Powerwave Technologies 5JS0064 800 MHz RF Power Amplifier User Manual I GENERAL DESCRIPTION

Powerwave Technologies Inc 800 MHz RF Power Amplifier I GENERAL DESCRIPTION


Users Manual

  869-894 MHz          Installation & Service Manual            Model SCA932-30C     Single-Channel Cellular Amplifier  Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev.A June 2003
  SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual  Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved    June 2003     © 2003 Powerwave Technologies Incorporated. All rights reserved. Powerwave Technologies, and the Powerwave logo are registered trademarks Powerwave Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the documentation and equipment, including but not limited to component substitution and circuitry changes. Changes that impact this manual may subsequently be incorporated in a later revision of this manual.   Powerwave Technologies, Inc.  Tel: (714) 466-1000 1801 East St. Andrew Place  (888) 797-9283 Santa Ana, CA  92705  Fax: (714) 466-5800  Web Site: www.powerwave.com  044-05142 Rev. A ii  June 2003
     SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Table Of Contents   Par.  Section 1 Page No. General Description No.  1-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1-2 General Description....................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1-3  Functional and Physical Specifications.................................................................................................... 1-1 1-4 Equipment Changes ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1  Section 2 Installation  2-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2-2 Electrical Service Recommendations........................................................................................................ 2-1 2-3 Unpacking and Inspection............................................................................................................................ 2-1 2-4 Installation Instructions................................................................................................................................ 2-2 2-5 Amplifier Module Connectors...................................................................................................................... 2-2 2-5.1 Data I/O Connector......................................................................................................................................... 2-3 2-5.2  Amplifier RF Connectors ............................................................................................................................... 2-4 2-5.3 DC Power Connector ..................................................................................................................................... 2-4   Section 3 Operating Instructions  3-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3-2  Location and Function of Amplifier Indicators......................................................................................... 3-1 3-3 Initial Start-Up and Operating Procedures ............................................................................................... 3-1  Section 4 Principles of Operation  4-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4-2 RF Input Signal................................................................................................................................................ 4-1 4-3  RF Output Load ................................................................................................................................................ 4-1 4-4 SCA932-30C Amplifier.................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4-4.1 Driver Amplifier .............................................................................................................................................. 4-2 4-4.2 Main Amplifier ................................................................................................................................................ 4-2 4-4.3 Power Distribution......................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4-4.4 Multifunction Board....................................................................................................................................... 4-2   Section 5  Maintenance  5-1 Periodic Maintenance................................................................................................................................... 5-1   Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142  Rev. A   June 2003 iii
     SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual   Section 6  Troubleshooting  6-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 6-1 6-2 Trouble shooting............................................................................................................................................. 6-1 6-3 Return for Service Procedures .................................................................................................................... 6-1 6-3.1 Obtaining an RMA .......................................................................................................................................... 6-1 6-3.2 Repackaging for Shipment ........................................................................................................................... 6-1    List Of Illustrations Figure  Page No. No.  1-1 SCA932-30C Amplifier.................................................................................................................................. 1-3 2-1 SCA932-30C Front Panel View ................................................................................................................... 2-2 2-2 Data I/O Connector......................................................................................................................................... 2-3 2-3 DC Power Connector ..................................................................................................................................... 2-4 3-1 Front Panel Indicators ................................................................................................................................... 3-1 4-1 SCA9321-30C Amplifier Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 4-1  List Of Tables Table  Page No. No.  1-1 SCA932-30C Single-Channel Cellular Amplifier Functional Specifications..................................... 1-2 2-1  Data I/O Connector Pin Definition............................................................................................................... 2-3 2-2  Amplifier RF Connector Definition .............................................................................................................. 2-4 2-3  DC Power Connector Definition  ................................................................................................................. 2-4 6-1 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................................. 6-1  Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142  Rev. A   June 2003 iv
 SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Section 1  General Description 1-1  Introduction This manual contains information and procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance of Powerwave’s SCA9323-30C  (Nortel Model No. NTQA37AA) single-channel cellular amplifier. The manual is organized into six sections as follows: Section 1. General Description Section 2. Installation Section 3. Operating Instructions Section 4. Principles of Operation Section 5. Maintenance Section 6. Troubleshooting  1-2  General Description The SCA9323-30C (see figure 1-1) is a single-channel power amplifier that operates in the 25 MHz frequency band from 869 MHz to 894 MHz. It is designed for use in an amplifier system that is modular in design, and is ideally suited for use in GSM/EDGE base stations. The amplifier is capable of transmitting at 30 watts of power in either GMSK or EDGE modulation. All solid-state, the amplifier is designed to provide trouble-free operation with minimum maintenance. The sys-tem's modular construction and unique and highly effective operational status and fault monitor-ing circuitry help minimize downtime. The turn-on and turn-off sequences of voltages are fully automatic, as is overload protection.  Each amplifier module has an I/O connector that allows the host system to monitor the amplifier module performance. Primary power for the amplifier is –48 Vdc. The amplifier has an integrated heat sink for cooling. 1-3  Functional And Physical Specifications Functional and physical specifications for the amplifier are listed in table 1-1.  1-4  Equipment Changes Powerwave Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to make minor changes to the equipment, in-cluding but not necessarily limited to component substitution and circuitry changes. Changes that impact this manual may subsequently be incorporated in a later revision of this manual.   CCooppyyrriigghhtt  PPoowweerrwwaavvee  TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess,,  IInncc..,,  JJuunnee  22000033..  AAllll  rriigghhttss  rreesseerrvveedd  AAllll  ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss  aarree  ssuubbjjeecctt  ttoo  cchhaannggee  wwiitthhoouutt  nnoottiiccee..  CCoonnttaacctt  tthhee  ffaaccttoorryy  ffoorr  ccoommpplleettee  ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee  ddaattaa..  044-05142 Rev. A 1-1  June 2003
 SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual  Table 1-1   SCA9323-30C Single-Channel Cellular Amplifier Functional Specifications Frequency Range  869-894 MHz Nominal Input Power  -0.2 dBm  Total Output Power  30 W (44.77 dBm) typical / 33 W (45.19 dBm) maximum  RF Gain at 882 MHz  45 +/- 1.0 dB Gain Variation Over All Conditions:  ±2.0 dB  Output Protection:  Mismatch Protected Input Port Return Loss:  -14 dB (Min) Out of Band Spurious:  -40 dBm (max) Spectral Mask  Frequency Removed From Carrier   GSM         EDGE  200 kHz                                             -31 dBc     -31 dBc 250 kHz                                             -34 dBc     -34 dBc 400 kHz                                             -61 dBc     -57 dBc 600 kHz                                             -71 dBc     -71 dBc 1200 kHz                                           -74 dBc     -74 dBc 1800 kHz                                           -76 dBc     -76 dBc 6000 kHz                                           -81 dBc     -81 dBc Duty Cycle:  Continuous DC Input Power:  -48 VDC; 2.9 amps typical; 4.2 amps max. -36 to –60 VDC, 140 watts typical; 200 watts max. Heat Dissipation  375 BTUs  typical Operating Temperature:  0 ºC. to +60 ºC. Storage Temperature:  -40 ºC. to +75 ºC. Operating Humidity:  5 % - 95 % Relative Humidity (Noncondensing) Storage Humidity:  5 % - 95 % Relative Humidity (Noncondensing) RF Input / Output Connector  SMA Female (Input) / Type N Female (Output) DC Power Connector  3-Pin D-Subminiature (20 A Contacts) Data I/O Connector  20-Pin SCSI  Dimensions:   2.55” High, 9.48” Wide, 11.85” Deep      CCooppyyrriigghhtt  PPoowweerrwwaavvee  TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess,,  IInncc..,,  JJuunnee  22000033..  AAllll  rriigghhttss  rreesseerrvveedd  AAllll  ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss  aarree  ssuubbjjeecctt  ttoo  cchhaannggee  wwiitthhoouutt  nnoottiiccee..  CCoonnttaacctt  tthhee  ffaaccttoorryy  ffoorr  ccoommpplleettee  ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee  ddaattaa..  044-05142 Rev. A 1-2  June 2003
 SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual     All dimensions are in inches And are for reference only         Figure 1-1.  SCA9323-30C Amplifier   CCooppyyrriigghhtt  PPoowweerrwwaavvee  TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess,,  IInncc..,,  JJuunnee  22000033..  AAllll  rriigghhttss  rreesseerrvveedd  AAllll  ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss  aarree  ssuubbjjeecctt  ttoo  cchhaannggee  wwiitthhoouutt  nnoottiiccee..  CCoonnttaacctt  tthhee  ffaaccttoorryy  ffoorr  ccoommpplleettee  ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee  ddaattaa..  044-05142 Rev. A 1-3  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Section 2  Installation 2-1  Introduction This section contains installation recommendations, unpacking, inspection, and installation in-structions for the SCA9323-30C single channel cellular amplifier. Carefully read all material in this section prior to equipment unpacking or installation. Also read and review the operating proce-dures in Section 3 prior to installing the equipment. It is important that the licensee perform these tasks correctly and in good faith. If applicable, carefully read the Federal Communications Com-mission (FCC) rules to determine how they apply to your installation. DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR LICENSE. 2-2  Electrical Service Recommendations Powerwave Technologies recommends that proper AC line conditioning and surge suppression be provided on the primary AC input to the -48 Vdc power source. All electrical service should be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, any applicable state or local codes, and good engineering practice. Special consideration should be given to lightning protection of all systems in view of the vulnerability of most transmitter sites to lightning. Lightning arrestors are recommended in the service entrance. Straight, short ground runs are recommended. The elec-trical service must be well grounded. The amplifier has an internal fuse, so a failure in one does not shut off the whole installation.   2-3  Unpacking And Inspection This equipment has been operated, tested and calibrated at the factory. Only in the event of se-vere shocks or other mistreatment should any substantial readjustment be required. Carefully open the container(s) and remove the amplifier module(s). Retain all packing material that can be reassembled in the event that the unit must be returned to the factory. CAUTION Exercise care in handling equipment during inspection to prevent damage caused by rough or careless handling. Visually inspect the amplifier module for damage that may have occurred during shipment. Check for evidence of water damage, bent or warped chassis, or loose screws or nuts. Inspect the front panel for bent connector pins. If the equipment is damaged, a claim should be filed with the car-rier once the extent of any damage is assessed. We cannot stress too strongly the importance of IMMEDIATE careful inspection of the equipment and the subsequent IMMEDIATE filing of the necessary claims against the carrier if necessary. If possible, inspect the equipment in the pres-ence of the delivery person. If the equipment is damaged, the carrier is your first area of re-course. If the equipment is damaged and must be returned to the factory, write or phone for a re-turn authorization. Powerwave may not accept returns without a return authorization. Claims for loss or damage may not be withheld from any payment to Powerwave, nor may any payment due be withheld pending the outcome thereof. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE FREIGHT CAR-RIER'S PERFORMANCE.  Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 2-1  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual 2-4  Installation Instructions  (Refer to figures 1-1 and 2-1) The SCA9323-30C is intended for installation in a Restricted Access Location. The SCA9323-30C amplifier module is designed for installation in a subrack that permits access to the amplifier’s front panel for connection of DC power, RF, and monitor cables. To install the amplifier proceed as follows: 1.  Install amplifier in the BTS rack and secure in place. 2.  Connect the amplifier front panel RF Out (Type-N) connector to the antenna cable. 3.  Connect the amplifier front panel RF In (Type-SMA) connector to the transceiver output(s). 4.  Connect the BTS 20-pin Data I/O cable to the amplifier. Refer to section 2-5.1. WARNING Turn off external DC power before connecting DC power cables. Verify that the ampli-fier is terminated into a proper 50 Ohm load. 5.  Connect the DC power cable to the rack and amplifier. Refer to section 2-5.3. 6.  Check your work before applying DC voltage to the system. Make certain all connections are tight and correct. 7.  Measure DC input voltage. DC input voltage should be -36 to –60 VDC. If the DC input volt-age is above or below the limits, call and consult Powerwave before you turn on your ampli-fier system. 8.  Refer to section 3 for initial turn-on and checkout procedures. 2-5  Amplifier Module Connectors The amplifier has four connectors on the front of the module. These include a SCSI connector which provides the data I/O connections, SMA female RF input, Type N female RF output, and 3-pin high current contact DC input connectors. Refer to figure 2-1. Each is fully described in the paragraphs that follow.   Figure 2-1   SCA9323-30C Front Panel View    Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 2-2  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual  2-5.1   Data I/O Connector The amplifier has a separate remote alarm and control connector that may be used by the host system to monitor and control the individual amplifier modules. The status, alarm, and control connections on the amplifier connector are made through a 20-pin SCSI connector (figure 2-2) and are listed and described in table 2-1.   Figure 2-2   Data I/O Connector (on Front Panel) Table 2-1   Data I/O Connector Pin Definition Pin Function  Description 1 Ground  Ground 2 Ground  Ground 3  Synchro Signal +  Synchro Signal from TRX 4  UART TX +  Information Exchange (TRX to PA) 5  Manual Control  To Set PA in Test Mode 6 Not Connected   7  UART RX +  Information Exchange (PA to TRX) 8 Not Connected   9 Not Connected   10 Not Connected   11 Ground  Ground 12 Ground  Ground 13  Synchro Signal -  Synchro Signal from TRX 14  UART TX -  Information Exchange (TRX to PA) 15 Not Connected   16 Not Connected   17  UART RX -  Information Exchange (PA to TRX) 18 Not Connected   19 Not Connected   20 Not Connected    Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 2-3  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual 2-5.2   Amplifier RF Connectors The amplifier has two RF connectors. The RF Input connector is a SMA female. The input power on this port should not exceed the level specified in table 1-1. The RF Output connector is Type N female. They are listed and described in table 2-2. Table 2-2   Amplifier RF Connector Definition Function Description RF Input   SMA Female RF Output  Type N Female 2-5.3   DC Power Connector The DC power connector is a three-pin high current contact D-subminiature connector. The pin configuration is listed in table 2-3 and shown in figure 2-3. Table 2-3   DC Power Connector Definition Pin Description 1 -48 V 2 Chassis Ground 3 Battery Return   Figure 2-3   DC Power Connector   Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 2-4  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Section 3  Operating Instructions 3-1  Introduction This section contains operating instructions for the single channel cellular amplifier system. 3-2  Location And Function Of Amplifier Indicators The front panel LED is located to the right of the 20-pin Data connector and indicates the ampli-fier status.  •  Green means the amplifier is operating properly. •  Red indicates an alarm or off condition.  The nature of the alarm can only be determined through the software interface of the Base-Transceiver System (BTS). Please consult the BTS manual for details on monitoring amplifier status.     Figure 3-1   Front Panel Indicators 3-3  Initial Start-Up And Operating Procedures To perform the initial start-up, proceed as follows: 1.  Verify that all input and output cables are properly connected. CAUTION Before applying power, make sure that the input and output of the amplifier are properly terminated at 50 ohms.  Do not operate the amplifier without a load attached.  Refer to ta-ble 1-1 for input power requirements.  Excessive input power may damage the amplifier NOTE The output coaxial cable between the amplifier and the antenna must be 50 ohm co-axial cable.  Use of any other cable will distort the output. 2.  Turn on supply that provides -48 Vdc to the amplifier system. Do not apply an RF signal to the amplifier system 3.  Verify that the LED is lit and the color Green. 4.  Turn on external exciter/transceiver and apply RF input signals. Adjust the input power to achieve the desired output power. Refer to the BTS manual for instructions on performing this step.   Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 3-1  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Section 4  Principles of Operation  4-1  Introduction This section contains a functional description of the single-carrier SCA9323-30C amplifier.   4-2  RF Input Signal The maximum input power should not exceed the levels to produce the maximum rated RF out-put power in table 1-1. This level is approximately –0.2 dBm, but should be set through the base-transceiver station’s software interface. See the BTS manual for detailed instructions. 4-3  RF Output Load The load impedance should be as good as possible (1.5:1 or better) in the working band for good power transfer to the load.  4-4  SCA932-30C Amplifier  The amplifier, figure 4-1, has an average output power of 30 watts, and is designed to support transmission in GMSK and EDGE modulation. With an input signal of approximately –0.2 dBm, the amplifier will operate at its rated output power. The amplifier is comprised of:  Driver Amplifier  Main Amplifier  Multifunction Board   DC/DC Converter Module Multifunction     Main AmpTemp Sense DetDriverDACMCURS-485 Intfc20-pin SCSI3PWR ConnRed/GrnInput Filter/ProtectionCurrent SenseDC/DC-48/+265 V Reg.Power Supply+2603-0218B-A  Figure 4-1   SCA9323-30C Amplifier Block Diagram  Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142  Rev.A 4-1  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual 4-4.1   Driver Amplifier The driver amplifier is a two-stage amplifier that provides approximately 28 dB of gain in the 25 MHz frequency band from 869 to 894 MHz. The amplifier is mounted directly on a heat sink, which is temperature monitored by a thermal sensor.  4-4.2   Main Amplifier The main amplifier is a single-stage balanced Class AB amplifier with approximately 13 dB gain and a P1dB of +50 dBm.  The amplifier’s output is protected from output mismatches.  The ampli-fier is designed to meet spectral mask requirements for GSM and EDGE signals when operated up to +45.2 dBm. The amplifier is mounted directly on a heat sink.  4-4.3   Power Distribution The amplifier module operates on a –48 VDC nominal power supply consuming 2.9 amps (typi-cally) current at full power. A DC/DC converter to supply internal circuitry with +26 VDC and +5 VDC. 4-4.4   Multifunction Board The multifunction board enables communication between the amplifier and the base-transceiver station in which it is installed, and stores information about the amplifier. It includes gain control and two gain stages providing 7 dB gain.  The multifunction board also monitors several amplifier performance parameters and reports output power so that the BTS can maintain the output power within specified limits. When these parameters are beyond acceptable levels, the amplifier will alarm. The multifunction board is mounted directly on a heat sink, which is temperature moni-tored by a thermal sensor. The alarms are: Temperature Alarm - If the internal temperature reaches 90°C, the PA shuts down and com-municates an alarm through the digital interface. DC/DC Alarm - If the output voltage of the converter falls below 23.5V, the PA shuts down and communicates an alarm through the digital interface. Over-current Alarm - If the output current of the DC/DC converter goes above a nominal threshold (7.5 A), the PA shuts down and communicates an alarm through the digital interface. Communication Alarm - If the serial interface detects an error in transmission (parity, over-run, framing), an alarm is sent for one burst only during the very next burst. The PA operation is not affected.    Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142  Rev.A 4-2  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Section 5  Maintenance 5-1  Introduction The amplifier is designed to be operated without any required periodic maintenance other than maintenance which may be recommended by the manufacturer of the BTS. Please consult your BTS manual for guidance.  Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 5-1  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Section 6  Troubleshooting 6-1  Introduction This section contains a list of problems and a few suggested actions that may correct the prob-lem.  If the suggested corrective action does not eliminate the problem, please contact your  Powerwave field representative or the factory for further instructions. NOTE Check your sales order and equipment warranty before attempting to service or re-pair the unit.  Do not break the seals on equipment under warranty or the warranty will be null and void.  Do not return equipment for warranty or repair service until proper shipping instructions are received from the factory.  6-2  Troubleshooting Refer to table 6-1 for troubleshooting suggestions. Table 6-1   Troubleshooting Symptom Suggested Action LED not lit 1.  Check that rack power connection is secure. 2.  Check for proper power supply voltage. 3.  Check that power switch is ON position. LED is red 1.  Verify amplifier is enabled. 2.  A large RF input overdrive has caused an alarm. Reduce input power and  re-enable the amplifier. 3.  Follow recommendations of BTS operating manual. No RF Output 1.  Check input and output connections and cables for integrity and tightness. 2.  Check RF input power to verify that it is present and within specification range. 3.  Contact Powerwave field representative or factory. 6-3  Return For Service Procedures When returning products to Powerwave, the following procedures will ensure optimum response. 6-3.1   Obtaining An RMA A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained prior to returning equipment to the factory for service.  Please contact our Repair Department at (888) 797-9283 or (714) 466-1000 to obtain this number, or FAX your request to (714) 466-5816. Failure to obtain this RMA number may result in delays in receiving repair service. 6-3.2   Repackaging For Shipment To ensure safe shipment of the amplifier, it is recommended that the package designed for the amplifier be used.  The original packaging material is reusable.  If it is not available, contact  Powerwave’s Customer Service Department for packing materials and information.  Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 6-1  June 2003
SCA932-30C Installation & Service Manual Field Failure Report RMA No.: __________  S/N: __________  Customer: ___________________ Region: ________________  Technician: ___________________  Phone No.: __________ Manufacture Date: ___________  Failure Date: ___________  Site ID: _____________ Does customer want a Failure Analysis Report? Y / N Failure Mode (please circle all that apply): Loop Fail  VSWR  Low Pwr  Ovr Pwr  DC  LPA Disable Ovr Temp  Alarm  No RF Out  Firmware  Shipping Damage Missing Hardware  Connector Damaged Failed During (please circle all that apply): Installation  Normal Operation  Scheduled Maintenance   High Traffic Hour  Medium Traffic Hour  Low Traffic Hour DOA?  Y / N Failure Frequency: Intermittent Permanent Failure Details:        Did other equipment fail at the same time? (Please describe)           Copyright Powerwave Technologies, Inc., June 2003. All rights reserved 044-05142 Rev. A 6-2  June 2003

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