Primex Wireless FM72 Part 90.238 Telemetry Transmitter User Manual FM 72 1

Primex Wireless, Inc. Part 90.238 Telemetry Transmitter FM 72 1


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Document ID183835
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Date Submitted2001-12-16 00:00:00
Date Available2001-12-14 00:00:00
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Document TitleFM-72-~1.PDF
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Document Author: Unknown

FM-72 User's Manual
FM-72 Operation Manual
Table of contents:
I} FCTZ IY‘ firmxtiztm 9x Dreizxutizms
m? FCU IY‘ ‘Futigm & Qequivememts
R) SszPTy Y‘P! zzw Marx
L]? EquEMZ’ht iréccutbhs
H) SPT Swii: V1 Preferwwfi as
HL) Ihiiia SQT Up
A) TY‘ilYWSmiTtPY‘ Sat JP
5) UCCR Set JD
I”) 37315 31“ 3,5tor" Dpcraiiom
A) vawsmiitfér
LR) Kczci er COCKS
Q) Prchct Specificciiors
r—m; Trwvxmhiw‘ RINK vipw
B“ Stock Back View:
L1? Tramsmiiizr Frori ”13.2
F3'77f’ Mwuat
Qwviwflil LP/flP/Jl 3059 #1
FM-72 Operation Manual
Section 1: FCC Information and Precautions:
A) FTC Ihpiihfiutiiiri (lY‘Di 3eziuirvm9hts
CF Ti"? Flt; hutesi
This oie ice compiies with pohT
DpehaTiOh is stiiov‘PTT to Tiho +1 wihg
(L) "Wis z>ie>vize> fizzy not 10;st horn?» iYWtPY‘tCIJYTJYWZP,
mo (Shoiitiehs:
thz>i i?) This oizavize mast :;
Jchsz may (ILLASP th>iesir91>i IiiIPY‘KLtiZTYL
This oie ice compiies with pohT Lb OF tific FCC PJiCS ohoi
with ix’SSffilC CF Ihoiusth, Corooioi
Dponiurt is xJkZJPZT to TV? tciii
irii‘ TM) z::h:>iiti:7hx;
L This (>i9vi( 9 may hth (aux? hor‘m Li tfer‘Prtr 9 thz>i
h This vim/it? FLAST ilKiPiTT (my iY‘TPY‘FPY‘PYiZP rt
ihgudir‘g iY‘TL’Y\FL>i'\Ci'\LC Ti‘ot nay LQJLC undesired operoTiorn
Zihahgos eh macoiiifioaTiohs heT expressh opphrweoi icy the
ZUViLiZLYitZJ zzuioi v::i:>i thy txszfirt’x
rzzzr Vy PPSiBZiYWSikLP 3
outhChiT, to ODC’Y‘QVC’ the eqaiprfior‘Ti
3? Expos”?
To compi/ wiii" PC; QF exposure Y‘CQJiY‘CmCi’Wts for meicite
trohsmiTtirtg devizes, this Tr‘tlr‘xflitiifih shamoi shy k)? used
Ci" ir‘stoucoi QT Tocotior‘s whore Tiochc is ct TcosT EJCP”
JYW thy thterth Ahz>i (pi [zertszthxi
(Ltiiiri distthze k)?
Page 412
FM-72 Operation Manual
Dizerzztizth (BF tre F‘V77i” Trursmiiter requires uh (merutirg
Li( ehsei Priztr i: ztperz‘Atirg ire F‘fs7? trthsmiiter, 1m
cpptieutior rust be Fred Wm we FCC uroi up; swat ,
FQC is required irior to recei ihe the FM7 /2 Trcrsri
Fiiih; croi FCC iieersihe shcuioi rue beeh cempieteoi, iF he?
/:u must Pi“ out croi fiie ire required cpptie iior with
ire FIX) I: you rave nry qtmstiehs Cr WPPQ‘ ossistorre
[Lease zzzhtzzzt a Prirex xzxie persor ZLT ’7z
IT is re: ormehoieoi at s in 1 ei
be fotioweoi pricr epermvihg i is equipmeht ir the
proximit, OF tiFe support s,stersi
Tre va/B Truhsmiiter is oiesigheoi Fer iroieor use It is YWCT
weather protecteot Dperutirg the FM7 cut visors oiurih;
adverse heather zoroiitiurs is or eimirizzp rzx/zxrvi thz>i
R) Sszeiy itrezfiz
m: e [triti eoiures
may oizxm: e the F‘V77r” TY‘QY‘SMiTtPY‘ thz>i ruJFy Worrzxrity
3) Eziuipreri Drefizxutizths
Te aveiai stetir shebi< ahai possibie damage to tire FVf/ii
irzzrxritter m:;ii stehes the iY‘tOh‘mQTiOi" ih its VCVOP/t \\ith the
the exceptieh OF the chchhet swit: , Chaheihg the positieh
e: n switsh wheh the thchsvitteh is oh Witt hot efFect the
thermritteh uhtit the ituweh is ihitPY‘hkAiltPDi :;h(>i hextohezi
The setet tuktte (littiohs the 50h tine /()Y‘P, zhchhet htwheh,
1: :7h :4 hittih ziisiltzxy (moi fzth zxuttwuti: 17h ktyfrmss 17:
bun/tight SQ,ii"QS time eoiu‘ustrfiehts‘
Switch M (LE/24 HCJV‘3
r we i(7‘-"v‘> urmexx zttrer menu tZZY‘ shtoirirg 1) prezismr time
ermihe K; suit: hsmitteri The
of? it rust he
sigrot are Jseot
Fer icetter sigrci trcrsmissior it is reecmvehoieoi trot tre
Pvt/9 trursmitter he ’F 9 t’: 3 Feet
above tife Pour zxroi (L y Fritm JlYY e MPTZL (ibJPKtS, su: r
ix mihimw
itsi The (zrterhzx rzxoii tex
Us to: kerx, fitihg Akxihets (LYW
ir a CiY‘CJiQi” putterh, therefure tre emerage fer ah mrec
wit ice ioetter wher tre trchsritter is rore CCi’WtY‘Qu/
toratebi trrxr wrer tre trarsvitter is toeoteoi ih the ferrer
UP the ktuitviirg mszt ir Mxitistztry kuiioiirgs, Littutirg the
(zrterhzx ir tre tut: story in“ veh gives the kzest zztveruge
Q) Lssemktte Trtzrsmitter
1) Set SW‘
2) Zorreev the [MS to the Trcrsmitter
Si) Attccr 348 re:ei,er te Wiroiew
4) Zfiorreft the 4? arterha t" trorsmitter (turh ahtehro
ztm kiiiise heihg (IxreFLi rttt ti) (rttss JCVYYJKLOi (zhterru)
w izreferehzes (see pege it?)
in) Torre: t 5 vzttt [tower suitpty to the trtzrxmitter
Si) 7143 9 ,O~T Lt; power stpty ir t: L " VAC tirei
fl) Trarsritter seth is eorpiete
Page #3
FM-72 Operation Manual
Bi? sri< setup (see Figure page #Z~i
Ctoeiiehti3y tire pixsitizxr in“
seLohd hard ohd tre mirute rohdi
The proceddre is as sCiiCWSi
L) Irsert two ”L1” cett batteries irto batter, hetderi
Pi) USiYii tre gr set kuttzth, set tre ititfik hzxrds tzt
tre opproximt
3) Wher tre seeohd rohd gets to tre 12:3: positieh
press 3rd retease tre red bdt hi
4) Treh wheh the secerd hard crosses the miflJtG rord
th is at the flirt/it? hark that the mihute rord is goih;
to, tirer (lgfizir [tress (Lhd release the red button
5) "We ztztzi< setfdp is how zztmiztete, :;h:>i tre 111m i< will take
two steps or atterrote serohds Ji/‘Tit it decades 0 vatid
Drze (; \/(;\ii>i time sigrzfl has kteer 1>ie( :7de:>i, tre
time or tre rezlrest rturi
tirre sigroti
ztztzk ML dvzzhze :;t 8 tires rormzx speed or it Witt stow
dowr to l, rorrro~ speed dhtit tre dock rahds disptcy
the correct time
The eoei< shedtd rereive the sighat het‘"
IlYii>i 47: set 11rdsi Dh: e tre (411k res d
ii seenhds
tirre sigrot it Witt heei: (1rd zortirue it, heep with every
.c~id decoded sigrat for the he>i set to the (zzrrezt time I: tie
the batteries are removed witrodt pressirg the red
icdttor, theh repeat #L,i43 & $44 ab: e
Page #/
40:10 $48
FM-72 Operation Manual
Section 4: Details of Operation:
AT) Thahsrwitteh Dpehctioh:
ThP Fmowih; aqwma; that thP FMf/P TY‘N’TSmi‘tT2i" ahai
ztztfiks how) baeh phopwny Satup as oizaxz hikteoi ethiiPh
ih thix FQY‘LML, Mhah [time i% Pihxt zxitptiaoi to Th? F377?
thuhsvittch, it wii~ dispio, the Seftwuhc he.i5i0h i’M/imiCCi” FOh
a fawn QPFOth Thah thP p erasqeh ih Th? FVa’P Th‘th‘it
FittPY‘ wiit oiispxw the Fm“ NJ (was SRPJEK h (1h [11199 LC):
Q The i’M/ii'iOCi" to the hight Sioie CF the oiispta, is the
seeeteoi ehahhe huvheh ah which the thehsmitteh wii be
t>i1 (LSfiY‘U thy Tim? Sig This (VTILYWTPi MJmkIPY‘ FLAST
:>i 17h yfituh Fifi (Lmttk zxtizthi I:
it is hzzt, theh yzzu FLASJE immaoiizztaiy JOUJST thy zhohhex
huviceh t: the cahhect chahhei hambehi Tho ehahhei
is coiu‘ustooi Oh the heck CF the uhit Ci"Oi the Chchhoi
TOT" he abiv‘utt’wi ‘i‘iii‘OJ‘t oiitfm‘hoftihg powohi AL ethnh
awhixxthahts h: iuih‘ifi TV? thuhxhitteh t:: k)? shut (
:;h:>i p: QFPH ti
Slim? (hfizhhfi ST7PI
h hextzwaoi ktpfzwa thew 3:7 ih
j) The LBEEQC ih the cehteh CF the UiSptay witi ihChemeht
e eh, seCOhoi, uhtii the Jh‘it heceixes “ ciioi time
a Thzfi uhit Wih JEVTZJY‘ 1>iisi7L11y (;h:>i ih( hemwwt the
the (zzhhm t tima (moi z>izzt9i Nate: The Fii771 t
stahts t; thuhzmit 05 Sech 05 it heLeii/eb p ,
howe eh, it oioes hct TPQYTSVW time vista uhtit it has
he:ci.ooi 0 atioi time Sight)“
’cge W;
Indiiuti“, (L ” ”7 ”
\\ $z‘fi Irdizatss Ia,.ight Smihgs
‘\ 3 1mm "
ri< : iv. w mupmy)
S c‘S :: r‘Ji’iiCQtiOi’i
1mm (mu, (”mm min; r1>11>iv1>1>t
10:10:00 Elm DTS 7“?
Wed Sap D5. 2001 15 x /
//7 i -
' Hay/Hutu harrs. : Ftoshr; «34 LE]: 7
t Mews recepticr grabsr
Frert iSW Dispa, PQhe
3) "We JJJETZJWS ”DST” (Deg/tight Savirgx Time) or ”ST”
(Starviuroi Tire? wit be oiisptayeai or tre LCD wrer
aJteratic aaiw‘ustmert For aka/tight sa irgs time is acti e
I: switch $48 is ir tre ic/fpass positior treh heitrer o:
fitter SPTS ”DST” aroi ”ST” ‘ be iiiSiiifilyPOii
\i: The EDS xiz‘rut (Jhiike the \»\r/\/i“§ xigrtzi) wines hzzt
ereeoie irFUrmut r ahuat oiuyiigrt savihcs tivei "ire time,
aiaves ahai oiirectiCh of caijustmerts are programveoi ihto
tre trahsritter’s processor aroi therefiore tre, are
het dePhaiPrt eh receptinr trP oiay CF the tire fi’flli’WCPi
1h we SiiY
9 at 8 timex
we :i:7( ks wit rapiz>iiy aoivzm
hztrmzi site’ e>i to Fake tire (11>iv‘uxtmerti Ir we Futi we
tre ciccii oroi is hein oiixiztzxyeaii
Fer practicat purposes tre roJr rooie switcr ori,
c onees tre oiispicyi Botr tre 12 & 8/4 heur neoies
stpert tre 15 heur aroi 24 ram cieciiisi
e’>i by the er (it irks
6) CTR xigru re: eptizxr ix in:>ii(
ii ever it) and by tre parertr
T e tower ”V” indicates trut tre Li’s recei er is
cennecteoi to tre FMf/E trarsritter aroi that there is
t‘e Fiif7? trensritteri \»her the F‘ff7: trcrxnitter is
time oizxto from the CTR rezeiver tren tre
proper zorfnuri’ Avior bet 'er tre TPS refieiver ix
parertreses WM squencei
h) T ere is an LEifi iigrt en the irort poneii This iigrt
eoi zxnz>i n:: time up oizx Ve has kzeer re( eiveoi From
Len has
oriy ftzxshex wher 1) severe rezeptiztn i
e Li’s recei er in se,en oiafsi
Basic Dperutier:
iihen power is first apptieoi to the Fiv’f/E trarsvitter it
Page it;
FM-72 Operation Manual
CiCCi< t: trat time The va /£ trer starts to trahsrit its
ihterrat time erre every se oi The trarsmissier sigrat is
>i tre Fii771’)
The F‘ff7: system is 11 Fixiifsafe oiesigh, su: r trat ezzfir
revher 13? tre xyxter zohtiruex t:
ruh: tizth irz>ieizehz>iertiy
power irterru ch to utrer members
a: the sfstemi Dr restoratior of puier eacr mehicer
resumes rorrat cperatier ‘.i‘iTi"OJt the heeoi to reset
a faiture er
the system (tr (zhy remkter (1: the systerfi
Bi) QM eiver (stave ztzzzk) Dperatizzri
f/rer tre batteries are irserteoi iht: tre sta.e eciix is xtztreoi I: trey are stored treh the ztzzzk
wiit tripie beep aroi hyapass the fciicwirg raroi idertiFiLaticrn
IF the hahoi pesitiers were rot storeoi ih heror/, trer tre
mifirztprztfiessztr wii wait *::r the reoi ktuttor tzt be pressed
twi( e "We First tire i“ ih(>ii( ate that the s:
is at tre
roi haroi
1’: a pcsitich £;Yii>i tre seechoi wiii ih’ w tre
a: the Mii’M/iTO haroii AQter the reoi hatter ras
beeh presseoi twice tre Meroprecessor wiii start searchirg
start at iii(lY‘Y19\ 441
it either Die
rm xizhzxi is
the 1V(1r‘rie\\
zxroi przm eeoi
at or rem res
i he
vuiioi \‘
tire r
a sighai is recei eoi
(me kzy
shat cfi aroi tr, agaih tateri
Page i418
FM-72 Operation Manual
trem tre mi: rppro: exsnr wiL stztre the zrurmet rurber,
set the (431k to the rezeiveoi tire :;m:>i trem Pzzr the mext
mirmte th;> beep every tir;> that it rcee
atioi tire s ma” 1: tre deck is im a ecooi sigrct area it
wiL beep ::m: e 11 xefi zlroit [5 tre zim i< beeps every Few
ei< t. t ives c
set zxrois, them Vvutx ore im (; [tour siJrzzt zxrezx Tre zi:7( Rx
erJoi weri< ir trese peor sigroi areas, th the, WM ha /e
a sherter butter, Lite (est‘ 833"; Less)
fifter tris iritizxL set, tre 1L17Ki< wiL shtxt inc: tre re( eiver‘
Dr 1) prefsz hez>itiez>i time basis the mi( roprz): exsztr wiL turr
tre re: eiver but i< (1m (zroi stzxrtirg] with the stored zrz;mrei
it will cgair took far 0 .ctioi time sigroL, this tire
tre beeper wiL rot be epercteoi‘
I: the 1t111i< rue mztt oie: (1:>ie(>i (1 vfiztiz>i time sifimei fztr sevem
days, ther it Witt J,
sigrc~ receptior cam ice ccuseoi ic/ Low batter, xettuee‘
SrUJLDi tris seejr, ther repeee both atimtire ”E” batteries
NDTE: IF you press tre reoi btittdm, befere rerovirg the
batteries, ther tre mifi r::
bu i< W 1) oizzubte step m131>ie‘ This romf
essztr iti stop tre romz>is
uroi x :re their it; ree time» Ther after
reme,irg 3in replacing tre batteries the cock Witt beep
trree times imoiieatimg trot the mm pesitiem is iiurimg tire mext rirute‘
’cge 4115
FM-72 Operation Manual
Product Specifications
General Specifications
FreunMC) :a* ’2¢00 ‘"400 MHZ
Trunumvwn n zungu nte open a
«nnu T ronbomd r
Widumtt ‘
kHz mox
fihtmrwi 30 to 7 nnz
nnet xp
Transit ”cote
Hutu N A
Data P
erg Temperature
Transmitter Specifications
Transmwtar DJtput Ponar**
Freque enotmn
Intvrnct - quuw
fkwvwvr rvxnnupnty xt
Antvnnc Typn%*
Aritvrim; ‘i/otitmswé
Receiver Specifications
Fivf’i" Snrcitivity (DPT at?
Gm vivvr‘
Ur quuwvrvrtu
to /[]a I?
+30 dEV a
4 kHz
: .Ac ot
mtg DC
20 ppm
Tramsmwter “canted
nencmt Antenna
f) Liupi :: TE 1; vtnt«
Antvnnc :
Antenna ' e/yuu
t hover Tnn r v rung tne
eoseos: . adJreStDthar nequenc. be For
azer, ranVe odd
tmww Ufiiwe erMiwe tmmy
FPert ir< ntiome
by FCC a V )[]?".1/ (k:?
7ogc #;4

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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 16
Creator                         : Microsoft Word
Create Date                     : Friday, December 14, 2001 3:36:37 PM
Title                           : FM-72-~1.PDF
Author                          : Unknown
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