Primatronix C18 Professional Webcam User Manual

Primatronix Ltd Professional Webcam

User Manual

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Document ID844190
Application IDS43TrXALo4LhwlNyhM8mwQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize17kB (212470 bits)
Date Submitted2007-09-18 00:00:00
Date Available2007-09-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-05-11 11:21:25
Document Lastmod2007-05-15 11:23:56
Document TitleUser Manual

PCW 01/618 I PCW 02
Proteeelonal High QualityWebcam
Quick Sun Guide
This guide prondesaoir'ott retercnoetorttiernstaaanon
and use ol your Weoeam.
Please read Ihe instriudion book available on tne on
ROM, lt contains in depth Inlmmalm about installation
and using advanced teatures.
Belore oontiriolnd with the Installation please makesora
you have true lottovnng minimum requirements.
. windows' eeswerzuw/xp
- 256MB mm or above
- 20 MB tree nard flsk apaoe
. M rnurn |6~bll oolor display card
- sound card. speakers, aarpnona. and microphone
are tsqulled lor Video wllh audio recording
CDVROM drive
use iiitenace
connecting the Webcem
‘ Plug the Webcam use catrle lnto a
l tree use socket on your oomputer
or into a powered use hub
windows wtl then start to deted plug
and play devices
Fcc statement:
warning: changes or modilicationa to true equpmem
not eopreasty approved ey lrte pany responsible tor
compliance could vord the user's autrtonty to operate
tne equipment.
in: device oomplies wllh Pan ts ottno FCC notes.
Operation is euotect to the lotlowino two conditions:
(|) this dwtoe may not cause tiarrritui intarlemnce.
and (2) this deuce must accept any lnterteranoe
reoetved, inclutang intenerence lnat may cause
undesired operation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and tourid to
comply with ma limits tor a Class e dlgllal device.
pursuant to Fall is ot tne FCC Rules'lhese ltmlls
are destgned to provide reasonable protection agairet
nannlul unenereiice in a residential installation. Thls
equipment generates. tees and can radate mdio
treouenoy energy and. it no slatted and used In
accordance with the lnslmdlotts. may cause narmlul
interference to radio wmmuttlcefiom
Protestanélna weokoltvalltna‘ welrevé kameta
Prtméua we ry'ciite apunenle
tato primate zaoezpeoura ryontu reterenoiu pre instala‘oru
a pollinvanle vase, weedve, kamery.
precitalte si preva'dzliouu ori'ructru, ktora se naonadza na
dlsku comm. Dbsahlue podroone intermeore o inealacii
a pouivani pokroélly'ch lunkcii‘
Fred poklafiwerum v lnzeatadi sa, proslm, ulsttte, lie vas
pdottac ma astediuoce minimatne odtadavky.
~ windows eese/umoowxp
- 256 rue RAM alebo vlac
~ 20 Me wineno pnestoru na dlsku
~ Minimalne tspiiovu tarepnu gm'lbkti kattu
- zvuiron: ketta. reprodukiuty, nehlavna si’tpravo
a mtkml’on so potreorie pie videos nanravani'nr zuuku
- Meonaniku CDROM
~ Rozhram: use
prtpotorrte mbwo] k-mcvy
Zapojle use kabel webwq kemety
do vnlného USE kwekmfa na Duélxél
aieoo do naparaneno use
r, rdzpoedyah.
. Syslém Wlnflm potent xs'me tiradat
ranaderila tvnu plug and play.
- POW 01/018/ POW 02
Weecam pretesatonate or am. quattta
Guida npida all'um
nuaata gutda permette una oonrdtazione rapida pet
t-instaiiarione e t'uao della Weocam.
Leggere attenlarrtame I| manuata d‘uso dlaponiblie sul
co ROM. Contiene intorrnaziont approlondtte
riguardanti l'installaxtone e I'uso delte lunzlonl
P a in continuare con Itnslallaztone, asslcutalst di
diaporre dei seguantt requisltt rrunrriii.
. Wlttdnwe‘ seswe/zuoo/xp
256MB di RAM o superrore
20 Me or spam ttoero sull’hatd dac
sateda display a colon di mtnimo |5 pit
soneda audio, alloparlantt, oullte e microtono
necesean par la regstrazione video oon audio
. unite CD-ROM
. lnterleoda use
Cottegamento delta Weboain
‘ "BEING 0, Cal/0 USE della Webcam
4 ‘ Ill uni W853 USEIthem SM computer
1) o su un nun use acceso.
\w. Windows inriera la rilevaztone dot
dlsposlllvt plug and play.
lnetalllng tne driver
First iiisen me cu ROM into your oompttlers CD ROM
Drive the setup snootd now start aiuorriaticatly it Ihe
an install does not start ammnalically. browse to Ihe
cu HOM Driveon your computer using My Comme
orwmdoirte explorer and M aotuperathan simply
lotow the on screen instructions to complete the install.
Poaition the Weocem
| wehcem can he placed On a IaNele or clipped to
the Iaptnp's display to snap a plmure or video
2. home locus ring In gel a sharp image,
3. VIEW Ilve Vldecl to guifle your ‘Ocui adluflmems
Starting up
Press thesnap bullan on the lot; 04 the Webcam, or
click sun on Wlndnwi Teskbat, and Ihett select
PragltmflVolPl/oi 0 USE Hebc‘mMMCAP to
aunt/ate Ihe eofiware. the blue LED will he Ilgh'efl
nus equipinont d to be supplied tron. an rderititled use pon
compMW wlm me redulterriaritsot uni-ted Powersouroa
However, ttrere rs no guarantee that irnerterenoe will
not occur in a particular lnstaflallm. it this equipment
does cause narrrtlul interteronoe to radio or televiston
reception. wtuoh can be determined by turning the
edupmant all and art, no user is encouraged to try to
correct the irrterlerenoa by one or more ol the lottowing
~ neorient or relocate the leoelwllq antenna.
- Increase the oeparatton between tne equ’pment and
. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circun
ditterent lrorritiiat to men the receryetisoonneaed
~ Consult me dealer or an experienced radio/TV
teohnuaart tor help.
The equipment ts to be supplied from an Identified
use port compiyino wllh the requirements
ot leaed Power Source.
lnitalt’tcla wl aéa
Na két none disk cD-ROM do meotianiuy CDROM rte
paoi’taci a instatacla sa spusti autumatlcky. Alt sa
instalaoia dlsku CD nespusti automauery. prentada’vayie
meetiamku CDRDM na Doél'labl pornocou tuna pnflhé
aleoo Prtaauumrrttr. omen-tr wtrrdorr- a kllkmle no
setup m. potorn lednnduchn siedune pokytty na
oerazovke. aw ste instataclu ddkonoli.
urnleetnanle webovel kamery
1. moon: varnera u moiie urruestnrf na stél alebo
prlpnut na dispter prenosnetio poeiiaea, aoy sle
nasnlmali ubvaluk atebo video.
2. otuEte zaosrrorad knew, any ste riskati 05th ooraz.
a. vozerane na livé video, Moté vim pdmdie vykonat
srlacte uaéldlosnmiema no hornet strane weeove. kamery
alebo kllkrtlle nn pdotlku sun ire parieit s nasrrdmu
systemu Wlnduws a eororn vyeeite Fromm/i warm!“
MWMMWR-msm aktrvelalismver Rorsvmn
sa nrodia konrrotka LED.
rdio ran-dome so most name! 1 daniltiirmnend ponu use,
vtrryrr vsulndes potted-vitamin: ponedrenyrdro, nap-torn.
lndtattaztone dot driver
inserire l| cu ROM netl‘unlta CD ROM dei compulel,
linatatlaztone doyreooe awiarel automatioarneme. Se
l'lnstallaxione det CD non pane automaticaniente.
oliccare sull'umta CD~HOM nella oartella moons del
oomp-tterow'mdom Eitptorerediocare su samuewe
qutndi seguire la istruzioni sulio schermo per
oompietara l'tnslalleztane.
Poelztonamento delta webcettt
i. Postzionate la wetrcarn en un piano o agganaarlo ai
dtepiay dei portatiie per taro loto o girare vtdeo.
2 Ruotate la ghiera d inessa a tuoco per otlenere
un'imrnagne nitida.
a. Rivedere iI vrdeo auoito par regolare la messa a
Premereil pulaante diseatto stale pane supendie delta
Wobcam. o oticcara sit start o sulla parra dagir
strumenti or Windows. quindi seiezionara
FrogmmmilValPVaic' use webcamlAAtCAp per
attlvaie it software, I| LED citu at accendeta,
Queslo appareocriio deve euele nkmenlaln da porn use
oontorma a. requiem dl Limited Power Source troroante or
atmeniaoone adaguaiai.
PCW 01/C18 / PCW 02
Webcam de quallté ptofesslcrtnslle
Gulde do demanage rapid.
Ce guide tournit lea inform-mom new one installation
Iaptde el I' ‘sation de votre wattcarn.
Veuillez lire le mritrel d'irratrutdiona disponiute sur le
CD ROM llcontienttouealesintormationa concernant
l'installattcri at l‘utiliaatron des tonctiotts evanceeii.
Avanl de continuer ltnstallation, veutllez voua asaurer
que votre equipementpossedeles eondmons minimum
~ zssmo HAM oo supeneur
ecMO d'espaoa disponiote sur le disoue dur
Cane content gaptiiqua de to bus rnintmurn
carle son, haulepatleurs, eoouteure er microonona
necessalles pour la video avec enretustremeril audio
~ Lecteur cuenom
~ tritertaoe use
connecter la w-bcattt
anchsz Ie céhle USB de la Wehfiam
, densiutepnseuse disponbte de votie
/' otdlnaleut ou darts Im hub USE
\" altmenlé,
\ \ Windows cntmtettceta aims déleclet
les peripherioues plug and play.
PCW 01/0181 POW 02
Protexlona'lnl vyadce uvalltnt inter-retina“ kamera
Pn'tvodee tyclilinr spuitinlm
raid pnrucua posuyture ryotrle inlorrnace oro insialaci a
poutu‘ Vast internereye kxmty.
Pieoieie si prosrrn insirukini‘ priruoku dostuonou na co
ROM. Dhsahuje ntuesl intormace o instataoi a puulllli
rozsiieny‘cti viastnostl.
nail oodete pouraowat s lrstaiacl. tuisrete se proslm, to
spltiU|ate nAsIadult‘u pdadavky.
- Windows-esse/ME/zaou/xr
zseme we need vice
20 MB remand dskorreno prostonl
Minimalne teoitova oarevna' gratlciia kana
zvuirdva‘ Marta, reproduiddiy. stuona’tlra a mik’m‘onlsmi
vyudoveny pro video so zs'mamem zvuku
~ lednoia EDRGM
- use roznrani
Pfipalent’ lntemetové lament
vteite use ueoet imernerone kamery
do vnlné pence use na Vasern pocnae
/ need do nepiletté zfliiky use.
/ \11.. windows pole spusti vynledavanr
\ mile
E PCW 01/018 I PCW 02
Protesslonelle hochqualltetlvewehcam
Kurzanleltung zur installation
Dlese AttIElIung dient ats aonnelle orientiorung xur
lnstatlaton und Verwertdung truer Wepcarit.
ertte lesan siadre eodtarurnosanletlung dutch. die aut dei
comm mt Vertugurio stetu sle entnatt grundticne
Intolmattionen uber dre installation und die Verwendung
tortoeactinuerier Funklmen,
elite ateilen sie vorder installation sonar, dass tnr System
den lolgenden Miridestanlorderurioen entspriotu.
~ wmdnws‘esSe/ME/ZDOOIKF
255 MB RAM oder rneirr
20 MB lteiet Festptettonspeicner
Kane mil ntrndeslena 16~BltrFalbdetstellung
Sounokano. Leutspieotier, onmorer und Mlkmh" rind
lt‘erldeos mil tonaulnennie notweridig.
~ USBrSchnnIflstle
Ansonlleeen der Wabmm
J Steckett sre dasWebcam usexabel
in eineri tieien use~Pon an lnrern
Cnmpntst oder in elnen
strorngesoeisten USE-Hub
. thdows tangt dann an, die Pluoand-
may-aerate xu etkertnefl.
m PCW 01/018! PCW 02
Protaaslonate Wobcarri van Huge Kwatitett
Deze oidr triedt U een aneile relerentie vpot as metal-
latte on he! georuikt van uw Webcam.
Geneva de handleidtng to lezen die to viiiden is op de
onenom. Ze beret gedetatlleerde tnlotniatie over de
rnstattatre an bet gebtulk van de oeavanoeerde lotto
Atyorens LI vsrdergaal met de installatie var-reker u
etvan dat uw PC voidoei aan de votoende intnimurii-
~ Windows' geSe/Mazooolxp
255MB RAM othoger
20 MB vn|e Mrdtflskrutrme
Grefieche kaan met mtnrmtari to ldourari
eeluldsltaart, luidsprakers. koptaletcion en
rnrerotoon din verarat voorvidao met oeluidsopnamo
- cumin station
. use intertaoe
De wabcam Aanaluiten
Slim do use kapal van de Weocarn
eariopeenyriyeusepoon opuwconi-,
pinei ot op een ingasotiakeide use
. \ windows zal vermlgsns plug a play
toestellen bsglmsfl detecleren.
lnatallerte logtciet
Insérez tout d’abotd IE CD ROM dans la lecleur CD
ROM de I'nrdlneleur at I'lnstallatlon demure
automatiquemem, SI IB CD d'lmlallalton "e démarre
pee automaltquemertt. chemhfiz Ia pilots du CD ROM
sur yolre ordinateor en utiinant tlly Comma-update
no IIIVB“) on Window. Explonr El cllquel wt
selupexe puis suivel stmplement 1M tnsltucttons
duflnées sur I'eemn pour [simmer I'tnslallallbfl.
Poeltionner la Weucatn
1. La Weooarii pain etra plaoe'e sur une taole ou
aocrocitee a lemon de tordinateur oonaote pour
capturer une ptioto ou one video.
2 Toumez la oague de inisa au Wm pour ootenrr one
image precise.
a Visualisex orrectentarit la video pour guider vos
Appuyex our te oouton de capture en naut de la
Woeoam, oudrquex aursuntur‘marruri aurta barre
dee lecnes Windows, pure sélecllnnnex
ProgramalVatpl/or'ce use W'bcnmlAMCAP
legr-mmaetvatptfdice use uncommon)
pour aetiver le logtoiel. l'lndtcateur Iumtneux pteu
Eel equlpement don elre toumi d‘tm port use identitie
contonna aux arioerioas d’une ahmnlalton lirrrrtta
inn-lace dvladaoe
netprve vtdlie cn ROM do lednoly cc ROM Vaseno
poatase, altlamallcky in re nyni meld spustit sestavwatu’,
Pound se malarial cu automlllcky nesnusll. vyniodene
tednorku ce ROM na Vasem podtaci pomoci Tcnlta
poilhé neoo Pruxtorrrrnltrarn wlndw- a ktiuntte na
seruaere. pelt se Jedi-mini: unite pouyntr na otnazouce,
aWSle dokmciti instalaoi.
umleteni int-meme kemery
d. lntrrnetova’ kamere mute on umlstena na stole netro
pripnota u ooiazdvoe pienosnetro pocilaoe pro snima '
more need videa.
2. meaene xaorti'ovaci'm prstencern, aoyste zisltnll osiry'
a Sledujl! aniinaai. abyste oyli vedenr seiizovaniin
Sllskttele ilaonuo snimanl no moral sirene internetore
itariiery. nebo kllknéle na Sbflna rtlavnrrn panetu. a pole
vybem Prop-rm WWW/u use Wlbcrlm \AML‘APum
aidivan programu, mndti LED se roreyi'ti‘.
raid vim-veal r... on napalevta 1 uroenerrd use pond on
rapehtwa'ni Bdwatvm't Omezsnl ltnpflacldt rdioiu
Inst-Iluflon desTrelbars
hegert Ste lusts] die onenou t" das CD-ROM-Laulwetk
trues computers eln nae setup some nun autonialisoh
sienen Fells die CDrInslallatltm nrotit automaliacii starlet,
gene" sie rnli Hllle von My Computertuein Computer)
oder window. Eltplom lum CDrROM—Laulwerk aut
inreni Computer, kllcken eta aul setupere und oetotgen
sie die Bridsciurrnanwelsunoen. urn die installation zu
Antstellett derWebcem
t, Die Wepcam kann aul die tisotiptatta gesiellt cider an
das Laptoonisplay angeklemml werden, um ein eitd
ode! ein video xu emaacnen.
2. notinen sie den Fokusslertmg. urn eln senanes end
In etzieien.
a eetracnteri Ste des Live-video. urri tnie
Foktseinsiettungen vorzunerimen.
startan dea Programme
Dmckan Site are Snap-Taste open aut der Weocarri odet
kiiciran sie Starr (Starter-J aut dei Wlttdows Tasklelsle,
und wanlen Ste dann PrognmsanIPWice use
WUDMMIAMCAP aua, um die Sottware zu airtivieien.
woriumm die elauetee eulleucntet.
Diem e I rriuuvon omen u-kmnnwmelen USE-Poll
inlt Slum vsrsorot werdan. dai den Anlotuemttgeri lur
suornouatlan figmeuasum drllwtlml
Net bestuureprognmma installeren
Plaats aerst da CD-ROM in het CD-ROM stalron van
uw oomputer. De setrup xal nu amariiatlscn mallen.
Ittdten de cn lnstaliatie nlet autoriiatiaon start, ga dan
near itet CD ROM Slancin op uw conptner door My
computer tMi|n Computer) ol wlndomt Explorer
(Wlnflwn vurtrantm) te georuiken, Klik op setup axe
en volg vetvotgefls stitwetweg da rnslructies op net
sotiann arr-i de uistallatte te voltooien.
De Webcam Pnsllioneran
t. u ken de Weooam op eon tatatolad olaataan ot
vastkliltiien op het scnerm van een laptop om een
told at Video to scnaten.
2 area aan de sonerpsteilingring om eon scnerp
beeld te kri|gen.
a Bskt|k tiet live videnbseld om u is neipen on hel
Dluk op de smp-toets aan do oovenkant van da
wapcarn, ot klik op slm op de Wlndnws Tekettbalk
eri selectaer vervotoena ngramrlvplpvolce use
uetzcemuMcAp om de aoltware te activeren, De
blanwe LED zal opticrttan.
Dtnoeslet diant west! to worden ddoreon ertanda use
poon do voldoet aan da vemlslett van letled Power
Sonic. [Miami’s Voedlngibmtl)
Front side
folding line
Back side
Putt Na.: GLQMOW Rev; 3
Mudel: PCW at 1 MW 02
Description: Quick sum Guide
scale: 1 21 size: 170 x 480 mm
Colour: Pflntifllatk Buckymundzwhlte
Material: 70 gsttt wood rm paper

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XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 4.0-c316 44.253921, Sun Oct 01 2006 17:14:39
Create Date                     : 2007:05:11 11:21:25Z
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Modify Date                     : 2007:05:15 11:23:56+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2007:05:15 11:23:56+08:00
Format                          : application/pdf
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