Prime Time Toys 8415-R49 RC Submarine User Manual

Prime Time Toys Ltd. RC Submarine

User Manual

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Mirror Download []Prime Time Toys 8415-R49 RC Submarine User Manual
Document ID489010
Application IDtoAAzqAQ12VAnZ2d5c0nLA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize17.61kB (220087 bits)
Date Submitted2004-11-17 00:00:00
Date Available2004-11-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-11-03 18:09:27
Document Lastmod2004-11-03 18:42:56
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorHP 9100C Digital Sender
Document Author: ITS ELECTRIC TOY

e ,
Undbrwater Explorer
l l
1 .
l enragemaanurruomsmrlnuavrua.
i sulw s. in, Kwuw 5m; nan, Cull", rsl an nun m, lem m,
nariq liar. Airnranh rim-m mower
immune"; nubi‘el lo err-rig. urnorn mlm.
snow-us Meet! awn“! um rm
Read rhrs man ‘alearerulryoelore play
keep ilris mamLI/or lurure reference
GETTING leADY 'Arl adultxhou/dirlsmllandreplaze barierrer
Explorer ‘
1. Remove b
is (orrscl.
2. Align ihe roove ar oneend urine earrrioge «o rhe
correspon lng wall in rlie battery comparimenl ano
insen «he iarirlogejhe earrrielge ean only be insened
in one drrejenon. no no« jam ii in by force
1 Replace «n‘e banery doorand saew ii in lighuy lo
prevent w ier seepage Waler in (he uanery
compari ‘ m will (ause rapid powerdlstharge.
The bane door can only ill in one direction,
4, Pull down he periscupe lo lurn on lhe
VOWEL Th red light aY the team!
(he conning lower should «urn on,
new door with a sacwdriveund slide oul (he banavy
lnserM x AA alkallne batteries. Ensure that the polarity
Controlle ‘
is Remove nery door with a screwdriver, and insen
i x sv batteryfirl Me (Gum pulanly
2. Replace banery cover and screw ir in tightly. The oanery
door can only iii in one direnion.
3. Press any ne nl«he black shrenronal arrows,
The corre’pondlng propellers should opera!e.and rhe
{mm lrgnr. under ihe ooservalion deck should rurn on
You are 15014 in play.
swirrh oiflhe powel by pulling up «he peilscupe.
1 Once the w oairery has been inseried.rhe (mlrroller is always On
(hark lhe ballery eonoirion by pressing any oilne black
oirerrional ounons The (onespnnding propeller will operare.
1 Depressing «he rarwaro arrow will move «he Explorerlorwaro,
Both propellers will operaie
4 Depressing lhe leh arrow will operate the lell propeller only,
and «he Explorer will make a sharp leli turn
5 Depressing rne right arrow wlll operale «lie righi moror only,
and me Explorev will make a sharp righr «urn.
B Depressing me back arrow will reverse rhe
direcmnal spin of both propellersanrl «he
Explorer will move haekwards
7. Nor depressing any bunons will eause ihe
propellers lo siop and ihe Explorer will
slowly floalvenitallywlhe spriare.
B lime Explorer does nol move lorward
srraighi, manually adjust the angle of ihe
rudders uniil you have achieved the
desired resuli.
Controlling The Explorer 1;
Press down his perismpe «o «urn on the power The red lrglrl ar «he rear of i
rhe (mirllrlg «own shoulorurn on This iighrwiiltoririnuew be on unlilvou I1 3
Controlling The Angle Ol Dive
Earh propeller arm can be tilted manually ro any one
of 4 posllions.
z. Poshlon i will cause ihe Explorer to rnakea
sleep dive.
3 Poslli s z and 3 will give less sieepeiives.
Poslrion 4 will make «he Explorer
move horlzonlally
Adjusting For Water Buoyancy Diflerences
The diving werghl container is located on ihe ouisioe ofme banerv (over. There are 4 rneul
weights inside
2 Firery‘ immerse me Explorer eornplerelv in«o«he water and shake ll gen«ly«o remove all lniernal
air bubbles
s. Seronoiy, cheek ihar «he waier surface is aporoxinialelv level wilh ilie hurixorllal fins oldie
conning lower The wa«ersurlare should healsove rhe hagm oi propellers when lhey arelri
Position L rhls would enablelhe Explorer to perlorm a steep diver Remove the merol welghls,
one byerie,un(il you have achieved me desired results
How To Pl‘ py
Toss llle 5
me score
Score; »
value Prellv up lhe mosl lo wln'
Same common Questions
ores rnlo llre waler They will srnx lo llre pool honor“ and stand llpvlglrr
z Maneuver he Explorer lowards lne deslred sepre and llllead llne pick up arm llrrpuglr llre lam) or
3 Reluln lhe Explorer lo yoursell. lemeve lhe seore and repeal unlil you have lemeved all lhree
4. The [xplor‘gr comes in two radio llequenclE), 27 MHz and 49 MHZ vou could cumuele wllh an
a dlffevent frequency for the scores (id! of lhe scores has a dilfelem
Explorerdoes ol move
Possible Reason
Bollerres are nol rnslnlled
Metal [ab ln hollery
mmparlrlen: ls rusled
Boner-es ln erlner
Explorer or controller have
run our of power
Explo'ev‘s propeller are
Explorer ls loo far away from
What To Do
Check lor (17!th
balleries polanly.and
all ballelres are maklng
conlacl urrlh (he melal labs
Clean wrlh sandpaper lo
lemnve rust
Replaeewrln new balleries
Remove debrls lrorn propeller
Move closer
1 Only lgbeml‘dm yrdlerrn w/ll'cll rlrelrrrlrrrs wlllrln rrs deprlr. and under lornpelenr adurr svpervlsrol! Never
lenueclrlldrerr urrarlenlled Exerlrse (are when enrerr‘rrg and lerwrrrg rlreprxrl Nol surrolrle lnr lrrrldren under
so rnarlllxx duo lo snmllpurls whldl rnayposeullrnllrnglrazarll
1. Danoloperaledurlnglhllnderxlorms
3 me lxprarer rs aperaredby radr‘o wares rl ls polsrnle llre unrr may nor perlarrn properly due lo rnrerlerenxe
llom rlmrby devlcex mm as a mldlcsi phone, lrorrdryerradro, wulklErm/kle or ollrer radlorcarrlmlled lays
rusl (house a drllerenr rnne orproee la aperare lne Explorer.
4 Operarr lrre Explmer only rrr dean warer Do nor operare rrre Dlplmzl rn llre $217, or rn a Hot spa Saltwater will
(strode rrre (small: and nor spa! wlll damage the wnlerprpolseuls,
s Avordopemrull] rlre Explorer in ponds or klkxs where lorergn paint/ES rrle p4r1nls,mlld,mudrll¢bbles, gig
eon/d rrnperle mavlng gears orproperlers
a keep fingers lrrrlr, and low tlalhmg away lranr llre propeller: whllE llre Explorer is xwl'lchedan
7. The cenrrorrer r; waleweslslam "dropped mm llre wafer, rr wrllllcal back to me surlnze r r; nol waler-pranl.
and Should nor be lefl in In! walev
5 Remove Ihe Explorer/mm lhe wale! akuplfly, undremember m SWfld'l offihkpowtr. Dmln all wnrerollund
WIDE Wllh a dry (lath.
9 Always ensure l/lal rlre Mlmycomparrmenu are dry
10, llre Explorerrrax eledrwllt componenn Do not drop or lreur rl roughly,
rr, rlre Exp/arena" dive up lo 6 lr (1.4 m), Hawever, rlre barrery drain ls higher when llre Explorer ls conrlnuauxly
operrrledor rrrer deprrr,
flue Emery manner-s
- Do pol drlpoleorpanenexrn rrre. sonerles may look or explode,
~lelerenl lypes al prnrerrel ar new and uxedbulmres rrre nal lo ae rrrrxed.
‘Dmy barrel/Es ollrre some or Equlvrzlem tyne; a: rxnmmendedala lo oe med.
-TIlE supplylerrnlnalx are not m be slran—rl'lculled
-Relhargmblzballuiex are In be llrorged underddurr supervision
div/ml nor rrr use for exlendea rrrne, remove lmrlenes loprmnrposlrlrle leakage
A Ballet/IS are la DE lnSE/I‘Ed lll the (Vlredpulmlli.
rzxrrausred lrarlerres are up be removed lrarn rrre lay
Quayle: should be replacedby an adu/lr
> 1
Explorer does nal submerge
Explorer isnollurned on
Balleries are loo weak
Explorer ls loo lornwoy
Propellels above waler llne
Press down pensrcope m
lurn "ON"
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Creator                         : HP 9100C Digital Sender
Create Date                     : 2004:11:03 18:09:27
Author                          : ITS ELECTRIC TOY
Producer                        : 
Title                           : 
Subject                         : manual
Modify Date                     : 2004:11:03 18:42:56+08:00
Page Count                      : 2
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: SML-8415-R49

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