Pyramid Communications WB1000 Wireless Microphone Basestation User Manual WM 1000 Manual indd
Pyramid Communications Wireless Microphone Basestation WM 1000 Manual indd
Users Manual
Wireless Microphone System WM-1000 Product Manual Forward Scope of this manual This manual contains the specifica ons, func onal descrip on, opera ng instruc ons, schema c, parts locator and parts list for the WM-1000 Wireless Microphone System. This manual is intended for use by qualified service technicians to aid them with installa on, interfacing, alignment and trouble shoo ng of the WM-1000 when used with other land mobile radios. Note: Any modificaƟons not expressly approved by Pyramid CommunicaƟons may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Service manual revisions Component changes, addi ons and dele ons may occur in the circuit design to improve opera on and will be reflected in future releases of this service manual. Specifica ons and circuit changes are subject to change without prior no ce or obliga on by Pyramid Communica ons. FCC informaƟon FCC ID: LRUWM1000, LRUWB1000 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera on is subject to the following two condi ons: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired opera on. RF Exposure Statement The WM-1000 has been shown to be compliant for localized specific absorp on rate (SAR) for uncontrolled environment/general exposure limits specified in ANSI/IEEE Std. C95-1-1992 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in IEEE 1528-2013, OET Bulle n 65 Supp. C and EN/IEC 62209. To maintain compliance with RF exposure limits, a 20cm separa on distance must be maintained between the WB-1000 and any persons. Curabitur rutrum commodo odio vitae consectetur. Sed vitae viverra orci. Vivamus semper sapien et justo blandit a congue nisl tincidunt. Praesent volutpat sodales lorem, vel vestibulum mi fringilla id. Fusce elementum sagittis commodo. Duis faucibus, lectus eget consectetur mattis, libero diam commodo libero. Industry Canada informaƟon IC ID: 2390A-WM1000, 2390A-WB1000 This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Opera on is subject to the following two condi ons: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired opera on of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploita on est autorisée aux deux condi ons suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’u lisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est suscep ble d’en comprome re le fonc onnement. Under Industry Canada regula ons, this radio transmi er may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmi er by Industry Canada. To reduce poten al radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communica on. Conformément à la réglementa on d’Industrie Canada, le présent éme eur radio peut fonc onner avec une antenne d’un type et d’un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l’éme eur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l’inten on des autres u lisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établissement d’une communica on sa sfaisante This radio transmi er 2390A-WM1000 & 2390A-WB1000 have been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device. Le présent éme eur radio 2390A-WM1000 & 2390A-WB1000 a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonconner avec les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans ce e liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploita on de l'éme eur. Approved Antenna: 2.2dBi (valued used for ¼ dipole antenna) 50 Ohm, RP-SMA Whip Antenna RF Exposure Statement The WM-1000 has been shown to be compliant for localized specific absorp on rate (SAR) for uncontrolled environment/general exposure limits specified in ANSI/IEEE Std. C95-1-1992 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in IEEE 1528-2013, OET Bulle n 65 Supp. C and EN/IEC 62209. To maintain compliance with RF exposure limits, a 20cm separa on distance must be maintained between the WB-1000 and any persons. Pour maintenir la conformité avec les limites d’exposi on aux radiofréquences, une distance de sépara on de 20 cm doit être maintenue entre le WB-1000 et toutes les personnes. Specifications Physical Handheld Size: 4.3” x 2.6” x 1.5” Handheld Weight: 6 oz. Base Size 3.8 “ x 2.75” x 2.75” Base Weight: 5 oz. Construc on: ABS Plas c Power & Audio Ba ery: 3.7V Lithium Polymer Ba ery, 2000mAH Speaker: 1.6 Wa Internal Speaker External Audio Output: 3.5mm Headphone Connector TransmiƩer Frequency Range: 902 - 928 MHz, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (Fixed Channel) RF Power Output: +13.1dBm Data Rate: 150 Kbps Receiver Frequency Range: 902 - 928 MHz Receiver IF bandwidth: 300 kHz Receiver sensi vity (BER) −102.5 dBm at 150 kbps, GFSK Functional Description The WM-1000 is a state of the art spread spectrum unlicensed radio system that provides extended coverage for mobile radio users. This portable radio system integrates with your exis ng mobile radio to give users handheld coverage when outside of their vehicle. With no license required, the WM-1000 offers ease of implementa on when compared to tradi onal SMR vehicular repeater systems. The WM-1000 is used as mobile extender in cross-band opera on: the link is 915 MHz ISM Band u lizing a tradi onal simplex mode of communica ons where the handheld WM-1000 unit can either transmit or receive at any one me. The mobile radio that the WM-1000 is connected to can be Loband, VHF, UHF trunking or conven onal. Proper care must be taken to prevent interference between the mobile’s higher power transmi er and the repeater receiver. Proper antenna placement is important even in this cross-band opera on. Pyramid’s patented Smart Trunking II™ access gives portable radio users feedback of the handshake status of their tethered mobile radio to system call status. This ensures that the portable user has complete visibility of the trunking status to the main radio system. Sub audible signaling between the WM1000 and the WB-1000 nego ate the trunking access regardless of trunking format, EDAC’S™, LTR™, P25™, Nexedge™,, MOTOTRBO™ AND IDAS™. When channel access is granted the WM-1000 user The WM-1000 System can be configured to operate in one of two modes. First, the WM-1000 can be configured to be uniquely paired to the WB-1000 base in the vehicle. This provides private secure communica ons to your vehicle mounted mobile radio. If you work together with other users on a regular basis, the WM-1000 can be configured to work in group mode. This allows handheld users to communicate with each other on a common channel. The WB-1000 base units ESPIITM structure works to establish one priority vehicle on the scene to handle traffic to and from the dispatch channel. Cradle/Docking Sta on Features: WB-1000 is a dedicated base and charger that interfaces seamlessly to most popular mobile radios. When the WM-1000 transmits, the WB-1000 receives the transmission and in real me keys the Mobile Radio retransmi ng the conversa on back to dispatch. When the mobile receives a transmission, the WB-1000 base retransmits back to the WM-1000, extending the range of the wireless microphone equal to your mobile two way radio. WM-1000 User Functions WB-1000 Installation Before installing the WB-1000, ensure that the mobile radio is properly aligned per the manufacturer’s tuning instruc ons. Addi onally, ensure that the WB-1000 jumper switches are properly configured for use with the parcular mobile radio that it will be connected to: SW2: RS-232 SW3: RS-485 SW4: Emergency Opera on Visit for up to date installation guides on your specific mobile radio. Proin iaculis lacus vitae Make the connec ons between the mobile radio and the WB-1000 cable as follows: ligula lacinia in fermenPin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3: Pin 4: Pin 5: Pin 6: tum ligula elementum. Etiam ut elit dui. Sed augue felis, hendrerit in interdum sit amet, mollis semper turpis. Pellentesque malesuada, leo vel volutpat tempus Ground. Connect to the radio’s chassis or ground plane. Mobile transmit audio. Connect to the mobile transmit audio path or tone input. If connected to the mobile mic input, ensure that the WB-1000 is programmed for flat (common data). If connected a er pre-emphasis, ensure that the WB-1000transmit audio path is programmed for pre-emphasis. Pin 2 is AC coupled and has an output impedance of 600 or 2.2Kohms (determined by J2). RV3 sets the transmit audio output level and J1 sets the adjustment range between 0-5VPP (J1 open) or 0100mVPP (J1 shorted). Remote enable/disable. Connect to the radio’s auxiliary output or a separate switch to remotely enable or disable the repeater. If this line goes high to ac vate the repeater, ensure that JP1 is set to the “+” posi on. If this line goes to ground, set JP1 to the “-” posi on. J8 has two posi ons to add a pull up (+) or pull down (-) resistor to this line if used with an open collector or dry contact output. Mobile PTT output. Connect to mic PTT on the mobile radio, or a line that goes ac ve low to trans mit. Pin 4 is an open drain output rated at 2A at 15VDC. 12 VDC input. Connect to the radios 12V switched supply or a point capable of supplying at least 2A of current. Mobile receive audio. Connect this line to the mobile receive audio path before the volume control. If pin 6 is connected to the mobile discrimminator, ensure that the SVR-P250 receive path is programmed for de-emphasis (common data). If connected a er de-emphasis, program the receive path for flat. Pin 6 is AC coupled and high impedance (>15K ohm). RV5 sets the receive audio level sensi vity; this input should be between 30mVPP and 5VPP. J7 sets the gain of the receive input amp. If open, the input has a maximum gain of one; if installed, the input has a maximum gain of Pin 7: Mobile COR detect. This line is used to indicate when the SVR-P250 should repeat the transmission to the handheld. Connect to a logic point in the radio that indicates proper tone and carrier have been detected or the audio unmute line. If this line goes more posi ve during an unmute condi on, program the mobile COR line as ac ve high (common data). If the line goes more nega ve during an unmute condi on, program the mobile COR line as ac ve low. The input from pin 7 is high impedance and does not have to go rail to rail. The SVR-P250 uses a voltage comparator as a COR threshold detector and is factory set at 1.6VDC. The COR input must go at least 0.5VDC on either side of this threshold. Pin 8: Local mic audio. If programmed for local mic repeat, the SVR-P250 will go into transmit mode and repeat the audio from this line whenever the mobile radio is keyed by the local mic. Connect this line to the mobile transmi er audio path before limi ng or filtering. This input is AC coupled and high impedance (>5.6Kohms). The input level at this pin should be 300mV to 5VPP. RV2 sets the local mic sensi vity. If the mic high line has sufficient drive for this input, install J4 and leave pin 8 unconnected. J6 sets the gain of the local mic input amp. If open, the maximum gain is one; if installed, the maximum gain is 10. Pin 9: On-Air detect. Trunking: Connect to a point in the radio that indicates the mobile transmi er is actually on the air. This is not the same as mic PTT. If pin 9 goes posi ve during transmit, program the on-air detect line for ac ve high (common data). If pin 9 goes to ground during transmit, program the on air detect line for ac ve low. Conven onal: Used for local mic repeat indica on from the mobile. Connect pin 9 to pin 4 of the SVR-P250 and program the on-air detect line for ac ve low. Solder jumper J5 will connect pin 9 to pin 4 (PTT output) and can be used on conven onal systems only. Pin 10: Emergency Output. Connect to the Emergency input on the mobile radio. On Motorola radios, the Emergency input opens from ground on ac va on and jumper J13 should be in the “NC” posi on. On all other radios, the Emergency input pulls to ground on ac va on and jumper J13 should be in the “NO” posi on. Install the WB-1000 in the vehicle using an AMPS moun ng bracket hardware. Install the unit where it will be easily visible by the driver and will not interfere with the drivers vision or cons tute a hazard during a vehicle collision. The WB-1000 mounts in the bracket using the four 8-32 x ¼” machine screws. Do not use longer screws to mount the WB-1000 to the bracket or damage may result. 37 Shield, 714-901-5462 Irvine, CA 92618
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : chris Create Date : 2014:04:09 08:53:25-07:00 Modify Date : 2014:04:09 08:53:25-07:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows) Format : application/pdf Title : WM-1000 Manual.indd Creator : chris Document ID : uuid:565e7782-fac0-430f-92ae-c71183aa2273 Instance ID : uuid:c052a5f9-0806-4f04-baf6-9d25c2e8389a Page Count : 14EXIF Metadata provided by