Powerwave Technologies AR3700 Repeater User Manual Ventura 01EM00CF CHP

Powerwave Technologies Repeater Ventura 01EM00CF CHP

User manual

User’s ManualAR RepeatersVD203 66/EN – English
User’s ManualAR RepeatersChannel Selective and Band Selective Repeaters–EnglishLGP Allgon AB H|H#H
This document describes installation, commissioning and the design of the LGP Allgon AR Repeaters.Communication between LGP Allgon AR repeaters and operators is carried out either by using LGP Allgon OMT32(Operation and Maintenance Terminal), or LGP Allgon OMS (Operation and Maintenance System). OMT32 is describedin the OMT32, User’s Manual. OMS is described in the Advanced Repeater OMS, User’s Manual.Hardware and software mentioned in this document are subjected to continuous development and improvement.Consequently, there may be minor discrepancies between the information in the document and the performance anddesign of the product. Specifications, dimensions and other statements mentioned in this document are subject to changewithout notice.Federal Communications Commission (FCC)This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when theequipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which casethe user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.LGP Allgon and its suppliers shall not be liable for any damages related to the software or hardware, or for any other damages whatsoever caused of the useof or inability to use any LGP Allgon product. This is applicable even if LGP Allgon has been advised of the damage risk. Under any circumstances, LGPAllgon’s entire liability shall be limited to replace such defective software or hardware which was originally purchased from LGP Allgon.Teflon is a registered trademark of Du Pont. Other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectiveowners.This document is produced by El, Tele & Maskin Ingenjörsfirma AB, Huddinge, Sweden.Printed in Sweden.LGP Allgon AB, SE-187 80 Täby, SwedenPhone: +46 8 540 822 00 – Fax: +46 8 540 834 80 – Internet: www.lgpallgon.comThis document or parts of it may not be reproduced without the written permission of LGP Allgon AB.Infringements will be prosecuted. All rights reserved.Copyright © LGP Allgon AB, Sweden, 1994 – 2004.H|H#H LGP Allgon AB
Contents,,H¨c#cro  ¨cccu#QH« uau#ocoXcXo   ua¤¦j#oª|r¦HrQ#?c#cro  uaH|H#HoHoo#   uao#ff#cro#o?#coHo#o6HrQoHoo#«Hj  ua#?c#croª|r¦H  uaV#?c#cro#QH«c#o6H  uaV#c6fH6c6c«  ua¤or?¦6cro  ¤auH|H#H¨H¨cH©   ¤a¤coXH|H#H  ¤aV`#?H? H#   ¤aS|rHo# ¤ac,H|c6 cc,¦cro H   ¤ao#ff#cro  auccoX`HH|H#H  au¦o`coH  au`HfH au¦?rro#ff#cro#o?H¨c6Hcjc#cro  aucjHocro#o?HcX`  a¤r¦ocoX aVrooH6cro  arooH6coXH|H#H  aIrooH6coXcX`r©HrH|H#H  aprooH6coX  au®rooH6coX  auurooH6coX  au¤ªHo#f f#j  aurr|Hof#j  au¤<H|H#HrH|H#Hcoe  auV¤<c,Hrc,Hcoe  auV#coH#e?r©oHf#«  auScoc`coX`Ho#ff#cro  auo#ffcoX¤VrfrVIrfr©H¦||f«oc  auVrjjccrocoX  Vau#coX`HH|H#H  Va¤o?c6#rco`H#,coH  Vao?c6#rro`HH|H#Hro  VaVH#¦coX`H¦|¦cXo#fH¨Hf  VaSrf#XH¦||f«H|rco  VaH|H#HroQcX¦#cro  VaLGP Allgon AB H|H#H
S¦o6cro#fH6c|cro  SauHoH#f H6c|cro   SauH|H#H«|H  Sa¤`#ooHfHfH6c¨HH|H#H Sa¤`#ooHfHfH6c¨HH|H#H Sa¤`#ooHfHfH6c¨HcX`r©HH|H#H  Sa¤#o?HfH6c¨HH|H#H  Sa¤rj,coH?H|H#H  Sa<#H#cro#Hoc  Sa<H|H#H#Hoc 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cX¦HSa¤uco?c6#r#o?|r  SaVcX¦HSa¤¤co?c6#r#o?|r  SaS®cX¦HSa¤rooH6cro|r#o?#croXr¦o?  SaS¤cX¦HSa¤V#,fcoX<¤6`#ooHfH|H#H  SaSIcX¦HSa¤S#,fcoX<V6`#ooHfH|H#H  SaSpcX¦HSa¤#,fcoX<¤6`#ooHfH|H#H©c`   Sa®cX¦HSa¤#,fcoX<¤6`#ooHfH|H#H  SaucX¦HSa¤I#,fcoX<¤6`#ooHf`cX`|r©H  Sa¤cX¦HSa¤p#,fcoX<,#o?HfH6c¨HH|H#H  SacX¦HSa®#,fcoX< SaVcX¦HSau#,fcoX<  SaScX¦HSa¤#,fcoX<  SacX¦Hauap®®«|H  a¤cX¦Ha¤acªH?cHcoH«|H  aScX¦HaH|H#HrH|H#Hcoe  aLGP Allgon AB H|H#H
AbbreviationsAbbreviations used in this manual, in the software, and in the repeaters:AGC Automatic Gain Control.ALI Alarm Interface board.AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service.BCCH Broadcast Control Channel (GSM broadcast channel time slot).BMU Base station Master Unit.BA Booster Amplifier.BS Base Station.BSA Band Selective Amplifier board.BSel Band Selective.BTS Base Transceiver Station.CDMA Code Division Multiple Access.CHA Channel Amplifier board.CMB Combiner unit.CSA CDMA/WCDMA Segment Amplifier board.CSel Channel Selective.CU Control Unit board.CW Continuous Wave.DAMPS Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service.DC Directional Coupler.DCS Digital Communication System (same as PCN).DIA Distribution board.DL Downlink signal direction (from base station, via repeater, to mobile station).DPX Duplex filter.EEPROM Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.EGSM Extended Global System for Mobile communication.ETACS Extended Total Access Communication System.ETSI European Telecommunications Standard Institute.F2F Fiber to Fiber Link.FON Fiber Optic Node board.FOR Fiber Optic Repeater.FOT Fiber Optic Transciever.FOU Fiber Optic Unit.GSM Global System for Mobile communication.HW Hardware.LED Light Emitting Diode.LNA Low Noise Amplifier, uplink and downlink.MRX Measurement Receiver board.MS Mobile Station.MSC Mobile Switching Center.NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone system.OMS Operation and Maintenance System.OMT32 Operation and Maintenance Terminal.OSP Optical Splitter.PA Power Amplifier board.PCN Personal Communication Network (same as DCS).PCS Personal Communication System.PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network.PSU Power Supply Unit.PTFE Polytetrafluoro Ethylene (Teflon).R2R Repeater to Repeater Link.RCC Remote Communication Control unit.H|H#H LGP Allgon AB
RCU Remote Control Unit.RF Radio Frequency.RIA Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter board.RMU Repeater Master Unit.RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication.RTC Real Time Clock.SW Software.TACS Total Access Communication System.TDMA Time Division Multiple Access.UL Uplink signal direction (from mobile station via repeater to base station).UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply.WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access.WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexer.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H
H|H#H LGP Allgon AB
Safety %66ITIEXIVW LGP Allgon1 - 4Radiation ExposureA29AY\VN2OKV^R9\QKXSdK^SYXKXN3-83<:3X^O\XK^SYXKV-YWWS]]SYXYX8YX3YXS]SXQ<KNSK^SYX:\Y^OM^SYXRK`ONO^O\WSXON\OMYWWOXNK^SYX]PY\\KNSK^SYXObZY]_\O3-83<:\OMYWWOXN]XY^^YObMOON^ROPYVVYaSXQ\KNSK^SYXZYaO\PY\Z_LVSMObZY]_\O$0\O[_OXMc <KNSK^SYXZYaO\#72d AW"72d #AW72d AW0Y\KX^OXXK]VK\QO\^RKXMW^ROWKbSW_W\KNSK^SYXZYaO\MKXLOMKVM_VK^ONLc_]SXQ^ROPYVVYaSXQPY\W_VK$aRO\O= '<KNSK^SYXZYaO\SXAW: '9_^Z_^ZYaO\SXA\ '.S]^KXMOLO^aOOXKX^OXXKKXNR_WKXSXWO^O\>Y^KMUVO^ROaY\]^MK]O]_MMO]]P_VVc^ROMKVM_VK^SYXNYO]XY^MYX]SNO\]c]^OWZYaO\\ON_MSXQKM^SYX]]_MRK]ZYaO\MYX^\YVKXN.>B0SQ_\O ]RYa]^RO]KPO^cNS]^KXMO^YKXKX^OXXKN_O^Y^RO<0\KNSK^SYX>RONS]^KXMOS]NOZOXNSXQYX^ROKX^OXXKY_^Z_^ZYaO\KXNP\O[_OXMcaRSMRS]SVV_]^\K^ONaS^R^aYQ\KZR]SX^ROPSQ_\O9XOYP^ROQ\KZR]KZZVSO]^YAW #72dKXN^ROY^RO\^Y#AW "72dY\AW 72d>RO]KPO^cNS]^KXMO\KXQOSX0SQ_\O S]^Y WO^O\^RK^MY`O\]KXKX^OXXKZYaO\\KXQOYPN,W^YN,WA^YARadiation Safety Distances>RS]]OM^SYXSVV_]^\K^O]^RO]KPO^cNS]^KXMO]^Y^ROKX^OXXK]PY\]YWO^cZSMKV\OZOK^O\MYXPSQ_\K^SYX]9_^NYY\1=7#72d>RO]KPO^cNS]^KXMOMKXLO\OKN^Y! WO^O\SX0SQ_\O K]^ROWKbSW_W\KNSK^SYXZYaO\S]AWPY\#72dSP4πr2××--------------------=<OZOK^O\Y_^Z_^ZYaO\ N,W0OONO\VY]] xN,+X^OXXKQKSX !N,S/3<: N,W
LGP Allgon %66ITIEXIVW Safety1 - 50SQ_\O=KPO^cNS]^KXMO^YKM^S`OKX^OXXK3XNYY\1=7#72d>RO]KPO^cNS]^KXMOMKXLO\OKN^Y WO^O\PY\AW#72d9_^NYY\?7>==^KXNK\N2SQR:YaO\>RO]KPO^cNS]^KXMOMKXLO\OKN^Y# WO^O\PY\AW72d3XNYY\?7>=>RO]KPO^cNS]^KXMOMKXLO\OKN^Y WO^O\PY\AW72d101520253035400 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.045501.1 1.2 1.3 4.5W/m2 (900MHz)  9W/m2 (1800MHz) 10W/m2 (2100MHz)Safety distance to antenna in meterAntenna output power in dBmAntenna output power in W<OZOK^O\Y_^Z_^ZYaO\ N,W0OONO\VY]] xN,+X^OXXKQKSX N,S/3<: "N,W<OZOK^O\Y_^Z_^ZYaO\ "N,W0OONO\VY]] xN,+X^OXXKQKSX !N,S/3<: N,W<OZOK^O\Y_^Z_^ZYaO\ N,W0OONO\VY]] xN,+X^OXXKQKSX N,S/3<: N,W
2. IntroductionLGP Allgon AR repeaters are used to fill out uncovered areas in cellularmobile systems, such as base station fringe areas, road tunnels, businessand industrial buildings, etc.An AR repeater receives signals from a base station, amplifies andretransmits the signals to mobile stations. Also it receives, amplifies andretransmits signals in the opposite direction. Both directions are servedsimultaneously.To be able to receive and transmit signals in both directions, the repeateris connected to a donor antenna directed towards the base station and toa service antenna directed towards the area to be covered. As analternative to the donor antenna, the repeater can be connected to thebase station via an optic fiber cable.Control of the repeaters is performed using a desktop or notebook loadedwith the LGP Allgon OMT32, Operation and Maintenance Terminal,which can communicate with the repeaters either locally or remotely viamodem. Remote operation can be performed either via PSTN or a GSMnet.To be able to control many LGP Allgon AR repeaters in common, there isan LGP Allgon OMS, Operation and Maintenance System.The AR repeaters are described in this manual. OMT32 is described inthe OMT32, User’s Manual.Figure 2-1.  Allgon AR RepeaterLGP Allgon AB H|H#H or?¦6cro¤au
Repeater OverviewThe AR repeater family includes the following main repeater types:•Channel selective GSM repeater.•Channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeater.•Channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA repeater.•Band selective repeater.•Combined repeater.•BMU, Base station Master Unit.•RMU, Repeater Master Unit.•FOR, Fiber Optic Repeater.These main repeater types are briefly described below.In this document, the channel selective 900, 1800, and 1900 systems arecalled GSM, DCS and PCS respectively, even though these systems mayhave different names in other parts of the world.Channel selective GSM repeater This repeater is used for channel selective systems such as GSM, DCS,PCN and PCS.The channel selective GSM repeater has an RF port for a donor antenna(or RF cable) and an RF port for a service antenna (or RF cable).Channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeaters These repeater types are used for digital code division systems inaccordance with IS-95 or J-std-008 standard, and wideband digital codedivision systems.The channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeaters have an RF port for adonor antenna (or RF cable) and an RF port for a service antenna (or RFcable).Channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA repeaters These are CDMA/WCDMA repeaters equipped with a 6dB (typically) BA(Booster Amplifier) in the downlink transmitting signal path.The channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA repeaters have an RFport for a donor antenna (or RF cable) and an high power RF port for aservice antenna (or RF cable). RF   RF ALLGON RF   RF ALLGON RF   RF ALLGONor?¦6cro H|H#H LGP Allgon AB¤a¤
Band selective repeater This repeater type is used for analog or digital systems such as NMT,GSM, TACS, ETACS, AMPS, DAMPS, CDMA and WCDMA.The band selective repeater has an RF port for a donor antenna (or RFcable) and an RF port for a service antenna (or RF cable).Combined repeaterSome of the repeater types can be combined in the same repeater chassisand be in operation in parallel.The combined repeater has normally two RF ports for donor antennas (orRF cables) and two RF ports for service antennas (or RF cables).BMU, Base Station Master Unit A BMU is one of the RF repeater types equipped with a FOU (Fiber OpticUnit) that makes the repeater receive and transmit optic signals on theservice side.The BMU has an RF port for BTS connection and up to four fiber opticports that can be connected to FORs.RMU, Repeater Master Unit An RMU is one of the RF repeater types equipped with a FOU (FiberOptic Unit) that makes the repeater receive and transmit optic signals onthe service side.The RMU has an RF port for a donor antenna and up to four fiber opticports that can be connected to FORs.FOR, Fiber Optic Repeater A FOR is one of the RF repeater types equipped with a FOU that makesthe repeater receive and transmit optic signals on the donor side.The FOR has a fiber optic donor port and an RF port for a serviceantenna (or RF cable). By equipping a FOR with a splitter, another FORcan be connected in serial.This unit can be connected to a BMU, RMU or FOR (with splitter). RF   RF ALLGON RF   RF ALLGONALLGON RF ALLGON RF  RF ALLGONLGP Allgon AB H|H#H or?¦6cro¤a
Using RepeatersIn areas where the radio signal propagation is poor repeaters can be usedto fill out those areas which are not covered by the base station.The following scenarios are examples on this:–Sports arenas–Fair halls–Large shopping centres–Road and railway tunnels–Indoors in buildings with metal or concrete wallsOther examples where repeaters can be used to increase the coverage are:–Shaded areas–Fringe coverage areasIn areas where the traffic intensity is low, it is not cost efficient to installa base station. An LGP Allgon repeater, which can be installed with aminimum of investments, is a better solution. You save installation costsas well as operational costs.Examples of using repeatersTwo examples are described in the following sections. An outdoor examplein a shaded valley and an indoor example in a sports arena.or?¦6cro H|H#H LGP Allgon AB¤aV
Shaded Area A valley is shaded by hills. There is a base station 5 kilometers away, butthe lowest signal strength in the valley is less than –100dBm. A mast usedfor other purposes is available for a repeater installation. The mast heightis 42 meter and it is located on a hill. The scenario is illustrated inFigure 2-2.The donor antenna of the repeater was mounted at the top of the mastand the service antenna was mounted at the half mast. The antennaisolation was measured to over 100dB. The repeater was set to 80dB gain.Measured levels: Received signal level – 60.0 dBmDonor antenna gain 15.0 dBiCable loss – 5.0 dBRepeater input level – 50.0 dBmAdjusted repeater gain 70.0 dBRepeater output level 20.0 dBmCable loss – 5.0 dBService antenna gain 8.0 dBiRadiated output level 23.0 dBmThe measured result in the valley was better than –90dBm.Donor antennaService antennaFigure 2-2.  Repeater coverage of shaded areaLGP Allgon AB H|H#H or?¦6cro¤aS
Sports Arena A 2000 spectators sports arena with metallic roof had an indoor signalstrength too low to provide a fair service in most parts of the arena. Thenearest base station was 8 kilometers away and it was equipped with onecarrier only.A donor antenna directed towards the base station was mounted on amast outside the building and a repeater was installed inside the buildingwith the service antenna on the arch vault. The scenario is illustrated inFigure 2-3.The antenna isolation was measured to over 85dB.Measured levels: Received signal level – 80.0 dBmDonor antenna gain 15.0 dBiCable loss – 5.0 dBRepeater input level – 70.0 dBmAdjusted repeater gain 75.0 dBRepeater output level 5.0 dBmCable loss – 2.0 dBService antenna gain 7.0 dBiRadiated output level 10.0 dBmThe signal strength was fair for service in the entire arena.Service antennaDonor antennaFigure 2-3.  Repeater in sports arenaor?¦6cro H|H#H LGP Allgon AB¤a
Fiber Optic Distribution NetThe following two examples illustrate a part of a road covered by meansof a BMU or an RMU and four FORs in a fiber optic distribution net.Figure 2-4 shows a BMU fed via an RF cable from the BTS and four fiberoptic ports that feed four FORs in parallel. The BMU has to be locatedvery close to the BTS.Figure 2-5 shows an RMU with a donor antenna and one fiber optic portthat feeds four FORs in serial.By using WDMs and OSPs in the fiber optic repeaters, the opticdistribution net can be built up with a combination of serial and parallelconnections with double or single fiber communication.BMU FORFORFORFORALLGONALLGONALLGONALLGONBTS RF ALLGONFigure 2-4.  One BMU and four FORs in parallelRMU FORFORFORALLGONALLGONFORALLGONALLGONBTSALLGONFigure 2-5.  One RMU and four FORs in serialLGP Allgon AB H|H#H or?¦6cro¤a
or?¦6cro H|H#H LGP Allgon AB¤aI
3. InstallationBefore installation, read carefully Chapter 1, Safety.Siting the RepeaterLGP Allgon repeaters are designed for outdoor usage. However, humidityand temperature changes may have affect on the reliability. A preferablesite for the repeater is thus indoor, in a tempered and ventilated room.SunshineIf a repeater is placed outdoor and can be exposed to direct sunshine, it isessential that the air can circulate around the repeater with no obstacle.The operating temperature must not exceed +55°C. A shelter can be usedto shade the repeater from direct sunshine.Shelter LGP Allgon repeaters are designed with a weather proof outdoor case thatcan be mounted without any kind of shelter from rain, snow or hail.If a repeater is to be opened on the site when raining, snowing, or hailingthere must be some kind of permanent or temporary shelter. This isapplicable to gentle rainfall, snowfall or hail. Limitations for very badweather is found in the next section.LGP Allgon can provide a shelter designed for these repeaters. Thisshelter is shown in Figure 3-1.Outdoor Installation and Service Limitations Sited outdoors, the repeater must not be opened for installation or serviceat bad weather, such as:–Intense rainfall, snowfall or hail.–Storm or high wind.–Extremely low or high temperature.–High humidity of the air.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croau
Dimensions and Weights The dimensions of the repeater, including the mounting bracket, is shownin Figure 3-1. The repeater chassis consists of two main parts, a cabinet inwhich the circuitry is housed, and a cover, which can be either a low coveror a high cover (see the figure) depending on the repeater type.The high power CDMA and WCDMA repeaters have an external heat sinkon a high cover, see Figure 3-2.440 (17.3")530 (20.9")520 (20.5")110 (4.3")ALLGON174 (6.9")224 (8.8")240 (9.4")290 (11.4")Mounting bracket Cabinet Shelter Low cover High coverFigure 3-1.  Repeater dimensionsALLGON180 (7.1")350 (13.8")35 (1.4")Figure 3-2.  High power CDMA/WCDMA repeatero#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa¤
Approximately repeater weightsRepeater with a low cover ......................................................... 21 kg (46 lbs)Repeater with an empty high cover .......................................... 25 kg (55 lbs)Combined repeater with a high cover  ...................................... 30 kg (66 lbs)It is not recommended to remove the cover from the cabinet at the site.However, if the cover, for some reason, has to be removed from thecabinet, then disconnect the interconnection cables, close the cover,remove the hinge shafts, and remove the cover.The cabinet and cover weights are, approximately, as follows:Empty low cover ........................................................................... 6 kg (13 lbs)Empty high cover  ....................................................................... 10 kg (22 lbs)Equipped cabinet or high cover  ................................................ 15 kg (33 lbs)LGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croa
Mounting   The AR repeater is easy to mount using the provided mounting bracket,which has Ø14mm (9/16") holes for 10mm (3/8") or 12mm (1/2") fixingscrews. Clamps with c-c measures of 90mm (3.5"), 135mm (5.3"), 144mm(5.7"), 205mm (8.1"), 250mm (9.8"), and 300mm (11.8") can be used aswell. The vertical c-c measure for these are 411mm (16.2").The mounting bracket is shown in the figure.NOTE! There is a Ø14mm (9/16") single hole in the middle of themounting bracket, marked ’A’ in the figure, which is intended for alocking screw, i.e. a screw which cannot be removed when the repeater isput in the bracket.Mount the repeater as follows:1. Mount the provided bracket.Normally, the repeater is mounted on a wall, pole, or mast. Thesemounting cases are shown below.Figure 3-3 shows a bracket attachment to a wall using four fixingscrews and a locking screw.Figure 3-3.  Attaching the bracket to a wallo#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABaV
 Figure 3-4 shows a bracket attachment to a pole using two 144mm(5.7") U-shaped clamps and a locking screw.Figure 3-5 shows a bracket attachment to a mast using two 300mm(11.8") bar-shaped clamps and no locking screw.Figure 3-4.  Attaching the bracket to a poleFigure 3-5.  Attaching the bracket to a mastLGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croaS
 2. After attaching the bracket, hang the repeater on the upper supports(see Figure 3-6) and use the screws for the lower ones. Tighten theupper and lower screws.There are locking cylinders that can be inserted and locked with akey after the lower screws have been tightened (see Figure 3-6).These prevents from unauthorized removal of the repeater.3. Make sure the donor antenna, directed towards the base stationantenna, is mounted.4. Make sure the service antenna, directed towards the area to becovered by the repeater, is mounted.Figure 3-6.  Attaching the repeater to the bracketo#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa
Connection This section describes how to connect the input and output ports of therepeater types:AR repeaters (except for high power CDMA/WCDMA)  ................  page 3-8  High power CDMA/WCDMA  ....................................................................  3-9  BMU ............................................................................................................. 3-10RMU ............................................................................................................. 3-11FOR .............................................................................................................. 3-12Common important instructions for the repeater types are found below.Station groundThere is a screw to the left in the repeater that is intended for stationground only. This screw is marked with the ground symbol.Mains connection Note that local regulations are to be followed for the mains connection.The AR repeater is approved in accordance with EN and UL/cULregulations. This is, however, only valid if a classified power cord is used.To get the repeater to meet these regulations, select one of the followingclassified and approved cord types:•EN – H 05 W5 - F HMR.•UL – AWM Style 2587.•CSA – AWM 1 A/B 11 A/B.For outdoor use the power cord should meet at least IP65 encapsulationrequirements.For repeaters supplied from the mains, the mains outlet must be grounded.The mains connection described on the following pages means to mountthe mains plug to the mains cord (if to be used) but it does not mean toconnect the mains.Do not turn the mains on until you are commissioning the repeater (seeChapter 4, Commissioning).RCU and RCC remote control unitsAll AR repeaters can be equipped with an RCU, Remote Control Unit.The GSM antenna for this unit is internally connected in the repeater.The RCU and its connection is described in Chapter 6, Optionals.If the RCU is removed, then the jumper between pin 2 and 3 on the P27port must be reconnected. Do not connect the jumper to another positionthan between pin 2 and 3 on the P27 port.An RCC, Remote Communication Control unit, is required if the unit is tobe connected to a FON board (the FON board does not support the RCU).A description of the RCC and its connection is found in the VD203 67/EN,ALR Compact Repeater, User’s Manual. See also Chapter 6, Optionals.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croa
Connecting AR Repeater This description is not applicable to a high power CDMA or WCDMArepeater.1. Connect the service and donor antenna coaxial cables (or RF cablefrom the BTS if no donor antenna is used). Use N type maleconnectors.–The donor antenna or RF cable from the BTS is connected to theright in the cabinet (’BS’ in Figure 3-7).–The service antenna (MS) is connected to the left in the cabinet.2. Connect station ground, if to be used (see page 3-7).3. Mount the mains plug to the mains cord (if to be used) but do notconnect the mains (see page 3-7).4. Connect external alarm and optional door open alarm, if this featureis to be used. Descriptions are found on page 3-13.5. Connect the R2R cables, if this feature is to be used (see page 3-14).6. Connect a mains breakdown relay, if mains breakdown alarm is to beused (see page 3-15).MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBMS BSOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSUMainsFigure 3-7.  Connecting AR repeatero#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABaI
Connecting High Power CDMA or WCDMA Repeater This description is applicable to a high power CDMA or WCDMA repeater.1. Connect the service and donor antenna coaxial cables (or RF cablefrom the BTS if no donor antenna is used). Use N type maleconnectors.–The donor antenna or RF cable from the BTS is connected to the leftin the cabinet (’BS’ in Figure 3-8).–The service antenna (MS) is connected to the right in cabinet.2. Connect station ground, if to be used (see page 3-7).3. Mount the mains plug to the mains cord (if to be used) but do notconnect the mains (see page 3-7).4. Connect external alarm and optional door open alarm, if this featureis to be used. Descriptions are found on page 3-13.5. Connect the R2R cables, if this feature is to be used (see page 3-14).6. Connect a mains breakdown relay, if mains breakdown alarm is to beused (see page 3-15).MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBMRXMSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBBS MSOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSUMainsFigure 3-8.  Connecting high power CDMA/WCDMA repeaterLGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croap
Connecting BMUFigure 3-9 shows an BMU with separate RX/TX fiber optic cables to oneFOR. By using WDMs and OSPs, up to four FORs can be fed in parallelby a BMU with double or single fiber communication. Up to eight FORscan be fed with a high cover and two FOUs.1. Connect the BTS antenna output RF cable to the ANT port of theDC unit to the left in the cabinet. Use an N type male connector.2. Connect an RF cable from the DPX port of the DC unit to the left inthe repeater to the BTS antenna. Use an N type male connector.3. Connect the RX and TX fiber optic cables from the FON boardlocated in the upper part of the FOU to an FOR.4. Connect station ground, if to be used (see page 3-7).5. Mount the mains plug to the mains cord (if to be used) but do notconnect the mains (see page 3-7).6. Connect external alarm, if this feature is to be used. Descriptions arefound on page 3-13.7. Connect the R2R cables, if this feature is to be used (see page 3-14).8. Connect a mains breakdown relay, if mains breakdown alarm is to beused (see page 3-15).P102P130BerylliumoxidehazardP103P101P114P108P112P111P105P110P109P115P106P104RXTXP113 FOU FONMSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBBTS TX RXFORPSUMainsBTS antenna outputBTS antennaFigure 3-9.  Connecting BMUo#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABau®
Connecting RMUFigure 3-10 shows an RMU for donor antenna and separate RX/TX fiberoptic cables to one FOR. By using WDMs and OSPs, up to four FORs canbe fed in parallel by an RMU with double or single fiber communication.Up to eight FORs can be fed with a high cover and two FOUs.1. Connect the donor antenna coaxial cable to the right in the cabinet(’BS’ in Figure 3-10). Use an N type male connector.2. Connect the RX and TX fiber optic cables from the FON boardlocated in the upper part of the FOU to an FOR.3. Connect station ground, if to be used (see page 3-7).4. Mount the mains plug to the mains cord (if to be used) but do notconnect the mains (see page 3-7).5. Connect external alarm and optional door open alarm, if this featureis to be used. Descriptions are found on page 3-13.6. Connect the R2R cables, if this feature is to be used (see page 3-14).7. Connect a mains breakdown relay, if mains breakdown alarm isavailable and is to be used (see page 3-15).MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBTXBSP102P130BerylliumoxidehazardP103P101P114P108P112P111P105P110P109P115P106P104RXTXP113RXOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAUL OUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADL FOU FONFORPSUR2RMainsFigure 3-10.  Connecting RMULGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croauu
Connecting FORFigure 3-11 shows a FOR for service antenna and separate RX/TX fiberoptic cables from a BMU. By adding WDMs and OSPs, a number of FORscan be fed by one BMU with double or single fiber communication.1. Connect the service antenna coaxial cable to the left in the cabinet(’MS’ in Figure 3-11). Use an N type male connector.2. Connect the RX and TX fiber optic cables from the BMU to the FONboard located in the upper part of the FOU.3. Connect station ground, if to be used (see page 3-7).4. Mount the mains plug to the mains cord (if to be used) but do notconnect the mains (see page 3-7).5. Connect external alarm and optional door open alarm, if this featureis to be used. Descriptions are found on page 3-13.6. Connect the R2R cables, if this feature is to be used (see page 3-14).7. Connect a mains breakdown relay, if mains breakdown alarm is to beused (see page 3-15).MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBMS TXP102P130BerylliumoxidehazardP103P101P114P108P112P111P105P110P109P115P106P104RXTXP113OUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULRX FOU FONBMUPSUR2RMainsFigure 3-11.  Connecting FORo#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABau¤
External Alarm Burglary, fire or other external alarm can be used in the repeaters.Optical or acoustic alarm can also be connected to the repeaters.External alarm sensors and alarm signals are connected to the P33 alarmport located to the left in the cabinet (see Figure 3-12).The P33 alarm port is described in the Connection Ports section inChapter 5.Use a 15 pole D-sub male connector for this connection.The cable for this installation is taken through a strain relief bushing atthe bottom of the repeater.For a repeater without a CU board, i.e. BMU, external alarm is connectedto the P109 port on the FON board. The P109 port is described in theFON - Fiber Optic Node Board section in Chapter 5.Door Open Alarm A door open alarm can be used in all repeater types that have a CUboard, i.e. all types except for BMU. This is arranged with a door switchconnected to the P28 port (see Figure 3-12). The P28 port and theconnection is described in the Connection Ports section in Chapter 5.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBP28 P33MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBExternal alarm sensorsExternal alarmFigure 3-12.  External alarm connectionLGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croau
R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link Connect the R2R cable, if this optional feature is to be used. See also theF2F, Fiber to Fiber Link section below.The R2R net cable is connected to the P34 Repeater to Repeater Linkport via the P1 terminal on the R2R connector board to the right in therepeater (see Figure 3-13).The P34, Repeater to Repeater Link port, is described in the ConnectionPorts section in Chapter 5.Any cable type can be used for indoor installation.The following cable type is recommended for outdoor installation:Li 2YC11Y, 2x2xAWG24/222, non-halogen, Metrofunkkabel-Union.Use a strain relief bushing or a connector at the bottom of the repeaterfor the external net cable.If the link cable between two repeaters in an R2R net is longer than25 meters, then an RS-485 repeater is required, see the figure.Further information about the Repeater to Repeater Link is found in theVD202 91/EN, R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link Kit, Installation Guide.F2F, Fiber to Fiber LinkF2F is a feature that makes it possible to communicate with all repeatersthat have a FON board (i.e. BMU, RMU and FOR) and are included inthe same fiber optic net. By using the existing fiber optic distribution net,no wire or other communication device is required.Communication with repeaters works also in mixed F2F and R2R net.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB P31 P3 P2P1Figure 3-13.  R2R connection>25mALLGONALLGONo#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABauV
Mains Breakdown Relay To be able to distinguish PSU faults from power failure, a mainsbreakdown relay can be used.The mains breakdown relay is not included in the repeater. So, it has tobe mounted outside the repeater chassis. The relay intended for thispurpose must fulfil the following specifications:Relay specificationClosing time: Max. 30 milliseconds.Insulation coil/contact: Min. 4KV.Mains connected relay must be in compliance with valid local regulations.Connection1. Connect a currentless closed relay contact to pin AI1 and AIC on theP33 alarm connector see Figure 3-14. Alarm is initiated by shortcircuiting pin AI1 and AIC in the P33 connector.The P33 alarm port is described in the Connection Ports section inChapter 5.2. Connect the relay coil. It must be supplied from the same fuse as therepeater.3. After commissioning, select the Mains Breakdown option in the alarmconfiguration dialog box in the OMT32 or OMS program. Refer to theOMT32, User’s Manual or the Advanced Repeater OMS, User’sManual.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBP33:AICP33:AI1 P33 Figure 3-14.  Mains breakdown relay connectionLGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croauS
Finishing the InstallationCheck all connections made.If a 24 Volt or 48 Volt power supply unit is to be used, then replace thePSU as described in the next section.When ready with the installation, commission the repeater as described inChapter 4, Commissioning.o#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABau
Installing 24V or 48V DC Power Supply UnitThe 220V AC PSU can be replaced with a 24 Volt or 48 Volt DC PSU asdescribed below.1. Switch the repeater off and remove the mains plug from the PSU(’1’ in Figure 3-15).2. Disconnect the two connectors (2) on the PSU.3. Loosen the three fixing screws (3) using a 5mm Allen key.4. Remove the PSU from the repeater.5. Mount the 24/48 Volt DC PSU with the three fixing screws (3).6. Connect the PSU to the DIA board (2).7. Connect the DC power cable. The supplied cable should have aradiation limiter. The cable shall be connected as follows:The + pole shall be connected to one of the left terminals in the PSUconnector with the brown part of the DC cable.The – pole shall be connected to one of the right terminals in thePSU connector with the blue part of the DC cable.8. Switch the repeater on.9. The yellow LED on the PSU shall now be lit.The DC Power Supply Unit must be galvanically separated from the mainssupply with an equipment fulfilling the IEC65 safety requirements.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBMSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBPSUFigure 3-15.  Replacing mains PSU with 24V or 48VBlueBrownLGP Allgon AB H|H#H o#ff#croau
o#ff#cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABauI
4. CommissioningRead carefully Chapter 1 Safety before commissioning the repeater.Check all connections made during the installation.To fulfill the IP65 weather protective requirements, ensure that the cablestrain relief bushings are properly tightened. Also, ensure that the gasketsat the cable inlets and on the cabinet are properly fitted and not damaged.Preparing for setupYou can set up a repeater locally by connecting a PC loaded with theOMT32 software.A COM port on the PC is connected to the P31 PC port (RS-232) locatedto the right in the cabinet (see Figure 4-1). Use the provided serial cable.The P31 PC port is described in the Connection Ports section in Chapter 5.Finally, make sure the repeater is connected to the mains.Now, you can use OMT32 to set up and control the repeater. The OMT32program is described in the OMT32, User’s Manual.For repeaters without DIA board (e.g. BMU without donor antenna) thePC is connected to the P106 port on the FON board. The P106 port isdescribed in the FON - Fiber Optic Node Board section in Chapter 5.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB P31 Figure 4-1.  Connecting a PC for local setupLGP Allgon AB H|H#H rjjccrocoXVau
Starting the Repeater1. Turn the mains switch on (marked ’S’ in Figure 4-2).2. Check the LED on the power supply unit (V). It must be lit with asteady yellow light.3. Check the four CU board LEDs (see Figure 4-2). A correct power upis indicated as follows:POWERYellow LED that is lit with a steady light after the mains is switchedon. Indicates present power.BOOTRed LED that is lit with a steady light when the system boots, i.e. for10 – 15 seconds after the mains is switched on. Then, it flashes forthe next 5 – 10 seconds. After that, if no error is detected, the LED isoff.FAULTRed LED that flashes 15 – 20 seconds after the mains is switched on.Then, it flashes for less serious alarms (ERROR) and is lit with asteady light for fatal alarms (CRITICAL).OPERGreen LED that lights up approx. 15 seconds after the mains isswitched on. It shows, with a steady light, that the unit is ready foroperation.4. Check the three ALI board LEDs (see Figure 4-2). The LEDs followthe alarm relays. A correct power up is indicated as follows:OPERGreen LED that has the same indication as the green LED on the CUboard (see above).FAULTRed LED that is lit with a steady light for ERROR and CRITICALalarms.POWERYellow LED that has the same indication as the yellow LED on theCU board (see above).When the indicators show operational mode, the repeater can beconfigured for operation by using a computer running OMT32. This isfurther detailed in the OMT32, User’s Manual.rjjccrocoX H|H#H LGP Allgon ABVa¤
Indicators in the CabinetFigure 4-2 shows the repeater indicators and the mains switch in thecabinet.Figure 4-2 is, however, not applicable to the BMU type that uses theindicators on the FON board. The FON board indicators are described inthe FON - Fiber Optic Node Board section in Chapter 5.MRX indicatorsAn optional MRX board for CDMA repeaters has the same set ofindicators as the CU board (POWER, BOOT, FAULT and OPER). Thefunction of these MRX indicators are also the same as for the CU board(described in the previous section).R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link indicatorsAdditional indicators are found in the repeater, if equipped with theRepeater to Repeater Link feature. For information about these indicators,refer to the VD202 91/EN R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link Kit, InstallationGuide.F2F, Fiber to Fiber Link indicatorAn additional green F2F indicator is found on the FON board in theBMU, RMU and FOR types. This indicator is further described in theFON - Fiber Optic Node Board section in Chapter 5.MRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBS-20 dBMRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBOPERFAULTPOWERPOWERBOOTFAULTOPERCUALISVMRXFigure 4-2.  Internal indicators and mains switchLGP Allgon AB H|H#H rjjccrocoXVa
Indicators on the Repeater FrontAfter commissioning the repeater, the cover is closed and the followingindicators on the repeater front are visible:YellowOperation LED that lights up approx. 15 seconds after the mains isswitched on. At steady light the repeater is ready for operation.RedAlarm LED that indicates ERROR alarms with flashing light andCRITICAL alarms with steady light.Yellow RedFigure 4-3.  External indicatorsrjjccrocoX H|H#H LGP Allgon ABVaV
Measuring the Output Signal Level Uplink and downlink output signal test ports are found on the directionalcouplers (DC) at the MS and BS antenna connectors. These test ports aremarked TEST –30dB (see Figure 4-4) and are intended for signalmeasuring using e.g. a spectrum analyzer.The coupling is –30dB approximately. There is no directivity in these testports, i.e. both uplink and downlink signal can be measured.MRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBS-20 dBMRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBDCTEST–30 dBDCTEST–30 dB Figure 4-4.  Measuring ports for output signal levelLGP Allgon AB H|H#H rjjccrocoXVaS
Voltage Supply Testpoints A number of voltage supply testpoints are available in the repeater. Thesetestpoints are named U7A – U7F for the 7V supply voltages and U26 forthe 26V or 13V supply voltage (26V or 13V depending on the repeatertype).A standard multi-meter can be used on these testpoints.The testpoints are found on the DIA board in the repeater cabinet. Thetestpoint positions on the DIA board is detailed in the Board and UnitDescriptions section in Chapter 5.If the repeater is equipped with a second PSU, e.g. for combinedchannel/band selective operation, the same set of testpoints are also foundon the cover DIA board.Repeater ConfigurationThe repeater is now ready to be configured in accordance with the siteconditions and system performance requirements. Pay especial attentionto the antenna isolation described in the OMT32, User’s Manual.rjjccrocoX H|H#H LGP Allgon ABVa
5. Functional DescriptionThis chapter contains a short general description. After that you will finddescriptions of the various repeater types on a unit level, includingrepeater types, design, block diagrams, board and sub unit descriptions,connection ports, and cabling.General DescriptionLGP Allgon AR repeaters work as bi-directional on-frequency amplifiers.A repeater receives, amplifies, and retransmits signals downlink anduplink simultaneously, i.e. from the base station via the repeater to themobile stations and from the mobile stations via the repeater to the basestation.The repeater can be connected to a BS donor antenna, directed towardsthe base station, and to an MS service antenna directed towards the areato be covered. These antennas are connected to the repeater with N typemale connectors.The repeaters can also be connected via RF cables or fiber optic cablesinstead of donor or service antennas.To prevent instability due to poor antenna isolation, a built-in antennaisolation supervision feature reduces the gain level automatically whenpoor antenna isolation is detected. For channel selective CDMA repeaters,poor antenna isolation is detected and managed by means of an MRX unit(Measurement Receiver).The LGP Allgon repeaters are controlled by powerful microprocessors.Alarm and operational status LEDs are visible on the repeater front.The repeater works with convection cooling without fan.Operational parameters, such as gain, channel number, power levels, etc.are set using a desktop or notebook and LGP Allgon OMT32, whichcommunicate, locally or remotely via modem, with the repeater. Remoteoperation is performed via PSTN or a GSM net.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSau
Repeater TypesThe main repeater types are listed in Chapter 2, Introduction, where youalso will find some examples on how to use the various repeater types tobuild up a fiber optic network and antennas for covering a desired area.The main repeater types are further described in this and the followingsections. As all the described repeater types can be configured differently,this description is applicable only to standard configured repeaters.Channel Selective GSM Repeater A channel selective GSM repeater can be equipped with two, four, six oreight channels. This repeater type is used for channel selective systemssuch as GSM, DCS, PCN and PCS.The channel selective GSM repeater has an RF port for a donor antenna(or RF cable) and an RF port for a service antenna (or RF cable).Channel Selective CDMA/WCDMA Repeaters A channel selective CDMA or WCDMA repeater can be equipped with oneor two channels. These repeater types are used for digital code divisionsystems in accordance with IS-95 or J-std-008 standard, and widebanddigital code division systems.The channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeaters have an RF port for adonor antenna (or RF cable) and an RF port for a service antenna (or RFcable).Channel Selective High Power CDMA/WCDMA Repeaters These are CDMA/WCDMA repeaters equipped with a 6dB (typically) BA(Booster Amplifier) in the downlink transmitting signal path.The channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA repeaters have an RFport for a donor antenna (or RF cable) and an high power RF port for aservice antenna (or RF cable).Band Selective Repeater The band selective repeater has an adjustable bandwidth. This repeatertype is used for analog or digital systems such as NMT, GSM, TACS,ETACS, AMPS, DAMPS, CDMA and WCDMA.The band selective repeater has an RF port for a donor antenna (or RFcable) and an RF port for a service antenna (or RF cable). RF   RF ALLGON RF   RF ALLGON RF   RF ALLGON RF   RF ALLGON¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤
Combined RepeaterSome of the repeater types can be combined in the same repeater chassisand be in operation in parallel.One repeater part is located in the chassis cabinet and the secondrepeater part is located in a high cover.The combined repeater has normally two RF ports for donor antennas (orRF cables) and two RF ports for service antennas (or RF cables).BMU, Base Station Master Unit A BMU is one of the RF repeater types equipped with a FOU (Fiber OpticUnit) that makes the repeater receive and transmit optic signals on theservice side.The BMU has an RF port for BTS connection and up to four fiber opticports that can be connected to FORs.By using WDMs and OSPs, up to four FORs can be fed in parallel by aBMU with double or single fiber communication. Up to eight FORs can befed with a high cover and two FOUs.RMU, Repeater Master Unit An RMU is one of the RF repeater types equipped with a FOU (FiberOptic Unit) that makes the repeater receive and transmit optic signals onthe service side.The RMU has an RF port for a donor antenna and up to four fiber opticports that can be connected to FORs.By using WDMs and OSPs, up to four FORs can be fed in parallel by anRMU with double or single fiber communication. Up to eight FORs can befed with a high cover and two FOUs.FOR, Fiber Optic Repeater A FOR is one of the RF repeater types equipped with a FOU that makesthe repeater receive and transmit optic signals on the donor side.The FOR has a fiber optic donor port and an RF port for a serviceantenna (or RF cable).By using a splitter, another FOR can be connected in serial.This unit can be connected to a BMU, RMU or FOR (with splitter). RF   RF ALLGONALLGON RF ALLGON RF  RF ALLGONLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa
Repeater DesignThe repeater is housed in a cast aluminium chassis that is waterproof,class NEMA4/IP65, for outdoor use. The chassis has a design suited foroutdoor use as well as indoor use.The chassis consists of a cabinet and a cover joined with hinges. Thecabinet contains the repeater circuitry. The cover can be either a lowcover or a high cover. The latter consists of another cabinet which can beused as an empty cover or be equipped as a part of the repeater or as anindependent repeater unit.Inside the repeater, a number of amplifier boards are individually shieldedand located under a metal cover that can be folded out. These amplifierboards are of different types depending on the supported system.A repeater with a high cover that is equipped as two independent repeaterunits (Combi) can, for example, be equipped for channel selectiveoperation in the cabinet and band selective operation in the cover.Functionally, all the repeater types are built up with a number of subunits. These are listed below and pointed out in the following sections.Sub Unit OverviewThe main repeater sub units are:CHA, Channel Amplifier boardChannel selective GSM repeaters can handle up to eight repeater channels(four if the CU part number is K103/1). For every even number ofrepeater channels, two CHA amplifier boards are required in the repeater,one CHA board for uplink signaling and one board for downlink signaling.Each repeater channel is allocated to a radio channel or switched off. In aGSM type TDMA system (GSM, EGSM, DCS1800 or PCS1900), onerepeater channel can handle eight calls (sixteen if half-rate encoding isused).CSA, CDMA/WCDMA Segment Amplifier board Channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeaters can handle two CDMA orWCDMA repeater channels. For every even number of repeater channels,two CSA amplifier boards and two PA amplifier boards are required inthe repeater, one pair of CSA/PA boards for uplink signaling and one pairfor downlink signaling. Each repeater channel is allocated to a radiochannel or switched off.BSA, Band selective amplifier board Band selective repeaters can handle multi-carriers over a wide band. Thebandwidth is adjustable. A band selective repeater channel requires twoBSA boards and two PA amplifier boards in the repeater. One pair ofBSA/PA boards for uplink signaling and one pair for downlink signaling.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaV
PA, Power Amplifier boardThis is a power amplifier board that can handle two repeater channels.For every even number of repeater channels, two PA amplifier boards arerequired in the repeater, one pair for uplink signaling and one pair fordownlink signaling.The PA board is used with CSA boards in CDMA and WCDMA repeaters,and with BSA boards in band selective repeaters.BA, Booster AmplifierCDMA and WCDMA repeaters can be equipped with a high power boosteramplifier that boosts the output gain with typically 6dB. A high powerCDMA or WCDMA repeater can operate with maximum two channels.DIA, Distribution boardThe DIA board is a distribution board on which all other boards and unitsare connected to.A DIA board is found in the cabinet. Another DIA board is found in thecover, if equipped as an independent repeater.On the DIA board, there is a shielded metal frame in which the CU, ALIand MRX boards are located.CU, Control Unit boardThe CU board is the control unit of the repeater.The CU board is found in the right part of the shielded DIA board frame.ALI, Alarm Interface boardThe ALI board handles alarm and alarm communication.The ALI board is found in the left part of the shielded DIA board frame.DC, Directional CouplerDC units are used as antenna signal directional couplers.DC units are found in shielded boxes to the left and right in the cabinet(at the antenna flanges) and in some repeater types also in the cover.LNA, Low Noise AmplifierLNA amplifiers are used as uplink and downlink low noise branchamplifiers.LNA units are found in shielded boxes in the upper part of the cabinet. Insome types, they can also be found in the upper part of the cover.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaS
DPX, Duplex filterDuplex filters are found on the cover plate over the amplifier boards.CMB, Combiner unitCMB units are found on the cover plate over the amplifier boards inchannel selective repeaters with more than two channels, and in combinedrepeaters.MRX, Measurement Receiver boardChannel selective CDMA repeaters can be equipped with an MRX unit.For such a repeater, an MRX board is found in the right part of theshielded DIA board frame.FOU, Fiber Optic UnitThe FOU is, in the simplest configuration, a metal plate on which a FONboard (or the earlier FOT board), a duplex filter and fiber opticconnectors are assembled. The FOU can, however, be configured withcombiners, OSPs and WDMs to obtain a desired combination of severalbranches with double or single fiber communication.The FOU is used in BMUs, RMUs and FORs.FON, Fiber Optic Node boardThe FON board is a unit that converts RF signals to optic signals and theother way round. Also, it supervises the RF and optical signals andgenerates alarm if an error occurs. Actually, it has most of the repeaterfunctions except for channel boards.The FON board is built up on a printed circuit board that also containsbattery backup.The FON is the main part of the FOU.FOT, Fiber Optic TransceiverThe FOT unit is an earlier version of the FON board. It converts RFsignals to optic signals in the same way as the FON board, but it has notas many functions as the FON board.The FOT is the main part of the FOU.PSU, Power Supply UnitIn all the repeater types, a PSU is found downmost in the cabinet. Insome types, it can also be found in the cover.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa
RCU, Remote Control Unit (optional)The RCU is an optional communication unit for remote control of therepeaters via PSTN or GSM modems.The RCU unit is further described in Chapter 6, Optionals.RCC, Remote Communication Control unit (optional)The RCC is an optional communication unit for remote control of therepeaters via PSTN or RF modems.An RCC, Remote Communication Control unit, is required if the unit is tobe connected to a FON board (the FON board does not support the RCU).A description of the RCC and its connection is found in the VD203 67/EN,ALR Compact Repeater, User’s Manual. See also Chapter 6, Optionals.The RCC unit is the latest version of remote control units, also used inthe Compact repeaters.RIA, Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter (optional) If the repeater is equipped with an optional R2R feature, then a RIAboard is found in the left part of the shielded DIA board frame.For further information about the Repeater to Repeater Link feature, referto the VD202 91/EN R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link Kit, InstallationGuide.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa
Sub Units in a Channel Selective GSM Repeater A cabinet (the left part in Figure 5-1) for a channel selective GSMrepeater can be equipped with four CHA channel boards, two downlinkboards (DL) with two internal channels each and two uplink boards (UL)with two internal channels each. The described cabinet has a capacity offour bi-directional GSM channels.The cover (the right part in Figure 5-1) can be equipped as well, whichgives up to eight GSM channels. The cover board positions are shown inthe figure.Channel selective GSM repeaters are used for GSM, DCS and PCS typesof TDMA systems.Sub units:ALI Alarm Interface board.CHA Channel Amplifier board.CMB Combiner unit.CU Control Unit board.DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.LNA Low Noise Amplifier.PSU Power Supply Unit.RIA Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter board (optional).RCU Remote Control Unit (optional).ALLGONLNA - DL1234LNA - ULPSU(RCU)DPXMS(RIA)CUALIDCMS DCBSDPXBSCHA1DL2CHA2DL2CHA3UL2CHA4UL2MS BSCMBDL CMBUL1234CHA1DL2CHA2DL2CHA3UL2CHA4UL25678CHA5DL2CHA6DL2CHA7UL2CHA8UL2PSUMS = To mobile station antenna BS = To base station antennaFigure 5-1.  Sub units in a GSM repeater¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaI
Sub Units in a Channel Selective CDMA/WCDMA Repeater A cabinet (the left part in Figure 5-2) for a channel selective CDMA orWCDMA repeater can be equipped with two pair of CSA and PA boards,one pair for downlink (DL) and one pair for uplink (UL). The describedcabinet has a capacity of two bi-directional CDMA or WCDMA carriers.The cover (the right part in Figure 5-2) can be equipped as well, whichgives up to four CDMA or WCDMA channels. The cover board positionsare shown in the figure.CSA boards are used for IS-95 or J-STD-008 types of CDMA systems andWCDMA systems.Sub units:ALI Alarm Interface board.CSA CDMA/WCDMA Segment Amplifier board.CU Control Unit board.DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.LNA Low Noise Amplifier.MRX Measurement Receiver board (CDMA only).PA Power Amplifier board.PSU Power Supply Unit.RCU Remote Control Unit (optional).ALLGONLNA - DL1234LNA - ULPSU(RCU)DPXMSCUALIDCMS DCBSDPXBSCSADL2PADL CSAUL2PAULMS BS5678CSADL2PADL CSAUL2PAULPSUMRXMS = To mobile station antenna BS = To base station antennaFigure 5-2.  Sub units in a CDMA/WCDMA repeaterLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSap
Sub Units in a Channel Selective High Power CDMA/WCDMA Repeater A cabinet (the left part in Figure 5-3) for a channel selective high powerCDMA or WCDMA repeater can be equipped with two pair of CSA andPA boards, one pair for downlink (DL) and one pair for uplink (UL). Thedescribed cabinet has a capacity of two bi-directional CDMA or WCDMAcarriers.The high cover (the right part in Figure 5-3) is equipped with the BAboard. There is a heat sink element on the outside of the cover.This repeater type has opposite positions of the BS and MS antenna inputsand DC units compared to the other repeater types.CSA boards are used for IS-95 or J-STD-008 types of CDMA systems andWCDMA systems.Sub units:ALI Alarm Interface board.BA Booster Amplifier board.CSA CDMA/WCDMA Segment Amplifier board.CU Control Unit board.DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.LNA Low Noise Amplifier.MRX Measurement Receiver board (CDMA only).PA Power Amplifier board.PSU1 Power Supply Unit.PSU2 Special Power Supply Unit for the BA board.RCU Remote Control Unit (optional).ALLGONLNA - DL1234LNA - ULPSU1(RCU)CUALIDCBS DCMSDPXBSCSADL2PADL CSAUL2PAULBS MS7PSU2BADLDPXMSMRXBS = To base station antenna MS = To mobile station antennaFigure 5-3.  Sub units in a high power CDMA/WCDMA repeater¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSau®
Sub Units in a Band Selective Repeater A cabinet (the left part in Figure 5-4) for a band selective repeater isequipped with two pair of BSA and PA boards, one pair for downlink (DL)and one pair for uplink (UL). The described cabinet is equipped forbi-directional band selective operation.The cover (the right part in Figure 5-4) can be equipped as well. Thecover board positions are shown in the figure.BSA boards are used for band selective systems.Sub units:ALI Alarm Interface board.BSA Band Selective Amplifier board.CU Control Unit board.DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.LNA Low Noise Amplifier.PA Power Amplifier board.PSU Power Supply Unit.RIA Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter board (optional).RCU Remote Control Unit (optional).ALLGONLNA - DL1234LNA - ULPSU(RCU)DPXMS(RIA)CUALIDCMS DCBSDPXBSBSADL PADL BSAUL PAULMS BS5678PSUBSADL PADL BSAUL PAULMS = To mobile station antenna BS = To base station antennaFigure 5-4.  Sub units in a band selective repeaterLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSauu
Sub Units in a Combined Repeater Figure 5-5 shows an example of a combined channel selective and bandselective repeater. The channel selective part is located in the cabinet andthe band selective part in the high cover.This example has four bi-directional GSM channels and band selectiveoperation.Any combination of repeaters mentioned in this manual can be mixed.Sub units:ALI Alarm Interface board.BSA Band Selective Amplifier board.CHA Channel Amplifier board.CMB Combiner unit.CU Control Unit board.DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.LNA Low Noise Amplifier.PA Power Amplifier board.PSU Power Supply Unit.RIA Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter (optional).RCU Remote Control Unit (optional).ALLGONLNA - DL1234LNA - ULPSU(RCU)DPXMS(RIA)CUALIDCMS DCBSDPXBSCHA1DL2CHA2DL2CHA3UL2CHA4UL2MS BS1234PSUBSADL PADL BSAUL PAULBSMSDCMS DCBSDPXMS DPXBSCMBDLLNA - DLLNA - ULCMBDLCMBULCMBUL(RIA)CUALIMS = To mobile station antenna BS = To base station antennaFigure 5-5.  Sub units in a combined repeater¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSau¤
Sub Units in a BMU A cabinet (the left part in Figure 5-6) for a BMU has no control unitboard and no amplifier boards but a Fiber Optic Unit (FOU) with a FiberOptic Node board (FON) or a Fiber Optic Transceiver (FOT) and a duplexfilter (DPX).By adding WDMs and OSPs to the FOU (not shown in Figure 5-6), up tofour FORs can be fed in parallel by a BMU with double or single fibercommunication.The cover (the right part in Figure 5-6) can be equipped as well, whichgives up to eight fiber optic FOR ports.This repeater type has the opposite position of the BS connection (BTS)compared to the other repeater types.Sub units:DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.FON Fiber Optic Node board.FOT Fiber Optic Transceiver board.FOU Fiber Optic Unit.PSU Power Supply Unit.RIA Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter board (optional).RCC Remote Communication Control unit (optional). Only if a FON boardis used (the FOT board does not support the RCC unit).The Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter (RIA board) cannot be usedin the BMU, but the FON board has the R2R and F2F functionalitybuilt-in. The FON board is described on page 5-46.ALLGON RF PSUDCBSBTS FORFON / FOTDPXFOUDPXFON / FOTFOU(RCC)BTS = To base station antenna output and antenna (RF) FOR = To FOR (fiber optic)Figure 5-6.  Sub units in a BMULGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSau
Sub Units in an RMU Figure 5-7 shows an example of an RMU for band selective operation.This unit has the same FOU as the previous example, i.e. a Fiber OpticNode board (FON) or a Fiber Optic Transceiver (FOT) and a duplex filter(DPX). The FOU is mounted in the same band selective repeater that isdescribed on page 5-11. Only the MS Directional Coupler (DC-MS) isomitted or not used.Four or eight fiber optic ports can be obtained in the same way asdescribed in the previous example.Sub units:ALI Alarm Interface board.BSA Band Selective Amplifier board.CU Control Unit board.DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.FON Fiber Optic Node board.FOT Fiber Optic Transceiver board.FOU Fiber Optic Unit.LNA Low Noise Amplifier.PA Power Amplifier board.PSU Power Supply Unit.RIA Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter board (optional).r RCU Remote Control Unit (optional).r RCC Remote Communication Control unit (optional). Only if a FONboard is used (the FOT board does not support the RCC unit).The FON board has also the R2R and F2F functionality built-in. TheFON board is described on page 5-46.ALLGONLNA - DL1234LNA - ULPSU(RCU / RCC)DPXMS(RIA)CUALIDCBSDPXBSBSADL PADL BSAUL PAULBS5678PSUBSADL PADL BSAUL PAULFORFOUFON / FOTDPXFOR = To FOR (fiber optic) BS = To base station antennaFigure 5-7.  Sub units in an RMU¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSauV
Sub Units in a FOR Figure 5-8 shows an example of a FOR for band selective operation.This unit has the same FOU as the previous examples, i.e. a Fiber OpticNode board (FON) or a Fiber Optic Transceiver (FOT) and a duplex filter(DPX). The FOU is mounted in the same band selective repeater that isdescribed on page 5-11. Only the BS Directional Coupler (DC-BS) isomitted or not used.By adding WDMs and OSPs to the FOU (not shown in Figure 5-8), a fiberoptic port for another FOR can be obtained with double or single fibercommunication.Sub units:ALI Alarm Interface board.BSA Band Selective Amplifier board.CU Control Unit board.DC Directional Coupler.DPX Duplex filter.FON Fiber Optic Node board.FOU Fiber Optic Unit.LNA Low Noise Amplifier.PA Power Amplifier board.PSU Power Supply Unit.RIA Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter board (optional).r RCU Remote Control Unit (optional).r RCC Remote Communication Control unit (optional). Only if a FONboard is used (the FOT board does not support the RCC unit).The FON board has also the R2R and F2F functionality built-in. TheFON board is described on page 5-46.ALLGONLNA - DL1234LNA - ULPSU(RCU / RCC)DPXMS(RIA)CUALIDPXBSBSADL PADL BSAUL PAUL5678PSUBSADL PADL BSAUL PAULFOUFON / FOTDPXMSBMU/RMU/FORDCBSMS = To mobile station antenna BMU/RMU/FOR = From BMU, RMU or FOR (fiber optic)Figure 5-8.  Sub units in a FORLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSauS
Block DiagramThe following block diagrams are found in this section:•Channel selective GSM repeater, page 5-18.•Channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeater, page 5-20.•Band selective repeater, page 5-22.•BMU, page 5-24.•RMU, page 5-26.•FOR, page 5-28.The main signal paths for the repeater types are described in general inthe next section and detailed under each block diagram.Alarms are described on page 5-31.Repeater setup is described on page 5-31.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSau
Downlink Signal PathThe downlink signal path, i.e. from the base station through the repeaterto the mobile station, is described for each repeater type under the blockdiagrams on the following pages.Uplink Signal PathThe uplink signal path, i.e. from the mobile station through the repeaterto the base station, is identical to the downlink path but the other wayround. Only some levels and component values differ.The high power CDMA repeater has, however, a booster amplifier in thedownlink path.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSau
Channel Selective GSM Repeater Figure 5-9 shows a block diagram of a channel selective repeater with fourbi-directional channels.This diagram is applicable to repeaters for the GSM, DCS, PCN andGSM 1900 (PCS) systems.DCBSP31 P33TEST -30 dBDCMSTEST -30 dBCHA1 - DLCHA2 - DLCHA3 - ULCHA4 - ULDPXBSLNADL CMBDLMS –20 dBDPXMSALIRIACUP34ALLGONALLGONALLALLP27 P32ANT DPX ANT HILOHILOINOUT2OUT1P101 P701P101 P701ANT DPX ANTP101P101P701P701LNAULINOUT1OUT2CMBULMS –20 dBRCUPSU ALIMSCCHANNELSELECTIVEGSM REPEATERBS antennaBase stationTelephonelineModemRF modemExternal alarm sensorsMS antennaR2R netFigure 5-9.  Block diagram, GSM repeater¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSauI
Downlink signal pathThe signal from the base station is received via the repeater BS antennaand is then forwarded through a directional coupler (DC). The signalpasses a duplex filter (DPX), is amplified in a low noise amplifier (LNA),and enters the channel boards (CHA), which have two parallel channelseach.The first mixer stage on the CHA amplifier board, which is controlled bya synthesizer, converts the received frequency down to the IF frequency.The signal is then filtered by SAW bandpass filters and, not shown in thefigure, amplified before it is fed to the second mixer stage for conversionback to the original frequency.The output signal from the mixer is then amplified in the power amplifierand fed to a combiner, which combines the signals from the two channelson the channel board. The output signal passes a combiner (CMB), a duplex filter (DPX), and adirectional coupler (DC), before it is fed to the repeater MS antenna.RCU is described on page 5-30.R2R is described on page 5-30.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaup
Channel Selective CDMA/WCDMA Repeater Figure 5-10 shows a block diagram of a channel selective CDMA orWCDMA repeater.MS –20dB MS –20dBDCBSP32P31 P33TEST -30 dBDCMSTEST -30 dBPA - DLLNA - DLPA - ULLNA - ULCSA - DLDPXMSCSA - ULALIP27PSU2DPXBSBAANT DPX HILOANT ANTDPXANTHILOIN OUT2 P101 P301P4 P5 P3 P4INOUT1P101P301P4P5MRX MRXCUMRXP102P101MS –20 dB MS –20 dBRCUALIPSU1MSCCHANNELSELECTIVECDMA/WCDMAREPEATERBS antennaBase stationTelephonelineModemRF modemExternal alarm sensorsMS antennaHigh powerrepeater onlyFigure 5-10.  Block diagram, CDMA/WCDMA repeater¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤®
Downlink signal pathThe signal from the base station is received via the repeater BS antennaand is then forwarded through a directional coupler (DC). The signalpasses a duplex filter (DPX), is amplified in a low noise amplifier (LNA),and enters the channel board (CSA), which has two parallel channels.The first mixer stage on the CSA amplifier board, which is controlled by asynthesizer, converts the received frequency down to the IF frequency.The signal is then filtered by SAW bandpass filters and, not shown in thefigure, amplified before it is fed to the second mixer stage for conversionback to the original frequency. The following amplifier on the CSA board is controlled by the CU unit.The output gain can be reduced to avoid instability due to poor antennaisolation by means of the gain control in the MRX unit. The MRX gaincontrol affects also other amplification stages.The output signal from the amplifier is fed to a combiner that combinesthe signals from the two channels on the CSA board. The signal from the CSA board is amplified on the PA board and then fedto a duplex filter (DPX) or, in high power CDMA repeaters, to a boosteramplifier board (BA). The amplified output signal passes the duplex filter (DPX) and adirectional coupler (DC) before it is fed to the repeater MS antenna.High power CDMA/WCDMA repeatersIn high power CDMA or WCDMA repeaters, a booster amplifier (BA)boosts the output downlink signal from the PA board by typically 6dB.The amplified signal is fed to the duplex filter (DPX).Only the downlink path in high power CDMA repeaters has a BA boosteramplifier.The BA amplifier is powered by a separate power supply unit (PSU2).CDMA repeaters with MRXIn CDMA repeaters, the output and input signals are measured at the MSand BS directional couplers (DC) by means of the MRX unit. The MRXunit continuously supervises the signal levels and controls the output gainlevels via the CU unit to avoid self oscillation due to permanently ortemporarily decreased antenna isolation.The MRX unit offers also spectrum analyzis features further described inthe OMT32, User’s Manual.RCU is described on page 5-30.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa¤u
Band Selective Repeater Figure 5-11 shows a block diagram of a band selective repeater.This diagram is applicable to repeaters for e.g. NMT, GSM, TACS,ETACS, AMPS, DAMPS, CDMA and WCDMA systems.DCBSP32P31 P33TEST -30 dBDCMSTEST -30 dBBSA - DLPA - DLLNA - DLMS –20 dB PA - ULBSA - UL LNA - ULDPXMSDPXBSALIRIA P34CUALLGONALLGONALLALLP27ANT DPX ANTHILOANTDPXANTHILOIN OUT2 P101 P301P4 P5ININOUT1P301 P101P4P5MS –20 dBRCUPSU ALIMSCBANDSELECTIVEREPEATERBS antennaBase stationTelephonelineModemRF modemExternal alarm sensorsMS antennaR2R netFigure 5-11.  Block diagram, band selective repeater¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤¤
Downlink signal pathThe signal from the base station is received via the repeater BS antennaand is then forwarded through a directional coupler (DC). The signalpasses a duplex filter (DPX), is amplified in a low noise amplifier (LNA),and enters the band selective amplifier board (BSA).The first mixer stage on the BSA amplifier board, which is controlled by asynthesizer, converts the received frequency down to the IF frequency.The signal is then filtered by SAW bandpass filters and, not shown in thefigure, amplified before it is fed to the second mixer stage for conversionback to the original frequency.The BSA board has adjustable bandwidth and the SAW filter combinationcan be software changed from OMT32 (or OMS).The following power amplifier is controlled by the CU unit. The amplifiergain will be reduced to avoid instability due to poor antenna isolation. A detector on the PA board measures continuously the output level. Thesignal from this detector is used by the automatic gain control, AGC, tosupervise and, if necessary, reduce the output power to keep it under amaximum level. The AGC gain control affects also other amplificationstages. The output signal passes duplex filter (DPX) and a directional coupler(DC) before it is fed to the repeater MS antenna.RCU is described on page 5-30.R2R is described on page 5-30.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa¤
BMU Figure 5-12 shows a block diagram of a BMU.The BMU has to be located adjacent to the BTS as the base stationantenna signal passes through the BMU.Features controlled by the CU, ALI and RIA boards in standard repeatersare here controlled by the FON board that has the required functionalitybuilt-in. It also has the F2F function built-in (+F2F in Figure 5-12).The FON board is described on page 5-46.A FOT board can be used instead of a FON board, but the RCC, externalalarm and R2R net functions are not supported by the FOT board.The FON board is described below.DCBSTEST -30 dBMS –20 dBANT DPXFONTXRXDPXANT HILOFOUFORALLGONBTSP27RCCPSUP111ALLGONALLGONALLALLP112P130 P109P106P101P102+F2FBMUModemR2R netExternal alarm sensorsFigure 5-12.  Block diagram, BMU¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤V
Downlink signal pathThe base station antenna signal is fed through a directional coupler (DC)inside the BMU. The signal from the MS –20dB port enters the FOU bypassing a duplex filter (DPX).The downlink path (HI) is then fed to the FON board that converts theRF signal to an optic signal.The optic signal from the TX output is sent via fiber optic cables to a FOR.RCC is described on page 5-30.R2R is described on page 5-30.F2F is described on page 5-31.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa¤S
RMU Figure 5-13 shows a block diagram of an RMU for band selectiveoperation.This diagram is identical to the block diagram of the band selectiverepeater on page 5-22, except for the FOU and the fiber optic connectionto the FOR.A FOT board can be used instead of the FON board, but the F2F functionis not supported by the FOT board (+F2F in Figure 5-13).An RCC unit can be used instead of the RCU shown in Figure 5-13,provided a FON board is used. The RCC is then connected to the FONboard. The FOT board does not support the RCC unit.MSCDCBSP32P31 P33TEST -30 dBBSA - DLPA - DLLNA - DLMS –20 dB PA - ULBSA - UL LNA - ULDPXMSDPXBSALIRIA P34ALLGONALLGONALLALLP27ANT DPX ANTHILO ANTHILOIN OUT2 P101 P301P4 P5ININOUT1P301 P101P4P5RCUPSU ALIFON / FOTP101 TXRXP102DPXANT HILOFOUFORALLGONCU+F2FRMUBS antennaBase stationTelephonelineModemRF modemExternal alarm sensorsR2R netFigure 5-13.  Block diagram, RMU¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤
Downlink signal pathThe signal from the duplex filter (DPX-MS) enters the FOU by passing aduplex filter (DPX).The downlink path (HI) is then fed to the FON board that converts theRF signal to an optic signal.The FON board supervises the signaling and reports errors to the CU.The optic signal from the TX output is sent via a fiber optic cable to aFOR.RCU is described on page 5-30.RCC is described on page 5-30.R2R is described on page 5-30.F2F is described on page 5-31.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa¤
FOR Figure 5-14 shows a block diagram of a FOR with band selective operation.The diagram is identical to the block diagram of the band selectiverepeater on page 5-22, except for the FOU and the fiber optic connectionto the BMU, RMU or FOR.A FOT board can be used instead of the FON board, but the F2F functionis not supported by the FOT board (+F2F in Figure 5-14).An RCC unit can be used instead of the RCU shown in Figure 5-13,provided a FON board is used. The RCC is then connected to the FONboard. The FOT board does not support the RCC unit.P32P31 P33DCMSTEST -30 dBBSA - DLPA - DLLNA - DLPA - ULBSA - UL LNA - ULDPXMSALIRIA P34CUALLGONALLGONALLALLP27ANTDPXANTHILOIN OUT2 P101 P301P4 P5ININOUT1P301 P101P4P5MS –20 dBRCUPSU ALIFOUBMU/RMU/FORFON / FORP102RXTX P101ALLGONDPXBSANT HILODPXANTHILO+F2FFORRF modemExternal alarm sensorsR2R netMS antennaFigure 5-14.  Block diagram, FOR¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤I
Downlink signal pathThe signal from a BMU, RMU or FOR is received via a fiber optic cableand is fed to the FON board on the FOU.The FON board converts the optic signal to an RF signal.The FON board supervises also the signaling and reports errors to the CU.The RF signal passes first a duplex filter (DPX) and then the standardduplex filter (DPX-BS) in the band selective repeater.RCU is described on page 5-30.RCC is described on page 5-30.R2R is described on page 5-30.F2F is described on page 5-31.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa¤p
RCU The optional RCU Remote Control Unit is located inside the repeater(described in Chapter 6, Optionals).Communication with the repeater is performed by means of a GSMmodem that has the antenna connected to the BS directional coupler (DC)or has a separate antenna. Data is transferred between the repeater andthe RCU via the P32 modem port.The RCU unit is powered via the P27 auxiliary port and the unit has abattery with a capacity enough for sending a number of alarms if a mainspower failure occurs.RCC The optional RCC Remote Communication Control unit is an alternativeto the RCU, provided the repeater has a FON board. The RCC unit is alsoused in the Compact repeaters.An RCC unit is required if the communication unit has to be connected toa FON board, e.g. in the BMU (the FON board does not support the RCU).Communication with the repeater is performed by means of a PSTN orRF modem that has the antenna connected to the BS directional coupler(DC) or has a separate antenna. Data is transferred between the repeaterand the RCC unit via the P130 port on the FON board.The RCC unit is also powered via the P130 port and the unit has abattery with capacity enough for sending a number of alarms if a mainspower failure occurs.A description of the RCC and its connection is found in the VD203 67/EN,ALR Compact Repeater, User’s Manual.R2R The optional R2R Repeater to Repeater Link feature makes it possible tocommunicate with a number of repeaters via one RCU unit in one of therepeaters in an R2R net. Several RCU units can also be used in the samenet.The repeaters in the R2R net are connected to the P34 port.The R2R feature is described in Chapter 6, Optionals.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa®
F2F The F2F feature makes it possible to communicate with all repeaters thathave a FON board (i.e. BMU, RMU and FOR) and are included in thesame fiber optic net. By using the existing fiber optic distribution net, nowire or other communication device is required.Communication with repeaters in a mixed F2F and R2R net is possible.Alarm Alarm signals from external sensors are received by the ALI board, whichforwards the alarm signals to the CU board.The software on the CU board is able to activate acoustic or visual alarmor direct the alarm to the P33 alarm port to be forwarded, via the RCUunit, to OMT32 (or OMS) located in an operation and maintenancecentral.Alarms can also be handled by the FON board in fiber optic units, e.g. theBMU that has no CU board or ALI board.Alarms can be configured from OMT32 (or OMS).Repeater Setup The repeater parameters can be set locally by means of a desktop ornotebook running OMT32.The PC is connected to the CU via the P31 PC port. See the blockdiagrams (e.g. Figure 5-9 on page 5-18).If the repeater has no CU unit but a FON board (e.g. the BMU), then thedesktop or notebook is connected to the P106 port on the FON board (seeFigure 5-12 on page 5-24).If the repeater has an RCU or RCC, then the repeater parameters can beset remotely by means of a desktop or notebook running OMT32 or OMSand a modem.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSau
Board and Unit DescriptionsThis section describes the main boards and units in the AR repeaters.Information about cabling between boards and units is found on page 5-57.The following amplifier boards and units are described in this section:•CHA – Channel Amplifier board, page 5-33.•CSA & PA – Channel Selective CDMA/WCDMA boards, page 5-34.•BA – Booster Amplifier board for high power CDMA/WCDMA, page 5-35.•BSA & PA – Band Selective boards, page 5-36.•DIA – Distribution board, page 5-37.•CU – Control Unit board, page 5-39.•MRX – Measurement Receiver board, page 5-40.•DC – Directional Coupler, page 5-42.•LNA – Low Noise Amplifier, page 5-43.•DPX – Duplex filter, page 5-44.•FOU – Fiber Optic Unit, page 5-45.•FON – Fiber Optic Node board, page 5-46.•FOT – Fiber Optic Transceiver board, page 5-50.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤
CHA – Channel Amplifier Board The cabinet can be equipped with four CHA Channel Amplifier boards.These are numbered from left to right: CHA1 – CHA4. The boardpositions CHA1 – CHA2 are used for downlink and CHA3 – CHA4 foruplink (see Figure 5-1 on page 5-8). If the repeater is equipped with twochannels only, the board positions 1 and 3 are used.The two internal channels on each CHA board are located to the left andto the right on the board.If a board is to be removed, the RFI filter at the board connector and thetwo coaxial connectors must be removed prior to the board removal. Noheat compound is used on the heat sink body or on the chassis.Coaxial connector P101 is the input of the CHA board (fed by LNA). Coaxial connector P701 is the output of the board. The output signal isfed to the duplex filter, either directly or via a CMB combiner, dependingon the repeater configuration.Connection CHA1/DL (board #1 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT2 on the LNA/DL low noise amplifier.P701 4 channels: Input on the CMB/DL combiner.2 channels: HI on the DPX/MS duplex filter.CHA2/DL (board #2 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT1 on the LNA/DL low noise amplifier.P701 Input on the CMB/DL combiner.CHA3/UL (board #3 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT1 on the LNA/UL low noise amplifier.P701 4 channels: Input on the CMB/UL combiner.2 channels: LO on the DPX/BS duplex filter.CHA4/UL (board #4 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT2 on the LNA/UL low noise amplifier.P701 Input on the CMB/UL combiner.Caution! The CHA Channel Amplifier board power transistors may containberyllium oxide (BeO) that is poisonous. See Chapter 1, Safety.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa
CSA & PA – Channel Selective CDMA/WCDMA Boards For channel selective CDMA or WCDMA operation, the cabinet isnormally equipped with two CSA and two PA boards. These are numberedfrom left to right. Board position 1 is used for CSA downlink board,position 2 for PA downlink board, position 3 for CSA uplink board, andposition 4 for PA uplink board (see Figure 5-2 on page 5-9).If a board is to be removed, the RFI filter at the board connector, the twocoaxial connectors, and the flat conductor cable between the CSA boardand the PA board must be removed prior to the board removal. No heatcompound is used on the heat sink body or on the chassis.Coaxial connector P101 is the input of the CSA board (fed by LNA). Coaxial connector P301 is the output of the CSA board. The signal fromthis output is fed to the PA board input P4. The PA board output P5 isfed to the duplex filter of the same signal direction.Connection CSA/DL (board #1 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT1 on the LNA/DL low noise amplifier.P301 P4 on the PA/DL board.PA/DL (board #2 from left).Port Connected toP4 P301 on the CSA/DL board.P5 Channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA repeater:P3 on the BA/DL board in the cover.All other types: HI on the DPX/MS duplex filter.CSA/UL (board #3 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT1 on the LNA/UL low noise amplifier.P301 P4 on the PA/UL board.PA/UL (board #4 from left).Port Connected toP4 P301 on the CSA/UL board.P5 LO on the DPX/BS duplex filter.Caution! The PA Power Amplifier board power transistors may contain berylliumoxide (BeO) that is poisonous. See Chapter 1, Safety.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaV
BA – Booster Amplifier for High Power CDMA/WCDMA For CDMA and WCDMA repeaters, a BA (Booster Amplifier) can be addedin the downlink path to increase the output power with typically 6dB.A high power CDMA or WCDMA repeater with a BA board can operatewith maximum 2 channels.The BA board is shown in the block diagram on page 5-20. It occupiesboard position 7 in the cover (see the repeater units on page 5-10).A second power supply unit (PSU2), located in the repeater cover, isrequired for the BA board. This PSU is a special PSU for the BA board.The BA booster amplifier requires a heat sink applied on the front of therepeater.If the BA board is to be removed, the RFI filter at the board connectorand the two coaxial connectors must be removed prior to the boardremoval. No heat compound is used on the heat sink body or on thechassis.Coaxial connector P3 is the amplifier input (fed by the downlink PAboard).Coaxial connector P4 is the amplifier output. The signal from this outputis fed, via the downlink duplex filter and directional coupler, to thedownlink antenna.Connection BA/DLPort Connected toP3 P5 on the PA/DL board.P4 HI on the DPX/MS duplex filter.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaS
BSA & PA – Band Selective Boards For band selective operation, the cabinet is equipped with two BSA andtwo PA boards. These are numbered from left to right. Board position 1 isused for BSA downlink board, position 2 for PA downlink board,position 3 for BSA uplink board, and position 4 for PA downlink board(see Figure 5-4 on page 5-11).If a board is to be removed, the RFI filter at the board connector, the twocoaxial connectors, and the flat conductor cable between the BSA boardand the PA board must be removed prior to the board removal. No heatcompound is used on the heat sink body or on the chassis.Coaxial connector P101 is the input of the BSA board (fed by LNA). Coaxial connector P301 is the output of the BSA board. The signal fromthis output is fed to the PA board input P4. The PA board output P5 isfed to the duplex filter of the same signal direction.Connection BSA/DL (board #1 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT1 on the LNA/DL low noise amplifier.P301 P4 on the PA/DL board.PA/DL (board #2 from left).Port Connected toP4 P301 on the BSA/DL board.P5 HI on the DPX/MS duplex filter.BSA/UL (board #3 from left).Port Connected toP101 OUT1 on the LNA/UL low noise amplifier.P301 P4 on the PA/UL board.PA/UL (board #4 from left).Port Connected toP4 P301 on the BSA/UL board.P5 LO on the DPX/BS duplex filter.Caution! The PA Power Amplifier board power transistors may contain berylliumoxide (BeO) that is poisonous. See Chapter 1, Safety.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa
DIA – Distribution Board DIA is a distribution board for most of the boards, units and ports. TheDIA board is exclusively equipped with connectors. The connector typesare chosen to prevent unintentional mixing up.Connection and connector typesPort Connected to Connector typeP2 CU board.P3 Not used.P4 ALI board.P5 Not used.P11 CHA1/DL or CSA/DL or BSA/DL. 16 pole 1 line female.P12 CHA2/DL or PA/DL. 16 pole 1 line female.P13 CHA3/UL or CSA/UL or BSA/UL. 16 pole 1 line female.P14 CHA4/UL or PA/UL. 16 pole 1 line female.P21 PSU - Power Supply Unit. 10 pole 2 line male.P22 LED board in the cover. 4 pole 1 line male.P23 LNA/UL 2 pole 1 line male.P24 LNA/DL 2 pole 1 line male.P25 Expansion output port to covercircuitry if any. Only in cabinets. 16 pole 2 line male.P26 Expansion input port from thecabinet. Used in equipped highcovers only.16 pole 2 line male.*P27  AUX1 auxiliary connector. 8 pole 1 line male.P28 Door switch (internal alarm). 3 pole 1 line male.P31 PC (serial RS-232). 9 pole D-sub female.P32 Modem (serial RS-232). 9 pole D-sub male.P33 External alarm. 15 pole D-sub female.P34 Repeater to Repeater Link. 8 pole RJ45 modular female.*Pin 2 and 3 on the P27 connector must be interconnected with a jumperif the connector is not used.P28P33P26P32P23P27P5 P3P4 P2P11 P12 P13 P14P21P31P22 P25P24U7A U7B U7C U26U7DU7EU7FGNDP34Figure 5-15.  DIA board connectors and testpointsLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa
Testpoints The following testpoints are found on the DIA board (see Figure 5-15).Testpoint Voltage PurposeU7A +7V DC CHA1/DL or CSA/DL or BSA/DL downlinkboard supply voltage.U7B +7V DC CHA2/DL or PA/DL downlink board supplyvoltage.U7C +7V DC CHA3/UL or CSA/UL or BSA/UL downlinkboard supply voltage.U7D +7V DC CHA4/UL or PA/UL downlink board supplyvoltage.U7E +7V DC LNA/UL and LNA/DL and P27 auxiliary portsupply voltage.U7F +7V DC CU board and ALI board and RCU supplyvoltage via the P27 auxiliary port jumper.U26 +26V DCor+13V DCPower amplifiers and P27 auxiliary port supplyvoltage (26V or 13V depending on the repeatertype).GND 0 GroundDIA board part # and versionThe DIA board part # is K105/1. Version R2A or higher (containing theP34 connector) is required to use the optional R2R feature.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaI
CU – Control Unit Board The CU board is the central board in the repeater, located in the repeatercabinet (see Figure 5-1 to Figure 5-5). The CU board contains amicroprocessor, main memory, flash memory for the CU software,EEPROM memory for parameters, memory for the event log andstatistics, a REFO reference oscillator, ports for local and remotecommunication, battery powered real-time clock, etc.The CU board is used to supervise and control operational parameterssuch as gain control, channel handling, etc. The CU takes care of alarmsand the event log, password and logon, and many other procedures.The CU is also a control interface when using OMT32, locally or remotelyvia modem, or OMS.The CU software can be downloaded from OMT32, either locally orremotely, or from OMS.The real-time clock on the CU board is used for alarm and for the eventlog.There are currently two CU board variants: K103/1 and K103/2. CU board and CU software part #su®u,r#?~rf? CU board K103/1 can be run with the SA102 01/2 CU software. Thisboard can store one version of CU software. The repeater will always booton this software version.u®¤,r#?~6¦Ho CU board K103/2 can be run with either the old SA102 01/2 CU softwareor the current SA102 02/1 or SA102 02/2 CU software. This board canstore two versions of CU software, located in segment 1 and segment 2 ofthe flash memory as Application 1 and Application 2. The repeater willboot on that software which is set as Primary (description of Primaryapplication is found in the OMT32, User’s Manual).Compatibility for CU boards and CU software is detailed on page 5-67.ConnectionThe CU board is connected to the DIA board via the P2 port.CautionA lithium battery is permanently mounted on the CU board. Due to therisk of explosion, this battery must not be removed from the board. Incase of battery malfunction, replace the CU board. The old CU board canbe sent to LGP Allgon for repair.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSap
MRX – Measurement Receiver Board Channel selective CDMA repeaters are equipped with an MRX(Measurement Receiver) that continuously supervises the signal levels andcontrols the output gain levels via the CU unit to avoid self oscillation dueto permanently or temporarily decreased antenna isolation.The MRX board is shown in Figure 5-16.The four LEDs (POWER, BOOT, FAULT and OPER) have the samefunction as the CU unit, described in Chapter 4.The MRX board is located in the frame on the DIA board, see therepeater units on page 5-9 and page 5-10.The MRX unit is also shown in the CDMA block diagram on page 5-20.Connection MRXPort Connected toP101 MRX on the DC/MS directional coupler.P102 MRX on the DC/BS directional coupler.MRX functionThe main task of the MRX unit is to supervise the channel spectrum ofactive CDMA channels in a channel selective CDMA 800/1900 repeater inorder to maximize gain and output power, and to minimize problems aslow antenna isolation and poor antenna matching.The MRX unit also offers spectrum monitoring and return lossmeasurement.P102P101POWERBOOTFAULTOPERFigure 5-16.  MRX Measurement Receiver board¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaV®
Antenna isolationThe MRX unit automatically supervises the antenna isolation. The systemwill detect both the margins to instability and full self-oscillation.Two different alarm types (Warning and Ceasing) can be sent by theMRX unit due to poor antenna isolation:–If a low margin to instability is detected, then a Warning alarm issent and the gain is reduced gradually to a preset value.–If the MRX unit detects self-oscillation, then a Warning alarm is sentand the gain is reduced to the same preset value.–When the MRX unit no longer senses any isolation problems aCeasing signal is sent and the gain is increased to the level set by theoperator.Return loss (VSWR)The MRX unit will automatically and continuously supervise both thedonor and the service antennas. The operator can, however, also manuallystart a measurement of a desired antenna simply by selecting a CDMAantenna, which will then be used for the measurement.A Warning alarm is sent when the return loss is below an alarmthreshold that is set by the operator. When the return loss is above thesame threshold again, a Ceasing signal is sent.Spectrum monitoringThis feature allows the operator to perform spectrum analyzis in local orremote mode. This is further described in the OMT32, User’s Manual.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaVu
DC – Directional Coupler The directional couplers are located at the left and right side in the lowerpart of the repeater cabinet (see Figure 5-1 to Figure 5-5). The MS andBS directional couplers are shown in Figure 5-17.The following types are depicted in Figure 5-17:STD Couplers for standard repeaters.CDMA-MRX Couplers for CDMA repeaters with MRX.HP-CDMA Couplers for high power CDMA/WCDMA repeaters.Connection DC/MSPort Connected toDPX ANT on the DPX/MS duplex filter.TEST –30dB Test port for the downlink output signal (no directivity).MS –20dB Not used.MRX P101 on the MRX unit.ANT MS antenna (or RF service cable).DC/BSPort Connected toDPX BMU: BTS antenna (see page 5-64).All other types: ANT on the DPX/BS duplex filter.TEST –30dB Test port for the uplink output signal (no directivity).BS –20dB BMU: ANT on the FOU/DPX duplex filter.All other types:Antenna connection for remote control RF modem. Thisport has at least 20dB directivity towards the antenna.MRX P102 on the MRX unit.ANT BMU: BTS antenna output port (see page 5-64).All other types: BS antenna (or RF cable to BTS).MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB MRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBMS-20 dBMRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB MRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBS-20 dBMS BS MS BSSTD CDMA-MRXMRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBS-20 dBBS MSHP-CDMAFigure 5-17.  MS and BS directional couplers¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaV¤
LNA – Low Noise Amplifier The LNA low noise amplifiers are located at the top of the cabinet andthe high cover, if equipped (see Figure 5-1 to Figure 5-5). LNA/UL(uplink) is located to the left and LNA/DL (downlink) to the right. Allcoaxial connectors are of SMA type. Signals from the duplex filter output are fed to the LNA input connectorIN. Output OUT1 and OUT2 feed the CHA, CSA or BSA boards of thesame signal direction. The signal level in these connectors are +20dBreferred to the antenna input. Another output, OUT LOW, is anexpansion output for an additional LNA amplifier, if the repeater isequipped in the cover part of the chassis. The gain to this connector is+2dB.The +7V input is used for 7V supply from the DIA board.ATT is a control signal for a controllable attenuator in the LNA.Connection LNA/UL (to the left in the cabinet or cover).Port Connected toOUT LOW IN on the LNA/UL in the cover, if equipped.IN LO on the DPX/MS duplex filter.ATT +7V P23 on the DIA board.OUT1 P101 on the CHA3/UL or CSA/UL or BSA/UL board.OUT2 P101 on the CHA4/UL channel board.LNA/DL (to the right in the cabinet or cover).Port Connected toOUT LOW IN on the LNA/DL in the cover, if equipped.IN HI on the DPX/BS duplex filter.ATT +7V P24 on the DIA board.OUT1 P101 on the CHA2/DL or CSA/DL, or BSA/DL board.OUT2 P101 on the CHA1/DL channel board.Not used outputs do not need to be terminated.OUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULFigure 5-18.  LNA low noise amplifierLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaV
DPX – Duplex Filter The DPX duplex filters are located on the metal cover sheet in the upperpart of the repeater cabinet (see Figure 5-1 to Figure 5-5). MS and BSduplex filters are identical.Connection DPX/MSPort Connected toANT RMU: ANT on the FOU/DPX duplex filter.All other types: DPX on the DC/MS directional coupler.HI Channel selective GSM repeater:4 channels: Output on the CMB/DL combiner.2 channels: P701 on the CHA1/DL channel board.Channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeater:P5 on the PA/DL board.Channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA repeater:P4 on the BA/DL board in the cover.Band selective repeater:P5 on the PA/DL board.LO IN on the LNA/UL low noise amplifier.DPX/BSPort Connected toANT FOR: ANT on the FOU/DPX duplex filter.All other types: DPX on the DC/BS directional coupler.HI IN on the LNA/DL low noise amplifier.LO Channel selective GSM repeater:4 channels: Output on the CMB/UL combiner.2 channels: P701 on the CHA3/UL channel board.Channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeater:P5 on the PA/UL board.Channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA repeater:P5 on the PA/UL board.Band selective repeater:P5 on the PA/UL board.A DPX duplex filter is also included in the FOU, see Figure 5-6 toFigure 5-8. This filter can be connected to various ports depending on therepeater type, see the block diagrams in Figure 5-12 to Figure 5-14.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaVV
FOU – Fiber Optic Unit FOU is an add on unit for the various repeater types. In the simplestform, the FOU is a metal plate on which a FON board, a duplex filter(DPX) and fiber optic connectors are assembled. This form of the FOU isshown in Figure 5-19.The FOU can, however, be configured with a FOT board instead of theFON board, combiners, OSPs and WDMs to obtain a desired combinationof several branches with double or single fiber communication.The add on FOU is used in the BMUs, RMUs and FORs and it ismounted on top of the cover plate in the upper part of the repeaters.The FON board is described on page 5-46, the FOT board on page 5-50.Connection The connection is depending on the repeater type and if the FOU isconnected at the BS or MS side of the repeater. The RF connection forthe FOU is shown in the following tables. The FON control ports aredescribed in the next section (page 5-46).DPX connection with the FOU on the BS side (e.g. FOR).Port Connected toANT ANT on the DPX/BS duplex filter.HI P102 on the FON board. P301 on the FOT board.LOI P101 on the FON board. P101 on the FOT board.DPX connection with the FOU on the MS side (e.g. BMU and RMU).Port Connected toANT BMU: BS –20dB on the DC/BS Directional Coupler.All other types: ANT on the DPX/MS duplex filterHI P101 on the FON board. P101 on the FOT board.LO P102 on the FON board. P301 on the FOT board.P102P130BerylliumoxidehazardP103P101P114P108P112P111P105P110P109P115P106P104RXTXP113FON / FOTDPXANTLO HIP102P101FOUFigure 5-19.  FOU, Fiber Optic UnitLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaVS
FON – Fiber Optic Node Board The FON board converts RF signals to optic signals and the other wayround. Also, it contains very much of the repeater control features, suchas:–Supervision of the RF and optical signaling.–Internal and external alarm handling.–RS232 interface port for local PC control.–Interface port for RCC.–Functionality and interface port for R2R Repeater to Repeater Link.–Functionality and interface port for F2F Fiber to Fiber Link.–Battery backup with charger.The FON board is built up on a printed circuit board that also containsthe battery backup. The FON board is shown in Figure 5-20.RF and optical portsPort DescriptionP101 RF input signal (converts to optical TX).P102 RF output signal (converted from optical RX).P103 RF low power output signal (15dBm below the P102 signal).RX Optical reception (to RF output port P102 and P103).TX Optical transmission (from RF input port P101). P101 and P102 are connected to the DPX as described on page 5-45.CautionH«ffc¦jrªc?HThere are two attenuators at the P101 port on the FON board that maycontain beryllium oxide (BeO), which is poisonous. The attenuators arefound inside the shield. See Chapter 1, Safety.OPERFAULTPOWERBOOTP102P130BerylliumoxidehazardP103P101P114P108P112P111P105P110P109P115P106P104RXTXP113R2RDATABATTCHARGEF2FFigure 5-20.  FON, Fiber Optic Node board¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaV
IndicatorsThe FON board contains the following LED indicators:F2FGreen LED that indicates, with a flashing light, that the repeatercurrently is a F2F Control Station. A steady light indicates that therepeater is not currently a Control Station, or there is no more repeaterin the net. Only one repeater in an F2F net can show a flashing greenLED at the same time.OPERGreen LED that lights up approx. 15 seconds after the mains is switchedon. It shows, with a steady light, that the unit is ready for operation.FAULTRed LED that flashes 15 – 20 seconds after the mains is switched on.Then, it flashes for less serious alarms (ERROR) and is lit with a steadylight for fatal alarms (CRITICAL).POWERYellow LED that is lit with a steady light after the mains is switched on.Indicates present power.BOOTRed LED that is lit with a steady light when the system boots, i.e. for10 – 15 seconds after the mains is switched on. Then, it flashes for thenext 5 – 10 seconds. After that, if no error is detected, the LED is off.R2RGreen LED that indicates, with a flashing light, that the repeatercurrently is a R2R Control Station. A steady light indicates that therepeater is not currently a Control Station, or there is no more repeaterin the net. Only one repeater in an R2R net can show a flashing greenLED at the same time.OPERFAULTPOWERBOOTP130P114P108P112P111P105P110P109P115P106P104RXTXP113R2RDATABATTCHARGEF2FFigure 5-21.  FON indicators and portsLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaV
DATABlue LED that indicates data transmission in the R2R or F2F net.BATTGreen LED that indicates, with a steady light, that the batteries currentlyare used as power source.CHARGEYellow LED that indicates battery charge with a steady light.Connection portsExcept for the RF and optic ports, the FON board contains the followingconnection ports:P104 – DebugThis port is only used for development and debugging.P105 – Front LED indicatorsP105 is a 4 pole male connector used for the yellow and red LEDindicators on the front.P106 – PC portP106 is a 9 pole D-sub female RS-232 port used for local PCcommunication. This port is identical to the P31 PC port, see thedescription on page 5-53.P108 – PowerP108 is a 6 pole male connector used for providing the FON board withpower. This connector is not used in Compact repeaters (information forCompact repeater manual reference).P109 – AlarmP109 is a 7 pole male alarm connector used for external alarm sensorsand alarm equipment.This port is the same port as the P33 alarm port described on page 5-54,but P109 has the following pinning:Pin 1 AIC GroundPin 2 AIC GroundPin 3 AI1 External alarm input 1 – EAL1.Pin 4 AI2 External alarm input 2 – EAL2.Pin 5 AI3 External alarm input 3 – EAL3.Pin 6 AI4 External alarm input 4 – EAL4.Pin 7 Not usedP110This jumper is used to terminate an R2R link. It has to be set in theparking state for all repeaters, except for the last repeaters in an R2R net.Parking state is shown in the figure (the pins closest to the battery packinterconnected).The opposite state terminates the R2R net.14516 91617¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaVI
P111, P112 – R2R ports P111 and P112 are 5 pole male connectors used for the Repeater toRepeater Link feature (R2R net).P111 and P112 are identical and connected in series. One of theconnectors are intended to be used from the previous repeater in the netchain, and the other connector to the next repeater in the net chain.Either of P111 or P112 can be used for the first and the last repeater inthe net chain.Use straight connection between P111 and P112 connectors.No termination is required for the outermost repeaters in an R2R net.P113 – BatteriesP113 is a 2 pole male connector used for the backup batteries.P114 – Repeater typeThis jumper has to be OFF for all the AR repeater types, i.e. all therepeaters mentioned in this manual. ON state is used for Compactrepeaters only. The OFF state is shown in the figure (the pins closest tothe battery pack interconnected).P115 – Future portP115 is a 3 pole male connector intended for future use (not used for thetime being).P130 – RCU portP130 is a 34 pole 2 line male connector used for connecting an RCC,Remote Communication Control unit.The P130 connector contains modem connection, RCC power supply, etc.1512132341 33LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaVp
FOT – Fiber Optic Transceiver Board The FOT board converts RF signals to optic signals and the other wayround. It also contains a simple supervision functionality consisting of asignal monitoring and error signaling if the fiber optic signal is no longeractive.The FOT board is built up on a printed circuit board. The FOT board isshown in Figure 5-22.RF and optical portsPort DescriptionP101 RF input signal (converts to optical TX). SMA connector.P301 RF output signal (converted from optical RX). SMA connector.RX Optical reception (to RF output port P301).TX Optical transmission (from RF input port P101). P101 to P301 are connected to the DPX as described on page 5-45.TX RXP503P5027711P301P101PWR RXOK OPER ALARM P501 P401 BOOTTX RXFigure 5-22.  FOT indicators and ports¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaS®
IndicatorsThe FON board contains the following LED indicators:PWRYellow LED that is lit with a steady light after the mains is switched on.Indicates present power.RXOKGreen LED that indicates that the unit is ready to receive optic signals.OPERGreen LED that lights up approx. 15 seconds after the mains is switchedon. It shows, with a steady light, that the unit is ready for operation.ALARMRed LED that flashes 15 – 20 seconds after the mains is switched on.Then, it flashes for less serious alarms (ERROR) and is lit with a steadylight for fatal alarms (CRITICAL).BOOTRed LED that is lit with a steady light when the system boots, i.e. for10 – 15 seconds after the mains is switched on. Then, it flashes for thenext 5 – 10 seconds. After that, if no error is detected, the LED is off.Connection portsExcept for the RF and optic ports, the FOT board contains the followingconnection ports:P401 – PC portP401 is a 9 pole D-sub female RS-232 port used for local PCcommunication. This port is identical to the P31 PC port, see thedescription on page 5-53.P501 – Master unitConnector for master unit.P502 and P503 – Power Power and alarm port for the FOT board.P502 and P503 have the following pinning:Pin 1 +7VPin 2 +7VPin 3 AlarmPin 4 GNDPin 5 Shut down.Pin 6 GND516 9LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaSu
Connection Ports The DIA distribution board provides most of the internal connectionbetween the repeater units, and to external ports. Connectors involved inthe installation are also located on the DIA board. These connectors aredescribed below. A complete DIA board connector list is found onpage 5-37.Figure 5-23 shows the location of the connection ports.Station ground is also shown in Figure 5-23 (at the ground symbol).The port descriptions are found on the following pages:P27 Auxiliary Port ............................................................................. page 5-53P28 Door switch alarm input port ...........................................................  5-55P31 PC Port ...............................................................................................  5-53P32 Modem Port ........................................................................................  5-54P33 Alarm Port ..........................................................................................  5-54P34 Repeater to Repeater Link Port  .......................................................  5-56MRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBS-20 dBMRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBP33P27P31P32P28P34Figure 5-23.  Connection ports and station ground¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaS¤
P27 Auxiliary Port Auxiliary port P27 is used to power the RCU, Remote Control Unit, forcommunication with the repeater.The connector is found on the DIA board to the left in the cabinet.P27 is an 8 pole, 1 line male connector.Pin 2 and 3 of the P27 port must always be interconnected to provide theCU and ALI boards with voltage supply. If there is no cable connected tothe P27 port, pin 2 and 3 must be interconnected with a jumper.P27 auxiliary connector pinningPin 1 +7V DC.Pin 2 +7V DC.Pin 3 CU and ALI power supply from pin 2.Pin 4 GNDPin 5 +26V DC or +13V DC depending on the repeater type.Pin 6 Not used.Pin 7 Output 200KHz reference.Pin 8 GNDP31 PC Port PC port P31 is a RS-232 port used for local PC communication.The connector is found on the DIA board to the right in the cabinet.P31 is a 9 pole D-sub female connector.P31 PC connector pinningPin 1 Not used.Pin 2 Data from repeater to OMT32.Pin 3 Data from OMT32 to repeater.Pin 4 DTR from OMT32 to repeater.Pin 5 GNDPin 6 DSR from repeater to OMT32.Pin 7 RTS from OMT32 to repeater.Pin 8 CTS from repeater to OMT32.Pin 9 Not used.18516 9LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaS
P32 Modem Port Modem port P32 is a RS-232 port with V.24 interface used for the RCU,Remote Control Unit.The connector is found on the DIA board to the left in the cabinet.P32 is a 9 pole D-sub male connector.P32 modem connector pinningPin 1 DCDPin 2 RXDPin 3 TXDPin 4 DTRPin 5 GNDPin 6 DSRPin 7 RTSPin 8 RFSPin 9 RIP33 Alarm Port Alarm port P33 is used for external alarm sensors and alarm equipment.The connector is found on the DIA board to the left in the cabinet.P33 is a 15 pole D-sub female connector.The port has four alarm inputs, EAL1 - EAL4, and two alarm outputs.Four alarm inputsThe inputs are low-level inputs with common ground (AIC).Use insulated switch or relay to initiate alarms (open switches in normaloperating mode, closed switches cause alarm).The alarm switch connection can be toggled between being active open oractive closed. This is further described in the OMT32, User’s Manual andin the Advanced Repeater OMS, User’s Manual.The alarm input voltage ratings, related to ground (AIC), are:Vinmax =  5.5VVinmin =–0.5VP33 alarm connector pinning Pin 14 AI1 External alarm input 1 - EAL1.Pin 15 AI2 External alarm input 2 - EAL2.Pin 7 AI3 External alarm input 3 - EAL3.Pin 8 AI4 External alarm input 4 - EAL4.Pin 6 AIC Ground.5 16981159¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaSV
P28 - AI4 door switch alarm inputNormally, alarm input AI4 is used for repeater cover opening alarmEAL4, which is arranged using a door switch (optional). Because of that,AI4 and AIC are available also in the P28 connector, to which the doorswitch is connected.The connector is found on the DIA board to the left in the cabinet. The EAL4 door switch alarm is activated 10 – 30 seconds after the coverhas been opened.Two alarm outputsBoth the alarm outputs are 1 pole closing and 1 pole opening relayoutputs insulated from each other.Maximum ratings, related to ground or any other alarm terminal, are50VAC/60VDC.The alarm outputs are defined as follows:Pin 9-1 AO1 – AO8 Closed when operating, otherwise open.Pin 10-2 AO6 – AO7 Open when operating, otherwise closed.Pin 11-3 AO2 – AO5 Closed at alarm state, otherwise open.Pin 12-4 AO3 – AO4 Open at alarm state, otherwise closed.P33 alarm connector pinningPin 1 AO8Pin 2 AO7Pin 3 AO5Pin 4 AO4Pin 5 Not used.Pin 6 AICPin 7 AI3Pin 8 AI4Pin 9 AO1Pin 10 AO6Pin 11 AO2Pin 12 AO3Pin 13 Not used.Pin 14 AI1Pin 15 AI21381159LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaSS
P34 Repeater to Repeater Link Port The P34 port is used for the R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link, which is anoptional feature for the AR repeaters. This port is also used tointerconnect the F2F, Fiber to Fiber Link feature, to the R2R net.The connector is found on the DIA board to the left in the cabinet.P34 is an 8 pole RJ45 modular female connector. By interconnecting the P111 or P112 on the FON board to this port, theF2F net is included in the R2R net and all repeaters in both the nets areaccessible.P34 Repeater to Repeater Link connector pinningPin 1 C/SPin 2 GNDPin 3 D–Pin 4 D+Pin 5 D+Pin 6 D–Pin 7 GNDPin 8 C/SFor further information about the Repeater to Repeater Link installation,refer to the VD202 91/EN R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link Kit, InstallationGuide.¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaS
Cabling On the following pages, you will find cabling information for the variousrepeater types:•Channel selective GSM repeater, two channels, page 5-58.•Channel selective GSM repeater, four channels, page 5-59.•Channel selective CDMA with MRX, two channels, page 5-60.•Channel selective WCDMA, two channels, page 5-61.•Channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA, two channels, page 5-62.•Band selective repeater, page 5-63.•BMU, page 5-64.•RMU, page 5-65.•FOR, page 5-66.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaS
Channel Selective GSM Repeater, Two ChannelsFigure 5-24 shows a repeater equipped with the CHA1/DL and CHA3/ULchannel boards for two bi-directional GSM channels.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB BSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSUDPXMSHIANTLODPXBSHIANTLO CHA1/DL P101P701 CHA3/UL P101P701MS BS1 21 2DCBSDCMSLNADLLNAULFigure 5-24.  Cabling, 2 channel GSM repeater¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaSI
Channel Selective GSM Repeater, Four ChannelsFigure 5-25 shows a channel selective repeater equipped with theCHA1/DL, CHA2/DL, CHA3/UL, and CHA4/UL channel boards for fourbi-directional GSM channels.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB BSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSUDPXMSHIANTLODPXBSHIANTLOCMBULCMBDL CHA1/DL P101P701 CHA2/DL P101P701 CHA3/UL P101P701 CHA4/UL P101P701DCBSDCMSMS BS1 2 3 41 2 3 4LNADLLNAULFigure 5-25.  Cabling, 4 channel GSM repeaterLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaSp
Channel Selective CDMA Repeater With MRX, Two ChannelsFigure 5-26 shows a channel selective high power CDMA repeaterequipped with two CSA boards, two PA boards, a BA board (in the cover)and an MRX unit.MRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBMS-20 dBMRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBS-20 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSU CSA/DL P101P301P4P5 PA/DL   CSA/UL P101P301MS BS11P5 PA/UL P42DPXMSLOANT HIDPXBSLOANT HI2P102 P101MRXDCBSDCMSLNADLLNAULFigure 5-26.  Cabling, 2 channel CDMA repeater with MRX¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa®
Channel Selective WCDMA Repeater, Two ChannelsFigure 5-27 shows a channel selective WCDMA repeater equipped withtwo CSA boards and two PA boards.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB BSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSU CSA/DL P101P301P4P5 PA/DL   CSA/UL P101P301MS BS11P5 PA/UL P42DPXMSLOANT HIDPXBSLOANT HI2DCBSDCMSLNADLLNAULFigure 5-27.  Cabling, 2 channel WCDMA repeaterLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSau
Channel Selective High Power CDMA/WCDMA Repeater, Two Channels       Figure 5-28 shows a channel selective high power CDMA repeaterequipped with two CSA boards, two PA boards and a BA board (in thecover). The high power CDMA repeater is available for two channels only.MRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBBS-20 dBMRXDPXANTTESTDC-30 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSU CSA/DL P101P301P4P5 PA/DL   CSA/UL P101P301BS MS1P5 PA/UL P42DPXBSLOANT HI2P102 P101MRXPSU2 BA/DL P3P4DPXMSLOANT HI133DCMSDCBSLNADLLNAULFigure 5-28.  Cabling, 2 channel high power CDMA/WCDMA¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa¤
Band Selective RepeaterFigure 5-29 shows a band selective repeater equipped with two BSAboards and two PA boards.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dB BSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSU BSA/DL P101P301P4P5 PA/DL   BSA/UL P101P301MS BS1P5 PA/UL P42DPXMSHIANTLODPXBSHIANTLO1 2DCBSDCMSLNADLLNAULFigure 5-29.  Cabling, band selective repeaterLGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa
BMUFigure 5-30 shows a BMU with a FON board. In this type, the BTSantenna signal is passing through the Directional Coupler (DC-BS). Theservice side has a fiber optic connection port for a FOR.BSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBPSUFORDPXANTLO HIRXTXFON / FOTP102P101BTSDCBSFOUTX RXFigure 5-30.  Cabling, BMU¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaV
RMU     Figure 5-31 shows an RMU for band selective operation equipped with aFON board, two BSA boards and two PA boards. The MS side has a fiberoptic connection port for a FOR.RXTXFON / FOTDPXANTLO HIP102P101BSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSU BSA/DL P101P301P4P5 PA/DL   BSA/UL P101P301FOR BS1P5 PA/UL P42DPXMSHIANTLODPXBSHIANTLO1 2FOUTX RXDCBSLNADLLNAULFigure 5-31.  Cabling, RMULGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSaS
FOR     Figure 5-32 shows a FOR for band selective operation equipped with aFON board, two BSA boards and two PA boards. The BS side has a fiberoptic connection port for a BMU, RMU or another FOR.MSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBOUTLOWIN+7V  ATTOUT2  OUT1LNADLOUTLOW IN ATT +7V OUT1  OUT2LNAULPSU BSA/DL P101P301P4P5 PA/DL   BSA/UL P101P301MS BMU/RMU/FOR1P5 PA/UL P42DPXMSHIANTLODPXBSHIANTLO1 2RXTXFON / FOTDPXANTLO HIP102P101FOUTX RXDCMSLNADLLNAULFigure 5-32.  Cabling, FOR¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSa
Repeater Software and Hardware Compatibility There are different versions of repeater CU software, which can becombined with boards of various revisions. These have unique partnumbers and revision information. Below, you will find a table of repeatersoftware currently available in combination with CU board revisions.CU BoardPart #CU Software CommentsPart # LatestrevisionK103/1orK103/2SA102 01/2 R2E For GSM channel selective≤4 channels, band selective800-900MHz fixedbandwidth only, and combi(800/900MHz).No traffic statistics.K103/2 SA102 02/1 R3A For GSM, EGSM, DCS,PCS channel selective≤8 channels, band selective800-900MHz fixed oradjustable bandwidth, bandselective 1800MHz or1900MHz and combi.Supports R2R link.R3C Supports stacked channels.K103/2 SA102 02/2 R1A For 800/1900MHz CDMA≤4 channels. Supports MRXR2A Supports R2R.This information is updated 2001-06-28.As new versions of hardware and software are released without priornoticing, contact your LGP Allgon sales representative if in doubt aboutthe latest revision status.For detailed information, refer to the release notes for the CU software tobe downloaded (normally found in the readme.txt file provided with theprogram files).LGP Allgon AB H|H#H ¦o6cro#fH6c|croSa
¦o6cro#fH6c|cro H|H#H LGP Allgon ABSaI
6. OptionalsThis chapter describes the following optional accessories available for theLGP Allgon repeaters:•RCU, Remote Control Unit for GSM 900/1800/1900, page 6-2.•RCU, Remote Control Unit with PCMCIA Modem, page 6-4.•RCC, Remote Communication Control unit, page 6-6.•R2R, Repeater To Repeater Link, page 6-7.•Traffic Statistics, page 6-9.•Battery Backup, page 6-9.•7/16" Antenna Cable Connectors, page 6-9.•OMS, Operation and Maintenance System, page 6-9.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H |cro#fau
RCU, Remote Control Unit for GSM 900/1800/1900 As the mobile phone technology is developing very fast, this RCU may bemodified after issuing this manual. New types may also have been added.For the latest details, please contact your local LGP Allgon representative.For remote control of LGP Allgon repeaters in the GSM 900 system anRCU Remote Control Unit is available as a kit. This kit contains anintegrated mobile phone/modem, power supply and power supply backup.A detailed installation guide is also included in the RCU kit.The RCU for the GSM system is mounted inside the repeater cabinet, infront of the PSU (see Figure 6-1).The RCU is connected to the P27, P32, and MS –20dB ports.12volt 0.7AhMSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBMSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBFigure 6-1.  RCU - GSM 900 type|cro#f H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa¤
RCU kit itemsThe item numbers refer to the numbers in Figure 6-1.1. The GSM board. Press a pencil or similar object on the small buttonadjacent to the SIM board to release it.2. LED indicator on the M1 phone/modem unit which shows threeoperational modes:Out: The unit is offSlow flashing: Stand byFast flashing: Connection in progress3. Green LED on the battery charger which is lit with a steady lightwhen the power supply is OK, either from the mains or from thebattery.4. Yellow LED on the battery charger which is lit with a steady lightduring battery charge from the mains.Do not forget to put a jumper between pin 2 and 3 on the P27 connector ifyou disconnect the RCU.GSM subscriber conditions•Data transmission, 9600 bps (baud)•Transparent mode•If the PIN code have to be disabled, use another phone.If you get problems with the PIN code, please contact LGP AllgonTechnical Support.Power supply backup If a power failure occurs, the backup battery has capacity to supply theCU, ALI and phone/modem for 30 minutes at room temperature and alimited number of call attempts.The battery life is 1 – 2 years at normal indoor temperature. If theoperational temperature is higher, the battery life is shortened.Power supply battery type12V, 0.7A/20h, lead, sealed, including cable and JST VHR-2N connector.Part # LGP Allgon: PM291 09/1Hitachi: HP0.7-12P (VHR-2N)Yuasa: NP0.8-12LGP Allgon AB H|H#H |cro#fa
RCU, Remote Control Unit with PCMCIA Modem As the mobile phone technology is developing very fast, this RCU may bemodified after issuing this manual. New types may also have been added.For the latest details, please contact your local LGP Allgon representative.For remote control of LGP Allgon repeaters in various systems thefollowing PCMCIA modem based RCU Remote Control Units is availableas a kit:•RCU Kit for PCMCIA – Fixed Wire Line Connection.This RCU does not include accessories for a mobile phone.Detailed installation guide is included in the RCU kit.RCU Kit for PCMCIA – Fixed Wire Line ConnectionThis kit contains a PCMCIA card host, power supply, and power supplybackup.Most Hayes compatible PCMCIA card modems (not included in the kit)can be used.Power supply backupIf a power failure occurs, the included backup battery has capacity tosupply the CU, ALI and the modem. For the Wireless Connection type,this is applicable provided the specified configuration of mobile phone andPCMCIA modem is used.The battery life is 1 – 2 years at normal indoor temperature. If theoperational temperature is higher, the battery life is shortened.|cro#f H|H#H LGP Allgon ABaV
RCU for Fixed Wire Line Connection The RCU for Fixed Wire Line Connection is mounted inside the repeatercabinet, in front of the PSU (see Figure 6-2).The RCU is connected to the P27 and P32 ports.A free strain relief bushing at the bottom of the repeater is used for theexternal telephone line cable.RCU kit itemsThe item numbers refer to the numbers in Figure 6-2.1. PCMCIA modem card host.2. PCMCIA modem card (not included in the kit).3. Green LED on the battery charger which is lit with a steady lightwhen the power supply is OK, either from the mains or from thebattery.4. Yellow LED on the battery charger which is lit with a steady lightduring battery charge from the mains.Do not forget to put a jumper between pin 2 and 3 on the P27 connector ifyou disconnect the RCU.12volt 0.7AhMSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBMSDPXANTTESTDC-30 dB-20 dBFigure 6-2.  RCU - Fixed Wire Line PCMCIA typeLGP Allgon AB H|H#H |cro#faS
RCC, Remote Communication Control Unit The optional RCC Remote Communication Control unit is an alternativeto the RCU, provided the repeater has a FON board. The RCC unit is alsoused in the Compact repeaters.An RCC unit is required if the communication unit has to be connected toa FON board, e.g. in the BMU (the FON board does not support the RCU).Communication with the repeater is performed by means of a PSTN orRF modem that has the antenna connected to the BS directional coupler(DC) or has a separate antenna. Data is transferred between the repeaterand the RCC unit via the P130 modem port on the FON board.The RCC unit is also powered via the same port and the unit has abattery with capacity enough for sending a number of alarms if a mainspower failure occurs.A description of the RCC and its connection is found in the VD203 67/EN,ALR Compact Repeater, User’s Manual.|cro#f H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa
R2R, Repeater To Repeater LinkThe LGP Allgon Repeater to Repeater Link can be used in order toestablish a repeater network with up to 13 repeaters, one or several ofwhich can contain a phone line for communication with an OMT32 or anOMS.All LGP Allgon repeaters can be included in a R2R net (see Figure 6-3).Channel selective repeaters, band selective repeaters, and Compactrepeaters can be mixed in the same net. For Compact repeaters, the R2RRepeater to Repeater Link feature is standard and requires no extrahardware or software.AR Repeaters can either be equipped with this feature at the deliveryfrom LGP Allgon, or be completed with a Repeater to Repeater Link Kit,provided the repeaters meet the below requirements.R2R RequirementsTo be able to use the Repeater to Repeater Link feature, the following DIAboard, CU board and CU software are required:DIA board K105/1 version R2A or higher.CU board K103/2 version R1A or higher.CU software SA102 02/1 version R3A or higher.The version of the RIA board can be detected remotely by means of theOMT32, see the OMT32, User’s Manual.Further information and requirements are found in the R2R installationdocument, R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link Kit, Installation Guide(part # VD202 91/EN).Figure 6-3.  Repeater to Repeater LinkLGP Allgon AB H|H#H |cro#fa
InstallationThe R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link, is installed as described in the R2R,Repeater to Repeater Link Kit, Installation Guide.At least one RCU unit (or telephone line with modem) is required forremote communication.ConfigurationConfiguration is described in the OMT32, User’s Manual.F2F AccessCommunication with repeaters in a mixed F2F and R2R net is possible.By interconnecting a F2F net with an R2R net, all repeaters in both thenets are accessible. FON boards are, however, required for the repeatersincluded in the F2F net (the FOT board does not support the F2Ffeature).|cro#f H|H#H LGP Allgon ABaI
Traffic Statistics Traffic statistics is available for channel selective GSM 900, GSM 1900and DCS/PCN 1800 repeaters, provided that the repeaters have the latestCU software versions, the latest CU and CHA boards, and that an OMS isused to poll and view the statistics.Battery Backup Battery backup can be arranged by completing the repeater with an LGPAllgon UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). The LGP Allgon UPS has anexterior similar to the repeater which means that it can preferably bemounted adjacent to the repeater.7/16" Antenna Cable Connectors A 7/16" antenna cable kit is available for all the LGP Allgon repeaters.This kit includes 7/16" antenna connectors for uplink and downlinkantennas mounted on two repeater cable inlet flanges, and cables andconnectors for connection to the DC directional couplers inside therepeater.OMS, Operation and Maintenance System The OMS, Operation and Maintenance System is an LGP Allgon softwarepackage for controlling a large repeater fleet by using computers withWindows NT in networks with a common database.The OMS is capable of operating a large number of repeaters. Multiplemodems can be used for several incoming and outgoing parallel activities,such as polling, radio parameter configuration, software downloading, etc.OMS is an improved OMC, Operation and Maintenance Center. The latteris replaced by the OMS and is no longer subject to further development.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H |cro#fap
|cro#f H|H#H LGP Allgon ABau®
7. Repeater AlarmsThis chapter contains a list of those alarms which are initiated in therepeater.Critical, Error and Warning alarms can be sent automatically from arepeater to an OMT32 and OMS and then be stored.  These alarms canthen be viewed.The alarm handling is described in the following manuals:•OMT32, User’s Manual•Advanced Repeater OMS, User’s ManualThe table starting on the following page contains those alarms that can begenerated by an AR repeater.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H H|H#Hf#jau
Alarm Reference ListThe following table contains the internal repeater alarms which can occurand be shown in the OMT32 and OMS alarm window (additional alarmsmay have been added to the system after issuing this manual).Alarm Text Alarm Unit Alarm Level DescriptionAntenna isolation BSA #Channel #UL/DLWarning Antenna isolation is below the gain set.  The gain is reduced10 – 13dB below oscillation point.Suggested remedy: Decrease the gain or increase theantenna isolation.Error The gain is reduced as much as possible but the oscillationcontinues. The amplifier is turned off.Suggested remedy: Decrease the gain or increase theantenna isolation.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Antenna SWR Donor orservice antenna Error Antenna SWR above preset limit.Suggested remedy: Check antenna, connector and cables.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Alarm reset CU None Manual alarm reset. Alarm criteria is re-evaluated andreported if still active.BA HW error BA # Error BA-BA link does not work properly.Suggested remedy: Check cables between BA units.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Bad table found CU Error Incorrect information detected in a table.Suggested remedy: Replace the unit for calibration.Battery backup fault External Configurable Battery backup fault (provided the external alarm 2 isconfigured to display this alarm).Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Battery fault RCC unit,FON charger Error The backup battery on the RCC unit or the FON board doesnot work properly.Suggested remedy: Check cables or replace battery.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.CU battery fault CU Warning CU RAM battery fault.Suggested remedy: Make sure the P3 jumper is connected onthe CU board.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Door open alarm 1) External Configurable Door open more than 30 seconds.Ceasing Door closed more than 30 seconds or the alarm is disabled.EEPROM error CU Error EEPROM read or write error.Err in AD-converter CU Warning Unreliable value from the analog-to-digital converter.Ext REFO error CU Warning An external reference is lost (e.g. GPS reference).Suggested remedy: Check reference source and cables.External alarm 1 External Configurable External alarm input 1 active more than 1 second.Ceasing External alarm input 1 no longer active.External alarm 2 External Configurable External alarm input 2 active more than 1 second.Ceasing External alarm input 2 no longer active.External alarm 3 External Configurable External alarm input 3 active more than 1 second.Ceasing External alarm input 3 no longer active.H|H#Hf#j H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa¤
Alarm Text Alarm Unit Alarm Level DescriptionExternal alarm 4 External Configurable External alarm input 4 active more than 1 second.Ceasing External alarm input 4 no longer active.Fiberoptical error FOT Configurable Fiber optic error (provided the external alarm 3 isconfigured to display this alarm).Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.FON Laser RX Fault FON Error The received optical level is below the allowed limit set togenerate Error alarm.Suggested remedy: Check the fiber optic cord.Warning The received optical level is below the allowed limit set togenerate Warning alarm.Suggested remedy: Check the fiber optic cord.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.FON Laser TX Fault FON Error The laser transmitter control loop voltage is out of range.Suggested remedy: Replace the FON board.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.FON Power Fault FON Error A FON board DC power supply voltage is out of range.Suggested remedy: Replace the FON board.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.FON RxStable alarm FON Warning Laser receiver input signal below preset warning limit.Suggested remedy: Check FON board cables and connectors.Error Laser receiver input signal below preset error limit.Suggested remedy: Check FON board cables and connectors.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.FON SPI Error FON Error The SPI bus connection to the RF modem does not workproperly.Suggested remedy: Replace the FON board.FON TxStable alarm FON Error Unstable laser transmitter control loop, probably due to afaulty laser.Suggested remedy: Replace the FON board.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Gain reduction Channel #UL/DL Warning The gain is reduced below the limit.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.High PSU voltage BA #BSA #CSA #Critical Too highPA supply voltage.Suggested remedy: Make sure the right PSU is used.High temperature BA #BSA #CHA #CSA #PA #Error Board temperature higher than 95°C.Warning Board temperature higher than 85°C.Ceasing Board temperature below 70°C.CU Warning CU board temperature higher than 90°C.Ceasing CU board temperature below 90°C.Inst. unit lost CU Error Missing HW since last power on.Local bus error BA # Error Communication bus error on BA board.BSA # Error Communication bus error on BSA board.CHA # Error Communication bus error on CHA board.CSA # Error Communication bus error on CSA board.Log cleared CU None Log memory has been cleared.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H H|H#Hf#ja
Alarm Text Alarm Unit Alarm Level DescriptionLog memory fault CU Error Log memory fault.Login failed CU None Invalid repeater password.Low stability margin Channel #UL/DL Warning MRX has detected that antenna isolation is below the gainset.  The gain is reduced 10 – 13dB below oscillation point.Suggested remedy: Decrease the gain or increase theantenna isolation.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Low traffic activity RSSI Statistics Warning No signal strength was above the limit set.Suggested remedy: Check the antennas and that a phoneworks in the covered area.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Mains bkd w backup External Error Mains breakdown – power from battery backup.Suggested remedy: Check the mains power.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Mains breakdown 2) External Critical Power failure.Ceasing Mains power is up again.Modem init failed Remote ctrl None Initiation string to modem not accepted.Suggested remedy: Check the modem by using the modemdebugger in OMT32 or OMS.New unit detected CU None Additional HW since last power on.No BCCH detected RSSI Statistics Warning Signal strength on the BCCH channel below the limit set.Suggested remedy: Make sure the repeater is configured tothe BCCH channel, and that the BTS signal is proper.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.No connection Remote ctrl None No connection at callback.Warning No connection at alarm calling.No modem found Remote ctrl None No modem is found.No phone detected Remote ctrl Warning When using a PC-card modem together with the MS thisalarm indicates contact with the PC-card modem but notwith the MS.  The MS may be turned off.Note that a Nokia MS does not power up after power failure.Suggested remedy: Make sure the phone is connected.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Not In Allowed Area CU None Repeater is moved from the operating area and the RF HWis switched on or off.Overpower alarm Channel #UL/DL Warning Input power too high, output power above maximum limit.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.PA fault BA #BSA #CHA #CSA #Error PA has not enought output power for the RSSI and gain set.PA Undervoltagealarm PA #BA # Error PA voltage level below alarm limit.Suggested remedy: Check the PSU.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Param. R/W error BA # Error EEPROM failure on BA board.BSA # Error EEPROM failure on BSA board.CHA # Error EEPROM failure on CHA board.CSA # Error EEPROM failure on CSA board.H|H#Hf#j H|H#H LGP Allgon ABaV
Alarm Text Alarm Unit Alarm Level DescriptionPIN code failed Remote ctrl Warning The PIN code sent to MS is incorrect.Suggested remedy: Unlock the MS/SIM card by using thePUK code.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.Power supply PSU1 Critical Power failure in PSU1 (in the cabinet).Ceasing PSU1 works properly again.PSU2 Critical Power failure in PSU2 (in the cover).Ceasing PSU2 works properly again.FON Charger Error The FON 10 Volt charger voltage below limit.Suggested remedy: Replace the FON board.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.R2R HW error RIA, FON Error R2R HW is faulty.Suggested remedy: Replace the RIA board or the FON board.R2R node lost CU None An R2R node is lost.Suggested remedy: Check if the node is connected and stillin operation.R2R queue full CU None R2R transmit queue is full, messages are lost.Suggested remedy: Check R2R configuration and cables.REFO error CU Error Significant REFO drift or error detected by CU.Remote connection Remote ctrl None Remote connection to OMT32 via modem.Remote timeout Remote ctrl Warning A 20 minute time limit exceeded without extending timer.Repeater restart CU None Powering up by user or after power failure.Warning Software restart error 1st - 7th time.Error Software restart error 8th - 10th time.RF blocking Channel # UL Error CW signal constantly >27dBm in more than 10 seconds.PA off.Ceasing The cause of the alarm has ceased.RTC error CU Error RTC does not operate properly.Suggested remedy: Replace the CU board.RTC restarted CU None The time is changed by the operator.Warning Date set to 1994-01-01.Suggested remedy: Make sure the P3 jumper is connected onthe CU board.Startup error BA # Error Hardware error on BA board.BSA # Error Hardware error on BSA board.CHA # Error Hardware error on CHA board.CSA # Error Hardware error on CSA board.SW incompability MRX Error MRX not compatible with CU software.Suggested remedy: Replace the bad CU software version.SW load error CU Error Software load error.Suggested remedy: Check the repeater SW by using the SWmanager in OMT32.Do not restart the repeater.Synthesizer fault BA # Error Synthesizer unlocked on BA board.BSA # Error Synthesizer unlocked on BSA board.CHA # Error Synthesizer unlocked on CHA board.CSA # Error Synthesizer unlocked on CSA board.LGP Allgon AB H|H#H H|H#Hf#jaS
Alarm Text Alarm Unit Alarm Level DescriptionTable database err CU Error A table database is not found (calibration error).Table not found CU Error A SW table is not found (SW or calibration error).Unsupported PA type BA # Error The PA board ID is not expected by the BA board.Suggested remedy: Make sure the right PA board is used.BSA # Error The PA board ID is not expected by the BSA board.Suggested remedy: Make sure the right PA board is used.CSA # Error The PA board ID is not expected by the CSA board.Suggested remedy: Make sure the right PA board is used.Volt Reg. fault BA # Error Missing DC voltage on BA board.BSA # Error Missing DC voltage on BSA board.CHA # Error Missing DC voltage on CHA board.CSA # Error Missing DC voltage on CSA board.Remarks1) The Door open alarm requires an optional door switch described in the P33 Alarm Port section in Chapter 5.2) The Mains breakdown alarm requires a relay not included in the repeater (see Mains Breakdown Relay in Chapter 3).Channel #, UL/DL Repeater channel number (1-4) at channel selective operation, uplink or downlink.BSEL #, UL/DL Repeater channel number at band selective operation, uplink or downlink.BA # BA board number for high power operation.BSA # BSA board number for band selective operation.CHA # CHA board number for channel selective operation.CSA # CSA board number for channel selective CDMA operation.FON FON board for fiber optic communication.PA PA board for channel selective or band selective operation.H|H#Hf#j H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa
IndexAAbbreviations .............................................................................................................  viiiAGC, Automatic Gain Control ................................................................................  5-23Alarm ........................................................................................................................  5-31Alarm reference list ...................................................................................................  7-2ALARM, red LED  ....................................................................................................  5-51ALI, Alarm Interface board  . 5-5, 5-8 - 5-12, 5-14 - 5-15, 5-31, 5-37 - 5-38, 6-3 - 6-4AMPS .........................................................................................................  2-3, 5-2, 5-22Antenna cable connectors, 7/16" ...............................................................................  6-9AUX1 auxiliary connector .......................................................................................  5-37BBA, Booster Amplifier  ........... 2-2, 5-2, 5-5, 5-10, 5-20 - 5-21, 5-34 - 5-35, 5-44, 5-62BATT, green LED ....................................................................................................  5-48Battery backup ...........................................................................................................  6-9Block diagramband selective repeater  ......................................................................................  5-22BMU .....................................................................................................................  5-24channel selective CDMA/WCDMA repeater  .....................................................  5-20channel selective GSM repeater ........................................................................  5-18FOR ......................................................................................................................  5-28RMU .....................................................................................................................  5-26BMU, Base station Master Unit ........................................................... 5-3, 5-28 - 5-24BOOT, red LED  ......................................................................................  4-2, 5-47, 5-51BSA, Band Selective Amplifier board  .................... 5-4, 5-11 - 5-12, 5-14 - 5-15, 5-225-36 - 5-38, 5-43, 5-63, 5-65 - 5-66CCabling ......................................................................................................................  5-57band selective repeater  ......................................................................................  5-63BMU .....................................................................................................................  5-64channel selective GSM repeater, 2 channels  ...................................................  5-58channel selective GSM repeater, 4 channels  ...................................................  5-59channel selective high power CDMA/WCDMA  ................................................  5-62channel selective WCDMA repeater  .................................................................  5-61FOR ......................................................................................................................  5-66RMU .....................................................................................................................  5-65CDMA  ..............................................  2-2 - 2-3, 5-2, 5-20, 5-22, 5-34 - 5-35, 5-40, 5-62CHA, Channel Amplifier board  ...  5-4, 5-8, 5-12, 5-18, 5-33, 5-37 - 5-38, 5-43 - 5-445-58 - 5-59CHARGE, yellow LED  ............................................................................................  5-48CMB, Combiner unit  .................................................... 5-6, 5-8, 5-12, 5-19, 5-33, 5-44Commissioning ...........................................................................................................  4-1Connection ..................................................................................................................  3-7AR repeaters (except for high power CDMA)  ....................................................  3-8BMU .....................................................................................................................  3-10donor antenna ..................................................................................... 3-8 - 3-9, 3-11external alarm .....................................................................................................  3-13FOR ......................................................................................................................  3-12High power CDMA or WCDMA repeater ...........................................................  3-9mains  ..........................................................................................................  3-8 - 3-12Repeater to Repeater Link  ................................................................................  3-14RMU .....................................................................................................................  3-11service antenna ................................................................................... 3-8 - 3-9, 3-12Connection ports ......................................................................................................  5-52LGP Allgon AB H|H#H o?Hªau
CSA, CDMA Segment Amplifier board  .................................................................. 5-43CSA, CDMA/WCDMA Segment Amplifier board ...............  5-4, 5-9 - 5-10, 5-20, 5-345-37 - 5-38, 5-43, 5-61 - 5-62CU software version .......................................................................................  5-39, 5-67CU software and hardware compatibility  .............................................................. 5-67CU, Control Unit board  ................ 5-5, 5-8 - 5-12, 5-14 - 5-15, 5-21, 5-23, 5-26, 5-285-31, 5-37 - 5-39, 5-67, 6-3 - 6-4, 6-9DDAMPS ....................................................................................................... 2-3, 5-2, 5-22DATA, blue LED  ...................................................................................................... 5-48DC, Directional Coupler .................... 4-5, 5-5, 5-8 - 5-15, 5-18 - 5-24, 5-40, 5-42, 6-9DCS .............................................................................................. 2-2, 5-2, 5-18, 6-4, 6-9DIA, Distribution board ....................................................... 5-5, 5-37, 5-39, 5-43, 5-52Dimensions .................................................................................................................. 3-2DLSee DownlinkDonor antenna .................................................................  2-5 - 2-6, 3-6, 3-8 - 3-9, 3-11Door open alarm ....................................................................................................... 3-13Door switch  ............................................................................................ 3-13, 5-37, 5-55Downlink  ......................................................................................  5-18, 5-20, 5-22, 5-43Downlink signal path ............................................................................................... 5-17DPX, Duplex filter ... 5-6, 5-8 - 5-15, 5-18 - 5-24, 5-26, 5-28, 5-33 - 5-36, 5-42 - 5-44EEAL1 .......................................................................................................................... 5-54EAL2 .......................................................................................................................... 5-54EAL3 .......................................................................................................................... 5-54EAL4 ............................................................................................................... 5-54 - 5-55ESD .............................................................................................................................. 1-6ETACS ........................................................................................................ 2-3, 5-2, 5-22External alarm .......................................................................................................... 3-13External alarm input  ............................................................................................... 5-54FF2F, Fiber to Fiber Link  ..............................................................  3-14, 4-3, 5-31, 5-56F2F, green LED ........................................................................................................ 5-47FAULT, red LED  .............................................................................................  4-2, 5-47FON, Fiber Optic Node board ........................  5-6, 5-13 - 5-15, 5-24, 5-26, 5-28, 5-46FOR, Fiber Optic Repeater ..................................................................... 5-3, 5-26, 5-28FOT, Fiber Optic Transceiver board .............  5-6, 5-13 - 5-15, 5-24, 5-26, 5-28, 5-50FOU, Fiber Optic Unit  ....................  2-3, 5-3, 5-6, 5-13 - 5-15, 5-24, 5-26, 5-28, 5-45Functional description  ............................................................................................... 5-1GGSM ........................................................ 2-2 - 2-3, 5-2, 5-18, 5-58 - 5-59, 6-2, 6-4, 6-9HHail .............................................................................................................................. 3-1IIndicatorsin the cabinet ......................................................................................................... 4-3MRX indicators in the cabinet ............................................................................. 4-3on the repeater front  ............................................................................................ 4-4Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2-1o?Hª H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa¤
LLNA, Low Noise Amplifier ..................... 5-5, 5-8 - 5-12, 5-14 - 5-15, 5-18, 5-20, 5-225-33 - 5-34, 5-36 - 5-38, 5-43 - 5-44MMains breakdown relay  ...........................................................................................  3-15Mains connection .......................................................................................................  3-7Mounting  ...........................................................................................................  3-4 - 3-6Mounting bracket  .............................................................................................  3-4 - 3-6MRX, Measurement Receiver board  ................................... 5-6, 5-9 - 5-10, 5-21, 5-40NNMT ...........................................................................................................  2-3, 5-2, 5-22OOMS, Operation and Maintenance System  ...................................................... 2-1, 6-9OMT32, Operation and Maintenance Terminal  .....................................................  2-1OPER, green LED  ..................................................................................  4-2, 5-47, 5-51Outdoor installation  ..................................................................................................  3-1Output signal level  ....................................................................................................  4-5PPA, Power Amplifier ................................................................................................  5-62PA, Power Amplifier board ....................  5-4 - 5-5, 5-9 - 5-12, 5-14 - 5-15, 5-21, 5-235-34 - 5-38, 5-44, 5-61, 5-63, 5-65 - 5-66PCMCIA .............................................................................................................  6-4 - 6-5PCN .............................................................................................  2-2, 5-2, 5-18, 6-4, 6-9PCS ....................................................................................................................... 2-2, 5-2Ports+7V ...................................................................................................................... 5-43AI  ..................................................................................................... 3-15, 5-54 - 5-55ANT  ................................................................................................. 5-42, 5-44 - 5-45AO ........................................................................................................................  5-55ATT ......................................................................................................................  5-43DPX ............................................................................................................. 5-42, 5-44HI  .......................................................................................... 5-33 - 5-36, 5-44 - 5-45IN  ..............................................................................................................  5-43 - 5-44LO  ...............................................................................  5-33 - 5-34, 5-36, 5-43 - 5-45MRX .....................................................................................................................  5-42MS -20dB ...................................................................................................... 5-42, 6-2OUT LOW  ...........................................................................................................  5-43OUT1  .....................................................................................  5-33 - 5-34, 5-36, 5-43OUT2  .......................................................................................................... 5-33, 5-43P101 ................................................ 5-33 - 5-34, 5-36, 5-40, 5-43, 5-45 - 5-46, 5-50P102 ................................................................................................. 5-40, 5-45 - 5-46P103 .....................................................................................................................  5-46P104 .....................................................................................................................  5-48P105 .....................................................................................................................  5-48P106 ............................................................................................................ 5-31, 5-48P108 .....................................................................................................................  5-48P109 .....................................................................................................................  5-48P11 .......................................................................................................................  5-37P110 .....................................................................................................................  5-48P111 ............................................................................................................ 5-49, 5-56P112 ............................................................................................................ 5-49, 5-56P113 .....................................................................................................................  5-49P114 .....................................................................................................................  5-49P115 .....................................................................................................................  5-49LGP Allgon AB H|H#H o?Hªa
P12 ........................................................................................................................ 5-37P13 ........................................................................................................................ 5-37P130 ............................................................................................................ 5-30, 5-49P14 ........................................................................................................................ 5-37P2 ................................................................................................................ 5-37, 5-39P21 ........................................................................................................................ 5-37P22 ........................................................................................................................ 5-37P23 .............................................................................................................. 5-37, 5-43P24 .............................................................................................................. 5-37, 5-43P25 Expansion ..................................................................................................... 5-37P26 Expansion ..................................................................................................... 5-37P27 Auxiliary .......................................................... 5-30, 5-37 - 5-38, 5-53, 6-2, 6-5P28 Door switch ............................................................................... 3-13, 5-37, 5-55P3 .....................................................................................................  5-34 - 5-35, 5-37P301 ................................................................................................... 5-34, 5-36, 5-50P31 PC  ......................................................................................  4-1, 5-31, 5-37, 5-53P32 Modem ........................................................................ 5-30, 5-37, 5-54, 6-2, 6-5P33 Alarm ........................................................... 3-13, 3-15, 5-31, 5-37, 5-54 - 5-55P34 Repeater to Repeater Link  ...................................................... 5-30, 5-37, 5-56P34 Repeater to Repeater Link port ................................................................. 3-14P4 .....................................................................................................  5-34 - 5-37, 5-44P401 ...................................................................................................................... 5-51P5 .....................................................................................................  5-34 - 5-37, 5-44P501 ...................................................................................................................... 5-51P502 ...................................................................................................................... 5-51P503 ...................................................................................................................... 5-51P701 ............................................................................................................ 5-33, 5-44RX ...............................................................................................................  5-46, 5-50TEST -30dB ................................................................................................. 4-5, 5-42TX  ...............................................................................................................  5-46, 5-50Power cord  .................................................................................................................. 3-7Power Supply Unit, 24 or 48 Volt DC .................................................................... 3-17POWER, yellow LED  .............................................................................. 4-2, 5-47, 5-51PSU, Power Supply Unit  ............................................................... 5-6, 5-8 - 5-15, 5-37PSU2, Power Supply Unit 2 ....................................................... 5-10, 5-12, 5-21, 5-35RR2R, green LED  ....................................................................................................... 5-47R2R, Repeater to Repeater Link ...................................  3-14, 4-3, 5-7, 5-30, 5-56, 6-7Rain .............................................................................................................................. 3-1RCC, Remote Communication Control unit  ............... 3-7, 5-7, 5-13 - 5-15, 5-30, 6-6RCU, Remote Control Unit  ............................. 3-7, 5-7, 5-10 - 5-12, 5-14 - 5-15, 5-30RCU, Remote Control Unit for GSM 900  ................................................................ 6-2RCU, Remote Control Unit with PCMCIA modem ................................................. 6-4Repeater CU hardware version ............................................................................... 5-39Repeater CU software version ................................................................................. 5-39Repeater design  .......................................................................................................... 5-4Repeater setup .......................................................................................................... 5-31Repeater to Repeater LinkSee R2R, Repeater to Repeater LinkRepeater typesBand selective repeater ......................................................................................... 2-3BMU, Base station Master Unit .......................................................................... 2-3Channel selective CDMA repeater ....................................................................... 2-2Channel selective GSM repeater .......................................................................... 2-2Channel selective high power CDMA repeater  .................................................. 2-2Channel selective high power WCDMA repeater ............................................... 2-2Channel selective WCDMA repeater  ................................................................... 2-2Combined repeater ................................................................................................ 2-3FOR, Fiber Optic Repeater  .................................................................................. 2-3RMU, Repeater Master Unit ................................................................................ 2-3o?Hª H|H#H LGP Allgon ABaV
RFI filter ........................................................................................................  5-33 - 5-36RIA, Repeater to Repeater Interface Adapter .......  5-7 - 5-8, 5-11 - 5-12, 5-14 - 5-15RMU, Repeater Master Unit  .................................................................  5-3, 5-26, 5-28RXOK, green LED  ...................................................................................................  5-51SSafety ..........................................................................................................................  1-1beryllium oxide  .....................................................................................................  1-1electric shock .........................................................................................................  1-1hydrogen fluoride ..................................................................................................  1-1laser transmitter ...................................................................................................  1-2lithium battery ......................................................................................................  1-2polytetrafluoro ethylene .......................................................................................  1-1PTFE .....................................................................................................................  1-1Service antenna ................................................................ 2-5 - 2-6, 3-6, 3-8 - 3-9, 3-12Service limitations .....................................................................................................  3-1Shelter .........................................................................................................................  3-1Siting the repeater .....................................................................................................  3-1Snow ............................................................................................................................  3-1Static electricity  .........................................................................................................  1-6Station ground ...........................................................................................................  3-7Sunshine .....................................................................................................................  3-1Supply voltage ............................................................................................................  4-6TTACS ..........................................................................................................  2-3, 5-2, 5-22Testpoints .......................................................................................................... 4-6, 5-38Traffic statistics .........................................................................................................  6-9UULSee UplinkUplink .......................................................................................................................  5-43signal path ...........................................................................................................  5-17UPS .............................................................................................................................  6-9WWarning signsberyllium oxide  .....................................................................................................  1-2WCDMA .......................................... 2-2 - 2-3, 5-2, 5-20, 5-22, 5-34 - 5-35, 5-61 - 5-62Weights .......................................................................................................................  3-2LGP Allgon AB H|H#H o?HªaS
o?Hª H|H#H LGP Allgon ABa

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