Record test data in table 5-3. INPUT RETURN LOSS TEST: 25. Reset and turn on all amplifier modules in the main frame. Read and record the S11 return loss measurement on network analyzer, Record test data in table 5-3. 044-05024 Rev A 544 20 dB DIRECTIONAL , I: COUPLER 20 “E ATTN 20 dB ATTN RF our _ POWER METER Mclmuu on Mcrmuu -L summcu 1 mum zuw i‘ ' .5 ATT wnn man on FOUR Hm m mcnsmnrso PLucm AMPUFIER RF IN SENSOR HEAD MODULES “32A 20 dB ATTN 20 WATT SGNAL WK] SPECTRUM GENERATOR a, mREcnouAL F1 AJ COU’LER “ragga SIGNAL /‘/\/ GENERATOR My H—l F2 ,r\/ l-WAV coma 7‘ SIGNAL ”U l e GENERATOR xx, m as E753C F3 /\/ VARIABLE NETWORK ATTENUATOR pews»? ME7ER o (p ANALVZER /X/ swowAL o GENERATOR ”J N A] SENSOR HEAD aAazA FwLTERASOLAmRs .— Figure 5—1. Amphfier System Test Setup Diagram DIM-05024 Rev A 5-5 Table 5-3, Multlcarrier Cellular Amplifier System Test Data Sheet DATE MCR31DO or MCR4100 SUBRACK SIN MODULE #1 SIN MODULE #2 SIN MODULE #3 S/N MODULE #4 SIN TEST CONDITIONS Lead and Source Impedance: 50 Ohms VSWR: < 1 2,1 Supply Voltage +27 Vdc 10.1 vdc TEST SPECIFICATION MIN MAX DATA 4-TONE IMD Vcc = 27 Vdc -65 (130 1 2 3 4 One Module P0 = 40 w I_Freq 830 583 see ass MHz 4—TONE lMD Voo = 27 Vdc .55 dBc 1,2 1,3 1,4 T 2,3 2,4 Twe Modules PO : 90 w Freq 550, am 855 3139 MHz 4-TONE IMD var: = 27 Vdc .ss cm: 1,23 1.24 1,3,4 2,3,4 Three Mndules P0 = 120 w Freq sea as: use 559 MHz AvTONE IMD Vcc : 27 Vdc 55 1151: All —' Four Modules P0 = 175 w Free, 880 853 see ass MHz RF Gain Vcc = 27 Vdc Table 1.2 Table 1-2 I 2 3 4 one Module P0 = 40 w -1 as «1 as Freq = 580 MHz RF Gain Veo= 27 Vdc Table 12 Table 1-2 1,2 1,3 1,4 2.3 2,4 Two Modules P0 : 90 w .1 dB 4 as Freq = sec MHz RF Gain Vcc=27 Vdc Table 1-2 mole 1-2 1,2,3 1,2,4 1,3,4 2,3,4 Three Mndules po = 120 w 71 as +1 dB L Freq : 350 MHz RF Galrl Vce = 27 Vdc Table 1-2 Table 1-2 All Four Modules F0 = 175 W 71.15 +1 as Freq : 550 MHz Harmonlcs Vcc : 27 Vdc 45 as: All P0 = 175 w 559 , 594 MHz Band Spurlnus Vcc : 27 Vdc 430 dBc All PC =1 75 w 869 , 594 MHz Band Gain Flamess Vcc = 27 Vdc xl Vdc ea 7 as All “l “l' P0 =175 w 359 , 594 MHz Band lnpul Return Vcc = 27 Vdc 713 as All Lass P0 = 175 w 859-394 MHz Band DC Power We: : 27 vac 112 All F0 : 175 w Amps 4 TODQS PASS FAIL Tested by _ Date 044-05024 Rev A 5—6 5-6. FIELD REPLACEABLE PARTS AND MODULES The following parts and modules can be replaced in the field on site by a qualified technician With experience maintaining RF power amplifiers and similar equipment 1 MCA9100—50 Power Amplifier Modules 2. Cooling Fans 3 PWIC—24 Fuses 5—6.1. MCA9100-50 POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE To replace a power amplifier module, proceed as follows: 1 Set ON/OFF/RESET swnch on the front panel of the amplifier module to OFF. 2, Loosen two screws that secure amplifier module to subraok. 3. Use handle on front of module. and with a steady even pressure, pull module out of chess CAUTION When removing the amplifier from the subrack. it is very important to support the amplifier such that the rear of the module does not suddenly drop when the guide rail disengages from the track. A drop such as this could damage the rear multipin connector. 5-61. COOLING FANS To replace a cooling fan, proceed as follows: 1. Remove amplifier module from subrack; see paragraph 5-6 1 preceding 2. Loosen four finger screws that secure fan to amplifier module. Disconnect fan power connector from amplifier module. 3. Install replacement in reverse order of steps 1 and 2 above 5—63. 27 Vdc FUSES The PWlC-24 (both models) fuse is located on the rear panel of the unit. PWlC-24 FUSE Mfr - Bussman AGO-3 Fast Acting 250 Vac 1 W Long VA" Dia 044415024 Rev A 5-7
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