Primatronix 86708 Bluetooth Headset User Manual

Primatronix Ltd Bluetooth Headset

User Manual

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Document ID694232
Application IDTWvp0zXNx6xiE9pY1klowA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize11.84kB (147994 bits)
Date Submitted2006-08-16 00:00:00
Date Available2006-08-16 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-08-10 18:36:14
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUser Manual

Bluetooth® Headset
GE Model 86708
User Guide
lndlgnw Wilma
Light [murals
- Headset
- Desktop Charger Module
' Mklfivter/Chfllget
ra lrlsertthe mnarracaaantne buttery aooronthe
undersule ortneheaaset. Pull naclihe srnolllaaltowuralhe
olact doll mldattlle someluneuse fingernail on othernarul
lo open battery door, Thempend artueoatteryaaorlnear
tobl should open The helium ena oitne aaar ls hingea so no
not rorce it. lnsen aalteries with poslaye end olhoth batteries
pointea up toward rao Replace aoar. wagornslrarng woua
to allow aoartolallouanrno onarnol positron.
aelore usrupyaur headset you must charge the battereo We
recommend that for the very first charging the helmet be
allowed lodlurge loraxlslhours. Subsequentcnarging unll
take 1-2 hours The headset Cull bectturged lll eitherthe ON
or the ow position.
- USBCablelchcthnrglrlg
. Two Rechargeable
NiMH batteries
Deskmn Cradle Charging: Plug in one end of ac oaapter l‘mn
Mwullcutlet and plagrneconneetarena lntoihe desktop
(male. insert the headset trite the desktopchorgr’ng cradle
making sure the melnlcohtucls an the end or the headset
much the ccnlmts "m the cradle The [ED Indicator by lhe
ON—OFF swrtch will shw commons Nd wlllch indicates the
headset is charging when lullychargeathe lininarcotorynli
change or a cantlrluous green color.
charging with AC Adapter Plug Ac adapter into the AC wall
outlet on!) plug the connector and intolhe bollom end 01 the
headset lull the side with the ON-DFF switchl LED ludicotlws
are some as above,
thorging With the usti Cable: You can charge your headset
by using the power from you desktop or Iuple cnmptner.
Uslng the supplied USE (able plug the USE connector and into
a use partonyourcarnauterana plug theatherronnemor
encl rntothebolrarn oi the headset or into the desktop
clllirglng croale. LEDirldlcntlcllsale the sarneosoaoye.
to turn on lhelleadset. slide the swoon to the on position.
A tonewlllsignifyrhe headset r; being turned on The LED
inarcator will flash green. to turn all slide the switrh to on
posltklll. The LED lnaioaror wlll also turn oil.
me LED lndlcntol will flash red averyZSSeconds when the
battery aetorneslowlnaharge Rechargrngrsrccammonaeo
ol this time.
|l1 order raryaur headselto communrooie with your
aluetaath enabled phoneme two must be pairea' together
Vuu should Lonsuuyotlr phone's user manual on how to make
such a puking as all phones ale slrghuydllfelerll.
Vour loaaset needs to be ‘dlscaverable'bylhe phone or
other isluetoom aelrrtelsatnetwocon be linked together
button ondhold it llorahourfrve seconds) unfillheLED
indicator begins flushlhg green anoreaalternately and you
wlll ulsohsuru oeeo tone in the earoece. rhea select the
lunttion on yourphorlewhlch makeslhephonessqrch or
‘lookfor' aluetoolunences This linking plotedure shaulaue
expla'lhed in your phone's usornnanual
Once It has 'lourld'ol lrnlaa wnnlhe heoaset then it is
reallyroae paired yourrnoorle phonewrll prompt you lor
a password, pint or paying raae Molding varies lny phone
mamlncturerl At that pninlENTERDOOO vau wrll than
lnosl likely be picmpled oy the phone whether you wont to
conneci with the headset. Alter you respond alhnnoluay you
should men get confirmation that your phone ano headset
are ~eonnecled-,rheozoaiaa headset isncw in standby
maeana reaay lor use. The LED lhdicotorwlll lash green
more rapidly once connected.
Pulling Notes:
. lluslreaosetcanoe pelted wrth up toeignt phones/devices
The most retemlymued phone wrll mature rap or the list.
- Wllen theYALK button lsor‘essed lnstanrlaymouellle
headset will tly la connett lo the most recently pulled
phone only.
- the at 86708 can also be pauea wnlr other aluetoath
enabled delllres like computers or voice oaoess gateway
type pmduasr
you call male colic by either a) diullllgdllemy irorn your
phone ol usrng Voice Dialing. or at using Lost llurnaor Redw!
funct'lon. TD use Voice Dnllng or Lost Number Rediul these
mustbesuppuned oy yourrnoaile pllonE.Consultyour
phone‘s user manual {or pmne~speclflc instructrans
Before uslng lhe Volce Dlul luncllon you must first Eel up
were lugs‘ ocmrarng to your phone's user‘s manual. To
make a Voice Dlnl coll simply oresstherAth button once ro
enable Voice Dlufing Vou Wlll heal a (nupla low (one beeps
to signify an attempt to connect. local uslng Lusl Number
Radial press lw'we the YALK billion
NOTE, Thls neodselwil wakwuhirl ifs—(eel ntwmeters lrorn
the location oFlhe pnuneor other alaetaoth enabled dance
it) end n cal. press the TALK button once alter conversation
has ended A double mnewill sound
Pressure VOLUME 4 torncrease volume and VOLUME — to
decrease volumetA shortheepwll he heard trrarcarlng that
maximum oimlm’mum volumeleuel ls leached,
To answer on morning cull. pressTALKallce
Amuple low tone beeps trepeateri ulllll cull ls answeredlwlll
slglliiy on altempt to connect ls being made. A short higher
tone beep will signify the connection was successlully "rude,
Tn reject an incoming call. press and hold the ”(MK butmn for
Ghoul twoseconus
the Call Waiting lunclion on your phone would need lo be
turnedonbefore lluslunclran could he used. Notall phones
support Coll Waiting in accept a secanrl incoming call ana
ascorrnecl the first parly press TALK once when you hear the
beep indicating an lhcflming call To accept the semrid caller
hut place an hour the first party, press and tall the
TALK hunon
To lmnsler the call back loyaurpllohei press TALK lWlCB.
ln gaaiuan lathe troubleshooting table on this page you can
mull help cl: suaporl®jflscopruductsmm or call 300 554!-
3483. For other Bluetooth pmfllltls or support. pleaseka
our websilewwmascopmduclsmm
90~Dny umlted Warranty
kisco Producls Company warrants thls prauucl to be tree
1mm manulaclurlng delecls lor a period oi ninetydays
lrornlne original aateoiconsurner purchase, rnrsworrauty
IS lirnrreu to the repair or replacement ofihe product only
and doesnal extend tocorseauernlal nrlnclaenralaamage
to other waducls lhul may be used wrth this unit. ”INS
worronly lS in iron or all other warranties eropressorrmphea.
Same Slates do not ullbw Emilatlcnsoll how long an implied
warranty lasts or permit the exclusion arlimltatlon cl
incidental or consequentlal damages Sn the alloy! llmitullons
rrtayratapplytoyou ihlsworranrygrvesyouspecmcrrgntsr
and you may also have other ngnls which vary from state
lo stale. ll um! should plwe deledlve withm the warranty
good, return prepaid wlth dmed proof or purchase to
Just!) Pmauctscornpahy, 311 MW 122ml an
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
FCC lnformatlovl
This device complies with PM is ol the FCC Rulewyerallou
issubjectm therallowrnglwoconoruons ill unsileyiae
my notccuse ham-lull lnlerfeieflcer and [2] this devlne in M1
accept any interference received, including inlerlerence that
may cause undesired operation
Privacy oicararnuniraaona may not he ensured when using
this device.
aning: Changes or rmdificmlons torus equipment not
expresslyaanrmea try the party responsible lor compliance
could void the users authority to operate the equigmellt.
NOTE:Tillsequlpmem hosbeen tested ana ioantl to comply
wrth the lnnrtsloro Oossfldlgilul device pursuant to Fun
15 al lhe rcc Rules. These Iirrllts are aeslgneoto orange
reasonable proteeuan 090m harmful interference ina
tesidemlul lnstallation ihls equipment generates, usesana
can radiate rnaro frequency energy and. rrnot installeaana
used ruaccorrranrewith lbelllstruu‘luns, nyaycause harmful
rnterlerence to rouroarlelensron reception which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and an rho user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference oyane or more
or the following measures:
- Reollenl or relocate the recerwup anienna,
- lncreoselheseuarahan belween theeau‘ornenrona
the receiver.
- connectrhe eaurprnenr rnroanaullero a ruruit grllerenl
lrom that lowlnch the receiver rsneeoeu
- Cuflstllllhe dealeroran experienced moo/w
technician tor help
“1th r rron

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
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Create Date                     : 2006:08:10 18:36:14
Page Count                      : 1
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