Powerwave Technologies 5JS0048 G3L-900-50-005 User Manual manual

Powerwave Technologies Inc G3L-900-50-005 manual



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Ffiwéwfivz Booster Amplifier Subrack System Integration Manual
System Integration Manual
Booster Amplifier Subrock {BA 5) System
£54142 MHz, 91 Watts Maximum
044415075 Rev. A
Emegfixt Booster Amplifier Subrack System Intergration Manual
/\ /\ /\
© 2000 Powerwavs Technologies Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Powerwave Technologies, and the Powennave logo are registered trademarks
Powewvave Technologies, Inct reserves the right to make changes to the eniation and
equipment, including but not limited to component substitution and ci ges. Changes
that impact this manual may subsequently be incorporated in 3 lg, n of this manual.
Powemlave Technologies, Inc. Tel: (945) 309-1100
M5 McGaw Avenue Fax: (549) 757-0941
Irvine, CA 32614 Web Site: www,pnwerwave.cnm
04405075 Rev. A ii
Table 0! Contents
Section 1 Page
General Description M
General Desorlplio
Functional And Physical Specificuu'ons .
mom 1-2 Submck Specifications
GL‘l-M Series Amplilior Specifications
Booster Amplifier Subrack Major Componem
Equipment changes .....
Section 2
Site Survey
Elecoioal Service Recommendation
Air L’onditioning...
Unpacking and lnspoctro
Installation Instmctions..
Amplifier Module Power, Alonn, Control, and RF Connector
Remote tontrol and Status .....
Section 3
Operating Instructions
lniu'ul Stort~llp and Dperntiny Procedures m...
Section 4
Principles of Operation
llFlnput Signal .
RF Output Lood......
System Functional Descriptto 4~1
Multi-L‘arrier Power Ampllier Functional Description 4~2
Predriver Amplifie 4—3
Three Stage DriverAmlef/e 4—3
Main Amplifier. 4-3
Alarm Monitoring and Control 4-3
Loop L‘ontrol Circuit" 4-3
Amplifier Module Cooling
Power Distribution...
044-05075 Rev A iii
Table Of Contents {Continued}
Par. Section 5 Page
M Maintenance No
5-1 Iohodnction» .....
5-2 Periodic Maintenance.
5-3 Test Equipment Required Fo a
H Performance Test .....
5—4. 1 Amplifier Performance Test
5—4. 1.1 Amplifier Spurious Emissions Test.
H 1.2 Gain Tes
54.1.3 Input Return Los
5-5 Field Replacement of the Module
Section 6
6-1 Introduction...
54 Troubleshooting
5-3 Return for Service
NI Whining an RMAW
5-32 Repackaging for Shipmen
List Of Appendices
Amendix M
A Booster Amplifier Suhraek Backplane Wiring Diagram
B Dism'lrution Primed Circuit Board Pinout Location
c Power Setting Procedure ......
List 0! Illustrations
Figure Page
1-1 WA, Voltage Regulator and flip Switch Pin Configuration
1-2 Booster Amplifier Subrack System- Top View .....
1-3 Booster Amplifier Suhrack Sysytem—Front View .....
14 Booster Amplifier Suhrack System-Side View (Front Door Open}.
1-5 Booster Amplifier Suhrack S ystem-Side View with Fans Remove
1-6 Booster Amplifier Subraok-Backpline
1-7 Gut-900 Series Amplifie
1 -B GlJ—M Series Amplifier —
op, Front Views
04405075 Rev A iv
Table 0! Contents {Continued}
List 0! Illustrations {Continued}
1-1 J5 Alarm Connector .....
2-7 Front Panel PD WER IN Connector
4-1 system Block Diagram"
4-2 ESL-mm Mu Carrier Power Amplifier Functional Block Diagram . -Z
5-1 GIL-MM Amplifier Test Setup Diagra
list Of Tables
1-1 Tmth Table ( Variable Attenuator} mt.
1-2 BoosterAmplilier Subraclr System Spec: mations
1-3 Z-Way Splitter Elemical Specification
1-4 2- Way L‘ombinor Specifications..."
1-5 Gal-maria: Ampifier Electrical Specifications
1—4 ESL-Marie: Amplifier Mechnaical Specificatinn
1-7 Eli-M Series Amplifier Envimnmental Spec cations
1-8 Major BAR System Components
2-1 Remote Eontrol and Status Spec lca ion
2-2 Js Alarm Connector Pin Designation ....
2-3 Front Panel FDWEH IN Connector Pin Designation
5-1 Multichannel Power Amplifier Test Data She
5-1 Troublasllooting
044-05075 Rev. A v
Section 1. General Description
1-1 Introduction
This manual contains information and procedures for the installation, operation, and maintenance
of Fowerwave Technologies, Inc’s (Powerwave’s) Booster Amplifier Subrack (BAS) system. This
manual is organized into the following sections:
Section 2. Installation Appendi Distribution PCB Pino
Section 3. Operating Instructions Appendix 0: Power Setting Prozfi’
Section 4. Principles of Operation %
Section 5. Maintenance Q
Section 6: Troubleshooting
Section 1. General Description Appendix A: Backplane Wiring Diagragssé
1-2 General Description
Engineered to operate in a 2-way transceiver paging base station, the BAS system is a linear.
Multi-Carrier Power Amplifier (MCF'A) system that operates in the 5 MHz frequency band from
935 MHZ to 942 MHZ. The system integrates the model MCR20930-1-2 Booster Amplifier
Subrack (BAS) with two 50 Watt (model G3L~900~50~005) MCF'As to deliver a composite RF out»
put of up to 75 Watts, after combined losses. The system can also integrate two 60 Watt (model
G3L-900-60-005) MCPAs to deliver a composite RF output of up to 91 Watts, after combined
losses. .
Designed to function as a subrack (see Figures 1-2 thm 1-6) in the host base station, the enclo-
sure has a one inch (right and left side) flanged front panel and eight mounting holes (four on
each side) to secure the Subrack into place (refer to Figure 1-3 for mounting hole locations). To
aid in maintaining the system's operating temperature, the BAS is equipped with two cooling fans
mounted on the front access door (see Figures 1-3 and 1-4), Each 50W amplifier displaces 1,672
BTUs of heat at full power. Each 60W amplifier displaces approximately 1,900 BTUs of heat at
full power.
The composite input signal is applied to a 30dB 10W input attenuator. followed by a voltage vari-
able attenuator that is controlled via dip switches on the front panel (refer to Table 1-1 and Figure
4-1). The maximum composite input signal may not exceed +31dBm. The composite signal is
then fed to a two-way power splitter. The signals are applied to the amplifiers, and the amplifier
outputs are combined again (refer to Tables 1-2 through 1-7 for specifications) With both ampli-
fiers installed, the system provides ZOdB of gain.
The BAS also houses a distribution printed circuit board (PCB) for internal power and alarm distri-
bution (refer to Appendix B) Accessible from the front panel is the DB9 external ALARM con-
nector. the RF IN and RF OUT type N connectors.
Additionally, the front panel provides access to the +27 Vdc POWER IN connector, visibility of the
two MCPA's fault alarm LED indicators and the GAIN CTRL dip switch. Refer to Table 14 for the
dip switch truth table and Figure 1»1 for pin designations.
With the access door open. the two amplifier modules are visible. All solid-state, the MCPAs are
designed for parallel operation for high peak power output. Their modular construction and
unique and highly effective LED-based operational status and fault indicators help minimize
downtime. The turn»on and tum-off sequence of voltages are fully automatic, as is overload pro-
tection and recycling, inadvertent operator damage from front panel manipulation is virtually im-
possible. Refer to Figures 1-7 and 1-8 for drawing views of the amplifier module.
owosms Rev. A 1-1 August 2000
aswgwfiyg, Booster Amp r Subrack System Integration Manual
Table 1-1 Truth Table Input Variable Attenuator
2 § 2
05Vdc Qt
vm c s Q 5 7 OUTPUT
GND — 2 5
cm: 7 a 7 7 awn
nc 7 4 B 7 GND
uc — 5 9 fl GND
GND 7 7
t27Vdc Phase 8. Gain
i i
Feed Forward Loop control \ .
E 2nd Loop w
\§:‘ ‘
+15 +5 -5 +27VDc Alarms 3. Display “ \'
Power Supply 1
Smart Rack 4 > Front Pane
Figure 4-2 Mufti—Carrier PowsrAmp/ifler Functional Block Diagmm
044-05075 Rev. A 4-2 August 2000
ac’v‘ygwfiva BoosterAmpli/ier Subrack System Integration Manual
4-51 Pre-driverAmp/ifier
The input of the amplifier uses two stages of class AB amplification which provide approximately
13.5 dB of gain in the 5 MHz frequency band from 935 MHz to 942 MHz. The amplifier operates
on +27 Vdc.
4-52 Three-Stage Driver Amplifier
The input of the amplifier uses three stages of class AB amplification which provide approximately
32 dB of gain in the 5 MHz frequency band from 935 MHz to 942 MHz. The amplifier operates on
+27 Vdc, and a bias voltage of *5 Vdc. The logic controls the +5 Vdc bias voltage that shuts
down the amplifier.
4-53 Main Amplifier
The signal provides approximately 11 dB of gain in the 935 to 942 MHz frequency band, The out-
put from the main amplifier is typically 50 Watts (or 60 Watts for model GLS—QOO-GO—OOS). The
main amplifier operates on +27 Vdc, and a bias voltage of +5 Vdc. The alarm logic controls the
+5 Vdc bias voltage that shuts down the amplifier.
The main amplifier employs class AB amplification for maximum efficiency. The error amplifier
and feed forward loops are used to correct signal non linearities introduced by the class AB main
amplifier. The error amplifier operates in class A mode. The RF input signals are amplified by a
preamp and coupled to an attenuator and phase shifter in the first feed-toward loop. The main
signal is phase shifted by 180 degrees and amplified in the premain amplifier. The output from
the premain amplifier is fed to the class AB main amplifier.
The signal output from the main amplifier is sampled using a coupler, and the sample signal is
combined with the main input signal and input to thesecond feed-forward loop. The error signal is
attenuated, phase shifted 180 degrees, then fed to the error amplifier where it is amplified to a
level identical to the sample output from the main amplifier. The output from the error amplifier is
then coupled back and added to the output from the main amplifier. The control loops continu-
ously make adjustments to cancel out any distortion in the final output signals.
4-51 Alarm Monitoring and Confrol
During routine operation, all normal variations are automatically compensated for by the feed
forward loop control. However, when large variations occur beyond the adjustment range of the
loop control, a loop fault will occur. When this happens, the ALARM LED is illuminated on the
front panel of the subrack. The fault is transmitted back to an external summary module via the
external ALARM interface connection on the front panel of the subrack.
4-55 limp Buntrnl Circuit
The primary function of the first loop is to provide an error signal for the second loop. The primary
function of the second loop is to amplify the error signal to cancel out spurious products devel-
oped in the main amplifier, The input signal is amplified by a preamplifier and fed to a coupler and
delay line. The signal from the coupler is fed to the attenuator and phase shifter in the first loop.
The first loop control section phase shifts the main input signals by 180 degrees and constantly
monitors the output for correct phase and gain.
The second loop control section obtains a sample of the distortion added to the output signals by
the main amplifiers. The signal is phase shifted 180 degrees, then fed to the error amplifier where
it is amplified to the same power level as the input sample. The signal is then coupled to the error
signal on to the main output signal. The final output is monitored by the second loop and adjusted
to ensure that the signal distortion and intermodulation distortion (IMD) on the final output is can-
celled out, Qfié
044-05075 Rev. A 4.3
. i. Integration Manual
BoosterAmplilier Subraclr Sgt
4-6 Amplifier Module Cooling Q
Although each amplifier contains it own heat sink, it is cooled b forced air. Two fans mounted on
the front of the subrack are used for forced air cooling and redundancyr The fans draw air
through the front of the system and exhaust hot air out the back. The fans are field replaceable.
Each amplifier. when properly cooled, will provide sufficient cooling to maintain the amplifier within
the specified operating temperature range. Six inches of free space are required at both the front
and rear panels of the subrack to allow adequate air volume to circulate over the heat sinks,
4-7 Power Distribution
Primary DC power for the amplifier is provided by the host system. The amplifier module has a
DC/DC converter and voltage regulator that converts the +27 Vdc to +15 Vdc, +5 Vdc, and +8 Vdc
for internal use.
044—05075 Rev. A 4-4 August 2000
aSngA/a. BoosterAmpli r Subraclt System Integration Manual
Section 5. Maintenance
5-1 Introduction
This section contains periodic maintenance and performance test procedures for Powenuave’s
Booster Amplifier Subrack (BAS) system.
Check your sales order and equipment warranty before attempting to service or repair
the unit Do not break the seals on equipment under warranty or the warranty will be
null and void, Do not return equipment for warranty or repair service until proper
shipping instructions are received from the factory,
5-2 Periodic Maintenance
Periodic maintenance requirements are listed in Table 5-1. Table 5—1 also lists the intervals at
which the tasks should be performed.
Table 5-1. Pariodlc Maintenance
Cables and Connectors 12 Months Inspect signal and power cables for frayed insulation.
Check RF connectors to be sure that they are tight.
Performance Tests 12 Months Perform annual test per paragraph 5-5.
Clean FansIHeat Sinks 3 Months Inspect for debri. Remove dust with a soft
cloth/brush or vacuum cleaner.
5-3 Test Equipment Required For Test
Test equipment required to test the amplifier is listed in Table 5-2. Equivalent test equipment may
be substituted for any item, keeping in mind that a thermistor type power meter is required.
All HF test equipment required must be calibrated to 0.05 dB resolution. Any deviation
from the nominal attenuation must be accounted for and factored into all output
Table 5-2. Test Equipment Required
Nomenclature Manu'acturer
Signal Generator HP. x 86568
20 dB Attenuator. 250 Watt Bird Tenuline
20 dB Attenuator. 20 Watt (2 each) Bird Tenuline
Spectrum Analyzer FHP. 8560E
Coax Directional Coupler . . 778D
Power Meter / Sensor . . 4373 l 84B1A
Arbitrary Waveform Generator AWG2021
Network Analyzer . . 87530
Source Diskette Powenuave
owosc75 Rev. A 5-1 August 2000
Booster Amplifier Subraci' \"« \ tom Integration Manual
5-4 Perfunuauce Test @'
Performance testing should be conducted every 12 months to ensure that the amplifier system
meets the operational specifications listed in Table 5-3. Also verify system performance after any
amplifier module is replaced in the field. The test equipment required to perform the testing is
listed in Table 5-2, and the test setup is shown in Figure 5-1.
The frequencies used in this test are typical for an amplifier with a 5 MHz band from 935
MHz to 942 MHz. Select evenly spaced Fl, F2, F3, and F4 frequencies that cover the
instantaneous bandwidth of your system,
5—4.1 Amplifier Performance Test
To perform this test, proceed as follows:
Connect test equipment as shown in Figure 51.
Do not apply any RF signals at this time.
54.1.1 Amplifier Spurious Emissions Test:
With the RF input signal to the amplifier set to be as shown in Figure 5-1. use the spectrum ana-
lyzer to measure the spurious emissions performance. Record test data in Table 5—3, Verify that
it is within the specifications shown in Table 1-2. Switch tested amplifier to OFF.
54.1.2 Gain Test:
Disconnect spectrum analyzer from test setup, and connect the network analyzer.
2. Set network analyzer as follows:
A. Power output to -13 dBm.
B. Frequency start to 935 MHz.
C. Frequency stop to 942 MHz.
D. Normalize the network analyzer for gain and return loss.
3. Check the amplifier gain across the band from 935 MHz to 942 MHz. Gain should be as
specified in Table 1-2. Record test data in Table 5-3.
54.1.3 Input Return Loss:
Read and record the S" return loss measurement on network analyzer. Record test data in Table
measure Rev. A 5-2 August 2000
A /\ A
Booster Amplifier Subrack System Integration Manual
27 van
RF wt
(for: Generate-v) 71
20 as
COUPLER 20 dB ATTN 20 dB Arm
RF our E1 POWER Mafia
250 WATT zu WA"
20 ma nm
20 WAIT ’—|
3551 E
10 as
sENsofi rEAD
Figure 5-1 Amplifier Test Setup Diagram
044415075 Rev. A
August 2000
Table 5-3. Multi-Carrier Power Amplifier Test Data Sheet
Load and Source Impedance: 50 Ohms
VSWR: < 1.2:1
Supply Voltage: +27 Vdc 10.1 Vdc
Bnosler Amplifier Subrack System Integration Manual
Vcc = 27 Vdc
P0 = 50 W
Fr -. = 935 - 942 MHZ
Vcc = 27 Vdc
PO =50 W
935 - 942 MHZ Band
Table 12
-0.5 (18
Table 1-2
+05 dB
-65 dBc
Gain Flatness Vcc = 27 Vdc 10.5 dB %
PO =50 w \
935 - 942 MHZ Band %
Inpul Return Vcc = 27 Vdc -12 (18
Loss P0 = 50 W
935 — 942 MHZ Band
Tested by
044435075 Rev. A 54 August 2000
afivafiyz. Booster Amplifier Subrack (yo-rem Integration Manual
5-5 Field Replacement of the Module Q®
The G3L-900-50—005 and GL3-900»60-005 multi—carrier power amplifier module can be replaced
in the field on site by a qualified technician with experience maintaining RF power amplifiers and
similar equipment:
To replace a power amplifier module. proceed as follows:
Set on/off switch on the front panel of the amplifier module to OFF (down).
3, Loosen two thumbscrews that secure amplifier module to subrack,
When removing the amplifier from the suhrack, it is very impunant in support the
amplifier such that the rear of the madule does not suddenly drnp when the guide rail
disengages from the track. A drop such as this could damage the rear21WA4 multipin
4. With steady even pressure. use handle on front of amplifier to pull module out of subrackr
5. install replacement in reverse order of steps 1 through 3 above.
044415075 Rev. A 5—5 August 2000
aéiygyfigz. Booster Amp or Subrack System Integration Manual
Appendix 0 Power Setting Procedure
0-1 Power Setting Calculations:
Ensure the composite input power to the Powerwave MCR20930—1-2 is < 0 dBm.
2. Determine the required output level at the hatch plate per carrier (Analog, Digital, CDPD, and
Setup Channels). Follow the example after step 5 below.
3. Detemwine the amount of loss between the subrack output and the hatch plate.
A. Either the calculated value (Lucent uses 1.7dB for the Series II), or
B. Measure the loss
1. Key one radio and make a measurement in dBm at the front of the subrack with an HP
EPM-441A or equivalent power meter. Write the value down: dBm.
Disconnect the radio and move the power meter to the hatch plate.
Key the same radio and make a measurement in dBm. and write it down: dBm.
The difference between the two measurements is the loss.
4. Determine the amount of power output at the rear of the subrack per carrier.
5. Multiply the number of carriers times the output power level per carrier at the front of the subrack.
Three blank tables are provided on page 3 of this appendix for you to record your desired power
A B c _ D E F G
Hatch Convert Hatch Power Loss lrom Power @ Poweiwave Convert Powerwave Supra-3k No. of Total Power
Powe Hatch to Subrack (dBm) Power to watts Centers per Signal
(w) W “Bf“ Powerwave
Subrack (dB) (Wall's)
Formula 3 b=|O'LOG(a / 0.001) c d=b~c B-‘Kw(d/10)'0.001 r g=er
Analog 5.3 1o-Log(s.3/o.oo1)=37.9934 1.7 37.9934 v 1.7 = asssjlx‘mseswwrom1:9.313 10 93.1933
CDMA' 21' 10'Log(21/0.DO1)=43.2222 1,7 43.2222 +1.7 = 44.9222 x'°(44,9222/1o)-u.oo1=31.os 2 52.1225
% 13
CDPD 6.3 101on. 3!0.DOI)=37.9934 $ 37.9934 » 1 .7 = 39.6934 x‘“(39.9934no)'o,oo1=9.318 1 9.3154
Setup 6.3 10’Log(6.3/0.001)=37.9934 $7 37.9934 + 1,7 : 39.5934 x’°(39.9934/1n)-o.oo1=9.31s 1 9.3154
to? ‘
inner 2.5 1o-Log(2.5ro.oo1)=33.9794 17 33.9794 +1.7 = 35.6794 x'“(35.s794/1ol'o.oo1=3.e97 4 14.7911
Tier 8
Total 188.7342
”Some RF Engineers will give the power for Pilot Page and Sync (on the order of 2 to SW). Powerwave
normally multiplies this value by 7 for the purpose of roughly calculating the CDMA channel with full
traffic load.
If the total output power level at the front of the Powennave subrack exceeds the subrack's specified
capability with the number of populated amplifiers:
> Reduce the number of input radios until the subrack power rating is met.
04445075 Rev. A 0-1 August 2000
Gain Avail. l 5 to 20dB l ~A1.7dB l
— /——_——fi
C l
Zgflamfi cm . DC .
A, h - /4
Example: 111mW % . 7.5w
Single Analog Ch 20.45dBm \~ .
Composite 29.59dBm \ 4 QdBm 47.89dBm
910‘mW t 61 .52W
a§ alues in Boxes are given or known.
Maximum corn ite in ,
|eve| if gain is $2510 p The remaining values are calculated
maximum (ZOdB)
based on the given values.
Figure 0-1 Gain Block Example
Set all transceiver levels to midrange output levels if this is a new base station installation. For
existing base stations. the levels may be left as they currently are set.
The composite input level should not exceed -2l7dBm most applicatans. Higher input levels
may result in over—driving the MCR20930vI-2 amplifier subraok. Refer to
Section 1 for individual model power specifications.
Ensure all radios are not transmitting, including CDPD.
Connect the power meter, with appropriate attenuators as necessary, to the transmit filter output
teed at the hatch plate.
Set the GAIN CTRL to minimum gain (maximum attenuation). Refer to Section 1, Table 1-1 for
the dip switch truth table.
Key one radio (usually this is the primary setup channel).
Set the output level using the GAIN CTRL on the Powerwave subrack and transmitter gain ad-
justment for this single channel. Normally, the CDMA channel has the most limiting range, so this
is the best channel to start with. although most technicians normally start with the setup channel.
Try to keep the adjustments in the middle of the available range adjustments.
Verify the power level is still correct.
Unkey the radio.
Key one radio at a time and set the power level of each individual radio at the hatch plate accord-
ing to the calculations made in the first section above. Do not readjust the GAIN CTRL level.
10. Unkey all radios.
6-21 Overpower Verification
Connect the power meter, with appropriate attenuators as necessary, to the RF output of the
Powerwave subrack.
12. Reconnect the transmit filter output cable to the antenna.
044435075 Rev. A 0-2 August 2000
EMQWQYE, BonsterAmplilier Subrack System Integration Manual
13. Key all the radios and measure the total maximum power. This power level should not exceed the
rating for the MCR20930-1-2, if the power rating for the MCR20930-1-2 is exceeded, the In-
tennodulation distortion performance of the amplifiers will suffer and the software-
overpowerprotection feature of the McR20930-1 will activate.
Each amplifier will go lnta overdrive alarm when they are being driven 3 dB over the
rated power far that amplifier,
Each amplifier will shut dawn am 113 over the rated puwer, and possibly cause the
entire sector to be disabled,
Table (2-1 Amplifier and Amplifier Subrack ratings g
Amplifier 1 Module 2 Modules §
50 Watt 47 dBm 43.5 w 45.39 dBm 75.8 w 48.80 dBm
60 Watt 47.8 dBm
52.3 W 47.18 413m
91 W 49.52 GB"!
‘All measurements should be made with a calibrated power meter accurate within 125 (HP EPM—441A
or equivalent)
14. Disconnect all the radios.
15. Reconnect the RF output coax cable to the Powerwave subrack.
04405075 Rev. A
Augusl 2000

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