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Document Type | User Manual |
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Filesize | 91.86kB (1148241 bits) |
Date Submitted | 1999-04-02 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 1999-04-13 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2001-06-25 21:20:30 |
Producing Software | Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows |
Document Lastmod | 2001-06-25 21:20:58 |
Document Title | 30451.pdf |
Document Author: | VicodinES /CB /TNN |
User Manual
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(l) This device may not cause harmful interference.and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device. Pursant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception. Which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
~-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-—Increase the separation between the equipment and
--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
__Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
This booklet is available from the US government Printing Office
*washington, DC 20402, Stock N0. 004-000-00345—4.
CAUTION: Any changes of modifications not expressly
approved by the grantee of this device could void the
users authority to operate the equipment.
SM56 Modem
Quick Start User's Guide
Personal Computer Requirements
Preparing the Computer for SM56 Installation
Installing Hardware
Installing SM56 Software on Windows 95/98
Verifying Correct SM56 Installation
Changing the Operating System
Using the SM56 Modem
10 Un-installing and Upgrading the SM56 Modem
11 Troubleshooting
12 Reporting Problems and Contacting the Modem Supplier
13 Understanding SM56 Windows Logo Certification
1-1 An Overview of the V.90 Standard Protocol
Appendix A SM56 Features
Appendix B Software License Agreement
Appendix c Supported AT Commands
1 Overview
This document helps the OEM, system integrator, VAR, and end user with host system selection
and proper modem hardware and sofiware installation. It lists qualified host personal computer
systems, and explains proper modern use This document helps you select CPUs, and it explains
the txadeofi's associated with different processousi It explains the use of the SM56
Data/Fax/Voice modem with various sound card configurations. It also aids you in
troubleshooting and testing the SM56 equipped system.
2 Introduction
Motorola's SM56 Modem is a feature-rich modem at an attractive price It provides high-speed
communications between your personal computer and a remote location. such as an Internet
Service Provider (ISP), so you can:
- Receive data at up to 56 Kbps in V?!) or K56flex modes
- Get automatic fallback to V.34 (33.6 Kbps) rates in bad line conditions and on non—
v.90/K56flex headends
0 Use your computer as a telephone answering machine (TAM)
Send and receive faxes on your personal computer at rates up to 14.4 Kbps
- Use your computer as a video phone to place and receive video phone calls
(Data/Faxl'l'AMISpeakerphone modem with video equipment)
0 Use your computer to conduct hands-off speakerphone voice calls
(Data/Faxfl'AM/Speakerphone modem)
The SM56 [SA modem runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, and it can be used by applications
that run in an MS-DOS box (under Windows 95/98). Windows 95 and Windows 98 use the same
SM56 software builds.
The SM56 PCl modem also mns on Windows 95 and Windows 98. It does not directly support
Windows 95/95 DOS box applications. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for information on a
third party COM port virtualizing/trapping application that allows the SM56 PC] modem to be
used with DOS box applications.
Personal-computer OEMs that incorporate the SM56 can benefit from sizable cost reductions,
hardware reduction, and lower power consumption. End users benefit from quick, easy and
affordable software upgrades, which help them keep current with the latest communications
Please check with your direct modem supplier for the latest sofiwarc updates and other product
3 Personal Computer Requirements
Motorola performs rigorous, exhaustive testing on its modems. It developed a list of
recommended personal computer features that perform well with the SM56. The information
includes qualified CPUs, Level 2 cache requirements, operating systems, RAM requirements,
and third-party sound card compatibility. However, in today's dynamic mhnology markets, it is
not possible to test all components and combinations on all systems
This section outlines minimum system requirements for SM56 operation. On these systems,
CPU loading was found to be acceptable and the modem demonstrated good performance over
the entire network model.
Important: SM56 operation is not limited to the personal computer systems listed here.
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The SM56 modem has been qualified (tested for processor loading and TSB network model
coverage) on the following processors:
. Intel Pentium, lSDMHz with MMX. 256K Level 2 (L2) cache
lnteI Pentium. ZOOMHz, 256K L2 cache
Intel Pentium ll
Intel Pentium Pro
Intel Celeron (Pentium ll. 266MHZ, no L2 cache)
The SM56 functions satisfactorily on the following systems. However, it has not been fully
qualified (it was not tested for processor loading or TSB performance):
. AMD K6. 233 MHZ. 256K L2 cache
0 AMD K6—2. 256K L2 cache
- Cyrix 6x86MX, 266MHz, 256K L2 cache
The SM56 does not function on the following CPUs, whose floating-point performance is
Cyrix MediaGX
Cyrix MediaGXM
' Cyrix 6x86
fl llcncl‘:
Level 2 (L2) cache is an instruction memory (SRAM) bank that resides outside the CPU care. It
holds many instructions close to the CPU, to reduce the need for the processor to use slow access
cycles fetching instructions from main memory (DRAM). Eliminating most CPU accesses to
main memory considerably improves overall system performance.
The SMSG Sofiware Modem works best when a minimum of 256K L2 Cache is installed on the
computer system motherboard to minimize processor loading. Intel's Celeron (266MHz PII)
systems do not have L2 cache. Although the SM56 operates on those systems, host processor
loading increases in the absence of L2 cache.
vm v: zh’wv Hpvrutinv wstcms
The SM56 modern will run on the following operating systems:
0 Windows 95 (OEM Service Release 2.0 or later)
a Windows 98
- DOS Box under Windows 95/98. Note that the SMS6 PC] modem does not include direct
DOS box support. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for information on working around
this limitation.
r .\| i-‘t-quu' ms
The SM56 Modem operates on systems that have the minimum RAM required by the installed
operating system. As with L2 cache, the more main memory. the better. The recommended RAM
is twice the required minimum, This reduces slow hard-disk swapping and improves overall
system performance... especially when executing numerous concurrent processes. The minimum
RAM requirements are:
Windows 95/98 16 MB
4 Preparing the Computer for SM56 Installation
To ensure problem-free installation of the SMS6 modem, ensure that an lRQ is available. as
1. In Win95/98. open the Control Panel.
2. Double click the System ioon.
3. Select the Device Manager tab.
4. Highlight the Computer icon.
5. Select the Properties radio button.
6. Ensure that the Interrupt Request (IRQ) radio button is selected.
This displays the lRQ lines that are in use on the eomputert Available lines are not shown in the
list. To install the SMSG lSA modem hardware, interrupt line 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 9 must be
available. The PC! SM56 sofiware modem can use an IRQ in the range 3 through l5.
If there is no IRQ line available for the SM56 disable one of the COM ports in the BIOS.
Note: If you are using a Windows 95/98 DOS box application, the modem requires two lRQs.
Refer to the Troubleshooting section in this document. or to the on—line User’s Guide for more
information on DOS application support. You can access the User’s Guide through the modem
Control Panel.
Important: The SM56 PCl modern does Lot directly support DOS box applications. Please refer
to the Troubleshooting section for intonation on how to get around this limitation.
To ensure that COM Port 2, 3. or 4 is available, you can use the following steps:
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Double click the System icon.
3. Choose the Device Manager tab.
4. Highlight the Ports (COM and LPT) branch.
5. Expand the branch to see which parts are installed on the computer.
To install the SM56 lSA modem so that it is accessible through older application software and
DOS programs. COM pan 2. 3. or 4 should be available. If none of these ports are available,
you must disable one ofthe COM ports in the BIOS.
5 Installing Modem Hardware
”(a ,v.,,
Install the modem card as follows.
1. Power down the personal computer.
2. Locate a vacant bus connector (ISA or PC], depending on your hardware) and insert the
modem card.
3. If using the SM56 Data/Fax/TAM/Speakerphone modem, connect the sound subsystem
interface cable(s) to the modem card (via the intemal TAPI connector or using the audio
jacks —— refer to the information above on sound card compatibility.)
4. Connect the modem Line input to an analog phone jack using an EH 1 phone cable.
Optionally, connect a telephone handset to the Phone input on the line interface card. The
external telephone cable connections are as follows.
5. Replace the personal computer cover and power the personal computer on.
6 Installing SM56 Software on Windows 95/98
lPCl Slots
The SM56 for PCI is PCI Plug and Play compliant. It requires one IRQ ( lRQ 3. 4,...15) and one
memory mapped base address.
Windows 95/98 assigns the modern a COM port number. The SM56 installation software
attempts to negotiate a COM port number in the range of 1-4 in order to support older sofiware
and DOS games Note that the SM56 PC] modern does not include direct DOS box support.
Please refer to the Troubleshooting section for information on how to get around this limitation.
(Note: The Install Wizard may vary slightly with different versions of Windows 95 and
Windows 98.)
On starting Windows 95/98 for the first time afier installing the SM56 (ISA or PCI) line
interface card, the Windows 95/98 Configuration Manager detects the new hardware, assigns
resources to it, and then displays a window requesting the modern sofiware drivers. This
indicates that the Configuration Manager is looking for the information (INF) file, which
contains information about the modem‘ including device type (Modern), device driver
information (the name of the driver that will control the modem) and the AT command/response
sets that it supports.
In response to the request window, insert the distribution CD-ROM that contains the SM56
installation software. Select Driver from Disk Provided by Hardware Manufacturer.
Windows should find the information on the disk and identify the device as the SM56 Modem
Line Interface Card. It copies the files from the install disk to the computerr
Note: The SM56 install program may display a message box that reports Cannot locate file
_ins132.ex_... If this occurs, browse and re-point the path to the SM56 installation CD ROM
again. Then click OK.
On boards that have voice capabilities (SM56 Data/Fax/Voice models). another device is found
after the modern has been installed. Windows notifies you that it has found a Serial Wave Device
for the modem and prompts for a Wave Devrce driven Re—point Install Shield to the SM56
distribution disk, and click OK.
When these two devices are installed, the SM56 Modem Setup prop-am runs.
SM56 Modem Setup for PC!
The modem setup program for PCI does not prompt for user input during installation. It defaults
to USA country code and Domestic English as the language for the Help files. If you wish to
change either of these settings you may do so via the SM56 PCI Control Panel application (see
Verifying Correct SM56 Installation section) aher setup is complete. Also, for SM56
Data/Fax/I'AM/Speakerphone modems the microphone and speaker gain selections are done via
the Control Panel application (under the Advanced tab) The SM56 PCI Data/Fax/TAM only
modem does not have a Microphone/Speaker Gain selections
Determining Microphone Gain Setting
If you connect the modem to the sound card through the internal TAPl connector, use the
following procedure to determine the appropriate microphone gain.
Determine whether the sound card has applied any gain to the microphone signal that is
presented at its TAPI
Note: The SM56 PCI modem (Data/FaxITAM/Speakerphone only) Control Panel application
provides slider bars so users can fine tune speaker and micmphone gains more easily.
7 Verifying Correct SM56 Installation
Verify that the SM56 soflware and hardware installation was completed correctly as follows
.. <0 \ul't~ . illsllliirllil u
1. Verify correct COM port selecfiont
You can check COM port installation through the Modem: icon in the Control Panel or through
the SM56 Control Panel application (see below). Normally, the SM56 will install on COMZ,
COMB, or COM4. Sometimes, however, depending on your computer system setup or Windows
setup, the SMSG may install on COMS (or higher).
Although the modern functions correctly on COMS, many Internet Service Provider (ISP)
sofiware applications (such as AOL) do not work if the modem is on a COM port number higher
than COM4. If the SM56 installs on COMS (or higher), refer to the Tmubluhooting section for
2. Run simple diagnostic from the SM56 Control Panel.
The SM56 sofiware modem provides an informative Connol Panel that reports:
‘. Modem status: in use/not in use; dialing; negotiating a connection; actual connect rate
(updated in real time during a connection)
0 A button to access the on-line User’s Guide
The SM56 Control Panel program also provides access to two Windows components:
. COM port and IRQ information
0 A diagnostic utility that sends the modem ATI commands and displays the results: sofiwure
build. modem type (DF or DFV), and more.
To access the diagnostics option from the Control Panel, click Properties; select the Diagnostics
tab; select the SM56 Modem from the list: and then click More Info. If the driver is properly
installed, a dialog box appears, with responses to the ATI commands as showu in the example
below. Refer to the AT Commands section in the on-line User's Guide for an explanation of ATl
t.u‘i» ”Hymn“.
To verify correct SM56 modem card hardware operation (up to the isolation transformer), you
can use the following loop hack test procedure.
1. Important: Remove the telephone line connector from the modern card.
2. Select Start.
3. Select Programs-->Aceessories—>HyperTerminal.
4. Double click the Hypertrm.exe icon.
5. Optionally, select a connection name and icon.
6. In the Connect Using window, select Motorola SM56 modem.
7. Enter a number in the Phone Number box.
8. Select Dial.
9, Select Cancel.
10. Enter AT .
The response 0K should appear.
I 1. Enter ATS46 = 23 .
12. Enter AT&T1 . Wait a few seconds.
13. Type some letters at the keyboard. If the hardware is functioning correctly, the letters you
type appear on the Hyper’l'erminal display.
8 Changing the Operating System
Ifthe SM56 modem is installed on a Windows 95 PC. and then the system is upgraded to
Windows 98, the following error message appears when Windows 98 starts:
Duplicated device: ved
To remove the error. edit the file and locate the line that reads:
Device = "vcd
Delete this line. Save the modified SYSTEM.lNl file and restart Windows 984 You will no
longer get the error message.
9 Using the SM56 Modem
l - ~ “norm-oh
Because 32-bit Windows 95/98 applications use TAPI for communicating with modems, using
the SM56 is as easy as selecting the SM56 modem by name from the list of available modems.
w, ~ "9” ‘Ylllll‘lllllllh
Because I6-bit applications cannot use the TAPI interface, there is a bit more setup needed.
I. Select Motorola SM56 modem from the list of supported modems (if the SM56 modem is
not shown, select Hayes Compatible modern).
2. Configure the application‘s COM port selection. Use the COM port assigned to the SM56
3. If the application requires it. enter specific AT commands for the SM56 modem. (For a
full list of AT commands, refer to the SM56 on-line User‘s Guide). Some typical AT
commands are listed below.
-‘ ' ~ ‘v |- M \;|[> ~.rr|r| (i:ll|1t'~
Important: The SM56 PCl modem does Lot include direct DOS box support. Please refer to the
Troubleshooting sections for information on a way m get around this limitation.
The SM56 lSA modem can he used in DOS only through a Windows 95/98 DOS box.
DOS support is achieved by virtualizing the standard I/O and lRQ assigned to a COM port. This
means that the SM56 drivers capture and redirect all [IO tn/from the standard "0 address for the
COM port to which it assigned. In simpler terms. you tell the application the COM port of the
SMS6, and then use all the standard [10 and "10 settings. Standard l/O addresses and lRQs for
COM Ports 14 are as follows:
COM Port [0 Address IRQ
l 3FB 4
2 ZFB 3
3 SE8 4
4 2158 3
To determine the SM56 COM port number, open the SM56 Control Panel and select the
Diagnostics tab. The COM port number to which the SM56 modem is assigned is listed here.
Configure your application to use this COM port. For example. if the SM56 modem has been
assigned COM 3, configure your application to communicate through COM 3.
Enter the AT commands for the SM56 modem as required by the application. Some typical AT
commands are as follows.
AT Commands Commonly Needed by Applications
Applications generally prompt for the following commands.
lnitialization“ AT&F
l-lnngup ATHO
Dialing string ATDT
Answer string ATA
‘Some games require that the modem refrain from performing error correction and data
compression. In these cases. use the initialization string AT&F\N0.
For a full list of AT commands, refer to the on-line User’s Guide.
10 Un-installing and Upgrading the SM56 Modem
". !:i~-i.|ll i'l‘fi ‘ll'l‘
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Select Addmemove Programs.
3. In the dialog box, select Motorola SM56 Modem Uninstall.
4. Select Add/Remove,
5. When asked to close the Control Panel window do so to allow the SM56 Control Panel applet
to be removed.
6. Shut down the computer.
7. Remove the SM56 hardware from the computer. (Note: lf you do not remove the SM56 line
interface card. the SM56 will be automatically re-installed when Windows 95/98 restarts.)
The SM56 modem software remains on the PC hard disk for later installs without needing a
complete sofiware install again. Simply install the modem card back in the PC and the software
will automatically self-install.
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1 -
Upgrade the SM56 modem to a newer version as follows.
I. Obtain the latest sofiware version from your direct modem supplier.
2. Run setnpexe and follow the Upgrade Wizard prompts. The upgrade utility retains a backup
of your previous modem version in a folder called Program FIIeJWotbaklU.
”Wm m H “dug; .. Hm Altman“. Rum.
If , after an SM56 upgrade, you have problems with the new driver, you can restore your
previous SM56 soltware installation as follows. Perform all of the following steps.
1. Open the Control Panel. Select Add/Remove programs.
2. If SM56 Modern is in the list of installed programs, click on SM56 Modem, then Click
Add/Remove to run the un-install program.
3. Open the windowsflnflotlrer folder. Delete all Motorola INF files that are listed there.
4. Edit the Registry and remove the following key if present:
5. Open the Control Panel and determine if the SMS6 Modem Control Panel is there. If so,
close the Control Panel: open the windowmystem folder; and delete the memcpl file.
6. Open the windowskystemjni file. Search for device = motvcd.vxd. If it is present, change
it to device = *vcd.
7. Restart the computer.
8. Upon restart, the New Hardware Found window appears. Browse to: Program
9. Perform the SM56 snflwarc installation procedure (refer to Section 6 or 7). This will reinstall
your previous modem software.
ll Troubleshooting
If there is a problem making or receiving a call or transmitting data, and your communications
application does not explain the problem. check the following list of symptoms and tips.
. .l.i.i .x ..|: ( l)\l n illLLitt i".
Some [SP applications. such as America on-line, do not communicate with a COM port higher
than COM4, lf the SM56 installs on COMS or higher. force the modem to a lower COM port as
1. Open the SM56 Control Panel application,
2. Select the Advanced tab.
3. Click on the radio button for the desired COM port. Note that unavailable COM ports are
grayed out and not selectable.
Note: For SM56 [SA modems Build 58 and later include this feature on the Control Panel applet.
If using earlier builds. edit the PortName data in the Windows Registry I-IKlM—>Ennm—
>ISAPNP~>nnnn, where nnnn corresponds to the modem‘s plug and play ID. Change
PortNante data to the desired COM port. The changes take effect as soon as the Registry editor
(REGEDIT) is closed. There is no need to restart the PC.
'7 "H |‘ 11m Jupllmti znx tlu rm! hurlt ‘~\l\|t ||tc mum ‘tl
l. The SM56 PCI modem does not directly support Windows 95/98 DOS box applications. If
you are using the SM56 PCl modem you must use a third party application that traps and
virtualizes the COM pons. One such application is proVided by Pacific Commware, Inc.
(Ashland, Oregon}. They can be found on the Web at The
application is called TurhoCom/95 Pro, and works on Windows 95 and Windows 98
platforms. Note that Motorola have not completely tested and qualified this product for
SM56 DOS box support. but have verified basic functionality
2. If using the SM56 ISA modem, open the Control Panel.
3. Double click the System icon.
4. Expand the Modem branch.
5. Double click the Motorola SM56 modem.
6. Select the Modem tab. Make a note of the COM port number.
7. Select the Resources tab. Make a note ofthe IRQ number listed.
8. For DOS support to operate correctly, the SM56 modem cannot occupy the standard lRQ for
the COM port number.
9. Uncheck the Use Automatic Resources check box.
Double click on the Interrupt Request label and change the IRQ to a different level that is
not in conflict with another device. (Ifthere is no free IRQ: free onev or change other device
IRQ levels to free a non-standard lRQ).
l‘ . lmi I
1. Ensure that the telephone cable is securely connected at both ends.
2. Unplug the telephone line cable from the computer, and connect it directly to a telephone
from the wall outlet. Check for a dial tone. If there is none, the problem is in the telephone
line or system. Call the service provider.
rm "nu mnlmv rim-rm ‘ lmu m mmhm- mulcn‘
l. Ensure that your modem is dialing the correct number. Ensure that you've specified the
correct area code, ifone is required.
2. Determine whether the remote modem is correctly configured to communicate with yours.
. . it mun-n (int‘ki muwr nwnnnn: i’:l||‘~
1. Ensure that the automatic answer parameter is set to one of the enabled options, using the
ATSO command (ATSO=1 to answer otter one ring, and so on),
2. Ensure that no other devices. such as fax or answering machines, are answering calls before
the modern does.
. ruin m ti-’~l t. Lls n hilt l.’ |l| Jtnxxit-n is in pl'litl as
l. Ensure that the telephone cable is securely connected at both ends.
2, Ensure that call-waiting is disabled. in most areas, the command ‘70 or #70 disables call-
waiting. Check with your telephone company for the correct key sequence. (With call—
waiting, the incoming call's click sound may he disrupting your call.)
..-. . . , n ‘1!|tl|l|lv
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Create Date : 2001:06:25 21:20:30
Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title : 30451.pdf
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Page Count : 52
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