536592 1 Suntec Single Stage Pump Specifications User Manual
User Manual: Pump 536592 1 Suntec Single Stage Pump Specifications
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A2RA 7736-7 - Specifications
Mounting Flange mounting
Connection threads
Inlet port (std) 1/4 NPTF
Alt. Inlet port 1/4 NPTF
Nozzle outlet (plug) 1/8 NPTF
Alt. nozzle port#1 (gauge port) 1/8 NPTF
Alt. nozzle port#2 ( bleeder port) 1/8 NPSF
Pressure gauge port 1/8 NPTF
Bleeder valve port 1/8 NPSF
External pressure regulator needed No
Cut-off at nozzle port Yes
Cut-off at alternate nozzle plug port No cut-off
Strainer 30x30 mesh (build into pump)
Shaft diameter 5/16 in
Hydraulic Data
Nozzle pressure range 100-150 psi
Alternate nozzle port pressure range 0-150 psi **
Factory pressure setting 100 psi
Outlet flow rate (Gph) 2.5 @ 110 psi, 2.5 @ 30 psi *
Oil temperature 50 - 115 F
Inlet pressure 10 psi max
Operating vacuum
20" Hg max.(waste oil and #4 fuel)
10" Hg max.(#2 and lighter fuel)
to prevent air separation from oil
Motor Speed 1725 rpm (use alt. nozzle port) or 3450 rpm
Required Motor HP 1/8 HP 1725 rpm, 1/7 HP 3450 rpm
Recommended inlet line length (Ft) 1/2" line 20' max, 3/4" line 90'max.
Note: (*) Use alternate nozzle port for 1725 rpm on this model.
Note: (**) Alternate nozzle ports do not have cutoff; port line pressure depends on line restrictions,
but will not exceed the primary nozzle port pressure setting.