Precise Biometrics MS010015 Finger Print Reader User Manual 100a2000 200103

Precise Biometrics AB Finger Print Reader 100a2000 200103


User’s Guidefor Precise 100 APrecise 100 Logon 2.1Windows NT/2000Fingerprint Identification SystemPrecise 100 A
NoticeElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) NoticesFor Europe: This digital equipment fulfils the requirements for radiated emission according to limit B of EN55022: 1994 and the requirements for immunity according to EN55024:1998 residential, commercial and light industry. For the U.S.A.: FCCFor Precise 100 SC reader:This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.For Precise 100 A reader:This device complies with part 15, subpart B, class B of the FCC Rules demonstratedby compliance with EN55022: 1994, class B. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this devicemust accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.The information in this user’s manual is protected by copyright and may not be repro-duced in any form without written consent from Precise Biometrics. The information inthis user’s manual is subject to change without notice.Precise Biometrics shall not be liable for any technical or editorial errors herein, nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this book. This user’s guide is published by Precise Biometrics, without any warranty. The Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software is protected by copyright of Precise Biometrics.© Precise Biometrics AB, 2001info@precisebiometrics.comwww.precisebiometrics.comPhone  +46 (0)46 31 11 00Fax  +46 (0)46 31 11 01Address: Dag Hammarskjölds v 2SE-224 64 LundSwedenAll rights reserved. Third Edition April 2001P/N: AM010005 R3B2
3ContentChapter 1Introduction 5What’s New in Precise Logon 2.1  5Precise 100 A – the Fingerprint Reader  6Why Use Fingerprint Technology?  7About Precise 100 Family  8Possible configuration  8Icons and Conventions  9Chapter 2Installation 10Minimum System Requirements  11Preparing Installation  12Setting the Parallel Port  12Connecting the Fingerprint Reader to the Computer  13Installing the Fingerprint Identification Software  14Installing the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 Software  15Precise Demo  16Port Configuration  17Attaching the Fingerprint Reader  18Replacing the Adhesive Tape 18Chapter 3Using the Fingerprint Reader 19Placing Your Finger Correctly on the Fingerprint Reader  20Correct Finger Placement   20Fingerprint Reader Maintenance  25Chapter 4Personal Enrolment – Administrating Your Own User Account 26Administrating Your Own User Account  26Biometric and Non-Biometric Users  26Enrolment via the Windows Security Screen  27
4Chapter 5NOTE: Chapter 5 is for administrators. Users without administrator rights do not have access to the BioManager.The BioManager for Domains 32Introduction to BioManager for Domains 33Biometric and Non-Biometric Users  33Accessing the BioManager  34Changing Domain  34About Primary Logon Fingers  35About Passwords  35Auto-generated Passwords  36About the Security Level  37Setting the Security Level  38Passwords and Security Level  38Fingerprint Registration  39Beginning Fingerprint Registration of a New User  39Beginning Fingerprint Registration of an Existing User  41Continue Fingerprint Registration   42Checking and Changing a User’s Properties  45Deleting a User  46Chapter 6Logging on 47Logging on with Fingerprint 48Logging on with a Password  50Chapter 7Locking and Unlocking 51Locking a Workstation   52Unlocking a Workstation   53Unlocking with Fingerprint  53Unlocking with a Password  54Chapter 8Troubleshooting 55Password Troubleshooting  56Chapter 9Uninstalling 57Uninstalling the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 Software on Windows NT 57Uninstalling the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 Software on Windows 2000  58Uninstalling the Precise 100 Parallel Drivers 58Glossary 59
5Chapter 1Congratulations on selecting Precise Biometrics’ Fingerprint Identification System! Usingyour fingerprint for identification is an easy and secure way to prove your identity. Pleaseread this chapter before you install and use the system.This chapter includes the following information:• What’s new in Precise Logon 2.1• The fingerprint reader• The fingerprint identification process• Why use fingerprint technology?• The Precise 100 family• Icons and conventionsWhat’s New in Precise Logon 2.1Three new main features are introduced with the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software:1. To enable biometric logon to a network, the installation of Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software is only needed on the client PCs. There is no need for any additional software installation on the domain server.2. The domain administrator has the possibility to remotely administrate user accounts on the domain server by using the BioManager for Domains application, i.e. administration can be done from any workstation in the network having the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 installed. The BioManager for Domains application is included in the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software.3. The user has the possibility to remotely (i.e. from his own PC) enrol and re-enrol fingerprints, changing primary logon finger etc. for his own user account, called personal enrolment.IntroductionChapter 1 Introduction
Precise 100 A The Fingerprint ReaderThe fingerprint reader includes a sensor for reading fingerprints. When you place yourfinger on the fingerprint reader, the part of the finger that touches the sensor is read. Thesensor measures the capacitance in the finger pad, which reveals the pattern of thefingerprint. Thus, a paper copy with a picture of a fingerprint can not grant access to thesystem. The Precise 100 A fingerprint readerThe Fingerprint Identification ProcessWhen logging into a system, your fingerprint is compared to a fingerprint template, i.e. adata file containing information about the fingerprint, stored on a hard disk.The fingerprint template is a set of characteristics which are unique for one specific finger-print and not an image of your fingerprint. Your actual fingerprints cannot be recreatedusing the data from the fingerprint template.If your fingerprint matches the fingerprint template, the system will grant you access. If thematch is not successful, the system will deny access. It takes less than one second for thesystem to compare a read fingerprint with the information in the database. All informationsent between the fingerprint reader and computer is encrypted for maximum security.At logon, you simply enter your username and place your finger on the fingerprint readerto log into the system!Chapter 1 Introduction6
7Why Use Fingerprint Technology?In modern society, there is a vast need for secure identification, for instance when log-ging into computer network. An unauthorised person who obtains access to computerfiles constitutes a major risk to many companies. In order to prevent unauthorised access,network users have previously identified themselves with a password entered togetherwith the username when logging into a network. The disadvantages of passwords:• Unreliable identification. An unauthorised person who knows your password can easily access your user account.• A complicated system. In order to increase security, users are regularly asked to change their passwords. This makes it difficult to remember a password.• Users forget their passwords, this increase the administration workload.• Users write down their passwords on notes and store them close to their applications. This can be a serious security hazard.The advantages of fingerprint identification:• Secure identification. By identifying yourself with your fingerprint, you use a unique “key” to access your user account. All your fingerprints are unique – no person has identical fingerprints.• Simplicity. It is simple to use fingerprints for identification. You do not have to worry about changing or memorising passwords anymore – your fingerprint provides secure identification, year after year.Simply put, with Precise 100 A, you are identified by who you are, not by what you know!Chapter 1 Introduction
8About the Precise 100 FamilyPrecise 100 A Logon – For Windows NT/2000, local or in an NT domain. Fingerprintdata is stored on the local hard drive, or server hard drive. For logon to local accountsand/or domain server accounts.Precise 100 SC Logon – For Windows NT/2000, local or in an NT domain. For maxi-mum security, fingerprint data can be stored on smart cards, as well as on the local harddrive. For logon to local accounts and/or domain server accounts. Precise 100 SC SDK – Precise Biometrics’ Software Development Kit, for OEM-customersand system integrators who want to integrate Precise Biometrics’ software and hardwareinto their own system. It contains documentation, tools, API, and examples.Possible configurationChapter 1 Introduction Windows NT 4.0Domain serverWith Precise 100SC and the Precise100 Logon 2.1software installed,users can log on tolocal accountsand/or domainserver accounts. Formaximum security,fingerprint data canbe saved on smartcards.Local workstation, with Precise 100 SCinstalledLocal workstation,with Precise 100 AinstalledWith the Precise 100Logon 2.1 software anadministrator can admin-istrate all users from anyworkstation, without theneed for additionalserver software.
9Icons and Conventions• Key names on the keyboard appear in italics, for example Caps Lock, Ctrl, Enter.• Names of fields, text boxes and buttons appear in bold type, for example Username, User, OK.• Keys that you should press and hold down together appear as the key names and the plus (+) sign, for example Ctrl + Alt + Delete.• An arrow is used to separate icons or menu options that should be selected in succession, for example Start > Settings > Control Panel.Chapter 1 Introduction
10Chapter 2The installation consists of two parts. Start by following the instructions in the PreparingInstallation section. Then continue with the Installing the Fingerprint Identification Softwaresection. NOTE: If you are using a Precise 100 A with parallel port connector, it is very importantthat the parallel port of the PC is set to ECP mode before using the fingerprint reader.Otherwise, the fingerprint reader will not function properly. See Setting the Parallel Port inthis chapter. This chapter includes the following information:• Minimum system requirements• Preparing installation• Setting the parallel port • Connecting the fingerprint reader• Installing the fingerprint identification software• Attaching the fingerprint readerNOTE: In order to log into your domain server account using your fingerprint:• the Precise 100 A must be installed on your workstation• your fingerprints must be registered on the domain server by a domain server administrator using the Biomanager for Domains or by Personal Enrolment.InstallationChapter 2 Installation
11Minimum System RequirementsIn order to install the software included on the enclosed CD-ROM, your computer mustmeet the following system requirements:• PC with 200 MHz Pentium processor or equivalent• 10 MB hard disk space available• USB port or Parallel port with ECP support and PS/2 keyboard/mouse portNOTE: If you wish to connect the Precise 100 A PAR reader to a secondary parallel port,this port has to be on the ISA-bus and not the PCI-bus.• One of the following operating systems:1. Windows NT 4 Workstation with Service Pack 62. Windows NT 4 Server with Service Pack 63. Windows 2000 Professional• Mouse or compatible pointing device• CD-ROM drive (unless you are installing the software from a network)• VGA resolution graphics card or higherNOTE: To logon to a domain server using Precise 100 Logon 2.1, the server must berunning Windows NT 4.0 Server operating system with Service Pack 6.Chapter 2 Installation
12Preparing InstallationThe Precise 100 A fingerprint reader comes in two versions: Precise 100 A PAR andPrecise 100 A USB. The Precise 100 A PAR communicates with the computer through thecomputer’s parallel port, and the keyboard port or mouse port is used to power thefingerprint reader. The Precise 100 A USB communicates with the computer through thecomputer’s USB port and does not need additional power.In the following a picture of a parallel connector indicates a sectionrelevant only to Precise 100 A PAR readers while a picture of a USBconnector indicates a section relevant only to Precise 100 A USBreaders.If you are a using a Precise 100 A USB reader you should skip the following two sec-tions and continue with the Installing the Fingerprint Identification Software section. How-ever, if you are using a Precise 100 A PAR reader, follow the instruction below prior tostarting the installation.Setting the Parallel PortBefore connecting the fingerprint reader, ensure that the parallel port is set to ECP mode.It is very important that the parallel port is set to ECP mode before using the fingerprintreader. Otherwise, the fingerprint reader will not function properly. If you do not knowwhether your computer is in ECP mode (most new computers are), please see thecomputer manual for additional information, or follow the instructions below.1. Access the system setup utility. On most computers, this is done by pressing the F1, F10, Delete or Esc key during system booting – i.e. immediately after the power switch on your computer has been turned on. Keep pressing the key until the system setup, sometimes called the BIOS, appears.2. Find the parallel port mode. Set the port mode to ECP (sometimes called Flexible mode). If you are unable to find the port mode, your computer is probably already in ECP mode.3. Save your changes and exit the system setup utility. If you have problems with the ECP settings, please contact your computer retailer.Chapter 2 InstallationParallel USBChapter 2 Installation
13Connecting the Fingerprint Reader to theComputer1. Make sure that the parallel port is set to ECP mode.2. Turn off the computer.3. Connect the fingerprint reader to the parallel port at the back of the computer by using the connector. Make sure that the connector is secured, so that it can not be disconnected by mistake.4. Unplug the keyboard/mouse PS/2 connector from the keyboard or mouse port at the back of the computer. Plug the pass-through PS/2 connector from the fingerprint reader into the keyboard/mouse port instead.Chapter 2 Installationparallel port connectorfingerprint readerPrecise 100 Apass throughPS/2 connector
145. Connect the keyboard/mouse PS/2 connector to the pass-through PS/2 connector.6. Power on the computer.Continue with the next step – Installing the Fingerprint Identification Software.Installing the Fingerprint Identification SoftwareNOTE: Only users with administrator rights can install the software.The fingerprint identification software, Precise 100 Logon 2.1, is needed to read your fin-gerprints and to save and retrieve information about your fingerprints, accessibledomains, etc.During installation you may be instructed to restart your computer before continuing to thenext step in the installation procedure. If the Master Setup screen does not appear auto-matically after restart, start the CD from your desktop by double-clicking My Computer >CD > MasterSetup.exe icon.NOTE: Once the software is installed, you will be able to register fingerprints using theBioManager for Domains (see The BioManager for Domains chapter for details) and storethem locally if you log on as administrator on your local workstation. However, that willnot grant access to domain server accounts. To be able to log into a domain serveraccount using your fingerprint, your fingerprint will have to be registered and stored onthe domain server.When the fingerprint identification software is installed on your local computer, you canuse Personal Enrolment to register your fingerprints on the domain server. See the PersonalEnrolment chapter for details.Chapter 2 InstallationChapter 2 Installation
15Installing the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 SoftwareNOTE: If you have a previous release of Precise Biometrics fingerprint identification soft-ware installed on your computer, please do the following before you install the Precise100 Logon 2.1 software: 1) Make sure you have a backup password (see the chapterBioManager). 2) To uninstall the old software, read carefully the chapter Uninstalling inyour Precise Biometrics manual and follow the instructions.NOTE: After installation, the computer has to be restarted before you can use the software.1. Log into your local computer as administrator. It is strongly recommended that allWindows programs are closed and no disk is in the disk driver.2. Insert the enclosed Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The Master Setup screen appears.Master Setup screenNOTE: If the CD does not start automatically, start the CD by clicking Start > Run. Enter D:\MasterSetup.exe, where “D” is the name of your CD drive. Click OK.3a. If you have a Precise 100 A USB reader, connect the fingerprint reader to your computer. Windows 2000 will detect the new hardware and install the necessary drivers from the CD. 3b. If you have Precise 100 A PAR reader, click the Parallel Driver button to install the necessary parallel port drivers.Chapter 2 Installation
164. If you are using Windows NT you must install the updated Microsoft Smart Card Base Components, if not previously installed. Do not install the Smart Card Base Components if you are using Windows 2000, the system may crash.To install the Smart Card Base Componentsa) Click the SC Base Components button, a submenu appears.b) Click the Base Components button in the submenu. You don’t need to reboot your computer after this step if you continue directly with the next step.c) Click the Update button in the submenu and follow the instructions.5. To install the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software, click the Precise Logon 100 2.1button and follow the instructions.The software will guide you through the installation. Use the Back and Next buttons tonavigate through the screens.6. Click Finish to complete the installation. The computer has to be restarted after the installation is completed. Remove the software CD from the CD-ROM drive before restarting the computer.The software is now installed on your hard drive.7. When the fingerprint identification software is installed on your local computer, you can use Personal Enrolment to register your fingerprints on the domain server. See the Personal Enrolment chapter for details.Precise DemoIt is recommended that you practice registering and verifying fingerprints for a fewminutes using the Precise Demo. This will help you to practice finger positioning whichwill make it easier to log on using the fingerprint reader. When you are using the Demo,none of your operations will affect your system.Start the Precise Demo by clicking Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > Demo.Chapter 2 Installation
17Port ConfigurationIf you are using Windows NT (only) and your system is equipped with multiple parallelports, you can specify which parallel port the fingerprint reader is connected to. This isdone in the Precise Biometrics Registry Settings. In the rare case you should experiencecompatibility problems with other software, you may also need to turn interrupts on or off. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Control Panel screen appears. 2. Double-click on the Precise Biometrics logo. The Precise Biometrics Registry Settings screen appears.3. Make the desired changes and click OK.Chapter 2 Installation
18Attaching the Fingerprint ReaderIf preferable, the fingerprint reader can be attached to, for example the side of your mon-itor. Simply use the adhesive tape at the back of the fingerprint reader. The adhesive tapeis very durable and will keep the fingerprint reader attached for many years. The finger-print reader can be removed and attached again. If the adhesive tape loses its stickiness,replace it with one of the enclosed adhesive tapes.  Before attaching the fingerprint reader, make sure that it will be comfortable for you touse the fingerprint reader in its new place. Try some different positions to find out which isthe best before removing the adhesive tape cover strip. If you are right-handed, the rightside of your monitor will probably work best, and vice versa.1. Make sure the surface on which you want to attach the fingerprint reader is perfectly clean.2. Remove the cover strip from the adhesive tape at the back of the fingerprint reader.3. Attach the fingerprint reader by pressing it to the surface. Replacing the Adhesive TapeIf the adhesive tape has lost its stickiness, use the enclosed adhesive tapes. The enclosedadhesive tapes have a cover strip on both sides.1. Remove the old tape from the fingerprint reader before attaching the new adhesive tape.2. Remove one cover strip from the new tape and press the sticky side to the fingerprint reader.3. Finally remove the remaining cover strip and attach the fingerprint reader to the desired surface.Chapter 2 Installation
19Chapter 3As with most new technology, it might take some training to feel at home logging onusing your fingerprint. When you log on and verify your fingerprint, it is important thatyou place your finger on the fingerprint reader in a proper way. The following chaptercontains some examples of good and bad ways of placing your finger on the fingerprintreader.It is highly recommended that you practice by using the Precise Demo for a few minutes(see Precise Demo in the previous chapter for details).This chapter includes the following information:• Placing your finger correctly on the fingerprint reader• Fingerprint reader maintenanceUsing theFingerprintReaderChapter 3 Using the Fingerprint Reader
20Placing Your Finger Correctlyon the Fingerprint ReaderWhen you place your finger on the fingerprint reader sensor to identify yourself, pleaseremember two things: 1. It is important that you use the correct finger. For example, if you place your left index finger on the sensor, you will not be granted access if the system expects you to use your left middle finger. When logging on, a screen shows you which finger you are expected to use – it is marked with a dot. 2. Your finger should be properly positioned on the sensor. Poor positioning and too much or too little pressure could result in an erroneous reading – which may prevent you from gaining access to the system. Correct Finger Placement Most of the information in a fingerprint is located in the middle of the finger pad. There-fore, it is important that the middle of the finger pad is placed in the sensor centre atenrolment and logon.•  Press your finger pad flat to the sensor.•  Let the top of your finger pad touch the top of the sensor on your fingerprint reader.•  Use medium pressure and avoid rotating your finger. The following graphics show some examples of different fingerprint images:Chapter 3 Using the Fingerprint Reader
21Rotated fingerPoor image:rotated fingerprint.Skew finger – too far to the right.Poor image:off-centre fingerprint.Chapter 3 Using the Fingerprint Reader
22Finger placed too far down on the sensorPoor image:off-centre fingerprint.Perfectly placed fingerGood image:fingerprint in the middle, medium pressure to the sensor.Chapter 3 Using the Fingerprint Reader
23When you are placing your finger on the fingerprint reader sensor, it is important that youuse the finger marked in the Verify Fingerprint window.Above is a good fingerprint, which will result in a perfect match and system access.If the placement is correct, but too much or too little pressure is used, the images will looklike this:Poor image:too dark fingerprint caused by exces-sive pressure. The finger may also bewet.Good image fromthe sensorPoor image:faint fingerprint caused by insufficientpressure. The finger may also be verydry.Chapter 3 Using the Fingerprint ReaderChapter 3 Using the Fingerprint Reader
24Above is a good fingerprint, which will not result in a match since the fingerprint is notmatched with its corresponding template. You may have placed the wrong finger on thesensor, or it could be an unauthorised person trying to log into your account. The systemwill deny access.To learn more about how to position your finger on the fingerprint reader, use the PreciseDemo. To start the Precise Demo, click Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > Demo.High electrostatic discharges might damage the fingerprint sensor. If your Precise 100Reader is used in an environment where there is a high risk of electrostatic dischargeswhen putting the finger on the sensor, it is important to follow the instructions below. We recommended to always use the Precise 100 Reader as described here. When put-ting the finger on the sensor, let your finger slide via the finger guide towards the sensor(see picture).When putting the finger on the sensor multiple times in a short time period, e.g. duringenrolment, you only have to slide via the finger guide the first time you put your finger onthe sensor.Good image fromthe sensorTemplate storedin databaseChapter 3 Using the Fingerprint Reader
25Fingerprint Reader MaintenanceIt is very important that the sensor surface is kept clean. If the sensor is dirty or scratched, there is an increased risk that a fingerprint can not be successfully matchedwith its corresponding template stored in the database. • Protect the fingerprint reader from any kind of physical damage.• If necessary, clean the surface with a clean cotton cloth. You can dampen the cloth slightly with a cleaner.• Do not use paper tissue for cleaning purposes, since it may scratch the surface.• Do not spray cleaner directly onto the fingerprint reader.Chapter 3 Using the Fingerprint ReaderChapter 3 Using the Fingerprint Reader
26 Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment Personal Enrolment– Administrating Your Own User AccountChapter 4This chapter addresses the process of remotely enrolling a user into the fingerprint data-base system and registering a user’s fingerprint data.This chapter includes the following information:• Administrating your own user account.• Biometric and non-biometric users.• Enrolment via the Windows Security screen.Administrating Your Own User AccountA user can remotely administrate user accounts on a domain server. This includesenrolling and re-enrolling fingerprints, changing the password and changing the primarylogon finger. Administration of the currently logged-on user is initiated via the WindowsSecurity screen (or by an administrator using the BioManager for Domains – see TheBioManager for Domains chapter for details).Biometric and Non-Biometric UsersThere are two types of user. A biometric user is a user who has been enrolled into thesystem and who can log on using fingerprints. A non-biometric user is a user who has notbeen enrolled into the system and can not use fingerprint logon.Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment
27Enrolment via the Windows Security ScreenWhen the enrolment wizard is started via the Windows Security screen, the user accountof the currently logged-on user is pre-selected.To start the enrolment wizard via the Windows Security screen:1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete.The Windows Security screen appears.2. Click Enrolment.If you are a biometric user the Verify Fingerprint screen appears (see 2.1 below). Otherwise the Verify Password screen appears (see 2.2 below).2.1. Place your finger on the fingerprint reader. 2.1.1 If you have a password you can choose to log on using this password even if you are a biometric user. Click Password and the Verify Password screen appears.Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment
282.2. Enter your password and click OK.The enrolment wizard starts and the User information screen appears.3. Here you can view your username, your full name and your description.4. Click Next.The Reading fingerprints dialog appears.Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment
29In the Reading fingerprints dialog you can register your fingerprints.6. To register a fingerprint, follow the instructions below:6.1. Select the finger to register by clicking in one of the checkboxes. Follow the instructions on the screen. Make sure the selected finger is placed on the fingerprint reader sensor. NOTE: Place the middle of the finger pad on the sensor, to ensure an image rich infingerprint information.6.2. After collecting three images of the fingerprint, the best image is automatically selected and verified against a fourth image. This is done to ensure that the best image is of sufficient quality. Registered fingers will be marked with grey check boxes containing a checkmark.NOTE: It is recommended that more than one fingerprint is registered, in case a fingergets scratched, etc. To register additional fingerprints, just click in a new checkbox.7. Click Next when as many fingers as desired have been registered. The Logon information dialog appears.In the Logon information dialog you select the primary logon finger. The primary logonfinger is the finger that usually will be used to log on or unlock a workstation.Depending on the administrator’s settings for your account (see The Biomanager forDomains chapter for details), there will also be one of the following choices for the use ofpasswords:Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment
307.1 If the administrator has turned off the possibility for users to change passwords in the Windows User Manager, the dialog will look like the one above and there will be no further choices.7.2 If users are allowed to change passwords, you can enter your new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment
317.3 If the checkbox Possibility to log on using password appears, you can leave it unchecked to get a random, auto-generated password, which will not be available to you. This means that the only way you can log on is to use your fingerprint.7.4 If you check the Possibility to log on using password checkbox you will be able to choose your own new password which you will then have to enter twice.NOTE: Fore more information on passwords see section About Passwords in The BioMan-ager for Domains chapter.8. Click Next.The saving screen appears.9. Click FinishUntil you click Finish you can go back to step 4 above using the Back button. Nochanges will be saved until you click Finish.The information is encrypted and saved on the hard drive.You can abort the enrolment process at any time by clicking Cancel. In that case nochanges will be saved.NOTE: Due to the need for synchronisation between the PDC and the BDC, it may some-times take a couple of minutes before it is possible to logon to the system when UserData has been updated or changed using the enrolment wizard.Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment Chapter 4 Personal Enrolment
32Chapter 5NOTE: Chapter 5 is for administrators. Users without administrator rights do not haveaccess to the BioManager for Domains.The BioManager for Domains (henceforth referred to as the BioManager) is used foradministrating biometric user accounts (see Biometric and Non-Biometric Users later in thischapter). This chapter addresses the process of enrolling a user into the fingerprint data-base system and registering a user’s fingerprint data.This chapter includes the following information:• The BioManager for Domains• Biometric and Non-Biometric Users• Primary logon fingers• Passwords• Security level • Registering fingerprints• Adding a new user• Enrolling an existing user• Checking and changing a user’s properties• Deleting a userThe BioManagerfor DomainsChapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
33Introduction to the BioManager for Domains Using the Biomanager Administrators can:• Choose which domain and user account to administrate• Add and delete users• Register fingerprints• Turn password users into biometric users • Decide whether a biometric user is allowed to use a password as backup• Change properties for users • Set the security level for the systemBiometric and Non-Biometric UsersThere are two types of user. A biometric user is a user who has been enrolled into thesystem and who can log on using fingerprints. A non-biometric user is a user who has notbeen enrolled into the system and can not use fingerprint logonUsers are listed in the BioManager with a symbol next to each username. The followingsymbols are used to define a user’s current status:Biometric user, with fingerprint information stored on the hard drive. Biometric user with fingerprint information stored on smart card.Non-biometric user. Can not log on using a fingerprint yet, must use a passwordChapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
34Accessing the BioManagerClick Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > BioManager for Domains. TheBioManager screen appears. Changing DomainWhen the BioManager is started, the domain of the local computer is selected. Changeto another domain by clicking User > Select Domain.The Select Domain screen appears.Select the domain you wish to administer and click OK.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
35About Primary Logon FingersThe primary logon finger is the finger normally used to log on. The system assumes thatthe selected primary logon finger is placed on the fingerprint reader when a user logsinto or unlocks a workstation. The fingerprint on the sensor is then compared to theprimary logon fingerprint template in the database. The user can choose to verify anotherregistered finger when logging on.The primary logon finger is chosen during enrolment, in the Fingerprint registrationwizard. The wizard is accessed by clicking User > New User or User > Properties at theBioManager screen. Any registered finger can be chosen as primary logon finger. Tochange the primary logon finger, see Checking and Changing a User’s Properties at theend of this chapter.  NOTE: The user can change the primary logon finger using Personal Enrolment. See thePersonal Enrolment chapter for details. About PasswordsIt is possible to let a fingerprint user log on with a backup password, if this option is cho-sen during enrolment. It is not recommended, however, as passwords make it easier foran unauthorised person to log into the user’s account. NOTE: Only use the password option if the user really needs an alternative to fingerprintsfor logon. If the user uses a laptop computer at work and uses the same laptop at home or whentravelling, a password could be very useful. At logon, the user can choose to log onusing a fingerprint reader or by writing a password. NOTE: If the password logon possibility is not chosen, the user can only log on using afingerprint. If a current password user is enrolled into the fingerprint database system, thecurrent password will no longer be valid.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
36Auto-generated PasswordsYou can specify whether or not users should be allowed to choose to use passwords.1. Click Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > BioManager for Domains. The BioManager screen appears. 2. Click Policies > Account. The Account Policy screen appears. If Allow users to use auto-generated passwords is checked (default) users will have thepossibility to choose whether or not they want to have a random auto-generated pass-word. If the user chooses to use an auto-generated password he will not to be able tolog on using a password.If you uncheck Allow users to use auto-generated passwords users cannot choose to useauto-generated passwords. The user may however still type in a password that can beused for logon.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
37About the Security LevelThe security level is an important part of the identification system. A higher security levelreduces the risk of an unauthorised person logging into an account. An administrator canset the security level for biometric users. The security level is set globally; i.e. the set secu-rity level affects all biometric users in the domain. The False Acceptance Rate, FAR, is a parameter used to indicate the probability that anunauthorised user is given access to an account. The False Rejection Rate, FRR, indicatesthe probability that an authorised user is denied access to an account.A secure system, i.e. a system with a high security level, means a low false acceptance rate.• Higher security levels = an excellent match between the fingerprint on the sensor and the fingerprint template in the database is required. The FAR is very low; the FRR is comparatively high.• Lower security levels = a less perfect match between the fingerprint on the sensor and the equivalent fingerprint template in the database is required. The FAR is comparatively high; the FRR is low.Higher security levels (level 6 or 7) result in:• A very secure system. It will be virtually impossible for an unauthorised person to log into a user account.  • A system which sometimes rejects an authorised user trying to log into an account. A small scratch, a distorted fingerprint or poor finger positioning on the fingerprint reader may produce a fingerprint that the system does not accept as a satisfactory match to the fingerprint template stored in the database.Lower security levels (level 1or 2) result in:• A less secure system. At lower security levels, the risk of an unauthorised user logging into an account increases. • A system which very rarely rejects an authorised user who wants to log into an account. Security level 4 is recommended to guarantee a reliable system that grants easy accessto authorised users while barring unauthorised users.When should the higher and lower levels be selected? A lower security level is selectedwhen there is little risk of an unauthorised user attempting to log on, and a very fast verifi-cation process is desirable. A higher security level is selected when security is the mainconcern. In this case, the verification process may take a little longer.NOTE: An experienced biometric user is less likely to be falsely rejected than a novicebiometric user. The FRR decreases as a user gets more used to biometric logon and learnsa proper finger placement.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
38Setting the Security LevelThe security level is accessed from the BioManager.1. Click Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > BioManager for Domains. The BioManager screen appears. 2. Click Policies > Account. The Account Policy screen appears. Set the security level and click OK. Security level 4 is recommended for most purposes.Passwords and Security LevelIf an administrator allows users to log on with a password, a high security level loses partof its function. Even if the system is very restrictive when fingerprints are verified, the secu-rity might suffer from users who write down passwords on notepads or choose a very sim-ple password, which can easily be cracked. Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
39Fingerprint RegistrationIn order for a user to use a fingerprint to log on, the fingerprint must be read and storedin a database – i.e. it has to be registered. The fingerprint data will be stored on a harddrive.Only an administrator can register fingerprints using the BioManager. To enrol a user,whose username is not on the username list, see Beginning Fingerprint Registration of aNew User in this chapter. To enrol a user listed in the BioManager, see Beginning Finger-print Registration of an Existing User in this chapter.Beginning Fingerprint Registration of a New UserLog on as administrator.1. Click Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > BioManager for Domains. The BioManager screen appears. Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
402. Click User > New User. The User information screen appears.3. Type the user’s name in the Username field.4. Type the user’s complete name in the Full Name field.5. Type the user description in the Description field.6. Click Next.See Continue Fingerprint Registration in this chapter for information on how to continue.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
41Beginning Fingerprint Registration of an Existing UserIf a user has an account registered, his or her username is listed in the BioManager. Anadministrator can register, or re-register, the fingerprints of both password users andcurrent biometric users. 1. Log on as administrator.2. Click Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > BioManager. The BioManager screen appears. 3. Double-click on a username. You can also click on a username and then click User > Properties. The User information screen appears. 4. Type the full name in the Full Name field.5. Type the description in the Description field.6. Click Next.See Continue Fingerprint Registration in this chapter for information on how to continue.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
42Continue Fingerprint Registration When you click Next in the User information screen, the Reading fingerprints dialogappears:1. Select the finger to register by clicking in one of the checkboxes. Let the user follow the instructions on the screen. Make sure the selected finger is placed on the fingerprint reader sensor. NOTE: Instruct the user to place the middle of the finger pad on the sensor, to ensure animage rich in fingerprint information.2. After collecting three images of the fingerprint, the best image is automatically selected and verified against a fourth image. This is done to ensure that the best image is of sufficient quality. Registered fingers will be marked with grey checkboxes containing a checkmark.NOTE: It is recommended that more than one fingerprint is registered, in case a fingergets scratched, etc. To register additional fingerprints, just click in a new checkbox.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
433. Click Next when as many fingers as desired have been registered. The Logon information screen appears.4. Select the primary logon finger. The primary logon finger is the finger that usually will be used to log on or unlock a workstation. 5. If desired, select the Possibility to log on using password checkbox. This enables the user to log on using either a password or a fingerprint. Type the password in the Password field. Confirm the chosen password in the Confirmfield.NOTE: Before you allow users to log on using a password, be sure to read the informa-tion in Passwords and Security Level earlier in this chapter.6. If you leave the Possibility to log on using password checkbox unchecked, a random password will be auto-generated. This password will not be available to the user, which means that the only way the user can log on is using his/her fingerprint. NOTE: To keep the user from checking the Possibility to log on using password checkboxduring Personal Enrolment, the User cannot change password checkbox must be checkedin the Windows User Manager.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
44NOTE: If a current password user is enrolled, the current password will no longer bevalid. A new password must be typed, in order for the user to log on with a password asa backup.7. Click Next. The saving screen appears.8. Click Finish. Until you click Finish you can go back as far as the User information screen using theBack button. No changes will be saved until you click Finish.The information is encrypted and saved on the hard drive.NOTE: Due to the need for synchronisation between the PDC and the BDC, it may some-times take a couple of minutes before it is possible to logon to the system when UserData has been updated or changed using the BioManager for Domains.Chapter 5 The BioManager for Domains
45 Chapter 5 The BioManager for DomainsChecking and Changing aUser’s PropertiesAn administrator can check and change the set properties for an enrolled user:• Full name• Description• Register fingerprints• Primary logon finger• Possibility to log on using a password1. Log on as administrator.2. Click Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > BioManager for Domains. The BioManager screen appears.3. Double-click on a username. You can also click on a username and then click User > Properties. The User information screen appears. 4. Navigate through the screens using the Back and Next buttons. 5. Make the desired changes and save the data by clicking Finish on the last screen.See Continue Fingerprint Registration in this chapter for information on how to registerfingerprints.
46 Chapter 5 The BioManager for DomainsDeleting a UserWhen a user is removed from the username list, he or she cannot log into the associatedaccount anymore.1. Click Start > Programs > Precise Biometrics > BioManager for Domains. The BioManager screen appears.2. Click on the username that you want to delete from the list.3. Click User > Delete.4. Click OK to delete the user. 5. Click OK to confirm operation.The user is now deleted and can no longer log into the system.
47 Chapter 6 Logging onChapter 6When you have registered your fingerprints, you can log into the system using the finger-print reader. Fingerprint logon is a very secure and simple way to log on. If you wantdetailed information on how to place a finger on the fingerprint reader, please seePlacing Your Finger Correctly on the Fingerprint Reader in the Using the FingerprintReader chapter.NOTE: In order to log into your domain server account using your fingerprint:• the Precise 100 A must be installed on your workstation• your fingerprints must be registered on the domain server. See the chapters Personal Enrolment and The BioManager for Domains for more information.This chapter includes the following information:• Logging on with fingerprint• Logging on with a passwordLogging on
48Logging on with a Fingerprint NOTE: You can only log into a domain account using the fingerprint reader once youhave enrolled your fingerprints on the domain server. You can only log on with a finger-print that has been enrolled and stored on the hard disk or on a smart card.To log on from the Begin Logon screen:1. Place your primary logon finger on the fingerprint reader sensor. The Verify Fingerprint screen appears.2. Keep your finger placed on the sensor as long as the yellow light is flashing. The system verifies your fingerprint and access rights for the selected domain and displays the Windows desktop.NOTE: The system will try to identify you as the most recent user. If you are not the mostrecent user, follow the instructions below:Chapter 6 Logging on
491. Click Cancel on the Verify Fingerprint screen. The Fingerprint Logon Information screen will appear.2. Type your username in the Username field.3. Select your domain from the Domain pull-down list. 4. Click Verify. The Verify Fingerprint screen appears. 5. Place your primary logon finger on the sensor. The yellow light starts flashing. NOTE: To use another finger on the sensor, select that finger on the Verify Fingerprintscreen – assuming that the fingerprint is previously registered.  6. Keep the finger placed on the sensor until the yellow light ceases to flash. The system verifies your fingerprint and access rights for the selected domain and displaysthe Windows desktop.If logon fails, try lifting your finger and putting it back on the sensor again. Try adjustingthe position of your finger. If you still can not log on, see Fingerprint Troubleshooting inthe Troubleshooting chapter.Chapter 6 Logging on
50Logging on with a PasswordNOTE: You can only log on using a password if you entered a password when youenrolled and registered your fingerprints. See the chapter Personal Enrolment for details.Once your fingerprints have been registered, any previous password vill no longer bevalid.To begin logon from the Begin Logon screen:1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete.The Logon Information screen appears. 2. Type your username in the Username field.3. Type your password in the Password field.4. Select your domain from the Domain pull-down list.5. Click OK.The system verifies your password and access rights for the selected domain and displaysthe Windows desktop.If logon failed, please check the spelling of your username and password.Chapter 6 Logging on
51 Chapter 7 Locking and UnlockingWhen you leave your workstation temporarily, it is recommended that you lock it to pre-vent others from using it and accessing your files. The screen saver function can be usedto automatically lock the computer. See your Windows documentation for more informa-tion about screen savers. This chapter includes the following information:• Locking your workstation• Unlocking your workstation with a fingerprint• Unlocking your workstation by typing a passwordLockingandUnlockingChapter 7
52 Chapter 7 Locking and UnlockingLocking a WorkstationTo lock the workstation you are working on:1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete. The Windows Security screen appears.2. Click Lock Workstation. The system locks the workstation. You are the only one who can unlock your workstation.An administrator can log you off.
53 Chapter 7 Locking and UnlockingUnlocking a WorkstationUnlocking with a Fingerprint To unlock a workstation from the Workstation Locked screen:1. Place your primary logon finger on the fingerprint reader sensor. The Verify Fingerprint screen appears. Your primary logon finger will be selected.2. Keep your finger placed on the sensor as long as the yellow light is flashing. The system verifies your fingerprint and displays the Windows desktop.NOTE: To logon with another finger on the sensor, select that finger on the Verify Finger-print screen – assuming that the fingerprint is previously registered.  If the unlocking fails, try lifting your finger and putting it back on the sensor again. Tryadjusting the position of your finger. If you still can not unlock, see Fingerprint Trouble-shooting in the Troubleshooting chapter.If you have the possibility to use a password, you can press Ctrl + Alt + Delete at theWorkstation Locked screen to unlock the workstation using your password.
54 Chapter 7 Locking and UnlockingUnlocking with a PasswordNOTE: You can only unlock a workstation using a password if you entered a passwordwhen you enrolled and registered your fingerprints. See the chapter Personal Enrolmentfor details.To unlock a workstation from the Workstation Locked screen:1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete.The Unlock Workstation screen appears.2. Type your password in the Password field. Click OK and your Windows desktop will be displayed.If the unlocking fails, please check the spelling of the password.Chapter 7 Locking and Unlocking
55Chapter 8This chapter includes the following information:• Fingerprint troubleshooting• Password troubleshootingFingerprint TroubleshootingIf the fingerprint verification fails, the red light on the fingerprint reader is turned on. • Lift your finger and put it back on the sensor. Try to slightly adjust the positioning of your finger.• Make sure you placed the right finger on the sensor, i.e. the finger marked with a dot on the Verify Fingerprint screen.• Try to log on using another registered fingerprint.• Place your finger flat on the sensor – not rotated in any direction. See Placing Your Finger Correctly on the Fingerprint Reader in the Using the Fingerprint Reader chapter for more information.• Place the centre of your finger pad in the sensor centre.• Apply enough pressure – the fingerprint reader must be able to detect the fingerprint contours.• Your finger must not be wet. • If your finger pad is too dry try breathing on your finger before verification.• The sensor must be clean. If necessary, gently wipe the sensor with a soft cotton cloth dampened with a mild ammonia-based cleaner.• If using the parallel port, the parallel port must be set to ECP mode. See Setting the Parallel Port in the Installation chapter for more information.• Check that the computer and fingerprint readers are properly connected. See Connecting the Fingerprint Reader in the Installation chapter for more information.If you are still unable to log on, please contact an administrator:• You might need to register your troublesome fingerprint one more time, or register a new fingerprint. • Your user account might have been deleted.Chapter 8 TroubleshootingChapter 8 TroubleshootingTroubleshooting
56Password TroubleshootingNOTE: You can only log on using a password if you entered a password when youenrolled and registered your fingerprints. See the chapter Personal Enrolment for details.Once your fingerprints have been registered, any previous password will no longer bevalid. 1. Make sure the username, domain and password are valid.2. Make sure the spelling is correct and that Caps Lock is not active. Windows is case sensitive.If you are still unable to log on, please contact an administrator. Your user account mighthave been deleted.Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
57Chapter 9Only users with administrator rights can uninstall the Precise Biometrics software. The consequences of uninstalling are:1. No user accounts will be affected in any way.2. Users without a backup password will have to get a password to access their user account. The password used before biometric conversion is no longer valid.3. Backup passwords registered in the BioManager can be used as standard Windows passwords.4. If the precise 100 A is reinstalled, the biometric user accounts can be accessed as before.NOTE: The installed Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software is good for use with both Precise100 A and Precise 100 SC fingerprint readers. If the system is changed from Precise100 A to Precise 100 SC, the existing software should not be uninstalled. Uninstalling the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 Software on Windows NT1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.The Control Panel screen appears.2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.The Add/Remove Programs Properties screen appears.3. Click Precise 100 Logon.4. Click Add/Remove…5. Follow the instructions in the wizard, selecting Remove on the Program Maintenance page.6. Click Yes to restart the computerThe Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software is uninstalled. Chapter 9 UninstallingUninstalling
58Uninstalling the Precise 100 Logon 2.1 Software on Windows 20001. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.The Control Panel screen appears.2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.The Add/Remove Programs screen appears.3. Click Precise 100 Logon.4. Click Remove.5. Confirm by clicking Yes.6. Click Yes to restart the computer.The Precise 100 Logon 2.1 software is uninstalled.Uninstalling the Precise 100 Parallel Drivers 1. Double-click uninstall.exe. This program can be found in the directory ../Program Files/Precise Biometrics/Parallel Drivers. 2. Restart the computer. The Parallel drivers are uninstalled. Chapter 9 UninstallingChapter 9 Uninstalling
59GlossaryBiometricA biometric is a measurable, unique, physical characteristic. For example, the patterns onyour retinas and your fingerprints are biometrics. Biometric/Non-Biometric UserThere are two types of user. A biometric user is a user who has been enrolled into thesystem and who can log on using fingerprints. A non-biometric user is a user who has notbeen enrolled into the system and can not use fingerprint logon.ECP/Enhanced Capabilities PortThe Precise 100 A PAR and Precise 100 SC PAR readers communicates with the comput-er via the computer’s parallel port. To make the fingerprint reader and computer communi-cate properly via the parallel port, the parallel port must be set to a mode called ECP –Enhanced Capabilities Port. Most new computers are set to ECP by default, but not all.See the Installation chapter for details. This does not apply for USB readers.EnrolmentThe process of registering your fingerprints is sometimes referred to as enrolment, as youare enrolled into the system as a biometric user. See Registration for more details. Finger PadThe finger pad is the part of your finger containing the fingerprint. If you take a closerlook on your finger pad, you will find that most of the information in the fingerprint comesfrom the middle of the finger pad. That is the part, which should be placed in the middleof the sensor when you register or log on.Glossary
60Fingerprint ReaderThe fingerprint reader is used to read a finger placed on the sensor. The sensor measuresthe capacitance of the finger pad, which reveals the pattern of the fingerprint. Thus, apaper copy with a picture of a fingerprint can not grant access to the system.The fingerprint reader is used both to enrol a fingerprint to store it in a database, and toverify a fingerprint during logon. Fingerprint RegistrationSee RegistrationFingerprint TemplateA fingerprint template is a data file containing information about the fingerprint. The fin-gerprint template is a set of characteristics which are unique for one specific fingerprintand is not an image of your fingerprint. Your actual fingerprints cannot be recreated usingthe data from the fingerprint template.FingerprintsYour fingerprint can be described as a pattern of lines or ridges with valleys in between.The lines form specific patterns that are observable to the naked eye. Loops, arches andwhirls are examples of patterns found in a fingerprint.Some finger print structuresGlossaryGlossaryGuiding bumpsDiodeSensorEnding ridgeRidgeBifurcation or fork
The fingerprints also include so-called minutiae points. Minutiae points are the points,where a ridge begins, ends or splits. Precise Biometrics’ system identifies a person bylooking at loops, arches, whirls and minutiae points, and by measuring global featuressuch as line thickness and curve. These features make every fingerprint unique. Plug-n-PlayPlug and Play is a technology that supports automatic configuration of PC hardware andexternal devices. A user can just attach a new device such as sound card or peripheraldevices (”plug it in”) and start working (”begin playing”) without having to configure thedevice manually. Plug and Play technology is implemented in hardware, in operating sys-tems, and in supporting software such as drivers and BIOS.Primary Logon finger The primary logon finger is the finger normally used when logging into the system. Thesystem assumes that you place your selected primary logon finger on the fingerprintreader when you log on or unlock a workstation. The fingerprint on the sensor is thencompared to the primary logon fingerprint template in the database. For example, if yourright index finger has been selected as the primary logon finger, the right index finger ismarked on the Verify Fingerprint screen, which appears when you log on or unlock aworkstation. ReaderSee Fingerprint Reader RegistrationWhen you are enrolled into the fingerprint database system, your fingerprints will be reg-istered. You will have to place each finger pad on the fingerprint reader sensor four times.The best image will be saved in a database. Registered fingerprints are used when youlog into the system. For example, if your right index finger has been registered, you canplace your right finger on the fingerprint reader sensor to verify your identity when you logon. The fingerprint on the sensor will be compared to the registered fingerprint. If your fin-gerprint on the sensor matches the fingerprint in the database, you are granted access tothe system.61 GlossaryGlossary
62Sensor The sensor is the black window on the fingerprint reader. The sensor is used to read yourfingerprint. Do not “roll” your finger pad when you log on or register a fingerprint. Justpress it flat to the sensor.TemplateSee Fingerprint TemplateVerification When you register a fingerprint, log on or unlock a system, your fingerprint is verified.During verification, the finger on the sensor is compared to a template of a registeredfingerprint from the fingerprint database. In other words, you verify that you indeed arewho you claim you are and that the fingerprint on the sensor matches the fingerprinttemplate in the database.GlossaryGlossary

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