

Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Powerwave Technologies 5JS0035 MULTICARRIER CELLULAR AMPLIFIER AND SUBRACK User Manual AMPLIFIER
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Document DescriptionAMPLIFIER
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Date Submitted1999-03-08 00:00:00
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Document TitleAMPLIFIER
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M9R—BS—1999 12: 59 F’EluERHRkE 714 757 6671 P. 82
A /\ A
MODEL MCA9129-90
869-894 MHz
10 February 1999
Power-rave chhnologies, Inc. Tel: (949) 757-0530
2026 McGaw Avenue Fn: (949) 757-0901
Irvine, CA 92614 Web Sin: www.puwerwlve.com
mekEvl‘EEB 12:59 F'OUERNRUE 714 757 6671 RB}
33 11
Section 1 Page
General Description M
Imroduction........ 1—1
General Descriptin 1.1
Functional and Physiml Specification 1-1
Equipment Changes . 141
Ordering lntonnatlon. ....................... 1-2
Section 2
Electric-I Servioe Recommendations
Unpacking and Inspection ......
Installation Instructions .,
Amplifier Module Status, Alarm, Control, and Power Connecto
Section 3
Operating Instructions
Introduction ......................................................................
Location and Functlon of Amplmer Module Controls and Indioato
Controls and Indicators...
+27V Indicator (+27VDC)
415V Indlmtor (+15VDC)
+5V Indicator (+5VDC) .
—5V Indicator (—5VDC)..
Over Power Indicator (OVER PWR)
High Temperature Indicator (HIGH TEMP)
VSWR Indicator (VSWR) ..
D0 Fail Indicator (DC FAIL
Fan Fail Indmr (FAN FAIL
Loop Initiator (LOOP FAIL)
Low Power Indicator (LOW PWR
LPA Disable Indicamr (LPA DISAB.
Power Circuit Breaker (OFF I ON)...
Initial stamUp and Operating Procedure ,,
044-050“! Rev. A ii
MGRfBSf 1999
6-3. 1
13:28 PULERNRUE 714 757 6671 P. 24
Section 4
Principles of Operation
RF Input Signal.
RF Output Load
System Functional Desonpho
MCA9129-90 Amplifier Module
Amplifier Module Coollng
Power Distribution
Two Tone lmermodurauo
Section 5
Periodic Maintenance
Tesl Equipment Required For Test
Cleaning Air Nets/Outlaw
Performance Test ........
Amplifier Performance Test
Field Replaceable Pam and Module
MCAB129-90 Power Amplifier Modui
Cooling Fans.
Section 6
Introduclion ..
Troubleshooting 5.1
Return tor Service Procedure .
Obfining an RMA ........... fl
Repackaging for Shipment. ...................................... 6-1
Old-05060 Rev. A ;;;
MRR—BS—lBBB 13:03 PENERUQUE 714 757 6671 F'. BS
MCA9129-90 Amplifier
Amplifier Connectors (0
MCAO‘IZB-OO Amplifier Module Controls and Indicators 3-1
McA9129-90 Four Module Amplifier System , 4-2
MCA9129-90 Power Amplifier Module Functional Block Diagmm 4-3
Amplifier system Test Setup Diagramw.
Major Amplifier Components.
MCA9129-50 Mulimmer Cellular Ampllfier Functional Spec cations
Amplifier Module SENS, Alarm, Control, and Power Connections
Amplifier Module Commis and Indiabrs
Periodic Maintenance
Test Equipment Required
Muilianler Cellular Amplifier Test Data Sheel
Troubleshooting ...........................................
(wt-05060 R474. A iv
”(12-85—1999 13: BB PDUERURUE 714 757 6671 P. M
This manual contains information and procedures for insulation. operation, and maintenance of
Powerwave‘s momma-so muitiwrrier cellular amplifiert The manual is organized into six
sections as follows:
. Section 1. General Description
‘ Section 2. Installation
Section 1 Operating instructions
Section 4. Principles of Operation
Section 5. Ma'manenoe
Section 5. Troubleshoofing
The MCA9129—90 (see figure 1-1) is a linear, teedAromard power amplifier that operates in the 25
MHz frequency band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz. The amplifier can simultaneously transmit
multiple frequencies. with better then -65 dBc third order inwrrneduletion distortion (IMD). it is
designed for use in an amplifier system that is modular In design. and is ideally suited for use in
AMPS/TDMAICDMA base stations. When used in a subrack employing four MCA9129~90
amplifiers. the system offers up to 360 watts output. The plug—in Model MCASizs—tto amplifier
modules can each provide 100 watts of power and function completely independenw of each
other. The amplifier modules are designed for parallel operation to produce high peak poorer
output and backup redundancy for remote applications. All solid—state. the system is designed to
prowde trouble-free operation with minimum maintenance. The system's modular construction
and unique and highly effective LED—based operational stems and fault inditators help minimize
3 downtime. The tum-on and turn~ett sequences of volmges are fuliy automatic, as is overload
3 protection and recycling. inadvertent operator damage from iront panel manipulation is virtually
Each amplifier module has a status connector that allows the host system to monitor the amplifier
module performance. The fiont panel of each amplifier module has unit level status/fault indicators
and an RF onloiflrew switch. Primary power for the amplifier is +27 Vdc. Cooling for each
plug-in amplifier module Is provided by three fans, two mounted on the front and one on the rear
of the module. The fans draw outside air through the front of the module and exhaust hot air out
through the rear of the module.
Functional and physical specifications for the amplifier are listed in table 1-2.
Powerwave Technologlea, inc. reserves the right to mite minor changes to the equipment,
including but not nemsariiy limited to component substitution and circuitry changes. changes
that impact this manual may subsequentty be incorporated in a later revision of this manual,
(MA-05060 Rev A 1-1
MQRvZS—199‘3 13181 PWERWE 714 75? 6671 F‘.B7
Table 1-1 following gives me part numbers and descriptions in be used when ordering either an
eniire amplifier or replacement fan;
Table 1-1. Major Amplifier Componenis
MCA9129-90 100 W £94554 MHZ
MCPA Module
— __‘
i—_ -12 dam _
mow ea: 1mm)
Intermodulafion Distortion -65 dBc (Min) @ ‘24 to +28 Vdc Q 100 Watts
and in-Band S-urious: (-55 dBc (Min 9 +23 to 1- 24 vac)
RF Gain at 560 MHz 62 dB
1 0.7 an @ 27 Vdc 11 van
Ga‘n Variation Over Temperature: 103 dB horn 23 to 30 Vdc
Output Protection: Mismatch Protected
input Port Retum Loss: 44 dB Min)
2 Harmonia: Belief man -50 dBc
Out of Band 5 nous: Better than -60 dBc
Duty cycle:
i DC Inpui Power:
+27 Vdc 11Vdc, 45 Amps Max @100 Wbm
Opereliorrel +23 Vdc in 30 Vdc
m— 5 5s - 95 as Relative Humidi Noncondensi «) i
Dc Input. Summary Alarm. and RF
21~Pir| DSubminiamre Combo Connector plus single-pin D-Sub
‘lnm/o ,. Connectors:
connector for additional Dc apabii' .
Md8.17_11' Deep
im-osom km A 1.2
MGR—BS—l‘BSB 13:51 PENERIARE 714 757 6671 F'JZB
~9O Awmfifier
044-0st [aux 1.3
mR~DS—19'3'3 13:81 PENERWWE 714 757 6671 RB?
, This section contains installation recommendations, unpacking. inspection. and installation
instructions for the Multicarrier Cellular Amplifier. Carefully read a! material in this section prior to
equipment unpacking or habitation. Also read and review the operating procedures in Section 3
prior to installing the equipment. It is important that the licensee perform these tasks correctly and
in good faith. If applicable. carefully read Parts 73 and 74 o! the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) rules to detennine how they apply to your installation. DON'T TAKE
Powerwave Technologies recommends that proper AC line conditioning and surge suppression
be proVided on the primary AC input to the +27 Vdc power source. Ail electrical servitxa should be
installed in awordanoe with the National Electrical Code. any applicable state or local codes, and
good engineering practice. Special consideration should be given to lightning protection oi all
systems in View at the vulnerability of most transmitter sites to lightning. Lightning arrestors are
reoommended in the service entrance Straight. short ground runs are recommended, The
electrical service must be well grounded.
Eadl amplifier system should have its own circuit breaker. so a failure in one does not shut off the
whole installation. Circuit breakers should be thermal type. capable of handling the anticipated
inrush lament. in a load center with a master switch.
This equipment has been operated. tested and calibrated at the factory. Only in the event of
severe shocks or other mistreatment should any substantial readjustment be required. Carefully
open the containeds) and remove the amplifier module(s). Retain all packing material that can be
mssembled in the event that the unit must be rammed to the factory.
Exercise are in handling equipment
during inspection to prevent damage
caused by rough or careless handling.
Waually inspect the amplifier module for damage that may have occurred during shipment Check
for evidence of water damage. bent or warped chassis. loose screws or nuts, or extraneous
packing material in the connector or tans. Inspect the rear panel connector for bent connector
pins. It the equipment is damaged, a claim should be filed with the carrier once the extent of any
damage is assessed. We cannot stress too strongly the importance of IMMEDIATE careful
inspection of the equipment and the subsequent IMMEDIATE filing of the necessary claims
against the carrier it necessary, If possible. inspect the equipment in the presence at the delivery
person. it the equipment is damaged, the carrier Is your first area of recourse. If the equipment is
damaged and must be returned to the factory. write or phone for a retum authorization.
cherwave may not accept retums without a return authorization. Claims for loss or damage may
not be withheld from any payment to Powemave, nor may any payment due be withheld pending
WM.A Z-l
MRR7B571999 13=fl2 PUUERNRUE 714 757 6671 P.1B
2-4. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (Reform figural 1-1 and 2-1)
The MCA9129-90 amplifier module is designed for installation in a subrack that permits access to
the rear of the aubrack for connection of DC power, RF, and monitor ables.
To inshll the amplifier prwd as follows:
1. Install subradr in equipment rack and sacuna in place.
2. Connect antenna able to rearof subrack.
3. Connect the transceiver outputls) to rear 01 subrack.
4, Connect alarms oable(s).
Verify that all circuit bmlru matches on the rear
panel of tho submk art In tho OFF pooltlon. Turn
ofi ext-mil primary DC power tutor. oonnactinn DC
power tabla.
7. Connect positive primary power and negative primary power to the suorack. Tighten the
subrack pointer connections.
8. Install the plug-in amplifier modulels) in the subrack. Tighten top and bottom thumbscrews
9. Check your work before applying Dc voltage to the system. Make certain all connections are
tight and curred.
10. Measure primary DC Input voltage. Dc input volmga should be +27 Vdc 11.0 Vdc. If the Dc
input voltage is above or below the “mm. tall and consult Powerwave before you turn on your
amplifier system.
11. Refer to section 3 for initEl tum-on and checkout procedum.
The status. ahrm, control. and power connections on the amplifier connectors are made through a
21-pin D—Sub male combo oonnectur and supplemenhl single-pin male DSub connector (figure
2—1) and are listed and described In table 2-1.
[fl Kl o 69]?
Figure 2-1. Amplifier connectors (on Rear of MCA9129-90 Module)
DOG-05060 Rn. A 2-2
MRRfZSf19‘3‘3 13183 PULJERUQKE 714 757 6671 P. 11
Table 2-1, Amplifier Module Smus, Alarm, Control, and Powereonnecfions
21-Pln Mu!) lhlo Gumbo
lmm— *27V¢c mc- '-'
mm— Coaxial 00mm
Gromd Ground
RS 485 vaD Serial communiufim Data In
RS 455 +TxD Serial Cnmmuniufion Data om
RS 485 —TxD Sarial Cnmmunuamm Data om
Fan Fail
cram Pmr Input An analog DC volugo mprusnming mo average deleded power or all
the MGAs in a sum This volhga ll com from Ming the sun
ofall «he inward pnwervoltagu in a subrack by [In number of
enabled McAs, This 100an la used by (ha MCAIO damming a law
~ ulnar fault.
m TTL signal mrmaly low A high luvsl indium: mantle MCA rm been
dis-Mud , a recurring alarm but,
Nn-MdressA1;Groundfnrhi. .floaliorlow
- ~ ‘ In, .,4 in.
17 FP Dlsabl- Output TTL i|gnal, low lithe from plnal switch is in ma ON posiicnl A hlgh
level indilzhs If! Iron! panel switch In the OFF ~ .. ition,
sln > IO-Pln D-Sub Hal.
“mm— 627 vaqurCov-rau)
04411506“ luv. A 2-3
MflRleS—lggg 13: (33 PUNERNQUE 714 757 6671 P. 12
Thls section oomdns operating Instructions for [he Mummnier Cellular Amplifia‘.
The location and function of the plug—in amplifier module controls and imitators is shown in figure
3-1 and is described in detail in paragraphs 3-3 through 3-344‘
—-——— STA'l U S
+ 27VDC +15VDC $5VDC f5VDC
l@ oofi5oo
onn NlGl'l vswu ac rm romp inw LDA
nwn mm rm FAIL um mm: was
Figure 3-1, MCA9129-90 Amplifier Module Controls and Indiana's
KIM-05060 let A 3-1
MRR—ZS~1599 13: 53 PUUERNQUE 714 757 6671 P. 13
34.1 27V Indicator (4mm?)
Green LED. When lit. indicates that the ssze supply is grater than +21Vdc
and less than +30Vdc The Indicator will blink it the voltage is 28Vdc to 30Vdc. If
the voltage source drops below +21V a timer is started and the Dc fail counter is
incremented. After five seconds the voltage is amlyzed, Ifctlll talked the counter
is Incremented. It the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, the
MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault mode will disable the MCPA The ¢27v inoi~
eater will tum off, the DC FAIL and LPA DISAB memo-s will illuminate and a
summary fault will occur signaling the shell that the MCPA is disabled. in fault
mode the LED indications are tanned. Toggllng the reset switch will enable the
’ MCPA and clear the summery alarm and latched imitators. If 15 minutes elapse
before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer will reset to zero. If the DC
input voltage exceeds +30 volts, the MCA will be disabled Instantaneously. as in-
dicated by the illumination of the LPA DISAB indicator. The +27V and Dc FAIL
indicators will alternatively blink at a 1Hz rate. A timer is started and the DC fail
munter is incremented. Albr five seconds the voltage ls measured. If the fault
exists the counter is incremented. If the count equals five before the timer
reaches 15 minutes. the MCPA will enter fault mode. Tire +27v indium will turn
off. the oc FAIL and LPA DISAB indicators will illuminate and a summary fault will
occur signaling the shelf that the MCPA is disabled Toggling the reset switch will
enable the MCPA and clear the summary alarm and latched indicators. it 15 min-
utes elapse before the counter reaches five, the counter and timer will reset to
3-32 MSV Indicator (015VDC)
Green LED. When lit, indicates that the +15vdc supply is greater than +14Vdc
and less than ttGVdc. If the voltage source varies out of its operating window, a
timer is started and the DC fail counter is incremented. Alter five seconds the
voltage is analyzed, it still faulted the counter is incremenmd. it the count equals
25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, the MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault
mode will disable the MCPA. The 615V indicator will turn off. the DC FAIL and
LPA DISAB indicators will illuminate and a summary fault will occur signaling the
shelf that the MCPA is disabled. In fault mode the LED indications are latched.
Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCPA and clear the summary alarm and
latched indicators. It 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25. the
counter and timer will reset to zero.
3.3.3 05V Indicator (~svoc)
Green LED. When lit, indicates that the '|'5th: supply is greater than +45Vdc
and less than +5.5Vdc if the volhge source varies out of its operating window. a
timer is started and the Dc fail counter is Incremented. Alter five semnds the
voltage is analyzed, if still faulted the counter is incremented. If the count equals
25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, the MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault
mode will disable the MCPA The 45V Indiator will turn off. the DC FAIL and
LPA DISAB indicators will illuminate and a summary fault will occur signaling the
shelf that the MCPA ls disaled. In fault mode the LED indications are latched.
Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCPA and clear the summary alarm and
latched indicators. It 15 minutes elapse before the counter readies 25. the
counter and timer will reset to zero.
msuw Rev. A 3.2
M9R—BS—1999 13:24 PDIJERIAHUE 714 757 6671 F’.14
3-31 -5V Indicator (—5VDC)
Green LED. When lit. indicates that the -5Vdc supply is greater than -S.5Vdc and
less than 4.5Vdc. |f the We source varies out of its operating mndow, a timer
is started and the DC tail counter is incremented. Alter five seconds the voltage
is analyzed. ifstill faulted the counter is incremented. It the count equals 25 be-
fore the tirrier reaches 15 minutes. the MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault mode
will disable the MCPA The ~5V indicator will turn oft, the DC FAIL and LPA
DISAB indicators will illuminate and a summary fault will occur signaling the shell
that the MCPA is disabled. In fault mode the LED indiwtions are iatclied. Tog-
gling ttie reset switch will enable the MCFA and clear the summary alarm and
latched indicators. It 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the
counts and tiller will reset to zero.
34.5 RF ON sum. (RESET I ON I OFF)
Three position switch:
OFF (down position) , Tums oft bias within amplifier module. thereby
blocking RF pasmhrough and amplification.
ON (center position) - Normal amplifier on position.
RESET (up position) - When bggled to reset position, all the green LED
indicators will turn oil and all the red LED indicators will illuminate mo-
mentarily (LED test); this will also reset the fault latches Then a series of
fault LEDs will illuminate tor2 seconds to illustrate configuration type. It
the switch is held in the reset position. a microoontroller reset will occur.
This will be verified by the LEDs toggling slam again. The with is
spring loaded to return to the normal ON position when released. It a
fault owurs and the MCA is disabled. the alarms rain be cleared and the
MCA enabled by this reset position. The functions of the switch are dis-
abled for live seconds alter a power-up condition.
34.6 Over Power Indlcllor (OVER PWR)
Red LED. When lit indicates the output power horn the amplifier exceeded
ZAMGD Watts fiar 90W modules or 110-120 Watts fur eow modules. If an over
power condition occurs the MCA is immediately disabled, The LPA DISAB indi-
mtor will illuminate and the OVER PWR indicator will blink at a 1Hz rate. A timer
is started and the over power lault counter is incremented. After five seconds the
MCA is enabled and the fault is analyzed. If the fault exists. the MCA is again
disabled and the counter is incremented. It the count equals five before the timer
reaches 15 minutes. the MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault mode will disable the
MCPA. The OVER PWR and LPA DISAB indicators will illuminate and a sum-
rriary fault will occur signaling the sheltthat the MCPA is disabled. in fault mode
the LED indications are latched. Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCPA
and clear the summary alarm and latched inditztors. If 15 minutes elapse before
the counter reeches live. the counter and timer will reset to zero.
3.3.1 High Temperature Indicator (HIGH TEMP)
Red LED. When lit. indicates that the amplifier heat sink temperature has ex
ceeded 70 ‘c. lt a high temperature condition occurs a timer is stand and the
high temperature fault counter is incremented. Afterfive seconds the fault is
analyzed. If the fault exists, the counter is incremented. It the count equals 25
before the timer reaches 15 mlnutm, the MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault mode
will disable the MCPA. The HIGH TEMP and LFA DISAB indicators will Illuminate
044-0508] Rev. A 34
MflRfBSfi‘B‘BB 13:84 PDIAIERIJRLE 714 757 6671 P. 15
and a summary fault wll occur signaling the shelf that the MCPA is disabled. In
fault mode the LED indications are latched. Toggling the reset swrtch will enable
the MCPA and dearthe summary alarm and latched indicators. If 15 minutes
elapse before the counmr reaches 25, the oounmr and timer will reset to zero.
3-33 VSWR Indicator (VSWR)
Red LED. Wren lit, indicates that the reflected power detected at the amplifier
output exmeds 70 wet for 90 W modules and 35 walla for 60 W modules. If a
VSWR condition octane a timer started and the VSWR fault counhr is incre-
mented. Atterfive seconds the fault is analyzed. If the fault exists. the counter is
incremented. If the count equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes. the
MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault mode will diaable the MCPA. The VSWR and
LPA DISAB indicators will illuminate and a summary fault will occur signaling the
shelf that the MCPA is disabled. In fault mode the LED indications are latched.
Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCFA and clear the summary alarm and
latched indiiztors. If 15 minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the
counter and timer will reset to zero.
3-19 00 Fail Indicltor (DC FAIL)
Red LED. When lit, indicates that one of the internal DC voltages dropped below
or exceeded the safe threshold level (+21 v<+27 V<+30 V. +14 V<+15 V016 v,
+45 V<05 V<+5,5 v, or -6.5 V<~5 V<4.5 V). If a Dc fail condition occurs a timer
is started and the DC tall counter is incremented. After five seconds the fault is
analyzed If the fault exists, the counter is incremented. If the count equals 25
before the timer rushes 15 minUtes, the MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault mode
will disable the MCPA The green indiutior representing me invalid voltage will
tum-off, the Dc FAIL and LPA DISAB indicators will illuminate and a summary
fault will occur signaling the shelf that the MCPA is disabled. In fault mode the
LED indications are Iatdiad. Toggllng the reset switch will enable the MCPA and
clear the summary alarm and latched indicators. if 15 minutes elapse before the
oounmr reaches 25. the counter and timer will reset to zero. If the Dc input volt-
age exceeds fat) volts, the MCA will be disabled instantaneously, as indicated by
the illumination of the LPA DISAB indicator. The +27V and DC FAIL initiators
will almativety blink at a 1Hz rate. A timer is started and the Dc fail counter is
incremented After five swonds the voltage is measured. If the fault exists the
counter is lncrernented. If the count equals five before the timer reaches 15 min-
utes. the MCPA will enter fault mode. The s27V indicator will turn off, the DC
FAIL and LPA DISAB Indicators will illuminate and a summary fault will occur sig~
hating the shelf that the MCPA ia disablm Toggling the reset swrtch will enable
the MCPA and clear the summary alarm and latched indicators. If 15 minutes
elapse before the counter reaches five. the counter and tirrier will reset to zero.
34.10 Flrl FIII Indleator (FAN FAIL)
Red LED. When lit, indicates that one or both otthe fans has failed. If one fan
fails. the FAN FAIL indicator will light. If both fans fail, the FAN FAIL indicator will
light. a timer is started, and the fan fall counter is incremented. After five seconds
the fault is analyzed. if the fault exists, the counter is incremented. If the count
equals 25 before the timer reaches 15 minutes, the MCPA will enter fault mode.
Fault mode will disable the MCPA. The FAN FAIL and LPA DISAB indicators will
illuminate and a summary fault will occur signaling the shelf that the MCPA to dis-
abled. In fault mode the LED indications are lamhed, Toggling the reset switch
will enable the MCPA and clear the summary alarm and latched “midi-hrs. If 15
minutes elapse before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer will reset to
zero. indicator is appliizble to the large front and rear fans. not to the small front
msnso m. It ‘ 3-4
mR—BS—1999 13:25 PEMERLHUE 714 757 6671 P.16
34.11 Loop Indicator (LOOP FAIL)
Red LED. Men lit, indicates that one ofthe loop control voltages has transi-
tioned above or new safe operating limits. If a loop hil condition occurs a timer
is started and the loop fall counter is Incremented. After five seconds the fault is
analyzed. If the fault exists. the counter is incremented. lfthe count equals 25
before the timer reaches 15 minutes. the MCPA will enter fault mode. Fault mode
will di-ble the MCPA The LOOP and LPA DISAB indicators will iluminata and a
summary fault will occur elgnallng the shelf that the MCPA is disabled In fault
mode the LED initiations are latched. Toggling the reset witch will enable the
MCPA and deer the summary alarm and latched indicators. It 15 minutes elapse
before the counter reaches 25, the counter and timer will reset to zero.
’ $3.12 Low Power Indicator (LOW PWR)
Red LED. When lit, indicates that the RF powefoutput from the amplifier dropped
-2dB (-1. +0dB) below the average power output of all amplifier modules in the
rack. If a low power condition occurs a timer is started and the low prayer fault
munter is incremenmd. After five seconds the fault is analyzed. It the fault ex-
ists. the counter is incremented. if the count equals 25 before the timer reaches
15 minutes, the MCFA will enter fault "lode, Fault mode will disable the MCPA
The LOW PWR and LPA DISAB indicators will illuminate and a summary fault will
occur signaling the shelf that the MCPA is disabled. in fault made the LED indi-
wtions are latched. Toggling the reset switch will enable the MCPA and (flat the
summary alarm and latched indicators. It 15 minutes elapse before the counter
reaches 25, the counter and timer will reset to zero
34.13 LPA Disable Indicator (LPA DISAB.)
Red LED. When lit. indimtes that the MCPA was disabled due to an lntemal fault
or by the shelf performing the sleep mode function. It a fault indicamr does not
accompany the LA DISAB indicator, the sleep mode function is active.
34.14 Power circuit Breaker (OFF 1 ON)
Rocker style circuit breaker which controls DC power to amplifier.
nausea) Rev. A 3.5
NfiRfZSleBS 13:85 F'DbERblFlLE 714 757 6671 P.1'?
The only operating controls on each amplifier module are the rocker-style power switch and the
RESET switch. To pertonn the initial start-up. proceed as follows:
1. Double check to ensure that all input and output cables are properly connected.
Betore applying power, make sure that the input and output of the
anplifier are properly terminated at 50 ohms. Do not operate the
amplifier without a load amohed. Refer to table 1-2 for input purer
requirements. Excessive input power may damage the amplifier
The output coaxial cable between the amplifier and the antenna must
be 50 ohm coaxial cable Use of any other able. will distort the output.
2. Verify that the front panel power rocker switch of each amplifier is in the OFF position.
3 Turn on supply that provides +27 Vdc to the amplifier system. Do not apply an RF
signal to the amplifier syflem
4 set front panel power rocker swatch to g posmon,
5 Waually check the indicators on eaoh amplifier module, and verify that the following
indicators are as follows:
a. LPA DISAB. Indicator (red) should mm off alter 2.5 seconds.
b. The +27vnc. +15VDC, +5VDC and -5VDC indicators (green) on all amplifier
modules should he on.
6. Turn on external nutter/transceiver and apply RF input signals.
044435060 Row. A 3—6
NRR~BS~1995 13:86 PUNERNFIUE 714 757 6671 P.18
This section contains a functional description of the Muttifirrier Cellular Amplifier.
The maximum input power for all carrier frequencies should not emeed the limits specified in table
1-2. For proper amplifier loop nuance. the out of band components of the input signals should not
exceed 40 dBc. The input VSWR should be 2:1 maximum (or better).
The load Impedance should be as good as possible (1.5:1 or better) in the working band for good
power transfer to the load. If the amplifier is operated into a filter, it will maintain its distortion
charamerisfies outside the signal band even if the VSWR is infinite. provided the reflected power
does not exwed one watt. A parasitic signal or less than one watt incident on the output will not
cause distortion at a higher level than the normal forward distortion (i.e. 455 dBC).
The lameness) amplifier is a linear. feed-forward power amplifier that operates in the 25 MHz
frequency band from sea MHz to 894 MHz. A typical tour-module system is shown in figure 4-1.
The power output specification is listed In table 12 Each amplifier is a self-confined plug-in
module and is firrtctionally Independent of the other amplifier modules. The amplifier modules are
designed for parallel operation to achieve high peak power output, and for redundancy in
unmanned remote locations. Each amplifier in the system can simultaneously transmit multiple
carrier frequencies, at an average total power output of 90 watts (1 amplifier module in a subrack
unit) to 350 wam (4 amplifier modules), with -65 dBc third order rnterrnodulation distortion (IMD).
The output from each amplifier is an amplified composite signal of approximately 100 watts before
combiner losses. All phase and gain corrections are performed on the signal(s) in the individual
amplifier modules. In a four module system, the amplifier oufiauts are fed to a power combiner
and combined to form a composite RF output of up to 360 watts. Each amplifier module has an
alarm and display board that monitor: the amplifier performance. If a failure or fault occurs in an
amplifier module. it is displayed on the individual amplifier front panel.
The amplifier module. figure 4-2, has an average output of 100 watts power (1000 watts peak
pane!) with intermodulation products suppressed to better than -65 dBc below (Enter levels. The
amplifier provides an amplified output signal with constant gain and phase by adding
approximately 30 dB of distortion cancellation on the output signal. Constant gain and phase is
maintained by continuously comparing active paths with passive references. and correcting for
small variations through the RF feedback controls, All gain and phase variations, hr example
those due to temperature. are reduced to the passive reference variations. The amplifier module
is comprised of:
INA-05060 Rev. A 4-l
MRR—BS—iS‘BS 13:56 FOLERWUE 714 757 6671 F.19
Main amplifier
Error amplifier
Two feed-forward loops with phase—shift and gain controls
DCIDC power regulator
Alarm monitoring. control and display panel
Figure 4-1. MCA9129-90 Four Module Amplifier System
The main amplifier employs class AB amplification for maximum efficiency. The error amplifier
and feed forward loops are employed to oorred signal nonlinearities introduced by the class AB
main amplifier The error amplifier operates In class AB mode. The RF input signals are amplified
by a preamp and coupled to an attenuator and phase shifter in the first feed-forward loop The
main signal is phase shifted by 180 degrees and amplified In the premain amplifier. The output
from the premain amplifier is fed to the class AB main amph'fier. The output from the main
amplifier is typi-Ily 100 watts The signal is output to several couplers and a delay line.
The signal output hour the main amplifier is sampled using a coupler. and the sample signal is
combined with the main input signal and input to the second feed-forward loop The error signal is
attenuated. phase shifted 130 degrees. then fed to the error amplifier where it is amplified to a
level ldentiml to the sampled output horn the main amplmer. The output from the error amplifier is
then coupled back and added to the output from the main amplifier. The control loops
continuously make adjustments to cancel out any distortion in the final output signals,
The primary function of the first loop is to provide an error signal for the second loop, The primary
function of the second loop is to amplify the error signal to cancel out spurious products
developed in the main amplifier. The input signal is amplified by a preamplifier and fed to a
coupler and delay line. The signal from the coupler is fed to the attenuator and phase shifter in
044-0506!) Rev. A 4.2
MRR7W571999 13:27 F'UldER'NRLE 714 757 6671 P.2la
the ist loop. The first loop control section phase shitts the main input signals by 180 degrees and
constantly monitors the output for correct phase and gain.
Figure 4—2, MCAB129-90 Power Amplifier Module Functional Block Diagram
The 2nd loop control section chains a sample of the distortion added to the output Signals by the
main amplifiers, phase shift: the slgnals by 180 degrees, then teed: it to the error amplifier.
There It is amplified lo the same power level as the input sample and coupled on to the main
output signal. The final output is monitored by the 2nd loop and adjusted to ensure that the signal
distortlon and IMD on the final output is canceled cut.
The input and output of the amplifier employ lhmealage, class AB amplifiers which provide
approximately 30 dB of gain in the 25 MHz frequency band from $9 MHz to 894 MHz, The
amplifier operates on +27 Vdc, and a bias voltage of rs Vdc, and is mounted directty on a heat
sink which is temperature monitored by a thermostat. II the heat sink temperature exceeds 92 “C,
the thermostat opens and a high temperature fault occurs. The alarm loglc controls the +5 Vdc
bias voltage that shuts down the amplifier.
The maln hrnction of the error amplifier is to sample and amplify the signal distortion level
generated by the main amplifier. to a level that wheels out the distortion and IMD when the error
signal is (3qu onto the main signal at the amplifier outrun. The error amplifier is a class A
amplifier, has 50 dB of gain The amplifier operates on r27 Vdc and a bias voltage of +15 Vdc
and is mounted directly on a heal sink
In the main and error amplifier modules. all nomral variations are automatically compensated for
by lhe teedlorward loop control. However. when large variations occur beyond the adjustment
range at the loop control. a loop fault will occur. The abrms are displayed in the front panel
ou-ososo Rev, A 44
MHR—BS~1999 13:57 PCIIAERURKE 714 757 6671 P.21
indimrs and output via a 21-pin mnnector on the rear of the module to the subreck summary
board for subsequent rermte monitoring,
Although each amplifier module contains m own heat sink, It is cooled with forced air. Two fans
for are used for forced alr coofing and redundancy. The fans are loceted on the front and rear of
the amplifier module, draw air in through the rear oi the amplifier, and exhaust hot air out the front
at the module. The fans are field replaceable.
Primary DC power for the system in provided by the host system to the submok The subrack
supplies each amplifier module with +27 Vdc directly and via the RF power splitter/comma, The
amplifier module has a 00/00 mmerier that converts the ¢27 Vdc to 445 Vdc, +5 Vdc and -5
The MCA9129-90 amplifier is designed to deliver a 1M composite average analog power,
multimrrier signal. occupying a bandwidth less than or equal to 25 MHz. in the bandwidth from
869-894 MHz, The maximum average power for linear operation. and thus the amplifier
efficiency. will depend on the type 01 srgnal amplified.
When measured with two equal CW tones spaced anywhere from 30 kHz to 25 MHz apart and at
any power level up to the peak power, the third order mtennodulation products will be below
-65 (180
Adding more tones to the signal wlll lower individual intermodulatron products. If the frequencies
are not equally spaced, the level of intermodulotion products gets very low. When the frequencies
are equally spaced, those products fall on top of each other on the same frequency grid. The
average power of all mtermodulation beats falling on the same frequency is called the composite
intemiodulation; it is -65 dBc or better.
04440505011“. A 4.4
MPR—BS—lBSS 13:28 PCIJERURUE 714 757 6671 F'.22
— This section contains periodic maintenance and performance test procedures for the Multicarrier
Cellular Amplifier. It also contains a list at test equipment required to perform the identified mks.
Check your sales order and equipment wananty
before attempting to service or repair the unit Do
not break the seals on equipment under warranty or
the warranty wrll be null and void Do not return
equipment for warranty or repair service until proper
shipping instructions are received lrom the feaoryt
Periodic maintenance requirements are listed in Table 5—1, Table 5.1 also lists the intervals at
which the msks should be performed.
Wear proper eye proleofion to avoid eye injury
when using compressed air.
Table 51 Periodic Maintenance
SOD. s Inspectandcleann- -: rgra~ 54
Test equipment required to test the amplflier system is listed in Table 5-2. Equivalent test
equipment may be substituted for any item. keeping in mind that a thennrstor type power meter is
Inspect signal and power cables for
{raved insulation. check RF connectors
to be sure that they are tight.
Perform annual tat per ,-, : rah 5-5
All RF test equipment must be caibraled to 0405
de resolution. Any deviation trom the nominal
attenuation must be amounted for and factored
into all output readings.
041-0506“ in, A 5-1
HRRfBSfi‘BSB 13:29 FDNERIJQUE 714 757 6671 P.23
Table 5-2. Test EqUipment Required
Tenuline —
Coax Directional Coupler 7780
Power Meter/Sensor _ 4375/8481A
The air inlets and outlets should be cleaned every 30 days. it the equipment is operated in a
severe dust environment they should be cleaned more often as necessary. Turn on DC power
source before cleaning tans. If dust and dirt are allowed to accumulate, the cooling efficiency may
be diminished. Uslng either compressed air or a bmsh with non bristles, loosen and remove
accumulated dust and dirt from his alr lnlet panels.
Performance testing should be conducted every 12 months to ensure that the amplifier system
meets the operational specifications listed in cable 5-3. Also verity system perlpnnance alter any
amplifier module is replaced in the field. The test equipment required to perform the testing is
listed in table 5-2, and the test setup is shown |n figure 5-1.
The frequencies used in this test are typical for an
amplifierwith a 25-MH1 band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz.
Select evenly spaced F1, F2, F3, and F4 frequencies,
that cover the instantaneous bandwidth of your system.
This test is applicable to a subrack equipped with one to four plug—in MCA9129-90 amplifier
modulfi. Perform the tests applicable to your system. To perform the test proceed as follows:
1. connect test equipment to the subrack as shown in figure 5-1
Do not apply any RF signals at this time.
2. Turn on a! tour signal generators and set irequency F1 to 880 MHz, F2 to 583 MHz. F3 to
888 MHz. and F4 to 889 MHz, Adjust each signal generator output so metthe sum power
output from all four signal generator: equals 4 dBm at the output of the «way combiner
3. Adjust attenuator for an input signal at —lz dam. Reset channel 1 amplifier with the front
panel ONIOFFIRESEI' swltut. and set switch to ON. Set amplifiers 2. 3. and 4 to OFF.
Adjust variable attenuator to set amplifier power output on power meter to 90 watts.
Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer. lMD should be 65 dBc max. Rword test data in
table 5-3. Switch W amplifier to OFF.
4. Repeat step 3 for amplifiers 2. 3, and 4. as applitzble. for each plug-in amplifier module.
“MSG“! Rev. A 572
MRR—BS—l'ags 13:29 F‘DUERNRUE 714 757 6671 P.24
Reset and turn on channel 1 and 2 amplifier modules. and turn off channel 3 and 4
amplifiers. Adjust the variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 180
watt. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer. IMD should be -65 dBc maximum. Record
test data in table 5-3.
Rose! and turn on channel 1 and 3 amplifiers. and turn on channel 2, Adjust the variable
attenuator to set power output on power meterto180 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum
analyzer. IMD should be -65 (fit: maximum. Record test data In table 5-3.
Reset and turn on channel 1 and 4 amplifiers and turn at? channel 3. Adjust the variable
attanuatortn set power output on power meter D100 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum
analyzer. IMD should be -85 dBc maximum Record test data in table 5-3.
Reset and turn on channel 2 and 3 amplifiers. and turn on channel 1. Adjust the variable
attenuatorto set power output on power meter to 180 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum
analyzer. IMD should be 65 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 5-3.
Reset and turn on channel 2 and 4 amplifiers, and turn olt‘ channel 3. Adjust the variable
attenuator to set power output on power meter to 180 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum
analyzer. IMD should be -65 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 5-3.
Reset and tum on channel 3 and 4 amplifiers, and turn ofl channel 2. Adjust the variable
attenuator to set power output on power meter to 180 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum
analyzer. IMD should be -65 (130 maximum. Record test data in table 545.
Reset and tum on channel 1, 2 and 3 amplifiers. and turn all channel 4. Adjust the
variable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 270 watts. Measure IMD on
spectrum analyzer, IMD should be 55 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 5-3.
Reset and turn on drannel 1, 2 and 4 amplifiers, and turn oft channel 3. Adjust the
vanabte attenuator to set power output on power metertc 270 watts. . Measure IMD on
spectrum analyzer. IMD should be -65 dBc maximum. Remrd test data in table 5-3.
Reset and turn on channel 1, 3 and 4 amplifiers. and turn of! channel 2. Adjust the
variable attenuatorto set power output on power memr to 270 watts. Measure IMD on
spectrum analyzer. IMD should be -65 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 5-3.
Reset and turn on channel 2, 3 and 4 amplifiers, and tum olf channel 1. Adjust the
vafiable attenuator to set power output on power meter to 270 watts. Measure IMD on
spectrum analyzer. IMD should be 65 dBc maximum. Rward test data in table 5-3.
Reset and turn on channel 1, 2, 3. and 4 amplifiers. Adjust the variable attenuator to set
power output on power meter to 360 watts. Measure IMD on spectrum analyzer. IMD
should be 65 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 5-3,
Vlfith the power amplifier set at 360 watts power output. use the current probe (magnefic
field type) and measure the dc current flow from the +27 de: power source. Current
should be 100 amps maximum. Record test dam in table 5-3.
044413060 Rev A 5-3
MHRfBSfiE’SS 13:89 PDUERIJ—WE 714 757 6671 F.25
17. With the power ampltler set at 360 watts power output use the spectrum analyzer and
shear the frequency band (mm 869 MHz to 884 MHz for harmonies. Hanmnics should
be —50 (180 maximum. Record test data in table 5-3.
13. Vlfith the power amplifierset at 360 wats power output. use the spectrum anaryzer and
check the frequency band from “9 MHz to 894 MHz forspurious signals. Spurious
signals should be -65 dBc maximum. Record test data in table 51
19. Diswnnect spectrum analyzer from test setup, and conned the network analyzer.
20. Set network analyzer as follows:
a. Pewter output to 4 dam,
b. Frequency startle 869 MHz.
c. Frequency stop to 894 MHz,
d. Normalize the network analyzer for gain and return loss.
21. Reset and turn on the channel 1 amplifier. turn of? channel 2, 3 end 4 amplifiers. Chedr
the gain across the band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz Gain should be as specrlied in table
1-2 11 dB. Record test data in table 5-3.
22. Turn off the channel 1 amplifier and reset and turn on the channel 2 amplifert Check the
gain across the band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz. Gain should be as specified in table
1-2 £1 dB. Record test dab in table 5—3.
23 Repeat steps 21 and 22 and individually check and record the gain ofeaeh amplifier
module in the system. Remrd lest data in table 5—3.
24. Refer to mole 5-3. Collectively reset and turn on the amplifier modules in groups of two
three and tour. as shown in hole 5-3, and check the gain of each group The
minimum/maximum gain of each group of amplifiers should be within the limits shown in
able 5-3. Record test data in table 5—3
25. Reset and turn on all amplifier modules in the main frame, Read and record the 8" return
loss measurement on network analyzer Record test data in lable 5-3.
044-0506!) Rev, A 5.4
MgR—BS—199‘3 13:18 PDbERW—‘OUE 714 757 6671 P726
Figure 5-17 Amplifier 915mm Test Seanp Dlaqram
044-0506“ Rev. A 5.5
MMABSfi‘B‘B‘B 13:18 FMRWE 714 757 6671 P.27
Table 5-3. Multimrrier Cellular Amplifier Test Data Sheet
Load and Sourm Impedance: 50 Ohms
VSWR: < 1.21
Supply Volmgo: ‘27 Vdc $0.1 Vdc
Fouv Modules
Om Module
7 van
Tm Mum FO— M W
560 MHZ
RF Gum 27 Val:
7mm Modulus P0 70 W
m "H:
1 We
Fall! Modulfi PO 380 W -TI 68
all! M":
ou-ososo x“, A 5.6
MRRAZSA1999 13:18 F’DLERIAJRUE 714 757 6671 F’i28
The following pen: and modules can be replaced in the field on aim by a qualified techmoian wrth
experience maintaining RF power amplifiers and similar equipment
1. MCA9129-90 Power Amplifier Modulee
2. Cooling Fans
To replace a power amplifier module. proceed as follows
1. Set ONIOFFIRESEI' switch on the front panel of the amplifier module to OFF.
2. Loosen two screws that secure amplifier module to aubrack.
Vlmen removing the amplifier from the subrack it is very
important to support the amplifier such that the rear of the
module does not suddenly drop when the guide rail disengage:
from the track. A drop such as this could damage the rear
mulfipin oonneemr.
3. With steady even pressure, use handle on front of amplifier to pull module out of
To replace a cooling fan, proceed as follows:
1. Remove amplifier module from submck: see paragraph 5-11 preceding.
2. Pull our snap fasheners that secure fan to amplifier module. Disconnect fen power
connector from amplifier module.
3. Install replacement In reverse order of steps 1 and 2 above.
0444150641 in A 5-7
RRfBS—1999 13:11 POHERHRUE 714 757 6671 P.29
This section confiins a list of problems which use! have encountered and a few suggested
actions that may correct the problem. If the suggeewd corrective action does not eliminate the
problem. please contact your Powerweve field representative or the factory for further instructions.
Check your sales order and equipment warranty
before attempting to service or repair the unit Do
not break the seals on equipment under warranty or
the warranty will be null and void. Do not relum
equipment lor warranty or repair service until proper
ehlpplng Instructions are received from the factory.
Refer to able 8-1 for troubleshooting suggestions.
Table 6-1. Traub . - - .' -
susessrec AC110N
Check that submit power connection is secure.
Any voltage indicators (green)
are M lit erblinking
2. Check for proper power supply volbge.
3. check fuses or cirrarlt miter: on amplifier or subrack.
Verify thet amplifier is My inserted into subrack.
. Verify fan(s) are operating property.
2. check entrient temperature (not to exceed spec — see
rabre 142).
Veri RF Input level does not exceed spec — see hole 1-2.
Check output connections and cables for integrity and
cannot Powenrvave field represenmive or lacrory.
HIGH TEMP alarm (red) is lit
OVER PWR ala'rn (red) is lit
VSWR alarm (red) is lit
LOW PWR alarm red) is lit
When returning products to Powenrlave, the following procedures will ensure optimum response.
64.1 Obhlnlng an RNA
A Relum Material Audrerizafion (RMA) number must be obtained prior to returning
equipment to the factory for service. Please contact our Repair Department at
(949) 757-0530 lb obtain this number. Failure to obtain lhis RMA number may result in
delays in rmeiving repair servim.
84.2 Repackaging tor Shipment
To ensure safe shipment of the amplifier. it Is recommended that the padaage deeigned
for the amplifier be used The original packaging nuterial is reusable. If it is not
available, contact our Repair Department for packing ntalerials and information.
04445060 Rev. A 6-1

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