MGR—BS-1999 13:12 PDLERNRKE 714 757 6671 F282 TECHNOLOGIES INSTALLATI N8: ERVI E MANU L MQDEL MCR4109-1 MULTICARRIER CELLULAR AMPLIFIER SYSTEM SUBRACK 869-894 MHz 100 WATTS AVERAGE POWER -65 dBc INTERMODULATION DISTORTION 10 February 1999 Powerwave Technologies, Inc. Tel: (949) 757—0530 2026 MeGaw Avenue Fax: (949) 757-0941 Irvine, CA 92614 Web Site: m.powenvlve.com 044-0506I REV. A M9R—BSc1 999 Par. 1~1 1-2 173 14 1-5 2-1 2-7 2-3 2-4 2-6 2-7 2-8 3-2 3~3 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-3. 1 5-32 13: 12 PWERWE 714 757 6671 P. 83 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 General Description Introduction. GeneraIDescnpm Functionalnnd Physical pecrfi Equipment Changes . Ordering Intcrmaticn. Section 2 Installation Introduction ........................ Electrical Service Recommendations Unwcklflg and inspection lnshllanon Instructions Alarms connector 2-5 RS~485 Connector... 2-6 Subrack Addressing. 26 Jumper Settings," 2-8 Section 3 Operating Instructions Introduction Lawton an Initial Start—Up and Operating Procedures...“ Section 4 Principles of Operation Introduction a RF Input Signal RF Output Load .. 4.1 System Funaional 4-1 MCR4109-1 Subrac 4.2 Power Distribution . , 4-2 Alarms ...... Section 5 Maintenance Introduction ..... .1 Periodic Maintenance .1 Return for Service Procedures . .1 Obtaining an RMA ,,,,,,,, 5.1 Repackaging tor Shipment mam Rev. A H ”9,379571 999 Figure 1 »1 2—1 2-2 * 2-4 2‘5 4-1 044-050“ M. A 13:13 PmERId-‘NE 714 757 6671 P.@4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Confinucd) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS MORA109-1 Submck with Four Amplmsr Modules MCRA109—1 Rear View. ALARMS Comm. IRS-485 Cnnnecbr RS-485 Subrack Addressing Jumper Settixgs ............... MCR4109—1 Four Module Amphfief SymmA LIST OF TABLES Model MCR4109-1 Subrack Functional Specifiwtinns MCRA109-1 Subrack Input/Output Comments" ALARMS Cunnector Definition Periodic Maimen'ance iii MHRfBSfiBQQ 13:13 PEIJERIJWE 71d 75? 6671 PES GENERAL DESCRIPTION fi— 1-1. INTRODUCTION This manual contains information and procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance of Puwerweve‘s model MOR4109-1 multicarrier cellular amplifier system subraclrt The manual is organized into five sections as follows: Section 1. General Description Section 2. installation Section 3. Operating Instructions Section 4. Princmles of Operation Section 5. Maintenance 1—2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MGR-$1094 24-inch center-mount submck (figure 1-1) oontains an RF power splitterloomoiner and e summary logic module that monitors the functional status of all plug-in amplifiers. The rear panel of the subrack interteces with the host system via the system RF IIO connectors, an RF output sample connector, and a term c remote status connector to monitor the system. The system otters up to 360 watts output when four 100mm amplifiers are employed. Primary power for the amplifier system is +27 Vdc. approximaiety 180 amps. 1J. FUNCTIONAL AND PHYSICAL SPECIFICATiONS Functional and physical specififitions tor the amplifier system subrack ere I'sted in table 1-1 1-4. EQUiPMENT CHANGES Powerwave Technologies. lnc. reserves the right to make minor changes to the equipment. including but not necessarily limited to component substitution and circuitry changes. Changes that impact this rnanuai may subsequently be incorporated in a iamr revision of this manual To that end, we ask that you, our customer. share with us any intormatlon acquired in field situations that would enhance this manual. 1-5. ORDERING INFORMAHDN Subracks may he ordered trom Pomerwave try specilying Model MGR-$1094, May Zurich center-mount configuration subraclr. 044-0506! RuthA l~1 MQR7Z571999 13: 13 PEMERWE 714 757 6671 P ZS Table1- 1. Model MCR41oe-1submck Funcnonal Specifications #‘ fi‘ 90 W (47 dBm) typical (1 Module) 190 w (50 dBm) qu (2 Modules) 270 W (51 3 dBm) typiml (3 Modules) 360 W (53 115111)ng (4 Modules) Storage Humidity ‘ DC In ut Connechrs: Summa Alarm Connector: ‘ Rs—485 Connector RF |npm Counselor. RF Output Connemr RF Ou nut Sam- -Ie Common \ Subrack Dimesions: _ 044-0506] M. A 1-2 MQR—ZS—1999 13:14 PD'AERHM 714 757 6671 2400 SIDE (T R 1 < '. m Fay Amph‘fier i‘flOOULeS, u: Sub’o FRONT MCRMUSAl 1 . W050“ Rev, A 1_ Figure PJZI’? melanl‘BQB 13:14 PChERIAQUE 714 757 6671 P.ZB 044415061 luv A 1-4 MFR~BSs1999 132 14 F'DIAIERNQLE 714 757 6671 P. W3 INSTALLATION _—-——_=_—_——-——_——————————-—— 2-1. INTRODUCTION ’ This section contains installation recommendations. unpacking, inspection. and installation instructions for the Multiwrrler Cellular Amplifier System subrack Carefully read all material in this section pmr to equipment unpacking or Installation. Also read and review the operating procedures in Section 3 prior to Insulting the equipment It is important that the licensee perform these tasks correctly and in good faith. if applicable, carefully read Parts 73 and 74 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules to determine how they apply to your installation. DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR LICENSE. 2-2. ELECTRICAL SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS vaerwave Technologies recommends that proper Ac line conditioning and surge suppression be provided on the primary AC input to the +27 Vdc power source Al electrical service should be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code. any applimble state or local codes, and good engineering pradioe. Special consideration should be given to lightning protection of all systems in view of the vulnerability of most transmitter sites to lightning. Lightning arresbrs are recommended in the service entrance. Straight short ground runs are recommended The electrical service must be well grounded. Each amplifier system should have its own circult breaker, so a failure in one does not shut off the whole installation. Circuit breakers should be thermal type. capable of handling the anticipated inrush current (minimum at 45 amps). in a load centerwilti a master switch. 2-3. UNPACKING AND lNSPEC‘TION This equipment has been operated, tested and calibrated at the factory. Only in the event of severe shocks or other mistreatment should any substantial readjustment be required. Check the outside of each shIpping container for instructions regardrng unpacking. Carefully open the containers and remove the subrack and amplifier modules Retain all packing material that can be reassembled in the event that the unit must be retumed to the factory. CAUTTON Exercise care In handling equipment during inspection to prevent damage mused by rough or careless handling Waually inspea the amplifier aubrack tor damage that may have occurred during shipment Check for evidence of water damage. bent or warped chassis. loose screws or nuts, or extraneous packing material in connectors. It the equipment is damaged. a claim should be filed With the carrier once the extent of any damage is assessed. We cannot stress too strongly the importance of IMMEDIATE mret‘ul Inspection of the equipment and the subsequent IMMEDIATE filing of the necessary claims against the carrier it necessary. If possible. inspect the equipment in the presence of the delivery person. If the equipment In damaged, the carrier is your first area of recourse. If the equipment is damage! and must be returned to the lactory, write or phone tor a return authonzation. Powerwave may not accept returns wIthout a return authorization. Clalms for loss or damage may not be withheld from any payment to Powemave, nor may any payment due be Withheld pending the outcome thereof. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE FREIGHT CARRIER'S PERFORMANCE 044-050“ REV. A 2-1 MFR—BS—1999 13:15 POHEHJRUE 714 757 6671 P.1B 2-4. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (Refer to figure 2—1 and table 2-1) . The MCR4109‘1 24-inch subrock is designed for instalation in a rack cr cabinet that permits access to the rear of the subrack for connection of DC power. RF. and monitor cables. The location and function of the system interface connectors is shown in figure 2-1 and is dwnbed in table 2»1. Table 2-1, MCR4109-1 Subreck input/Output Connectors NAME FUNCTiON JG OUTPUT Connector Type N female coax connector, RF outputto antenna. Refer to table 12 for power output level of one to tour amLiifier module systems. SMA female coax connector. Refer to table 1-2 for ~ ower input level. SMA female coax connector. —40 dB sample of the subrack RF outut (JG), 15-pin female D-Sub connector which permits remote monitoring of amplifier alarms. Refer to figure 2-2 and table 2-2 for details. 9-pin female D—Sub connector which permits remote monitoring of Rs485 signals. Refer to figure 2-3 and table 2-3 for details. To install the amplifier system proceed as follows: 1. 2, install sum-ark in equipment rack or nbinet and secure in place with eight screws. Refer to figure 2-1 and lable 2-1 for the location and definition of all submck input/output connectors. Connect antenna able to JB OUTPUT connedor on reerof subrack. Connect the transceiver or combiner output to J7 RF lN connector on rear of subrock. Connect the dry-contact alamis able (if Rs~455 is not used) to the ALARMS 15-pin D‘sub connector on rear of Bubreck. Refer to figure 2-2 and table 2—2 for definition of the 15-pin D- sub ALARMS connector. Connect the RS-465 able to the RS—485 9-pin Dsub connector on rear of subrack. Refer to figure 2-3 and table 2-3 for definition of the Q—pm D-sub RS-Jas connector. Using the RACK ADDRESS switches, set R0 (LSB) through R4 (MSB) to correspond to the desired RS-485 bus address (see figure 2-4). WARNING Turn off ommal primary Dc power before connecting Dc power cables. Using a 74“ nut driver, remove protective covers on power terminal blocks; do not discard. All power connedions are to he made wrlh power cables approaching from the lmr side of the terminal block. Connect positive primary power for amleier module 1 to MOD 1 27 V terminal and corresponding negative primary power to MOD 1 GND terminal on rear of subfack. Tighten the submck power connections until snug; do not ovortigirten. Powerwave recommends using 6 AWG wire rated for 120 -c for most applications. Each installation should be evaluated separately. (144-0506! REV. A 2—2 714 757 6671 P. 11 PCI~ERionUE MQR ZS—iggg 13:15 .>> ® 7 \/ fl iv n O . .. Lomm : th—~, , -¥ 71 ,. 2-3 mamas—1999 13:16 PENEMlE 714 757 6671 P.12 9. Repeat connection procedure of step 8 for amplifier modules 2, 3. end 4, Replac- protective cover: on no tannin-I blocks such that the terminals III com-d on the top. if any 01th. power loads or clblu have been Inst-lied from the top. the cover will not go on pmporly. Reinstall ouch inproporly Installed load: or tables from the bottom. Failure to replace cover properly could mun In personal injury and damage to equipment In the event of a short cimult. 10. Check your work before applying DC voltage to the system. Make certain all connections are 7 light and correct. 11. Measure primary DC input voltage. Dc input voltage should be 027 Vdc £10 Vdc. If the Dc input voltsge is above or below the limits. cell and consult Powemeve before proceeding and before you turn on your emplifier system. 12 At the front of the submek. install the plug-in amplifier modules 13. Referh: the amplifier module rmnual for power setting procedure and section 3 (following) for initial tum-on and checkout procedures of the rack assembly. oat-05061 Row. A 2-4 meBSAlS‘BB 13116 PIJJERUQUE 2-5. ALARMS CONNECTOR connector on the rear at the subraclt ALARMS connector. See also table 24 for alarm attributes an conditions. .8 1 , \\00 9000000000000; © 15 fi9— 714 757 6671 Figure 2-2, ALARMS Connector FUNCTION Continuity with common if no Ian fault Common Continuity with mmmon if one or more fan hulls on an MCPA Minor - Common Table 2-2. ALARMS Connector Definition DESCRIPTION Minor - Normally open Minor - Nomially closed Continuity with common it all . installed MCPAs are active Maia r ' "WNW open Common Major - Common Continuity with oommm it one or . more MCPAs are disabled ”a” ’ "WNW aw“ M5061 REV. A Continuity with common if one or . . 7 more MOP/ks are t Cntioal - Normally open a Common Cntle - Common Continuity With common if all C .. _ Normally d installed MCPAs are disabled Continuky With common it external ts Iunctionin -- ‘ ‘ PA Major - Normalry open PA Major - Common Continutty with common ifextemal preamp first channel faults, or it pins B and 9 of Me RS-485 connector are let! 0 - : Continuity with common if external preamp channel 1 or 2 is Cont'multy with common if external [trump channels 1 and 2 are faulted, or it pins 2 and 3 ofthe [Rs-485 ooruteotor are Ieflo- : 2-5 PA Major - Nomaliy closed PA Critical - Normally open PA Critical - Common PA Crin‘oel - Normally dosed P. 13 PAR-8571999 13:17 PEIJERI'JRUE 714 757 6671 F',14 2-8. PIS-485 CONNECTOR R5485 signals may be monitored through the IRS-485 B-pln female D-sub connector on the rear of the subrackt Refer to table 2-3 and figure 2-3 for pin definition of the R348!) connector and table 2-4 for alarm attributes. Figure 2-3. RS-485 connector Table 26. R543!) Connector Definition PIN FUNCTION DESCRIP'IION 1 ‘ Dab Ingut RSABS 4RxD 2 Frame Critical Fault Input v Pream Critical Fault Innut w 3 Preafl Critiml Fault Input 7 Preemiritical Fault Input » 4 _E9ata Input RS—4!5 —RxD 5 NC No Connection 6 — Data Mt RS-485 —TxD 7 4 Data 0 ut RS-tas +TxD 8 Pream Ma“ r Fault In ut 0 Preamp Ma' r Fault In ut ¢ 9 Free Ma'or Fault In ut— Preamp Ma“ rFauIt In ut— 2-7. SUBMCK ADDRESSING Submck addressing may be set in accordance with figure 2-4. —> on Handle = Sets Address 1 n in IE] 15 use a: E 3 Follow basic binary addressing. Bottom is LSB. top is MSB, R2 D 4 The example to the left is 00110 or 6. Address can be changed R1 1- 2 anytime and the change is automatically read on-the—fly. R0 -Ii 1 L88 RACK ADDRESS Figure 2-4. R505 Subuck Addressing 044-0506) Mr A 2-6 NRR~%~1999 1311? PUUERWJUE 714 757 6671 P.15 Table 2-4 Alarm Aliribulas gaoan _L o.. m1 co... Aoaacd Ona Fan Fault No Fan Fuull No Pnaamp Fault One Side Preamg Faun Both Sides Preamp Fault 0 = Low (no alarm) 1 = High (alarm) Rev 1 - 9114/95 044450“ in A 2-7 MRR>BS—1999 13117 PUMERNQLE 714 757 6671 P 16 2-0. JUMPER SETTINGS Beneath the MOD 2 GND and MOD 3 27V puwet terminals on the rear oflhe MCRMOS aubrack is a small ewe! plate held in place by Mo screws. Benemh the cover plate lie several pin terminal: which may be jumperad (shumed) to sefi (he baud rate and protocol. NOTE Terminal sets .l2 BDM and J3 are {or factory use only. I- BDNI J3 J4 '" ' CONFIGURATION FOR N 1 ‘ L I ‘ NONSTANDARD PROTOCOL , AND BAUD RATE. ._ C: III 2 g MOD A MOD 3“ MIA 4 BAUD RATE PROTOCOL TEST MODE . I FACTORY USE ONLY | " DENOTES ALWAYS SHORTED BAUD RATE: OPEN = 15.6 Kbaud; SHUNT = 9800 baud. OPEN FOR BAM EQUIPMENT. SHUNT FOR EXERCISING SHELF WITH A PC. PROTOCOL: OPEN = NONSTANDARD PROTOCOL; SHUNT =l STANDARD PROTOCOL. J2 BDM J3 J4 " " CONHGURATlON ] l FOR STANDARD PC 4 __... |NTERFACE JZ BDM J3 J4 *" ' '— CONFlGURATlON FOR l . STANDARD PC INTERFACE W|TH STANDARD PROTOCOL Figure 2-5. Jumper Settings (Mt—05061 luv. A 2.3 HQRfBSfIBBB 13:17 FDIAERWUE 714 757 6671 P.17 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3-1. INTRODUCTION ._ This section contains operating instructions tor the Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier System. 3-2. LOCATION AND FUNCTION OF SUBRACK CONNECT ORS The amplifier system subrack is a rack mountable chassis. Submit Ampilfien Alarms Dis-485 Figure Tabl- 15-Pin Q-Pin MCR4109—1 4 Female D—Sup Female Dsub 2'1 2-1 Reter to section 2 of this manual for Installation procedurea. 36. INITIAL START-UP AND OPERATING PROCEDURES To perform the initial start-up, proceed as follows: 1. Double check to ensure that all input and output cables are properly connected. CAUTION Before applying power. make sure that the input and output at the subvadk are property terminated at 50 ohms. Do not operate the system without a load attached. Reier to table 1-2 for input power requirements. Excessive input power may damage the amplifiefls). NOTE The output coaxial cable between the subrack RF filter and the antenna must be 50 ohm coaxial oa- ble. Use of any other cable will distort the output 2. Verify that all amplifier front panel switches are in the OFF position. 3. Turn on Suppty that provides +27 We to the amplifier system. Do not apply an RF signal to the amplifier system. 4. Visually check the indicators on the amplifier modules. and verify that they are oper- ating property- 5. Turn on all amplifier front panel switches m accordanm with the amplifier instmction manual. 6. Referto theemplifier manual for power setting procedures before apptying external emitter/transceiver RF input signals. 044-0506] an A 3-1 NRR—BS—l'flgg 13:18 MWUE 714 757 6671 P.15 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION fi 4-1 . INTRODUCTION This section contains a functional description of the Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier System subrack. 4-2. RF INPUT SIGNAL The maximum input power for all carrier frequencies should not exceed the limits specified in table 1-2. For proper amplifier loop balance. the out of band components of the input signals should not exceed 40 rifle. The input vswa should be 2:1 maximum (or better). 44. RF OUTPUT LOAD The load impedance should be as good as possible (1.5:1 or better) in the working band for good power transfer to the load. If the amplifier is operated into a filter, it wil mainnin its distortion charactenstics outside the signs band even If the VSWR is infinite. provided the reflected power does not exceed one watt A parasitic signal of less than one watt incident on the output will not cause distortion at a higher level than the normal fonuard distortion (to 65 dBo). M. SYSTEM FUNGTIONAL DESCRIPTION The amplifier system is comprised of an MCR4109-1 subrack and four loo-waft plug-in power amplifiers that operate in the 25 MHz frequency band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz. A typical four- module system is shown In figure 4—1. Power output specifirztions for one to four module systems are listed in table 1-2. The subrack houses a four-way power splitter/combiner. summary alarm logic, and a voltage regulator. The rear panel of the suhmolr has 110 connectors that interface with the host system. RF signal source. system antenna. and the system DC power source. The amplifier system can simultaneously transmit multiple carrier frequencies. at an average total power output of 90 watts (1 amplifier module in a subrack unit) to 360 watts (4 amplifier modules), with 65 dBc third order intennodulation distonion (IMD), The RF input (carrier frequencies) to the power splfitsr will vary depending on the number of amplifier modules in the system. in a fourvmodule system. the signal will be split into four signals of equal power and input to the plug-in amplifier modules. The output from each amplifier is an amplified composite signal of approximately 100 watts before combiner losses The amplifier outputs are fed to a power combiner and combined to form a composite RF output of up to 360 watts, If a failure or fault occurs in an amplifier module. the summary form C contacts wiI activate and a fault message is placed on the Rs-dss bus. The summary alarm module in the subrack is the system fault monitor. When an amplifier is turned on, it is physlcally disconnected via relays from the combiner. The purpose of the summary alarm board is to control the tum-on and tum—off sequence of the amplifiers and splitter/combiner, and calculate the average power output from all amplifier modules in the system. 04405061 Rev, A 4.1 MFR—254999 13:19 PUMERNRUE 714 757 6671 R19 Figure 4-1. MCR 4109-1 Four Module Amplifier Wetsu- 4-5. lcRA109-1 SUBRACK The MCR4109-1 submck (see block diagram. figure 4-1) Is not field repairable. The subrack contains a four-way RF pmr splitter/combiner. voltage regulator. and summary alarm board. The splitter/combiner has an input splitter and an output combiner, which provide good VS'WR and ensure law insertion loss. The splitterlcombiner has relays that are activated and deactivated by the summary alarm board when a plug-in amplifier to power sequenced on or is shut down. The voltage regulator provides ts Vdc and +15 Vdc power to the summary alarm board, The primary function of the summary alarm board I: to control the amplifier human and turn-ow sequence. other functions include calculating the average power output from the amplifier: and controlling the relays in the combinert Additionally, the summary board also controls the icrrn c contacts whose output terminals are connected to the rear panel 15-pin female D-Sub ALARMS conneaor and the rear panel B-pin female D-Sub RS-485 connector, 4-6. POWER DISTRIBUHON Primary DC power for the system is provided by the host system to the MGR-$1094 subrack. The subrack supplies each amplifier module with on Vdc directly and v'a the RF power sputter/combiner. 4-1. ALARMS The presence of several plug—in amplifier alarm can be detected at the ALARMS connector on the submck rear panel. Refer to figure 2-2 and table 2-2 for a description of the ALARMS connector, and figure 2-3 and tables 2-3 and 2-4 for a description of the RS-485 connection “44-0506! Rev, A 4-2 MEIR—85—1999 13:19 POM 714 757 6671 F228 MAINTENANCE fl 5-1. INTRODUCTION Thls section contains penodic maintenance procedures for the Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier System submck The subrack is not tested as a stand-alone unit. Rather. it is tested with up to four amplifiers inserted. Accordingly, when tested with Powerweve amplifiers. the test procedure presented in section five of the amplifier manual should be followed. NOTE Check your sales order and equipment wananty before attempting to service or repair the unit Do not break the seals on equipment under warranty or the warranty will be null and void. 00 not return equipment tor wananty or repair service until proper shipping instructions are received from the factory. 6-2. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Periodic maintenance requirements are listed in Table 51. Table 5-1 also lists the intervals at which the tasks should be perlbrrned. WARNING Wear proper eye protection to avoid eye injury when using compressed air. Table 5-1. Periodic Maintenance Cleaning Air Vents Inspect and clean per amplifier manual. Inspection Cables and Connectors 12 Months Inspect signal and power cables for frayed insulation. Check RF mnnectors to be sure that they are tight Perform annual test - : amplifier manual Peflormanco Tab 12 Months 5-3 RETURN FOR SERVICE PROCEDURES When returning products to Pmrwave. the following procedures wiI ensure optimum response. 54.1 Obtaining an RMA A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained pricrtp retumrng equipment to the factory for service. Please contact our Rapair Department at (949) 757-0530 to obtain this number. Failure to obtain this RMA numr may result in delays in ramming repair service. 5-31 Hamming for Shipment To ensure safe shipment ofthe amplifier. it is recommended that the package designed for the amplifier be used. The original packaging mamrial is reusable. If it is not available. contact our Repair Department for packing materials and information. Oil—05061 M.A 5-1
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