HIGH SPECIFICATION DATA TRANSCEIVER PART NO. 242-3474-XXO Copyright© 1998 by the Johnson Data Telemetry Corporation. The Johnson Data Telemetry Corporation designs and manufactures radios and radio modems to serve a wide variety of data communication needs. The Johnson Data Telemetry Corporation produces equipment for the fixed data market including SCADA systems for utilities. petrochemical, waste and fresh water management markets and RF boards for OEM applications in the Radio Frequency Data Capture market, DATA TELEMETRY PRODUCT WARRANTY The manufaemrer’s warranty statement for this product is available from your product supplier or from the Johnson Dara Telemetry Corporation. 299 Johnson Avenue. Box 1733. Waseea, MN 56093-0833. Phone (507) 835-8819. WARNING This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC mles. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause han-nful interference. In addition. changes or modification to this equipment not expressly approved by Johnson Data Telemetry Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment (FCC mles. 47CFR Part 15.19). DO NOT allow the antenna to come close to or touch. the eyes. face, or any exposed body parts while the radio is transmitting. DO NOT operate the radio neat electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere, DO NOT operate the radio unless all the radio frequency connectors are secure and any open connectors are properly temtinated. DO NOT allow children to operate transmitter equipped radio equipment. SAFETY INFORMATION Proper operation of this radio will result in user exposure below the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Federal Communication Commission limits. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. a] N'A'fl‘ME'“ is a trademark of the Johnson Data Telemetry Corporation. 0 “SOFT AW“ Own-7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 7.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION SCOPE OF MANUAL ........ EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION. GMRAL ..................................... lvl DM3474 SYNTHESIZER PROGRAMMER} . TRANSCEIVER IDENTIFICATION . . . . PART NUMBER BREAKDOWN ..... ACCESSORIES ................ FACTORY CUSTOMER SERVICE . PRODUCT WARRANTY .......... REPLACEMENT PARTS . . IF A PROBLEM ARISE FACTORY REPAIR ....... GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ......... INSTALLATION HIE-INSTALLATION CHECKS ........................ INTERFACING WITH DATA EQUIPMENT DM3474 ONLY , . PROGRAMMING 1NTRODUCI'10N ................................... DM3474 SYNTHESIZER DATA PROTOCOL . D—WORD ..... B-WORD . A-WORD . . . RECEIVE T0 TRANSMIT SEQUENCE . TRANSMIT TO RECEIVE SEQUENCE ............... CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION GENERAL .................. MRODUCI'ION . SYNTHESIZER RECEIVE. . . . TRANSMITTER . . SYNTHESIZER . . INTRODUCTION ........... VOLTAGECONTROLLED OSCILLATOR ......... VCO AND REFERENCE OSCILLATOR MODULATION . CASCODE AMPLIFIERS (QSSUQSSZ) ................. AMPLIFIER (Q853) ......... VOLTAGE FETER (Q832) . . . VCO FREQUENCY SHIFT (0831) . SYNTHESIZER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (USO!) LOCK DEFECT .............................. TABLE OF CONTENTS _—____—_________———-—_ 43 RECEIVER CIRCUIT DESCRII'I'ION I 4-8 IDELICAL FILTER (2201). RF AMPLIFIER 201) ........ 4-8 MIXER (U221). FIRST L0 AMPLIFIER (Q301) ........... AMPLIFIER (Q222). CRYSTAL FILTER (1221/2222). IF AMP (0221) SECOND LO AMP/TRIPLE]! (0401). SECOND IF FILTER (Q901) ............ SECOND MIXER/DETECTOR (U241) ........................ 4—9 44 TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION . BUFFER (QES 1 ) .................... PRE-DRIVER(Q501). DRIVER (Q521). -5V POWER CONTROL SUPPLY ..... FDIAL (Q541), POWER CONTROL (US42) ANTENNA SWITCH (CR561. CR562) ............... 5 SERVICING 5.1 GENERAL .................. PERIODIC CHECKS .......... SURFACE—MOUNTED COWONENTS . SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS AND COMPONENT LAYOUTS ........... REPLACEMM PARTS LIST ................. TCXO MODULE NOT SERVICEABLE . 5.2 SYNTIESIZER SERVICING . INTRODUCTION .......... 5.1 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR . 5-2 VCO . A .. 5.2 SYN'TI-IESIZER (UBOI) ...... 5.3 RECEIVER SERVICING . V . SUPPLY VOLTAGES AND CURRENT . Nam/DETECTOR (U20 1) ................. RF AMPLIFIER (Q201) AND FIRST MIXER (Q221). RF AND IF AMPLIFERS, I'TRST MIXER A A A 5A TRANSMITTER SERVICING ........ SUPPLY VOLTAGES AND CURRENT ..... 6 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE TESTS 6.1 GENERAL ........................... 6.2 DL3474 TRANSCEIVER ONLY ........ FREQUENCY AND CONTROL LINE VOLTAGE CHECK ...... 2W TRANSMITTER POWER ALIGNMENT . 6-1 . 6-2 LOW POWER ALIGNMENT ............ MODULATION FLATNESS ALIGNMENT 6-3 RECEIVERALIGNMENT..A. 64 IF AND AUDIO ADJUSTMENTS ......... 6—4 7 PARTS LIST blohnfijfi ii Ammampuy TABLE OF CONTENTS ______—_______.—————-—-— 8 SCHEMATICS AND COMPONENT LAYOUTS VCO COMPONENT LAYOUT . , . TRANSCEIVER COMPONENT LAYOUT- MPON'ENT SIDE VIEW ...... TRANSCEIVER COMPONENT LAYOU'FOPPOSITE SIDE VIEW . TRANSCEIVER SCHEMA'I'IC ......................................... LIST OF FIGURES 3-1 D—WORD ............... 3.1 B-WORD ......... , 3,3 A-WORD ........................... . 34 34 SERIAL INPUT worm FORMAT . _ 3.5 3.5 RX T0 -rx mama DIAGRAM , _ 3.6 36 TX T0 RX mama DIAGRAM ,,,,,,, 3.7 4-1 DATA TRANSGIVER BLOCK DIAGRAM , ............ A 4-3 4-2 USO] SYNTHESIZER BLOCK DIAGRAM, 4—3 U241 BLOCK DIAGRAM ............. 5-1 RECEIVER SERVICING FLOWCHART . , 5-2 TRANSMITTER SERVICING FLOWCHAR 6~l TRANSMITTER TEST SETUP .......... 6-2 RECEIVE! TEST SETUP ....... 6—3 ALIGNMENT POINTS DIAGRAM ..................... . 6-6 8-1 VCO COMPONENT LAYOUT (COMPONENT S VIEW) ........... 8-2 TRANSCEIVER COMPONENT LAYOUT (COMPONB‘IT SIDE VIEW) 8-3 TRANSCEIVER COMPONENT LAYOUT (OPPOSITE COMPONENT SIDE VIEW) 34 TRANSCEIVER SCHEMATIC ............... s-s LIST OF TABLES 1-1 ACCESSORIES ............................................................................ 1-2 £510___ h“r‘i‘§6“fi AM_—p—__Cou¢ay TABLE OF CONTENTS This page imenu'onally left blank. blohfifi‘i‘fi' " AD-umafiafliw SECTION 1 GENERAL DIFORMATION 1.1 SCOPE OF MANUAL This service manual contains alignment and service information for the Johnson Data Telemetry (JDT) DM3474 Um: High Specification Data Module Transceiver. 1.2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION _______—_.._—_———————— 1.211 GENERAL The IDT DM3474' is a synthesized data transceivcr (transmitter and receiver) which operates in the 403-512 MHz UHF frequency range Transmitter power output is 2 watts nominal, and operation is simplex or half duplex Versions of the 3474 covered in this manual are indicated in Section 1.4. The 3474 has a frequency stability of z 1.5 PPM (see Section ). The number of channels that can be selected with the DM3474 model is determined by the customer supplied synthesizer loading circuitry. 1.2.2 DM3474 SYNTHESIZER PROGRAMMING The DM3474 requires customer supplied circuitry to load the synthesizer with channel information. The protocol that this circuitry must follow is described in Section . 1.3 TRANSCEIVER IDENTIFICATION The transceiver identification number is printed on a label that is affixed to the PC board. The following information is contained in that number: bjoh__i‘1“__§3‘ii Part No. 001-3474-002 A Mia 01W GENERAL INFORMATION 1.4 PART NUMBER BREAKDOWN The following is a breakdown of the pan number used to identify this transceiver 242-3474 - X Y Z _ 9=25kHzBW‘ l = 380—403 MHz _ 19—435 MHz 4: 435-451 MHz 5 = 450-466 MHZ. 450-470 MHz 6 = 464-480 MHz 7 = 480-496 MHz 8 = 496-512 MHz ‘ This number applies to 450470 MHz transceivers, 1.5 ACCESSORIES Accessories available for the 3474 data transceiver are listed in Table 1-1. “able 1-1 ACCESSORIES Accessory Part 0. MCX lo SMA RF cable 023-3472-009 3474 Low Power Kit 023-3474—001 1.6 FACTORY CUSTOMER SERVICE The Customer Service Department at JDT provides customer assistance on technical problems and the availability of local and factory repair facilities. Customer Service hours are 7:30 am. - 4:30 pm. Central Time, Monday - Friday. From within the continental United States, the Customer Service Depanmerll can be reached at this toll-free number 1-800-992-7 774 bloh'fifiifi' ”2 A Datamdfid Company Part No. 001-3474-002 GENERAL INFORMATION If”— When your call is answered at JDT. you will hear a brief message that contains the options: “1" for Sales, “2“ for Order Entry, “3" for Customer Service, “4" for Marketing, “7" for other issues, or “9“ to repeat the message. When you enter a first number of “3", you may enter “1" for Technical Assistance, “2“ for Product Repair or “3“ for Warranty. This number may be entered during or after the message using a tone-type telephone. If you have a pulse-type telephone wait until the message is finished and an operator will come on the line to assist you. You can enter the four digit extension number of the person that you want to reach at any time. If you are calling from outside the continental United States. the Customer Service numbers are: Customer Service Department - (507) 835-6911 FAX Machine - Cust Serv(507) 835—6969 You can contact the Customer Service Department by mail or email. Please include any information that may help solve your problem. The mailing or email addresses are: Johnson Data Telemetry Corporation Customer Service Department 299 Johnson Avenue PO. Box 1733 Waseca, MN 56093-0514 support@johnsondara.com 1.7 PRODUCT WARRANTY The warranty statement for this transceiver is available from the Warranty Depam'nent at JDT (see address or telephone number in Section 1.6). The Warranty Department may also be contacted for Warranty Service Reports, claim forms, or any questions concerning warranties or warranty service. 1.8 REPLACEMENT PARTS Replacement pans can be ordered directly from the Service Parts Department. To order pans by phone, dial the toll-free number and then enter “3" as described in Section 1,6. When ordering, please supply the part number and quantity of each part ordered. JDT customers should give their account number-Jf there is uncenainty about the pan number, include the model number of the equipment the part is from (refer to Section 1.3). You can send your order by mail or FAX (see Section l.6 for mailing address). Mail orders should be sent to the Service Parts Department. FAX Machine - Sales (507) 835-6648 u‘blo ”r‘i‘so‘i'i Part No, 001—3474—002 m GENERAL INFORMATION 1.9 IF A PROBLEM ARISES... JDT products are designed for long life and failure-free operation If a problem arises, factory service is available. Contact the Customer Service Department before returning equipment. A service representative may _ suggest a solution eliminating the need to retum equipment. 1.9i1 FACTORY REPAIR . Component level repair is not recommended on the DMZ-1474 Transceiver Surface mount technology is used to install many components that require specialized training and equipment to service board level components. IDT’s factory is best equipped to diagnose problems and make component level repairs. When resuming equipment for repair, fill out a Factory Request Form for each unit to be repaired regardless of warranty status. These forms are available free of charge by calling Customer Service (see Section 16). Describe the problem in the space provided and note any prior physical damage to the equipment Include a. form in the shipping container with each unit, Your phone number and contact name are important. There are times when technicians have specific questions that need to be answered in order to identify the problem and repair the equipment. When rerouting equipment for repair, use a reference number on your paperwork in case you need to call Customer Service about your unit. That number is referenced on the repair order to make it easier to locate your unit in the lab. A Return authorimtion (RA) numbers are not necessary unless you have been given one by the Customer Service Depanment. They require RA numbers for exchange units or if they want to be aware of a specific problem. If you have been given an RA number, reference this number of the Factory Repair Request Form sent with the unit. The repair lab will contact the Customer Service Department when the urtit arrives. bloh'fifiiifi‘ H ADmnd-‘aComparj Part No. 001-3474-002 GENERAL INFORMATION The following ate general specifications intended for use in testing and servicing this transceiver. For current advertised specifications, refer to the specification sheet available from the Marketing Department. Specifications are subject to change without notice. GENERAL Frequency Range Frequency Control Channel Spacing Mode of Operation Operating Voltage Regulated Supply Voltages RF Input/Output Power and Data Interface Operating Temperature Maximum Dimensions Weight (w/o Loader Bd) FCC Compliance RECEIVER Bandwidth Frequency Stability Sensitivity — 12 dB SINAD RF Input Impedance Spurious and Image Rejection Selectivity Intermodulation FM l-Iurn and Noise Conducted Spurious Receive Current Drain Receive Attack '1'|me Audio Distortion Output Level DM3474 Response DM3474 Minimum Load Impedance TRANSMITTER Bandwidth Frequency Stability TCXO Coupling RF Power Output RF Output Impedance Modulation Distortion Part No. 001-3474—002 403-512 MHz Synthesized 12.5/20/25 kHz Simplex or Half Duplex +7.5V DC 11096 +5V DC fi% MCX Jack l4—pin in-line socket, 100 mil center -30° to 460° C (-22° to +140” F) 2.83" L (7.19 cm). 2.19" W (5.56 cm), 0.64" 1-1 (1.70 cm) 2.3 oz (65 g) DM3474 customer must apply 16 MHz 11.5 PPM 0.45 uV 50 ohms -70 dB -60 dB (12.5 kHz), »70 dB (20/25 kHz) -70 dB 40 dB (12.5 kHz). 45 dB (20/25 kHz) -57 dBm < 70 mA nominal < 7 ms (dependent on synthesizer loading implementation) < 3% 600-1200 mV P-P or 200-400 mV RMS (1 kHz at 13 kHz) :l:2 dB from DC to 5 kHz (reference to 1 kHz) 1k ohms 16 MHz 11.5 PPM DC 2W nominal adjustable to 500 mW (—XXO) 500 mW nominal adjustable to 75 mW (with Low Power Kit) 50 ohms < 3% bloh°fi§3fi AMCamvg/ GENERAL INFORMATION Duty Cycle Transmitter Attack Tune Spurious and Harmonic FM FM Burn and Noise Audio Response Data Input Impedance Modulation Response Current Drain DATA YEIIMEIIV Llohnson' 50917. 60 seconds maximum transmit < 7 ms (dependent on synthesizer implementation) -37 dBm 40 dB 12.5 kHz, -45 dB 25 kHz $1.5 dB from DC to 5 kHz (reference to 1 kHz) Programmable to 11 dB at the RF band edges via 1201, pin 14. 100k ohm 1:1 dB from DC to 5 kHz (reference to 1 kHz) < 800 mA at 2W, +7.5V DC I-6 Pan No. 001-3474—002 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION 2.1 PIKE-INSTALLATION CHECKS Field alignment should not be required before the 3474 is installed. However, it is a good practice to check the performance to ensure that no damage occurred during shipment. Performance tests are located in Section 6.2, 2.2 lNTERFACING WITH DATA EQUIPMENT 2.2.1 DM3474 ONLY Connector 1201 on the data transceiver PC board provides the interface with the data equipment. This is a 14— pin female connector with .025" square pins on 0.1" centers (Dupont 76308-114). The following is a general description of the various J201 input and output signals. Pin 1 (Ground) - Chassis ground. Pin 2 (+7.§V DC Continuous) - This voltage should be stabilized near +7.5V DC. Variations from +6V to +9V can change power output as much as 6 (111 Pin 3 (+7.5V DC Transmit) - This input should be +7.5V DC in transmit mode only. Pin 4 (+5V DC Receive Control Line) - This input should be +5V DC in the receive mode only, S 0.3 V DC in Tx, input impedance 2 10k ohms. Pin 5 (+5V DC Conunuous) - This voltage should be stabilized near +5V DC. Pin 6 (Tx Input)- Provides a response of 1:1 5 dB from DC to 5 kHz. The sensitivity is approximately 7 kHz deviation per volt RMS. When this input is used, a temperature compensated 2. 5V DC bias is required because variations in voltage cause the frequency to change In addition, the transceiver regulatory compliance must be applied for with the customer supplied modulation limiting/filter circuit and chassis Pin 7 (Synthsizer Lock) — Output from synthesizer lock detect circuit Low = unlocked, high = locked. Pin 8 (Synthesizer Enable) - Latch enable signal. A rising edge on this input latches the data loaded into synthesizer lC U801. Pin 9 (Synthesizer Data) - Serial data line used for programming synthesizer 1C UBOI. Pin 10 (Synthesizer Clock) - Software genemed serial clock. Data is valid on the rising edge of this signal. b]oh__i1"__§3‘r“i Part No. 001-3474-002 A Dnundia aw INSTALLATION Pin 11 (Carrier Detect) - This output is not used at this time. Pin 12 (R551 Output) - The RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator) output provides a voltage that increases in proportion to the strength of the RF input signal. Pin 13 (Rx Output) - The data output level is 600-1200 millivolts P-P (200-400 mV RMS) with a modulation signal of 1 kHz at 6070 of maximum deviation. The output is DC coupled and referenced to +2‘5V DCA Load impedance should be 10k~100k ohms, hDATA TELEMEYKV_ 3410 nson PmNo,m1.3474.mz A Daumdifl 0050-09 SECTION 3 PROGRAMMING 3.1 INTRODUCTION The information in Section 3.2 describes synthesizer programming protocol. This information can he used as a basis for designing the synthesizer pmgramming hardware and software required. 3.2 DM3474 SYNTHESIZER DATA PROTOCOL ——____________————————— Programming of the dividers and the charge pumps are performed on a 3-line bus; SYNTH ENABLE, SYNTH DATA. AND SYNl'l-l CLK. On initial power up three 34-bit words are required to load the 3474 Data Transceiver. After the initial load, one 32-bit word can be used to change channels. The SA7025 Synthesizer 11: uses four address words; D. C, B and A (see Figure 3-4). The C word is not used in the 3474. The 24- and 32»bit words contain one or four address bits, depending on the address hits, the data is latched into registers. When the A—word is loaded, the data of these temporary registers is loaded together with the A-word into the work registers. 3.2.1 D-WORD Refer to Figure 3-1. TCXO Reference Frequency is 17.5 MHz. Loop Reference Frequency is 50 kHz. Reference Divide (NR) = 17.5 MHz + 50 kHz =350 Decimal or 000101011110 Binary. The 3474 has frequency resolution of 6.25 kHz and 10 kHz. When programming 625 kHz frequency resolution use FMOD=8. When programming l0 kl-lz frequency resolution use FMOD=5. Example: (FCM) + FMOD = 50 kHz+ 8 = 6.25 kHz (FCM) + FMOD = 50 kHz+ 5 =10 kHz Where: FCM = Loop Reference Frequency FMOD = Fractional N Modulus Since FMC is the same for both 625 kHz and 10 kHz the loop dynamics are very similar mid the same loop filter values can be used. bloh°fi§8fi Part No.001-3474—002 A W W PROGRAMMING 3.2.2 B»WORD The B-Word is 24-bits long (see Figure 342), lt contains the Address, Charge Pump setting factor (CN), Binary Acceleration factors (CK. CL), and Prescaler Type (PR). The Charge Pump Current setting (CN) of the Fraction N spurious responses close in for the fractional compensation current. The Frequency in a Band CN Lowest TX 86 Highest TX 90 Lowest RX 96 Highest RX 100 could be changed on a channel-hy-channel basis for ultimate rejection to the carrier frequency. The 3474 synthesizer has an adjust (R855) factory preset value will allow CN to be set to the following ranges: The value of CN should be interpolated for frequencies between the band edges. With these recommended values of CN. the transceiver should have the fractional spurs minimized far below the levels needed to make Hrs! 70 dB adjacent channel RX or TX specifications. Example: Model 3474-530 is a 450-466 MHz transceiver. 458 MHz TX CN = 88 01011000 Binary 458 MHz RX CN = 98 01100010 Binary 3.2.3 A-WORD The A-Word must be sent last (see Figure 3-3). The A-Word contains new data for the loop dividers and is programmed for every channel. The A-Word can be a 24—bit or 32-bit word depending on the state of the flag LONG in the D—Word. The 24—bit word (A0) is sent if LONG=0 and the 32-bit word (A1) is sent if LONG=14 The extra S-bits in A1 are the CN charge pump settings. Upon power up the D-, B- and A-Words must be sent, but after that only the Al word needs to he sent The Fractional-N increment (NF) is a 3 channels below the 50 kHz Loop Reference increment is: 50 kHz + 8 = 625 kHz To program an 18.75 kHz channel: NF=13175kHZ+615kHZ NF=3 bloh'i‘isfim‘ A W“ Conway -bit word that is channel dependent. NF is used to program the sub- frequeneyr FCM = 50 kHz and if FMOD = 8, then the Fractional-N 3»2 Part No. 001-3474-002 PROGRAMMING ________________—__———-——-—— NMl and NM2 are calculated as follows: N=(NM1 +2) x64+NM2x65 Where: N=total division ralio NMI = Number of main divider cycles when prescaler modulus equals 64 NM2 = Number of main divider cycles when prescnler modulus equals 65 Example: Calculate NMl and NM2 to Receive 454.500 MHz. L0 = 4545 + 52.95 = 50145 MB: (52.95 MHz [F with High Side Injection) N = RX L0 +FCM = 507.45 + 0.05 =10149 (FMC = Loop Reference Frequency) NM2 =64xFRAC[N+64] = 64 xFRAC [10149+64] = 64 x 0.57813 = 37 NM] =IN’l'EGER[N+64]-2-NM2 =158-2-37 =119 nimizsn 537uv1ol1|z|3u is 1! 1115 1320212223“ 1o|onun|01011Ixuoulnonnnl way “W‘s“ NR (KEFBIENCE mvms) - 150 In! t“! REFERENCE SM (ALWAYS OI!) BM (ALWAYS 1) IA (N01 USED) EA mum“ 0) Fuel: (l-uoDuLus l , - unnuLus s) LONG (1-32 ll'l' worm. n=24 Il'l‘ worn) Figure 3-1 D-WORD Moh'i‘i‘fiii’i Part No. 0014474002 A w W PROGRAMMING 8151234567891011121314|516171819202|222324 10 0 0 0 0 0 00/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 0 0 O 0 0 01 CL ADDRESS NOT uszn cu CK (ALWAYS 0000) (CHARGE PM CUMENT SETTING) BINARY ACCELERATlON (“AWL caveman) FACTOR (ALWAYS 000000) PR (PRESCALER TYPE) (cl-DUAL MODULUS) Figure 3-2 B-WORD Ins123‘567l o wu111:u151-171a“zonzzzzzazhzsnzsznsnsnn a 11/1 0/1 o/1u/1 11/1 0/1 DII 0/10/1 0/1 n/10/10/1w1o/1 0110/10/10/111/111/10/10/10/ 1 0/1 0/10/1 0/1011 11/1 0/1 mm ur v; | mum of mm wan crass nuz (mu-1:11 or mun nwmu cvmss 11mm ”(scum mus - u) (cums m mun-Eur strum win ”1301LG nouns - 66) Dunn 1799175110 in: or A0 m Figure 3-3 A-WORD alohfiwfi- 3“ ‘ A E . a PartNo.001-3474-002 PROGRAMMING MSB LSB , 32 \ HH HH_Tr HHH IH NM? A10 NF M41 CN (ma ma \ I I l P I H H HA \_Y_._/ 1 2. 1H 1 H1 H H nu: <——PR--m~ A00 nr NM! NM: NM: <———PR-'w' !._U_I Ll \ 1_L_l_|_ I H ” w||—— "— E|oo once m CK CL PR ‘J H ‘ -- C100 m PA a IH L I I w H um D|o‘ w SMESAEAON J | us I H | [\|| oomnwo a L H \ u _v_a W nonnzss ans 1:5? BIYS Part No. 001-3474-002 Figure 3-4 SERIAL INPUT WORD FORMAT 3-5 mu Tasman“ blohnson Ta Maw—cm” PROGRAMMING 3.3 RECEIVE TO TRANSMIT SEQUENCE Refer to Figure 3-5. 1. Synthesizer is loaded (B and A 24-Bit words or one long 32-bit A-Word). 2. The state of the SRCL line does not have to be changed until the last bit is sent. However, RX will cease as soon - as it is changed. 3. The SYNl'H ENABLE line should be held HIGH for 2 to 3 milliseconds after the last word is sent. This puts the frequency synthesizer in a SPEEDUP MODE and slightly improves lock times. 4. After the last word is strobed in. 7 milliseconds (worst case) should elapse before 75 TX is turned ON. This allows the synthesizer to come within 1 kHz of the desired frequency. Slcl. DA'A CLOCK moat 7.5 u m ——1 ._. lsutwp 1 am 1 LOCK Figure 3-5 RX T0 TX TIMING DIAGRAM Dekey is a length of time to allow the TX to power down while the synthesizer is still in look. This is needed to meet ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) adjacent power specifications. Dekey is approximately 3 ms in length. The 7.5 TX should be ramped or optimally filtered in such a way as to reduce the Sinx/x power spreading. Speedup will slightly improve lock times and is l to 2 ms. Part No. 001-34wooz bjohfifififlr’i' “3 PROGRAMMING 3.4 TRANSMIT TO RECEIVE SEQUENCE Refer to Figure 3-6. 1. 7.5 TX is turned OFF For best TX adjacent channel power performance this could be shaped. 2. The synthesizer load process could begin slightly before. but when the last. bit is strobed in the synthesizer it will become unlocked For ETSI specs, the TX should be turned OFF “on-frequency". 34 The SRCL line should switch from low to high AFTER the 7.5 TX is switched. The SRCL not only turns the RX circuits on but also Pin Shifts the VCO. 4. For quickest lock times the SYNTH ENABLE line on the last load word should be held high for 2 to 3 millisec- onds. It MUST NOT be left high as the synthesizer in the SPEEDUP mode has poor noise performance and would degrade the RX performance SRCL M« unfit—1mm new FM 'u— m -.- um -.- vu-n‘ LJHTL CLOCK SVRDEE 7.5 1x i ‘ \ t-o ———- -'| my sPEEnur ‘ Figure 3-6 TX T0 RX TIMING DIAGRAM Speedup is 2 to 3 ms Lock is approximately 7 ms Ramp is approximately 3 ms IMPORTANT If the receiver is to be operated at 5105” MHz (—810). a spurious condition may occur to degrade the receiver sensitivity 2 to 3 43. If this degradation is unacceptable, the synthesizer can be reprogrammed to a comparison frequency (F CM) of 31 .25 kHz (so that a multiple of this wouH not be 52.95 MHz) and a modulus (FMOD) of 5 with a refenence divide (NR) of 560. These parameters place the spurious at harmonics of 31.25 kHz (instead of 50 kHz) outside the passband of the IFfilters where the sensitivity is not degraded M quhr'fifsflcgmfi' Part No. 0014474‘002 W PROGRAMNIING This page intentionally left blank ’\ hmm 151mm" 3-8 5]? nsQWn- Part No. 001-3474-002 W— SECTION 4 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.1 INTRODUCTION The main subasserublies of this transceiver are the RF board, VCO hoard. and TCXO, A block diagram of the transceiver is located in Figure 4-1. The VCO board is enclosed by a metal shield and soldered directly to the RF board, The VCO is not serviceable. The 3474 is available with a reference oscillator stability of 11.5 PPM. The TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) is soldered directly to the RF board. 4.1.2 SYNTHESIER The VCO (voltage-controlled oscillator) output signal is the receiver first injection frequency in the Receive mode and the transmit frequency in the Transmit mode. The first injection frequency is 52.95 MHz above the receive frequency. The frequency of this oscillator is controlled by a DC voltage produced by the phase detector in synthesizer chip UBOl. Channels are selected by programming counters in USO] to divide by a certain number. This programming is performed over a serial bus formed by the Synth Clock, Synth Enable, and Synth Data pins of 1201. This programming is performed by user supplied hardware and software (see Section ). The frequency stability of the synthesizer in both the receive and transmit modes is established by the stability of the reference oscillator described in the preceding section. These oscillators are stable over a temperature range of -30° to +60° C (-22° to +140D F). 4. 1.3 RECEIVER The receiver is a double—conversion type with intermediate frequencies of 52.95 MHz I 450 kHz. No helical bandpass filters reject the image, half IF, injection, and other unwanted frequencies. A four-pole crystal filter enhances receiver selectivity Pan No. 001-3474-002 A Dam Camry “ £110 °r‘iso‘“"r‘i CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ________________._————-——- 4.1.4 TRANSMITTER The transmitter produces a nominal RF power output of 2W adjustable to 500 mW (-XXO) or 500 mW adjustable to 75 mW (with Low Power Kit). Frequency modulation of the transmit signal occurs in the synthesizer. Transmit audio processing circuitry is contained in the customervsupplied equipmentr - 4.2 SYNTHESIZER . IIIJ—J 4.2.1 INTRODUCTION A block diagram of the synthesizer is shown in Figure 4-1 and a block diagram of Synthesizer IC Usm is shown in Figure 4—2. As stated previously, the synthesizer output signal is produced by a VCO (voltage controlled oscillator). The VCO frequency is controlled by a DC voltage produced by the phase detector in USO]. The phase detector senses the phase and frequency of the two input signals and causes the VCO control voltage to increase or decrease if they are not the same. The VCO is then “locked" on frequency. Programming of the synthesizer provides the data necessary for the internal prescaler and counters. One input signat is the reference frequency. This frequency is produced by the 17.5 MHz reference oscillator (T CXO). The other input signal is the VCO frequency. bIOhfiggfi 4,2 Part No.001-3474-OO2 44an Camry CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Figure 4-1 DATA TRANSCEIVER BLOCK DIAGRAM Pm No.001-3474-002 4'3 fill—WES“. AWM CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION VDDA VSSA Figure 4-2 mm SYNTHESlZER BLOCK DIAGRAM blohfififi- 44 Pan No. 001-3474-002 A Dam Cam, CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION _____—__________————-————- 4.2.2 VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR M1 The VCO is formed by 0850, several capacitors and varactor diodes, and a ceramic resonator. It oscillates at the transmit frequency in transmit mode and first injection frequency in the receive mode (approximately 450 MHz in transmit and 500 MHz in receive). Biasing of 0850 is provided by R862, R867 and R868. An AC voltage divider fomied by C859, C861 and C862 initiates and maintains oscillation and also matches (2850 to the tank circuit. The ceramic resonator is grounded at one end to provide shunt inductance to the tank circuit. uen Co Mod lati The VCO frequency is controlled in part by DC voltage across vamctor diodes CR854, CRSSS. CR856 and CRSS]. As voltage across a reverse-biased varactor diode increases. its capacitance decreases. Therefore. VCO frequency increases as the control voltage increases. CR854/CR855 and CRSSGICRSSI are paralleled varactor to divide the capacitance and improve linearity. The varactors are biased at -2V to adjust to the voltage output of U801, The control line is isolated from tank circuit RF by choke L851 and L854 and decoupling capacitor C854. The amount of frequency change produced by CR854/CR855/CR856ICR851 is controlled by series capacitor C853. The —2V applied to the VCO is derived from the TCXO frequency that is amplified by 0833. rectified by CR831 and filtered by C844. C845. C846 and C847 on the RF board. The VCO frequency is modulated using a similar method, The transmit audio/data signal is applied across vamctor diode CR852 which varies the VCO frequency at an audio rate. Series capacitors C8561C870 set the amount of deviation produced along with CR853 and C858. R854 provides a DC ground on the anodes of CR857J CR853. and isolation is provided by R852 and C855. The DC voltage across CR853 provides compensation to keep modulation relatively flat over the entire bandwidth of the VCO. This compensation is required because modulation tends to increase as the VCO frequency gets higher (capacitance of CR854/CR855/CR856lCR85l gets lower). CR853 also balances the modulation signals applied to the VCO and TCXO. An external voltage from 1201, pin 14 can also adjust the modulation. The DC voltage applied across CR853 comes from the modulation adjust control R810. R811 applies a DC biasing voltage to CRSSZ; C814 provides DC blocking; and C818 attenuates AC signals applied through R81] 1 RF isolation is provided by CSSB‘ R853, C817 and R812. 4.5 DATA TEIZMETKV_ mwmm fijohnson A ' Camry W— CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION _____——__—_——————-——-— 4.2.3 VCO AND REFERENCE OSCILLATOR MODULATION Both the VCO and reference oscillator (T CXO) are modulated in order to achieve the required frequency response. If only the VCO was modulated, the phase detector in USO] would sense the frequency change and increase or decrease the VCO control voltage to counteract the change (especially at the lower audio frequencies). If only the reference oscillator frequency is modulated. the VCO frequency would not change fast enough (especially at the higher audio frequencies). Modulating both VCO and reference oscillators produces a flat audio response. Polentiometer R810 sets the VCO modulation sensitivity so that it is equal to the reference oscillator modulation sensitivity 4.2.4 CASCODE AMPLIFHERS (Q851IQ852) The output signal on the collector of Q850 is coupled by L861/C864 to buffer amplifier Q851/Q852i This is a shared-bias amplifier which provides amplification and also isolation between the VCO and the stages which follow. The signal is direct coupled from the collector of 0852 to the emitter of Q851. The resistors in this circuit provide biasing and stabilization, and C865 and C866 are bypass capacitors. 4.2.5 VAMPLH-‘IER (ossz) Amplifier Q853 provides amplification and isolation between the VCO and receiver and transmitter. C868 provides matching between the amplifiers. Bias for Q853 is provided by R871, R872 and R874. Inductor L856 and capacitor C873 provide impedance matching on the outpuL 4.2.6 VOLTAGE FILTER (Q832) Q832 is a capacitance multiplier to provide filtering of the 4.6V supply to the VCO. R836 provides transistor bias and C834 provides the capacitance that is multiplied. If a noise pulse or other voltage change appeals on the collector, the base voltage does not change significantly because of C834. Therefore, base current does not change and transistor current remains constant. CR832 decreases the charge time of C834 when power is turned on. This shortens the start-up time of the VCO. C841, C840 and C855 are RF decoupling capacitors. 4.2.7 VCO FREQUENCY SHE-T (Q831) The VCO must be capable of producing frequencies from approximately 403-56495 MHz to produce the required receive injection and transmit frequencies. If this large of a shift was achieved by varying the VCO control voltage, the VCO gain would be undesirably high. Therefore. capacitance is switched in and out of the tank circuit to provide a coarse shift in frequency. This switching is controlled by the T/R pin shift on 120] , pin 4, Q831/Q834 and pin diode CR850. When a pin diode is forward biased, it presents a vary low impedance to RF; and when it is reverse biased, it presents a very high impedance. The capacitive leg is switched in when in transmit and out when in receive. DATA rrtmnn_ 4-6 blohnson momma... Aw Cam; CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION _____—__________—————— When 1201, pin 4 is high in receive, Q834 is turned off. QlDl is turned on and the collector voltage goes low. A low on the base of 0102 turns the transistor on and the regulated +5r5V on the emitter is on the collector for the receive circuitry. “With a low on the base of (2831 the transistor is off and the collector is high. With a high on the collector of 0831 and a low on the emitter of Q834. this reverse biases CR850 for a high impedance. The capacitive leg is formed by C85], CR850, C852 and C876. When 1201, pin 4 is low in transmit, Q834 is turned on and a high is on the emitter, Q101 is turned off and the collector voltage goes high. A high on the base of Q102 turns the transistor off and the regulated +5.5V is removed from the receive circuitry “fith a high on the base of Q83] the transistor is on and the collector is low. “With a low on the collector of (2831 and a high on the emitter of Q834, this forward biases CR850 and provides an RF ground through C851 and C852/C876 are effectively connected to the tank circuit. This decreases the resonant frequency of the tank circuit. 4.2.8 SYNTHESIZER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (U801) Introduction Synthesizer chip USO] is shown in Figure 4-2. This device contains the following circuits: R (reference). Fractional-N. NM] and NM2; phase and lock detectors. prescaler and counter programming circuitry. The basic operation was described in Section 4.2.1] Channel Emgramming Frequencies are selected by programming the R. Fractional-N, NM] and NM2 in USO] to divide by a certain number-t These counters are programmed by a user supplied programming circuit. More intonation on programming is located in Section . As previously stated, the counter divide numbers are chosen so that when the VCO is oscillating on the correct frequency. the VCO—derived input to the phase detector is the same frequency as the reference oscillator- derived frequency. The VCO frequency is divided by the internal prescaler and the main divider to produce the input to the phase detector. 4.2.9 LOCK DEFECT When the synthesizer is locked on frequency. the SYNTH LOCK output of U801. pin 18 (1201, pin 7) is a high voltage. Then when the synthesizer is unlocked, the output is a low voltage. Lock is defined as a phase difference of less than 1 cycle of die TCXO. 4.7 DAYA ntwmv_ m. 001.347.4112 blohnson A flannel-la Campan] CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4.3 RECEIVER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4.3.1 HELICAL FILTER (2201), RF AMPLIFIER (0201) Capacitor C201 couples the receive signal from the antenna switch to helical filter 2201. (The antenna switch is described in Section 4.4.5.) 2201 is a bandpass filter tuned to pass only a narrow band of frequencies to the receiver. This attenuates the image and other unwanted frequencies. The helicals are factory set and should not be tuned. Impedance matching between the helical filter and RF amplifier Q201 is provided by C203, C204 and L201. Q201 amplifies the receive signal to recover filter losses and also to increase receiver sensitivity. Biasing for Q201 is provided by R201. R202 and R203; and C208/C209 provide RF bypass. CR201 protects the base-emitter junction of Q201 from excessive negative voltages that may occur during high signal conditions. Additional filtering of the receive signal is provided by 2202. L202. and C205 provide impedance matching between Q201 and 2202. Resistor R204 is used to lower the Q of L202 to make it less frequency selective. 4.3.2 MIXER (U221), FRST L0 AMPLIFIER (Q301) First mixer U221 mixes the receive frequency with the first injection frequency to produce the 52.95 MHz first IF. Since high-side injection is used, the injection frequency is 52.95 MHz above the receive frequency. The RF signal is coupled to the mixer through C206. The first injection frequency from the VCO is coupled to the first local oscillator amplifier Q301 through C301. L301 and C302 match Q301 to the VCO. Bias for Q301 is provided by R301, R302 and R303, and C303 decouples RF signals. Impedance matching to the mixer is provided by L302, R304 and C304. 4.3.3 AWLEFIER (Q222), CRYSTAL FILTER (Z221/Z222). IF AMP (Q221) The output of U221 is coupled to buffer Q222. C222, R229 and 0222 match the 50 ohm output of U221. Bias for Q222 is provided by R228 and R229. The output of Q222 is matched to crystal filter Z221 via L222, C223 and R230. This filter presents a low impedance to 52.95 MHz and attenuates the receive, injection. and other frequencies outside the 52.95 MHz passband. Z22] and 1222 form a 2-section, 4-pole crystal filter with a center frequency of 52.95 MHz and a -3 dB passband of 8 kHz (12.5 kHz BW) or 15 kHz (20/25 kHz BW). This filter establishes the receiver selectivity by attenuating the adjacent channel and other signals close to the receive frequency. C232, C224, and L223 adjust the coupling of the filter. L224, C225 and C227 provide impedance matching between the filter and 0221. IF amplifier Q221 amplifies the 52.95 MHz IF signal to recover filter losses and improves receiver sensitivity. - Biasing for 0221 is provided by R222. R223, R225 and R226 and C228, C229 decouple RF signals. The output of Q221 is coupled to the detector by C230. big—hiifi‘iifi 4'“ mm..3....m awaw CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION __________—__———————— 4.3.4 SECOND ID AMP/TRIPLE]! (Q401), SECOND H: FHJER (Q901) The input frequency to 0401 is 17.5 MHz from TCXO Y801 coupled through C402. Bias for (2401 is provided by R401, R402, R403 and R404l C403, C404 decouple RF from the mnplifier. L401, L402, C405, C406 and C407 pass the third harmonic of the input (52.5 MHz) to U241, pin 1. The output of the amplifier is coupled to U241. pin 1 by C241. and C410 and L404 provided low frequency decoupling. 4.3.5 SECOND MDER/DETECTOR (UZ41) Oscillator and Mixer As shown in Figure 4—3. U24l contains the second oscillator. second mixer‘ limiter, detector. and Squelch circuitry. The 52.95 MHz IF signal is mixed with a 52.5 MHz signal produced by second LO amplifier Q40] from TCXO Y801. why» NC DEMDDULATOR , AUDIO OUT Figure 4-3 U241 BLOCK DIAGRAM Pan No. 001-3474-002 4'9 fithnlfifibmfi' A Dunedin Company CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Second IF Filter The output of the internal double-balanced mixer is the difference between 52.95 MHz and 52.5 MHz which is 450 kHz. This 450 kHz signal is fed out on pin 3 and applied to second [F filters 2241 and 2242. These filters have passliands of 9 kHz (12.5 kHz BW), 15 kHz (20 kHz BW) or 20 kHz (25 kHz BW) at the -6 dB points and are used to attenuate wideband noise. Limiter-Amplifier The output of Z241f1242 is applied to a limiter‘amplifier circuit in U241. This circuit amplifies the 450 kHz signal and any noise present; then limits this signal to a specific value. When the 450 kHz signal level is high, noise pulses tend to get clipped off by the limiter; however, when the 450 kHz signal level is low. the noise passes through. C242, C243 decouple the 450 kHz signal. wadrature Detector From the limiter stage the signal is fed to the quadrature detector. An extema] phase—shift network connected to pin 8 shifis the phase of one of the detector inputs 90° at 450 kHz (all other inputs are unshifted in phase). When modulation occurs, the frequency of the IF signal changes at an audio rate as does the phase of the shifted input. The detector, which has no output with a 90“ phase shift, converts this phase shift into an audio signal. L242 is tuned to provide maximum undistorted output from the detector. R242 is used to lower the Q of L242. From the detector the audio and data signal is fed out on pin 9. Audio/Data Amplifier The audio/data output of U241 on pin 9 is fed to the audio amplifier U261. U261 amplifies the detected audio/data signal and shifts the DC bias level to 2.5V. The gain is set at approximately 1.5 by R2611R262. R263 and R264 provide a 1.9V DC refelence bias voltage. The audio output of U261 is applied to 1201, pin 13. Receive Si al Stren Indicator RSSI U241, pin 13 is an output for the R581 circuit which provides a current proportional to the strength of the 450 kHz IF signal. The voltage developed across R241 is applied to 1201, pin 12. 4.4 TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4.4.1 BUFFER (Q851) The output signal is applied to a 50-ohm pad formed by R851, R852, and R853. This pad provides attenuation and isolation, Q851 provides amplification and also additional isolation between the VCO and transmitter. Biasing for this stage is provided by R854, and decoupling of RF signals is provided by C852. Impedance matching with the transmitter is provided by L501 and C502. m1ATEttMEntv_ 4.10 Iglohnson WWW”. A Comm-r CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ______________________—-————— 4.4.2 PRE-DRIVER (0501), DRIVER (Q521) Pre-driver Q501 is biased class A by R50] and R502 and R506. 1.501 and C502 match Q501 to QSSI. C520 and C508 bypass RF from the DC line, and R503 provides supply voltage isolation. R507 ties the +7t5V supply to the circuit for high power applications and 1608 ties the circuit to +5V for low power applications. Impedance matching between Q501 and Q521 is provided by L502. L503 and C511. R504 and C504 provide negative feedback to prevent oscillation. Driver Q521 is biased nearly Class C by R521 and R522. Impedance matching with Q54l is provided by L521, C525, C527, L522 and C526. 4.4.3 —5V POWER CONTROL SUPPLY The 17.5 MHz from the TCXO is coupled through C902 to Q901. Bins for Q901 is provided by R903, R904, R901, R902 and R905. C901 and C903 provide RF decoupling. The amplified signal rectified by CR901/CR902 to produce a -5V DC source. C909 stabilizes the voltage level and C910 and C91] provide RF decoupling, This »5V source is used in the transmit power control circuit U542 4.4.4 FINAL (Q541), POWER CONTROL (U542) Q541 is biased for Class C operation. The output is matched to the low-pass filter by L541, C552, and several capacitors. The supply voltage is isolated from RF by ferrite bead EPS41. Power control is provided by U542. The 5.5V transmit supply is passed by U542 to power adjust R542. The other end of R542 is the rectified -5V from Q901. This negative voltage is required when low power is used to pinch off Q54l to the required output. The low-pass filter consists of L561, C561. L562. C562. L563, C563 and L564. The filter attenuates spurious frequencies occurring above the transmit frequency band. The transmit signal is then fed through the antenna switch to antenna jack 1501. 4.4.5 ANTENNA SWITCH (CR561. CR562) The antenna switching circuit switches the antenna to the receiver in the receive mode and the transmitter in the transmit mode. In the transmit mode, +7.5V is applied to L565 and current flows thmugh diode CR561. L566, diode CR562. and R562IR5634 When a diode is forward biased, it presents a low impedance to the RF signal; conversely, when it is reverse biased (or not conducting). it presents a high impedance (small capacitance). Therefore, when CR561 is forward biased, the transmit signal has a low-impedance path to the antenna through coupling capacitor C568. 4-11 DATA reiemmrv_ WWW.” bjohnson A M Camry CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION C567, L566, and C570 form a discrete quarter— wave line When CR561 is fonvard biased, this quaner—wave line is eflectively AC grounded on one end by C570. When a quarter-wave line is gmunded on one end, the other end presents a high impedance tn the quarter-wave frequency This blocks the transmit signal from the receiver. C569 matches the antenna to 50 ohms in msmit and receive. In the receive mode, no power is applied to L565, so all the diodes are "oft". The receive signal then has a high-impedance path into the transmitter and a low-impedance path into the receiver because the quarter-wave line . is not grounded. &l()—hnfi§bmfi 4—12 Pm No. 001-3474-002 ADammdiaCerq SECTION 5 SERVICING 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.1 PERIODIC CHECKS This transceiver should be put on a regular maintenance schedule and an accurate performance record maintained. Important checks are receiver sensitivity and transmitter frequency, modulation, and power output. A procedure for these and other tests is located in Section 6. It is recommended that transceiver performance be checked annually even though periodic checks are not required by the FCC. During the first year, make an additional check or two to ensure no TCXO frequency drifiing has occurred. 5.1.2 SURFACE-MOUNTED COMPONENTS A large number of the components used on the transceiver board are the surface-mounted type. Since these components are relatively small in size and are soldered directly to the PC board, care must be used when they are replaced to prevent damage to the component or PC board. Surface-mounted components should not be reused because they may be damaged by the unsoldering process. 5.1.3 SCIEMATIC DIAGRAMS AND COMPONENT LAYOUTS Schematic diagrams and component layouts of the PC boards used in this transceiver are located in Section 8. A component locator guide is also provided to aid in component location. 5.1.4 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST A replacement parts list with all the parts used in this transceiver is located in Section 7. Parts are listed alpha- numerically according to designator. For information on ordering parts, refer to Section 1.8. 5.1.5 TCXO MODULE NOT SERVICEABLE The il.5 PPM TCXO module is not field serviceable. Part changes require a factory recalibration to ensure that the oscillator stays within its :l:l.5 PPM tolerance. 5.2 SYNTHESIZER SERVICING 5.2.1 INTRODUCTION When there is a synthesizer malfunction, the VCO is not locked on frequency. When an unlocked VCO is detected by the lock detector circuit. U801, pin 18 goes low (OV), blohfifi‘i‘i‘ Part No. 001-3474-002 A Dam Compaq SERVICING NOTE: The user-supplied circuitry must disable the transmitter and receiver when an aut-of-lock condition is A indicated When the VCO is unlocked. the fit and fV inputs to the phase detector are usually not in phase (see Section 4.1.2). The phase detector in U801 then causes the VCO control voltage to go to the high or low end of its operating range, This in turn causes the VCO to oscillate at the high or low end of its frequency range. - As shown in Figure 441, a loop is formed by VCO 0850. amplifier 0851/0852, and the RF [N of U801. Therefore, if any of these components begin to malfunction, improper signals appear throughout the loop. ' However, correct operation of the counters can still be verified by measuring the input and output frequencies to check the divide number. Proceed as follows to check the synthesizer l/O signals to detemrine if it is operating properly. 5.2.2 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR Check the signal at U801, pin 8. It should be 17.5 MHz at a level of approximately 1.5V P—P. If the TCXO module is defective. it is not serviceable and must be replaced with a new module as described in Section 5.1.5. 5.2.3 VCO Oumut Level The output level of Q853 can be measured with an RF voltmeter or some other type of high impedance meter. "\ The minimum level after a power splitter at R851 should be -10 dBm. Emmi-Vinnie Check the DC voltage at C815 with a channel near the center of the band If the VCO is locked on frequency, this should be a steady DC voltage near 3V. If it is not locked on frequency, it should be near the lower or upper end of its range (UV or 5.5V). mm! quency Check the VCO frequency at R851. If the VCO is locked on frequency, it should be stable on the transmit channel frequency. If the VCO is not locked on frequency. the VCO control voltage is probably near CV or 5.5V. 5.2.4 SYNTl-[ESIZER(U801) Lock Detector When the VCO is locked on frequency, the lock detect output on JZOl, pin 7 should be high. fl bIOhDfiganfi 5-2 Pm No. 001-347th A mummy Wm SERVICING 5.3 RECEIVER SERVICING To isolate a receiver problem to a specific section, refer to the troubleshooting flowchart in Figure 5—1. Tests referenced in the flowchart are described in the following information NOTE: Supply voltages are provided by the user. 5.3.1 SUPPLY VOLTAGES AND CURRENT Measure the supply voltages on the following pins at interface connector J201: Pin 4 - 5.0V DC Receive Pin 5 - 5.0V DC Place a DC ammeter in the supply line to the transceiver and the following maximum currents should be measured: Pin4-10mA PinS-SOmA 5.3.2 MIXER/DETECTOR (U201) Data Output Using a 01 pl: coupling capacitor. inject at U241, pin 16. a 52.95 MHz. 1 mV signal, modulated with 1 kHz at t 3 kHz deviation. The audio output level at U241, pin 9 should be approximawa 400 mV RMS. The data output on 1201, pin 13 should be 600 mV to 1.2V P-P or 212 mV to 424 mV RMS with the preceding injection signal. RSSI Output The RSSI output on 1201, pin 12 should be greater than 100 mV at 12 dB SINAD and less than 2.5V with 1 mV input. If either of the preceding measurements is not correct, there may be a problem with 0241. Part No. cox-Mum 5-3 bthDfigaTi- A 0mm Ompaq SERVICING unsung eminent no vaumr lEfER v0 SKCTIM 5,3 curcx rusrs AND war mmrss connrcvlons curcx AUDIO CIRCulI lsmr nrrrcnv: sue: curcx ur mp mu nnsr MIXER (szcnon 5.3.3) ,\ Figure 5-1 RECEIVER SERVICmG FLOWCHART 5.3.3 RF AMPLlFlER (0201) AND FEST MIXER (0221) Refer to the schematic diagram for signal levels and test points for measuring levels. 5.3.4 RF AND IF AMPLH-"IERS. FIRST MIXER Check the DC voltages shown on the schematic diagram. If they are normal, inject a signal at the input and output of each stage using a .01 uF coupling capacitor. If the stage is producing gain, the injection level on the input of a stage should be less than that required on the output to produce the same SINAD at the receive output. 5.4 TRANSMITTER SERVICING 5.4.1 SUPPLY VOLTAGES AND CURRENT Measure the supply voltages on the following pins of interface connector 1201: 5—4 bIOhfigann" Pan No.001-3474-002 A Dumrdx’n CM SERVICING Pin 2 - 7.5V DC Pin 3 — 7.5V DC Pin 4 - 0.0V DC (while mmitting) Pin 5 - 5.0V DC Pin 6 - 2.5V DC Transmit lnll‘SV P-P max Place a DC ammeter in the supply line to ch; msceiver and the following maximum currents should be _ measured: Pin 2 - 650 mA Pin 3 - 250 mA Pin 5 — 12 mA mu m SECTM 5.A r‘ CWK HEW“ (“Elli-IN 5.14) mm Am cNtCK l! SVAGB AY Jim, PIN K cum mo Figure 5-2 TRANSMITTER SERVICING FLOWCHART 5—5 mm TElEMITIV_ P.“ No. 0014474002 bjohnson Away-m SERVICING This page intentionally left blank Lj()h|wm numsrfi_ 5-6 A c A : PartNu. 001-3474-002 SECTION 6 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE TESTS 6.1 GENERAL Receiver or transmitter alignment my be necessary if repairs are made that could affect tuning. Alignment points diagrams are located in Figure 6-3 or component layouts are located in Section B. Fabricate test cables by referring to Section 2.2. Interfacing with Data Equipment This cable should include power and ground, a transmit keying switch that shons the keying line to ground, data input and data output. The test setup must apply the various supply voltages and load the synthesizer with channel information. 6.2 DL3474 TRANSCEIVER ONLY 6.2.1 FREQUENCY AND CONTROL LINE VOLTAGE CHECK 1. Connect the test setup shown in Figure 6-1. Set the power supply for +7.5V DC. 2. Load the synthesizer with the channel frequency (see Section 3.2). 3. Connect a DC voltmeter at the junction of R808/C815 to measure the VCO control line voltage for a meter reading of 20.50 — 54.90V DC (see Figure 63). 4. Key the transmitter 5, Measure the VCO control line voltage for a meter reading of 20.75 - $5.00V DC 6. Unkey the transmitter. 6.2.2 2W TRANSMITI’ER POWER ALlGNMENT 1. Connect the test setup shown in Figure 6-1. A DC ammeter capable of measuring up to 1.5A should be installed in the supply line. 2. Load the synthesizer with the center channel frequency. 3. Key the transmitter and make sure that the supply voltage at the RF board is 7.5V. (Do not transmit for extended periods.) 4. Adjust C553 counterclockwise for minimum current. 5. Connect a voltmeter to the junction of R542/R543. 6" blohfifi‘fi' Part No. 001-3474—002 A Damn-db Company ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE TESTS ,,—\ 6. Adjust R542 clockwise for 2.30V DC (+OI-U.1V DC). 7. Readjust C553 counterclockwise for minimum cum-.nt. - 8. Tune C527 clockwise for maximum power. 9. Tune C553 clockwise for 2.0W (10. IW). Current should be less than 900 mA. (Power output should be 1.6-2.4W and current less than 900 am from 403—512 MHz.) 10. Monitor the frequency with a frequency counter and adjust TCXO (YSOI) for the channel frequency 1100 Hz. ml’.‘ m , 2} M... ._, $1.2. 3m mm“:- - [E "\ Figure 6-1 TRANSMITTER TEST SETUP 6.2.3 LOW POWER ALIGNMENT 1. Connect the test setup shown in Figure 6~l. 2. Load the synthesizer with the center channel frequency. 3. Connect a voltmeter to the junction of R5421R543. 4 Adjust R542 clockwise for -1 .5V DC (iOJV DC). ‘ 5. Tune C527 clockwise for maximum power. ~\ ado—“$3“ “2 A W Camry Part No. 001-3474-002 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE TESTS 9. Tune C553 clockwise for minimum power. Adjust R542 for the required power level. Tune C527 for power balance at frequencies which are as close as possible to 1:5 MHz from the center of the channel frequency. Re-adjust R542 for the power level required if necessary. 10. Monitor the frequency with a frequency counter and adjust TCXO (Y801) for the channel frequency 1100 Hz. 6.24 MODULATION FLATN'ESS ALIGNMENT 1. 2. 8. 9. Inject a 220 Hz square-wave tone at approximately 0.35V P-P, biased at 2.5V DC on 1201, pin 6. Tmnsmit into the modulation analyzer and observe modulation output on the oscilloscope. Set the modulation analyzer high pass filtering off and no less than a 15 kHz low pass filter. Adjust R810 for a flat square-wave on the oscilloscope. Inject a 1 kHz sine—wave on 1201, pin 6, biased at 2.5V DC. at the level below according to the bandwidth: 0.200V RMS for 12.5 kHz BW (-X10 Radios) 0.330V RMS for 20.0 kHz BW (-X20 Radios) 0.400V RMS for 25.0 kHz BW (-X30 Radios) Switch on TX Modulation. Set the modulation analyzer for 3 kHz low pass filtering. The transmit deviation should measure between: ill/$1.9 kHz for 12.5 kHz BW (-X10 Radios) i1.9lfi.0 kHz for 20.0 kHz BW (-X20 Radios) fiA/flj kHz for 310 kHz BW (-X30 Radios) Set a 0 dB reference on the Audio Analyzer. Input a 100 Hz sine-wave. The level should be within il.5 dB of the 1 kHz reference. Remove transmit modulation and unkey the transmitten 10.Connect a DC voltmeter at the junction of R807IR855. 1] .Adjust R855 to 2.10V DC (10.05V DC). 6’3 Llohifiii‘r'i Part No. 001434744102 A M Comm ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE TESTS cmwcnms srmcz mill" ml'lun MALVZER Figure 6-2 RECEIVER TEST SETUP 6.2.5 RECEIVER ALIGNMENT q C A U T I 0 N: Do not key the transmitter with the generator connected! Severe generator damage may result. 1. Connect the test setup shown in Figure 6-2. Adjust the power supply for +7.5V DC. 2. Measure the receive current drain. (Typically current should be <80 mA.) 3, Preset tuning slugs of L222/L224 to the full clockwise position (slug in all the way). 4. Preset C232 to center position (slot in-line with axis of part). 5. Readjust L224 counterclockwise 2 turns. 6.2.6 {F AND AUDIO ADJUSTMENTS 1. Load the synthesizer with the channel frequency. 2. Set the RF signal generator for this frequency with a 1 kHz tone (modulated output shown below) at a level of -47 dBm (1000 11V) and inject into 1501. 1.5 kHz deviation (-X10 12.5 kHz BW Radio) 2.4 kHz deviation (-X20 20.0 kHz BW Radio) 3.0 kHz deviation (-X30 25.0 kHz BW Radio) bjoh_fi_§8i=i “ A w aw Pan No. oer-3474002 ALIGNNIENT PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE TESTS NOTE: Maintain these deviation levels throughout the test when measuring AC levels. SINAD and % distortion. 3. Adjust L242 for 2.5V DC (10.05V DC) at the receive audio output. 4, Set the RF signal generator level to -105 dBm, “unmodulated”. 5 Set the generator frequency 3 kHz below channel center (-X10) or 5 kHz below channel center (—X20/—X30)4 6. Adjust C232, then L222 for peak RSSI voltage. NOTE: Use 2V scale on DVMA 7. Set the RF signal generator frequency hack to channel center at -47 dBm with standard deviation level. 8. Adjust L224 for minimum distortion. 9. Set the RF signal generator to -105 dBm, “unmodulaled”. 10.Adjust L222 for peak RSSI voltage. NOTE: Use 2Vscale on DVM. 11 Adjust deviation to the level in Step 2. Record the RMS Voltage level RMS, (Typically 300 mV $50 mV.) 12.Record the percent distortion %. (Typically <3%.) 13.Adjust the RF input level until 12 dB SINAD is measured. (Typically <0.45 uV). 14. Adjust the generatorRF level to -120 dBm and measure DC (RSSI) voltage on 1201, pin 12. (Typically S 0.90V DC.) 15,Adjust the generator RF level to -60 dBm and measure DC (RSSI) voltage on 1201. pin 12. (Typically 2 2.40V Dcl) 6’5 blow—E Pm No. urn-347+“): A M Company ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE TESTS %C815/R808 R543/R542 R509 L222 cm M L224 RBO7/R855 J HJZF |08k W016 fill—hfié‘ifi'i 40mm Company Figure 6-3 ALIGNMENT POINTS DIAGRAM 6-6 Pan N04 001-3474—002 SECTION 7 PARTS LIST Part No. 001 -3474~0(Y2 023-3474-515 DESCRIPTION msman 450-466 vcomg 68pF 590 NPO 0603 GBpF 590 NPO 0603 63.3? 590 NPO 0603 68pF 590 NPO 0603 sap]: 590 NPO 0603 6sp1= 590 NPO 0603 68pF 590 no 0603 GBpF 590 NPO 0603 6BpF 590 NPO 0603 map? 590 no 0603 63p1= 590 we 0603 sapr- 590 NPO 0603 6BpF 590 NPO 0603 LOUFD 16V SMD TANTRL 6813]: 5‘17 NPO 0603 DIM]: X7R K 0603 CHPR IAOU'FD 16V SMD TANTRL GBpF 590 NPO 0603 68pF 591: NPO 0603 LOUFD 16V SMD TANT RL 68pF 591, NPO 0603 mm X7R K 0603 CHPR LOUFD 16V SMD TANT RL 68pF 590 NPO 0603 68pF 5% NPO 0603 68pF 590 NPO 0603 lOpF +I-.1pF NPO 0603 4.7pF +/—.1pF mo 0603 68pF 591: NPO 0603 63pF 5917 NFC 0603 68pF 5% NPO 0603 mm X71! K 0603 CHPR 3.9pf +l-.lpF NPO 0603 3.0pf +l-.lpF NPO 0603 .01MF X“! K 0603 CHPR .01MF X71! K 0603 CHPR s.2pl= +1».1pF NPO 0603 PART NUMBER 023-3474—540 6 l 0-3674-680 610-3674-680 6103674680 610-3674-680 610-3674-680 6103674-680 610-3674-680 610-3674-680 6103674680 6103674-680 610-3674—680 610-3674-680 6103674-680 610-26254 109 6103674-680 61 0-3675- 103 6] 0-2675- 109 61 0-3674-680 610-3674—680 610-2615- 109 610-3674-680 6103675403 610-265-109 6 1 0-3674-680 610-3674-680 6 10-3674-630 610-3673- 100 6 10-3673—479 610-3674-680 6103674680 610-3674-680 610-3675-103 610-3673—399 610-3673-309 610-3675-103 610-3675-103 610—3673-829 bjohfi‘fifi ADna-mdia (gm-puny PARTS LIST C 506 C 507 C 508 C 509 C 510 C 511 C 520 C 521 C 522 C 523 C 524 C 525 filoh_fi_§3‘fi Awaw 023-3474-515 DESCRIPTION .01M]-' X7R K 0603 CHPR .01M]= X71! K 0603 CHPR .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 1.5-5PF SMD CERAMIC .0|MF X7R K 0603 CHIPR .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR .1UFD X7R] 1206 RL AIUFD X7R J 1206 RL .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 1.0UFD 16V SMD TANTRL .01MI-‘ X7R K 0603 CHPR .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 27pF 5’X7 NPO 0603 68pF 570 NPO 0603 .1UFD X7R I 1206 RL .1UFD X7R I 1206 RL 68pF 590 NPO 0603 8.2pF +l-11pF NPO 0603 GBpF 5917 NPO 0603 3.3pF +I-.1pF NPO 0603 68pF 595 NYC 0603 1.0UFD 16V SMD TANT RL 3.3pF +/-.IpF NPO 0603 .01MF X7R K0603 CHPR 101MF X7R K 0603 CHPR AOIMF 1011 K 0603 CHPR .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR SZpF 5% NPO 0603 6.8pF +/-.1pF NPO 0603 82pF 591; NPO 0603 .1UFD X7R J 1206 RL 68pF 5957 NFC! 0603 6.8pF +/-.1pI-'NPO 0603 68pF 593 NPO 0603 470pF 5% NPO 0603 .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 68pF see N'PO 0603 68pF 595, NPO 0603 68pF 591; NPO 0603 68pF 5917 NFC 0603 120pF 5% NPO 0603 3.9pf +/-.1pF NPO 0603 ZZpF 5% NPO 0603 68pF 5% NPO 0603 .01MF X7R K0603 CHPR 68pF 595 NPO 0603 470pF 591: NPO 0603 27pF 535 NPO 0603 7-2 PART NUMBER 6 1 0-3675~ 103 6 10~3675- 1 03 6 10-3675~ 1 03 6121 602-001 610-3675-103 610-3675-103 6 10-3609» 104 6 10»3609- 1 04 610-3675- 103 6 1 0-2675- 109 610~3675- 103 610-3675-103 610—3674-270 610-3674—680 6105609- 104 610-3609-104 6 10-3674—680 610-3673-829 610-3674-680 6 1 0-3673-339 610-3674»630 61 0-2625- 1 09 610-3673-339 610-3675-103 61 0-367} 103 610-3675-103 610-3675-103 6103674-820 GIG-3673689 610-3674-820 610-3609- 104 610-3674-680 610-3673-689 610-3674-680 610-3674-47 1 610-3675- 103 6 1 0-3674-680 610-3674—680 610-3674-680 6104674—680 6 10-3674~ 1 2 1 6 10—3673—399 610-3674-220 610-3674-680 61 0-3675- 1 03 610-3674‘630 610-3674—47] 610—3674-270 Pan N04 001-3474-002 PARTS LIST Pan No. 00143474—002 SYMBOL NUMBER C 526 C 527 C 528 C 541 C 542 C 546 C 547 C 548 C 549 C 550 C 551 C 552 C 553 C 554 C 555 C 560 C 561 C 562 C 563 C 564 C 565 C 567 C 568 C 569 C 570 C 571 C 572 C 573 C 801 C 808 C 810 C 811 C 812 C 813 C 814 C 815 C 817 C 818 C 819 C 831 C 832 023-3474-515 DESCRIPTION IBPFN'P010805 CH? RL (L 25-10PF SMD CERAMIC lOpF +I-.1pF NPO 0603 6pr 596 NPO 0603 470pF S‘k NPO 0603 saw 5% NPO 0603 68pF S‘iz NPO 0603 LOUFD 16V SMD TANTRL .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 33PF NPO! 0805 CH? R!- (L 15PF NPO 1 0805CHP R]- (U) 3A9PF NPO 1 OBOSCHP RL 2.5-10PF SMD CERAMIC 68pF 5% NPO 0603 saw 570 NPO 0603 22pF 5% NPO 0603 5.6PF NPO 1 0805CHP R1. (L 6.2PF NPO 10805 CHP R]. 7.5PF NPO 10805 CHP R]. 101MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 68|7F 5% NPO 0603 5.6PF NPO 1 0805CHP RL (1. 47pF 5% NPO 0603 5.1PF NPO 10805 Clfl’ RL asp]: 595 NPO 0603 saw 5% NPO 0603 .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 1.0UFD 16V SMD TANTRL .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 3.3pF +/-.1pF NPO 0603 .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 68pF see me 0603 .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR 68pF 5% NPO 0603 100PF NPO 1 OSOSCHP R1- (L AIUFD X7R 1 1206 RL .OOIuF 10% X7R 0603 “1471117 X7R K 0805 CIR (L .001uF 10917 X7R 0603 1.0UFD 16V SMD TANT RL .0047UF X7R K 0805 011 (L 68pF 5% NPO 0603 LOUFD 16V SMD TANT R]. 39171 +I-.1pF NPO 0603 .01MF X7R K 0603 CHPR .01MF X71! K 0603 CHPR 7-3 PART NUMBER 610-3601480 61246024302 61046734“! 610-3674-680 6104674471 610-3674—680 6103674680 6104625409 6108675403 6103601830 6103601450 610-3601-399 6124- 1602-002 610-3674-680 610-3674-330 610-3670-220 610-3601~569 610-3601-629 610-3601-759 610-3675-103 610~3674—630 610-3601-569 filo-3674470 610-3601-519 6104674330 610-36744680 610-3675-103 610465409 610-3675-103 610-3675-103 filo-3675403 6103673339 610»3675- 103 6104674680 6103675403 610—3674-680 6104601401 6104609404 610—3675-102 610-3605-472 610-3675-102 6102615409 610-3605—472 610-3674-680 6102625409 610-3673-399 6103675405 610-3675-103 £19 "fison TD“- - Cam PARTS LIST 023-3474-515 SYMBOL PART NUMBER DESCRMION NUMBER c 333 GSpF 531, N10 0603 6103674630 c 334 4.71111) 1ov SMD TANT RL 610-2624-479 c 335 0114}: x73 K 0603 1211111 6103675403 c 336 01103 x73 11 0603 can 6103675403 c 1137 0110: x73 K 0603 c111>3 6103675403 1: 333 681117917 1110 0603 610-3674-680 c 339 0111113 x70 16 0603 can 6103675403 c 340 0114? x73 K 0603 121-1111 6103675403 1: 341 63111- 536 1110 0603 6103674630 c 342 011411= x73 11 0603 can 6103675403 c 344 10111313 16V SMD TANT RL 6102625409 c 345 .011v11= x73 11 0603 CHPR 6103675403 c 846 63111: 591, 1110 0603 610-3674-680 c 347 011113 x73 K 0603 can 610-3675-103 c 343 68pF 591 1110 0603 610-3674-680 c 349 68pF 591 NPO 0603 6103674630 c 350 68pF 591 NPO 0603 610-3674»680 c 351 6BpF 5% 1110 0603 610-3674-680 c 352 6BpF 596 N'PO 0603 610-3674—680 c 355 .011v11= x71; K 0603 can 6103675403 CR 201 swrmmNG moms 501.23 623-1504-002 CR 561 sow PIN sw 1310135 TIRL 6234500001 CR 562 sor 1111 sw mom; TIRL 623. 15044101 CR 331 DUAL sw 10101313 som 623- 15044123 CR 332 1313535 son 323 VARACTOR 623-5005-022 131 200 141111 can CRY 1111 111510 0100345230 1:1 501 10211111113 HEAD 31/11) 617-7503-001 131 541 10211111113 HEAD 51/113 617-2503-001 1 201 141 SGL ROW 11cm 11311111 6154110214 1 501 5711 71511111 pcs 615-3013-030 L 201 111mm- LL2012 13.211 0305 642-9003-826 L 202 22 1111310305 5141) 1076 111mm 6429003227 L 222 1+/-63w11 VAR. 1111). 51/114 6424012015 L 223 0.32 Ml-IY s1v11> 1111311131011 642-9001-828 L 224 1+I-6%UH VAR. 1111). SMM 642-1012-015 L 242 QUAD con. 680UH/I180PF SM 642-5102-001 L 301 10 1111110305 SMD 1031 mum 6429003407 L 302 mnucr LL2012 1=1511 0305 s 6429003457 L 401 .100 111111 SMD lNDUCl'OR 6429001403 L 402 1100 111111 511113 INDUCI'OR 6429001403 L 404 1.0 UHY 51/11) 1110001011 6429001409 1. 501 INDUCT LL20l2 FISN 0305 3 6429003457 L 502 1.0 UHY SMD 1111211131011 6429001409 L 503 INDUCT LL2012 11511 0305 s 642-9003-157 L 521 10143061 SMD AlR com; 1 6420030010 L 522 111131101 LL2012 13113 0305 3 6429003336 L 541 51 13.51.11 5141) AIR com 111 6420030005 L 561 51" 13.5111 SMD Am CORE 111 6420030005 filo—”350m“ M A w aw Pan No. 0013474002 PARTS LIST Part No. 001-3474-002 SYMBOL NUMBER 1. 562 L 563 L 564 L 555 L 566 1. 801 L 851 MP 301 MP 802 MP 803 00804 MP 806 PCOOI Q 101 Q 102 Q 103 Q 131 Q 201 Q 221 Q 222 Q 301 Q 401 Q 501 Q 521 Q 541 Q 331 Q 332 Q 833 Q 834 Q 351 R 120 R 131 R 201 R 202 R 203 R 204 R 222 R 223 R 223 R 22.5 R 226 R 228 R 229 R 230 R 241 R 242 R 243 R 261 023-3474-515 DESCRIPTION 9T 355ml] SMD AIR CORE IN 9T 35.5111! SMD AIR CORE IN ST 18.5n11 SMD AIR CORE IN 1.0 UHY SMD INDUCTOR 12,511H SM AIR CORE IND (L 39 NIP/0805 SMD 1011 INDUCI‘ 1.0 UHY SMD INDUC'IOR CAN-VCO 3474 TOP SHIELD 3474 XMlT SPHELD 3474 BOTTOM XMH‘ 3474 SHIELD BOTTOM SYNTH XTAL FLTR SHIELD 3472 PCB DL 3474 MAIN (MULG) NPN TRANS SOT 73 80V DIG TRANS DCI'l l4WK 523 N'PN TRANS SOT 73 80V NPN TRANS SOT 23 80V MMBR5031 SOTZSNPN XSTR VHF/UHF AMP SOT -23 SOT SI N-CHAN JFEI' IV (NPN) 85633 SOTZB R25 VHF/UHF AMP SOT-23 IV (NPN) 85633 50173 R25 NPN SOS .2-ZGHZ XS'I'R RF FET TRANS NPN TRANS SOT 23 30V NPN SOD MSD1819 GEN PU'RP VIE/UHF AMP SOT-23 DIG TRANS DCI‘IIAWK $23 BIPOLAR MMIC. SOT 143 100k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHI 100k OHMS I 063W 0603 CHI 47 OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 2.7K OHM I 063W 0603 CHIP 750 OHM RES I 063W 0603 C 330 OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 330 OI'IMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 22K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP IK OHM I 063W 0603 CHIP 15k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 470 OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 10 OI-WIS I 063W 0603 CHIP 330 OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 2.7K OHM I 063W 0603 CHE 62K OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 27K OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 270 OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 200k OHMS I 063W 0603 CHI 7-5 PART NUMBER 642413304309 642-0030-009 642-0030-005 642-9001 - 109 642-0030-004 642-9003-397 642-9001 - 1 09 017-2225-751 0 I 7-23-76 1 017-2225-762 01 7-2215-763 017-2225-699 035-3474-030 676-0003-6 1 6 676-0003-62 l 676-0003-616 676-0003-616 676-0003-606 676-0003-634 676-1XIOS-OIQ 676-0003-636 676-0003-634 676-0003-636 676-0003-604 6760006450 676-0003-616 67600 1 3-70 I 676-0003-634 676-0003-621 676-0003-640 669-0155- 1 04 669-0155» 104 669-0155-470 669-0155—272 669-0155-75 1 669-01 55-331 669—01 55-33 1 669-0155-223 669—0155- 102 669-01 55- 1 53 669-0155-47 1 669-0155- 100 669-0 155-33 1 669-0155-272 669-0155-623 669-0155-273 669-0155-27 1 669-0 1 55-204 bjo_h°r‘i‘§8‘i"1 A Data-rude 0mm PARTS LIST 023-3474-515 SYMBOL PART NUMBER ”memo” NUMBER R 262 100k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHI 6690155404 R 263 10k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155003 R 264 18k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155483 R 265 10 OHMS 1 063W 0603 CHIP 66943155400 R 267 12x OHMSJ 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-123 R 268 10x OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-103 R 269 10K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-I03 R 270 10K OHMS 1 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-103 R 271 10K OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-I03 R 301 3.3K OHM 1 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155032 R 302 1.31: OHMS J 063W 0603 CHI 669-0155-182 R 303 130 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-181 R 304 470 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155471 R 401 10 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669—0155-100 R 402 15k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155453 R 403 4.7K OHM I 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-472 R 404 680 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155031 R 501 2.2K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHI 669-0155-222 R 502 1316 OHMS 1063W 0603 CHI 6690155182 R 503 10 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155400 R 504 560 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155561 R 506 100 OHMS 1 063W 0603 CHIP 669—0155-101 R 503 mo OHM J 0805 CHIP/R 6690105001 R 509 470 OHM SMD TRIMMER 6620130471 R 521 1x OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-102 R 522 150 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-151 R 524 220 OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155021 R 541 10 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155400 R 542 1016 OHM SMD TRIMMER 662-0130-103 R 543 10K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155403 R 546 47 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-470 R 550 10 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-100 R 551 10 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155400 R 562 RES 270R 0.75W +I-5% (1.07 669-0135-271 R 564 47x OI-[MS 1 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155—473 R 801 10K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155403 R 802 1016 OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155103 R 304 10 01-015 J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155400 R 005 27K OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 669—0155-273 R 806 12K OHMSJ 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-123 R 307 4.7K OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-472 R 303 18k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-183 R 310 220K OHM SMD TRIMMER 662—0130-224 R 81] 27K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155073 R 312 10K OHMS I 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155—103 R 813 100k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHI 6690155004 R s 14 20 OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 6690155000 R 617 4.7K OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 669-0155-472 Iglohfififi' A Dammdio Cow Part No. 001-3474-002 PARTS LIST Part No. 001-3474—002 SYMBOL NUMBER R 831 R 834 R 835 R 836 R 838 C 850 C 851 C 852 C 853 C 854 C 855 023-3474-515 DESCRIPTION 10K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 10K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 100 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHH’ 4.7K OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 100 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 1K OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 22K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 15k OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP ”(OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 680 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHE> 18 01-MSJO63W 0603 CHIP 18 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 18 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 1.5K OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 150 OHMS I 063W D603 CHIP 39 OHM J 0603 CHE/R 150 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP 82 OHZMS 547 063W 0603 SMD 100K SMD TRIMMER 4.7K OI'M J 063W 0603 CHIP 4,7K OHM J 063W 0603 CHH> 4.7K OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP 100 OHMS J 063W 0603 CHIP SCHEMATIC DL 3474 MAW SCHEMATIC DL 3474 MAIN ASSEMBLY DL 3474 MAIN BD SLDR 62/3612 H20 CLEAN 5.5V REG 50-6 5.5V REG 50-6 DBL BAL MDCER MOT-1-04 FM 1F MC3371D SO~16 MC33172D SOS OP AMP FRACTIONAL-N SYNTHESIER 17.5 MHZ TCXO +I-1.5 PPM SMDHELFLTR459MHZSPO SMDHELHIRHQMHZBPO 5295111112 4? SKI-12 BW 450 KHZ, 9 KHZ BW CERAMIC 450 KHZ. 9 KHZ 13W CERAMIC {IE-3474542 68pF sea NPO 0603 68pF 595 NPO 0603 8.2pF +/-.1pF NPO 0603 9.1pf +/-.1pF NPO 0603 IOOpF 595 NPO 0503 68pF s% NPO 0603 7-7 PART NUMBER 669-0155- 103 669-0155- 103 669-0155- 101 669-01 55—472 669-01 55 1 01 669—01 55- 102 669-0155-223 669—0155- 153 669—0155- 1 O2 669-0155-68 1 669-0155- 1 80 66943155- 1 80 669-0155- 1 80 669-0155- 1 52 669-0155- 1 5 1 669-0155-390 669-0155- 15 1 669-0155-820 662-01 30- 1 04 669—01 55-472 669-0155-472 66943155472 669—0155- 1 01 075-3474-030 03-3474—030 02744744130 684-1606—062 644-2603-086 644-2603-036 644~0007-014 644-2002—031 644—2019-017 64449544127 61 8-7009-521 632— 1 005-044 632-1005-044 632-0009-01 1 6324004015 632-2004-015 610-3674-680 6103674680 610-367 3-829 610-3673-919 610-3674—101 610—3674—680 filo—Wm A arm-Maw PARTS LIST SYMBOL NUMBER c 856 c 858 c 359 c 861 c 862 c 863 c 864 c 865 c 866 c 867 c 868 c 370 c 871 c 873 c 874 c 876 c 877 c 378 CR 850 CR 851 CR 852 CR 853 CR 854 CR 355 CR 856 L 851 L 852 L 853 L 854 L 855 L 856 Q 850 Q 851 Q 852 Q 853 R 851 R 852 R 853 R 854 R 1156 R 857 R 858 R 862 863 864 865 866 867 seamen» filo—h'i‘i‘fifi‘i’i A My am 023-3474-515 DESCRIPTION 2.7pF +I—.1pFNPO 0600 68pF 596 NPO 0603 7.5pF +I-.lpF NPO 0603 8-20F +/-.lpF NPO 0603 6.8pF +I-.lpF N'PO 0603 68pF 5911 NFC 0603 pr +/-.1pF NPO 0603 68pF 596 NPO 0603 68pF 5917 NPO 0603 68p1= 5% NPO 0603 15p1= +/-.1pF NPO 0603 lpF +I-.1pF NPO 0603 1001513 571: NPO 0603 lOOpF 596 NPO 0603 3.3p1= +/-.IpF NPO 0603 8.2pF +I-. lpF NPO 0603 lpF +I-.lpF NPO 0603 10131= NPO 1 0305 cm RL SOT pm sw DIODE T/RL 1313535 son 323 VARACTOR VAR DIODE 500m 1313515 VAR 010013 800123 138515 1313535 SOD 323 VARACI‘OR 1313535 son 323 VARACI‘OR 1313535 SOD 323 VARACI‘OR 150 N'HYOBOS SMD 1070 IN 150 myosos SMD 1096 01 22 NHYOSOS SMD 10% IND 150 NHYosos SMD 10% m runner LL2012 FSGN 080 22 1111110305 SMD 1096 IND N1>N TRANS NE85619 sc90 NPN TRANS NE85619 sc90 NPN TRANS NE85619 sc90 NPN TRANS NE85619 51:90 10K OHMS J 063W 0603 c 47x OHMS J 063W 0603 c 47x OHMS J 063W 0603 c 10 OHMS J 063W 0603 CH 10 01-1105 1 063W 0603 CH 6.8K OHM 1 063W 0603 c IK OHM J 063W 0603 CHI 10K cams J 063W 0603 c 10 OHMS 1 063W 0603 CH 10K OHMS J 063W 0603 c 10K 01-045 1 063W 0603 c 470 OHMS 1063W 0603 c 12K OHMSJ 063W 0603 CH 7-8 PAH NUMBER 610-3673-279 610-3674-650 610-3673-759 610-3673-329 610-3673-689 610-3674-680 610-3673- 100 610-3674-680 610-3674-680 610-3674-680 610-3673-159 6 10-3673- 1 09 610-3674- 101 6103674401 6 10—3673-339 61 0—3673-829 61 0-3673- 109 610-360] - 100 623- 1504—00 1 623-5005-022 623-5005-020 623—5005-020 623-5005-022 623-5005-022 623-5005-022 642-9003- 158 642-9003- 158 642-9003-227 642-9003- 158 6423008567 642-9003-227 676-0003-65 l 676-0003-65 1 676-0003-65 1 676-m03-65 1 669-0155 103 669-0155-473 669-0155-473 669-0155- 100 669-0 1 55- 100 669-0155-632 669-0155-102 669—01 55- 103 669-0155-100 669-0155- 103 669-0155- 1 03 669-0155-471 669-0155- 1 23 Pan No. 001-3474—002 PARTS LIST F 023-3474-515 SYMBOL PART NUMBER DEMON NUMBER R 868 390 011145 J 063W 0603 c 669-0155-391 R 869 270 OHMS I 063W 0603 c 669-0155-271 _ R 570 13 011m 1 063W 0603 CH 6690155180 R 571 3.9K OHM J 063W 0603 c 669—0155-392 R 572 1.31: OI-[MS I 063W 0603 669-015-182 , R 374 680 01-0715 J 063W 0603 c 669-0155-681 R 375 270 OHMS J 063W 0603 c 6690155-271 RM 000 51.301 62/36” 1-120 CLEAN 6344606062 2 350 0.5111 LONG SMD RESONAT 642-9004-005 023-3474-511 c 225 .0|MF x73 K 0603 CHPR 610-3675-103 c 227 3.2pF +I—.1pF NPO 0603 6103673329 E? 200 MINI CER CRY PIN INSUL 0100345230 1 201 up 301. ROW chmcm 615-7110—214 J 501 STR TERM PCB 6153013030 1. 222 1+/6%U1-1 VAR IND. 5MM 642-1012-015 L 224 l4~I-6%U'H VAR.1N13.5MM 642-1012-015 MP 301 CAN-VCO 3474 0172225751 MP 302 TOP SHIELD 3474 XMIT 017-2225-761 ,- MP 303 SHED 3474 BOTTOM XMIT 017-2225-762 MP 304 3474 SHIELD BOTTOM SYNTH 017-2225-763 MP 306 XTAL FLTR SHIELD 3472 017-2225-699 R 230 2.7K OHM J 063W 0603 CHI? 6690155272 R 261 200k OHMS I 063W 0603 CHI 669-0155-204 RE 000 SCI-[EMATIC DL 3474 MAIN 075-3474-030 RE 000 ASSEMBLY DL 3474 MAm 1313 027-3474-030 Y 301 175 MHZ TCXO 4/45 PPM 618-7009-521 z 221 52.95MHZ 41> SKI-12 BW 6320009011 1 241 450 KHZ, 9 10-12 BW CERAMIC 632-2004—015 z 242 450 KHZ, 9 KHZ nw CERANflC 6327-2004—015 ' 023-3474-521 r: 225 39151: 591; NPO 0603 610-3674—390 _ c 227 10p1= +/-.1pF NPO 0603 610-3673-100 E? 200 MIN] CER CRY PIN l'NSU'L 010-0345-280 J 201 up SGLROW RCPIZlCNTR 6157110214 1 501 STR TERM PCB 615-3013-030 L 222 l+l—6%UH VAR IND. 5MM 642-1012-015 b] h°fi§85fi Pan N0. 001-3474-002 W— OHM PARTS LIST L 224 MP 801 MP802 mam MP804 MP806 R 230 R 261 REOOO REOOO Y 801 Z 221 Z 241 Z 242 C 225 C 227 EP 200 I 201 J 501 L 222 L 224 MP 801 MP 802 MP 803 MP 804 MP 806 R 230 R 26] RE 000 RE 000 Y 801 Z 221 Z 241 Z 242 1+/-6%UH VAR. DH). 5MM CAN-VCO 3474 TOP SHIELD 3474 XMlT SHIELD 3474 BOTTOM XMIT 3474 SI'HELD BOTTOM SYNTH XTAL FLTR SHIELD 3472 1.8K OHMS J 063W 0603 CHI 120K OHM J 063W 0603 CHIP SCHEMATIC DL 3474 MAIN ASSWBLY DL 3474 MAIN BD 17.5 MHZ TCXO +/-15 PPM 52.95MHZ 4P 151012 BW CERAMIC DATA FILTER 450KH CERAMIC DATA FILTER 450KH 023-3474-531 39,51? 595 NPO 0603 10pF +/-11p1= NPO 0603 MINI CER CRY PIN INSU'L 14? SGL ROW RCPT, lCNTR s'm TERM PCB l+/»6%UH VAR. IND. 5MM 1+/—6%UH VARI IND 5MM CAN-VCO 3474 my SHJELD 3474 XMIT SHJELD 3474 BOTTOM XMlT 3474 SHIELD BO‘l'l‘OM SYN'I'H XTAL FLTR SHIELD 3472 1.8K OHMS J 063W 0603 cm 1001: OHMS J 063W 0603 cm SCHEMATIC DL 3474 MAIN ASSEMBLY DL 3474 MAIN BD 17.5 MHZ TCXO +145 PPM 52195MHZ 4p ISKHZ BW 450 KHZ, 20 KHZ BW CERAM] 450 10-12. 20 KHZ BW CERAMI This pans list applies to Band 5 mmsccivexs. ®l%' 7-10 642- 10 1 2-0 1 5 01 7-2225—75 1 017»2225—76 1 017-2225~762 017-2225v763 0 17v2225—699 66943155- I 82 669-01 55- 1 24 025-3474—030 027-3474-030 6 1 8-7009-52 1 632-0009-009 632-2004-016 632-2004-0 16 610-3674-390 6 10-3673— 1 00 01 0-0345—280 615-7110-214 615-3013-030 642- 10 12-0 15 642- 101 2-01 5 017-2225-75 1 017-2225-761 0 17-2225-762 017-2225-763 017-2275-699 669-0155- 1 82 669-0 155- 1 04 025-3474030 027-3474—030 618-7009-521 632-0009-009 632200401 3 632-2004-0 1 3 Part No. 001~3474-002
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