Powerwave Technologies 5JS0039 SINGLE CHANNEL CELLULAR AMPLIFIER User Manual



OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSNTHX51AANote:  These operating instructions describe the procedure for turning on and off the amplifieroutput power using signal generators.  This amplifier will be used with transmitters which have beenor will be type accepted separately.  The specific transmitter instruction book should be consulted forthe correct method to use this amplifier with transmitters.1. The input voltage range, applied to pin A2 of the connector, should be between 20.95 and 29.5 VDC.Pin A3 should be grounded.2. A CMOS-level pulse (Vh > 3.5 VDC, Vl < 0.5 VDC) of frequency greater than 1 Hz must be applied topin 5 (chip select input) of the connector.  This prevents the watchdog timer circuitry from disablingthe RF circuitry of the amplifier.3. Pin 3 of the connector functions as the PA Enable.  A CMOS high applied to Pin 3 enables the RFamplifier.  CMOS low disables the amplifier.4. The RF input is Pin A4.  The output is Pin A1.5. Pins 10, 15, and 17 should be connected to ground6. To turn on the amplifier, first apply the DC voltage within the range specified above (25.15 VDCnominal.7. Turn on the pulse to the chip select line (Pin 5).8. Turn on the PA Enable (Pin 3).9. For full rated output power (+47.5 dBm), the gain range may be from 23.5 to 27.0 dB.  Increase theinput power to the amplifier until the desired output power, monitored at the output connector, isreached.10. The gain may change up to 0.5 dB as the amplifier temperature stabilizes after turn-on.  Let theamplifier warm up for 10-30 minutes, then re-adjust the power to compensate for the gain change.11. The amplifier is now operational.12. Additional functions are available through the digital control circuitry.   They are not necessary forturning on the amplifier and obtaining the desired signal, but they do communicate information to theTransmit/Receive Unit (TRU).   Since these functions are controlled by the TRU, instructions for usingthese functions are contained in the specific TRU manuals, not the amplifier manual.a. Pins 8 and 9 are serial data lines accessing the EEPROM and digital control circuit.b. Pin 4 is used for the system clock.  The  TRU will provide a 24.3 kbits/s signal when performingan EEPROM read, and 9.72 kHz when clocking in the address and clocking out the data for A/Doperations.c. Pin 6 is a CMOS input for selecting either the A/D converter or the EEPROM for the desiredcommunications.d. Pin 11 is connected to the alarm LED anode.  The TRU determines whether an alarm conditionexists.
e. Pin 12 is connected to the alarm LED cathode.f. Pin 13 is used for EEPROM register protection.g. Pins 14 and 16 are not used.SPECIFICATIONSParameter SpecificationOperating Frequency 869 to 894 MHzRated Output Power  +47.5 dBm (56 Watts)Gain at Full Power  23.5 to 27.0 dBInput Voltage Range 20.95 to 29.5 VDCChanneling Controlled by transmitterModes of Transmission AMPS Voice ModeAMPS Supervisory Audio ToneAMPS Wideband DataTDMACDPDType of Modulation Not applicable (performed by transmitter)Occupied Bandwidth and Emissions DesignatorsEmissions Type Amplitude Frequency Removed from CarrierAMPS Voice Mode (F8W) -26 dBc 20 kHz to 45 kHz-60 dBc > 45 kHzAMPS Supervisory Audio Tone -26 dBc 20kHz to 45 kHz(F8W) -60 dBc > 45 kHzAMPS Wideband Data (F1D) -26 dBc 20 kHz to 45 kHz-45 dBc 45 kHz to 90 kHz-60 dBc > 90 kHzTDMA Mode (DXW) -26 dBc 15 to 45 kHz-45 dBc 45 to 75 kHz-60 dBc > 75 kHzCDPD Mode (FXW) -26 dBc 15 to 45 kHz-45 dBc 45 to 75 kHz-60 dBc > 75 kHz

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