Powerwave Technologies MCPS2000 350 Watt Multi-Carrier Power Amplifier User Manual OPERATIONS MANUAL AND BLOCK DIAGRAM

Powerwave Technologies, Inc. 350 Watt Multi-Carrier Power Amplifier OPERATIONS MANUAL AND BLOCK DIAGRAM


MCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian ProprietaryThis document contains proprietary information of Spectrian, Inc. and may not beused or disclosed except in accordance with applicable agreements.Copyright © Spectrian, Inc. All rights reserved.11 IntroductionThis chapter introduces the MCPS2000 Series of Multi Carrier Power Amplifier(MCPA) Systems. It describes structure of this manual and introduces the differentMCPS2000 Series amplifiers.1.1 About this ManualThis Manual describes how to install, operate, and maintain the MCPS2000 series ofamplifiers.  It is arranged in chapters.Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces the systems in the MCPS2000 family and theirmain features and describes how the system documentation is organized.Chapter 2, Installation and Operation, describes how to install the MCPS2000amplifier and place the amplifer in service.Chapter 3, Troubleshooting, describes how to diagnose faults using the indicatorLEDs and status/alarm messages.Chapter 4, Field Service Procedures, describes how to perform routine maintenanceand install new field-replaceable modules in the MCPS2000 amplifier.The Specifications Appendix details the electrical, mechanical, and environmentalspecifications met by this MCPS2000 amplifier, including the Connector Pinouts andInterface Protocols used in the front panel diagnostic port and the optional basestation alarm and control interfaces.1.2  Introduction to the MCPS2000 FamilyThe MCPS2000 is a modular, ultra-linear cellular-frequency amplifier systemproviding up to 350 Watts (total) of output power. Designed for maximum flexibilityand reliability, the MCPS2000 can increase the range or capacity of both new andexisting base stations.ModulationsThe MCPS2000 can amplify any number of signal carriers using AMPS, CDPD, IS-136 TDMA, or IS-95 CDMA modulation up to the maximum rated system outputpower.
Introduction to the MCPS2000 FamilyMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page2ModularityThe MCPS2000 family is designed for operation with 1 to 4 amplifier modules, eachproviding 100 Watts of RF output power (up to 90 Watts effective output aftercombining losses).InstallationThe MCPS2000 housing is an 8RU shelf. Mounting kits are available for installationin 23-inch, 600mm, 24-inch, or 25-inch equipment racks.RF InterfacesIt has a single RF input for the combined input signals, and a single RF output to thetransmit filter.Alarms and ControlThe MCPS2000 provides status information through front-panel LED indicators andan RS-232 status port.  Status information can be viewed through a front-panel RS-232 port using either a VT-100 terminal emulation program or Spectrian’s GraphicalUser Interface program.The MCPS2000 can also be optionally equipped with additional alarm and controlinterfaces, including dry-contact or TTL alarm connections and RS-485 or RS-422interfaces to network operations and administration systems.ReliabilityThe MCPS2000 is designed to enable system maintenance without removing theamplifier from service.  The amplifier and system control modules can be hot-swapped during operation without affecting calls in process. The amplifier modulesare designed so the cooling fans can be refit in the field by qualified servicetechnicians, greatly reducing service shipping costs and turn-around time.1.2.1 MCPS2000 Systems ModulesA fully-equipped MCPS2000 consists of a rack-mounted shelf containing up to fourRF modules, an Alarm Management Module, and an internal divider/ combiner.RF modulesThe RF modules are ultra-linear amplifiers optimized for high power amplificationof cellular signals. After combining losses, each RF module provides up to 90 Wattsof RF output power.Amplifier Management ModuleThe Amplifier Management Module contains the system control and alarmmanagement logic and the interface to external operations and control systems.Divider/CombinerThe divider/combiner allows the four RF modules to function as a single system.The divider/combiner has an active architecture, which automatically reconfigures tominimize combining losses if a RF module should fail.
IntroductionMCPS2000 System Operation 3Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first pageMajor Equipment Specifications for the MCPS2000Electrical Specifications Specification @ 25ºCFrequency Range 869 - 894 MHzAverage Power¹ into 50 Ohms 100W (50 dBm) to 350W (55.4 dBm)Intermodulation Distortion (IMD) -65 dBc with AMPS and/or TDMA IS-136, or IS-97CDMA dual mode input sources under nominalconditionsCDMA Adjacent Channel Power3< -45 dBc, 750 KHz offset,  30 KHz res bandwidth@ 881 MHz, 100W Output < -60 dBc, 1.98 MHz offset, 30 KHz res bandwidthReceive Band Noise -30 dBm/30 kHz bandwidthCarrier Spacing (AMPS/TDMA) 60 KHz min., 25 MHz max.Power Output Stability for Single Frequency ± 0.5 dB under nominal conditionsOperating Bandwidth up to 25 MHzGain Factory set, 30 to 60 dB, 85 dB with optional preampGain Flatness vs. Frequency ± 0.5 dB (over all temps)Gain Variation over Temp @ Any Inband Frequency ± 1 dBForward Power Sample Port Gain -50 dB typ.Input/Output Port Return Loss -15 dB min.Second/Third and Greater Harmonic Output -13 dBm/-20 dBm max.DC Input Voltage Range 26 to 28VDC2DC Input Current @ 27VDC (max) 100W single RF module – 42A175W two RF modules – 87A260W three RF modules –130A350W four RF modules – 170A1Power levels at the output of the system combiner will vary depending on the configuration.2Reduced power performance over 21-26V. Full spec performance (22-30V) available with optional DC/DC converter.3Measured at the RF module output connector and in accordance with IS-97.Mechanical SpecificationsOperating/Storage Temperatures 0ºC to 50ºC/-40ºC to 85ºCSize, 4 module system, mounting ears excluded (D x W x H)17.72 x 21.56 x 13.97 in. max(450 x 547,62 x 354,84 mm max.)Weight, 4 module system  Installed: approx. 230 lbs (105 kg)Shipping: approx. 270 lbs max. (125 kg)Heaviest Module: <45 lbs max. (20 kg)Connectors RF Input(s): SMA (F)RF Output(s): N (F)Maintenance Port: RS232Alarms Port: RS422DC Inputs: 10-32 and ¼-20 threaded lugsDC Ground: ¼-20 threaded lugsRF Output Sample Port: SMA (F)Indicators AMM: DC On, Alarm LEDsMCPA Modules: DC On, Enable, Alarm, Fan LEDs
Introduction to the MCPS2000 FamilyMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page41.2.2   MCPS2000 Functional DescriptionTo achieve the high level of linearity required to support multiple cellular carriers atthe minimum cost, the RF modules in the MCPS2000 use a single loop feed-forwardcorrection architecture with two amplification loops – the main loop, containing themain amplifier, and the error loop, containing the error amplifier. The combinationof the two loops results in a signal in which the distortion products have beencancelled, enabling highly linear operation of the amplifier.RF Module Functional Block Diagram1.2.2.1 Main LoopThe output of the main amplifier contains both the desired signal and Inter-modulation Distortion (IMD) products. This signal is coupled off and combined withthe desired signal coupled off the preamplifier. The relative delay and phases ofthese signals are adjusted so they combine to cancel out the desired signal, creatingan error signal composed of only the main amplifier IMD products. Error LoopThe error signal is amplified in the error loop and then combined with the output ofthe main amplifier containing both the desired signal and distortion products suchthat the distortion products cancel.  The error loop provides the adjustmentsnecessary so that the amplitude, phase and delay of both signals result in the desiredcancellation.MainVector Mod DriverAmp MainAmp Delay FilterOutput ModulePilotGenerator /RecieverCancellationControllerCarrierCancellation ErrorVector ModΣτPreamplifierDelayLineErrorAmpRF InputRF Output
Installation and OperationMCPS2000 System Operation 5Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page2 Installation and Operation2.1 IntroductionThis chapter describes how to install, set up, and operate an MCPS2000 seriesamplifier in a base station. The described installation verification checks should beperformed following installation of the MCPS2000 and after major maintenance orrepairs have been completed.The main installation steps detailed in this procedure are as follows.• Installation Planning• Installation Preparation• Rack Installation• Cable and Wire Installation• Verify Installation• Power-Up the MCPS2000• Determine Required RF Input Power• Set RF Input Power for each Channel2.1.1 Safety InformationPlease read and understand the instructions and warnings in this section and at thebeginning of this manual before handling or unpacking the MCPS2000 modules.The MCPS2000 is designed to be installed by trained and qualified technicians.Each MCPS2000 amplifier module and the shelf subassembly weigh 20 kgs (44 lbs);when crated for shipping an MCPS2000 system can weigh in excess of 100 kgs (220lbs) and be unbalanced. To avoid injuries or damage, use care and obtain assistancewhen lifting a crate containing MCPS2000 components.
Installation PlanningMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page62.2 Installation PlanningIt is important to ensure all planning and site preparation is complete prior tobeginning to install the MCPS2000.  This section describes some installationconsiderations and the information required before beginning the installationprocedure.2.2.1  Site Planning GuideFor each MCPS2000 cell site installation, there must be a Site Planning or SiteEngineering guide giving the detailed information on the site considerations, rackinstallation, cable connections, and Radio Parameters. Site ConsiderationsIntended InstallationsThe MCPS2000 is intended for installation only in restricted access areas (dedicatedequipment rooms, equipment closets, or the like) in accordance with Articles 110-16,-17, and -18 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70.WeightThe MCPS2000 shelf and each RF module weigh approximately 20 kg (44 pounds);the fully equipped system weighs 100 kg (220 pounds).  The system must beinstalled, using the appropriate mounting kit, into a rack capable of supporting theunit, and located on a floor or surface capable of supporting the combined weight ofthe rack, the MCPS2000, and the installer or technician.Floor CoveringIf you intend to use a floor covering under the MCPS2000, avoid combustiblematerials, industrial carpeting, or materials that will permit generation ofelectrostatic charges.IlluminationThe MCPS2000 is designed to be installed and serviced under normal workroomlighting. During installation, room lighting must be bright enough to allow readinginstructions and inspection of modules, but not so bright as to interfere with viewingthe status LED indicators on the front panel. The MCPS2000 should be oriented orshielded so that direct sunlight does not fall upon the front panel.Fire ProtectionSpectrian recommends that the MCPS2000 installation site be equipped with smokedetectors and an automatic fire-extinguishing system. In addition, for personnelsafety, the site should be equipped with a portable halogen or CO2 fire extinguisher.AltitudeWhen installing the MCPS2000 above 5000 ft (1542 m), derate the maximumoperating temperature by 2° C per 1000 ft (304 m) above 5000 ft.VentilationThe MCPS2000 requires unrestricted airflow around the MCPS2000. The site mustbe ventilated or air-conditioned so that ventilation air does not exceed 50° Celsius.
Installation and OperationMCPS2000 System Operation 7Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first pageAmbient air qualityThe MCPS2000 should be installed in a location that is free of airborne dust andtoxic or corrosive fumes.Vibration and NoiseThe MCPS2000 tolerates moderate levels of vibration and ambient noise. TheMCPS2000 should not be installed in a location subject to mechanical shocks orvibrations conducted from nearby mechanical equipment. The MCPS2000 generatesfan noise below 85 dBa during operation and no additional acoustic treatment of thesite is needed.Lightning ProtectionSpectrian recommends that when used in locations subject to lightning discharge, allpower, RF, and signal lines that connect to the MCPS2000 be protected by approvedlightning arrestors. Your local fire or safety codes will determine the type oflightning protection required.  Rack Installation ConsiderationsRack SpaceThe MCPS2000 requires 8RU of rack space in a 24” rack (four-slot shelves) or a 19”rack (three-slot shelves).  Optional mounting hardware for other rack sizes is alsoavailable. When used, the optional preamplifier requires an additional 2RU above theshelf.ClearanceWhen operating, the MCPS2000 requires front cabinet clearance for unrestricted coolingair input, plus a minimum of 8 inches behind the MCPS2000 to exhaust hot air. Someadditional rear clearance is desirable to accommodate routing the RF input and outputcables and the DC power cables to their connections on the rear of the unit.   Cable ConnectionsDC Power SupplyThe MCPS2000 requires customer-supplied connections to the site +27 VDC powersupply. The MCPS2000 is normally connected to the power supply with a separateconnection for each RF module; a single connection to each shelf is also possibleusing the optional shelf power bus. The following tables show the required currentand recommended power service for MCPS2000 systems with the indicated numberof active amplifier modules installed in a system shelf.
Installation PlanningMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page8Individual Power Connections to each RF Module# RFModules RF OutputPower I(Max),27 VDC Recommended Service1 100W 42 Amps 2 wires (2/module), #6AWG, #10 lugs1 ea 50A Circuit Breaker2 175W 87 Amps 4 wires (2/module), #6AWG, #10 lugs2 ea 50A Circuit Breaker3 260W 130 Amps 6 wires (2/module), #6AWG, #10 lugs3 ea 50A Circuit Breaker4 350W 170 Amps 8 wires (2/module), #6AWG, #10 lugs4 ea 50A Circuit BreakerSingle Bussed ConnectionWhen using the bussed connection option, the service should be sized for a fullyequipped shelf even if the shelf is not initially fully populated to enable futureexpansion.Recommended Service: 2 Wires, #2AWG, ¼”narrow tongue lug (T&B 55116 orequivalent); 1 ea 200A Circuit Breaker.Chassis Ground WireThe MCPS2000 shelf requires a customer-supplied chassis ground connection using#8AWG with a ¼” ring lug .RF Input and Output CablesThe MCPS2000 requires a single customer-supplied SMA male RF input cable and asingle customer-supplied male type-N RF output cable.  The female connectors areon the rear of the MCPS2000 shelf.Alarm Interface CablesThe MCPS2000 requires customer-supplied interface cables to the system alarminterfaces.  The standard system has screw terminal connections for form C relayalarm contacts; optional RS 422 or 485 serial connections are also available.  Thealarm connection options for this MCPS2000 are listed in the Appendix.Radio ParametersTo set up the MCPS2000, the installer must know the radio parameters for theMCPS2000 installation.• Total Planned Output Power• Number of CDMA Frequency Assignments and power of each• Number of AMPS/TDMA/CDPD Channels• Planned System GainInstallation EquipmentRefer to the Tools and Materials listing in the following sections for the requiredMCPS2000 installation and test supplies.
Installation and OperationMCPS2000 System Operation 9Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page2.3 Prepare for InstallationBefore beginning the installation, verify that all the necessary site and radioinformation, installation materials, tools, and MPCS2000 equipment are on hand.Correct any problems or omissions before continuing. If necessary, refer to thefollowing Receiving and Unpacking Procedure to prepare the MCPS2000equipment.Receiving and Unpacking ProcedureA Inventory Received Equipment1. Upon receipt of the MC2004 remove the packing lists, installation kit, and otherdocuments attached to the shipping container.2. Examine shipping documents to make certain that they agree with your copy ofthe order. If there is a discrepancy between the order and the items or quantityshipped, contact your Spectrian representative listed in the front of this manual.3. Check the packing list and verify that all necessary equipment has beendelivered, and that the parts are undamaged. If any evidence of shipping damageis noted, notify the delivery agency before continuing.☛ NOTE: If the container or contents appear to be damaged, you must contact thecarrier without delay and file a damage claim. If shipping damage occurred, thecarrier may wish to have a claims agent present when theMCPS2000 is unpackedand inspected. To protect your warranty rights, you must also notify yourSpectrian representative and advise that theMCPS2000 was damaged duringshipment.B Unpack Received EquipmentUncrating, inspecting, and preparing the MCPS2000 for site installation will requiresome tools and materials not included in the shipment. Use of the followingmaterials is suggested to perform these tasks.☛ Assemble all tools, materials, and safety equipment before beginning work.Safety Equipment• Safety glasses • Work gloves • Steel-toe shoes • Back-support beltTools• Box knife • Pair of large scissors • Inspection flashlight or lamp• Pen or pencil • Strap cutter  • Straight-blade screwdriverOther Materials•Purchase Order (copy) • Packing List (copy)1. Open the shipping container(s) and inspect the contents. Using the requiredsafety equipment and tools, carefully cut the metal and/or nylon straps thatsurround the shipping containers. When using a box knife or scissors, take carenot to damage the contents of the box. Take care to avoid scratching the cabinetfinish.2. Do not remove the ESD protective wrapping that surrounds the cabinet, unlesswearing and ESD protective wrist strap. If possible remove this material byunwrapping the MCPS2000 by hand, rather than cutting this material with
Prepare for InstallationMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page10scissors or knives. Spectrian recommends not removing the protective wrappinguntil installation.3. Remove spacers, packing inserts, protective coverings, plastic bags, and othershipping materials from the outside of the MCPS2000. Avoid using knives orscissors to perform this task.4. Carefully collect and dispose of the packing materials. Many of the packingmaterials used by Spectrian are suitable for recycling and need not contribute tolandfills.5. While inspecting the unpacked MCPS2000 compare the quantity and labeling ofeach module with shipping documents and the purchase order. If there is anunresolved discrepancy between the order and the items received, contact yourSpectrian representative.6. Inspect the MCPS2000 exterior for evidence of shipping damage. Metal surfacesshould not be dented or scratched. Panels, handles, screws, and indicators shouldappear undamaged and properly aligned. Connectors should be tightly affixed tothe cabinet, with no visible dents or distortion.☛ Note: If you discover damage during inspection, contact the shipper and Spectrianat once. The shipper will furnish instructions on how to document the discovereddamage. Spectrian will arrange to promptly ship replacement parts.C Repackaging for Return ShipmentDetailed repackaging instructions are beyond the scope of this document. If itbecomes necessary to repackage parts of the MCPS2000 for return shipment to thefactory, contact Spectrian Customer Service for detailed instructions..
Installation and OperationMCPS2000 System Operation 11Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page2.4 InstallationThis chapter provides instructions for site preparation and hardware installation.Each MCPS2000 features rear-access RF input and output connectors, a DC voltageinput receptacle, and a front-access RS-232 status interface connector.  Additionaloptional features include a rear-access RS-422 or RS-485 serial interface connectorand a remote alarms interface connector.  Specific connector pinout information foryour MCPS2000 configuration is provided in the Appendix.☛ Local building and fire codes govern the manner in which some site preparationand installation tasks are performed. If there are any questions concerning howthe  site installation conforms to local building codes, Spectrian recommends thatyou consult your local building inspector or a licensed engineer.2.4.1  Task safety equipment, tools and materialsThe following safety equipment, tools, and materials are recommended to performthe installation tasks in this section.Safety Equipment• Safety glasses • Work gloves • Back-support beltTools• Flat and Phillips screwdrivers • Adjustable wrench• Inspection lamp or flashlight • Volt-Ohmmeter (VOM)• ESD protective wrist strap or continuity testerMaterials• Pressurized can of spray-on contact cleaner• Rack-mounting hardware and fasteners• DC Power, RF, and signal cables• Crimp-on circular lugs• 10 AWG solid copper ground wire2.4.2 Rack InstallationThe MCPS2000 mounts in the equipment rack using rack-mounted side support rails.The MCPS2000 shelf subassemblies are labeled with the part and serial numbers,using standard EIA part identification, date code, and serializing methods.  It is alsolabeled with the appropriate FCC approvals.The MCPS2000 shelf subassembly contains all internal wiring for DC power and RFsignal distribution to the RF modules and the interfaces to the cell site. Brushless DCcooling fans are mounted on each RF module; cooling air is drawn through grilleopenings in the front of each module and discharged through the rear.☛ Warning: The MCPS2000 shelf sub-assembly is heavy.  Use caution when lifting.
InstallationMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page122.4.2.1 Install Shelf Subassembly1. Make certain that adequate vertical space (8RU) within the rack enclosure isavailable. Verify that there will be at least 20cm (8 inches) of space behind theunit when installed for cooling air flow.2. Put on an ESD protective wrist strap.3. Unpack the MCPS2000 side mounting rails and attachment hardware and installthem in the rack as shown on the accompanying job sheet.4. Unpack the MCPS2000 shelf and record its serial number. Ensure the shelf is inthe proper upright vertical orientation and slide it onto the mounting rails.5. Use the supplied mounting screws to attach the shelf to the rack.  Install Modules in Shelf6. Unpack each RF module.  Align each module with the guides in an amplifierslot and slide the module as far as possible into the shelf, making sure themodule is fully seated.  Note that each module weighs approximately 20 kgs (44lbs); get a helper to assist if necessary. Tighten the fasteners at the bottom ofeach faceplate to lock the modules in place.7. Unpack and install the Amplifier Management Module (AMM) module in therightmost slot of the shelf.  Tighten the fastener at the bottom of the faceplate tolock the module in place.8. Inspect the alignment of the finished installation, and adjust if needed. If noproblems are found, rack installation is complete.2.4.3  Cable and Wire Connections2.4.3.1  Connect Chassis Ground Wire9. Locate the chassis ground stud on the rear of the MCPS2000 for ground wireattachment.10. Measure the distance and routing between the MCPS2000 ground stud and anattachment point to earth ground. Cut a length of #8 AWG insulated (green)solid copper wire sufficient for the connection.11. Crimp a ¼”circular lug to one end of the ground wire.12. Remove the nut and lock washer on the MCPS2000 ground stud.  Attach the DCground wire lug to the grounding stud on the MCPS2000, and replace the lockwasher and nut.  Tighten the nut securely.13. Connect the other end of the ground wire to the appropriate earth ground.14. Use a VOM to verify that the resistance between the chassis ground and trueearth ground is less than 100 Ohms.15. Inspect the finished connection. If no problems are discovered, ground wireinstallation is complete.
Installation and OperationMCPS2000 System Operation 13Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page2.4.3.2  Connect DC Input Power CablesThe MCPS2000 power connection can be made using a pair of wires for each RFmodule, or via a single bussed connection. The DC input voltage cabling must beterminated by crimped lugs and sized to the correct wire gauge to accommodate thewire length and the DC current requirements of the MCPS2000 in accordance withlocal building codes and industry practice. Refer to paragraph for therecommended power supply circuit and wire sizing for each option.☛ WARNING: Do not perform DC lead installation with energized leads. Ensurethat the DC power supply is OFF for all installation activities!16. Locate the positive and negative terminals on the customer-provided DC powersource, and verify polarity with a VOM.17. Locate the power supply lugs at the top of the rear of the shelf subassembly.The four #10 lugs for the per-RF-Module connection option, the single pair of¼” lugs are for the bussed power option.  Determine which set of lugs will beused for this installation.18. Measure the distance and routing between the power source and the MCPS2000DC lugs.19. For each power connection being made, cut equal lengths of wire for power andreturn.  Strip and connect each wire to the appropriate power connection.☛ Verify the polarity of each supply wire prior to connecting them to the shelfsubassembly. A reversed-polarity connection will severely damage the MCPS2000and will void the product warranty.20. Crimp the appropriate terminal lugs onto each power supply wire.21. Attach one positive supply wire and one return wire to each of the four sets thepower supply lugs at the top of the rear of the shelf subassembly. Tighten theattachment nuts firmly.  Connect RF Output and Input CablesThe MCPS2000 has one female type-N amplified RF output for connection to acustomer-supplied coaxial cable terminated with a male connector, and one femaleSMA RF input for connection to an operator-supplied input cable terminated with amale SMA connector.☛ Important: The integrity of RF cabling is critical to the electrical performance ofthe MCPS2000. Ensure connectors are properly built,  free of debris, and clean.☛ WARNING: Do not perform RF cable installation with DC power supplied to theMCPS2000.  Ensure that the input DC power supply is OFF before handling RFcables.☛ Important:  The Output cable must be connected before connecting the Inputcable.22. Locate the male N-type RF output connector on the end of the coaxial cableattached to the output load. Inspect the connector and clean if necessary; fix anyproblems with the cable or connector before proceeding.23. Locate the female connector labeled “RF OUTPUT” on the MCPS2000.
InstallationMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page1424. Screw the male cable connector firmly into the female RF output connector ofthe MCPS2000.25. Locate the male input RF connector on the end of the coaxial cable from the RFsignal source. Inspect the connector for damage or irregularity, and fix anyproblems with the cable or connector before proceeding.26. Locate the female SMA connector labeled “RF INPUT” on the rear of theMCPS2000.27. Screw the male cable connector firmly onto the MCPS2000 female connector.  Connect Alarm Interface Cables28. The MCPS2000 provides optional factory-configured connections for drycontact, TTL, RS-422, or RS-485 communications and alarm output to thecustomer system. Refer to the connector pinout and descriptions in the Appendixfor the connections applicable to your MCPS2000.29. Locate the interface connectors located on the rear of the shelf subassemblybehind the Amplifier Management Module (AMM).  Inspect the connector andclean if necessary; fix any problems with the cable or connector beforeproceeding.30. Connect the male connector or input wires to the connector mounted on theMCPS2000.   Tighten the two screws on the cable connector (if any) firmly.2.4.4 Finish Installation2.4.4.1  Set the MCPS2000 unit addressEach MCPS2000 may be configured with a unique address (0 – 7) for commandsand status reports sent through the RS-422 or RS-485 port.31. If this option is included in the MCPS2000, locate the rotary switch on the rearof the MCPS2000 Amplifier Management Module.32. Set the switch to the desired address. Verify Installation33. Recheck all physical and electrical connections to the MCPS2000 and remedyany problems discovered.Once the installation is verified, the MCPS2000 is ready to be set up to be placed inservice, as described in the next section of this chapter.
Installation and OperationMCPS2000 System Operation 15Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page2.5 System Start-Up2.5.1  Safety Information and ToolsTo avoid injury, installers, technicians, and maintenance personnel must followSpectrian's recommended procedures and observe safety precautions.☛ Important: The MCPS2000 should be only operated by trained and qualifiedpersonnel. Always follow safety warnings.☛ Note: Before shipment, the MCPS2000 was inspected and found free ofmechanical and electrical defects. The electrical performance of the MCPS2000should be verified using these procedures. If there is any deficiency, or if electricalperformance is not within specifications, notify your Spectrian representativeimmediately.☛ Warning: Persons with cardiac pacemakers should avoid exposure to RF radiatingelements.☛ Warning: Exposing the human eye to high levels of radio-frequency radiation mayresult in the formation of cataracts. Do not operate exposed circuitry or radiatingelements with personnel in close proximity to the radiating source. Always replacecovers and shields during operation.ToolsThe following tools are recommended to perform installation tasks.• HP 436 Power meter • Volt-Ohmmeter (VOM)2.5.2  Verify system installationBefore operating the MCPS2000, verify proper installation as described in theprevious section.34. Verify that there are no obstructions to airflow in the front or rear of theMCPS2000.35. Ensure that the DC power supply at the site is functioning normally.  DO NOTturn on the DC supply to the MCPS2000 at this time.36. Ensure that the MCPS2000 is physically connected to an input RF signal sourceand terminated in an output load.  DO NOT turn on the RF signal source at thistime.37. If used, verify that the MCPS2000 address is set correctly.☛ WARNING: The RF output of the MCPS2000 should be connected to a 50-ohmload before DC power is turned on.  If a dummy load is used, it must be capable ofdissipating at least 350 watt average power and 4500 watts of peak power.After mechanical and electrical installation tasks are complete, the MCPS2000 isready for power-on check.
System Start-UpMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page162.5.3  Power Up the MCPS2000☛ Important: Read and understand the following steps before taking any action.38. Switch on the DC input power to the MCPS2000.  Measure the input voltage atthe bus bar connections at the rear of the unit and verify it is 27VDC.  Adjust thepower supply if necessary.The MCPS2000 AMM POWER LED should be GREEN, indicating that the unitis functional and that in input voltage is between 24 and 28 VDC.  If thePOWER LED is amber, red, or does not light, turn off the DC input power andcorrect the power supply fault.The MCPS2000 RF modules will automatically be ENABLED.  All four LEDson each MCPA module should be GREEN.To DISABLE an RF module, set the front panel ENABLE/DISABLE switch toDISABLE; the ENABLE LED will be RED.39. Wait 5 minutes for the MCPS2000 to reach a stable operating temperature andto charge the real-time clock backup power.  DO NOT apply commercial trafficsignal power during this time.40. If the MCPS2000 is connected to a remote operations center via one of the rearpanel interface connections, verify no alarms have been reported.41. Verify that all MCPS2000 LED indicators remain GREEN.42. If any LED indicators are AMBER or RED, then RF modules are disabled orthere is a problem which much be remedied before continuing.If no problems are encountered, continue to the next step, determining therequired RF input drive power as described below.2.5.4  Determine the required RF input power☛ Note: The MCPS2000 should be powered on and enabled before the RF inputpower is applied.43. Before applying the RF input power to the MCPS2000, determine the inputdrive level and output power needed for each channel being amplified by usingthe attached worksheet.44. Before applying RF input power to the MCPS2000, verify that the applied RFinput power for a single channel and the sum of all channels is below thecalculated maximum rated RF input.Once the required RF input power for each channel is determined, continue to thenext step, setting the RF input drive power.2.5.5  Set RF input drive power for each channel☛ Note: If RF Input Cable is connected to the MCPS2000, disconnect it from theMCPS2000 and connect it to the Power Meter for the following step.45. Switch on the RF input drive power at the customer provided host systemexciter following the instructions supplied with your RF source equipment.
Installation and OperationMCPS2000 System Operation 17Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page46. Set and verify the RF input drive level for each individual channela. Key-on each RF input channel individually.b. Monitor the RF input using a HP436A or equivalent power.c. Verify that the maximum input power for that channel does not exceed thecalculated levels on the RF Drive Power worksheet (line G).d. Key off the channel and repeat for the remaining channels.  Continue toverify the required channel input power is not exceeded.47. After verifying the power of each individual channel individually, ensure thatthe total average input power remains less than or equal to the maximum ratedcomposite power (-1.6 dBm).a. Key-on all channels at one time, including any CDMA F.A.s, and continueto monitor input power.If the average composite input power exceeds the calculated averagecomposite input  power (line H), readjust all channels as necessary to ensureaverage input power remains less than or equal to specifications.RF Drive Power WorksheetA) Total output power (POUT) required = W dBmB)  Determine total output required for each fully loadedCDMA Frequency Assignment (FA):      # of FA’s =total  power per FA =total CDMA power (PCDMA) =Total available analog power (PAN ) =(PAN = POUT – PCDMA)WD)  Total # of analog channels, including setup (#ch)  =E)  Maximum per channel analog output power (PAN/ch) =       (PAN/ch = PAN/# of channels) WdBmF) System Gain (Gain) =                              dBG) Maximum per channel analog input power (PIN/ch ) =(PIN/ch  in dBm = PAN/ch in dBm – Gain in dB)                              dBmH) Maximum composite input power (PIN)=(PIN= POUT in dBm – Gain in dB)                              dBm
Monitoring the MCPS2000 operationMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page182.6  Monitoring the MCPS2000 operationThe MCPS2000 Amplifier Management Module (AMM) has a front panel RS-232status port. This port can be used to monitor the operation and status of theMCPS2000 using a laptop computer or VT-100 compatible ASCII terminal.There are two monitoring options.• A LabView-based GUI, which can run on Windows95, 98, or NT4.0-basedlaptop computers• A VT-100 compatible status display, which can also be used with a laptopcomputer running a terminal emulation program such as the Windows Terminalaccessory.Documentation of these interfaces is included in the software distribution.
TroubleshootingMCPS2000 System Operation 19Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page3 Troubleshooting3.1 IntroductionThis chapter provides basic information about diagnosis of problems with theMCPS2000. Please read the following safety information prior to beginningdiagnosis and repair actions.☛ Important: Troubleshooting and repairs should be performed only by trained andqualified personnel or at authorized Spectrian repair depots. Observe all safetywarnings and use the required safety equipment when performing the tasksdescribed in this chapter.3.1.1 Safety InformationTo avoid injury, installers, technicians, and maintenance personnel must followSpectrian's recommended procedures and observe all safety precautions.☛ The MCPS2000 transmits high power at radio frequencies.  Severe radiation burnscan occur if recommended safety precautions are not strictly observed.☛ Warning: Persons with cardiac pacemakers should avoid exposure to RF radiatingelements.☛ Warning: Exposing the human eye to high levels of radio-frequency radiation mayresult in the formation of cataracts. Do not operate exposed circuitry or radiatingelements with personnel in close proximity to the radiating source. Always replacecovers and shields during operation.☛ Except where specifically indicated, always disconnect RF input power and DCinput power to the MCPS2000 before performing procedures that do not requirepower. For those procedures that do require power, be extremely cautious inhandling test leads, tools, and equipment near live circuits. Never reach into anenclosure for the purpose of servicing or adjusting except in the presence of aperson who can render aid.3.2 Alarm DefinitionsFault management may be accomplished by various means with the MCPS2000.The MCPS2000 includes alarm LEDs, an RS-232 diagnostics port, and an optionalbase station status/alarm interface. These LEDs may be used for visual diagnosticsby on-site technicians.3.2.1 Alarm classificationThe MCPS2000 fault management subsystem classifies faults into three categories.In order of escalation, these are minor faults, major faults, and critical faults.
Alarm DefinitionsMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page203.2.1.1 Minor AlarmA minor problem exists, but the fault does not require a module to be taken out ofservice.Routine service attention is recommended.  Major AlarmA major problem exists such that the MCPS2000 is not meeting all performancespecifications, but the unit is not automatically disabled.Urgent service attention is required or the unit may take itself out of service. Critical AlarmA major failure or a condition exists that could result in damage.  The MCPS2000 isautomatically taken out of service.Immediate service attention is required.3.2.2 Alarm ResponsesThe fault management system automatically responds when a fault is detected.Responses vary in impact from alarm notification with no subsequent action (forminor faults) to alarm notification and shut-down (for out-of-service faults). Thehierarchy of responses is designed to keep the MCPS2000 in operation unlesscontinued operation would result in damage to the unit. Under some fault conditions,the MCPS2000 continues to operate in a degraded state. The operator may choose tocontinue to operate in a degraded state, shed channels, or shut down the MCPS2000until repairs can be completed. Automatic Alarm resetsCritical AlarmWhen a critical alarm occurs, the MCPS2000 will automatically be DISABLED (i.e.,taken out of service) until the operator ENABLES the unit.Major AlarmWhen a major fault is detected, the MCPS2000 attempts to clear the fault byperforming a reset.  In most cases, the MCPS2000 will attempt to reset three times.If the alarm condition fails to clear after three attempts, the MCPS2000 remains inoperation with the fault alarm set.In the case of an over-temperature major alarm, the fault manager will attempt toclear the alarm one time only by resetting.  If the fault condition does not clear, thealarm classification will escalate to out-of-service, and the MCPS2000 will shutdown and remain off-line until returned to service by the operator.Alarm Transient SupressionTo minimize false alarms from transient anomalies, the fault management system isdesigned with built-in hysteresis.  If the fault condition persists past the hysteresisinterval, the appropriate fault alarm is set.
TroubleshootingMCPS2000 System Operation 21Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page3.2.2.2 Manual Alarm resetsWhen a major Alarm is detected the operator may choose from the followingoptions:• Take no action and allow the MCPS2000 to operate in a degraded state untilservice can be performed.• Shed input channels to reduce the power to the MCPS2000.• Disable the RF Module using the front panel switch, diagnostic port, or optionalbase station alarm and control interface• Enable the faulting RF using the front panel amplifier switch, diagnostic port, oroptional base station alarm and control interface, assuming that a false alarm hasoccurred, and wait to see if the fault alarm returns.☛ This action involves risk to the MCPS2000 and is not recommended by Spectrian.Re-enabling an off-line MCPS2000 without determining the cause of the faultcould result in damage and void the product warranty.3.3 Troubleshooting3.3.1  Using LED IndicatorsEach MCPS2000 RF Module is equipped with four LED indicators mounted on thefront panel. The system Alarm Management Module has two LED indictors mountedon the front panel. These indicators provide useful status and diagnostic informationto operators and technicians.RF LED Green Amber RedPower Voltage OK, 26 VDC 22-24 V  or 28-29V; RFhas degraded performance <22 V or >29V; RFshuts downEnabled Enabled N/a DisabledStatus OK Minor Alarm Major or CriticalAlarmFan OK N/a Fan FailureAMM LED Green Amber RedDC Power Voltage OK, 26 VDC 22-24 V  or 28-29V;system has degradedperformance<22 V or >29V;system shuts downStatus No Faults N/a System Fault Exists3.3.2  Using Diagnostic Port outputUse of the Diagnostic Port is described in the release notes with the interfacesoftware distribution.
IntroductionMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page223.3.3 Using Remote Alarm MonitoringThe MCPS2000 can include an optional alarm or control interface to base stationmonitoring systems. These systems provide a serial interface to transmit status codesto a remote host computer and receive a limited set of commands from the host. Forsystem with such an interface, the interface is described in detail in the specificationsAppendix.☛ Note: The MCPS2000 fault management system and its associated alarms andfault indicators operate independently of the serial  interface.4 Field Service Procedures4.1 Introduction☛ Important: TheMCPS2000 should be serviced  only by trained and qualifiedpersonnel. Always follow safety warnings.☛ Note: Before shipment, theMCPS2000 was inspected and found free of mechanicaland electrical defects. The electrical performance of theMCPS2000 should beverified using these procedures. If there is any deficiency, or if electricalperformance is not within specifications, notify your Spectrian representativeimmediately.4.1.1  Safety Precautions and ToolsTo avoid injury, installers, technicians, and maintenance personnel must followSpectrian's recommended procedures and observe safety precautions.☛ Warning: Persons with cardiac pacemakers should avoid exposure to RF radiatingelements.☛ Warning: Exposing the human eye to high levels of radio-frequency radiation mayresult in the formation of cataracts. Do not operate exposed circuitry or radiatingelements with personnel in close proximity to the radiating source. Always replacecovers and shields during operation.ToolsThe following tools are recommended to perform system service tasks.• HP 436 Power meter • Volt-Ohmmeter (VOM)
Field Service ProceduresMCPS2000 System Operation 23Spectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page4.2 Periodic Maintenance4.2.1 Dust RemovalKeep the air inputs and outputs of the MCPS2000 free of dust or other material thatcould block cooling airflow.4.2.2 Visual InspectionPeriodically visually inspect the MCPS2000 to ensure that all indicators arefunctioning normally and that all system interfaces are properly connected.4.3 Module ReplacementThe RF and AMM modules of theMCPS2000 are hot-swappable Field ReplaceableUnits (FRUs) which can be removed and inserted while the system is online withoutaffecting the operation of the other units in the system.4.3.1  Replacing an RF Module☛ WARNING: The RF Module is very heavy (20kgs / 44 lbs.) Get assistance ifnecessary.7. Disable the RF Module being replaced by switching the front panel switch toDISABLE. The ENABLE LED will be RED.8. Undo the RF Module front panel fastener.9. Slide the RF Module out of the shelf subassembly.10. Place the RF module in a safe, static-free location.11. Insert the replacement RF Module.12. Fasten the RF Module front panel fastener.13. The RF Module will automatically ENABLE; the ENABLE LED will beGREEN.4.3.2 Replacing an AMM1. Undo the AMM front panel fasteners.2. Slide the AMM module out of the shelf subassembly.3. Place the AMM in a safe, static-free location.4. Slide the new AMM into the shelf sub-assembly.5. Fasten the AMM front panel fastener.6. The POWER LED will be GREEN.
Module ServiceMCPS2000 Operations ManualSpectrian Proprietary -- See notice on first page244.3.3  Replacing shelf subassembly☛ Caution: Turn off the DC voltage and RF power prior to replacing a MCPS2000.Remove all DC and RF connectors prior to removing the MCPS2000 from therack.1. Remove the RF Modules’ front panel retaining screws.2. Remove the RF modules from the rack.☛ WARNING: The RF Module is very heavy (20kgs / 44 lbs.) Get assistance ifnecessary.3. Set each RF Module aside in a clean, safe place, free of electrostatic charges.4. Remove the rack retaining screws. Grasp the front panel with both hands andpull the MCPS2000 straight out from the rack.5. Set the disconnected MCPS2000 aside in a clean, safe place, free of electrostaticcharges.6. Remove the replacement MCPS2000 from its static-protective packaging.☛ Note: You may wish to record the serial number on your repair record beforeinstalling the module.7. Follow the installation and operation instructions in Chapter 2 to place the unitback in service.4.4 Module Service4.4.1  Replacing MCPS2000 Fan Modules8. Remove the RF module with the failed fan from the rack. Note that thsemodules are heavy (20kgs / 44 lbs each).9. Place the RF module on a clean, static-free work surface.10. Remove the screws securing the fan module to the RF module.11. Disconnect the wiring harness from the fan module.12. Connect the harness to the new fan module.13. Replace the fan module and replace the attachment screws.Replace the RF module in the rack.  The unit will automatically enable; the FANindicator LED should be GREEN.

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