ProcessingPoint UATTENDBIOW uAttend BN4000 & uAttend BN2500 User Manual 1
ProcessingPoint, Inc. uAttend BN4000 & uAttend BN2500 Users Manual 1
- 1. Users Manual 1
- 2. Users Manual 2
Users Manual 1
PROFESSIONAL SERIES PRODUCT GUIDE CB1000 • CB2000 • BN1500 • BN2500 2796 Loker Ave., Suite 111, Carlsbad, CA 92010 (800)518-8925TollFree•(877)730-3578Fax•w w w. p roces s i ng p oi nt. com uATTEND DEVICE LIMITED WARRANTY ThisWarrantycoversalluAttend™DevicesandanyDeviceswhichmaynoworinthefuturebeconnectedtoyour uAttendAccount. A.WarrantyandWarrantyPeriods.ProcessingPoint,Inc.(“PPoint”)warrantsonlytotheoriginalPurchaserthatthe Devicewillbefreefromdefectsinmaterialandworkmanshipforthetimeduringwhich(i)theoriginalPurchaser subscribestotheuAttendSystem,and(ii)untilsuchtimetheDevicehasbeenreplaced(the“WarrantyPeriod”). B.PPoint’sObligationUnderWarranty.PPoint’ssoleobligationundertheabovewarrantyshallbetorepairorreplace DevicesandpartsduringtheWarrantyPeriod.PPointdoesnotassumeresponsibilityfordelaysinreplacementorrepair ofproductsorparts.PPointmay,atitssolediscretion,replaceDeviceswithrefurbishedDevices.Thiswarrantygives endusersspeciiclegalrights,andparticularendusersmayalsohaveotherrightswhichmayvaryfromjurisdictionto jurisdiction. C.DISCLAIMEROFALLOTHERWARRANTIES.NOOTHERWARRANTIES,EXPRESSEDORIMPLIED,ARE GIVEN,ANDPPOINTEXPRESSLYDISCLAIMSALLOTHERWARRANTIES,INCLUDINGANDWITHOUT LIMITATION,THEIMPLIEDWARRANTIESOFMERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. Somejurisdictionsdonotallowlimitationsonhowlonganimpliedwarrantylasts,sotheabovelimitationmaynotapplyto particularendusers. D.Limitations.Nosalesperson,representative,oragentofPPointisauthorizedtomakeanyguaranty,warranty, orrepresentationthatcontradictsthetermscontainedinthisLimitedWarranty.Anywaiver,alteration,addition,or modiicationtothewarrantiescontainedhereinmustbeinwritingandsignedbyauthorizedrepresentativesofPPoint tobevalid,binding,andenforceable.PPointdoesnotassumeresponsibilityforanyspeciicapplicationtowhichany productsorpartsareappliedincluding,butnotlimitedto,compatibilitywithotherequipment.Allstatements,technical information,orrecommendationsrelatingtotheproductsorpartsarebasedupontestsbelievedtobereliable,but donotconstituteaguarantyorwarranty.PPOINTSHALLNOTUNDERANYCIRCUMSTANCESWHATSOEVER BELIABLETOANYPARTYFORLOSSOFPROFITS,DIMINUTIONOFGOODWILL,ORANYOTHER SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,ORINCIDENTALDAMAGESWHATSOEVERWITHRESPECTTOANYCLAIM INCONNECTIONWITHPPOINTPRODUCTSAND/ORPARTS.Somejurisdictionsdonotallowtheexclusionor limitationofincidentalorconsequentialdamages,sotheabovelimitationorexclusionmaynotapplytoparticularend users. E.WhatMayVoidtheWarranty.ThisLimitedWarrantyshallbenullandvoidinthefollowingcircumstances: 1.Modiicationorrepairbytheenduseroranynon-authorizedPPointserviceprovider;or 2.Improperuseorinstallation,ordamagebyaccidentorneglect,bytheenduseroranythirdparty,orintentional damagebytheenduseroranythirdparty;or 3.Failureoftheenduseroranythirdpartytoexercisecautiontoprotectfromelectrostaticdischargedamageand adversetemperature,orphysicalabuse;or 4.FailurebytheendusertofollowtheReturnAppointmentProcesssetforthbelow. F.ReturnAppointmentProcess.AsaconditionprecedenttotheaboveLimitedWarranty,theendusermust: 1.Obtainareturnmaterialauthorization(RMA)fromPPoint,whichwillincludeanRMAnumberthatmustbe prominentlydisplayedontheoutsideoftheshippingcontainer.ReturnswithoutanRMAnumbermayberejectedby PPointandimmediatelyreturnedtoenduser,freightcollect. 2.ShiptheitemsbeingreturnedtoPPoint,freightprepaid,togetherwithawrittendescriptionoftheclaimeddefect. 3.Packtheitemsbeingreturnedintheoriginalpackingcartonorequivalent.Damageintransitisenduser’s responsibilityandmaybecausetovoidthewarrantyclaim. G.TransportationCosts.PPointwillpaysurfacefreighttoreturnproductscoveredbythisLimitedWarranty.However, ifPPointdeterminesintheexerciseofitsreasonablebutsolediscretionthattheproductorpartreturnedforwarranty serviceisnotdefective,ordoesnototherwisequalifyforwarrantyservice,theendusershallbeliableforallcostsof handlingandtransportation. 33 8.0 TEMPLATE ASSIGNMENT SHEET MAKE COPIES OF THIS PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEES, IF NEEDED. EMPLOYEE NAME 32 FINGERPRINT ID TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 SETTING UP YOUR uATTEND ACCOUNT CreatinganAccount AddingDepartmentsandEmployees AddingDepartments AddingEmployees 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 SETTING UP AND USING THE CB1000 MountingYourCB1000 LinkingtheCB1000toYouruAttendAccount OverviewoftheCB1000 UsingtheCB1000Keypad UsingtheCB1000Menus 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 SETTING UP AND USING THE CB2000 MountingYourCB2000 LinkingtheCB2000toYouruAttendAccount ConnectingviaWIFIRouter ConnectingviaLANCable OverviewoftheCB2000 UsingtheCB2000Keypad UsingtheCB2000Menus 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 SETTING UP AND USING THE BN1500 MountingYourBN1500 LinkingtheBN1500toYouruAttendAccount RegisteringFingerprintTemplates TransferringFingerprintTemplatestoOtherTimeclocks OverviewoftheBN1500 UsingtheBN1500Keypad UsingtheBN1500Menus 15 15 16 17 19 19 20 20 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 SETTING UP AND USING THE BN2500 MountingYourBN2500 LinkingtheBN2500toYouruAttendAccount ConnectingviaWIFIRouter ConnectingviaLANCable RegisteringFingerprintTemplates TransferringFingerprintTemplatestoOtherTimeclocks OverviewoftheBN2500 UsingtheBN2500Keypad UsingtheBN2500Menus 22 22 23 24 25 25 27 27 28 28 7.0 TROUBLESHOOTING 30 8.0 TEMPLATE ASSIGNMENT SHEET 32 1.0 INTRODUCTION ThankyouforpurchasingyourProfessionalSeriesTMuAttendTMTimeclock,partof theuAttendEmployeeManagementSystembyProcessingPoint,Inc.Thisdocument willguideyouthroughthestepsofsettingupyouruAttendaccount,settingupyour timeclock,andlinkingthetimeclocktoyouruAttendaccount.Itwillalsogivean overviewofthefeaturesandfunctionalityoftheCB1000,CB2000,BN1500,and BN2500timeclocks. ERROR MESSAGE SERVER CONNECTION ERROR THIS MESSAGE DISPLAYS IF THE TIMECLOCK IS UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE SERVER DUE TO A FIREWALL, CONTENT FILTER, OR ANY OTHER KIND OF NETWORK BLOCK. DNS ERROR THIS MESSAGE DISPLAYS IF THE TIMECLOCK DOES NOT HAVE A VALID DNS SERVER IP ADDRESS TO CONTACT, OR THE DNS SERVER IT IS CONTACTING CANNOT PROPERLY RESOLVE THE HOST NAME FOR THE SERVER. DHCP ERROR THIS MESSAGE DISPLAYS IF THE TIMECLOCK DOES NOT RECEIVE PROPER IP ADDRESS INFORMATION PROVIDED TO IT FROM THE DHCP SERVER. TogetstartedwithuAttend,youwillneedtoperformthesetasksinthefollowingorder: 1. Create your uAttend account, using the steps provided in Section 2.1. 2. Add departments, using the steps provided in Section 2.2. 3. Add employees, using the steps provided in Section 2.2. 4. Set up your timeclock, using the steps provided in one of the following sections: ForinformationontheCB1000,seeSection3.0beginningonpage6. ForinformationontheCB2000,seeSection4.0beginningonpage10. ForinformationontheBN1500,seeSection5.0beginningonpage15. ForinformationontheBN2500,seeSection6.0beginningonpage22. 2.0 NOTES SETTING UP YOUR uATTEND ACCOUNT ThissectiondescribesthestepsyouwilltaketocreateanewuAttendaccountand setupdepartmentsandemployees.AfteryoucompleteSection2.0,youcanskipto theappropriatetimeclocksection. 2.1 Creating an Account 1. Open your web browser and visit: YouwillbepromptedtoentertheDealerID,whichcanbefoundonastickeron theoutsideofthetimeclockboxandonthecoverofthisdocument.IftheDealer IDismissing, or 1-800-518-8925. 2. Enter the Dealer ID. 31 7.0 TROUBLESHOOTING Seethefollowingtableforhelpwitherrormessagesyoumightencounterwiththe CB1000,CB2000,BN1500,orBN2500timeclocks. ERROR MESSAGE 3. Click Get Pricing. Youwillbepromptedtoselectapriceplanthatbestsuitsyourneeds,based onthenumberofemployeeswhowillusethesystem.Theplansaredelivered viaamonthlysubscription.Youcaneasilyupgradeordowngradeyourplanat anytimeandallplansaremonth-to-month. 4. Click the Sign Up button for the plan that you select. TheSignUpscreenwillappear,promptingyoutocreateyourloginpage,enter theclockadministrator,andsignup(enterbillinginformation).Seebelowfor moreinformation. NOTES DEVICE ID ERROR THIS MESSAGE DISPLAYS WHEN THE TIMECLOCK HAS NOT BEEN LINKED TO A uATTEND ACCOUNT. NET NOT FOUND THIS MESSAGE DISPLAYS IF THE TIMECLOCK IS NOT CURRENTLY PLUGGED INTO ANY NETWORKING DEVICE, OR THE NETWORKING DEVICE IT IS PLUGGED INTO IS TURNED OFF OR IS NOT FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY. Create Your Login Page—ThisstepallowsyoutocustomizeyouruAttendlogin page,whichyouandyouremployeeswillusetologintothesystem.Specifyan easyURLextension(webaddress)foryoutoremember.Youmightwishtousea shortenedversionofyourcompanyname.TheURLextensioncannotbelongerthan 20lettersornumbersandcannotcontainspecialcharactersorspaces. CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT: • Your network allows DHCP CONNECTIONS. • tHe network is not beHinD A FIREWALL THAT BLOCKS COMMUNICATION ON PORT 80. SORRY, DEALER ID NOT FOUND TRACKMYTIME.COM WILL REPORT THIS ERROR IF THE DEALER ID YOU ENTERED IS NOT VALID. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DEALER REPRESENTATIVE FOR ASSISTANCE. UNSUCCESSFUL LOGIN WHEN YOU ATTEMPT TO LOG IN TO TRACKMYTIME.COM, THE LOGIN FORM REFRESHES. THIS INDICATES THAT THE USERNAME/PASSWORD COMBINATION THAT YOU ENTERED WAS NOT CORRECT. IF YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD, CLICK ON THE EMAIL USERNAME/PASSWORD LINK AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE. SORRY, USER NOT FOUND THIS MESSAGE DISPLAYS IF A USER ATTEMPTS TO PUNCH IN, BUT THEIR FINGERPRINT ID HAS NOT BEEN ASSIGNED TO THEIR USER PROFILE. SORRY, USER NOT VERIFIED 30 THIS MESSAGE DISPLAYS IF A USER ATTEMPTS TO PUNCH IN, BUT THEIR FINGERPRINT TEMPLATE HAS NOT BEEN REGISTERED. Enter Clock Administrator—Thisstepallowsyoutoenterinformationfortheclock administrator.Thisisthepersonwhowillhavefullaccesstotheaccountandis requiredtosetupandmanagetheaccount.Supervisorsanduserswillbeadded later. Sign Up—Thisstepallowsyoutoenterbillinginformationfortheservice.Enter thebillingname,billingaddress,andcreditcardinformationthatyouwishtouse. Thisinformationwillbestoredonoursystem(encryptedandsecure)forrecurring monthlybilling.Allplanscomewitha30-daymoneybackguarantee,ifyouarenot satisied.Whenyouhaveenteredallinformation,clickCreate my account. The Device Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: Update Time—usedtosynchronizeanewtimeiftimesettingsintheuAttend accountchange. Device ID—usedtodisplaytheDeviceIDfortheBN2500. Onceyouhavecreatedyouraccount,youwillhaveaccesstotheuAttendOnline Help.Thelinkisfoundintheupper-rightcorneroftheuAttendscreen. Upload Logo—usedtoimportalogofromauAttendaccounttodisplayonthe BN2500. Date Format—usedtochangethewaythatdatesaredisplayedonthe BN2500. Reverify Time—usedtoselectthefrequencythattheBN2500willupdateits timesetting. 2.2 Adding Departments and Employees AfteryouhavecreatedyouruAttendaccount,youwillneedtosetupatleastone departmentandoneemployee.Thereisnolimittothenumberofdepartmentsyou cansetup.However,thenumberofemployeesislimitedbasedontheplanyou selected. The Communicationsmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: YoucanupgradeyourplantoincludemoreemployeesbyclickingtheAccountlink intheupper-rightcorneroftheuAttendscreen. 2.2.1 Adding Departments FollowthesestepstoaddadepartmenttoyouruAttendaccount: 1. Click the Departments tab on the main menu. 2. Click Add Department. 3. In the Code field, enter a code for the department. Acodecanbeupto20characters.Thecodeisusedasareference tothedepartmentandwillappearontimecards. 4. In the Department Name field, enter a name for the department. 5. Click Add. Sounds—usedtoturntheBN2500soundsonandoff. Time Format—usedtochangethewaythattimeisdisplayedontheBN2500. Set IP—allowsausertosetastaticIPaddressintheBN2500.TurnoffDHCP beforesettingastaticIP. DHCP—usedtoturnDHCPonandoff. Network Settings—displaystheBN2500networksettings. Delete WIFI Settings—usedtoclearouttheWIFIsettingsintheBN2500. View WIFI Settings—displaysthenetworktowhichtheBN2500isconnected. Communicating Interface—allowsuserstoselectLANorWIFIinterface. The System Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: Reset—resetstheBN2500tothefactorydefaultsettings. Help—displaystheCustomerSupporttelephonenumber. MAC Address—displaystheBN2500’sMACaddress. Update Firmware—updatestheirmwaretothemostupdatedversion. Firmware Version—displaystheirmwareversion. 29 6.4.1 Using the BN2500 Keypad ThefollowingtableexplainsthefunctionsofeachkeyontheBN2500keypad. KEY 1-0 FUNCTION FUNCTION AS THE NUMBERS THEY REPRESENT. USE THE KEYPAD TO ENTER A PIN BY PRESSING THE CORRECT FOUR DIGITS, THEN PRESSING OK. ESC USED TO EXIT FROM A MENU OR CANCEL A FUNCTION. MENU USED TO ENTER MENU MODE. REQUIRES A MANAGER PASSWORD. DEFAULT PASSWORD IS 53178. DEFAULT PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED BY A MANAGER. UP ARROW/DEPT DOWN ARROW/ ID PRESSING THE UP ARROW/DEPT KEY IN STANDBY MODE WILL ENABLE THE DEPARTMENT TRANSFER FUNCTION. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL UP. PRESSING THE DOWN ARROW/ID KEY IN STANDBY MODE WILL ALLOW A USER TO ENTER THEIR PIN. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL DOWN. OK USED TO ACCEPT KEY ENTRIES. USED TO SWITCH BETWEEN ALPHA AND NUMERIC DURING WIFI PASSWORD ENTRY AND IS OTHERWISE USED AS A TOGGLE BUTTON. Thedepartmentwillbeaddedtothelistofdepartments. 6. Click the department’s name to continue adding department settings. Forhelpsettingupdepartments,clicktheOnline Helplinkinthe upper-rightcorneroftheuAttendscreen. 2.2.2 Adding Employees FollowthesestepstoaddanemployeetoyouruAttendaccount: 1. Click the Users tab on the main menu. 2. Click Add User. 3. From the Role drop-down menu, select the role that you wish to assign to the user. Employee—userswhoareassignedtodepartmentswithin uAttendandwillbepunchinginandoutofthesystem. Supervisor—userswhoareassigneddepartmentsforwhichthey areresponsible.Supervisorsmayhaveviewonlyorviewandedit rights. Administrator—userswhohavecontrolovertheuAttendaccount andareresponsibleforsettingallpreferences. NOTE: EachuAttendaccountislicensedforoneadministrator.Ifyouwishtoadd administratorstoyouraccount,therewillbeanadditionalfeeof$6.00permonth, peradministrator. 4. In the First Name field, enter the user’s first name. 6.4.2 Using the BN2500 Menus TherearefourmainmenuscreensontheBN2500:UserManagement,Device Management,Communications,andSystemManagement. 5. In the Last Name field, enter the user’s last name. The User Management menuoffersthefollowingoptions: 6. Click Add. Add User—usedtoregisterusertemplatesontheBN2500. Thenewuserwillbeaddedtothelistofusers. 7. Click the new user’s name to continue adding user settings. Delete User—usedtodeleteusertemplatesontheBN2500. Change Mgr Password—usedtochangethedefaultmanagerpassword. View User ID—usedtoidentifywhichtemplatesbelongtoauser.Inthis mode,auserwillpresstheiringeronthesensorandtheBN2500willdisplay theFingerprintID. Download Templates—usedtodownloadanexistingtemplateintoanew BN2500timeclock. 28 NOTE: IftheemployeewillbeusingaPINtopunchin,enteritinthePIN Number ield.IftheywillbeusinganRFIDBadge(CB1000andCB2000only),enterthe badgenumberthatisprintedontheRFIDBadgeintheBadge Numberield.Ifthe employeewillbeusingingerprintstopunchin(BN1500andBN2500only),you willregistertheiringerprintsusingthestepsinSection5.3(BN1500)orSection 6.3(BN2500)ofthisdocument. Next,youcanskiptothetimeclocksectionthatpertainstoyou. 3.0 SETTING UP AND USING THE CB1000 NowthatyouhavesetupyouruAttendaccount,youmaymountyourtimeclockand linkittoyouraccount. 6.3.1 Transferring Fingerprint Templates to Other Timeclocks Transferringaingerprinttemplatetoadditionaltimeclocksrequiresinteractionwith boththeBN2500andyouruAttendaccount. FollowthesestepsfromyouruAttendaccount: 1. Click the Users tab on the main menu. 3.1 Mounting Your CB1000 Followthesestepstomountyourtimeclocktoawall: 2. Click Manage Fingerprint Templates. 3. Check all of the fingerprint templates that you wish to transfer to an additional timeclock. 1. Find a location near a power outlet and a router, switch, or Ethernet jack where you would like to mount the timeclock. 4. Use the drop-down menu to select the timeclock(s) to which you wish to transfer the templates. 2. Place the metal back plate against the wall, as shown below, and mark the four screw holes against the wall. 5. Click Submit. Followthesestepsoneachtimeclockthatyouselectedtoreceivethetemplates: 1. Press the Menu key. 2. Enter the default password (53178) if it has not been changed, then press OK. TheUserManagementiconwillbeselected. 3. Press OK. 3. Insert the wall studs into the center of the wall marks in all four locations. 4. Scroll to select Download Templates, using the down arrow key. 5. Press OK. 4. Place the metal back plate against the wall, with prongs facing away from the wall and pointing upward, and screw the back plate to the wall in all four locations. 6. Wait for the templates to download to the timeclock. 7. At the Success screen, press OK. 6.4 Overview of the BN2500 TheBN2500timeclockisabiometrictime-recordingdevicethatallowsemployees topunchinoroutusingaingerprintorPIN.Thistimeclockcanstore2,000 ingerprinttemplates. 27 6. The designated employee should press their finger firmly on the sensor until you hear a beeping sound. The employee should then remove their finger from the sensor. This process will be repeated two more times with the same finger. 5. Affix the timeclock to the metal back plate by lining up the four slots in the back of the timeclock to the four metal prongs on the back plate. Push down lightly to make sure the timeclock is securely fastened to the back plate and wall. NOTE:Ifdesired,youmayrepeattheingerprintscanningprocessforthesame employeewithadifferentinger,sothattheemployeecanhaveaback-uptemplate. Ifyouchoosetoscanasecondingerprint,itwillalsorequireauniqueFingerprintID. Werecommendusingtheemployee’sbirthdateinreverseorderastheIDcode. 6. Attach the AC120V power cord to the back of the timeclock. 7. Repeat the previous steps for each employee who will be using the timeclock. FollowthesestepsfromyouruAttendaccount: 1. Click the Settings tab on the main menu. 3.2 Linking the CB1000 to Your uAttend Account FollowthesestepstolinktheCB1000toyouruAttendaccount: 1. Attach an Ethernet cable between the timeclock and your router, then plug the timeclock into a power outlet. 2. Log in to your uAttend account, if you are not already logged in. 2. Click the Timeclocks link. 3. Click the Settings tab. 3. Click the Assign Templates link that appears next to the name of the timeclock that you used to register the fingerprint templates. 4. Click the Timeclocks link. 4. Assign each fingerprint template to the appropriate employee, using the Template Assignment Sheet in this guide as a reference. 5. Click Add Timeclock. TheBN2500isnowreadyforregisteredemployeestopunchinandoutwith theiringerprints. IMPORTANT: TheBN2500timeclockemploysanadvancedingerprintsensor. Despitethequalityofthesensor,thereisasegmentofthepopulationwith ingerprintsthatwillnotrecord.Theseemployeescanstillusethetimeclocktopunch inandoutbyusingaPIN. 26 Thetimeclockshouldbeturnedon,withthedisplayilluminated. 6. In the Device ID field, enter the Device ID assigned to the CB1000. YoucanindtheDeviceIDonastickeronthebackofthetimeclock.Ifyou cannotlocatethissticker,youcanalsoindtheDeviceIDinthetimeclock.Todo this,presstheMenukeyandenterthepassword(defaultpasswordis53178). ScrolltoDeviceManagementandpressOK,thenscrolltoDeviceIDandpressOK. BesuretoenterthecompleteDeviceID.AnexampleofaDeviceIDis CB1000-12345678. 7. In the Name/Location field, enter the name for the timeclock. Thisieldisusedtoeasilyidentifythetimeclock. ThetimeclockwillnowbelinkedtoyouruAttendaccount. 8. Click Add. 6.2.2 Connecting via LAN Cable FollowthesestepsonyourBN2500tolinktheBN2500toyouruAttendaccountvia aLANcabletoarouter: 9. IMPORTANT: Restart the timeclock. 5. At the Success screen, press OK. ThetimeclockwillnowbelinkedtoyouruAttendaccount. Thetimeclockshouldbeturnedon,withthedisplayilluminated.Thetimeclockwill displaytheprompt“Press1toconnecttoyourWIFIrouter.Press2toconnectviaLAN.” 3.3 Overview of the CB1000 TheCB1000timeclockfeaturesanRFIDreaderthatallowsemployeestopunchin oroutusinganRFIDcardorPIN. 1. Press 2 to connect via LAN. 2. The timeclock will display the message “DHCP Configuring.” 3.3.1 Using the CB1000 Keypad ThefollowingtableexplainsthefunctionsofeachkeyontheCB1000keypad. KEY 1-0 FUNCTION FUNCTION AS THE NUMBERS THEY REPRESENT. USE THE KEYPAD TO ENTER A PIN BY PRESSING THE CORRECT FOUR DIGITS, THEN PRESSING OK. ESC USED TO EXIT FROM A MENU OR CANCEL A FUNCTION. MENU USED TO ENTER MENU MODE. REQUIRES A MANAGER PASSWORD. DEFAULT PASSWORD IS 53178. DEFAULT PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED BY A MANAGER. UP ARROW/ DEPT 3. After successfully connecting to your network, the timeclock will display the “System Ready” message in the upper-left corner of the main screen. ThetimeclockwillnowbelinkedtoyouruAttendaccount. 6.3 Registering Fingerprint Templates IfyouareusingtheBN2500,youwillregisterusers’ingerprintsforpunchinginand out.RegisteringaingerprinttemplaterequiresinteractionwithboththeBN2500 andyouruAttendaccount. FollowthesestepsonyourBN2500: 1. Press the Menu key. PRESSING THE UP ARROW/DEPT KEY IN STANDBY MODE WILL ENABLE THE DEPARTMENT TRANSFER FUNCTION. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL UP. 2. Enter the default password (53178) if it has not been changed, then press OK. 3. From the timeclock menu, select the first option, User Management. DOWN ARROW/ PRESSING THE DOWN ARROW/ID KEY IN ID STANDBY MODE WILL ALLOW A USER TO ENTER THEIR PIN. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL DOWN. OK USED TO ACCEPT KEY ENTRIES. USED AS A TOGGLE BUTTON. 3.3.2 Using the CB1000 Menus TherearethreemainmenuscreensontheCB1000:DeviceManagement, Communications,andSystemManagement. 4. Select Add User. TheBN2500willpromptyoutoentera6-digitnumericcodeforthistemplate. 5. Enter an ID code for the fingerprint template and press OK. Werecommendusingtheemployee’sbirthdateasanIDcode.Forexample, abirthdateofOctober22,1984wouldberegisteredas“102284.”Each templatemustbeassignedauniquecode.Makenoteoftheemployee’sname and6-digitcodeintheTemplateAssignmentSheetatthebackofthisguide. Youwillbepromptedtoplaceaingerontheingerprintsensor. 25 The Device Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: 5. In the Device ID field, enter the Device ID assigned to the BN2500. YoucanindtheDeviceIDonastickeronthebackofthetimeclock.Ifyou cannotlocatethissticker,youcanalsoindtheDeviceIDinthetimeclock.Todo this,presstheMenukeyandenterthepassword(defaultpasswordis53178). ScrolltoDeviceManagementandpressOK,thenscrolltoDeviceIDandpressOK. BesuretoenterthecompleteDeviceID.AnexampleofaDeviceIDis BN2500-12345678. Device ID—usedtodisplaytheDeviceIDfortheCB1000. Upload Logo—usedtoimportalogofromauAttendaccounttodisplayonthe CB1000. Date Format—usedtochangethewaythatdatesaredisplayedonthe CB1000. 6. In the Name/Location field, enter the name for the timeclock. Update Time—usedtosynchronizeanewtimeiftimesettingsintheuAttend accountchange. Thisieldisusedtoeasilyidentifythetimeclock. Reverify Time—usedtoselecthowoftentheCB1000willupdateitstime setting. 7. Click Add. Sounds—usedtoturntheCB1000soundsonandoff. Next,youwillconnecttheBN2500totheInternet—viaaWIFIrouterorviaa LANcabletoarouter.Bothsetsofinstructionsarelistedbelow. 6.2.1 Connecting via WIFI Router FollowthesestepsonyourBN2500tolinktheBN2500toyouruAttendaccountvia aWIFIrouter: Thetimeclockshouldbeturnedon,withthedisplayilluminated.Thetimeclockwill displaytheprompt“Press1toconnecttoyourWIFIrouter.Press2toconnectvia LAN.” Time Format—usedtochangethewaythattimeisdisplayedontheCB1000 The Communicationsmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: IP Address—displaysthecurrentIPaddressandallowsausertosetanewIP address. Subnet Mask—displaysthecurrentSubnetMaskandallowsausertoseta newSubnetMask. DefGateway—displaysthecurrentGatewayandallowsausertosetanew Gateway. 1. Press 1 to initialize the WIFI module. Thetimeclockwilldisplaythemessage“WIFINetworkisNotAvailable!Press OKtoviewalistofavailableWIFINetworks!” 2. Press OK. AlistofallWIFInetworksthatthetimeclockdetectswillappear. 24 DNS IP Addr—displaysthecurrentDNSIPaddress. The System Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: 3. Using the down arrow key, scroll to your preferred network and press OK. Reset—resetstheCB1000tothefactorydefaultsettings. IfyourWIFInetworkrequiresapassword,thetimeclockwillpromptyoutoinput thepassword. Help—displaystheCustomerSupporttelephonenumber. 4. Enter the password and press OK. DHCP—usedtoturnDHCPonandoff. Toenteralphacharacters,pressthe#keyandfollowtheonscreendirections. ThetimeclockwillconnecttoyourWIFInetworkusingthecredentialsyou supplied.AftertheWIFImoduleinitializes,youwillseethemessage“DHCP Coniguring.” MAC Address—displaystheCB1000’sMACaddress. Update Firmware—updatestheirmwaretothemostupdatedversion. Firmware Version—displaystheirmwareversion. 4.0 SETTING UP AND USING THE CB2000 NowthatyouhavesetupyouruAttendaccount,youmaymountyourtimeclockand linkittoyouraccount. 5. Affix the timeclock to the metal back plate by lining up the four slots in the back of the timeclock to the four metal prongs on the back plate. Push down lightly to make sure the timeclock is securely fastened to the back plate and wall. 4.1 Mounting Your CB2000 Followthesestepstomountyourtimeclocktoawall: 1. Find a location near a power outlet and a router, switch, or Ethernet jack where you would like to mount the timeclock. 2. Place the metal back plate against the wall, as shown below, and mark the four screw holes against the wall. 6. Attach the AC120V power cord to the back of the timeclock. 3. Insert the wall studs into the center of the wall marks in all four locations. 4. Place the metal back plate against the wall, with prongs facing away from the wall and pointing upward, and screw the back plate to the wall in all four locations. 6.2 Linking the BN2500 to Your uAttend Account FollowthesestepsfromyouruAttendaccounttolinktheBN2500toyouraccount: 1. Log in to your uAttend account, if you are not already logged in. 2. Click the Settings tab. 3. Click the Timeclocks link. 4. Click Add Timeclock. 10 23 6.0 5. Affix the timeclock to the metal back plate by lining up the four slots in the back of the timeclock to the four metal prongs on the back plate. Push down lightly to make sure the timeclock is securely fastened to the back plate and wall. SETTING UP AND USING THE BN2500 NowthatyouhavesetupyouruAttendaccount,youmaymountyourtimeclockand linkittoyouraccount. 6.1 Mounting Your BN2500 Followthesestepstomountyourtimeclocktoawall: 1. Find a location near a power outlet and a router, switch, or Ethernet jack where you would like to mount the timeclock. 2. Place the metal back plate against the wall, as shown below, and mark the four screw holes against the wall. 3. Insert the wall studs into the center of the wall marks in all four locations. 6. Attach the AC120V power cord to the back of the timeclock. 4.2 Linking the CB2000 to Your uAttend Account FollowthesestepsfromyouruAttendaccounttolinktheCB2000toyouraccount: 1. Log in to your uAttend account, if you are not already logged in. 4. Place the metal back plate against the wall, with prongs facing away from the wall and pointing upward, and screw the back plate to the wall in all four locations. 2. Click the Settings tab. 3. Click the Timeclocks link. 4. Click Add Timeclock. 5. In the Device ID field, enter the Device ID assigned to the CB2000. 22 YoucanindtheDeviceIDonastickeronthebackofthetimeclock.Ifyou 11 cannotlocatethissticker,youcanalsoindtheDeviceIDinthetimeclock.Todo this,presstheMenukeyandenterthepassword(defaultpasswordis53178). ScrolltoDeviceManagementandpressOK,thenscrolltoDeviceIDandpressOK. The Device Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: BesuretoenterthecompleteDeviceID.AnexampleofaDeviceIDis CB2000-12345678. Device ID—usedtodisplaytheDeviceIDfortheBN1500. 6. In the Name/Location field, enter the name for the timeclock. Update Time—usedtosynchronizeanewtimeiftimesettingsintheuAttend accountchange. Upload Logo—usedtoimportalogofromauAttendaccounttodisplayonthe BN1500. Thisieldisusedtoeasilyidentifythetimeclock. Date Format—usedtochangethewaythatdatesaredisplayedontheBN1500. 7. Click Add. Next,youwillconnecttheCB2000totheInternet—viaaWIFIrouterorviaa LANcabletoarouter.Bothsetsofinstructionsarelistedbelow. Reverify Time—usedtoselectthefrequencythattheBN1500willupdateits timesetting. Sounds—usedtoturntheBN1500soundsonandoff. 4.2.1 Connecting via WIFI Router FollowthesestepsonyourCB2000tolinktheCB2000toyouruAttendaccountvia aWIFIrouter: Time Format—usedtochangethewaythattimeisdisplayedontheBN1500. The Communicationsmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: Thetimeclockshouldbeturnedon,withthedisplayilluminated.Thetimeclockwill displaytheprompt“Press1toconnecttoyourWIFIrouter.Press2toconnectviaLAN.” IP Address—displaysthecurrentIPaddress. 1. Press 1 to initialize the WIFI module. Subnet Mask—displaysthecurrentSubnetMask. Thetimeclockwilldisplaythemessage“WIFINetworkisNotAvailable!Press OKtoviewalistofavailableWIFINetworks!” DefGateway—displaysthecurrentGateway. DHCP—usedtoturnDHCPonandoff. 2. Press OK. DNS IP Addr—displaysthecurrentDNSIPaddress. AlistofallWIFInetworksthatthetimeclockdetectswillappear. The System Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: 3. Using the down arrow key, scroll to your preferred network and press OK. Reset—resetstheBN1500tothefactorydefaultsettings. IfyourWIFInetworkrequiresapassword,thetimeclockwillpromptyoutoinput thepassword. Help—displaystheCustomerSupporttelephonenumber. 4. Enter the password and press OK. MAC Address—displaystheBN1500’sMACaddress. Toenteralphacharacters,pressthe#keyandfollowtheonscreendirections. Update Firmware—updatestheirmwaretothemostupdatedversion. ThetimeclockwillconnecttoyourWIFInetworkusingthecredentialsyou supplied.AftertheWIFImoduleinitializes,youwillseethemessage“DHCP Coniguring.” Firmware Version—displaystheirmwareversion. 5. At the Success screen, press OK. 12 ThetimeclockwillnowbelinkedtoyouruAttendaccount. 21 5.4.1 Using the BN1500 Keypad ThefollowingtableexplainsthefunctionsofeachkeyontheBN1500keypad. KEY 1-0 FUNCTION FUNCTION AS THE NUMBERS THEY REPRESENT. USE THE KEYPAD TO ENTER A PIN BY PRESSING THE CORRECT FOUR DIGITS, THEN PRESSING OK. 4.2.2 Connecting via LAN Cable FollowthesestepsonyourCB2000tolinktheCB2000toyouruAttendaccountvia aLANcabletoarouter: Thetimeclockshouldbeturnedon,withthedisplayilluminated.Thetimeclockwill displaytheprompt“Press1toconnecttoyourWIFIrouter.Press2toconnectviaLAN.” 1. Press 2 to connect via LAN. ESC USED TO EXIT FROM A MENU OR CANCEL A FUNCTION. 2. The timeclock will display the message “DHCP Configuring.” MENU USED TO ENTER MENU MODE. REQUIRES A MANAGER PASSWORD. DEFAULT PASSWORD IS 53178. DEFAULT PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED BY A MANAGER. 3. After successfully connecting to your network, the timeclock will display the “System Ready” message in the upper-left corner of the main screen. ThetimeclockwillnowbelinkedtoyouruAttendaccount. UP ARROW/DEPT PRESSING THE UP ARROW/DEPT KEY IN STANDBY MODE WILL ENABLE THE DEPARTMENT TRANSFER FUNCTION. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL UP. 4.3 Overview of the CB2000 TheCB2000timeclockfeaturesanRFIDreaderthatallowsemployeestopunchin oroutusinganRFIDcardorPIN. DOWN ARROW/ ID PRESSING THE DOWN ARROW/ID KEY IN STANDBY MODE WILL ALLOW A USER TO ENTER THEIR PIN. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL DOWN. OK USED TO ACCEPT KEY ENTRIES. USED AS A TOGGLE BUTTON. 5.4.2 Using the BN1500 Menus TherearefourmainmenuscreensontheBN1500:UserManagement,Device Management,Communications,andSystemManagement. 4.3.1 Using the CB2000 Keypad ThefollowingtableexplainsthefunctionsofeachkeyontheCB2000keypad. KEY 1-0 FUNCTION AS THE NUMBERS THEY REPRESENT. USE THE KEYPAD TO ENTER A PIN BY PRESSING THE CORRECT FOUR DIGITS, THEN PRESSING OK. ESC USED TO EXIT FROM A MENU OR CANCEL A FUNCTION. MENU USED TO ENTER MENU MODE. REQUIRES A MANAGER PASSWORD. DEFAULT PASSWORD IS 53178. DEFAULT PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED BY A MANAGER. UP ARROW/DEPT PRESSING THE UP ARROW/DEPT KEY IN STANDBY MODE WILL ENABLE THE DEPARTMENT TRANSFER FUNCTION. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL UP. DOWN ARROW/ ID PRESSING THE DOWN ARROW/ID KEY IN STANDBY MODE WILL ALLOW A USER TO ENTER THEIR PIN. IN ALL OTHER MODES, THIS KEY IS USED TO SCROLL DOWN. OK USED TO ACCEPT KEY ENTRIES. USED TO SWITCH BETWEEN ALPHA AND NUMERIC DURING WIFI PASSWORD ENTRY AND IS OTHERWISE USED AS A TOGGLE BUTTON. The User Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: Add User—usedtoregisterusertemplatesontheBN1500. Delete User—usedtodeleteusertemplatesontheBN1500. Change Mgr Password—usedtochangethedefaultmanagerpassword. View User ID—usedtoidentifywhichtemplatesbelongtoauser.Inthismode,a userwillpresstheiringeronthesensorandtheBN1500willdisplaythe FingerprintID. Download Templates—usedtodownloadanexistingtemplateintoanew BN1500timeclock. 20 FUNCTION 13 4.3.2 Using the CB2000 Menus TherearethreemainmenuscreensontheCB2000:DeviceManagement, Communications,andSystemManagement. 5.3.1 Transferring Fingerprint Templates to Other Timeclocks Transferringaingerprinttemplatetoadditionaltimeclocksrequiresinteractionwith boththeBN1500andyouruAttendaccount. The Device Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: FollowthesestepsfromyouruAttendaccount: Update Time—usedtosynchronizeanewtimeiftimesettingsintheuAttend accountchange. 1. Click the Users tab on the main menu. 2. Click Manage Fingerprint Templates. Device ID—usedtodisplaytheDeviceIDfortheCB2000. 3. Check all of the fingerprint templates that you wish to transfer to an additional timeclock. Upload Logo—usedtoimportalogofromauAttendaccounttodisplayonthe CB2000. 4. Use the drop-down menu to select the timeclock(s) to which you wish to transfer the templates. Date Format—usedtochangethewaythatdatesaredisplayedontheCB2000. Reverify Time—usedtoselecthowoftentheCB2000willupdateitstimesetting. Sounds—usedtoturntheCB2000soundsonandoff. 5. Click Submit. Followthesestepsoneachtimeclockthatyouselectedtoreceivethetemplates: Time Format—usedtochangethewaythattimeisdisplayedontheCB2000. 1. Press the Menu key. Change Mgr Password—usedtochangethedefaultmanagerpassword. 2. Enter the default password (53178) if it has not been changed, then press OK. The Communicationsmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: Set IP—allowsausertosetastaticIPaddressintheCB2000.TurnoffDHCP beforesettingastaticIP. TheUserManagementiconwillbeselected. 3. Press OK. DHCP—usedtoturnDHCPonandoff. 4. Scroll to select Download Templates, using the down arrow key. Network Settings—displaystheCB2000networksettings. 5. Press OK. Delete WIFI Settings—usedtoclearouttheWIFIsettingsintheCB2000. 6. Wait for the templates to download to the timeclock. View WIFI Settings—displaysthenetworktowhichtheCB2000isconnected. Communicating Interface—allowsuserstoselectLANorWIFIinterface. The System Managementmenuoffersthefollowingoptions: Reset—resetstheCB2000tothefactorydefaultsettings. 7. At the Success screen, press OK. 5.4 Overview of the BN1500 TheBN1500timeclockisabiometrictime-recordingdevicethatallowsemployees topunchinoroutusingaingerprintorPIN.Thistimeclockcanstore2,000 ingerprinttemplates. Help—displaystheCustomerSupporttelephonenumber. MAC Address—displaystheCB2000’sMACaddress. Update Firmware—updatestheirmwaretothemostupdatedversion. Firmware Version—displaystheirmwareversion. 14 19 birthdateofOctober22,1984wouldberegisteredas“102284.”Each templatemustbeassignedauniquecode.Makenoteoftheemployee’sname and6-digitcodeintheTemplateAssignmentSheetatthebackofthisguide. Youwillbepromptedtoplaceaingerontheingerprintsensor. 6. The designated employee should press their finger firmly on the sensor until you hear a beeping sound. The employee should then remove their finger from the sensor. This process will be repeated two more times with the same finger. NOTE:Ifdesired,youmayrepeattheingerprintscanningprocessforthesame employeewithadifferentinger,sothattheemployeecanhaveaback-uptemplate. Ifyouchoosetoscanasecondingerprint,itwillalsorequireauniqueFingerprintID. Werecommendusingtheemployee’sbirthdateinreverseorderastheIDcode. 5.0 SETTING UP AND USING THE BN1500 NowthatyouhavesetupyouruAttendaccount,youmaymountyourtimeclockand linkittoyouraccount. 5.1 Mounting Your BN1500 Followthesestepstomountyourtimeclocktoawall: 1. Find a location near a power outlet and a router, switch, or Ethernet jack where you would like to mount the timeclock. 2. Place the metal back plate against the wall, as shown below, and mark the four screw holes against the wall. 7. Repeat the previous steps for each employee who will be using the timeclock. FollowthesestepsfromyouruAttendaccount: 1. Click the Settings tab on the main menu. 3. Insert the wall studs into the center of the wall marks in all four locations. 2. Click the Timeclocks link. 3. Click the Assign Templates link that appears next to the name of the timeclock that you used to register the fingerprint templates. 4. Place the metal back plate against the wall, with prongs facing away from the wall and pointing upward, and screw the back plate to the wall in all four locations. 4. Assign each fingerprint template to the appropriate employee, using the Template Assignment Sheet in this guide as a reference. TheBN1500isnowreadyforregisteredemployeestopunchinandoutwiththeir ingerprints. IMPORTANT: TheBN1500timeclockemploysanadvancedingerprintsensor. Despitethequalityofthesensor,thereisasegmentofthepopulationwith ingerprintsthatwillnotrecord.Theseemployeescanstillusethetimeclocktopunch inandoutbyusingaPIN. 18 15 5. Affix the timeclock to the metal back plate by lining up the four slots in the back of the timeclock to the four metal prongs on the back plate. Push down lightly to make sure the timeclock is securely fastened to the back plate and wall. 5. Click Add Timeclock. 6. In the Device ID field, enter the Device ID assigned to the BN1500. YoucanindtheDeviceIDonastickeronthebackofthetimeclock.Ifyou cannotlocatethissticker,youcanalsoindtheDeviceIDinthetimeclock.Todo this,presstheMenukeyandenterthepassword(defaultpasswordis53178). ScrolltoDeviceManagementandpressOK,thenscrolltoDeviceIDandpressOK. BesuretoenterthecompleteDeviceID.AnexampleofaDeviceIDis BN1500-12345678. 6. Attach the AC120V power cord to the back of the timeclock. 7. In the Name/Location field, enter the name for the timeclock. Thisieldisusedtoeasilyidentifythetimeclock. 8. Click Add. 9. IMPORTANT: Restart the timeclock. ThetimeclockwillnowbelinkedtoyouruAttendaccount. 5.3 Registering Fingerprint Templates IfyouareusingtheBN1500,youwillregisterusers’ingerprintsforpunchinginand out.RegisteringaingerprinttemplaterequiresinteractionwithboththeBN1500 andyouruAttendaccount. 5.2 Linking the BN1500 to Your uAttend Account FollowthesestepstolinktheBN1500toyouruAttendaccount: FollowthesestepsonyourBN1500: 1. Press the Menu key. 1. Attach an Ethernet cable between the timeclock and your router, then plug the timeclock into a power outlet. Thetimeclockshouldbeturnedon,withthedisplayilluminated. 2. Enter the default password (53178) if it has not been changed, then press OK. 2. Log in to your uAttend account, if you are not already logged in. 3. From the timeclock menu, select the first option, User Management. 3. Click the Settings tab. 4. Select Add User. 4. Click the Timeclocks link. TheBN1500willpromptyoutoentera6-digitnumericcodeforthistemplate. 5. Enter an ID code for the fingerprint template and press OK. 16 Werecommendusingtheemployee’sbirthdateasanIDcode.Forexample,a 17 FCC Statement This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by party responsible for compliance coulk void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. 16 17
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